Hendrix College Viewbook 2015

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Be You. Be Brilliant. |1

What’s Hendrix?

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A first-rate liberal arts experience that challenges 1,360 students to think, write, argue, change their minds, and constantly discover

Professors so good that Hendrix ranks 8th among all national liberal arts colleges for “Best Undergraduate Teaching” in U.S. News & World Report

More opportunities and more support for hands-on learning experiences than at any other institution

That’s Hendrix.

Financial aid for 100% of students — making one of the best liberal arts colleges in the country one of the most affordable

An open-minded community where everyone is invited to everything

A residential campus that is 180 acres of gorgeousness

Be Challenged. A liberal arts experience is the ultimate eye-opener. You don’t just learn a little about a lot. You are challenged to take a good hard look at yourself and the big wide world around you. To observe, read, discuss, think, and reflect. Everything looks different — and a lot clearer — when you view it through a liberal arts lens.



Yes, of course you want to pursue the major of your dreams. At Hendrix, with 34 majors that can combine with any of 39 minors plus pre-professional programs, you can dream as big as you want. And if that’s not enough, you can also design your own interdisciplinary program, such as:

But how do you know what you really love until you’ve tried it? That’s why the liberal arts challenge you to think bigger, by exposing you to a larger world of knowledge. All Hendrix students take selected courses drawn from each of six Learning Domains:

hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh

Applied Mathematics Art of the Codex The Business of Green Theater Conflict Resolution Human Rights International Journalism Mathematical Economics Middle Eastern Studies Organizational Leadership Religion, Globalization and Culture Social Justice

hh hh hh hh hh hh

Expressive Arts Historical Perspectives Literary Studies Natural Science Inquiry Social and Behavioral Analysis Values, Beliefs, and Ethics

“As a Hendrix student, I have been challenged and pushed in more ways than I could ever have imagined.” NICK DAILY — Fort Smith, Arkansas

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QUESTION EVERYTHING As Einstein said, “The important thing is never to stop questioning.” In the first-year interdisciplinary seminar “The Engaged Citizen,” all Hendrix students approach questions about what it means to be involved in the community — whether locally or globally. It’s where you begin to question assumptions — especially your own — and that’s when your Hendrix experience really begins.

The #1 “Up and Coming” liberal arts college in the country — U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT

Some fall 2015 Engaged Citizen seminar titles:

hh hh hh hh

Art and Spirit Sex and the Utopian City The Galactic Citizen Identity and the Need to Belong


student/faculty ratio (It just feels more like one-to-one.)


full-time faculty


average class size (You won’t get lost in the crowd but you can’t hide either!) |3

Be Engaged. Hendrix students don’t just take classes and make good grades, they take chances and make waves by engaging in Hendrix Odyssey active learning experiences. Hendrix is “all in” when it comes to Odysseys, logging more than 13,000 experiences in the past decade.

CHOOSE YOUR ODYSSEY The Hendrix Odyssey Program ensures that you’ll complete at least three hands-on learning experiences chosen from six different categories.

Be worldly. Explore other cultures through Global

Be a pro. Professional and Leadership Development

Awareness Odysseys in the U.S. or abroad.

Odysseys include internships and other professional experiences, as well as leadership roles in campus, community, or professional life.

For example: Participate in Hendrix-sponsored study abroad programs; take a study tour of the rainforests of Costa Rica; travel to Peru on a mission trip; join a biology excursion to the American Southwest or the Everglades

Be the change. Tackle social, environmental, and spiritual needs through Service to the World Odysseys on campus, in the community, across the country, and around the world. For example: Participate in a mission trip; take a service-learning course; volunteer with various organizations and agencies; complete a service project

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For example: Tutor or mentor other Hendrix students; complete a leadership or service scholarship program; serve as a Resident Assistant; co-captain an athletic team or lead a student organization

Be curious. Dig deep into specific topics that grab your interest through Undergraduate Research Odysseys in any academic area. For example: Present your results at national and regional academic conferences; have your work accepted for publication in an academic journal

$3+ million in Odyssey support grants awarded since 2005

Be creative. Let your creativity shine in art, music, dance, drama, or creative writing Artistic Creativity Odysseys. For example: Participate in a music performance group or take music lessons; take a course in photography, painting, or sculpture; play a major role in a theatrical production

Be original. Special Projects Odysseys offer endless possibilities to create new ways to explore interests beyond your major. For example: Create an entry for our annual business plan competition; complete an independent study project; design a multidisciplinary Odyssey experience that reflects your special interests and talents


Be Curious. Hendrix students are independent thinkers. They are always posing questions, searching for answers, solving problems, and exploring new ideas. There’s no better way to do that than through original research projects. And no big university can even come close to offering its undergraduates the research opportunities that Hendrix students enjoy.

FANTASTIC RESEARCH RESOURCES Undergraduates studying the sciences and math at large research institutions can only dream of having access to the research facilities available to Hendrix students. For example, the Morgan Center for Physical Sciences includes specialized labs for student experimentation and research in electronics, optics, holography, biophysics, nuclear physics, nuclear magnetic resonance, and other areas.

“At Hendrix, research is education.” DR. TOM GOODWIN — chemistry professor

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“A very valuable lesson I learned is that starting over is not failure.”

MONEY MATTERS At Hendrix, we don’t want funding issues to limit our students’ intellectual adventures. Odyssey grants provide support for projects that require additional funding. We also provide $1,000 toward travel expenses for students when they make their first research presentations at state, regional or national conferences.

RESEARCH ON FILM Hendrix English-film studies majors have the chance to hone their research techniques during the annual Film Studies Research Symposium. Students gain confidence as they learn to prepare their film research for public presentation, creating projects such as “Landscape and Bodies in Vince Gilligan’s Breaking Bad” or “The Second Directors: How Simon and Garfunkel Established Directorial Ownership for Musicians in Coming-of-Age Films.”

