Hendrix College Viewbook 2010

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ndrix w recently listed He The Princeton Revie y in lleges in the countr among the top 20 co rks,” fessors get high ma the categories “Pro rience,” and “Lots of “Best classroom expe on.” race/class interacti

Hendrix is o ne of just 22 colleges and universities in the country invit ed to become a member of Project Peric les, a national org anization devoted to fo stering social respon sibility and participatory citizenship among colleg e students.

“Hendrix wants you to explore, to become a whole person, not just an educated person.� laura young of florence, alabama

Table of Contents

“ A liberal arts college, Hendrix has strong academics and engaging professors. You will be challenged.” koffi agbemehin of lomé, togo

The academic program

become a member of the active learning community at hendrix, one of the top private liberal arts colleges in the nation, where nearly 1,500 students partner with more than one hundred faculty mentors to achieve the highest academic and professional standards. In over a century of educating bright, innovative students, Hendrix has perfected the art of seamlessly integrating a traditional liberal arts education with active learning experiences. It’s a way of learning that reflects our motto: “unto the whole person.” Hendrix stands apart from other colleges for its small participatory classes, unusually close partnerships between faculty and students, and its welcoming, egalitarian, residential community. Together, these elements create an atmosphere of such intense intellectual energy that you can almost hear the buzz.


There's so much energy on our campus you can almost hear the buzz.


1. Get oriented Your Hendrix Odyssey starts with an actual journey — a three-day orientation trip where you’ll bond with about 20 of your classmates. You get to choose from among activities and destinations such as: > Waterskiing on Lake Ouachita > Horseback riding and rock climbing > Golfing at Beaver Lake > Canoeing on the Spring River or the Buffalo River > Hiking and camping > Spelunking at Devil’s Den > Blanchard Springs Caverns > Volunteering in Eureka Springs > Heifer International Challenge > Dune-buggy driving > Mountain biking

2. Take a deep breadth Every Hendrix student encounters both depth and breadth of learning in a variety of disciplines through: journeys: Global in perspective and interdisciplinary in approach, this course explores how different people and different cultures interpret their own life journeys.

capacities: Develop important proficiencies that serve you for a lifetime — Writing, Foreign Language, Quantitative Skills, and Physical Activity.

challenges of the contemporary world: Choose one from among a variety

3. Partner with faculty

of courses that deal with environmental concerns, racial and ethnic differences, social inequities, and other issues of world citizenship.

learning domains: Broaden your base of knowledge with selected courses drawn from each of six domains — Expressive Arts; Historical Perspectives; Literary Studies; Natural Science Inquiry; Social and Behavioral Analysis; and Values, Beliefs, and Ethics.


Beginning your first day on campus, you’ll be paired with a faculty advisor who has been selected and trained specifically to work with new students. Together, you’ll begin to map out your academic journey. When you decide upon a major (or majors!), you can easily transition to a new advisor.

Throughout your Hendrix career, you’ll find that your professors are your most honest critics, biggest fans, best friends, and closest allies. Most of our full-time faculty members have the highest degree in their fields. They’ll hold you to uncompromisingly high standards in the classroom, guide you in your research, connect you with the resources you need for your independent studies, and applaud your achievements.

4. Find your passion Although you may come to Hendrix with a specific major in mind (and many students are drawn here by our strength in the sciences and in the creative arts), our broad-based curriculum could introduce you to a completely new field that really ignites your interest. You can select and combine your choices from among 33 majors and 32 minors to create your own unique program. Or, with faculty guidance and approval, you can custom design an original major.

Undergraduate research, independent studies, and other experiential learning recently undertaken by Hendrix students: anthropology: “In Search of Matriarchy in

economics: “Multinationals in less

philosophy: “I and I: Rastafari Ontology”

Juchitán, Mexico” (presented at the National

developed countries: the effect on the host

(presented at the National Conference on

Conference on Undergraduate Research)

country's wages” (presented at the National

Undergraduate Research)

art history: “Schopenhauer, Rodin, and the

Conference on Undergraduate Research)

physics: “Using a Large Ring Laser

Will” (presented at the National Conference on

education: “The Effects of School

Gyroscope (RLG) to Understand Torsional

Undergraduate Research)

Uniforms on Student Behavior and

Components of Near-Field Seismic Events”

Academic Achievement”

(recognized as outstanding undergraduate

biology: “A comparison of two protocols

presentation by the American Physical Society)

testing the effects of prenatal steroids on

english: “The Intertextuality of Repression:

diaphragm development in guinea pigs”

Social Propheteering in the Metaphysics of

politics: “Going Green: Do Personal Politics

(presented at the Society for Integrative and

Blake and Woolf” (presented at the ACS

Matter When Purchasing a Hybrid Vehicle?”

Comparative Biology Annual Meeting)

British Studies Symposium)

(presented at the National Conference on

chemistry: “Binding of Protein Allergens

history: “The Responsible Historian:

to Activated Charcoal” (presented at the

Politicizing History and Algerian

psychology: “Event-Related Potentials:

American Chemical Society National Meeting

Independence” (presented at the National

N350 in Response to the Omitted Stimulus

and Exposition)

Conference on Undergraduate Research)

Paradigm” (presented at the National

classics: “Guts, Glory, Gelato: Rome’s

international business and economics:

Colosseum, Past and Present”

computer science: “Fragmentation and Recognition of Playing Card Faces” (presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research)

Undergraduate Research)

Conference on Undergraduate Research)

“The Cash Cow: The Cultural Impact of India’s Burgeoning Economy on Bollywood” (presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research)

5. Cap it off As a Hendrix senior, you will complete a capstone experience in your major field. The capstone provides a unique opportunity to synthesize and connect all the knowledge and experience you accumulate in four years. The nature of the experience varies by department — art majors create a body of work for a gallery show and portfolio, biology majors take comprehensive exams and teach a seminar session, and politics majors complete a senior research seminar. Whatever form it takes, the capstone demonstrates to both graduate schools and future employers your mastery of your discipline.


