Hendrix Magazine - 2008-2009 Winter

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WINTER 2008-2009


Odyssey Medals — Page 9



447 New Students — Page 10


Historic Election — Page 13


President Cloyd talks with Bob and Nadine Miller of Fort Smith after the announcement of their gift, which will establish the Miller Center for Vocation, Calling and Ethics at Hendrix.

Preparing leaders for a world of infinite possibilities WE LIVE IN FINANCIALLY CHALLENGING TIMES. IT IS difficult to keep focused on the future when today’s issues loudly demand attention. But, Hendrix’s mission is to prepare today’s students to be tomorrow’s leaders, so focusing on the future is critical to our success. Tough economic times cause finite problems — issues that must be dealt with to ensure we have a robust future. The administration, the Trustees, the faculty and staff of the College will continue to address these issues, working together in the best interests of Hendrix. We want to keep our students focused on the infinite possibilities before them. So, as 2009 begins, we are looking beyond what will happen during the spring semester or during the coming academic year. As an institution, we are thinking about how Hendrix can best meet the needs of the Class of 2015 and 2020. And, we are helping our students think beyond the next test or the next paper to what kind of work they want to do and what kind of life they want to lead after they leave Hendrix. Two programs that help our students prepare for their roles in a world of infinite possibilities are Your Hendrix Odyssey: Engaging in Active Learning and the Hendrix-Lilly Vocations Initiative — soon to become the Miller Center for Vocation, Calling and Ethics. Both are featured in this issue of HENDRIX magazine. Turn to page 9 to learn about the six Hendrix alumni who were awarded Odyssey Medals in October. These six are outstanding exemplars who have distinguished themselves in the six categories of the Odyssey Program: artistic creativity, global awareness, professional and leadership development, service to the world, undergraduate research and special projects. They are recognized for their accomplishments with Odyssey Medals awarded by the Hendrix Board of Trustees, and our students look to them as role models as they plan their own Odyssey experiences. Since it began in 2005, the Odyssey Program has awarded close to $1 million to fund Odyssey Projects that allow students and faculty to pursue their passions and examine their world from diverse viewpoints. The Odyssey Program is the reason we are setting new enrollment records (page 10), attracting national attention (page 4), and inspiring alumni to get involved and give back (page 16). The Hendrix-Lilly Vocations Initiative has been inspiring Hendrix students to think about how faith and vocation are linked. Turn to page 11 to learn more about how this program has affected Hendrix

students in a reprint of an article by Amy Meredith Forbus ’96 that first appeared in the United Methodist Reporter, a national publication published in Dallas. On page 12, you’ll learn about a generous gift from the Miller Foundation in Fort Smith that will help us continue the work of the Hendrix-Lilly Initiative after the grant that founded the program runs out at the end of the current fiscal year. These two programs help keep Hendrix students focused on discovering who they are and what special gifts they bring to the world. Because of the Odyssey Program, I expect to hear more stories about students such as Alexandra Reilman ’10 from Austin, Texas, who received Odyssey funding to visit cathedrals, basilicas and churches in Italy, exploring how their architecture epitomizes Catholic faith, or such as Dana Clark ’10 from Conway who received a grant to organize a spring fair for autistic children at a local school, giving them a break from therapy and medicine to just be kids for a day. I want students to be thinking about the future when they are on missions trips to Tanzania or to the Navajo Nation in New Mexico or when they are attending a Tuesday Talks luncheon to hear Hendrix faculty or staff members talk about how they found their calling. I want them to see ways to connect what they’ve learned in the classroom to what they are experiencing in the field. I want them to see the needs before them and to understand what they can do to meet those needs. I want them to learn who they are and what they are capable of doing and to understand how important it is to the world that they use their talents and skills to make a difference. This is important work — the kind of work that we can’t allow the finite problems of today to derail. So, even while we are feeling the budget pressures just like everyone else and are dealing with them in a prudent fashion, Hendrix will not be consumed by these issues. They are finite problems — with a beginning and an end. When the financial picture improves, Hendrix will be ready to take on the infinite possibilities before it, just as our graduates will be. Thanks to the support of our alumni and friends, The Hendrix Campaign is moving forward even in these difficult times (page 31). We are on track to reach our goal of $100 million by our 2010 deadline. We are confident that, with your continued support, we will reach this goal. With your help, the finite problems of today will be behind us soon and the future will stretch out before us, displaying all its infinite possibilities. �

J. Timothy Cloyd, Ph.D., President

C O N T E N T S A Magazine for Alumni & Friends WINTER 2008-2009 VOLUME 21 � NUMBER 2 J. TIMOTHY CLOYD, PH.D. President W. ELLIS ARNOLD III ’79 Executive Vice President and Dean of Advancement MICHAEL V. HUTCHISON Associate Vice President for Development MELISSA JENKINS Assistant Director of Annual Giving CHRISSY JENNINGS ’01 Director of Major Gifts



The Hendrix Board of Trustees selected six alumni to receive Odyssey Medals recognizing their accomplishments in the six areas of the Odyssey Program: artistic creativity, global awareness, professional and leadership development, service to the world, research and special projects.

LEIGH LASSITER-COUNTS ’01 Director of Annual Giving ROBERT O’CONNOR ’95 Director of Foundation Relations BROOKE AUGUSTA OWEN, J.D. ’01 Director of Planned Giving PAMELA R. OWEN ’82 Associate Vice President for Alumni and Constituent Relations

BARBARA HORTON Director of Stewardship, Alumni and Constituent Relations



Hendrix welcomed 447 new students in August 2008, the largest class in the College’s history. The Class of 2012 pushed the College’s enrollment above 1,300 students, another history-making record.

11 HEARING THE CALL Since 2003, a grant-funded program has helped Hendrix students seek out their life’s calling. A $1 million gift from the Miller Foundation in Fort Smith will ensure that the search continues after the original grant runs out in 2009.

TERESA CLOGSTON OSAM ’72 Coordinator of Special Events HELEN S. PLOTKIN Associate Vice President, Communications and Marketing Editor RAE HAMAKER ’10 Assistant Editor Contributors JOSH DAUGHERTY Web Designer JAMIE FOTIOO Enrollment Communications Manager BRIAN REJER Sports Information Director MARK SCOTT Director of Media Relations


Professor Jay Barth ’87, an often-quoted political analyst, keeps his skills sharp by immersing himself in the Iowa caucuses. What he learned has enriched his teaching. It’s all part of his goal to help students see public service as a noble profession.

16 LIFE CASTS ELIZABETH SMALL ’81 IN A LEADING ROLE Most of her roles haven’t been anywhere near a stage, but theatre major Elizabeth Smith Small ’81 is a star in the world of business and civic affairs.

BETH TYLER Director of Interactive Marketing FELISHA WEAVER Communications Assistant Photography by

Shane Brown, Bob Handelman Stuart Holt, Felisha Weaver HENDRIX is published by Hendrix College, 1600 Washington Avenue, Conway, Arkansas 72032-3080. This magazine is published for Hendrix College alumni, parents of students and friends. Permission is granted to reprint material from this magazine provided credit is given and a copy of the reprinted materials is sent to the Editor. Postmaster, please send form 3579 to Office of Institutional Advancement, Hendrix College, 1600 Washington Avenue, Conway, Arkansas 72032-3080 (501) 450-1223 FAX (501) 450-3881

www.hendrix.edu HENDRIX is printed on recycled paper.


20 Alumni Album 21 Alumnotes 18 Athletics

2 Campus News 31 Development 6 Faculty News

16 30 In Memoriam 29 Marriages 29 New Children

ON THE COVER: Hendrix students walk out of Staples Auditorium into the Butler

Plaza on a crisp fall day. Photo by Bob Handelman.

1 2008-2009


JULIE JANOS ’94 Director of Target Cities Programs


CLAUDIA COURTWAY Director of Parent Relations




Barth, King, McDaniel inducted as Distinguished Professors



THREE HENDRIX COLLEGE PROFESSORS WERE INSTALLED as Distinguished Professors on Sept. 18, the highest honors bestowed on Hendrix professors. The newest Distinguished Professors are: Dr. W. Jay Barth, the M.E. and Ima Graves Peace Distinguished Professor of Politics. Dr. Barth graduated from Hendrix in 1987 with a B.A. in American Studies. He received a master’s degree in 1989 and a Ph.D. in 1994 in political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Since 1994, Dr. Barth has been a faculty member in the Department of Politics at Hendrix where he has served as chair of the department and chair of the Gender Studies program. He is a four-time recipient of the Hendrix Senior Class’s Faculty Appreciation Award. In 2007, Barth was named Arkansas Professor of the Year by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). Dr. Ian T. King, the Harold and Lucy Cabe Distinguished Professor of Politics and International Relations. King was born in 1951 in the village of Digby, Lincolnshire, England. After graduating from Carre’s Grammar School, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, in 1969, he had a brief stint with Britain’s Land Registry as a mapmaker before joining the Royal Navy. From 1978-80 Dr. King studied at the University of Hull in England where he read politics, graduat-

BLESS YOU, MY PET Pamela Owen ’82 (right), associate vice president for Alumni and Constituent Relations at Hendrix, is among those who brought their special furry friends to campus for a special blessing ceremony. Chaplain J. Wayne Clark ’84 blessed more than a dozen dogs and cats – and even a hedgehog and a corn snake – during a Pet Blessing Ceremony in the center of campus on the first Sunday in October. After the ceremony, Clark provided individual blessings for the pets in attendance, and special treats were distributed to the furry attendees. Pet blessings are traditionally conducted in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, known as the patron saint of animals. It was the first time Hendrix has hosted such a blessing, although the College plans to make the ceremony an annual event. �

Newly installed Distinguished Professors include (from left) Dr. Ian King, Dr. Jay Barth and Dr. Jay McDaniel.

ing with a B.A. (Honours) degree. From 1980-84 Dr. King attended the University of Minnesota. He earned his Ph.D. in political science in October 1984. Over the last 23 years he has taught courses in all the major subfields of political science and has helped to establish the new International Relations program at Hendrix. Dr. King has authored four books, the latest of which came out in 2008. While retaining his British and EU citizenship, he was naturalized as a U.S. citizen in 1998. Dr. John B. (Jay) McDaniel, the Willis T. Holmes Distinguished Professor of Religion. McDaniel earned a B.A. in English Literature with a minor in philosophy from Vanderbilt University and a Ph.D. in philosophy of religion and theology from Claremont Graduate University. At Hendrix, Dr. McDaniel serves as director of the Steel Center for the Study of Religion and Philosophy. Dr. McDaniel has done much work in China, helping establish 17 centers for process studies. He has been a guest professor at Guangxi Normal University in Guilin, China since 2006. He is a member of the Board of the China Project of the Center for Process Studies in Claremont, Calif.; the Center for Constructive Postmodern Development in China, also based in Claremont; and the China Project of the Associated Colleges of the South. McDaniel is the author of six books and has published more than 30 articles in journals such as Environmental Ethics, Process Studies and the Journal of Ecumenical Studies. During the installation convocation, President J. Timothy Cloyd recognized the three newest Distinguished Professors as “master teachers, scholars, advisors and mentors” to numerous classes of Hendrix students. He acknowledged Hendrix’s “proud tradition of excellence” in teaching, crediting the college’s professors for the successes of Hendrix. “There are giants in our past, but there are no fewer giants in our present,” President Cloyd said of the College’s faculty. “We have much to be proud of because of the dedication of our faculty, and today is a day to recognize what great strength resides in our faculty.” Distinguished Professorships are granted through a process involving the president, a committee of faculty members, and the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. The recipients are selected based on their teaching ability, scholarly research or production, character, and their commitment to the ideals of the College. In addition to the honor, recipients also receive a salary increase and a guaranteed professional development stipend. Faculty honored as Distinguished Professors traditionally maintain the positions until retirement. �


Green Cars

Hendrix adds electric cars to fleet

Photo by Liberty Parks, Log Cabin Democrat.

Replacing two of the College’s utility vehicles with electric cars is part of Hendrix’s continuing efforts to maintain the campus in an environment-friendly fashion.

Hendrix students volunteer to help cancer patients

ON SATURDAY, NOV. 15, STUDENTS GATHERED IN the Trieschmann Gallery to join with Care Cap Connections to prepare caps for cancer patients. The students participated in a “cut-in,” a non-sewing event, where volunteers cut, ironed, and prepped the fabric so that at the next “sew-in” volunteers would be able to concentrate on sewing and therefore produce a large quantity of finished caps. The project was sponsored by the College’s student-led Volunteer Action Committee.

Hendrix students worked alongside Mary Philips, an Arkansas native who established Care Cap Connections to provide hand-made caps (which could be characterized as head scarves) for chemotherapy patients. The organization she started has spread across the nation and, so far, has prepared more than 11,000 caps that have been distributed free to cancer patients. �

3 2008-2009

to do everyday work.” The vehicles are characterized as “zero-emissions personal transportation that is well integrated with traditional alternative transportation choices such as mass transit and carpooling.” Hendrix continues to promote “Green” initiatives on campus — inside and outside the classroom — expanding on the number of environment-friendly offerings and procedures at the College. From offering an Environmental Studies major to constructing The Village at Hendrix, Hendrix has enhanced its course and campus programming relating to sustainable issues. Learn more about green initiatives at Hendrix at www.hendrix.edu/green. �


HENDRIX COLLEGE PLACED ITS FIRST ELECTRIC CARS into service on campus in November. The new cars are an environmentally friendly alternative to gas-powered vehicles utilized throughout the campus. Two Global Electric Motorcars were immediately put into use on campus by the Physical Plant. The vehicles replaced two older gas-powered vehicles in the fleet. “Not only is this a better vehicle for the environment, it will create a significant savings of gas and oil costs annually for Hendrix,” said Loyd Ryan, an associate vice president for business and the director of facilities at Hendrix. “These vehicles are silent, do not produce emissions, and represent a new way of operating an on-campus vehicle fleet. Given the current economic situation, we would be surprised if most Colleges don’t eventually take this environmentally friendly approach.” Hendrix has 16 small vehicles used to maneuver around walkways on campus for maintenance and other purposes. At an annual cost of $400 per vehicle for fuel, the College will see immediate savings from the motorcars, Ryan said. More importantly, Ryan said, the cars fit with the College’s sustainability goals. Global Electric Motorcars, a Chrysler company, has been in operation for 10 years. The company calls its vehicles “a versatile and efficient way to get the job done, as well as a clean way



