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Gail Lewis on Education—
Is the Class of 2015 Prepared? 12
Author Georgia Woodbine on relationships—What men really want in a partner, 13
Jack Signorelli on the art of selling, 12
Gail Lewis
June 11, 2015 . Published Since 2010 . Serving Nassau, Suffolk Counties & Greater New York City
A child prodigy, 2 ————Rapper Akon Powering up Africa, 6 ————Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program Presents How to Talk to Your Doctor Speaking with your doctor sometimes can be intimidating and confusing. Dr. Janna Andrews, attending physician at NSLIJ Cancer Institute, to lead Q&A forum, Dr. Andrews Thursday, June 25, 6-8pm at 154 Cambridge Avenue (Alumni House.) Adelphi University, Garden City campus. Pre-registration required. Program is part of Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program and supported by a grant from the Manhasset Women’s Coalition Against Breast Cancer. Call 516-877-4325 or email breastcancerhotline@adelphi.edu.
What’s your view? A white girl lived as a black person for 20 years, all the while enjoying the fruits of Affirmative Action. Send views/opinions to: editor@lidispatch.com
June 10—Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano and Presiding Officer Norma Gonsalves on June 10 announced the grand opening of a new community volunteer center operated by the Social Services Volunteers of Nassau County, Inc. - a not-forprofit organization that provides assistance to families, children and the elderly. Located in the Special Activities Building at Parking Field 8 in Eisenhower Park, the 30 year old volunteer organization includes retirees, junior and senior high school students, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, businesses, and grass roots non-profit organizations that provide a host of services to those most in need. “Residents can spark change by volunteering their time and giving back to the community they love so much,” said County Executive Mangano. “My administration’s vision is to change lives for the better and the Social Services Volunteers of Nassau County are committed to giving of themselves, sharing burdens and helping solve those burdens so that life can shine. I thank all our volunteers for their dedication to building a better Nassau County and encourage residents to consider giving time back to this wonderful organization.” Through fundraising and private donations from local companies, the neediest residents can receive school supplies, food, baby equip-
County Executive Mangano, Department of Social Services Commissioner Dr. John Imhof, and Presiding Officer Norma Gonsalves surrounded by staff and volunteers at ribbon cutting ceremony
ment, household items, holiday gifts, food baskets and toys. In addition, the Social Services Volunteers launched a ‘Dress To Impress’ program which provides men and women re-entering the work force with new and gently used business clothing for interviews. Sponsoring the Annual Holiday Party for the County’s foster children is also one of the Volunteers’ highlight events of the year.
Presiding Officer Norma Gonsalves noted, “The DSS Volunteers are an inspirational group of dedicated individuals who have made a commitment to helping those who truly need assistance in the everyday activities of their lives. I applaud their commitment and dedication.” Department of Social Services Commissioner Dr. John Imhof added, “For over 30 years the DSS volunteers have been such an integral part of the County and we
are especially grateful to County Executive Mangano for offering the facility to Social Services Volunteers so they can expand to assist more Nassau County residents in need.” For more info on becoming a Social Services Volunteer, please contact Lynne Campbell, Volunteer Coordinator, at (516) 2277415 or visit http:// www.nassaucountyny.gov/1927/ Volunteer-Services.
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The Long Island Dispatch . Visit online @ www.lidispatch.com
“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.”― Maya Angelou
So what if a white person passes for Black
merica never ceases to amaze! And this
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Mailing Address P. O. Box 1113 Baldwin, NY 11510 Tel: (516) 292-1263 (516) 717-9769 Editorial Staff Managing Publisher/editor Elseah Chea Associate Editor Gail Lewis Graphic Design/Layout KDC Graphics Marketing & Advertising Alan Mantis, Regional Director Photography Rodney Seymour . Thomas Humphreys Richard Richardson Webdesign & Maintenance Norman Blake, Moussa Idrissa The Long Island Dispatch is published bi-weekly by EC Media Strategies Group. Submission of letters/articles are welcome. All materials must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Views/opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the staff and editorial board. The Long Island Dispatch assumes no responsibility for the loss of submitted materials. The Long Island Dispatch reserves the right to edit, or otherwise alter, materials submitted for publication; refuse to publish materials deemed biased. Please submit typedwritten materials. You may also Email materials. Subscription to The Long Island Dispatch is $25.00 yearly. Visit us at: www.lidispatch.com Also, on Issuu Www.issuu.com/lidispatch Write Editor @ editor@lidispatch.com
week, just before press time, this paper became aware of the story of a white woman who has for years disguised herself as a black person. Rachel Dolezal, a 37-years-old artist and professor of Africana studies, allegedly passed as a black person for decades. She not only passed as black, but she also attended and graduated from the historically black college, Howard University, the power-bed for black activism and/or social awakening. Moreover, Ms. Dolezal reportedly married a Black man and claimed all along to have given birth to two children. Pretending to be Black yet, Rachel joined the local NAACP in Spokane, where she endeared herself to the leaders, who not only accepted her, but also awarded her the presidency of their chapter and hence solidified Ms. Dolezal’s perceived racial identity and idolization of black life. Still using her cooked up blackness, Rachel easily secured a seat on the oversight board of the local police department. But Rachel’s meteoric rise, especially her fabrications that she’s black, became too much for her family, particularly her parents—Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal of Troy, Montana—the only ones she could not fool. Rachel’s parents decided to put a halt to their daughter’s deception. They let the “cat” out of the bag. Now the outing of the blonde, blue-eyed Rachel Dolezal by her own parents has created something for America to talk about. It’s a problem! The problem with Rachel Dolezal is ingrained in the fabric of America. Let’s say it’s one of the remnants of slavery. It’s America’s headache America, a society where one’s racial identity often becomes a qualifying criteria for promotion, for success, and for the fulfillment of the pursuit of happiness. Well, I am thinking, as anyone who has read and/or heard the news is wondering: Why did Rachel do what she did? Did she foresee anything that might have prevented her from carrying out her civil rights activities as a young, idealistic white woman? Is Rachel a rebel? Did Rachel commit a crime by her action? Rachel Dolezal is estranged from her parents, who first revealed her real identity to the press, and consequently, America, the world. Ms. Dolezal’s situation brings to mind the life of Stanley Ann Dunham, the late mother of our President, Barack Obama, whose own parents did not take kindly her relationship with a black man, Barack Obama, Sr., prompting her to leave home to be free to advocate for racial balance, racial tolerance in America. Yet, the concept of "passing" for another race—black or white—is not new in America, and stories abound of whites pretending to be black. Ben Mathis-Lilley’s book, The Short but Intriguing History of White Americans Pretending to Be Black details this phenomenon. According to Ben Mathis-Lilley, on a number of occasions in American history dating to before the Civil War, white individuals have claimed or implied that they were black. For example, in 2013, Texan Dave Wilson ran for a spot on the Houston Community College board in a predominately black district. His campaign materials featured stock photos of blacks with
the words “Please vote for our friend and neighbor Dave Wilson.” In solidarity, blacks in Mr. Wilson’s district poured their support for his campaign. He won. There’s Mark Stebbins, a white Stockton, Californian who campaigned for city councilman in California as a black man. He too won election in the heavily black and Latino district. Milton “Mezz” Mezzrow, born in Chicago in 1899 to Russian Jewish parents, wanted to be a black man. So much in love with jazz music, he played with some of the early greats of jazz, married a black woman, lived in Harlem, and called himself a “voluntary Negro.” When his jazz career did not get off the ground, Mezz became drug peddler and, when he was arrested for selling drugs, he begged to be imprisoned with black prisoners. Abolitionist Martha Griffith Browne, a white woman from Kentucky, in her 1857 book Autobiography of a Female Slave assumed the identity of a female slave, and she penned, “After freeing the six slaves she inherited from her parents, she wrote her fictionalized narrative under a false name in order to raise the money required to resettle them,” the New York Times wrote in 2012. Clarence King, a white upper-class geologist, fell in love with a black woman, Ada Copeland, around the late 19th century. He pretended to be black so they could marry. He told his wife, a freed slave, that he was a light-skinned train porter named James Todd. Sadly, Mr. King did not reveal his real identity until he was on his deathbed in 1901. Finally, during the turbulence of the civil rights movement in America in the ‘50s and ‘60s, John Howard Griffin, a white man, darkened his skin to pose as a black man in the segregated south to experience what it was like to live as a black man and experience discrimination firsthand. Howard Griffin’s experiment is contained in his book, Black Like Me. In any event, kudos to Rachel Dolezal for her steadfast role in advocating for social justice, bringing to the forefront the problem of racial disparately in America, and the world at large. In the same vein, kudos to Rachel’s parents who, though currently not on good terms with their daughter, set the stage for racial tolerance early in Rachel’s life by their adoption of four black children, who are siblings. Charity, they say, begins at home. Here, the proverbial apple did not fall far from the tree and, I would surmise that when Rachel tried to apply racial tolerance as a white person, the world did not understand her at first, so she changed tactics, donning a black persona and aided by her light complexion and beauty to be taken seriously. Rachel convinced everyone— even the staunch NAACP leadership in Spokane—that she was black. Didn’t they see that she was not an Alicia Keys look-alike, or a Tracey Ellis’? Couldn’t they tell she was not an Angela Davis, minus the color of her skin? Didn’t they see that she didn’t look like Barack Obama, or Vanessa Williams? Open your eyes, black people? Well, question not Rachel Dolezal’s purpose for pretending to be a black for 20 years. We must, however, look at the society as a whole. Something’s wrong here. But let’s take solace from the mouth of babes. Life is an adventure, as is the lesson in the poem What is Life recently recited by Glouria Hardy, a 7-year-old Roosevelt Washington Rose School pupil. Anyway, let’s hear from you. Respond to the question: Are you offended by Rachel Dolezal’s deception?
