Troubadour 2009-2010

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1600 Washington Ave Conway, Arkansas 72032 Population: 1,463 Volume 104 2009-2010


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cial life on campus is one of kind, a feel that is not present on many campuses across the country. Despite not having a Greek system, students still find a way to make friends and experience life as a college student. Students will tell you that they do just fine without the Greek life. The residence halls on campus do have stereotypes, but this does not deter or exclude students from mingling or making lifelong friendships. The school has a diverse group of students who all come together for each event held on campus without the rivalry of who pops their collar or bumps their hair the highest. The athletes, the geniuses and the hippies all cherish one another because without each, Hendrix would not be Hendrix. Students from all categories and classifications are connected through many social channels present on campus. Weekly hump night events, various events hosted by the multitude of clubs and organizations, whether for educational or pure amusement purposes, everyone is welcome. Among the many details that hold Hendrix to its truly unique form, the most treasured detail would be that it does not matter who you are, where you are from, or what your beliefs are. The common bond is the freedom to be who you are, and that is enough to “gain access� to any club, organization, or party. The fact that students are accepted for who they are gives Hendrix a bit of social flare not found at other colleges and universities. Doors are open wherever students may go on campus and that is why social life Hendrix is one of a kind.

Right: Andrew Chesser, Asa King, and Eric Lew get a little dirty at the freshmen pep rally. The group went on the dune buggy OR trip and wanted to show how dirty they got from their adventures. Each OR trip did a skit , sang a song or performed a number to show what happened on their trip.

Below: Freshman Connor Hyde waits in line to get his picture taken for his first ID card. Freshmen went through a series of “green, yellow, and red light” stations in preperation for beginning theirfreshman year.

Right: Freshman Jenny Grant and family, unload dorm room items in front of Couch, during move in day with the help of Torey Hayward. OR leaders and peer leaders were ready to aid incoming freshmen and their families as they began unloading cars and U-hauls. Cars were not left idling too long before they were swarmed with somewhat sweaty upperclassmen, ready to move mini fridges and countless plastic storage containers. Right: The Freshmen class of 2013 and OR leaders listen intently to instructions given at playfair. Playfair was an event held during orientation week to help break the ice for nervous freshmen via silly games and “getting to know you” activities. Freshmen got to know their fellow classmates by games such as “The Boss and The Big Cheese.”

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“1776: The Revolutionary OR!” Countless hugs are had, farewells are said, and a few stray tears are shed as freshmen say their last good byes to their parents before embarking on college life. After tearful mothers are coaxed away, the door is closed and the scent of humidity and mildew waifs through the air. Home sweet Hendrix home! The theme for 2009 orientation was “1776: The Revolutionary OR!” The class of 2013 was asked to make a revolution in their first weeks as students on campus, breaking away from the comfort of home, meeting new people and discovering new things while living the “Hendrix experience”. “Homesickness” was a foreign word for the freshmen class of 2013 with an activity packed orientation week. “I was nervous because I didn’t know anybody. They had us doing so much that I forgot to be sad. We were so busy I forgot I didn’t know anybody,” said freshman Marissa Stengle. Events such as Playfair, Pizza Wars, and countless meetings filled the days for new students. “It was

so busy that it wasn’t really that bad. It was kind of like camp I guess,” Freshman Josephine Reese said. After a tiring week of meeting new faces, awkward moments, and forgotten names, freshmen packed up once again, but in smaller quantities, to go on their OR trips. OR trips gave freshman the opportunity to create lasting memories with new friends through a variety of adventures. Injured and dehydrated cyclists, hikers and volunteer workers returned to Hendrix aching and itchy, courtesy of poison ivy, but happy and a few new inside jokes. “It helped me adjust from leaving the people of my home. And it also gave me an introduction into the college life,” freshman Concorde Habineza, said. Habineza was an exchange student from Rwanda.

“It helped me adjust fr leaving the people of om home. And it also gave my a n in tr o d u c ti o n in to me th e college life.”

Favorite OR Trip Moment






“The stress pooping tiger.”

“When Matt Adams biked off a cliff.”

Julie Youngs, Freshman

Dallas Thompkins, Fresman


Hh “My friend climbed a very steep hill. No one else could do it, but she was great.” Haiyan Huang, Freshman

Md “Making s’mores and sitting around the campfire.” Maggie Despain, Freshman


C h a i r s

It is said that “music feeds the soul.” Students (rather their souls) had the opportunity to sample some new food for thought at KHDX’s fall and spring concerts—feasting their ears upon some rising talents and internationally acclaimed bands. The Dandy Warhols were invited to play at the fall concert that follows Shirttails. The Oregonian rock band began turning out songs in the mid 1990’s and are known for their song “Bohemian Like You,” which has been featured in some motion pictures. Shirttails week weary freshmen and reunited upper classmen listened to the tunes of the Dandy’s while celebrating the beginning of a new year. Hip-hop duo Clipse performed at the annual spring concert, kicking off Campus Kitty week and raising money for charity. The two brothers, Gene and Terrence Thornton, also known as Malice and Pusha T, began their music career in the early 90’s. The duo’s songs focus on the streets of Virginia (their home state). Clipse has quite a large fan base in the Virginia area and has growing acclaim in more northern states. At both the fall and spring concerts, students

who knew the bands enjoyed listening to familiar tunes while others broadened their musical horizons and listened along. While it is always fun to hear new songs, some students expressed a wish to hear more famous names at the events. “I had a lot of fun that night but I would have been a lot more excited if I had known the band or any of their songs,” said sophomore Allison Beard. There are several reasons why Hendrix isn’t hosting a Britney Spears or Lady Gaga type celebrity. Budget constraints and limited venue space cut down the possible list of performers by quite a large margin. With entertainment being provided throughout the year, money managers find difficulty in shelling out more than twenty thousand dollars for a band to play a mere 3 hour session. So for know, the music buffs and hopeful Justin Bieber fans will have to wait for an impossibly large endowment or some random popular band who is willing to give a tiny liberal arts college a break on concert fees. But who knows? Maybe one day, these semi-obscure musicians will be i-Tunes top 20, and we can truly say we knew them before they were cool. Left: Clipse performs some of their hip hop/rap tunes. The two brothers, Gene and Terrence Thornton were born in the Bronx but moved to Virginia. The Virginia streets became the subject of most of their songs. Right Top: Pusha T raps for a crowd of students. Pusha T and Malice make up the hip hop group Clipse. Right Middle: The Dandy Warhols perform for a crowd of students post Shirttails. The Dandy Warhols boast hits such as. “Bohemian Like You.” Right Bottom: Malice, part of the music duo Clipse, sings to students at a fund raising cocert to kick of Campus Kitty week. Stormy weather threatend the event, but Clipse was able to play safe and dry.

“It’s always stressfull planning and executing an event like that, but Clipse put on a truly great show for the fans who attended.” Afton Cooper, Senior

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KHDX Concerts

Above: Concert goers Clémentine Roussell, Alicia Mickey, and Adeline Dugue listen to the music of hip hop duo Clipse. The duo performed on Easter weekend to kick off Campus Kitty week.

Above: Dandy Warhol band member Zia McCabe plays for a crowd of students after the annual Shirttails performance. Left Above: Malice, half of the hip hop duo Clipse, performs at KHDX’s spring concert Left Below: The Dandy Warhols entertain students at the fall concert. The Dandy Warhols started turning out rock tunes in the early 90’s.

“I was disappointed that it ended so early because many students ended up not getting to go.” Lauren Whitmore, Sophomore


veasey y




friendship p



competitio p

g grind shirttails veasey y dancingg hardin tradition friendship p raney y ties ggalloway y galloway g y oxford shirts energy gy y boxers crawl pushup romp grind trophy shirttails s serenade competition p couch raney y ade competition p couch raney ties n couch h raney


easey ties gall gallow Martin y dancing g hardin ove dorm trophy p y p pride victory y p pra nergy y boxers crawl pushup ro romp shirtttails veasey y dan ncin rgy gy boxers crawl pushup p p rom romp p

the The crowd screams, cameras flash, k bric temperature rises, lights shine, meets muddy oxford shirts, and the event music starts. The annual Shirttails ompetition petition couch raney y tiesof ggallow is one of the most anticipated events en p champions ampions p grind g shirttails serena serenade the year. Not only do upper classm nds frie h ers martin serenade competition p c get the chance to reconnect wit t the serenade serena dafter the de competition couch hir ran rane raney summeir iand suppor dorm of origin, but the freshmen also is get their first taste of an event that ting embedded in tradition while to uni e Th . with their fellow hall members girls of Veasey and the men of Martin of were out to gain more than a sense y unity with their fellow freshmen, the unate wanted to win. After some unfort r yea us circumstances from the previo and one golden spirit plunger later, e Veasey was determined to take hom to the trophy and wanted Martin men es join them in victory. Dance practic es etim som for all dorms were held daily, ore twice daily, spanning the week bef ly the performances. “I wasn’t actual in shirttails. Well, I was for a while, and then I got mixed up about place d and time for some practice. I decide e I wouldn’t be able to catch up. Som . people probably could, but me? No ed.” There was so much dancing involv seth Freshman and Veasey girl Anna Ny cuts, said. After a long week of scrapes, y of bruising, and sore muscles, courtes p, the Veasey crawl and the Raney rom freshmen dawned their oxford shirts and performed for the sea of people present in the brick pit. Veasey and e Martin were overjoyed to take hom s. the victory of being Shirttails champ “I had a lot of fun. I was actually it kind of surprised that we won, but an Log was still really cool,” freshman s, Hanson said. Bonding, new buddie all is and bruises-- that’s what Shirttails about.

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competition p


adrenaline mud



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trophy phy

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p pushup p romp p ggrind trophy p y shirttails ushup p romp p champions p ggrind shirttails


ggalloway y

veasey y mud dancingg serenade competition p

boxers martin

oxford shirts


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The girls of Raney Hall prepare to perform their shirttails number for the screaming crowd in front of Martin Hall. At the last minute, the girls made a creative decision to put their hands in the prayer position to poke some good natured fun at their status as the “Raney Nuns.”




raney y

oxford shirts

veasey y



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ggalloway y

oxford shirts

boxer boxers martin

Veasey Katrina dancing cing g girl hardin


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raney y

p pride


p pushup p

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oxford shirts mud


raney y


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oxford shirts

ggalloway y

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raney y


oxford s

serenad ties

ggalloway y oxford ford shirts p practice energy gy oxford shirts energy gy boxers music boxers crawl pushup p p rromp grind shirttails veasey dancing hardin couch pushup h romp grind i ds

hirttails veasey dancing har oway y oxford shirts energy gy brick dorm tro ing hardin couch martin serenade competition couch raney ties g Couch boys ham it up in their usual fashion, singing to the song “What Is Love” by Haddaway for the girls of Galloway Hall. Freshmen boys and girls did a preview of their performances in front of each dorm of the opposite sex. Rain from the day before made dorm lawns muddy and oxford shirts even more muddy

“I loved the Shirttails experience. I really didn’t think practices were that bad. I thought it was worth it because I got to meet a whole lot of people and just have fun getting to know them. The actual night of shirttails there was so much adrenaline, and there were lots of people. It was also almost sad in a way because the experience was almost over. But I was really excited to see all of the other dorms dances and just to see everyone perform.” Sara Pullen, Freshman

Greek i m i c s

Faux Rush Week is a tradition that honors the Hendrix commitment to mocking typical Greek systems present at many universities around the country. It is a week filled with students participating in games that induce laughter rather than tears. The only tears shed during Faux Rush week may be tears of joy as students attend Foam Party at the end of the week. Due to weeks of seemingly never ending rain, almost all of the events for Faux Rush Week were held indoors, including foam party. However, storm clouds and location changes were not enough to keep the annual event from being a success. “Faux Rush week was great this year. I’ve never had such a good time making fun of Greek life!” Senior Jake Eddington said. Some of the events during Faux Rush Week took place in Hulen Ballroom during Southside Rush. One of the events held was a food-eating contest. Students participated in a round or two of a sugar free, cherry flavored Jell-o eating contest and also a jalapeño-eating contest. To cool down the fire and burn, an intense root beer chugging contest took place. Many students joined in these events, and several were brave enough to attempt the challenges put before them. Through rain, threat of rain, and more rain, students enjoyed a week dedicated to putting a Hendrix spin on greek life. After all, who needs pearls, bump its, and polos to frolic in foam?

Left: Sung Oh, Tyler Kewer, and Alex Schroller prepare to participate in a wet T-shirt competition at Faux Rush Week’s Olympic Tournament held in Hulen Ballroom. Right Top: Martin Men, Alexander Jones and Christ Jones retrieve their pong balls during an intense match of Rootbeer Pong. Many cans of root beer were consumed. Right Middle: Maria Gillette paints a unicorn on Alice Floros’s face during Northside Rush. Raney girls helped to put on the events for Northside Rush. Right Bottom: Megan Pierce, Sarah Ghidina, CJ Richards, and Tristan Stoltz romp through the abundant foam at foam party.


Faux Rush Week

Above: Students enjoy the abundance of bubbles at Foam Party. The event was held in the Maybee Center due to possible inclement weather. A few rearrangements saved the day and allowed students to celebrate the end of Faux Rush.

Above: Senior Jake Eddington and Katie Gusewelle participate in a jello eating contest during Southside Rush. Above Left: Students enjoy playing on “The Spider,” using Velcro suits to attach themselves to the wall during Northside Rush. Bottom Left: Students participate in a puzzle event at the Hendrix Olympics during Faux Rush Week. Various events were held throughout the week to celebrate a Greek free campus.



Right: Hendrix students dance with the ghouls and the goblins Hallow’s Eve night for Ghost Roast. Due to threat of severe weather, the annual Martin party was scheduled to be held in Hulen ballroom, but a last minute decision moved the party outdoors to its traditional location in the brick pit. Martin men took care to decorate the brick pit for the occasion, hanging cobwebs and fake dead bodies. Below: Heidi, a french maid, and an angel boogie and sing with the tunes spun by the men of Martin Hall. Students and their guests enjoyed costumes and Halloween fun in the brick pit on chilly Halloween Eve night.

Right: Robert McCarthy, Marvin McLennon, Jimmy Dornhoffer, and Wade Ingram put on their ghost fighting faces and prepare to exterminate (or rather roast) a ghost. There were plenty of ghosts and creatures at the annual Halloween celebration for the four to exterminate.

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Right: Charles Wallace and Lauren Shelby Davis growl like a wild thing. The pair dressed up as characters from the popular children’s book Where the Wild Things Are, which has recently been adapted into a movie. Students had an opportunity to showcase their creative abilities at their finest by creating Halloween costumes. There were animals, popular TV and movie characters, historical figures and more present at Ghost Roast.

Ghost Roast

Inside, Outside, Upside Down

Arkansas- “the natural state” of roll- early, to move the location of a ing hills, plentiful vegetation, and party due to weather threats. rain-- lots and lots of rain. Due to Despite the change in plans, the the threat of rain or actual presence men of Martin Hall transformed of rain, many events usually held the brick pit into a haunted house outside, were held indoors. Ghost of dancing. Cobwebs and dummy Roast, hosted by Martin Hall, dead bodies, hung from the side of almost fell prey to the wet hands D.W. Reynolds that served to put of inclement weather. Students people in the Halloween spirit. DJ’s received announcements via e-mail played mixes of popular songs, while angels, dogs, monsters, and even a concerning “Ghost Roast is li Lady the location k e th e b e st Gaga of the annual Halloween of you Halloween r childhood event. Stumultiplied by 10.” dents voiced their disappointment to having danced to the music the Halloween party inside Hulen and enjoyed being outdoors. “Any Ballroom, instead of the traditional party where you can dress up like a robot is going to be amazing by location, the brick pit. A short time before the event was default,” junior and Martin man supposed to begin, it was announced Blake Whicker said. that Ghost Roast was moved back Students enjoyed a night of celebraoutside to the brick pit and students tion and fun. “Ghost Roast is like rejoiced. “I think it’s better that it the best Halloween of your childwas outside. The brick pit is more hood multiplied by 10. And you get conducive to good, wholesome col- to experience this greatness every lege partying,” junior Jeffrey Biles year. What could be better?” junior said. The confusion on where the Ruanda McFerran said. event was to be held sparked some mild debate about how early is too

The Best Halloween Costume at Ghost Roast








“The tetris cube... Sorry! I’m playing Tetris. The Rubik’s cube was baller!”

“ The Rubik’s cube costume was quite genius.”

“Lady Gaga was pretty cool and so was the Rubik’s cube.”

Lihn Chuong, Freshman

Ted Crane, Freshman

Carolyn West, Freshman

Dw “Mine (Lady Gaga)! Am I allowed to say that?” Daniel Williams, Sophomore

Golden r o o v e s

Afros, sequined clothing, platform shoes, and disco balls—SoCo 54 is one of SoCo’s largest annual events that transports desiring dancers and funky footloose students to Studio 54; Hendrix style, and back. The annual event was held in Hulen Ballroom for the last time because the SLTC would be opening in January. The ballroom was transformed into a 70’s style dance club with a light-up dance floor, sparkling bursts of confetti, a mini bar, cage dancers, and a continuous stream of disco music. The theme for the event was “Solid Gold,” and gold was everywhere. Prior to the event, everyone received sparkling golden wristbands. Dazzling signs were placed around campus in order to advertise for the event. At the retro party, colored confetti and black and golden balloons littered the crowded dance floor. Students danced late into the night to 70’s tunes. “I liked the decorations. It was a really fun atmosphere, and I liked the authenticity of the disco scene,” freshman Lacey Freeman said. For the last time in Hulen Ballroom, SoCo 54 was a celebration of the past and a chance for party lovers and hard-working bibliophiles alike to travel back to a time when disco was king and shiny pants were an every day wardrobe choice.

Left: Canyon Darcy jives to some oldies tunes as students take a blast to the past, harnessing their inner 70’s disco king and queens for SoCo’s annual SoCo 54. Right Top: Sara Prince, Allison Sauls, Tafi Mukunyadzi, and their guest enjoy the company of friends while taking a break from the dance floor. Right Middle: Stuart Steidle and Jessica Lin flaunt their retro dancing skills. A light-up dance floor and continuous oldies dance songs contributed to the disco atmosphere. Right Bottom: Student guest, Kimberly Pollard, Sinehan Bayrak, and Taylor Adams, groove to throwbacks from the 70’s. DJs spun popular disco songs all night long.


SoCo 54

Above: Students dance under a shower of sparkling confetti. For one night of fun, SoCo transformed Hulen ballroom into a disco wonderland of glitter and gold.

Above: Ana Contreras, Tristan Stolz, Megan Pearce, Terricka Thomas, and Hannah McGrew dance for the crowd as SoCo 54 cage dancers. Girls and boys donned cage dancing uniforms and prepared to strut their stuff. Left: Arden Brazzell, Amy Newman, Lauren Klaskala and Justin Fortier join friends in dancing to popular 70’s songs. Bottom Left: A group of young men take over the stage with giant afros and some hip dance moves.


GT irl

Can’t alk

Girl Talk. Girl Will Talk. Girl Can’t Talk. Girl Will Talk Soon. Girl Finally Talks. Girl Talks for 45 minutes. Girl Talks Too Loudly. A story for the history books— a story about a college and a man, and how they finally came together and then apart. Once upon a time, in the summer of ‘09, SoCo booked the Little Rock train station for formal to ensure a venue, but when February ‘10 rolled around and it was announced that Girl Talk (aka Greg Gillis) would be performing, students rushed to get wristbands. Demand exceeded supply by quite a large margin. Originally, SoCo had announced that 750 students would be able to attend, but after two days of long lines, 860 people received wristbands for admittance. Even with 860 wristbands allotted, there was still leftover demand that was not met. Around the campus, frustrations and questions were vented. Why is this a problem now and not before? Why did they allow non-Hendrix students? SoCo and senate members quickly sent emails explaining that SoCo had done the best they could with the time frame and they had no way of predicting the high demand. Alas, on the day of Formal, students received an email explaining that Girl Talk would not be able to perform that Saturday night. Gnashing of teeth, laughter, and disbelief ensued. Gillis was forced to cancel when a snowstorm caused a state of emergency at his home in Pittsburgh, Penn. Tragikly White and DJ King took over entertainment for the evening. All students were allowed to attend. Girl Talk was rescheduled to perform at Martin’s annual Sham Roast on March 10th. After showing up late, Gillis began his show and students partied it up… for 45 minutes until the Conway Police shut the party down due to noise complaints. Students reacted once again. “I think in the future we should work with the Conway police to see how loud is too loud because that really put a damper on everyone’s night,” freshman Trey Kalbaugh said. So this is where this epic story ends. The guest formal wristbands were refunded and life returned to normal. Students will never forget the night that, as the poplar song “Tik Tok” by Ke$ha says, “The Popo shut us DOWN,” and they all, well most, lived happily ever after. 0 1 8 Formal

Greg Gillis, also known as Girl Talk, plays his mashes and mix ups of popular songs for a crowd of students in the brick pit at Martin’s annual Sham Roast. Girl Talk was scheduled to perform at Formal in February, but inclement weather forced the Pittsburgh native to cancel. Despite previous setbacks, Girl Talk was finally able to perform at Sham Roast. The show was cut short by a noise complaint after about 45 minutes.

Zack Dolger, Emma Yingling, and Joe McCain enjoy some comradery in the lobby of the Little Rock Train Station at Formal. Despite a slight fiasco with wristbands and a canceled performer, students, dressed to impress, quickly filled up the venue. Students were not deterred from having a good time even though one of the rooms was capped off at maximum occupancy and then barred due to fire code regulations. Students dance under streams of toilet paper at Sham Roast. Sham Roast was not just a celebration of the luck of the Irish, but also a make-up performance by Girl Talk. Green was the color of the night for students and guests who danced the night away until the police shut down the party.

“I had a guest, so yeah, I was kind of disappointed that they ended up not coming to Formal because of the whole Girl Talk thing. I still had a fun time though. And at Sham Roast, he put on a really good show. I wish I had gotten to be up on stage!� Micah Miller, Freshman

Eye of the K i t t y

“Tigers and kitties and charity fund raising- oh my!” Jungle fever was ablaze for Campus Kitty week 2010. The annual fund raising week was packed full of social and awareness events. The theme was “Jungle Fever: Kitty Gone Wild.” Philanthropic felines went wild, raising money for local Arkansas community organizations and charities. The week started off with hip hop duo Clipse at the spring concert, hosted by KHDX. There were many other events, such as tailgating, the Dean’s poker tournament, video gaming, the homeless vigil, a poetry slam, SOCO’s singing bee, and more. With countless events to advertise and organize, Campus Kitty Committee worked months in advance to plan out the week. The committee members were in charge of planning and advertising the week’s festivities. “I was in charge of the Martin/VZ auction and I found when trying to advertise that a lot of freshmen were unaware of what Campus Kitty week was. That presented a bit of a struggle with trying to educate people on what Campus Kitty does as well as getting people to participate,” said sophomore Hannah Hudspeth. Even with a few obstacles and some unplanned occurrences, jungle fever raged. Freshman Stewart Morgan commented on the success of one event, the body paint fashion show: “It was a great experience because everyone got really into it and worked together to make the show happen. Funny thing is we spent about two hours preparing, five minutes showing, and another hour trying to get the paint off. All in all, though, it was a blast.” Left: Jake Eddington is stalked by the Campus Kitty Tiger at the Martin/Veasey Auction. The cardboard cut out showed up at most Campus Kitty Week events. Right Top: Hannah McGrew, Katie Rice, and Trey Eerebout auctioned a taco feast at the Martin/Veasey auction. Everything was on the auction list from loads of laundry to study rooms for finals. Right Middle: Lauren Stewart dances with fire at Red Light Review Talent Show. Right Bottom: Comedian Eric Blake, along with the help of students Paul Dupree and Ruari Fox, receives laughter from school work weary students.


