Interviewing Henrik Saar - By the Philosopher Henrik hvid

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Henrik Saar! by! Henrik Rude Hvid! Cand. Fil.!


- Henrik Saar packed after a dream his things together, and told his! girlfriend, that he had to leave her.At dawn on the day it was clear to Henrik ! Saar, that he wanted to realize a life as an artist. That he through the significance of the dream had gotten a call, he was not in doubt.! We sit in the Danish artist Henrik Saar `s studio in Fredericia on a Wednesday night in April. ! He tells how this artists call changed his life completely . Evening sun's last rays fall on the many beautiful paintings, and through the patio door that is ajar, hear the birds singing outside.!


The call comes in a dream:! Henrik Saar was studying to become a teacher at the Toender Statsseminarium in 1989, when he in a dream gets called to be an artist.! He had previously been given a set of oil paints for his 22 years of! birthday. The identification was in the painting changed him completely.! ” I woke up one morning and said to the girl, who I lived with: "That she could be the perfect woman for everyone else than me - because I was this strange man who felt a special need to follow the energy that drives me as an inner necessity - so I will leave you now - " And I did so,” says Henrik Saar .! He took all his stuff and moved . At the same time he left the studies at Toender Statsseminarium. However, five years later he returned to his studies, and in 1999 qualified teacher specializing in art, religion, and education of adults! ”From the day I left her I was an artist, and have never since doubted my sincerity” he stresses.! ” Right there it appeared in real life: The revelation that led me to become the artist, that I have been ever since”!


The hardest part is to land :! For Henrik Saar it has been a necessary mission in Freudian sense to find ! itself so as to reach ”the self ,” which appears to contain the puzzle to the energy that drives him forward. studies in psychology, philosophy, theology and classical literature has been necessary tools along the way. ”Formation is important for all art," says Henrik Saar.”It has been a healing process to unify life and art with each other, but also hard work in the alchemical sense, process-oriented and driven by the impact ” he says. ”I believe that you are,

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