College receives national, regional attention in the news



Hendrix in the press

HENDRIX COLLEGE PRESIDENT J. TIMOTHY CLOYD was featured in the August edition of the nationally-circulated Money magazine discussing the rising costs of higher education in the United States. President Cloyd’s photograph was published along with the article. The article came after Cloyd was similarly interviewed for a Bloomberg News article earlier in the summer. In November, the new Crain-Maling Jewish Cultural Center at Hendrix was featured in New Voices, a New York-based national Jewish publication. In October, Hendrix was featured in the religion section of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette when it announced a $1 million gift from Bob and Nadine Miller of Fort Smith to establish the Miller Center for Vocation, Calling and Ethics. In August, Hendrix received extensive media coverage for its leadership in bringing Rwandan students to Arkansas. All four Little Rock television stations covered an event at the State Capitol where Gov. Mike Beebe welcomed 25 of Rwanda’s best and brightest students to Arkansas. Ten students from Rwanda are pursuing their undergraduate degrees at Hendrix, while other students are attending colleges through a consortium of colleges organized by Hendrix. In July, Hendrix received extensive coverage throughout Arkansas when it announced a joint degree program with the

Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). Beginning in their junior year, students at Hendrix can start earning select credit hours through the joint program that will go toward both the undergraduate degrees and a Master of Public Health degree from UAMS. It was the first such partnership between an Arkansas college and UAMS. The Democrat-Gazette also featured Hendrix junior Aditya Oza of Little Rock just before his Odyssey trip to India where he worked in the billion-dollar Bollywood film industry. �

Three Arkansans honored with Steel-Hendrix Awards HENDRIX COLLEGE HONORED THREE ARKANSANS DURING THE 24th annual Steel-Hendrix Awards banquet Oct. 5. Dr. Brooks Holifield ’63 delivered the keynote Willson Lecture. Nicki Spencer of Little Rock received the Youth Director of the Year Award, and Jenni Duncan of Little Rock received the Mary and Ira A. Brumley Award for Religious Education. The Ethel K. Millar Award for Religion and Social Awareness was given to Stephen J. Copley of Little Rock. The event was sponsored by the Marshall T. Steel Center for the Study of Religion and Philosophy. �

Tour Italy’s Lake District with Hendrix alumni WOULD YOU LIKE TO VISIT ITALY’S MAGNIFICENT LAKE DISTRICT WITH a group of Hendrix friends and learn more about the area from Dr. Garrett McAinsh, Harold and Lucy Cabe Distinguished Professor Emeritus of History? If your answer is “yes,” then the Hendrix Alumni Association has organized the perfect trip for you. Dr. McAinsh will lead a trip to Italy this fall. The tour group will arrive in Milan and spend seven nights at the Lido Palace Hotel on the edge of Lake Maggiore in Baveno. The itinerary includes a cruise on Lake Orta, a visit to the Borromean Islands, time to explore Tremezzo, Bellagio and Como, a day in Milan, and time on your own to sample local cuisine and culture. Travel dates are Sept. 15-23, 2009. Cost of the land portion of the trip, including most meals, is $2,695 per person, double occupancy. You can save $100 per person by booking before March 24. Airfare varies by departure location, but includes motorcoach transfers and baggage handling when arranged through the tour company. For more details, visit www.hendrix.edu/TourItaly. � � One of the magnificent buildings in Milan, where the Lake District tour begins.

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HENDRIX in the world



Since 2005, Hendrix has sent 638 participants to 73 countries around the world through the Odyssey Program, Study Abroad, the Hendrix-Lilly Office and the HendrixMurphy Program. The Top Ten countries attracting the most Hendrix travelers are:


Mexico Fran








Candlelight 2007 CD Available for Purchase A professionally prepared CD recording of the 2007 Candlelight Carol Service is available for $15. The recording includes the complete service and features choral music by C. Hubert H. Parry, Felix Mendelssohn, Richard Dering, Bob Chilcott, Harold Darke, René Clausen, and others, as well as the beloved processional, “Once in Royal David’s City.” The choir is under the direction of Dr. Nancy Fleming; Wayne Clark, Hendrix Chaplain, is the liturgist; and Ansley Fleming, College Organist, is the organist for the service. For more information about the CD, please contact Dr. Fleming at fleming@hendrix.edu. To order one or more copies, please mail a check made out to Hendrix College to Dr. Fleming at the following address: Music Department Hendrix College 1600 Washington Avenue Conway, AR 72032 Please include $5 for shipping and handling.

5 2008-2009

TOP 10 • Mexico • France • Vietnam • Italy • Peru


• England • Costa Rica • China • Germany • Spain



In addition to their work in the classroom, Hendrix faculty members engage in research and professional activities that expand their expertise and enrich their teaching. Here is a small sample of the professional activities of Hendrix faculty.



� Fred Ablondi, associate professor of philosophy, published “François Lamy, Occasionalism, and the Mind-Body Problem” in Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (October 2008): 619–29. � David Bailin, adjunct professor of art, published “Pick-Axe” (2002), charcoal on paper, private collection full-color reproduction accompanying “Writing on Writing (The Agony and the Ecstasy)” by Jeff Baker in Oxford American Magazine 60 (Spring 2008): 117. � Jay Barth, M.E. and Ima Graves Peace Professor of Politics, presented “The Framing of Policy Making: A Comparative Analysis of State-Level Immigration Policies in the United States,” with Gary Reich at the 2008 Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology. � Eric Binnie, professor of theatre arts, received a National Endowment for the Humanities grant to attend the Summer Institute, “W.B. Yeats: A Reassessment,” in Galway, Sligo, and Dublin, July-August. � Chris Campolo, associate professor of philosophy, and Nancy Fleming, professor of music, received a $6,500 Phi Beta Kappa Teagle Grant on Deliberation in the Liberal Arts. � Stella Capek, professor of sociology, published “The Social Construction of Nature: Of Computers, Butterflies, Dogs, and Trucks” in Twenty Lessons in Environmental Sociology edited by Kenneth A. Gould and Tammy L. Lewis, New York: Oxford University Press, 2009: 11-24. � W. Dwayne Collins, professor of mathematics, published “Studying interval valued matrix games with fuzzy logic” with Chenyi Hu in Soft Computing 12 (2008): 147 – 155. � Hope Coulter, adjunct professor of English, published her poem “The Last Joke” in Spoon River Poetry Review XXXIII:1 (Spring 2008): 126 and “Poetry Thieves” in Slant XXII (Summer 2008): 23. � Bob Dunn, professor of physics, presented “A 51m perimeter ring laser for detecting ground motion,” at the U.S. Geological Survey International Rotational Seismology Workshop at Menlo Park, Calif., Sept. 18-19. � Karen Fannin, assistant professor of music, presented “Creating a “Behind-the-Scenes” Concert: How Making Interdisciplinary Connections Using Technology Can Enhance and Deepen Audience Understanding,” at the Creativity Across the Curriculum Conference of the National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education at Willamette University. � Gabe Ferrer, associate professor of computer science, and C. Ye (PI), received a $20,000 grant from the Arkansas Space Grant Consortium for “Development of Algorithms to Mitigate the Effects of Lunar Dust on Robot Exploration.” � Anne Goldberg, assistant professor of anthropology, and Maxine Payne, associate professor of art, received a $5,720 ACS Interdisciplinary Grant for “The Women of San Luis, Costa Rica: Sharing Life Experiences Through Oral History and Photography.” � Courtney Hatch, assistant professor of chemistry, published “Analysis of atmospheric aerosols” in Annual Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, Volume 1 (July): 485-514.

� J. Brett Hill, assistant professor of anthropology, published “Demography, Agricultural Potential, and Identity among Ancient Immigrants,” with Patrick D. Lyons and Jeffery J. Clark in The Social Construction of Communities in the Ancient Southwest, edited by M. Varien and J. Potter (2008). � James Jennings, professor of education and history, was selected to participate in a Slave Narratives Seminar, funded by Gilder Lehrman Institute for American History, at Yale University, June 15-18. � Randy Kopper, professor of chemistry and natural sciences area chair, presented “Adsorption of Peanut Proteins by Over-the-Counter Activated Charcoal” at the 64th Annual National Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology in March 2008. The abstract was published in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (February 2008) Supplement, Volume 121, Number 2, abstract #718, page S313. � Matthew Lopas, associate professor of art, exhibited his work at a Bowery, NYC show, June 19-July 5, www.exhibitionpreview.com. � Jay McDaniel, Willis T. Holmes Distinguished Professor of Religion, lectured at the International Symposium on Postmodern Agriculture and the Development of Western China, Shanxi Agricultural University, July 21-23. � Ralph McKenna, professor of psychology, was chair of Music in Popular Culture III: Research and Studies of the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association, in San Francisco in March. � Kristi McKim, assistant professor of English/ film studies, published “Learning to Love What Passes: Sensual Perception, Temporal Transformation, and Epistemic Production in Hirokazu Kore-eda’s After Life“ in Camera Obscura, vol. 23 no. 2 68 (2008): 69-101. � John Sanders, professor of religion, published “Divine Providence and the Openness of God,” in Divine Providence: Four Views, edited by Bruce Ware (Broadman and Holman, 2008). � Aaron Simmons, assistant professor of philosophy, presented “Existential Appropriations: The Influence of Jean Wahl on Levinas’s Reading of Kierkegaard,” to the Søren Kierkegaard Society in conjunction with the national meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Chicago, Ill. � Deborah A. Skok, associate professor of history, published “The Historiography of Catholic Laywomen and Progressive Era Reform” in U.S. Catholic Historian vol. 26 no. 1 (Winter 2008): 1-22. � David Sutherland, associate provost and professor of mathematics, is the 2008-2011 president of the national council of Pi Mu Epsilon honorary mathematics society. � Daniel Whelan, assistant professor of politics and international relations, published “The West, Economic and Social Rights, and the Global Human Rights Regime: Setting the Record Straight,” with Jack Donnelly, in Human Rights Quarterly 29(4): 908-949 (November). � Bobby Williamson, assistant professor of religion, published “Reading Job from the Margins: Dialogical Exegesis and Theological Education,” in Society of Biblical Literature FORUM (Summer 2008). �

Professors’ recent publications add up HENDRIX PROFESSORS HAVE PUBLISHED EIGHT books or book-length reports in the last 18 months, including:

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Maxine Payne, associate professor of art, with Edwin Jager (designer) and Julia Leonard (book binder): “Picture Making, Three for a Dime,” Chambers Studio, artist book, limited edition of 25.

ALEX VERNON, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH, IS receiving national notice for his newest book On Tarzan, published in October 2008 by the University of Georgia Press. It has been described as a sometimes playful, sometimes serious, and always a provocative consideration of the 20th century’s best-known fictional character. It is also the first book-length investigation of a century’s worth of Tarzan’s incarnations and society’s varied imaginative responses to them. As Vernon looks at how and why society has accorded mythical, archetypal status to Tarzan, he takes stock of the Tarzan books, films, and comics as well as some of the many faux- and femme-Tarzan rip-offs, the toys and other tie-in products, the fanzines, and the appropriation of Tarzan’s image in the media. In the Oct. 3, 2008, edition of the Chronicle of Higher Education, Vernon asks in an essay drawn from his book: “Should we take Tarzan seriously? After all, Edgar Rice Burroughs didn’t?” He draws on Burroughs’ text and dialogue from movie scripts to show how firmly and often the author’s tongue was planted in his cheek as he wrote. Tarzan first appeared in 1912. To ponder his journey from jungle lord then to Disney boy-toy now is, as Vernon writes, to touch on “childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, especially for the male of the species; on colonialism and nationhood; on Hollywood and commerce, race and gender, sex and death, Darwin and Freud. On nature — is Tarzan friend or foe? On imagination and identity.” Vernon exposes the contradictions, ambiguities, and coincidences of the Tarzan phenomenon. Vernon, also the author of the books The Eyes of Orion, Soldiers Once and Still, Arms and the Self and Most Succinctly Bred.�

Mark S. Schantz, associate provost for engaged learning and professor of history: Awaiting the Heavenly Country: The Civil War and America’s Culture of Death (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, May 2008).

Did Civil War-era attitudes about death facilitate carnage?

Jay Barth ’87, M.E. and Ima Graves Peace Professor of Politics: Arkansas Education in the Post-Lake View Era: What Is Arkansas Doing to Close the Achievement Gap? 2008. Report developed for Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families and the Arkansas Public Policy Panel (with Keith A. Nitta). Ashby Bland Crowder, M.E. and Ima Graves Peace Professor Emeritus of English, American Literature, and the Humanities, editor: Far From Home: Selected Letters of William Humphrey (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2008). Ian King, Harold and Lucy Cabe Distinguished Professor of Politics and International Relations and Morriss and Ann Henry Odyssey Professor: The Political Theory of Darwinism: Zoon Politikon and the Evolutionary Case for Social Democracy (Edwin Mellen Press, 2008). Jerry Mayo, associate professor of kinesiology: 101 Weight Loss Tips (LifeTips, Inc., 2008).

Aaron Simmons, assistant professor of philosophy: Levinas and Kierkegaard: Ethics, Politics, and Religion (coedited with David Wood), Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2008. Deb Skok, associate professor of history: More than Neighbors: Catholic Settlements and Day Nurseries in Chicago, 1893-1930 (Northern Illinois University Press, 2007). Alex Vernon, associate professor of English: On Tarzan, (The University of Georgia Press, October 2008). �

MARK S. SCHANTZ, ASSOCIATE PROVOST FOR engaged learning, professor of history and director of the Odyssey Program, asks in his new book if the beliefs about death and dying that most Americans shared during the Civil War actually made killing, dying and grieving easier. Awaiting the Heavenly Country: The Civil War and America’s Culture of Death was published in May 2008 by the Cornell University Press. It received national notice in publications including The New Yorker and the New York Review of Books, both of which paired it with Continued on page 8

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Alex Vernon analyzes pop icon in On Tarzan





Continued from page 7



reviews of the latest book by Civil War historian Drew Gilpin Faust, who was recently named president of Harvard University. “Americans came to fight the Civil War in the midst of a wider cultural world that sent them messages about death that made it easier to kill and to be killed. They understood that death awaited all who were born and prized the ability to face death with a spirit of calm resignation,” Schantz writes. “They believed that a heavenly eternity of transcendent beauty awaited them beyond the grave. They knew that their heroic achievements would be cherished forever by posterity. They grasped that death itself might be seen as artistically fascinating and even beautiful.” He addresses topics such as the pervasiveness of death in the culture of antebellum America; theological discourse and debate on the nature of heaven and the afterlife; the rural cemetery movement and the inheritance of the Greek revival; death as a major topic in American poetry; African American notions of death, slavery and citizenship; and a treatment of the art of death — including memorial lithographs, postmortem photography and Rembrandt Peale’s major exhibition painting “The Court of Death.” Schantz, who regularly teaches a “History of Death in America” course, involved his students in research for the book. �

Public comment on reaccreditation requested

Griebling compositions collected for CD KAREN GRIEBLING, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, IS releasing a CD titled Wildfire! devoted entirely to her original compositions, produced by Vienna Modern Masters (VMM 2052). The CD will include: El Bailador Zozbroso, an orchestral tone poem commissioned by the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra, Summer Muse for English Horn and Clarinet, Nine Songs from This Dancing Ground of Sky for Soprano and Chamber Orchestra, and other works by Griebling. �

Hendrix College is seeking comments from the public about the College in preparation for its periodic evaluation by its regional accrediting agency. The College will undergo a comprehensive evaluation visit March 30April 1, 2009, by a team representing The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Hendrix College has been accredited by the Commission since 1924. The team will review the institution’s ongoing ability to meet the Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation. The public is invited to submit comments regarding the College to: Public Comment on Hendrix College The Higher Learning Commission 30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400 Chicago, IL 60602 Comments must address substantive matters related to the quality of the institution or its academic programs. Comments must be in writing and signed; comments cannot be treated as confidential. All comments must be received by Feb. 27, 2009.