Campus Kitty Week

Above: Emily Jones languishes a possible defeat at the Dean’s poker tournament. Students put on their dark sunglasses and Vegas game faces to challenge Dean Wiltgen and fellow students in poker.

Above: Participants in the body paint fashion show meet before strutting their stuff on the runway. Students with artistic flair volunteered to paint fellow students for this fund raising event. Left Above: Students wash cars at the tailgate party at Front Street. At the tailgate students could pick up some grilled goodies, get a car wash, or participate in a friendly game of “Bag-o.” Left Below: The Cedar Bottom Boys perform at an open mic night in Worsham Hall.


Right: Lady Gagya (Lin Poff) flaunts her dancing skills in the talent portion of Miss Hendrix. The lovely contestants of Miss Hendrix were each allotted a talent portion with back up dancers to try to strut their stuff to win the crown. Below Top: Miss Hendrix Dancers strike a pose after dancing to Animal by Kat DeLuna. The dancers tried out in the fall for a spot in the troupe. Below Middle: Ophelia Oui Oui (Jake Eddington) lives out her vampire fantasies. Lady Oui Oui, from the south of France, moved to New Orleans to fulfill her lifelong dream of becoming a vampire.

Jane Fondalya (Deker Ayers) poses with her work out gurus. The work out queen had a minor glitch in her talent music but persevered and quickly recovered to perform a successful talent number.

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Miss Hendrix

Princess Peach (Timothy Nichols) dances with Mario’s arch enemy, Bowser, during her Miss Hendrix performance.

All of the Miss Hendrix contestants strike a pose after performing their opening number to “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” by the Tokens. The crowd went wild for the group of divas and their flashy show. A panel of judges picked the prettiest and most talented of the pack to be Miss Hendrix 2010.

Of Lipstick, Heels, and Pushup Bras Girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. Or are they? The Miss Hendrix women (or men) discovered facts contrary to this statement during their journey.

rector of Admissions, Michael Licatino and Mrs. Mimi Courtway were masters of ceremonies.

All of the Hendrix divas had the crowd roaring with laughter (and disbelief) In preparation for the annual fund rais- at their show stopping talent routines. ing beauty pageant, contestants were “The final production was probably put through some feminine training. more exciting and fun for us than it “To prepare myself mentally and physi- was for the audience. I would definitely cally for Miss Hendrix, I stopped eating do it again,” said Tila Tequila (senior altogether three Kevin Peek). w e e k s b e - “Occasionally, I k iss it and hope A f t e r t h e fore Spring that somewhere in the world, my results were B r e a k . I fell o w contestants feel m made as y lips.” tallied, Lady Gagya took many visits to the tanning bed per week as possible, and underwent the the crown. When asked about her most extensive hair removal experience feelings at winning the crown, Gagya of my life,” said contestant Lady Gagya responded, “I keep the crown in my living room on my table-top so that (senior Lin Poff). I can remember all of the good times After countless practices, bra fittings, each night as I go to bed. Occasionally, bikini waxes, and hair treatments, the I kiss it and hope that somewhere in girls were ready to strut their stuff. The the world, my fellow contestants feel contestants included Miss Anita Bone, my lips.” Jane Fondalya, Princess Peach, Tila Tequila, Lady Gagya, Sandra Double D, Miss Hendrix was a successful end to Gloriana Bush, and Ophelia Oui Oui. a wild Campus Kitty Week. “I truly Students, who had camped outside the believe that there’s nothing better in day before for hours in order to get life than helping others, and we just good seats, filled Staples Auditorium happened to find an amazingly fun way and cheered their fellow Hendrix ladies to do it,” said senior and Miss Hendrix on in their performances. Assistant Di- program director Angela Bennett.

If you were a item of clothing, which would you be and why?






“I would a flashy pair of stilettos. I always make heads turn, and whoever I’m on will be standing straight up.”

“Definitely a plaid tie because they are pretty rockin’’ cool and a good mix of dress and casual.”

Tila Tequila (Kevin Peek, Senior)

Michael Licatino, Host


Lg “I would definitely be a unitard made entirely of stardust from a nearby galaxy. Lady Gagya (Lin Poff, Senior)

Mc “I would be a poodle skirt. I want to be fun and happy... and sexy!” Mimi Courtway, Host

hristmas singing tradition candle chapel noel light season love winter wax choir so epertoire p celebration hymns y prayer p y congregation g g acolyte y verse soprano p alto family y scripture p alu ongg p peace jjoy y voice soprano p alto family y scripture p alumni holy y p pews weihnachten rep p cripture p alumni holy y p pews weihnachten repertoire p celebration hymns y p prayer y congregat g g hoir songg p peace jjoy y voice soprano p alto family y scripture p alumni holy y p pews weihnacht eihnachten repertoire p chapel p noel light g season love winter wax choir songg p peace jjoy y oy y voice soprano p alto family y scripture p alumni holy y p pews weihnachten repertoire p celeb inter wax choir songg p peace jjoy y voice soprano p alto family y scripture p alumni holy y p pew hapel noel light season love winter wax choir song peace joy voice soprano alto fa


‘m Gonna Let t shine rces of

have been used as sou Candles soprano oy voice alto family scripture alumn alumni holy y p pews weihnachte turies—lights of celebration, light for cen oly y p pews weihnachten repertoire p chapel p noel light g season love winter wa joy, sorrow, and necessity. For the

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Candlelight Carol

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ngregation g g acolyte y verse soprano p alto family y scripture p alumni holy y p pews weihnachten

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is a reminder of that not so distant rld past—a time when the modern wo ons of iPhones and giant screen televisi that scroll multimedia messages and allow for convenient internet access (located in an SLTC near you) are exchanged for a little candle wax and son. fellowship during the Christmas sea ents, Community members, alumni, par the and faculty clamored for tickets to event. The demand for tickets was ple made evident by the amount of peo day attending each service. From Thurs s of to Sunday, the creaky wooden pew ispers. Greene Chapel were filled with wh Traditionally, the choir begins the service by proceeding into the chapel y,” singing “Once in Royal David’s Cit to but the repertoire varies from year was gs son year. One of the selected the German hymn “Weihnachten.” n Not only did the choir have to lear new songs, but they also went on a and short tour. After finishing exams eled trav ir cho Candlelight festivities, the ck on to Plano, Texas and then Little Ro tty pre December 17th and 18th. “It was difficult learning all of the music, but to it was totally worth it once we got an perform. I had a lot of fun,” freshm ing and soprano Jenny Vos said. Dripp ng wax, the possibility of incinerati a fellow choir member’s hair, and a ht myriad of burning lights—Candlelig is a moment of fellowship, song, and reverence towards the reason for the Christmas season.

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Natascha Morris lights her candle for Candlelight Carol on a fellow choir member’s candle. The choir, directed by Dr. Nancy Fleming, lead the singing during the annual Christmas service. They also performed some pieces on tour in Plano, Texas. The choir sang hymns such as “O Magnum Mysterium.”

ongg p peace jjoy y voice soprano p alto family scripture alumni holy pews weihnachten umni holy y p pews weihnachten repertoire p chapel p noel light g season love winter wax choir pertoire p celebration hymns y p prayer y congregation g g acolyte y verse soprano p alto family Rob Lord and tion acolyte y verse tradition ca candle chapel p noel light g season love winter wax Kent Denton ten repertoire p celebration bration hym hymns y shine flicker family y scripture p alumni holy y p pews light their candles beforefamily preparing y voice soprano p alto lto y scripture p alumni holy y beacon wax choir songg p peace to proceed into bration hymns y p prayer yer y congrega congregation g g acolyte y verse soprano p alto gglow light g season love Greene Chapel ws weihnachten repertoire pertoire p celebration hymns y p prayer y congregation g g acolyte repertoire for the annual cel Candlelight cer- b amily scripture alumni mni holy beacon wax choir song peace joy voice emony. The choir proceeded into the chapel with the traditional hymn “Once In Royal David’s City,” asking the congregation to join them in later verses of the song.

en repertoire p celebration elebration hymns y shine flicker family y scripture p alumni

ax choir songg p peace ce jjoy y voic voice soprano p alto family y scripture p alumni holy y beacon wa ten repertoire p celebration bration hym hymns y p prayer y congregation g g acolyte y verse soprano p alto gglow re alumni holy y p pews ws weihnac weihnachten repertoire p celebration hymns y p prayer y congregation g g oly y p pews weihnachten ten repertoi repertoire p celebration wax choir songg p peace jjoy y voice soprano p flicker family y scripture ripture pture alum alumni holy pews family scripture alumni joy voice sopran soprano flicker family y scripture p alumni holyy ppews weihnachten repertoire p chapel p cripture p alumni holy y beacon wax choir songg p peace jjoy y voice soprano p alto family y on acolyte verse soprano alto glow light season love winter wax choir acolyte vers The choir sings to a crowd of alumni, Conway residents, parents and students. Candlelight is held in Greene chapel around Christmas time. This tradition celebrates the birth of the baby Jesus through scripture reading, lessons, and song.

“It was only my first Candlelight, so I didn’t really know what to expect. But it was so much fun. It was really serious but not in a bad way. I thought the music was really beautiful. They weren’t songs that everyone knew, but they conveyed the message of Christmas in such a beautiful way. I could actually hear people crying, and it made me happy to know that people got the message and appreciated it.” Freshman and Soprano Kathleen Combs

Between the S h e e t s

From ancient Greeks, to Animal House, to collegiate mayhem, togas are the crowning glory of party wardrobe choice. Slutty CEO glasses, office hoes hosiery, and shiny robot gadgets don’t stand a chance to the power of the bed sheet. Martin’s annual Toga was a true celebration of the gods. Students celebrated a year gone by ancient Greek style.

current on my toga fashion by putting on some border, so I could be styling. Looking dapper in my toga,” said junior Colin Hoy.

With all night dancing and celebration, wardrobe malfunctions were inevitable. “I saw way too much,” said freshman Chase Campbell. Safety pins were a must for those attempting to keep themselves semi-modest. “I made mine Fabric frenzy students rushed to get out of some fun fabric from Wal-mart material for their togas. Simple white and just wrapped it around myself so it bed sheets of the 90’s were no more; looked like a dress, then pinned it with party goers wrapped themselves in vari- safety pins,” said freshman Julie Youngs. ous colors, types, and prints of fabric. While some rushed to sew and pin new Whether sheet or silk or no toga at all, works of toga art, others were more students flexed their sewing skills (or economical. “I actually used my same lack there of) and applauded a year’s toga from last year, but I got some rope ending the true college way. to spruce it up a bit. I was trying to stay

Left: A dancing group of students channel their inner Greek gods and goddess at Martin’s annual Toga. Togas varied from simple bed sheets to elaborate works of sewing mastery. Right Top: Toga or not, students dance to the beat in Worsham Hall. Tried and tired students enjoyed taking a break from studying and partying one last time with friends before the summer. Right Middle: Kaci Billings and Sarah Ghidina flaunt their toga dance skills. Toga clad students did the Animal House mentality justice. Right Bottom: A group of gods and goddesses enjoy some camaraderie at toga.


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Above: Nora Gibbons and Serena Wolfe dance to toga tunes in Worsham Hall during Martin’s annual Toga party. The party was moved in doors due to threat of rainy weather. Below: Nicole Morgan, and friends celebrate their toga-wearing rights.

Above: Sarah Alford dances the night away in true toga fashion. Inevitable wardrobe malfunctions happened (as a result of joyous dancing and precariously pinned pieces of fabric). Left Below: A DJ spins tunes for Toga. The music may not have been of a Grecian flare, but attire and decorations were destination ancient Greece (with a college twist).



abor of ove

Wendy Wasserstein’s, The Sister’s Rosensweig, delineates the struggles, prise triumphs, and adventures that com the lives of three Jewish-American ing sisters. The play is set in London dur a Sar of se the August of 1991 at the hou Pfeni Goode, a successful single mother. , aum Rosensweig and Gorgeous Teitelb sisters of Sara visit their sister for her s 54th birthday party. The play explore ts mp atte ’s the sisters’ and their loved one lives. to find purpose for their changing ments Through various squabbles and mo of intimacy, the sisters learn that and appearances are not what they seem the ing fulfilled life comes from accept ning past and the future, rather than run from it. Cast members found preparation for the play to be a sizable challenge, but e this performances were a blast. “Befor show it was always very hard for me to imagine acting as a profession and ks. performing in the same show for wee But we could’ve done this show for n months and I think it would have bee all just as much fun as the first night we ior sat around and read the script,” jun Torey Hayward said. ther The Theater Department put on ano e. production, Shakespeare’s Cymbelin Cymbeline tells of King Cymbeline a and his familial strife that turns into er conflict of nations. Imogen, daught her to Cymbeline, married contrary to father’s will g “Cymbeline was particularly excitin we because it was a guest director, so get got to work with someone new and n’t a new view on things that we would lly rea was I get from our usual faculty. ause excited to be cast as the Queen bec e,” it was my first major role in colleg junior Emily Rahm said. nate “This was a show I was truly passio about, so it became less like work and give more of something that I desired to my all to.”

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Theatre Productions

Sara Goode, played by Beatrice Vena, and Pfeni Rosensweig, played by Kate Brannon, remminice over a childhood moment while enjoying a moment of sisterly bonding. In The Sisters Rosensweig, three Jewish-American sisters attempt to define themselves, culturally and personally, as women in the early 1990’s. The sisters lived extremely diverse lives, but learned from one another’s triumphs and hardships.

Virtuous Imogen, daugter of Cymbeline, played by Vicki Woo, is prey to villainous Iachimo, played by Ben West, as Iachimo slyly slips into her chamber. In the Shakespearean play Cymbeline, Iachimo, a Roman soldier, tricks Imogene’s husband, Posthumus, played by Ryan Hoyle, into betting on his wife’s virtue, unleashing much strife and confusion for all characters involved. Geoffrey Duncan, played by Torey Hayward, entertains the Rosensweig sisters and their guests at a dinner party by dressing Tom Valiunus, played by Brett Carr, as a character from one of his famous plays. Duncan, Pfeni Rosensweig’s partner, struggles with his open sexuality during a caustic time in America’s history for the homosexual comunity. “Working on The Sisters Rosensweig was very enjoyable, since I’d gotten more involved with theatre since The Eumenides, and actually knew the people. It was also a hoot playing a snobbish middle-aged British sophisticate, accent and all. Jacob Halpern-Weitzman and I played rivals who were unable to stand each other in the play, but every time we had one of our acidic exchanges of dialogue onstage, we wouldn’t be able to contain our laughter. I guess that defines the Hendrix Players experience-- it’s hard work, but it’s also almost invariably enjoyable.” Sal Salam, Sophomore

Wednesday S l u m p

I sit in my cave of a dorm room, complete with dampness, mold, dark corners and the occasional lost hiker… or flock of vampire bats, staring off into space and thinking about all of the things on my mental to-do list. I am stressed. It’s Wednesday at seven. What’s an over-worked student to do? Well, I have already devoured some food, courtesy of the caf…The bananas and apples were missing again—mental note to self to check up on that. I’ve already facebook stalked everyone from my old high school. I can not do more chemistry problems. My brain will burst, and that would just be a mess. Wednesday night—I think I shall flex my procrastination muscle. I could go to Martin and practice my right to litter the earth with red solo cups or maybe I could go to that Hump night thing that I read about somewhere. Ha! “Hump Nights” always makes me think of Furgie. Maybe they will invite her and she can sing that song about her lady lumps; that would be hilarious. I would go. Martin smells funny, so I go to Worsham, in the new SLTC, to see what’s happening. There is some comedian. This new building is so shiny; maybe that’s why they have had more entertainers come for Hump Nights than last semester. Entertainers like shiny things. I go in not expecting much. Maybe I’ll stay for a minute but go back to Facebook stalking and eating wheat thins. I stay and surprisingly laugh, a lot. This guy is way funnier than I thought he would be. Before I know it, the show is over, the comedian says his final punch line, and I realize for just a moment, I’ve forgotten my school-related worries. I sigh and trek back to my dorm, but with a slight smile. Who wants to worry about Gothic Lit papers or calculus problems when you can listen to comedians talk about children who like raisins or jam out to an awesome new band you didn’t even know about? Another unproductive night in the life of a college student—but at least I have some new jokes in my arsenal… Left: Lead vocalist and guitar player for the Cold War Kids, Nathan Willett, performs for a crowd of students in the SLTC’s Nannie Worsham Hall. Right Top: A group of students from Rwanda perform a native dance during the International Talent Show in the “old” Burrow. Right Middle: During comedian Lonni Love’s performance, students participate in a pick up line contest. The winner delivered his pick up line and danced with a group of girls from the audience. Right Bottom: Comedian Pete Lee from The Last Comic Standing keeps students laughing with his self-depricating and distinctly Northern Humor.


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Hump Nights

Above: At hip hop hump night, JD Recobs spins some tunes for students in the Burrow. Below: Emily Wells performs for an eager crowd of students. Wells is known for her eclectic music and random instrument choice.

Above: Students applaud comedian Lonni Love on a job well done. Below Left: Comedian Lonni Love and student, Matt Adams, rejoice in Adam’s winning of the pick up line contest. Love selected a group of male students from the audience to participate; she also gave the girls a chance to flaunt their pick-up prowess.


Right: Cache Carter hams it up for the audience while singing at Live Band Karaoke. Live Band allowed students to fulfill their life long rock star dreams, karaoke style, in the new Worsham Hall. Below Top: A student DJ’s for International Club’s international dance party during MDC’s Diversity, Awareness, and Openess week. Below Middle: Jess Gunnell and Laura Aday play Rock Band on one of the SLTC’s new computer/TV screens. Groups of students take nightly study breaks to play their favorite video game or watch youtube videos.

Bass guitarist, Matt Maust, for the Californian Indie band, Cold War Kids, plays for a crowd of students on the first Hump night event held in Worsham Hall. Students took a break from studying to listen to the band and scope out the new student center.

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Students participate in an impromptu snow ball fight outside of the SLTC. The lawn in front of the newest addition to campus was a prime spot for snow activities on Conway’s many snow days. Class was even canceled for the first time in many years after hours of snow showers left campus under a blanket of snow.

Tess Stewart studies in the new Burrow. The lobby of the SLTC was furnished with ample seating for students to gather and study. In the new building, students enjoyed having their social and technological needs met; from computers to television to food, and from mail to other various student services.

The Times-They are “A-Changin’”

The sun sets on just another Tuesday SLTC was LEED certified-- one of the on campus and Hulen breathes a sigh. greenest buildings in Conway. The air tickles its siding and summer Emotions were mixed about the move teases its various outside greenery. It from Hulen and it’s retro counterparts shivers just for a moment as it fondly to the new building. “It’s great that it remembers the warmth of people, of is a LEED certified building, but people students, of friendships made, of first don’t use it how it should be used, and days and beginnings of stories, of disco it’s a shame,” sophomore Dan Gibbenstrays, of birthdays and Berlin walls, of Rickman said. “The new technology is mailboxes waiting for love from home, a great asset,” sophomore Rachel Robof cramped offices “People don’t usebins said. The first issue and long lunch it lines, of faces, and with the new how it should be used, building was the of lives, countless and it’s a shame.” lives changing, lengthiness of its blossoming, loving, hoping, eatname. Clever coling, enjoying, and learning all in one lege students quickly adapted and place. dubbed the building by a new name, “the From Hulen to “SLTC,” the face of SL(u)TC.” Hendrix is changing. In 2007 the So the question remains: What happens building for the new Student Life and to Hulen? Plans are to tear down HuTechnology Center commenced. After len and use the land it sits on for green three years and 26 million dollars, the space, but who knows? college’s newest pride and joy was fi- The sun disappears behind the horizon nally finished. Students returned from and Hulen glances over at it’s new winter break to be greeted with a brand neighbor to say one last goodbye. The new building containing-- well, every- sun has set. It’s time for new memories thing. The student center, equipped and new faces in a new place. A new with countless televisions, computers, place for our “slut-c” selves to learn, and a grand new artistic light fixture is communicate, build epic Thursday suna technological playground. Also, the daes, and make new memories.

Thing you miss most about Hulen and favorite part of new SLTC?



Rm “I miss the coziness, but I love the new easy computer access.” Ruanda McFerren, Junior


Rc “I really like the new technology, but the old Burrow was more of a family environment. This one feels bussiness-like.” Riley Capshaw, Sophomore


Lw “The old building was so comforting and homy, but the new computer lab and mailboxes are very nice.” Lauren Whitmore, Sophomore

Sw “We miss the togetherness with the kids and the bookstore being close. The new building is beautiful-- looks very nice.” Shorty Woffard, Burrow Worker


Folio Copy


coming a whole person isn’t an option at Hendrix- it is a graduation requirement. Nestled in the foothills of the Arkansas Ozark Mountains, Hendrix has been called the Harvard of the Southbut don’t tell students that- to them, the century old Methodist institution is home to exacting faculty, caring staff members, and timeless traditions that include birthday cake, pecans, and chicken strips. Hendrix is, as promotional material claims, demanding yet supportive. It is this environment that has cultivated the minds of six Rhodes Scholars, twenty-seven Watson Fellows, twenty-one Goldwater Scholars, two Truman Scholars, two Jack Kent Cooke Scholars, and a Marshall Scholar. As US News and World Report put it, “[Hendrix is] America’s number one up and coming liberal arts college.” And Hendrix loves the liberal arts. President J. Timothy Cloyd described it best, “We are a liberal arts college and that is a precious thing. Of the more than 3,000 higher education institutions in the United States, only 217 of them are liberal arts colleges. Of the 14 million students who go to college each year, only 250,000 of them come to liberal arts colleges. We are a precious thing indeed.” Hendrix offers an academically rigorous, intensely intellectual environment in which students are challenged to pursue excellence. At the same time, supportive peers and faculty encourage each other rather than competing against each other. But learning doesn’t stop in the classroom. The Hendrix Odyssey program has awarded over one million dollars to students and faculty for experiential learning projects around the world. Everything from the Role of Central American Agoutis in the Dispersal of Plants in Costa Rican Forests to the Literature and Image of Culture and the Environment in Northern New Mexico can be studied. The possibilities are endless, often leaving students to ask, “What is my Hendrix Odyssey?” So what makes Hendrix so special? Hendrix has a place for everyone. If you feel most alive when you’re trying to get to the bottom of things, if you’re the kind of person who loses track of time hashing over new (or age-old) ideas, and if you want to make a difference in the world, then you’ll be as happy to find Hendrix as Hendrix is to find you. -Taylor Kidd


DR. ANDREA DUINA, an Assistant Professor of Biology was awarded a National Science Foundation grant to support his genetic research. Duina’s award totals $473,089. His research interests involve basic molecular mechanisms that regulate genes in living cells.

