The Axis Powers: Germany and Japan

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The Axis Powers: Germany and Japan

Gary Hendershott • 501.224.7555 • P.O. Box 22520 - Little Rock, AR 72221 • Email:



Rommel’s 15th Panzer Division - Afrika-Korps German BMW R-35 Motorcycle, Tunisia 1942. Captured by a British Officer in the 51st Highland Division and brought back to England before D-Day. German R-35 BMW Military motorcycle, captured from Rommel’s 15th Panzer Division when they evacuated from the oil fields of Tunis and Libya in North Africa in 1942, with Rommel’s famous Afrika-Korps “Palm Tree” logo painted on both sides of the gas tank. After being captured in North Africa, this Military motorcycle was brought back to England as the ultimate war trophy of the 51st Highland Division of the British Army. The very same officer that captured this motorcycle was also in the D-Day invasion, and it remained in his possession until he died in the 1950s. His widow then donated it to the British Military Museum, which refused to display it due to the Afrika-Korps swastika marking. It was later traded from the museum for the Regimental Battle Flag of the 51st Highlanders, which had been captured by Rommel’s 15th Panzer Division and had been preserved by an Afrika-Korps veteran in post war West Germany. An interesting and rather unique chain of events, where each side returned their battle trophy 50 years after the war’s end. It still has all the original painted 15th Panzer Divisional markings, seats, military markings, desertdried leather saddlebags and even North African sand! This is the only Rommel Afrika-Korps motorcycle known to exist that was actually captured in North Africa. $37,500

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The Axis Powers: Germany and Japan • www.GaryHendershott.NET

A Historic Waffen-SS ‘Death’s Head’ Ring Presented by Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler The Totenkopf Ring of Haupsturmfuhrer Adolf Fenn – at Oranienburg Concentration Camp SS Panzer Corps – Inscribed ‘H. Himmler’ The SS Totenkopf ‘Death’s Head’ Honor Ring was instituted at the personal behest of Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler. Awarded for outstanding achievement and loyalty, this ring was presented to Waffen-SS (the military wing) Haupsturmfuhrer Adolf Fenn on June 21, 1942. Inscribed on the inside of the silver band is ‘S.1b. Fenn 21.6.42 H. Himmler’. The Death’s Head Totenkopf ring was the highest and most prized award in all of Himmler’s SS organization. This ring is a hand made by the only jeweler authorized to produce the ring, Otto Gahr of Munich. With the death’s head skull and runic (pre-Latin) ‘SS’ representing the Shutzstaffel or ‘Protection Squadron’, this ring is a very rare survivor of the unit that was feared by all of Europe. Crafted of 8 ½ grams of .925 silver, the Totenkopf (Death’s Head) ring is accompanied by an exhaustive archive of Fenn’s service and personal life and certification that this ring is indeed a genuine SS honor ring presented to him by Himmler. The SS was formed in 1925, originally as a security force for the rising Nazi Party. Himmler was one of its first members and rose to its leadership position as Reichsfuhrer and remained there, responsible for millions of murders during his tenure. He surrendered to the Allies on May 22, 1945, committing suicide the next day by taking a cyanide capsule he had hidden from his captors. Haupsturmfuhrer Fenn received this ring for his faithful service as a Waffen-SS (military wing) officer. By the war’s end and with Hitler’s increasing paranoia, the SS fought right beside the regular German Army troops. Fenn was one such soldier. His military records show that he had been trained in artillery school and served in the 1st Panzer Division, at the Battle of the Bulge while at one point serving in Hitler’s bodyguard division. $17,500

Gary Hendershott • 501.224.7555 • P.O. Box 22520 - Little Rock, AR 72221 • Email:



