Information Booklet - Academic Forum of EYP Portugal - Porto 2015

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information booklet



APPEJ – Associação Portuguesa do Parlamento Europeu dos Jovens/European Youth Parliament Portugal Rua da Concórdia 45, 4465-601, Leça do Balio, Porto, Portugal ·


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Welcome word from the Head-organisers Welcome word from the President The Forum Programme Forum Elements Dress Codes explained Venues Meet the Organisers Meet the Board Meet the Chairpersons Meet the Media Team Meet the Universities Committee Topics Legal notes Checklist Contacts

WELCOME WORD FROM THE HEAD ORGANISERS For the past years, EYP Portugal has been thinking about merging EYP sessions’ format with higher education students’ academic knowledge, enabling them to take part in a unique experience together with fellow European peers. Porto 2015 is the debut of a true transnational education concept in higher education, as this will be the very first time foreign university students come to an EYP event in Portugal as Delegates. We have been restless to ensure all Forum’s condition standards meet the quality of ideas that Delegates will present, as well as the needs the participants will have during these three days. Now that we are just a few days away from the Forum, we strongly recommend that you carefully read through this booklet as it provides you with will all the important information about the event. We would also like to advise you to get acquainted with the programme, the Forum elements, the work you will have to do and all other requirements herein and, of course, please feel free to contact us with about any doubt you may have. We can’t wait to finally meet you all. See you very soon, Bruno Moreira and Rita Ferreira Head-organisers, Porto 2015


WELCOME WORD FROM THE PRESIDENT Welcome! Welcome to an opportunity to challenge your ideals and opinions, to engage in intercultural exchange, and to make lasting connections. To some of you, this will be their first contact with the European Youth Parliament. The team of Head-Organisers, as well as the Editors, my Vice-Presidents, Joana and Josh, and our Chairs have worked tirelessly to provide you with a flawless session that will provide a forum for each of you to flourish.

a quite unique experience for our organisation, and its quality will now depend on what you will do with it. The topic-overviews are written, and we as facilitators of your experience will take a step back to let you take the stage. Make yourself and us proud, and show me what our combined potential is. I am looking forward to seeing you all in Porto, and until then; AtĂŠ breve!

I welcome you to a playground to test yourself, and mature from the experience. You already joined us for the sake of curiosity and seeking to take on a challenge, and I greatly respect you for that. Arrive to this session with an open mind for the multiplicity of people, and the working methods you will be confronted with.

Mathieu Lohr

President, Porto 2015

The chance to debate and work with students of the disciplines of your committee should prove


THE FORUM Overview: The Academic Forum of the European Youth Parliament Portugal will be held in the historic city of Porto, commonly known as the Capital of the North. From Friday, February 20th to Sunday, February 22nd, 78 young people from all over Europe will gather to experience a three-day programme, packed with all the fundamental EYP elements, as well as other, complementary activities. For more detailed information about the various elements that will make up Porto 2015, please see “Programme” and “Forum Elements”, on pages 7-9 below. All forum Officials are asked to arrive by 09:00 WEST on Friday, February 20th. Arrivals and pick-ups will be arranged directly with the Officials. All Delegates must arrive at Porto’s Youth Hostel (see ‘Venues”, on pages 11-13, below) until 12:30 WEST on Friday, February 20th. Arrivals will be coordinated directly with the delegates, who are expected to have lunch before arriving.


Tackling the Issues of Today (and Tomorrow) Do we need the evolution of current policies, or a revolution in the sense of radical new approaches to existing issues? Porto 2015 will see students of higher education tackling the problems of today by finding long-term solutions for the world of tomorrow. With the Forum taking place in Porto, an historical yet cosmopolitan city, the chosen theme will provide the participants with current issues to which solutions need to be found now in order to assure a better future. To find out about the Committee Topics that will be discussed at Porto 2015, please see ‘Committee Topics’, on page 19, below.

Joining the EYP If after the Academic Forum you feel like there are still more topics you’d like to debate in a European context or you want to take the next step towards other positions, such as Organiser, Media Team member, Chairperson or Board Member, here’s how you can do it. You are Portuguese: Get in touch with EYP Portugal by sending us an e-mail to or by filling out the appropriate form at We will then get in touch with you to guide you through the process. You are an international delegate: The EYP is currently represented in 37 countries. Find out how to get involved in the activities of you National Committee by getting in touch with them. You can find their contacts in the following link: eyp. org/join/contact-eyp-in-your-country/. We are waiting for you!

