Khaled El-Enany cv

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Prof. Khaled Ahmed El-Enany Aly EZZ E-mail: Date and place of birth: 14/03/1971. Giza, Egypt Nationality: Egyptian Married ; father of one child born the 1st of October 2005

Professor of Egyptology, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Helwan University Vice-Dean for Education and Students Affairs, FTH, Helwan University Head of Tourist Guidance Department, FTH, Helwan University (May 2011-April 2012) Director of Open Learning Center, Helwan University (August 2010-February 2012) Associate Researcher of Egyptology, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology (since 2002) Visiting Professor, Instiute of Egyptology, Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III (six times) Ph.D. of Egyptology, Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III, France (2001)

I. WORK EXPERIENCE I.A. University Since 2001

Lecturer (2001-2006), Associate Professor of Egyptology (2006-2011), Professor (since November 2011) in Tourist Guidance Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Helwan University : – Vice-Dean for Education and Student Affairs, FTH, Helwan University (since April 2012). – Head of Tourist Guidance Department, Helwan University (May 2011-April 2012). – Director of the Open Learning Center, Helwan University (August 2010-February 2012). – Teaching Ancient Egyptian language, civilisation and archaeology (under- and postgraduate), research methodology in Egyptology and Tourist Guidance techniques (postgraduate);

Curriculum Vitae – Dr. Khaled Ahmed EL-ENANY ALY Ezz

– Supervision of Master and Ph.D. degrees in Egyptology (Tourist Guidance) of twelve Egyptian researchers (eight Master and two Ph.D. in Helwan University and two in Suez Canal University); Jury member of two Master degree and two Ph.D. dissertations in Egyptology (2007-2008 and 2010-2011) ; – Head of the scientific excursions committee (2001-2002) and the sportive committee (2005-2006); supervising many scientific excursions with Tourist Guidance students in most of the archaeological sites in Egypt (2001-2008); member of the High committee of scientific excursions in Helwan University (2006); head of the students activities committee (2006-2007) ; – Quality controller and Tourist Guidance department coordinator, QAAP (Quality Assurance and Accreditation Project; 2005-2007). Participation in many committees and workshops in QAAP and CICAP projects. – Participation in final exams committees, faculty of tourism (2001-2010) ; head of exams control of the 2nd year (2010). – Participation in the elaboration of the rules of the International Scientific periodical of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management (2006-2007). – Participation in the elaboration of the national academic standards for Tourism and Hotel Management sector (December 2007). – Participation in gathering information for the Faculty website (2006 and 2010). – Teaching Egyptology in different universities : Aïn-Shams (2001-2003), Arab Academy (2001-2003), 6th of October (2001-2007) and Suez Canal (2006-2007) ; High Institut for Tourism – Alson (2009) ; High Institut for Tourism – Sheraton (2009-2010). – Member of the jury of oral exams held in Cairo Egyptian Museum for the students of the faculty of tourism Fayum university (June 2008) and the High Institut for Tourism – Sheraton (May 2009 and 2010). – Lectures on « Ancient Egyptian History and its Archaeological Sites », Young graduate training courses, Ministry of Tourism (2002-2005). – Member of the Committee of development of the tourist education in Egypt, Ministry of Higher Education and Research and Ministry of Tourism (2007). 1993-1997

Assistant (1993-1996) and Assistant lecturer (1996-1997) in Tourist Guidance department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Helwan University.

I.B. Supreme Council of Antiquities (Egypt) Since June 2011

Member of the Administration board of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.


Curriculum Vitae – Dr. Khaled Ahmed EL-ENANY ALY Ezz

Dec. 2007Jan. 2008

Member of the selection committee of inspectors and Egyptian Museums curators accompanying Egyptian exhibitions abroad.


Scientific councillor of National Project of Documentation of Ancient Egyptian Monuments, Centre of Study and Documentation of Ancient Egypt, Supreme Council of Antiquities.


Scientific collaboration with EAIS (Egyptian Antiquities Information System, cofinanced by Finnish and Egyptian governments), Supreme Council of Antiquities.


Member of the Official Egyptian delegation of the Supreme Council of Antiquities for the Ninth International Congress of Egyptologists in Grenoble (6-12 September). Participation in the edition of Studies in Honor of Ali Radwan, ASAE-suppl. 34, 2005.