Joachim Von Ribbentrop – Hitler’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Germany’s Ambassador to the King of England, The Nazi Diplomat and Deal Maker for the Axis Powers His Diplomat’s Nazi Officer’s Visor Hat & Calling Card, ca. 1939 The notorious Nazi Diplomat - JoachimVon Ribbentrop, who “Heil Hitlered” the King of England when he first met the King, in 1936, in the Court of St. James, was Hitler’s most trusted foreign policy advisor. He was instrumental in forming the alliance between Germany, Japan and Russia along with other countries that later became the Axis which created ‘The’ World War. From rumors about a relationship with King Edwards XIII’s mistress, Wallis Simpson, to backroom deals with Stalin and his communist leaders, to controlling the continent of Africa and trading parts of Eastern Europe back and forth with Stalin, to trading German Military advisors to Japan for export rights with occupied China….the world was a mere Chess game to Von Ribbentrop, involving 10’s of millions of people. This extremely fine German World War II Diplomatic Official’s & Nazi Army General’s Visor Hat was discovered amongst Von Ribbentrop’s personal effects, shortly after the war by a GI in the 11th US Army, his wife’s hat pin and both of his personal Calling Card from their home in (West) Berlin. The large and extremely well made hat is made by the very same hat maker that ‘Hitler’ used and is marked in the crown “Holters Uniformen Berlin W.50”. This April of 1939 pattern hat is made of a very fine quality field grey wool with black wool band, gold piping and very fine quality hand embroidered, and very large, silver wire wreath on black, as well as a German eagle and swastika insignia. This would have been worn by Von Ribbentrop at the very peak of his career as Hitler’s international Deal Maker. The German regulations did not change until 1940 when he would have been required to wear a visor hat with all gold piping and insignia. Provenance: Discovered in West Berlin by a US Army translator in the 11th US Army of Occupation in 1946, shortly after Von Ribbentrop was executed for war crimes. Accompanied by Von Ribbentrop’s Calling card and the Photograph Album of the soldier in the 11th US Army of Occupation, stationed near the Berlin Wall, that brought all these Ribbentrop family items home to America as a war trophy. Accompanied by Letter of Authenticity by Anthony Jessen stating that this German Diplomatic Visor Hat is genuine and “may have possibly” been worn by Germany’s most notorious diplomat J. Von Ribbentrop. Frau Anna Von Ribbentrop’s, Berlin jeweler made, gold Hat Pin 4-sided swastika, along with her Calling Card from their home in Berlin. Anna Elizabeth Henkell, daughter of the famous Champagne producer Otto Henkell married Von Ribbentropp in 1920. He later became Hitler’s 1st Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador to England (where she most likely wore this hat pin at social and political events in London) and meeting with the King of England and latter the Emperor of Japan. $12,500

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The Axis Powers: Germany and Japan • www.GaryHendershott.NET

The 1st SS “ LSH” Dagger of Arnold Jurgensen – Killed in Action at the Battle of the Bulge in 1944 Hitler’s Premier SS Combat Division, “Lead Standard Hitler Division” Arnold Jurgensen joined the German SA or ‘Sturmabteilung’ (Storm Detachment or Storm Troopers) in January of 1932 as Adolph Hitler was consolidating power in Germany. Jurgensen went on to give his life for his country as part of the Waffen-SS (military unit) at the Battle of the Bulge on December 23, 1945, killed by an exploding phosphorus grenade. Haven risen to the rank of Sturmbannfuhrer (Major), he was posthumously awarded the Knight’s Cross for gallantry. Jurgensen was at Normandy where his unit was credited with knocking out 321 US tanks. He was already a war-hardened soldier having participated in the Balkan and Russian campaigns while earning just about every award that could be bestowed upon him. He was presented with this compelling SS LSH dagger at a mystic ceremony meant to recall the heritage of the Teutonic knights. With the black ebony grip bearing the German national eagle above the swastika insignia and a ‘SS’ rune (pre-Latin) insignia at top, the dagger has a highly polished blade with the SS etched motto ‘Meine Ehre Heisst Treue’ (My Honor is Loyalty) and a heavy nickel cross guard with accent grooves. The dagger is accompanied by its original nickel and black-painted scabbard with SS chain and, like the dagger, it is in near-mint condition. The SS chain is attached at the throat and center scabbard ring and is decorated with the intertwined swastikas and SS rune insignia’s. The links have a pebbled background with a dark patina and are connected by an open-work cloverleaf device. The dagger and scabbard are accompanied by an extensive account of Jurgensen’s career which includes many historic, and his original documents before he was killed. This is an excellent and rare example of the SS dagger for Hitler’s elite LSH combat SS storm troopers. In near-mint condition, owned and carried by a Waffen-SS commander until his death at the decisive Battle of the Bulge. Accompanied by an archive of his original documents and letters. $25,000

Gary Hendershott • 501.224.7555 • P.O. Box 22520 - Little Rock, AR 72221 • Email:



A Very Rare & Early German SS Double-Decal Helmet This German SS helmet is one of the few surviving examples that display both the swastika and SS decals on either side. An early pre 1940 production as after the beginning of World War II the SS symbol appeared on both sides. The helmet liner is intact and a important SS showpiece

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The Axis Powers: Germany and Japan • www.GaryHendershott.NET

A Set of Ten Pipes Given by Adolph Hitler to Members of the SS This complete boxed set of smoking pipes represent a grouping given to members of the Schutzstaffel or SS by the German Fuhrer Adolph Hitler. The briar pipes are in excellent mint condition and are encased in an SS box with the SS eagle over swastika emblem green label on the cover. $9,500