PRESENTING RESEARCH COAST TO COAST No other college or university in the country sends a larger percentage of its students to the annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research. This past year, 32 Hendrix students shared their research results at the NCUR in Spokane, Washington. Others made presentations at professional conferences such as the national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Denver, Colorado, and the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Boston, Massachusetts.

Sami’s Undergraduate Research Odyssey Sami Kennedy’s research Odyssey at the Biomedical Research Institute of New Jersey was an eye-opening experience. For one thing, she saw that in biomedical research “it’s actually common to learn through mistakes.” She says, “I gained an incredible amount of knowledge in one summer. Most importantly, I discovered I really love research.” SAMI KENNEDY Berkeley Heights, New Jersey Biochemistry and molecular biology major; medical humanities minor


Be a Pro. We’re here to help you transition from student to leader and, ultimately, to success in your chosen career. Hendrix students pump up their academic resumés with professional and leadership experiences that show the world they know how to do what they say they can do.

A FEW RECENT INTERNSHIP SITES hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh

Akzo Nobel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance Arkansas Public Policy Panel Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre Arkansas State Golf Association Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department Acxiom Corporation Beyond Sports Network China Everbright Bank (Kunming, China) Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Clinton Foundation Conway Eye Center Conway Police Department Conway Regional Medical Group Dallas Holocaust Museum Democratic National Committee Headquarters Faulkner County Court District Fort Smith Public Libraries Ghana Heritage Conservation Trust Heifer International Headquarters

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hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh

Hewlett-Packard Human Rights Campaign (Washington, D.C.) Industrial Training International Le Creuset of America Marketing Division Little Rock Urban Farming Project Little Rock Zoo The Little Museum of Dublin (Ireland) Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie Nashville Civic Design Center New England Center for Children New Kensington Community Development Corporation (Philadelphia) Office of the Arkansas Attorney General Oregon National Primate Center Orlando Museum of Art Phi Beta Kappa Society Philadelphia Mayor’s Internship Program Slow Food USA Smithsonian Museum of Natural History Southwestern Energy Superior Courts of Orange County

“It’s a pretty deep peek into what my career may be like.”

hh hh hh hh hh hh

United States Forest Service United States House of Representatives University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Wildland Gardens Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Wyoming Conservation Corps

Annie’s Professional and Leadership Development Odyssey During Annie Vogt’s internship in the Neonatology Department of Columbia Presbyterian’s Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital, she saw how doctors and families process decisions that impact extremely preterm infants born with serious impairments. Medicine, ethics, and religion all come into play. She says she was able to observe “the way doctors function in high-stress situations and how they communicate with families.” ANNIE VOGT Falmouth, Maine Religious studies major; chemistry minor


“What struggles do Somali refugees in America experience being on the outside?”

HENDRIX: AN INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE These exclusive overseas programs are offered only to our students: hh Hendrix-in-Brussels: Comes complete with an internship hh Hendrix-in-London: A semester of study based in the London suburb of Roehampton, just 20 minutes by train from the city center hh Hendrix-in-Rwanda: Covers African culture, literature, and religion and includes a threemonth internship hh Hendrix-in-Shanghai: A full semester studying Chinese, economics, and international business hh Accademia dell’Arte: Theatre arts studies in a restored 16th-century villa in Tuscany hh Hendrix-in-Heilongjiang: Intensive Chinese language studies at all levels at Heilongjiang University in northeast China hh Hendrix-in-Graz: A full year at Austria’s Karl-Franzens University SUMMER LANGUAGE PROGRAMS: hh Hendrix-in-Costa Rica hh Hendrix-in-Madrid hh Hendrix-in-Tours (France)


Asli’s Global Awareness Odyssey Asli Ahmed expanded her global awareness right in the U.S. heartland by immersing herself in the Minneapolis Somali refugee community. She used ethnographic research techniques, including interviews, to document her on-site experience with this understudied population. She says, “I began to see the real difficulties of assimilating in a country that is so different from your central beliefs.” ASLI AHMED Little Rock, Arkansas Psychology major; religious studies minor

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If all the “Hendrix-in” programs aren’t enough, the College’s participation in the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) connects students with more than 150 study programs on six continents. Hendrix ISEP participants have recently studied in Australia, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, Japan, Korea, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, Sweden, and Thailand.

FELLOWSHIPS Hendrix is one of only 40 U.S. institutions of higher education eligible to nominate its students for Watson Fellowships, which fund a year of independent study and travel abroad. Since 1985, more than 30 Hendrix students have won these awards.

STUDENT CLUBS hh hh hh hh hh

Arab Language and Culture French Club Friends of India German Club Ngoma African Students Association

WORLDLINESS BEGINS AT HOME International travel isn’t the only way Hendrix students experience on-site learning in different environments. U.S.-based opportunities include: hh Gulf Coast Research Laboratory: Hendrix biology credit for ecology, botany, zoology, and microbiology summer courses offered at this lab in Ocean Springs, Mississippi hh Washington Semester: Fall semester of junior or senior year at American University in Washington, D.C. hh Semester in Environmental Science: A 15-week program at The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts

Be Worldly. Worldliness starts at the top at Hendrix, with our president, a historian of modern Japan with a monster-sized love of Godzilla! Off-campus study and travel opportunities in the U.S. and abroad are woven tightly into the fabric of a Hendrix education. It’s just how we roll.

“Start wherever you want to start. End up somewhere you never imagined.” DR. PEG FALLS-CORBIT T — Associate Provost for Engaged Learning

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Be the Change. Hendrix students change lives every day. They share their time, energy, talents, and knowledge with those in need in every way you can imagine, from swinging a hammer on a Habitat build to comforting a sick child in the hospital, to rescuing an animal. They make change happen, and are themselves changed in the process.