I.C. International Experience Since 2002

Associate Researcher of Egyptology, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology in Cairo (IFAO): – Member of the Administration Council of the Ifao. – Member of the International Project Paléographie hiéroglyphique (IFAO-CNRS). – Member of the Interior scientific committee of the IFAO (2005 till now). – Preparation of six scientific educational programs (seminars and workshops) for Egyptian researchers in Egyptology (2006-2011). – Translation to arabic of the french scientific documentary Ayn Soukhna (Ifao). Associate researcher, UMR 5140, CNRS – Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III, France. Four stays for research in Egyptology, in Montpellier (summer 2002) and in Paris (summer 2004, 2005 and 2008). Member of the editorial committee of EniM – first french numeric periodical of Egyptology (since 2008). Member of Jury in two Ph.D. dissertations in Egyptology, Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III, France (16-17 October 2009).


Member of a French-Egyptian archaeological mission (Helwan University – PaulValéry, Montpellier III University) in Atfih (October-November 2007, NovemberDecember 2008, October-November 2009).


Visiting Professor, Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III (six times, of one month each); teaching Egyptology for under-graduate and Master students.


Curriculum Vitae – Dr. Khaled Ahmed EL-ENANY ALY Ezz


Member of the committee of the preparation of the 2nd and 3rd Integrated Relational Tourism. International Scientific Conference (Helwan university ; 18-20 nov. 2008 and 24-26 oct. 2009).

April 2007

Member of a French-Egyptian archaeological mission (Site management) in Saqqara.


Participation in the preparation of a scientific cooperation agreement between the universities of Helwan and Paul-Valéry Montpellier III ;


High Studies of Egyptology (DEA. Diplômes d’études approfondies and Ph.D.), Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III, France.


Tourist guide with French and English groups.


Doctorat (Ph.D.) of Egyptology, Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III, France (grade: Excellent with congratulations of Jury): « Les titulatures royales de la XXVe à la XXXe dynastie. Morphologie – choix des noms – tradition et innovation ». Jury: Sydney H. AUFRÈRE; Michel CHAUVEAU; Jean-Claude GRENIER; Bernard MATHIEU; Claude TRAUNECKER.


High Studies Diploma in Egyptology (Diplôme d’Études Approfondies d’Histoire et Civilisations – Option: Études Orientales), Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III (grade: Excellent): « Attestations du culte rendu aux rois de la Ière à la fin de la XVIIe dynastie. Essai de catalogue et bibliographie ». Jury: S.H. AUFRÈRE, J.Cl. GRENIER and B. MATHIEU.


Pre-Doctorat Diploma in Tourist Guidance, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Helwan University (grade: Very Good).


Master degree in Tourist Guidance, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Helwan University: « Les scènes des divinités des temples de Ramsès II dans la Basse-Nubie ». Jury: Essam AL-BANNA; Christian LEBLANC; Gamal al-Dine MOUKHTAR; Doha MOUSTAFA.


Pre-Master degree in Tourist Guidance, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Helwan University (grade: Excellent).


B.Sc. of Tourist Guidance (French section), Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Helwan University (grade: Excellent).


High school certificate (Thanaweya ‘ama), Lycée de la Liberté, Cairo.


Curriculum Vitae – Dr. Khaled Ahmed EL-ENANY ALY Ezz


« Quelques observations sur le Balanites ægyptiaca », in Encyclopédie religieuse de l’univers végétal de l’Égypte ancienne II, Orientalia Monspeliensia XI, Montpellier, p. 155-162.


« Le saint thébain Montouhotep-Nebhépetrê », Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale 103, p. 167-190. « La vénération post mortem de Sésostris Ier », Memnonia XIV, p. 129-138.


« Le “dieu” nubien Sésostris III », Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale 104, p. 207-213.


« Adaptation locale du titre royal s“-R© », Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale 105, p. 103-106.


Preparation of the descriptive notes (in French) of the Museum of the High Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management in Hurghada. Translation to arabic of the catalogue 25 ans de découvertes archéologiques sur les chantiers de l’Ifao. 1981-2006, Exposition au Musée égyptien. Le Caire. 9 septembre13 octobre 2007. « Quelques aspects d’archaïsme dans les titulatures des rois de la XXVIe dynastie », in J.-Cl. Goyon, Chr. Cardin (eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Egyptologists - Actes du neuvième congrès international des égyptologues. Grenoble, 612 septembre 2004, OLA 150, Leuven, p. 535-544. Le petit temple d’Abou Simbel. Paléographie, Paléographie hiéroglyphique 3, Ifao, Cairo.


« Une stèle privée de la fin du Moyen Empire découverte à Karnak. Le Caire, Musée égyptien JE 37515 », Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale 108, p. 95113.


« À propos de quelques emplois de stp.n-X dans les cartouches royaux », in I. Régen, Fr. Servajean (ed.), Verba manent, Recueils d’études dédiées à Dimitri Meeks par ses collègues et amis, Cahiers de l’ENIM (CENIM) 2, Montpellier, p. 99-111. The Temples of Abou Simbel, Discovering Our Heritage (educational guide for the young visitors of archeological sites ; ASR, SCA and NSGB).