Unique Hendrix Academic Resources master of public health (m.p.h.) program Through an agreement with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), students can participate in a dual-degree program that officially joins Hendrix with one of the finest medical institutions in the country.

hendrix-murphy foundation programs in language and literature Take advantage of the rich variety of opportunities available through this unique program: > Attend readings and lectures by nationally and internationally acclaimed scholars, novelists, poets, playwrights, and theatre directors such as literary critic Jonathan Yardley, poet Denise Levertov, and author Maxine Hong Kingston > Work with peer tutors at the Writing Center > Study in London > Enter writing competitions > View acclaimed films

center for entrepreneurial studies Participate in targeted programs such as internships, seminars, workshops, and retreats and join in our ongoing public debate about the role of entrepreneurs in market economies.

steel center for the study of religion and philosophy Explore the intellectual and spiritual dimensions of religion and philosophy through: > Lectures by renowned speakers > Workshops on the philosophy of religion, theology, and related topics > Friday Afternoon Discussions


Majors accounting* allied health american studies* art* biochemistry/molecular biology biology* chemical physics chemistry* classics* computer science* economics* economics and business english* creative writing film studies* literary studies environmental studies french* german* history* interdisciplinary studies international relations* mathematics* music* philosophy* philosophy and religious studies physics* politics* psychology* religious studies* sociology*/anthropology* anthropology emphasis sociology emphasis spanish* theatre arts*

*Minors Minors are offered in all asterisked major programs as well as Africana Studies, Art (History), Asian Studies, Dance, Education (Secondary emphasis), Gender Studies, and International Business.

Pre-professional Programs dentistry engineering law medicine ministry pharmacy public health secondary teacher education social work veterinary medicine 7


Engaging in Active Learning ate expression Your Hendrix Odyssey: Engaging in Active Learning is the ultim have at least three of our unique approach to learning. We guarantee that you will following categories: different active learning experiences chosen from among the rship Development • Artistic Creativity • Global Awareness • Professional and Leade ts Service to the World • Undergraduate Research • Special Projec ey credits through Odysseys come in all shapes and sizes — some students earn Odyss and organizations. coursework or through involvement in selected campus activities them off campus and Others venture farther afield, engaging in Odysseys that take nition. Even better, around the world. All approved Odysseys earn transcript recog s, which have those that require special funding are eligible for Odyssey grant . totaled nearly $1.5 million since the program’s inception in 2005

Artistic Creativity Explore your creative potential and express it in art, music, dance, drama, or creative writing. one example: Jonathan Lee created a large-scale steel sculpture that viewers can enter and walk through, expanding their experience of art from different perspectives and angles. more possibilities: Participate in the Wind Ensemble or Chamber Orchestra; take up a new instrument or improve your skill on one that you already play; take a course in photography, painting, or sculpture; play a major role in a theatrical production

Global Awareness Immerse yourself in another culture, in the U.S. or abroad. one example: Lydia Nash and Amelia Wildenborg performed firsthand comparisons of organic farming techniques used by largescale operations (such as California’s Earthbound Farms) and small farms in the U.S. and Ireland. Their experience included working for three weeks on a five-acre organic farm in County Wexford, Ireland. more possibilities: Participate in Hendrix-sponsored study abroad programs in London, Oxford, Graz, or China; take a three-week Hendrix study tour of the rainforests of Costa Rica; travel to Peru with the Miller Center for Vocation, Ethics, and Calling; join a biology excursion to the American Southwest or the Everglades

Professional and Leadership Development Apply your knowledge through internships and other on-site professional experiences, or through leadership in campus, community, or professional life. one example: Aditya Oza experienced India's film industry behind the scenes, working as an assistant to the production crew of a “Bollywood” movie. Indian films are noted both for their great profitability (grossing more than $100 million annually in the U.S. alone) and their broad family appeal. more possibilities: Tutor or mentor other Hendrix students; complete a leadership or service scholarship program; serve as an Orientation leader or as a Resident Assistant



“It’s become very obvious to me that Hendrix wants to help students have meaningful out-of-class experiences.” charles wallace of coppell, texas

Service to the World

Undergraduate Research

Help meet the social, environmental, and spiritual needs of our time, both on campus and beyond the Hendrix community. one example: Claire Luikart0 dubbed her project “TechsMex.” She was part of a team working at two orphanages in Cordoba, Mexico, that helped to establish Internet connections and set up networks and computer labs for the residents.