The all-student Volunteer Action Committee links Hendrix students to service opportunities in Conway and beyond through Service Saturdays, the Hendrix Buddy Program, and other initiatives. They also sponsor the React to Film documentary program, guest speakers and special events.

The Miller Center for Vocation, Ethics, and Calling funds service internships at sites including: hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh

Bethlehem House of Conway Women’s Shelter of Conway Arkansas United Methodist newspaper Conway Interfaith Clinic Court Appointed Child Services (CASA) Arkansas Hospice Boys and Girls Club of Faulkner County Pine Street Medical Clinic Heifer Project Ranch Conway Cradle Care

“FUN”DRAISING Hendrix students put the fun in fundraising for charity with Campus Kitty, which annually raises $30,000+ during a week packed with events such as a faculty services auction and the famous Miss Hendrix faux beauty pageant.

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“You can see moments when the impact of music is undeniable. And a moment is enough.”

ON A MISSION The Miller Center also provides funding for annual mission trips to sites such as: hh Pine Ridge Reservation (Oglala Lakota tribe), South Dakota hh New Orleans hh Guatemala hh Kosovo hh Alaska

“The core values of Heifer and Hendrix mesh. At both places, you’ll find people who value the importance of thinking globally and want to give back.”

Nate’s Service to the World Odyssey A talented pianist, guitarist and violinist, Nate Drahn used music to spark forgotten memories in those suffering from dementia and similar afflictions. He volunteered for a summer at a residential care facility, playing for “anyone and everyone.” He discovered that “people can progress from utter confusion to incredible clarity within the course of one song.” NATE DRAHN Lopez Island, Washington Psychology major

JO LUCK ’64 — former president and CEO, Heifer International

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Be Creative.


Shakespeare wrote, “All the world’s a stage,” but that’s a pretty big venue. Hendrix artists, actors, musicians, dancers, writers, singers, poets, and filmmakers discover that our college is exactly the right size for developing and showcasing their talents. The rest of the campus community plays a key role as an enthusiastic audience — the most important component of any creative venture!

Based in the elegant yet cozy Murphy House, the Hendrix-Murphy Foundation Program has, over the years, brought a galaxy of creative stars to the Hendrix campus. And students always have the opportunity to meet them face to face — and not just at a reception. Professional directors will direct a student play, writers will teach seminars and workshops — you get the picture. RECENT HENDRIX MURPHY GUEST ARTISTS: hh poet Carolyn Forché hh Maus graphic novelist Art Spiegelman hh The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks author Rebecca Skloot hh You and Me and Everybody We Know filmmaker Miranda July hh Everything is Illuminated author Jonathan Safran Foer

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” MAYA ANGELOU — past Hendrix-Murphy Visiting Artist

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WRITER IN THE HOUSE Trenton Lee Stewart ’97, the award-winning author of the popular The Mysterious Benedict Society series for younger readers, encouraged a new generation of Hendrix writers when he served as the Hendrix-Murphy Visiting Writer in 2014.

“There is no better place to study and perform Italian theatre than in its native land.”

STUDENT PERFORMANCE GROUPS hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh

Dance Ensemble Flute Ensemble Hendrix Chamber Orchestra Hendrix Chamber Players Hendrix College Choir Hendrix Players Jazz Ensemble Pep Band Percussion Ensemble Wind Ensemble Women’s Ensemble

STUDENT CLUBS hh The Aonian literary magazine (Anyone can submit their writing — it’s not just for English majors!) hh Hendrix Filmmakers hh KHDX (radio) hh The Profile (campus news magazine) hh SLAMechanics (slam poetry) hh Troubadour (yearbook)

ROCKING THE RED BRICK CARPET Hendrix is nurturing its own indie film industry. Students film, script, score, and act in original short films screened at the annual Red Brick Film Festival, fast becoming a new favorite Hendrix tradition.

CREATIVE RESOURCES hh Cabe Theatre Arts Center: a 224-seat, thrust-stage theatre hh Three-building art complex: gallery, photography studio and darkrooms, and studios for drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and ceramics hh Trieschmann Fine Arts Building: home of the Music Department with practice rooms and a recital hall; also houses a gallery and a dance studio hh Reves Recital Hall hh Student Life and Technology Center: performance spaces

Robert’s Artistic Creativity Odyssey Hendrix’s exclusive partnership with Italy’s Accademia dell’Arte gave Robert Durante the chance to merge his love of theatre with his desire to study abroad. He says, “I studied Commedia dell’Arte, an Italian style of improvisational theatre. I also learned how to create (by hand!) the leather masks that are used in Commedia performances.” ROBERT DURANTE Kingwood, Texas Theatre arts major; psychology minor

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Be Original. One of the coolest things about the liberal arts experience is the way you suddenly see a connection between ideas or events that you never even dreamed had the slightest thing to do with one another. Hendrix students love to explore these unexpected connections through special projects, independent studies, and other original undertakings.



Now in its eighth year, RDWS is an innovative summer camp where Hendrix science majors share their love of science and discovery with more than 50 elementary school students. The Hendrix students dream up original, interactive experiments to fire up the kids’ interest and enthusiasm. For example, “Throw Barbie from the Balcony” was an experiment that introduced young scientists to the principles of physics. (No Barbies were seriously harmed.)

Licensed by TED, the famous nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading, TEDx programs are designed to help communities, organizations and individuals to spark conversation and connection through local TED-like experiences. Independently organized by an all-student team, TEDxHendrixCollege has brought over 700 community members, entrepreneurs, students and faculty together to hear about — and think about — ­ ideas worth spreading.

MINI-MINORS Faculty and students explore and identify hidden linkages that exist between disciplines through the interdisciplinary Hendrix Crossings program. Smaller than a minor, Crossings includes three or four course opportunities and incorporates opportunities for both Undergraduate Research and Special Project Odyssey credits. Past Crossings include “Poverty Studies,” “Peace, War, and Memory,” “Human Evolution,” and “The Study of Crime.”

