Buy What You Believe In ™

WeareHHPLift, aChicago-basedaward-winning nonprofitandPeople+ Planet Firstverifiedemploymentsocialenterprise. Ourmissionistoadvanceeconomic stabilitybycreatingqualityjobsforthepeoplewhoneedthemmost.
Local Impact - the LiftWorks™ Program:
In Chicago, weprovide sector-based skills training in 4 industry sectors-production, fulfillment, digital fabrication, and graphic design-topeopleovercominggun violence, poverty, andother barriers to employment.

125,009 hours of paid employment, and 7,490 healthy meals and snacks provided

231 associates from 10 Chicagoland employment partners served

36 local communities served, including Austin, West Garfield Park, and Englewood
Global Impact - Production Partners:
We partner with social enterprises aroundtheworld tobring theirsustainably made, eco-friendly products to larger markets, creatinga pathway out of poverty and sustainablelives for theartisan crafters.