Being a Strong Leader for a Remote Team | Henry Comte Valasquez | Carrera de Derecho
a Being a Strong Leader for a Remote Team by Henry Comte Valasquez | Jun 3, 2020 | Henry Comte Velasquez, leadership
There has never been a more important time to show your team that you are a good leader who fully supports them, both as employees and fellow humans. In addition to the regular stresses of everyday life, your team is facing an unprecedented time of fear and uncertainty. This means that your role as a leader has changed, too. In addition to scheduling weekly updates on revenue projections, the workforce of today seeks a more personalized connection with not only their company and what it stands for but also the people who manage their team and work alongside them. People nowadays need to feel validated and heard in all aspects of life, including within a work environment. They require a safe space to be able to voice grievances or concerns. It is no longer deemed inappropriate for a team leader to socialize and show a more human side of themselves. In fact, seeing you as a person will inspire less of an Us-vs-Them attitude and a reminder that you are all on the same side, working together for the betterment of the company. Public praise on social media is a great way to single out exceptional employees. Not only will it make them feel special, but it will also encourage others to try for their chance in the spotlight, promoting friendly rivalry among the sta . O ce-wide emails announcing employee shout-outs also do a great job of uplifting everyone’s spirits.
Being a Strong Leader for a Remote Team | Henry Comte Valasquez | Carrera de Derecho
Accountability is extremely important during remote leadership for several reasons. People crave structure and consistency, even more so in times of crisis. Having a weekly check-in is a great way to communicate and touch base with everyone. In addition, the use of project tracking tools let employees self-manage their priorities daily and see if they’re veering o -course. Success breeds success and it can be very satisfying to check items o a to-do list. This, in turn, keeps employee morale high and makes people want to do a good job, even in an unsupervised environment. Remind your team that communication is a two-way street and that you encourage proactive communication. This means to reach out to you if they have a question or if they feel like a potential problem is on the horizon. You also have a lot on your plate, so having proactive team members is a bene t to everyone. Â
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