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THE 2015 LINEUP OF TEDxHENDRIXCOLLEGE SPEAKERS INCLUDED: hh Doug Blackmon ’86, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist hh Meg Bourne-Hulsey, founder, Art Feeds hh David Corcoran, recently retired editor, Science Times hh Dana Falconberry ’02, musician hh Jo Luck ’64, former president and CEO, Heifer International hh Chirag Lala ’17, double major in Mathematical Economics and International Relations

“We were bombarded by history and often left shaken – however, we were rarely left speechless.”

DEEP THINKERS Independent thinkers like Hendrix students find a lot of inspiration in the lectures and workshops offered by the Steel Center for the Study of Religion and Philosophy. In addition, the Center’s Friday Afternoon Discussions cover a wide variety of topics, not only philosophy and religion, but also politics, literature, social issues, and scientific questions.

Adelia’s Special Projects Odyssey Inspired by a similar Hendrix trip in 2010, Adelia Shiffraw designed and led (in concert with Dean of Students Jim Wiltgen) a civil rights Odyssey road trip. She and 10 other students visited landmark civil rights sites and retraced the footsteps of the Selma to Montgomery marchers, a highlight for Adelia, who says, “I think, ‘What if this march had not happened? What kind of life would I be living today?’” ADELIA SHIFFRAW Wynnewood, Pennsylvania English-film studies major; politics minor

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“. . . this Shangri-La in Conway, Arkansas, thirty miles north of Little Rock, must be the most beautiful campus of them all.”

LOREN POPE — Colleges That Change Lives

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Be Outstanding. One by one, Hendrix graduates change the world. Our alumni have directed space walks, rescued children from poverty, led multinational corporations, run organic farms, and performed groundbreaking medical research. They’re proof that you can do anything with a degree from Hendrix.

GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS Recent Hendrix graduates are pursuing degrees at institutions such as: hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh

American University Boston College Boston University School of Theology Colorado State University Columbia University School of Law Emory University School of Law George Washington University Harvard University Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Massachusetts Institute of Technology Pennsylvania State University Tulane University University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences University of California University of North Carolina University of Rochester Vanderbilt University Washington University in St. Louis

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A GOOD START TO A GREAT CAREER Confident and boasting a boatload of hands-on learning experiences, Hendrix graduates can expect their first job to be a good one. A few examples: hh Acxiom Corporation (associate solutions developer) hh American Association for Justice (state affairs/outreach assistant) hh Arkansas Heart Hospital (health assessment specialist) hh Brainard Capital Management (operations manager) hh Ernst & Young (staff auditor) hh Groupon Vancouver (account executive) hh Levine Greenberg Literary Agency (editorial and rights assistant) hh Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts (assistant to vice-president, marketing) hh Nationwide Insurance (field claims specialist) hh PricewaterhouseCoopers (audit associate) hh Publisher’s Weekly (reviewer) hh Ronin Studios and Consulting (game developer) hh Seattle Children’s Hospital (bioinformatician) hh Teach for America (kindergarten teacher) hh University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (research assistant) hh Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless (coordinator of volunteers) hh Women’s Shelter of Central Arkansas (child advocate)

ZERO TO 6 MONTHS Our graduates who jump right into the job market report being employed within six months of graduation. That includes dozens of students who already have job offers in hand before they graduate.


of graduates enroll in graduate or professional school within two years of graduation (many of them are awarded scholarships)

BAZINGA! National Science Foundation data reveal that Hendrix is making a big bang. The College is right up there with MIT and Caltech and others included among the top 50 schools in the U.S. whose graduates earned Ph.D.’s in engineering and the sciences in a recent 10-year period.


law school acceptance rate

NATIONAL AWARD WINNERS Our graduates include recipients of some of the most prestigious scholarships and fellowships in the country. hh hh hh hh

6 Rhodes Scholars 24 Fulbright Scholars 32 Watson Fellows 30 Goldwater Scholars

hh 3 Truman Scholars hh 2 Jack Kent Cooke Scholars hh 1 Marshall Scholar


medical school acceptance rate (more than double the national average) | 21

Be Confident. There’s a lot of flex in a liberal arts degree from Hendrix. Our graduates find it’s a key that opens a lot of doors to them. You can be confident that you’ll graduate with the knowledge and skills to pursue more than one career path. And a way with words that’ll help you talk (or write) your way into anywhere you choose.

90° TURNS Many Hendrix graduates wind up in careers that are seemingly completely unrelated to their undergraduate degrees. At Hendrix, your major does not limit your career choices — in fact, it can expand them. JED DAILY ’04, LAWYER AND AUTHOR Majored in mathematics and computer science. Earned a law degree from Washington University in St. Louis. Co-author of The Law of Superheroes, which uses comic book heroes to explain and analyze key legal principles. WENDY ANDERSON ’93, CHIEF OF STAFF TO SECRETARY OF COMMERCE PENNY PRITZKER Majored in religion. Earned a master’s in theological studies from Harvard and a master’s in international affairs from Columbia University. BRACKEN DARRELL ’85, PRESIDENT AND CEO OF LOGITECH INTERNATIONAL Majored in English. Earned his M.B.A from Harvard Business School. Jokingly speculates he might have been the only English major ever hired by accounting firm Arthur Anderson, his first employer. 22 | www.hendrix.edu

“. . . pursue a liberal arts education. For most people, it’s the best foundation for a successful career.” A.G. LAFLEY — chairman, president, and CEO Procter & Gamble

DIRECT TRAJECTORIES Of course, many other graduates pursue career paths that are closely related to their major fields. It’s your choice!

“Discourse was at the heart of my Hendrix education. We never stopped talking about issues when classes let out. That was just the beginning.”

