H Jure Henigsman portfolio http://www.henixman.com march 2013
resume E: ZHAW, Witerthur, Switzerland 2012 Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, Slovenija 2008 Workshop with prof. Jordi Badia (ES-CAT) - 2012 Creative Comunities project 2010
W: $VVLVWDQW DW )DFXOW\ RI $UFKLWHFWXUH DW SURI PDJ 7DGHM *OD{DU 'HVLJQ $UFKLWHFWXUDO Assistan of guest prof. Jordi Badia (ES-CAT) - 2012 Workshop assistant with students from Seul (Korea) - 2010 Wine cellar H, build - 2012 Modular ramp design for municipality - 2011 Competition collaboration: .LQGHUJDUGHQ DQG *\P 'REUHSROMH IVKC Ljubljana - 2012 East Coast Split - 2012 Trimo Urban Crash - 2013 ($6$ WHDP (XURSHDQ $UFKLWHFWXUH 6WXGHQWV $VVHPEO\ 5HDFWLRQ nX{HPEHUN 6ORYHQLD
OW: Member of the Management Committee of the Student klub KBŠ 2009 - 2012 %RDUG PHPEHU .8' $UWRWHND áUQRPHOM 7KH 3UHVLGHQW RI WKH $UWLVW 6RFLHW\ 6HPLĦ In my spare time I work on analogue photography and web design
house renovation Vrhovci 'HVLJQ VWXGLR &RODERUDWLRQ ZLWK /XND /RÄŚLÄŚQLN SURI PDJ 7DGHM *OD{DU X G L D $VVLVWDQWV $QGUD{ ,QWLKDU 9LG GH *OHULD %OD{ %ROGLQ Building where were bakery and later a dance school was bought by young family. They want to transform a building to a modern and cosy home. With a proposal we try to establish, bright living room, gym, sauna, garden, nice roof terrace, and playroom / study space for both children. The communication core is possitioned in only part of the house which needs renovation of slab and construction. First solution has a clear vertical division of space use. Glass vestibule with VHUYLFHV RQ WKH JURXQG ÄťRRU RQ WKH ÄťRRU LQ RQH VLGH FKLOGUHQVp VSDFH DQG common space on other. At the top we can found terrace and parents space. Second solution represent big open staircase with surrounding common areas LQ YRLG VSDFH )LWQHV FLQHPD URRP DQG JXHVW URRP LQ JURXQG ÄťRRU /LYLQJ URRP DQG FKLOGUHQ VSDFH LQ ÄşUVW ÄťRRU $W WKH VHFRQG ÄťRRU ZH FDQ DOVR ÄşQG D SULYH space for parents with a swimming pool on the roof.
creative communities: BTC 'HVLJQ VWXGLR SURI PDJ 7DGHM *OD{DU X G L D $VVLVWDQWV $QGUD{ ,QWLKDU 9LG GH *OHULD %OD{ %ROGLQ The project “housing studiosâ€? is a part of Creative Communities project in cooperation of Faculty of Architecture, IPOP, Academy of Fine Arts and AVA. Project is looking ahead to solve the problem of unemployment of young people with creative skills. They could rent a studio with living space with possible use of common spaces - galleries,.. On roofs of halle no. 3, 4, 9 and 10 within shopping center BTC in Ljubljana, ZH KDYH LGHQWLÄşHG D SRWHQWLDO VLWH IRU LQWHUYHQWLRQ 7KH SURMHFW LQFOXGHV WKH UHQRYDWLRQ RI FRQVWUXFWLRQ DQG ÄťRRU XSJUDGH RI EXLOGLQJV VKRSSLQJ GHSRW DQG with studios / living space on the roof. Common areas are planed on the bridges between the halls. Potential users could be fashion designers, photographers, dressmakers, musicians, fashion technicians, hairdressers,... Communication to the roof with studios are throue new reinforcement C concrete beams and via ramps and stairs at the current facade.
urbanistic renovation of University Clinical Center area 'HVLJQ VWXGLR SURI PDJ 7DGHM *OD{DU X G L D $VVLVWDQWV $QGUD{ ,QWLKDU 9LG GH *OHULD In collaboration with the University Medical Centre was designed phase urban UHJHQHUDWLRQ RI DUHD EHWZHHQ 1MHJRxHYD =DORxND DQG %RKRULÄŚHYD VWUHHW Scattered clinical program and the Faculty of Medicine are optimized. Aim of the new regime in addition to the clinical area was the arrangement of green spaces and regulation of road transport. 7KH FOLQLFDO SURJUDP LV ÄşYH VWDJHV SURFHVV LQ WKH FOLQLFV WRZHUV DQG EHGVLGH units that connect to the main diagnostic center. With rationalization of space we get more spaces for large green areas, which are proposed as a part of the medical center. Faculty of Medicine get additional and much-needed laboratories program. :H SURSRVH DOVR QHZ WUDIÄşF UHJXODWLRQ WKURXJK %RKRULÄŚHYD VWUHHW WR QHZ planed Masarykova street road intersection, and through Poljane to RoĹĄka street road intersection instead through ZaloĹĄka road which stays open only for buses LPP and emergency medical service. Parking spaces are provided with several garage houses in the area to gain even 2,000 additional parking spaces which are needed.