Child prodigy, poet Glouria Hardy recited the poem, What is Life? at Roosevelt Day celebration held on May 24th. The 7-year-old Washington Rose Elementary School student presented the poem, What is Life? as an inspirational motivation to her family, friends, and the audience. Her sonnet astounded the crowd, as they were wowed by wisdom from the mouth of a child. Read What is Life? below. WHAT IS LIFE? (by an anonymous writer) Life is an Adventure ... Dare it Life is a Beauty ... Praise it Life is a Challenge ... Glouria Hardy Meet it Life is a Duty ... Perform it Life is a Love ... Enjoy it Life is a Tragedy ... Face it Life is a Struggle ... Fight it Life is a Promise ... Fulfill it Life is a Game ... Play it Life is a Gift ... Accept it Life is a Journey ... Complete it Life is a Mystery ... Unfold it Life is a Goal ... Achieve it Life is an Opportunity ... Take it Life is a Puzzle ... Solve it Life is a Song ... Sing it Life is a Sorrow ... Overcome it Life is a Spirit ... Realize it —————————————A budding actress, seven-year-old Glouria is often asked to perform for her school. She is pictured here with Town of Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray following one of her performances, where she was honored as well.
Sup. Murray and Glouria
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Long Island “Girl Talk” looking for the next Oprah Schumer Sends Hempstead’s Alverta B. Gray Schultz Middle School 5 New Computers Program Aims to Help Public Schools And Students Keep Pace With Technology Age by Receiving Surplus Computers
Schumer: Computers Are Essential for Preparing Students for the Future
Photo Caption: LIGT 2014 Closing Ceremony Teen girls have something to say, so listen up, Long Island!
The Long Island Girl Talk Program (LIGT) would like to invite your daughter to participate in our FREE annual summer program to be held on Saturdays from 9 am to 2 pm, August 1 to August 29, 2015 at Nassau Community College. This summer training program is specially designed for young women ages 13-18 with an interest in the media. Independent filmmaker Stephanie Lombardo has recently joined the staff. Intensive lectures and production work will provide participants with a window of opportunity to learn directly from our distinguished staff and explore careers in journalism or broadcasting. They will have an opportunity to share innovative ideas and diverse perspectives while initiating new friendships and connections. The program targets girls in the Freeport, Hempstead, Roosevelt, and Uniondale School Districts, but exceptions will be made for out-
standing candidates. Space is limited, so if you know a young woman who might be the next Oprah, please email Professor Marcia McNair, Executive Director, at LongIslandGirlTalk@gmail.com or contact Ms. Elaine P. Smith, Director of Recruitment and Community Outreach, at (516)943-2037. LIGT is a program offered by the Long Island Motion Picture Arts Center and Museum which is sponsored by the Women’s Fund of Long Island (WFLI) and the African American Latino Asian Native American Faculty Association of Nassau Community College. The Women’s Fund of Long Island invests in the power of women and the dreams of girls. Our vision is a world of justice and opportunity for women and girls, where we serve at the primary decision makers about issues that affect us, have equal voices in the political process, are paid equitably for work, and live in homes and communities without fear of violence.
U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer announced that Alverta B. Gray Schultz Middle School in Hempstead will receive 5 new computers under the United States Senate Computer for Schools Program. “I am excited to have sent these five new computers to Hempstead’s Alverta B. Gray Schultz Middle School,” said Schumer. “These days, having access to computers and the most up to date technology is essential, and these computers will go a long way towards ensuring that these students have the computers and writing skills they need to be successful in their future endeavors.” The United States Senate Computer for Schools Program helps public schools take advantage of the information technology age by channeling surplus computers into classrooms across the country. Senators are granted up to 25 computers to distribute to public schools in their area, and donations must be distributed in groups of five.
Nassau OTB Breaks Record for Belmont Stakes Nassau OTB Locations Garner Over $3 Million in Sales; Highest Belmont to Date
(Bethpage, NY…June 11, 2015) King Kullen’s commitment to Long Island families and children continues with the company’s 2015 annual donation to benefit summer camp programs for disadvantaged youth. King Kullen recently presented checks in the amount of $6,000 each to Family & Children’s Association for its Nassau Countybased summer camps and to Family Service League for its Suffolk County camps. In addition, all King Kullen and Wild by Nature stores are participating in a scanned coupon program this June and July where customers can donate to the summer camps right at the register. Pic’(l to r): King Kullen Co-President Brian C. Cullen; Family & Children’s Association President/CEO Jeffrey L. Reynolds; King Kullen Corporate General Counsel and Family & Children’s Association Board Member Bernard P. Kennedy; and King Kullen Co President J. Donald Kennedy.
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Visit online at www.lidispatch.com Read paper online www.issuu.com/longislandddispatch Pic’d (l to r): King Kullen Co-President Brian C. Cullen; Family Service League VP for Development Cynthia Gorman; and King Kullen CoPresident J. Donald Kennedy.
