HENK September 2018 Issue
“ Not only the outside that matters ” ( With five extra pag es ! )
Digital cubism Confir m e d as Spook y False form of existence
de H E N K re ne w e d a nd overh au ld Introducing artistic practices that push the boundaries
FB algorithms; Who is good and who is bad Soci a l m ora l judg m e nts Inter v ie w: Jae n A r p ( Le Der n ier Métro ) T he L ast Metro A nd you k no w by no w t h at one to ta ke a look bac k ju st ho w to do it
Olive oil mixed with vinegar Bri ng up t h at d a m m ed D uc k!
de H E N K bac k is ues on: iss m henk@elen ga.c om A lway s FREE !
September ISSUE
# 132
From the ‘ de Henk Publishers; dH, de HENK A Monthly Digital On Line review a copy right FREE non-conventional publication. “
Not only the out side that mat ters.”
FB Social Judgment Oliv e oi l m i x e d w it h v i n e g a r. Prev e nt io n m e a s u re m e nt s, se e h o w t h at go e s? For w h at? It h app e n e d t h i s w e e k a g a i n I’m blo c k e d b y FAC E B O O K o n t h e i r p olicie s s o-c a l le d te r m s, t h i s p a r t i a l ly F B a lgor it h m s w h o i s go o d a n d w h o i s b a d. Did n ot p os t a n y se x l ate ly pict s, or m ay b e i n de ce nt p olit ic a l obsce n it y? So fa r I h av e b e e n n ot a w a re h o ne s t ly p os t i n g s o m e t h i n g a g a i n s t FAC E B O O K te r m s. I m ple m e nt i n g w e l l it b e co m e s q u ie t a g a i n for 28 d ays. C a n’t se e h i or p os t i n g li k e s, lo v e or d i sli k e m y F B fr ie n d s? FAC E B O O K s o fa r d id n ot a n s w e rs or a n y ot h e r re act io n to m y q u e s t io n s. W h at do I te l l m y c h i ld? W h at d id I do w ro n g? We l l,…. a g a i n In FAC EB O O K de te nt io n! Ple a se co m e a n d v i sit. N o co m m e nt s o fa r. P u n i s hm e nt w h y a n d w it h w h at? C h e c k y o u r old d at a, s t u pid! T h e y t a k e t h i n g s se r io u sly a n d y o u c a n’t s ay a n y t h i n g b ac k. E v e r y t h i n g i s Ta l k i n g a b o u t c y b e rcr i m e. Ju s t c h e c k i n g o n m y p u n i s h m e nt d id I pro v o k e a n d se e n a s c y b e rcr i m e. C o n v icte d a n d s u s p e n sio n accor d i n g F B l a w. W h o’s goi n g to s p e a k u p? It m e a n s n ot h i n g. Ju s t r ig ht a b o u t n o w. It m e a n s n ot h i n g b u t s o b ot h e rs o m e. Ju s t a te m p ora r y ra d io si le n ce.
. Welcome you to another and fresh edition of de HENK, the context of excitement and YES another one, de HENK issue, # 131 Sept. 2018 ! A selections that range from carefully curated words from the suburb with unique gems and quality stories that will satisfy the needs of even the most discerning free journalism aficionados. An you always can find me in Facebook’s temporary detention center. It’s a smart world and maybe the opposite may an upcoming trend exploitation from the very best kind, Like connecting to manage variable data. First off all Ill started with a confessing in all ironically, I need to know not to say hallo dear subscriber or ladies and gentleman a way to address you, it should be more easily and assessable and insurgency and other improvements because to adopts to gain accesses if I know anything and see where it’s going. A sense of : This month No FREE T shirts anymore. I dumped them all. Sorry dudes and dudettes.
Interview: Jaen Arp
September 2018 Issue # 132
Introducing artistic practices that push the boundaries
renewed and overhauld
Digital cubism.
The cover of this issue features applied work by Willem Kars, with a photograph by Krijn van Noordwijk a central figure in the recent history of dH Contributors and the subject of a survey in an intimate “battle” against painterly tradition, developing a defiant artistic practice able to sketch out a counter history of the modernist, does not legitimize against painterly tradition, but rather lets its accumulated unmodernness a practice in the gendered and art-historical afterlife of mannerism.
I feel better than Aretha and James Brown together.
Renewed, overhauled, reshaped like things always change as the articles and interviews included in this issue again address: ‘the Object’. Introducing artistic practices that push the boundaries and challenge its codified representations. For example, in the photographs like in this issue’s retuning cover artist, the portrait becomes a landscape or is portrayed from the artist’s in digital cubism.
I was wondering if this format is still appropriate and i t struck me and not to turn you off trusted and respect, it’s a tribute past the shelf time, I ca n f ix that. Let me try, I break it, I fix i t. Shudder ing in mud. Yes it does mean if i ts harmful. I k n ow, it needs more research a nd other stud i es, perhaps. What about the wind speed? Okay, what’s the dema nd i s it evil? At the other hand, all my dear friends where a story a resonate in a magazine and in volves a cover up, talking about like keep ing things deep in place. please stay wi th me, and, ,... B rin g up that dammed Duck!