gastro clinic pavillion 'HVLJQ VWXGLR SURI PDJ 7DGHM *OD{DU X G L D $VVLVWDQWV $QGUD{ ,QWLKDU 9LG GH *OHULD The project is a part of bigger renovation area of the University Medical &HQWUH /MXEOMDQD 'XH WR VSDWLDO SUREOHPV ODFN RI PRQH\ DQG FXUUHQW VWDWH of the gastroenterology clinic I suggest a temporary pavilion clinics project. The pavilion will become the main and emergency entrance for the clinic with three ambulance rooms, emergency room and daily hospital. The project also includes the renovation of an old clinics building with diagnostic JDVWURHQWHURORJ\ DPEXODQFH 7KH SURMHFW GHDOV ZLWK VSHFLÄşF VWDQGDUGV IRU constructing hospital facilities and their functioning. At the same time we have to deal with an historicaly protected building of architect Maks Fabiani.
urban seal LJ 'HVLJQ VWXGLR guest prof. Jordi Badia (BAAS arquitectura, ES- CAT) “An architect should be able to recognize certain qualities of a city: its characteristics, the needs of its inhabitants and the scale of the context. This is especially crucial for interventions in the historic city area. The site, located between the Wolf Street and the Hribar Embankment, is an example of three buildings joined into one linear structure. The Ljubljanica, the promenade along its bank, the views of the castle hill and the Wolf Street with its squarelike DPELHQW GHĺQH WKH VLWHpV VXUURXQGLQJV 7KH VKDSH RI WKH HPEDQNPHQW promenade gradually narrows and offers a new open space potential. The main idea behind the project is to connect the levels of the river-side with the level of the Wolf Street and thus enhance the dimension and the potential of the public space. We therefore left the ground level of our intervention open. The new building refers to the surrounding context regarding the use of materials and the rhythm of the window openings.” About a project, from the workshop book “Shaping the city”.
urbanistic renovation of student housing campus LJ 'HVLJQ VWXGLR 7HDP *DxSHU 6NDODU 5DVWNR 3HÄŚDU 3ULPR{ .DVWHOLF SURI PDJ 7DGHM *OD{DU X G L D $VVLVWDQWV $QGUD{ ,QWLKDU In collaboration with the student facilities organization in Ljubljana we revitalize XUEDQ DUUDQJHPHQW RI WKH VWXGHQW KRXVLQJ DUHD XQGHU 5R{QLN :H KDYH EHHQ highly critical to current urbanism and architectural solutions. The task was to redesign and rethink urbanism and program upgrade of student housing area. Main concept is to design three different areas of the park planting density whit GLIIHUHQW SURJUDP DQG SRVVLELOLW\ RI XVH 3URJUDP LQ JURXQG ÄťRRUV RI KRXVLQJV are suitable added to the program to this tree areas. The area is connected with two running circuits (400m and 600m) and two transit paths. Public paved surfaces indicate entrances to the area. Area of green space is increased by 20% and doubled the number of trees. All parking surfaces are moved to garages in new structures To the existing student housing towers we added horizontal extension, which increase the number of student beds and raise the living standard. Lower vertical blocks are renovated because of old construction. Extensions DUH PDGH RQ IDFDGH DQG WKHUH LV DOVR RQH ÄťRRU DGGHG 1XPEHUV RI EHGV DQG living standard is also raised. All the new volumes are formulated into organic forms for many reasons. To FOHDUO\ VKRZ QHZ VWUXFWXUHV EHFDXVH RI DLUÄťRZ DQG EHFDXVH RI QHZ G\QDPLF of this area. These added 4 new structures are: a library, renovated canteens, administration program and new sports hall. Each of these four structures have housing program.
renovation of menza and new student housing 'HVLJQ VWXGLR SURI PDJ 7DGHM *OD{DU X G L D $VVLVWDQW $QGUD{ ,QWLKDU 0HQ]D t FDQWHHQ RI VWXGHQW KRXVLQJ ZDV LGHQWLÄşHG DV TXDOLW\ DUFKLWHFWXUH which project try to preserve it. Through many years building gets many extensions, which project demolish and build new student housing and kitchen extension to canteen because of needs. New student housing is project which try to communicate with a public program RQ JURXQG ÄťRRU DQG RQ KHLJKW LQ OHYHO RI WUHHWRSV DV D VWXGHQW KRXVLQJ ZKLFK can preserve and make offset to the canteen with exception of kitchen which touch old structure. 3URMHFW ZDQWV WR NHHS IUHH PRYHPHQW RQ JURXQG ÄťRRU DQG PDNHV DV PXFK as possible green public space most of structure is put on pillars. To show a dynamic of student culture and organization of interior space, whole structure goes like snake around administration building and above canteen. Inner space LV GHVLJQHG DV ÄťXLG VSDWLDO FRPSRVLWLRQ RI URXQGHG FDSVXOHV IRU VWXGHQWV ZLWK a bed and bathroom, and with common rooms in between. Whole structure is made of cross laminated wooden plates. Underground park area and new structure project propose garages for surroundings and for students, and delivery zone for canteen kitchen.
