How to Reduce Risk of Viral Infection within Building Design
Cause Mapping Why?
Virus Transferred to Surface
Solution: Surface Cleaning or surface sterilization technology
Basic Cause-and-Effect Relationship
How to Reduce HowRisk to Reduce Risk Cause Mapping MethodCause Mapping Method HOW REDUCE THE RISK of ViralTO Infection of Viral within Infection within How to Reduce Risk CauseSurface Mapping Method Cause Effect Cause Transmission Building Design Building Design OF COVID-19 INFECTION of Viral Infection within Transmission of COVID-19 in buildings requires 2 things - the active virus being present in sufficient quantity to cause infection AND the transmission of that active virus into the respiratory tract Why? of the person being infected. In public buildings, it’s often difficult to control for the presence of the virus, but good design practices can work together to reduce the overall risk of infection. Effect
Virusin bldg Surface contaminatedto Transferred with infectable Surface virus
Because... ®
Solution: Hand touches Infectable Virus Surface Cleaning or surface Basic Cause-and-Effect Relationshi p contaminated sterilization technology
Transmission of COVID-19 inTransmission buildings requires of COVID-19 2 things in- buildings the requires 2 thingsBasic - theCause-and-Effect Relationship Effect on hand Cause surface in contacts face active virus being present in sufficient active virus quantity being to present causeininfection sufficient quantity to cause infection Surfacebuilding in bldg contaminated AND the transmission of that AND activethe virus transmission into the respiratory of that active tractvirus into the respiratory tract with Basic Cause-and-Effect Relationshi p infectable ofTransmission the person beingof infected. of In the public person buildings, being it’s infected. oftenindifficult Inbuildings public buildings, often difficult COVID-19 in buildings requires two things — 2it’s the active Transmission of COVID-19 requires things - the virus tovirus controlbeing for thepresent presence in of to the control virus, for but the good presence design of practices the virus, but good design practices sufficient quantity toincause infection and theinfection Surface Surface active virus being present sufficient quantity to cause can work together of to reduce the can overall work together riskinto of infection. to reduce overall risk ofof infection. AND the transmission ofrespiratory thatthe active virus into the respiratory transmission that active virus the tract the persontract
Transmission Transmission
of the person being In public buildings, oftenthe difficult Risk ofit’s Viral being infected. In public buildings, it’sinfected. often to control for Safetydifficult Impact (contact) into Infection control for the presence of the virus, but good design practices respiratoryVirus tract presence of the virus, to but good design practices can work together to Infectable can work together to reduce the overall risk of infection. on hand reduce the overall risk of infection. contacts face
Safety Impact
Transmission Risk of Viral Risk of Viral Safety Impact (contact) intoInfection Infection respiratory tract
3 Transmission Paths
Transmission (contact) OR into respiratory tract
Transmission Risk of Viral Safety Impact Using the Cause Map diagram we Infection are able highlight (contact) the 3 into respiratory tract potential transmission paths of a viral infection. Each path has Droplet
different control opportunities (Solutions) that can reduce the Transmission risk of transmission. The 3 paths include: Direct contact with infectable A person touches a contaminated surface and then respiratory droplets
Surface Transmission
3 Transmission3Paths Transmission Paths Transmission 3Droplet Transmission Paths
inadvertently touches their face introducing the virus.
Using the Cause Map diagram Using we are the able Cause highlight Map diagram the 3 we are able highlight the 3 potential transmission paths of potential a viral infection. transmission Eachpaths pathof has a viral infection. Each path has control (Solutions) that can reduce the different control opportunitiesdifferent (Solutions) thatopportunities can reduce the An person isThe talking, coughing, or sneezing within close riskinfected of transmission. 3 paths risk of transmission. The 3 paths include: Using diagram weinclude: are able highlight 3 5μm contactthe of Cause others.Map Large Respiratory droplets (greaterthe than potential transmission paths of a viral infection. Each path has to 10μm) makes direct contact to infect. Surface Transmission Surface Transmission different control opportunities (Solutions) that can reduce the OR A person touches a contaminated surface and then A person touches a contaminated and then risk ofsurface transmission. The 3 paths include: Airborne inadvertently touches their Transmission face introducing the virus. inadvertently touches their face introducing(aerosol) the virus. An infected person is talking, coughing, or sneezing. The small Surface Transmission respiratory droplets (less than 5μm to 10μm) remain suspended A person touches a contaminated and then in air for a period of time and over surface greater distance. Droplet Transmission Droplet Transmission inadvertently touches their face introducing the virus. Airborne An infected person is talking,An coughing, infectedor person sneezing is talking, within coughing, close or sneezing within close (aerosol) contact of others. Large Respiratory contact droplets of others. (greater Large Respiratory than 5μm droplets (greater than 5μm to to 10μm) direct contact to infect. to 10μm) makes direct contact infect.makes Droplet Transmission Transmission An infected person is talking, coughing, or sneezing within close
Contact (inhaled) Airborne (aerosol) Transmission Airborne (aerosol) Transmission contact of others. Large Respiratory droplets (greater than 5μm
An infected person is talking,An coughing, infected or person sneezing. is talking, The small coughing, Theinfectable small to 10μm) makes direct contact to infect. or sneezing. with droplet nuclei droplets remain (less suspended than 5μm to 10μm) remain suspended respiratory droplets (less thanrespiratory 5μm to 10μm) in air for a period of time andin over air for greater a period distance. of time and over greater distance. suspended in air
Airborne (aerosol) Transmission
An infected is talking, coughing, or sneezing. The small To learn more visit person our website at email: phone: 281-412-7766 respiratory droplets (less than 5μm to 10μm) remain suspended Copyright 2020for ThinkReliability, Inc. in air a periodNovem, of time
and over greater distance.