« La stèle d’un “chancelier du roi et prophète d’Amon” de la fin du Moyen Empire à Karnak (Caire JE 37507) », Cahiers de Karnak 13, p. 1-23 (with L. Bazin). « Fragment d’une stèle d’Apis mentionnant le roi Téti (Le Caire JE 40044) », Revue d’Égyptologie 61, volume dédié à la mémoire de Jean Yoyotte, p. 77-89, pl. I. 5

Curriculum Vitae – Dr. Khaled Ahmed EL-ENANY ALY Ezz

« Un carré de lin peint au musée de l’agriculture du Caire (inv. 893), Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale 110, p. 35-45. 2011

« Clergé saïte et protocole royal », in D. Devauchelle (ed.), La XXVIe dynastie. Continuités et ruptures. Promenade saïte avec Jean Yoyotte, Actes du colloque international organisé les 26 et 27 novembre 2004 à l’Université Charles-de-Gaulle – Lille 3, Paris, p. 153-158.


« Le pharaon hiéracocéphale Ramsès II », in Et in Ægypto et ad Ægyptum, Recueil d’études dédiées à Jean-Claude Grenier 2, Textes réunis et édités par A. Gasse, Fr. Servajean et Chr. Thiers, Cahiers de l’ENIM (CENIM) 5, Montpellier, p. 253-266.

Under press

« Une statuette sistrophore d’Atfih », Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale 112.


Conferences in Egyptology in France : Montpellier (1998 : Armée de Terres ; 2001 : Nefrou. Association Montpelliéraine d’Égyptologie), Avignon (2000 : Centre Vauclusien d’Égyptologie), Saint-Estève (2000 : Association Les Amis de l’Égypte Ancienne) and Marseille (2000-2001 : four conferences in Musée de la Vieille Charité).


Many conferences on « Relation between Egyptian Monuments and Cultural Tourism in Egypt », Egyptian Center for International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Seminar in the French Institute of Oriental Archaeology in Cairo (IFAO) : « Le culte de Montouhotep-Nebhépetrê aux Moyen et Nouvel Empires » (16 February).


Communication in the IXth International Congress of Egyptologists in Grenoble : « Quelques aspects d’archaïsme dans les titulatures des rois de la XXVIe dynastie » (September). Conference on « Touristic Exploration of Archaeological Sites in Egypt », Supreme Council of Antiquities (October). Seminar in Egyptology for the students of Master degree, Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III, France (24 November). Communication in the International Colloquium La XXVIe dynastie. Continuités et ruptures, organised by Charles-de-Gaulle University, Lille III : « L’influence de la théologie locale sur le protocole royal saïte » (26-27 November).


Two conferences in the Police Academy in Cairo (25 September : « Cultural Tourism and Tourist Guidance » ; 3 October : « Archaeological Map of Egypt »). 6

Curriculum Vitae – Dr. Khaled Ahmed EL-ENANY ALY Ezz


Conference in Geneva (Société d’égyptologie de Genève): « La vénération posthume des pharaons » (19 Januray). Conference in Béziers (Centre Languedocien d’Égyptologie) : « La titulature royale en Égypte ancienne » (3 February). Conference in Marseille (Association Provence d’égyptologie): « Abou Simbel. « Abou Simbel. Découverte, sauvetage et description archéologique » (7 February). Conference in Saint-Estève (Association Les Amis de l’Égypte Ancienne): « La vénération posthume des pharaons » (10 February). Lectures for new touristic guides, courses organised by Touristic Guides Syndicates of Cairo and Alexandria (till now). Doctoral Seminar in the IFAO : « Enquête sur les noms royaux à l’époque tardive » (26 March) ; (in collaboration with Vincent Razanajao) : « Presentation of a Scientific Publication in Egyptology » (18 April and 11 December) and « Research on Internet in Eyptology » (4 December). Two lectures in the Master Course “Integrated Relational Tourism and Territorial Planning” activated by the University of Palermo in conjunction with Helwan University, in partnership with ARCES university college of Palermo, and under the sponsorship of the Regione Siciliana : « History of Ancient Egypt ». 14th Annual iEARN International Conference and 11th Youth Summit in Cairo, Egypt : « Ancient Egyptian Monuments » (25 July). Seminar in the CEDAE (SCA): « Research in Egyptology on the internet » (1 October).