Goering’s Gold Plated - Walther Pistol - Owned by Luftwaffe Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering This .32 ACP Walther PPK was owned by Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering of the German Luftwaffe and surrendered in May 1945. Engraved and gold-plated, the pistol is an extremely important historical artifact. Goering was one of the highest ranking Nazis to go before the Nuremberg court where he was sentenced to death, ultimately cheating the hangman by taking cyanide. Hermann Wilhelm Goering (Goring) was a German Ace during World War I receiving the ‘Blue Max’ for heroism. He was the last commander of the fighter squadron once led by the famous ‘Red’ Baron Manfred von Richthofen. In the inter-war years he became close friends with America’s Charles Lindbergh who visited him prior to World War II. But it was as the gluttonous head of the Luftwaffe that he became infamous for being one of the most corrupt – and most powerful wealthiest men in Nazi Germany. Indeed on the very first day of World War II Hitler personally named Goering his successor to lead Germany in the war, “if anything should befall me”, as Hitler said. Goering amassed a personal fortune as well as a magnificent art collection he seized from occupied countries museums or by stealing from Jewish collectors. He was also famous for collecting fine weapons, such as this opulent Gold-plated Walther PPK, a weapon made by master German gunsmiths Walther who still produce weapons in Germany to this day. Accompanied by Letter of Authenticity by Walther pistol expert Dieter Marschall. FFL required, no photo. $95,000

A Rare Mountain SS ‘Edelweiss’ ‘M-43’ Ranger Cap ca. 1943 The Mountain Ranger Division of the German Waffen SS wore this cap decorated with the ‘Edelweiss’ or ‘noble white’ patch on the left side. In very good condition, the cap displays the eagle over swastika patch. The Edelweiss device is still in use by the German army today. $6,500

Gary Hendershott • 501.224.7555 • P.O. Box 22520 - Little Rock, AR 72221 • Email:



An Important Collection of Three SS Officer’s Swords These three SS swords represent three levels of SS swords. The first is a noncommissioned officer’s sword with scabbard 40 inches in length. The second is an SS Officer’s sword 38 inches, while the third is an SS Police Forces model 36 inches all with original scabbards. They are in excellent condition with bright blades. A complete set of 3. $14,500

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The Axis Powers: Germany and Japan • www.GaryHendershott.NET

Gary Hendershott • 501.224.7555 • P.O. Box 22520 - Little Rock, AR 72221 • Email:



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The Axis Powers: Germany and Japan • www.GaryHendershott.NET

A Rare Waffen SS Stag Grip Dress Bayonet Various divisions of the German Army designed dress bayonets for themselves. This SS version is highly ornate with its stag horn grips and eagle pommel. The SS rune insignia is etched on the top of the pommel. In superb condition. $7,500

Gary Hendershott • 501.224.7555 • P.O. Box 22520 - Little Rock, AR 72221 • Email:



A Death’s Head Officer’s Black SS Allgemeine Cap The most recognizable hat of the SS is this black Allgemeine (Universal) black kepi. With its death’s head ‘Totenkopf ’ central device below the eagle over swastika at the top, the cap is accented by a double silver quatrefoil braid. This is an officer’s cap with the patent leather visor and is in very good condition. The authoritative black color and angular designs became the notorious and dreaded symbol of Nazi SS power. $6,500

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The Axis Powers: Germany and Japan • www.GaryHendershott.NET

An Early and Rare SS ‘Totenkopf ’ Brigadier General’s Hat This is a rare gray wool SS Brigadier General’s hat with the central silver ‘Totenkopf ’ death’s head device and eagle over swastika emblem above. The twisted white and black cord at the crown indicates a early SS uniform design. The hat has a gray cloth chinstrap, all in excellent condition. $6,500

SS Prinz Eugen Mountain Division – Five Bugles, Trumpets and Three Banners – Montenegro 1944 The German SS Prinz Eugen Mountain Division, the 7th SS Volunteers, was formed of ethnic Germans and fought in the mountainous regions of the Balkans during World War II. The Division was notorious for its campaigns against civilians in Montenegro where they were accused of mass murder. These bugles, trumpets and banners were used during the Division’s campaigns against the partisan resistance. The Division ended the war fighting the Russians and eventually surrendered to Yugoslav forces led by ‘Tito’ in 1945. These items were captured at that surrender and are rare trophies of war. $5,500

Two German Hitler Youth Drums and a Pair of Drumsticks The Hitler Youth of Germany carried these precision-made tall drums while marching in processions celebrating the Nazi regime. A pair of Hitler Youth drumsticks is included with the drums. Hand painted with Nazi Eagles and Swastika’s with original ropes and vellum heads. The pair $3,500