From left: Robyn H. Horn ’73, Darren K. McGuire ’89, Terry J. (TJ) Ticey ’80, Joseph M. Beck II ’77, John H. Adams ’78, and Shane Nunn ’87

Six honored with Odyssey Medals HENDRIX AWARDED ODYSSEY MEDALS to six alumni whose life achievements exemplify the Hendrix Odyssey program during a special ceremony as a part of the college’s annual Founders Day on Oct. 23. The 2008-09 Odyssey Medal recipients include:

Robyn H. Horn ’73 is a full-time, selfemployed sculptor whose work has drawn regional and national recognition. Using the

Joseph M. Beck II ’77 earned a medical degree from University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. His area of practice is hematology, oncology and internal medicine. Approximately one-third of his practice involves HIV patients, whom he treats with state-of-the-art care and compassion. He donates his time and knowledge as a leader in HIV care by speaking to high school and college students concerning the facts of HIV and AIDS, and provides a monthly AIDS Conference to medical providers in central Arkansas. He is recognized for Service to the World.

2007-08 Odyssey Medalist

John H. Adams ’78, Ph.D., worked as a teaching assistant in the Department of Biology while at Hendrix. He went on to earn a M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Veterinary Medical Science from the University of Illinois and currently serves as a professor at the College of Medicine at the University of South Florida in Tampa. His research on the biology of malaria parasites focuses on new ways to control and prevent malaria, a disease that claims a life every 30 seconds, making it the leading cause of death and disease worldwide. He is recognized for Research. �

You can nominate someone for an Odyssey Medal Odyssey Medals are presented by the Board of Trustees to individuals whose life achievements exemplify the Hendrix Odyssey program and accomplishment in artistic creativity, global awareness, professional and leadership development, service to the world, research or special projects Nominations may be made by sending a letter (electronic format is OK) outlining how your nominee meets the criteria to plemmons@hendrix.edu by March 2. Address your letter to President J. Timothy Cloyd. Send snail mail to: Office of the President, Hendrix College, 1600 Washington Avenue, Conway, AR 72032. Please submit your nominations by March 2, 2009. Earlier submissions are welcome.

9 2008-2009

Terry J. (TJ) Ticey ’80 earned his degree in business and economics at Hendrix and took courses through the American Institute for Property and Casualty Underwriting Inc. and the Carlson School of Management, Minnesota Executive Program and the University of Minnesota. Since 2000, he has been vice president of member services for the Board of Pensions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He is also a trustee for the congregation at Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Minneapolis. He is recognized for Professional and Leadership Development.

Shane Nunn ’87 earned a degree in religion and has lived in Korea, Taiwan and China. He earned an M.B.A. from European University, Antwerp. In 2002 he, along with his business partners, began a production house, Ginger Films, which provides production support to overseas crews shooting advertising and documentaries in China and Mongolia. In 2007 he guided a group of eight Hendrix students and two professors on a 16-day trip around China to study the impact of Chinese culture on business and entrepreneurship practice. He is recognized for Global Awareness.


Darren K. McGuire ’89, M.D., M.H.Sc., graduated from Hendrix summa cum laude and earned honors and distinction in chemistry before earning a medical degree from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He is associate professor of medicine at UTSouthwestern, associate of the Donald D. Reynolds Cardiovascular Research Center, associate director of the UT-Southwestern Internal Medicine Residency training program, and lead physician of the Parkland Hospital and Health System Outpatient Cardiology clinics. His main clinical and research interests are in the long-term prevention of and risk-modification for cardiovascular disease, especially among the population of patients with diabetes. He is recognized for Research.

medium of wood, her carved work has been shown in well over 100 exhibits across the U.S. and her work has been featured in numerous book and magazine publications. She is in many public collections including the White House Collection of American Crafts at the Clinton Library in Little Rock and the Yale University Art Gallery. She is the founder and first president of the Collectors of Wood Art, an organization established in 1997 for the purpose of fostering interest in wood art. She is recognized for Artistic Creativity.


Enrollment climbs above 1,300

Hendrix attracts largest incoming class in its history � BY JAMIE FOTIOO


Enrollment Communications Manager



HENDRIX COLLEGE WAS FULL OF ENERGY and excitement as it welcomed a record-breaking 447 new students to its campus this August. “You are making history today, as you are the largest class to enroll at Hendrix in the history of the College,” Karen Foust, vice president for enrollment, said during the opening convocation for new students on Aug. 19. “The Hendrix community is excited to welcome you to this wonderful place that you will call home for the next four years.” The class of 2012, consisting of 433 first-year students and 14 transfer students, also represents one of the most geographically diverse classes to join the Hendrix community. Making the relatively short drive to Conway on Move-In Day were 178 Arkansas students. The rest of their new classmates traveled further distances from 32 different states—from Maine to Washington—and eight countries, including Bangladesh, China, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Rwanda, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. In all, 60 percent of Hendrix’s new students arrived from places other than Arkansas. Hendrix’s newest class brought with it an outstanding academic profile. More than 75 percent of new students scored 26 or higher on the ACT, with more than a third scoring 30 or higher. In addition to Hendrix, members of the new class were accepted to other nationally ranked institutions such as Carleton College in Northfield, Minn.; Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H.; Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa; Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif.; and Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. When choosing among colleges and universities each with an equally impressive list of academic and post-graduate statistics, many students selected Hendrix based on factors unique to the College. “I spent a lot of time debating between Swarthmore College [in Swarthmore, Pa.], Johns Hopkins University [in Baltimore], University of Chicago and Millsaps College [in Jackson, Miss.], each a renowned institution and full of qualified students and teachers,” said Sarah Thompson, a freshman from Picayune, Miss. “In the end, I found a spirit and honest excitement on the Hendrix campus that couldn’t be encapsulated by ACT/SAT scores or graduate-school acceptance rates. Teachers and students were sincerely friendly, the opportunities available through the Odyssey program floored me, and the financial aid was phenomenal.” In high school, Thompson founded Girls Excelling in Mathematics and Science (G.E.M.S.), a program that engages fifth- and sixth-grade girls in monthly experiments that aim to prevent the erosion of interest in mathe-

matics and science that girls often experience during this transitional period in their lives. Currently trying to organize a G.E.M.S. chapter in Conway, she ultimately hopes to secure Odyssey funding to help establish chapters throughout Arkansas and her home state of Mississippi. Expanding G.E.M.S. is only one of numerous projects Thompson plans to complete during her Hendrix Odyssey. A pre-med student who’s interested in studying chemical physics and bioethics, she also aspires to study abroad at the Regenerative Medicine Institute and the Centre of Bioethical Research and Analysis at the National University of Ireland in Galway. “It is rare to find a college that not only encourages participation, but provides enormous financial support for these kinds of [Odyssey] experiences,” Thompson said. “And the opportunities available aren’t simply limited to a handful of prescribed programs — any passion can be explored and expanded.” Freshman Adam Stewart of San Diego, Calif., was also impressed by Hendrix’s Odyssey program. “The Odyssey program was one of the biggest factors that led me to choose Hendrix,” he said. “It provides so many opportunities for cultural immersion and academic growth, and Hendrix makes it unbelievably easy to participate in these opportunities.” Interested in African aid and awareness activities, Stewart led the Invisible Children club at his high school. Invisible Children is a San Diego-based non-profit organization with the mission to improve the quality of life for the war-affected children of Uganda by providing access to quality education, enhanced learning environments, and innovative economic opportunities for the African community. Stewart, who plans to create his own African Development major, intends to further pursue his passions through the Odyssey program. He hopes to study abroad at the University of Ghana, conducting infield research on rural development, and is currently working on obtaining a summer internship at Justice Africa in London. A talented double bass player, Stewart is also already an active member of the Hendrix Chamber Orchestra and Hendrix Quartet. “It amazes me that I have the ability to design my own major, study abroad in Africa, travel with the Hendrix Orchestra, and conduct my own research, all at the undergraduate level,” he said. “I cannot imagine doing all of this at any other college.” The class of 2012 joins three returning classes to create the largest enrollment in the College’s history, with 1,342 undergraduate students enrolled. � �


Helping students

hear the call


EDITOR’S NOTE: This story reprinted with permission of the United Methodist Reporter (www.umportal.org), which originally published it in its Oct. 14, 2008, edition.

11 200 8- 2 009

Before the initial $2 million Lilly grant, Hendrix saw one or two graduates head to seminary straight from Hendrix each year, Rache lK annou incannon sp said the Rev. J.J. Whitney ’96, nceme e nt of th aks during Found Hendrix-Lilly Vocations the e Mille ation gift. r Initiative Program coordinator and assistant chaplain. That number began to increase when Hendrix-Lilly launched during the 2003-2004 academic year. Now it has more than doubled. And on a campus with just 1,200 students, those numbers represent a noticeable portion of the student body. “With the additional 5 [from the class of 2008], over 20 students have headed to seminary in four years,” Ms. Whitney said. “In addition, 40 graduates in the last four years have expressed interest in seminary in the near future — many are taking time to pursue Peace Corps, non-profit work, youth ministry, family priorities — and have used Hendrix-Lilly programs as part of the discernment process.” Hendrix plans to throw more resources behind that upward trend. The Lilly Endowment awarded the college a follow-up “sustaining grant” for 2006-2009, funding the program in cooperation with the school’s budget, which now covers half of the programming and administration costs. And, on Oct. 7, Hendrix announced that the program will continue beyond 2009. (See $1 million gift, page 12.) The Hendrix-Lilly Initiative is wide-ranging, beginning with high school students who attend the week-long Summer Institute for worship, study, service projects and shadowing clergy in the Little Rock area. Rachel Kincannon attended the Lilly Summer Institute twice in high school. “I was starting to feel a call to ministry but was fearful of admitting it to family and friends,” she said. “It was instrumental in making me more open to hear God’s call and answering it.” Now a Hendrix student, Ms. Kincannon participates in a variety of programs connected to Hendrix-Lilly. “I’ve been to far away places and experienced those communities, and I’ve experienced a smaller community right here at Hendrix. But in all that, I’ve learned who I am, why I am called, why I want to say yes — and have developed lasting friendships that support me in that ‘Yes.’” Continued on page 12


AS A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, Katie Goss Pearce had already sensed God calling her to ministry. So when she arrived at United Methodist-related Hendrix College in Conway, Ark., she hoped she’d figure out how to express that calling by melding it with her passion for social justice. to ip tr n Things came together on a o missi food on a s rt so ) ft mission trip to San Antonio, Katie (le xas. Te , io n to Texas, where she worked San An with college chaplains and her fellow students at Travis Park United Methodist Church. “Travis Park has a vibrant homeless ministry... community meals, free showers, free medical and eye exams on Sunday mornings, a clothing closet and free hygiene products all available to the homeless community of San Antonio,” Ms. Pearce said. “I had never heard of this kind of ministry at a church. This experience showed me the possibilities, and proved to me that social justice and religion can be combined.” Ms. Pearce, who graduated from Hendrix in spring, recently began working toward a Master of Divinity degree at Vanderbilt Divinity School, and is a certified candidate for ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church. The Hendrix-Lilly Vocations Initiative “Vocation and Integrity: A Call to Wholeness” offers opportunities for students to seek out their life’s calling. Chosen from a pool of more than 400 applicants, Hendrix is one of 88 church-related, liberal arts colleges awarded grants from the Lilly Endowment to establish Programs for the Theological Exploration of Vocation (PTEV). The primary objective of PTEV, according to the Lilly Endowment’s Web site, is “to identify and nurture a new generation of highly talented and religiously committed leaders for church and society.” Looking strictly at the numbers, Hendrix-Lilly appears to be accomplishing that goal.

More seminary interest


Bob and Nadine Miller and Mike Miller ’75 were honored for the Miller Foundation’s gift on the Hendrix campus on Oct. 7.


$1million gift continues programs in vocation and ethics



HENDRIX COLLEGE HAS RECEIVED A $1 MILLION GIFT from the Fort Smith-based Miller Foundation to establish an oncampus center enhancing students’ future career decisions and spiritual callings. The Miller Center for Vocation, Calling and Ethics, created through the foundation organized by Bob and Nadine Miller of Fort Smith, will provide programming, staffing and leadership to assist Hendrix students through challenging life decisions. The Miller Center will continue and enhance traditions of the college’s Hendrix-Lilly Vocations Initiative. (See Hear the Call, page 11.) Bob and Nadine Miller are pillars in the United Methodist Church, serving as lay leaders in both local and national Methodist organizations, and have been responsible for numerous philanthropic actions within their Fort Smith community. Hendrix College has been affiliated with the United Methodist Church since 1884. The Center will continue to provide programming to guide the spiritual callings and vocational inclinations of Hendrix students –

Continued from page 11 Andrew Fiser thought for years that he would commit his life to service through the Marine Corps. But late in high school, when military options didn’t work out as expected, he began a new vocational search. “I chose to attend Hendrix College because of how I was drawn to the discernon trip to si is m a ment opportunities with Hendrixiser on Andrew F . Lilly,” Mr. Fiser said. And through o ic x e M Tijuana, the next four years, his path veered dramatically from his original plan. “I now find myself called to leadership as an elder in the United Methodist Church as a Christian pacifist,” said Mr. Fiser, who graduated this spring and began classes at Vanderbilt Divinity School this fall. “It has been quite a journey!”

from service-based internships, personal growth retreats, mission trips, and academic exploration of vocation – while providing opportunities for the expansion of these programs, according to Dr. Peg Falls-Corbitt, the current director of the Hendrix-Lilly Initiative who will also direct the Miller Center. “The Miller’s generosity allows Hendrix to continue, and to build upon, the best of the programs for theological exploration of vocation originally seeded by the grant from the Lilly Endowment,” Falls-Corbitt said. “That’s great news for our students, over 50 percent of whom already participate in a Vocations Initiative program before graduating.” Recognizing the diversity of the Hendrix Community, the Miller Center will continue to provide programming appropriate for students of any religious heritage and those with no religious tradition at all. In honor of the religious tradition of the College, however, many elements of the Miller Center are designed specifically to assist those students exploring a Christian vocation, whether through professional ministry or active lay leadership. �

Not just future clergy Hendrix-Lilly programs encourage students to view their college years as a time for discernment and reflection, and the Vocations Initiative is not limited to those pursuing a calling to ordained ministry. Hilary Stine, a 2008 graduate, is not sensing a call to ordination at this point in her life, but still values her experiences in the program. She currently works in the college’s admissions office, and enjoys telling prospective students the impact that campus religious life has had on her. “I am still discerning exactly what I want to do in life,” said Ms. Stine, “but what I have learned from Hendrix-Lilly is that I can make a difference doing whatever I choose to do.” � Amy Meredith Forbus ‘96 works for UMR Communications Inc. in Dallas, home of the weekly national newspaper the United Methodist Reporter.