PROGRAMME The following is the final version of the programme. Nevertheless, small changes may occur during the event. Complete adherence is expected of all participants. Should any last-minute changes occur during the session, the participants will be informed by the Organisers and will be expected to comply with their instructions. For any further questions regarding the programme, please see ‘Leaving the official programme’, under ‘Legal notes’, on page 20, below or contact the Organisation (see ‘Contacts’, on page 22, below).

Friday, February 20th Until 09:00 – Arrival of Officials 09:00 – 10:30 – Officials Teambuilding/Training 10:30 – 10:45 – Coffee Break 10:45 – 12:30 – Officials Teambuilding/Training 12:30 – 13:30 – Lunch Until 12:30 – Arrival of Delegates at the Hostel 12:30 – 13:00 – Check-in 13:00 – 13:20 – Transfer to Jardins do Palácio de Cristal 13:20 – 13:30 – Gathering

13:30 – 14:15 – General Teambuilding 14:45 – 16:40 – Teambuilding in Committee 16:40 – 17:00 – Coffee Break 17:00 – 19:45 – Teambuilding in Committee 19:45 – 20:00 – Transfer to Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto 20:00 – 21:00 – Dinner 21:00 – 21:10 – Transfer to the Academic Village Venue 21:10 – 23:30 – Academic Village 23:30 – 23:50 – Transfer to the Hostel

Saturday February 21st 07:30 – Wake-up call 08:00 – 08:40 – Breakfast 08:40 – 09:00 – Transfer to Committee Work venue 9:00 – 10:30 – Committee Work I 10:30 – 10:50 – Coffee-Break 10:50 – 12:30 –Committee Work II 12:30 – 13:30 – Lunch 13:30 – 15:00 – Committee Work III 15:00 – 15:20 - Coffee-Break 15:20 – 17:40 – Committee Work IV 17:40 – 18:00 – Coffee-Break 18:00 – 19:30 – GA Prep 19:00 – Resolution Typing 7

19:30 – 20:30 – Dinner 20:30 – 20:50 – Transfer to Casa das Associações 20:50 – 23:00 – EYP Café 23:00 – Transfer to the Hostel

Sunday February 22nd 07:30 – Wake-up call 07:50 – 08:40 – Breakfast 08:40 – 09:00 – Transfer to Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garrett 09:00 – 10.00 – Opening Ceremony 10:00 – 12:00 – General Assembly I 12:00 – 12:15 – Transfer to Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto 12:15 – 13:15 – Lunch 13:15 – 13:30 – Transfer to Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garrett 13:30 – 13:45 – Settling in 13:45 – 15:15 – General Assembly II 15:15 – 15:30 – Coffee Break 15:50 – 17:40 – General Assembly III 17:40 – 18:30 – Closing Ceremony After 18:30 – Delegates’ departures 18:30 – 19:00 – Officials’ Meeting After 19:00 – Officials’ departures 8

forum ELEMENTS EYP events have at least three elements in common: Teambuilding, Committee Work and General Assembly. At Porto 2015, we will be having those three... and some more. Read on to learn all you need to know about those.



On Friday afternoon, following a ‘kick-off’ activity involving all the participants, the Delegates will gather in their respective Committees, together with another seven Delegates from a different University and a Chairperson (who can be either Portuguese or from a different European country). Coming from different backgrounds and, most likely, never having met before, the Delegates will, by the end of the day, have gotten to know one another and learnt how to work as a closely knit team. Under the guidance and facilitation of their Chairpersons and the Board of the Forum, the Committees will engage in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities; some physical, others demanding creativity, communication and problem-solving skills, but all of them fun and engaging, these activities are designed to help these mixed groups of people work as teams – and, specifically, as members of the same Committee, who will be tackling the same issues during the Committee Work.

At every EYP Session, all participants are invited to bring food, beverages, traditional outfits and other cultural examples from their homes, so everyone can enjoy tangible cultural exchange. The Academic Village will be no exception, complemented by small doses of typical Portuguese student culture, Tunas and the Portuguese world heritage music genre, Fado. So, please, do bring the best products from your region or country and surprise everyone!