Gary Hendershott • 501.224.7555 • P.O. Box 22520 - Little Rock, AR 72221 • Email:



A very early SS 1st Regiment of Infantry - Squad Leader’s Sergeants Uniform Coat and Dress Belt This was the 1st SS unit to guard Hitler in the 1920’s This early black SS Squad Leader’s Nazi uniform of the 1st Regiment bears the appropriate lapel insignia, sleeve cuff and buttons for the uniform of a Squad Leader – Sergeant. The armband is of a black swastika on a white field on the red band with black trim. The rare silver uniform belt and SS buckle are included. This uniform also has an Iron Cross First Class affixed to the left chest pocket. The Black SS uniform was designed to express the authoritarianism of the Nazi elite. Black, a traditional German color, expressed the dark side of the German military might as did the corresponding red armband with the swastika. This could be considered the SS uniform that established the Nazi image throughout Europe and around the world as a feared and brutal force to be dealt with. Quite early and amongst the 1st SS uniform’s ever made, this regiment was the 1st to guard Hitler during his “ Beer Hall Speeches” and his rise to power of Germany in 1933 when he deposed Von Hindenburg, leading to a World War in less than a decade. A Very Rare uniform. $18,500

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The Axis Powers: Germany and Japan • www.GaryHendershott.NET

A German ‘Blood Order’ Medal Issued to Commemorate the ‘Beer Hall Putsch’ of Adolph Hitler Adolph Hitler’s ill-fated Beer Hall Putsch at Munich on November 9, 1923 which resulted in his arrest and imprisonment actually gave Hitler a forum to spread his National Socialism. Receiving only an eight month prison term as a result of failed attempt to take over the German government, Hitler used the time in prison to pen his memoir Mein Kampf (My Struggle). After his rise to power in 1934, Hitler used the occasion to issue this ‘Blood Order’ medal to commemorate the Putsch and his ultimate success in assuming power after all. Struck in pure silver, the obverse of the medal depicts an eagle with a wreath in its talons around the date of the Putsch, November 9. With Munchen (Munich) and the years 1923-1933 for the year of the Putsch and the year of his ultimate assumption of power, the reverse has the smug motto ‘UND IHR HABT DOCH GESIEGT’ or ‘...and you were victorious after all’. Included on the reverse is a depiction of the building where the Putsch took place above a swastika below the inscription. This silver medal was only awarded to survivors of the failed coup with later versions being awarded to others. $6,500

A German Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves and Crossed Swords Awarded to Germany’s Most Honored War Heroes A variant of the Iron Cross which was instituted by the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm II during the Napoleonic Wars, this German Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross was Germany’s highest award for gallantry on the battlefield. This Cross with Oak Leaves and Crossed Swords (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern) was an even greater honor. Enacted on September 29, 1941, this honor was given to only the most heroic German soldiers and allies of the Third Reich. Worn at the neck with a distinctive black, white and red ribbon, this example is in excellent condition. There were only 160 of this level crosses awarded during the war making surviving examples very rare. An association whose members had received the cross was formed in 1955. This cross has the iron cross medal with center swastika and date of 1939 for the year Hitler instituted the medal. Above the ring at its attachment to the neck ribbon are the oak leaves soldered to the crossed swords $7,500

Gary Hendershott • 501.224.7555 • P.O. Box 22520 - Little Rock, AR 72221 • Email:



A Nazi Party Political Leader’s Uniform A Senior Command Leader’s Uniform – Appointed by Hitler The Nazi Party issued distinctive paramilitary uniforms to designate rank structure within the party. This complete Gau-level ‘Gauleitung’ (Command Leader’s) uniform is complete with its cap, tunic, breeches and boots. This would have been worn by a Party member who was subordinate only to Hitler himself and his direct Party designees. This was worn by the second level Party command and formed the basis of departmental command structure. Hitler would have personally appointed the wearer who was essentially the Party’s local governor. In excellent condition, the tunic is crafted from light brown wool and has four national eagle over swastika buttons down the front. The Senior Command insignia on each collar includes the eagle and swastika above two laurel branches. The left coat sleeve has the red, white and black swastika arm band appropriate to this rank. The riding form breeches are of the same light brown wool and would tuck into the brown high riding boots included with this uniform. The cap has red piping and is made of light brown wool. At the front is a high stiff crown with the national eagle over a swastika button on a red embroidered disc surrounded by gold embroidered laurel leaves. This is an extremely rare uniform worn by a powerful leader in the Party infrastructure. $8,500