Director of Media Relations

ON THE NIGHT OF IOWA’S DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL caucuses, Hendrix College professor Jay Barth ’87 personally witnessed the intriguing electoral procedure at a small precinct called “Des Moines 9.” As delegates were being counted, the final holdout that night was an older African-American woman who initially supported Christopher Dodd but found herself undecided during a subsequent round of balloting. The room was separated with Clinton supporters in one area, Obama supporters in another and Edwards supporters in another. As she stood up to walk to where she would caucus, the 60 Obama supporters started chanting, “O-bam-a! O-bam-a!” They all clapped excitedly as she joined them — and ultimately thousands of others who awarded the state to the future president. Continued on page 14

Trip to caucuses motivates Hendrix’s politics expert

20 08- 2 009




Leading Hendrix’s on-campus Project Pericles organization is one of the many hats Jay Barth wears for Hendrix. Named after the Athenian statesman credited with articulating Athenian democracy to the ancient world, Project Pericles was conceived in 1999 by Eugene M. Lang to address a national concern: The growing political cynicism and civic disengagement of young people. At Hendrix, the program hosts weekly forums that focus on a topic announced only a few days in advance to maximize the currency of the topic. Additionally, the program hosts a regular series called Hendrix Alumni Doing Democracy that brings influential alumni back to campus to meet with current students. To learn more about the college’s Project Pericles, visit www.hendrix.edu/pericles, where podcasts of Pericles events can be downloaded.



Continued from page 13 “In some ways, this little precinct summed it all up: the enthusiastic support for Obama from a Bobby Kennedyesque coalition of voters, the homogeneity and passivity of the Clinton supporters, and the interest in the process of rank-and-file voters that led 236,000 of them to turn out,” Barth wrote at that time on the Arkansas Times blog where he posted regularly throughout his time in Iowa. In Iowa a year ago Barth witnessed the emergence of thousands of “new” voters — people who had never voted before but were motivated by Obama to do so. It was also in Iowa that Barth was introduced to the future president and his connection with voters, an observation that only grew stronger for him throughout the historic presidential election. “It was one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done,” Barth said of his Iowa experience, lofty words for a man whose political experiences are vast. “There was a deep understanding or desire for change in the electorate there. Barack Obama had emphatic support that was very visible in Iowa. I came away from there seeing his strength as a candidate and the amazing connection he had with the voters there.” Barth acknowledges that Obama won his vote there in Iowa. He remained officially neutral, however, due to his leadership position on the Pulaski County Democratic Committee. For Barth, the M.E. and Ima Graves Peace Distinguished Professor of Politics at Hendrix, such neutrality comes easily, however. While political scientists can fall into one of two extremes, he explains — either detaching from real politics and losing insight or completely engaging in partisan politics and losing objectivity – Barth has chosen a spot in between as his teaching philosophy. Despite his activity in the Democratic Party, many of his students — past and present — come out of

his classroom without a hint of his partisanship. That is not accidental. “There’s a time to be an activist and express your beliefs, and there’s a time to be more analytical,” Barth said. “I’m hesitant to ask students to get involved in something I’m involved in. I’m there to help provide opportunities to students rather than to be a cheerleader.” It’s his role as the college’s Director of Civic Engagement Projects where his support of student opportunity regularly comes out. Students seeking opportunities and internships in public service can utilize his political expertise and have done so, participating in various political internships and activities throughout the country. “There are all sorts of ways to be engaged, and I like to show students that public service can be a noble and honorable profession,” Barth said. “I certainly try to create as many opportunities as possible for students to find their calling in public service. That’s my primary responsibility — as a resource.” A four-time recipient of Hendrix’s studentselected Faculty Appreciation Award and a noted expert in southern politics, Barth has an educa-


“I think 2008 should be celebrated as the

revitalization of democracy because people genuinely supported the person who

they felt closest to.” — Jay Barth

15 2008-2009

The media seek him out as a political expert — he has been quoted in dozens of newspapers throughout the U.S. both before and after the election. Even locally, more than 200 Hendrix alumni turned out to hear his opinion in Little Rock and quiz him about election issues days before the November election. Barth’s love for politics was developed well before he stepped foot on Hendrix’s campus as an undergraduate. His grandparents, heavily active in Democratic Party politics in Saline County, took him to various campaign events when he was a child. He grew up in Arkansas during the political primes of Clinton, Pryor and Bumpers, admiring their ideals of public service. He entered Hendrix in 1983, finding a much different political atmosphere from today’s left-leaning student body. His college days were smack dab in the middle of the Reagan Era, and he recalls that the student mock vote on campus went heavily for Reagan in the 1984 election. He and his fellow Mondale Young Democrats were clearly outnumbered, he said. In November 2008, Obama won Hendrix’s on-campus voting precinct with 83 percent of the vote. But more than the margin, it was the energy on campus that most impressed Barth. Hendrix College was not immune to the passionate political firestorm from new and young voters, he noted. More than 600 people turned out to the college’s election-night watch party, and on-campus pre-election forums were standing-room-only in The Burrow. “I think 2008 should be celebrated as the revitalization of democracy because people genuinely supported the person who they felt closest to,” Barth said. “I’ve never seen students as engaged as they were in this election. You always have the Young Democrat-types involved, but this went much further. The type of student who normally doesn’t feel a calling to get involved in the political process really did this year. ” �


tional career beyond the classroom that combines a wide-ranging research agenda, an ongoing role as a public analyst on the politics of Arkansas and the South, and an active involvement in several advocacy groups. At Hendrix, Barth has taught nearly two dozen classroom courses ranging from American Political Thought to Gender, Sexuality, and American Politics to a two-course American Constitutional Law sequence. His courses increasingly link more traditional classroom content to pertinent real-world political practice. Barth attended Hendrix College, graduating magna cum laude in 1987 with a bachelor’s degree in American Studies. He received a master’s degree in 1989 and a doctorate degree in 1994 in political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The focus of his graduate work was on the changing politics of the South. His post-graduate school training has included an NEH Summer Institute at Harvard University on “Teaching the Southern Civil Rights Movement” and The Ohio State University’s Summer Institute in Political Psychology. For 2000-01, Barth received the Steiger Congressional Fellowship from the American Political Science Foundation and served on the staff of the late U.S. Sen. Paul Wellstone of Minnesota, working on education and civil rights policy.




Elizabeth Smith Small ’81 outside The Hendrix Corner, student apartments her company constructed. The apartments opened for the Fall 2008 semester.





Theatre major plays leading role in business and civic affairs

ELIZABETH SMALL HAS PLAYED MANY ROLES SINCE GRADUATING FROM HENDRIX in 1981 with a degree in theatre arts. Most of her roles haven’t been on the stage, but they have won her rave reviews and kept her and the company that she leads in the spotlight. Since 1998, Elizabeth has been the President and CEO of PDC Companies, a real estate development, property management and construction company in Little Rock. The company is certified as a Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE). Elizabeth was the first employee hired by PDC and spent 14 years working her way to the top. How do you make the jump from the college theatre stage to the board room? Elizabeth says it takes “being in the right place at the right time, having the drive, being able to see possibilities and feeling that things are limitless.” “I’ve always believed that if someone else can do it, I can do it too,” she said. “You create or find the expertise you need … and you listen – a lot.” Elizabeth credits her belief in herself and her commitment to her alma mater to her earliest role model – her mother. “Mother was an influence for me. She never limited me. And I saw her love for her alma mater. She loved Millsaps (College in Jackson, Miss.). She gave her time and her concern and she believed in her school,” Elizabeth said. “It’s the same thing I feel for Hendrix.” Elizabeth said she is intrigued by the Odyssey Program, the new component of the College’s curriculum that ties together critical thought and action. “We each have our own Odyssey and we can keep having them,” she said, noting that the Odyssey experience was one of the best parts of attending Hendrix for her daughter, Cary ’08. “Odyssey is one reason we want to support the College – we really believe in what they’re doing,” she added.

h Smith Small ’81



Name: Elizabeth Posey Smith Small ’81 Degree: B.A., Theatre Arts Professional role: President and Chief Executive Officer of PDC Companies Hendrix Connections: Husband – Thomas J. Small ’76; Daughter – Cary Small ’08 Perfect vacation: Seeing five plays during a fourday trip to New York City. First visit to Hendrix: “I remember the clothes I had on, where we parked … It was early spring and the campus was just gorgeous. It was one of those things: when my right foot hit the pavement getting out of the car and I knew I was coming here.” Giving back: Elizabeth and Tom Small served on the Alumni Board of Governors (2001-2007, Elizabeth was chair for the 2005-06 academic year); helping to establish the Henenberg Scholarship Fund; and supporting the Odyssey Program, among other priorities of the College.

17 2008-2009

In the past 18 months, she has played an active role in civic leadership, serving as president of the Rotary Club of Little Rock, the largest chapter in the state, and as chairman of the Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce. The two positions overlapped for the first six months of 2008. “This has been the most exciting year of my life. I’ve volunteered for the chamber for a long time. Being chair this year has been a privilege. Leading the Rotary Club of Little Rock was also a highlight,” Elizabeth said. “It has just been marvelous. I wish everyone could have both of those experiences.” So, what role will Elizabeth step into next? The options are limitless, but service is on her mind. “I’m thinking of joining the Peace Corps when I retire,” Elizabeth said. One thing is sure, she’ll keep active and stay involved. “I have to keep up with mom and my sister, who is a Methodist minister in Memphis. Those two women are what I have to live up to.” �


Elizabeth said her Hendrix experience prepared her for success as a business leader. “Theatre allowed me to use all my creativity all the time. The experience influenced my life and still does,” she said. “There are so many aspects in life where theatre comes into play.” The study of theatre, she explained, involves learning about good writing, understanding human emotions and motives, working with teams of actors and technicians, and developing organizational, communications and management skills necessary to direct a play or lead the technical team. Many of these skills translate directly to the world of business. Two Hendrix professors had a profound effect on Elizabeth’s life: Dr. Rosemary Henenberg, Willis H. Holmes Distinguished Professor Emerita of Theatre Arts, who she describes as her first mentor, and the late Dr. Tom Clark, professor of biology, who inspired in her a lifelong love of botany – and left her with the ability to identify most of the plants on the Hendrix campus. “She was such a friend to me as well as a teacher,” Elizabeth said of Dr. Henenberg. “She made me think beyond what I saw in front of me. Her love of Chekhov was a huge influence on those of us who had done nothing but musicals before coming to Hendrix. Her deep understanding of the authors added so much to her teaching. You learned from her and you didn’t even realize it at the time.” Elizabeth said she had a hard time choosing a major; she enjoyed all the classes she took. She fully embraces the idea of a broad-based liberal arts education as the foundation for a well-lived life. “I think the theatre arts degree is the best degree there is,” Elizabeth said. “I would recommend it for anyone who is thinking of going into business. I also think everyone should take a business course. It is good preparation for whatever you chose to do in life.” Elizabeth took her own advice about taking business courses when she enrolled in the Executive MBA program at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. “It was the first time that I studied and put into the context the things that I had taught myself over the years,” she said. A 2000 graduate of the MBA program, Elizabeth received the Distinguished Alumna Award from the UALR College of Business in October 2008. Today she supervises more than 100 employees who have developed and manage 63 apartment complexes, operate a commercial real estate office in Hot Springs, develop unimproved land and housing in Arkansas, Missouri and Kentucky and manage PDC Construction Inc., the company’s construction arm. The company’s construction arm gave Elizabeth another chance to reconnect with Hendrix. PDC Construction Inc. was the general contractor for The Hendrix Corner, a student apartment complex at the corner of Front and Mill streets that opened for the Fall 2008 semester. Elizabeth has maintained a close relationship with Hendrix since her graduation, serving on the Alumni Board of Governors, including a term as chair of the board. She has also stayed involved with the theatre department, including participating in staged readings of winning plays in the annual playwriting competition sponsored by the Hendrix-Murphy Programs in Literature and Language. She frequently attends events and lectures on campus and is actively involved with the Parents Council.



Fall sports wrap-up: A THE HENDRIX COLLEGE FALL SEASON INCLUDED A SERIES of monumental firsts and marked the beginning of a new era in Warriors athletics. The men’s and women’s soccer teams completed their first seasons under a pair of first-year head coaches, the field hockey team picked up its first win in program history, cross country had a stellar performance in the post-season conference race and volleyball had its best finish since 1999.


Men’s and Women’s Soccer



The Hendrix men’s and women’s soccer teams showed improvement under first-year head coaches Doug Mello (men’s) and Jim Evans (women’s). Both teams held a 4-5 record on Warrior Field. The men’s squad wrapped up 2008 with a 5-12 overall record (two more wins than in 2007) and 2-8 Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference mark. The defenders shined this season as Hendrix allowed just 31 goals in 17 games to rank seventh in the league. The Warriors lost a total of five one-goal affairs. The women’s squad improved on last year’s record as well and ended the campaign at 7-10 overall, compared to a 6-8-2 mark in 2007. The Warriors opened the 2008 campaign with a trio of shutout victories for the first time since 2002. Hendrix narrowly missed out on an above .500 season as the team sat at 7-8 heading into the final weekend of competition. Hendrix’s three first-year goalkeepers ranked second in the SCAC with a total of 96 saves.

Field Hockey

The Hendrix field hockey team opened its second season in style with the program’s first official victory. The Warriors kicked off the season with a 3-0 rout of Earlham College on Aug. 30 and also set a record for most goals in a season, as Hendrix scored just one goal in 2007. The team would go on to score 23 goals with sophomore forward Abby Coleman (North Kingstown, R.I.) racking up a team-high eight goals (8th in the SCAC). Sophomore defender Taylor LaFortune (Schertz, Texas) had a team-best six assists (T-3rd in the SCAC). Sophomore goalkeeper Alyssa Havens (New Canaan, Conn.) had another standout season as she denied 72 shots, placing her at third in the league.