(dress code: comfortable)

(dress code: casual)


perspectives and will almost certainly have to reach compromises if they are to find agreement within the established time. To help them through, each Committee will continue being accompanied by an experienced Chairperson, an older EYP Alumnus/a, who will ensure that all voices are heard and that the Resolution reflects the ideas of the whole group. While discussions may be heated, the end result will doubtlessly be that the Delegates will have learnt an incredible amount about the issue and really thought about the implications, developing and redeveloping their own views. The skills learnt during the Committee Work – discussing, debating, persuading, negotiating and compromising – will prepare the Delegates not only for the General Assembly, but for life.


(dress code: casual/free) Perhaps the most chilled moment, it will be a great opportunity to have fun with others and celebrate a long day’s night. After having giving it all during Committee Work day, participants will have the chance to just relax and enjoy eachothers’ company during the EYP Café - a moment

(dress code: smart/casual)

meant for socialising.

This is, perhaps, the central part of any EYP event. The Delegates of each Committee will come together, now working well as a team after Teambuilding, and sit down to discuss their given topic. Their goal is to write a Resolution on that topic with which they can all agree and, of course, defend at the General Assembly. This is no easy task: people from very different backgrounds often have as many different

OPENING CEREMONY: (dress code: work-formal)

On Sunday morning, all participants will gather in Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garrett, where the Opening Ceremony will take place. This will be the first truly formal (and, incidentally, also public) moment of the session and, as its name makes clear, will mark the moment when

the Parliament will go into session. Several important personalities will be addressing the Delegates, motivating them to debate and make their voices heard and, after the European Anthem has played, the President will declare the session to be officially open.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Dress code: work-formal)

Once the Opening Ceremony is over, the participants will all gather for the first of six Debates at the General Assembly. For each Debate, the Resolution being proposed will be presented, defended, attacked, debated and voted on. As such, it will be of paramount importance that all Delegates are familiar with not only the topic of their own Committee, but also those of others. While it is true that, in several cases, the European Parliament has gone on to discuss issues brought up by EYP Resolutions, the aim of this activity is not to exert political influence, but rather to provide an educational experience for the individuals taking part.

CLOSING CEREMONY (Dress code: work-formal)

Following the last Debate on the second day of the General Assembly, representatives of EYP Portugal and of the various teams of Officials will hold a series of speeches, helping the participants reflect on what we are certain will have been a lifechanging experience. In the end, we will close the session in the same way we will have opened it: with the words of the President of the session, right after the European Anthem. 9

DRESS CODES EXPLAINED As you may have noticed, different moments require different sets of clothes. In this section, you can find a short explanation of what each dress code means. Please remember that, while their descriptions are indicative, these dress codes are, for the most part, mandatory. Also, bear in mind that Porto can be chilly, and since Forum is in February, be sure to check the weather forecast (try: for some of the most accurate predictions around) and pack accordingly.




This is how you should dress for the Teambuilding. While we all know that first impressions count, please bear in mind that you will be performing a series of outdoors activities, some of which moreor-less physically demanding, so make sure you wear clothes that are comfortable and can get dirty. Depending on the weather, you might also need a warmer jumper.

This is what you must wear for the Committee Work. While ‘smart’ attire may be difficult to pin down, it definitely excludes sports trousers, mini-skirts and flip-flops. In other words, we would recommend… for the gentlemen: a pair of dressier shoes and trousers, a button-down shirt with a jumper and/or a jacket; for the ladies: either that or a dressier skirt, with a shirt and a jumper and/or a jacket.



This is what you can wear outside the official moments of the session, namely during the evening socialising on Friday and Saturday, and any other free time. Basically, whatever you feel comfortable in is an option, as long as it is decent.

This is what you must wear for all the more formal moments of the session, all throughout Sunday. For the Opening Ceremony, the General Assembly and the Closing Ceremony, formal attire that is appropriate for a work/business envi-

ronment will be accepted. This means, for the gentlemen: a business suit, dress shirt, dress shoes and a sober tie; for the ladies: either a suit, a tailleur or a combination of a sober, knee-length skirt, a dress shirt and an appropriate jumper will do. In all cases: nothing flashy, please.

VENUES Pousada da Juventude Porto Youth Hostel has a fine view over Douro’s mouth since it is located in a privileged upland terrace and it may host up to 148 people. Buses 500, 207 and 504 are the prefered transportation options if you choose to come from São Bento, Campanhã or Casa da Música, respectively.