Engage in significant research projects in any academic area that interests you. one example: Eight students collaborated with each other and with their professor on a cuttingedge research project in molecular and developmental biology, studying the genes involved in the generation of neurons that form the mammalian nervous system.

more possibilities: Participate in

more possibilities: Present your

Hendrix mission trips; attend a summer service fellowship; work an internship; take a service-learning course; volunteer with various organizations and agencies; do a service project through an offcampus agency or faith community

results at the National Conference for Undergraduate Research or at other national and regional academic conferences; have your work accepted for publication in an academic journal

Special Projects Extend, apply, connect, or share different ways of knowing. one example: Adam Iddings studied the cultural movement (including magazines, clothing lines, and clubs) built around electronic music in Paris and London. He explored how the culture has been constructed, defined, and made popular. more possibilities: Create a business plan for competition through the Hendrix Center for Entrepreneurial Studies; take on an independent study project; design a multi-disciplinary Odyssey experience that reflects your own interests and talents




Kim’s Odyssey Story

“I spent spring break in San Francisco, finding out all

I could about how AsianAmericans identify themselves. My research spanned everything from visiting art galleries to ‘person-in-the-street interviews’ to atten ding the Asian-American International Film Festival. During a panel session at the Festival, I had the chance to question Daniel Wu, an actor born and raise d in America who is a mega-movie star in Shanghai and Hong Kong. In defin ing his identity, he said, ‘I am a person first. In China, they see me as white. Here , I’m seen as Asian. My identity changes depending on where I am.’ The reading for my research includes the book Tripmaster Monkey by Maxine Hong Kingston, whom I also got to meet and talk to when she lectured at Hendrix.”

More about research at Hendrix national conference on undergraduate research No other college or university in the country sends a larger percentage of its students to the annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Hendrix students in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences attend to present the results of their original research.

hays scholarships Awarded to four entering freshmen each year, Hays Memorial Scholarships provide full tuition, room, board, and fee benefits and fund undergraduate research.

funded research Not only can students participate in faculty research projects funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation, but they can also receive funding for their own

the morgan center for physical sciences is home to chemistry, computer science, math, and physics. It includes specialized labs for student experimentation and research in electronics, optics, holography, biophysics, nuclear physics, and nuclear magnetic resonance, as well as a biochemical/analytical lab, a chemistry computation workroom, and an advanced computer lab.

research through Odyssey grants.



“ Hendrix not only encourages participation in off-campus study programs but provides enormous financial support for these kinds of experiences.” sarah thompson of picayune, mississippi

Off-campus study programs extend your learning beyond the hendrix campus borders — through internships, domestic and international off-campus study, and other programs.

u.s. study programs Gulf Coast Research Laboratory You can receive Hendrix biology credit by taking ecology, botany, zoology, and microbiology of marine microorganisms summer courses offered at this Ocean Springs, Mississippi lab. Semester in Environmental Science Learn about ecosystems and conduct research with professional scientists during a 15-week program at The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Washington Semester Spend the fall semester of your junior or senior year at American University in Washington, D.C., the perfect location to connect with opportunities in government and with international agencies. Combined Engineering Hendrix participates in cooperative engineering programs with Columbia, Vanderbilt, and Washington universities. Three years of study at Hendrix and two at the cooperating institution culminate in a degree from each school.

ay gram in Conw ro p y c ra e lit Developing 12

Studying Maori culture in New Zealand


recent hendrix internships Acxiom Corporation A.G. Edwards Arkansas Children’s Hospital Arkansas Department of Health Arkansas Public Policy Panel Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs of America CBS News The Centers for Youth and Families Clinton Presidential Library Conway Community Gardens Conway Human Development Center

Conway Interfaith Medical Clinic Counseling Associates Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children (CASA) Dallas Historical Society Faulkner County Prosecutor’s Office Habitat for Humanity Heifer International Institute for Cultural Ecology Kachemak Bay State Park, Alaska Merrill Lynch National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Natural Resources Conservation Service Novare Capital Management Oxford American magazine P. Allen Smith Landscape Design Riddle’s Elephant Sanctuary Thomas and Thomas Accounting Toltec Mounds Archeological State Park U.S. House of Representatives University of Chicago Hospitals The Women’s Project

Hendrix - China

Hendrix - in - Oxford

some of our exclusive overseas study programs hendrix-in-london


Attend classes especially

Study for one or two semesters at one

designed for Hendrix

of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious

students. Enjoy weekly


walking tours and theatre

hendrix-china exchange program

learning in a restored 16th-century villa,

Hendrix is the first American college to establish

just outside the Tuscan city of Arezzo.

nights in the city, as well as an overnight excursion to Stratford-upon-Avon

a student exchange program with Heilongjiang University in northeast China.

to explore the Bard’s

accademia dell’arte Students interested in theatre arts can spend one or two semesters living and

summer in costa rica Engage in an intensive study of Latin

birthplace and attend

hendrix-graz exchange program

American culture and environment

his plays.

If you have a working knowledge of German,

while living in the Ecolodge, a small

you can enroll for a year at Karl-Franzens

research station high in the mountains

University in Austria.

of northern Costa Rica.



Ben’s Odyssey Story

“I was really lucky to be one of nine Hendrix students (and three professors) lived and studied for two months at a research and teaching station on the a ‘cloud forest’ mountain in Costa Rica. It’s in the Monteverde area where


side of

the Quakers

introduced the making of cheese as a sustainable business enterprise about 50 ago. The local farmers each have just a few cows, and they take huge pride


in the high

quality of the milk and cheese they produce. Costa Rica’s very stable govern ment has enabled the country to take the lead in developing environmental and ecologically sustainable initiatives in agriculture and ecotourism.”