“[At Hendrix], I spent more time trying to do things — and learning how to do things — that over the rest of my life would in some way set me apart...”



Majored in English and theatre arts — Won the 2005 Theatre World Award for Outstanding Off-Broadway Debut when she co-starred with Jeremy Pivin in “Fat Pig.” Film and TV credits include “Margot at the Wedding,” “Inside Man,” “Eat, Pray, Love,” “Law and Order,” and “Rescue Me”

Majored in English — Won a 2009 Pulitzer Prize for his book, Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II. Now a contributing editor at The Washington Post and the former Atlanta Bureau Chief for The Wall Street Journal, he began his journalism career as editor of the Hendrix campus newspaper.

Recognized as one of the “Small Colleges and Universities Strong in Business”

One of the country’s top producers of Fulbright Scholars



75+ STUDENT CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS As well as academic honorary societies (including a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s oldest and most prestigious), nearly a dozen music and theatrical performance groups, some of Hendrix’s student clubs and organizations include: MULTICULTURAL hh Hendrix Unity hh International Club hh Students for Black Culture hh Students for Latin and Iberian Culture hh Asian Cultural Club PUBLICATIONS AND MEDIA hh The Aonian (literary magazine) hh KHDX (radio) hh The Profile (news magazine) hh Troubadour (yearbook) RELIGIOUS hh Fellowship of Christian Athletes hh Hendrix Catholic Campus Ministry hh Hendrix Hillel hh Muslim Student Association STUDENT GOVERNMENT hh Environmental Concerns Committee hh Multicultural Development Committee hh Residence Hall Council hh Student Senate SPECIAL INTEREST hh Animal Rights hh Bike Revolution hh Climbing Coalition hh College Republicans hh Comic Society hh Culinary Club hh Hendrix Filmmakers hh Habitat for Humanity hh Outdoor Club hh Sword Club hh Volunteer Action Center hh Young Democrats

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GET ORIENTED From Move-in Day (when upperclass students swarm new students and their families to help them move into their dorm rooms) to Playfair to three-day Orientation Trip adventures, Orientation is a whirlwind introduction to Hendrix and all your classmates. You’ll instantly be part of a circle of new friends and discover that at Hendrix, no one is too cool for this school.

SOCO!!!! SoCo (aka the all-student Social Committee) is on a mission and that mission is non-stop entertainment. From the glitter and cage dancers of SoCo 54 to the Lip Sync Battle and Mega Relay of Bubble Week, they work hard so everyone else can play hard. Comedy nights, musical showcases of student talent, trivia nights, paintball, inflatable games — there is something going on every week and weekend.

Be Involved. Getting involved isn’t complicated at Hendrix. In fact, you’d have to try hard not to get swept up in student life. The only problem is trying to find time to do everything you want to do. And our all-campus events put the accent on “all” ­— from Shirttails and the Hendrix Formal to Ghost Roast and Bubble Week. You won’t want to miss any of them!

HENDRIX UNTRADITIONAL TRADITIONS hh SoCo 54 — a return to the disco era hh Ghost Roast — Halloween costumes like you have never seen before hh Bubble Week — an extended celebration of our Greek-free campus hh Miss Hendrix — standing room only at this faux beauty pageant

ZERO Number of Greek social fraternities and sororities. Hendrix has long been proudly Greek-free. It’s just not our style.

PEACE, LOVE, AND HENDRIX Spiritual exploration and growth is an integral part of the liberal arts experience. And when it comes to the life of the spirit and matters of faith, you would be hard put to find anywhere that is more open and accepting of every kind of belief — or unbelief — than Hendrix. In fact, if everyone practiced the Hendrix brand of spiritual acceptance and religious tolerance, the world would be a much more peaceful place. Shirttails! It’s the ultimate dance-off!! And new students at Hendrix have been kicking it Shirttails-style for more than 100 years. It’s our oldest untraditional tradition. | 25

Be in the Game.

WHAT’S THE NEWEST STUFF? Most recently, we’ve added a multi-sport stadium, the Sturgis Athletic Performance Center, and indoor/ outdoor tennis courts.

Whether they’re going for the big win in an NCAA Division III competition, diving for a Frisbee, pushing for one more rep in the fitness center, or floating down a pristine Arkansas river, Hendrix students can push their physical boundaries as far as they choose.

MIND GAMES Hendrix puts the “student” in student-athlete. The average grade point for all Hendrix student-athletes in 2014–15 was 3.24, and 222 student-athletes were named to the SAA Academic Honor Roll.


student participation in intramurals, club sports, outdoor recreation, or fitness and wellness programs

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“THE WAC” The WAC (Wellness and Athletic Center) is the 100,000-square-foot hub of Hendrix athletics, recreation, and wellness programs. WHAT’S INSIDE? hh Aquatics center with a retracting roof (woo-hoo!) for competitive and recreational swimming and diving hh Competition gymnasium for basketball and volleyball hh Recreational gymnasium with two full courts for intramural programs hh Fitness center, climbing wall, and space for dance and aerobics WHAT’S NEARBY? hh Lighted baseball, soccer, and softball fields hh Eight-lane track

hh Football field hh Sand volleyball court

GOING FOR GOLD Track and field athlete Victoria Amadi ’17 qualified to compete in four national meets in her first two years on the team, most recently representing Hendrix at the women’s 2015 NCAA Division III Track and Field Outdoor National Championships.

GOING PRO Although Hendrix just reinstated football in 2013, Casey Caton ’15 is now playing professional football for the Prague Lions of the Czech League of American Football. As a student, he led the SAA in receiving yards and yards per game in 2013 and ranked 42nd in the nation in yards as a junior and 60th as a senior.

FREE FOR ALL There’s no excuse for not staying in shape at Hendrix. Over the past several years, the College has made a significant investment in new and improved athletics and fitness facilities so students can have free and easy access to great resources.