The Warrior volleyball team wrapped up 2008 with a 14-30 overall record, including a 3-11 conference mark. Hendrix was tough to beat at home as the squad posted a 7-5 record in the Wellness and Athletics Center. The Warriors showed improvement with an eighth-place finish in the SCAC post-season tournament, compared to a ninth-place finish in 2007. The junior setter Patty Hill (Fort Smith, Ark.) was a league leader with 735 assists (10th in the SCAC).

series of firsts Men’s and Women’s Cross Country

The Hendrix men’s and women’s cross country teams posted recordsetting performances throughout the 2008 season and finished strong with a number of firsts at the SCAC championships. The women’s team posted their highest finish ever in the season finale at fourth place, while the men had their highest finish since 2002 at seventh. The Warriors were led year-round by freshman Laura ‘Lolly’ Plummer (Lake Charles, La.), who placed fourth in the final conference race thanks to a 5:56 pace and total time of 22:05, just 35 seconds behind the leader. Senior Laura Broederdorf (Mountain Home, Ark.) completed her stellar four-year SCAC career with an eighth-place finish at 22:44. Both Plummer and Broederdorf received All-SCAC honors for their performances. Sophomore Drew Kellum (Saltillo, Miss.) paced the men’s team with a 13th-place finish (26:40) and All-SCAC honor in the championships. The three all-conference performers between the men’s and women’s teams mark another first for the Hendrix program. �

Warriors ready for an exciting season of basketball THE HENDRIX MEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM HAS A LOT TO be excited about in 2008-09. The Warriors return all players from a successful 2007-08 campaign which featured the program’s first SCAC Tournament victory as host of the post-season classic, and will welcome six standout newcomers to the squad. Hendrix wrapped up last season with a 14-12 overall record and 7-9 league mark in a conference that saw two teams qualify for the NCAA Division III Championship Tournament. The Warriors’ final game of the season came in the second round of the SCAC tournament with a 73-68 loss to NCAA Elite Eight participant Millsaps College in front of a packed house at Grove Gymnasium. Hendrix will seek redemption as they once again play host to the conference tournament on Feb. 27 through March 1. The Hendrix women’s basketball team will look to improve on a successful 2007-08 campaign. The Warriors, who are returning five lettermen, are working to enhance last season’s overall record of 13-12. Hendrix’s 6-9 conference record last year placed them as the No. 3 seed in the 2007-08 Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference Championship Tournament, which was played at Hendrix College. The Warriors were pitted against the eventual tournament runner-up and NCAA Division III Final 4 qualifier Oglethorpe University in the first round, where Hendrix fell in a thrilling 73-70 overtime affair. The squad will have another chance to take advantage of post-season home court advantage as the Warriors will once-again play host to the championship tournament from Feb. 27 to March 1, 2009. Visit www.hendrix.edu/athletics for schedules, rosters and updates on all Warrior athletics. �

AT H L E T I C S J.D. Recobs, a sophomore from Montclair, N.J., introduces Ivan the Warrior during a lunch-time pep rally.

Meet Ivan

New mascot’s name honors Grove legend

Henderson named Arkansas USPTA Professional of the Year The Little Rock native played a vital role in creating HENDRIX COLLEGE MEN’S AND WOMEN’S an annual USPTA Certification Weekend in 1998 that tennis coach Harold Henderson was named winner has helped add over 60 new members to the USPTA. of the Arkansas United States Professional Tennis The Certification Weekend, the only event of its kind Association (USPTA) Professional of the Year on in Arkansas, is offered on the Hendrix campus each Aug. 23 at the annual meeting of the USPTA May. This unique opportunity has helped facilitate the Arkansas Chapter. growth of tennis in Conway and in Arkansas. It has The award was voted upon by the USPTA enabled many college graduates and members of the Arkansas Chapter’s Board of Directors Selection Arkansas tennis community to help grow tennis upon Committee. Henderson earned the award by deditheir certification. cating himself to the growth of tennis in Faulkner Harold Henderson Henderson was also presented the Henry Doyle County and Arkansas over the past 10 years. Outstanding Senior Award in 1997 by the USTA “I am very grateful for this award,” Henderson said. “I am Arkansas District. This award is given in recognition of leaderhonored just to be a part of the USPTA and certainly for any type ship and personal example throughout the tennis community of recognition from them.” Arkansas. He has been an active tournament player for 30 years Henderson has been a certified USPTA Professional since 1995. and is most proud of having captained senior teams in 1998 and His contribution to tennis also includes 14 years on the Executive 2001 that finished third and second in the nation, respectively. � Committee of the Board of Directors for the Arkansas District of � the United States Tennis Association (USTA).

19 2008-2009

In 2006 Hendrix began using images of its new Warrior mascot that draws on a classic, barbaric vision of a warrior – including leather armor and facepainting – after it discontinued using its traditional Native American warrior imagery in 2001. The college moved to eliminate the use of Native American imagery to promote its athletics teams well before the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) implemented its ban on such imagery in February 2006. The basketball gymnasium in the college’s Wellness and Athletics Center is named for Grove, a Hendrix all-conference athlete and former all-sports coach and athletic director at Hendrix. He joined Hendrix in 1924, serving as head basketball coach until 1946, head football coach until 1955, and head track coach until 1958. He retired in 1962 but his commitment to excellence and competitive spirit lives on in today’s Hendrix Warriors. �


HENDRIX STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF WERE introduced to the College’s new mascot during a lunch-time pep rally in Hulen Hall in early November. Students, faculty, staff and alumni were invited to suggest names. By a student vote, “Ivan” was selected as the new mascot’s name in honor of the college’s legendary coach and administrator the late Ivan Grove. The new mascot will perform at various Hendrix athletic events. Two students will share the responsibility of performing in costume as Ivan the Warrior during the 2008-2009 year. Chris Barrier ’64 of Little Rock, one of four people who suggested the name Ivan in the “Name the Mascot” competition, was selected the winner in a drawing. He chose to donate his $100 prize to the college’s Buthman Scholarship Fund.

ALUMNI ALBUM Night at the Travs, Family Weekend, Happy Hours in Dallas and Houston, time with children at The Wonder Place … the list of recent alumni activities is long and the photos of Hendrix alumni having fun are plentiful. Here are a few samples we hope will entice you to visit www.hendrix.edu/photos

2007 Humanitarian Award winner Walter Levy ’43 visits with Hendrix Parent Mac Henger (father of Anna ’09) at the Dallas Happy Hour in October.

Lindsey and Rachel Haman, daughters of John ’87 and Elizabeth Haman, enjoy the Hendrix Hotspot event at The Wonder Place in Little Rock, Ark. MAGAZINE

Debbie Usimaki DeMeo ’94 visits with alumnus Bob Kerr ’64 and his wife Virginia at the Houston Happy Hour in November.

20 H END R I X

Frank Poff ’79, right, with wife Theresa, Angela Bennett ’10 and sons Curt ’11 and Lin ’10 after a game of volleyball during Family Weekend.

Katie Helms ’99 and Jessica Bartnik ’99 kickback before game time at Hendrix Night at the Naturals in Springdale, Ark.

Chuck Cole ’60, Jennie Gwinn Cole ’63, Maribeth Woodfin Garrison ’64, Diana Gochenour Reeves ’64 and Tom Reeves ’63 visit during the Hendrix Night at the Travs event where Dr. Warfield Teague threw the opening pitch.

Diane Murphey Williamson ’64 volunteered with the Alumni Board of Governors to hand out water bottles on Move-In Day.

Lucile Shivley ’32 is all smiles after dining with students in the cafeteria on her 97th birthday.

Derek Lard ‘02, Sarah Redford ‘04 and Eric Saunders ’02 enjoy dinner before game during Hendrix Night at the Travs.



Rev. Raymond A. Dorman ’35 of North Little Rock was honored by being made a “Knight Commander of the Court of Honor” in the Scottish Rite Temple in Little Rock in December 2007. Joel Cooper ’40 of Conway recently published a book titled No Price I Bring about the challenges of ministry in the twentieth century. Kathryn “Katy” Donham Rice ’41 is now in Woodland Heights Retirement Home in Little Rock. Her husband, James Rice, died in January 2008. Margaret “Maggie” Bennett ’42 of Huntsville, Ala., is in assisted living but still having fun and doing well. Her daughter is a doctor working for the World Health Organization in Switzerland and her son is in radio in California.

Virgil C. Bell ’47 of Fort Smith retired after 62 years as a pastor or associate pastor. He and his wife Katherine now live in Methodist Village.


Miller Williams ’51 of Fayetteville published a new poetry collection in September titled Time and the Tilting Earth from LSU Press. Sue Shackleford Crawford ’52 and Sam Crawford of El Dorado celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary on Aug. 19, 2008. Robert “Bob” French ’52 was recently elected to a five-year term on the Governing Board of Filoli Gardens and Estate, Woodside, Calif., a property of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Calvin Roetzel ’52 of St. Paul, Minn., published Abingdon New Testament Commentary, 2 Corinthians. Constance “Connee May” Norton Waddell ’52 of Claremont, Calif., organized a chapter of Death Penalty Focus to abolish the death penalty in California with a rally featuring Mike Farrell, star of M.A.S.H. and activist, at Pitzer College-Claremont. Ernest Nipper ’56 of Hot Springs has his landscape paintings on display at Stephano’s Fine Art Gallery in Little Rock and at Gallery Central in Hot Springs Alfred “Fred” Price ’56 of Flowood, Miss., celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary with his wife Mayita. They had an open house hosted by their two children and three grandchildren.

Milton B. “Moe” Linzel ’51 of Baker City, Ore., at last count had 21 grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. “I think I’m done,” he says.

Dr. Bill Nutter ’57 of Conway was inducted into the Arkansas Track Hall of Fame on June 7 at the Wyndham Riverfront Hotel in North Little Rock.

Mary Lois Wallace Price ’56 of Seven Lakes, N.C., is enjoying the beautiful lakes and golf courses in Seven Lakes. She claims that living near Pinehurst has not improved her golf game.



Charles R. Ledbetter was selected by his peers for inclusion in the 2009 edition of The Best Lawyers in America in the specialties of commercial litigation, medical malpractice law and personal injury. He is one of a distinguished group of attorneys who have been included for ten years or longer. � Gerry Parchman has retired from GlaxoSmithKline’s Clinical Research and Development Division and now lives in Riverton, N.J. He recently celebrated his 25th anniversary with his domestic partner Kenneth.

Roberta L. Hardin Feddersen of Palm Desert, Calif., retired five years ago after teaching elementary school for 30 years along with her husband Bill, who had been a community college president for 30 years. When they are not traveling, she does some substitute teaching. The couple has five grandchildren.

’63 Fr. Bob Allen of El Dorado works half time for the Bishop of Arkansas as director of ministry education. He manages formation for vocational deacons, works with the examining chaplains,

and supports the congregations who have ministry support teams. In April he was elected vice president of the diocesan executive council and chairs this body in the absence of the bishop. Also in April, he was invited by the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church to work for her to foster the re-development of dioceses whose bishops attempt to realign outside the American providence of the church. � Dr. Ron Deal retired from his gastroenterology practice in 2006. He and his wife Becky ’64 live in Macon, Ga. He still enjoys hunting and spends a lot of time maintaining his property. His son, Dr. David Deal ’87 has taken over his medical practice. � Rep. Betty Pickett of Conway recently received the Public Official of the Year Award from the National Association of Social Workers North Central Branch for her contribution to education in Arkansas.

’64 Martha Lynn Mitchell Wyre of Benton is enjoying teaching line dancing to seniors, presenting programs on Arkansas native plants and traveling.


’66 Becky Johnson Kossover of Little Rock just completed three years as contracts manager for the Arkansas Department of Health BreastCare program.

’67 C. R. “Rick” King of Elmo, Texas, is keeping busy with his positions as president of the College Mound Volunteer Fire Department, administrative council chair of the College Mound United Methodist Church, treasurer of the Kaufman County Environmental Co-op and president of Plenary Systems Inc – Computer and Software Solutions for Professional Accountants. In May 2007, his son Thomas Winfield King graduated magna cum laude from Texas A&M Commerce.

’68 Vicki Scott of Pine Bluff retired from education in June 2008 with 40 years experience: 24 years as a physical education teacher/coach and 16 years as a junior high school administrator. She was the assistant principal at Southeast Junior High School in Pine Bluff for eight years and spent the last eight years of her career as the principal of White Hall Junior High School in White Hall.

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Bill Elder ’47 is still “alive and kickin’” and is continuing to be semi-active. After retirement as a professor in Japan, he recently returned from a four-day Peer Counselor training program he designed for students of the college where he taught his last 23 years of active work. Working with telephone counselors occupies most of his active time. For relaxation, he is learning to play the euphonium.



Mary Griffin Samuels ’42 moved to Springfield, Ill., to be near her daughter after the death of her husband Earl.


Charles Brewer ’54 honored for contributions to psychology

Continued from page 21 ’69 Bob Ahart of Warren is the new director of human resources at Kerusso in Berryville.

’70 Pam Woodruff Berry of Carlisle works as a member of the circulation team for Cabot Public Schools. She works with teachers in grades k-12 to coordinate and improve curriculum in areas of math, science, and technology.

DR. CHARLES “BO” BREWER ’54 ACCEPTED THE 2008 RAYMOND D. FOWLER Award at the American Psychological Association’s 2008 Annual Convention in Boston in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the APA and psychology. Nearly every nook of psychology education today bears his stamp, fellow educators say. Brewer has participated in almost every important conference concerning undergraduate education in psychology during the last 30 years, including a keynote address at the International Conference on Education in Psychology held in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 2002. He edited the Div. 2 (Society for the Teaching of Psychology) journal Teaching of Psychology for 12 years, was the 1979-81 president of the Council of Undergraduate Psychology Departments and has served on the APA’s Board of Educational Affairs, Council of Representatives and Board of Directors. Brewer is the coeditor of many books and the psychology editor for Encyclopaedia Britannica. He has published numerous book chapters, articles, and reviews and is an editorial consultant for 15 publishers of psychology textbooks. Dr. Brewer has been an inspiration to the more than 200 former students who have gone on to get doctorates in psychology, a staggering number for a professor who only teaches undergraduates. A book titled The Teaching of Psychology: Essays in Honor of Wilbert J. McKeachie and Charles L. Brewer, edited by Stephen F. Davis and William Buskist, was published in 2002. Brewer received the American Psychological Foundation’s Distinguished Teaching Award in 1989, which was later renamed the Charles L. Brewer Distinguished Teaching of Psychology Award as a tribute to his eminent contribution to education in psychology, indicating that, “Charles Brewer epitomizes what this award stands for.” Brewer established the Charles L. Brewer Endowed Fund at Hendrix College in 2002 in memory of Dr. John P. Anderson, former psychology professor at Hendrix, and in honor of his wife Marjorie Suhs Brewer and daughter Stephanie Brewer Foley. Dr. Brewer also received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from Hendrix in 2004. �





Roger Armstrong of Rector was recently elected to the board of the National Storytelling Network. He will serve as the south central regional director which covers Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri. He is currently the pastor of First United Methodist Church in Rector. � Rev. William S. Briant, Jr. of North Little Rock completed four units of clinical pastoral education at the University of Arkansas for Medical Science and is eligible to be certified as a clinical chaplain with the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy. � Keith McNabb of Fox River Grove, Ill., recently became a volunteer pilot for Angel Flight Central and helped transport children with life-threatening illnesses to summer camp. He is in his 15th year as staff organist of Southminster Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights. His weekday job is with Verascape, a voice automation startup.