(June 9, 2015) – Nassau Downs Off Track Betting (OTB) garnered $3.174 million ($3,174,238.00) in handle during last weekend’s Belmont Stakes, up 4 percent from last year, proving to be its best Belmont Stakes performance on record. With their 25 locations in Nassau County, OTB was ready for horse racing enthusiasts, offering advanced wagering, on-line, telephone, branch and Fast Track wagering. “Nassau County OTB is immensely proud to be a part of history; for many, this victory was an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” said Joe Cairo, President of Nassau Downs OTB. “Horse betting strategists and betting experts in attendance at each of our wonderful locations contributed to the excitement and assisted our guests with anything that they may have needed.” The 147th Belmont Stakes made history when three-year-old American Pharoah became the first horse in 37 years to take home the Triple Crown. The staff at all Nassau OTB locations was not only honored to be providing a venue for all to participate in the horse racing event of the year, but was also honored to share this great moment in history. “It is no doubt the vast availability of OTB locations, as well as our welcoming staff over the weekend, greatly attributed to their success. To know that our locations allowed people to witness history is a monumental achievement of which we are proud to be a part,” said Cairo.
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County Department of Social Services Volunteer Program, served food to first responders during Hurricane Sandy, and sent over 6,000 books to children who were victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Mrs. Sharma’s joy is giving to others and her favorite quote is that she “brings light to the lives of those who are less fortunate.”
Mayor Garner
June 9—Mineola, NY- Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos announced the promotion of James A. Garner to the position of Chief Deputy Comptroller effective immediately. The former Hempstead Village Mayor had served as Deputy Comptroller of Claims, Payroll and Employee Benefits since May of 2011. Mr. Garner will be the first African American Chief Deputy Comptroller in Nassau County’s history. "For the last four years James Garner has done an outstanding job for the County by flawlessly managing the employees’ payroll and benefits and saving taxpayers money by overseeing and scrutinizing all vendor claims,” Comptroller Maragos said. “I have the utmost confidence in James that he will continue to serve Nassau County taxpayers honorably in his new capacity.” Mr. James Garner brings a long history of public service. Prior to joining the Comptroller’s Office, Mr. James served for four terms as Mayor of Hempstead Village, and as the 61st President from 2003-2004 of the United States Conference of Mayors. Mr. Garner has also served as President of the Nassau County Village Officials Association as well as a delegate to the White House World Summit on Sustainable Development and the Conference of Small Businesses. Mr. Garner has been recognized with numerous awards for his public and private sector accomplishments and is a Golden Heritage Member of the NAACP. Connect with Nassau County Comptroller Maragos Online: http://www.nassaucountyny.gov/agencies/ Comptroller/index.html
MANGANO HONORS SUDA BALA SHARMA AS NASSAU COUNTY’S SENIOR CITIZEN ‘WOMAN OF THE YEAR’ June 9—Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano announced that Suda Bala Sharma is Nassau County’s 2015 Senior Citizen ‘Woman of the Year’. Mrs. Sharma was presented an award at the 41st Annual May Conference in Observance of Older Americans Month on May 29 th at the Milleridge Inn Cottage. The Nassau County Office for the Aging hosted 400 residents this special event. Mrs. Sharma represented Nassau County in Albany at the 2015 Senior Citizens Day Recognition Event Ceremony on May 5th. “It is my distinct honor Mrs. Sharma as Nassau County’s 2015 Senior Citizen ‘Woman of the Year’,” said County Executive Mangano. “Her dedication to feeding the homeless through soup kitchens and food drives, along with many other charitable acts truly illustrates why Mrs. Sharma is deserving of the recognition accorded to her.” Mrs. Sharma was born in Kenya, Africa and immigrated to the United States in 1969. She resides in Massapequa with her husband, Dave. They have three children, two sons and a daughter. Both of their sons have served in the United States Armed Forces. Mrs. Sharma is a registered nurse and has worked in Home Health Care. She was nominated to be considered for ‘Woman of the Year’ by the Mary Brennan Inn Soup Kitchen due to her work in aiding the homeless. With the India Association of Long Island, Mrs. Sharma began an annual food drive now in its 20th year. The group collects over $50,000 in food and cash donations. She is a volunteer at Roto-Care and collects and dispenses medications for those who lack health insurance. Mrs. Sharma collects funds and gifts for foster children through the Nassau
Mr. Colombo June 9—Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano announced that Gilbert M. Colombo is Nassau County’s 2015 Senior Citizen “Man of the Year.” Mr. Colombo was presented an award at the 41st Annual May Conference in Observance of Older Americans Month on May 29th at the Milleridge Inn Cottage. The Nassau County Office for the Aging hosted 400 residents in attendance at this special event. “It is my distinct honor Mr. Colombo as Nassau County’s 2015 Senior Citizen ‘Man of the Year’,” said County Executive Mangano. “His dedication to public service, and to helping veterans and others in need makes him truly deserving of the recognition accorded to him.” Mr. Colombo was born in New York City, married and moved with his wife and four daughters to Old Westbury. He immediately became engaged in public service by working for the village, holding several public offices,
including Mayor of Old Westbury for 10 years. Mr. Colombo also managed his father’s envelope supply business for many years. Upon his retirement at the age of 76, he began volunteering at his church’s Food Pantry and Visitation program, visiting the homebound and needy, and helping them to access services. Mr. Colombo works with veterans, arranging transportation to VA Medical Centers, and spending a few days a month delivering Meals on Wheels for the Visiting Nurse Association when the regular drivers are not available. Mr. Colombo is a member of the Nassau County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and an amateur mobile radio enthusiast. He logged in many hours on the radio assisting first responders during Superstorm Sandy. Mr. Colombo derives his greatest satisfaction from seeing the happiness in the faces of those that he assists and knowing that their lives are made easier because of the work he has done.
Comptroller George Maragos attends Hispanic Brotherhood of Rockville Centre’s Annual Scholarship Dinner, Honors leaders Nassau County Comptroller Maragos on June 9 attended the Hispanic Brotherhood of Rockville Centre’s Annual Scholarship dinner. The nonprofit group, located at 59 Clinton Avenue in Rockville Centre, provides housing and employment counseling, after-school child care and tutoring, and hosts a senior citizen club. With the support of the Nassau County Department of Senior Citizen Affairs, the Hispanic Brotherhood also runs a Nutrition Program every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, attended by 80 seniors. For more info about the Brotherhood’s programs, call (516) 766-6610 or email info@hispanicbrotherhood.org
(L-R) Honoree Ronald Steimel, Executive VP and CAO of Mercy Medical Center, RVC Hispanic Brotherhood Executive Director Margarita Grasing, Comptroller Maragos, and Rockville Centre Mayor Francis Murray.