More about global awareness at Hendrix global awareness can begin at home, when students have direct experience of the many different cultures and environments to be found right here in the United States.

hendrix has exclusive overseas programs that allow you to study in Austria, Belgium, China, Costa Rica, England, Italy, Rwanda, Spain, and Turkey.


hendrix’s participation in the international student exchange program (isep) connects you with more than 150 study programs all over the world. Hendrix ISEP participants have recently studied in Australia, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, Japan, Korea, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, Sweden, and Thailand.

hendrix is one of only 40 institutions of higher education in the country that are eligible to nominate its students for Watson Fellowships. Since 1985, 27 Hendrix students have been awarded fellowships that fund a year of independent study and travel abroad.


tting e s ly e v lo this “ . . . inside munity that offers com is a warm ional experience to an educat e without peer.� lives match: on at change e, co loren pop


lleges th



“Above all, Hendrix prizes an active academic life and personal, social, and academic development.” the insider’s guide to the colleges

Student life enrich your education through involvement in our many academic, political, religious, and special interest clubs, organizations, and programs. If actions truly speak louder than words, Hendrix is a high-decibel campus.

be the change. Through full participation in the Hendrix community, you’ll learn what it means to “be the change.” > if you see a need, you fill it. Don’t see a club or organization that reflects your special interest? Start one. Students were responsible for founding Hendrix chapters of Hillel and Professional Business Leaders and for adding a dance ensemble to our performing groups. Most recently, they started a Writing Club. You can make an impact here. > if you encounter a problem, you solve it. With our student-run Volunteer Action Center coordinating service opportunities at over 70 different local agencies, you can find many ways to make a difference and to be part of the solution to problems that confront people in the community surrounding Hendrix. On-campus groups like the Environmental Concerns Committee present other problem-solving opportunities and initiatives. > if you want to be heard, just speak out. Everyone will tell you that students take charge of everything on this campus. We have an active Student Senate, with representatives from every campus group.

Whatever your concerns or issues, your voice can be heard.

Change from within Participation in religious life at Hendrix is actively supported but is strictly voluntary. While Hendrix is related to the United Methodist Church, the College community offers people of all beliefs the opportunity to explore and grow in the disciplines of their respective religious traditions. Some of the regular activities sponsored on campus include: > Monthly Taizé services feature song, silence, and prayer in the candlelit Greene Chapel.


> Weekly Campus Worship and Communion services are also held in Greene Chapel. > Hendrix Hillel meets weekly, sponsors celebrations and ceremonies during Jewish holidays, and hosts an annual retreat.

Miller Center for Vocation, Ethics, and Calling Reflect deeply about your calling in the world and discern what that vocation might be through programs that guide you as you consider your life’s work. The program funds retreats, internships, volunteer service projects, mission trips abroad, and many more initiatives that integrate faith and knowledge.

Student Life and Technology Center Our new $26 million Student Life and Technology Center — a high-touch, hightech campus “living room” where students and faculty can connect — opened its doors in January 2010. It includes: > An Educational Technology Center that integrates teaching, learning, and social technology into every aspect of student life. > Offices for the Odyssey program, student media and organizations, Student Affairs, Academic Advising and Support, and Religious Life, among others, as well as a Center of Jewish Culture. > A dining hall, café, game room, post office, and programming space.

Some student clubs and organizations academic honorary societies Alpha Epsilon Delta (premedical honor society) Alpha Psi Omega (national theatre honor society) Phi Beta Kappa (the nation’s oldest and most prestigious honor society) Pi Mu Epsilon (national mathematics honor society) Psi Chi (national psychology honor society) Sigma Delta Pi (national collegiate Hispanic honor society)

multicultural organizations International Club Students for Black Culture Students for Latin and Iberian Culture Students Promoting Education on Asian Cultures UNITY

performing groups Dance Ensemble Flute Ensemble Hendrix Chamber Orchestra Hendrix Chamber Players Hendrix College Choir Hendrix Players Jazz Ensemble Pep Band Percussion Ensemble Wind Ensemble Women’s Ensemble

publications and media The Aonian (literary magazine) KHDX (radio) The Profile (newspaper) Troubadour (yearbook)

religious organizations Covenant Discipleship Fellowship of Christian Athletes Future Preachers of America Hendrix Catholic Campus Ministry Hendrix Hillel Student Mobilization

representative groups Environmental Concerns Committee Multicultural Development Committee Religious Life Council Residence Hall Council Social Committee Student Senate

special interest groups Amnesty International College Republicans Culinary Club Future Investors German Club Hendrix Beekeeping Society Hendrix Film Society Hendrix for Habitat for Humanity Hendrix Knitting Circle Hendrix Slam (slam poetry) Murphy’s Law (improv troupe) Volunteer Action Center Young Democrats



Sarah’s Odyssey Story

“I spent two weeks working with children at Tanzania’s Tuna HAKI Centre. They were all orphaned by HIV/AIDS, even though none of them have the virus. TunaHAKI is unusual in its focus on education through the arts. So the children just loved the creative projects we developed for them. They were so inventive — we had them do ‘God’s eye’ weavings using small sticks and a single color of yarn, as our supplies were limited. But on their own, they scave nged for larger sticks and took apart the small weavings to create huge, multi-colo red ones. And then they re-created them yet again to incorporate Polaroid phot os we had taken of them. It was so rewarding and inspiring.”