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The Axis Powers: Germany and Japan • www.GaryHendershott.NET

Gary Hendershott • 501.224.7555 • P.O. Box 22520 - Little Rock, AR 72221 • Email:




An Important Imperial Japanese Diplomat’s Uniform London Naval Conference with Churchill Baron Nagayasu Ikeda The diplomatic history between Japan and the United States is extremely important given the breakdown of communications and stalemate which the Japanese broke by attacking Pearl Harbor. With its bicameral government which included the House of Representatives and House of Peers, there was actually much debate on the route diplomacy with the United States Japan should take. An outspoken member of the House Peers, Japan’s upper chamber of government was Nagayasu Ikeda, a hereditary Baron. He is mentioned often in the literature as being involved with the failed diplomacy leading up to the war. As early as 1930 he is quoted as having chided the Japanese military for its failure to secure its cryptology program, blaming the Japanese for its failures to keep telegraph messages secret – and not placing blame on the Americans who had broken the Japanese codes. Baron Ikeda was a delegate to the 1930 London Naval Conference where rules of engagement and numbers of naval vessels allowed among the United States, Great Britain and Japan were agreed upon for the inter-war years. The United States had intercepted the Japanese cables and Ikeda was one of the first to realize that the United States was to be a formidable foe. His resplendent diplomat’s coat and hat that he wore to that historic conference are included here. With magnificent gold braid throughout, Ikeda’s name is embroidered inside his hat. This is a very important discovery and historic diplomat’s set owned by a notable figure who figured prominently in Japan’s foreign relations and war planning. $9,500

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The Axis Powers: Germany and Japan • www.GaryHendershott.NET

A Very Rare Grouping of Important Imperial Japanese Medals and Decorations Owned by an important ‘Axis’ Diplomat to the Third Reich In the years leading up to World War II there was a flurry of activity between the countries of the upcoming Axis alliance. A large grouping of important Japanese medals and items received from the German military as awarded to an yet unknown Japanese officer is part of this important collection. An obvious liaison officer to Hitler’s Germany, this officer collected important Medals throughout what must have been a long career. Captured by an American Army officer during the occupation of Japan in 1946, the earliest medals accumulated by this Japanese officer are indicative of his service in Manchukuo, a Japanese occupied Chinese province and are very rare. Only 110 of the included ‘Order of the Auspicious Clouds, 1st Class’ were ever known to have been produced, much less to have survived the war. Other Manchukuo medals include the National Shrine Foundation Medal, the Inner Mongolia and the National Foundation Merit medal. Very rare medals which would have been awarded to this officer by the Emperor include a magnificent cased set of the Order of the Rising Sun – Grand Cordon and Combat Wounded Badge. Along with these medals are the officer’s two large sets of uniform ribbons and his blue and white Japanese officer’s sash with long tassels. The nine medals of the uniform ribbon bar are indicative of the following awards: Taisho Enthronement medal, 1914-1920 War medal, 1st National Census medal, 1931-1940 Sino-Japanese War Incident Medal and the 2600th Anniversary medal. The Manchukuo medals include the National Foundation Merit medal, Enthronement medal, Imperial Visit to Japan medal and the Japan Red Cross medal Continuing this amazing collection owned by this important diplomat/officer is the German ‘Order of the German Eagle, 1st Class, 1st Type’, a very high order given to only important diplomats of the Axis powers. As rare is the included ‘High Command Badge of the Hitler Youth for Distinguished Foreigners’ which was only awarded to diplomats or army liaison officers. Both of these are in mint condition and in their original cases as presented to this officer. Probably received at the same time is this officer’s personal Japan/Germany flag with the interesting and ominous ‘Rising Sun’ and the Nazi swastika at the upper top left corner, a rare symbol of the upcoming deadly Axis alliance. $32,500

Gary Hendershott • 501.224.7555 • P.O. Box 22520 - Little Rock, AR 72221 • Email:



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The Axis Powers: Germany and Japan • www.GaryHendershott.NET

A Very Rare Imperial Naval Officer’s Uniform Emblematic of the build-up of the Japanese Naval power in the pacific, a complete officer’s uniform from the Sino-Japanese war era, the training grounds for who would latter become the elite naval officers of the Japanese Imperial Navy during World War II. In near mint condition, the hat, coat and pants are a dark blue with the hat bearing the Japanese naval insignia of an anchor surrounded by a gold embroidered wreath. The hat also has a clothing depot arsenal markings inside the crown. A superb exhibit. $2,500

Gary Hendershott • 501.224.7555 • P.O. Box 22520 - Little Rock, AR 72221 • Email:



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