Pastoor Koot Swanepoel (082-041-9123)
“.. Uitstekend! Jy is.. een op wie ek kan staatmaak. In die kleine het jy jou betroubaar bewys. Daarom gaan ek nog baie groter verantwoordelikhede aan jou toevertrou.” - Matteus 25:21 NLV
Jou klein dade van goedhartigheid mag dalk ongesiens deur mense verbygaan, maar God sien dit raak. Dink aan Josef. Hy is deur sy broers verraai, sy baas se vrou het oor hom gelieg en hy is tot dertien jaar tronkstraf gevonnis. As daar al ooit iemand met 'n rede was om suur teenoor God en die lewe te wees, was dit Josef. In plaas daarvan om homself egter te bejammer, het hy daarop gefokus om aan ander mense se behoeftes te voldoen. Josef het twee vriende in die tronk gehad: 'n skinker en 'n bakker wat in Farao se paleis gewerk het, in onguns verval en in 'n sel langs Josef beland het. Let op wat die Bybel sê: 'Die volgende oggend sien Josef dat die twee baie neerslagtig lyk' (Genesis 40:6 NLV).
Voor God vir Josef toegelaat het om na die nasie van Egipte om te sien, het Hy eers gekyk hoe hy sy medegevangenes versorg. As gevolg hiervan, toe een van Josef se vriende in guns herstel is, het hy Josef by Farao as 'n man wat bekwaam was om in sy behoeftes te voorsien, aanbeveel. Deernis is vir God belangrik. Wanneer jy 'n behoefte waarneem, probeer om daaraan te voldoen. As jy daarvan droom om groot dinge te doen, begin om die klein dinge met die regte houding te doen. Daag betyds op. Maak jou werk vroeg klaar. Moenie kla nie. Wanneer jy 'n taak kry om te doen en dit goed doen, sal God jou daarvoor beloon: "Die eienaar het hom geprys en gesê: 'Uitstekend! Jy is 'n voortreflike slaaf; een op wie ek kan staatmaak. In die kleine het jy jou betroubaar bewys. Daarom gaan ek nog baie groter verantwoordelikhede aan jou toevertrou. Kom vier saam met my fees!'" (Matteus 25:21 NLV).
Hennie Heymans
Baie welkom by hierdie uitgawe van die Nongqai. Baie dankie aan die skrywers van artikels en die lesers daarvan. Sonder artikels, foto’s en lesers kan ’n tydskrif nie bestaan nie. Dankie dat u dit moontlik maak.
Ons word geteister deur die feit dat van ons kernpersoneel tans op die krukkelys is en ons wens hulle alle sterkte toe. Ons bid hulle voorspoed toe. Die redakteur, HBH, gaan ook gedurende September 2024 vir ‘n operasie aan sy oog.
Vakature: Webmeester-personeel
Ons is steeds op soek na kundige personeel om die nuwe webmeester by te staan. Ons het ‘n webtuiste (Nongqai.org) maar ons webmeester is tans siek. Ons soek iemand wat gewillig is om ons Nongqai-tydskrifte en artikels daar te help op te laai. Kontak HBH gerus indien u lus voel vir die taak.
Vakature: Opvolgers
Jonger afgetrede persone word genooi om na vore te kom en om aktief te begin leer hoe die redaksie en die tydskrif werk. Beide HBH en Sarie van Niekerk (vroue-redakteur) gaan oor ‘n jaar en ‘n half uittree. Kom sluit by ons aan en help om ons geskiedenis eerlik, billik en regverdig vir die nageslag te help bewaar.
Ons maak bekend dat al ons tydskrifte oor die jare nou by Akademia geliasseer is en dat navorsers en studente van Akademia nou toegang het tot alle uitgawes.
Die foto’s is afkomstig van dr Dennis du Toit . Hy is ‘n groot Harley Davidson-entoesias. Sien die artikel UVM: Harley Davidson 42 U1077, in hierdie uitgawe.
Die inkleurwerk op die foto’s is deur ons vriendin, Me Jennifer Bosch gedoen. Die foto’s is afkomstig uit die argief van Nico Moolman van Utrecht.
Hier is die laaste voorblad wat ons mede-redakteur dr WP Steenkamp vir ons daar vêr in Guatemala ontwerp het. Hy kan weens mediese ongesteldheid nie meer bystand aan Nongqai verleen nie.
Reeks deur genl JV van der Merwe
DIE Goldstone-kommissie het op 16 November 1992 ʼn persverklaring uitgereik waarin bekend gemaak word dat sy lede ’n klopjag op die hoofkwartier van die Direktoraat van Koverte Insameling (DKI) in Pretoria uitgevoer het. Die DKI was ʼn uiters geheime eenheid van die Militêre Inligtingsafdeling van die Weermag wat plaaslik en in die buiteland inligting ingesamel het oor alle bedrywighede wat uit ʼn militêre oogpunt die veiligheid van Suid-Afrika bedreig het. Hul werk het noodwendig met dié van die veiligheidstak en die Nasionale Intelligensiediens oorvleuel en van tyd tot tyd tot onderlinge geskille gelei. Volgens die persverklaring het die kommissie beslag gelê op lêers met inligting wat daarop dui dat die DKI by sekere onregmatige bedrywighede betrokke sou wees. Die DKI het onder meer Ferdi
Barnard, ʼn voormalige lid van die Burgerlike Samewerkingsburo (BSB), in diens geneem om Umkhonto weSizwe, die militêre vleuel van die ANC, verdag te maak.
Die BSB was ʼn maatskappy wat in die geheim deur die Spesiale Magte van die Weermag gestig is. Genl. Eddie Webb was voorsitter van die direksie en genl. Joe Verster uitvoerende direkteur.
Ferdi Barnard het hom by die BSB aangesluit nadat hy die Polisie verlaat het. Hy was ’n BSB-lid toe hy tot lewenslange gevangenisstraf gevonnis is weens die moord op David Webster, ʼn politieke aktivis, op 1 Mei 1989.
Ek het later verneem die Goldstone-kommissie het tydens sy klopjag op die DKI-hoofkwartier nie vrye toegang tot alle dokumente gehad nie. Die DKI het daarop aangedring dat mnr. Jan Wagener van die Staatsprokureur se kantoor teenwoordig moet wees terwyl die kantore deursoek word om toe te sien dat die ondersoekspan by die mandaat van die Goldstone-kommissie bly. Volgens opdrag moes die kommissie hom bepaal by die ondersoek van openbare geweldpleging sedert 17 Julie 1991. Voorvalle voor dié datum mag net ondersoek word as dit regstreeks met latere geweldpleging verband hou.
Mnr. Wagener het bepaal dat die kommissie se mandaat beperk was tot die bedrywighede van Ferdi Barnard en dat hulle op geen lêers met ander inligting geregtig was nie. Hy het gereël dat die lêers wat op Barnard betrekking het, aan die lede van die kommissie oorhandig word.
Die manier waarop die persverklaring uitgereik is, het verskeie vrae laat ontstaan. Mnr. De Klerk het per slot van rekening die Goldstone-kommissie aangestel en die kommissie moes dus aan hom verslag doen. In sy outobiografie Die laaste trek – ʼn nuwe begin sê mnr. De Klerk die kommissie het die verklaring uitgereik sonder om eers aan hom verslag te doen. Die klopjag het niks wesenlik opgelewer nie. Daar was op daardie tydstip geen feite beskikbaar nie. Die verklaring het mnr. De Klerk onder geweldige druk geplaas. Mnr. Mandela het by verskeie geleenthede beweer dat die veiligheidsmagte by die landwye geweld betrokke is en die verklaring het so reg in sy kraam gepas. Mnr. De Klerk het in daardie stadium beslis sy bedenkinge oor die neutraliteit van die Polisie en die Weermag gehad. Volgens sekere bronne het mnr. De Klerk reeds in 1990 opdrag aan die Nasionale Intelligensiediens gegee om ’n hoogs geheime ondersoek te doen na beweringe dat ’n derde mag, bestaande uit elemente van die veiligheidsmagte, agter al die geweldpleging was.
Mnr. Eugène Louw, voorheen Minister van Plaaslike Aangeleenthede, wat in 1991 by genl. Magnus Malan as Minister van Verdediging oorgeneem het, het weinig van die Weermag se koverte bedrywighede geweet. Hy het ook nie ’n goeie vertrouensverhouding met genl. Kat Liebenberg, hoof van die Weermag, en ander senior Weermaggeneraals gehad nie. Dinge het nie goed vir die Weermag gelyk nie.
Mnr. De Klerk het besluit om lt.genl. Pierre Steyn, hoof van Weermagstaf, aan te stel om al die inligtingsbedrywighede van die Weermag te ondersoek. Omvattende bevoegdhede is aan genl.
Steyn verleen om die ondersoek te doen. Die Goldstone-kommissie sou intussen voortgaan met sy ondersoek na die beweerde misdrywe van die DKI. Genl. Steyn was ʼn knap Lugmagoffisier, maar heeltemal onbevoeg vir die taak wat aan hom opgedra is. Sy aanstelling het hom ook die gramskap van sy kollegas in die Weermag op die hals gehaal en waarskynlik sy verdere loopbaan in die Weermag verongeluk.
Genl. Steyn het sy ondersoek met behulp van die hoofdirekteur van Teeninligting gedoen.
Teeninligting was ʼn geheime diens in die Weermag wat inligting plaaslik en in die buiteland ingesamel het om te bepaal of Weermaglede by bedrywighede betrokke was wat die veiligheid van Suid-Afrika kon benadeel. Soos in die geval van die DKI het dit met die werk van die Nasionale Intelligensiediens en die veiligheidstak oorvleuel.
Genl. Steyn het op 10 Desember 1992 voorlopig mondelings aan mnr. De Klerk verslag gedoen. Hiervolgens was die DKI by verskeie onwettige bedrywighede betrokke. Hulle sou onder meer die openbare geweldpleging aangestig en wapens aan Inkatha-lede verskaf het. Op 18 Desember 1992 het genl. Steyn weer mondelings verslag gedoen, hierdie keer aan mnr. De Klerk en verskeie Kabinetslede, onder wie mnr. Hernus Kriel, Minister van Wet en Orde, mnr. Eugène Louw en mnr. Kobie Coetsee, Minister van Justisie. By dié geleentheid het genl. Steyn gerapporteer dat die DKI volgens inligting wat tydens sy ondersoek verkry is, onder meer betrokke was by dade wat daarop gemik is om geweldpleging te ontketen, die staatkundige onderhandelinge te verongeluk en die ANC te diskrediteer. Sy inligting het ook daarop gedui dat die DKI betrokke was by ’n chemiese aanval op Frelimo-soldate in Mosambiek.
Mnr. De Klerk het aan die hand hiervan samesprekinge met mnr. Louw, genl. Kat Liebenberg, genl. George Meiring, Hoof van die Leër, en genl. Joffel van der Westhuizen, Hoof van Afdeling Militêre Inligting, gevoer. Hy het hulle met die beweringe gekonfronteer, maar die generaals het ontken dat hulle enige kennis daarvan dra. Mnr. De Klerk het genl. Liebenberg en die ander generaals gevra om in oorlegpleging met genl. Steyn ʼn naamlys voor te berei van Weermaglede wat volgens die beskikbare inligting by die onwettige dade betrokke was.
Op 21 Desember 1992 het mnr. De Klerk ʼn perskonferensie gehou en ʼn verklaring uitgereik waarin hy bekend maak dat sekere Weermaglede by ongemagtigde of onwettige bedrywighede betrokke was en dat hulle verplig word om af te tree. Altesame 23 lede, onder wie twee generaals en vier brigadiers, het uit die Weermag getree. Ek het kort daarna ʼn besoek van genl. Steyn ontvang. Hy het my oor die hele verloop van sy ondersoek en sy verslae aan mnr. De Klerk ingelig en openlik erken dat die ondersoek vasgeval het. Hy kon geen bewyse vind vir die beweringe in sy verslae nie, al het dit reeds gelei tot optrede teen Weermaglede. Hy het gevra dat die Polisie die ondersoek oorneem. Tydens ons gesprek het dit vir my duidelik geword dat sy bevindings hoofsaaklik, indien nie uitsluitend nie, berus het op inligting wat die Direktoraat van Teeninligting van die Weermag en die Nasionale
Intelligensiediens aan hom verstrek het. Op my vraag of daar ’n enkele ooggetuie is wat die beweringe kon staaf teen die Weermaglede wat gedwing is om af te tree, het hy ontkennend geantwoord. Die lêers waarop die Goldstone-kommissie beslag gelê het, het klaarblyklik niks belangriks bevat nie. Ek het besef die inligting waarop genl. Steyn sy bevindings gegrond het, het gekom uit onbetroubare bronne soos hoorsê en meeluistering. Die kans dat dit oortuigende bewyse sou oplewer, was baie skraal. Ek het egter ingewillig om met die ondersoek te help mits dit onder die toesig van die prokureur-generaal geskied. (Word vervolg)
Courtesy Detective Sergeant S Pillay via Col Logan Govender
Front row, left to right, Detective Constables S Bharat; S Singh; Warrant Officer BK Pillay; Constables Moetsele; Mazibuko; Tsele; Mhlongo; Make
Second row, left to right, Detective Constables Dhlamini; Mathobela; Majija; Buthelezi; Simelane; Ngobese; Constables Erik; Wade; Govender.
Third row, left to right, Detective Constables Appoo; Mhorwana; Ndaba; Mathebula; K Ramaloo; Tshabalala; S Pillay; Constable Mabaso.
Seated, left to right, Detectives Warrant Officer D Coetzee; Sergeant P Buys; Lieutenant Nic Olivier; Warrant Officer Augustine; Sergeant Van Brakel; Constable Hebert.
Seated on the ground, left to right, Detectives Sergeant Makhachkala; Constable Seotjie.
Herewith, colourised copy of the photograph. Courtesy Frederick Johannes Pretorious. Kind regards.
Front row, left to right, Detective Constables S Bharat; S Singh; Warrant Officer BK Pillay; Constables Moetsele; Mazibuko; Tsele; Mhlongo; Make
Second row, left to right, Detective Constables Dhlamini; Mathobela; Majija; Buthelezi; Simelane; Ngobese; Constables Erik; Wade; Govender.
Third row, left to right, Detective Constables Appoo; Mhorwana; Ndaba; Mathebula; K Ramaloo; Tshabalala; S Pillay; Constable Mabaso.
Seated, left to right, Detectives Warrant Officer D Coetzee; Sergeant P Buys; Lieutenant Nic Olivier; Warrant Officer Augustine; Sergeant Van Brakel; Constable Hebert.
Seated on the ground, left to right, Detectives Sergeant Makhachkala; Constable Seotjie.
Deur Hennie Heymans
Sers WJ ‘Tandjies’ van der Merwe
As klein seuntjie het ek reeds vir Oom Tandjies van der Merwe geken, hy was in die 1950’s die stasiebevelvoerder te Jacobs. My Vader en konst Schourie was die konstabels. Ons het hoendereiers aan hul verkoop. In my kleintyd het almal hoenders in die agterplaas gehad.
Die tannie was aktief in die NG Kerk Durban-Suid. Sy het die kanselkleed gemaak en die klavier in die NG-kerk gespeel. Ons predikant was ds Van Heerden – later polisiekapelaan in die SAPkollege toe ek daar was in 1964.
Die Van der Merwe-egpaar het drie kinders gehad – Jimmy en Marie was die oudste. Die jongste dogter, wyle Jeanette, was in my Sondagskoolklas en sy het op die 3de Februarie verjaar. Die Van der Merwe’s was Afrikaans maar die kinders was Engels en in Engelse skole.
Later as skolier het ek Oom Tandjies op die bus Bluff toe, raakgeloop. Hy het eendag op die bus vir my sy sersant-strepe en kroon gewys en my vertel hy is ‘n eerste-klas-sersant en dat my Vader ‘n sterretjie met sy chevrons gedra het en dat my Vader ‘n tweede-klas-sersant was. As kind het ek dit altyd onthou.
Na ‘n ruilverplasing met Oom Barries – sersant Badenhorst – het ek uiteindelik op King’s Rest aangekom. Sers Van der Merwe en ek het op dieselfde aflossing saam gewerk en hy was al lekker oud! Ek het hom van kindsbeen af geken. Ons moes eers ‘n paar ondervindinge deurmaak voor hy die tuig amptelik kon neerlê.
Een aand stuur hy my na ‘n helse rusverstoring by “The Barbeque”. Britse matrose baklei dat die stof so staan! Ek is nog onervare en nog nie straatwys nie, ek vra toe my wabemanning, konst Bekinkosi Cele, om saam in te kom en met sy kierie vir my rug te keer. Gou is ek in ‘n geveg. Met die vuis slaan ek een ou dat hy so oor die tafel trek en met sy neus die drank en glase wegstoot en die ander een wou my slaan toe tref ek hom ook. Die geveg is oor en ek en Cele arresteer vier matrose vir rusverstoring op ‘n gelisensieerde perseel en ons neem hulle stasie toe. Ek kla aan en laat hulle in die sorg van Oom Tandjies – die aanklagkantoorsersant - en hy laat hulle ontsnap soos ek later sou uitvind.
Ek is weg om ander klagtes by te woon – Vrydae, Saterdae en Sondae was altyd besige aande. Na ‘n klagte of wat kry ek berig van ‘n huisbraak naby die stasie en hier arresteer ek van die dronk matrose wat uit aanhouding ontsnap het. Hulle het die plek vol gebraak maar nie “huisbraak” gepleeg soos die gemenereg dit gedefinieer het nie.
Oom Tandjies het altyd ‘n tas vol kos werk toe gebring en dit was tydens sy ete dat hy die manne uitgevat het vir water en vars lug toe hul verdwyn het. Na erkenning van skuld het die skeepsagente die manne kom haal.
Oom Tandjies het net stout ‘gesmile’ oor die ‘ontsnappings’ en stil weg voortgegaan na die einde van sy lang skof in die Mag. Hy het seker maar op sy manier die boeke gedokter dat daar nie ‘n ontsnapping gewys is nie, maar dat hulle uitgelaat is op erkenning van skuld.
Hy was ‘n senior lid in diens – sy magsnommer was 14xxx – hy was dus ‘n deurwinterde polisieman en ou stasiebevelvoerder en intelligent, waarom hy as ou 1ste klas sersant nooit verder gevorder het nie was vir my ‘n raaisel. Ek dink moontlik het sulke ou manne berusting gevind in skofte – werk jou agt ure en behalwe vir spesiale dienste is jy van diens en het geen
bekommernis nie. Vir die selfde salaris word een man ‘n speurder met talle dossiere of stasiebevelvoerder met baie meer bekommernisse.
So onthou SARP sers Van der Merwe se aftrede:
“Gedurende die afgelope maand was dit weer die beurt, van nog twee van ons makkers om af te tree. Sers. Willem Jacobus van der Merwe van King’s Rest het op 15/1/1931 tot die Mag toegetree en was nog nooit vanaf Durban verplaas nie. Hy was vir jare stasiebevelvoerder op Jacobs gewees en was ook op Rossburgh, Durban-Sentraal en Stamford Hill gestasioneer. Hy is op 1/10/1946 tot die rang van 2/sersant en op 1/2/1950 tot die rang van 1/sersant bevorder. Hy is die houer van die medalje vir Troue Diens in die Polisiemag en die Afrika Diensmedalje. Hy het op 30/9/1965 afgetree. Vir hom en sy gade wil ons die allerbeste toewens”.1
Dr WP Steenkamp
Francois Thomas Steenkamp is op 2 Oktober 1959 in Durban gebore, die derde kind van (latere) generaal-majoor Frans Steenkamp – in lewe BO van die SAP Veiligheidstak – en Maxie Steenkamp.
Na hy aan die Hoërskool Dirkie Uys in Durban matrikuleer het, het Francois aangesluit by die SAP. Deur deeltydse studie aan UNISA, het hy sy meestersgraad in Teologie verwerf. Sy polisieloopbaan het tydperke by die Veiligheidstak ingesluit, sowel as grensdiens en ook as stasiebevelvoerder van Pretoria-Sentraal. Later, na die oorskakeling na die SAPD, was hy hoof van ‘n spesiale eenheid wat gerig was daarop om onwettige wapens vanuit die konflik-era op te spoor en uit sirkulasie te neem. Dit was sensitiewe, dikwels riskante en gevolglik spanningsvolle werk. Saam met die stres van grensdiens en onlus-beheer, het dit vir Francois (soos vir vele van sy kollegas) gelaat met die traumatiese realiteit van PTSD. Hy het gevolglik (weer soos baie ander kollegas) vroeg uit diens getree, in sy geval as kolonel.
Francois is op 26 Junie 2024 oorlede aan ‘n massiewe hartaanval. Hy laat sy seun Francois agter.
Col Logan Govender
Member Identified
Second Row, (L-R) 11 th FA Pautz, late (Lieutenant-Colonel. –
(Source family of Lieutenant-Colonel FA Pautz)
Logan Govender
Col Logan Govender
(Source, family Lieutenant-Colonel FA Pautz)
Member Identified front row, left to right, 4th from left FA Pautz
Logan Govender
Meer as 140 geestesgesondheidspasiënte is in 2016 dood, ná 'n mislukte projek wat bedoel was om byna 2 000 pasiënte van die Life Esidimeni-hospitaal na swak toegeruste nieregeringsorganisasies (NRO's) en openbare fasiliteite te skuif. Na agt jaar gaan die geregtelike stryd steeds voort. Hierdie is ‘n geweldige aantal sterftes in versorgingsoorde.
Dr J Scherman
Morning Brigadier.
I need your assistance again please sir.
Has Nongqai ever published any articles on the SAP College?
I am looking for the history of the SAP College in Pretoria.
Many thanks.
Lt Jan de Klerk
Dear Col Scherman & brig Hennie
Attached find the list of articles related to the SAP Depot and College published in the Nongqai over the past 15 years.
Std = Standard Edition
Spc = Special Edition
Followed by the Volume number, the publication number, the topic and the page number in the edition.
These can be found at the following links: https://nongqai.org/archive-have-submenus-for-the-different-publications/ https://issuu.com/hennieheymans
Should you require any further information please let me know.
Best regards.
Std 13 1 1982 Gedenkprogram OudDepot Personeel 51
Std 14 7 SAP Depot Kollege 90
Std 2 1 SAP Depot 68
Std 2 2 Depot 1939 34
Std 2 2 Die SA Polisie Opleidingsdepot Gedurende Die Dertiger Jare 49
Std 2 2 Extracts From The Nongqai Of SA Police College News Through The Years 52
Std 2 2 12 November 1913 52
Std 2 2 Depot en Kollege 56
Std 2 2 Identification Of Persons Mentioned In The History Of The SAP Depot Or College Uitkenn Std 2 2 Van Persone Genoem In Die Geskiedenis Van Die Sap Depot Of Kollege 57
Std 3 4
912 SAP Depot New Dormitory Block 1935 82
Std 6 8 1983 05 15 Reünie Depotstaf 41
Std 7 12 British South Africa Police Morris Training Depot 115
Std 7 13 One Depot 67
Std 7 2
Troep Foto Sap Depot 149
Std 7 5 Churches In The Grounds Of The SAP Training Depot SAP College 9
Std 7 5 Dutch Reformed Church SAP College 10
Std 8 11 1938 SAP Depot Ferdi Wentzel 9
Spc 12 12.4 1946 SAP Opleidingsdepot Sers CH Lubbe 54
Spc 4 3.1 1933 SAP Depot 11
Spc 4 3.1 1933 SAP Depot 32
SAP Kollege
Std 13 2 60-Jaar Gelede SAP Kollege 83
Std 13 2 SAP Kollege 58Jaar Gelede 182
Std 14 7 SAP Depot Kollege 90
Std 2 1
Reünie 1961 Inname SAP Kollege 132
Std 2 2 1947 SAP Kollege 42
Std 2 2 Training Of Recruits 1913 41
Std 2 4 Sap Kollege 137
Std 2 6
Reünie Die 1961Inname Van Die Sap Kollege 11
Std 4 8 Sersant Stadler Skietkuns Sap Kollege 86
Std 7 10 1964 Instruksies na SAP Kollege Hennie Heymans 140 Treinkaartjie na SAP Kollege 141
Spc 12 12.4 1949 SAP Kollege Troep 60 Voet Sers J Long 57
Spc 12 12.4 1954 Speurders Op Kursus Kapt J Vorster BO Kollege 66
Spc 14 9.1 SAP Kollege Na 1961 262
SA Constabulary
Std 10 5 SA Constabulary Transvaal Police South African Police 31
Std 10 5
SA Constabulary Dr Tian Schutte 33
Mick Shaw
Spc 13 1.6 South African Constabulary Military History 15
Lt-Col DA Lane
Our Depot had been established at Krugersdorp early in 1901, and recruits began to arrive, the next batch after us being the first Canada troopship party. We “Oratava” men were "old soldiers” in our bearing towards these recruits. Old soldiers with about six weeks' service! Marvellous! Later came the "Aurania" men, the "Tongariro" party, the second Canada crowd and so on.
From very small beginnings the S.A.C. expanded into a Force numbering 12,000 or so, scattered around the Transvaal and Orange River Colony on column, in blockhouses and standing camps.
Remounts also arrived. Argentines, Russians, Walers. My remount was a weird looking animal, long hair, ugly, no barrel to speak of and a mouth like iron — altogether a dreadful-looking horse. I have a picture of him before me as I write, and shudder to think that I rode such an animal. More surprising then is the fact that I won a golden sovereign on him. It happened like this: Leonard Blyther and I were on No. 3 Cossack Post together once and he was telling me what a wonderful horse he had and just what he thought of mine. He told me so often that I got rather tired of hearing it and said, "Come on. I'll race your blasted pig of a horse for a quid." That was what he wanted. We left the War to look after itself for a bit and made our way down to the old Vereeniging Road where there was an open straight mile or so. Depositing our rifles and bandoliers (and the sovereigns) behind a bush, we rode along the road about a mile and, having agreed that the first man at the bush should have…
What I remember – Lt-Col DA Lane, Nongqai July 1937 p 656
TO-DAY WHEN I LOOK OVER OUR MAGNIFICENT Depot grounds and contemplate the fine buildings now in existence, my mind travels back to the early part of 1904, when we moved in to this permanent camp. It was then the Depot of "B” Division of the S.A.C. and was then known as New Site. Prior to this we were more or less under canvas at Proclamation Hill.
There were some wood and iron buildings of a very crude nature, and the change to wellbuilt brick barracks was appreciated. The old barrack rooms still remain. Stabling, however, was very ramshackle, and some years passed before any improvements were made.
Corpl. Pell (Lieut Pell, retired) was in charge of a party of which I was one, bringing the horses over and getting them settled down. The late Col Steele (R.N.W.-M.P.) commanded The Division, and Capt Teddy Hilliam (RNWMP) commanded the Depot. Both these officers served through the war with Strathcona's Horse, a famous Canadian Corps.
Our Superintendent was Mickey Keane, an Irish ex-cavalryman, the Sergeant-Major was Tommy Grace, also an. ex-cavalryman. The canteen was in one of the barrack rooms, and the Depot offices in another. The present office block was, I think, the permanent offices of the SAC Hospital. Depot life in those days was hard work.
Discipline was severe. A spade was very definitely a spade, more often than not a "ruddy shovel." Fatigues meant pick and shovel work. Parade grounds and roads had to be made, and the layout of the camp taken in hand. On top of it all interminable stables, drills, etc. The only relaxation was the canteen.
I had been out of the Corps for a time and rejoined at Cape Town. What I did during that time is another story. Being an old hand I clicked on a staff job. A nice soft billet. About 80 horses to temperature night and morning, and clip and trim during the day.
What I remember - Col DA Lane – 1937 09 page 849
SAC Depot
Brig Christo Davidson
Estelle, James, Viona en julle gesinne sowel as ander familielede van Lucas. Estelle en jou kinders en kleinkinders, aan julle wil ek eerstens ons innige simpatie en meegevoel met Lucas se afsterwe betuig.
Almal van ons wie vandag hier teenwoordig is doen dit as ‘n laaste huldeblyk of eerbetoon aan Lucas en om ons meegevoel en ondersteuning aan julle te bied.
Ons het almal al ‘n geruime tyd geweet dat Lucas eintlik ‘n baie siek mens was. Hy het egter nooit gekla nie, wanneer ek hom gevra het hoe dit gaan, het hy gesê hy het nou maar die probleem met die niere maar hy gaan gereeld vir dialise. Hy het my ook vertel van die beplanning vir die oorplanting van die nier en was baie opgewonde en hoopvol dat dit suksesvol sou wees. Ek het die Dinsdag voor hy hospitaal toe is met hom gepraat en hy was hoopvol en vol moed vir die operasie. Hy het gesê dat hy goed voel en die dokter was tevrede met sy gesondheidstoestand in
die breë. Hy het gesê ,dat ek by hom moet kom kuier sodra hy tuis was, helaas is dit nou nie meer moontlik nie.
Vionna julle het die foto’s gestuur toe julle pa in die teater in is en ons het gereelde terugvoering van julle af gekry oor hoe die prosedure verloop het en gevorder het. Mens het besef dat dit ‘n ernstige operasie was en gehoop en gebid dat hy spoedig sou herstel, maar dit was anders beskik ten spyte van die dokters se pogings om Lucas te stabiliseer. Ons bekommernis het gegroei tot daardie boodskap van Vionna verlede Maandag om 21:51 met die woorde :
“Ek is jammer om te se my Pa Lucas is nou net oorlede”.
Dit was ‘n groot skok vir my en seker die meeste van ons. Ons het so gehoop en saam met julle geglo dat hy gesond sou word.
Een troos, indien ‘n mens dit as ‘n troos kan beskryf, wat julle in hierdie geval het is om te weet dat hy nie ‘n lang en pynlike lyding gehad het nie.
Estelle, een ding waarvan jy en julle kinders verseker kan wees is dat hy julle onvoorwaardelik lief gehad het. Ek dink as julle aan hom dink kan julle eerlikwaar sê: “There is no regrets”
Ons het almal vir Lucas geken met sy eie set ways and means en dis miskien goed om ‘n kort oorsig oor Lucas as mens te gee.
Ek het Lucas eers in 1994 leer ken toe ek as bevelvoerder by die Diensevaluering afdeling van die Inspektoraat aangestel is totdat ek daar weg is in 1999.
Dit was vir my duidelik van die eerste dag dat hy, gegewe sy ondervinding as speurder/ ondersoeker ook ‘n deeglike kennis gehad het van polisiewerk in die algemeen. Hy het veral ‘n goeie kennis gehad van polisie-aangeleenthede in Pretoria weens sy jarelange plasings hier. Sy dienstermyne by verskeie kantore van die polisie het hom ook ‘n goeie mensekennis gegee. Lucas het hom nie met onbenullighede opgehou nie en wou altyd die feite van ‘n saak of probleem ontrafel. Ons werk in daardie afdeling het bestaan uit die ondersoek van klagtes wat lede van die publiek tot die president, die minister van polisie of die nasionale kommissaris gerig het oor swak ondersoek werk of swak hantering van ‘n saak deur die polisie. Die klagtes het vanoor die hele land gekom en Lucas het bewys dat hy oor die kennis en vermoë beskik het om die geval feitelik en objektief te kon ondersoek en het dan benutbare verslae ingedien.
Tydens bespreking van probleem gevalle of wat ookal, het hy nooit gehuiwer om sy mening te geen nie.
Nog ‘n aspek van Lucas wat uitgestaan het is sy gedissiplineerdheid en die feit dat hy nooit laat was nie.
“n Ander aspek van Lucas wat uitstaan is sy betrokkenheid by sport in die polisie, veral rugby maar Len Schubach sal meer daaroor sê.
Lucas het by alles ook altyd tyd vir ‘n grappie gehad te midde van ernstige tye. Iets wat Lucas baie goed kon doen was om te “ORGANISE” Daar is nie ‘nie ‘n ander Afrikaanse word wat ORGANISE kan beskryf soos Lucas dit kon doen nie, hetsy dit vir ‘n kuier of braai of uitstappie was of om ‘n braaipan by die tronk te laat maak nie.
Hierdie eienskap het hy skynbaar van sy pa gekry want, so word dit vertel dat toe hy as 16 jarige en in Std 8 weier om sy hare te sny en nie verder wou skoolgaan nie, toe kontak sy pa ‘n vriend van hom en ORGANISE dat Lucas in die polisie opgeneem word; toe het hy nie ‘n keuse gehad nie en sy hare is gesny. Kyk waar het hierdie ge-‘organise’ gemom. Nog iets wat hy ge-ORGANISE het was toe hy uitvind ek was nooit op Maleoskop ten spyte daarvan dat ek in Ovamboland diens gedoen het. Lucas ‘organise’ toe ‘n wegbreek van ons hele personeel vir twee dae na Maleoskop wat ‘n goeie braai ingesluit het Dankie Lucas.
Nog iets wat hy probeer OGANISE het was om my te oortuig om ‘n Blou Bul ondersteuner te word, maar dit kon hy nie regkry nie, ten spyte daarvan dat hy my ‘n paar keer na die polisie-losie op Loftus genooi het.
Tyd vir ‘n grap het hy ook altyd gehad soos die keer toe hy, onwettig, ‘n apie van Rhodesië ingesmokkel het as troeteldier. Weet nie hoe Lucas die apie geleer het of wie hom geleer het nie, maar die ding begin toe om onder vroulike kuiergaste se rokke in te loer as hulle by Lucas-hulle aan huis kom kuier het. Hierdie maniertjies het die apie se einde as loseerder beteken.
Lucas het sedert sy aftrede ook by die Bond van Ou-Polisie beamptes aangesluit en hy en Estelle het van die byeenkomste bygewoon; sy gesondheidstoestand het die laaste ruk gemaak dat hulle dit nie meer gereeld kon bywoon nie. Ook hier was hy altyd ‘n welkome gas met sy vriendelikheid en kwinkslae.
Wanneer ‘n mens aan die einde van jou loopbaan as polisie-beampte kom is dit dan ook nodig om ‘n kort terugblik op daardie loopbaan te gee.
1971 – SA Polisie Kollege.
1972 & 1974 – Destydse Rhodesië.
Onluste Dienste:
1985 & 1992
“Nasional Senior Certificate and Diploma Police Administration”.
1978 – Bevorderings kursus eksamens voltooi Konstabel na Sersant. In hierdie tyd word hy `n Speurder en word geplaas by Sunnyside Speurtak.
Verskeie Speurder kantore diens verrig in die Pretoria Area waaronder
Pretoria Sentraal Huisbraak Tak Bevelvoerder.
Gezina (Moot) Speurtak.
Middel tagtiger jare Bevorder na Speurder-Adjudant-Offisier
1990 – Offisierskursus in Paarl en bevorder na Luitenant.
Gaan deur die range en bevorder na Superintendent/Luitenant Kolonel in 1996.
1991 – 1996 – Pretoria Distrik Sport Offisier en later die bevelvoerder van die Distrik Opsporingseenheid.
1996 – Oorgeplaas na Hoofkantoor Inspektoraat tot met uittrede in Junie 2011 met die rang van Luitenant Kolonel.
1. “SA Police medal for Combatting Terrorism
2. SA Police 75th Commemorative Medal
3. Police Stars for Faithfull service – 10, 20 years
4. Police Medal for Faithfull service – 10 years
5. SA Police Amalgamation Medal.
6. SA Police Ten-year Commemorative Medal
7. SA Police 40 years loyal service medal”.
Bevorderings kursusse
“Street survival – Legal Principles Course”
“Use of Firearms”
Sarie van Niekerk
Bond van Oud Polisiebeamptes: Westelike Provinsie (Via Lt-genl Johan Ferreira)
'n Seder het geval. Brigadier Johan Kleyn se afsterwe op 7 Julie 2024 het ons met 'n groot leemte in ons lewens en harte agter gelaat.
Brigadier Kleyn was 'n uiters lojale en toegewyde polisieman en vriend wat groot spore getrap het in die lewens van baie mense. Regdeur sy loopbaan en sy lewe het hy 'n impak gemaak op die mense rondom hom. Hy was 'n passievolle polisieman met 'n diep sin vir geregtigheid, maar 'n ruim hart met empatie en opregte belangstelling in sy medemens.
Hy is in 1967 as leerling-speurder-konstabel geplaas in Vanderbijlpark waar hy sy tande geslyp het as speurder. In 1976 is hy na die veediefstal eenheid in Barkly-Oos verplaas waar hy tot in die vroeë tagtigs was. Daarna was by in die speurtak in Kaapstad (Harringtonstraat), en in 1982 verrig hy grensdiens en word aangestel as 'n bevelvoerder by Koevoet. In 1983 keer luitenant Kleyn terug na die speurtak in Kaapstad en sluit daarna aan by die Moord- en Roofeenheid. Hier het hy sy merk gemaak deur die baie suksesvolle ondersoek en afhandeling van ernstige geweldsmisdaad.
Vanaf Moord en Roof word hy aangestel as Takbevelvoerder by Gugulethu Speurtak, waar hy 'n groot impak maak op die afname in bendebedrywighede deur die bendelede betrokke te kry in sport, spesifiek sokker.
In 1996 word hy aangestel as Stasiekommissaris te Mitchells Plein, met die rang van Brigadier. Hier kwyt hy hom weer eens, in uiters moeilike omstandighede, uitstekend van sy taak. Sy samewerking met die Gemeenskapspolisieforum maak so 'n groot verskil in die gemeenskap se lewens-omstandighede dat die lede van die gemeenskap dreig in 1998 met 'n optog om sy verplasing vanaf Mitchells Plein in teen te staan. Ek haal aan uit die mooi berig soos aangeheg: "Forum Chairman, pastor Henry Busch said crime had dropped tremendously since Director Kleyn took over the reins in Mitchell's Plain. He was getting the streets back from the gangsters"
Mitchells Plein se gemeenskapspolisieforum is ook in hierdie tyd aangewys as die beste forum in die Wes-Metropool, in kompetisie met 22 ander polisiestasies se forums.
Brigadier Kleyn se projek om die polisiestasie te verfraai werp ook vrugte af toe Mitchells Plein se polisiestasie aangewys word as die netjiesste polisiestasie in die Provinsie. Hy was self fisies betrokke by die beplanning en uitleg van die tuine, waar 5 ton mis ingewerk is en R5000 se struike geplant is, skenkings wat hy beding het by kwekerye.
In 2000 neem hy waar as areakommissaris in die Suid-Kaap, met Oudtshoorn as standplaas en in 2001 beëindig hy 'n baie suksesvolle loopbaan in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens met ‘n skeidingspakket.
Hy sit egter nie stil nie en aanvaar 'n senior pos by Alnet, 'n maatskappy wat skadunette vervaardig.