DR. TOM GOODWIN, the Elbert L. Fausett Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, and Julia Mobley, Odyssey Professor, was one of two professors nationally distributed who received the CUR Fellows Award. The award recognizes excellence in members who have developed nationally respected research programs involving undergraduate students. Dr. Goodwin’s area of expertise is synthetic organic chemistry, but has developed a specific research interest in chemical communication among elephants which led to an NSF-funded collaboration with a behavioral biologist and a biochemist. He has mentored the research work of approximately 120 undergraduate students over the course of 31 years at Hendrix.

photo by: jason jones

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DR. CHARLES CHAPPELL, a beloved professor and alumnus, gave his “last lecture” to an overflowing crowd during Alumni Weekend, saying goodbye after more than 40 years of teaching English. The lecture was attended by friends, current and former students, and family members.


in the words of...

a Hays Scholar

by Katie Rice ’10

The memories of Hays Weekend come back in quick, dull flashes. I don’t remember feeling anything as I walked into the room in D.W. Reynolds and sat down before two Hendrix faculty members and a student. It was the first time I had visited the Hendrix campus, and rather than taking a campus tour I was sitting before a panel of judges. In more than a dozen rooms across campus, other equally nervous and equally qualified high school seniors were simultaneously attempting to prove that their passion for learning, and for living, would be a positive force on the Hendrix campus. The grand prize, to be awarded to four of us, was a full-ride scholarship. So shaking in my high heels, I explained to Dr. Chappell and Dr. Bridges (whose identities I only discerned years later) my longtime devotion to student journalism. Four years later, the scholarship has had more than financial benefits for me – although without it I almost surely could not have attended Hendrix. Hays recipients also have access to an Odyssey-like pool

of money, which funded a project I titled “Abstinence-Only: Conversations on Sex in the South.” It allowed me to spend two weeks in the Deep South interviewing young women about sex, God, gender, and the South. I met bold, strong women who were carving out their sexual identities in oppressive small towns. And I met equally bold and strong women who used their fortitude to maintain their ideals of morality. The hourslong conversations inspired me, broke my heart, and helped me develop a more nuanced idea of the challenges that face young women across the country. I waited patiently through the silence as my peers found the words to discuss private things with a stranger, and as I sat and listened I also renewed my desires to be a journalist. Although I can barely recall the day that led to my Hendrix experience, I will never forget my four years here and the way they have retooled my beliefs, refined my values, and reinforced my sincerest goals.


Amelia Wildenborg helped construct houses during her three month journey across America as one of 35 participating in the 2009 Bike and Build summer ride. Bike and Build is a nonprofit organization formed to educate Americans about the need for low-income housing. Wildenborg began her 4,139-mile journey in Charleston, South Carolina in May and concluded her trip on August 13, 2009 in San Jose, California.


Together the Lady Warriors softball team spent a week in Nassau, Bahamas, to improve the squalid conditions of the All Saints AIDS Camp. The compound is home to dozens of children and adults living with AIDS. The Lady Warriors wanted to build better facilities for the organization that provides the abandoned people with a home. They focused much of their stay on renovating crumbling sidewalks and building new housing structures. The team also brought along softball equipment - uniforms, bat, balls, gloves which they donated to the Bahamas Softball Federation.

MALNUTRITION RESEARCH AND COMMUNITY HEALTH WORK IN GUATEMALA HANNAH MCGREW Guatemala Hannah McGrew spent six-weeks in Guatemala studying and evaluating an innovative health program established to fight childhood malnutrition and improve children’s health through education. McGrew, a sophomore from Albuquerque, New Mexico, was to find out, fours years into the program, whether the community health workers’ training had actually improved the health of the community they serve. Accompanied by a medical student and a health worker, McGrew walked to dozens of houses each day to administer a questionnaire in Spanish and record the growth of every child in the household younger than five. 0 3 8

Odyssey Summer ‘09



For an eco-friendly project, Dmitriy Nurullayev taught a four-week camp for Uzbek high school students with learning topics including global warming with emphasis on the impact of declining water levels on the country’s agrarian economy. Recently, his Odyssey project became a non-profit development organization, Awareness Projects International, with hopes to expand the Uzbeki program to other countries such as Kenya, Indonesia and Brazil.


LARNIE CAMPBELL, EMILY HARRIS, HEATHER NEWELL, DANIEL PARTAIN, JOSEPH BYRAM, CANYON DARCY, LEA GROAT, RACHEL KINCANNON, ANTHONY LUCIO, AND COLLEEN MAYO Vietnam In May, ten students and two faculty leaders flew to Vietnam for ten day of service and exploration. Accompanied by six Vietnamese students, they constructed houses in an isolated village and explored the unique culture of Vietnam. Partnered with the non-profit group, Peaceworks, the students worked for four days, laying floors, constructing brick walls, and finishing the roof. The trip was sponsored by Hendrix’s Miller Center for Vocation, Ethics and Calling.

exemplars odyssey

Dan Fox and J.D. Recobs Prague Cup Hendrix lacrosse players and juniors, J.D. Recobs and Dan Fox, explored their sport on the international level as they represented the United States at the ninth annual Prague Cup in the Czech Republic. “We were honored to be invited to compete in the Prague Cup event based on our selection by a panel of college lacrosse

coaches who have seen us play and are aware of our conduct and character on and off the field,” they said. Recobs and Fox played with other Americans against teams from around the world, giving them the chance to observe different coaching styles and playing strategies.

“The Odyssey Program encourages all Hendrix students to embark on educational adventures that are personalized to their own interests and abilities.” -Hendrix College

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Odyssey Fall 2009


Brendan Moore and Meredith Strong Exploring Alaska: The Front Lines of Global Warming The mayor of Homer, Alaska, has made combating global warming a top priority in his city. Moore and Strong visited Homer to witness the effects of global warming and the preventative steps the community is taking. “We looked at the environmental affects of climate change, and how it affected the lives of the people who are experiencing it first hand and the steps they are taking to prevent it,” they said. Moore and Strong interacted with the city officials, the fishermen who deal with halibut and salmon, a resort that uses wind and solar power, and local biology professors.

Above Right: Moore and Strong went to study the effects of climate change from those who are experiencing it firsthand.

Left: Fox plays for lacrosse Team USA in the Czech Republic at the 9th annual Prague Cup. Both he and Recobs were invited to play for Team USA. Right: A group of Ridin’ Dirty students are guided to the Hendrix campus from the Boy’s & Girl’s Club of Faulkner County for a fun day of experiments.

Alex Holmes and Kelsie Holmes and members of the student body Ridin’ Dirty with Science The innovative “Ridin’ Dirty with Science” was offered for the third year on campus. There were two, two-day lab sessions in collaboration with the Boys’ and Girls’ Club of Faulkner County. Coordinated by Alex Holmes and Kelsie Holmes, this outreach program offered fun, interesting, and interactive experiments that bring basic scientific principles to life for the local middle school students of Conway, Arkansas. Students led the hands-on science camp as they guided children of grades 4-8 through exciting experiments. Allison Beard and Jessica Heilman engage a curious young Ridin’ Dirty participant with some creative interactive learning in the chemistry labs.

wim. bike.

swim. Hendrix run.





a Hendrix Odyssey

bike. run. un. epeat.

Right: Anna Roane competes in the running leg of the triathlon. Roane, a member of the Lady Warrior Basketball team, saw the triathlon as a good opportunity to continue her training and fitness.

wim. bike.

Above: A student competes in the swimming segment of the triathlon. The swimming competition is always the first part of a triathlon event. Immediate Right: Grace Cumpian and fellow competitors take part in the bike portion of the event. Stationary bikes were used for general safety reasons and to even the playing field.



Far Right: Competitors line up at the starting blocks as the get ready to take off into the swimming portion of the triathlon.


swim. m

bike. swim. un. 0 epeat. 4 2 Odyssey Spring '10 wim. bike.

Below: Steve Liguori competes in the biking event, the second leg of the triathlon. Liguori is an avid long distance competitive biker and can often be seen conditioning and training in the bike lanes of Conway.

In the spring of 2009 we started to plan the first Hendrix Triathlon. Ellie had participated in a team indoor triathlon and really enjoyed it; so she thought it would be something different that we could do at Hendrix. Activities like intramurals, 40 Days to Finals, and other athletic events draw a lot of Hendrix students and we thought something new would be fun. We decide to donate the proceeds to some sort about charity, but hadn’t decide which one until we read an article on the Hendrix website about Children’s Association for Maximum Potential (CAMP). CAMP has multiple ties to Hendrix including their director who is a Hendrix alumnus. CAMP is a program that provides weekend and summer camps for children with disabilities who cannot attend a regular summer camp. They provide one-to-one camper to counselor care and a variety of activities for participants. We received a lot of support from local businesses that made donations of food, money, gift bag items, and raffle prizes. We had about 40 participants including Hendrix students, staff, and other local residents. A large number of Hendrix students, and a few staff members, helped a great deal with set-up, timing, and cleanup. Overall the event was a lot of fun. It was great to see a variety of people get excited about the competition and have a great time. There were a lot of people who had never done a triathlon before so seeing them challenge themselves was really awesome. The team event was really great too. We had teams of Hendrix students, adults from Conway, and even a women and her two granddaughters! We’re so thankful for all of the support from our sponsors, participants, and volunteers. Hopefully the excitement of this triathlon will carry over for years to come! -Hannah Allee


a freshman, you enter college in one of two ways: you are scared and unsure if this is where you belong, or you are excited and ready to embrace your newfound freedom. Surprisingly, this is how you leave college as well. The main difference, though, is that as a senior you are truly on your own. The real world is at your fingertips and all you have to do is grab hold. Taking this step can be quite difficult for many graduates. However, as a graduate of Hendrix College, hesitation is not necessary. College, in general, changes everyone. Any change, whether negative or positive, can be viewed as a learning experience. The liberal arts curriculum of Hendrix College is a significant factor in how students change throughout their four years. Students are able to determine their true passion by picking and choosing (to a certain extent) their course load. By the time senior year rolls around, most students have a fairly good idea of what they want to do with their life. Plans may be tentative, but the fact that there is a plan at all indicates that Hendrix has fulfilled its purpose. Students are endowed with the skills and knowledge necessary for living an efficacious life after college. As a senior of Hendrix College, reflecting on the past four years elicits a multitude of feelings that span the entire emotional spectrum. The sentiments that are most prominent, though, are relief and gratification. The many hours of immense study and dedication are finally approaching fruition. Walking the path toward the coveted diploma is just around the corner. Knowing that a simple piece of paper illustrates four years of growth and achievement is a captivating thought. With the diploma in hand, one becomes a Hendrix College graduate. The real world awaits‌ -Ashley Cappiello ’10

Jose Jesus Bautista Franklin, TN International Relations and Global Studies

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Seniors 2010 Doch das ist unser schönster und süßester Wahn, den wir nicht aufgeben dürfen, ob er uns gleich viel Pein im Leben verursacht, daß wir das, was wir schätzen und verehren, uns auch wo möglich zueignen, ja aus uns selbst hervorbringen und darstellen möchten.- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, “Dichtung und Wahrheit”

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingndent in living. Its a way of looking through the wrong end of a telescope.” -Dr. Suess

Annie Ahn Cheonan, South Korea Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology

Katie Armstrong Albany, OR Sociology/ Anthropology

Angela Bennett Greenwood, AR Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology

“In the end, everything is a gag.” -Charlie Chaplin

Meagan Alban Plano, TX Early Childhood Education

“Whatever you are, be a good one.” -Abraham Lincoln

“The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.” - Bruce Lee

“You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

Rose Adams Springdale, AR Psychology Elizabeth Akama-Makia Little Rock, AR Economics & Business

Lauren Bartshe St. Louis, MO German

Angela Sin Berlin White Hall, AR Chemistry

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change , the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” -Reinhold Niebhur

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” -Dr. Seuss

“Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.” -George Edward Woodberry

Anna Bush Hot Springs, AR International Relations

“What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tiffany Brown North Little Rock, AR Biology

“What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” --Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The world needs anger. The world too often continues to allow evil because it is not angry enough.” - Bede Jarrett

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” -Unknown

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

Elicia Betlach Madison, WI Psychology Tabitha Blanks Little Rock, AR History

Tim Bryant Nashville, TN Environmental Studies

Joseph Byran College Station, TX Allied Health/ History

Elizabeth BrookesTolley Fayetteville, AR Psychology

Blake Burket Ft. Smith, AR Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology

Abigail Cape Ft. Collins, CO International Economic Policy

“If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads.”-Anatole France

“And as we all play parts of tomorrow/ Some ways we’ll work and other ways we’ll play./ But I know we can’t all stay here forever, So I want to write my words on the face of today/ ...And then they’ll paint it” -Blind Melon

“Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

Cache Carter Little Rock, AR Politics

John Christie Little Rock, AR Mathematics/ Chemistry

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Seniors 2010

“Live every week like it’s Shark Week.” -Tracy Jordan

“In mathematics you don’t understand things. You just get used to them” - John von Neumann

“If your wife owes money to Jackie Treehorn, that means you owe money to Jackie Treehorn”

“Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Ashley Brooke Capiello Dallas, TX Psychology/ Allied Health Elsa Carlson Houston, TX

Julie Champlin

Dana Clark Conway, AR Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology

Nate Carnes Oklahoma City, OK Psychology

Joseph Charlson Mannford, OK Politics

Kate Cook Hope, AR English

“Shared joy is twice the joy; shared sorrow is half the sorrow.” - Unknown

“We, as humans, ultimately stand face to face with our tenuous hold on life, fragile like the flame of a candle.”

Tiffany Donovan Conway, AR Anthropology

Ashley Easter Magnolia, AR History

“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.” -Henry David Thoreau

“Jake gusta Jake!”

”Omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus amori.”-Virgil

Michelle Drilling Little Rock, AR Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology

Jake Eddington Newport, AR Philosophy/ Religion

“Not all who wander are aimless. Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image” - Betty Warren, Mona Lisa Smile

“Always look on the bright side of life.” -Monty Python, The Life of Brian

“Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed.” -Corita Kent

Afton Cooper Little Rock Studio Art Aaron Crawford Vacaville, CA Accounting/ Studio Art Kent Denton Mendenhall, MS Philosophy

Sarah Dunaway Knoxville, TN Spanish

Trey Erebout Nashville, TN Spanish Language & Literature/ International Relations

“We are more often treacherous through weakness than through calculation.” -Francois De La Rochefoucauld

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

“Life ain’t a track meet. It’s a marathon.” -Ice Cube

Charles Green Searcy, AR Religion

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Seniors 2010 “Sólo lo difícil es estimulante.” - José Lezama Lima

“Before we met I knew we’d meet.” -Unkown

Matt Gaglio St. Louis, MO History/ Education

Brigid Goggin Tulsa, OK Anthropology

Allen Groue Houston, TX Economics/ International Relations/ Global Studies

“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.” Bob Moawad

Ashley Gish Franklin, TN Social Justice

“It’s not an adventure until you’re sorry you came.” -Unknown

“So there was no going back: she had to fight for survival among the mysteries of life. And what human beings want more than anything else is to become human beings.” Clarice Lispector, An Apprenticeship

“Let’s think the unthinkable, let’s do the undoable, let’s prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all.” -Douglas Adams

Becky Flynn Sherwood, AR Religion Nora Gibbons Stuttgart, AR Biology

Alberto Gomez Mena, AR Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology

Jordan Hampton Allied Health/ Studio Art

“The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, ‘You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.” -George Carlin

Rebecca Harrison Jonesboro, AR English

Callan Heath Ducanville, TX English/ Film Studies

“Let the wild rumpus start!” -Max

“To look life in the face, always, to look life in the face and to know it for what it is. At last to know it, to love it for what it is, and then, to put it away. Always the years between us, always the years. Always the love. Always the hours.” --Michael Cunningham, The Hours

“You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails.”

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” - Mother Teresa

Holly Hargrove Greenbrier, AR Chemistry/ Spanish Laura Harpool Little Rock, AR Religion

Crista Hartenstein Picayune, MS International Relations/ Global Studies/ Spanish

Dietlinde Heilmayr Fort Worh, TX Psychology

Emily Harris Benton, AR Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology

Joseph Bradley Hayden Memphis, TN English/ Classics

Anna Henger Bridgewater, MA English/ French

“But better still I love to contemplate/ The mature soul of lesser innocence…/ Who from the sad experience of his fate/ Since his bark struck on that unlucky rock/ Has proudly steered his life with his own hands.” -Henry David Thoreau

“Butterflies should never be ignored, because they’re too beautiful, and life’s too short.” -Jelena

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” -Albus Dumbledore

Julia Horton Berryville, AR Chemistry

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Seniors 2010 “In the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.” -Lao Tzu

“I’m not saying I want a booty call. I just want what Cory and Topanga had.” -Unknown

Christopher Hickey Camden, OH English/ Film Studies

Hannah Hooker Little Rock, AR Philosophy/ Religion

Celia Hoy Baton Rogue, LA English

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” -2 Corinthians 4:17-18

Kelsie Holmes El Dorado, AR Biology

“Thus, though we cannot make our sun/ Stand still, yet we will make him run.” - Andrew Marvell

“If I try to be like someone else, who will try to be like me?” -Unknown

“God’s peace is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guide your hearts and your minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 4:7

Kim Herrington Bridgewater, MA English/ French Alexandrea Holmes Little Rock, AR Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology

Claire Hortens Newport, PA Spanish

Ryan Hughes Dallas, TX Allied Health

“Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and follow where they lead.” -Louisa May Alcott

“Words get in the way / Just look at the faces” - Sly Stone

Dave Keine Kingwood, TX Biology

Emily Kern

“...Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the ‘present’.” -Kung Fu Panda

“I want a pancake, alcoholic breakfast.”

“Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love.” -Jane Austen

“If you wish to make an applie pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.” -Carl Sagan

Susanna Hunter Franklin, TN Biology/ Psychology Meghan Joiner Little Rock, AR Politics

Robert Michael Kempton Jr.

Hollis, NH International Economic Development

Kirk Kimery Cedar Park, TX Physics

Amanda Keifer Cookeville, TN International Development Studies

Lauren Kendall Overland Park, KS Physics

Meagan Kreps Little Rock, AR Biochemistry

“Que Sera, Sera”

“Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.” -Frank Herbert, Dune

Tiffany Lofland Seabrook, TX Economics

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Seniors 2010 “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” -Albus Dumbledore

Emily Kymer-Davis Little Rock, AR Biology

Emily Lenard St. Louis, MO Psychology

Samantha Long El Dorado, AR Anthropology/ Sociology

“As long as unicorns roam the Earth, evil can never harm the pure of heart.” -Legend

Franchesca Lau Little Rock, AR Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology

“If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.“ -Carl Sagan

“Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

“It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into doing it.” -Mother Teresa

Emily Kueny Dallas, TX Philosophy Ronni Laizure Tulsa, OK Comparative Literature and Area Studies

Kelly Limoncelli Sarasota, FL Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology/ Philosophy

Matthew Malecha Valparaiso, IN Biology

“I’d rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance.” -E.E. Cummings

“Today you are you. That is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.” -Dr. Seuss

“Laughter is sunshine; it chases winter from the human face.” - Victor Hugo

Kristen McMenamy Southlake, TX Psychology

Melanie Morse Psychology

“A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.” -Unknown

“Tiffany, your swimming like a midget!” -Coach Kelly

“It is so small a thing to have enjoyed the sun.” -Matthew Arnold

Brannan Mitchel-Slentz Nashville, TN Psychology

Tiffany Munn Slidell, LA Psychology “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams... Live the life you imagined!” -Unknown

“It is good to be made of gold...but it is also difficult to move.” -Unknown

“And I too/ Felt Ready to/ Start Life all/ over again/ it was as if…/ for the first time/ I laid my heart open/ to the benign indifference/ of the universe.” -Albert Camus

Julia Maschmann Dallas, TX Psychology Megan McCaghey Little Rock, AR Environmental Studies Jesse McCane St. Louis, MO Biology

Amanda Morris North Little Rock, AR Allied Health

Max Nguyen Texarkana, AR Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology

“Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul/You’ve got to run like an Antelope, out of control.”

“…And we pray, not/ for new earth or heaven, but to be/ quiet in heart, and in eye/ clear. What we need is here.” -Wendell Berry, “What We Need is Here”

“Live to the point of tears.”

Kevin Peek Shreveport, LA Physics

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Seniors 2010 “When in doubt, add more lava.” - Zachary Schomburg

Jenny O’Shaghnessy Austin, TX Spanish

Booth Owens Little Rock, AR Studio Art

Catherine Poston Piazza Little Rock, AR Religion

“In life, you have to be unafraid to hang from the tree branch naked in the high wind and you have to be absolutely unafraid to look ridiculous and silly.” -Matt LeBlanc (Joey from Friends)

Laura Owen Midland, TX Global Studies

“We’ll all grow up someday. We might as well know what we want.” - Amy March, Little Women

“I think everybody should like everybody.” -Andy Warhol

“Don’t do it; it’s a mistake!”

Timothy Nichols Greenbrier, AR Physics Caelan O’Sullivan Bakersfield, CA Economics & Business/ German

Daniel Partain Memphis, TN English

Lin Poff Texarkana, AR Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology

“A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.” -Theodore Roosevelt

“Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious. “

“Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts.” – Albert Einstein

Nathaniel Russell Clarksdale, MS International Relations

“The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” Lao Tzu

Lauren Rosales Austin, TX English

“One of the great revelations of space exploration has been the image of the earth, finite and lonely, bearing the entire human species through the oceans of space and time.” -Carl Sagan

“y los sueños, sueños son.”

“Here’s a test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: If you’re alive, it isn’t.”

“It’s not catastrophes, murders, deaths, diseases, that age and kill us; it’s the way people look and laugh, and run up the steps of omnibuses.” from Jacob’s Room by Virginia Woolf

Alexandra M. Reilman Austin, TX Music Kirkwood, MO American Studies/ International Relations/ Global Studies

Katie Rice

Sarah Rosenkranz St.Louis, MO Environmental Studies

Ben Samuelson Austin, TX Biology

Beatrice Roger The Woodlands, TX Politics/ Anthropology

Sheila Rupert Conway, AR Kinesiology

Blair Sanning Collierville, TN/ Los Gatos, CA Psychology

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible” - Walt Disney

“There’s only one rule that I know of, babies -- God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.” -Kurt Vonnegut, Got Bless you Mr. Rosewater

“You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing and dance, and write poems and suffer and understand, for all that is life.” -Jiddu Krishnamurti

Kestin Schulz Little Rock, AR

Joy Stegall Little Rock, AR Psychology

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Seniors 2010

“The middle of the road is where the white line is—and that’s the worst place to drive.” -Robert Frost

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” -Marianne Williamson

“One night I dreamed I ate a ten-pound marshmallow. When I woke up, the pillow was gone.” - Tommy Cooper

Aaron Schneider Rogers, AR Psychology John Schroeder Tulsa, OK Biology/ History

Alex Sego Sardis, AR Psychology

Alana Stephens Conway, AR Neuroscience

Russell Schultz Green Bay, WI Economics

Rachel Siegel Conway, AR Sociology

Caitlin Stevens Little Rock, AR Philosophy/ Religion

“I wish I could e-mail my thoughts to your nervous system.” -Pascal Jacque

“Can’t nobody break my stride. Can’t nobody hold me down. Oh no, I’ve got to keep on moving.”

Sarah Tamo Alexander, AR Biology

Nathan Thomas Fayetteville, AR Anthropology/ Sociology

“The Joy of the Lord is my Strength.”

“Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised.” -Denis Waitley

“It’s not always rainbows and butterflies, it’s compromise that moves us along.”