More about service at Hendrix heifer and hendrix: “The core values of Heifer and Hendrix mesh.

campus kitty: Organized and run entirely by students, Campus

At both places, you’ll find people who value the importance of thinking

volunteer action center: Hendrix students

Kitty involves the entire campus in a week-long series of charity

are completely in charge of

globally and who want to give back.

fundraising events. Favorite events include a faculty services auction,

These are people who believe in the dignity of people all over the world and the value of education.” jo luck ’64 president, heifer international


a student art auction for alumni, the Veasey ’80s Dance, and the famous Miss Hendrix Pageant. Started in 1949 with a goal of $800, this year’s Campus Kitty raised more than $60,000 for local charities.

coordinating the Volunteer Action Center. They maintain a master list of more than 70 local volunteer opportunities at churches, hospitals, clinics, wildlife and animal refuges, and dozens of agencies that support the special needs of women, children, and the needy.

organized “Before I went, I iser for the a Hendrix fundra clothes, shoes, uy b to e g a n a h orp on their and other items wish list.�


“Nothing about Hendrix is what I expected. It’s better.” kate moran of havertown, pennsylvania

Residential life l i ve o n c a m p u s . More than 85% of our students live in college-owned housing and many choose to do so for all four years. More so than at any other college, your Hendrix residence hall will influence your college experience in a most extraordinary way. Each has its own distinct character, architecture, traditions, and activities. But your residence hall affiliation doesn’t define you or limit you in any way. There’s so much going on on campus that you can go a long time without leaving it. You’ll see student cars covered in pollen in the spring — because they haven’t moved in weeks.

how cool is this? Hendrix residence halls are heated and cooled by energy-saving geothermal systems. They are clean, costeffective, and feature individual climate controls for each residence hall room.

no one complains about the food. We are not making this up. The cafeteria annually wins national awards and it’s easy to see why. The food service is owned and operated by Hendrix, not by some impersonal corporation, and professional chefs and sous chefs create the dishes that our beloved “cafeteria ladies” serve daily to our students.


Live on campus couch: The only coed hall, eclectic,

martin: All men, intramural champs and

lots of vegetarians

hosts of annual campus bashes such as the

galloway: All women, steeped in history

Toga Party and Ghost Roast

and tradition, listed on the National Register

raney: All women, one of the best-kept halls,

of Historic Places

in a quiet part of campus, good for studying

hardin: Home to “Men of Distinction,” on

residence apartments in the village:

the studious side, very roomy rooms

House 130 upperclassmen in two- and three-

the hendrix corner: A complex with three-bedroom apartments and two-bedroom townhouses

the houses: “Swanky bourgeois”

bedroom apartments located above a level of retail space

veasey: Known simply as “VZ,” home to 120 women and a hub of campus social life

townhouse-style living in a coed environment

candlelight carol service: The entire

soco: Our students are justifiably proud

Hendrix community flocks to this annual

of their Social Committee, known as SoCo.

service featuring the Hendrix Choir. It’s

This committee is fanatically devoted to

the College’s traditional start of the winter

improving the social life of each and every

holiday season.

Hendrix student. And they’ll do anything to

shirttails: Another popular all-campus event. The first weekend of the fall semester, new students go from hall to hall performing songs, dances, and serenades. Men sport formal white shirts and boxers while women wear men's white shirts and workout shorts.

achieve their goal: drive-in movies, foam dance parties, coffeehouses, concerts, comedians and comedy troupes, free bowling nights, live band karaoke — you name it! They also plan major annual events such as Faux Rush Week and Hendrix Formal.



“ My education has been vastly enhanced by participation in athletics. I’ve learned that being patient and persistent is what makes dreams come true.”

Athletics and recreation

julie coats ’06, a physics major and an ncaa all-american athlete who is now pursuing a doctoral degree in physics at emory university

compete for a spot on one of our intercollegiate teams! Or join the majority of Hendrix students in participating in intramural sports. Or just take off for the great outdoors, on campus or off. Of course, Hendrix hasn’t actually had a football team since 1961, but that’s about to change! The Hendrix Trustees recently voted to reinstate football as an intercollegiate sport, although it will take a few years to put the program in place. 24


Mind Games The average grade point for all Hendrix student-athletes in 2009-10 was 3.21, and 18 of our 19 intercollegiate teams posted a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better. Additionally, 183 student-athletes were named to the SCAC Academic Honor Roll.

Intercollegiate Athletics

Strike out on your own

Hendrix is in NCAA Division III and is a member of the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference (other members include Austin, Birmingham-Southern, Centre, Colorado College, DePauw, Millsaps, Oglethorpe, Rhodes, Sewanee, Southwestern, and Trinity). Currently, about one in four Hendrix students competes on one of our intercollegiate teams:

If intercollegiate competition is not your thing, you can create your own personal fitness program using the many resources available on campus or participate in intramural or club sports.

> Baseball (M) > Basketball (M, W) > Cross country (M, W) > Field hockey (W) > Golf (M, W) > Lacrosse (M) > Soccer (M, W) > Softball (W) > Swimming and diving (M, W) > Tennis (M, W) > Track and field (M, W) > Volleyball (W)

and intramural play. These first-class facilities benefit Hendrix Warrior athletes and demonstrate our commitment to health and fitness as vital elements of a well-balanced education.

Intramural Sports On-campus Facilities The 100,000-square-foot, $23 million Wellness and Athletics Center features: > an aquatics center with a retracting roof for competitive and recreational swimming and diving > a competition gymnasium for basketball and volleyball > a recreational gymnasium with two full courts for intramural programs > a fitness center, climbing wall, sand volleyball court, and space for dance and aerobics Other recent improvements include new lighted baseball, soccer, and softball fields and a new eight-lane track with an artificial-turf playing field at its center that can be used for various sports

> Basketball

> Ping Pong

> Dodgeball

> Sand Volleyball

> Flag Football

> Soccer

> Floor Hockey

> Softball

> Kickball

> Volleyball

Sports Organizations & Club Sports > Athletic Advisory Committee > Dance Team > Hendrix Cheerleaders > Judo Club > Ultimate Frisbee Club

More than 75% of our students participate in intramural or club sports, outdoor recreation, or fitness and wellness programs.

