How to Survive a Breakup and Become a Better Person
How to Survive a Breakup and Become a Better Person by
How to Survive a Breakup and Become a Better Person Relationships end for many reasons, and the clarity will only come months from now when the emotions have settled and you’re in a better place. How to survive a breakup:
1. Surround yourself with people Wallowing alone will only make you feel even more lonely and depressed. Hang out with friends and family. Resist the urge to keep talking about your ex. Instead, ask them how they are and catch up on everything you’ve missed.
How to Survive a Breakup and Become a Better Person by
How to Survive a Breakup and Become a Better Person 2. Get a Makeover Get a haircut, or do something for yourself that will help you feel stronger, healthier and calmer. A lot of people start exercising or dieting after a breakup, but make sure you’re not doing that to “get him back.” You’re doing it for yourself – because months from now, when you look in a mirror and see how incredible you look, you realize you don’t need your ex to feel beautiful and desirable. Also Read: How to Make Him want you back
How to Survive a Breakup and Become a Better Person by
How to Survive a Breakup and Become a Better Person 3. Pick a Dream, and Do it
Relationships take up a lot of time and energy that you now have to focus on yourself. Is there something you always wanted to do, but put off? Dust off that dream and channel all your energy into making it happen.
4. Avoid Triggers
No matter how determined you are to stay positive, certain situations and things will bring back a rush of memories that will leave you in a crumpled, emotional heap. Do yourself a favor and consciously avoid causing yourself more pain than you’re already going through.
How to Survive a Breakup and Become a Better Person by
How to Survive a Breakup and Become a Better Person 5. Write Down What you want From Your Next Relationship You broke up for a reason. Instead of dwelling on how you could have fixed a bad relationship, imagine what you’d expect from a good relationship. Write down qualities you want in your future partner, and qualities in yourself that help attract someone like that. If you had communication or connection problems, write down what you’ve learned and would like to do next time.
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