Hand touches OR Infectable Virus Surface contaminated on surface in hand Transmission contacts face building
contaminated Solution: surface Mandate masks in for building occupants building Target
Infectable Virus Droplet on hand contacts face Transmission
Solution: contaminated Infected person Design sneezes for Touchless surface in or Occupancy experience building
Direct contact
Hazard with infectable
respiratory Solution: droplets Mandate masks for building occupants
Infected person Droplet sneezes or Transmission coughs Direct contact Droplet
Hand touches AND
Hand touches coughs
Hazard Virus Infectable Solution: transferred to surface ANDorwithin Surface Cleaning surface building sterilization technology
Infectable Virus transferred to surface within building
Solution: Design for Touchless Occupancy Virus experience
accommodate social distancing droplets
with infectable Uninfected respiratory person within droplets a 10 foot radius Airborne
(aerosol) Transmission
Solution: Design for Touchless Occupancy experience Solution:
Clean surfaces with
Small Viral
Contact (inhaled) with infectable droplet nuclei OR in air suspended Hazard
Airborne Infectable virus (aerosol) suspended in air within breathing Transmission zone Airborne Contact (inhaled) (aerosol) with infectable AND Transmission droplet nuclei suspended in air Contact (inhaled) with infectable Target droplet nuclei suspended in air
Exposed face of Person in vicinity
accommodate social distancing zone
Target (6 feet)
Technical Definition: Solution: Any droplets smaller AND Uninfected Design layout ofthan building 5μmto Solution: Solution: person withinaccommodate social distancing Hazard Mandate masks for Mandate masks for a 10 foot radius (6 feet) Target building occupants building occupants
Infectable virus Uninfected suspended Small Viral in air within breathing person within particle expelled a 10 foot zoneradius within breathing zone Technical Definition: Any droplets AND smaller than 5μm
Infectable virus AND Targetin air suspended withinHazard breathing zone Exposed face of Airborne virus Infectable virus Person in vicinity released fromin air suspended fellow occupant within breathing AND floating in zone breathing zone
AND Target OR Exposed face of Person in vicinity
Solution: Viral inactivation device or
Live virus on hands of infected person Solution: Mandate masks for building occupants
Solution: Design for Touchless Large respiratory Occupancy experience
Infected person sneezes or coughs Live virus on hands of infected person
LiveSolution: virus on hands of masks for surface within Mandate masks for Mandate by infected building occupants building occupants infected person building AND person Hazard Infectable Virus Large respiratory Large respiratory Infected personSolution: Infected person Surface in bldg Solution: dropletstransferred to droplets Solution: Target Consider using building materials that are sneezes or OR sneezes ormasks contaminated surface within Mandate for containing virus containing virus (ex: copper) Surface Cleaning or surface coughs hazardous to viral particlescoughs with infectable building occupants Solution: building fall to surface fall to surface sterilization technology Designvirus for Touchless Large respiratory Technical Definition: Technical Definition: Infected person Occupancy Surface inexperience bldg Surface Solution: Any droplets greater than Any dropletsdroplets greater than sneezes or contaminated Clean 5μm to 10μm will fall surfaces with 5μm to 10μm will properties fall virus containing coughs with infectable disinfectant, especially nonHand contacts fall to surface Transmission of COVID-19 in buildings requires 2 things - the porous surfaces virus surface AND(ex: Technical Definition: active virus being present Ability toin sufficient quantity to cause infection door handle) AND AND AND the transmission of that active virus into the respiratory tract Any droplets greater than Survive fall of the person being infected. In public buildings, it’s often difficult Virus able to 5μm to 10μm willSolution: Solution: to control for theSurface presence of the virus, but good design practices AND using building Target on Consider usingon building materials that are Consider materials that are survive can work(ex: together to reduce the overall risk of infection. AND hazardous to viral particles (ex: copper) hazardous to viral particles copper) surface
Solution: particle expelled ANDwith infectable AND or Solution: sneezes respiratory Design Transmission withintobreathing OR layout of building to coughs Design layout of building feet) Target Direct(6contact
Virus transfer to surface via touch by infected person
Transferred to containing virus Virus transfer to Virus transfer to Solution: Live virus fallonto surface Surface surface via touch surface via touch Design for Touchless hands of Technical Definition: by infected by infected Virus Occupancy infected person experience Any droplets greater person personthan Transferred to 5μm to 10μm Infectable Virus fall Viruswill transfer to transferred to Solution: Surface surface via touch OR OR