Sy pos as bestuurder van kwaliteitskontrole stel hom in staat om 'n groot verskil te maak in die korrupsie in die maatskappy en hy is ook daadwerklik betrokke in moeilike personeelaangeleenthede. Hy word aangestel as bestuurder van die St. Helenabaai tak van Alnet en lewe hom uit in sy interaksie met die gemeenskap van St. Helenabaai - waar hy groot geword het.
Johan Kleyn se veelsydige geaardheid en vele talente het hom in staat gestel om 'n verskil te maak oral waar hy was.
As mens verdien 'n paar aspekte vermelding: Hondeliefhebber, sportman en - liefhebber, joviale gasheer, intens lief vir musiek, bouer van formaat, familieman, tuinmaker, passie vir St. Helenabaai en die weskus, wat met sy groot hande die vis en seekos so smaaklik kon eet, elke dag van die week - en uitdeel vir sy vriende.
In sy jong dae het hy in Vanderbijlpark opgetree as uitsmyter, want hy was sterk en met sy groot hande kon hy ’n telefoongids middel-deur skeur.
By sy troosdiens in St Helenabaai se NG Kerk waar Johan ouderling was, is die woorde van "Why me, Lord" van Kris Kristofferson in die gedenk-blaadjie die stille getuienis van Johan se verhouding met sy Skepper en eindig met: "Jesus, My soul's in your hand", sy geliefkoosde liedjie wat hy gereeld op You Tube geluister het.
Ons meegevoel is met Riana, die kinders en die kleinkinders, vir die pad wat voorlê sonder hom. Ons kan ook nie anders as om Riana se ongelooflike toewyding en deernis in Johan se versorging van die lang tydperk sedert die kolonkanker, te vermeld nie. Niks was ooit vir haar te veel nie en sy was vir ons 'n voorbeeld van onselfsugtige liefde.
Ben Diedericks (Article 01/2024; Dated 23 July 2024)
Copyright and Liability:
I want to take the opportunity to thank Insp. (W/O) Fanie Du Plessis; Insp. (W/O) Willem Els as well as the media and Safer Africa for photos and information used in this article.
All reasonable efforts were made to contact persons and institutions to obtain permission for the use of information and photographic items in this article.
Acknowledgement is hereby given to Safer Africa for use of information contained in their publication;
Operations Rachel; ISBN: 0-9584650-2-9; Published by Safer Africa 2003. Both the telephone number +27 12 4816200 and website www.saferafrica do not exist and are no longer accessible.
During the year 2003, Operation Rachel had been ongoing for eight years. Operation Rachel was made possible by the AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF MOZAMBIQUE AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA, signed between the two mentioned Governments on 20 July 1994. It should be noted that smaller ad-hoc clearance and
destruction operations had been ongoing for a few years before the official start of Operation Rachel. These ad-hoc operations were necessary to quickly and efficiently eliminate the dangers posed to the Republic of South Africa. Mostly these caches were relatively close to the SA Border and might be moved by the persons who placed it. This article is not written with the intention to glorify the Explosives Unit or any of its members, but merely to give an overview of what the Operation Rachel mission entailed and what the possible result of the successes has brought about. Always bear in mind that this was a multi-disciplinary operation which included, but were not limited to The Mozambican Police, The Special Task Force, Crime Intelligence, Firearm Unit, Airwing and various Private entities and NGO’s.
Operation Rachel officially started in 1995 in Mozambique. The role of Operation Rachel was to locate abandoned arms caches, safely remove, note exact contents for record purposes and then destroy it on-site if safe to do so. There were incidences where items from caches were removed by vehicle to a safer, more remote area and then destroyed. To my knowledge no civilians, Military or Police personnel or property was damaged, injured during the history of these Operations. I am aware of damage to Isuzu vehicles due to one minor motor vehicle accident and extremely rough road conditions, where areas were accessed via roads. Certain areas were accessed by “bundu bashing”, others on foot and some via a combination of airlift and movement by foot into mountainous terrain.
The arms caches removed and destroyed were a combination of the Civil War in Mozambique and too much lesser extent special operations launched from neighbouring countries to assist RENAMO and inflict damage to vital infrastructure (e.g. MSR’s) used by FRELIMO to transport arms and ammunition to their troops and proxy organisations from neighbouring countries that used Mozambique as a sheltered or protected area from where attacks were orchestrated in their countries of origin (e.g. ZANU perpetrating acts of violence within Rhodesia / Zimbabwe).
Items that were mostly retrieved from caches and destroyed included various forms of mortar bombs, rockets, rocket propelled grenades, hand grenades, rifle grenades, automatic and semiautomatic military rifles, bolt action rifles, belt fed LMG’s, ammunition, military explosives, blasting accessories including but not limited to detonating cord and detonators, anti-vehicle mines and anti-personnel mines.
Although never proven (to my knowledge) attacks by FRELIMO on RENAMO soldiers included the use of chemical weapons (122mm Russian manufactured rockets filled with Mustard agent). Thus, this needed to be taken cognisance of and care taken when removing and handling 122mm rockets from caches.
Other additional threats or risks faced included the following: mines laid around the caches and even inside caches, severely degraded initiating mechanisms of explosive ordnance leading to instability and off course booby traps placed inside the caches. Another ever present threat to contend with was venomous snakes such as the Mozambican spitting cobra that resided inside in some of the arms caches and bees.
A question that was encountered from numerous persons; members of SA Police included, was whether this exercise was worth the risk to Operator’s lives, equipment and various other expenses incurred. After all, can a firearm that was buried for 20 to 30 years even still function?
Same question was asked referring to explosive ordnance. I can unequivocally answer this question – YES! Then Brigadier Fryer (Commander STF and retired as Maj. Gen. – now deceased) took a completely rusted and rotted AK 47 rifle removed from a cache, sprayed it with penetrating oil, stepped on the cocking lever and knocked it on a tree to remove some of the mud, sand and rust. He then proceeded to load a magazine and fired 25 rounds through said weapon on rapid fire and automatic for members of the media. Military explosives remain active and effective for decades. Degraded explosive ordnance such as rockets, or mortar bombs can very easily be converted and utilised in IED’s (Improvised Explosive Devices). Heaven forbids that the CIT gangs would have had access to these military grade explosives.
In summation of this overview allow me to share the following estimates of items destroyed during these operations; more than 20 000 rifles (various calibres and types), millions of rounds of small arms and large calibre ammunition, more than 7 000 grenades (various types and countries of origin), more than 8 700 mortar bombs, unknown number of mortar and rocket launching systems / platforms.
I will start this section by informing the reader that no in depth discussion, which might lead to me divulging sensitive methodology and techniques utilised will be discussed. This will merely explain the steps followed and give an overview of personnel utilised and their roles and responsibilities.
Stage 1 – Knowledge Transfer:
Initially before the Operation kicked off and later after each individual operation there needed to be a transfer of basic knowledge to our Mozambican counterparts. This would ensure a few basic protocols and methodology were already in place before our Team arrived in country. That would ensure productivity be kept at a maximum level and certain basic safety concerns be mitigated. Basic training was conducted in the following subject matter areas; safe handling and identification of foreign firearms, munitions and explosives; basic safety precautions when uncovering arms
caches; communication skills; use of GPS and map reading and establishment and maintenance of a functional intelligence network.
Stage 2 – Gathering Intelligence and where possible Confirmation of actual position of arms caches:
Operation Rachel is an intelligence driven operation through and through. This responsibility was shared by both the SA Police and the Mozambican Police. Sources of information included but were not limited to local population in the AO (Area of Operation). Information gathered is confirmed, plotted on GPS and transferred to maps for use during operational planning. It is notable to mention that during OPS RACHEL vii (1) approximately 90% of the intelligence was gathered by Mozambican Police. This was done even though there was very little logistical support available to them (e.g. vehicles to travel long distances for GPS plotting and confirmation of caches). An Ex-member of SA Military Special Forces taught me a few valuable lessons; the most important one being time spent on observation and intelligence gathering is never time wasted. I believe that Operation Rachel stands as proof of that fact.
Stage 3 – NGO’s; Private donors and Financial expenses:
Financial support for the missions undertaken during Operation Rachel came from various sources and included;
OPS RACHEL 1 to 4 (1995 to 1998) carried in totality from SA Police Budget to the sum of approximately R 2 000 000.
1999 to end 2000 – Belgium Government, to the sum of approximately R 1 000 000.
2001 – EU, to the sum of approximately R1 200 000.
2001 to end 2002 – SA Police, to the sum of approximately R 1 350 000
Transport – Initially Casspirs and Blesbok armoured vehicles were utilised, but this was absolutely time consuming and during the rainy season these vehicles got bogged down. This is where Delta Motor Corporation comes into the picture, and they started sponsoring single and double cab Isuzu 4x4 vehicles that operated with the mutual support of the Rotary Wing – SA Police Airwing.
Stage 3 – Destruction process:
Once in country, Brig. Fryer split the group into two with an officer in charge of each section; thus, increasing productivity and limiting time spent and costs incurred. Teams consisted Members of the Firearm Unit, STF, and Explosives Unit with the BK117 chopper being assigned to the group who would most likely be operating in terrain not reachable by 4x4 vehicles.
When we arrived on target where an arms cache was situated, we gathered as much as possible information from the informant that conveyed the knowledge of the cache to the Intelligence Group.
A member of the Explosives Unit will do a quick on the ground assessment on possible risks and mitigation actions that needed to be taken. The initial movement to the cache was mostly done by the member from Explosives Unit to ensure safe entrance and egress route and to do the actual precise pinpointing of the cache by means of military spec. metal detector. At other times caches might have been partially open and information gathered from the informant indicates that the area is constantly walked over by local population and their cattle.
Once the Explosives Unit member was happy with the state of the cash and information, he would start opening the cache. Mostly he was assisted by a member of the STF who was also trained by the Explosives Unit. Any seemingly unstable or damaged ordnance will be separated from other items removed and placed at a distance away from the actual cache. The remaining part of the team not intimately involved with the lifting of the cache would note, photograph or video the contents once it has been completely emptied.
Depending on the assessment made by the Explosives Unit member the same hole of the cache was used to stack and pack the cache for destruction. Members of the Mozambican Police would already be ensuring that no locals were within the proximity of the task being performed. Stacking and packing was usually again done by the member of Explosives Unit supported by explosively trained STF members.
Once the cache was close to the final stage of stacking and packing, only one member would remain behind while all other members withdraw to a safe distance (dependant on explosive content and weight of explosives being utilised for the destruction). Usually, the last man would be the member of the Explosives Unit. Once confirmed that everyone was at safe distance and under cover, he would initiate the final process by means of time delay fuse (safety fuse) and once confirming that the fuse is properly initiated and burning as intended and manufactured, he will alight his vehicle and withdraw to a safe position.
The explosive charge would detonate as intended and after a safe waiting time the Explosives Unit member would return to the blast site and confirm that high order detonation had taken place, and no explosive remnants were visible and thus completely and successfully destroyed. The rest of the team were given all clear and returned to the blast site.
Operation Rachel was an Intelligence driven operation with various role-players involved, each with their respective responsibilities and specialised skills. In the end there can only be a
successful result if everyone professionally and safely fulfils their individual tasks. No single Unit or Rank is more important than the task at hand.
Zooming out and looking at the larger picture, then no such operation can be successfully implemented and concluded unless;
Political approval of all parties involved in the previous conflict must be unanimous;
The operation must be in the interest of the local population; and
It must result in the reduction of crimes associated with firearms and explosives.
Extremely long distances were covered daily with heavily laden 4x4 vehicles
Where areas were inaccessible by vehicle airlifts were conducted – BK117 in picture
An assortment of firearms, ammunition and explosive ordnance collected from a Police Station and moved to another safe area where it was destroyed
Stacking and packing concluded – time to attach final link in initiation chain
High order Detonation
Post Blast Inspection – All clear
Article researched and written: Ben Diedericks
23 July 2024
South Africa
Kol EA de Kock: Destyds Teen-Insurgensie Spesialis
Kol de Kock was in Pretoria se Maksimum gevangenis in die Sentrale gevangenis aangehou. Kol de Kock vertel:
“Mnr Adriaan Vlok, oud-minister van Wet en Orde, wou my voete was – ek het geweier. Hy wou vir my bid – ek het geweier”.
Ons het andersins wel verder ‘n aangename gesprek gehad.
Ek het hom gevra waarom hy nie gedurende 1996 nie ter versagting kom getuig het nie – hy het stil gebly – dit is wat lafaards doen – hul bly stil en kruip weg.
“Ons het oor die algemeen gesels – ek het sy besoek aanvaar omdat twee Koevoet-kollegas my gevra het om hom te ontvang. Hy het die Afrikaners en die witmense in hierdie land verneder deur voete te was.
‘n Mens kruip nie!
Hy het vir my ‘n Bybel gegee – ek het steeds die Bybel gehad maar vir iemand geskenk wat ‘n argief het wat sulke goed bymekaar maak.
Ek het nie die tekste gelees wat hy genoem het nie
Net in twee gevalle was jy voete – in die lykshuis en hospitaal as familie jou voete kom was.
Ek is glad nie verbitterd nie – ek is verraai – ek is aangemoedig om te veg! Ek moes daarna dan die ete betaal deur met vals eise te betaal.
Ek het geen haat wraak, of nyd nie – ek voel niks.
Ons het terreur bekamp – ‘n mens moet terreur dadelik uitsny – anders versprei dit.
Ons het nie mense gejag nie – ons het terroriste gejag – ons het nie apartheid instand gehou nie!
Ons het vandag meer apartheidswette as in die verlede!”
Kol de Kock is die voormalige SA Polisie se mees gedekoreerde, na-oorlogse polisieman, vir dapperheid. (Hy was ook genomineer vir die SAP se Goue Kruis vir Dapperheid.) Sy oorspronklike medaljes is gesteel. Mnr Jonathan Pittaway het ‘n miniatuur duplikaat stel laat maak en dit daarna aan die Nongqai Trust geskenk. Dr Johan Burger, voorsitter van die Nongqai Trust, oorhandig hier die miniatuur medaljes oor aan kol Eugene de Kock.
Kommentaar deur HBH
Beide mnr Vlok en kol De Kock is op kollegiale vlak aan my bekend. Dit is belangrik om ook kol De Kock se persoonlike mening oor verskillende sake neer te pen. Ek het ‘n volledige onderhoud met mnr Vlok gehad en sy gedagtes oor die was van voete neergepen vir die nageslag.
DCP – Constable Tony Blakeborough. Below Durban City Police.
A Mounted Trooper op the Natal Police
Inspector Charles Evelyn Fairlie, Natal Police – Officer Commanding
Col Will Endley
In my ongoing research on the South African Constabulary, on 22 June 1904, Quarter Master Sergeant Mara of the Ordnance Department and Trooper Black of the SAC were killed in an explosion on the hillside above Pretoria in a magazine called the ‘Queen Magazine’. Another two members of the SAC were badly injured. The magazine had apparently been used by the Staatsartillerie and large amounts of ammunition were stored in the facility at the time of the explosion. Is there any more information about the magazine?
Charles Leach
Good morning, Hennie,
Here is background to the declaration of ‘Limpopo Province Heritage Site’ of the old International Police Cemetery at Fort Edward – near Elim Hospital.
The international character – and timeline - of the graves is reflected in the following texts on the headstones from left to right:-
In Memory of Constable C.W. Eagle who died from Injuries received in an encounter with a lion. Died 10th October 1908.
Erected by the Officers, NCOs and Men
Of the Transvaal Police.
This is the man I wrote the book about, entitled:. . . Of and Lion and Eagle.
NB; I have corrected some of the phonetic spelling – common In those days! The 2nd grave is:-
In Memory of Constable J.C. Kroch who died of Blackwater Fever.
Contracted at Shewass (Sibasa) – Died 26th April 1910
Erected by Officers, N.C.O.’s and Men of the Transvaal Police.
The 3rd grave is:-
In Memory of Constable J. Hammill, S.A.C. drowned in N’cwedi (N’wanedzi) River 3rd March 1904
Erected by Officers, N.C.O.s and Men of the Transvaal Police.
Elsie Lourens
There is also the grave of a little girl, Elsie Lourens, who died at Elim Hospital in more recent years. She was 3yrs old. Her parents probably lived at Fort Edward Police Station, as was the custom at ‘out – of -the way’ police stations in those days, and therefore the reason why she was buried there.
Lt. ‘Breaker’ Morant: Bushveldt Carbineers
My research and writing of the + - 7 months period of deployment of the Bushveldt Carbineers –BVC – which included Lt. ‘Breaker’ Morant and others, has resulted in my tour called Zoutpansberg Skirmishes Route, which has been running for several years. The tour includes, amongst many other sites, the cemetery and monuments at Fort Edward. It was always necessary to visit all the tour sites a few days before a tour group to ensure all is neat and tidy.
Whenever I arrived at Fort Edward, Rendani, then still at Primary School and living next door, would jump over the fence and insist on helping!
Since he has Matriculated, his involvement has extended to a keen interest in the entire Skirmishes Route, but specifically in William Eagle and Fort Edward.
Sometimes ‘drive-by’ motorists notice the monuments and turn off the road to have a closer look. If Rendani is at home, he joins them and shares his knowledge from the relevant literature I have given him.
I have also gifted him copies of William Eagle to sell for his own pocket.
Some months ago, he able to assist members of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission who stopped to have a closer look at the graves!
I write on behalf of Rendani who expresses his sincere gratitude to Hennie Heymans for providing quality and appropriate clothing, as well as the implements and herbicides for keeping the cemetery neat and tidy.
The new palisade wall, which encloses the cemetery as well as the other monuments at Fort Edward, will provide added attraction to passing motorists as well as much needed protection against vandalism of the monuments!
On behalf of those who are committed to the preservation of local as well as International Heritage Sites, in particular sites which commemorate men and women in uniform who gave their lives whilst on duty, I commend Mr. Marivate of Vhembe Tourism for initiating this project in such a thorough and effective manner.
Thank you, Mr Marivate for ensuring a fine job!
The detailed signboard, with complements of Leach Signs will be erected soon!
Access to the monuments will be provided on site by Rendani and his mother, Helga, to whom we very grateful!
They will both have keys to the gate in the palisade.
A signboard, displaying Helga’s and Rendani’s names and phone numbers will be provided by Leach Signs and attached at the entrance gate.
There will be a handover ceremony, the date will be announced by Mr. Marivate and the contractor. I will circulate it as soon as I am notified.
A photo of Rendani will be forwarded to you soon, Hennie!
By William Endley with Jennifer Bosch
In September 1900, Lord Roberts had instructed Major General R. S. Baden-Powell to plan for the establishment of a Constabulary Force for the Transvaal, Swaziland and the Orange River Colony. By June 1901, the force was to be established and would function under Lord Alfred Milner, the High Commissioner for South Africa. Initially, it was thought that the country was about to settle
down to peace and that a police force consisting of 6000 Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and men would suffice.
The SAC was organised in four Divisions with three divisions in the Transvaal and one division in the Orange River Colony. The main role of the SAC became that of Mounted Infantry, and they actively participated under the operational command of the British army for the duration of the Anglo Boer War. 9 Officers and 85 other ranks were killed in action or died from wounds, 213 Officers and other ranks were wounded, and 274 Officers and other ranks died from sickness and disease.
After the Anglo Boer War ended, the various SAC Troops were deployed and distributed throughout the two new Colonies. A system of posts and patrols was established in a very short time to ensure that every farm was visited once a week by an SAC patrol. The international borders were patrolled and, by August 1902, 28 SAC Districts, 64 Sub-Districts and 210 Stations were established.
On 15 February 1903, a meeting took place between the Chief Staff Officer and all the Divisional Commanders of the SAC. During this meeting, a number of aspects were discussed with one main point of discussion being the establishment of two different categories of policemen in the SAC.
The discussion was required to enable the SAC to assume the responsibilities of policing the towns in the two colonies. A decision was made at the meeting for the SAC other ranks who were selected for the SAC Town Police were to be issued with blue uniforms. SAC Officers would remain responsible to purchase their own uniforms.
The uniforms for the Town Police were based on the more conventional British Empire police force uniforms and equipment that were worn and used at the time. Many styles and items of uniforms were copied by a number of Imperial and colonial police forces from the London Metropolitan Police. It had clearly become apparent that the SAC had moved away from being a military focused force and that they had now taken over their primary policing functions. Baden-Powell’s
Tomlinson around
personal taste and unconventional approach when it came to uniforms were now a matter of the past. The Transvaal Police, formed in 1908, would follow the SAC Town Police style of uniform.
Most records indicate that the traditional police blue uniforms originated in London. In 1829, the London Metropolitan Police was established, and this extremely professional police force is generally regarded as being the first effective and organised police force. The London Metropolitan Police soon became the benchmark for the numerous police forces throughout the British Empire that were later established.
The members of the London Metropolitan Police were issued with blue uniforms. At the time, the British army was still wearing their trademark scarlet tunics and uniforms. To distinguish the members of the London Metropolitan Police from the red uniforms worn by the British army, blue
Figure 3 Corporal Matthews. South African Constabulary. Photograph from the Potchefstroom Museum, Johan Wolfaardt.
was chosen as the colour for the police uniforms. This was the same approach that was to be
At the outset, it was evident that the new blue uniforms for the SAC would be expensive. This time period also coincided with the general cost cutting measures that had started to take place within the Governments of the Transvaal and the Orange River Colony. In attempt to save and not waste money, it was suggested at the meeting that the SAC Town Police be carefully selected, trained and then placed on probation for a period of three months. If then deemed suitable for the SAC Town Police after completing his period on probation, a member would be issued with the new
The men selected for the SAC Town Police were paid at the same rates of the ‘mounted’ or rural members of the force. If a member of the SAC Town Police was returned to ordinary SAC duties or if he had been dismissed for misconduct, the cost of the blue uniform would be deducted from his wages. Blue frocks and khaki breeches would later also replace the khaki uniform for the mounted members of the SAC.
In theory, by 1907, life and policing had become almost routine for the SAC. The officers and men had settled into the routine of conducting their tasks to maintain law and order. On 20 April 1907, the ‘Star’ newspaper in Christchurch, the largest city in the South Island and the second-largest city by urban area population in New Zealand, published an article that was titled “ A Policeman on the Veld”. This article aptly described the role, duties and frustrations of a member of the SAC Foot police.
The writer stated that it had been said that the life of a policeman was generally not a happy one. It had crossed the mind of the writer that his fellow policemen on the outer edges of the British Empire were under the impression that their Metropolitan and urban counterparts in England artificially portrayed an outward calm and dignified display. The policemen or ‘Bobbies on the beat” on the streets of London possibly concealed their awareness of their monotonous and routine ways of life and duties amid the bustling and rush of the urban and more civilised lifestyle that surrounded them.
Figure Superintendent (major). SAC Superintendents wore a crown on the collar of their tunics to indicate their rank
South Africa colonies.
In faraway South Africa, the policemen of the Veld had their own reasons and causes for frustration of which there were many and a routine way of life was definitely not one of them. In 1907, the policemen in South Africa were not hampered by a necessity to maintain an impressive outward form of dignity when dealing with either the Boer or British citizens.
In addition, life in the new South African communities was lively due to the vast varieties in both society and the types of crimes that were committed. There were therefore little, if any, similarities between the monotonous routine found in the urban environments in the United Kingdom in comparison with the two
The SAC constable, residing in Johannesburg, stated that the territories of the two former Republics could be compared and described at the time of his writing with the area around Whitefriars. Whitefriars was an area in the City of London in the Ward of Farringdon Without.
During the 17th century, this area was infamous as a sanctuary for criminals and debtors.
Figure 5 Constable H. Weber, SAC Potchefstroom. Photograph from the Potchefstroom Museum, Johan Wolfaardt.
The two new colonies had now become a haven for criminals and scoundrels from all over Europe. There was therefore an urgent requirement for an efficient and large police force and not a force like the SAC that was in the process of being downsized. The constable believed that the SAC was quickly losing its efficiency as well as its personnel. The constable ascribed this situation as being the result of a “cheese-paring”. ‘Cheese-paring’ implied that the relevant authorities were being extremely careful and mean with money.
Given the current situation, the SAC had to deal with increasing crime and the many other issues that were becoming too many and too difficult to manage. As a direct consequence, the worst and most cunning criminals were continually able to evade the thinly spread SAC. To deal with the criminal element in the two colonies, the methods adopted and applied by the SAC, although being effective, were best described as being unconventional and crude. The SAC methods would probably not be encountered or be in use in other similar British or Colonial police forces.
Burglars and house breakers in South Africa were particularly adept and had a liking for safe breaking. Safe breaking and stock theft were the two main criminal industries in South Africa that had been monopolised by the white and not the native criminals in the two colonies. Shops and other buildings were built flimsily making it a simple matter to make forceful entries to gain access to the safes.
Figure 6 A typical safe on a gold mine. https://www.mindat.org/imagecache/07/cf/05083450017062639781147.jpg
The constable wrote that security was so lacking at these premises that the safes could just have well been left outside the building. On numerous occasions, the constable had himself entered the site of a burglary with his revolver drawn while a safe breaking operation was in progress. Unfortunately, the criminals were too cunning to be caught red handed and were usually able to make their getaway. It was not uncommon for the first reports of a burglary and a safe been broken into too to only be reported to the SAC by a crowd of excited Indian shop owners at the SAC barracks in the morning after the crime had been committed.
The SAC constable used and described a specific case as an example. An Indian owned store in a place called Buffersdorp had been robbed and burgled in by a gang of criminals in a very wellplanned and coordinated operation. At the time of the burglary, the owners of the shop were
actually inside wand they were sleeping on the premises. Despite the presence of the owners, the criminals were able to enter the premises and remove the safe by carrying it outside through the back door. The safe was then loaded onto a wheelbarrow and taken to a small stream that was a mere 400 meters from the store.
The safe crackers then used dynamite to blow the safe open and they were able to steal and get away with and an amount of £1402. A few nights later, in another incident, a safe in an ironmonger’s premises was blown open with dynamite inside the business. It was not uncommon sight at night for safes that had been plundered or abandoned by criminals to be found in the streets. The abandoned safes were usually the result of criminals being caught red-handed or being disturbed during their criminal acts.
These crimes were well planned and coordinated by sophisticated and experienced organised criminal gangs. However, the actual deeds were carried out by the lower types of criminals. The constable believed that the SAC and the legal systems were far too lenient to effectively deal with the Johannesburg crime wave. The SAC constable had himself monitored and followed one of the most notorious and high-profile criminals for many months. The criminal had actually confronted the constable on a public street and had threated to blow the constable’s head off if he continued to harass the man.
If the SAC could not provide witnesses to prove every detail of a crime, the SAC failed to have these career criminals convicted. Therefore, the same master criminal who had threatened the constable, as well as other criminals like him, were able to continue to plan and carry out
2 £21,106 in 2024
burglaries and other serious crimes practically with immunity. The high-profile criminal even had the audacity to go to the SAC police station to complain about the so-called unwarranted harassment that he had been subjected too by the SAC constable.
According to the constable, the former ‘Bywoners’3 who became criminals usually specialised in stock theft and they would steal their neighbours’ horses, oxen or sheep. The livestock were then sold at markets far from the owners’ farms. Two of the more notorious Bywoners later enlisted in the German colonial forces in German South West Africa. This enlistment was only an effort for the men to determine what could be stolen or looted from the German colonial authorities and the local population.
However, the plan backfired as the Germans authorities were wary and wily. The two men were soon caught and sentenced for a period of four years imprisonment with hard labour in a German colonial prison in Damaraland4 .
The sale of liquor to natives required both initiative and detective ingenuity from the SAC constables. The minimum sentence for selling liquor was imprisonment for a period of six months. This harsh sentence was theoretically believed to be a deterrent but the large demand for strong alcohol ensured that the natives were prepared to pay exorbitant prices for the illegal liquor that they purchased.
3 The meaning of BYWONER is a labourer or farmer working another person's land.
4 Damaraland was a name given to the north-central part of German South West Africa inhabited by the Damaras.
As a direct result, profits derived from the illegal sales of alcohol were so lucrative that the risks were well worth taking. The profits almost neutralised the potential threat to the sellers from the measures implemented by the SAC. In addition, criminal charges related to the illegal sale of alcohol were very difficult to prove in court. The arresting officer had to have physically witnessed the alcohol being handed over to a purchaser and, although a purchaser could be arrested with the alcohol in his possession, unless a seller was physically caught selling the alcohol, no conviction would be obtained.
The SAC constable had personally monitored a seller for a number of weeks before he was finally able to catch the man in the act of selling alcohol. The seller had gathered his native customers into a small hovel next to an old stable. The SAC constable with a number of men appointed as his witnesses were concealed inside the stable and were able to watch and witness the transaction through a small hole in a partition wall.
Another incident showed a typical example of how the SAC efforts were often humiliated and mocked by the organised criminals. The SAC officer in command in Bluffersdorp planned and carried out night raid on the premises of an old and regular seller of illegal alcohol. The officer was convinced that it was a good opportunity for an arrest and a conviction, and that the SAC stood a good chance to catch the offender in the act.
The raiding party waited outside the suspect’s tin shack while a native SAC constable went inside to buy a bottle of cheap brandy, locally known as ‘dop’. The illegal sellers purchased their stock from their suppliers at a cost of between 2 to 3 shillings. The dop was then illegally sold to their eager customers at a price that started at 10 shillings.
The SAC native constable then quickly came out of the shack with a bottle of dop. The SAC raiding party
Figure 9. An SAC Town Police constable in Potchefstroom wearing the blue SAC uniform with a white pattern Wolseley pith helmet.
immediately rushed the shack and arrested the alleged seller. The wildly protesting suspect was taken to the SAC police station. The suspect had protested in vain because, after all, the SAC had a bottle of brandy as hard evidence and there was no reason to be distracted.
Inside the SAC charge office, official SAC police procedure was followed. The bottle of brandy, the main incriminating evidence for the State, was opened and tasted in the presence of the suspect. The suspect had remained calm throughout his ordeal and had even smiled when the brandy was poured into a cup to be tasted and sampled. The faces of the SAC raiding party can be imagined when they had to release the suspect. The humiliated and frustrated SAC had discovered that their ’incriminating’ evidence was in fact merely a bottle of cold tea. It was not discovered if the SAC native constable had betrayed his colleagues or if the seasoned criminal had been informed of the impending SAC raid by his own native informants. The SAC were completely embarrassed and there were obviously no charges laid and no conviction.
It was both difficult and complex for the SAC to maintain law and order amongst the very large native population of Johannesburg. This situation was exacerbated when the natives were allowed to over indulge in strong alcohol that often led to volatile situations as the intoxicated natives and their actions were unpredictable. Although the brewing of native beer was allowed, quantities were limited and controlled by laws that were enforced by the SAC.
The reason for these laws were that the local native beer could be just as potent as the strong illegal liquor. It was therefore very possible for the natives to become extremely drunk on their local brews. The SAC constable described the local beer as dirty and white looking with the consistency of very thin gruel. The local drink was
Figure 10 An SAC native constable.
extremely popular amongst the native population, and it was regularly served at gatherings that the SAC constable called ‘native tea parties’
These gatherings took place in the native locations and dancing was allowed from 20h00 until 24h00. Unfortunately, at these gatherings, the local alcohol was usually available in quantities far above the legally allowed quantities. The SAC therefore had to be constantly on the alert for these gatherings and they frequently raided these gatherings. A gathering was usually selected that was isolated from the other gatherings and the SAC would then search for beer. If there were beds in or near the gathering, it was expected that the beer was usually hidden under them. Alternatively, the native beer was stored in buckets that were sometimes stored under beds I there were any available.
During one such raid, the SAC constable encountered a native sitting on a box inside a bedroom. The native pretended to be desperately ill and begged the constable not to move him. The constable was adamant that the man was to stand up and he soon discovered that the man’s ailment was actually an acute attack of ‘solitude’. The man had attempted to conceal the big bucket filled with beer that was concealed in the box that the man had used as a seat.
Another source of tension and anxiety for the SAC officers in command of the SAC stations was the harmful manner implemented by the main SAC Headquarters to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of the SAC as policemen. The method applied was too gradually and subtlety evaluate the men’s effectiveness based on the number of arrests they made. In 1907, at this stage of the existence of the SAC, the SAC headquarters had forced many of the older and more experienced members of the SAC to leave the force by reducing their pay and allowances. These more efficient and effective men had then been replaced by less efficient and less scrupulous members of the SAC. It was
the men, according to the constable, who contributed unnecessarily to the difficulties in managing and controlling the increasing crime rates.
The SAC constable had witnessed instances where these men would lie in wait for a native for them to then make an arrest. At the time, it had been deemed necessary for natives to be restricted to walk on the roads and any native who walked on the pavement was liable to be arrested. These unscrupulous constables waited for an opportunity as, for a native to enter a shop, he had to walk on the pavement.
It was then that these SAC constables unfairly arrested the natives for contravening the law. The constable realised that as long as his direct superior SAC officers were concerned about satisfying the requirements of the SAC Headquarters, this unfortunate state of affairs and practice would continue. At the time he SAC constable wrote his letter, it was a routine and standard practice for a monthly list to be compiled indicating the number of cases registered by each constable and the constable who a small number of registered cases was severely reprimanded.
Amongst all of the drama and frustrations, there was also a humorous side to the life of an SAC policeman on the veld. The SAC constable in question had very badly disappointed a fellow SAC member one night. The constable had mistakenly believed that the SAC constable had personally provided him with the opportunity for a promotion.
The SAC constable had visited a house that belonged to a civilian late one night. When he arrived at the house, the constable quickly discovered that the only persona wake at that hour was the house owner’s daughter. On several occasions prior to that specific night, the constable and the young lady had engaged in harmless flirtations. On these occasions, the young lady had proved not to be unwilling to these flirtations but, on this particular occasion, the flirtation was almost the young couple’s undoing.
The SAC constable had sat down in a brand-new arm chair that the home owner had brought home the previous day. The young lady, who was named Gretchen, was inclined to be boisterous and she decided to forcefully sit down on the SAC constable’s knee. Gretchen sat down with such force that the midnight silence was broken by a very loud noise. The new chair had collapsed under the weight of the couple who had both landed on the floor. The terrified Gretchen urged the constable to immediately run away as she would explain the situation to her father. The constable quickly left the house was outside when he heard the shrill blast of an SAC whistle.
The figure of a running man who was chasing the constable was silhouetted on the skyline behind the SAC constable. Later, the constable would find it amusing that his pursuer would have to present his police report that same night to the man that he was pursuing. The SAC constable who was being pursued was the roving constable who was on visiting duty that night. Deciding to get rid of his pursuer, the SAC constable who was a sprinter, increased his running pace and soon left the man behind. When the SAC constable later did his rounds at the SAC station, while presenting his report, the other constable related in great detail about the exciting chase he had when he had attempted to apprehend a burglar who had been running away from a house.
In detail, the constable described how he had chased the burglar for more than 1, 6 kilometers but added that the burglar ran like the devil and had got clear away. Sanity prevailed and the SAC constable realised that to save any further trouble emanating from the report and a possible investigation. The SAC constable then explained the real sequence of events. After listening to the constable, the man was visibly upset but kept control of his temper.
The SAC constable concluded his letter when he emphasised the point that the current SAC retrenchment policy being
implemented by the Governmental authorities was disastrous. This approach was weakening the efficiency of the SAC at the most critical stage of the development of the two new colonies. Large numbers of the best SAC officers and other ranks had been forced out of the SAC while many were still leaving. At the same time, the cosmopolitan criminals who infested and corrupted the colonies were allowed to remain. In addition, there was the continuous and imminent danger of native unrest. The constable was of the opinion that the policy’s implementation in the SAC would encourage and aggravate social disorder and extreme political danger for the two new colonies. In 1908, the SAC was disbanded.
By Steve Seargent
The Medalje voor de Anglo-Boere Oorlog, officially The Zuidafrikaanse Republiek en Oranje Vrijstaat Oorlogmedalje 1899-1902 (ABO medal) was authorised for issue to all ranks of the Transvaal and Orange Free State Republic Burghers (men) and later also some women and civilians who had participated against the British during the second Anglo Boer War.
The medal was proposed by a British staff officer Colonel Skinner, the Commandant Union Defence Force Military School in Tempe near Bloemfontein. He noted that some attending the first staff course had fought bravely in the Republican Forces, but were without medals for the war, whilst the Colonial officers from the British side all had at least a campaign medal. He asked Defence Headquarters to have this rectified but, due to the outbreak of WWI, nothing was done until 1920 when the Governor General in terms of Government Notice no. 2307 of 21 st December 1920, and published in the Government Gazette of 24th December 1920 on behalf of King George V announced the criteria for the ABO Medal.
The medal is a silver the disk 17⁄16 inches (37 millimetres) in diameter and 1⁄8 inch (3 millimetres) thick at the raised rim. It has a fixed bar suspender with a claw and rivet pin on the upper edge of the medal. The rank, initials and surname of the recipient is impressed in block capitals on the rim
The ribbon is 11⁄4 inches (32 millimetres) wide representing the colours of the two Boer Republics. They were gazetted as red, green, white, blue and orange, but the orange appears as yellow on the actual ribbons.
The criteria for the medal was rather strict; it had to be personally applied for, the applicant had to either be a serving member of the Union Defence Force or eligible for service under the Defence Act of 1912 (which included members of the Police Force). His war service had to have been sometime between the 11th October 1899 and the 31st May 1902 and he had to have remained in service until the 31st May 1902, without surrendering or taking either parole or the British oath of allegiance.
Effectively, anyone killed in action, people over the eligible for service under the Defence Act of 1912, anyone who had voluntarily surrendered, taken an oath of allegiance to the Crown before 1 st June 1902, was interred in a Concentration Camp, was a Cape or Natal Rebel fighting with the Republicans, a foreign volunteer in the various Legions of the Republics, or a woman were excluded.
It is estimated by Albert Blake in his book Boereverraaier that amongst Boer Prisoners of War between 12 and 14,000 Boer combatants captured by the British took the oath of allegiance before the 1st June 1902 excluding them from receiving the medal.
The ‘no surrender’ rule was layer waived in the case of formal POW’s who had not taken the oath of allegiance prior to 31st May 1902, of which there were some 28,0000 per the Anglo Boer War.com site, women (mainly nurses or teachers) and some foreign nationals were awarded the medal as were those over the age of service in the UDF. This was done mainly in the 1940’s after the National Party took power. It still however excluded those who surrendered and were not classed as POW’s and those who took the oath of allegiance prior to 1st June 1902.
To obtain the award of the medal the applicant had to personally fill in what was known as Vorm B which listed his service dates, the various actions he took part in as well as providing verifiable proof via officers and witnesses to confirm this. The cut-off date for applications was the 30 th June 1921 but this was abandoned with many awards being made in the 1940’s and later. The last award was made in in 1983.
Some 13,800 medals were issued which in reality was a small proportion of the Boer forces that took part in the war.