September 2018 Issue # 132
T he Antagonistic l i n k Tw enty eighteen! What’s the sage, just like us i n g your brain waves and it’s not a mysterious g a me like a trilogy saga, and what about the n e w menu? S uffering over the years but it was n e ver and it does not exist, to fix it? It was and c o nsidering the changes as chief of the dH o f f ice, I’m not perfect and want you to know no I d ea who he or she is, whoever. a unique accid e nt. Let’s stop the nonsense! Before I do more e x treme things. Not to stabilizing, it seems that i n a natural way, so, there’s potential positive g o od news. Come back next time, O ysters all y o u can eat! All for F ree, as you know, shapeup f o r how fictive reality will shape the term Fictive reality’ sounds like; Fade to white. Or d o n’t fuck me over. I like to describe like a digit a l display unit that helped airline pilots navi g a te the skies. And if rocketed all right and if y o u need to know if you like to ask where is the s a fety net? Hell, after and you are free to work o n your dreams and if you never knew why the s k y is blue? Commonsense by the way, his real n a me was in the affair mr, Jansen,, and there w a s one thing credible in all principle, unbeata b le in anyway if it does work, no one has clean h a nds and the question is why should I care? Lo ok at that! “if you can beat them: beat them . Sweet morning Co llateral damage. Ligid? d u de. You got me there. Okay, since then, the t e chnology has come a long way and it’s no se c r et that AR is literally transforming the way we s e e ourselves and the world around us. Like it f e els as thoug h the world of FR , Fict ive Reali t y is breaking new ground every day. And with t h i s new paradigm comes a host of opportuni t i e s and challenges issue’s retuning cover arti s t . T he portrait becomes a landscape or is selfp o rtrayed from the artist’s own perspective, a s a way to connect the personal with the con t e xtual. Acting as a sincere pre-selfie browser t h at brings its vulnerability with it everywhere. Ba nned by FACEBOOK disabled again automa t i z e removed by tricker finger call centre under p a id unknown workers. T hey removed my post i n gs on NO-OKAY FB terms policy images again. I n other words that’s not like me! Do the dol p h in thank us? What I conclude is this: Who are t h ese people I don’t know and telling me what ( B u r t Ba c h a r a c h ) t o o do! Ash Scattering Ceremony On my bike trip visit Wongema’s to North west Groninger country side In Eric Wong’s ‘Culture-Hotel resortWalhalla, covering the area of my way back of eight generations Elenga’s in a less dramatically bike ride and visiting the old family grounds. I was directly driving to visiting, like an echo effect. So hanging out there with my small dome tent. I got this ceremony idea decision with my brother Pim to scatter the ashes the cremated remains of our father what to do with the remains fifty two years after his death and not to keep the cremated remains between the books on the shelves any longer. We decided to scatter the ashes out in a meaningful way at our fathers favorite place. A dear beloved lake where the Elenga family in the 1920‘s a small family vacation home owned. Leaving the ashes to the water.
Carciofi Alla Romana & Public Pisbak street architecture in Groningen
September 2018 Issue # 132
Is bo ne marrow a fat? Ask Jea n Arp! It has been k nown for its flavorful add it ion to soups an d as a del icacy for dogs but bone marrow fat may also have untapped health be nef its, Researchers find that wi th calori e restriction, a less-studied fat ti ssue releases adi ponectin, wh ich is lin ked to reduced r isk of diseases l ike d iabetes. Yea! II got a new c ooking gadget: A Quart Halogen Tabletop Oven. I’m happy w ith it, I had my hes itations cause i t’s such a hi deous desig n, but it works! I grill, broil, bake, or roast. This highly effi cie nt and portable convection oven does the work of many appliances in one. A powerful in ternal fan c irculates hot air to cook food uniformly a nd seal in natural juices for full flavor and aroma. Direct heat broi ling w i thout overheating my k itchen studio space. Watch chicken grill to cri spy golden perfecti o n! Slow roasted tenderness w ithout the long wa it. Countertop grilling w ith no smoke or flames, steam vegetables and fry fish and meat to perfectio n it also creates add i tional fu n while e ntertaining.
A little inside. Join me at the playground. It’s like magic, and I could please, disappear myself. Okay,…Higher moral standards being confirmed as spooky in a hellos appearance in line crossing and go give me that number! Spotless do you hear it as in a tropical botanic garden a global phenomenal this stuff is anyware. An interesting fact as we behaving to pin point mainly at LIDL wine section charring my shopping data behavior. Let’s face it! P h o t o e r i e s : To r r e s - G a r c i a , t h e U r u g u a y a n m a s t e r.
HENK Wel l Lad ies and Gent lemen you probably you k now t h is, it d id not take long you k now, wel l, I w i l l, come back. Tota l ly, it’s up to you. Yes t h is concludes to you choice retu r n i ng next mont h. Stay i ng i n touch w it h me ‘Fi nd me on Facebook’ de HENK publ ishers, a crack i n t he egg. A nd t han k you for readi ng, t he change is easy. It’s just to shake you’re up. Sor r y I’m not on t w itter. A lso to a l l read i ng and stream i ng on demand it’s a l l ava i lable and t han ks aga i n to you r a l l. A l l De HENK back issues you can f i nd on w w Si ncerely best w ishes and good hea lt h. The ema i l add ress is t he same hen and if t hat’s not enough. Easy act ion, to you r choice and I’m not exenterat i ng cause t he f lagsh ip desk is st i l l docked at t he Oude Maas i n Hoog vl iet/Rotterdam, t he Net herlands, Eu rope, planet ear t h. You can come back on my next bi r t hday mont h and it’s t i me for Ha l loween aga i n! October fest! A n if you’re goi ng to A nt wer p, ot her w ise you can f i nd me i n person at Mau r ice Thomassen ar t open i ng: “Displacements” at Hargen & Ooghen ga l ler y, K lapdor p 35 2 0 0 0 A nt wer p , Bel g ium, on t he 2 0 t h of October! d H : E mp ow e r i n g t h e w or ld b y w h e ne ve r you w a nt it . Solong. Your Editor; H e n k E l e n g a
dH Always FREE!
the New Identety! Digital cubism
Soon in your mail box ! So long!