The Great Outdoors You can take off on outdoor adventures from camping, horseback riding, and skeet shooting to biking, rock climbing, and canoeing. The WAC rents out biking, camping, and canoeing equipment, and its staff provides expertise that helps you to take advantage of Arkansas — known as the Natural State because of its excellent natural resources such as:

lake ouachita – a recreational mecca, it’s

petit jean state park – site of one of the

one of the cleanest lakes in the country, with

largest bluff shelters in Arkansas, once home

a thousand-mile shoreline and 200 islands

to Native Americans

spring river – one of the largest spring-

buffalo river – first free-flowing stream

fed rivers in North America, it has great fishing

designated as a “National River” by Congress,

and fast canoeing

features majestic bluffs and waterfalls

blanchard springs caverns – one of

ouachita trail – stretching 223 miles

the many cave systems found in the Ozark

through the beautiful Ouachita Mountains, it’s

National Forest, two levels of the three-level

the premier trail used by hikers, backpackers,

caverns are open for guided tours

and mountain bikers

sam’s throne – one of the best spots for rock climbing in the state




Derek’s Odyssey Story

“I was one of 17 Hendrix dancers who, together with our

professor Bridget

Rogers, participated in the 2008 American College Danc e Festival held in Wichita, Kansas. We had the chance to take master classes from and perform before dance professionals and professors. It was really invaluable to get their feedback and suggestions for improvement. But the most significant part of the experience for me was meeting dancers from other colleges and interactin g with students who share my interests. I felt connected to a larger artistic comm unity.”

“I am definitely focused on pursuing a performing career.”

More about the arts at Hendrix students in the class literature and the natural world read and helped to edit manuscripts submitted to their professor, who was editing a book of essays. For a final project, each student wrote the book outline and preface, one of which was selected for final publication.

the princeton review recently ranked Hendrix #16 in the nation for “Best College Theater.”

our impressive threebuilding art complex includes

hendrix’s music performance groups include a flute ensemble,

a gallery, photography studio and darkrooms, and spacious studios for drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and ceramics.

jazz ensemble, pep band, chamber orchestra, percussion ensemble, chamber players, wind ensemble, and the College choir.

for their capstone senior experience, theatre majors

richard ford, jane smiley, and maya angelou are just a

join together to produce the spring mainstage play, functioning as a professional company to direct, design, costume, cast, and stage a major theatrical production.

few of the authors and artists who have visited the Hendrix campus to give lectures or readings and meet with students.



“ The great thing about Little Rock is that it is so accessible — you can go out to dinner, go to the movies, clubs, concerts, whatever. It’s just a half hour away.” victoria todd of washington, d.c.

Explore next door

enjoy big fun in little rock — Conway is a suburban community just up the road from this mid-sized city that Hendrix students view as part of their extended campus.



a historic riverfront district. The bustling River Market District is home to Riverfest — Arkansas’ largest music, arts, and food festival — held in May and the

“Every time you go to Little Rock, you run into ot her Hendrix students. You’ll run int o recent graduates too — you wind up having lots of mini-re unions.”

Riverfront Blues Fest in September. It’s also home to Hendrix students’ favorite hangouts like Gusano’s and the Flying Saucer, as well as lots of specialty shops.

cultural highlights include Ballet Arkansas, the Arkansas Repertory Theatre,

more than 400 restaurants, with

the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra, and the

cuisine that ranges from southern barbeque to

Arkansas Arts Center. The city also features

continental to ethnic, like Asian, Greek,

venues that attract major national and

Indian, and Mexican.

international performers, such as the Moscow

live music from local bands at

Ballet and Norah Jones or touring companies

Juanita’s, Vino’s, Sticky Fingerz, and other

of Broadway shows like Mamma Mia and CATS.

Little Rock clubs. Big-name acts and minor league sports at Alltel Arena.

hundreds of internship and service opportunities. Little Rock is a regional

get centered. Little Rock, the state capital

center of political and governmental offices

and Conway’s next-door neighbor, is located

and agencies, site of the Clinton Presidential

just about exactly in the geographical center

Center and Clinton School of Public Service,

of both Arkansas and the United States.

Downtown Little Rock on the Arkansas River

and home to corporations, hospitals, and other businesses.



Wyvonne’s Odyssey Story

a dream.’ “My aunt has always told me that ‘nothing comes to a dreamer but , so I’m working To succeed, you have to be ambitious and just go for it. I love sports -related all the angles to give myself the best possible chance of having a sports gement, career. I’m majoring in sport psychology with a minor in sports mana wonderful and I play on the Hendrix golf and basketball teams. Because of the with the educational opportunities at Hendrix, I was awarded an internship Park in Arkansas Travelers minor league baseball team at Dickey-Stephens with the North Little Rock. I am learning how the park operates by working d.” administrative team in the ticket booths and wherever help is neede

More about leadership at Hendrix professional business leaders is one of several professional organizations on campus. Hendrix students interested in business can develop vocational and career competencies through innovative leadership and career development programs.


the student senate initiated the “legends of hendrix” lecture series in 1996. Each year, faculty members whose reputation for excellence in the classroom has reached legendary heights on campus are invited to give a public lecture on the subject of their choice. In acknowledgment of the fact that it’s the speaker and not the subject that matters most in this series, the lecture topic is traditionally kept a secret.

through student government, Hendrix students are involved in and exercise control over every aspect of campus life. Standing committees of the Student Senate include, among others, the Student and Academic Concerns Committee, Communications Committee, Environmental Concerns Committee, and Financial Committee.