‘73 � Dan Rizzie opened his show at the

Spanierman Modern in New York on Oct. 16. The one-man show, Dan Rizzie, is an exhibition of Rizzie’s recent mixed media work. A catalogue accompanying the exhibition includes an essay by Robert Hughes, the art critic for Time Magazine and the author of numerous books on art, along with 12 full-page color illustrations. Rizzie received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Hendrix Alumni Association in 2005. Dan Rizzie, Nature Morte (for D.S.), 2003-4

Dr. Charles Brewer ’54, winner of the 2008 Raymond D. Fowler Award

’72 Dr. Richard Livingston of Little Rock was one of 33 child psychiatrists invited to contribute to Dr. Lenore Terr’s new book, Magical Moments of Change, How Psychotherapy Turns Kids Around from Norton Press.

’73 Mary Keck Abell accompanied her husband, David, to a new posting in Nairobi, Kenya, where David began serving as the new Consul General in August 2008. Their son, Emanuel, graduated from the Naval Academy in May 2008 and began Naval Flight Officer training in June.

’74 Robert “Bob” Kraemer and his wife Ginger are proud of their wonderful children. Their oldest son, Ryan, was married last year and began a residency in internal medicine at the University of Alabama-Birmingham Medical Center. Their second son, Brad, graduated from Centenary College in May and started a doctorate program at Vanderbilt University in Neuroscience this fall. Their youngest son, Kyle, will be a high school senior this fall. � Kay Speed began work in July as a senior technical writer and trainer at Netsweeper Inc., a company in Guelph, Ontario, that produces Internet content-filtering software used by schools, governments, businesses, and Internet service providers around the world.

Continued on next page

Library and archive named for Dabbs Woodfin ’62 DR. DABBS WOODFIN ’62 RETIRED ON JUNE 30, 2008, AFTER 25 years as director of The Nicholas Newlin Foundation, a nonprofit charitable organization with operating support from the The H. Dabbs Woodfin, Jr. Pennsylvania History and Museum Commission. Library and Archive The Foundation works to preserve the 150-acre Newlin Mills Park in Glen Mills, Pa. The park includes a working 1704 grist mill, several historical buildings, and walking trails. A visit to the park offers visitors insights into the vanished life of the rural eighteenth century. In honor of his retirement, the foundation’s board of trustees named an early 19th century granary located in the park The H. Dabbs Woodfin, Jr. Library and Archive. � ’75 Jack Bell is retiring from the Conway Public School District and going to work as assistant to the mayor of Conway. � George Spencer has spent 22 years teaching, 11 of those teaching AP chemistry at Fayetteville High School. To sum up his feelings about his years teaching he quotes Hendrix Professor Dr. Joe Robbin’s statement to the last class he taught at Hendrix: “I think I may be one of the most fortunate humans to have ever lived.”

’79 Luanne Woods Lewis is enjoying her recent move from Monticello to Fort Smith. She is an educational technology instructor at University of ArkansasFort Smith’s College of Education and the proud mom of two college kids, Sanders and Layne. � Rebecca J. Manuel was just named a “Super Lawyer” for the third time by Texas Monthly magazine. She is a Board Certified family law attorney and a partner in the 11-attorney firm of Palmer & Manuel, LLP in Dallas, Texas. � Rev. William O. “Bud” Reeves has been Senior Minister at First United Methodist Church in Hot Springs since June 2006. He recently received his doctorate of ministry from Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, Texas. He and his wife Karen Watson Reeves ’81 are very proud of their children: Jeremy ’06 and his wife Leslie, and John ’10. � Kathy Waters Seal of Bossier City, La., recently celebrated the marriage of her step-daughter Danielle. � Susan Spivey-Freydl of Little Rock is a therapist at Living Hope Outpatient where she cares for children who have been abused, suffer from depression or are autistic.

’80 Mitzi Williams Quinn was named Louisiana High School Teacher of the year for 2009 at the Second Annual Cecil J. Picard Educator Excellence

Bret Jones earned a master’s degree for research in drama and theatre studies from Royal Holloway College, University of London in November, 2007. His thesis was titled The Nicety of the Times: Sir William Davenant - A Case Study in Theatrical and Cultural Continuity. He also holds a master’s degree in cultural history and in contemporary approaches to English studies, both from Goldsmiths College, University of London. Bret is also Company Manager of the new dance company Swing Xtreme.

’82 Dale A. Amos joined the biology faculty at the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith this fall as assistant professor of microbiology and secondary education. � Deborah Gammel Hobson and her husband closed their family pharmacy in Mount Ida in December 2006. They spend their time with the 5 children still at home. She works two days a week at Walgreens. � Carol Smith Schumacher of Gambier, Ohio, is the author of Closer and Closer: Introducing Real Analysis, published in 2007. � Frances McMickle Waldron is studying for a degree in occupational therapy at Alvernia College in Reading, Pa.

Continued on page 24

Nancy Dunaway’s handmade book featured in collection FEATHERS & FINDINGS, AN ARTIST’S BOOK BY NANCY DUNAWAY ’69 OF Hot Springs, was included in a new book, 500 Handmade Books, released July 1, 2008, from Lark Books. Nancy Dunaway has been making artist’s books since she saw her first exhibition of them in a show at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C. in the early ’90s. She says, “I was thrilled and honored to be included in Lark’s book. I am excited even more now after having seen the book, by the amazing work by so many book artists I admire and am inspired by. It is a beautiful book I think anyone who appreciates art will enjoy.” Nancy graduated from Hendrix with a bachelor of arts degree in studio art, and taught art in grades 6-12 for 13 years before returning to school at Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Ga., and receiving her master of fine arts degree in illustration in 1991. She retired in December of 2007 from Henderson State University where she had served as professor of art and chairperson of the art department since 1994. Nancy also works in collage and mixed media and constructs altars and shrines. Her work is currently on exhibition at the Artchurch in Hot Springs, and she is represented by the Heights Gallery in Little Rock. She teaches workshops in book arts, journaling and mixed media at different venues around the country. � Feathers & Findings by Nancy Dunaway

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Becky Sue Moore and her husband Dr. Brad Halverson have started a low-income/no insurance dental clinic in Cedar City, Utah. In March they and their 13-year-old daughter made a trip to China with Dr. Warfield Teague, Willis H. Holmes Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Chemistry.


� Elizabeth Smith Small is serving as the 2008 chairman of the Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce. She also served as the 2007 - 2008 president of the Rotary Club of Little Rock.



Symposium and Celebration in July. She is a National Board certified teacher and teaches senior English at Bastrop High School in Bastrop, La.


John Wesley Hall ’70 leads national defense attorney association


JOHN WESLEY HALL ’70 OF LITTLE ROCK, AN ATTORNEY who specializes in criminal defense, was recently sworn in as president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) at the association’s annual meeting in Milwaukee. Hall previously served as NACDL’s secretary, treasurer, second and first vice president and president-elect, as well as a member of the organization’s Board of Directors from 1989-1995 and 19972003. In addition, he was chair of the NACDL Ethics Advisory Committee from 1990-2005. Hall is a past president of the Arkansas Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, an NACDL affiliate. Hall has tried approximately 250 jury trials, handled over 200 appeals, argued twice in the U.S. Supreme Court, and defended a military officer accused of war crimes in an international tribunal in Sierra Leone. He is a frequent speaker and expert witness on criminal defense ethics. Since 1979, Hall has worked in private practice at his own firm, the Law Offices of John Wesley Hall, Jr., P.A. He is a member of the bars of Arkansas, Nevada, New York, Tennessee, the District of Columbia, and the International Criminal Court where he also is the only American lawyer elected by the list of counsel to the ICC’s Disciplinary Appeals Tribunal. �

Continued from page 23 ’83 Mary Selah Stoll, her husband Ken and their two daughters Shelby, 13, and Kai, 10, live in Carson Valley, Nev., just east of Lake Tahoe. She is in her 16th year of teaching K-8, the last two of which she has worked with a K-8 art program.

’85 Aubrey Nixon of Little Rock is now senior vice president of development with Bank of the Ozarks. � Dr. Susan Russell of Gettysburg, Pa., directed a staged reading of a new musical she wrote about Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan called Helen & Teacher with student actors at the Majestic Theater in Gettysburg and later staged a professional reading in New York City.





Susan Roberts Robbins is the upper school librarian at All Saints Episcopal School in Tyler, Texas. Her daughter Rachel is a student at Hendrix. � P. Luevonda Ross, of Montgomery, Ala., an associate professor of law at the Jones School of Law of Faulkner University, coaches a mock trial team. Her students won the Southern Regional Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition, which was held in Columbia, S.C., and went on to become the national champions. She also had her first article published in the Southern University Law Review. � Don A. Taylor, a partner in the Fayetteville law firm of Davis, Wright, Clark, Butt & Carithers, PLC, has become a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. Taylor has been practicing in Fayetteville for 19 years.

years, Kevin. Morse has been with CA, Inc. for eight years, where he is currently a principal product manager in the service management line-of-business.



Dr. David Deal has taken over his father’s medical practice in Macon, Ga. � Roger Morse received a master of business administration from Seattle University in June 2008. He has made his home in the Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle, Wash., for the past 12 years with his husband of 14

David Willock ’76 new dean of TCU’s College of Communication DR. DAVID WHILLOCK ’76 OF Grapevine, Texas, has been appointed dean of the College of Communication at Texas Christian University. Whillock, who has been at the college since 1991, began his career there as an assistant professor and coordinator of the Dr. David Whillock ’76 graduate program in the radio, television, and film (RTVF) department. He also has served as an associate professor and curator of the Tandy Film Library for RTVF; chair and associate professor for RTVF; and interim dean of the College of Communication. In addition, Whillock served as the director of assessment for the College and coordinated the College’s graduate programs and policies, faculty, financial aid, curriculum and operating budget. �

Stuart Jackson, a partner with Wright, Lindsey & Jennings LLP in Little Rock, has been named by Chambers USA as one of the top labor and employment lawyers in Arkansas for the fourth year in a row. A graduate of Duke Law School, he has been practicing law in the employment field for 16 years. � Darren Reeves has been employed by the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry for two years. He serves as the program manager at the Child Study Center at Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock, directing the program, supervising the clinical staff, and providing mental health treatment for children ages 2-14. He and Laura Rasco Reeves ’92 enjoyed their first trip to Disney World in Florida in October 2008 with their children 7-year-old son Jamie and 4-year-old daughter, Carle. � Susan Cosby Ronnenberg of Winona, Minn., a recently promoted associate professor of English, is Viterbo University’s 2008 Teacher of the Year. She has been teaching English Renaissance Literature courses at Viterbo since 2002.

’90 Edward Swaim of Little Rock is serving on the board of the University District Development Corporation housed at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock

’91 Jason McClelland of St. Louis, Mo., changed careers over the last few years and now teaches high school math in the St. Louis city schools. � Glen Hooks of Little Rock has been promoted to senior regional representative with the Sierra Club, where he works in 10 states to stop coal-fired power plants from being constructed. � Carla Crouch Tate of Rogers is working as a social worker with Ozark Guidance in Bentonville. She serves as a clinical facilitator for a prevention-based grant in an elementary school. She is presenting the grant data and results to other agencies and school districts to secure funding and to spread the program to other schools. � Vince Tate of Rogers recently toured the Holy Land in Israel for 10 days and Egypt for seven days.

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Maddie Earnest ’91 launches gourmet green grocery LAST YEAR, MADDIE EARNEST ’91 LEFT THE not-for-profit world to start a small grocery store called Local Harvest Grocery focusing on locally grown and produced foods. Local Harvest was named the best gourmet grocery in St Louis in the 2008 Sauce Magazine Readers’ Poll. The store focuses on organic and sustainably produced groceries, including dry goods, perishables, frozen and non-food items, with a goal of having 50 percent of their products from within 150 miles of the St. Louis area. Her nearby restaurant was recently rented to host a VIP event by leading Hollywood environmentalist Ed Begley Jr. because of the local produce and green ethos she employs. �


Liberal arts degree helps bring out the dentist in Darryl Gilmore ’88 DR. DARRYL E. GILMORE ’88 OF WASHINGTON, D.C., GRADUATED FROM Howard University College of Dentistry in 2007 and is now completing a two-year orthodontic residency program at Howard University. While in dental school, Dr. Gilmore received honors for his leadership and academics. In addition, Dr. Gilmore also received an Academic Dental Careers Fellowship sponsored by the American Dental Education Association and was the recipient of the Summer Dental Student Research Award provided by the National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research, a division of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. Before enrolling in dental school at age 37, Dr. Gilmore spent 15 years in education including serving as a French and theater arts teacher, an assistant director of Admission at Hendrix College, and a vice principal. Dr. Gilmore holds a master of education degree in education administration from the University of Texas at Arlington, earned in 2001. Dr. Gilmore credits the liberal arts education that he received at Hendrix for allowing him to navigate through such diverse professions. Dr. Gilmore says he’s not done yet and urges current and future Hendrix students to “whole-heartedly embrace every facet that the richness of a Hendrix education has to offer.” �

Korea. On March 3, 2008, she joined the 138th A100 class at the U.S. Department of State as a Foreign Service Officer. See New Children. � Brent A. Miller and Jonathan D. Jones ’98 are founding partners of Miller, Jones and Churchwell, PLLC, Attorneys at Law in Hot Springs.

’94 Pamela Crump Rasmussen of Houston, Texas, recently started her own business, Veracity Search, along with two partners. The company does Executive Recruiting for Accounting, Finance and Tax, specializing in permanent placement and contract/temporary work. � Melissa High Simpson of Lonoke published an article titled “Events Galore in West Central Little Rock” in the Spring/Summer 2008 edition of West Central YES magazine. She was also recently hired as senior editor of Hope for Women, a national magazine for Christian women. � Laura Annulis Wallen was promoted to quality assurance specialist with the State of Missouri Division of Vocational Rehabiliation.

’96 Kimberly Bragg Bennett was recently promoted to specialty district manager in Baton Rouge, La., with Daiichi Sankyo Pharmaceutical. � Josh Holt recently received a full scholarship at the University of New Orleans to pursue a doctorate in curriculum and instruction, which he will pursue while continuing to teach history at Edna Karr High School in New Orleans.

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Christopher D. DeMeo has joined the McGlinchey Stafford PLLC Houston, Texas, office to practice in the firm’s healthcare section. DeMeo brings more than 10 years’ experience to the firm handling healthcare and commercial litigation matters. � Tree Mangione of Washington, D.C., received a doctorate in Latin American Studies from Kyung Hee University in Suwon, South

Maddie Earnest ’91 in her store. WI NT ER

Renee Holmes Cole of Warrensberg, Mo., was recently promoted to full professor of chemistry at the University of Central Missouri. She is also co-editor of the book Nuts and Bolts of Chemical Education Research from the American Chemical Society/ Oxford University Press. � Rachel Butler Gavini recently returned from Bermuda, where she and her husband Bryan temporarily relocated for Bryan’s job. Back home in northeastern Connecticut, Rachel is now a commercial and contract manager for Accenture, LLP, based in Hartford. � Rod “Stan” Lambert has been named the gallery manager for the new Santa Fe Civic Center Community Art Gallery. The 2,500-square-foot gallery will feature Santa Fe and New Mexico artists’ work in all media for sale and will include programming that features on-site artist demonstrations, community outreach and art education projects and professional/career resources and seminars for artists and craftspeople. � John McGraw of Conway will receive a masters of library and information science from the University of Alabama. John is the head of the Sidney S. McMath branch of the Central Arkansas Library System.

