綠 洲
綠 洲
first student project, entitled
asis, is to create
a special pot for papyrus sedge that tells the story of the plant, as well as to practice the ability to express the meaning and to elaborate in the form.
Papyrus sedge is a water plant growing in deserts. Although it is now cultivated mostly as an ornamental plant, it has a long history of use by humans, notably by the Ancient Egyptians—it is the source of papyrus paper and also for other multiple uses.
Moreover, the heraldic symbol of the papyrus
bolizes the primeval marshes of the creation story. It is used to decorate columns in temples built by the pharaohs. Therefore, from my point of view, the name, asis, really captures the idea of the origin of life.
I N S P I R AT I O N T he
inspiration to this project is the role of Papyrus
Working Process
sedge that plays in the history and culture of humans.
This is the rough idea that I first came up with. The water (river) comes down from the mountain, which symbolizes Mother Earth.
Instead of following the image of Ancient Egyptians, I
I tried to create a scene of a river running through an oasis to magnify the energy and evergreen of the plant.
chose to add youthfulness to the flowerpot. However, it still expresses the key idea that the plant symbolizes the origin of life.
It was the rough model, visualizing the idea of the flowerpot. However, I found the form a bit flat. Besides, it looked too realistic. Therefore, I started to work on the proportion of the curves.
I carved serpentine model in order to to emulate the surge pieces of decorations sion of water waves.
curves onto the second make it more dynamic and of water and I also put a few s in relief to give the impres.
The two pictures below show how I simplified the carvings to put the lines and the curves together in harmony, as well as to make the structure look more unified. After the final modification, I also used this model to make the silicone mold.
The series of the pictures shows the process of making the silicone mold by using the model. First, before pouring the silicone into the box, the model was glued to the bottom, in case it moved during the molding process. Second, I poured the silicone into the box and made sure that the model was all covered with the liquid. After couple hours, I flipped over the box and the mold was ready for the resin casting.
I used epoxy resin mixed the pigments to cast the flowerpot. It was the first outcome and was exactly what I anticipated.
The pictures on this page show the details of the flowerpot with papyrus sedge inside. The color of the pot varies due to the refractions of the light. It gives the impression of a river running through.
project shows my interpretation of the inspira-
tion from the plant in terms of the form, color, and texture of the flowerpot, to create a unique container for the plant, and to capture the beauty of nature.
Although I use synthetic resins in the casting process for the model, the substance is supposed to be natural, such as a quartz crystal, in production.