“Career Services will help you make connections. Their Hendrix Out to Lunch program matches up students with alumni — a great way to network!” will phillips of waxahachie, texas

After graduation armed with a hendrix degree and an impressive portfolio of academic achievements and active learning experiences, you’ll have an edge in competing for graduate and professional placements and career opportunities as you enter the next phase of your life. > More than half of Hendrix alumni continue their education in graduate or professional school within two years of graduation. Those who immediately enter the job market report obtaining employment within six months. > The medical school acceptance rate for Hendrix students is 85% (nearly double the national average).

> More than 90% of Hendrix law school applicants are accepted. > Hendrix ranked 28th in the nation for the overall percentage of its graduates who go on to earn Ph.D.s as reported in a National Science Foundation Survey of Earned Doctorates that included 1,469 U.S. colleges and universities.

Career Services annual events

> Internships

> Graduate School Expo

> Career planning

> On-Campus Recruiting

> Recruiting/job seeking services:

> Roundtable Networking Dinners

Assistance with résumés, cover

> Career Fair

letters, references; on-campus

> Arkansas’ Independent Colleges &

> Graduate/professional school planning: Information, exam preparation resources, assistance with personal statement


Think about the day after

on-going programs


> Hendrix alumni include: 6 Rhodes Scholars 16 Fulbright Scholars 27 Watson Fellows 21 Goldwater Scholars 2 Jack Kent Cooke Scholars 2 Truman Scholars 1 Marshall Scholar

Universities Opportunity Day

You don’t want to focus so hard on earning your Hendrix degree that you lose sight of the rest of your life, which begins the day after commencement. Hendrix students give their academic advisors, as well as our Career Services office, high praise for serving them well with programs geared for every phase of the job search or graduate school application process.

Recent Hendrix graduates are currently pursuing advanced degrees at the following institutions: Baylor University Boston University Brown University College of William and Mary Columbia University Dartmouth University Duke University Emory University George Washington University Georgetown University Georgia Institute of Technology Harvard University Indiana University Johns Hopkins University Louisiana State University New York Studio School New York University The Pennsylvania State University Rice University Southern Methodist University Stanford University Swinburne University (Australia) Temple University Thurgood Marshall School of Law Tulane University University of Arkansas University of California, Berkeley University of Chicago University of Gotteingen (Germany) University of Houston University of Illinois University of Kansas University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of St. Andrews (Scotland) University of Texas University of Virginia University of Wisconsin Vanderbilt University Wake Forest University Washington and Lee University Washington University Yale University

Recent Hendrix graduates are employed by: Acxiom Corporation Aerospace Education Center Alltel Corporation American Express AmeriCorps Arkansas Children’s Hospital Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Austrian Ministry of Education Biotechnical Services, Inc. Cingular Wireless Deloitte & Touche Genzyme Transgenic Corporation Georgia Pacific Janssen Pharmaceutical KPMG Peat Marwick KTHV, CBS affiliate Merrill Lynch National Center for Toxicological Research Nature Conservancy New York City Teaching Fellows Raytheon U.S. Secret Service


Hendrix ACT code: 0128 Hendrix SAT code: 6273 Hendrix FAFSA code: 001099

Admission and Financial Aid “[hendrix] truly is a too-secret treasure that is both a financial bargain . . . and a great opportunity for a better educational experience than you’d find in the name-brand places.” Colleges That Change Lives

hendrix achievement-based scholarship programs Achievement-based aid (also called “merit-based aid”) is almost always awarded in the form of scholarships and/or grants. It is most often based on academic achievement, although Hendrix has several awards that recognize achievement in areas such as the performing arts, leadership, and service work.

academic scholarships: $4,000 per year up to full scholarship (tuition, room, board, and mandatory fees) for up to four years of full-time enrollment

performing and fine arts scholarships (music, theatre arts

robert and ruby priddy scholarships: Amounts vary

and dance, and art; for both majors and non-majors): $2,000 per year for up to four years of full-time enrollment

(designed for middle-income families)

hays memorial scholarships:


Full scholarship (tuition, room, board, and mandatory fees) for up to four years of full-time enrollment

hendrix college leadership awards: $2,000 per year for up

odyssey honors and distinction awards: $1,000 - $6,000 per year for

united methodist youth fellowship leadership scholarships:

up to four years of full-time enrollment (may be awarded in addition to other Hendrix scholarships including the extracurricular scholarships)

$2,000 per year for up to four years of full-time enrollment

national merit, national achievement, and national hispanic finalists: An additional $1,000 per year for up to four years of full-time enrollment

to four years of full-time enrollment

miller center service scholarships: $2,000 per year for up to four years of full-time enrollment

arkansas governor’s distinguished scholar awards: Full scholarship (tuition, room, board, and mandatory fees) for up to four years of full-time enrollment if the student selects housing and meal plan options covered by the award (limited number of awards available)

Admission Application Process for First-Year Students 1. Complete the Common Application, including the required Common Application Supplement for Hendrix, online at www.commonapp.org no later than April 1. Those who submit a completed application by December 1 will know an admission decision by the end of the month.

2. Have your high school counselor complete a Secondary School Report online via the Common Application website as well as submit a transcript of grades on all work you have attempted since the beginning of the ninth grade.

Scholarships and Financial Aid When you apply to Hendrix, you’ll also want to make sure you investigate all the need-based and achievement-based financial assistance programs we offer. Most financial aid packages are a combination of federal, state, and institutional grants, loans and scholarships. Our goal is to make Hendrix an affordable choice for families of all circumstances, and we will work with you individually to help you find the resources to fund a Hendrix education.