A L U M NOTES Continued from page 25 ’97 Chester Pidduck has been hired full-time to sing with the San Francisco Opera chorus. The San Francisco Opera is the second-largest opera company in North America.





� Jonathan D. Jones and Brent A. Miller ’93 are founding partners of Miller, Jones and Churchwell, PLLC, Attorneys at Law in Hot Springs. � Dr. Adnan Khan of Little Rock completed his anesthesiology residency in 2007 and received a fellowship in interventional pain medicine at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. � Terra Sabag of Washington, D.C., is legislative director for U.S. Representative Donna Edwards of Maryland. � Kyle T. Wilson of Los Angeles, Calif., wrote a new play titled Customary Monsters, which was a semi-finalist for the 2007 Princess Grace Fellowship, the 2008 O’Neill Playwright’s Conference, and was a 2007 finalist for Lark Playwright’s Week in May. The Lark New Play Development Center presented Customary Monsters as a round table reading in New York with Ashlie Atkinson ’01 reading the role of Hannah.

’99 Michelle Murphy of San Francisco, Calif., graduated from Pepperdine University with a doctorate in clinical psychology in May 2008. She was awarded a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in Clinical Neuropsychology at the San Francisco Department of Veterans Affairs.

’00 Christy Hickman Baker has a new job as an attorney-advisor with the Social Security Administration in the Office of Hearings and Appeals in Little Rock. � Dr. Joshua David Rankin began practicing family medicine at Hamburg Health Clinic in Hamburg in July 2007. � Johnny Ray Taylor of Rose Bud was selected to the Arkansas High School Coaches All Star Coaching Staff for basketball and coached on the winning team. He was also selected for the second time in his young career as the Outstanding High School Basketball Coach in Arkansas for his undefeated state championship season. � B. Finley Vinson III of Little Rock passed his professional engineer exam and is now a professional engineer.

’01 Katy Enoch Panek just moved to Boston with her husband. She completed her adult psychiatry training at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and is now doing a child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at Children’s Hospital Boston. She is also working with the cardiology department on some exciting research looking at anxiety, stress and depression in children who have implanted cardiac devices.

’03 Alison Boyer of Takoma Park, Md., earned a doctorate in ecology in May 2008 from the University of New Mexico. She has accepted postdoctoral fellowships from the Smithsonian Institution and the National Science Foundation to continue her study of ecology, biodiversity, and extinction of Pacific island birds. � Chadwin Davis and Erin Chambers Davis

Continued on next page

Thelma Fish with her son-in-law Joe Guenter ’60, granddaughter Alicia Burson ’91 and great-granddaughter Natasha Riding.

Hendrix Connections:

Three generations going on four AS A YOUNG TEENAGER, THELMA FISH WAS LOOKING forward to attending Hendrix. Her father had put away money for her education in a safe place: the local bank. Then came 1929 and the Great Depression. The bank closed, the money disappeared, and her plans for a Hendrix degree vanished almost overnight. She did manage to attend Hendrix for one summer and was proud to receive a Hendrix Medallion when she was inducted into the Half Century Club a few years ago. Even though she didn’t graduate from the College, Mrs. Fish’s Hendrix connections run deep and strong. Thelma got her degree from another college near home then earned a master’s degree. She became a missionary to Japan before World War II forced her out. She then came back to the U.S. where she married Methodist minister Charles Giessen ’30. Thelma’s brother Dudley Fish also married a Hendrix graduate, Louise Lambert ’50. Her nieces Susan ’85 and Martha ’77 are also Hendrix graduates. Martha married Scott Christie ’79, and their children who attended or are attending Hendrix include Tom ’06, John ’09 and Sarah ’11. Some years later, her daughter, Helen, had Dr. Lee Morgan ’49 as her English professor, another Hendrix connection. Helen married Joe Martin Guenter ’60, great-nephew of Captain W.W. Martin, an early benefactor of the College for whom Martin Hall is named. Joe Guenter’s aunt, Ruth Martin Marshall ’41, and uncle, Don Martin ’31, were also Hendrix grads as well as Don’s son, Larry ’63 and his wife Sybil ’62. Thelma’s two oldest granddaughters, Laura and Alicia Burson both ’91 also attended Hendrix. Only time will tell if Thelma Fish’s great-granddaughters Devon and Natasha take her family’s Hendrix tradition to the next generation. �

Tell us about your Hendrix Connections Is attending Hendrix a family tradition? We’d like to know the details. Send your information to alumni@hendrix.edu and look for an invitation for your family to attend our Legacy Luncheon during Family Weekend ’09.

A L U M NOTES Continued from page 26


currently live in Oak Ridge, Tenn., 10 miles north of Knoxville. Erin was promoted to district training manager for Yankee Candle, and Chadwin was promoted to lead agreement specialist for The Rush Fitness Complex, Corporate Office. See New Children. � Josh Duzan of Little Rock, the Cache River project manager, presented current trends in river restoration at the Environmental Law Conference of the Arkansas Bar Association in Eureka Springs. He also spoke to the Pulaski Chapter of the Ozark Society in Little Rock about the Nature Conservancy’s work in the Big Woods. � Laura Leigh Hampton of Fayetteville joined the Benton County Prosecuting Attorney’s office in January, and currently serves as a Deputy Juvenile Prosecutor. � Harvell Howard of Conway, a former basketball Warrior, is part of the newest class accepted to study at the Clinton School of Public Service. Howard is the former director of youth and community relations for Choosing to Excel, a nonprofit that promotes healthy choices for young people. His other work experience includes serving as a substitute teacher in Conway public schools,

Eddie Felber ’02, senior vice president of Triad Title Company, has been named the Young Titleman of the Year 2008 by the Arkansas Land Title Association. The Young Titleman of the Year award is the highest honor given to any young title professional in the state of Arkansas. Felber has been with Triad Title Company since January 2005, and has served in the senior vice president role since July 2007. He and his wife Hasson reside in Elkins and attend the First United Methodist Church in Springdale.

Continued on page 28


JAY KELL ‘99 RECENTLY LAUNCHED A NEW Sonoma County winery. Verge Wine Cellars is a small winery based out of Healdsburg, Calif., about an hour north of San Francisco. “‘Learning a language is a lot like life.’ Those were the first words Hal Allen said to us as we entered German 100,” Kell recalls. “‘You have to be open to possibility, open to change, and to experiencing new things.’ We learned how to “dump our heads” (a tool I still use) and visualize words in German.” Kell, a German major, sees his career as an extension of the Hendrix experience that he shared with his wife Emily Collins ’00. “Part of my journey at Hendrix was indeed spent conjugating verbs and wrapping my head around dependent clauses,” Kell says. “But another part, a more important part, was spent expanding my own idea of myself and what I wanted from life.” “One of my motivations to start Verge Wine Cellars was the need to produce something natural and organic

and then introduce it to people in a creative and evocative way,” Kell says. “Part of evaluating a wine is being open to how it will taste.” “That openness also means being conscious that the wine comes from a particular place in the world, has been touched by many hands, has been a part of an idea and has traveled quite a journey to get to your glass,” Kell relates. “My journey began at Hendrix und gott sei dank dass ich Deutch gelernt.”* The new winery’s first release is a 2006 Syrah from Dry Creek Valley. The inaugural vintage of Verge Syrah, harvested from the mountainous edge of Dry Creek Valley, had an initial production of 350 cases, only available via the company’s mailing list and in select Bay Area restaurants. For more information, visit www.vergewine.com, created by alumna Janette Balleza ’00. � *rough translation: and thank god that I learned German

27 20 08- 2 009

Hendrix experience naturally leads German major to start winery

A L U M NOTES Revoal (center) and other volunteers meet with Maria Shriver in Hollywood.

Continued from page 26 working as a public relations intern with the Women’s National Basketball Association and volunteering with the Boys and Girls Clubs. � Dixon Parnell completed a master of arts degree in Christian Education at Dallas Theological Seminary and will continue teaching Latin, along with other responsibilities, for the foreseeable future at Prestonwood Christian Academy in Plano, Texas.





Sarah Blount and Justin Long now live in Chicago where Justin is a surgical intern with Rush University Medical Center and Sarah is a school psychology intern with the Park Ridge and Niles school district. See Marriages. � Jera Houghtaling graduated magna cum laude from the University of Arkansas School of Law on May 17 receiving a juris doctorate. She graduated in the top 10% of the Class of 2008 and served as a note and comment editor on the Arkansas Law Review. She was also the recipient of the Arkansas Law Institute and Arkansas Bar Association Scholarship and Leadership Award. Next year, she will continue her education at the University of Arkansas School of Law by entering a one-year course of study for a master of laws degree in Agricultural Law. � Sidney A. Veach of Little Rock graduated from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in May and moved to Dallas to complete a one-year pharmacy practice residency at Parkland Health and Hospital System. See Marriages. � Bryan Winzer of Siloam Springs received a Fulbright grant to Hong Kong through the University of Arkansas.

Continued on next page

Becky Revoal ’07 takes 10-month ‘orientation trip’ with Americorps � BY RAE HAMAKER

BECKY REVOAL ’07 HAS CHOSEN TO DEDICATE the past ten months to national, team-based service work, through AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC). “When I graduated I felt sort of like the wind had been knocked out of me,” Revoal explains. “Hendrix had been all of life for me for quite a while, and I wasn’t really sure what my next step would be like. I was sad to leave the classroom/out of classroom/Pecan Grove discussions, and experiences like orientation.” The program gives members the opportunity to gain skills in many different areas including construction, education, unmet human needs, environmental work, leadership, and supervision. “I joined Americorps NCCC without really knowing what to expect and what I got was one long, ridiculous, and wonderful orientation trip,” Revoal says. During her time at Hendrix, Revoal was already interested in humanitarian problems. As a junior, she received Odyssey funding for a semester-long trip to Australia to learn more about disappearing Aboriginal culture. When asked about her future plans, the music major then said, “A big chunk of me is a performer, so a part of me just wants to do that all the time. A big part of me is also an activist. I wish I could be there, with Aboriginal people or whoever the downtrodden folk are, just learning and soaking in their culture.” It’s no surprise at Hendrix that her interest in helping others has shaped her plans after graduation. Revoal’s team completed a total of four projects. On their first project, the team acted as supervisors of volunteers with the St. Bernard Project assisting with the rebuilding of homes in the lower 9th Ward of New Orleans. They then traveled to North Hollywood, Calif., where they served alongside teachers at Larchmont Charter School. The team’s third project was in Mobile, Ala., where they assisted Habitat for Humanity and focused on Hurricanes Katrina and Irvine relief efforts. “It has been the most gratifying experience of my life,” says Revoal. “My view and outlook on life and the world in which I live are a direct reflection of the service I have completed.” The team’s most recent project took place in Pass Christian, Miss., where they rebuilt homes with The Grey Hut, a non-profit organization that connects homeowners who are working to rebuild after the hurricane with volunteers who can provide skilled labor at no charge. Pass Christian was one of the areas hit the hardest by Hurricane Katrina. “My Hendrix experience has helped me to survive the tough times and appreciate the good. I am currently in training for another 10 months as a Team Leader managing 12 individuals as we journey toward making the country and ourselves better,” Revoal says. �


Continued from page 28



Cynthia Dodge ’75 to James Younts Jr., Nov. 24, 2007. � Malinda Taylor ’84 to Jack Fletcher See III, Oct.11, 2008. � Susan Beasley Little ’95 to Greg Little, Feb. 23, 2008. � Josh Holt ’96 to Michelle Burke. � Leah Dial ’97 to Jim Fillip, March 17, 2007. � Michelle Murphy ’99 to Dr. Patrick Morris, July 1, 2006. � Julie Alford ’04 to Stephen Routon ’04, June 7, 2008. � Sarah Blount ’04 to Justin Long ’04, Aug. 9, 2008. � Sidney A. Veach ’04 to David Keisner, May 10, 2008. � Adam Zimmerman ’04 to Sarah Tauer ’07, May 31, 2008. � Janice Bowden ‘05 to David Hardaway, Aug. 9, 2008. � Darby Grace ’05 to Peter Alan Beranek, May 24, 2008.

Brad Howard is the communications director for Congressman Mike Ross, who represents Arkansas’s fourth congressional district in the House of Representatives. He is based out of the Washington, D.C., office. � Megan Knox moved to London in September to pursue a master’s degree in health, community, and development at the London School of Economics.