One medal was awarded covering both republics. The participant was to turn the medal so his country’s coat of arms was on the obverse. The suspender does not swivel and each county’s forces wore the medal with the with the ribbon denoting the country’s flag served under, yellow on the left for the Orange Free State Republic and green on the left for the Transvaal Republic.
As I collect only to policing units in South Africa, I mentioned the fact that I had secured my first ABO medal to a ZARP awarded to a ZARP Lieutenant, M.Judell to a fellow collector (sometimes, it’s nice to brag). My medal came with his Vorm B copy and other research paperwork provided by the seller. He told another specialist Anglo Boer War medal collector who brought to my attention that I could not possibly be the owner of Lieutenant Judell’s medal as this resided in another collection, and that having seen photos of the medal I was so proudly bragging burst my little bubble by advising that it was a very well-known reproduction, and a very poor one at that.
All the signs and characteristics of the fake medal shown below were clearly to be seen on it.
I was of course not a happy camper! To the credit of the Auctioneers of the medal, despite the fact that it was outside of their return period, they immediately refunded my entire purchase price stating that they too had been fooled by this reproduction. It is however, I understand a fairly common forgery, but after all this is what you pay your buyer’s premium for.
Like many who start out collecting in a new field, I had blithely entered the bidding fray with much enthusiasm and very little knowledge, unable to believe my “luck” at securing a ZARP police officers medal. The adage “If it looks too good to be true……it is too good to be true” springs to mind. We also have a saying in South Africa “Ja jy wil mos….” or suck it up buttercup!
What the collector did do however, was pass my tale of woe on to a man trying to create a record of both the genuine and the forged ABO’s and he in turn put me in touch with a collector who was disposing of parts of his collection and lo and behold not only did he have a medal awarded to a ZARP who fought to the bitter end of the war but he also had one of the few awarded to the Oranje Vrijstaat Politie en Artillerie. So for me this was a massive bonus from crying into my pretzels to jumping for joy!
36 year old Jacobus Johannes Albertus Pelser was a member of the Orange Free State Republic Police at the start of the war. He, together with all the policemen was also trained as an Artilleryman. When War broke out, he was and drafted into the Oranjie Vrijstaatse Artillerie on 11 th October 1899. The Anglo Boer War Museum confirms his appointment in the Artillery under number 2424.
Burger Pelser took part the first major British defeat at the battle of Stormberg, as the Boers including the OVSA who had now joined forces with the Transvaal Artillery, were forced to retreat north after the battle of Abrahams Kraal where despite having a numerical and surprise advantage, the Burgers panicked and retreated during the night attack.
He took part in the battle of Donkerhoek known as Diamond Hill by the British, which despite their being forced to retreat was, according to General Smuts quoted in Packenham’s book, this battle had "an inspiriting effect which could scarcely have been improved by a real victory."
His final battle it appears was Witrand where the remaining OVSA were banded together with Carolina Commando as part of General Botha’s forces attempting to block the British advance along the Delagoa Bay rail link.
He was seriously wounded, probably in the skirmishes on 21st August 1900 and taken to a Boer hospital at Barberton in the Eastern Transvaal. He was captured when the British overran the hospital on the 13th September 1900.
The ABO medal awarded to Burger Pelser. Mounted court style (unlikely for a Boer veteran) for display. The yellow of the ribbon to the left for a Free State Burgher and showing the Free State obverse.
Records at the Anglo Boer War Museum show that he was sent to the Turfontein Racecourse POW Camp as a POW 13334. All POW’s were sent overseas and I am attempting to find out more on the man after his capture but it will be an uphill slog.
Below is his Vorm B application showing his battles confirmed by the commandant of the Orange Free State Artillery.
The initial warrant for the medal stated that the person may not have surrendered. A special advisory board under Major General Brink vetted the applications from POW’s who claimed their surrender was forced not voluntary. The referral to the board is confirmed in red ink and his capture confirmed. The purple approval stamp is dated 12th September 1921.
Technically, Burger Pelser could have applied for the Boer Republic wound ribbon awarded to members of the Boer forces who were wounded in action. Whether he did is not known.
Records held by the Anglo Boer War Museum on J.J.A. Pelser
Although the records at the museum show the POW Camp as unknown (Onbekend) research shows he was taken to Turfontein Race Course camp which was merely a staging camp whilst the prisoners were awaiting movement to POW camps in the rest of the Empire such as Ceylon, St. Helena and Bermuda as well as India where they were held for the duration of the war and until they took the oath of allegiance following the Peace of Vereeniging being signed.
It may, however, be possible to locate his camp from existing records.
Burgher S.C. Scholtz
The second medal I was able to obtain was to Constable (Burger) Stephanus Christiaan Scholtz of the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek Politie or ZARP’s. 23 years old when the war started, on the 30 th October 1899, Constable Scholtz was called up into the Johannesburg Police Commando. As in the OVSR, policemen were trained as Artillerymen and the Police Commando was to attached to the ZAR Staats Artillerie group. He entrained down to Natal under Commandant General Van Dam where his field service started on the 25th November 1899 when he took part in the siege of Ladysmith.
Above is his Form B signed by General Muller as confirmation of his service his medal being approved on the 19th October 1921.
During the siege of Ladysmith he was present at the Battle of Colenso where the ZARP’s in no small measure due to their discipline and courage helped in winning the battle. As the ZARP forces moved across the country under the command of General Schoeman to block the British advance in the Cape Colony, he took part in the actions and later defeat at Colesberg and the beginning of the Boer retreat through the Orange Free State. Here he took part in the attack on Abrahamskraal. Back in the Transvaal, he took part in the battles in the Defence of Pretoria, and the battle of Diamond Hill to the British, but, called Donkerhoek by the Boers. During the retreat into the Eastern Transvaal, he took part in the various major and minor skirmishes protecting Louis Botha’s main force around Belfast where in a skirmish on the 16th July 1901 at Pootjies Nek near Belfast he lost his mule killed. He was also present and survived uninjured at the famous last stand at Dalmanutha where the ZARP’s were virtually wiped out.
The ZARP survivors split up, some moving south towards Swaziland with others joining General Ben Viljoen and later General Muller in the northern and Western Transvaal where, ironically, he may have spent his time fighting members of the SA Constabulary. Here his horse passed away probably from a combination of malnutrition and Rinderpest as he fought on to the bitter end of the
war. In June 1902, he was ordered to surrender his rifle to the SA Constabulary in Middleburg together with the remnants of General Muller’s forces.
Documents that I have obtained since buying the medal show that after the war and as part of the British Government grants to cover the costs of the war and the rebuilding of the country, Constable Scholtz as an ex-member of the ZARP’s made two claims for three payments.
The first for a mule which was his property and as described above, was killed in action in a skirmish on the 16th July 1901 at Pootjies Nek near Belfast.
At the same time, he claimed for the loss of a replacement horse purchased following the death of the mule which he states died of sickness on the 6 th March 1901 when he was in service with General Muller’s Commando.
He also claimed for outstanding salary not paid as a policeman during the war. Despite his claims being supported by affidavits from various Boer officers, none of the three claims were allowed. Constable Scholtz it seems accepted the final defeat as well as the loss of both his salary and the animals.
At some time after this, he joined the South African Police as his address on his Vorm B is given as SAP Roodeport a town near Johannesburg.
I am hoping to find out more on this man’s SAP service but without his force number this may again prove to be difficult.
The affidavits made in support of Constable Scholtz’s claims for war reparations in 1903.
His medal below has the original ribbon with a safety pin fixing stitched on to it.
Strangely he seems to have worn his medal as a Free State fighter with the yellow to the viewers left, and the face of the medal showing the Orange Free State coat of arms rather than that of the Transvaal Republic.
I have kept the medal as it was worn by him but have shown the medal in its correct orientation for this article.
The difference between the weave and colour of the modern ribbon of the medal to Burger Pelser on page two and original ribbon here is clear.
The medal awarded to Burgher Scholtz as worn on top and its correct form bottom.
For those interested in these medals, below are views of the known faults on restrikes when compared to the original.
Please note the list only shows the patently obvious and not minor die faults.
The naming is hand punched
The naming is die machine impressed
On the fake, the lettering is too pronounced, the clasp shape is wrong, shield is sunken and the anchor is the wrong shape and has an indentation. The field below the ox wagon, and the Burgher are incorrect, the trefoils are too pronounced. On the genuine medal there is a lion and on the fake a dog like creature.
As seen more clearly below, there is a definite indentation adjacent to the anchor upright within the rope.
Orange Free State
Trefoils are too thick and the shield is flat on the fake whilst it is curved proud of the edges on the genuine medal. The lions face is a blob, the wagon is the wrong shape as is the lower powder horn on the fake. The rim is far thicker on both sides on the fake medal.
The easiest one to spot
Sources Blake, A Boereverraaier Tafelberg Publishers Capetown 2010
Fake Genuine
Fforde J.P.I & Monick S A Guide to South African Orders Decorations and Medals and their Ribbons Published by the South African Museum of Military History Saxonwold Johannesburg 1986
Monick S South African Military Awards 1912 – 1987 Published by the South African Museum of Military History Saxonwold Johannesburg 1988
Pakenham, T The Boer War Harper Perennial Publishers, New York 1992
Uys I South African Military Who’s Who 1452 – 1992 Fortress Publishers Germiston 1992
Research on Const./Burgher Scholtz provided by Dewald Nel dewald@nelantiques.co.za
Medal illustrations from my own collection including the fake.
Dr Coert Mommsen
Hierdie artikel is in geheel en gedeelte, geskryf, saamgestel en hersien deur:
Coert Mommsen, D.Phil. (Psigologie) M.A. Kliniese Sielkunde, EEG Tegnikus
Ruan Spies, Ph.D.(Kliniese sielkunde) M.A. Kliniese Sielkunde;
Esté van den Heever LLB (Regte)
7 Julie 2024
Hierdie artikel bied metafore vir 9 besondere menslike gedragsbegrippe. Dit vervat ’n kort opsomming van elke gedrag verskynsel, die uiteensetting van en die aard daarvan en die praktiese toepassings waarde van die sielkundige metafoor in die algemeen. Metafore word gebied vir die mens se funksionering as deel van ʼn sisteem, die belangrikheid van inligting in tye van onsekerheid, onderdrukte materiaal in die onbewuste. ‘n Metafoor vir die dinamika en verwerking van materiaal in die onderbewuste, fasette van kliniese hipnose, dinamika met betrekking tot die selfbeeld, fasette van menslike verbale interaksie, wedywering met die self, tuiskoms na werk en dít wat die beste in ons kan uitbring. Dit is die tweede deel van ʼn oorspronklike artikel wat deur LitNet gepubliseer is en is spesiaal verwerk vir Nongqai tydskrif.
Metaforiese Beelde vir bepaalde sielkundige begrippe Deel II
In deel I van hierdie stel artikels, is o.a., die aard en voordele van Metafore in die sielkunde bespreek. Hierdie is deel II van ʼn artikel oor metafore in die Sielkunde wat deur LitNet gepubliseer is (1)
Metafore vir 10 sielkundige begrippe is aangebied. In hierdie 2 de Deel van die stel artikels, word metafore vir nege sielkundige begrippe bespreek. Enkele gedagtes rondom die aard en toepaslikheid van metafore word oorgedra. Die metafore aangebied, is ‘n vrye verkenning van geïdentifiseerde begrippe. Die begrippe word bespreek in terme van sekere fondamente kernbeginsels van elk.
Omdat die beeld wat deel uitmaak van ‘n metafoor ongekompliseerd is, kan dit maklik onthou en gebruik word as 'n denkbeeld of agtergrond wanneer nodig. Dus, hoe minder ingewikkeld 'n metafoor, hoe makliker kan dit bydra tot begrip van die kern van 'n gegewe situasie óf die oplossing van ’n probleem daarbinne.
Op sy beurt kan 'n begrip van die kern van ’n stelsel, situasie of verskynsel (soos gebied deur ’n metafoor) dit eenvoudiger maak om:
• Die werking van ’n verskynsel of stelsel of situasie wat die individu met verloop van tyd mag beleef, te verstaan en;
• Te help met die oplossing van 'n probleem buite die bepaalde gesprek waarin dit geskep is; en
• Vir die individu van praktiese waarde te wees binne ‘n situasie waarin hy/sy homself/haarself die een of ander tyd mag bevind.
Die mens se funksionering as deel van ’n sisteem.
Die meeste mense vorm deel van ’n sisteem. Die sisteem kan die staatsdiens, die Polisiediens, ‘n fabriek of gesin wees. Elke mens is deel van ’n sisteem. ’n Sisteem kan as volg aan die hand van verskeie voorbeelde geïllustreer word, soos bv. ’n Boerdery of ’n fabriek of elektriese stroombaan of ’n hospitaal of ’n motorwerkswinkel. Elkeen van hierdie bevat kernkomponente wat aanmekaar verbind is en ’n eindproduk lewer.
Soms raak ‘n komponent van ‘n sisteem onklaar, en kan dit die eindproduk van die sisteem in ’n meerdere of mindere mate beïnvloed. Soms is die element wat die funksionering van ’n sisteem beïnvloed ooglopend en belangrik, soos ’n trekker wat onklaar raak in ’n boerdery, of ’n Polisiebeampte wat siek word en nie vir diens kon aanmeld nie. Partykeer is die oorsaak van ’n sisteem fout klein en moeilik om te vind. As voorbeeld van ’n tegniese sisteem fout, kan ‘n eenvoudige elektriese stroom dien:
Wanneer 'n mens Die positiewe pool van 'n battery aan 'n skakelaar ('n toestel wat 'n elektriese stroom breek of laat deurvloei ) koppel; die negatiewe pool van dieselfde battery aan 'n gloeilamp koppel; Die tweede punt van die gloeilamp aan die tweede punt van die skakelaar koppel, skep jy 'n eenvoudige elektriese stroombaan.
(Die duimspyker en papierknippe verteenwoordig eintlik 'n skakelaar en dit verbind nou die battery en die gloeilampie wat sal brand wanneer jy die twee in kontak bring). Skakel jy die skakelaar aan, brand die gloeilamp. Skakel jy dit af, breek jy die vloei van energie wat uit die battery stroom en doof die gloeilamp uit. Die gloeilamp funksioneer goed, mits elke ander deel van die stroombaan reg werk.
Die werking van 'n eenvoudige baan soos hierdie kan help om 'n mens ’n begrip te gee van die grondliggende funksionering van 'n elektriese stroom. Dit stel jou in staat om die werking daarvan beter te verstaan, te ontleed, te herstel of te gebruik. Hierbenewens kan dit mens help om ‘n groter verskeidenheid elektriese stroombane te verstaan, aan te pas, te verander of te stem. ’n Metafoor vir sisteem funksionering
Die stroombaan-werking word aangebied as ‘n Metafoor vir die mens se funksionering binne ’n sisteem. Byvoorbeeld, wanneer ‘n mens deel uitmaak van ‘n groter sisteem (bv. die werksituasie) en jy by geleentheid miskien voel dat jy nie meer so gemotiveerd is as voorheen nie. (Jou lampie brand nie meer so helder soos altyd nie, kan dit toegeskryf word aan verskeie faktore byvoorbeeld: jou salaris is ontoereikend.) (Die battery gee te min krag / of die drade binne die isolering is verbrokkel / of die skakelaar se kontakte is aangeklam of aangepak.)
Indien jy dikwels van die werk verlof neem, kan dit wees vanweë uitbranding. (Oorsaak: die kragtoevoer was in ‘n stadium té hoog en het die lampie se gloeidraad verswak en nou laat uitbrand) of: jou salaris word nie gereeld of betyds inbetaal nie, of daar is moeilikheid met die inbetaling hiervan. (Oorsaak: die skakelaar.) (Bank krediet order aktivering is onbetroubaar of foutief). Jou motivering om werk toe te gaan hou dalk verband met ’n toksiese werkomgewing of ’n baas wat jou boelie.
Metafore bied dus begrip en kontrole aan die individu (Dit bevestig jou beheer in ’n spesifieke situasie). Op sy beurt, kan kontrole lei tot 'n vermindering van angs en hierbenewens, kan begrip meer selfvertroue in die hand werk lei na verbeterde werking of kan dit selfs werking te verbeter. Die belangrikheid van inligting in tye van onsekerheid.
Onrus, paniek, kommer, of onsekerheid kan doeltreffend teëgewerk word deur kennis. Hierdie proses kan vergelyk word met die waarde van 'n weersatelliet soos dit gebruik word deur seevaarders:
’n Metafoor vir die funksie van inligting ten tye van onsekerheid
Ten spyte daarvan dat sterk winde en reënstorms ‘n seilskip heen en weer slinger, kan ’n weer satelliet ver bo die aarde help om windrigtings en storms aan te dui. Dit kan die seevaarder help om te sien wat sy vaartuig se posisie is, wáár storms ontstaan en woed en hoé om sy jag se seile te span om sy reis veilig in die regte rigting voort te sit.
Só kan inligting help om die regte koers aan te dui en uitkoms bied.
Onderdrukte materiaal in die onderbewuste
Die vraag het by die skrywers ontstaan oor wat met onderdrukte materiaal gebeur terwyl dit in die onbewuste is, en waarom sommige traumatiese ervarings minder prominent of minder inhiberend word namate die tyd verbygaan.
‘n Metafoor vir die dinamika en verwerking van materiaal in die onderbewuste
Een van die metafore hiervoor gaan van die standpunt uit dat 'n proses of prosesse hier(in die onderbewuste) aan die werk kan wees wat die aard en karakter van sodanige inhoud met verloop van tyd verander en dit minder dinamies maak.
Sulke materiaal is waarskynlik onderhewig aan assimilasie, soos voedsel wat afgebreek word deur die liggaam en opgeneem word in die bloedstroom óf verwerp word deur die liggaam, afhangende van die stof se positiewe voedingswaarde. Sommige stowwe wat die mens inneem het dalk geen “voedingswaarde” nie en veroorsaak erge ongemak en word waarskynlik dadelik verwerp. Ander kan waarskynlik ongemak in die langer termyn veroorsaak wat stadig afneem namate dit “verteer” (verwerk) word. Minder intense reaksies tydens sulke aktiwiteite kan die vorm van sooibrand of dispepsie aanneem – Byvoorbeeld druk kan in die maag toeneem en as gas vrygestel word. Droom aktiwiteit kan met hierdie meganisme vergelyk word: Dit (droom aktiwiteit) kan beskou word as 'n “byproduk" ('n "gas") van die assimilasie proses van die onbewuste".
Alhoewel hipnose nie eintlik onderdrukte materiaal kan "verwyder" nie, kom "verkennende ontdekking" van sulke materiaal noodwendig neer op "ventilasie" en kan dit tot 'n mate van verligting lei. Alternatiewelik kan manipulasie van sulke materiaal veroorsaak dat dit versprei en sodoende assimilasie fasiliteer. Met ander woorde, deur dít wat ongemak veroorsaak in kleiner deeltjies afbreek en te versprei, kan hipnose dit makliker maak vir die onbewuste om sekere materiaal te verwerk of uit te werp.
Kliniese hipnose
Die gebruik van kliniese hipnose kan van groot waarde wees in die psigoterapeutiese proses. Materiaal in die onbewuste word algemeen aanvaar om diep in die menslike psige ingebed te
wees en herinneringe of ervarings bevat wat angs kan veroorsaak wanneer dit na die bewuste beweeg.
Dit word ook algemeen aanvaar dat die onbewuste onderdrukte materiaal bevat wat in drome kan manifesteer. Onbewuste materiaal kan 'n aantal reaksies by die individu veroorsaak, insluitend angs, gevoelens van depressie of bloot net subjektiewe ongemak: ’n Metafoor vir die rol van Kliniese Hipnose
Amper soos ʼn ballon wat mens onder die water probeer hou – jy kan dit vir ʼn tyd lank volhou maar jy raak naderhand uitgeput. Energie wat nodig mag wees om gruwelike ervaringe te onderdruk kan met verloop van tyd onuithoudbaar raak.
Soms mag dit nodig wees om deur middel van meer ingrypende tegnieke gebruik te maak om "uitheemse" materiaal (bv. Erge trauma) uit die liggaam te verwyder. Soortgelyk hieraan kan hipnose gebruik word om materiaal te verwyder wat die liggaam self nie kan verwerp nie. Die terapeut kan 'n toestand van uiterste ontspanning veroorsaak waartydens hy/sy sommige van die inhoud van die onbewuste kan "verken" of "losmaak". Alhoewel hipnose nie eintlik onderdrukte materiaal kan "verwyder" nie, kom "verkennende ontdekking" van sulke materiaal noodwendig neer op "ventilasie" en kan dit tot 'n mate van verligting lei. Alternatiewelik kan manipulasie van sulke materiaal veroorsaak dat dit versprei en sodoende assimilasie fasiliteer. Met ander woorde, deur dít wat ongemak veroorsaak in kleiner deeltjies afbreek en te versprei, kan hipnose dit makliker maak vir die onbewuste om sekere materiaal te verwerk of uit te werp.
Die selfbeeld
Daar is verskeie faktore wat 'n invloed het op 'n persoon se selfbeeld. Hierdie is onder andere: Die suksesvolle oplossing van 'n probleem; Die suksesvolle bereiking van 'n doelwit; Erkenning vir prestasies, aktiwiteite of vir 'n taak wat goed uitgevoer is; of: Positiewe kommentaar op jou talente, vermoëns of persoonlike voorkoms.
Hierdie faktore kan op hul beurt in twee groepe verdeel word, te wete, intern en ekstern. Eksterne elemente kom waarskynlik minder gereeld voor as interne. ‘n Algemene eienskap van beide interne en eksterne faktore is dat wanneer teenwoordig, dit 'n gevoel van betekenis aan ‘n mens se bestaan gee. Dit onderskryf ook 'n mate van beheer wat die individu oor sy omgewing het en dat hy/sy derhalwe sy/haar haar eie bestaan/lewensituasie kan beïnvloed en verander Benewens dat dit 'n vorm van beheer impliseer, het hierdie faktore 'n sterk stimulerende eienskap in dié sin dat dit die individu kan motiveer om sy/haar vermoëns optimaal te gebruik. Dit stel 'n mens in staat om aan te hou funksioneer ten spyte van mislukkings of terugslae en kan dien as 'n reservoir waaruit hy / sy voortdurend krag kan put.
Die behoefte om jou selfbeeld aktief te versorg of in stand te hou, verskil van persoon tot persoon. Sommige persoonlikheidstipe benodig byvoorbeeld min versterking in terme van interne of eksterne elemente om goed te funksioneer. Ander benodig weer deurlopend interne óf eksterne versterking vir optimale funksionering.
Soms in toestande soos ernstige depressie, kan nóg eksterne nóg interne elemente help om die selfbeeld te herstel. Slegs ná psigiatriese ingrepe en herstel kan ‘n balans te weeg gebring word en die individu in staat stel om soos voorheen te funksioneer.
’n Metafoor vir die funksionering van die selfbeeld
Die psigodinamika van hierdie fasette van die selfbeeld kan vergelyk word met 'n motorband:
Sommige bande verloor lug stadig en moet net af en toe 'n bietjie opgeblaas word. Ander het 'n klep-lekkasie en verloor vinniger lug. Hierdie moet gereeld opgeblaas word om die motor in die pad te hou.
Gedurende depressie kan skade aan die selfbeeld so erg wees dat dit onmoontlik is om dit met behulp van gebruiklike metodes reg te stel. 'n Meer radikale meganisme of metode moet gebruik word om dit te herstel. Dit is byvoorbeeld soms nodig dat die band aanvanklik buite die gewone werking gestel word (opname in ’n kliniek) waartydens dit gespesialiseerde aandag vir herstel kan ontvang.
Menslike verbale Interaksie
Menslike verhoudings word grootliks beïnvloed deur beide verbale en nie-verbale interaksie. Kommunikasie is verreweg die belangrikste dimensie van die mens se bestaan. Gedurende jou lewe het jy veel meer verbale as fisiese kontak met ander. Op die oog af beleef mens fisiese interaksie as die mees prominente. Fisiese eienskappe en vermoëns is dáárdie medium wat jou in staat stel om as ʼn persoon te bestaan. Dit is die sigbare dimensie van die mens. Verbale interaksie is onsigbaar maar kan ‘n blywende invloed hê op menslike gedrag, motiverings, intellektuele funksionering en die welsyn van mense met wie jy in aanraking kom. Dit kan dus aanvaar word dat verbale aktiwiteite ʼn gewigtige en omvangryke dimensie van die menslike bestaan uitmaak.
Beide fisiese en verbale vermoëns is besonderse vermoëns wat aan die mens gegee is: -die vermoë begrip te hê vir die gevolge van sy/haar dade en woorde en die vryheid van keuse om oor die gebruik hiervan te besluit. As 'n reël, is gereedskap gewoonlik baie effektief wanneer dit gebruik word. Dieselfde instrument kan vir verskillende doeleindes gebruik word. Dit kan gebruik word om iets te maak of te herstel, maar dit kan ook gebruik word om iets te breek. 'n Mes kan byvoorbeeld gebruik word om voedsel voor te berei of te verdeel. Dit kan ook gebruik word om 'n roof te pleeg of om 'n lewe te beëindig. Die keuse behoort aan die persoon wat dit besit”. Die 'gereedskap' (woorde) wat 'n mens gebruik, kan veroorsaak dat mense óf wegbeweeg van jou af, óf na jou toe. Verbale aggressie of aggressiewe verbale kommunikasie soos dit manifesteer in
byvoorbeeld sarkasme, vyandigheid of venynige opmerkings, weerspieël dikwels 'n spesifieke houding, onderliggende emosie soos woede of gemoedstemming en kan ʼn afstand tussen jou en ander tot gevolg hê.
’n Metafoor vir die invloed van verbale interaksie:
Al is iemand lief vir ʼn kat maar deur die kat gekrap word elke keer wanneer die persoon dit probeer streel, sal die individu se motivering om die aktiwiteit te herhaal, afneem, ten spyte daarvan dat die persoon baie lief is vir die dier.
Die aanvanklike reaksie van die meeste mense is dat sulke interaksie noodwendig vir hulle 'sleg' is, en hul instinktiewe reaksie is om te oorweeg om die verhouding te verlaat of dit te beëindig. Dit kan lei tot selfs 'n groter verlies as wins vir die betrokkenes. Alhoewel verbale konflik of wrywing 'n negatiewe invloed op interpersoonlike verhoudings kan hê, as dit toegepas word met positiewe aanvaarding en ten doel het om positiewe gedrag tot gevolg te hê, kan dit geleentheid bied vir persoonlike groei en psigiese nabyheid.
Wedywering met die self
Volgens die webblad ifioque, wys navorsing daarop dat persoonlike voorkoms en versorging ʼn belangrike rol speel in die mens se waarneming van iemand se beskouing van aantreklikheid. Dit geld vir beide mans en vrouens. Die skrywers meen verder: ”Skoonheid trekke word gedefinieer as dit wat een persoon mooi vir ʼn ander laat lyk. Ten spyte daarvan dat ons soms verkondig dat ons nie iemand op sy / haar voorkoms moet beoordeel nie, is dit presies wat ons doen”. (2) https://ifioque.com/nonverbal-communication/personal_apperance
In Westerse samelewings word mededinging tussen individue of groepe persone sterk aangemoedig en uitnemendheid in veral sport word hoog geag. Die motiewe, behoeftes en bevrediging van mededingende aktiwiteite is waarskynlik so talryk en uniek soos elke betrokke deelnemer.
Die behoefte aan mededinging manifesteer baie keer nie net in sport nie, maar ook in persoonlike of akademiese prestasies, sake- en professionele loopbane, ensovoorts. As 'n mens vir jouself 'n doelwit gestel en dit bereik het, volg gewoonlik die behoefte om vooruitgang te meet. Dit kan gedoen word deur die werklike vordering op 'n individuele vlak te vergelyk met dié van die self (byvoorbeeld soos 'n diskusgooier wat sy eie afstand meet ná elke gooi). Die vergelyking van prestasie kan natuurlik ook 'n aanduiding gee van vordering.
Vir die individu is die implikasies van vergelyking belangrik, aangesien dit onder meer 'n invloed kan hê op:
Selfwaarde; en
Interpersoonlike verhoudings.
Dít wat vergelyk word, is ook belangrik, aangesien die effek van wat vergelyk word ʼn meer uitgesproke invloed kan hê op jou motivering, jou selfbeeld of interpersoonlike verhoudings as ander. Vergelyking van prestasie is algemeen in byvoorbeeld sport, en kan minder egobedreigend wees as om intellektuele vaardighede of persoonlike voorkoms te vergelyk. Alhoewel dit meestal nie openlik gedoen word nie, word die vergelyking van bv. besondere vermoëns of persoonlike voorkoms subliminaal gestimuleer deur die media in baie Westerse samelewings. Die versoeking om by hierdie tipe verwysings standaarde betrokke te raak, is sterker wanneer 'n mens binne die groter groep funksioneer. Dit kan uiters nadelige gevolge hê vir jou aanpassing, motiverings vlak of selfbeeld, afhangende van die lewenstadium waarin jy jouself bevind.
As 'n mens jou eie vermoëns, voorkoms, prestasies ensovoorts met hulself vergelyk in plaas van met dié van ander, verskaf dit 'n unieke standaard wat gebalanseerde ontwikkeling in die hand werk.
’n Metafoor vir die self as teiken norm as deel van wedywering Hierdie uitgangspunt kan vergelyk word met dié van 'n man wat gereeld by 'n sport gimnasium oefen. Hy kan 'n oefenprogram volg om die spiere wat nodig is vir gewigstoot, te ontwikkel en sy vordering op sy eie tyd monitor. Hy kan instrukteurs wat hierin spesialiseer raadpleeg om hom te help deur konstante oefening en om sy krag en fiksheid vlak vir die sport gereeld na te gaan en te verbeter. Alhoewel hy nie betrokke is by werklike kompetisie met ander individue nie, kan hy dit in 'n stadium oorweeg. Alternatiewelik kan hy bly oefen en voordeel trek uit die gepaardgaande fiksheid en voorkoms wat die oefeninge bied.
Gelaatstrekke is een van die persoonlike eienskappe wat met kundige analise en skoonheidsmiddels baie kan verbeter wanneer die beginsel van selfvergelyking toegepas word. Die vorm van jou gesig is van kardinale belang in die keuse van ʼn haarstyl. So is die ontleding van die beenstruktuur van die gesig, die kleur van die oë, die vorm van die mond, die ken, ensovoorts, belangrik in die aanwending van skoonheidsmiddels. Om grimering aan te wend op 'n manier wat volgens die styl van 'n spesifieke model of aktrise aangepas word, kan 'n onnatuurlike uitwerking op jou voorkoms hê.
Sou ʼn mens ʼn beeld van jou gesig saamstel met die gesigskenmerke van jou gunsteling aktrise of model (Mond van een, lippe van ʼn ander, wimpers van ʼn ander, ensovoorts.), kan die resultate grotesk wees.
Die sukses van die aantreklike model kan toegeskryf word aan die ontleding van haar basiese kenmerke en die regte toepassing van skoonheidsmiddels. Alhoewel nie alle mense gelaatstrekke het wat hulle as modelle sou kon kategoriseer nie, kan jy deur die ontwikkeling van jou eie gelaatstrekke of voorkoms, jou eie gegewe voorkoms gebruik tot die beste voordeel. Dus, in plaas
van die moontlik negatiewe en ontmoedigende gevolge van die vergelyking van jou voorkoms met dié van iemand anders, word hierdie aspek van jou lewe nou 'n aansporing sonder teleurstelling. Tuiskoms
Die invloed van ‘n mens se werk en eksterne stressor op die funksionering van 'n huishouding word dikwels onderskat.
Selfs onder normale omstandighede verg die handhawing van psigiese harmonie in 'n huishouding baie meer inspanning, dissipline en geduld as wat dit op die oog af mag lyk.
Afgesien van interne stressor in 'n huishouding, kan eksterne stressor ernstige ontwrigtende invloede op die vrede binne ‘n gesinsopset hê. Gesinslede wat werk of skool bywoon, word daagliks gekonfronteer met frustrasies, druk, wrywing, stres, probleme, en soms konflik in hul eie individuele interaksie met ander. Baie hiervan kan nie aangespreek of opgelos word sodra dit voorkom nie, wat lei tot voortgesette pogings om dit gedurende die dag en soms selfs aan die einde van die dag te verwerk. Sulke psigiese aktiwiteit kan 'n negatiewe invloed op jou gemoedstoestand hê, wat weer 'n negatiewe invloed op jou nabye gesinslede meebring. Indien mens die negatiewe invloede van die werksomgewing volkome en altyd van dié van huis sou kon skei, sou dit 'n reuse vermindering van spanning tot gevolg hê. Hierdie soort skeiding is egter nie altyd prakties moontlik nie. Al is mens met tuiskoms nog besig om werksprobleme te prosesseer, moet jy dikwels help met dié van die huishouding. Dit beteken dat die tydperk ná tuiskoms 'n hoër stres potensiaal het vir die werkende of studerende gesinslid. Hierdie is 'n tyd wat versigtige beplanning gedoen moet word in terme van sorg, afsondering en aandag.
Sodra jy by die huis aankom, en skielik gekonfronteer word met probleme, beteken dit dat jy nog nie ‘n kans gehad het om die dag se stres en probleme te verwerk nie, dit opsy te skuif of af te handel nie. Eers nadat jy hieraan (die “aflaai, uitpak en bêre” van jou werk bagasie) aandag gee, kan jy jou sielkundige ewewig vind en meer ontvanklik wees vir die hantering van daardie probleemoplossing / ondersteuning / wat jou aandag vereis.
’n Metafoor vir tuiskoms na werk
Hierdie situasie kan vergelyk word met dié van die vlieëniers van 'n passasiersvliegtuig wat pas hul vliegtuig geland het. Die feit dat die vliegtuig aan die einde van die aanloopbaan gestop het, beteken nie dat die vlug voltooi is nie. Die vliegtuig moet na die aangewese gebied geloods word. Dit insigself is moeilik aangesien daar baie aktiwiteite op die ruimte van die parkeerarea is. Nadat die vliegtuig geparkeer is moet allerlei nasien pligte uitgevoer word, passasiers moet afklim en bagasie moet afgelaai word. Die vlieëniers het dus nog prosedures om te volg en kontrole lyste om in te vul. Hulle moet byvoorbeeld die vliegtuig inspekteer om seker te maak dat dit geen skade gekry het tydens die vlug nie en of die vliegtuig gediens moet word en wanneer. Met ander
woorde, wanneer die vliegtuig tot stilstand gekom het, is daar verskeie pligte wat die loodse moet nakom. Hulle kan nie summier hul baadjies aantrek en die vliegtuig verlaat nie.
So ook met die gesinshoofde-en lede wat pas tuisgekom het. Dit is raadsaam dat hulle gereeld die geleentheid kry vir “psigies take” wat afgehandel moet word voordat hulle by die gesinsinteraksie aansluit.
Dít wat die beste in ons kan uitbring
Waar mense ook al in interaksie betrokke is, is daar dikwels wrywing en konflik. Die oorsake hiervan is veelvuldig en kan toegeskryf word aan verskillende faktore, beide in terme van groepeof individuele dinamika. Mense is van mekaar afhanklik en alhoewel groepe in dikwels in verskillende kategorieë val en met mekaar in konflik verkeer, vind die meeste konflik merendeels tussen individue plaas. Een van die redes hiervoor is moontlik omdat kontak tussen individue meer dikwels plaasvind as tussen groepe.
Kontak tussen individue is merendeels verbaal. Hierdie funksionele sfeer is moontlik die mees opvallende, unieke en mees sensitiewe van die menslike bestaan: verbale kommunikasie. Wanneer mondelingse konfrontasie lei tot insig tussen mense en dit konstruktief eerder as skadelik is, kan dit van waarde wees.
In die afwesigheid van liefde en aanvaarding kan verbale konflik en wrywing vernietigend wees. Die rol wat liefde en aanvaarding in menslike interaksie speel, kan geïllustreer word deur die volgende metafoor:
’n Metafoor vir persoonlike vorming deur ander
Ongeslypte edelgesteentes en half-edelstene se uiterlike voorkoms kan dikwels baie misleidend wees. Die ongeoefende versamelaar sou maklik gesteentes soos Agate weggooi vanweë hul kleurlose voorkoms. Agate het gewoonlik ’n vaal, saai, aardse bruin of grys kleur. Hulle het soms kristalle in die middel en kan aan die een kant na baie lyk. Hierdie uiterlike voorkoms gee gewoonlik geen aanduiding van die unieke kleure en patrone van die klip nie.
Sodra dit geslyp en gepoets is, kan 'n Agaat besondere konsentriese lyne van verskillende skakerings rondom saamgeperste, deursigtige en halfdeursigtige kristalle vorm. Wanneer gepoets, skep die kristalle die beeld van blommetjies wat van agter teen ‘n helder deurskynende glas blad gehou word.
Die prag van gekleurde stene soos Ametis en Rooskwarts kan deur voortgesette slyp en verglasing na vore gebring word. Verglasing kan op verskillende maniere gedoen word, en 'n gewilde tegniek waarmee klippe gepoleer word, word 'tuimel' genoem. Dit behels dat klippe in 'n langwerpige ronde houer saam met 'n poleer middel en water daarin, verseël word. Die houer word op twee rollers geplaas wat stadig draai, sodat die klippe teen mekaar skuur. Gedurende hierdie proses (wat in ongeveer drie sogenaamde "lopies" gedoen word), word ruwe kante en lae van elke klip verwyder. Gedurende
die tweede en derde lopie word die klippe wéér saam met water en ‘n fyner skuurmiddel in die houers gegooi. Na etlike dae toon die stene 'n diepe glans. Die voortdurende beweging en kontak met mekaar, het hul werklike kleurrykheid en diepte vrygestel en vervolmaak.
Water, (soos liefde en aanvaarding in interpersoonlike verhoudings) is absoluut noodsaaklik vir die doeltreffende werking van hierdie proses. As daar geen water in die houer is nie, kan die ware voorkoms van die klippe nooit onthul word nie. Sonder water sou verwag kon word dat die vorm van die klippe wel verander, maar dat hulle onaantreklik sou bly en mekaar eintlik net verpoeier. Hulle ware skoonheid sou nooit blootgestel word in teenstelling met dié wat in water mengsel getuimel is nie. Water het tot gevolg dat hulle skitter as voorwerpe van skoonheid, versiering en prag en die rol van water kan vergelyk word met die liefde.