Kara Stewart Benton, AR Music/ English Lilly Stewart Franklin, OH Environmental Studies

Courtney Taylor Paragould, AR History

Terricka S. Thomas Little Rock, AR International Relations/ Global Studies

Meredith Strong Memphis, TN Anthropology/ Sociology

Erin Ternes Fayetteville, AR International Relations

Brandon Thompson Little Rock, AR Psychology

“People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

“It’s a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” -JRR Tolkein

“Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.” - Ella Fitzgerald

Benjamin Wadley Batesville, AR Economics/ History

Clare Walter Starkville, MS Psychology

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Seniors 2010

Mike Weng, the new Confucius, Says: “Killing two birds with one stone often ends with hate mail from the humane society.”

“If wishes were fishes, we’d all cast nets.” - Gurney Halleck

“I’m an instant star. Just add water and stir.” -David Bowie

“I don’t know what my calling is, but I want to be here for a bigger reason. I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived.” - Will Smith

“Life is my college. May I graduate well, and earn some honors!” -Louisa May Alcott

Drew Tillis Quapaw Mathematics/ Spanish Lauren Van Zandt Baton Rogue, LA Anthropology

Zachary Waldrip Batesville, AR Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology

Allison Watts Memphis, TN Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology

McCaull Vandergriff Chattanooga, TN International Relations/ Global Studies

Kat Wallace Eureka Springs, AR Religion

Mike Weng Little Rock, AR Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology

“Uh Get Silly”

“Jazz Hands, Hendrix!”

“Remember only this one thing,” said Badger. “The stories people tell have a way of taking care of them. If stories come to you, care for them. And learn to give them away where they are needed.” - Crow and Weasel

“Vamos a invadir la mañana con un abrazo de paz.”

William Alexander Woody Edmond, OK Psychology

Matthew Youngblood Rogers, AR Biology “So there was no going back: she had to fight for survival among the mysteries of life. And what human beings want more than anything else is to become human beings.” Clarice Lispector, An Apprenticeship

“This too shall pass.” -1 Corinthians 10:12

Eleanor Wheeler Austin, TX Economics Christy Wilkerson Morrilton, AR Psychology

Paul Yin Sugar Land, TX Economics & Business

Trevor Williams North Little Rock, AR Physics

Grace Yokem Heber Springs, AR Sociology

“I’m a N.B.S. Coach. Natural Born Sprinter!”

“People to whom nothing has ever happened cannot understand the unimportance of events.” -T.S. Eliot

“Anything can be great. I don’t care, bricklaying can be great if a guy knows what he’s doing and why and if he can make it come off.” -Eddie Felson

It’s been a

wild ride


What do you remember

Matt Gaglio

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Seniors 2010

My favorite Hendrix memory spans my entire time in college. My freshmen year during spring break a bunch of guys and I decided to play a game around campus called fungo golf. Fungo golf is a game that has the exact principles of regular golf, but instead of a club and a golf ball, we use a fungo bat and a tennis ball. Since most everyone had left campus for a week, Dave Keine, Eric Mathis, Kirk

Joseph Hayden

I remember the time that Hillel was making latkes in the new SLTC kitchen and set off the fire alarm. The alarm sounded for probably 15 minutes across the entire building, but we made new friends with Jan, the public safety officer, who asked us a lot of questions about Jewish food and Jewish identity. Our latkes were only slightly burnt, but we had an awesome time anyway.

Kimery, David Hagan, and I would all soak up the sun and play a round of fungo golf. One of the best parts about the game is making up challenging holes to play and writing funny names on the tennis balls to identify which ball is which.

Dave Keine Joseph Byram

My favorite memories over the past four years are all the random dance parties that take place on campus. Including the major school dances, the library rave during finals, the club hosted parties, and the times that my friends would put on music and dance at random places. I loved the chances to learn how to dance and spend time with friends without worrying about responsibilities.

Senior year, a bunch of us stayed at Hendrix for Fall Break. Going around town we found sweet three-piece suits at Salvation Army. We then proceeded to walk to Michelangelo’s rooftop bar, smoking pipes, singing Rat Pack songs in our suits with ladies on our arms.We were “The Men About Town”

Nicole Smith

My favourite memory at Hendrix would be the day that I joined Sword Club my freshman year. I had no idea how much fun it would be to swing “swords” made of p.v.c. pipe, foam, and duct tape, or that I excell at it. It is

my favourite memory because it was the day that I met a lot of my friends, whom I love and trust to this day. Also, Sword Club has allowed me to make more friends over the years here at Hendrix.

Taylor Adams Mary Catherine Alexander Mitch Allee Kendra Anderson

Lara Assaf Justin Avery Danielle Avrett Maegan Bell Scherry Bennett Jacob Bertrand Thomas Blacklock Matt Blair Abby Blaney Leigh Bondurant Brittany Bowman Kate Brannon Lauren Bresler Hunter Brooks

Kate Burnett Ryan Burwinkel Kaelen Calvin Brett Carr Colby Christopher Kent Coombs Emily Cooper

Thatcher Crawford Allyson Curry Catherine Curtis Joseph Daily Mallory Darwin Alicia Davila-Shukalo

Matt Demmler Jenny Diaz Lauren Shelby Douglas Mehla Duffy Derek Easttom Casey Eddings Elise Edrington

Kerry Evans Michelle Ewer Trevor Fabry Liz Fasterling B.J. Fogleman Jesse Ford Robert Fureigh

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Seniors 2010

Tim Furlow Kathleen Grant

Trevor Grant Rowdy Green Peter Griffin Rae Hamaker Lucas Harder Wyvonne Hawkins

Andrew Head Reagan Healey Josh Hernandez Amy Hicks Janson Hightower Nathan Hill Patty Hill

Sara Hoke Eddie Holcomb Celia Hoy Ryan Hoyle Austin Huffman Adam Iddings Nathan Jesson

Tony Johnson Laura Johnson Brianne Jones Katie Jordan Anna Keahey Austin Kearney

Elishia Kendle Casey Kerlin Rachel Kincannon David Kolovson Matthew Kraus Emily Kymer-Davis Andrew Lachowsky

Ben Lackie Laura Langley RoShunna Lea Matt Lindsey Andy Long William Longley

Claire Luikart Amna Malik Umer Malik

Leanne Mathurin Will McCallum Conner McCutchen

Caitlin McGeehan Sean McQueen Lindsay Merritt Krista Messer Alison Miller Sara Mitchell

Megan Monks Jon Moore Sonya Morgan Mike Moscatello Caitlin Murphy Rachael Newberry

Timothy Nichols Katelyn Parker Kelsey Parker Rachel Pollitzer Liza Poris Zach Porter

Natalie Ramm Patrick Rawhouser Daniel Ray John Reeves Brittney Reynolds Lauren Richards

Drew Ritchey Betsy Robb Thomas Robins Katie Robinson Cal Rose

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Seniors 2010

Michael Said Matt Sharos Katie Shropshire

Blake Smith Crystal Smith Nicole Smith Sonet Smitherman Danielle Smull

Stefoni Stratton Katherine Swanson Zach Swope Tawnya Swopes Sarah Tamo Kellie Taylor

Kevin Taylor Daniel Totten Amy Ulmer Rosie Valdez Jessica Varnell Jose Vilahomat

Rebekah Walker Daniel Ward Ben Warner Louis Weedman Daniel Weik Ashley Wells

Chelsey White Kelsey White Ashley Williams Andrew Winters Corissa Wittholt Cassie Wood Not pictured: Jeff Craft Kiley Gottschalk Erik Grafton Katie Gusewelle Harmony Hudson Braden Jones HeyLun Lam Truong Le Jerry Maldonado Chance McDermott

Adrian Parreiras-Horta Dzung Nguyen Kevin Peek Nik Ragula Josh Riley Jared Roberts Molly Waldron Sarah Marshall Henry Wang Ashley Young Ning Zhao

Katie Wright Ken Yang Mallory Young Connie Yue

D(egree) Day May 15, 2010 will always be remembered by many students as a day of celebration. On that soggy Saturday morning, degrees were conferred upon more than 300 students during the college’s 126th commencement ceremony. This marked the largest graduating class in the college’s history. Inclement weather prevented the ceremony from being held outside on the lawn. For the second year in a row, the senior class of Hendrix College recieved their degree in the Wellness and Athletics

Class of 2010

Center. The class of 2010 is the second

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class to graduate that was required to participate in the Odyssey Program. Matthew Thomas Youngblood, pictured right with President Cloyd, carried the college’s banner as the 2010 recipient of the Hendrix President’s Medal. First awarded in 1980, the award is the top honor given to a graduating senior that best exemplifies the highest ideals of the college. The class of 2010 boasted a large number of honors graduates and award winning scholars.


Honors Graduates Graduates Honors Summa cum laude Annie Ahn, Elizabeth Fasterling, Rachel Hamaker, Emily Harris, Laura Owen, Rachel Pollitzer, Katie Rice, Sheila Rupert, Caitlin Stevens, Courtney Taylor, Drew Tillis, Daniel Totten, Eleanor Wheeler, and Mallory Young.

Magna cum laude Lara Assaf, Kathleen Brannon, Blake Burkert, Ashley Gish, Brigid Goggin, Holly Hargrove, Laura Harpool,

Dietlinde Heilmayr, Laura Johnson, Veronica Laizure, Emily Lenard, Caelan O'Sullivan, Nikolaus Ragula, Thomas Robins, Danielle Smull, and Paul Yin.

Cum laude Meagan Alban, Mitchell Allee, Kendra Anderson, Angela Bennett, Abigail Blaney, Ashley Cappiello, Katherine Cook, Allyson Curry, James Ewing, Rebecca Flynn, Nora Gibbons, Alberto Gomez, Kathleen Grant, Rebecca Harrison, Crista Hartenstein,

Joseph Hayden, Nathan Hill, Hannah Hooker, Adam Iddings, Matthew Malecha, Caitlin Murphy, Dzung Nguyen, Alexandra Reilman, Beatrice Roger, Sarah Rosenkranz, Ben Samuelson, Russell Schultz, Blake Smith, Lauren Van Zandt, Molly Waldron, Allison Watts, Haining Wang, Minxi Weng, William Woody, and Youngblood

Class of 2010

Pictured Below: U.S. Representative Vic Snyder delivered the commencement speech. Snyder represented the second congressional district of Arkansas. In his speech, he spoke about the role that education has had in the United States over the past century.

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Residential Life


a residential college, Hendrix Residence Life plays a large role in impacting the lives of students. Residence Life helps to facilitate a smooth transition from home life to the independence of college living. Most first year students live within the traditional residence halls, while upperclassmen live in the Houses, apartment complexes and traditional halls. Because the majority of students live on campus, the college has a very communal feel. Resident Assistants and Hall Councils create fun, social, and intellectually engaging events that help to facilitate growth in the Hendrix community. Residence Life strives to build camaraderie amongst floor mates, hall mates, and neighbors through a variety of programs. These programs occur throughout the year and are meant to enrich the growth of the student as a whole person, specifically targeting different dimensions of the individual such as emotional, intellectual, and physical. From the time first year students arrive on campus, the RAs work to help these bonds develop. The Resident Assistants help residents with issues that arise such as roommate conflicts and homesickness. They also help students through more difficult issues and introduce them to the colleges many services such as the Chaplain and Counseling Services. Residence Life is meant to not only bring the students together in a community, but to help students grow into independent individuals. -Lauren Daily

Couch Hall Top Left: Move-In Day would be a drag without the help of the Orientation Staff. Ellen Waggner carries a laundry basket full of dorm items. Orientation staff was available to incoming students and parents to help during the move-in process. Right: Charles Wallace performs in the Musical Showcase during Family Weekend. Bottom Left: Couch boys perform in front of Galloway during their tour of campus. Each of the halls performed their Shirttails dance before the main event.

Haley Aaron Anne Allen Kathryn Applin Gina Balamucki Allison Bibens Jonathan Birdwell Stephen Borutta

Robert Brooks Patrick Brown Taylor Brown Elsa Carlson Anne Carrillo Dallmeyer Patrick Cherry Megan Childress

Victoria Churchwell Connor Corley Caroline Craig Ian Craig Theodore Crane Katherine Defrance Emily Deitchler

Kurt DeLashmet Katherine Dennis Mychal Dorais Robert Driscoll Grace Dubiskas Adeline Dugue John Dyer

Casey Eddings Eli Evans John Ewer Hannah Flatau Benjamin Flotken Jacob Fluharty Ethan Foster

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Spirits were high as students pummelled each other with freshly fallen powder, a rarity for this area of the south. Kat Marsh defends her territory from other students during a campus wide snowball fight.

Five Couch boys participate in Faux Rush Week’s Lip Sync Contest. Faux Rush Week consisted of different events where each hall had an opportunity to gain points and the hall with the most points wins a cash prize.

Casey Eddings showcases his vocals at one of the first ever events in the SLTC. SoCo’s Live Band Karaoke attracted the musical talents of all types of students.

April Sizemore participates in the Halloween trivia night hosted by SoCo. SoCo hosts many trivia nights throughout the year where they give out prizes.

Ruairi Fox Talen Fox Emily Frost Winston Gentle Melanie Gholson Brittany Gillespie Brandi Gist

Flora Goneke Ieshea Goree Jennifer Grant Katherine Greif Samantha Gullion William Haden-Chomphosy Torey Hayward

Karl Heinbockel Ruth Hokans Desirae Holmes Anna Hunter Samantha Hutchinson-Cloud Lauren Irby Erik Istre

Nora Jencks Corey Jones Nicholas Jordan Amelia Kish Alexander Koeppel Katerina Landwehr Christina Langston

Jennifer Lenow Andre Leonard Katherine Marsh Cheryl Mathis Justin Mayhew Tyler McBay Landon McGarry


Council Couch Hall

President Nick Rodriguez Vice President Hannah Flatau Secretary Patrick Cherry Treasurer Ruairi Fox Above: Couch Hall hosted Jungle Boogie, a jungle themed dance in Worsham after Miss Hendrix. Left: Katherine Dennis sorts out the Move-In Day protocol in the lobby of her new home, Couch Hall. The only co-ed dorm on campus saw an influx in the number of female residents and was forced to cut down on the space alloted to male residents, giving them almost a third of the second floor and all of the first. Residents are often found studying, but more often socializing, in the lobby, a central aspect of the dorm.

Conner McMains Heather McPherson Alicia Mickey Meredith Miles John Miller Theodore Minnes Sabrina Moore

Cason Morse David Moskowitz Kelsey Moss Joshua Narum Armeen Neshat Emily Nethington Michael Nollen

Tyler Nussey Ania Payne Victoria Peet Jacob Porter Sydney Rasch Darcy Raulston Saxon Ridgell

Lance Riley Legna Rios Cara Roadarmel Delaney Roberts Cassidy Robinson Nicholas Rodriguez Brittany Ross

Gillian Rossi Sarah Salazar Sara Samuelson Gabriela Seebinger Julia Shimada Jennifer Shostrand April Sizemore

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1st Floor Representative Lance Riley 2nd Floor Representative Josh Narum Meg Gholson 3rd Floor Representative Brittany Ross Sydney Rasch


prank war

“Born out of conversation in the lobby of the largest residence hall, unofficially recognized Couch Prank Week was an effort to have fun and build community ties,” resident and lobby regular Matthew Tillett said. “The rules were simple; nothing could be damaged or broken and no bodily harm could befall the pranks’ victim,” Tillett explains. A group of students filled the atrium on the back porch with balloons, another wrapped a student’s bed in Saran Wrap, and another transported a student’s entire room to the lobby, recreated identically to the setup in his room. Some students removed all of the Nick Rodruguez’s left shoes from his closet.

The aftermath of a prank leaves the victim’s room oddly organized. The students that pulled the prank of replicating a fellow resident’s room returned his belongings to the right room.

William Haden-Chomphosy and Lance Riley do not seem to be having too much trouble moving through the balloon-filled atrium. “Some fools felt they couldn’t wait for April 1st,” Haden-Chomphosy said. Photos of the Prank

War were provided by Erik Urban, a resident of Couch.

“This impromptu prank war occurred both in the fall and spring semesters,” Tillett informs us. “The pranks were tasteful and generally wellliked. People had fun and were driven to be creative in their methods. All in all, those two weeks were very entertaining.”

Time to Jungle Boogie

Couch meets Campus Kitty:

With his hands in the air, Paul Ortiz, dances during Jungle Boogie, the Miss Hendrix after-party, hosted by Couch Hall.

Amanda Spolec Daniel Stack Lauren Stansbury John Sudyka Kevin Theall

Ainsley Thiessen Matthew Tillett Casie Tims Trevor Trietsch

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Social Networks of a Couchie Kevin Theall has nothing but praises for the dorm where he has spent his first year on Campus. Though his initial reasoning behind choosing Couch was for the co-ed environment, Theall said he has come to discover even better reasons. “It’s a diverse atmosphere that the other dorms don’t offer....Couch maintains it’s own balance between partying and having ‘sober fun,’” Theall said. Couch held the more wellknown activities such as “Rage Against the Deli,” a popular dinner service on Saturdays and threw the ever-wild “Jungle Boogie” as an after party for Miss Hendrix. While parties do occur Theall explained that the ‘sober fun’ was equally as entertaining. “We also have movie nights, game nights, jam sessions, prank weeks, and spontaneous events like ‘Couch Bowling’

Let the Bookworms Speak: peak: What were the last three pieces off literature you read?


and constructing a giant obstacle course in the lobby,” Theall said. With a year’s experience of life as a Couchie under his belt, Theall imparted wisdom to future Couchies. “Spend time getting to know the residents of Couch, so that you don’t end up doing the same thing every weekend. Many students at this school fall into the cycle of Martin Party, Front Street Party, Mills Party, Brick House Party.”

Tm Tyler McBay Dharma Bums Jack Kerouac Alca Homo ?? Frederick Neitzche Byron: Collected Poems


To avoid this common trap, Theall suggested to upcoming classes, as well as the current student body, to broaden their networks. “If you know the right people in Couch, or anywhere, you can find something different and fun to do every weekend,” Theall said.

Og Olivia Golden The Reluctant Fundamentalist Mohsin Hamid The Catcher in the Rye J. D. Salinger The Heart is a Lonely Hunter Richard Wright


Jy Justin Yarbough

Erik Urban Ellen Waggoner Julie Wagner Charles Wallace Carolyn West Jarrod White Samuel Williams Emily Winters Justin Yarbough

Being and Nothingness Jean Paul Sartre DMT: The Spirit Molecule Rick Strassman Said the Shotgun to the Head Saul Williams

Galloway Hall Left: A Galloway girl gives a tattoo to a student using henna ink. Galloway Hall Council hosted Bollywood Night, an event complete with Henna Tattoos and Indian food. The event took place in the parlour which was decorated with colorful Indian scarves. Bottom Left: Anna Lennartson enjoys a night with her loved ones during Family Weekend. A large group of students and families gathered in the Burrow to challenge each other at Family Feud. Right: Melissa Schock, on her hands and knees, tosses her hair during the main performance of Shirttails in the Brick Pit. Below: Galloway ladies look on as the male’s residence halls perform during Shirttails teasers. Traditionally, all halls perform teasers before the main Shirttails event.

Katharine Abbott Sydnee Abernathy Rachel Achor Kaitlin Ashley-Pauley Cecilia Ayala Allison Beard Tess Benham

Janelle Bissell Kellie Booth Cassandra Brown Paula Burr Arielle Carroll Linh Chuong Kathleen Combs

Caitlin Cook Elizabeth Cox Rebecca Cox Grace Cumpian

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Linh Chong volunteers her time at the painting booth during Galloway’s annual Very Harry Halloween. Faculty and staff bring their children to Galloway Hall for a night of magical fun.

Victoria Gammill helps a young lady construct a wand at the wand booth during A Very Harry Halloween. Wands were created using pipe cleaners and a little imagination.

Students gathered around a table in the Galloway Parlour to enjoy Indian cusine. Students from all across campus waited in a long line for a free feast at Bollywood Night.

Samantha Deragowski Margaret DesPain Claire Dingle Tess Doumas Kelsey Dugger Margaret Eckart Molly Elders

Elizabeth Foster Rachel Froberg Ann Greenaway Traci Grinnell Lois Halsey Holly Hargrove Campbell Hawkins

Cassandra Heimann Anna Henger Allison Henry Erin Herden

Galloway’s Inner-Glow A Galloway girl for two years and a Resident Assistant for one, Hoai Trang Nguyen looks upon her experience in the “elegant ladies” hall as a warm introduction to not only college life, but also to the United States. “Before coming to the U.S., I thought American life was crazy with parties and loud drunk people. You could hardly have a quiet place to study except for the library,” Nguyen said. The relaxed atmosphere of Galloway, especially in the lobby area, came as a surprise. The general coziness of the space, the girls’ kindness and respectful quietness add to the attractiveness of the lobby for studying and socializing. However, the dorm is not always so studious. The girls do bring liveliness to campus. “For me, the great dorm memory would be the Lunar New Year,” Trang reminisces. “On that day, Galloway was so crowded with students and beautiful with decorations. We had a lot of fun.” Trang’s pleasant encounter with dorm life has changed her mind about the American lifestyle, she professes. “In general, I think Galloway contributes to Hendrix a nice, quiet, warm and safe environment,” she said.

Hoai Trang Nguyen

Haley Hixson Kasey Hodges Natasha Honomichl Shelby Howlett Hannah Irvine Lindsey Jacks

Jordan Jehlen Leigh Jensen Courtney Johnson Megan Jones Amara Kearney Meghan Kerin Hannah Kloss

Abbey Koon Taylor LaFortune Maya Lemon Anna Lennartson Hanna Liberson Catherine Lilly

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Freshman Josephine Reece made an adjustment not only from high school to college, but also from the northern climate of Minnesota to the sweltering heat of Arkansas’ August. “I love St. Paul. Besides the snow, I probably miss the possibilities of a big city the most.” Reece said. “It’s all the unique little restaurants and museums and theaters that just aren’t available in Conway, for sure and even Little Rock, to an extent. I also miss getting to make fun of the Scandinavian culture.” The biggest differences she has found are in the things native Arkansans take for granted, such as knowing certain landmarks, food chains, or songs. “It’s when someone makes a reference and everyone is surprised that I need it explained. It’s then that I really notice that our backgrounds aren’t entirely in common.” Her overall attitude towards the transition is marked with the gratefulness for the opportunity to have a variety of experiences within her own country. “It’s wonderful to travel abroad, but I feel like lots of people miss out on the diversity of the United States just because they’re uninterested or prejudiced. Everything that I’ve seen so far has only made me happier with my choice.”

Josephine Reece

Dana Maley Sierra McCabe Rachel McLemore Sophie Moore Katherine Moran Tafi Mukunyadzi

Catherine Myers Mariah Nehus Hoai Trang Nguyen Stephanie Oshrin Kathleen Peacher-Ryan Jillian Petersen Beth Pond

Anna Ragni Amelia Raney Josephine Reece Anna Roane Dana Rumph Leah Samuelson

Starting Spring

with a

Students took a break from studying to enjoy the sunshine and cool breeze of a Saturday afternoon to participate in Galloway’s Tie-Dye Event. As shown above, students adorned plastic gloves as they decorated their wearable masterpieces.

Glued to the Tube: Favorite Television Series




Cb Cassandra Brown

Laura Turvey

Real Housewives of Atlanta Millionaire Matchmaker The History Channel

Private Practice Ugly Betty Desperate Housewives

The Simpsons Saturday Night Live King of the Hill

Luisa Sims Arika Smith Kathryn Stinnett Amanda Taylor Sarah Thompson



Anna Ragni

Alex Saunders Melissa Schock Dorothy Schuler Elizabeth Scott Drucilla Shultz Sairah Siddique

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of Color

Students concentrate on drizzling just the right amount of paint and contribute as part of clean-up crew for the event.