educational park Ă“rlova (CZ) Master design studio 5 (ZHAW) SURI 0D[ %RVVKDUG GR] $QNH 'RPVFKN\ GR] *LDQ 0DUFR -HQDWVFK This big project, area of 47ha, consists of two different parts which are divided by strongly recognized swamp with tree line in the middle. On the west side is a small green area which is still a part of the urban district of the city where the interest is to build a new housing area for living. On the East side of the VZDPS DUHD LV D ELJ JUHHQ ˜SDUNˆ ZLWK IRUHVW PHDGRZ ÄťRRGHG DUHD DQG KLJK grass area. This part of our zone has a big potential to become a city park with educational program and simultaneously to connect the parts of the city by a walkway. New housing part project presents response on existing city project. Project treats housing as a new part of urban space of the city as much as a connection to the nature and park on its eastern part. Rich public program, underground SDUNLQJ ZLWK QR SDUNLQJ VSDFH LQ JURXQG SXEOLF ÄťRRU FRQQHFWLRQ WR JUHHQ DUHD and nice view are the qualities of this new area. Project proposes 18 housing EORFNV HDFK SHU PHWHUV ZLWK DSDUWPHQWV LQ ÄťRRUV DQG SXEOLF SURJUDP RQ WKH JURXQG ÄťRRU On the other hand, we have big green area with much less connection to the urban city. The park program is represented as educational program – school in nature. A series of simple and modular pavilion design represent simple and HIÄşFLHQW LQIUDVWUXFWXUH )LUVWO\ WKHUH DUH VHUYLFH SDYLOLRQV DW WKH HQWUDQFH RI park with informational program and eventually showroom or small kiosk/ cafĂŠ. 6HFRQGO\ ZH KDYH VFKRROpV SDYLOLRQV ZKLFK UHSUHVHQW FODVVURRPV LQ QDWXUH
mobile bike ‘n’ rest station Colaboration with Manca Starman Project of urban bike and rest station can take place in any place near the cycling paths, in city center or in a city park. It is represented as a series of pavilion living rooms. Each is pointed to surrounding nature environment or interesting city ambient on one side and at the same time creating internal public space between all the pavilions. Project is composed of 3 modular shipping containers cut into 7 pieces. Two RI WKHP DUH VHUYLFH SDYLOLRQV %LNH t KHOS oQp FKDUJLQJ VWDWLRQ IRU ELNH UHSDLU bike charge and Bar - snack station. Other 5 boxes represent urban living room boxes with chairs and tables to rest or have a drink with friends. User can leave bike at charging station or also drive directly to the pavilion area. The whole composition can be very easily transported to another location, because each box is independent and composition can be restored at another location according to new environment.
wine cellar H EXLOG SURMHFW 6HPLÄŚ 6ORYHQLD A client wanted a new wine cellar for personal use, where they could save mostly wine, and also fruits through the winter, saving the equipment and to have a small space for invite family colleagues to try wine and other local delicacies. On location, there was old wine yard cottage, which cannot be fully renovated. Material from it is used for the facade of new one, where wine plant climb on it. New cellar is actually concrete underground building. Green roof and WKLFN VROLG VWRQH ZDOO IDFLQJ VRXWK VLGH SURYLGH QDWXUDO HIÄşFLHQW WHPSHUDWXUH in deeper spaces in cellar where products are saved. Because of naturally accelerated ventilation conditions are perfects - no need for additional electrical FRQVXPSWLRQ ,Q SUHVHQWDWLRQDO VSDFH ZH FDQ ÄşQG WZR VN\OLJKW RSHQLQJV 2Q the roof it extended green space at the entrance of the house. Floors are made of plastic resistant material in red wine color. Furniture is made of old wine barrels, including doors and shelves.
modular ramp for disabled people 3URMHFW ZLWK 7DGHM *OD{DU X G L D $UQH 9HKRYDU X G L D 3ULPR{ .DVWHOLF Modular ramp try to answer on question of personal mobility in the city. With a thinking on old town centers and spaces where can we can make temporary interventions, we create a modular ramp. It is easy to make diferent kind of length, but at the same time it is enough robust for use.