1 in 4

SOUTHERN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (SAA) Hendrix is a charter member of the NCAA Division III Southern Athletic Association (SAA), formed in 2012. Other SAA member schools: Berry College (GA), Centre College (KY), Millsaps College (MS), Rhodes College (TN), BirminghamSouthern College (AL), Oglethorpe College (GA), Sewanee (TN)

INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh

Baseball (M) Basketball (M, W) Cross Country (M, W) Football (M) Field Hockey (W) Golf (M, W) Lacrosse (M, W) Soccer (M, W) Softball (W) Swimming and Diving (M, W) Tennis (M, W) Track and Field (M, W) Volleyball (W)

INTRAMURAL SPORTS hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh

Basketball Dodgeball Flag Football Floor Hockey Kickball Ping Pong Sand Volleyball Soccer Softball Volleyball

CLUB SPORTS hh hh hh hh hh

Club Tennis Dance Team Hendrix Cheerleaders Table Tennis Club Ultimate Frisbee Club

Hendrix students are members of an intercollegiate team | 27

Be Here. Residence life at Hendrix takes the cake. Really. On your birthday, the dining services staff will bake you a cake complete with candles and the whole cafeteria will sing to you. How much more homey can you get?



The Hendrix celebration of uniqueness begins with life in the residence halls. As a first-year student, you’ll live in one of our classic campus dorms and it’s an experience you’ll never forget. Over the years, each dorm has evolved its own unique character – don’t worry, you’ll find your way to the one that suits you best!

Veasey Beach: No sand, but a grassy area between Veasey and Bailey Library that’s a warm weather mecca.

hh Couch: The only coed hall, eclectic, lots of vegetarians hh Galloway: All women, steeped in history and tradition, reportedly has a ghost hh Hardin: Home to “Men of Distinction,” on the studious side, very roomy rooms hh Martin: All men, intramural champs and host of many all-campus parties hh Raney: All women, one of the best-kept halls, in a quiet part of campus, good for studying hh Veasey: All women, known simply as “VZ” and a hub of campus social life

Sun Porch: the foyer near the cafeteria in the Student Life and Technology Center. Hendrix is such a safe and easy-going place that students leave their book bags here while they’re eating. It’s also where you’ll see posters for upcoming events. And get pounced on by other students recruiting for activities and organizations. The Burrow: The café with lounge area on the first floor of the Student Life and Technology Center. The Burrow is also located conveniently near the game room. Squirrels: Consider this a heads-up. You’ve been warned. Homedrix: When Hendrix and home become one.

HOW COOL IS THIS? Hendrix residence halls are heated and cooled by energy-saving geothermal systems. They are clean, costeffective, and feature individual climate controls for each residence hall room.

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BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! As an upperclass student, your residence choices expand. hh The Hendrix Corner: A complex with three-bedroom apartments and two-bedroom townhouses hh The Quad Houses: “Swanky bourgeois” townhousestyle living in a coed environment hh The Village at Hendrix: Two- and three-bedroom apartments and new dorm-style housing in our very own “New Urbanism” community


of students live on campus

EVEN OUR CAFETERIA IS UNIQUE Our cafeteria annually wins national awards and it’s easy to see why. The food service is owned and operated by Hendrix, not by some impersonal corporation. Professional chefs create the dishes served by our “cafeteria ladies” — beloved by all Hendrix students. And there are vegetarian and vegan options at every meal. SOME OF THE THINGS THAT MAKE OUR CAFETERIA ONE OF A KIND: hh Disco trays (ask any Hendrix student about them) hh Theme days (Paris Day, Mediterranean Day — ­ they think up new ones all the time) hh Extended hours (hot meals available till midnight every weekday) | 29

Be at Home. As much as there is to do on campus, your Hendrix experience comes complete with a new hometown — Conway — and a taste of Village life. Hendrix students become citizens of Conway during their four year stay, and discover there’s a lot to like about their community — you’re as likely to meet a student volunteering or interning in town, as you are to bump into them at local restaurants.

CONWAY IS THE HOME OF: hh Offices of Acxiom Corporation. Founded in Conway, Acxiom is a global interactive marketing services company and a super source of interesting internships and employment opportunities for Hendrix students. hh The Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre. Based in Conway, it’s the state’s only professional Shakespeare company. Outdoor performances during their annual summer festival take place in the Village at Hendrix. Students intern here, too. hh EcoFest. This September celebration of green initiatives in Conway includes a cardboard car derby, a bicycle rodeo, and a butterfly release. hh Toad Suck Daze. (When you visit campus, ask your tour guide for the story of the origin of that name!) It’s a huge, three-day festival with live music, food, carnival rides and all things toad — from the Toad to Toad bike race to Toad Jam Basketball to the World Famous Toad Races. And yes, students intern at Toad Suck also. They intern everywhere.

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THE CITY OF CONWAY Conway is a small city with a small town vibe. The second-fastest growing city in the state, it’s attracting new businesses and new residents who love its Southern charm and community spirit.

THE VILLAGE AT HENDRIX Right across the street from the main campus, The Village at Hendrix is a neighborhood with a small town vibe. It is actually a “New Urbanism” community with a carefully planned “mixed use” blend of residential, retail, corporate and professional spaces. It’s so nice that some parents of students have bought homes there! Conway and Hendrix intersect in The Village, which is also the home of the newest (and very cool) apartment and dorm-style housing for Hendrix students. THE MARKET SQUARE IS VILLAGE CENTRAL WITH: hh Village Books (the Hendrix Bookstore) hh Panera Bread and ZAZA Pizza hh Silver Moon Cinema (outdoor movies) hh How Do You Roll (a sushi bar)

MARKET SQUARE SOUTH IS A NEW BUILDING THAT HOUSES: hh New dorm-style residences for sophomores hh Simmons Bank hh The Purple Cow (a modern take on the classic diners of the 1950s) THE HENDRIX CREEK PRESERVE AT THE VILLAGE The Preserve is both an environmental boon to the community and a great outdoor learning lab for Hendrix students. A formerly neglected creek is now the center of an impressive restoration project, complete with native plants and trees and walking trails.