Henning van Aswegen
Op 3 Desember 1963 verskyn die tien beskuldigdes in die Rivonia-saak voor regter Quartus de Wet in die Transvaalse afdeling van die hooggeregshof, in die Paleis van Justisie, Pretoria. Die beskuldigdes was Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Dennis Goldberg, Govan Mbeki, Ahmed Mohammed Kathrada, Lionel Bernstein, Raymond Mhlaba, James Kantor, Elias Motsoaledi en 112
Andrew Mlangeni. Die klagstaat het sabotasie, pogings om ’n guerrilla-oorlog in Suid-Afrika te begin en die bevordering van kommunisme ingesluit. Die adjunk-prokureurgeneraal van Transvaal, dr. Percy Yutar, was die aanklaer en tydens kruisondervraging onder eed het Walter Sisulu die volgende kwytgeraak wat vandag nog soos ’n albatros om die nekke van die ANC en SAKP hang: “Sisulu admitted under oath that the aims and aspirations of the ANC and those of the Communist Party were much the same, and that there had been close cooperation between the two movements.” Bram Fischer was een van die beskuldigdes se advokaat; die ander was die gelyste kommunis, Vernon C Berrangé. Albei advokate was bekend as briljante regsgeleerdes en toegewyde kommuniste, gerespekteer in die oë van die wêreld. In polisielêers was Fischer reeds bekend as die voorsitter van die Sentrale Komitee van die Kommunistiese Party van Suid-Afrika. Minister Vorster se opdrag was dat die polisie Fischer voorlopig moes laat begaan aangesien hy in elk geval besig was om sy eie ondergang te bewerkstellig. Dit het bekend geword dat die wenner van die Nobelprys vir Vrede, oudhoofman Albert Luthuli, wat sogenaamd gekant was teen die gebruik van geweld, ondubbelsinnig ingestem het tot ’n beleid van geweld teen die destydse regering.
Agt maande nadat die verhoor begin het, sluit die staat sy saak op 4 Maart 1964. Regter De Wet het sy uitspraak op 11 Junie 1964 gelewer waarin hy twee van die tien aangeklaagdes, James (Jimmy) Kantor en Rusty Bernstein, onskuldig bevind en ontslaan. Die oorblywende agt lede van die sogenaamde “Rivonia 11” word skuldig bevind en tot lewenslange tronkstraf gevonnis. Nelson Mandela, toe 44 jaar oud, ontvang lewenslange gevangenisstraf (in die woorde van die hof), “for plotting revolution”. Daarmee was die rug van MK gebreek en ’n streep deur die ANC/SAKP se planne getrek om beheer van Suid-Afrika met geweld oor te neem.
Ná die Rivonia-saak is lt. Van Wyk, wat oorspronklik uit die Handelstak van die SAP by die Veiligheidstak aangesluit het, met bevordering na Nylstroom en daarna na Pietermaritzburg verplaas waar hy later speurhoof word. Hierdie briljante speurder en sy adjudant by Rivonia, C.J. Dirker, wou nie later na die Buro vir Staatsveiligheid oorgaan nie en het die res van hul polisieloopbane sonder trompetgeskal aan misdaadbekamping gewy. Hulle was inderdaad manne van staal vir wie dit nooit oor apartheid gegaan het nie, maar oor ’n brutale sabotasieveldtog deur die ANC/SAKP-alliansie om ’n rewolusie in Suid-Afrika teweeg te bring.
Ronnie Kasrils, in 1963 ’n idealistiese jong kommunis, verlaat Suid-Afrika in Oktober 1963 om opleiding in rewolusionêre oorlogvoering in die Sowjet-Unie te ondergaan. Kasrils skryf later in sy boek Armed and Dangerous dat hy verwag het om binne ’n kort tydperk, hoogstens ’n paar jaar, na Suid-Afrika terug te keer as deel van ’n “victorious revolutionary army”. Kasrils sou later SuidAfrika se minister van intelligensiewese word en sy seun Andrew ’n lid van die geheime diens (SASS) se direktoraat Buitelandse Insameling.
“We Communist Party members are the most advanced revolutionaries in modern history.”
Howe en regspleging in Suid-Afrika funksioneer op bewyslas en getuienislewering en om hierdie rede was daar vanaf 1963 druk van die Suid-Afrikaanse regering op RI en die Buro vir Staatsveiligheid om tasbare getuienis teen ANC- en SAKP-lede in te samel. Tydens die Rivoniaverhoor het ’n staatsgetuie, slegs bekend as Getuie “X”, getuig dat Mandela hom en ander ANCSAKP-lede aangesê het om nooit die feit dat hulle kommuniste is, te openbaar nie. In sy verklaring in die hof het Mandela gesê: “It is true that there has often been close cooperation between the ANC and the Communist Party.” En vervolgens: “Today I am attracted by the idea of a classless society, which springs from Marxist reading. It is true that I have been influenced by Marxist thought.”
Tydens die Rivonia-klopjag op 11 Julie 1963 het die SAP-VT nie net beslag gelê op wapentuig en ’n radiosender nie, maar ook op ’n magdom dokumentasie en handgeskrewe notas. Etlike artikels op ’n Croxley-notablok in Nelson Mandela se handskrif, wat deur ’n hofaangestelde handskrifdeskundige geverifieer is, is as getuienis aan die hof voorgelê. Drie artikels in Mandela se handskrif was veral van belang: “Dialectic Materialism”, “How to be a good Communist” en die 18 bladsy lange “Political Economy”. Mandela het soos volg geskryf: “We Communist Party members are the most advanced revolutionaries in modern history. The people of South Africa, led by the South African Communist Party, will destroy capitalist society and build in its place Socialism. The transition from capitalism to socialism and the liberation of the working class cannot be affected by slow changes or by reforms as reactionaries and liberals often advise, but by revolution.”
Nelson Mandela skryf in sy eie handskrif in sy “Good Communist”-dokument: “It is imperative for all Party members to make a serious study of Marxist Philosophy and to master it completely. Only in this way will Party members become the most advanced revolutionaries.” Verder, “Marxism is a guide to action,” en “traitors and informers should be ruthlessly eliminated”.
Op 7 Augustus 1963 aanvaar die Algemene Vergadering van die VN ’n nie-bindende resolusie wat ’n beroep op ledelande doen om ’n algehele wapenboikot teen Suid-Afrika in te stel. Suid-Afrika sou voortaan sy gedwonge stryd teen die ANC en SAKP se “armed struggle” met selfvervaardigde wapens en een hand agter sy rug vasgebind, voer. Ten spyte daarvan dat die Rivonia-arrestasies die rug van die ANC/SAKP se rewolusie teen die staat gebreek het, begin Bram Fischer as voorsitter van die party en Hilda Bernstein onmiddellik herorganiseer deur ’n nuwe opperbevel vir
MK aan te stel. Met geld wat Vella Pillay vanaf Londen aan Fischer stuur, stel Fischer vir Mac
Maharaj, Dave Kitson en Wilton Mkwayi as MK se nuwe opperbevel aan en gee aan hulle opdrag om die rewolusie en gewapende stryd teen die regering voort te sit.
Die omstrede Liliesleaf-kleinhoewe is in 2009 deur Suid-Afrika se regering tot nasionale erfenisterrein verklaar, maar het op 2 September 2021 ’n ongelukkige nadraai gehad met die sluiting van die geboue en perseel. Die Departement van Sport, Kuns en Kultuur het verklaar dat hy Liliesleaf oor ’n tydperk van 13 jaar met sowat R70 miljoen van belastingbetalers se geld befonds het. Nog R8,1 miljoen is vir die 2020-2021-boekjaar vir die Liliesleaf Trust begroot, maar die geldkrane is toegedraai toe die Trust nie kon rekenskap gee van R8,1 miljoen se vermiste fondse nie.
* In DIE BURO: Genl. Lang Hendrik van den Bergh en die Buro vir Staatsveiligheid, wat deur Imprimatur Uitgewers gepubliseer word, is daar ware Suid-Afrikaanse spioenasieverhale wat die waarde van agente en spioene illustreer, en ook die enorme skade wat hulle somtyds aanrig, onder die soeklig plaas. Die enigste werklike meetinstrument van die sukses van ’n spioenasiediens is die mate waarop hy of sy die geskiedenis beïnvloed het, of nie. Die Buro vir Staatsveiligheid het ’n invloed op die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis gehad en verdien om onthou te word. Indien enige van ons lesers oor relevante inligting oor die ontwikkeling van spioenasie in Suid-Afrika, beskik, word u hartlik uitgenooi om enige inligting en foto’s aan henningvanaswegen55@gmail.com., te stuur.
* Die artikelreeks Intelegere bevat 982 bronverwysings en voetnotas, wat op aanvraag van die skrywer bekom kan word.
* Word in die volgende Nongqai vervolg.
* Voorafbestellings vir DIE BURO kan by Imprimatur Uitgewers geplaas word.
Johan Mostert
The Bureau for State Security, generally known as BOSS, was South Africa’s first national as well as civilian intelligence agency. Headed by the former head of the Security Branch of the South African Police (SAP), General Hendrik van den Bergh, it came into being in May 1969. A decade later Van den Bergh left the Bureau under the cloud of the so-called Information Scandal. In April 1978 the name of the Bureau was changed to the Department of National Security (DONS). One of Van den Bergh’s deputies, Alec van Wyk, a former policeman, succeeded him and served as head of DONS/NIS from July 1978 to 31 May 1980. On April 1, 1979, the name of DONS was changed to National Intelligence Service (NIS). On the 1 st of June 1980 Dr Niel Barnard, a young professor from Bloemfontein, succeeded Van Wyk as head of the NIS.
The period leading up to the establishment of the Bureau was fraught with turf wars in the intelligence community. The Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) and the Security Branch (SB) of the Police saw the creation of a central intelligence agency as an encroachment on their territories and a development that will diminish their access to the national decision-maker. Prime Minister Vorster nevertheless decided to go ahead with the establishment of the Bureau and simultaneously appointed a Commission of Enquiry, led by Judge HJ Potgieter, to review the situation and to make recommendations on a future intelligence dispensation. The Bureau, in the meantime, was established in terms of Government Notice 808 of May 1969 in accordance with Section 20 of the Constitution of South Africa Act (Act 32 of 1961).
Potgieter submitted his report to Government in August 1970. The report viewed the work of the Bureau as follows: The task and function of the Bureau for State Security is to investigate and to evaluate all matters, whether within the country or abroad, that threaten or have a bearing on the security and safety of the RSA and to inform the Prime Minister, as well as any interested state departments and institutions where applicable, accordingly.
From the report it was clear that the Bureau should be an intelligence organisation, not an executive arm of government: “The Bureau envisages no executive powers for itself, i.e. the Bureau merely intends to collect and handle intelligence … Should any form of operational action be required as a result of intelligence, the Bureau neither desires nor needs any powers to take such action. So far as the Bureau is concerned, operational action following upon intelligence, such as arrest, should be left to the organs of state whose statutory function this is.”
The act establishing the Bureau, The Security Intelligence and State Security Council Act (Act 64 of 1972), took due cognisance of the commission’s findings.
Section 2 of the Act on the Functions and duties of the Bureau reads as follows:
(a) to collect, evaluate, correlate and interpret national security intelligence for the purpose of-
(i) detecting and identifying any threat or potential threat to the security of the Republic;
(ii) advising the Minister to any such threat;
(b) to collect departmental intelligence at the request of any interested department of State, and without delay to evaluate and transmit such intelligence and any other intelligence at the disposal of the Bureau and which constitutes departmental intelligence, to the department concerned;
(c) to prepare and interpret, for the consideration of the Council [State Security Council], a national intelligence estimate relating to any threat to the security of the Republic, and in this regard to advise the Council of any other intelligence at its disposal which may have an influence on any State policy relating to the combat of any such threat;
(d) to formulate, for approval by the Council, a policy relating to national security intelligence, and, after consultation with the departments of State entrusted with any aspect of the maintenance of the security of the Republic, to co-ordinate the flow of security intelligence between such departments;
(e) to make recommendations to the Council on intelligence priorities.
From this, two observations are important: one, that the act established the Bureau as the national intelligence organisation, and two, that it did not endow the Bureau with any executive powers. It is interesting to note that this act also formed the basis of the national strategic intelligence act of the new democratic intelligence dispensation (Act 38 of 1994). The Bureau was not entrusted with any responsibility in actively combating the threat against the Republic other that the provision of intelligence. The other members of the intelligence community, the Special Branch (SB) of the
South African Police (SAP) and the Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI), were departmental organs supporting their line functions and promoting the sectoral interests of specific government departments. It is important to note that the members of the SB were fully fledged policemen with executive powers which the Bureau lacked. The SB was thus not a pure intelligence organisation; it was a law enforcement agency in the first place. DMI was in a similar position. It supported a line functional department, the South African Defence Force (SADF), with an executive mandate.
Even though the Bureau did not possess executive functions, it did engage in some forms of covert action, mostly of a political nature.
The different areas of specialisation in the Bureau were divided into chief directorates and divisions. The top management and their support staffs belonged to division Z. Unbeknown to the regular staff of division Z and the rest of the organisation, division Z also had “shielded” members (whose identities or work were shielded off from the rest of the organisation) who were involved in covert action under the direct command of Van den Bergh. This was in adherence to the need-toknow-principle. Their activities included efforts to influence the extra Parliamentary political scene inside the country (backing black and “coloured” political groupings useful to government) and political manipulation outside its borders (for example the funding of selected political parties in neighbouring countries). Violence and assassinations were not included in this brief.
The activities of division Z were investigated by the TRC, but the Commission did not find any evidence of human rights transgressions by any member of the Bureau (or DONS or the NIS for that matter). Because this kind of activity was in no way part of the culture of the Bureau, it was inconceivable to the minds of members that such activities could have been perpetrated by the Bureau.
Relevant findings of the TRC report are included in Annexure A.
Van den Bergh’s suffered an extremely negative public image as his obituary in the Independent (UK) in August 1997 shows: “Van den Bergh will be remembered as the sanctioner of assassination and torture in defence of the apartheid state and as a consummate blackmailer through his vast network of spies and informers. Almost anyone who was not a rampant Afrikaner was the enemy and he cast his formidable shadow far beyond South Africa's borders, seeking out anti-apartheid activists.” (The Independent, 21 Augustus 1997)
Although allegations that Van den Bergh as head of BOSS sanctioned assassinations and torture is without substantiation (conjectures without any evidence), it was nevertheless repeated in other publications.
One of the reasons why this tag has been hung around Van den Bergh’s neck, was the pronouncement when he appeared before the Erasmus Commission of Inquiry into the so-called ‘Infogate’ scandal in the late 1970s, where he hinted that his department had an operational capacity, and that murder was not beyond its line of duty: “I am able with my department to do the impossible ... I can today tell you here, not for your records, but I can tell you, I have enough men to commit murder if I tell them, kill … Hyperbolic language was typical of Van den Bergh’s style. This statement must be seen as a boast of how loyal people are to him, not as murderous intent.
In the beginning the core of the Bureau consisted mainly of members of a former police intelligence structure, the Republican Intelligence Service (RIS) with a sprinkling of people from Military Intelligence and a number of “civvies”. According to Van den Bergh “…I already had all the members of the Republican Intelligence Service (RIS) transferred, plus other specially chosen and skilled men from other departments”. The RIS was a covert structure within the Security Branch of the Police. It operated under deep cover and ordinary members of the SB were not even aware of the existence of this unit. The RIS reported directly to the then head of the SB, Van den Bergh.
The non-police members of the Bureau were mainly from the Military and the Department of Foreign Affairs. A number of civilians joined at a later stage.
The first offices of some of the divisions of the Bureau were located in the Police headquarters, Wachthuis, in central Pretoria. Many of its members also operated from their homes. In 1970 it moved to the newly completed eleven story Concilium building in Skinner Street, a street block away from Wachthuis. It later also occupied the adjacent Alphen building, the former headquarters of DMI. (It is not clear whether Van den Bergh actually occupied Alphen for an extended period in 1969 as alleged. Many rumours were doing the rounds that BOSS and MI were bugging each other.) The staff complement of the Bureau was kept secret but according to reliable sources it never exceeded one and a half thousand.
Training initially took place on the eleventh floor of Concilium. It later moved to “The Farm” where the civilian intelligence complex of the post-1994 intelligence dispensation is located today. It is now called Musanda. Before the training unit took over, the farm was where the surveillance unit, the so-called “tekkie-squad”, operated from. The original prefab construction was later replaced by a modern complex built to the specifications of the training division.
Some observers made mention of the pervasive police culture in the Bureau. What is meant by that? This: that intelligence production was in the beginning focused on tactical reporting (descriptive intelligence), concentrating on specific events and the activities of individuals of interest to state security. The task of the Bureau, however, was strategic intelligence, in other words, longer term strategic trends. This created much tension.
Strategic intelligence was, however, not totally neglected. Under the auspices of Division A, with valuable input from individuals in Division B, comprehensive analytical reports were generated for the Schlebusch Commission investigating the Christian Institute of South Africa (CI), the South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR), the University Christian Movement (UCM) and the National Union of South African students (NUSAS). These reports formed the basis for the final report of the Commission.
An important turning point in the development of the Bureau took place in 1976 with the appointment of new members to the top management (Cor Bekker, Gert Rothmann, André Knoetze). The new appointees were keen to introduce a more professional approach to strategic intelligence. The Chief Director of Research, Cor Bekker, made a major contribution to create a greater appreciation for strategic intelligence in the organisation. However, it was only with the advent of the National Intelligence Service that strategic intelligence gained its proper status.
The first National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), which was essentially a descriptive summary of the total security environment, domestic as well as foreign, was compiled in 1974 (more than 800 pages). Input was requested from the SB, DMI and Foreign Affairs. The bulk was, however, produced by the Bureau.
Annexure A
Truth and Reconciliation Committee of South Africa Report, Volume 2
Operation Plathond
67 Operation Plathond, a joint BOSS and SADF operation, involved the training of a surrogate force of Zambians for operations against the government of President Kaunda, the ANC’s most important backer in Africa. Under the command of the head of South Africa’s first special forces unit, Colonel Jannie Breytenbach, this operation is said to have trained some 200 Zambians for destabilisation operations inside Zambia. It was abandoned in 1973 or 1974, when President Kaunda made public allegations of South African interference in Zambian affairs.
68 Information about Plathond was given to the Commission by a former member of BOSS, Mr Mike Kuhn. The SADF nodal point informed the Commission that it had no knowledge of any project code-named Plathond.
69 Some evidence to back Kuhn’s claims is found in Jannie Breytenbach’s book, Eden’s Exiles: One Soldier’s Fight for Paradise (1997). Breytenbach reveals that, in 1971, he was given a mission “to train a hundred guerrillas as a nucleus around which a bigger irregular
force could be built. Everything was to be done in utmost secrecy”. Whilst he does not state that those being trained were Zambians, he writes that, as part of the training, operations were carried out in south-western Zambia “where small groups from our base would harass SWAPO bases and Zambian army garrisons which gave them support”.
70 In June 1974, the journal X-Ray on Southern Africa (IV, 9) published by the Africa Bureau in London reported that the SADF had been training a force of dissident Zambians in the Caprivi with the objective of toppling the Zambian government. The report was largely based on two court cases in which Zambians were charged with actions related to the training of Zambians in the Caprivi.
71 In a report prepared in 1989 by the Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC) in Harare for the Commonwealth Committee of Foreign Ministers and published under the title Apartheid Terrorism: The Destabilisation Report, the point is made that Namibia, and particularly the SADF bases in the Caprivi, had been used from the mid1960s as a “springboard for ... incursions into Zambia”.
VOLUME 2 CHAPTER 1 National Overview PAGE 17
72 While it has not been possible to obtain definite corroboration of Kuhn’s claims regarding Operation Plathond, there is much stronger evidence of South African involvement in the creation of a Zambian dissident force during the 1980s, in the form of the Mushala Gang. What is significant about this Zambian case is that it pre-dates by several years the conventional wisdom as to when surrogates like UNITA, RENAMO and the Lesotho Liberation Army (LLA) became key components of South Africa’s regional countermobilisation strategy.
73 The security establishment was further restructured with the creation in 1968 (retroactively legislated in 1969) of the Bureau of State Security (BOSS), a ‘super- security’ structure to which both the security police and military intelligence were required to submit intelligence on an ongoing basis. Appointed to head the agency was the special security adviser to Prime Minister Vorster, General Hendrik van den Bergh.
74 Whilst BOSS’s supremacy as an intelligence-gathering and assessment agency has never been in doubt, there has been much speculation as to whether BOSS also possessed an operational capacity in the form of the ‘Z-squad’. A former senior National Intelligence Service (NIS) counter-intelligence operative confirmed in a briefing to the Commission that a covert Z division did exist but asserted that it had never been involved in
the elimination of political opponents. An interview with one of the alleged few surviving members of this division also confirmed its existence and its involvement in Operation Plathond, in the rehousing of former PIDE officers and agents in South Africa following Mozambican and Angolan independence, and subsequently in covert intelligence collection in southern Africa. Other claims have been made that Z division specialised in interrogating South Africans who had been captured fighting alongside nationalist guerrillas in Rhodesia and Mozambique. Some of those interrogated were later killed.
75 Appearing before the Erasmus Commission of Inquiry into the so-called ‘Infogate’ scandal in the late 1970s, General van den Bergh hinted that his department had an operational capacity, and that murder was not beyond its line of duty:
I am able with my department to do the impossible ... I can today tell you here, not for your records, but I can tell you, I have enough men to commit murder if I tell them, kill ...
76 Two amnesty applications revealed that members of the South African security forces were engaging in targeted assassinations at the time of BOSS’s early existence. Brigadier WAL du Toit [AM5184/97] applied for amnesty for the production of explosive devices intended for unknown victims in 1969 and 1970, and Brigadier Willem Schoon [AM4396/96] for the abduction, arrest and killing of two ANC combatants in Zeerust in July 1972.
[The truth is that neither Du Toit nor Schoon have ever been members of the Bureau. Actually, Schoon’s attitude towards the Bureau was very hostile.]
Kommentaar deur HBH
Ons was maar ‘n unieke groep “belangrike” mense in die inligtingsgemeenskap. Dit is juis dat sommige lede van die SAP(V) nie van NI se lede gehou het nie. Ander NI-lede weer, het niks van die SAP(V) gehou nie. Ek was jare lid van die SAP(V), en die SSVR en het op akademiese vlak met lede van die inligtingsgemeenskap gestudeer. Deur die jare baie dinge gehoor. Daar was soms onmin te bespeur en tog het almal “hartlik” saamgewerk. Daar was mense wat in hul eie silo’s gewerk het en daar was klein oorloggies oor taakverdeling, mandate en areas van operasie. Selfs na die Simonstad-beraad het interne struwelinge voortgeduur. Ek weet bv ons in die SAP(V) sou verheug gewees het as ons “alles” wêreldwyd sou kon doen – maar dis nie hoe dit werk nie! Ek dink ‘n groot oorsaak is onkunde oor wat presies elke lid van die inligtingsgemeenskap se doel, taak en funksie was.
Johan Mostert
Op 2 Mei 1990 het werkgroepe van die Nasionale Party en die ANC vir die eerste keer in Groote Schuur, die presidentswoning in Kaapstad, vergader om te praat oor “onderhandelinge oor onderhandelinge”. Twee dae later is ‘n formele verklaring, die Groote Schuur-minuut, bekend gestel. Dit was die aanvang van onderhandelinge wat uiteindelik gelei het tot CODESA en die totstandkoming van die nuwe staatkundige bedeling in Suid-Afrika. Enkele dae voordat die gesprekke by Groote Schuur sou begin, gee die hoof van die Nasionale Intelligensiediens (NI), Dr. Niel Barnard, my opdrag om ‘n oorsig van die veiligheidsituasie in die land voor te berei vir die byeenkoms. Ek het onmiddellik besef dat ek hier voor ‘n besondere uitdaging gestel word. Vir jare was ek gewoond daaraan om die Staatsveiligheidsraad (SVR) voor te lig en sulke analises was dus niks nuuts nie, maar hierdie keer sou dit heel anders wees. Waar ek in die verlede die SVR gewaarsku het oor die bedreiging van die ANC/SAKP, is dit die einste ANC/SAKP wat daarna sal luister!
Dit is tye soos hierdie om te gaan stilsit en diep te dink voordat daar geskryf word. Die eerste belangrike oorweging was die invalshoek van die aanbieding. Wat moet die fokuspunt wees? Ek moes myself afvra, wat is dit wat die hoorder moet weet of besef nadat hy (hulle was almal mans) die voordrag aangehoor het? Tradisioneel sou so ‘n aanbieding fokus op die instansies wat die veiligheid van die staat in gevaar stel en hoe hulle te werk gaan. Om egter by hierdie geleentheid die ANC te identifiseer as een van die primêre oorsake van onrus en onlus sou katastrofies vir die onderhandelinge kon wees.
My fokuspunt was dus om die klem te plaas op ‘n oorsigtelike blik op die hoë vlakke van onstabiliteit en geweld in die land sonder om skuld toe te deel. Dit was nie so maklik nie. Om byvoorbeeld die situasie in een van die destydse brandpunte, Natal, waar Inkatha, die ANC en die regering almal rolspelers was, te verduidelik sonder om een van die partye te laat voel dat hulle te na gekom is, was ‘n besondere uitdaging.
Ek het pas uitgetree as hoof van interdepartementele intelligensie en het oor genoeg kennis van die strategiese veiligheidsprent beskik om dadelik in een van NI se kantore op die boonste verdieping van die HF Verwoerd-gebou, neffens die Parlementsgebou in die Kaap, te gaan sit en skryf. In daardie jare is alles nog met die hand geskryf. Barnard se bekwame sekretaresse, Irene, het my met die tikwerk gehelp. Die skryfwerk teen ‘n spertyd het bloedsweet gekos. Ek was nie gewoond om in Engels te skryf nie.
Op ‘n stadium het Barnard my meegedeel dat ek die voordrag op die vooraand van die gesprekke aan die Beleidsgroep vir Onderhandelinge (BGO) onder voorsitterskap van minister Gerrit Viljoen moet voorhou. Die deelnemende ministers en amptenare was daar. Ek was taamlik skrikkerig; sê nou net die BGO stel ter elfder ure ingrypende verstellings voor.
Die BGO het in een van die lokale in die Verwoerd-gebou vergader. Dit was al taamlik laat toe ek aan die einde van hulle beraadslaging aan die woord gestel is. Ek herinner my goed hoe ek heel agter in die vergadering gesit het en my voordrag voorgelees het, angstig oor hoe dit ontvang sou word. Nadat ek klaar was, was daar ‘n oomblik van stilte, toe sê minister Viljoen: “Dankie mnr. Mostert en onthou asseblief, politics is en nie are nie”. Die verligting was groot.
Ek oorhandig ‘n afskrif aan die minister van Polisie, Adriaan Vlok. My opdrag was om die volgende dag by Groote Schuur op bystand te wees. Ek moes buite die lokaal waar die samesprekings plaasvind wag en wanneer veiligheidskwessies aan die beurt kom, sou ek moontlik ingeroep word om die voordrag te lewer.
Voordat die deelnemers ingegaan het om met die gesprekke te begin, het hulle eers in ‘n markiestent verversings geniet. Ons amptenare wat nie deel van die formele gesprekke was nie, was baie nuuskierig om al die afgevaardigdes van “die ander kant” op ‘n afstand op te hou. Ek het dit veral interessant gevind omdat ek oor soveel van hulle in dokumente en voordragte aan die SVR gerapporteer het. Nou sien ek hulle in lewende lywe. Dit was veral Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Joe Slovo en Beyers Naudé wat my aandag getrek het.
Die deure van die lokaal is gesluit, en ek sit in die gange en wag om moontlik ingeroep te word. Ek dink aan John Milton se sonnet: They also serve who stand and wait”. Om ‘n lang storie kort te maak, toe die vergadering verdaag, was ek steeds nie ingeroep nie. Almal stroom na die persverklaring en fotosessie op die trappe buite. Ek probeer uitvind wat dan nou van my voorligting geword het. Dit blyk toe dat minister Vlok besluit het om dele uit die voorligting te gebruik in sy bydrae tot die gesprek. Daar was dus nie meer nodigheid vir ‘n formele voorligting nie.
Intelligensie het sy werk gedoen, al het ek nie self die voordrag gelewer nie. Al die ministers en amptenare wat die vorige aand na die voordrag geluister het, was voorsien van ‘n inligtingsprent
wat wat gesprekke kon rig. Die minister van Polisie was toe ook in staat om dit daadwerklik te kon gebruik in sy inset tot die vergadering. Ek was tevrede.
Jare daarna het die historikus Herman Giliomee my gevra of ek ‘n afskrif gebêre het. Ongelukkig het ek nooit daaraan gedink dat dit van historiese waarde kon wees nie.
Ek het verder min met die politieke onderhandelinge te make gehad. Ek was deur NI genomineer om in die sekretariaat van die sub-komitee vir intelligensie van die Tydelike Oorgangsraad te dien wat verantwoordelik was vir die ontwerp van die nuwe intelligensiebedeling. Daardie onderhandelinge is eers teen die einde van 1994 afgehandel.
J & J Wepener
Die stasie is erg verwaarloos en gevandaliseer. Die bo-baan vir elektriese lokomotiewe is gesteel. Wanneer treine loop moet hulle van duur diesellokomotiewe gebruik maak
Mediasie: Genl Louis Botha (toe in die Transvaal) het aangebied om tussen die Natal Kolonie en die Zulu’s (wat hy goed geken het) te onderhandel. Sy hulp is van die hand gewys.
F.P. Fouche via Dawid du Plessis
Met die uitbreek van die Anglo-Boereoorlog op 11 Oktober 1899, was Johan Georg Wasserman reeds in diens van die Oranje-Vrystaat Spoorweë. Dit is nie moontlik om vas te stel presies wanneer hy in diens geneem is nie aangesien alle rekords van die Republikeinse tydperk reeds baie jare gelede vernietig is. Dit is egter bekend dat hy met sy 21e verjaarsdag op 18 Desember 1896, reeds in hulle diens was. Sy liggaamsbou en reuse krag het vermoedelik bygedra dat hy gou aangestel is as ‘n stoker in die destydse lokomotiefdepartement. Met die opkommandering van burgers wou hy ook gaan veg maar verlof om op kommando te gaan is summier geweier deur die Engelsgesinde hoofde van die Spoorweë. Verontwaardig en sonder om te aarsel het hy na die Regeringskantore gegaan en gevra om President Steyn te spreek. Die President was sedert 1887 bekend met die familie. Die President het na sy vertoë geluister, sy versoek geweier, en hom gesê dat hy as stoker op die lokomotiewe vir hom van meer nut sou wees dan ‘n vegtende burger en dat hy na sy werk moet terugkeer en dit na die beste van sy vermoë moet gaan doen. Verbaas, en skoon uit die veld geslaan, maar tevrede met die President se uitspraak, het hy na die lokomotiefdepot teruggekeer.
Volgens oorlewering was hy die stoker van die laaste trein wat Bloemfontein verlaat het voordat die Engelse troepe die stad op 13 Maart 1900 beset het. Terwyl die trein op Smaldeel gestaan het, (nou Theunissen) en hy by die lokomotiefdepot was, het daar skielik ‘n paar kanonkoeëls ‘n hele ent van die gebou gebars. Toe daar bomme nader aan die depot bars het ‘n baie gesette jong dame wat net toe oppad na die depot was, met kos vir haar verloofde, so groot geskrik dat sy plat geval het, blitsvinnig opgespring het en die hasepad gekies het, tot groot vermaak van die enkele werkers wat nog by die depot werksaam was.
So het die trein voortbeweeg totdat dit eindelik tussen 23 en 26 Mei deur Engelse magte by Viljoensdrif-stasie gevange geneem is. Die Boeremagte het die brug oor die Vaalrivier op 26 Mei opgeblaas om te verhoed dat die Engelse magte dit nie verder gebruik nie. Enkele dae voor sy gevangeneming het hy bewus geword van die gedreun van die oprukkende troepemag wat oor ‘n wye front beweeg het en veroorsaak het dat ‘n reuse stofwolk oor die hele westelike horison
gehang het. Hierdie toneel het so ‘n indruk op hom gemaak dat hy deur die jare herhaaldelik dit vir ons vertel het. Terwyl Johan Georg op Viljoensdrif by die lokomotief gestaan het, het daar skielik ‘n ruiter uit een van die kolonne op hom afgepeil en gevra, “Do you have any Kruger pennies?” Sy antwoord was, “No, I have no crooked pennies”. Hy het die res van sy lewe oor daardie insident lekker gelag en gespot met sy destydse gebrekkige Engels.
Dit is onbekend hoeveel mense saam met die treinpersoneel daardie dag gevange geneem is. Hulle is na Vereniging geneem waar hulle ‘n paar dae aangehou is. Daar is toe besluit dat aangesien die treinpersoneel nie-vegtende burgers was hulle vrygelaat kon word en moes na hulle huise terugkeer.
Omdat daar op daardie tydstip geen trein vervoer vir hulle terug na Bloemfontein was nie het Johan Georg besluit om huis-toe te loop. Hy het saam met ossewaens gestap en vir £5.0.0 (R10.00) het hy gereël dat sy kosblik op een van die ossewaens gesit kon word, maar hy moes stap. So het hy al die pad na Bloemfontein geloop waar hy vir die res van die Oorlog gebly het.
Op 13 Desember 1902, is hy deur die nuwe Spoorweg-administrasie in diens geneem as ‘n arbeider. Hy het deur die jare in verskeie hoedanighede, op verskillende stasie in die Vrystaat gewerk, totdat hy op 1 Julie 1929, weens mediese ongeskiktheid uit die diens moes tree Die hitte van stoomketels op verskillende stasies waar hy pompman was, het veroorsaak dat die retinas van albei oë los gekom en uitgedroog het wat 90% blindheid veroorsaak het.
F.P. Fouche. (Verskyn in KNAPSAK, jaargang 6 no1, Junie 1994.) Aangepas 21 Februarie 2006.
Ek het gedink dit sal interessant wees om die hooflyn deur die OVS tydens die ABO te illustreer met foto’s. Een foto is ‘n duisend woorde werd. ‘n Mens kan nou sien hoe die wêreld, waar Boer en Brit geveg het, gelyk het. Die spoorlyn was ‘n nuwigheid – baie vrag moes nog per ossewa van plase deur driwwe na spoorwegstasies en terug vervoer word. Mense het nog te perd en per perdekar of muilwa gereis. Natuurlik was daar ander lyne ook – maar ons storie (hierbo) dek slegs die hooflyn. Nou kan ons ‘n goeie begrip kry oor hoe die dorpe gelyk het. Links foto van pres MT Steijn– die president van die Vrijstaat Republiek
1. Die eerste stoom-lokomotief stoom die Vrijstaat, vanuit die Kaap Provinsie binne, op die 5de Oktober 1889 te Norvalspont.
3 Eerste stoomlokomotief in Bloemfontein by Kaalspruit-spoorwegstasie afgeneem 17 Desember 1890.
4. Bloemfontein stasie...1890's
7 Kroonstad.
8 Kroonstad.
9 Kroonstad Viljoensdrift
OVSS-lokomotiewe te Viljoensdrift deur die Boere beskadig sodat die Britte dit nie kon gebruik.
Oliver John Hindon is gebore op 20 April 1874 in Skotland.
Hy sluit op 14 jarige ouderdom by die Britse Weermag aan as ń trom speler.
Sy eenheid word ontplooi in Zululand waar hy na bewering as gevolg van ‘n argument tussen hom en sy bevelvoerders, dros.
Hy sluit tydens die Anglo Boereoorlog aan by die Middelburg Kommando en speel ń belangrike rol tydens
die slag van Spioenkop (Januarie 1900).Tydens hierdie slag behaal die Boere ń oorwinning oor die Britse magte.
Hy word as deel van die Boere se Verkennerskorps bevorder tot die rang van kaptein.
Hy was veral bekend daarvoor dat hy die spoorlyne met dinamiet vernietig het vandaar die bynaam "Dynamite Jack".
Na die oorlog keer hy terug na Middelburg.
Hy was getroud met Pauline néé Coetzee.
Hy woon in Blake huis, ń gastehuis wat deur sy vrou bestuur is.
Hy sterf op19 Maart 1919 in Pretoria se ZAR hospitaal na ń operasie en word in die Middelburg Gholfsig begraafplaas begrawe.
Foto 1 : ń Jong Jack Hindon (Foto krediet Facebook Middelburg Onthou bladsy).
Foto 3: Graf van Jack Hindon in die Gholfsig begraafplaas (Rudi van Wyk).
To understand the Boer Strategy before and during the ABW you have to go back to beginning of the 18 Th centuries. Simon and W.A. van der Stel set the farmers free (1670-1707) to produce more farm products for the Dutch East India Company. The farmers became livestock farmers who soon needed more grazing for their animals. They moved further north.6 The colonial authority expanded the Cape borders to keep control of the Farmers.
On the eastern border of the Cape the farmers clashed with in Xhosa people moving south from central Africa. Several border wars followed, but in 1833 the Colonial Office started a strategy of negotiations. Sir Benjamin D’Urban was instructed to enter into discussions with the various tribal
5. Wikipedia. Military strategy is a set of ideas by military organisations to pursue desired strategic goals.
6 . Captain August F. Finley. 1873. Adamantia. The Truth about the South African Diamond Fields. P.32
Foto 2 : Blake Huis gastehuis waar Jack Hindon gewoon het (Foto krediet Facebook Middelburg Onthou bladsy).
chiefs and where possible to conclude treaties with them. In pursuance of this policy, the Cape colonial authorities concluded over a period of fifteen years (1833-1845) about fifteen treaties. However these treaties were based on Western and/or colonial values and ignored the traditional systems of the black people. In 1846 Sir Harry Smith was of the opinion that this strategy was unsuccessful and implemented a new strategy - the use of political and military power to settle differences. He explained this strategy when he took a piece of white paper and very dramatically tore it up into to bits and declared … “there goes the treaties … no more treaties”. 7 As part of the new strategy, he annexed the territory between the Keiskamma- and the Kei Rivers.8
The Boers were extremely upset with the Cape authorities handling of these disputes, can be regarded/seen as one of the main reasons for the Great Trek. The Boers settled in Natal, the territories north of the Orange River and north of the Vaal River. According to Captain Findley some of the land was inhabited, while the Boers also negotiated for land from the tribal chiefs. These agreements were not always documented, but Captain Findley published some of it in his book while others other was recorded and published in the Grahamstown Journal. 9 In December 1838 Potgieter gave notice of developments north of Orange River to the Cape Governor and declared the region north of the Vet River an independent Voortrekker territory. In 1842 Winburg was established as town in the territory.10
However, Sir Harry Smith once again demonstrated the strategy of force in 1848 when he attacked and defeated the Boers in the Battle of Boomplaats and declared the territory north of the Orange River as British territory and called it the Orange River Sovereignty. Lindley11 put it that he annexed “all lands in dispute and not in dispute, regardless of any and every claim, and to whomever belonging.” Any existing agreements were ignored. However, due to disputes with the black tribes the British Government withdraw from the areas north of the Orange- and Vaal Rivers. These areas became the independent Boer republics. The South African Republic (ZAR 1852) and the Orange Free State Republic (OFS 1854).