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The Long Island Dispatch . Visit online @ www.lidispatch.com
erment class per day. Parents are encouraged to get involved by joining campers in learning how to shop for affordable healthy snacks. Each camper will receive a grocery store gift card and a specific grocery list at the beginning of the camp with suggested healthy meals and snacks. To promote nutritional accountability, each camper will prepare a lunch and snack from the approved list every day. The camp costs $500 and runs for five weeks Mineola, NY- To help save lives and combetween July 6 and August 7, 2015. Campers bat the Heroin epidemic, Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano and County Leg- must have their own transportation, and registration is on a first come first serve basis. The islator Don MacKenzie announced a free first four weeks will focus on fun fitness and Overdose Prevention Seminar will take place nutritional activities such as dances, talent on Tuesday, June 23, 2015from7:00 p.m. to competitions, cook-offs and capture the flag, 9:00 p.m. at the Christ Church of Oyster Bay while the last week will focus on field trips as in the Parish Hall, located at 61 Main Street, a reward for all the children’s hard work. ProOyster Bay. Residents will learn how to administer the lifesaving antidote known as Nar- spective campers may apply for a need-based scholarship by emailing can and reverse the fatal effects of an Opiate overdose. Attendees will also learn the warn- changelives@knockoutobesityfoundation.org ing signs of drug addiction, available treatment or calling (844) 227-2348. For more information, please call the Incoroptions, personal stories of recovery, and porated Village of Hempstead at 516.489.3400 more. A 2006 State law allows ordinary citizens to or visit the website at administer Narcan in an attempt to save a life, www.villageofhempstead.org. without fear of liability. Nassau County has already provided Narcan training for more Mangano Welcomes Two than 3,600 people since 2012. At least a dozen Gents and the Lady to trainees have used that knowledge - and a Narcan kit - to revive someone overdosing on Lakeside Theatre on Heroin or painkillers, and save their lives. June 19th Narcan is administered through a nasal spray, and is provided at no charge to trainees over Nassau County Executive Ed P. Mangano the age of 18. has announced that Two Gents and the Lady This training is provided by the Nassau will perform at Eisenhower Park’s Harry ChaCounty Department of Human Services, pin Lakeside Theatre located in East Meadow, through the Behavioral Health Awareness on Friday, June 19that 7:00 p.m. Admission is Campaign, and isco-sponsored by Legislator free. Don MacKenzie. Experience the mesmerizing gent, Elio ScacNo prior medical experience is necessary to cio, joined by the electrifying gent, Teo Ricciparticipate in the training. All trainees will ardella, while they serenade the lovely lady, receive a certificate of completion. Anyone can attend, but seating is limited to 150 people. Jessica Carvo on their memorable voyage from the piazzas of Italy to the theaters of the USA. Residents MUST pre-register either by emailing elaikin@nassaucountyny.gov or by This musical voyage will be accompanied by their live band, led by the renowned Maestro calling (516) 571-6105. Louis Panaciull transporting the audience on a journey spanning the globe. These accom————————plished and amazing artists will thrill fans of Andrea Bocelli, Sarah Brightman, Celine Village of Hempstead Mario Lanza, Connie Francis, Tom Launches Fitness Camp Dion, Jones, in addition to Broadway and modern crossover pop music. for Kids Much of the programming at the Lakeside Village of Hempstead Mayor Wayne Hall Theatre is made possible through the Nassau Fights Childhood Obesity by Partnering County Hotel/Motel Proceeds Grant, which are With Local Fitness Camp proceeds from taxes on hotel and motel rooms in Nassau County. Since 2006, Nassau County As part of a new initiative to fight childhood has received more than ten million dollars obesity, Village of Hempstead Mayor Wayne from the Hotel/Motel Proceeds Grant, which Hall, Sr. on June 9, announced a new partneralso has assisted in historic building restoraship with celebrity fitness expert Cara Castrotion and other cultural enhancements. nuova to bring Camp Kid Warriors, a fun fitThe Harry Chapin Lakeside Theatre is an ness camp for children and teens 8–16 years outdoor theatre located near parking fields 6 old, to the Village of Hempstead. Mayor and 6A in Eisenhower Park. Special accomHall’s goals include not only reducing the rate modations are available for disabled patrons, of obesity and teaching children about the including reserved parking, easily accessible value of proper exercise and nutrition, but also restrooms, and a convenient reserved location involving the parents of the community in a on the hill. Assistive hearing devices are comprehensive outreach effort. The camp’s available for the hearing impaired. There is no primary goal is to teach children about fitness formal seating at Lakeside Theatre, so concertand nutrition. Additionally, the camp offers an goers are urged to bring folding chairs. If exciting boxing and martial arts program. weather conditions are doubtful, call (516) 572 “With the rate of obesity on the rise, it is -0355 after 6:00 p.m. for updated performance essential for tomorrow’s generation to learn information. how to maintain active, healthy lifestyles,” Eisenhower Park is centrally located in East said Mayor Wayne J. Hall Sr. Meadow, with entrances on Hempstead TurnCampers will have the opportunity to learn pike at East Meadow Avenue and at the interworkout routines directly from camp director section of Stewart and Merrick Avenues. For Cara Castronuova and her qualified staff. further information, please call the Nassau There will also be celebrity guest trainers such County Parks Public Information Office at: as current female boxing world champion (516) 572-0200 or visit the Nassau County Keisher “Fire” McLeod-Wells, former Miss Parks, Recreation and Museum website at: New York and figure skating champion www.nassaucountyny.gov/parks. Stephanie Jill Chernick, and award-winning Hempstead Police Department officer Robert Van Wyen. Campers will participate in two fitness classes per day, three recreational activities per day and one nutritional or empow-
July 2015 Wednesday, July 1, 2015: LIAC Junior Mets #2 from 4 p.m. – 10 p.m. (middle pool, dive pool, Jacuzzi & sauna closed) Regular Operating Hours. Parking space may be limited.
East Meadow, NY – Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano today released a calendar Saturday, July4, 2015: of events for the Nassau County Aquatic CenFacility closes at 1 p.m. ter, located in Eisenhower Park for the months of June and July. The event schedule is as Wednesday, July 8, 2015: follows: LIAC Junior Mets #3 from 4 p.m. – 10 p.m. (middle pool, dive pool, Jacuzzi & sauna June 2015 closed) Regular Operating Hours. Parking space may Saturday, June 20, 2015: be limited. LIAC Summer Classicfrom 7:30a.m. – 9:30 p.m.Pool open: 6 a.m. – 7:30 a.m. (limited Thursday, July 16, 2015: lanes available). Entire pool closes at 7:30 Senior Metropolitan Long Course Championa.m. Gym remains open. ships from 3:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. LIAC Summer Fun from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. MidEntire pool closes at 2 p.m. Gym remains dle pool, dive pool, Jacuzzi and sauna closed. open. Sunday, June 21, 2015: LIAC Summer Classic from 7:30 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.Entire pool closed all day. Gym remains open. LIAC Summer Fun from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.Middle pool, dive pool, Jacuzzi and sauna closed. Wednesday, June 24, 2015: LIAC Junior Mets #1 from 4p.m. – 10 p.m. (middle pool, dive pool, Jacuzzi & sauna closed) Regular Operating Hours. Parking space may be limited. Saturday, June 27, 2015: Facility closes at 4 p.m. due to TD Bank Celebrates America Fireworks Show
Friday, July 17, 2015: Senior Metropolitan Long Course Championships from 6 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.; 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. Pool open from1 p.m. – 4 p.m. only. Gym remains open. Saturday, July 18, 2015: Senior Metropolitan Long Course Championships from 6 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.; 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. Pool open from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. only. Gym remains open. Sunday, July 19, 2015: Senior Metropolitan Long Course Championships from 6:30 a.m. – 8 p.m. Entire pool closed all day. Gym remains open.
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NIGERIA’S NEW PREZ SWORN IN AMIDST ‘CATASTROPHIC EXPECTATIONS’ June 11 (GIN) –Muhammadu Buhari, his hand on the Holy Book, was sworn in as President at an open-air ceremony this past Friday in the capital city of Abuja. His speech acknowledged many of the challenges facing the largest democracy in Africa but offered hope that these challenges could be met. Giving thanks to God “who has preserved us to witness this day and this occasion,” he recognized with appreciation the millions of supporters who waited long hours in the rain and hot sun to cast votes, who carried on the campaign on social media, and even to those who voted for his opponent, former president, Goodluck Jonathan. “These countrymen and women contributed to make our democratic culture truly competitive, strong and definitive,” he said. A Muslim by birth, Buhari addressed concerns of some the nation’s Christian community, saying: “I intend to keep my oath and serve as President to all Nigerians.” After listing the nation’s most intractable problems – pervasive corruption, insecurity due to a terroristic insurgency, dire fuel and power shortages – the President sounded a rallying cry. “We can fix our problems,” he said. And in the case of Boko Haram, the insurgent group, Mr. Buhari unveiled a new strategy that would move the Army Command and Control Center from the capital Abuja to
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the insurgents’ home base in Maiduguri “until the group is completely subdued.” “But we cannot claim to have defeated Boko Haram without rescuing the Chibok girls and all other innocent persons held hostage by insurgents.” “We as Nigerians are heirs to great civilizations,” he said referencing history. “Shehu Othman Dan fodio’s caliphate, the Kanem Borno Empire, the Oyo Empire, the Benin Empire and King Jaja’s formidable domain. The blood of those great ancestors flow in our veins. What is now required is to build on these legacies, to modernize and uplift Nigeria.” The President drew upon a quote from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar that speaks of “a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune,” and with “We must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures.” The new leader ended with “We have an opportunity,” the President reiterated. “Let us take it.”