Dominique Hamby demonstrates for Taylor LaFortune how to rubber band a shirt for the coolest effect.

Julia Toney Hailey Travis Laura Turvey Elizabeth Vaughan Jennifer Vos Larra Wagner

Elizabeth Williamson Alexandra Wilson Courtney Wolfskill Jennifer Zilly Gladys Zimmerman

Hardin Hall Top: Hardin Boys hum snowballs toward Martin Men during a snowball fight between the two residence halls. This particular fight was one of many that occurred on campus during the heavy snow fall in February. The entire campus was covered in a blanket of thick snow. Bottom: During Foam Party, Josh Hooper-Shaffer, covered in foam, glances back at friends. Many students entered foam party with their friends to dance and play in the massive amounts of foam. Foam Party was located in the Mabee Center due to poor weather conditions. Traditionally, Foam Party is supposed to be located in the Brick Pitt. Right: Resident Assistant, Alex Schroller, gives a goofy face while sitting in the Hardin Lobby during Move-In Day. On Move-In Day, resident assistants give the new students the keys to their new rooms and lay down the rules for each dorm. RA’s also provide vital information for the first few days of Orientation.

Matthew Adams Luke Adlong Drew Ahlgrim Carson Albright Scott Banks James Bass Jacob Bertrand

Samuel Bondurant Samuel Boren Seth Boren Jordan Breckenridge Jonathan Brown Anthony Cabrera Chase Campbell

Riley Capshaw Andrew Carty Derek Cash Michael Cathey David Chinchilla Aaron Cochran

Calvin Cochran Ryan Colbert Micah Cothren Edward Crews Samuel Crocker

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Left: Running with a broom between his legs, Ed Crews, throws a quaffle to one of his Quidditch teammates. A new edition of the clubs on campus is the Quidditch Team. Quidditch is open to every student on campus who wishes to play and join in on the imaginary magical fun. Right: Brandon Segall flips burgers during the Hardin Cook Out. Much food was prepared during the cook out including, chicken, hot dogs, burgers, cake and fruit. Food was set up on tables on the Hardin Patio for everyone to enjoy. Below: Standing outside near the Hardin Patio, Bryan Vanco, waits in line for food during the Hardin Cookout. Vanco was among many other students who went to Hardin’s annual Cook Out. Free food for all, and all are welcome.

Paul Depre James Dornhoffer Kent Dunson Benjamin Duvall-Irwin Adam Elozory Jonathan English Nicholas Fazzino

Benjamin Fish Nathan Foley Samuel Fullerton Michael Gardner DeAngelo Gatlin Daniel Gibbens-Rickman Gabriel Gonzales

Christopher Goodman Micah Graf Kevin Gregory Adam Grippo Alaa Haidar Jacob Halpern Weitzman

Spencer Hansen Elias Harpst Yusif Hasanzade Kyle Hasnas-Raskin Joshua Hooper-Shaffer


Council Hardin Hall President Josh Hooper-Shaffer Vice President David Chinchilla Secretary Collin Sitler Treasurer Al Haidar

Above: Joshua Hooper-Shaffer serenades the crowd during his lip-sync performace. “We wanted to do something completely ridiculous,” Hooper-Shaffer said, “and what’s more ridiculous than a pregnant guy in a dress? Our obvious answer was a pregnant guy in a skirt with a Guitar Hero Guitar.” Right: Sam Fullerton, more known for his skill with a disc than a pingpong paddle, tilts his wrist to put the perfect amount of torque on the ball. He and his doubles partner, Anthony Cabrera, who are often found playing against each other in the SLTC game room, placed first in a ping pong tournament over spring break.

Historian Strick Edwards Intramural Representative Michael Cathey 1st Floor Representative Anthony Cabrera

Joshua Hooper-Shaffer Jonathan Howard Colin Hoy Ian Huber

2nd Floor Representative Zach Zalenka 3rd Floor Representative Gus Zeidman Lobby Ambassador Drew Algrim

Nicholas Jones Sean Jordan Trey Kalbaugh Tyler Keever McKenzie Keller Don Kirn Kelsey Klinedinst

David Kuykendall Gregory Lawrence Ryne Lawrence Logan Leatherman Harrison Lindley Richard Litterst David Lollar

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William Hyatt William Hyde Adam Johnson Britton Jones



Southside Rush

Hardin boys live with the stereotype of being quiet and studious when they’re not playing video games. However during Faux Rush week, Hardin boys proved the stereotype wrong by placing in the Lip Sync competition with both of their acts. Joshua Hooper-Shaffer and David Chinchilla placed third singing, or rather, not singing “Anyone Else But You” by the Moldy Peaches. The next act, which placed first, consisting of Colin Hoy, Cody Elozory, Alex Scholler, Matt Adams, Kyle Bradbury, Brandon Stegall and others, performed a song from a popular skit featured on Saturday Night Live, the title of which includes words not allowed in the yearbook. The Hardin Boys sent their Hall Council Vice President, David Chinchilla, to represent them in the Jalapeno-Eating Contest. Though the contestant had the best odds, the competition turned sour. “I ate the peppers because I love and repped my dorm, but what I thought was a race of speed, was actually one of edurance. I thought I was eating one... wrong,” Chinchilla said. “I would most definitely do it again but I’d have to train.” Geoff Lomax Jakob Lorsbach Zora Joseph McBride Brennan McGinn

Sean Mehl Charles Meyers Taylor Mitchell Eric Monroe

Andrew Moody Tresor Mukiza Gilbert Ndayambaje Ezra Neal Michael Nelson Dmitriy Nurullayev Paul Ortiz

Kevin O’Sullivan John Partain Matthew Percival Matthew Pham-Evans Calvin Pun Todd Richard Carter Ricks

Hardin Boys Choose: Favorite Video Games



ardin cookout

Sb Sam Bondurant Super Smash Brothers Halo Assassin’s Creed

a tasty tradition


Ma Matt Adams God of War III Final Fantasy XIII Call of Duty II

12 Brandon Stegall and Justin Thomas team up in the grilling task of flipping burgers and hot dogs on an enjoyable afternoon at the Hardin Cookout.


David Robinson Billy Russell Richard Sakul Alex Schroller

Ernest Perez God of War III Call of Duty Halo Clark Sims Collin Sitler Adam Slinkard Teddy Smoyer Bradley SoRelle

Brandon Stegall Joseph Stegall Nick Stiles Arthur Taucher Wyatt Taylor Andrew Thames Brett Thielemier

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Stewart Morgan dresses his dish, emphatically layering mustard on meat. Obviously, this was an enjoyable meal; not only is it clear from the expression on Morgan’s face, but also because the meal was free.

Adrienne Norrell enjoys visiting with friends while waiting in line. It’s a good thing-- most of her time was spent waiting in it.

Elizabeth Akama-Makia finishes her meal with a piece of cake for dessert, she waits to see what a friend thinks of the dish.

Clare Mauney and Todd Richard look over the large collection of freebies at the cookout. There were many different items to choose from.

A visitor to the Hardin cookout joyfully makes it to the front of the long line.

Dallas Tompkins Johnny Tran Robert Tung Pierre Urisanga Bryan Vanco Jose Vilahomat Sam Vorspan

Karl Watkins Timothy Watson Robert Weingold Benjamin West Phillip Whisenhunt Joe Woodward

Casey Wynn Augustine Zeidman Zachary Zelenka Not Pictured: William Taylor

Martin Hall Left: Andrew Chesser, Alexander Jones, Steve Poth, and Andrew Jugly show off their Halloween costumes for Ghost Roast.

Bottom Left: Hunter Owen and Alexander Dayer play root beer pong, representing Martin Hall, during Faux Rush Week. Faux Rush week was hosted by Social Committee to celebrate a Greek-free campus. Right: Stephen Weingold participates in a rootbeer chugging contest during Faux Rush Week at Northside Rush. Below: Students dance the night away at a party inside a resident’s room. All students are welcome to join Martin sponsored events including the ones they host on their own turf.

Christopher Akcali Ethan Ake Jeff Appleton David Aspesi John Balch Nicholas Bemberg Gabe Breshears

Samuel Brisson Kyle Buchanan Kyle Butler Brett Carr Grant Chandler Michael Chavez Andrew Chesser

Clay Christian Keith Clemens Eric Cockman Andrew Craig Jamin Dabkowski Taylor Davenport Alexander Dayer

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Kirk Kimery gives a thumbs up in response to the snow covered campus. Students were given a “snow day� due to the amount of snow and ice. Many professors and off-campus students were unable to get to campus due to the dangerous driving conditions.

James Hanson carries a refrigirator into Couch Hall. Hanson was a volunteer during Orientation week. There was a competition amongst the OR leaders during move in day over who could carry the most refridgerators.

A group of Martin residents catapult snow balls at Hardin Hall residents, who in response, throw snow balls of their own. This battle took place during a campus wide snow-ball fight.

Christian Diaz Ryan Dickerson Zachary Doelger Ben Edmonds Travis Finch Jack Finney Justin Flanagan

Justin Fortier Udai Garimella Ryan Gaston Donald Geders Mitchell Goist Matthew Gonzalez Jess Gunnell

Jason Hailey Blake Haller John Hanna James Hanson Andrew Hart Wesley Haynie Edward Holcomb

Just can’t wait to be king? Beginning their dance with a scene from Disney’s The Lion King, these freshmen proved to be the kings of Shirttails when they victoriously brought their trophy back to Martin Hall. The dorm is know for its raucous themed parties, held every Saturday night. Students dedicate a great deal of time to their costume preparations. The 80’s party drew in more than a few Martin Hall tracksuits, girls in cutPresident off t-shirts Adam Jegley and leotards, Alexander Jones and even KISS. Nearly Chris Jones all donned Harrison Lowder retro sunglasses.



Thomas Holt Erik Honkomen Cody House Bradley Hull Wade Ingram Nathaniel Jernigan Louis Johnston

Scott Johnston Alexander Jones Christopher Jones Michael Karr Duncan Keegan William Keen William Kelly

Connor Kempton Kirk Kimery Asa King Thomas Krift Andrew Lachowsky Payton Lea Carlton Leding

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Chris Jones performs on the stage alongside Girl Talk. Jones, a member of Martin Hall Council, has responsibilities other than his duty to his Hall: namely the responsibility to rock out.

Alexander Jones serves up burgers to the student body at the Senate’s cookout. When he is not busy with fun tasks for Senate, Jones also serves on Hall Council.

Patrick Lee Eric Lew Stephen Liguori James Linder Harrison Lowder Matthew Lowry Marvin Malone

Daniel Mark Nicholas Marks Bradford Martins Robert McCarthy Marvin McLennon Shawn Miller Benjamin Nelson

Dylan Nelson Corey Nesbit Robert Nielson David Norris Ian Parker Marshall Parker Chase Pemberton




Eric Lew’s definition of the typical Martin resident is someone who not only spends a lot of time hanging around the first floor of Martin, but also someone who understands the importance of community. Lew explains that not only are there Martin Men, but also Martin women. They understand that school is a priority, while at the same time, “it is still important to have fun and provide a venue of entertainment to everyone who is near or visiting the Hendrix Campus,” Lew said. These women embody the Martin spirit as much as its residents.

Eric Lew

When asked for advice on how to live in Martin Hall, Lew suggested that residents be mindful of the noise and messiness that comes with living below the third floor. “Residents should always wear their shoes, unless in their own room,” Lew said.

For some Martin residents, such as Zach Doelger, Martin goes above and beyond just providing living space. “You become part of something special and unique, a place steeped in tradition, a place where strong bonds are formed based on intangible principles,” Doelger said. This makes Martin the perfect environment for spawning many large and extravagant parties. After giving an extensive list of Martin’s creatively themed parties, Doelger’s favoritism falls upon 80’s Night. “It’s the first themed party of the year and it lets you step out of your shell, dress up, meet new people, and just let loose,” Doelger said.

Zach Doelger

Jack Phillips William Porter Steven Poth Jacob Powell Jacob Powers Adam Ratcliff Dylan Reed

Logan Rice Jaren Riley Jeremy Rowe John Schallhorn Andy Semetko Dayton Sheridan Scott Sherrill

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The freedom of Martin residents to let loose offers an incomparable experience of unity and friendship. “It is without a doubt a place where students of all races, creeds, genders, and ideologies can come together in solidarity,” Doelger proudly states, “it is a place that embodies a oneness transcending culture, economy, and overlooking petty disagreements and selfishness.”

Pancakes Miles High

Calling All Dance Callers: Favorite Martin Parties

On Wednesday April 21st, the Martin Hall RAs cooked a massive amont of pancakes to feed a line of hungry students. The key to skipping the line was asking the willing-to-please chefs for special orders. One student, an obvious Jack Johnson fan, brought a banana to “pretend that it’s the weekend!” Other students chose two plain pancakes or one chocolate chip pancake for their plates. “Try the chocolate chips, they’re Ghiirradelli -- only the best for Martin Hall. Disregard the Great Value syrup,” RA and chef Gabe Breshears said. After waiting in line, some students were picky enough to wait for “the perfect pancake.” Others however, were less picky. “They’re free!” visiting Hardin resident, Matt Adams, said in response to being asked what his favorite thing about the pancakes were.


Cc Clay Christian Toga Ghost Roast 80s Night


Sw Steve Weingold Derby Daze Shirttails S***show Toga


Mc Mitch Cluyst Ghost Roast Derby Daze 80 Night

Athanase Sibomana Naveed Siddiqui Connor Silvestri Lance St. Laurent Christopher Taylor Colin Thompson Henry Walter

Weston Weeks Stephen Weingold Blake Whicker Thomas Whitehead Grant Womack Alexander Wyrick

Raney Hall Left: Lindsey Wiggin displays a pi単ta during the Raney Fiesta. Worsham Hall was festively decorated for the occasion. Middle: Cassie Fiddes holds a soccer ball, but in this case, a quaffle during the very first Quidditch match held on campus. Many students gathered in passing to catch a glimpse of these Harry Potter fans. The club now meets regularly and is open for all students to participate. Below: Sophie Houin, Lydia Nash, and Ana Contreras carve pumpkins in the Raney Kitchen. Many residence halls display pumpkins in honor of the Halloween spirit. Right: Julia Cook performs a rap at Live Band Karaoke hosted by Social Committe. Live Band Karaoke was open to all student acts ranging from individual performers to group performances. Members of the band traveled all the way from Chicago to perform along side students.

Alyssa Agee Heather Allen

Maria Balduf Hollis Barton Kathryn Bates Rebecca Bona Jenny Burgos Sheryl Burt Clarissa Burton

Jillian Calicott Callie Carlton Ellie Casalman Kathleen Cason Melissa Clement Ana Contreras Julia Cook

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What is your favorite part about living in Raney? “The people. We have fun, but we know when to actually behave unlike other people.”


Heather Stout Sophomore

Hs “I love the third floor! It’s great to be able to walk down the hall and visit my friends whenever I want. It makes spontaneous hang out sessions happen a lot more often.”



Anna Godwin Freshman

“It’s quiet and it’s clean. It’s also very homey. It’s just a very quaint little place to live.”


August Eubanks Freshman


Georgia Cooley Camille Coston

Lauren DeLano Emily Depre Samantha Devlin Amanda Dolph August Eubanks Megan Fergusson Cassandra Fiddes

Kristen Finch Meredith Fletcher Alice Floros Lacey Freeman Andria Glover Anna Godwin Paige Goodman-Wolven



throws a party, it’s a

Raney Hall Council annually hosts a themed banquet and due to the council’s love of Mexican food, the decision to have a fiesta was made. “La Princessa, a local Mexican resturant, provided burritos, but the talented Raney girls made the rice and cheese quesadillas,” Hall Council Vice-President, Paige Goodman-Woolven, said. “The quesadillas were my favorite, and probably the most popular dish.” “We worked together planning, setting up, and running the whole thing. There were a lot of really energetic and enthusiastic girls on Hall Council and we couldn’t have pulled it off without them; they are great. It was absolutely a success!” Goodman-Woolven said. Alice Floros finally gets a break after working hard serving meals to students. Flores desperately hoped that she would not have to wash the dishes piling up behind her.

Ashley Halbert Jasmine Haller

Lisa Hasenhuetl Morgan Hill Kaitlyn Hudnall Sarah Hyndman Mary Kennedy Leslie Kraynak Megan Kurten

Erin Kurtz Heather Laman Rachel Lindstrom Emily Lingerfelt Mollie Long Lucy Louzet Ashley Lyman

1 0 0



Council Raney Hall President Ellie Castleman Vice President Paige Goodman-Wolven Secretary Lindsey Wiggin Treasurer Carrie Tillett Hall Senator Becca Bona 1st Floor Representative Sheryl Burt 3rd Floor Representative Alice Floros

Above: Lindsey Wiggin expresses her preference for sour cream in spite of its nutritional value. Wiggin, as a member of Hall Council, assisted with the Raney Fiesta production by helping cook and by serving students.

Laura McCaughey Kaitlin McGrail

Morgan Merriott Michaelene Miller LaRonda Mitchell Sara Mitchell Alanna Montgomery Hayley Morrison Erin Murchison

Claire Nassaux Safia Nawaz Dana Nucaro Phoebe Nyen Kelly Owen Brittany Page Mary Parsley

Ladies of Raney Hall Ellie Casalman of Fort Smith was attracted to Raney for its reputation of being pretty calm and quiet. Though the dorm meets those initial expectations, she has enjoyed the friendlier aspect of dorm life. “I’ve loved getting to know all of the girls that live around me. I was a member of ...Hall Council my freshman year and thought it would be fun to do it again,” Casalman said.

Alice Floros “The nights before theme parties hold a special place in my little heart. A few zany gals would zip down the halls without stopping for breath, anxiously showing off their neon/80s/90s/elf/Halloween looks to everyone... If only we could dress to theme every day.”

Kim Pollard My most cherished memory in Raney is from the first semester of this year, when all of the old Raney girls came over and we watched the freshman boys do their Shirttails teasers. It was a lot of fun to have all of the girls over, and it reminded me of freshman year when we all did Shirttails ourselves.

As president of the council, Casalman humbly describes her role as officiator over meetings. “It was important to me to let all the members... have an equal role in planning events and brainstorming ideas,” she stated. By getting involved, Casalman has found the social side of Raney. “I loved getting to spend time with the girls. We always had fun and joked around with each other during the meetings which made me feel more comfortable leading them.” The general quietness, however, has its advantages as well. Casalman commented, “You can go out to parties on the weekends knowing that you have a quiet, clean dorm to return to.”

Hannah Sintek Monica Sitzer Ashley Skinner Sara Slimp Mika Smith Heather Stout

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Sarah Pearce Laura Plummer Kimberly Pollard Megan Powell

Sarah Pullen Lacie Reichardt Rachel Robbins Allison Sauls Rachel Singley

Looking back on the year, what was your most

cherished memory in Raney?

Psyched About Cinema: Last Three Movies Viewed




Mg Maria Gillette

The Princess and the Frog Clash of the Titans Kick-Ass

Jy Julie Young

Lion King Hunchback of Norte Dame Princess and the Frog

Md Megan Dowell

Shrek Princess and the Frog Scary Movie

Lindsey Wiggin My most cherished memory in Raney was creating the Culture Points chart and spending time with the third floor ladies.

Maia Young “Hanging out with Lindsey Wiggin!�

Michaelene Miller Alissa Sughrue Emily Sullivan Susanna Sutherland

My most cherished memories of living in Raney involve the informal hallway gatherings that could happen at any moment! They could last for hours. Third floor would have the best bonding sessions.

Jacquelyn Tagariello Cayla Thompson Carrie Tillett Stephanie Verweij Amber Voigt

Tessa Vuper Felicia Walker Lindsey Wiggin Morgan Williams Jennifer Youngblood Julie Youngs

Veasey Hall The year of the


Veasey girls get up close and personal with the Martin boys during their Shirttails Serenade. Veasey visited other dorms on campus during Shirttails teasers.

Veasey Hall started the year off great with another Shirttails victory for the books. This set the momentum for a fantastic year of fun and excitement, which continued with a repeat performance of the Shirttails dance at Moonlight Harvest. Moonlight Harvest, though freezing, provided a great communal social event for the ladies of Veasey Hall. Other events, such as the Great Condom Challenge during Faux Rush Week, and Luau in the spring, created memories to last a lifetime. At any given time these girls could be seen cooking in the Veasey kitchen, hanging out on Veasey Beach, or studying in Veasey lobby. Academically and socially this year’s residents truly expanded the Veasey Hall reputation. -Claire Hyatt

Hatley Adkins Hanna Al-Jibouri Alyssa Barry Erin Beakley Lauren Beck Georgia Belk

Anna Beucler Catherine Black Sara Booker Francis Bowen Ryan Bracken Arden Brazzeal

Spencer Briggs Audra Brock Desire Brown Diana Brown Jessica Brunson Emilia Bussard Emily Canon

Blythe Cate Monica Chatterton Elizabeth Childress Sarah Chronister Catherine Chocrane Christina Cole Sydney Copeland

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Moonlight Harvest

Jenna Hightower puts down her homework when classes are cancelled to pick up a snowball.

Moonlight Harvest, a fall semi-formal event, hosted by Veasey Hall gave residents an excuse to dress up for an elegant dinner and dress down for a dance afterwards.

Sara Croissant Lacey Cunningham Stephanie Davenport Abigail DeLoach Claudia Doke Tiffany Donovan

Rachel Dudley Elizabeth Elmore Rachel English Erin Ferriman Lindsey Gallagher Sarah Ghidina

Anna Giles Katharine Gillett Eleanor Gilmore-Szott Olivia Golden Courtney Graves Sarah Greaves Katrina Griffin

Jennifer Guenther Autumn Hail Dominique Hamby Emily Hanson Logan Hanson Elana Harrison Samantha Heebner

Do the Shuffle:

What pops up on your iPod? Three Veasey girls were asked to put their iPods on shuffle and name the first three songs that came up. “There’s some weird stuff on my iPod,” said Ming Tai. Georgia Belk and Hannah McWilliams were sunbathing when asked to give their top three songs. McWilliams was embarrassed by her last song. “I just have this one for the name,” McWilliams said. “Have you never gone to iTunes and searched your name?”


Mt “I’d Do Anything for Love” Meatloaf “The World I Know” Collective Soul “Square One” Coldplay


Gb “Winner” Chris Brown “Like My Style” 50 Cent “Fistful of Tears” Maxwell


Hm “Help I’m Alive” Metric “I’m Ready, I am” The Format “Hannah, You’re Beautiful” The Class of ‘98

The Vegas-themed sign welcomed incoming freshmen on Move-In Day. The Veasey Vegas sign mysteriously disappeared one evening and was said to have traveled around camups via an anonymous kidnapper. With the guidance of comedian Loni Love, Veasey girls Celia Ketcham and Katie Michaud compete over Hardin boy Matt Adams, trying out their best pick-up lines. The final stage of the competition, the dance-off, was judged by the audience. “Loni told me to stop before I hurt myself,” Michaud said.

Jessica Heilman Allison Helm Jenna Hightower Sarah Hill Jessica Hodges Samantha Hoiby

Hannah Hudspeth Claire Hyatt Emily Jones

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French foreign exchange student Amadine Dugue and Alicia Mickey welcomed the costume tradition of Elf Roast by donning their best candy cane outfits.

Veasey girls Abby Deloach and Anna Broadwell-Gulde and their friend from Raney, Micah Miller, enjoy an afternoon of spring break in hammocks overlooking the marshes of St. Simon’s Island, Georgia.