This was not the end of the British/Colonial strategy of force. During the Basotho war of 1869 the colonial powers annexed the then Basotho-Land, now Lesotho. When diamonds were discovered in the Free State, the Griqua Chief Waterboer claimed the diamond fields. According to the Bloemfontein Convention (1854) the diamond fields were part and parcel of the Free State The Cape Colonial Government backed/supported the Waterboer ‘s claim, and in 1871 the Governor of
7 . Louis Changuion and Bertus Steenkamp. 2011. Disputed Land - The Historical Development of the South African Land Issue, p. 45
8 . Louis Changuion and Bertus Steenkamp, p.45
9 . Findley. 1873. Pp 24-61.
10. Kruger, C.J. (2006) - Die Grond problematiek in SA. ‘N Histo-Geopolitieke Oorsig. P.62
11 . Ibid., p.46
the Cape, Sir H. Barkly annexed the diamond fields “by armed force.”12 Although President Brand of the Free State won the dispute in the British High Court in London, the British Government kept the diamond fields but paid the Free State Republic £70 000 compensation.
When gold was discovered in the ZAR the British- and Colonial Governments were interested in the area in 1877 the territory was annexed the ZAR as a British colony. The First War of Independence followed and after the battle of Amajuba the ZAR’s independence was restored. This was followed by the Jameson Raid in 1895. Once again, a political strategy supported by military force.
The ABW (1899-1902) was initially regarded as a gentlemen’s war, but the military culture of mass trooping and the excessive use violence in Europe during the late nineteenth century became the British norm.13 Elizabeth van Heyningen describe the period as follows: The period since the 1890 has seen a world in which civilians have not just been the casual victims of the armies, but in which they have been subject to unprecedented levels of systematised incarceration, conscription, forced labour, violence and mass killing.” 14 To deny the Boer forces commissariat the British introduced a policy of scotched earth and concentration camps. The civilian population became part and parcel of this culture.
Military Experience of the Boer Republics prior to the ABW.
The military system of Boer Republics was known as the commando system with elected leaders, supported by two small artillery corpses. Both republics fought several wars against black tribes and these clashes were characterised by
lack of offensive operations;
incompetent or weak leaders; and
a tactic/strategy of “wait and see.” The commandos would seize the enemy’s positions and prohibit water and food to reach the enemy. They then wait for the enemy to surrender.
Political Alliance, 1889
The Annexation of the ZAR in 1877 was a shock to both the ZAR and the OFS. The burghers of the Free State joined the ZAR forces and some even took part in the Battle of Amajuba in 1881. The Republican governments discussed the need for closer co-operation and in 1885 they agreed
12 . Findley, 187, p.v.
13 . Elizabeth van Heyningen. 2013. Concentration Camps of the Anglo-Boer War, p.x
14. Ibid., p.x.
to a Political Alliance (PA). In 1889 the PA was extended to include military support if the independence of any republic was threatened. 15
Jameson Raid, 1896
This situation in Southern Africa changed dramatically after the Jameson Raid in 1896.16 Pres Steyn of the FS demanded in a discussion with President Kruger that both governments should inform the other of any action that may endanger the other’s independence. Pres Steyn emphasised that anyone of the two governments can take steps to solve a security problem. This addition to the PA was approved by the OFS Government on 17 June 1896.17
Role of the ZAR Commandant General
To conduct combined operations highlighted another problem. The ZAR’s Commandant- General was in command of the ZAR military. In the OFS the president was in control, and when more than one commando operates in an area, the military council (krygsraad) will elect a chiefcommandant for the operation. As the rest of the OFS officers the chief-commandant was a volunteer. The PA determined that in any combined operation the ZAR Commandant- General, Piet Joubert will be in overall command. The problem was that he had no contact with the OFS commandos and the Free State officers didn’t trust him.18 This decision was only partly implemented on the Natal border and in1900 with the guerrilla phase the role of the CommandantGeneral was totally discontinued.
In August 1899 advocate (later general.) J.B.M. Hertzog urged President Steyn that the Boer Republics must develop a military strategy with the primary aim to move from a defensive - to an offensive strategy. Interesting to note that General Hertzog studied the military strategy and tactics (warfare) of Frederik the Great (Frederik die Grote).19
In August 1899, when it was clear that war was inevitable, General Hertzog discussed the advantages of an offensive strategy with Advocate Jacob de Villiers, the OFS State Attorney. He undertook to once again discuss it with the President Steyn and he eventually convinced President Steyn that an offensive strategy was absolute necessary. It was decided that Adv. De Villiers and Marthinus Prinsloo (Chief Commandant during the Basotho Wars) should visit President Kruger to discuss an offensive strategy. In the meantime the Advocate (later general) J.C. Smuts, State Attorney in the ZAR wrote a letter dated 4 September 1899 to President Kruger and the ZAR Government to suggest an offensive strategy. It seems as if Hertzog, De Villiers and Smuts
15 . JA Steenkamp.1976. Die Verdedigingstelsel van die OVS, 1854-1899. Unpublished MA, UFS p. 219.
16. M.C.E. van Schoor. 2009. Marthinus Theunis Steyn p.69.
17 . Ibid.
18 . ibid., 150.
19 . Ibid., p.148
discussed the strategy beforehand, but no record could be found. Furthermore, the ZAR Secret Service reported to Smuts and it is also possible that the Secret Service informed Smuts of Hertzog’s strategy.20
President Kruger and Commandant-General P.J. Joubert agreed with the proposed offensive strategy - President Kruger even said they were planning to cross the border into Natal. For the first time the Boer Republics agreed on an offensive military strategy- a military strategy designed by senior legal personalities.21 It is not a surprise that both Hertzog en Smuts were promoted to generals during the ABW.
At the same meeting with President Kruger and Commandant-General Joubert, it was decided that the FS commandos in the southern FS should concentrate on the southern border of the FS and invade the Cape Colony to occupy strategic points. However, General Joubert only gave the FS forces permission to cross the border a week after the declaration of war. The FS forces in the southern FS were only 2 500 burghers strong and requests for more men from CommandantGeneral Joubert were either ignored or enforcements turned up too late to be part of this operation. At this stage the British forces already occupied some strategic bridges and railway lines. The FS commandos that succeeded in crossing the border were well received but too small in numbers to be effective. The rest of the FS commando’s, under command of ChiefCommandant Prinsloo joined Commandant General Joubert and the ZAR Commando’s on the borders of Natal and Northern Cape.
Chief-Commandant Prinsloo was in the beginning of the ABW an old man of 62 years who in principle disagreed with the actions/decisions of Commandant-General Joubert. According to reports he almost never left his tent. When President Steyn visited the front to motivate the FS burghers, President Kruger complained about the attitude of Prinsloo. President Steyn then decided to appoint competent officers and appointed Commandant C.R. de Wet as a general (veggegenraal?)
Some of the Boer leaders like General De la Ray turned out to be excellent military strategists. The trenches at the Battle of Magersfontein stunned the world.
The offensive strategy was in theory a good strategy, but in practice a failure. Reasons can be summarised as follows:
The offensive strategy was not executed as planned. Commandant-General Joubert, as well as General Cronje on western front crossed the borders of Natal and the Northern Cape but fell back on the tactic/strategy of “wait and see.” The seizure of Ladysmith and Kimberley are good examples. Generals De la Rey and De Wet urged Cronje to allow them
20 . Douglas Blackburn & Captain W. Waithman Caddel. 1911. Secret Service in South Africa. Chapter X11.
21 . MVE van Schoor. 2009. p.150
to attack the British forces in the Cape Colony with1 500 mounted burghers to disrupt their supply services (commissariat) and communications. General Cronje was of the opinion that he cannot do without them.
The decision to confront the British forces in a typical conventional war was in military terms not feasible. The British fielded 450 000 soldiers while the Boer Republics could muster 55 000 burghers, supported by 2000 volunteers and 16 000 rebels. At the end of the war the Boer forces counted less than 30 000.
In this early phase of the war the senior selected officers had no knowledge of this type of war. The burghers were ill-disciplined and left their defensive positions at will. There was a need for capable officers and President Steyn decided in certain instances to appointment officers directly, eg General Christiaan De Wet. In the ZAR General Louis Botha and General De la Rey were leaders in their own right.
President Steyn said the period from December 1899 to March 1900 was the worst time of his life. According to Deneys Reitz, after the withdrawal from the borders the FS commando’s almost “disappeared altogether.” 22 General Cronje with 4000 FS burghers surrendered on February, 27 (Amajuba Day) to Lord Robberts and on March, 13 Lord Robberts entered Bloemfontein, the capital city of the OFS. The city was undefended, and no shot was fired.
Just before the fall of Bloemfontein, the FS Government moved to Kroonstad. Lord Robberts proclaimed that the war in the FS was over and that the commandos can go back home. President Steyn and the FS government responded with FS proclamation dated March, 19 that “the state of the FS is still in existence and the FS government will carry out its responsibilities.”23 President Steyn reminded the FS burghers that when the FS government decided to be part of this war, “all of you were convinced it is a just war”, we cannot let go. 24 He mentioned that he discussed the continuation of the war with President Kruger and they decided to call a major war council (groot krygsraad) on March, 17 in Kroonstad consisting of officers of both republics.
Both presidents attended this war council. President Kruger started/opened the meeting with prayer and President Steyn was selected as chairperson. Steyn emphasised in his introduction that he was not prepared to surrender and will continue till the bitter end. General de Wet responded by saying that the independence of the republics was not questionable. Steyn continued by stating that we cannot wait for the enemy in prepared positions, we must change our
22 .Deneys Reitz.1929.Commando,p.96
23. Ibid. p.173. My Translation.
24 . Ibid. My Translation.
way of fighting (strategy) to harass the enemy by attacking their communication lines and supply routes. Commandant Piet Joubert agreed and proposed that the commandos must split up in smaller mobile groups to attack the enemy, cut their communication and supply routes. The commando-groups should where possible co-ordinate and support each other. General De Wet seconded the motion, and it was anonymously accepted. It was also decided that no wagons would be part of the new commandos and a war council of at least seven officers could decommission an incompetent officer.
A new strategy was in place. The success of this strategy can be seen in the fact that the war continued for more than two years. Initially the ABO war was regarded as a gentlemen’s war, but the British military policy of scorched earth and the concentration camps forced the Boer leaders to negotiate for peace.
It is assumed by many historians that the unconventional/guerrilla strategy of the Boers introduced another type of warfare, and the British military were not trained to fight such a war. Field Marshall Lord Carver put it that the British Empire was in1899 at the height of its power but was about the meet its nemesis in the unlikely form of Dutch farmers of two small republics in Southern Africa. The Boer Generals, despite their lack of military training succeeded in keeping the British at bay for nearly three bloody years. 25
The question can be asked, how did the Boer generals succeed/do it?? Therefore, it is interesting to compare the Boer unconventional/guerrilla strategy against the Principles of War.26
1. Selection and the Maintenance of the Aim/Clear Objective. Military strategists agree that all actions in warfare to be undertaken must be in support of the political goal of the government. The governments of both republics were of the opinion that the ABW was a just war and the aim was to retain the ZAR and OFS independence. At the peace negotiations in May 1902, several Boer officers were prepared to continue the war.
2. Offensive Actions. This principle stresses that offensive actions is necessary to achieve decisive results and to maintain freedom of action. The principle demands that the commander must retain the initiative. This can be achieved by the concentration of fire on suitable targets; and the selection of aims, place, time and means. 27 The actions/operations of general De wet and De la Ray applied this principle in practice. See also Offensive Actions
3. Surprise. Surprise is the most effective and powerful influence in any war. The success of the Boer generals during the guerrilla phase can mainly attribute to this principle. (Sannaspos)
25. Field Marshall Lord Carver. 2000.The National Army Museum Book of the Boer War. Cover Page.
26 http://google.co.za. Clausewitz, On War: J.A. Steenkamp (1990). Disinformation – The war of Words, Armed Forces, January 1990;
27. SA Army. Conventional Land Battle, p.23.
4. Concentration and Economy of Force. Concentration of force at the decisive place and time. At the war council of March, 17 it was decided to form smaller mobile forces (Economy of Force) but that the commandos must co-ordinate and concentrate/combine for a decisive operation. It was not always possible, but the reconnaissance troops kept the generals up to date with what is going on in the rest of the country. See Offensive Actions and Unity of Command
5. Security. This principle requires that actions be kept secret. In the latter part of the ABW this principle was extremely difficult. The commandos (bittereinders) had to reckon with the traitors, as well as black South Africans that joined the British forces. In some instances, General De Wet told his burghers at the last moment what he intends doing.
6. Flexibility and Manoeuvre. Extremely important for any offensive operation. Do the unexpected. See Offensive Actions and Concentration of Force.
7. Unity of Command. As indicated under the principle Selection and Maintenance of the Aim, all actions must be co-ordinated to contribute to the achievement of the common goal. Dring the guerrilla phase of the ABW unity of command was not possible, but the commandos met from time to time to discuss the situation and possible offensive actions. The reconnaissance troops kept the generals up to date.
8. Logistical Support. Due to the British strategy of scotched earth this principle was extremely difficult during the latter part of the war. This was one of the reasons why the Boer generals decided to negotiate peace in 1902.
Notwithstanding the lack of military training, the Boer generals contributed to the better understanding of the principles of war. It is still unbelievable that the ABW lasted almost three years and generals Louis Botha, De Wet and De la Ray were recognised and respected worldwide as excellent military leaders.
JA (Bertus) Steenkamp
Nico Moolman
Nico Moolman
Antonio De Robertis
Dear Hennie,
Did you know that between 1890 and 1899 a copy of the self-portrait with a bandaged ear made by Joseph Jacob Isaacson for his friend Cornelis arrived in South Africa from the Van Gogh family? Here is this fascinating story in detail which cost me months of research.
I have found the genesis of the origin of the copy actually on the hands of a citizen of Pretoria, who purchased it in the H. Falkson warehouses in Pretoria in 2016 and where it was probably sold directly by Cor in 1899 or by his ex-wife Anne Catherine Fucks at the beginning of the 20th century. Now new interesting details emerge from my meticulous research.
1901. ABO. Kaptein Jack Hindon ontspoor ñ trein naby Uitkykstasie.
Between 1890 and 1899 a copy of the self-portrait with a bandaged ear made by Joseph Jacob Isaacson for his friend Cornelis arrived in South Africa from the Van Gogh family?
On 2 May 1889, Vincent van Gogh sent Theo many paintings in 2 crates, including the original of the self-portrait with bandaged ear F529. In the following days Theo and his new wife Johanna are visited by painter friends, Pisarro father and son Lucien, Nibbrig and Isaacson, who have the opportunity to see the works sent by Vincent.
Isaacson then decides to write a series of articles for a Dutch newspaper on Van Gogh. The first was released on 17 August 1889 just as Cornelis was in Paris as a guest of Theo and Johanna from 15 to 23 August. Isaacson and Cornelis became friends while also talking about the Transvaal.
On 8 October 1889 Theo wrote to Vincent that Isaacson wanted to do a more in-depth article on his art and asks him to have some paintings to examine at his home, including the self-portrait with a bandaged ear. At the end of October, the article was published in Holland and Vincent wrote to his sister Wil that he wanted to give a self-portrait of his to Isaacson, perhaps later exchanged for the one now at the NGA.
It is very likely that Isaacson made the copy in this period. The fact is that Isaacson wrote to Theo on 27 November that he wanted to leave for the Transvaal within 3 weeks at the most. But from a letter from Wil to Andries Bonger and Mrs. dated 3 April 1890 we know that Isaacson gave up the trip and returned to Amsterdam in January. It is logical to deduce that Cor and Isaacson remained in an epistolary relationship and that Isaacson sent the copy to Cor between January/February
1890. In fact, Cor wrote a letter to his mother and to his sister Wil from Johannesburg on 27 February 1890 in which he talks among other things about portraits placed on the walls of the house. Enough to reopen with rigor and seriousness the investigations into any other works by Vincent in Cor's possession.
In particular, it is necessary to investigate the relationship between Cor and the Dutch painter from Rotterdam, Frans David Oerder. Oerder left Rotterdam for the Transvaal on 7 April 1890, while Joseph Jacob Isaacson renounced the trip. Did the two know each other? Did Isaacson by chance hand it over to Oerder a package for Cor?
The fact is that we know for sure that Cor and Oerder both worked for the NZASM until 1895 and then in 1899 they were both in the Anglo Boer War. Cor died on 12 April 1900 in Brandfort and Oerder was taken prisoner by the English in September 1900. What kind of relationship was there between the two? Could it be that Cor donated one or more of his brother's paintings to Oerder? We know that Oerder in prison (POW ?) may have met Italian volunteers, in particular Giuseppe Lantieri di Paratico in the province of Brescia. The fact is that in 1908 Oerder returned to Holland to Rotterdam via Italy where he it stops for about 6 months.
While we still do not have absolute certainties on the presence in South African territory of works by Van Gogh brought or owned by Cor, we can state that since May 2014 two elderly ladies from Johannesburg have come into possession by inheritance of a portrait of a bearded man, F209 which the museum of Melbourne has returned them through legal action by the lawyer Olaf S. Ossmann of Wintherthur, who for years has been dealing with the restitution of works stolen from the Jews by the Nazis. (see https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2019/03 /the-quest-for-theauthenticity-of-van-goghs-head/). Unfortunately, however, years earlier, in July 2007 the Van
Head of a man F209 - Van Gogh At Van Gogh Museum 31 May 2023, left to right: Emanuele Della Bella, Antonio De Robertis, Teio Meedendorp and Louis Van Tilborgh.
Gogh museum had ruled that the work was not by Van Gogh. Since 2014 I have personally dealt with the case, managing to demonstrate its authenticity with an exhaustive essay/expertise that I discussed without success with Louis Van Tilborgh and Teio Meedendorp on 31 May 2013 in Amsterdam at the museum. I wanted to remember it here because South Africa and especially the Transvaal deserve historically to be able keep a work by Van Gogh that has been destined for its territory for 10 years in a museum in Pretoria or Johannesburg.
Help us make this dream come true within reach.
I invite anyone who knows more to contact us.
With best regards.
Antonio and Emanuele
Dr Dennis du Toit
Die is Harley Davidson 42 U1077, 'n oorspronklike oud-SA Unie Verdedigingsmag motorfiets.
Met die uitbreek van 2de Wêreldoorlog 1938 tot 1941 het die Unie Verdedigingsmag 1156 van hierdie 1200cc Harley’s met syspanne aangekoop.
Ook is daar 3350 kleiner 750cc Harley Davidson motorfietse aangekoop.
Somtotaal van 4500 motorfietse en ongelooflik baie parte vir die SA Verdedigingsmag.
Die groot motorfietse het alom bekend gestaan as 10/12's omrede dit 'n 10 perdekrag en 1200cc silinderinhoud enjin het.
Die kleiner solo fietse word genoem 5/7's wat dan 5 perdekrag en 750cc is.
Ander teorie is dat by 10/12 die 10 dui op die petrolrantsoen van 10 gallon vir die 1200cc syspankombinasie en die 5/7 dan 5 gallon rantsoen vir die 750 cc motorfiets.
Die syspan-kombinasie, of soos in algemene taal "sidecar", aan die linkerkant is net vir die SA Verdedigingsmag spesiaal vervaardig, wat dit redelik uniek maak.
Tydens 1939 is “Number 1 and 2 Motorcycle Companies” onder “Special Services Batallion (SSB)” gestig wat in 1941 verander het na “Armoured Car Regiment” en die stigting van “Number 3 Motorcycle Company”.
Elk van die “Motorcycle Companies” het 93 solo-motorfietse en 30 syspan- kombinasies gehad.
Opleiding het by SSB in Voortrekkerhoogte en Zonderwater plaasgevind. Sien foto hier onder van opleiding.
Opleiding met 5/7 Harleys.
Dank aan Nico Moolman vir van die unieke foto’s en Jenny Bosch se "colourizing".
1940/41 Motorcyle Company Voortrekkerhoogte. Almal syspan-kombinasies.
Die Harley Davidson’s is aangekoop omrede dit sterk, robuuste motorfietse was met lae onderhoud.
Daarom was dit geskik gewees vir diens in moeilike omstandighede in Noord Afrika tydens 2de Wêreld Oorlog.
Pragtige artikel deur E Mendel vir S.A. Krygshistoriese Verenging se Military Journal no 10 - June 1995. Krediet aan hulle.
Seiner A Ross te El Alamein, Egipte.
"U" nommerplate is gebruik vir SA Unie Weermag voertuie tot 1961.
Met Republiekwording en verander dit na "R" nommerplate.
Na die 2de Wêreldoorlog is van die motorfietse verkoop op veilings en ander afgedeel na die SA Polisie vir diens.
TN 911 Ventersdorp Polisie.
Hier kom my Harley Davidson 42U1077 nou weer na vore.
Dit is gekoop deur Kapt. Luke Jacobs, wat gedien het in 6th SA Amoured Division in Noord Afrika.
Hier sit Kapt Luke Jacobs en sy vader LM Jacobs in die syspan in die laat 1940's.
Die fiets is reeds aangepas vir die siviele lewe met Johannesburg nommerplaat TJ 746 Tuisgemaakte windskerm, truspieël en wit geverfde ‘witwal’ bande vir spoggerigheid.
LM Jacobs koop dit en bring dit Potchefstroom toe. Nou TX 171. Korrekte windskerm is gelukkig bekom.
Die man het 'n linker "houtbeen" gehad soos oorvertel deur sy kleinseun Dave Jacobs wat ook die fantastiese familiefoto’s aan my geskenk het. Dit moes baie vernuf gekos het om die Harley te ry wat 'n "voet clutch" het wat jy met jou linkervoet moet beheer.
Die man ruil toe die fiets vir ‘n motor, wat te verstane is, by John Handford die hoof Verkeersman van Potchefstroom gedurende 1950's.
Sy seun, Johnny erf dit en haal dit uitmekaar in 1958 om te verf. Gelukkig net skuurmerke op modderskerm en tenk.
In 2003 koop ek dit in stukke, maar gelukkig volledig.
Die "soldaat" nog nie periode korrek genoeg na my mening.
Versameling van ons 1940's oorspronklike Harley Davidson parte.
Artikel deur Koos de Wet
Na aanleiding van Erika se post oor die pantservervaardiger Huta Stalowa Wola in Pole en haar verdere kommentaar oor die tegnologie (en hulp) wat ons van ander lande gekry het tydens die Grensoorlog, wil ek by haar aansluit en ‘n paar gedagtes met lesers deel. Wat ongelukkig so dikwels uit die oog verloor word is die (stille) hulp wat ons gekry het van oorsee af wat dikwels nie oor gepraat word of erken word nie, maar waarsonder ons nie die oorlog so suksesvol sou kon gevoer het nie - die verkryging van belangrike toerusting en tegnologie op ‘n tydstip toe die wêreld sanksies toegepas het wat ons as muishond van die wêreld nie toegelaat het om vryelik toerusting en tegnologie te bekom wat ons benodig het nie. Leunstoelkrygers moenie nou weer weghardloop met die "ons kon alles self doen en het nie buitelandse hulp nodig gehad nie" feeverhaal nie. In baie gevalle kon ons nie die ontwikkeling bekostig nie, of ons het nie oor die nodige tegniese vermoë beskik om dit te doen nie of ons het bloot net nie die tyd gehad om dit te doen nie of kombinasies van voorgenoemde. Ons was beslis invoerders, ontwerpers van unieke toerusting en op die gebied van landmynbestande voertuie, die wêreld dekades voor, MAAR in baie gevalle sou ons nie kon gedoen het wat ons gedoen het sonder buitelandse tegnologie of hulp nie. ‘n Klein voorbeeld om dit te illustreer. Toe ek in 1976 die oorspronklike Buffel prototipe gebou het op die standaard Unimog 416.162 van die destydse SAW, was dit gou duidelik dat die voertuig "top heavy" was en iets dringend gedoen moes word om die situasie te verbeter. Vir ons was as dit nie ‘n opsie om die basiese Unimog te probeer herontwerp nie en toe ek Daimler Benz nader vir hulp het hulle vir my gesê om ‘n nuwe onderstel en suspensie vir daardie model Unimog te ontwerp en toets sou maande neem en baie duur wees, MAAR hulle kon my as ‘n noodmaatreël help om ten minste die stabiliteit te verbeter. Hulle het n "anti-roll bar" in voorraad gehad wat hulle op Unimogs met hidrouliese krane gebruik het wat ek kon modifiseer en inbout en hulle was ook besig om eksperimentele wielnawe ("rims") met ‘n breër wielsporing saam met die firma Lemmertz te ontwikkel en sou vir my so ‘n stel "rims" per lugvrag stuur om te toets. letterlik binne ‘n week het ek die "anti-‘rollbar" en die nuwe "rims" ontvang en gepas wat agterna op al die Buffels gepas is. Dis ‘n voorbeeld van die hulp wat ons van goedgesinde buitelandse "vriende" gekry het. Ja, ons kon dit self ontwerp het maar dit sou die projek maande vertraag het op ‘n tydstip toe daar ‘n ernstige myngevaar was. Wat my terugbring by Huta Stalowa Wola (HSW). Hulle was ‘n groot maatskappy in Pole met dekadeslange ondervinding van pantserstaalvervaardiging en pantservoertuigontwerp en vervaardiging en hul kennis van pantserstaal was van die beste in die wêreld. Omdat massa so ‘n groot rol speel in die ontwerp van mynbestande en ander pantservoertuie, probeer ontwerpers om die sterkste, dunste staal te 167
gebruik om die massa so laag moontlik te hou. En HSW het pantserstaal oor die jare ontwikkel wat harder was as wat ons in Suid-Afrika gehad het en wat beter ballistiese beskerming gebied het wat ons in staat kon stel om ligter voertuie te ontwerp en bou. En natuurlik, oor die jare het hulle die tegnologie om daardie harde staal te buig, sny en sweis vervolmaak wat goud werd was. En toe ek die kans gekry het kort na oom "Gorby" die Ystergordyn gelig het om HSW te besoek met die doel om te kyk of ons toegang kon kry tot hul pantserstaaltegnologie, het ek onmiddellik die geleentheid met albei hande aangegryp. As die tyd dit toelaat, sal ek later in meer detail oor my besoek aan HSW skryf maar laat ek solank net dit sê, die Hoof van Sekuriteit by HSW (seker ‘n goeie, geharde ou kommunis?) was bitter ongelukkig oor my besoek (as die vyand?) en het geweier om my toe te laat ten spyte daarvan dat ek al die nodige dokumentasie gehad. Na ‘n lang gesprek met sy base in Warskou (wat hy duidelik nie geniet het nie!) het hy die gehoorstuk neergegooi (meer neergemoer as neergegooi) en al knorrend en swetsend my paspoort en die magtigingsbrief van die Poolse Departement van Verdediging oor die blink gepoleerde ontvangstoonbank gesmyt dat dit daar doer op die vloer beland het waar ek dit moes gaan optel. En toe kon ek ingaan... Ja, well no fine... Einde van die saak was dat ek ‘n uitstekende en baie waardevolle besoek aan HSW gebring het. https://youtu.be/G9BWql8qT1c?si=0VKs_hd2ouz2Y-Oi
Walter V. Volker is an independent payments consultant, and CEO of Volker and Associates (Pty) Ltd. His current role follows more than three decades experience and leadership in the banking and payments industry, including twelve years as CEO of the Payment Association of South Africa (PASA). Prior to this he worked for Absa Bank for almost 18 years. During that time, he established and headed up the banking group’s payments function – as General Manager of Group Payment Systems (GPS).
Over the years Walter has served on a number of boards and committees, including the BankservAfrica board, Allpay board, Mastercard Global Debit Advisors board, EMVCo Board of Advisors, PASA Council, Swift National Member Group, Mastercard Chip Expert Group, EMV Forum, RTC Forum, NPS Act Standing Committee, and the SARB NPS Strategy Committee. His military experience includes two years of national service (1981 – 1982) primarily in the SA Corps of Signals in Heidelberg and Wonderboom Military Base, followed by eight years as a citizen force officer in various exercises and operations at the Army Battle School in Lohatla, the operational area in northern SWA/ Namibia, and so on. He attained the rank of Captain and OC: 222 Signal Squadron.
Walter holds a B.Sc. degree (Pret), MBL degree (cum laude) (UNISA SBL), and a post graduate executive programme from IMD in Lausanne.
Walter’s hobbies include art, genealogical research and he is a student of theology, philosophy, quantum physics and military history. He is the author of eight published works, including The Cotton Germans of Natal (2007), Army Signals of South Africa (2010), Signal Units of the SA Corps of Signals (2010), 9C! Nine Charlie – the Story of the Men and Women of the SA Corps of Signals (2010), Piet Retief Commando. The Story of a Border Commando 1880 – 2007 (2012)
and Boer War Stories of the Piet Retief Commando and District (2012). He has also contributed articles to a number of prominent journals, magazines and books.
ARMY SIGNALS IN SOUTH AFRICA: The Story of the South African Corps of Signals and its antecedents
Compiled and edited by
Walter V. Volker
Someone once said that the best way to look towards the future is to look back into history. This may be very true also for an organisation like the Military and more specifically the SACS. Having been in the Corps of Signals for a large part of my military career I have a very soft spot for "Jimmy" and all it stands for; it is therefore a privilege to be asked to say something of a foreword to this impressive book.
I started my military career as a member of the then Commando system in the SADF. I was commissioned and then later joined the Permanent Force in the Corps of Signals.
I started my career as officer instructor at The School of Signals at Voortrekkerhoogte as it was then known. I was lucky to spend most of my time in Signals in and around Pretoria, and served in various staff and other positions and was also Officer Commanding DHQ Signal Squadron, out of which was born 2 and 5 Signal Regiments. I completed my Signals career as D Signals (army) and later D Telecommunications at C SADF Headquarters.
In my later years in the SADF I severed in various Command and Staff positions, among which was General Officer Commanding South West Africa Territory Command, General Officer Commanding Far North Command, Deputy Chief of The SA Army, Chief of The SA Army, Chief of the South African Defence Force and the first Chief of the South African National Defence Force.
In my whole career of 35 years, I was always deeply under the impression of the importance of good and reliable communications. No Military machine can function without good communications, it is true to say that good communications form the nerve system of the Military. It follows therefore that one must always guard the integrity of your own communication system and try to disrupt that of the enemy. Thus, an integral part of any Signals organisation is the
inclusion of an Electronic Warfare system. I was lucky also to be very closely associated with this aspect of Signals. It is true to say that the achievements of the SA Defence Force in military operations and all assistance tasks it was called upon to perform, would not have been possible without good and reliable communications.
This book, which I might add is an enormous task, is packed with achievements. It would be impossible to highlight any one in particular, because it would not be fair to all those other major achievements that fill the pages of this treatise. However I would like to name a few that might also serve as guiding lights for the future :- The one outstanding aspect of The SACS was its people, the dedication, the professionalism, and above all the loyalty of the men and women in the khaki barrette made the Corps what it was and was in my humble opinion the major contributor towards the success of the SACS. —The other truly remarkable aspect in the History of the SACS was the outstanding achievements made in the equipment of the Corps. This was brought about by the close cooperation between operators, technical people, Armscor personnel and manufacturing firms. For a considerable time, the SACS could supply the Army with the best equipment in the world. Even today the Corps uses cutting edge equipment and techniques.
I want to thank Walter Volker for a gigantic task well done! The SACS needs this treatise on its history, the olds and bolds of the corps need the flash-back into "nice old times", the military students past present and future would find it beneficial to enlarge their knowledge and because of its integral relation to the Army as a whole, it would be a major reference work on the past and present South African Army. As time goes by some things are forgotten or become vague. This work will do much to prevent important facts of our past to slip into the haze of forgetfulness. I would urge everyone, especially the students of military history and members of present-day telecommunication services in military organisations all over the world to study this work. It is not just a book of history but is the story of success in the military world, second to none; how achievement was reached against all odds through dedication loyalty and hard work. Truly Walter Volker we as Signallers of the past, present and the future, salute you!
General Georg L. Meiring, SSA SSAS SD SM MMM
Last Chief of the South African Defence Force (1993 – 1994)
First Chief of the South African National Defence Force (1994 – 1998)
The South African Corps of Signals was established in 1923 to form part of the Union Defence Force. Today, 85 years since its inception, another milestone has been reached in the history of the SACS. I am grateful to Mr Volker in allowing me the honour to contribute a short foreword to
this admirable book in my capacity as Director of Signals and the General Officer Commanding of the SA Army Signal Formation.
2008 marked the 85th year since the establishment of the South African Corps of Signals in 1923. For 85 years the role of the South African Corps of Signals has been to provide professional, specialist signal services for the South African Defence Force. The SACS is a Corps rich in history with many well-established traditions and achievements that deserve to be recorded.
I would firstly like to emphasise the adaptability of the Corps of Signals to change, by summarizing the changing times that the Corps of Signals has successfully operated in over the past number of years.
In the late 90’s as part of the Department of Defence transformation process, the DOD decided to group various environments together, elements which it felt belonged together, such as the environments of telecommunication, information technology, documentation services and libraries, registries, and electronic warfare, in other words all forms of communication.
This in turn led to the establishment of the Command and Management Information Systems Division, as it is known today, on 1 April 1999, its task being to deliver the products and services required by a modern defence force.
The CMIS Division, which included personnel from all services (Army, Air Force, Navy and SAMHS), was set the challenge of providing products and services to its clients within the DOD while keeping abreast of relevant changes in this, the information age.
As part of this new CMIS Division, the Corps of Signals left the command of the SA Army and was totally incorporated (consisting of personnel, equipment, infrastructure and financial resources) into the CMIS Division. This for many signallers was a traumatic time of change as signallers adapted to the new organisation in which they had to work. But, I am proud to say that for the time that SACS members served as part of the CMIS Division, they did so to the best of their ability with loyalty and pride.
On 1 April 2008, elements of the CMIS Division migrated back to the various services and divisions from whence they came. While the South African Corps of Signals returned to the command of the SA Army and is known as the SA Army Signal Formation with the aim to provide combat ready signal user system capabilities to the SA Army and specialist services to the DOD.
The return of the South African Corps of Signals to the SA Army is nostalgic in the sense that the SA Army gave the entire Corps to form the backbone of the to be established CMIS Division. It was this Corps that brought its traditions, symbols and culture with it, to mould the new concept of centralized communications and information technology systems and services into the CMIS
Division. The role that the South African Corps of Signals played in the shaping of the concepts of transformation must be recognized. Now with our return to the command of the SA Army, we are ready and able to serve the SA Army with pride and to provide integrated electronic warfare, command and control systems and general telecommunication services to satisfy the many and diverse requirements of the SA Army and its designated clients.
On behalf of my personnel it is with confidence that I accept the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead on behalf of the men and women of the Corps of Signals. I am sure that in the years to come the SACS will create many more milestones that will be worth recording in military history books such as this one.
Brig Gen Leon L. Eggers, MMM
Director of Signals and General Officer Commanding The SA Army Signal Formation
Op die Rand: Lt-kol Dawid Lotter
Die verwardste gevoelens op aarde is om uit te staar oor ʼn Slagveld na die dag van die geveg.
Die slagveld se bulderstem word hees
Verdof verder tot ʼn vae fluister
Oor uitgestrekte silhoeëtte van dooie vlees
Die skemer wat geleidelik plekmaak vir die duister
President Cyril Ramaphosa is deeply saddened by the deaths of four South African National Defence Force (SANDF) members who passed away overnight on Friday, 05 July 2024, while on duty to combat illegal mining.
As Commander-in-Chief of the SANDF, President Ramaphosa offers his condolences to the families of the victims as well as to their commanders and colleagues.
The President’s thoughts are with the team of soldiers who discovered their deceased colleagues in a container at a disused mine shaft at Orkney in the Northwest Province.
While police are investigating the matter, the deceased troops, who showed no injuries and were fully kitted and armed, are believed by the police and the SANDF to have died from carbon monoxide poisoning resulting from a fire they made to keep warm.
The troops were part of Operation Vala Umgodi which is directed at combating illegal mining. Issued by Vincent Magwenya, Spokesperson to the President, 9 July 2024
Siphiwe Dlamini | 11 July 2024
A hand grenade exploded close to the sleeping quarters and there will be an investigation into the circumstances
Defence Force confirms incident in Democratic Republic of the Congo under MONUSCO 10 July 2024
The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) confirms that one of its members deployed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as part of the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) was fatally wounded, when a hand grenade exploded close to the sleeping quarters in their base in Beni, in the eastern region of the DRC on Monday, 08 July 2024.
It is not clear what caused the hand grenade to explode, however a SANDF Board of Inquiry including the United Nations officials will be convened to investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident.
The name of the deceased will be announced when all processes to bring his mortal remains back home have been concluded and his family has been informed of his passing.
The Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Ms Angie Motshekga, Deputy Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Mr Bantu Hlomisa, and Deputy Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Mr Richard Mkhungo together with Acting Secrectary for Defence, Dr Thobekile Gamede, as well
the Chief of the South African National Defence Force, General Rudzani Maphwanya, convey their sincere condolences to the family of the deceased and the entire defence family.
Issued by Siphiwe Dlamini, Head of Communication, SANDF, 10 July 2024 https://www.politicsweb.co.za/politics/death-sa-soldier-in-drc-confirmed--sandf? utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=d59480332aEMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_07_11_11_26&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-d59480332a%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D
Jabulani Majozi | 15 July 2024
Report shows challenges of limited funding and lack of logistical support, continue to put lives of members of SANDF at risk
Defence Committee commits to make funding for SANDF a top priority
13 July 2024
The Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military has considered and adopted its budget vote reports on the Department of Defence (DOD), the Department of Military Veterans (DMV), and associated entities including the Castle Control Board (CCB) and the Armaments Corporation of South Africa (Armscor).
The committee believes that securing proper funding for the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) is of utmost urgency. The committee remains deeply concerned that the deployment of the SANDF, specifically its deployment as part of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (SAMIDRC) that remains unfunded.
The report of the committee indicates that the challenges of limited funding and lack of logistical support, continue to put the lives of members of the SANDF at risk. The committee has identified several critical areas that need immediate attention, and that effective collaboration is essential to address funding and operational requirements. This includes not only proposals for engagement between the DOD and National Treasury, but also engagements within Parliament between the committee and other committees that include the Joint Standing Committee on Finance.
The committee further noted National Treasury's stance that it cannot condone a cumulative irregular expenditure exceeding R10 billion until the DOD reduces employee costs to acceptable levels. The committee will further engage on the matter of employee costs during the 7th Parliament.
The newly elected chairperson of the committee, Mr Dakota Legoete, stressed the importance of clear communication between the DOD and the committee regarding national interest versus costs and expenditures. He said that the committee must be fully informed to ensure proper oversight and decision-making.
The committee is committed to collaborating closely with all relevant stakeholders to ensure the financial and operational stability of the DOD and its associated entities, thereby enhancing the effectiveness and readiness of the SANDF to fulfil its constitutional mandate.