GRAVE OF OBAMA’S FATHER TO GET FACELIFT BEFORE VISIT (GIN) – Preparing for the July visit of President Barack Obama, officials of Siaya County in Kenya are proposing to spend 1 million shillings or just over $10,000 on the restoration, maintenance and care of Obama father’s grave. Governor Cornel Rasanga gave the Department of Tourism the go-ahead to implement the project before Air Force One arrives in Nairobi. The grave restoration funds will also cover Obama’s grandfather who lies next to his father. Other plans for the site include a visitor’s park in Kogelo, where Mama Sarah [Obama’s
Hip Hop Rapper Akon Announces New Plans To Light Up Africa (GIN) - Senegalese-American R&B singer Akon has been lighting up Africa with solar energy even while the solar industry in the U.S. struggles to catch fire. The Missouri-born artist has become a rising star in the movement to bring electricity from the sun to rural communities. Launched in February 2014, “Akon Lighting Africa” (ALA) describes its aims as “bringing electricity to African villages by a clean and affordable solar energy solution.” The company uses a micro-lending model to provide solar-powered micro-grids and street lighting systems. Akon unveiled his latest plan to launch a solar energy job-training program in Bamako, Mali, during a presentation at the U.N.’s second Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) forum in May The venture joins a relatively crowded field of entrepreneurs and investors—and governments—looking to establish off-grid solar projects across the continent, but ALA is growing at warp speed. In an interview with the Wall St. Journal, Akon described how his company funds initial projects in order to demonstrate the technology and benefits to potential buyers. An average investment per village is $75,000 and the firm has invested almost $400 million so far, he said. “We invest our own money to get things started,” Akon says. “We go in, plead our case to the country, put up pilots with our own dollars using sophisticated equipment and we make sure we do the installation right. It shows people that we’re not coming in to pull money out of the country, we’re there to
provide jobs for the locals and to enable them to feed their families.” In Guinea Conakry, for example, Akon says the company is employing 5,000 people to install its systems. A $1 billion credit line with the Chinese provider of its solar systems helps ensure rapid growth. “It means anyone who installs our systems can make payments over
Solar powered-street lamps in Guinea Conakry [several] years,” says Samba Baithily, an ALA partner. “Most of these countries couldn’t allocate the money to pay for a big project up front, but they can afford if they pay by installments.” Since launching a year ago, Akon’s group has operations in 11 nations, including Guinea Conakry, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Benin and Sierra Leone. “In any emerging market there will be a lot of difficulties—the countries are not necessarily stable and infrastructure isn’t there, but if you understand that, it’s not difficult,” Akon said in the WSJ interview. “The hardest part is getting people to believe.”
stepmother] will receive her visitors,” Siaya tourism chief Charles Akello. President Obama’s travel plans became widely known after a phone call to President Uhuru Kenyatta following the terror attack on Kenya’s Garissa University that claimed over 140 lives. Obama expressed his condolences and those of American citizens for the students and security personnel killed during the attack. He assured President Kenyatta he had not changed his plans to co-host the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) in Kenya as part of his of his 4th presidential trip to Africa. The summit brings together business owners, educators, policymakers and investors to support the growth of new enterprises in developing regions and take place in Africa for the first time.. This will be President Obama’s 5 th African country visit since he became President and his first presidential trip to Kenya where his father was born. A previous visit took place in 2006 when Obama was still a senator.
South African Commissioner of Correctional Services Zach Modise told the BBC that the case management committee at the Kgosi Mampuru II prison in Pretoria, where Pistorius is being held, made the recommendation last week. The decision is likely to mean a period of house arrest for Pistorius. Steenkamp, a 29-year-old law graduate and model, died almost instantly on Valentine’s Day in 2013 when Pistorius shot her through a locked toilet door at his luxury Pretoria home. Tania Koen, a lawyer for Ms Steenkamp's parents Barry and June, said that while the two had forgiven Pistorius, "ten months is not enough". Prosecutors had pushed for a murder conviction, but the athlete maintained he fired in the mistaken belief an intruder was hiding behind the door. A bid to appeal the culpable homicide conviction was upheld and prosecutors will seek a murder conviction when their case is heard again in November. The decision could leave Pistorius open to a prison sentence of at least 15 years if he is convicted of murder. ——Global Information Network .
CONVICTED SOUTH AFRICAN ‘BLADE RUNNER’ TO BE GRANTED EARLY RELEASE Jun 8 (GIN) – Oscar Pistorius, an Olympic and Paralympic champion convicted of killing his girlfriend during a sleepover, is scheduled for release 10 months into his five year prison sentence, local media is reporting. News of the early release was first shared with the family of Reeva Steenkamp, Pistorius’ model girlfriend who he claimed to have mistaken for an intruder in his gated community apartment. The trial of Pistorius, who lower legs were amputated at an early age, was closely watched over the seven months in court as an indication of how post-apartheid South Africa would treat criminals that were white. The track star has been held in South Africa’s capital at the Pretoria Central Prison, once the execution site for opponents of South Africa’s racist, white-minority government. Under South African law, Pistorius is eligible for release under "correctional supervision" having served a sixth of his sentence.
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Elmont Memorial Day Parade 2015
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Staff photographer Larry Love was on site to record the venerable Guy Brewer Democratic Club’s 60th Anniversary on Friday, May 15.
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Senior Citizens Month & Birthday Celebration Month of May, 2015 Every month County Executive Edward Mangano observes Senior Citizens day, which includes serving lunch to seniors. The month of May was no different. Here, County Executive poses with some of seniors who celebrated birthdays in May. County Executive Mangano congratulates Helen Bonner, 100, of Westbury.