Friends Katrina Griffin, Anya Mazor, Maggie DesPain, Jen Gunther, and Alanna Montgomery help each other prepare for a night of festivities. Photo provided by Abby DeLoach.

Allyson Keen Karrah Kehus Breanne Kelley Celia Ketcham Kathryn Kilpatrick Katie Kirkpatrick

Kaleigh Knapton Karyn Kuan Elizabeth Lasiter

The Veasey Appeal For Sarah Ghidina of St. Louis, her initial visit to the campus positively impacted her decision of living arrangements once accepted. “I heard [Veasey] was the more freshman-friendly dorm, more social and fun,” she said. “It was presented that way, so I came as a freshman and stayed as a sophomore.” When asked to characterize the dorm’s appeal, Ghidina explained the well-established concept of ‘Veasey pride’: “There’s a lot of spirit and camaraderie. It’s a close-knit group of girls that are friends and see each other around campus.” The continued support of resident assistants from

freshman through sophomore year assisted in the transition to college life. “We got really close. The RAs make an effort to get involved, and really embraced the Veasey spirit, too, by encouraging freshman.” The lively, social dorm offers to the college an element of fun and its students more opportunities to make friends. “Veasey is socially involved in athletics, clubs, groups, etc. It brings a community feeling because it connects together all of those involved. Our dorm is well-represented around campus, and the campus is well-represented in our dorm,” said Ghidina.

Environmentally conscious Veasey, winner of the Earth Day interdorm energy-saving contest, hosts an Environmental Concerns Committee, or ECC meeting in the lobby. Speakers, featured left, were Dan GibbonsRickman and Anna Nyseth.

Charis Lorenz Kelsey Manning Anya Mazor Kathleen McGlasson Hannah McWilliams Helen Mealy Katherine Michaud Eleanor Mode Amy Morley Marissa Moyer Rachel Myers

Dusti Newton Anna Nyseth Lillie Peterson Sarah Poulton Rebecca Rahn Kelly Rappe’ Leslie Reynolds

Melanie Roach Josi Roberston Hillary Robson Avery Roller Olivia Salmonsen Else Schmit Amethyst Schmued

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Aloha! Students enjoy the miraculously clear spring weather after having to reschedule and relocate. The picnic-style Luau was a huge hit with no leftovers!

“Veasey Luau went way better than expected,” said hall council member Ashley Scorsone. Because the Luau had to be moved from Saturday to Sunday due to inclement weather, there was worry that the crowd would be thin. “Much to Hall Council’s surprise, we ended up running out of food, which was awesome since we had a ton of food from Whole Hog BBQ,” said Scorsone

Margaret Schrier Ashley Scorsone Morgan Scott

The effects of bad weather seem to be a trend; there was not a Veasey Luau last year, Scorsone told us, because it was rained out. Traditionally Veasey Luau is in the brick pit, set up like most brick pit parties. However, the brick pit was unavailable because events cannot be held in the brick pit on alumni weekend. “Learning this we went to plan B,” added Scorsone. Luau was to become a BBQ on the Veasey Beach. “This was the first time, at least to my knowledge, that Luau was a BBQ.”

Nola Smart Marissa Stengel Tristan Stolz Jessica Sturges Kiplin Taber Ming Tai Jordan Tate

Laundon Tucker Hyacinthe Umwalki Olivia Urbanowicz Nina Vaag Beatrice Vena Megan Weaver Addie Webb

Not Pictured: Morgan Young

Claire Whitehurst Elizabeth Williams Vicki Wood Emily Woodell T.K. Works Georgia Zarate

B r o w n

Hannah Allee Colin Bagby Eva Englert Charles Green Cayce Guy Taylor Kidd Emily McElroy

Mallory McElroy Lauren Nasr Emily Rahm Paul Richards Katherine Robinson Jeffery Schmit Kris Staples

Sarah Teed Hanna Braden Hannah Brown Dianne Eppley Nicholas Fender

Not Pictured: Kevin Watford


Mikaela Frederick Chistopher Kanze Danielle Knight Alida Kwisangineza William Longley Erin McKinney Sonya Morgan Not Pictured: Brock McGrath Megan Pearce Jennifer Smith Nicole Smith Jack Steiner Louis Weedman


Takayla Ames Kelly Attaway Cameron Crane Sarah Eddy Lauren Fletcher Drew Kellum Kelli LaPorte

Audrey Lauber RoShunna Lea Heather Newell Christin Norman Laura Rowe Rachel Smith Michelle Stiles

Terricka Thomas Sinehan Bayrak Lauren Bresler Sarah Bullock Claire Burns Cache Carter Elizabeth Corban Aaron Crawford Kenneth Denton Hailey Hundley Leslie Levin Kelly Limoncelli

1 1 0


Not Pictured: Mirelle Mutesi Shunangguo Yin


Leanne Matherin Vanessa Morris Roxanna Reyes Molly Robbins Blake Smith Kellie Taylor Christine Walsh

Ryan Burwinkel Clayton Cersonsky Mary Clancy Travis Deal Mai Doan


Michelle Ewer Austin Huffman Matt Lindsey Amelia Michaels Dzung Nguyen Caelan O’Sullivan Erin Ternes Not Pictured: Albine Niwemugeni


Stephanie Trevino Christopher Wheat Daniel Williams Trevor Williams Paul Yin

Jeffery Biles Marysa Carter Joseph Daily Liz Fasterling Brett Geren Ethan Gillett Gina Gordan

Elizabeth Jackson Andrew Kryder Ronni Laizure Rachel Lee Brandon Linz Katy Mann Jean Rukundo Not Pictured: Liyuah Ding

Dillion Blankenship Chris Hickey Madeline Keenan

Eco-House Not Pictured: Sarah Jones


Genevieve Nesom Lauren Ricci Katherine Roehm Ben Samuelson Katy Brantley

Hannah McGrew Jessica Nicholls Kathleen Rice Lauren Rushdi Krystal Suit Allie Thompson Ashley Vick

Meagan Alban Samantha Church Rebecca Emrick Jeffery Forgerson Matthew Gaglio Victoria Garrett Julian Giller

Jesse Godbey Lucas Harder Jaclyn Herrera Olivia Holmes Andrew Hurtt Kayla Johnson David Keine

Lowell Ladd Matthew Leopold Alison Miller Alyssa Moran Stefani Perry Tess Stewart Kaley Waldrip

Meredith Wallus Emma Yingling Not Pictured: Sarah Pigg

Lindsey Abel Justin Avery Leigh Bondurant Sabrina Bowles Kathleen Brannon Timothy Bryant Brian Conrad

Michelle Drilling Jesse Ford Timothy Furlow Trevor Grant Leah Groat Zachary Hale Nicholas Heathscott

Joshua Hernandez Kimberly Herrington Hannah Hooker Celia Hoy Susanna Hunter Austin Kearney Casey Kerlin

Matther Kraus Meagan Kreps Franchesca Lau Truong Le Rebecca Leonard Andrew Long Samantha Long

Megan McCaghey Jesse McCane Catlin McGeehen Brendon Moore Lydia Nash Adrienne Norrell Zachary Porter

1 1 2


Clifton Front Street

Nikolaus Ragula William Rankin Lauren Richards Joshua Riley Michael Said Blair Stunning Kestin Schuls

Bryan Sitzes Elizabeth Slatton Danielle Smull Caitlin Stevens Zachary Swope Dylan Veron Benjamin Warner

Lauren Whitmore Ashley Williams Andrew Winters Not Pictured: William Hodges Katherine Hunter Dane Nielson Stewart Rose Annie Ahn John Alford Jennifer Baker Mackenzie Barnes Tiffany Brown Blake Burket Claire Burns Kaelen Calvin Nicole Chandler John Christie Katherine Cook Colleen Daly Lauren Douglas Emily Dusek

Jacob Eddington Kerry Evans Lara Ewald Rebecca Flynn Bradley Fogleman Ryan Freeman Tanner Gibbs

Will Gibbs Olivia Harrington Rebecca Harrison Andrew Head Patty Hill Richard Hughes Anna Keahey

Dominique Kellybrew Thomas Kish Emily Kymer-Davis Laura Langley Andrew Larsen Claire Luikart Emily Luikart

Hendrix Corner

Conner McCutchen Ruanda McFerren Ryan Menchaca Not Pictured: Adrienne Dawson Caitlin Fox Alberto Gomez Jessica Lin

Emily Mitchell Elizabeth Morgan Melanie Morse Allison Mosley Maxwell Nguyen Kevin Patel Laura Podd

Sarah Richardson Betsy Robb Joy Stegall Lauren Stewart Lillian Stewart Meredith Strong Tawnya Swopes

Jonathan Tackett Sarah Tamo Rosalia Valdez Kristi Vo Benjamin Wadley Zachary Waldrip Daniel Weik

Ashley Wells Kelsey White Jadon Wiese Amelia Wildenborg Katherine Wright David Yablick Ashley Young Not Pictured: Parham Motaghedi

Katelyn Armstrong Rachel Arnold Sarah Arnold

Lara Assaf Kaci Billings Aaron Bowen Robin Brown William Brown Ellen Burr Joseph Byram

Alexandra Byrne Hannah Carmack Wendell Cathcart Kelly Connelly Kent Coombs Afton Cooper Allyson Curry

Catherine Curtis Matthew Diehl Leila Doolittle Sarah Fesmire Trent Fowler Anne French David Garza

Walton Gaskins Joshua Graham Nora Granger Peter Griffin Drew Gustafson Laura Hamby Laura Harpool

1 1 4



Nathan Harr Crista Hartenstein Callan Heath Janson Hightower Nathan Hill Paige Hopkins Sophie Houin

Phillip Howard John Huffman Ryan Hughes Kyriane Johnson Braden Jones Kerry Kanatzar Angela Kathman

Jacob Kauffman Elishia Kendle Christopher Klapsa Gabriel Levin Tyler Lewis Tiffany Lofland David Malick

Claira Markowski Diana Matei Malcolm McCrimmon Sean McQueen Molly Miller Jonathan Moore Caitlin Murphy Bridget O’Shaughnessy Jenny O’Shaughnessy Laura Owen Gabe Pesek Anna Peterson Christopher Poff Alexandra Reilman

Ryan Rizos Sarah Rosenkranz Lauren Rowley Evan Sadler Anthony Sanfilippo Kathryn Schaiff John Schroeder

Arthur Stewart Ryan Stuckey Jordan Suydam Nathan Taillac Benjamin Thomas Brandon Thompson Rose Thomson

Drew Tillis Mark Vlaskamp Clare Walter William Wharton Elizabeth Whittington Christina Wilkerson Heather Wilson

Connie Yue Not Pictured: Joseph Hoke Anthony Johnson

Village, Building C Lauren Bartshe Sarah Bell Grace Bernhardt Thomas Blacklock Lauren Bowden Hilary Box Eliese Brinkman

Dana Callaway Ashley Cappiello Joseph Charlson Mary Chiarito Quincy Conduff Jeff Craft Canyon Darcy Lauren Davis Amanda Dawson Abigail Dobson Johannah Fletcher Frances Goodrich George Greenfield David Hagan

Braeden Hall Alyssa Havens Winn Haynes David Herrold Ryan Hoyle Sara King Zach Klein

Luke Kressin Amy Lamb Kim Larson Adam Legg Robert Lord Jessica Mabry Whitney Maguffee

Amna Malik William McCallum Chance McDermott John Meredith Linsey Miller Lily Moncrief Natascha Morris

Caitlin Mulkern Malena Outhay William Phillips Elizabeth Qualia Ashley Redo Jared Roberts Lindsey Romaniello

Nathaniel Russell Caufield Schnug Alexandra Sego Sydney Selby Morgan Shelburne Knox Shelton Kaylen Stevenson

1 1 6


Rose Adams Taylor Adams Sarah Alford Mary Allison

Lauren Thorburg Linden Williford Kristin Witcher Ken Yang

Village, Building D Daniel Abernathy Elizabeth Akama-Makia Decker Ayers Jose Bautista Abigail Cape Nate Carnes Donald Daniel

Rane Dearing Mathew Demmier Jamie Dimond Sarah Dunaway Jake Eickman Logan Estill Emily Fieser

Amy Fontenot Conerd Frederickson Federica Gill Bradley Grindstead Alexandrea Holmes Kelsie Holmes Hannah Jackson Ani Johnson Matthew Johnson Meghan Joiner Bruce Layman John Martin Alicia Matheney Erickson Mathis

Dylan Meyerson Clay Morgan Timothy Nichols Daniel Partain Rachel Pollitzer Mark Pranger Sara Prince

Sabrina Raveendran Joshua Recobs John Reeves Mary Reinhardt Austin Rhodes John Robins Thomas Robins

Leah Rue Langdon Sanders Gavin Schalliol John Schultz Jordan Socwell Kara Stewart Justin Thomas Alexander Vestal Timothy Wallen Timothy Wojcik Edmund Zaballa Evan Zimmerman Not Pictured: HeyLun Lam Alexander Melnykovych

O f f C a m p u s

Mary Alexander Mitchell Allee Kendra Anderson Sarah Atchley Danielle Avertt John Balay Emily Bell

Whitney Bell Angela Berlin Elicia Betlach Jessica Beustring Amanda Blackmon Matthew Blair Abigail Blaney

Brittany Bowman Eva Brandenburg Hunter Brooks Kate Burnett Anna Bush Jennifer Byerly Lauren Campbell

Ali Castleberry Alice Cawley Julie Champlin Colby Christopher Dana Clark Morgan Conine Emily Cooper Alicia Davila-Shukalo Kevin DeStefano Jennifer Diaz Jeffery DuBose Ashley Easter Derek Easttom Elise Edrington

Ian Evans Trevor Fabry Daniel Ferkin Justin Fowler Domingo Galdos Sara Gawor Nora Gibbons

Ashley Gish Brigid Goggin Kiley Gottschalk Erik Grafton Kathleen Grant Rowdy Green Allen Groue

Mary Gusewelle Rachel Hamaker Micaela Hamilton Wyvonne Hawkins Joseph Hayden Benjamin Hehemann Dietlinde Heilmayr

Jordan Henderson Cathrine Hensy Amy Hicks Peter Hiegel Melody Hill

1 1 8

Off Campus

Not Pictured: Madison Brooks-Toiley Christina Byler Jordan Cacici Abby Coleman Desh Deepak Harmony Hudson Gerardo Maldonado Kevin Peek Anastasia Meaders Connie Phillips

Sara Hoke Claire Hortens Julia Horton Adam Iddings Nathan Jeffries Kara Jennen Nathan Jesson

Christopher Johnson Laura Johnson Alissan Jones Brianne Jones Tiffanie Jones Kathleen Jordan Mary Keifer

Robert Kempton Afton Kent Emily Kern Rachel Kincannon Lauren Klaskala David Kolovson Emily Kueny

Benjamin Lackie Emily Lenard Binish Lone Anna Machin Matthew Malecha Brandie Maraziti Sarah Marshall Ammon Martin Julia Maschmann Zachary McCallum Jared McGowan Connor McKenna Justin McLawhorn Lindsay Merritt

Krista Messer Brannan Mitchel-Slentz Kathleen Moix Megan Monks Nicole Morgan Amanda Morris Michael Moscatello

Tiffany Munn Rachael Newberry Amy Newman Sally Nicolosi Kevin Omolo Booth Owens Katherine Ozmun

Katelyn Parker Kelsey Parker Asif Patel Carol Paulsen Catherine Piazza Franklin Poff Elizabeth Poris

Armando Prather Joseph Price Natalie Ramm Patrick Rawhouser Joseph Ray Daniel Resley Brittney Reynolds

Off-Campus Carly Roark Joseph Rogers Lauren Rosales Aaron Schneider Kathryn Scott Nicole Segear Matthew Sharos

Katherine Shropshire Rachel Siegel Crystal Smith Sonet Smitherman Stephen Spears Kristin Springston Benjamin Stamp

David Steinmetz Alana Stephens Jamie Sterrenberg Joshua Stramiello Stefoni Stratton Christopher Stroud Staci Sutton

Katherine Swanson Courtney Taylor Gavin Taylor Kevin Taylor Joshua Tims Victoria Todd Nicole Turnage Emily Uhar Amy Ulmer Luke Van Cleef Lauren Van Zandt Jillian Vandergriff Jessica Varnell Travis Veazey

Rebekah Walker Olivia Wallace Daniel Ward Hayley Warsinske Allison Watts Christopher Weaver Eleanor Wheeler

Chelsey White Corissa Wittholt Serena Wolfe Cassie Wood Alex Woody Kaitlin Worley Grace Ann Yokem

Matthew Youngblood Jamie Zarate Not Pictured: Beatrice Roger Sheila Rupert

1 2 0

Off Campus/ Abroad


Lana Allen Megan Andrews Reena Badyal Hannah Bakker-Arkema William Barker Alyssa Barrineau Mason Boling

Jacob Brooks Seth Caldwell Tara Coghlan James Cosgrove Luiza Dos Santos Trey Eerebout Courtney Everest

Sarah Feather Michaela Fraser Ellen Granger Bethany Grove Jayce Hafner Jordan Hampton Emily Harris

Wesley Hewett Lauren Kendall William Lentz Whitney Lovell Anthony Lucio Amelia Manning Colleen Mayo Molly McGuire Bernice McMillan Jake Mitchael Alison Pope Quantesa Roberts Brent Rowley Savannah Saunders

Tyler Schroeder Alison Selking Savanna Sneeringer Adam Stewart Daniel Totten Darcy Wilkins David Witten

Not Pictured: Christopher Eaton Hunter Stoehr


Folio Copy


e faculty members of the college are an integral part of what makes students’ academic journeys truly unique experiences. They do many things: lead undergraduate research projects, advise students, identify the internal anatomy of starfish, and even judge the boisterous Miss Hendrix drag show. As a sophomore, I have been fortunate to have many great professors thus far. During my freshman year, I took a modern literature course with Dr. Chappell, a Hendrix alumnus and distinguished professor of many years. He would frequently enthrall the class with random stories of the famous people he has met on the campus throughout the years, his time as a student, and anecdotal trivia that would perhaps only be useful if I were on Jeopardy. I have taken both Organic Chemistry I & II with the humorous Dr. Goodwin, a proud elephant pheromone researcher and published green chemistry enthusiast. His passion for carbon and its many forms shines through in his teachings. The class was certainly a challenge in itself, but I survived. Dr. Haggard, another tenured professor with immense knowledge in the progressive field of Genetics, always made the subject entertaining at eight o’clock in the morning. These are only a few examples of the extraordinary faculty that we as students share our campus with. They continue to devote their time and care to ensure we reach our full potential, fulfill our goals and live our dreams. -Charis Lorenz


Dr. J. Timothy Cloyd

Dr. Robert L. Entzminger Dr. Carole L. Herrick

Dr. David C. Sutherland

President, and Professor of Politics

Provost, Dean of the College, Associate Provost for and Professor of English Advising and Retention and Professor of Music

Associate Provost and Professor of Mathematics

Teaching Faculty Melissa Gill Matthew Lopas Erik Maakestad Dr. Rod Miller

Maxine Payne Dr. Rebecca Resinski Dr. Andrew Scott Brigitte Rogers

Dr. Charles M. Chappell Dr. Ashby Bland Crowder Dr. William Hacker Dr. Alice M. Hines

1 2 4


Dr. Margaret FallsCorbitt Associate Provost for Engaged Learning and Professor of Philosophy

Dr. Kristi McKim Dr. Dorian Stuber Dr. Alex Vernon Dr. Carol L. West

Mary Richardson Dr. Jon W. Arms Dr. Lilian Albertina Contreras-Silva Susan Farris DeBoard

Irmina Fabricio Dr. Marylou Martin Dr. Wayne D. Oudekerk Dr. JosĂŠ Ramon Vilahomat

Dr. Norman C. Boehm Dr. Karen M. Fannin Dr. Nancy P. Fleming Dr. Karen Griebling

Dr. John Krebs Dr. Fred Ablondi Dr. Lawrence K. Schmidt Dr. Aaron Simmons

Professors of Humanities Dr. Marianne Tettlebaum Dr. William Gorvine Dr. Marjorie Jane Harris Dr. John B. (Jay) McDaniel

Dr. John Sanders Dr. Robert Williamson Dr. Eric A. Grindlay Binnie Dr. Constance Campbell

Daniel Grace Ann Muse

Dr. Jennifer L. Dearolf Dr. Andrea A. Duina Dr. Bruce Haggard Dr. Joyce M. Hardin


1 2 6


Dr. George Harper Steven Karafit Dr. Varsha Kaushal Dr. Joseph R. Lombardi

Dr. Matthew D. Moran Dr. Richard C. Murray Dr. Mark Sutherland Dr. Ann Willyard

Dr. Andres A. Caro Dr. Michael Dequeant Dr. Thomas E. Goodwin Dr. Liz U. Gron

Dr. David A. Hales Dr. Courtney Hatch Dr. Randall A. Kopper Dr. Carl Burch


Professors of Natural Science Dr. Gabriel J. Ferrer Dr. Derek Leonard Dr. Ze’ev Barel Dr. Duff G. Campbell

Dr. W. Dwayne Collins Lars Seme Dr. William Wood Dr. Robert W. Dunn

Dr. Damon Spayde Dr. Todd M. Tinsley Dr. Ann Wright

Dr. Stella M. Capek Dr. Anne J. Goldberg Dr. J. Brett Hill Dr. Lisa A. Leitz

Dr. Stanley Keith Berry Stephen W. Kerr Dr. Megan Leonard Dr. Karen Oxner

1 2 8


Professors of

Lyle M. Rupert Dr. Ralph D. Scott Dr. Tom D. Stanley Dr. Susan N. Perry

Dr. James M. Jennings Dr. Todd Berryman Dr. Jeffery Kosiorek Dr. Garrett L. McAinsh

Dr. Aleksandra Pfau Dr. Allison K. Shutt Dr. Deborah Skok Dr. Han Zhao

James. F. Kelly Dr. Jerry J. Mayo Dr. Walker Jay Barth Dr. Ian T. King

Dr. Kimberly Maslin-Wicks Dr. Mikael Pelz Dr. Daniel J. Whelan Dr. Robert Hessling

Social Science

Professors of Social Science Dr. Timothy D. Maxwell Dr. Ralph J. McKenna Dr. Jennifer Penner Dr. Jennifer J. Peszka

Dr. Leslie Templeton Dr. Leslie Zorwick

Campus Staff

Library staff

always there to assist you in your studies

Public Safety

protecting and serving 1 3 0


Dining staff

delicious food and friendly faces

Housekeeping keepin’ it clean


making the flowers bloom

Maintenance the Mr. Fix-its


Folio Copy

u h a drea ve to h m to p have . You ave con ush. have f to h to m You h to b idence. a a v v e e a h n c e t You ave ontr age lieve and to o wor o y h t i this ake acc our tim be mo k. You l of you n yours ave to tivat r em oun elf. e. Y you have You to h tabi ed, ou otio have to s li w h o and ld oth to rea ty. On ave to illing; weat. Y ns. You c li e a othe strive t rs acco ze that e you h calculat ctive. Y ou have e unta r, sw oget a o i her to h ble. t’s not ve com your m u have e a t a t a arou ve joine togethe owards You ha ll abou e to ter istakes ms v t yo r nd y d a , wi e to he go w not u alwa ou. Yo arts and n toget al. You put t . You ith h u ha h h it’s ys e e se ave emo er, l hav in a v can credib sy. Rea e to kn tions. Y ose tog e to pu lf aside ly re li h e o s it” f andle, ward stically, w you ou have ther. Y h each r and rom o s i i t t n uh e o ’s i lf g. ac to h n ave yoursel ever ac Give al ncredib and you t for th ave have ly fr l tha f or pass cept ose r te u i wou to give on, pri your t the wo t you h stratin am. It’s e g d l a frien dn’t yo all you’ e, dete am. To rds “no ve, all . Truly, t r u ” v ha d? W m be e o g hat ive for got and ination, an ath r “I ca t you n wou l ldn’ your br then so and sel ete you ’t do t yo f othe m l u do r? Y e. The essness have . n o for you ur siste again, You r te r am? ? You what rb You r fa est -Lau mily ren . Tho rbur g


Score Board Baseball Hendrix



Millsaps College - G1


Millsaps College - G2 10



Austin College - G1



Austin College - G2



Trinity University



Trinity University



Southwestern - G1



Southwestern - G2






Millsaps College - G1



Millsaps College - G2



Millsaps College



Trinity University - G1



Trinity University - G2



Trinity University



Austin College



Austin College - G1



Austin College - G2








In a series of shots Dave Keine pitches a fast ball straight across the plate.