The Department of Defence and Military Veterans Budget Vote Debate will be held on Monday, 15 July 2024.
Issued by Jabulani Majozi, Media Officer, Parliamentary Communication Service, 13 July 2024
Captain (SAN) Charles Ross (SA Navy Retired)
South Africans participated in almost every war theatre during the First and Second World Wars. According to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Casualty Data Base 7 290 (includes 607 unknown) First World War casualties and 9 986 (includes 84 unknown) Second World War casualties are buried in 1 207 cemeteries. In contrast, 2 959 First World War and 2 005 Second World War casualties are commemorated on 48 memorials. This does not include the more than 2 700 South Africans who were not recently commemorated by the Commonwealth War Graves
Commission. A new memorial to commemorate these South Africans is being constructed in the Gardens in Cape Town and should be completed by November 2024.
Montecchio War Cemetery - Italy
On 3 September 1943 the Allies invaded the Italian mainland, the invasion coinciding with an armistice made with the Italians who then re-entered the war on the Allied side.
Following the fall of Rome to the Allies in June 1944, the German retreat became ordered and successive stands were made on a series of defensive positions known as the Trasimene, Arezzo, Arno and Gothic Lines. Montecchio lies near the eastern end of the Gothic Line. The anti-tank ditch of this defensive system used to run through the valley immediately below the cemetery. Montecchio village was practically razed to the ground for purposes of defence during the war and much damage was done in the surrounding country.
The site was selected by the Canadian Corps for burials during the fighting to break into the Gothic Line in the autumn of 1944. These graves are in Plot 1, Rows A to F. The rest of the graves were brought in later from the surrounding country.
Montecchio War Cemetery contains 582 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War. The cemetery was designed by Louis de Soissons.
Six South African casualties from World War Two are buried in this cemetery.
Rheinberg War Cemetery - Germany
The site of Rheinberg War Cemetery was chosen in April 1946 by the Army Graves Service for the assembly of Commonwealth graves recovered from numerous German cemeteries in the area. The majority of those now buried in the cemetery were airmen, whose graves were brought in from Dusseldorf, Krefeld, Munchen-Gladbach, Essen, Aachen and Dortmund; 450 graves were from Cologne alone. The men of the other fighting services buried here mostly lost their lives during the battle of the Rhineland, or in the advance from the Rhine to the Elbe.
There are now 3,330 Commonwealth servicemen of the Second World War buried or commemorated at Rheinberg War Cemetery. 158 of the burials are unidentified. There are also nine war graves of other nationalities, most of them Polish.
Five South African casualties from World War Two are buried in this cemetery.
Bray Military Cemetery - France
The cemetery was begun in April 1916 by fighting units and field ambulances. In September 1916, the front line having been pushed further east, it was used by the XIV Corps Main Dressing Station and in 1917, the 5th, 38th and 48th Casualty Clearing Stations came forward and used it. In March 1918, the village and the cemetery fell into German hands, but were retaken by the 40th Australian Battalion on 24 August, and during the next few days the cemetery was used again.
After the Armistice graves were brought in to Plot I, Rows A1 and B1, and Plot II, Rows J and K, from the battlefields immediately north and south of the village and in 1924, further isolated graves (Plot III) were brought in. Bray Military Cemetery now contains 874 Commonwealth burials of the First World War, 127 of which are unidentified.
The cemetery was designed by Sir Reginald Blomfield.
Two South African casualties (one known and one unknown) from World War One are buried in this cemetery.
Avesnes-Le-Sec Communal Cemetery Extension – France
The extension was made by the 51st (Highland) Division Burial Officer in November 1918. At the Armistice, it contained 100 burials dating from the period 12-26 October 1918, 46 of which were Seaforth Highlanders and 41 Gordon Highlanders. In 1928, a further 14 graves were brought in from St. Hilaire-sur-Helpe Churchyard and Louvignies-lesQuesnoy Churchyard.
Avesnes-le-Sec Communal Cemetery Extension now contains 114 First World War burials.
The extension was designed by W H Cowlishaw.
Two South African casualties from World War One are buried in this cemetery.
Bienvillers Military Cemetery – France
Bienvillers Military Cemetery was begun in September 1915 by the 37th Division, carried on by other Divisions in the line until March 1917, reopened from March to September 1918, when the village was again near the front line, and completed in 1922-24 when a number of graves, mainly of 1916, were brought in from the battlefields of the Ancre. Its twenty-one plots show a remarkable alternation of original burials in regimental or divisional groups, and groups of concentrated graves.
The cemetery now contains 1,605 Commonwealth burials and commemorations of the First World War. 425 of the burials are unidentified but there are special memorials to two casualties known or believed to be buried among them. The 16 Second World War burials all date from the early months of the war, before the German invasion in May 1940 forced the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from France.
One unknown South African casualty from World War One is buried in this cemetery.
Gerhard van Tonder
A personal, eye-witness account by a member of the 500-strong British South Africa Company Police during the mustering and despatch of the newly formed force as escort to 200 civilians that constituted the “Pioneer Column” on its 1890 expedition to claim the territory north of the Limpopo River on behalf of the Crown.
Key Words
British South Africa Company Police; Bechuanaland; Macloutsie; Fort Tuli; Matabeleland; Mashonaland.
Constituted at Kimberley in Griqualand West (annexed to the British Cape Colony in 1877), Northern Cape, the British South Africa Chartered Company’s Mashonaland task force used the Bechuanaland Border Police (BBP) camp on the Macloutsie River as a key assembly, consolidation, training and staging post before crossing into amaNdebele territory on the welldocumented Pioneer Corps expedition of 1890.
British South Africa Company Police camp, Macloutsie, 1890.
The 200-strong Pioneer Column, commanded by Major Frank Johnson, would be escorted by 500 members of the newly raised British South Africa Company Police (BSACP). Split into A, B, C, D and E Troops, the force was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Edward G.
Pennefather of the 6th Inniskilling Guards, who was also in command of the whole expedition. The BSACP established its base at Fort Matlaputla, a short distance from the BBP camp.
The legendary hunter and adventurer, Frederick Courteney Selous, is appointed Chief of Intelligence to the column.
On 27 June 1890, A Troop set off to establish a fort at Tuli on the eastern bank of the Shashi River. B and C Troops followed on 6 July, leaving D and E Troops at Macloutsie. In due course, as the Pioneer Column pushed north towards Mount Hampden with A, B and C Troops, D Troop was moved to Fort Tuli. E Troop, commanded by Captain (later Major) Arthur Glynn Leonard, would, initially, remain behind at Macloutsie to guard the base.
Attesting into the BSACP and assigned to E Troop on 23 June 1890 (Force No. 540), 23-year-old Trooper Victor Albert Louis Morier, son of the British Ambassador to Russia, was described by officer commanding Captain Leonard as “the best man out-and-away that I have among the home born. . . impelled by a spirit of adventure to join us.” Adding that Morier was proof that a “gentleman can make a good soldier,” Leonard wrote of him as being “enormously big—over six feet four inches in height and weighing close on twenty stone—and there is no horse in the troop that can carry him.” Two draft-type horses were brought up for him from Mafeking.
Sub-Lieutenant Victor Albert Louis Morier, BSACP.
Morier arrived in Cape Town at 5.00 a.m. on 12 June 1890 on board the iron-screw steamer SS Grantully Castle. A prolific letter writer, Morier regularly kept his family apprised of his unfolding African adventure. To his disappointment, his late attestation into the BSACP meant he missed the opportunity to accompany the Pioneer Column.
From 8 July until mid-September that year, when his E Troop was moved to Fort Tuli, Morier’s correspondence gives an outstanding insight into the extremely tough BSACP life at Macloutsie. These are extracts of some of his letters reproduced in Publication No. 13, December 1965, Rhodesiana (E.E. Burke, Ed., Rhodesiana Society, Salisbury).
Monday, 16th June, 1890
Arrived this minute at Kimberley. and must send this off at once, in order to catch the mail. Kimberley Club, Kimberley, Tuesday, 17th June, 1890.
Here am I—a policeman! I just had time to shut up the letter I had begun on the ship and post it by yesterday’s mail before I had seen the factotum of the Company, Dr. Harris [Frederick
Rutherfoord Harris, BSACo Secretary]. I have had a long conversation with him to-day, and found out all the details of my future career.
Macloutsi [sic] Camp, Wednesday, 9th July, 1890. I have only ten minutes to write to you in. I arrived here in camp yesterday afternoon at 3 o’clock, after seventeen days’ incessant travelling from Kimberley. The Tundra travelling was a joke to it: seven of us in an open, springless cart, perched on the top of mail bags, &c. We stopped six hours at Mafeking, where I presented all my letters to Carrington [Maj Gen Sir Frederick, commander BBP], and where I was regularly enlisted.
Carrington and officers of the Bechuanaland Border Police.
“The expedition of the British South Africa Company to Matabeleland”.
(The Illustrated London News, 16 August 1890)
From Mafeking on by post cart to Palapswie [Palapye] from where we came on in an ox-cart, seven days’ journey. We shot guinea fowl and partridges on the way up for food, and I was lucky enough to get a springbok.
Unfortunately I have come just a week too late. Colonel Pennefather and Captain Keith Falconer, to whom I had letters from Loch [Sir Henry Loch, British High Commissioner for
Southern Africa and Carrington] moved over the river four days ago with three troops of our Police, to join the Pioneers who are encamped on the Shashi River. I may say here that you will find on Juta’s map the position of this camp, where a little river runs into the Macloutsi (which runs into the Limpopo), a little to the left of the Jakolo Hills.
As soon as I arrived, I was marched up to Sir John Willoughby, who is the staff officer, and he has stuck me in E Troop. E and D Troops are left behind here, as they have not a single horse yet. As soon as we get horses, I suppose we will move on to the Shashi.
Up here we depend absolutely on supplies, food for horses, everything, down to the least thing, upon what is sent up in ox waggons from Kimberley (image above), a line of road over 700 miles long. On this road there is not a single experienced transport officer; everything at the mercy of twopenny-halfpenny waggon drivers. The result is the supplies here are most erratic, not a glass, knife, or fork to be got for love or money. Ten American cigarettes fetch as much as 5s., and you are lucky if you get a filthy pint of beer for 2s. 6d. I expect my horse in six weeks, if he gets up alive.
The whole route however from Kimberley is strewn with dead and dying horses: want of food, water, and the awful hurry with which they are being sent up to the front. We are seven in a tent. I seem to have got into rather a rough one. The men complain of the fearful amount of fatigue duty now the other three troops have left.
Besides our two troops there are four troops of the Bechuanaland Border Police in camp. These stay here to form our reserve when we move on. The weather extraordinary: 1 degree below freezing point at night, and 95 degrees of heat in the sun at midday. Our little tent is so crowded however that we don’t feel the cold much at night. I have done a drill at 6.30 this morning, and am told off to a fatigue party for making new latrines this afternoon. I am in splendid health and spirits. What I am in awful want of is a deerhound and top boots. More about this next week. Awful hurry.
I would have written to you long ago, but really, without any exaggeration, since the day I left Kimberley for this place I have not had fifteen consecutive minutes to myself. The work up here just now is tremendous. This is my day: At 6.30, an hour’s drill; breakfast, and then “stables” till 10 o’clock; then a mile tramp with three horses down to the water; then half an hour’s mealie [maize] chopping. Fatigues of one kind or another till dinnertime, and another drill till 3 o’clock; till 5 cleaning saddles, clothes and accoutrements; at 5 either piquet or guard mounting; at 7 o’clock feeding and cleaning horses again; ditto at 9. Lights out at 9.30, when one is glad to throw oneself anywhere down on the ground and sleep till morning. Then every
Bechuanaland Border Police in camp.
Macloutsi Camp, 15th July, 1890.
third night we sleep booted and spurred on guard, with ten hours’ “sentry go” out of the twentyfour. This is roughly our existence just now.
The food is not bad, but very short sometimes, no tobacco, and no vegetables. I am the only one with ink in the place, and there is only one plate and “couvert” for two men. I feel very well indeed, though very tired in the evening. I am very unhappy at not having a dog. They thrive wonderfully but are very hard to get. I would give anything for a deerhound, or good trained setter. The best thing is to have a lady dog in an interesting condition, so that the puppies are born here; they then get acclimatized. One can sell thoroughbred puppies at enormous prices in the colony.
Excuse the awful writing. I have to write on my knee, holding a candle in one hand. I am on guard in the fort, and in charge of two prisoners; one of them, oddly enough. a man who was at Oxford with me, and who has been a private in the Pioneers, and is now on his way down to be tried in Capetown for forgery.
Yesterday I was on duty at the hospital. There are five Roman Catholic Sisters of Mercy in charge of it. One of them comes from the convent at Konigsberg. She gave me some milk and an egg, the first I have had since Kimberley.
For a mercy there is hardly any alcohol of any kind served out, so things are quiet. With the rough lot of men here it would be dreadful if there was any drinking. We hear little news about the Matabeles, but everybody seems to agree that there will be fighting soon. We are in readiness always to start up to the front. I trust it will not be before the horses come up, as marching with heavy accoutrements in this blazing African sun proves too much even for old campaigners up here. I believe we would hold our own in the fighting line, but our weak point is supplies. Even now, with everything peaceful, we run down to almost starvation rations. What will happen with a war on, Heaven knows. I must now go on sentry go for two hours.
BSACP parade at Macloutsie.
E Troop, B.S.A.C.’s Police, Macloutsie Camp, Friday, 25th July, 1890.
Papers are in tremendous request up here: like everything, they are very scarce. There was great jubilation in camp the day before yesterday; a waggon with cigarettes and a few tinned meats and vegetables arrived.
In England, cigarettes were two pennies for ten.
The day before as much as 7s. 6d. was given for a packet of ten small Virginia cigarettes! The waggon sold 80,000 cigarettes in four hours! Anyone fitting out two or three waggons at Mafeking with these sort of things (alcohol, of course, would pay best, but the sale is strictly prohibited), cigarettes, tinned meats, paper, ink, &c, would make a fortune up here. Supplies are rather better just now; we get tea, sugar, flour, meat, and potatoes all at once. Till now, one or two of these things have always been running out. E Troop is now alone here in all its glory (this is of the Company’s forces-there are three troops of the Bechuanaland Border Police, who are building their permanent camp here, as they are, of course, not supposed to cross the Tuli, which is out of their jurisdiction).
I fancy I am doing all right in my work. I was the first recruit dismissed drill of my batch, i.e. after only ten days’ work. The work since D Troop left is simply appalling—I have had four 24-hour guards in the last week, which means two nights in bed in the week. I have no time for reading, writing, or anything: the moment I am off duty I lie down and sleep. To-day I am garrison orderly, so I have a few minutes to myself between running messages and doing other little jobs for the garrison adjutant.
I have volunteered for the signalling department, and have been placed in the instruction class (this is plus all my other work). The advantage of being a signaller is that when competent one is sent off for a month at a time to a heliograph post (there is a regular heliograph line between this and Mafeking), where one is more or less one’s own master, and gets plenty of shooting.
Last night whilst on sentry-go I heard a lion roaring quite close to camp. This is rather an unusual occurrence. I have not yet had an hour to go out and shoot; there are plenty of pheasants and partridges within reach. The big game of course has been frightened away from the immediate vicinity, though within twenty or twenty-five miles one can get plenty of “wildebeest”, “springbok”, and zebras. By judiciously lending my rifle and gun to good shots in the B.B.P. I keep our mess supplied with game.
Five nights ago we had a great excitement in camp. I was on main guard, and peacefully sleeping booted and spurred, rifle by my side in the guard tent, when the sentry shouted, “Guard, turn out” so fiercely that we thought the Matabeles were at least in the middle of the camp. It however turned out that a prisoner (a very desperate character) in the guard tent in the fort had escaped, had made his way into the Commanding Officer, Sir John Willoughby’s tent and holding a loaded revolver at his head, had cleaned him out of all sorts of things, made him get up and dress, and was on the point of lugging him out into the veldt, when he managed to raise an alarm and turn us out. We surrounded the tent with loaded rifles, but found the bird had flown, and only managed to secure him yesterday fifty miles from here. We have him bound hand and foot now.
Macloutsie Camp, 5th August, 1890.
I have only time to tell you by this mail that I am “alive and kicking”. I am very busy just now, as I have been permanently put on the signalling staff, and I am up here in the fort eight hours a day heliographing furiously.
There seems to be great commotion up at the front (as all the messages come through us, we signallers are well posted). We hear this morning on good authority that all the Matabele regiments are leaving Bulawayo (Lobengula’s kraal) and making south. Matters are evidently coming rapidly to a head.
(St James’s Gazette, 12 September 1890.)
Our forces are roughly distributed as follows (I assume you have a good map): Colonel Pennefather with two Troops (A and B of Police), and the Pioneers are about 150 miles across the Shashi River, advancing towards Mount Hampden in Mashonaland. C Troop of Police is following him, trying to catch him up. D Troop is strongly fortifying itself in a fort (Fort Tuli) at the meeting of the Shashi and Tuli Rivers. We, the remainder of the C.’s Forces, are here at Macloutsie Camp, where there is also a garrison of three troops of the Bechuanaland Border Police. As soon as we get our horses and stores, we, E Troop, are to move probably straight through to Mount Hampden. If there is a row, of course, we move on at once, horses or no.
I am under orders to go on at the end of the week to an outlying signal station on the line between this and Fort Rubrian [sic]. The station I am going to is, I believe. a very good one for game, and I believe my one companion to be a good sort, so I will be in clover. The only disadvantage, I am told, is the awful dearth of water. I am very glad to leave camp, as it is getting very uncomfortable, the men are grumbling dreadfully. The guard tents are full every night, desertions, &c.
P.S.-ln default of a dog, I have got a most charming baboon, Jinny. She is one of the nicest animals extant. The day before yesterday I shot a “quagga”, alias a zebra, quite close to camp.
P.P.S.-Since writing our circumstances, viz., my going away as a signaller are changed, as I have been promoted to Lance-Corporal, and have reverted to regimental duty. First step on the ladder!
8th August
P.S.-We are ordered to leave for the front at once, I will write as soon as ever possible.
E Troop, B.S.A.C.’s Police, Macloutsie Camp, 12th August, 1890. I thought at the time I wrote my last letter that this week’s mail would find us well on the way to the Tuli. Fortune, however, in the shape of old King Khama, who has not been able to provide sufficient transport waggons, still keeps us here. I suppose the next ten days or so will see us on the move.
I added, as a hurried postscript, that I had been advanced to the proud position of lance-corporal, which onerous function I am now fulfilling. It entails a good deal more work, if
that is possible, than as a trooper, but of a pleasanter kind. One superintends fatigues instead of doing them and is in charge of the guards instead of doing sentry-go. Of course there is a certain amount of responsibility.
Letter addressed to Trooper R.W.E. Grant, who had threatened Sir John Willoughby with a revolver.
Just now, for instance, I am corporal of the fort-guard. We have in our guardtent, as close prisoner, Grant (see above), a very desperate character, the same man who broke out of the fort before (I believe I told you the story), and broke into Sir John Willoughby’s tent with a loaded revolver. We know he means to break out again, but dare not handcuff him till he uses violence, which he is too acute to do. Besides watching this sportsman, the one sentry has to look after another tent with two more prisoners, besides patrolling the whole fort. The consequence is that, instead of rolling myself up in my cloak and snoozing, and waking just every two hours to relieve my sentries, I have to be on the qui vive all night, watching my old friend, and a deuced cold amusement it is. The worst is, the nights are as dark as pitch and as cold as Siberia. Besides all this, there is work “galore”.
Yesterday afternoon I and another man branded 92 horses, taking it in turns to hold and brand. We had some nasty vicious brutes amongst them. The generality, however, are too weak from their journey up country to do much. We are now fully provided with horses, such as they are. My beast has not yet come, but I am expecting him every day.
Summer is coming on fast, and the days are getting unpleasantly warm. The nights, however, remain as cold as ever. One advantage is, one can sell any mortal thing up here at
fabulous profits. I sold two pairs of second-hand flannel trousers for 35s. apiece. On the other hand, necessaries, when procurable, are equally expensive: the only soap to be got is Pear’s, 2s. 6d. per small cake.
Last week the only candles procurable in camp were red pure wax ones, at ls. 8d. a piece, and so on with everything. Our men being mostly miners, and used to the gold fields, take all this as a matter of course.
And now let me give you a tip, and, strange to say, a gastronomic one, which is odd from this starvation camp. Lay in a stock of (Leadenhall Street, London) tins of Oxford sausages. If fried in the original tin till they are quite brown, they are perfectly delicious “for the breakfast table”.
Macloutsi Camp, B.S.A.C.’s Police, 28th August, 1890. The horses arrived yesterday. The grey I bought myself is in shocking condition, having been used for driving the other horses. I am going, if he recovers, to sell him to one of the officers. The other is a splendid horse, a chestnut, but has been also maltreated on the way up, and has an awful sore back. This horse must be my troop horse. He will be passed into the troop. and so, if he dies, as is almost certain to be the case. I will recover about £25 for him. The sickness is already beginning. We had orders to leave this camp a fortnight ago, but were only packed and ready yesterday.
Half an hour before leaving a despatch came ordering the troop to stay here, and send on the horses (we had 108) to the column, as they had lost half theirs. The consequence is that we are condemned to stay here all the summer, and have now to set about building
permanent huts, stables, &c. & besides the mortification of not getting into Matabeleland, we have the prospects of passing an awful summer in one of the worst situations in these regions. Since last writing I have gone up another step, and am now a full corporal. Becoming a sergeant is now only a matter of time. If there was any chance of good sport in the vicinity I would not mind so much, but the game has been thoroughly frightened. I will not write any more to-day, I am too much down on my luck. As a fact, so is the whole troop; a sulkier, more grumbling and cursing lot of men you could not imagine. This l trust will wear off when the first edge of the disappointment has been taken off. There is no news from the front, things seem quieter there. Pennefather however is not yet at Mount Hampden.
Tuli Fort, Matabeleland, S. Africa, 21st (?) September, 1890.
You will see a query after the date. This turning night into day by “trekking” at all hours has absolutely bewildered me.
All I know is that we arrived here two nights ago, and start again at 2 a.m. to-morrow en route for Fort Victoria, our next stage on to Mount Hampden. We reckon that six weeks will see us at M.H., the goal of all our aspirations.
Sadly, fate determined that Morier would never see Mount Hampden, or Fort Salisbury as the Pioneer Column’s final destination was named. From Fort Victoria, Morier was diverted to Manica where, with his knowledge of Portuguese, he participated in Captain Patrick Forbes’s removal of the Portuguese Baron de Rezende’s claim to the territory.
Inside Ft Tuli, 1890.
Suffering from recurrent bouts of malaria, by the end of 1890 Morier found himself based in “Umtali Valley” where, on 12 January 1891, he was promoted to sub-lieutenant and attached to A Troop. In April, a doctor from Salisbury recommended that Morier be sent home to England on sick leave. Morier wrote, “The fever is thoroughly in me.”
However, with a great sense of duty, Morier continued to assist Company forces in repulsing Portuguese armed aggression and subsequent negotiations with them. Finally, on 9 July 1891, Major Leonard at Fort Tuli reports the departure of Morier on the “Pietersburg Coach for the Cape.”
On 27 May 1892, within days from Cape Town on his journey back to Mashonaland on board RMS Tartar, Morier tragically died and was buried at sea. Whilst the exact cause is not known, it is generally accepted that his weakened, malaria-ravished body could no longer cope.
Lt-kol Philip Malherbe (afgtr)
Hierdie artikel is vryelik vertaal, saamgestel en geskryf gedurende Julie 2024 deur Philip Malherbe. ABSTRACT
Initially, landmine clearance and weapons disposal organization, as auxiliaries, employed persons working with prodders (lengthen stealing with a sharp object in front) to locate suspicious explosive objects underground; trained explosives dogs (excellent senses of smell) harnessed; and/or vehicles with heavy objects in front of them to detonate suspiciously exploding objects. Later, metal detectors were applied –terrorists / countries then used wood/plastic containers to store explosive substances. Nowadays, the latest technology is being harnessed to mitigate the risks.
Aanvanklik het landmyn opruimings- en wapen verwyderingsorganisasie, as hulpmiddels, persone aangewend wat met prodders (langwerpige steel met skerp voorwerp vooraan) om verdagte ontplofbare voorwerpe ondergronds op te spoor; opgeleide plofstof honde (uitstekende reuksintuie) ingespan; en/of voertuie met swaar voorwerpe vooraan aangewend om verdagte ontplofbare voorwerpe te laat detoneer.
Later is metaalverklikkers aangewend –terroriste / lande het daarna hout / plastiekhouers, gebruik om plofbare stowwe in te berg.
Deesdae word die nuutste tegnologie ingespan om die risiko’s te verminder.
Keywords: Sleutelwoorde:
Drones, "Amazon Web Services" (AWS) and satellites. Hommeltuie, “Amazon Web Services” (“AWS”) en satelliete.
Vandag word byna 70 lande en gebiede steeds geraak deur die teenwoordigheid van 110 miljoen landmyne. Hierdie toestelle is om verskeie redes besonder verraderlik. Hulle kan vir baie jare dormant bly, onder die aarde verberg voordat hulle geaktiveer word. As gevolg van hul lae produksiekoste (wat wissel van $3 tot $75 elk), kan diegene wat dit ontplooi, maklik groot hoeveelhede vervaardig. Om dit veilig te verwyder, is egter 'n gevaarlike, tydrowende en duur proses (geskat op $300 tot $1000 per myn).
Wat landmyne uniek gevaarlik maak, is hul onvermoë om tussen vegters en burgerlikes te onderskei. Die onoordeelkundige aard van hierdie wapen, wat dikwels in burgerlike gebiede ontplooi word, lei tot aansienlike ongevalle en langtermyn humanitêre gevolge. Dit veroorsaak nie net lewensverlies en gebreklike ledemate nie, maar verhinder ook gemeenskappe om toegang te verkry tot grond wat geskik is vir landbou of die bou van hospitale, skole en ander noodsaaklike
fasiliteite, insluitend noodsaaklike dienste soos voedsel, water, gesondheidsorg en humanitêre hulp.
Onder die verborge arsenaal wat in die grond ingebed is, is kragtige anti-voertuigmyne wat tenks of groot busse kan vernietig, saam met kleiner personeelmyne wat bedoel is om persone te dood of ernstig te beseer. Daarbenewens is daar geïmproviseerde ploftoestelle en on-ontplofte myne wat versprei is oor die geaffekteerde gebiede.
In konflik- en na-konflikgebiede is die teenwoordigheid van plofbare besmette gebiede 'n groot gevaar vir beide militêre en burgerlike bevolkings. Die uitdaging is om innoverende oplossings vir afstandverkenning en neutralisering van hierdie gebiede te skep om veilige deurgang vir personeel en hulpherstelpogings te waarborg. Die klem op doeltreffendheid, veiligheid en die vermindering van menslike ingryping is sleutel prioriteite vir hierdie oplossings.
Die blywende teenwoordigheid van landmyne regoor die wêreld beklemtoon die kritieke behoefte aan vindingryke benaderings tot die verwydering en deaktivering daarvan. Die sluipende eienskappe van hierdie toestelle hou 'n konstante gevaar in vir burgerlikes en militêre personeel. Hul onoordeelkundige aard, wat nie in staat is om tussen vegters en nie-vegters te onderskei nie, lei tot verwoestende ongevalle en langtermyn humanitêre gevolge.
"’n Gereedskapkas kan nie 'n stukkende voertuig herstel nie – dit vereis 'n werktuigkundige om die regte werktuig vir die regte werk te kies en te gebruik!"
As gevolg van die unieke aard van elke landmynverwante situasie, is 'n standaard of rigiede benadering nie altyd die geskikste oplossing nie. Daarom verstaan ons dat 'n standaard “one size fits all”-oplossing nie gevind sal word nie, aangesien elke landmynverwante probleem uniek is aan elke omstandigheid wat 'n ander en spesifieke oplossing vereis. Hierdie benadering behels 'n deeglike ontleding van die probleem (situasie) en die kreatiewe gebruik van die regte instrument vir die regte werk. Landmyne en on-ontplofte bomme kan dekades lank in die grond bly nadat 'n konflik geëindig het. Elke dag word 13 mense dood of beseer deur hierdie onoordeelkundige wapens. Byna die helfte van burgerlike ongevalle is kinders, met lewensverlies en geaffekteerde ledemate. Dit verhinder ook gemeenskappe om toegang te verkry tot grond wat geskik is vir landbou of die bou van hospitale, skole en ander noodsaaklike fasiliteite, insluitend noodsaaklike dienste soos voedsel, water, gesondheidsorg en humanitêre hulp.
Die Halo Trust: Land- en Personeelmyne Beveiliging Personeel https://www.google.com/search?q=Hazardous+landmine+clearance+goes+hitech&sca_esv=33f171317715abb5&hl=en&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ADLYWIK8y
Die HALO Trust is die wêreld se grootste humanitêre landmyn opruimings- en wapen verwyderingsorganisasie,
Sedert sy stigting in 1988 het hierdie Brits-Amerikaanse liefdadigheidsorganisasie die wêreld se grootste humanitêre landmynklarings- en wapen verwyderingsorganisasie geword. Deur sy wêreldwye werk het HALO, wat staan vir gevaarlike gebiedsondersteuningsorganisasie, byna 14 miljoen landmyne en stukke on-ontplofte artikels in 30 lande en gebiede skoongemaak. Die organisasie het tans meer as 12 000 plaaslik gewerfde personeel van regoor die wêreld in diens.
Vir diegene wat vertroud is met die organisasie, is dit geen verrassing dat die groep hoogs aktief in die Oekraïne is nie, gegewe onlangse gebeure. Die skoonmaak van hierdie landmyne is noodsaaklik vir die ekonomiese toekoms van hierdie land. Dit is een van die Wêreld se voorste landbouprodusente en -uitvoerders. Vandag is 'n geskatte 470 000 hektaar prima landbougrond besmet met landmyne - dit is 'n gebied drie keer so groot soos Londen.
Vanaf Angola tot by Oekraine, word pogings aangewend om burgerlikes te beskerm teen dodelike versteekte gevare. Nadat vredes ooreenkomste onderteken is en soldate gebiede verlaat het en 200
huiswaarts gekeer het, is die plaaslike bevolking van oorlogsgebiede steeds angstig. Hul leef steeds in vrees om paaie, voetpaaie en velde te betree wat bestrooi is met land- en personeelmyne.
“Humanitarian NGO” se “Halo Trust” (“Hazardous Area Life-support Organisation”) is al die afgelope 30 jaar besig om land-en personeelmyne in oorlogsgebiede op te ruim. Een van die mees gevaarlike humanitêre take in die wêreld. Hulle het nou aangekondig dat hul taak vergemaklik word en vinniger afgehandel kan word.
Die nuutste tegnologie word aangewend om hul taak meer stroombelyn en vinniger te maak. Dit behels die om land- en personeelmyne, ammunisie en ander onontplofbare geprakseerde toestelle wat vir jare agtergelaat is in oorlog geteisterde gebiede, vinniger te identifiseer, onskadelik te stel, te beveilig of te vernietig.
Aanwending van Hommeltuig in Gevorderde Land- en Personeelmyne Beveiliging
Halo wend nou kunsmatige intelligensie en masjienlering aan om hul taak te bespoedig. Hommeltuie word dan aangewend om oorlogrommel, geboue wat deur plofstowwe beskadig is, op te spoor met behulp van satellietbeelde, en met ondersteuning van “Amazon Web Services”
(AWS). Daarna word areas geprioritiseer vir ontruiming. In Afrika fokus hulle op die Horing van Afrika, Angola, Mosambiek en Zimbabwe.
Groot gedeeltes van Halo se werk is risiko onderwys, bewusmaking van families, veral kinders en bejaardes, wat naby geteisterde gebiede woon om versteekte gevare te identifiseer, en veilig te bly totdat die gevare vernietig is.
In Angola kan mynvelde tot 18 km lank wees – dan praat ons van een individuele mynveld. Daar is verskillende die tipes, groottes, verskillende metaal omhulsels, wat meer uitdagings verskaf. Baie vermelde myne is langs paaie gelê, wat jou eie veiligheid in gevaar stel om daar by uit te kom. Ander weer is in of langs voetpaaie, in plattelandse omgewings en beboste omgewings en bly dit ‘n teistering. Dit is ook ‘n uitdaging, veral omdat daar geen ou of nuwe kaarte van gebiede is nie. Met die tyd verander die terreine, sand gedeeltes mag in beboste omgewings verander en paaie en voetpaaie is nie meer sigbaar nie.
Dit verg ‘n redelike poging om die proses te implementeer. Dit wissel na gelang van die spesifieke plaaslike omstandighede en toestande.
Rondom die hele grondvrystellingsproses moet 'n effektiewe inligtingbestuurstelsel wees wat verseker dat: data akkuraat en konsekwent versamel word; gerapporteer word in ooreenstemming
met formate en skedules; korrek in databasisse ingevoer word en ontleed word om betroubare ondersteuning aan besluitnemers, kwaliteit moniteerder en ander belanghebbende partye te bied.
Die mees algemene bron van werklik 'harde' inligting is dié wat tydens tegniese bedrywighede gevind word - die ontdekking van werklike gevaar items tydens tegniese opname of opruimingswerk. Die waarde van sulke data kan nie oorbeklemtoon word nie en organisasies wat tegniese opname en klaring doen, moet dit met die grootste sorg en aandag hanteer. Nie net moet besonderhede van 'wat waar gevind is' versamel, aangeteken en gerapporteer word nie, maar owerhede en agentskappe moet verseker dat die inligting ontleed word om tendense, patrone of ander eienskappe te identifiseer wat besluitnemers kan help om geldige, doeltreffende besluite te neem en vertroue in grond te verhoog.
Die term "verdagte gevaarlike gebied" verwys na 'n gebied waar daar redelike vermoede bestaan van besmetting op grond van indirekte bewyse van die teenwoordigheid van ploftoestelle wat ook geïmproviseerde ploftoestelle en foptoestelle insluit.
Die term "alle redelike inspanning" beskryf wat beskou word as 'n minimum aanvaarbare vlak van poging om besmette gebiede te identifiseer en te dokumenteer of om die teenwoordigheid of vermoedelik ploftoestelle te verwyder.
Nasionale Vrystelling Proses
Die volgende beginsels geld wanneer 'n nasionale grondvrystellingproses ontwikkel word:
Gevaarlike gebiede moet verdeel word in vermoedelik gevaarlike gebiede en bevestigde gevaarlike gebiede, gebaseer op die beskikbaarheid en betroubaarheid van inligting en of bewyse indirek of direk vir elke gevaar. Gebiede wat slegs indirekte bewyse van die teenwoordigheid van ploftoestelle aanbied, moet geklassifiseer word as vermoedelike gevaarlike gebiede. Potensieel produktiewe grond wat nie gebruik word nie;
Mondelinge verslae van plaaslike bevolking / voormalige vegters;
“DLB” (Dead Letter Boxes) plekke waar voorrade ploftoestelle begrawe is vir latere gebruik, waar die betroubaarheid van sulke rekords oop bly vir twyfel of nie beoordeel is nie;
Ontleding van ander bekende besoedelingsgebiede, taktiek en historiese bronne;
Voormalige geveg sones;
Bewyse uit vorige opnames, nie ondersteun deur direkte bewyse van die teenwoordigheid van besoedeling nie;
Ploftoestel ongelukke of voorvalle waar die ligging van die gebeurtenis nie akkuraat bepaal kan word nie;
Direkte getuienis;
Ploftoestel rekords, waar die betroubaarheid van sulke rekords tydens vorige operasies bevestig is;
Visuele waarneming van ploftoestelle dele, fragmentasie of kraters;
Ontploffings tydens brande of deur diere.
Die hele beveiligings proses is basies soos ‘n legkaart. Nie teen-staande die hulpmiddels, bevind die veldwerkers hul in areas met swak of geen opvangs nie. Histories word metaalverklikkers aangewend – dit is ongelukkig geweldig tydrowend. In gunstige omstandighede word verskillende tipe opsporing, grond-penetrasie radar aangewend.
Uiteindelik het die president dit goed gedink om die berugte versamelaar van komieklike hoofdeksels en deeltydse polisiegeneraal te vervang. Is dit tyd om te vier? Bheki Cele is weg! Lank lewe Senzo Mchunu!
Om die polisie ministerie aanstelling wil verstaan, moet ons (alweer) in die ANC se politieke riool gaan krap. Cele as ‘n boorling van KwaZuluNatal was een van die aanstellings wat die president moeilik kon regverdig maar ook moeilik kon afwys. Die voormalige kommissaris en minister se primere rol was om die verbrokkeling van die ANC in sy tuisprovinsie te voorkom en veral die Zuma simpatiseerders na die Cyril-kamp oor te haal. Die polisie portefeulje was maar die middel (vergoeding) tot die doel (party eenheid).
Met die 2019 Nasionale Verkiesing was Cele nommer 9 op die ANC se lys van Nasionale Vergadering kandidate. Die onlangse 2024 verkiesing het sy gewildheid afgeneem na nommer 79. Binne 5 jaar het sy belangrikheid in die Uitvoerende Komitee van die ANC verdamp soos die mis
Cassel Mathale (ANC)
Shela Boshielo Sowetan
in die Vallei van ‘n Duisend-heuwels. Die president se hande was dus los om die broodnodige verandering te maak.
Die nuwe besem is Edward Senzo Mchunu nommer 19 op die lys, ‘n gekwalifiseerde onderwyser, voormalige premier van KwaZuluNatal, oud-Zuma lojalis, Luthuli-huis organiseerder en ‘n betreklike onsuksesvolle minister van Openbare Dienste en Administrasie. Uiteindelik was hy tot onlangs minister van Waterwese en Sanitasie.
Anders as baie ANC kabinetslede, het mnr Mchunu nie groot geraamtes nie. In 2019 was daar ‘n kwessie van seksuele teistering deur een van sy assistente. Die kwessie is intern opgelos waartydens geld verwissel is en die minister vrygespreek is van enige ongerymdhede.
Dus, op die keper beskou, ‘n tipiese onderpresterende ANC-kader wat die potensiaal het om SAPD dienslewering verder te verswak of te verras met ‘n verbetering in polisiedienste.
Die president het die uitbreiding van ministersposte regverdig deur die blaam voor die deur van die Regering van Nasionale Eenheid te lê. Alle party moes in die aanstellings verteenwoordig word. Die edelheid van die motief vir ‘n tweede adjunk minister van polisie moet egter bevraagteken word.
Cassel Mathale en Shela Boshielo is die assistent ministers van Mchunu. Dis Mathale se tweede termyn in hierdie posisie en steeds herken die algemene publiek nie sy naam of sy rol in die parlement nie. Die doel van ‘n tweede adjunk om polisiedienste te verbeter is in hierdie stadium duidelik nie.