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By E. Portero Each year, beginning in January and ending on May 1, students throughout the country participate in a highly competitive program called the Stock Market Game. The program involves math initiatives, where students learn the value of stock through a real world application of math. Each team meets regularly to conduct their stock transaction. They begin the simulation with $100,000 in cash and may borrow additional funds. The teams are instructed to trade only stocks and mutual funds listed on the NASDAQ Stock Market and the New York Stock Exchange. The team with the high portfolio at the end of the season is declared Regional Champion. Over 400 teams from high performing elementary, middle, and high schools on Long Island participated in the Regional Spring Competition. “This is more than a paper pencil math initiative as students learn the value of stock through a real world application of math” said Dr Ron Boykins, Superintendent of RCA. Dr. Boykins conducts the High Potential Student (HPP) afterschool program for grades two through eight. RCA students connected the stock market program to real world application with a field trip to Wall Street where they toured the New York Stock Exchange trading floor, met and talked with brokers, all the while taking notes of their experiences. They also toured the Museum of Finance. The students were also winners of the 2014 Winter Season, where they were congratulated by New York State Deputy Speaker Earlene Hooper. On Tuesday, May 5 th, after their day at the Stock Exchange, RCA Students were announced winners for the 2015 Spring Competition of Long Island Regional Stock Market Program. “We congratulate our students. We are very proud of their accomplishment, especially the pride and joy they have bestowed not only on themselves, but also on their families and friends,” said Rev. Reginald Tuggle, RCA Board Chair. “Our students’ championship status is a clear indication that hands-on classroom work when connected to real world activities, such as a field trip covering the topic, is a standard that RCA will adhere to. Rev. Tuggle went on to say “And we thank our teachers and staff who helped to prepare our students each day for progress” he further noted. This years sponsors of the program include T. Rowe Price, US Bankcard, HSBC, CIBC, Wells Fargo, Barclays, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, to name a few
By E. Portero Roosevelt Children’s Academy (RCA) students planted donated flowers and plants from Atlantic Nursery in Freeport Long Island. Students enrolled in the afterschool program and their parents conducted a spring renovation of the garden boxes at 105 Pleasant Avenue Elementary School. “The garden boxes are beautiful, we are proud of our students who worked hard on this classroom activity, learning and planning for the project. Together with their parents they have taken pride in planting and caring for the plants” said Rev Reginald Tuggle, RCA Board Chair. Mr Seid, 4th grade teacher, conducted science lessons and chaperoned students on an afterschool field trip to Atlantic Nursery. During the visit, students learned about plants, flowers, and horticulture from a Master Biologist. Students, who prepared for the fieldtrip by working on the classroom project, asked questions about plants, ecology, species and science. Prior to the fieldtrip students created a plan for the garden that would attract butterfly and hummingbird activity. Upon return from the trip students, faculty, and parents planted the donated perennials/plants in both garden boxes.
“We are delighted with the hands on activities the children are participating in with their classroom teacher. Students learn best when they go on field trips directly related to the classroom lessons they contribute to. This helps them connect the classroom work to the real world and reinforces the learning. This is the standard by which RCA encourages field trips” said Dr Ron Boykins, RCA Superintendent
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have medical problems that cause them to be very cranking and difficult to care for. Teen mothers who are not equipped emotionally will abandon their babies or give them up for adoption if a family member doesn’t step in. Others hurt their babies out of frustration. Many times the harm caused by drugs doesn’t become evident until the child enters school and can not pay attention, focus, remember instructions, has poor impulsive behaviors, is aggressive, slow to learn and is significantly delay in academic skills. The Baby.Lovetoknow.com website offers the following symptoms of drug addicted babies:
Lisa-Anne Ray-Byers
ASK LISA-ANNE Q. My niece is 17 years old and is pregnant. She has been in and out of rehab for drugs three times. Her parents have given up on her and have put her out of their house, but I’m hoping something I say will get her off of drugs. She is staying with friends and comes by often for a hot meal. I’m concerned about her baby. What happens when a pregnant mother uses drugs? A. I’m glad that you are a resource for your niece. Drug addiction is a serious and difficult habit to break. It’s hard for parents to put their child out on the streets. However, it is necessary at times to save the rest of the family. Drug addiction consumes everything and everyone in the family going through it. Using drugs while pregnant is a dangerous practice. Even smoking can cause chronic illnesses in children like asthma, allergies, low intelligence, limited growth and more. How much harm depends on the type of drug, the severity of the drug abuse, and the period of the fetus's development during gestation. What’s frustrating is, young mothers will often say see my baby is fine because there is no physical evidence of harm. As long as the baby has all of his/her limbs, fingers and toes, then there is no problem. Drug addicted babies are often in pain and
Low birth weight, Disturbed sleep patterns Hyperactive, Low frustration tolerance, Easily startled, Easily woken, Irritable, Cries all the time, Poor feeding habits, Rapid heartbeat, Excessive sudden movements Urinary tract defects, Impaired motor skills Delayed social skills, and Behavior problems Another problem for drug addicted babies is they often become wards of the state because perspective adoptive parents do not want drug babies. Or an older relative is burdened with raising a drug addicted baby which is very stressful! Explain to your niece what can happen if she doesn’t stop using drugs and if she really wants her innocent baby to suffer these ailments. You can also reach out to the social workers at the rehab centers that your niece attended and ask for assistance, therapy, medical help, financial assistance, and any programs out there for drug addicted teen mothers so she realizes that she is not alone. Good luck! ————-Lisa-Anne Ray-Byers is a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist who has worked in education for over two decades. She holds graduate degrees in speech-language pathology and multicultural education. She also holds certification in educational administration. She is the author of the books, They Say I Have ADHD, I Say Life Sucks! Thoughts From Nicholas and They SSSay I’m a StStStutterer, But I SSSay Nothing! Meet Kelly and co-author of 365 Ways to Succeed With ADHD! She is the Education Editor of the Community Journal newspaper in Baldwin, NY and a member of the National Education Writers Association. You may contact her at speechlrb@yahoo.com or by visiting her website at www.AskLisaAnne.com.
Why Restaurants Fail by Neva Alexander The other day I went to get my car serviced. I was hungry and decided to go to mom/pop restaurant. The sign in front stated that they served breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Pastry was not displayed, yet it was 12:30PM. I really did not think that they sold out so I asked the chef where the pastry was. He replied by saying that the pastry has not arrived yet. After ordering my food, the chef asked me if I knew anyone that wanted to buy a restaurant. I informed him that I did not but I will spread the word through
Neva Alexander
www.caribbeanbusinessnetwork.c om. He stated that the management at the restaurant was horrible. Day after day, you see restaurants having grand openings. Sadly, most of them result in closings within two years. So what makes very few succeed and others fail? The ones that are successful have the necessary ingredients, sales and marketing. For example, have you ever listened to two singers? One has a voice of an angel, and the other is not that great. However, there is something about the “not so great” singer that gets your attention. The singer that can sing stays under the radar, the one that is not so talented becomes a millionaire. No matter what business venture you get into, if you cannot market and sell it, you will fail. Of course, location plays a very important factor. So is supply and demand. Guess what? No one will
know about your location or your supply if you do not have a good marketing strategy. Keep in mind marketing your product is not selling your product. Do not advertise what you don’t do. Too many times, I see advertisements state the wrong thing. For example, a sign up in a restaurant says that serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, but at 9AM in the morning, they are closed. Repeatedly I see restaurant owners make costly mistakes. Someone complimented your cooking, so you open a restaurant, but you never took the time to research how to market and sell. Before you go and rent that available space, purchase your expensive equipment, and spend money on advertisement, make sure you can sell it. —–——Neva Helena Alexander, author and educator can be reached at dmin@nevaalexander.com
Do you want to see your name in the newspaper? Do you want to meet people, make friends with people in positions of influence? Do you want to interview celebrities? Do you want to earn $$$ while you learn? Join our staff! EC Media Strategies Group is looking for writers/ reporters, Cartoonists, sales reps, photographers Call (516) 292-1263
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How to ensure your business continues to thrive after your retirement
Jack Signorelli Jack Signorelli is a Certified Business Coach and former U.S. Marine. His career spanned 27 years in Corporate America culminating as President of Konica Business Technologies, (now KonicaMinolta), a $1 Billion distributer of office products and services. Under Jack's leadership the company grew revenues more than $100 million. Jack owns two small businesses and since 1996 he has been providing practical advice to business leaders, in all industry segments, throughout the U.S. Jack works with a select group of clients who are driven to improve their profits, team performance, and lifestyle. Are there areas in your business that need some adjustments? Call me direct @ 631-757-2936 or email him at Jack@SoundviewAdvice.com
retirement, leaving the next generation starting from scratch.