Palácio de Cristal Gardens Designed in 1860, the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal are a complex of gardens containing several fountains, statues, balconies, bird and botanical species, occupying 8 hectares in Porto’s city centre. Its specially placed viewpoints - miradouros in Portuguese - offer magnificent panoramic views over Douro river. These gardens will be the perfect venue for the Delegates’ teambuilding.


VENUES Casa das Associações Home of the Federation of Porto District’s Youth Associations, Casa das Associações opened its doors in July of 2014 as a need for Porto’s youth associations to promote the active participation of youngsters. It hosts monthly training courses, exhibitions, workshops, and many other events of cultural and social relevance, and will the home of one of the socialising evenings of the event - the EYP Café.

Faculdade de Letras The Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto was formally founded in 1919. It is dedicated to the teaching of humanities and social sciences, to cultural creation and the scientific, social and economical development of the country. The present building was designed by Nuno Tasso de Sousa and inaugurated in 1995. This building has also inspired J. K. Rowling while she was writing the Harry Potter series, hopefully it will also inspire all participants during the Forum.


VENUES Faculdade de Economia With over 3500 square meters, the Faculty of Economy of the University of Porto was built in 1974, presenting a very good example of Porto’s architecture and 20th century contemporary art movement. One of the building’s main features are its many glass corridors, contrasting with the solid concrete structure. This venue will hold the resolution typing.

Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garrett The Municipal Library Almeida Garrett, named after the well-known 19th century writer and playwright Almeida Garrett, was built in 2001 next to the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal. Besides a library, it also lodges a gallery, a cafeteria and an auditorium, which will host the Opening Ceremony, General Assembly and Closing Ceremony on Sunday.



Bruno Moreira Head-organiser

Rita Ferreira Head-organiser

The team of Organisers are a central piece to any EYP event, and Porto 2015 is no different. During the several months of preparation leading up to the Forum, they have been – and will keep on – working tirelessly to ensure everything, from programme to venues, are ready to welcome all of you. During the Forum, they will be the ones in charge of logistics, transport, food and all the many other ‘invisible’ tasks that must be performed for the event to run smoothly for all the participants. In other words: you may not get to see much of them, but, when you do (and you will, we promise you that), be sure to spare a smile and a “thank you!” – it will mean the world to them and we all know that happy people work better. For now, you can start by putting a name to the face of each of these committed eight individuals.


Ana Cerqueira Organiser

Catarina Agreira Organiser

Catarina Ferreira Organiser

João Bernardo Gonçalves Organiser

Miguel Silva Organiser

Tiago Pereira Organiser


Mathieu Lohr (LU) President

Joana Cavaco (PT) Vice-president

Josh Leyden (UK) Vice-president

The Board of the Forum will be composed of three people, including the President and two Vice-presidents. These are Alumni that have gathered considerable experience within the organisation and, thus, are able to lead and coordinate the work of the Chairpersons, as well as the interactions between the various teams, both amongst themselves and with the other participants. On top of that, it will also be their task to run the General Assembly, making sure all parliamentary procedures are adhered to. Prior to the Forum, they are responsible for the academic side of things, including not only defining the Committee Topics, but also supervising the creation of a high-quality Academic Preparation Kit, and, right before the Forum begins, guiding the Chairpersons through a full training. 15

MEET THE CHAIRS The Chairpersons play an important role at any session. At Porto 2015, there will be six Chairpersons, one per Committee (the Board members will not be chairing any Committees, leaving them more time to better address the needs of all the participants). Like all Officials, the Chairpersons are older Alumni that have gathered relevant experience within the organisation and, thus, are able to lead and coordinate the work of the Delegates, from the activities of the Teambuilding to the debates of the Committee Work and, of course, their performance at the General Assembly. Prior to the Forum, they will each be tasked with putting together an Overview for their Committee Topics, which will then be sent to the Delegates in the form of an Academic Preparation Kit. To better prepare to facilitate the work of the Delegates, these six individuals will also be doing considerable research and, right before the Forum begins, will be attending an intensive training. The team is composed of three Portuguese and three international Chairpersons, all of whom have all been selected by a panel quite some months ahead of the session. Needless to say, you will be seeing them around pretty much all the time, but, until then, have a look at their faces, learn their names and the Committees they will be chairing.