‘n Addisionele adjunk in die uitvoerende gesag is natuurlik bevorderlik vir ANC belange veral as ons in gedagte hou dat die polisieminister en beide sy adjunkte ANC parlementslede is. Beide die adjunkte is boorlinge van Limpopo, Ramaphosa se hinterland. Hierdie aanstellings het dus niks met verteenwoordiging van alle partye doen nie, ook nie met verbeterde dienslewering nie, maar alles met bevoordeling van die magsbehepte ANC. Uit hierdie oogpunt is dit dus duidelik dat die ministerie van Polisie nou ‘n parkeerplek vir ANC kaders geword het om die magsewewig in die uitvoerende gesag tot ANC voordeel aan te wend.
Tog jammer vir die publiek wat uitgesien het na die vertrek van Cele en verbetering van polisiedienste in Suid Afrika.
Jan de Klerk
Oud-AO Boet Meintjes
Taai Manne! Ysters! Ou-Sophiatown se manne met genl. Viktor! Van links na regs: kol Marius Morland, genl Viktor, Boet Meintjes en Johantjie Ackerman (Foto deur HBH).
"Bendes nog nooit so erg" - Rapport 2024-07-07 bladsy 6 - (PDF weergawe)
Toe ek die berig lees, toe begin die woede in my opstoot dat ek onwillekeurig begin bewe, en die haat wat ewe skielik opstoot vanuit my maag vir hierdie bendes en hul meelopers, wat wil uit oorkook by my mond uit en ek voel ek wil uit volle bors skree dat hierdie verpestings van die aarde afgevee moet wordwatse bestaansreg het hulle, watse waarde voeg hulle tot die samelewing ??niks absoluut niks, hulle is soos onkruid wat uitgeruk en verbrand moet word, hulle moet uit die samelewing verwyder en in 'n donker sel gegooi word.
"Dié moord Saterdagaand in Delft was een van 120 wat in die laaste week van Junie 2024 in die Wes-Kaap gepleeg is - die meeste van hulle bende verwant" - aldus Rapport, 120 moorde in EEN WEEK, dit gaan my verstand te bowe, hoe verwerk 'n mens dit, hoe verwerk ouers en geliefdes die afsterwe van hul geliefdes sonder enige waarskuwing.
Wat my verder die vieste inmaak, die berig word deur Rapport op bladsy 6 weggesteek, 'n flippen skande, die berig hoort op die voorblad van elke koerant in die land, dit moet in HOOFLETTERS
uitbasuin word, Suid-Afrika is 'n bloedbad, ons is in 'n nie amptelike oorlog gewikkel - maar nee, so 'n opskrif sal seker nie die redaksie geval nie.
Hierdie week is 'n klomp mense as ministers ingesweer en is dadelik tot miljoenêrs verhewe, en bykomend seker ook 'n klomp lyfwagte by gekry, maar wat van die areas waar 120 mense vermoor is, het hulle bykomende polisiebeamptes by gekry?
Die Grondwet was aan die Ministers voorgehou en hulle het gesweer dat hulle onderdanig daaraan sou wees, wat doen die Grondwet vir die gewone man op straat wat afgemaai word in 'n oogwink.
Daar word altyd 'n groot gewag gemaak oor die feit dat ons die beste Grondwet in die wêreld hetgaan vertel dit vir die 120 mense se geliefdes wat by 'n oop graf gaan staan die komende dae, gaan vertel dit vir die 85 mense se geliefdes wat op 'n daaglikse basis afgemaai word, die 100de verkragtings per dag, 100de rowe per dag, 100de ander gewelds misdade en 1000de ander misdade per dag - hoe beskerm die sogenaamde beste Grondwet ter wêreld ons arme siele hier aan die onderpunt van Afrika? kom Mnr die President verduidelik vir ons asook jou nuut verkose miljoenêrs klub, hoe gaan julle ons beskerm? Ek wag in spanning.
Meneer Solly Malatsi - DA, siende u nou die Minister van Kommunikasie en Digitale Tegnologie is, ek daag u uit om toe te sien dat alle misdade op 'n daaglikse basis op alle voorblaaie van die gedrukte media verskyn, 'n TV-Nuuskanaal geskep word wat die pleging van misdaad, die soek na verdagtes, arrestasie, misdaad tendense, optogte, oproer, anargie misdaad wenke ens, ens 24/7 sal beeldsend - Suid-Afrika moet ingelig word.
Gedurende ons Covid tydperk het die Minister van Gesondheid daagliks en ten minste eenkeer 'n week met Suid-Afrika gekommunikeer en ons op hoogte gehou van die Covid tendense, hoekom kan dit nie ook gedoen word met misdaad nie?
Meneer Senzo Mchunu - ANC, u is nou die Minister van Justisie en Sekuriteit, wat is u plan om misdaad aan te spreek en hoe gaan u dit aanspreek? want Meneer u voorganger het nie die Grondwet eerbiedig nie, ons as burgers van die land is nie beskerm nie, inteendeel hy het ons vir die wolwe gegooi.
Wêreld wyd is dit mos die norm dat 'n nuwe President of Minister 100 dae gegun moet word om sy staal te wys. Meneer die President en die twee Ministers soos hierbo genoem, gaan ons moet 100 dae wag om 'n verandering/verbetering te sien of gaan u bietjie vinniger beweeg as jul voorgangers? hulle het 30 jaar gehad en niks het verander nie, vernaam as misdaad ter sprake is. Open kommunikasie en lig ons as Suid-Afrikaners in.
As ek reg kan onthou, die President het gesê die Ministers wat nou aangestel is moet nie aan hul self dink nie, maar aan die burgers van Suid-Afrika - hoe lank gaan dit vat voordat hulle aan ons gaan begin dink - een maand, twee maande, ses maande, 'n jaar? of soos die vorige ses bedelings NOOIT !!! of bitter min.
Die twee vermelde Minister, dit sal opreg waardeer word indien u, u weg oop sal sien om my te kontak, ek sal daarvan hou om u in die oë te kyk oor 'n koppie koffie en presies vertel hoe ons gewone burgers oor misdaad en die verval van ons land voel en om by julle te hoor wat is julle planne vir Suid-Afrika - ek woon in Roodepoort, Gauteng. Ek kan bereik word op Facebook, maar ek gaan nie my asem ophou nie - Boet Meintjes.
Indien die huidige minister ‘n verskil wil maak vir die toekoms, begin by die begin......
Stop onmiddellik die unies.
Die unies gaan oor geld en poste vir kaders.
Gaan kyk wie is die unie-verteenwoordigers, cleaners, klerke en junior lede, wat geen insig het in polisiëring nie.
Stop onmiddellik unie aftrekkings van salarisse, trek dit van die bank af, indien jy unies wil behou.
Geen offisier mag aan ‘n unie behoort nie, hy is ‘n bevelvoerder wat leiding moet gee.
Stel die bevordering stelsel reg...
Bring terug die kwalifikasies, nie ‘n onderwysdiploma of enige menslike hulpbron-diploma nie, maar n 3-jaar Polisiekunde-diploma.
Daar moet weer gekyk word na die menslike hulpbron stelsel, die korrekte hoeveelheid offisiere vir lede.
Op ons offisierskursus is duidelik genoem daar sal slegs 3 500 Offisiere wees vir die hoeveelheid polisiemanne in die mag. Ons het 8 Generaals gehad. Daar is seker nou 700 Generaals en Brigadiers, miljoeners wat klerklike werk doen.
Boet ons op Sophiatown, wat uit en uit ‘n bende-stasie was, het 6 offisiere gehad, ingesluit ek wat die SB was.
Daar is nou in die 40 offisiere, my vlok!, wat doen 40 offisiere op ‘n stasie soos Sophiatown?
Daar kan van daardie addisionele 34 offisiere omtrent 100 konstabels aangestel word om die werk te doen. Kyk hoe los dit die polisie se budget-probleem op.
Stel ‘n voorwaarde aan al hierdie offisiere, verkry jou akademiese kwalifikasie binne 4 jaar of jy word gedepromiveer na ‘n Adjudant Offisier toe, of mense oor 45 word ‘n pakket gegee.
Kom ons kyk vir die onmiddelike optrede, waar kan die minister ‘n verskil maak.
Onthou alles in die verlede was nie reg nie, MAAR alles was ook nie verkeerd nie.
Kom ons stel weer ou specials (specials is tydelike oudlede) aan.
Dit is oudlede met ‘n spesiale vaardigheid...
Boet jy was ‘n spesialis SB-klerk met kennis van MHB, menslike hulpbronne en finansies.
Stel jou op ‘n kontrak van 3-jaar aan op ‘n stasie waar jy opleiding gee, maar indien die lede nie opleibaar is nie, of nie wil luister nie, ontslaan hom.
Dicky Pretorius was ‘n professionele logistieke man, stel hom ook aan as ‘n special.
Ek was ‘n professionele stasiebevelvoerder (SB), ek sal vandag nog enige stasie kan bestuur, stel my aan as special, waar ek leiding aan drie SB’s kan gee, maar betaal die specials slegs ‘n adjudant offisier se salaris.
Die magte moet daar wees, jy wil nie opgelei word nie, ontslaan die persoon.
Boet en oom Hennie ons raak weereens net aan die ore van die seekoei, maar drastiese veranderings moet ingestel word, anders gaan die stelsel platval, en ons is klaar verby omdraai, tensy drasties opgetree gaan word.
Ons het nog nie eers gepraat van bendes en optrede teen bendes nie, hoekom nie.....
Jy kan nie spesifieke dinge aanspreek as jy nie begin om die vrot kop te vervang nie...
Ek weet hier buite is kennis, maar dit word nie aangewend nie, en kaders wil dit nie hoor nie, ook nie die regering nie, so ons sal die sirkus van Afrika bly.
Marius Morland
Ian Cameron | 11 July 2024
Ian Cameron say effective capacitation of detective services will be one of first steps in effective efforts to fight crime
Police Committee concerned by continued capacity shortages within crime intelligence and detectives
11 July 2024
The Portfolio Committee on Police is concerned by the continued capacity shortages in crime intelligence and detectives within the South African Police Service (SAPS). The committee considers these areas critical in efforts to proactively reduce crime and ensure effective prosecution of criminals. The committee held its first meeting of the 7 th Parliament yesterday and considered the 2024/25 budget allocation and annual performance plan for the SAPS and entities within the portfolio.
The continued attrition within the detective services has a direct impact on the ability of the SAPS to investigate criminal acts and to ensure that criminals are prosecuted. “The effective capacitation of the detective services will be one of the first steps in the effective efforts to fight crime. We have an immense responsibility to ensure that the SAPS management put in place strategies to remedy capacity challenges within the detective services, and it will be an area of focus for this committee,” said the newly elected Chairperson of the committee, Mr Ian Cameron.
While the committee acknowledged the 5.6% average growth in allocation for the detective services, the committee highlighted that enhanced training, human resource capacitation and improved forensic science services should be the focus going forward.
Furthermore, the continued ineffectiveness of the SAPS crime intelligence unit is a concern for the committee. “We agree with the 6th Parliament committee that crime intelligence is central to effective and proactive reduction in crime. Although the programme has been allocated about R4.7 billion in the current financial year, its impact has been minimal,” Mr Cameron said. The committee called for effective and accountable crime intelligence unit that will be able to prevent crime.
As the new term starts, the committee highlighted that it presents an opportunity to revamp the crime intelligence unit and turn it into a potent tool in the fight against crime. “We cannot afford to repeat the history of inefficiencies, unaccountability and disfunction within this critical environment,” Mr Cameron emphasised.
The committee welcomed the assurance that the SAPS has identified critical areas for funding, including additional funds for the family violence, child protection and sexual offences (FCS) units, and to sustain the allocation for forensic science services, and the capacitation of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation and of crime intelligence. Despite this, the committee highlighted that ineffectively implemented plans will not change South Africans’ lived realities nor the negative socio-economic impact that crime has on the people.
Meanwhile, the committee is also concerned about the inadequate wellness programmes for the members of the SAPS. The continued disregard for this important aspect has a direct impact on the morale and effectiveness of the members and their ability to fight crime. The committee has urged the SAPS management to ensure enhanced focus on psycho-social interventions to assist members to cope with a generally stressful work environment.
The committee further acknowledged the additional allocation to the visible policing programme, which is aimed at ensuring increased visibility of police, something that is a major deterrent to crime. Furthermore, the increased allocation will strengthen the fight against contact crimes, especially the gender-based violence (GBV) endemic in the country. Despite this, the committee called on the SAPS to relook at its targets in the fight against GBV and to intensify measures to fight the problem.
On the Rural Safety Strategy, the committee welcomes assurances from the SAPS that rural safety remains a priority and will be enhanced by the increase in allocation for the visible policing environment. Also of importance is the continued support to community police forums, which are a great resource in the fight against crime.
Regarding the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID), the committee is concerned about the negative impact of budgetary cuts on the ability of the directorate to implement its mandate. The projected R30 million funding cuts over the medium term will have a direct impact on the ability of the directorate to recruit and retain skilled investigators. This will contribute to work overload on the available staff. The committee is of the view that IPID plays a critical watchdog role over the SAPS and this role cannot be undermined.
The committee has committed to enhancing its oversight over the SAPS to ensure an efficient and effective police service. “We must ensure that SAPS functions optimally so that people of South Africa are and feel safe. We cannot fail in this immense responsibility we have been given,” Mr Cameron concluded.
Issued by Malatswa Molepo, Media Officer, Parliament, 11 July 2024
Next step is that office of DPP will thoroughly study judgment to determine whether the NPA will institute prosecutions
Life Esidimeni inquest judgment
10 July 2024
The office of the Director of Public Prosecutions takes note of the judgment of the Life Esidimeni Inquest handed down by the Pretoria High Court in relation to the death of 141 patients. In the judgment, Judge Teffo found that the former Gauteng Health MEC Qedani Mahlangu and the former Gauteng Mental Health head Dr Makgabo Manamela can be held liable for the death of ten patients, namely Virginia Macaphela, Terence Chaba, Lucky Maseko, Josiah Daniels, Charity Ratsotso, Deborah Phehla, Matlakala Elizabeth Motsohae, Koketso Mogoerane. The judge also found that no one can be held liable for the other 133 patients that died. This judgment comes two years after the inquest hearing started before Judge Teffo on 19 July 2021, where a total of 40 witnesses were called to testify. Some of those witnesses include MEC Qedani Mahlangu, Dr Makgabo Manamela, the former Gauteng Premier David Makhura and the former Gauteng Finance MEC Barbara Creecy. The next step is that the office of the DPP will thoroughly study the judgment in order to make a determination on whether the NPA will institute prosecutions against the two individuals whom the court found can be held liable for the deaths.
Issued by Lumka Mahanjana, NPA Regional Spokesperson
Barry Bateman | 11 July 2024
Organisation says it’s time to reconsider decision not to prosecute
Life Esidimeni: The ball is back in the NPA’s court – it’s time to reconsider decision not to prosecute 11 July 2024
AfriForum’s Private Prosecution Unit and Solidarity Helping Hand will study today’s judgement of the inquest into the death of 144 psychiatric patients in the 2016 Life Esidimeni tragedy, before deciding how to proceed. However, the organisations are encouraged that the case will be referred back to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) to reconsider a prosecution. AfriForum and Solidarity Helping Hand emphasise that preliminary information suggests a favourable decision to prosecute the matter.
Judge Mmonoa Teffo delivered judgement in the Gauteng High Court in Pretoria today. She found that the death of at least nine of the victims in the Life Esidimeni tragedy was caused by the negligent actions of the then Gauteng MEC for Health, Qedani Mahlangu, and the former Director of Mental Health at the Gauteng Department of Health, Dr Makgabo Manamela.
AfriForum’s Private Prosecution Unit represented Sandra de Villiers on behalf of Solidarity Helping Hand, which represented families during the mediation hearings. De Villiers’ brother, Jaco Stols, died in 2016 during the Life Esidimeni tragedy.
Shortly before his death, Stols was relocated from Life Esidimeni to another facility where he is believed to have starved to death. Government officials failed to get permission from Stols’ next of kin to relocate him. De Villiers was initially barred from visiting her brother at the new facility. He was only hospitalised at De Villiers' insistence – by this time he weighed barely 39 kg, and it was too late to save his life.
“The verdict is a small step towards the justice we’ve been seeking for so long. We are grateful that those in prominent positions who were directly responsible for this tragedy are being held accountable. The victims who couldn’t help themselves died of dehydration, starvation and neglect,” said René Roux, Managing Director of Media at Solidarity Helping Hand.
Issued by Barry Bateman, Communications Manager: Private Prosecution Unit, AfriForum, 11 July 2024.
Ons ouer garde het 'n baie unieke tydperk in SA beleef, in die sin dat ons die oorgang van 'n vorige wit regering na die huidige swart regering beleef het in 1994. Anders gestel: 'n oorgang van 'n apartheidsbestel (toe die parlement ook die finale gesag was) na 'n sg. demokratiese bestel, met 'n grondwet waaraan alles en almal aan moet voldoen. Dié verandering was enorm en het 'n groot impak op baie se lewens gehad.
As gevolg hiervan verwys ek en baie ander kort-kort na gebeure van die pre-1994 en die huidige of post-1994 tydperke en skryf stories en gee menings daaroor, meesal objektief, maar partykeer ook met 'n skeut subjektiwiteit. Dit kan nie anders nie, want ons was daar en is nog steeds hier. Toekomstige geskiedenisnavorsers sal dit later ontleed, vergelyk en verklaar.
Brigadier Hennie Heymans is ook al jarelank besig om die geskiedenisfeite en stories van oudlede en ander individue in sy internetpublikasie, Nongqai, te publiseer vir bewaring, wat geskiedkundiges later ook sal gebruik in húlle navorsing.
Daar is al gesê dat die term 'eietydse geskiedenis' effe problematies of omstrede kan wees. Dit is egter almal se bydra tot die geskiedenis om die huidige en ook die verlede wêreld te probeer verstaan.
Die redes vir laasgenoemde stelling - dat dit ook problematies kan wees - is omdat daar gesê word dat die amptelike argiefdokumente waarop die meeste geskiedenisstudies nog agter slot en grendel is (dit was seker 'n outydse redenasie, want die laaste dekades word baie feite op die internet gevind), en in die tweede plek, dat veral die tydsafstand wat nodig is om geskiedenis behoorlik te ontleed, ontbreek.
Die val van die sg. Berlynse muur in 1989 was 'n waterskeidingsjaar in die geskiedenis waarna niks daarna meer dieselfde was nie.
Dit het Suid-Afrika direk geraak en was dit juis ook die bykomende, miskien die finale oorredende motivering, vir oudpresident FW De Klerk toe hy sy omstrede aankondiging (ontbanning van SA se vryheidsbewegings) op 2 Februarie 1990 gemaak het.
Niemand kan egter die val van die Berlyn Muur in 1989 behoorlik verklaar sonder insigte van historici rondom die verloop van die sg. Koue Oorlog nie.
In Suid-Afrika is die tydperk waarin bronne opgesluit (bewaar) moet bly, van 50 tot 20 jaar verkort, iets wat elke historikus buitengewoon gelukkig moet maak. Hy of sy kan byvoorbeeld onderhoude voer met mense wat nog leef en wat historiese gebeure meegemaak of help rig het.
Ten laaste: 'n Historikus wat toegee aan sy eie subjektiewe gevoelens wanneer hy die pen opneem, is geen ware historikus in die ware sin van die woord nie. Hy is dit nie, omdat dit vir hom totaal onmoontlik is om hom selfs vir ’n oomblik van sy onderwerp te distansieer en na die waarheid te soek en dít te verklaar.
Deur brigadier Fanie Bouwer
Ek het al heelwat hieroor geskryf, veral oor die verlies daarvan in die SAPD.
Kortliks het ek gesê dit is die voortdurende oordra van kennis - dit wat goed en reg gewerk het, en ook waardes en gebruike - na die jongeres om goeie kontinuïteit te bewerkstellig.
Die top politieke skrywer, RW Johnson, het oor hierdie spesifieke onderwerp die volgende te sê gehad oor die regerende party:
Die Covid-19-krisis het verskeie lesse onthul oor die uitoefening van mag in Suid-Afrika.
Een daarvan is dat ons heersers nie die grense van hul mag verstaan nie. Slegs 'n paar jaar na die eerste Mandela-administrasie is die groot "transformasie" van die staatsdiens geloods.
Ervare wit werknemers is afgelê en vervang deur 'n magdom aanstellings met regstellende aksie, waarvan baie politieke, maar baie meer van hulle het staatsamptenare by die voormalige Bantustans ingebring is- wat al baie slegte gewoontes aangeleer het.
In 1999 het byna die hele institusionele geheue in 1999 by die meeste departemente verlore gegaan en baie van die nuwe mense het nie 'n idee gehad hoe om hul werk te doen nie.
Op daardie tydstip was daar meestal mevrou Van der Merwe, wat vroeër verantwoordelik was vir die tikpoel, maar ten minste het sy geweet waar die lêers gehou word en wat gebeur het as jy die ooglopende rooi ligte ignoreer. Mevrou van der Merwe is gou ook weg en chaos het daarna geheers.
Elke nuwe minister wou sy eie direkteur-generaal (en verskeie adjunkte) kies, gewoonlik uit dieselfde etniese groep as hy.
Die resultaat was 'n konstante verandering van verandering ...
Skelm aankoop- en verkrygingsamptenare het na vore getree, soms insluitend die minister of wat.
Binne tien jaar nadat die ANC die regering oorgeneem het, was die ondergang van die staatsdiens volvoer.
Institusionele geheue is toe nie net weg nie, maar ook baie vaardighede.
In hul plek was daar steeds groter getalle toenemend goedbetaalde funksionarisse (kaders) wat weinig begrip gehad het van die werk wat hulle veronderstel was om te doen, maar wat dikwels 'n hand gekry het in verkrygingskelmstreke, SEB-firmas, politieke faksies en so aan.
Dit was gou duidelik dat ons gevolglik 'n gebroke en gefaalde staat gehad het waarin die regering se bevoegdheid om enigiets uit te voer uiters beperk was omdat die staatsdiens feitlik geheel en al opgehou het 'om te werk'".
Brig Fanie Bouwer
Dit is die volgende stuk wat ek op Facebook lees, wat my beweeg het om hierdie pos te skryf, met 'n effense sousie of politieke geurtjie daar oor.
Dit kan nie anders nie.
Dit lui so: "Ondanks wêreldwye erkenning aan Rassie Erasmus en Siya Kolisi vir hul toewyding en sukses om die Springbokke te transformeer en ’n span vir ál die mense van die land te wees, word die Bokke in ’n interne verslag van die Suid-Afrikaanse Rugbyunie (Saru) oor die kole gehaal oor hul gebrek aan transformasie".
Ek was ietwat moerig en vieserig toe ek dit lees. Toe begin ek die bruin en swart lede van die onlangse wêreldrugbyspan tel om te bepaal hoe transformasie dan nou eintlik toe was? Die hele land het dit as aanvaarbaar gevind. Ek ook.
En as mens in ag neem hoe suksesvol dié span was, wonder ek waarom die Suid-Afrikaanse Rugbyunie (SARU) dit selfs enigsins goedgedink het om só 'n uitspraak te maak? Ek wonder ook nou wie spesifiek die verslag geskryf het?
Nou wonder ek hoe Rassie Erasmus & Kie voel oor die rugbyunie se stelling?
Moes die rugbyunie nie eerder hulle gedagtes gerig het op die (beter) identifisering van rugbytalent op skoolvlak; meer en beter rugby-akademies vir opkomende talent daar te stel nie; meer geld aan afrigting te bestee op laer vlak rugby ens. nie.
Nee, eerder strooi praat oor 'n sg. towerwoord 'transformasie'. Dit was regtig 'n gekke gedagte op die verkeerde oomblik.
Die woord 'transformasie' was al van die vroeë negentigs af die (nuwe) magiese woord.
In sy ware betekenis, is daar niks fout daarmee nie; ook dalk nie in die normale konteks van die veranderde politieke omgewing wat toé geheers het nie.
In 1996 het ek en ander dit hard en duidelik aan ons eie velle gevoel toe ons 'n aanbiedinge in die ou Volksraad aan LP's moes gaan doen. Ek het só daaroor geskryf:
"Die sewe van ons, was 5 wit en 2 bruin.
Dit was ‘n vreeslike "issue" vir sekeres van die vyandige LP's. En hulle het dit in geen onsekere taal aan ons gesê nie.
Die skeiding van die demografie van die bevolking wou hulle sien! Rekenkundige skeiding sekerof die nuwe getalle-apartheid, wat nou in SA vir hulle ‘n dogma geword het!"
Ek wou hierdie anekdote eers nie genoem het nie. Brigadier Ano Lamour (later luitenantgeneraal) - 'n taamlike politiek-bewuste kêrel daardie tyd - was deel van ons afvaardiging. Op 'n stadium was hy by die podium en toe hy terugkom, toe gaan sit hy so 'n paar treë van ons af - so asof hy die vertrek 'gelees' het, soos mense sê. Ek het altyd tot nou toe gewonder wat hy daardeur wou bewys? Dit was egter hoe dit was.
Die dogma van 'transformasie' het vinnig getransformeer na 'n politieke ideologie. Ek het gehoop dit sou 'n tydelike modewoord wees, maar nou 30 jaar later word aan hierdie ideologie vasgeklouin weerwil van die feit dat juis dít was wat bykans die hele staat en sy staatsmaatskappye (SOE's) op sy spreekwoordelike knieë gedwing het.
'Transformasie' het later 'n politieke nefie by gekry. En dit was genoem kaderontplooiing. Die kombinasie van hierdie twee 'politieke sibbes' het 'n slegte bydrae gemaak om die staatsdiens en sy (SOE's) erg te laat wankel.
Hoekom was daar van meet af hierdie buitengewone haas tot transformasie, wat vir my later bloot die betekenis van 'vervang wit met swart' gekry het?
Was daar by die nuwe bewindhebbers en hulle politieke volgelinge 'n onwrikbare, bewysbare geloof dat swartmense in die werkplek beter is as witmense? Of was dit eenvoudig maar net 'n ideologiese politieke ding, wat ook al die gevolge?
Hoekom het hulle nie gedink aan 'n meer geleidelike regtrekking van die rassedemografie, saam met die ou, wit amptenare met hulle jarelange, oorgedraagde institusionele kennis nie?
Ten opsigte van lg. het ek dikwels gehoor daar word afwysend van die 'ou apartheidsoffisiere' gepraat, so asof hulle nie die verskil kon insien tussen hulle as bekwame ouens wat hulle status bereik het deur integriteit, bewese bekwaamhede gebaseer op meriete versus die politiek van die ou regering. Dit is twee verskillende aspekte.
'n Swart kolonel, Simon Mpembe, het onder my gedien. Hy was hoogs intelligent en was vlot in beide Engels en Afrikaans. Hy was op versnelde bevordering geplaas en later a.g.v. sy bekwaamhede 'n provinsiale kommissaris geword.
Ek noem Mpembe spesifiek omdat as sy soort - ook elders in die staatsdiens - so weens bewese bekwaamheid bevorder was, sou dinge uiteindelik beter daartoe gewees het. Ongelukkig het die oorhaastige politieke ideologieë die oorhand gekry.
Ek lees intussen dat 'transformasie' ook met hernude drif in die SEB ('BEE') en gelykheidswetgewings ('Eployment equity') areas gedryf word.
As die huidige bewindhebbers ná 29 Mei 2024 steeds aan bewind bly, sal dit steeds meer van dieselfde wees, vermoed ek.
As enige ideologie eers pos gevat, bly dit in die bewindhebbers se DNS. Oral oor.
Hoe verloop die indiensneming van derduisende applikante deesdae? Pas hulle die gelykheidswet toe? Is daar 8% wittes tussen hulle?
Jan de Klerk
Op 3 Julie 2024 sit hoopvolle Suid-Afrikaners voor die TV in afwagting vir die adjunk-president en die kabinet om tydens ‘n formele geleentheid as ampsdraers ingevolge die grondwet ingesweer te word.
Dis opmerklik hoe eers die president, toe hoofregter Zondo met sy statige ampsgewaad en daarna die meeste van die ministers die geleentheid gebruik om ‘n ligtelikheid in ‘n gewyde atmosfeer te probeer skep.
Gou word dit duidelik dat die volgende ampsdraer snaakser as sy voorganger probeer wees en poog om die dekorum in ‘n komedie te omskep.
Die eedswoorde “faithful”, “solemnly”, “sincerely” en “so help me God” word feitlik afgemaak as deel van die komedie materiaal wat voor die nasie afspeel sonder enige erns, emosie of intensiteit.
Nog nêrens sien mens enige kommer of enige kommentaar oor hierdie verwatering van die belangrikste eed wat enige Suid-Afrikaner kan neem nie. Ek vermoed dus dat ek oud raak en nie by veranderde tye aanpas nie.
Vandag, minder as 2 weke later, beland ‘n eedsverklaring op my tafel en besef ek hoe maklik die samelewing se waardesisteem deur swak leierskap afgebreek word.
Eedsverklarings is ‘n belangrike element wat die waardes en integriteit van individue weerspieël. Dis ‘n aanduiding van die verklaarder se inherente morele standaarde.
Die betrokke eedsverklaring is ‘n blanko verklaring wat reeds deur die Kommissaris van Ede beëdig is en dus ‘n vrye hand gee aan die verklaarder om die feite van die aangeleentheid te verdraai na goeddunke.
Hierdie is ‘n ernstige oortreding van die Regulasies van die Wet op Vrederegters en Kommissarisse van Ede (Wet 16/1963) wat die Kommissaris van Ede aan ‘n kriminele oortreding skuldig maak.
Die vraag is, sal enige optrede volg met die publikasie van hierdie bewysstuk? Het die bevelvoerder die nodige insig om die erns van die oortreding te besef? Kan die polisielid verkwalik word as die land se leiers ‘n komedie van die eedsverklaring maak?
Die dokument word onveranderd geplaas sodat dit as leidraad kan dien vir polisieleiers wat ‘n verskil wil maak.
Jan de Klerk
Brig Fanie Bouwer
Ek hoor nou die dag weer van iemand wat 'n onderonsie gehad het met sy beëdigde verklaring by 'n polisiestasie.
Die konstabel sê hy moet eers die ellelange verklaring, met ingewikkelde finansiële begrippe en uiteensettings, lees om seker te maak dis "reg". Wat natuurlik nonsens is.
Deel van onderstaande het ek in 2006 aan 'n koerant geskryf en is dit gepubliseer. Dit is selfverduidelikend.
Dagsê Liewe Heksie
Om aan te sluit by jou laaste brief waar jy skryf van Afrikaanssprekende klaers wat so moedeloos word wanneer die Engelssprekende polisieman nie sy klagte kan of wil verstaan nie, wil ek `n brief
van my in `n dagblad aanhaal oor juis hierdie probleem wat deesdae ondervind word. Dit was geplaas onder die opskrif `N TAALKINKEL IN DIE REGSKABEL.
Ek haal my brief oor dieselfde probleem aan:
“MM se brief “Die Man’ wil net Engels hê” (DB, 4/4) verwys. (Die brief van MM het gegaan oor `n polisieman by `n polisiestasie wat niks van Afrikaans wou weet nie).
Die gebrek aan Afrikaanssprekende polisiebeamptes by sekere polisiestasies, is nie net `n hindernis vir persone wat hulle klagtes en ander sake in Afrikaans wil aanmeld nie, maar is dit ook dalk besig om die regspleging onwetend te benadeel.
Ek het onlangs na `n ander polisiestasie gegaan om `n verklaring te laat beëdig waar slegs twee jong, swart konstabels aan diens was. Die polisiestasie is geleë in `n oorwegend Afrikaanse gemeenskap.
Die Afrikaanssprekende persoon voor my in die tou, wat ook `n verklaring wou laat beëdig, het sy versoek in Afrikaans gerig. Nadat die konstabel hom toe in Engels versoek om op `n bestemde spasie te teken, het die lid dit geneem en verder voltooi, sy eie handtekening daarop aangebring en die proses voltooi deur die amptelike stempel daarop aan te bring. Op die oog af, vinnige, skaflike diens.
Ek versoek toe dieselfde diens, maar met die verskil dat ek dit in isiXhosa doen. Die twee konstabels se gesigte helder oombliklik op omdat ek hulle taal praat. Die een wat my help, herhaal dieselfde prosedure wat ek so pas beskryf het ten opsigte van my verklaring.
Nadat hy die verklaring aan my terug besorg het, bedank ek hom in isiXhosa en groet met die woorde: “sebenza ka mandi!” (lekker werk). Hy is egter nie die probleem gewees nie - die wat hom daar geplaas het, het die probleem veroorsaak.
Maar daar was `n kinkel in die regskabel: die konstabel het ons nie oor die drie voorgeskrewe vrae, te wete oor die inhoud van die verklarings; of ons beswaar het teen die eed en of ons die eed as bindend vir ons gewete beskou, uitgevra nie. Hy het ons ook nie daarna die eed mondelings laat aflê soos wat die wet voorskryf nie. Ons verklarings is dus vir alle praktiese doeleindes nog steeds onbeëdig.
Nou, indien ons verklaring dalk vals was, kan ons ook nie - weens die konstabel se kortpad om die taalprobleem te oorkom - van statutêre meineed aangekla word nie. Beëdigde verklarings word wyd in die regswêreld en ander instansies gebruik en aangewend en word `n hoë premie daarop geplaas.
My skatting is dat ongeveer 80% van alle beëdigde verklarings in hierdie provinsie in Afrikaans afgelê word.
Ek aanvaar dus dat indien die publiek ook nie by polisiestasies in Afrikaans bedien kan word nie, dieselfde ongerymdhede noodwendig moet plaasvind. Na my mening ondermyn dit dan inderdaad die regspleging.”
Dit dan my brief.
Ek hoop net dat die bevelvoerders van die polisiestasies toe gereageer het en iets aan die probleem gedoen het. Ek moes daardie dag eintlik aangedring het dat my verklaring in behoorlik in Afrikaans beëdig word, maar ek was te haastig en ook in `n goeie bui, maar dit tog toe in die
koerant bekend gemaak sodat dit wyer onder aandag kon kom. Volgende keer sal ek egter nie weer tegemoetkomend by `n polisiestasie wees nie.
Die plasing van polisiemanne word deesdae so gedoen dat dit in ooreenstemming is met die "national demographics". "Local demographics" word geïgnoreer. Ek wonder net hoe dit deesdae gaan in plekke soos die Weskus, Noord-Kaap en ander plekke waar Engels maar `n `vreemde taal` is?
Ek dink almal moet daadwerklik vasskop en ons stemme laat hoor as ons taal onnodig eenkant toe gestoot word. Ek is eintlik verbaas dat Afrikaner politieke leiers, Afrikaanse taalleiers en die taalbulle (het ons deesdae nog so-iets?) nie as`t ware `ten hemele skree` oor hierdie kwessie nie.
Jacques Broodryk | 16 July 2024
New minister of police shows an understanding of the seriousness of crime issue in SA
Cooperation between communities and SAPS now of crucial importance – AfriForum 16 July 2024
The civil rights organisation AfriForum believes that the newly appointed Minister of Police, Senzo Mchunu, shows an understanding of the seriousness and extent of the crime situation in the country, and emphasises that closer cooperation between communities and law enforcement authorities is now of critical importance for crime-fighting initiatives to succeed. The organisation further argues that Mchunu’s outline of priorities that need urgent attention in the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the fight against crime, is an important step in the right direction. Yesterday, Mchunu outlined the priorities for his portfolio at a media conference in Pretoria.
AfriForum stresses that time will tell whether Mchunu will suit the action to the word, but wished the Minister all the best and reaffirmed the organisation’s commitment to cooperation with law enforcement authorities.
“AfriForum’s 177 neighbourhood and farm watch structures have an excellent cooperative working relationship with the SAPS at ground level and we will continue to foster these relationships. We are also looking forward to working with a police minister who also emphasises cooperation,” says Jacques Broodryk, AfriForum’s Chief Spokesperson for Community Safety. Broodryk, however, confirmed that AfriForum will not shy away from calling out and fighting any incompetence, corruption or political interference in the SAPS. “We will continue to intensify our efforts to train and equip communities to look after their own safety. We wish the Minister all the best with the enormous task at hand,” concludes Broodryk.
Issued by Jacques Broodryk, Chief Spokesperson: Community Safety, AfriForum, 16 July 2024 https://www.politicsweb.co.za/politics/cooperation-between-communities-and-saps-crucial--? utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=109ae47a30EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_07_16_08_04&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-109ae47a30%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D
Marthinus de Lange
Ongelukkig lag die wêreld weer vir SA.
Vanoggend aan my gestuur deur 'n vriend in Amerika.
Ek kan net wonder hoe hulle die berig geskryf het. Om nou nie eers van die VB-inskrywing te praat nie.
Libanon se Hezbollah het meer as 200 vuurpyle en 'n swerm hommeltuie na Israeliese militêre terreine gelanseer in reaksie op die beweerde moord op een van die groep se topbevelvoerders.
Vyf-en-twintig soldate is in die Demokratiese Republiek van die Kongo ter dood veroordeel omdat hulle gevegte teen M23-rebelle gevlug het.
Russia Today 15 Jul 2024
Three-day naval manoeuvres have kicked off in Southern China, the Defence Ministry in Beijing says.
Russian and Chinese naval forces have started joint exercises in the Pacific, the Defence Ministry in Beijing said on Sunday.
The three-day ‘Maritime Joint-2024’ drills are being conducted near the Chinese city of Zhanjiang. They will train naval forces’ ability to address security threats, maintain international and regional stability, and boost the strategic partnership, according to a statement.
“The fourth joint maritime patrol in the western and northern Pacific Ocean” conducted on Sunday “did not target a third party and had nothing to do with the current international and regional situation,” it added.
Two vessels from Russia’s Pacific Fleet are participating in the annual event, TASS reported on Monday, citing the fleet’s press office.
Crews will conduct air defence exercises and drills involving anti-submarine aviation, as well as resupplying on the move and sea rescue training.
The naval cooperation comes amid mounting tensions between China and NATO members. In a document adopted after last week’s summit in Washington, the US-led bloc alleged that Beijing has been working with Moscow to “undercut and reshape the rules-based international order.” The communiqué also claimed that China has been providing dual-use materials and components to Russian arms manufacturers amid its conflict with Ukraine.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has dismissed the allegations as “groundless,” insisting that Beijing “has always been a force for peace and stability in the international community.” Wang urged NATO to focus on dialogue and establishing “mutual trust,” instead of dishing out allegations against Beijing.
The Chinese government has repeatedly rejected the Western framing of the Ukraine conflict, which has presented it as an unprovoked act of aggression by Russia. Instead, Beijing has cited NATO’s expansion in Europe as a key cause.