What challenges does senior management face when a leader departs? Many owners are hierarchical in the way they manage, in which case senior managers learn to respond to the owner telling them what to do. As a family business owner, you may dream But then what happens when the owner is no of one day handing your company over to the longer there? Managers won’t feel comfortable next generation. But have you considered the role that your management team will play in the turning to the 30-year-old son/daughter, who’s never been in charge of the business, to now transition? Is your retirement payment stream make those decisions. secure? You have to create a learning curve and find There can be no successful transition if the success of the business is not maintained. A key ways to develop the management team so that element is making sure that you have secured the the company won’t be crippled when the owner talent that has made your business thrive. It’s not is to longer there to make those key decisions, and the next generation is not completely ready just the family that is vital to an organization’s to take the reigns. With the proper planning, key success. You have to retain your key managers, managers will know their expanded roles and the talented people who really make your busiwho should be making the decisions once the ness work. And that might not be your family owner departs, letting everyone feel reassured members! that the company can keep going.
tives of what everyone is going to hold each other accountable for during the process. Part of this process involves identifying areas that managers will be taking over, but where they may be struggling. Some examples include communication, problem-solving, mentoring, how to deal with controlling personalities, conflict resolution and how to better conduct employee review sessions to create a dialogue between the manager and direct reports. By addressing these issues before management takes on new roles and responsibilities, a coach can make a difference in the quality of the business environment, morale and, ultimately, bottom line profitability.
What are the dangers of failing to plan for a transition? A drop in productivity is inevitable if you haven’t planned for that transition. If the person at the helm isn’t prepared for his or her new role, employees will become confused about who is really in charge. When people aren’t sure about whom to talk to about the important decisions, soon, someone with a higher pay grade will take over to tell them what to do. But employees won’t necessarily trust that person. In this kind of confusion and unclear leadership structure, it’s inevitable that conflict will ensue and key people will leave the company. To avoid that, you have to identify and prepare What role should the management team play in a new leadership, and get everyone used to the How can a coach help facilitate the process? successful transition? transition before it happens. A coach can spend time with the management Your management team needs to be able to run By empowering your leadership team as a team while the owner is still there, and alongside your business if you are no longer there, for group, you’re not putting all of your hopes on the next generation that is being groomed, to whatever reason, while the next generation is one person, because that could create resentment teach them to work together as a leadership maturing and learning about the business. You throughout the rest of the group, as well as stress team. This process also gives everyone the ophave to consider the gap that exists between the for that one person. Instead, you’re enlisting a portunity to clarify the core values of the organicurrent owners and the next generation. collaborative team that can check on each other zation and get comfortable in the kinds of deciThe first step in the process of passing the and hold each other accountable. That way, if sions they’ll need to make based on those values. business along is to lock in a vision of what you one person gets sick or leaves the company, the In many companies, managers have a close see for the business’s future, then communicate business will not fall apart. And generally, you working relationship with the owner, but may that to the executive managers so that everyone won’t have to worry as much about people leavnot have that relationship with one another. A who makes that business successful can be ening when you enroll them at this level of leaderrolled in the vision. The managers then see that, coach can help unbind them so tightly from the ship. owner and get them to start working together as yes, ownership is thinking about their future and a collaborative team. that there is a place for them. This is a signifiThe coach also works with the owner and man- Who doesn’t want to be acknowledged and emcant step toward retaining the key managers that powered and really feel that they are making a agers to develop a charter. Here, the owner can are such an important asset to your business’s difference at work? That is really what this define the vision of the succession plan, the success. You don’t want them departing at your agenda for regular team meetings and the objec- process is about.
Is the Class of 2015 Prepared? the answer is no. So much of the educational focus has been placed on price per student or on graduation rates, that many students who Graduation do graduate are not prepared to join the full day is looming time workforce, and many lack the necessary for local high skills needed to succeed in college. school students. So what can we teach the high school Faculty, staff graduating class of 2015 to help them better and parents are navigate the world they are entering into? busy planning Two lessons, History and Communication, every facet of come first to my mind. the commencement ceremony and ensuing History—As a college professor, I am ofparties. Gift cards are being purchased, nail ten confronted by the lack of knowledge and hair salons are packed with patrons, and students have of modern American history. under-gown garments are being bought, all in References to President Richard M. Nixon, preparation of the big day. the Iran-Contra affair, the repeal of ApartBut, are high school students actually preheid laws in South Africa, and Elian Gonpared to graduate? Have they learned the zalez, to name a few, fly over most students’ necessary skills to successfully navigate their heads. post-high school years? Upon our own high American history from the past 40 years school graduations, were we better prepared shapes our modern outlook. Recent history than the class of 2015 is for life after high contributes to our viewpoints, our feelings of school? security, and even our choice of career. To In so many ways, the 2015 high school be ignorant of our immediate pasts is to be graduating class is so better prepared than we oblivious to why we are the way we are. ever were. They are digital natives, growing And, more importantly, those ill-informed of up with technology, not coming to it as secthe past are destined to repeat it. ondary or tertiary learners. This graduating Communication class has been the beneficiary of medical The class of 2015 has the unique ability to advances that can extend their lives exponen- communicate in a multi-channeled way. tially. Additionally, these youngest of the They seamlessly shuttle between different millennial generation, have grown up watch- conduits of communication naturally, as they ing ethnic men and women assume roles of have never even known a world where a power, responsibility and prestige. phone cannot take a picture. For all of their But, are they preparedto take on the world communication competence, however, the art after high school? For many, unfortunately, By Gail Lewis
of casual conversation has not been cultivated. Watch as a group of high school students hang out together. They divide their attention between the entire world, via their phones, and the people sitting in front of them. The art of weaving a story with their words, striking up a conversation with a stranger, or confidently verbalizing an injustice, for example, has been lost. Many of the stories of our people have been passed down through a history of oral tradition. I am left wondering if that oral tradition will be replaced with a Vine clip or edited down to a 140 character Tweet. Encouraging the graduating class of 2015 to “use their words,” in an articulate, fluid, descriptive, non-obscene way, would definitely help prepare them for life after high school, building their self-confidence, and allowing them to continue the oral tradition of our people into another generation. Prepared or not, the Class of 2015 stands at the ready. Embrace them, show them that this is a milestone to celebrate and enjoy. And, more importantly, let’s help them fill in the skill-gaps they may possess so they can get on the road toward achievement on graduation day and beyond. ——As originally published in Communities of Color Newspaper. Gail Lewis, M.A., is an Assistant Professor of Communications who never passes up an opportunity to watch Star Trek with her family. A syndicated columnist, award-winning Toastmaster, and blogger, she also hosts the talk show Communication Corner, www.YouTube.com/TheCommDepot, on Public Television.