disinfectant, especially nonSolution: Hand contacts Hand contacts Hazard Solution: porous surfaces Design for Touchless AND surface (ex: surface (ex: Occupancy experience Solution: door handle) Design layout of building doortohandle) accommodate social distancing Mandate masks for Virus able to Target (6 feet) building occupants Handsurvive contacts on Hazard surface (ex: Uninfected surface Infected person Solution: door handle) Solution: person within Mandate masks for Mandate masks for sneezes or a 10 foot radius building occupants building occupants coughs
Infected person
Solution: Design for Touchless Occupancy experience
How to Reduce Risk of Viral Infection within Building Design
Surface Solution: properties Clean surfaces with disinfectant, especially nonporous surfaces Solution: Clean surfaces with Virus able to disinfectant, especially nonAND survive on porous surfaces
Solution: Solution: Surface Cleaning or surface Surface Consider using building materials that are sterilization technology properties hazardous to viral particles (ex: copper)
Airborne virus Turbulent AND airflow patterns
released from Airborne virus recirculated fellow occupant into occupied breathing floating in zone ORthrough breathing zone shared building HVAC
Solution: OR Viral inactivation device or
on Surface Ability to Survive on Surface
Risk of Viral Infection
Trans (cont respira
Solution: Solution: Virus able to Surface Cleaning or surface Surface Cleaning or surface AND survive on sterilization technology sterilization technology surface Solution: Increasing Humidity can reduce Strength ofSolution: Strength of Solution: evaporation, ability to remainlipid airborne Virus survives Virus survives protective protective lipid Surface Cleaning or surface Design systems that move air (able to infect) (able to infect) envelope on sterilization technology envelope on out of the breathing zone. For Particle evaporates virus virus ex: supply low and return high Strength of Cause Map diagram we are able highlight the 3 to become light Using the Virus survives potential enough to be protective lipidtransmission paths of a viral infection. Each path (able to infect) oncontrol opportunities (Solutions) that can reduce airborne Location of envelope air different risk of transmission. The 3 paths include: supply and virus
3 Transmission Paths
AND Solution: Solution: Small Viral Solution: Increasing Humidity can reduce Increasing Humidity can reduce particle expelled Mandate masks for Solution: evaporation, ability to remain airborne evaporation, ability to remain airborne within breathing occupants Design systems that move air Airbornebuilding virus zone Turbulentout airflow of thepatterns breathing zone. For released from Solution: Particle evaporates Particle evaporates Small Viral within space ex:the supply low and return high Technical Definition: fellow occupant Increasing Humidity can reduce to become light to become light Anyparticle dropletsexpelled smaller evaporation, ability to remain airborne floating in enough to be enough to be within than 5μm breathing breathing zone Location of air airborne airborne zone Particle evaporates supply and Technical Definition: to becomereturn light AND Any droplets smaller AND to be enough than 5μmAND OR airborne Solution: released from Solution: within the space occupant Viral fellow inactivation device or floating in air capture device within breathing zone Airborne virus handling unit
Strength of Ability to protective lipid envelope on Survive virus Safety Impact
Ability to Virus survives Surface (able to infect) Survive properties AND on Surface
Surface Transmission
A person touches a contaminated surface and then
inadvertently touches their face introducing the virus. Solution:Solution: Low velocity minimizes Design systems that move air andzone. can displace out of themixing breathing For AND Droplet Transmission warmer air containing ex: supply low and return high infectedout person is talking, coughing, or sneezing withi viralAn particles of Solution:breathing contact of others. Large Respiratory droplets (greater tha zone Design systems that move airdirect contact to infect. makes Location of air to 10μm) of the breathing zone. For Airout supply supply and ex: supply low and return high Airborne (aerosol) Transmission velocity return An infected person is talking, coughing, or sneezing. The respiratory droplets (less than 5μm to 10μm) remain susp Location of air in air for a period of time and over greater distance. Solution: Ability to Remain Low velocity minimizes supply andLow velocity minimizes return Airborne Turbulent airflow mixing patterns and can displace AND mixing and can displace AND AND warmer air containing warmer air containing within the space viral particles out of viral particles out of Solution: breathing zone breathing zone Low velocity minimizes Turbulent airflow patterns mixing and can displace AND Air supply Air supply warmer air containing within the space velocity velocity viral particles out of To learn more visit our website at breathing zone
Ability to Remain Airborne
ThinkReliability, Novem, Inc. AirAbility supply Copyright to2020Remain velocity
phone: 281-412-7766