’07 Ryan Bean started his doctorate in Latin American History at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the fall of 2008. �








— Helen S. Plotkin, Editor

Check out The Hendrix Blogazine! Now you can enjoy Hendrix Magazine online. It will be in a “blogazine” format (blog + magazine), so you’ll easily be able to search for stories and comment on them. Check it out at www.hendrix.edu/hendrixmagazine. �

29 20 08- 2 009

Alumnotes information, new children, marriages and names of deceased alumni received by the College after October 7, 2008, will appear in the Spring 2009 edition of HENDRIX magazine. Check the Alumnotes section of the Hendrix Alumni Web site at www.hendrix.edu/alumni for updates between editions. You can submit news for HENDRIX magazine by using a form on the Alumni Web site. While you are online, you can register for the Alumni Web Community and then update your own records and search for old friends in the alumni directory. Be sure to provide your e-mail address so that we can send you our monthly alumni e-newsletter. Or, you can e-mail information to the editor at plotkin@hendrix.edu. Information can always be submitted by mail addressed to Editor, HENDRIX Magazine, 1600 Washington Avenue, Conway, AR 72032 or by calling (501) 450-1223. �


Tyler James Green Jones, age 12, second son, third child, adopted by Carol Jefferies Jones ’75 and her husband John, March 13, 2008. � Nicholas Alexander, first son, second child, to Rhonda Primm Flannery ’89, July 7, 2008. � Molly Grace, second daughter, fourth child, to R. Bryan Benafield Jr. ’90, July 11, 2008. � Aidan Thomas, second son, to Melissa Jones Belur ’91 and her husband Satya, June 27, 2008. � Beck Xavier Earnest-McClelland, first child, to Maddie Earnest and Jason McClelland both ’91, March 25, 2007. � Heidi Elizabeth, third daughter, to Scott and Laura Simpson Sanders both ’91, Jan. 29, 2008. � Savannah Rose, first daughter, second child, to Jon Hester ’93 and his wife Candace, Sept. 9, 2007. � Elizabeth Jusaeng Choi and Angelo Pildong Choi, first children, to Tree Mangione ’93 and her husband Pildong Choi, Nov. 16, 2005 and March 23, 2007, respectively. � Ethan Samuel, second son, to Jennifer Cordi Haden ’95, April 18, 2008. � Matthew Louis, second son, third child, to Kimberly Bragg Bennett ’96, May 17, 2007. � Riley Claire, first child, to Greg Gillis ’96, June 11, 2007. � Riley Scott, first son, second child, to Stewart Matthews ’96 and Kristy Bondurant ’97, May 30, 2008. � Mary Ford Fitzjurls, first child, to Misty Leigh Williams ’96 and Marty Fitzjurls, May 28, 2008. � Katherine Kaye first daughter, second child, to Kristin Clanton Ferryman ’98 and Charles Ferryman ’99, June 3, 2008. � David Flynn, first child, to Elisa Horsch Pionek ’99 and her husband, Dana. June 6, 2008. � Noah John, first child, to Wendy Webb Torchick ’99 and her husband John, June 12, 2007. � Cerys Marlo, first daughter, second child, to Bethany Ames-Griffith ’00, April 22, 2008. � Noah David, first child, to Joshua David Rankin ’00, Nov. 20, 2007. � Adelaide Elizabeth, first child, to Amy Morale Calderon ’01 and her husband Nathan, Feb. 19, 2008. � Tyler Jennings “TJ”, first child to Angela Disch Gray ’01, July 21, 2008. � Rhett Whittaker, second son, third child to Deana Ciaccio Jennings ’01 and Thomas Jennings ’02, Aug. 14, 2008. � Kyle David, first son, second child, to Joseph and Christa Smith Jolly both ’01, Nov. 1, 2007. � Dabney Caroline, first child, to Elena Reyes-Lovins ’01 and her husband Chris, Aug. 19, 2008. � Graham Nelson, first son, second child, to Paige Wilson Marcantel ’01 and her husband Brian, Sept. 8, 2008. � Tyler Joseph, first son, second child, to Michelle Copley Webb ’01, June 11, 2008. � William Foster, second son, to Joshua and Kate Hodge Hart both ’02, March 1, 2008. � Hunter Paul, first son, second child, to Chadwin and Erin Chambers Davis both ’03, Feb. 12, 2008. � Rowan Kirkman, first child, to Amy Shaw Dougherty ’03 and her husband Todd, June 17, 2008. � Jake Ryan, first child, to Lindsay Herrington Madsen ’03, Sept. 29, 2007. � Cadence Cozette, first child, to Courtney Blair Masters ’04 and her husband Jason, Feb. 15, 2008. � Robert William, first child, to Claire Cooper Gagin ’06 and her husband Joe, Aug. 23, 2008.

Editor’s note...



� Thomas Lunn, first child, to Lori Arnold Burton ’89 and her husband Chris, Feb. 9, 2008.




� John “Jack” Rolfe Eldridge V, first son, to Audrey Dingler Eldridge ’01 and her husband J.R., Sept. 29, 2006.

� Anna Jameson, first daughter, second child, to Devin and Jonathan Holt ’00.

� Rebecca Lemley McGraw ‘91 and John McGraw never got a good snapshot of Sophia wearing the shirt the Alumni Association sent her when she was born. She eventually stained it up and wore it out, so last Alumni Weekend they upgraded to a classic gray tee that shows fewer stains! Sophia Violet McGraw, age 3 and a half, wearing her new Hendrix shirt.

� Madeleine Ella Grace Mitchell, goddaughter of Dr. Dana Lancaster Allen ’83.

I N Madeline Jeter Paddock ‘27 May Hope McClurkin Moose ’28 Hazel Smith Ricker ‘30 Dorothy Price Moore ‘31 William M. Rodman ‘31 Alice Proctor Martin Fiser ‘32 Kathleen “Katie” Hunnicutt Green ‘36 Ronald Gilbert Franzen ‘40 Jane Stevens Neff ‘40 Sloan R. Wayland ’40 Earle H. Hunt, Jr. ‘41 Faye E. Linebarger Wallace ‘41 Pauline L. Davis Watson ’41 Betty Ann Nicholson Breit Barker ‘42 Esther M. Ware Coker ‘42 Benham Carter Dangers ‘42 Paul Bumpers ‘44 Lillard Lee Bolls Jr. ‘46 Hance Burrow ‘47 Betty Powell Hayes ’47 Oather Ray King ‘49

Remembering Miss May Hope Moose ’28 MAY HOPE MCCLURKIN MOOSE ’28 GREW UP IN Conway on the campus of Hendrix College where her father was the business manager. She graduated Hendrix, with honors, at age 19 and taught two years in Almyra. She and Charles Reid Moose, whom she met at Hendrix, married in 1930. She returned to the classroom in 1955, teaching Latin and English (although her college major was chemistry and biology). In 1963 she was named Arkansas’ “Teacher of the Year.” Her last several years of formal teaching were as a freshman English professor at the University of Central Arkansas. “Mother was notorious for her teaching skills and her insistence on oral and written correctness,” her son, Rev. David Nelson Moose ’63 recalls, “When she found errors in my church newsletters, she would circle them in red ink, returning them to me — in love, of course!” Miss May Hope was a consistent supporter of the College and attended events on campus regularly. She was widowed in 1984 but maintained her independence and community service until three years ago. “Even when she could not even feed herself, her mind remained sharp and, up until last month, could still converse with friends and family and quote, by memory, the entire Prologue to Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales … in Old English!” David Moose says. May Hope Moose died in her home in Morrilton on May 12, just a few months short of her 100th birthday. �

M E M O R I A M Fred C. Powers ’49 Charles Stuck Jr. ‘49 Robert D. Swesey Sr. ‘49 Louise Lambert Church ’50 Glen L. Williams ‘50 Frank Westerfield ‘51 Carolyn Sue Rousseau McCallie ’52 Margaret Virginia Rich Neely ‘52 Carl L. Barnes ‘54 Patricia Ann Betzner Milton ‘54 Emmalee Sitton Edwards ’56 James Samuel Taylor ‘57 Gale Clark ‘62 Ross Lander Fordyce ‘62 Anne Hansen ‘62 William H. Stroud ‘64 Dennis R. Fecher ‘65 John Johnson ‘65 Charles Sandy Howard ‘67 Charles Stephen Storm ’69 Allidel Steele Whitwell ’69

Joseph Mark Trinca ‘71 Ralph Edwin Crawford ‘72 Donald F. Armstrong ’75 Jeffrey Dixon Hoffman ‘76 James Michael Humphries ‘76 W. Charles Hiatt ‘80 Larry Killough ‘81 Dr. John Williams ‘83 W. Allen Cheesman ‘84 J. Aaron Little ‘85 John Burke ‘88 Terry Files ‘98 Faculty/Staff/Trustees Dolores Leibrock Jessup Former Trustee of the College Pearl A. Henderson Sears Former Martin Housemother


Hendrix meets the Mabee Challenge $6 million needed to complete Student Life and Technology Center In addition to funding the $26 million Student Life and Technology Center, other components of the campaign include building endowment for the Odyssey Program, the new component of the curriculum that combines critical thought with action, and supporting the College’s Annual Fund. Hendrix donors have responded positively to a challenge grant issued by the Willard and Pat Walker Foundation to spur growth in the Odyssey Endowment. If the current pace of giving continues, the Continued on page 32

Thanks Hendrix supporters!


31 20 08- 2 009

MORE THAN A MONTH BEFORE THE Jan. 8, 2009, deadline, Hendrix alumni and friends put the College over the $20 million mark to meet the Mabee Challenge. In January 2008, the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation of Tulsa, Okla., challenged Hendrix to reach the $20 million mark in a year to qualify for a $1.5 million grant from the Foundation. Meeting the challenge puts Hendrix just $6 million away from having funding to complete and equip the building, which is due to open in January 2010. “We are excited to pass the $20 million mark and grateful to all the alumni and friends of Hendrix whose generous gifts have made this progress possible,” said W. Ellis Arnold III, executive vice president and Dean of Advancement. “The Mabee Challenge has been a tremendous catalyst for the project, and moved us dramatically closer to completing funding the Student Life and Technology Center.” “Now, we will focus our efforts on raising the final $6 million to complete this remarkable facility,” Arnold said. The 80,000-square-foot, two-story Student Life and Technology Center is the most ambitious capital project in the College’s history. It will serve as the “living room” of the campus, providing a place where students can relax, interact and utilize the world’s most modern technology in an educational setting. The facility will also include offices for religious life, student affairs and academic support services, along with offices for student organizations and student media. A distinguishing feature of the Student Life and Technology Center will be the Educational Technology Center (ETC), accessible 24 hours a day to students and faculty. The ETC will weave state-of-the-art teaching, learning, and social technology into Hendrix’s campus, enhancing the educational experience with advanced technological features. Naming opportunities are available throughout the building. For a detailed list, visit www.hendrix.edu and click on “Charting Progress” in the top right-hand corner, or contact any member of the Advancement staff at Hendrix (501-450-1223 or toll-free: 877-208-8777). Meeting the Mabee Challenge and completing funding for the Student Life and Technology Center are the year’s highest priorities for A Commitment to National Leadership: The Hendrix Campaign, the College $100 million campaign to establish Hendrix as a national leader in engaged liberal arts and sciences education. At the end of November 2008, gifts and pledges to The Hendrix Campaign stood at more than $87 million. The campaign will continue through December 2010. The Campaign Cabinet, co-chaired by Madison and Suzanne Nodini Murphy, both ’80, and Dan ’80 and Jennifer Jacuzzi Peregrin ’81, provides leadership for the College’s fund-raising efforts and has been a critical part of the College’s success to this point.

Hendrix students had fun mixing Hendrix colors and Halloween costumes during the last night of the fall phone-a-thon.

THANKS ALUMNI AND PARENTS FOR SHOWING your Hendrix pride and continuing to help our students, even in uncertain economic times. Through the dedication of more than 1,000 alumni and parents: • Hendrix students raised $127,000 — the most pledges in phone-a-thon history! • Hendrix students loved hearing funny stories from alumni about the “good ole’ days” • Hendrix students learned about philanthropy and service when you answered their call If we missed you during phone-a-thon or if you still need to fulfill your pledge, visit our online giving site at www.hendrix.edu/giving or call 877-208-8777. Help the College reach its goal to raise $2.1 million for student scholarships, financial aid and academic resources. We can’t do it without you — please remember Hendrix with your charitable gift this year. �



$1 million gift honors memory of former Hendrix nurse



GORDON AND SUDIE A. WORSHAM OF Dallas, Texas, have made a $1 million gift to help fund construction of the Student Life and Technology Center at Hendrix. The gift is made in memory of Gordon’s mother, Nannie Emily Lasater Worsham, and her years of dedicated service to Hendrix College. Mrs. Worsham retired from Hendrix in 1967 after 13 years as the College’s head nurse. She also served as head resident of Martin Hall for three semesters. In recognition of Gordon and Sudie Worsham’s generous gift, the 6,000-squarefoot performance space on the first floor of the new Student Life and Technology Building will be named The Nannie Worsham Student Performance Hall. This space will be used by the College for concerts, dances, lectures, and other types of cultural programs and performances that enrich

the quality of life for every member of the Hendrix community. This space will also include a portrait of Nannie Worsham and a plaque commemorating her years of service to Hendrix. Additionally, the theatre costume house at 1531 Washington Avenue, where Nannie Worsham lived when she worked at Hendrix, will be renamed the Nannie Worsham House and will be commemorated with a plaque. Mrs. Worsham, who was a teacher before training as a nurse, began work at Hendrix on Nov. 21, 1952. An article about her retirement published in the June 13, 1967 edition of the Log Cabin Democrat reported that she “has spent virtually all of her time supervising the 11-bed, brown frame infirmary that has been located at the southeast corner of the Hendrix campus since 1918.”

Nannie Worsham

According to the same article, Mrs. Worsham retired one year before the expected opening of a new 20-bed infirmary being constructed north of Grove Gymnasium and east of Galloway Hall and to be named for the late Dr. T. J. Raney. Today the Raney Building houses the departments of religion and philosophy and the Marshall T. Steel Center for the Study of Religion and Philosophy. The Worshams’ gift helped Hendrix meet the criteria to receive a $1.5 million challenge grant from the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation of Tulsa, Okla.� �

Continued from page 31 College will reach the goal of a creating a $6 million endowment to support Odyssey projects by its deadline. The college is also charting progress toward meeting its $2.1 million goal for the Annual Fund this year, although gifts are running behind what was received by the College last year. “Our alumni and friends will continue to give what they can and we want everyone to know that every gift matters, regardless the amount, especially now,” Arnold said. For more information about the current status of the Annual Fund or to make your gift online, visit www.hendrix.edu/giving.�

To err is human... WE REGRET THAT DR. ANDREA CUNNINGHAM GIDDENS ’85 WAS listed incorrectly in the Donor Honor Roll included in the 2007-2008 President’s Report. Dr. Giddens should have been listed as a member of the President’s Club, the giving society for those whose donations to the Annual Fund at Hendrix are between $1,000 and $2,499. All gifts to the Annual Fund are important to the College and are used to meet the scholarship and resource needs of today’s students. For more information about the Annual Fund, please contact the Office of Advance at 501-450-1223 or visit our Web site at www.hendrix.edu/giving. �


George ’48 and Sharon Thompson ’59

Supporting Hendrix with tax-free IRA gifts 35






George ’48 and Sharon Thompson ’59 are taking advantage of Congress’ decision to extend the opportunity to make charitable gifts with IRA funds.

pson ’59

d Sharon Thom

George ’48 an

Throughout 2009, individuals aged 70½ or older can make tax-free IRA gifts to charitable organizations such as Hendrix. These gifts are transferred directly from an individual’s IRA and can be given in any amount, up to $100,000 per year. The Thompsons were inspired to give to Hendrix through their IRA because this kind of gift made it simple and easy to make a donation to the College they love.

For more information about giving to Hendrix, contact the Office of Advancement at 501-450-1223 or visit www.hendrix.edu/giving.

With charitable giving through IRAs, the donor avoids paying income tax on the distribution. Because the contribution is made directly to Hendrix with pre-tax dollars, no tax deduction is generated either. The simplicity makes IRA giving appealing. “We kind of grew up with Hendrix,” said George, Elbert L. Fausett Professor Emeritus of History, who taught at Hendrix from 1952 to 1991. “We wanted to give, and with Brooke Augusta Owen’s help this was an easy vehicle,” added Sharon. They are now able to witness the difference their philanthropic dollars make to Hendrix. The Thompsons are making a difference. Will you? For more information about IRA transfers or other planned gifts, contact Brooke Augusta Owen ’01, director of Planned Giving at Hendrix College, at 501-450-1476 or owenb@hendrix.edu.

1600 Washington Avenue Conway, Arkansas 72032




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