“We’re just very pleased to be providing these high-quality positions and hiring folks here in Central Arkansas and Conway, and expanding our presence in the Conway facility.” JOHN HERTZOG — Hewlett Packard executive | 31

Be More at Home. Just as Conway becomes your second home, Little Rock is your home away from your second home. It’s only a half hour’s drive from Conway and you’ll run into classmates and recent Hendrix graduates everywhere you go. And your new homes are right in the heart of Arkansas, a state you’ll love.

ARKANSAS: THE NATURAL STATE Our Arkansas location is the reason Hendrix offers so many fantastic outdoor adventures during Orientation. Conway is surrounded by more top-notch natural, recreational resources than most colleges could ever hope for. Hendrix students can sign out most of the gear they need for outdoor expeditions at the WAC. For free. Some of the sites they explore: hh Lake Ouachita — One of the cleanest lakes in the entire country, with a 1,000-mile shoreline and 200 islands hh Spring River — One of the largest springfed rivers in North America, with great fishing, canoeing, and kayaking hh Blanchard Springs Caverns — Second only to Carlsbad Caverns, an elaborate cave system with amazing stalactite and stalagmite formations hh Sam’s Throne — One of the best spots for rock climbing in the state hh Petit Jean — One of 52 Arkansas state parks and site of one of the largest bluff shelters in Arkansas hh Buffalo River — The first free-flowing stream designated as a “National River” by the U.S. Congress

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hh Toltec Mounds — A National Historic Landmark and one of the largest and most impressive archeological sites in the Lower Mississippi River Valley hh Hot Springs National Park — Declared a protected “reservation” by Congress in 1832, some 40 years before Yellowstone became the world’s first national park

Buffalo River

BIG TIMES IN LITTLE ROCK All state capitals like Little Rock are centers of politics and government. But only Little Rock has the famous Clinton Presidential Center and Clinton School of Public Service. It’s also the corporate headquarters of Acxiom, Windstream Communications, and Heifer International. hh The River Market District is the site of Riverfest — Arkansas’ largest music, arts, and food festival — and favorite student hangouts like Gusano’s and the Flying Saucer, as well as all kinds of specialty shops. Other annual festivals and special events draw visitors from all over the world. hh Larger entertainment venues feature major performers, such as Cirque du Soleil, touring companies of Broadway shows, and popular artists such as Kelly Clarkson, Bruno Mars, Miranda Lambert, and Florida Georgia Line. hh Cultural highlights include Ballet Arkansas, the Arkansas Repertory Theatre, the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra, and the Arkansas Arts Center, as well as museums. Every month, Second Friday Art Night features an evening walk through the city’s many art galleries. hh More than 400 restaurants feature cuisine that ranges from southern barbecue to continental to ethnic, such as Asian, Greek, Indian, and Mexican. | 33

Be Smart.


Good news! One of the best national liberal arts colleges in the country is also one of the most affordable. In fact, it’s our goal to make the Hendrix experience possible for all accepted students, regardless of financial situation.

As an entering Hendrix freshman, you could be eligible for one of the following scholarships, which are awarded solely on the basis of academic merit without regard to financial need. All are renewable for up to four years of full-time enrollment. SCHOLARSHIP AWARD PER ACADEMIC YEAR Hays Memorial Scholarships Full tuition, room, board, and mandatory fees Robert and Ruby Priddy Scholarships

Varying amounts

Academic Scholarships

$12,000 – full tuition

Odyssey Distinction Awards

$1,000 – $5,000

100K+ over four years is the average Hendrix financial aid package.

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(for middle income families)

VALUABLE ACHIEVEMENTS We also recognize the value of your achievements beyond academics, whether in service, leadership, the fine arts or other areas. You might also qualify for any or all of these achievement-based scholarships, which may be awarded to entering freshmen in addition to Hays, Priddy, and Academic Scholarships and Odyssey Distinction Awards. They are also renewable for up to four years of full-time enrollment. SCHOLARSHIP


Hendrix College Leadership Awards


Performing and Fine Arts Scholarships $2,000 United Methodist Youth Fellowship Leadership Scholarships


Miller Center Service Scholarships


IB Diploma Recognition Awards


National Merit, National Achievement and National Hispanic Finalists


BE ON TIME! Time is money when it comes to meeting deadlines. That’s because your Hendrix application for admission also serves as your application for most achievement-based scholarship programs. In addition to its own application (www.hendrix.edu/apply), Hendrix also accepts the Common Application (www.commonapp.org). ADMISSION PROGRAM



Early Action I

Nov. 15

Dec. 15

Early Action II

Feb. 1

Mar. 1

Regular Decision*

After Feb. 1

After Mar. 1

* Applications submitted after Feb. 1 will be reviewed to fill positions that remain in the freshman class.



Need-based aid is determined by your family’s financial circumstances. (On average, Hendrix meets 85.7% of financial need.) It’s essential to complete and file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to be considered for any form of needbased aid.

In the wonderful world of financial aid, you need to become fluent in both acronyms and numeric codes. Here are a few to help you out.

Elsewhere in this book we talk about how Hendrix students learn to question assumptions. Start now! Don’t assume that your family is ineligible for need-based assistance and skip this important step. The only way to make sure that you are eligible to be considered for need-based assistance at Hendrix is to submit the FAFSA as soon as possible after January 1 of the year you intend to enroll.