Do you want to see your name in the newspaper? Do you want to meet people, make friends with people in positions of influence? Do you want to interview celebrities? Do you want to earn $$$ while you learn? Join our staff! EC Media Strategies Group is looking for writers/reporters, cartoonists, sales reps, photographers (516) 292-1263 Email: hutimes@aol.com
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Talking with Georgia Woodbine
loves them unconditionally and lift them up when they’re the self-confidence is low. Make Him Feel like the Man—Men also like to feel like they are your knight and shining armor, provider and protector. They want to feel good about themselves and not have to worry about someone making them feel unEven though most of us women think men wanted or inadequate. Allow a man to be are difficult, the truth is they’re pretty simhimself without being too judgmental or preple. They want just as much love, respect and dictable in your response to his every move. appreciation as women do, and they want a The love you show a man can either make him woman to be direct and honest about what she feel as strong as a grizzly bear or as fragile as wants and how she feels. an egg. When women understand how to harness Through a long process of interviewing their power, grace, sensitivity and learn how many men, I discovered that men want the to emotionally connect with a man they will same things women want in a relationship. never have to chase a man again, they’ll be Men want to have a woman who knows how getting chased. to keep their relationship exciting mentally, physically and emotionally. How to Attract the Right Man—To catch He wants attention and to feel apprecihis attention and build a wonderful relationated and loved ship requires you being aware that you already He wants you to let him be the man in the have everything you need to happy. Men love relationship a woman who is confident and who can influ He wants you to ask him about his feelence him positively. A woman that has balings and for you to really care about how ance makes a man feel safe. It’s all about how he feels you feel about yourself and how you make He wants to feel good about himself in him feel in the relationship. When you bring the relationship good energy out of a man, it will make him want to continue spending time with you. Men may not tell you this, but they really want a woman who can communicate Be His Best Friend—What men are really with them without being too demanding looking for is a best friend, girlfriend and wife or critical. all wrapped up into one. They want someone Men want women to be a part of their life that knows how to have fun and not take life without trying to consume all of it. too seriously. It’s important for most men to be able to let their guards down and relate to ——- Georgia Woodbine is a national bestwomen because men usually don’t like for selling author/motivational speaker/life coach. anyone to see their sensitive side. As a writer, Ms. Woodbine has authored several
What Men Really Want in a Partner
Be His #1 Supporter—Men need a lot of emotional support which they usually depend on woman to provide. They want someone to
novels, among them the titles—How To Choose Your Career Path: Charting Your Success, How To Make Big Bucks Without Selling Your Soul, Jewels of Inspiration and Reflections, The Journey of Life, Make it Happen—to name a few.
See Georgia Products That Move you at VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=BGSrRJhG4y8 WEBSITE http://georgiawoodbine.net/shop/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/ georgia.woodbine?ref=tn_tnmn TWITTER https://twitter.com/GWNetwork
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Thurs., Sept. 17 @ 7:45 pm GWAR with Special Guests – Butcher Babies & Battlecross—$20, $22, $27 & $35
EVENT CALENDAR: Fri., July 10 @ 8 pm Gin Blossoms with Special Guests – Iron Chic & Timeshares—$19.95, $20, $24.50, $35 & $60 Tues., July 14 @ 8 pm SOJA w/ Special Guest - Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad—$20, $22.50, $35 & $45 Thurs., July 16 @ 8 pm Toad the Wet Sprocket—$20, $25, $35, $60
Fri., Oct. 23 @ 8 pm The Paramount Comedy Series Presents Rodney Carrington “Here Comes The Truth” $29.50, $39.50, $49.50, $59.50 & $69.50 Sat., Oct. 24 @ 8 pm The Paramount Comedy Series Presents Cheech & Chong—$39.50, $59.50, $64.50, $69.50 & $89.50 Fri., Nov. 13 @ 8 pm The Paramount Comedy Series Presents Carlos Mencia, $24.50, $29.50, $34.50, $44.50
Fri., July 24 @ 8 pm Zappa Plays Zappa—$29.50, $59.50, $79.50, $99
For a schedule of upcoming events, visit: www.paramountny.com. DOORS OPEN ONE (1) HOUR BEFORE SHOWTIME. All acts, dates, prices, seating, times & lineups are subject to change without notice. New Events Just Announced / updates in Yellow! Become our fan on Facebook – www.facebook.com/theparamountny Follow us on Twitter – www.twitter.com/ TheParamountNY. Register on our website to receive our free e-newsletter for event updates, special offers, pre-sale codes & much, much, more…Tickets available online via www.ticketmaster.com, charge-by-phone @ (800)745-3000, all Ticketmaster outlets & The Paramount Box Office (open daily from 12 noon-6pm). For information on The Paramount’s VIP Services call: (631) 673-7300 ext. 305. 370 NEW YORK AVENUE, HUNTINGTON, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK 11743. Phone: 631-673-7300 / Fax: 631-673-7311
Sat., July 25 @ 8 pm Dave Mason’s Traffic Jam—$24.50, $29.50, $44.50, $59.50
New Kids To Perform on Long Island
Wed., July 29 @ 8 pm Grammy Winner PETER FRAMPTON & CHEAP TRICK—$59.50, $69.50, $99.50, $150.
Pop icons New Kids On The Block has teamed up with R & B stars TLC and Nelly for the ultimate summer concert tour dubbed THE MAIN EVENT. The tour, promoted by Live Nation, kicked off on May 1 in Las Vegas, Nev. and will stop in over 30 cities across the country, including New York, performing on June Saturday, June 20 at Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, and Sunday and Monday, June 21 and 22 at Madison Square Gardens, New York City. For tickets and up to date information, visit www.nkothb.com, www.livenation.com, www.ticketmaster.com or to join the discussion at #themainevent.
Sat., July 18 @ 8 pm Kacey Musgraves—$30, $32, $37& $55 Sun., July 19 @ 9 pm George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic “Shake the Gate” Tour—$18, $23, $25, $30, $35, $45 Tues., July 21 @ 8 pm The Gaslight Anthem with Special Guest Matthew Ryan &The Northern Wires— $25, $30, $35, $65
Fri., July 31 @ 8 pm Back to the Eighties Show with Jessie’s Girl—$15, $20, $30 Sat., Aug. 1 @ 8 pm The Paramount Comedy Series Presents – “Weird Al” Yankovic: The Mandatory World Tour—$39, $49, $59, $79, $89, $99 Wed., Aug. 12 @ 8 pm An Evening with Graham Nash $46, $56, $61 & $76
Tues., Aug. 18 @ 8 pm Todd Rundgren - Global Tour 2015 $25, $35, $40, $45 & $55 Thurs., Aug. 20 @ 8 pm Creedence Clearwater Revisited $39.50, $55, $65 & $75 Fri., Aug. 22 @ 8 pm Aaron Lewis—$24.50, $29.50, $34.50, $39.50 & $49.50 Mon., Aug. 24 @ 7:30 pm Under the Sun 2015 with Sugar Ray, Better Than Ezra, Uncle Kracker & Eve 6 $35, $45, $65 & $99.50 Fri., Sept. 4 @ 7 pm Counting Crows “Somewhere Under Wonderland Tour” with Special Guests - Citizen Cope & Hollis Brown—$70, $75, $120, $125 & $150 Thurs., Sept. 10 @ 8 pm Donny Osmond $59.50, $74.50, $89.50& $119.50
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The Long Island Dispatch . Visit online @ www.lidispatch.com
Legislator Siela Bynoe to Hold a Community Leg. Bynoe, in partnership with NICE Bus & the Nassau County Taxi & Limousine Commission, will host three (3) Community Meetings to start a local discussion to help better improve transportation here in Nassau. Westbury: Monday, June 8, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., “Yes We Can” Community Center, 141 Garden Street, Westbury, NY 11590 Lakeview: Thursday, June 18, 2015 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Lakeview Public Library, 1120 Woodfield Road, Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Hempstead: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Hempstead Public Library, 115 Nichols Court, Hempstead, NY 11550 For info, contact 516-571-6202
The Queens Air Services Development Office (ASDO) will host its 33 rd Aviation Networking Event on Friday, June 19, 2015 from 9:00 AM to Noon at Russo’s on the Bay in Howard Beach. In this “reverse” trade show, buyers and major contractors staff tables, while vendors and service suppliers visit each table, sharing information on products and services that are available locally. Event is Free, rsvp required! Register on-line, go to www.asdoonline.com/ EventRegistrationQueens.asp. ASDO is a non-profit organization that facilitates business opportunities between aviation industry purchasers and area businesses. The program serves the industry at John F. Kennedy International and LaGuardia airports and local vendors and service suppliers. ASDO is funded by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and their airline partners; it is administered by the Aviation Development Council. All services are free of charge.
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