Head Coach: R.J. Thomas Assistant Coaches: Jay Mattox and Neil Groat Conference: 7-13 Overall : 18-18 Left: Brad Grinstead follows through his hit and preparing to drop the bat and run to first. Middle: Nathan Harr slides past the catcher scoring a run for the Warriors. Right: Bunting, Matt Gaglio hustles through his bunt.

1 3 4


Running in from their positions on the field, the Warriors celebrate a successful game.


Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

The 2009-2010 Hendrix baseball team is the stuff legends are made of. After riding on the heels of one of the winningest years in the team’s dismal history, Hendrix had some critics to appease and a new reputation to uphold. The team however did not let the loss of the best hitter in Hendrix baseball history and the rubber arm of Wheeler Gnat, nor their weighty fingers from the massive championship ring slow them down. With a strong senior class to keep the team moving forward, Hendrix continually fought day in and day out to win games and be a force on the field. In a way, this team was even better than last year’s because they were able to continually strive as a team, as brothers, even with unnecessary animosity from the inside. As pole after pole, and mile after miserable punishment mile passed, the team’s camaraderie grew stronger. The 18-18 record for the warriors does not do justice to the heart that was shown every game by these boys. Next year, Hendrix baseball will be a force to be reckoned with, and if anyone questions the heart, the will, the fight of this team, well then you don’t know what heart is. -Matt Gaglio

Back Row: R.J. Thomas, Unidentified Player, Nathan Hill, Brad Grinstead, Nathan Harr, Teddy Smoyer, Mark Vlaskamp, Clark Sims, Aaron Bowen, Jay Mattox Middle Row: Kirk Kimery, Eric Mathis, Gabe Levin, Chris Klapsa, Connor Hyde, Matt Diehl, Geoff Lomax, Dave Keine, Jeff Forgerson Front Row: Tyler Keever, Jordan Suydam, Matt Gaglio, Kyle Raskin, Drew Gustafson, Andrew Thames, and Jon Brown

Top: Kyle Raskin swings through his hit to left field. Middle: Rounding third base, Eric Mathis high fives his coach before scoring a point for the Warriors. Bottom: Kirk Kimery steps into his line drive.

Men’s Basketball Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

The thing I will always remember about this season is how well we all got along. With so many road trips, it would be very easy for us to get on each other’s nerves, but we always managed to turn the idle time on the bus into an enjoyable experience. One of the most unique aspects of playing on the basketball team is that we spend the majority of our Christmas break on campus. Being the only students on campus for three weeks can get pretty boring when Conway doesn’t exactly offer a plethora of options to keep us busy. My freshman year we started doing a decathlon where we compete in ten random events around campus, such as Dodgeball, Ping-Pong, and a Pizza Eating challenge at Cici’s. I know that when I look back on my time as a member of the basketball team I won’t remember how many games we won or how many points anyone scored, but I will remember the guys I played with. -Cal Rose

Top: Cal Rose glides into the air for an effortless layup. Middle: Keeping the fast pace of the game, Ryan Rizos pushes himself up towards the net. Bottom: Fearlessly, Chris Goodman leaps upward to launch the ball at the net.

1 3 6 136

Men’s Basketball Folio Copy

Back Row: Cal Rose, Josh Graham, Scott Sherrill, Marshall Parker, Dayton Sheridan, Nick Heathscott, Jesse Ford, Ryan Rizos Front Row: Ammon Martin, Chase Pemberton, Janson Hightower, Sean McQueen, Jaren Riley, Chris Goodman Not Pictured: James Ewing, and Michael Lyon

Score Board Men’s Basketball Hendrix


76 University of the Ozarks 95 80 Westminster College 78 85 Greenville College 76 72 Austin College 82

In a series of pictures, Ammon Martin positions his body perfectly to execute a flawless shot.


Colorado College



Millsaps College



Coe College



Cornell College



University of Dallas



Trinity University


66 Southwestern University 74 81 DePauw University 89 46 Center College 66 68 Birmingham-Southern 75 80

Rhodes College



Oglethorpe University






Trinity University


58 Southwestern University 60 64 University of Dallas 65 38 Millsaps College 49 69 Austin College 82 88

Colorado College


Head Coach: Dan Priest Assistant Coach: Drew Gaeng Conference: 4-12 Overall : 7-16

The Warriors huddle around their coach at half-time to discuss a fierce game plan and visualize a new strategy.

Left: Jason Hightower dribbles determinedly past his opponents. Middle: Reaching with all his might, Nick Heathscott, climbs high into the air to secure the ball for the Warriors. Right: Scott Sherrill expertly prepares to score for his team as he releases the ball in mid-air.

Score Board Women’s Basketball Hendrix



Westminster College



Greenville College


75 University of the Ozarks 73 51

Austin College



Colorado College



Millsaps College



University of Texas



Mississippi College



University of Dallas



Trinity University


The Lady Warriors gather at half time to strategize and receive a pep talk from their coach, Thad McCracken.

85 Southwestern University 64 52 64

DePauw University


Center College


Birmingham-Southern 65


Rhodes College



Oglethorpe University 48

72 83




Trinity University


55 Southwestern University 70 71

University of Dallas



Millsaps College



Austin College



Colorado College



#4 East- Oglethorpe


77 #2 East- Centre College 86 Head Coach: Thad McCracken Assistant Coach: Krista Goss Conference: 12-3 Overall : 20-5 Left: Chelsey White protects the ball as she prepares to shoot. Middle: Concentrating on her target, Monica Sitzer gets in the zone for her next shot. Right: Amanda Morris skillfully sets up her position to unleash a pass to her teammate.

1 3 8 138

Women’s Folio CopyBasketball

Dribbling powerfully, Lindsay Merritt forces her defender back as she heads to the net.

Women’s Basketball Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

The 2009-2010 women’s basketball season was a new beginning for all 14 players and both coaches. Thad McCracken, who was previously the men’s basketball assistant coach, was hired in the spring of 2009. Krista Goss, former player and Hendrix 2009 graduate, was hired during the summer of 2009. McCracken had 13 girls returning and 1 incoming freshman: 3 seniors, 1 junior, and 9 sophomores ready for action. Every girl returning knew this was a going to be an amazing and fun season. That it was! The Warriors started out strong winning their first 4 games. Their first loss came on the road to Colorado College. McCracken was unable to travel with the team that weekend due to a new addition to his family; his first child and son Kaden Keith. The Warriors pushed through and ended up only losing 5 games the entire season. This team maintained first place in the West Division of the SCAC the whole season. Before entering the conference tournament, they were 12-3 in conference play and 19-4 overall. This was the best record the 3 seniors had ever accomplished in their careers while playing at Hendrix. Hendrix Women’s basketball made it past the first round of the conference tournament for the first time in maybe 10 years. Losing in the second round was disappointing, but the seniors were very appreciative of everything Coach McCracken did for the team and for the program during their last year of basketball. The returners were sad to see the seniors go, but are already back in the gym rebuilding for next season. Thad McCracken and Krista Goss brought back the love and the passion for the game of basketball, that the 13 returns had lost, in the years past. The seniors looked like they were confident and ready to win every game and practice. Hendrix women’s basketball can only improve and achieve more success from here. -Lindsay Merritt

Back Row: Erin McKinney, Chelsey White, Rachel Dudley, Jessica Brunson, Caty Hensy, Sam Deragowski, Lindsay Merritt, Christina Byler, Monica Sitzer Front Row: Samantha Devlin, Avery Roller, Jordan Henderson, Amanda Morris, Anna Roane, Katy AshleyPauley, and Dana Nucaro

Top: Sam Deragowski shows her determination by securing the ball for the Lady Warriors. Middle: Gracefully controlling her technique, Avery Roller releases a promising free throw. Bottom: Undaunted by her opponent, Jordan Henderson initiates a fierce jump shot.


Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

So playing at the ‘Drix is pretty sweet. The lax bro waketh early to coordinate his pastels and pinnies. They ride through the ensuing day on boat shoes or turf dawgs with mid calves – swoosh on top of coarse. These radical chariots take them to class, the necessary evil in the lax bro lifestyle, but, hey, the ladies love a Renaissance laxer. After polishing their head brains, they like to polish their spoons so that they can see their reflection. After, they must dine with the rest of our Hendrix community: the fans who erupt with applause when the twine snappeth. After enduring their protein rich meals, they head out to the field where their one constant at school lies: the ping of the pipes. With minimal stretching and optimal tilt, their day truly begins. Chaying can be seen across the turf as the ‘Drix boys tune their twigs, eyeing their first win in the (hopefully) near future. Without support of the Hendrix brommunity, difficult road trips and uphill battles are taken in stride. Each day more and more ducks are ripped. Once the ducks are depleted the boys reach for the top shelf, where the cheddar resides, of course. After the daily grind, the guys hit the showers, whip some towels, and head to Bailey for a late night lib. sesh and some GaGa. To end it all, it’s late-night t-bell, rinse, and repeat. Such is the life of the ‘Drix lax bro. -JD Recobs, Daniel Abernathy. and Tym Wojcik

Top: Clayton Cersonsky bounds straight through his competition. Middle: Shooting just in time, Justin Fortier takes a blow from an opponent. Bottom: Robert McCarthy sprints with determination toward the defending team’s goal.

1 4 0


The Lax roster is as follows: Front Row: C.J. Richards, Alex Wilkinson, Keith Clemens, Langdon Sanders, Robert McCarthy, Clayton Cersonsky, Justin Fortier, Connor Corley, Middle Row: David Davis, Jr., John Schallhorn, Jeff Appleton, Joshua Recobs, Blake Whicker, Ethan Ake Back Row: Daniel Fox, Daniel Abernathy, Ben Nelson, Henry Waller, James Hanson, Don Geders, Alex Vestal1, and Timothy Wojcik

Score Board Lacrosse Hendrix

In a series of shots, Clayton Cersonsky lunges to beat an opponent and take a shot on goal.



Carthage College



Kenyon College



Trine University



Otterbein College



Washington /Jefferson



St. Vincent College



Oberlin College



Southwestern University






Fontbonne University



Christopher Newport






Colorado College


Head Coach: Jeremy Lichtig Assistant Coach: Daniel Torie Conference: 0-4 Overall : 0-13

Justin Fortier and John Schallhorn listen intently as their coach gives them guidance at half time.

Left: Blake Whicker uses his body to block his defender from the ball. Middle: Jeff Appleton faces off to start the period. Right: With perfect aim Daniel Fox shoots the ball just out of reach of his defender’s stick.

Score Board Volleyball Hendrix


Ouachita Baptist University University of Dallas McMurry University Hardin-Simmons University Concordia University Huntingdon College LeTourneau University Schreiner University Belhaven College Williams Baptist College Trinity University Colorado College Southwestern University Rhodes College Philander Smith College Lyon College Bacone College Oglethorpe University Centre College DePauw University Birmingham-Southern College Central Baptist College Trinity University Southwestern University Austin College Millsaps College Lyon College Oglethorpe University Centre College Sewanee University of the South Rhodes College Central Baptist College Westminster College Ouachita Baptist University Williams Baptist College No. 8 Rhodes College No. 7 Millsaps College

0 1 0 0 3 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 2 3 0 3 2 3 3 0 1 0 2

3 3 3 3 2 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 0 1 1 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 0 3 1 0 3 3 3 3

Kim Larson and Melissa Clement jump for an epic high-five movement before returning to their positions on the court.

Head Coach: Mary Ann Schlientz Assistant Coach: Dominique Savage Conference: 4-11

Overall : 12-25

Left: Leah Groat jumps high in order to score a point. Middle: Kim Larson, Becca Clancy, and Sara Gawor ready themselves for a serve. Right: Jennifer Youngblood gracefully prepares to smash the ball over the net.

1 4 2 142

Volleyball Folio Copy

The Lady Warriors huddle together for a pre-game chant.

Volley Ball

Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

During October the volleyball team raised money for the Side-Out Foundation’s Dig Pink Rally. This organization is fighting the war against breast cancer by supporting health care professionals in their pursuit of practical solutions for women and men with this dreaded disease ,thus enabling those affected, to regain control of their lives and live them to the fullest. The team contacted Conway businesses and asked for donations in the form of gift cards and coupons. Each team member volunteered to spend at least two hours on the Sunporch selling raffle tickets. Each raffle ticket represented a chance to win one of the donated prizes. A few lucky students won the chance to serve a volleyball and hit a $100 bill placed on the court during a home tournament. Between parent donations, the raffle, and concession stand donations, the team was able to raise $1,500 for the Side-Out Foundation. On two separate occasions during October, the team wore pink jerseys to show their support for breast cancer awareness. Being able to raise money for such a worthy organization was very rewarding and the generosity and support we received from both Hendrix and Conway was remarkable! -Leah Groat

Back Row: Melissa Clement, Becca Clancy, Paula Burr, Alyssa Barry, Kelsey Manning, Leah Groat, Francis Bowen Middle Row: Ryan Hughes, Danielle Young, Allison Helm, Jennifer Youngblood, Kristen Finch Front Row: Kim Larson, Katie Bates, Sara Gawor, Courtney Graves, Ashley Skinner

Top: Ashley Skinner, grabbing air, sets the ball to a teammate. Middle: Leah Groat, Katie Bates, and Jennifer Youngblood stand ready to defend their side of the court. Bottom: Alyssa Barry serves the ball with perfect form.

Swimming & Diving Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

Swimming is a different kind of team sport. You step on that block, dive into the water, everything goes silent, and you feel completely alone. When you come up, all you can hear is the rush of water moving past and what seems like a distant echo of cheering. Racing towards the wall, you notice that there is no echo. People are cheering now. They are standing at the end of your lane or at the edge of the pool encouraging you to go faster. As you turn on the wall, your teammates’ yelling increases; telling you to finish. We swim for ourselves and for our teammates. We are bonded together by our comical banter towards a coach we call Old Man Winter. We are linked by three weeks of pain in the winter where it seems like our coaches just pour it on. We are attached through injury, yet fashioned through fun and laughter. We are a family. We are the Hendrix College Swimming and Diving team, and we wouldn’t change a thing. -Brett Carr

Top: Lilly Stewart gracefully flips into a diving position. Middle: In a poised position, Anna Beucler readies herself for the starting buzzer. Bottom: Jake Eickman furiously gasps for air as he pushes his last lap.

1 4 4

Swimming and Diving

Back Row: Austin Huffman, Cody Elozory, Jake Eickman, Brett Carr, Justin Flanagan Third Row: Alex Koeppel, Lauren Bresler, Cassandra Heimann, Colleen Daly, Kate Moran, Vanessa Morris, Coach Alyson Hannan, Sarah Feather, Trevor Williams Second Row: Jim Kelly, Paul Yin, Emily Hanson, Anna Beucler, Sheryl Burt, Landon McGarry, Elsa Carlson, Cameron Crane, Coach Bailey First Row: Emily Lenard, Leanne Mathurin, Christine Walsh, Alanna Montgomery, Anya Mazor, Lilly Stewart, Hannah Allee Not Pictured: Seth Daves, Blake Stroud, and Amy Ulmer

g In a series of shots, Brett Carr progresses down the lane with a powerful butterfly stroke. Below: Cameron Crane prepares to push himself off the pool edge to complete another lap.

Seth Daves majestically launches himself from the high dive into a refined symmetrical plunge.

Left: Elegantly propelling herself from the block, Colleen Daly starts her lap with ease. Middle: Focused, Emily Lenard dominates the butterfly stroke. Right: During the annual Orange and Black Intrasquad meet, swimmers compete in a relay where they must swim in jeans.

Head Coach

Harold Henderson

Assistant Coach Barry Brady

Men’s Team Back Row: Harold Henderson, Michael Gardner, Gabe Gonzales, Kent Dunson, Richie Litterst, Ben Thomas, Casey Wynn, Barry Brady, Front Row: Brad Sorelle, Eli Harpst, Ken Yang, Austin Kearney, and Udai Garlmella

Top Left: Eli Harpst backhands the tennis ball. Right: Michael Gardner bounds, reaching the ball just in time to make a successful return. Bottom Left: Amara Kearney prepares to hit the ball over the net. Middle: Lauren Nasr backhands the tennis ball with ease. Right: Winding up, Caitlin Stevens gets ready to smash the ball to the opposite side of the court.

1 4 6


Hannah Jackson waits patiently for the ball to be served over to her side of the court.

Women’s Team Back Row: Harold Henderson, Anna Ragni, Caitlin Stevens, Sara Croissant, Annie French, Abby Cape, Hannah McWilliams, Barry Brady Front Row: Amara Kearney, Arden Brazzeal, Lauren Nasr, Dorothy Schuler, Hannah Jackson, Not Pictured: Grace Bernhard, Sara King, and Elliott Machin


Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

The score is a tied at a set all. You are down 4-5 in the third set and you must win your individual match for your team to win. It is your serve and your shoulder is tired from having already played a doubles match. There are no closers. There is no resting on the bench. There is no way for anyone to help you. You are alone. But, this is what tennis players do. We focus on the task at hand and perform. To win, a player must use every aspect of their game. There are no positions; every player must be able to hit every shot. There are no excuses; every player is responsible for their mistakes. While the physical conditioning and skill set required to be a tennis player demand dedicated practice, the key to any tennis player’s success is mental toughness. With it, a tennis player can analyze an opponent, correct flaws of their own mid-match and, most importantly, focus on the task at hand. The score is tied at a set all. You are down 4-5 in the third and you must win your match. These moments define being a tennis player. -Kent Dunson

Annie French and Hannah Jackson share a smile as they take their positions on the court.

Top: Austin Kearney anxiously sprints to the tennis ball. Middle: Caitlin Stevens returns the ball to her opponent. Bottom: Moving forward, Annie French readies herself for the hit.


Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

The 2009-2010 season was a very successful one for the Flying Squirrels and Sugar Gliders. The men and women’s teams both saw a large influx of freshmen, so many that the men split into two separate teams at many tournaments. The team traveled to tournaments all over the South, from Houston, to Baton Rouge, all the way to Brunswick, Georgia. The season was not only a success in terms of turnout. The Flying Squirrels routinely defeated many larger schools; Oklahoma State and Ole Miss were just a couple that fell victim to the Squirrels attack. At Sectionals in St. Louis they finished 11th out of 20, their highest finish in five years. The Sugar Gliders also had a successful year; they defeated their main rival, Harding University in their final match. Over spring break the team played in the High Tide co-ed tournament in Georgia and won their bracket, defeating Vassar, Fordham, and Denison en route to victory. -Nathan Jesson

Top: Gavin Schallial leaps to capture the disc. Middle: Ernest Perez aggressively defends his opponent. Bottom: Jimmy Dornhoffer leaps high into the air to attempt take the disc.

1 4 8


The Flying Squirrels and Sugar Gliders pose together for a team picture.

Team Captains:

Nathan Jesson Emily Kymer-Davis

Warming up before family day, the Ultimate teams and their loved ones karaoke to center field.

Below: Three teammates watch, strategize and prepare themselves for the upcoming match.

Left: Ernest Perez, Nathon Jesson, and Liam Shramko gather in a muddy huddle to discuss their performance. Middle: Joseph Byram snatches the disc in a low position. Dominique Kelleybrew launches the disc with excellent style and form.

Right: Taking a few steps, Andy Head catches a throw from a teammate.

Score Board Men’s Soccer Hendrix



East Texas Baptist



Louisiana College


2 University of the Ozarks



McMurry University



University of Dallas



Rhodes College



Coe College



Millsaps College






Central Baptist College


7 Williams Baptist College



DePauw University



Centre College






Oglethorpe University



Austin College



Colorado College


0 Southwestern University 0

Trinity University

Providing another scoring opportunity, Will Brown kicks the ball in to his teammates on the opposite side of the field.

1 2

Head Coach: Doug Mello Assistant Coach: Ben Parman Conference: 4-4-2 Overall : 9-8-2

Left: Jonathan Birdwell prepares to smash the ball down the field. Middle: Thomas Robins outwits a defender and prepares to outlet the ball to a teammate. Right: Fighting for the ball,Dylan Reed gets physical with his opponent.

1 5 0

Men’s Soccer

Thatcher Crawford outruns an opponent , swiftly carrying the ball down the field before crossing it into his teammates.

Men’s Soccer Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

The men’s soccer set a new standard of excellence this season with a record of 9-8-2, (4-4-2 conference) finishing in sixth place in conference play. The Warriors, headed by second-year head coach Doug Mello, had high expectations for the season and achieved many of their goals. For the first time since 1993, the Warriors went over .500 overall. The men’s soccer team also set the record for Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference wins for the program since joining the conference in 1992. Some highlights of the season included wins over arch-rival Rhodes and SCAC powerhouse DePauw, whom the men’s soccer team had never defeated. The Senior Day win over Colorado College sent off the men’s soccer team’s seven seniors in style, and marked Coach Mello’s 400th career win in Division III play, ranking him amongst the elite coaches in college soccer. For those seven seniors – Matt Blair, Will Brown, Kent Coombs, Thatcher Crawford, Braden Jones, Jon Moore, and Thomas Robins – the season was especially sweet. The seniors depart the program having made a significant contribution to the burgeoning success in the men’s soccer program. All-Conference honors were awarded to sophomores Duncan Keegan and Ian Evans. A successful season for the Warriors does not mean the hard work is yet done, as Men’s Soccer hopes to continue to improve next season and will strive to compete in the upper echelons of conference play, a goal now attainable. -Thomas Robins

Back Row: Doug Mello, Dylan Reed, Will Brown, Colin Thompson, Duncan Keegan, Ryan Menchaca, Adam Legg, Weston Weeks, Jon Moore, Braden Jones, Ian Evans, Kent Coombs, Kevin Gregory, Trey Kalbaugh, coach, Ben Parman Front Row: Jonathan Howard, Connor Silvestri, Taylor Davenport, Grant Womack, Thomas Robbins, Matt Blair, Brice Zaballa, Jonathan Birdwell, Thatcher Crawford, DJ Kirn, Collin Sitler, Karl Heinbockel, Rob Weingold

Top: After saving a ball, Jon Moore fiercely punts it down field. Middle: Duncan Keegan heads the ball in order to beats an opponent. Bottom: Connor Silvestri, dodging a defender, forcefully dribbles the ball down the field.