3. Take the SAT or the ACT and request that your scores be sent to Hendrix. We have no preference as to which test is taken, but strongly urge all applicants to take either the SAT or the ACT during the senior year of high school. Scores from the SAT and ACT writing tests are not considered when evaluating applicants.

Admission Application Process for Transfer Students 1. Complete the Common Application online at www.commonapp.org. Applications must be received by December 1 for the spring semester and July 1 for the fall semester.

Scholarship and Financial Aid Application Process 1. Apply for admission. (All accepted applicants are evaluated to determine their eligibility for all assistance programs. Your Hendrix admission application serves as the application for most achievement-based scholarships.)

2. Submit applications for performing and fine arts, leadership, and service scholarships.

3. Schedule a performing arts audition for a music or theatre arts and dance scholarship or submit a CD of artwork for consideration for an art scholarship.

2. If you have been in college for less than a year, request that your high school counselor send an official copy of your high school transcript along with the results of either your ACT or SAT to our Office of Admission. 3. Have each college and university that you have attended send us an official transcript of your work.

4. Obtain a Dean of Student Affairs Recommendation form from our Office of Admission and have it completed and returned by the most recent college or university you have attended.

4. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This application, which can be completed online at www.fafsa.ed.gov, is required in order to be considered for any need-based aid program. The Hendrix FAFSA Code is 001099. Students who file the FAFSA by February 15 automatically receive a $1,000 grant that is renewable if the FAFSA is filed each year by this date.

5. Complete separate applications for local, state and private scholarship programs, as required by the organizations.

6. Visit FastWeb and other free scholarship search engines online.



“ You can find all types of people here and we coexist happily.” dominique kelleybrew of little rock, arkansas

Experience Hendrix

a visit to the hendrix campus is well worth your while, in more ways than one. First, the grounds and the buildings are incredibly beautiful — everywhere you look, you see a stunning natural or architectural vista. Second, a visit to campus when classes are in session gives you the chance to meet and talk to students, faculty, and coaches, sit in on a class or lab, stay overnight in a residence hall, catch a varsity or intramural game, and just generally experience the friendly, open Hendrix atmosphere. Each individual campus visit is customized. To schedule your unique visit, give us a call at 1-800-277-9017 or visit us online at www.hendrix.edu/campusvisit.

Experies vinsitcdaeyss Hendrix ld a series of campu We also ho es”) ix College Experienc (we call them “Hendr emic year. throughout the acad

Fall 2010

Spring 2011

mber 20 > Monday, Septe er 11 tob Oc > Monday, 29 er tob > Friday, Oc 12 er mb ve > Friday, No Pre-Med Day

28* > Friday, January 7* ary > Monday, Febru d an 17 > Sunday, April 18 ril Ap ay, Mond Hendrix After Dark > Friday, April 29 iors Odyssey Day for Jun

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theatre, or dance planning a music, rch 14.

of the pleted by Ma *Please choose one itions must be com you visit campus. Aud audition when


celebrate It’s a Hendrix tradition to birthdays with a splash!

seattle boston


san francisco


new york city

st. louis

washington, dc


los angeles


new orleans


Hendrix adheres to the principle of equal educational and employment opportunity without regard to age, race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or national origin. Further, the College is committed to the maintenance of an atmosphere of civility and respect for all students, faculty, and staff.

Hendrix at a Glance college: Four-year, private, residential, coeducational college of liberal arts founded in 1876 and affiliated with the United Methodist Church; Phi Beta Kappa chapter

location: Conway, AR, suburban city of 57,500; 30 minutes from Little Rock (metro. pop.: 650,000)

students: 1,463 from 42 states and 13 countries; 14 percent minority enrollment

academic profile, class of ’14: 52 percent in top 10 of high school class, 81 percent in top quarter; midrange scores: 1170-1360 SAT and 27-32 ACT, and 3.57-4.26 GPA th

faculty: 102 full-time, 95 percent with Ph.D. or equivalent degree student/faculty ratio: 13:1 average class size: 19 majors: 33 undergraduate majors, 32 minors; M.A. in accounting

post graduate: The majority of our students enter graduate or professional school either immediately after graduating or the following year. Approximately one-third enroll in graduate school within the first year of graduation, while other graduates seek employment and report finding a job within six months of graduation.

residence options: Co-ed and single sex; six traditional residence halls, five residence houses, three theme houses, and five apartment complexes (more than 85 percent of students live in college-owned housing)

clubs & organizations: 70+ athletics: NCAA Division III, Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference; Baseball (M), Basketball (M & W), Cross country (M & W), Field hockey (W), Golf (M & W), Lacrosse (M), Soccer (M & W), Softball, (W), Swimming and diving (M & W), Tennis (M & W), Track and field (M & W), and Volleyball (W)

campus: 180 acres encompassing academic, residential, and recreational resources, plus arboretum, gazebo, and pecan court; also includes “New Urbanism” community, The Village at Hendrix facilities: Art complex, life sciences center, physical sciences center, chapel, auditorium, theatre, wellness and athletics center, and new student life and technology center comprehensive fee, 2010-11: $41,126 (includes tuition, room, board, and mandatory fees)

financial aid: 100 percent of students receive some form of achievement-based and/ or need-based state, federal, or institutional assistance; $24,430 average award for 2010-11

office of admission 1600 Washington Ave. Conway, Arkansas 72032-3080 800-277-9017 • 501-450-1362 adm@hendrix.edu • www.hendrix.edu

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