Trade between Russia and China has boomed since the West imposed an array of sanctions against Moscow over the Ukraine conflict, which forced many international businesses to exit the country.
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In February 2022, the South African Zionist Terrorism Corridor Probe was lodged for crimes perpetrated in a foreign territory with South African law enforcement and prosecutorial Authorities. The Terrorism Probe requested investigation into accused persons having unlawfully served in the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) or occupation forces (IOF) in 2014 in Gaza, and South African persons and institutions support for enduring colonisation, belligerent occupation and apartheid practices which are unlawful under international law including violations of South Africa’s Implementation of the Rome Statute, codifying universal jurisdiction for holding accountable accused suspects for the most egregious and heinous crimes perpetrated against Palestinians.
The Complainants invoked the provisions of the Protection of Constitutional Democracy against Terrorist and Related Activities and the Regulation of Foreign Military Assistance. This probe was now extended following Israel’s aggression in Gaza after 7 October 2023, and supplemented with a comprehensive criminal complaint against Israeli Prime Minister - Benjamin
Netanyahu, President of Israel – Isaac Herzog, Minister of Defence - Yoav Gallant, Minister of National Security - Itamar Ben Gvir, Chief of the General Staff of the IDF - Herzi Halevi, Incumbent Generals and Commanders of the IDF and other members of the ultra-right ethnocratic coalition and the IDF carrying out the Israeli government’s belligerent polices perpetrating with impunity the crime of genocide, war crimes, crimes of aggression and crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people in Gaza, the West Bank and in occupied Palestinian territories.
The situation in Gaza is a humanitarian catastrophe. Palestinian Health Authorities report Israel's military ground and air aggression in Gaza have killed more than 38,000 people, mostly civilians, and displaced most of the enclave's 2.3 million people from their homes. Thousands more civilians and children in Gaza are now physically maimed, disabled with physical lifetime impairments and emotionally traumatised by the IDF’s present military aggression.
The recent Criminal Complaint with over 500 pages of evidence was brought by South African nationals, Safoudien Bester and institutions within the Palestinian solidarity movement, being namely the Palestine Solidarity Campaign – Cape Town (PSC-CT) and the Media Review Network (MRN) advocating for the cessation of IDF aggression and the liberation of Palestine from Israel’s decades long unlawful belligerent occupation.
Included in this ground-breaking dossier are the inclusion of number of identifiable South African nationals or citizens who are unlawfully serving in the IOF in violation of the Regulation of Foreign Military Assistance Act.
The comprehensive criminal complaint was lodged on behalf of the Complainants by South African Attorney and International Human Rights Defender and Lawfare Advocate, Ziyaad Ebrahim Patel with the Directorate of Priority Crimes Investigation (DPCI) and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) of South Africa on 09 July 2024.
This extensive criminal complaint lodged within the territory of South Africa’s national jurisdiction, includes a request for implementation of UN Security Council resolutions and orders granted by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in South Africa’s invocation of the Genocide Convention against the State of Israel and the urgent interim provisional and humanitarian measures which were granted.
This Complainant’s request for referral to the International Criminal Court (ICC) is also aligned with South Africa’s State Referral of the egregious crimes being perpetrated by Israeli Knesset and the IDF in the Palestinian territories which was made to the ICC on 17 November 2023.
Wolfgang Witschas
Sylvia Lee Raphael
Sylvia Lee Raphael 'Schjødt', a South African from the Eastern Cape town of Graaff-Reinet, South Africa, was an Israeli Mossad agent, convicted of murder for her involvement in the Lillehammer affair in Norway.
Sylvia Raphael's grave in the Ramat HaKovesh cemetery
Background: Sylvia Lee Raphael
Names: Sylvia, Lee
Surname: Raphael
Married surname: Schjødt
Birthdate: 01 April 1937
Birth place: Graaff-Reinet, Eastern Cape, South Africa, grew up in Pretoria South Africa
Death: 09 February 2005 (67) Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
Place of Burial: Israel
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Ferdinand Raphael and Miriam Helena Raphael neé Smit
Wife of Annæus Schjødt jr
Sister of Joyce Merlyn Feinberg and Ferdinand Ivon Raphael,
Half-sister of Basil Havelock Watts
Half-nephew of Derek Neil Watts (M-Net Cart Blanche investigative journalist)
Criminal status: Released and deported from Norway in 1975
Criminal charge: Murder, espionage, use of forged documents
Penalty: 5 years and 6 months prison sentence were reduced to 18 months
Spouse: Annæus Schjødt Jr.
Born: 03 February 1920 in Aker Norway
Died: 04 November 2014 (Age 94) in Oslo Norway at the age of 95
Nationality: Norwegian
Spouses: Sissel Anker Olsen
Grethe Buck
Sylvia Lee Rafael
Norwegian lawyer with deep ties to Mossad, including marrying one of the murderers in the Lillehammer assassination.
Sylvia Lee Raphael was born on 01 April (April Fool's Day) 1937, in the Eastern Cape town of Graaff Reinet in South Africa, a farming community, to a Jewish father and Christian mother. Although Raphael’s father was Jewish, she was baptised Dutch Reformed, her mother’s religion/church. Her entrepreneur Jewish father was an atheist, and very assimilated in the local Afrikaner community.
The family lived in Cypress Grove, Graaff Reinet, and she attended the Union High School in the 1950s, matriculating in the early 1960s. Her father Ferdinand "Ferdi" was well-known locally cinema Proprietor who owned the Plaza Bioscope (cinema) in Market Square.
Lynette de Villiers was her friend since kindergarten: “She was always different. She was tall, striking, with long black hair. She had an answer for everything and was extremely funny. She made up the most amusing stories about why she was late for school. She loved acting. Her father, Ferdinand, owned the bioscope [cinema] and we sold tickets there to get a look at the boys!”
The Afrikaners were largely antisemitic," says Logan, "and to some of their leaders' disgrace, sympathised with the Nazis."
In 1963, Sylvia witnessed some local boys pushing a Jewish girl in a wheelbarrow and chanting, "We're going to take you to Hitler." She was so distressed that her family sent her away to a private girls' school.
After studying at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa, “Sylvia went to Israel to look for her roots,” De Villiers said. “She was the most adventurous person I ever knew. She was up for anything. She spoke many languages – English, Afrikaans, French, German, Hebrew, Arabic – and fluent Norwegian, which she later learnt in jail.”
Although she never officially converted to Judaism, Raphael, saw herself as a Jew. Her first home in Israel. She lived on a kibbutz, Kibbutz Gan Shmuel. and later worked as a teacher before moving to Tel Aviv, where she was recruited by Mossad.
After her release from prison in 1976, she married her appellant advocate Annæus Schjødt. In 1977, she was deported but two years later obtained a residence permit. In 1992, they settled in her native South Africa, and they lived in Pretoria for a long time. It was there that she reached out to her half nephew, Derek Neil Watts, the veteran M-net Carte Blanche investigative journalist for 35 years (1988 to 2023). “She was warm and companionable, and had so many stories to tell,” he said. “We bonded as fellow ‘journalists’ (Derek Watts passed away on 22 August 2023)
Sylvia Raphael died in February 2005, aged 67, from leukaemia (cancer). She was cremated in South Africa. Her ashes were taken to Kibbutz Ramat Hachofetz in Israel. The who’s who of the
Israeli intelligence community was at her top-secret memorial service. One writer said, “When true peace eventually comes, they will write books, make movies, and name streets after her. Raphael is buried in the cemetery of Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh, Israel.
Espionage career
After studying at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa, “Sylvia went to Israel to look for her roots. Working on a kibbutz, she was just what the Mossad was looking for – an attractive gentile who could speak Hebrew and Arabic, and who loved Israel.
Recruitment by Mossad
During the autumn of 1962, a young South African schoolteacher called Sylvia Rafael was sitting in her apartment in Tel Aviv, relaxing after a hard day’s work. She happened to be reading The Jewish War by Josephus Flavius, when the phone rang unexpectedly.
The man on the other end of the line introduced himself as Gadi. He informed Sylvia that he was a representative of an Israeli government agency looking for new female recruits. When Sylvia asked what kind of work this would entail, he explained that if she agreed to meet him at the Café Hadley, on Judah Halevi Street, in Tel Aviv, the next afternoon, all would be revealed.
The first day Sylvia met Gadi an opportunity to do that suddenly presented itself. Gadi was a code name for Moti Kfir— commander of Unit 188’s School for Special Operations in Mossad: the Intelligence Corps that was responsible for missions outside of Israel.
Gadi aka Moti Kfir
Gadi aka Moti Kfir, now 77- years old, and a retired Mossad employee. He recalls from his home in Tel Aviv, his first impressions of meeting Sylvia. “I knew I had seen a very intelligent person in front of me,” he says. “She seemed to understand quickly the things that were not said in the conversation. She also had a great sense of humour, which is a very efficient tool in clandestine activity.”
After training she attained the rank of “combatant,” the highest rank for a Mossad agent, which qualified Raphael to operate in foreign countries. The Mossad sent her to Canada, where she assumed the identity of a photojournalist, Patricia Roxborough. She spent time in Canada developing an ‘authentic’ French-Canadian accent.
She was sent to Paris in this guise with a Canadian passport in the name of real-life Canadian photojournalist "Patricia Roxborough".
Central and Western Europe during this time was becoming a hotbed of activity for Arab terrorist organisations. Later, in the summer of 1972, the PLO’s Black September division would carry out the Munich massacre, in which 11 Israeli athletes competing in the Olympic games were murdered by Palestinian terrorists.
Over time, Sylvia would become a seasoned Mossad operative. But her initial role began as a photographer. Her first job would be in an international photographic agency in Paris: under the fake name of Patricia Roxenburg. Sylvia became so successful at her job that pretty quickly she had a photography exhibition in the French capital.
She approached Sunday Times journalist Jon Swain in Paris when he was 21 and was a young reporter for Agence France-Presse in Paris in the 1960s. “I unwittingly fell for her, in a Mossad honeytrap,” he said. “We became lovers. I suppose she saw me as an entrée to the Anglo-Saxon press corps in Paris. She was often away for many days and not entirely reliable in that sense. No one had any idea of her real identity.”
Kfir explains why Mossad chose photography as Sylvia’s secret profession. “She was a very gifted artist,” he explains. “She drew, painted, and made films very successfully. And so this is a very easy cover to adopt. She wouldn’t need any background story, like where she went to university. She could just say to people that she learned everything herself. This kind of job fitted into her personality perfectly.”
Ironically, though, the more successful Sylvia became at her work, the more isolated she seemed to become in Parisian society.
When Sylvia turned 30, she was feeling disillusioned and even more lonely than usual. Nevertheless, her work kept her distracted. She landed another job with the Parisian photo agency she was working for. This involved taking photographs to launch a new tourist boat on the Seine. On board, on her very first day, she met a friendly German called Hans Rauch, who was also a professional photographer.
As the relationship developed into an intense romance, Sylvia fretted that she could not be honest with her lover. Fearing she may have had to end the relationship, or leave Mossad, she confided in her superiors. It was decided that Sylvia’s partner would be recruited to the Special Operations Unit, so as not to jeopardise Mossad’s security position. Kfir describes why this decision was
taken. “At that time, we usually adopted the system of a one-person model. But Sylvia came and said: ‘I don’t want to lose my life as a woman, and I don’t want to stay without a family’. So put yourself in Mossad’s position. Here we had a gifted woman and combatant.
But there was the real possibility that if we refused or denied her request, she might decide that she would leave. So, this was the compromise we took out of necessity. And it was carried out to minimise danger.”
Kfir speaks in the cryptic language you would expect of a typical intelligence worker. He refuses to be coaxed into any conversations that give too many details away. And when I ask him about specific operations — for example, a time when Sylvia was recruited to travel to Beirut to spy on Yasser Arafat— he simply says he will “not discuss such details.”
I have to eventually tease it out of him that Mossad lied to Sylvia about the fact that she would never see her lover again once they recruited him: this was to ensure that their operations in Europe were not disturbed or sacrificed in any way. “She was certainly disappointed the way this was conducted. But that is it,” says Kfir, sharply.
Raphael was known to have operated in Cairo, Mogadishu (in Somalia), Asmara (in Eritrea), Djibouti, Beirut, Amman, and Damascus. She is said to have replaced Eli Cohen in Damascus, who pierced the top echelons of the Syrian establishment and was publicly hanged for it in 1965. “Sylvia had to fool the best, and she did. She managed to get into the inner sanctums of the Arab world. She was chameleon-like; she could blend in anywhere,” said Logan.
She was the nanny to the children of King Hussein of Jordan at the time the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) was trying to take over the country. Fifty thousand Palestinians were killed by Jordanian forces in September 1970, and the PLO was forced to flee to Lebanon. Raphael met Arafat and infiltrated the PLO.
Sylvia Raphael with her camera in a Jordanian refugee camp, 1969
"The operational details of what Raphael actually did for Mossad, are shrouded in mystery and secrecy, as is much in the world of espionage, said David Kaplan. He is an ex-South African journalist now living in Kfar Saba in Israel, who has unearthed much of Raphael’s story"
After the 1972 Munich Massacre, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir authorised Operation Wrath of God to assassinate the perpetrators. Rafael is considered responsible for the bomb that killed the head of the PLO in France, Mahmoud Hamshari. She is also wanted for killings in Rome.
"In the Steven Spielberg film Munich, Rafael’s character is played by Daniel Craig. Apparently, Spielberg didn’t realise the South African on the team was a woman"
When the Israeli government decided to track down the Black September operatives who committed the Munich massacre in Munich, West Germany, in 1972, Raphael provided valuable intelligence that led to the killing of three. She was then assigned to a Mossad team. This was a covert operation directed by Mossad to assassinate individuals involved in the 1972 Olympics Munich massacre.
Raphael was part of a group of Mossad agents who murdered Morocco-born waiter Ahmed Bouchiki (brother of Chico Bouchikhi) in Lillehammer, Norway, on 21 July 1973, in a case of mistaken identity that became known as the Lillehammer affair. The agents claimed to have mistaken Bouchiki for Ali Hassan Salameh, the chief organizer for Black September who had planned the Munich massacre.
In 1973, she was involved in a plot to assassinate “The Red Prince”, Ali Hassan Salameh, from the Black September terrorist group, and Arafat’s heir apparent. Mossad intelligence placed Salameh in Lillehammer, Norway. He was killed by 14 shots in front of his pregnant wife. But the victim turned out to be Ahmed Bouchikhi, a Moroccan waiter, "a case of mistaken identity".
David Kaplan believes it was a trap to expose the Mossad. Salameh mocked Mossad for killing a pool attendant (one of Bouchikhi’s other jobs). Two greenhorn Mossad operatives soon cracked under interrogation, and Raphael was captured.
Swain was in Saigon, Vietnam, and saw the story on the Reuters wire. “I was flabbergasted,” he said. He had no idea his former girlfriend, Roxborough, was an Israeli spy.
Raphael was arrested shortly after the killing. On 01 February 1974, the Eidsivating Court of Appeal convicted her of planned murder (the most serious murder conviction under Norwegian law), espionage, and use of forged documents. Despite being sentenced to five-and-a-half years in prison. On appeal, Raphael got a light sentence of 5½ years, and only served 18 months. She quipped, “I went from 007 to 005½.” She was allowed to go shopping and spent much time with the female warder in her office. Raphael later survived at least three assassination attempts by the PLO.
After her release she was deported from Norway as a foreign criminal in May 1975, as foreigners convicted of serious crimes are routinely deported after serving their sentences. In 1978, the couple moved back to Norway, where Raphael devoted her time to volunteering at charity organizations.
Sylvia Raphael eventually found love and happiness within marriage to her once Defence Advocate, the Norwegian Annæus Schjødt Jr. Retiring with her husband to Israel and later to Graaff-Reinet where they set up home in a house next door to her parents. When asked once by her half nephew, the M-Net "Cart Blanch" investigative journalist, Derek Watts, what she had done for a living, Sylvia wryly said that if she told him, “He would have to take it to the grave – and that would be within seconds”.
A roundabout named after her was erected in the Israeli town of Migdal.
In 2016, director Saxon Logan compiled a documentary movie on her life called Sylvia: Tracing Blood.
In 2023, an exhibit of her photography opened at the Yitzhak Rabin Center in Tel Aviv presenting her output as a photojournalist.
Sylvia Raphael and Annæus Schjødt Jr. Commemoration
Sylvia Raphael roundabout
The show includes portraits of Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat, scenes of flooding in Yemen, social unrest in Djibouti, as well as daily life in Lebanon and Jordan.
Sylvia Raphael really was a unique character which and perhaps this had something to do with her seemingly conflicting identities, which were part of her till the last day: "Christian and Jewish, Israeli and South African.”
According to the Mossad she was a strong, independent woman who knew how to connect with people. All of these skills helped her turn out to be an excellent Mossad agent. It was important to the Mossad, as curators to present her as a woman who was worthy of admiration for her artistic talent as well.”
“Very few people are buried twice, but Sylvia was,” explains Kfir. “She was cremated in South Africa and her ashes were then laid to rest in Israel. It is symbolic that the way she lived was the way she was buried: in two different countries, in two different homelands.”
Among members of the intelligence community there is a saying: Intelligence is the second oldest profession in the world; the only difference between that and the oldest is that the intelligence profession has lesser morals.
The book 'Sylvia Rafael: The Life and Death of a Mossad Spy', was first published in English in August 2014, and first brought the attention of South Africans to the life of this remarkable woman.
"Just a Thought"
Sylvia Raphael's Mossad senior, Moti Kfir, has an interesting surname: Kfir. Kfir translated to English: Young Lion/Lion Cub, a Hebrew name that originates from the ancient era of the Old Testament of the Bible.
Kfir is also the name of Israels' first indigenous built fighter jet, the Kfir C2 and Kfir C7 multirole fighter. The Kfir was born out of desperation to equip the Israeli Air Force (IAF) with modern fighter planes. It was the Mossad that acquired the plans and blueprints of the French Mirage lll and V from the Swiss company Luftech Corporation, manufacturing French Mirage planes under license, through an clandestine operation, "Actually Brazen Theft". This enabled the Israelis to "reverse engineer" the French planes, upgrade them to Israeli standards. Israel assisted South Africa to upgrade their aged Mirage lllCZ fighter jets under "Project Cussion" to the "Kfir" level and specific South African Air Force requirements;.and thus the Atlas/Denel "Cheetha C, E and D" was born.
Russia Today: 3 July 2024 17:49
West Jerusalem claims it’s close to defeating Gaza’s militants but the facts show otherwise
Through April, the IDF had targeted more than 32,000 military sites belonging to Hamas and its allies. In June, Israel announced that 15,000 of the group's militants had been eliminated. But experts are certain those measures won’t eradicate the Islamic group that has been in charge of Gaza since 2007.
“We are advancing to the end of the stage of eliminating the Hamas terrorist army,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday, addressing the cadets of Israel National Defense College. “I was very impressed by the achievements above ground and below ground, and by the commanders’ fighting spirit. With this spirit we will achieve our objectives: Returning our hostages, eliminating Hamas’ military and governing capabilities, ensuring that Gaza will not constitute a threat...” he added.
Since October 7, 2023 – when hordes of Hamas militants attacked Israel and killed more than 1,500 people – Israel has eliminated dozens of Hamas tunnels. It has seized weapons depots and cash, destroyed various military sites, killed operatives of Hamas and of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and captured thousands of others.
Victory Is Still Remote?
But almost nine months in, Israel’s victory over Hamas still seems remote.
Before the deadly October 7 attack, the Islamic group that has been in control of the Strip since 2007, boasted five brigades or 25 battalions with a total number of active combatants standing at 30,000.
In June, Israel admitted that it had only eliminated half of that original force, or 15,000 Hamas combatants. On Tuesday evening, the country’s chief of staff, Herzi Halevi, said Israeli forces had killed at least 900 militants in Rafah, south of the Strip.
Reports suggest that Hamas is now actively recruiting new cadets, many of whom are 18-yearolds, to replenish its ranks, but even if they fail to reach their initial numbers, the existing battalions are more than enough to challenge Israel.
Just on Monday, Hamas militants fired twenty rockets from Khan Yunis at Israel’s southern communities, showing they are still capable of putting up a fight. Areas that had been vacant of Hamas before are now seeing a resurgence. Israeli soldiers continue to fall in the Strip, almost on a daily basis, with the total number already exceeding 670.
“I don’t believe Israel can destroy Hamas completely,” said Shadi Abdelrahman, a political analyst and native of Gaza who left the Strip shortly before the war.
“Hamas is not like any other group. They are not outsiders. They have an ideology connected to a cause, and that cause is to fight for their lands or to avenge the death of their loved ones,” he added.
Stemming from the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical Islamist organization that’s deemed terrorist by many regional and international players, Hamas was established in Gaza in late 1980s as a response to what they call Israeli occupation and the inability of other Palestinian factions, including Fatah, to confront it. But they were far more than just a group that wanted to resist Israel militarily. Just like their patrons, the Muslim Brotherhood, they were a social movement: they established schools and hospitals, they ran charities and served as mediators in family feuds, and that made them an indispensable part of the Gazan society.
“Socially speaking, Hamas of today doesn’t have that much power and cannot provide what it used to before, simply because they cannot move freely due to Israel’s heavy shelling,” explained Abdelrahman.
“Militarily, their capabilities have also been damaged. The stocks of their weapons have been depleting, many tunnels have been destroyed, infrastructure has been devastated. Their combatants must be exhausted as they have been fighting for a long time. But from the political point of view, Hamas has never been stronger,” added the analyst.
According to a recent poll, conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, 67% of Palestinians – both in the West Bank and Gaza – believe that Hamas was right in launching the deadly October attack, while 61% said they would want to see Hamas, not any other group, control the Strip after the war.
Holding on to power
Hamas is already taking steps in that direction. Leading fierce negotiations with Israel through Egyptian and Qatari mediators, Hamas says loud and clear that it has no intention to relinquish its power when the war is over. Israel insists it will only stop the current confrontation if Hamas is out of the picture. But an Egyptian official involved in the talks between Israel and the Islamic group,
who agreed to speak on condition of anonymity, said the Jewish state will not have any other choice but to let Hamas play a role in the governing force of the enclave when the conflict ends.
“Israel doesn’t want to see Hamas going back to power but, whether they like it or not, Hamas will play a role in the future government of the Strip, probably together with the Palestinian Authority.” Officials in Jerusalem, however, seem to have other plans. Reports suggest that Israel is mulling assuming military control over the enclave that would gradually be replaced by the rule of moderate Arab states. Once things stabilize, Israel would then hand over the keys to the Palestinians, but this would be new players, neither Hamas, nor the Palestinian Authority, whom Israel has been accusing of supporting and funding terror.
Mistakes of the past
However, Miriam Wardak, a former aide to Afghanistan’s national security advisor, says the actions of Israel remind her of the behaviour of the US two decades ago.
In 2001, after the deadly 9/11 attacks, the US invaded Afghanistan in a bid to collapse the rule of the Taliban, a radical Islamist organization. In addition to intense military pressure, the US and its allies also tried to bolster secular local governance, but two decades and $2.3 billion later, Washington failed to achieve its goal. In August 2021, the Taliban seized power again, and US forces had no choice but to pull out.
Looking back at the events that led to that fiasco, Wardak says Washington and its allies “struggled to establish strong, sustainable local governance and security forces,” a circumstance that led to widespread corruption and inefficiency within the Afghan government. They also failed to drain the support of external actors, to tackle the Taliban’s ability to exploit local grievances, and they couldn’t cope with the group’s guerrilla tactics that undermined US and Afghan forces.
Now, the former aide says, Israel seems to be repeating these mistakes.
“To start off, Israel – just like the US – might be underestimating its rival’s ability to adapt, survive and maintain support despite intense military pressure. Secondly, Israel may not be sufficiently addressing the external support Hamas receives from regional actors. Thirdly, Israel’s heavy military operations that cause significant civilian casualties only increase local and international opposition, and what’s worse they also lead to further radicalization,” she argued. Wardak is certain that destroying Hamas will be a tough nut to crack. Drawing lessons from the American experience in Afghanistan, she believes military pressure cannot be the only answer.
“To effectively address the threat posed by Hamas, Israel should consider a multifaceted approach. To begin with, it needs to improve the living conditions in Gaza. It should support the 238
development of legitimate and effective Palestinian governance structures that can counterbalance Hamas’s influence.”
“Furthermore, Israel should work closely with international partners to apply diplomatic and economic pressure on Hamas while avoiding actions that alienate the broader Palestinian population. Conducting precise, intelligence-driven operations to weaken Hamas’s military capabilities while minimizing civilian casualties is essential. Finally, exploring opportunities for indirect dialogue and conflict resolution mechanisms could help reduce hostilities and create conditions for a long-term political solution,” she summed up.
By Elizabeth Blade, RT Middle East correspond
Kommentaar deur HBH
Hierdie is ‘n ontsaglike taak wat op die skouers van die Israeli Verdedigingsmag (IDF) en Mossad rus. Die Midde-Ooste is reeds ‘n kruitvat – daar moet versigtig opgetree word. Verskillende lande se belange is op die spel. Daar is 30,000 Hamas-vegters wat ‘n “onsigbare” politieke oorlog teen Israel voer. In hierdie stryd moet Israel berekend, versigtig en slim optree. Hoe sny jy buitelandse steun vir Hammas af? Hisbolla is reeds betrek. Dit is ‘n wrede oorlog aan albei kante. Dit is in wese ‘n politieke oorlog – ‘n stryd om ‘n eie grondgebied en soewereiniteit. Die ganse wêreld het na die tweede wêreldoorlog vreeslik verander. Die dae van politieke oorheersing en anneksasie is verby. Die oorlog in Gaza rus nie net op die skouers van die veiligheidsmagte nie – politici en ander rolspelers moet ook betrokke raak. Hammas het begeesterde vegters in ‘n oorlog waar geen reëls geld nie. Israel moet koelkop en berekend optree en buitelandse steun behou. ‘n Internasionale swaard hang reeds oor die koppe van die Israeli-leiers
Russia Today 18 July 2024
Sue Mi Terry allegedly provided classified information to South Korea in return for luxury gifts, US prosecutors have said
A former CIA analyst has been indicted on charges of serving as a spy for South Korea’s intelligence service in exchange for luxury goods and dinners at Michelin-starred restaurants.
Sue Mi Terry, a prominent expert on North Korea who worked on the National Security Council (NSC), began acting as a foreign agent in 2013, according to an indictment released by a Manhattan federal court on Tuesday.
US prosecutors claim that over the next decade she was contacted by an unnamed “handler” on “multiple occasions.”
Terry advocated South Korean policy positions, disclosed non-public US government information to South Korean intelligence officers, and facilitated access for South Korean government officials to their American counterparts, the federal filing stated.
In return, Seoul “repeatedly rewarded” Terry for her work with lavish goods, including a $3,450 Louis Vuitton handbag, a $2,845 Dolce & Gabbana coat and dinners at Michelin star restaurants. The former analyst also received at least $37,000 in “covert” funding to the think tank she ran and was paid to write opinion articles that advocated South Korean policy, the filing claims.
Born in Seoul and raised in the US, Terry was a senior CIA analyst from 2001 to 2008, and director of Korean, Japan and Oceanic Affairs at the NSC from 2008 to 2009 under the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations.
In an interview with the FBI in 2023 Terry admitted that she had resigned from the CIA because the agency had “problems” with her contacts with members of South Korea’s National Intelligence Service, the indictment said.
The filing includes surveillance camera images of Terry meeting with South Korean officials who prosecutors allege served as her “handlers” for Seoul’s intelligence service. One of the photos allegedly shows an agent shopping for a Louis Vuitton handbag with Terry in a Washington store and the two of them departing together, with the agent carrying it in a shopping bag.
The prosecution claimed Terry acted as a “valuable source” of information for the South Korean government.
In 2022, Terry reportedly participated in a closed-door North Korea policy briefing with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. After the meeting, she passed her handler “detailed handwritten notes” that described the contents of the briefing, the filing says.
“Despite engaging in extensive activities for and at the direction of” the South Korean government, Terry failed to register as a foreign agent, as required by US law, prosecutors said. She faces two counts, one for failing to register under the US Foreign Agents Registration Act, and another for conspiring to violate it.
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Onwillekeurig wonder mens hoe sake van teen-inligting en teen-spioenasie in Suid-Afrika staan? Ek stel my voor Suid-Afrika is ‘n veilige hawe vir internasionale spioene. Wie kyk vir wie?
Russia Today
Hundreds of vacancies in Berlin’s Federal Intelligence Service (BND) remain unfilled, Bild has reported
Germany’s foreign intelligence service is allegedly struggling to monitor threats supposedly posed by Russia, China, North Korea and Iran due to significant personnel shortages, Bild daily reported over the weekend, citing the agency’s data.
The Federal Intelligence Service (BND) has been rocked by a series of scandals over the past years. In summer 2023, Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck admitted that the agency had seriously misjudged the developments in Russia’s conflict with Ukraine and failed to correctly assess the risk of a direct military confrontation breaking out between the two neighbors.
BND chief Bruno Kahl, who visited Kiev shortly before the outbreak of the conflict in February 2022, even failed to evacuate in time with other German diplomats and intelligence operatives, prompting the agency to send in a team of agents to pick up their boss.
Now, the tabloid reports that a severe lack of staff is to blame for the service’s poor performance. According to Bild, some 700 vacancies out of a total of 7,200 within the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) remain unfilled. Kahl also reportedly stated that his agency urgently needed new spies to fill in the gaps.
According to the report, the shortage of personnel has forced the agency to introduce a rotation work principle that makes intelligence officers specializing in particular fields like Russia or North Korea take up administrative and other jobs on a temporary basis or work on the issues that do not fit their specialization profile.
The work strain has also allegedly caused the BND staff members to call in sick twice as much as German employees on average, according to Bild. More than 1,000 intelligence service staffers took over 30 days off due to sick leaves last year. The period of 30 days amounts to a threshold beyond which the employees are no longer entitled to get their full salary for the time they were absent from work.
The spy agency has launched a massive advertising campaign to fill in the gaps, according to Bild. The effort has reportedly resulted in more than 10,000 new applications. However, the development is still unlikely to ease the agency’s problems in the near future, the tabloid said. It takes the service some 13 months on average to process all the data on a new applicant and some 40% of the candidates fail background checks, according to the report.
In July 2023, the German media also reported that the BND had failed to promptly inform the government about the mutiny staged by the Wagner private military company in Russia at that time. Later the same year, the agency was hit by a particularly high-profile scandal when its former director of technical reconnaissance, Carsten Linke, was charged with espionage and high treason over allegedly handing over classified materials to Russia.
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Marthinus de Lange
Ek skryf maar die keer in Engels, aangesien ek dit as ’n geskikte taal vir die onderwerp beskou.
Joe Grant-Grierson a Friend and Teacher
On the 2nd of July 2007 Joe Grant-Grierson passed away.
Joe Grant-Grierson is a familiar name to many members of the South African forces. Many reading this, probably knew him, or knew of him, because of his early involvement with the SAP Special Task Force, The Railway Police Special Task Force in the 1970s or the SADF Hunter Group in the late 1960s. Or, possibly, from his involvement with the Rhodesian and Northern Rhodesian / Zambian police and military in Kitwe in the 1960s.
I was recently having an e-mail conversation with an English-speaking friend of mine in SA. She is a retired officer in the SAP/SAPS and we often chat via e-mail. She met Joe when he was training reservists and other SAP members in self-defence and unarmed combat. As was often the case with Joe, he left a lasting impression with those who met him. She and I often speak of him. Therefore, I thought it only fitting that I should write this on the 17th anniversary of his passing.
To many of us who knew him (He had rank but preferred not to use it) he was “Uncle Joe” or “Oom Joe”. I shall refer to him here simply as “Joe” which, while not his real name, was his preference. Joe was many things to many people. Sailor, soldier, adventurer, policeman and martial artist to name just a few.
In the firearms, tactical training and martial arts world he was often described as a “Living Legend” (A “title” that never ceased to make him laugh, for he was a humble man) having been one of the earliest Jujitsu instructors in SA, in the 1940s, and one of the earlier proponents (Along with Mr WA Hundt of SWA/Namibia) of “Combat Shooting” as it was then known.
I knew Joe through the martial arts, my time in the SAP, my involvement in the SA firearm and shooting scene and because he was friendly with my late uncle and a teacher of my late karate instructor and friend from Rhodesia, Mr Melvyn Sandford.
I have had the pleasure of training with a few of the “big names”, but my fondest memories are of training with Joe. Be it learning the “Quick Kill” instinctive shooting methods on a range, Jujitsu or the more exotic stuff, such as how to use both the Enfield and Uzi bayonets as fighting knives. Speaking of which: If any of the former NIS guys who used to train with Joe, and the rest of us at the small training facility we had in Randburg, are reading this, I am sure you remember those evenings and at least one of you remembers me wondering where Joe was able to find so many Uzi bayonets. Not to mention my expression when Joe suggested we take the sheaths off, of the bayonets!
Joe was an excellent teacher and really believed that his students should understand the subject matter. When training instructors he firmly believed in the concept of “training the trainer”. He stressed the importance of an instructor actually teaching the subject matter and not simply showing off whilst giving a lecture!
I do not intend to go too deeply into Joe’s extensive resume here. Since his passing a lot has appeared online in this regard. Sadly, as is typical in the martial arts, shooting and “tactical” world, many people appear to have attempted to financially capitalize off of his name by claiming “lineage” or association. That is not my intention in writing this. Neither do I wish to disparage anyone involved in those fields. I am no longer involved in teaching anything related to firearms, unarmed combat or martial arts for remuneration. I only keep myself “sharp” in the aforementioned subjects for my own use and ongoing study and because I (as did Joe) firmly believe that everyone should be able to defend both themselves and their loved ones. I will only say that I consider myself privileged in that I could train under Joe in various disciplines, and I am thankful for what I learned from him. It has come in useful over the years, both when teaching other people and when I was, unfortunately, required to use it in earnest. Om kru taal te gebruik: Wat ek van Joe geleer het, het my g*t gered!
To my wife and I, Joe was, first and foremost, a friend and that is why I am writing this to honour his memory.
I have heard many people describe Joe as a “Dangerous man”. If one considers Joe’s martial abilities then he most certainly was “dangerous”. I can attest to this myself having seen (and experienced) him, despite his age, effortlessly throw much younger men around as though it was the easiest thing in the world. But he was also one of the gentlest and kindest men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. A true gentleman warrior (I always felt that his company’s name “Modern Warrior Training Academy '' was very fitting) in every way. Unlike so many others he was never full of bluster, and he was not one to anger easily. He cared deeply for his friends and would go out of his way to help them. I mentioned above that his name was not actually Joe. It was in fact George. The name Joe apparently came from his navy time and, as I recall, he said that in the navy if one is liked by their shipmates, they are considered a “Good Joe”. Interestingly enough the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the Noun “Good Joe” as: A kindly obliging good-hearted person. I can think of no better description for the man that so many of us knew and cared for.
Joe was particularly fond of my wife Isabella. Before we met, he had said to me that he really wished that I would find a good woman. When I later introduced Isabella to him at a class in Edenvale, he spent some time talking to her while we were training and then later came up to me, tapped me on the shoulder and said, “she’s wonderful”. The two of them really hit it off!
Over the years she was to attend all manner of training with us. And in between Joe teaching us the theory and whilst we men were sweating in the South African sun attempting to put the aforementioned theory into practice, Joe and my wife Isabella would be sitting in the shade chatting about all manner of things ranging from alternative health care (Joe was interested in Osteopathic medicine and had fixed a lot of people’s back, neck and other injuries) to soup recipes! Despite discussing the finer points of soup, it seemed that Joe could still be everywhere and see everything during training sessions and it’s not like any of us could get away with making mistakes. If one of us did make a mistake Joe would always suddenly appear next to the person involved and start explaining what they were doing wrong. Generally speaking, Joe did not allow photographs or video recording of training sessions but with Isabella he made somewhat of an exception. 20 years ago, Isabella and I left SA. Joe was one of the last people we went to say goodbye to. At the time he could often be found in a small shop in Wynberg that sold military and police uniform pieces and equipment. He would joke that he “held court” there. We had been there a number of times and also got to know the owners, which was helpful since they would enable us to keep in e-mail contact with Joe once we left SA. I can remember our final farewell. All of us had tears in our eyes. As we drove away Joe was waving with a white handkerchief and jokingly dabbing at his eyes with it. Isabella and I were laughing but our tears were real. We had all promised to see each other again soon but little did we know that was to be the last time we were to speak with Joe in the flesh. We settled in in our new country and would send e-mail messages and photographs to Joe via the lady from the aforementioned shop. Joe did not have his own e-mail and the lady would print our messages out for him and then dutifully write back to us with whatever Joe had to say. Susan, if you perchance read this, thank you for that, I still have them all!
Fortunately, I was soon able to switch to a prepaid VOIP phone service that allowed me to telephone SA cheaply and the e-mail was reserved for photographs. Two years passed during which I would try and phone Joe weekly. It seemed that he had so many plans he would speak with me about. He planned extensive training of various institutions with new courses in SA and the USA (Joe’s sons from a previous marriage, one of whom is rather famous in the sound department for television productions, live in the USA) and he and I discussed the possibility of him coming to Austria for training and, more importantly, a visit. In early 2007 Joe helped me track down some parts for a rifle I was restoring and had them sent to Austria. Because of this we had a few more telephone conversations than normal. During this time, he mentioned not feeling well and that the flu was bad that year. In the last conversation we had I could hear that something was radically wrong with my friend. It was obvious that he was very sick. After that, things went quickly, he was hospitalized and passed away a while thereafter. Some people in this world are such a force of nature that you start to believe that they will live forever. Joe was one of those, despite his age, and because he was so fit and full of life, his death came as a great shock for both Isabella and me. I remember contacting his wife as soon as I heard the news and speaking with her for some while and speaking with his son from the USA who had immediately come to SA. Joe’s wife informed me that the family planned no formal funeral or memorial service and had decided on a private affair. By way of another friend in SA, who lived close to Joe and his wife, I sent a condolence card to the family with a poem that I had found. I then heard from others in SA that numerous people who had known Joe would be holding their own memorial services. That same unattributed poem titled “A Warriors
Passing” was later read at one of the aforementioned memorial services held by some of Joe’s friends and acquaintances.
In closing here are two extracts from it:
“They have no fear, these warriors of days long past; they know what lasts, beyond the grave, beyond the tear.
So much more than life, oh, save your tears for lesser folk; this here is but a passing thing, a momentary strife,”
“Despite his human failings, he was more than just a man; through him deeper music sang, and for a little while, a giant once more walked this earth.”
Rest in peace. We miss you, Joe.
Joe and Isabella, taken by me 20 years ago before we left South Africa
An action shot taken by Isabella during a training session. Faces blocked out for privacy reasons. Many people will remember Joe training people involved in VIP protection to “use” clipboards and briefcases.