Maryna Titarenko (UA) AFCO

Luisa Edves (RO) ECON I

Francesco Delorenzi (BE) ECON II

Margarida Pereira (PT) INTA

JosĂŠ Eduardo Feio (PT) LIBE

Lourenço Cruz (PT) SEDE


Bérengère Gouraud (FR) Editress

Franziska Hülß (DE) Editress

EYP events can be extremely intense and, even in the case of a three-day session, we are sure we will reach that last day and wonder: “Where did it all go?” The Media Team – which will consist of eight individuals, including two Editors, one Video-editor and five Journalists – will be there to capture and help preserve the memories of the different moments and elements of the Forum. To do that, they generally will resort to a series of media, from traditional (printed issues of a magazine that will be distributed to all the participants) to social media.

Fatih Seyfi (DE) Journalist

Sara Jasionowska (PL) Journalist

Teresa Wemans (PT) Journalist

Victoria Lampe (NO) Journalist

Mafalda Rodrigues (PT) Journalist

Joana Gordinho (PT) Video Editor


PARTICIPATING universities There will be 48 Delegates at Porto 2015, spread over six Committees and coming from the following Universities, Schools and Institutes: Adam Mickiewicz University; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Autonomous University of Barcelona; Catholic University of Leuven; Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences; Joseph Fourier University; Lund University; Miguel Torga Superior Institute; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; National Higher School of Chemistry; New University of Lisbon; Polytechnic Institute of Porto; Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences; Richmond upon Thames College; Sciences Po; University of Antwerp; University of Coimbra; University of Genova; University of Glasgow; University of Lisbon; University of Milan; University of Minho; University of Porto.



AFCO - Committee on constitutional affairs chaired by maryna titarenko (ua)

With the European Union continuously subjected to allegations of a democratic deficit within its operative methods, debates concerning the legitimacy of the Union have become prevalent ones within mainstream politics. What realistic steps can the EU take to address these concerns by way of institutional reform, whilst at the same time maintaining the principles with which the Union bases itself upon?

Libe - Committee on civil liberties, justice and home affairs chaired by josé feio (pt)

The EU has yet to find a definite answer to immigration from third countries, especially with respect to asylum seekers. This covers both the country of origin’s problem, the way we ‘welcome’ asylum seekers, and what happens once they are classified as refugee. What concrete measures should the EU take to provide both short-term and longterm solutions to this problem?

ECON i - committee on economic and monetary affairs i chaired by luisa edves (ro)

En route to a European Banking Union: ensuing the political agreement on a new law setting up a Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) to deal with failing banks, what steps, if any, should the EU take to further stabilise the European banking system and its alignment with the real economy?

inta - committee on international trade

chaired by margarida pereira (pt)

With there being renewed calls by Jean-Claude Juncker for the European Union to adopt a Digital Single Market as detailed within the Europe 2020 strategy, how can the EU best proceed with the development of such a framework which brings enhanced trade benefits to all stakeholders, whilst at the same time respecting the complex legal barriers that exist between Member States?

econ ii - committee on economic and monetary affairs ii

chaired by francesco delorenzi (be)

The European Union has been largely successful at promoting and maintaining high living­standards in face of socioeconomic challenges. However, the financial crisis, the EU North­South competitive gap, and competition from both developed and emerging economies puts the EU in a precarious position. How can the EU ensure sustainable high living standards and global competitiveness, and what measures should be taken to tackle internal disparities of competitiveness between EU MemberStates?

sede - committee on security and defense chaired by lourenço cruz (pt)

Building European military capabilities “The Petersberg tasks”: from a defined spectrum of military actions that the EU can undertake, to the Union’s global contribution on peacemaking tasks and combat forces in crisis management, how can the EU best underwrite its Common Security and Defence Policy and to what extent should this be achieved through the use of military means?


LEGAL NOTES The following rules and requirements are valid all throughout the Forum, from the moment of the participants’ arrival and until their departure. The Organisers and the European Youth Parliament Portugal will not take any responsibility for any situations arising from a lack of observance of these rules. Likewise, the participants are ultimately responsible for their conduct, their wellbeing and the safety of their objects.