Conference in Béziers (Centre Languedocien d’Égyptologie) : « le grand temple d’Abou Simbel » (26 January). Seminar in Marseille (Association Provence d’égyptologie) : « La vénération posthume des pharaons » (2 February). Conference in Saint-Estève (Association Les Amis de l’Égypte Ancienne) : « Le complexe funéraire de Djoser à Saqqâra » (9 February). Conferences of egyptology for Egyptian tourist guides – renewal course of the tourist guides’ licences, organized by the ministry of the tourism (Cairo, Luxor, Alexandria, Asswan and Hurghada ; till now). Seminar for the students of Master in Egypotology, Faculty of Arts, Aïn-Chams Univresity : « Presentation of a scientific research in Egyptology » (2 April). Lectures in the Master Course “Integrated relational tourism and Territorial planning” : « Research Methodology » (3 and 22 September). 7

Curriculum Vitae – Dr. Khaled Ahmed EL-ENANY ALY Ezz

Doctoral Seminar in the IFAO : « Research on Internet in Eyptology » (22 December). 2009

Doctoral Seminar : « Research on Internet in Eyptology », French Language Courses, CFCC-Ifao (5 January). Seminar in Marseille (Association Provence d’égyptologie) : « Deux stèles du Moyen Empire : Caire JE 37515 et JE 38655 » (31 January). Conference in Nîmes (Association égyptologique du Gard) : « Découverte des principaux sites archéologiques de la Moyenne Egypte (Minia, Assiout et Sohag) » (6 February). Conference in Béziers (Centre Languedocien d’Égyptologie) : « Le temple d’Edfou » (7 February). Conference in Saint-Estève (Association Les Amis de l’Égypte Ancienne) : « Les deux temples d’Abou Simbel » (14 February). Seminar : « enquête sur les titulatures royales des dernières dynasties indigènes » ; workshop Onomastique égyptienne, Ifao (18 june 2009). Conference : « Deux stèles de la fin du Moyen Empire découvertes à Karnak », Association montpelliéraine d’égyptologie Néfrou, IVth Egyptological Event. “Perspectives et Prospectives” (salle Pétrarque–Montpellier, 10th of october 2009).


Seminar in the Ifao for the Egyptian researchers in Egypotology « Publication of Middle Kingdom Stelae. Exemplified by Stelae JE 37507 and 37515 » (22 February). Seminar for the researchers in Egypotology, Faculty of Arts, Aïn-Chams Univresity : « Publication of Middle Kingdom Stelae » (6 March). Seminar for the researchers in Egypotology, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayum University « Research on Internet in Eyptology » (15 December). Conference in the Cairo Touristic Guides Syndicate : « Usage of internet for touristic guides » (15 December). Conference in Rotary New Cairo and Tahrir Club : « Abou Simbel » (25 December).


Conference in Saint-Estève (Association Les Amis de l’Égypte Ancienne) : « Le Pharaon » (5 February). Seminar in the Ifao for the Egyptian researchers in Egypotology « Publication of Two Unpublished Monuments » (18 April). Conference in Travco travel agency (for tour operators) « Nile Valley monuments » (27 April). Conference in the Touristic Guides Syndicates in Louqsor (« Ancient Egyptian Language » : 25 June) and Alexandria (« Usage of internet for touristic guides » : 2 July). 8

Curriculum Vitae – Dr. Khaled Ahmed EL-ENANY ALY Ezz

Conference in the Cairo Touristic Guides Syndicate : « Usage of internet for touristic guides » (30 November). 2012

Conference in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo : « Usage of internet for Museums Curators » (1st April).

V. FELLOWSHIPS 1997-2001

Doctoral fellowship in Montpellier; awarded by the Egyptian Ministry of High Education and Ressearch (15 September 1997 – 09 August 2001).


Post-doctoral fellowship in Paris; awarded by the French Center for Culture and Cooperation in Cairo. Host Center : École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), Religion Sciences Section, Paris (20 July-30 August).


Post-doctoral fellowship in Paris ; awarded by the French Institute of Oriental Archaeology in Cairo (8 July-21 August).


Front office, Meridien Cairo Hotel (July-August : summer training).


Member of the Egyptian Student Delegation in Germany, the Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sport (August 1990 and 1991).


Translator of French and English languages, Fifth African Games, Cairo (September).


Training course in Helwan University : « Preparation of University Professors ».


Training courses in Helwan University : « Structure of University Scientific Programs » (18-19 September 2005) ; « Credit Hours » (1-2 March 2006) ; « Teaching to big numbers » (18-20 June 2006) ; « Evaluation of teaching » (25-27 June 2006).


Six training courses in Helwan University.




Very Good.


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Curriculum Vitae – Dr. Khaled Ahmed EL-ENANY ALY Ezz

VIII. COMPUTER SKILLS Microsoft Word – PowerPoint – File Maker Pro – Adobe Illustrator – Adobe Photoshop.

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