Hendrix students receiving some form of financial aid

hh Hendrix ACT code: 0128 hh Hendrix SAT code: 6273 hh Hendrix FAFSA code: 001099


average financial aid award for 2015-16

| 35

Be Our Guest. Do you spend hours thinking and talking about big ideas and asking questions? Are you excited when you discover the answer to something you never knew before? Then come visit our campus. It’s definitely your kind of place.



Tired of those backwards-walking tour guides shouting at huge groups of visitors on a campus tour? We limit our daily visitors so our groups are small and your guide can walk with you side by side, facing forward like a normal person!

We want you to have a meaningful experience of what it’s really like to be a student here. During your visit, you’ll take a walk around campus and have the chance to talk with current students and sit in on a class. You’ll also get to meet with an admissions counselor or a coach, if you give us a heads up in advance. You’ll even get to eat in our famous cafeteria — and we defy any other college to match that experience. You’ll truly be a Hendrix student for a day.

SENIORS ONLY Seniors, we know it’s crunch time for decision making for you, so we offer you the opportunity to talk with a professor and/or build in an overnight stay as part of your visit. Just make sure you give us a week’s advance notice, so we can make arrangements for you. The more people you get to know in different settings, the more you’ll be convinced that Hendrix is for you! TO SCHEDULE YOUR UNIQUE VISIT, GIVE US A CALL AT 1-800-277-9017 OR VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.HENDRIX.EDU/CAMPUSVISIT. 36 | www.hendrix.edu

Academic Programs MAJORS


Accounting* American studies* Art* Biochemistry/molecular biology Biology* Chemical physics Chemistry* Classics* Computer science* Economics* Economics and business Elementary Education English* Creative writing Film studies* Literary studies Environmental studies French* German* Health sciences History* Interdisciplinary studies International relations* Mathematics* Music* Philosophy* Philosophy and religious studies Physics* Politics* Psychology* Religious studies* Sociology*/Anthropology* Anthropology emphasis Sociology emphasis Spanish* Theatre arts*

Minors are offered in all asterisked major programs as well as Africana Studies, Applied Mathematics, Art History, Asian Studies, Business, Chinese, Dance, Education (Secondary emphasis), Gender Studies, International Business, Medical Humanities, Neuroscience/Study of the Mind, and Public Health.

PRE-PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Ministry Pharmacy Public health Secondary teacher certification Social work Veterinary medicine

DUAL DEGREE PROGRAMS UNDERGRADUATE 3-2 Engineering: Cooperative dual-degree engineering programs with 3 years of study at Hendrix and 2 at cooperating institution (Columbia University, Vanderbilt University, or Washington University) GRADUATE MA in Accounting BA/Master of Public Health (MPH): offered by Hendrix and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) | 37

Hendrix at a Glance College: Four-year, private, residential, coeducational college of liberal arts founded in 1876 and affiliated with the United Methodist Church; Phi Beta Kappa chapter Location: Conway, AR, suburban city of 59,000; 30 minutes from Little Rock (metro. pop.: 650,000)

Residence Options: Co-ed and single sex; six traditional residence halls, five residence houses, three theme houses, and five apartment complexes (approximately 85% of students live in college-owned housing)

Clubs & Organizations: 75+

Students: 1,360 from 45 states and 15 countries

Athletics: NCAA Division III; Baseball (M), Basketball (M & W), Cross country (M & W), Field hockey (W), Football (M), Golf (M & W), Lacrosse (M & W), Soccer (M & W), Softball (W), Swimming and diving (M & W), Tennis (M & W), Track and field (M & W), and Volleyball (W).

Academic Profile, Class of ’19: 48% in top 10th of high school class, 77% in top quarter; midrange scores: 1100-1320 SAT and 25-32 ACT, and 3.6-4.3 GPA

Faculty: 106 full-time, 92% with Ph.D. or equivalent degree

Campus: 180 acres encompassing academic,

Student/Faculty Ratio: 11:1

residential, and recreational resources, plus arboretum, gazebo, and pecan court; also includes “New Urbanism” community, The Village at Hendrix

Average Class Size: 18

Facilities: Art complex, life sciences center, physical sciences center, chapel, auditorium, theatre, wellness and athletics center, social science facility, religion and philosophy building, humanities facility, and student life and technology center

Academic Programs: 34 undergraduate majors, 39 minors; M.A. in accounting Active Learning Opportunities: Internships, research (one of the nation’s largest undergraduate research programs), service (the Volunteer Action Committee coordinates more than 70 local volunteer opportunities), and study abroad (about 40 percent of students currently participate in Hendrix programs in Austria, Belgium, China, Costa Rica, England, France, Italy, and Spain, or through the more than 150 international university members of the International Student Exchange Program)

Comprehensive Fee, 2015-16: $52,114 (includes tuition, room, board, and mandatory fees)

Financial Aid: 100% of students receive some form of achievement-based and/or need-based state, federal, or institutional assistance; $36,799 average award for 2015-16

Postgraduate: 50+% of students enter graduate or professional school either immediately after graduating or the following year. Approximately one-third enroll in graduate school within the first year of graduation, while other graduates who seek employment report success within six months of graduation.

OFFICE OF ADMISSION 1600 WASHINGTON AVENUE CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72032 PHONE: 501-450-1362 or 800-277-9017 FAX: 501-450-3843 EMAIL: adm@hendrix.edu WEB: www.hendrix.edu

38 | www.hendrix.edu

Hendrix College strives to maintain an environment free from discrimination and harassment, where employees treat each other with respect, dignity and courtesy. The College adheres to the principle of equal educational and employment opportunity without regard to age, race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, or national origin. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Shawn Goicoechea, Title IX Coordinator, 1600 Washington Ave, Conway, AR 72032, 501-450-1415, goicoechea@hendrix.edu; Julie Brown, Director of Academic Success & Section 504 Coordinator, 501-505-2954, brownj@hendrix.edu.

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