General dietary requirements The Organisers will, if duly and timely informed, ensure that the participants’ general dietary requirements (vegetarians, vegans, etc.) are met. For this, we ask that all participants inform us with enough time in advance and ensure the confirmation of their requests, being responsible to get the right food and beverage types once at the session, according to their confirmed requests. The participants who make no special requests will be served the standard options and we ask that they comply with those.

Medicine and substance allergy policy To prevent any potentially problematic situations, no member of any team of Officials may, at any time or under any circumstances, provide minors with any form of medicine – generic or otherwise and regardless of prescription requirements. As such, we remind all participants (particularly those under the age of 18) to bring with them any type of medicine they may need, especially those of regular, prescribed intake, as it will not be possible for any Official to provide them. Regarding allergies or intolerance to any 20

substances, we ask that you be aware and inform us accordingly, whether the substance(s) in question be present in medicines or in any types of food or beverage (e.g., coeliac disease, lactose intolerance, etc). Regarding food and beverage allergies, the Organisers will, if duly and timely informed (please clearly indicate and list all foods and beverages you can/cannot consume), ensure that viable alternatives are made available at all moments when food is served. In cases of a normal foodservice-queue, these foods and beverages will be served at the participants’ request. In cases of self-service moments, they will be set separately from the remaining foods and beverages. In all cases, they will be available in quantities consistent with the number of timely requests. As such, we ask that all participants make any requests in time, ensuring their confirmation, and that, once at the session, they be responsible for getting the right food and beverage types.

Alcohol and drug policy While Portuguese law allows individuals aged 16+ to consume beer, wine and cider with alcoholic content of up to 16% vol. and individuals aged 18+ to consume whichever alcoholic beverages may be

legally purchased within the country, exceptions can be made to group events of various natures (e.g., school events). As such, at sessions of EYP Portugal, the Delegates are not allowed the consumption of any type of alcohol, while the remaining participants may, according to their age (and taking also into account the laws in their countries) consume beverages with alcoholic content of up to 16% vol. Regardless, consumption level must remain adequate and cannot interfere with the participants’ ability to behave appropriately at all times – particularly in the performance of the duties inherent in their designated roles. Breaking these rules will result in the participants’ (Delegates or otherwise) dismissal from the session programme at their own risk and expense. As far as the consumption of drugs (‘soft’ or otherwise) goes, the EYP and, thereby, EYP Portugal operate a zero-tolerance policy. Any participants caught in possession, acquiring, selling or attempting to, soliciting, offering and/or consuming drugs of any kind will be immediately dismissed from the session. Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, in Portugal, as per Law No. 30/2000 of November 29th: 1) the possession and/or consumption of any kind of drugs remain illegal; 2) incidents involving the possession (but not the consumption) of small quantities of ‘soft’ drugs will not elicit a criminal procedure, but will still result in administrative punishments, including the confiscation of the drugs and the possible (very likely) application of considerable fines; 3) incidents involving the possession of larger quantities of ‘soft’ drugs, the consumption of any quantities of ‘soft’ drugs or the possession and/or consumption of any quantities of ‘hard’ drugs will

result in a temporary arrest, be criminally prosecuted and possibly result in a prison sentence of one to twelve years. EYP Portugal reserves the right to, depending on the gravity of the offence, report the offenders to the police.

General rules of conduct All participants (or, in case of participants who are under the age of 18, their parents/legal guardians) will be asked to sign EYP Portugal’s code of conduct, including rules regarding general expected conduct, as well as all further disclaimers and the rules already covered in this booklet. We ask that you take that code of conduct with seriousness and that you observe those rules from the moment of your arrival, all through your stay at the session and until your departure.

Leaving the official programme Managing an event with more than 70 people is not an easy task. As such, to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible, the Organisers will need to be able to know where to find all participants at all times. This means that you cannot leave the session for any amount of time without express permission from the Head-organisers and, for participants other than the Organisers, the Editors, the President or the Jurors, your immediate superior(s) – if you are a Delegate, your immediate superior will be your Chairperson; if you are a Chairperson or a Vice-president, that will be the President; if you are a Journalist or a Video-editor, those will be your Editresses.