Women’s Soccer

Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

The lady warriors soccer team had an outstanding season this past year with a record of 10-7, the best since 2001. They finished 4-5 in conference with 10 shutouts by an aggressive defense and an All-Conference goal keeper, sophomore Allison Mosley. When asked what the best thing about the season was, senior captain Abby Blaney said that “seeing the overall program and the team’s attitude change for the better and in such a short period of time was great. It was the best season we have had since I have been here and it was largely due to passion of the players.” -Amilia Wildenborg

Top: Rebecca Rahn vigorously kicks the ball down the field. Middle: Amilia Wildenborg catches air as she heads the ball to a teammate. Bottom: Beating an opponent, Hannah McGrew prepares to head the ball.

1 5 2

Women’s Soccer

Back Row: Ashley Gallegos, Mel Roach, Emilia Bussard, Morgan Scott, Liz Elmore, Kat Marsh, Allison Mosley, Megan Childress, Hannah McGrew, Hope Burks, Ana Contreras, Rebecca Rahn, Kaleigh Knapton Front Row: Megan Pearce, Tristan Stolz, Lindsey Abel, Megan Monks, Kate Burnett, Lydia Nash, Abby Blaney, Amelia Wildenborg, Blair Sanning, Caitlin McGeehan, Emily Dusek, Sarah Ghidina

Score Board Women’s Soccer Hendrix



Louisiana College



Ouchita Baptist


3 University of the Ozarks

In a series of shots, Lydia Nash macerates the ball off of a corner, sending it to her teammates at the center of the field.


Christian Brothers



Rhodes College



Coe College



Millsaps College






Central Baptist College



DePauw University



Centre College






Oglethorpe University



Austin College



University of Dallas


0 Southwestern University 0

Trinity University

Head Coach: Jim Evans Assistant Coach: Ben Parman Conference: 4-5 Overall : 10-7

Before the game, the Lady Warriors huddle up to cheer with smiles on their faces.


Left: Kate Burnett outruns a defender and sends the ball down the field. Middle: Megan Pearce pushes a defender out of the way to maintain possession of the ball. Right: Megan Monks dribbles down the field, just out of reach of her defender.

1 1

Score Board Softball Hendrix



Austin College - G2



Austin College - G1



Austin College - G1



Austin College - G2



Southwestern - G1



Southwestern - G2



Southwestern - G1



Southwestern - G2



Trinity University - G1



Trinity University - G2



Trinity University - G1



Trinity University - G2



Millsaps College - G1



Millsaps College - G2



Millsaps College - G1



Millsaps College - G2


In a series of shots, Ellen Burr smashes a line drive into the outfield.

Head Coach: Amy Weaver Assistant Coaches: Brooke Rexroat and Shane Lamb Conference: 4-12 Overall : 19-19

Left: Paula Burr furiously throws the ball to first base. Middle: Ready to send the pitch, Jaclyn Herrera prepares her feet on the mound. Right: Rounding second base, Trace Grinnell sprints with confidence to third.

1 5 4


The girls huddle up for a cheer before they begin another inning on the field.


Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

While the win/loss column did not show the outcome the Warrior softball team had hoped for at the beginning of the season, this young team exhibited things toward the end of the season that has left players and coaches itching to get started next fall. After opening the season 0-4, the Warrior squad bounced back in a big way, going 14-4 over the next 18 games. However, the tough SCAC schedule provided the Warriors with a big challenge and a string of 11 conference losses before closing out the regular season with a victory over Millsaps College. While the Warriors fell short of their goal of making the 2010 SCAC Softball Championships, the Warriors were able to end the year on a promising note, playing some high-caliber softball. The Warriors faced a heavy road schedule this year; while road trips lead to tougher games on the diamond, with that comes opportunities to grow closer as a team. The Warriors only graduated one senior and will return all 9 starters next year. Even though the Warriors were not as successful on the diamond as possible, the team was able to share fond memories and strengthen relationships that helped mature a young team into a team full of experience that is itching to start practicing once again. -Christina Byler

Before the start of the inning the Lady Warriors warm up by playing catch. The team is as follows (in alphabetical order): Christina Byler, Ellen Burr, Meagan Alban, Frances Goodrich, Sydney Selby, Trace Grinnell, Amanda Dolph, Alyssa Barry, Ashley Halbert, Kaylen Stevenson, Liz Vaughan, Brooke Monson, Sydney Copeland, Ryan Bracken, Jaclyn Herrera, Paula Burr, Jessica Mabry

Top: Stretching as far as she can, Liz Vaughan receives the ball at first one second before her opponent. Middle: Christina Byler catches the ball with perfect form. Bottom: Alyssa Barry bashes the ball into oblivion.

Field Hockey Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” –Henry Ford

Sweat, fervor, a trance. We sit in the locker room before our first game. Jittery, butterflies in our stomachs, prepared to play. Filling the field with intensity we push for each other, we play for each other, and we beat Sewanee 2-0 together. As we huddle, you can feel the fire and excitement running through out veins. Inspired by Stomp the Yard, we cheer loudly, with smiles upon our faces, “It’s not about you, it’s not about me, it’s about the team!” Knowing our true potential was a mental challenge presented to our team. The goal for this season was to be competitive in every game. Not only did we succeed, but we realized through hard work and frustration that when we play together, we can achieve greatness. Seeded fourth in the conference championships for the first time in Hendrix history, we set a new goal for ourselves: finish together in 70 minutes with trust, confidence, and one-hundred percent effort. Looking forward we are ready for another season, with vigor and efficiency we will continue working together to attain our goals. -Lauren Thorburg

Top: Katie Schaiff gets ready to cut in front of an opponent to receive a pass. Middle: Lauren Thorburg carries the ball with confidence down field. Bottom: Heather Newell forcefully defeats an opponent by transitioning the ball down the sideline.

1 5 6

Field Hockey

Back Row: Ellie Karvoski, Lexy Byrne, Julia Cook, Maggie DesPain, Abby Coleman, Stephanie Verweij, Liz Williamson, Dana Nucaro, Serena Wolfe, Immad Quazi Front Row: Ming Tai, Kelly Rappé, Heather Newell, Katie Schaiff, Jordan Fletcher, Taylor LaFortune, Lauren Thorburg, Alyssa Havens

Score Board Field Hockey Hendrix

In a series of shots, Abby Coleman vigorously smashes the ball from the fifty yard line into the circle thirty yards away.

2 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 0


Sewanee Rhodes College Lindenwood University Transylvania University Centre College DePauw University Sewanee Rhodes College Lindenwood University Manhattanville Mount Holyoke Sewanee DePauw University Transylvania Centre College Sewanee (SCAC Championships)

0 3 2 0 3 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 3 1

Head Coach: Ellie Karvoski Assistant Coach: Immad Quazi

Conference: 1-7 Overall : 3-13

Left: Liz Williamson dodges an opponent, opening the field, allowing her to dribble down the right side. Middle: Kelly RappĂŠ glides down the field mentally preparing to defeat her defender. Right: Taylor LaFortune carries the ball just out of her opponents reach. Lady Warriors Heather Newell, Alyssa Havens, Lexy Byrne, Kelly RappĂŠ, and Taylor LaFortune prepare for a corner, readying themselves for an intense outlet to their teammates outside their defensive circle.

Women’s Golf Coach: Jennifer McCracken Men’s Golf Coach: Thad McCracken

In a series of shots Ashley Vick tees off swinging through the ball and launching it toward the green.

Women’s Team Back Row: Ashley Vick, Alex Weaver, Mary Alyce Chiarito, Jordan Hampton, Jennifer McCracken Front Row: Courtney Taylor, Audrey Lauber, Brie Seebinger, Emily Mitchell Not pictured: Wyvonne Hawkins

Men’s Team Collin Ewer, William Wilcox, Micah Graf, Michael Cathey, Drew Ahlgrim, Dylan Veron

Top: Michael Cathey patiently observes his form.

Not Pictured: Erik Honkonen, Russ Schultz

Below: With intense concentration, Dylan Veron watches his shot. Below Right: Drew Ahlgrim prepares to swing through the ball.

Micah Graf forcfully drives the ball.

1 5 8



Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

One of the best things about attending Hendrix has been the oppurtunity to be a part of theGolf Team. Some of my best Hendrix memories have been on Golf trips with Coach Jennifer McCracken and player Emily Mitchell and their amazing ability to quote movies. Through the yearsb the golf team has provided me with an escape from reality, even if just for a few days at a time. It has also given me time to enjoy the outdoors and the spirit of competition. My teammates have become life long friends, the kind of friends you can count on. Being a member of a team has helped make my Hendrix experience the most wonderful time of my life and has given me unforgettable memories. -Jordan Hampton

Top: With a gentle tap, Brie Seebinger lifts her ball to the green. Middle: Alex Weaver Bottom: Practicing her putting skills senior Courtney Taylor adjusts her grip. Following through, Emily Mitchell watches to see where her shot is going to land.

Track & Field

Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

Heat beating rapidly, lunges gasping for air, soul determined to go faster. Run. Jump. Throw. Beyond anyone’s imagination. Every step, every motion, every bead of sweat goes to the common goal—to be as good I can be. The Track and Field Team has a vast amount of depth and diversity: our determination carries us to the next level. Each event—throwing, sprinting, jumping, pole vaulting, middle distance, distance, and steeple chase—all give our team the excitement to unite. Each athlete’s passion is brought on the field/track and carried to the bus rides home. I remember driving back from Rhodes College, exhausted from waking up at 4:30 am. Yet, I could not help but be excited and awake with my whole team, wired after the meet. Whether an individual is a sprint or a throw, a distance runner or a pole vaulter, we are all a family: a force to be reckoned with. We should be remembered as the team with the heart, the lunges, and the soul. -Kelly Rappé

1 6 0

Top: Wes Haynie, Drew Kellum, and Andres Ramirez begin the race with steady pace and determination. Middle: Concentrating on her footwork, Gillian Rossi carefully prepares to release the discus. Bottom: Monica Sitzer glides in preparation to release the javelin.

Track and Field

The track and field team poses with the cross country team. The track and field roster is as follows, in no particular order: Dillon Blankenship, Stephen Borutta, Gabe Breshears, Micah Cothren, John Dyer, Winn Haynes, Wes Haynie, Drew Kellum, Carlton Leding, Jerry Maldonado, Jake Mitchael, Jon Moore, Timothy Nichols, Andres Ramirez, A.J. Sanfilippo, Claire Corban, Stephanie Davenport, Samantha Devlin, Rachel Dudley, Nora Granger, Jenny Grant, Madeleine Keenan, Kelly Limoncelli, Caitlin McGeehan, Allison Mosley, Bridget O’Shaughnessy, Lolly Plummer, Elizabeth Pond, Liza Poris, Kelly Rappé, Gillian Rossi, Monica Sitzer, Emily Uhar, and Lindsey Wiggin

Head Coach

Patrick MacDonald

Jeff Rebholz

Assistant Coach

In a series of shots Jerry Maldonado successfully conquers the high jump with perfect form.

Below: Jenny Grant reaches new heights as she demonstrates her pole vaulting skills.

Using the strength of his entire body, Jon Moore prepares to launch the javelin down the field. Left: Exhibiting flawless form, David Chinchilla gallantly leaps over a hurdle. Middle: Nora Granger stealthily runs the last leg of her race. Right: Gabe Breshears sprints to the finish line with a force of sheer determination.

Cheer Captain: Terricka Thomas

Dance Captain: Sierra McCabe

Below: First Row: Christin Norman, Katherine Hunter, Todd Richard, Amandine Schoffen Back Row: Linday Jacks, Sierra McCabe and, Emily Kern Back Row: Danielle Knight, Megan Pearce, Terricka Thomas, RoShunna Lea, Dusti Newton, Sabrina Bowles Front Row: Elizabeth Morgan, Kristen Witcher, Elizabeth Williams, Hannah Brown, and Roxana Reyes

Terricka Thomas does an aerial stunt during half time.

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Cheer & Dance

Synchronized, the team performs a half time dance for the Warrior crowd at half time.

Roxy Reyes stands tall at the top of the pyramid cheering on the Warriors.

Cheer & Dance

Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

I never expected to fall in love. That is, when I joined the Hendrix College dance team, I did not think we would create the strong bonds of friendship and support that developed. Being a member of the Hendrix dance team, like being a member of any college team, is a rigorous commitment that requires dedication from all parties. From the practices to the performances, to the social events, we rely on each other to be there and make the experience all the more joyous. What few people realize is that in order to look as sparkly and glamorous as we do, we have work for it. Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evening, we practice. It is in these magical practices, that we grind out dance routines, assemble technique, and coordinate some snazzy outfits. There are nights in the weight room, nights in the dance studio, and as of recent, nights on the field where we work until the routine is perfect. Through all the work involved, there is never a question of dedication; we know what we are there for. We know we are there for the team. We know we are there for the family. -Todd Richard

The dance team lines the auditorium, cheering vigorously for the success of the Warriors.

Top: Sierra McCabe stands poised after the dance routine has ended. Middle: Cheering on the Warriors Hannah Brown and RoShunna Lea do aerial splits. Bottom: Dusti Newton stands tentatively watching the game.

Cross Country Heart. Will. Fight. Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Determination. Strength. Skill. Effort. Sacrifice. Love. Endurance.

The 2009 season for the Warrior Cross Country team was one filled with numerous successes. The Women’s Cross Country team garnered a 3rd place finish at conference, the highest in the program’s history. The Men’s Cross Country team finished 8th at conference in arguably one of the most competitive years. Lolly Plummer and Liza Poris earned All-SCAC awards for their 12th and 13th place finishes. The Women’s Cross Country team finished 6th at Regionals while the Men’s Cross Country team finished 11th. Lolly Plummer was awarded All-Regional honors with her 12th place finish and a chance to run at the NCAA Division III National Cross Country Championship. Drew Kellum and Andres Ramirez received All-Regional Honors with their 32nd and 35th place finishes. The season was very successful for the Men’s and Women’s Cross Country team. -Drew Kellum

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Top: Madeleine Keenan pushes herself further toward the finish line. Middle: Drew Kellum and Andres Ramirez lead the pack as they make a turn. Bottom: Giving everything he has, John Dyer sprints in an effort to overcome his opponent.

Cross Country

The Cross Country and Track and Field teams pose together in a festive group picture. The Cross Country Roster is as follows (in alphabetical order): Claire Corban, Stephanie Davenport, Madeleine Keenan, Kelly Limoncelli, Lolly Plummer, Liza Poris, Emily Uhar, Dillon Blankenship, David Chinchilla, Micah Cothren, John Dyer, Winn Haynes, Wesley Haynie, Drew Kellum, and Andres Ramirez.

Cross Country Coach Patrick MacDonald

Assistant Coach Jeff Rebholz

Cross Country photos provided by Patrick MacDonald

Lolly Plummer takes a step to the side of her opponents in order to sprint to the front of the pack.

John Dyer, Wes Haynie, and Micah Cothren inspire each other to endure the conclusive circuit.

Below: Winn Haynesgets ready to complete his final lap.

Left: Liza Poris maintains a steady pace in front of a fellow runner. Middle: Outrunning an opponent, Stephanie Davenport continues her lead. Right: David Chinchilla runs the last leg of his race in step with his competitors.



you want to save the environment with Captain Planet in awesome green jumpsuits? Consider joining the Environmental Concerns Committee. Or maybe you want to start a revolution… a Bike Revolution? Or maybe you fancy volunteering every Saturday with local Conway charities? There’s a VAC for that. Dream of being a radio DJ spinning your favorite tracks every Monday night? KDHX 93.1 FM can help you. Have a burning passion for the periodic table, lab coats, carbon and all things Chemistry? Then the American Chemical Society will assist you in balancing your chemical equations. Maybe LARPing your greatest WOW fantasies with the Sword Club?None of the above? Don’t worry. There’s always something to do on campus. It’s a bustling place of activities and events sponsored by the various clubs and organizations founded and led by you, the students.Hendrix has a niche for everyone…so whether you’re a Young Democrat, GLBTQ, Republican, culinary expert, beekeeper, knitter, stuck on the Pre-Med track, dancer, cheerleader, a Christian athlete or even a Flying Squirrel you find a place to shine. -Charis Lorenz

Desh Deepak, president of the International Club, serves as host at the International Talent Show. There were acts by international and traditional students. The performances included singing and traditional dances of people’s native countries.

Your Student Senate serves up the homecooked burger delights at the annual Senate Cookout. What’s better than delicious burgers cooked by the ladies and gentlemen you elect to represent you?

Students gathered in Art Building A to view pieces in the “Can’t Touch This” Student Art Show put on by Art Club.

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Coming Out

Again Again

“You bring your knees in tight, But it’s the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane Let’s do the time warp again!” Unity members performed the Time Warp dance at their showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show on Halloween night.

During the 2008-09 school year, three students, Katy Allison, Daniel Williams, and Logan Leatherman, met with Director of Student Activities, Tonya Hale, with the hopes of reviving a particular club on campus. The three wanted to resurrect Unity, a club for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders and queers they hoped to shift the general focus from protesting, campaigning, and political action to simply emphasizing a sense of community on the campus. There needed to be a safe place where GLBTQs could come together and talk, laugh, share stories and find strength in one another. Unity kicked off with Coming Out Week – an ironic play on words to the reinstallment of the club itself and the phrase commonly associated with one publicly declaring their sexual orientation. The club hosted the Kinsey Sicks, a comedic drag group, and Ellis, a noted lesbian singer-songwriter. On Halloween night, the club showed the Rocky Horror Picture Show, a rock musical movie. During the showing,Unity members dressed up as the characters from the movie. Some even performed the infamous Time Warp. Unity even had a Valentine’s day surprise for everyone – personalized Condom and Dental Dam grams for that special someone.

Muggle Madness

If you look out on campus, one can guarantee you will find no dragons, large daunting castles, mythical creatures, owls, Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, or even a boy with glasses and a very peculiar scar on his forehead. You will however, find a bunch of Muggle-borns running around with brooms between their legs, wishing they could fly while playing a simple, modified version of Quidditch, the famed game that plays a prominent role in the Harry Potter series. Quidditch is a fictional sport developed by author J. K. Rowling for the Harry Potter book series and is described as an extremely rough, but very popular semi-contact sport played by wizards and witches around the world. In the United States, there are currently teams from more than 200 colleges affiliated with the Intercollegiate Quidditch Association (IQA) and play in international tournaments together around the world.

Students started a club of their own here on campus, founded by freshman Felicia Walker with the hopes of the club someday becoming a member of the IQA. With a following similar to that of Ultimate Frisbee, Walker hopes the “club sport� will pick up quickly with all the Harry Potter faithfuls at the school. The new club-sport fits in perfectly with the other outrageous clubs present on campus. After all, it is just a bunch of HP die-hards running around with brooms in hand and magic in their hearts. 1 7 0


Mandi Taylor scores ten points for her team as she throws the quaffle through the goal posts past the keeper as Drucilla Shultz looks on. Upon catching the quaffle a player may take only three steps before he or she must pass off the quaffle to another player.

Three goal posts, fashioned by the dedicated members of the Muggle Quidditch team, are made from hula hoops, broomsticks and laundry baskets. The keepers guard the goal posts with brooms to prevent the other team from throwing the quaffle through the posts in order to score.

A team of muggle quidditch players stand ready for the game with their brooms at their side. According to the official rules of muggle quidditch, a player must “ride” their brooms between their legs the entire time while playing. To drop the broom is eqivalent of falling off the broom and thus eliminated from the game.

“ I don’t play any other sports, but this one interests me because you don’t have to be really athletic to play. Also, everyone on the team has at least a passing interest in Harry Potter, so we have something in common.” Muggle Sophomore, Mandi Taylor

Student Senate

Multicultural Development Committee

Social Committee (SoCo)

Election Committee Finance Committee

Senior Committee

Buthman Historical Society

Campus Kitty Committee

Environmental Concerns Committee


Council on Residence Life

Welcome Week Committee

Religious Life Council

Media Committee

Volunteer Action Committee

Residence Hall Councils

Biological Society

Hendrix Slam Hendrix Humanist Amnesty Association International

1 7 2

Hannah Brown shows her Warrior Pride as a member of the Cheerleading Squad. She proudly wears the orange and black to a men’s home basketball game.


Student and Academic Concerns Committee

Students for Latin and Iberian Culture Pre-Law Society Psychology Club

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Club

the Aonian the Profile

Society of Physics Students

Students for Black Culture

American Chemical Society

Students Promoting Educaton on Asian Cultures

KHDX 93.1 FM

PEEPs Hendrix Bike Revolution

Student Mobilization

the Troubadour

International Club

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Future Investors Hendrix Choir

Student Arkansas Education Association

Film Society Classics Club

College Republicans Young Democats

Hendrix Choir spreads holiday cheer music at the Candlelight Concert. They perform each year druing the service which is open to all students and residents of Conway.

elemental Jewish Student Association ~ Hillel

Culinary Club Knitting Circle

German Club Phi Beta Lambda

Murphy’s Law Clara Barton Society

Catholic Campus Ministry

Art Club

Habitat for Humanity

The Garden Club


The Menifee Project

Student Congress Beekeeping Society

Feminist Club

Alpha Epsilon Delta (Pre-Health)

Hendrix College Cheerleaders

Jazz Band Judo Club

Hendrix Dance Team

Pi Sigma Alpha (Politics)

Model United Nations

Hendrix Ultimate Frisbee

Members of the Environmental Concerns Committee stay green recycling, trash and boxes during freshmen move-in day. Their efforts to recycle greatly enhance the school‘s green, eco-friendly pride.

Alpha Psi Omega (Theatre Honor)

Psi Chi (Psychology)

Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish)

UNITY Gay-Straight Alliance

Hendrix Ultimate Flying Squirrels and Sugar Gliders members compete in a match.The Ultimate teams compete in many tournaments throughout the year.

The Trouba. Th

e 2010 Troubadour theme “elements� focuses on the most basic building blocks that make up Hendrix College. The book is divided into seven sections: Academics, Faculty, Organizations, Residential Life, Seniors, Sports, and Social. These sections highlight the people, places, events, and objects that make up the Hendrix experience. The main visual elements throughout the book are squares and the periodic table. The book was created on an iMac using Adobe CS4 software. The faculty advisor was Dr. Alice Hines. All copy was written by staffers unless otherwise stated in a by-line. Photographs were provided by staff photographers unless otherwise

noted on the spread. The cover was designed by Courtney Johnson with the assistance of Bruce Layman and Walsworth. Body copy is Garamond 12 pt. Captions are Helvetica 9 pt. Headlines and decorative typography vary. The size 9 yearbook is 176 pages and 750 copes were printed by Walsworth Publishing Company. Our wonderfully helpful yearbook representative was Tod Traughber and our customer service representative was Jill Fowler. The Troubadour is funded through the Student Senate and books are handed out to students for free on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Alyssa Moran Photographer Kelly Connelly Residential Section Co-Editor Mauren Kennedy Photography Assistant

Catherine Lilly Section Assistant

Becca Bona Section Assistant

Charis Lorenz Academics/Faculty/Organizations Section Editor

....what?? Special thanks to: All student contributors Ashley Capiello Dean Jim Wiltgen DeAnn Huett Dr. Karla Carney-Hall IT Lauren Daily Media Committee Office of Communications and Marketing

Student Senate Taylor Kidd Wendy Faught

Ashley Scorsone Associate Editor

Katie Kirkpatrick Social Section Editor Stephanie Trevino Residential Section Co-Editor Bruce Layman Photographer

Lauren Thorburg Sports Section Editor Sabrina Moore Photography Assistant

Courtney Johnson Editor-in-Chief

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