CHURCH STREET BOMBING: GENERAL JV VAN DER MERWE ONE of the most shocking incidents in in the history of South Africa during the conflict of the past when terrorism prevailed, took place on 20 May 1983. A car with a powerful explosive charge exploded at about four o'clock in the afternoon in front of the Nedbank Square Maritime House in Church Street, Pretoria. It was peak period and a total of 19 people were killed, including 12 civilians and seven Defence Force members. A total of 219 people was severely injured or disabled, including 217 civilians and two Defence Force members. The headquarters of the South African Air Force was on the first, second and third floors of the building. The rest of the thirteen floors were used by civilians. On the ground floor was a cafe and other businesses. Photo: Gen. Johan van der Merwe.
Lt.-Gen SJJ “Basie” Smit. CID
Maj.-Gen. “Suiker” Britz. CID
Lt.-Gen. AJ “Bert” Wandrag. COIN.
Lt.-Gen. (Dr.) Lothar Neethling. (Forensics)
Brig. Frik Nel. (SB)
Maj. Hennie Britz (SB)
246 Nongqai Vol 12 No 12B : SAP-SB / ANC-MK