Arrange your travel to and from Car Porto. If you are a Delegate, you are expected to arrive at Porto Youth Hostel until 12:30 on Friday, February 20th and your departure can take place after 18:30 from the Palácio de Cristal Gardens on Sunday, February 22nd. Delegates are expected to have had lunch before check-in at the Youth Hostel. If you are an Official, you are expected to arrive directly at Faculdade de Letras before 9:00 on Friday, February 20th and your departure can take place after 19:30 on Sunday, February 22nd. The Organisers will be in touch to plan transfers from your arrival points to the meeting point on Friday, but please make sure you book your travel to allow enough time for these transfers.

How to get to the Youth Hostel Bus From the Airport - Bus 601/602 - stop at Cordoaria, São Bento - Bus 500 - stop at “Fluvial” From Campanha - Bus 207 - stop at Pousada de Juventude (Youth Hostel) From São Bento - Bus 500 - stop at “Fluvial” From Lisbon - Rede Expressos - Bus 207 Train From Lisbon - Train Station Sta Apolónia/ Oriente until Campanhã - Subway until Casa da Música (Bus 504/204) or until São Bento (Bus 500)

North: VCI (Via de Cintura Interna) Boavista - Foz - Pousada de Juventude (Youth Hostel) South: Arrábida Bridge - Bessa Leite/Foz Pousada de Juventude (Youth Hostel)

If you have read this far, congratulations! To make it easier for you, here is a quick checklist of all the things you will have to keep in mind, take care of and/or bring with you to the session.

Subway Casa da Música - Bus 504/204 São Bento - Bus 500 Campanhã - Bus 207

or save offline copies of all your research materials and documents and bring them with you to the Forum.

-Make sure your travel documents and/ or your ID are in order and bring it/them with you to the Forum. Make sure you have valid travel and/or health insurance that is/are valid in Portugal. Regardless of your position, please make sure you take care of this, yourself (or ask your parents/ legal guardians to do it, if you are a minor).

-If possible, we would highly recommend that all Delegates bring their laptops and/ or smartphones. If you do, please remember to bring all necessary chargers. Chairpersons must all bring their laptops and chargers. Journalists must bring their laptops and, if possible, also their cameras and all respective chargers. Video-editors are reminded to bring their laptops, cameras and all other materials used in the recording and editing of videos. If you are an international participant, make sure that you check whether any electrical current adaptors are required for you to connect your devices in Portugal and then remember to pack those, too!

-This goes for all participants, especially for the Delegates: now that you have received the Academic Preparation Kit (which was sent to you last week, read it carefully and use it as a stepping stone to your own research. Also, while you should obviously prioritise the topic of your Committee, you should still make sure you dedicate enough time and attention to the others’, as that will be the only way of ensuring a good level of debate at the General Assembly. -While Internet will be available during some moments of the session, it may be difficult to print any materials (especially if this requires printing many pages). As such, you should definitely print out and/

programme and the dress codes above; 2) all toiletries and any medication that you are on and/or believe you will need; 3) a bath towel and any other specific personal accessories you will want to have with you. -‘Like’, subscribe to and engage with the official Facebook pages of EYP Portugal and of Porto 2015 (see ‘Contacts’, below). Frequently check your e-mail accounts: on top of all the information we will be sending you, if you are a Delegate, you can also expect to hear from your Chairperson.

-Prepare your regional/national foods and beverages for the Academic Village. Also, remember to pack them within easy reach, as all foodstuffs (especially perishable ones) will have to be handed over to the Organisers during the check-in. -Check the weather forecast for Porto and pack accordingly, remembering to include: 1) enough sets of clothes as per the


an eyp portugal event in partnership with apa

CONTACTS All general queries should be addressed to the Head-organisers of the session. Any more specific queries may be taken up with EYP Portugal. Matters of an academic nature will be dealt with by the Chairpersons, who will contact their Delegates directly.

Under the patronage of Instituto Português do Desporto e da Juventude, I. P. and the Municipality of Porto.

APPEJ – Associação Portuguesa do Parlamento Europeu dos Jovens/European Youth Parliament Portugal E-mail address: Website: Academic Forum - Porto 2015 Email address: Official Facebook page: afporto2015

With the support of the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Universidade do Porto, AEFLUP and Gabinete do Parlamento Europeu.

Head-organisers E-mail address: (reaches both) Telephone numbers: Bruno Moreira – (+351) 912729009 Rita Ferreira – (+351) 916916436 Session President E-mail address:

porto 2015 Academic forum of EYP Portugal 20, 21 & 22 february

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