Shareholder Newsletter

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Compumatrix Shareholder Newsletter June 2011 Volume 1 Issue 1

Compumatrix Shareholders Newsletter Compumatrix and Networks International, Inc.

June 2011

A Warm Welcome to Our Shareholders

Special points of interest:

you through your association with CNII.

• Read insights from our Drew Sands, President and CEO of CNII • Dr. Chavez shares her Insights and discusses our role as members • Uncle Alan welcomes members and provides his viewpoints. • CNII Valuation, Cash dividend and New Appointments

Inside this issue: CEO’s Page




Next to Love is Share


View Points




Ask Jane!


Cide Mile Failte


How it Works



Volume 1, Issue 1


Greetings Shareholders!


t is exciting to see this first issue of the shareholders newsletter. This is another step in the right direction for our company. And I look forward to many more in the

near future! I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to welcome all of you shareholders to not only read each and every issue as it is published, but to digest it in its entirety. You are also being afforded the opportunity to become a contributor. Please take advantage of this another opportunity that is being afforded to

I consider it a real privilege to be serving you at this time as your CEO! It is a challenging time. It is a time with a lot of ups and downs. I am looking at these challenges and ups and downs as opportunities of learning. Opportunities that will build my character and broaden my horizons. As we refine this corporation together as a team in unity, we will find ourselves going places and achieving successes that we never dreamed were possible.

Because of our rocky start the past 6 years, we are carrying a lot of baggage; however, as we work together and stand together, these barriers can be overcome. They may cause missed deadlines, plans to be changed or adjusted. The key to making these events a success instead of a barrier to moving ahead is that we get up, adjust our path, set new goals, and move forward. Do not stay

on the ground and continue to whimper. Let it teach you the fine art of perseverance, and continue to move forward with our managerial team and Board of Directors! As we work this company, let's all do our part. For some that is being an executive. For others, it is being a member of the Board of Directors. For others it is being a Forum Moderator. For others it is being a positive source of strength to other members that are not doing so well financially, morally, spiritually, or physically. Lets be our brothers keeper and bring out whole group along with us as we travel this journey. I promised Kat the other day that I would stop using the ship allegory, so let's try this. Hop on this train and it is getting ready to leave the station. There are many mountains to climb, valleys to cross, and cities to visit. Join us and do your part. May the journey we are on lead us to financial, physical, spiritual, mental, and moral success!

May God bless this first edition of this newsletter!

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Volume 1, Issue 1

Board approves $1.50 Cash Dividend The Board of Directors approved the issuance of cash dividends after recently awarding 5,000 common shares to each shareholders last February 22, 2011. Adjustments on your holdings will be reflected on your stock certificates as soon as the Investor Relations Office finalizes the recently collected data from the Stockholder Information Form. The cash dividend amount to ONE DOLLAR and FIFTY CENTS per share will be issued in four monthly installments to be made every 20th of the Month beginning on September, 2011 up to December 2011.

The future growth of the company is likely to provide a better dividend next year and is expected to be paid out quarterly.

CNI Shares now valued at $7 per share “The future growth or our company is more likely to provide us better yields next year� Henry James


NII together with an independent company research and valuation team has pegged $5 to $7 per share. This makes our company valued at $375 Million USD to $525 Million US Dollars with the fully diluted share of 75 Million shares.

With over 2,000 members, CNII is capable of producing over $500M Advertising Revenue using its patent-pending Compumatrix Hybrid Currency. Preliminary research conducted allows each member to be able to invite up to 20 users making it possible to reach tremendous growth rates and advertising revenues in the succeeding months. Former members fueled by $10K goodwill payment is expected to create a loud noise in the next few months and will surely increase the user base of the Compumatrix Social Web Community allowing more advertisers to notice the program and thus more revenues shared. The Compumatrix Forex Team is also geared up to increase the revenues of Compumatrix. The virtual prepaid cards allows members to sell Compumatrix Credits and earn lucrative sales commissions for marketing the Compumatrix credits on the site. CNII plans to integrate Open ID systems and other social networks to be able to simplify the registration process.

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Next to Love is Share

Luc Banayat Villacillo Director & Managing Partner of Compumatrix International Philippines

Love is the ever expanding power of creation in all of us. Love is to see beauty and goodness and acceptance of oneself for everybody. Since love is therefore a very elementary and universal way of communication for everyone to enjoy. But there are others, like me, who still need to be constantly reminded of their essential nature. What arises or comes through, should be shared now. We have to communicate and learn to share. There is only one power that wants to be shared fully, freely and unconditionally, and love is still a good name for it. SHARE - It is also the process dividing and distributing of . Like,flowers divide and distribute their seeds.

I am the teaching of what I have shared from everybody. I can only demonstrate what I am. What I accept wholeheartedly, however, will exist in and way beyond it, because the world – this experience we create together – is a means to love and to share!

“Nothing is

If either of us would have finished with the joy of learning to love and to share unconditionally, peace in our hearts will prevail. But there are others, like me, who still need to be constantly reminded. But as we move on to another chapters of our life and venture, we accept our own weaknesses but learn to grow because we love and share!

impossible… since next to

Nothing is impossible.. since next to love is to share!.

love is to share” - Luc




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Volume 1, Issue 1

Viewpoints from Alan


NII: encourage members to keep the corporate culture in mind while networking and communicating. Listening for informal comments and being very observant may prevent taking a position in a toxic environment. Members should try to assess support for professional growth, rate of turnover, leadership styles, employee morale, style of dress, length of the work day, support for life work balance, and the ease and frequency of internal communication.

Alan Leete

Besides looking and listening to clues, members should also look at the public relations material and the company's web site. Does the information seem forthright or withholding? Are people in the organization featured? Are the values and goals espoused by the organization ones that they can support? CNII Corporation Encourage members to trust their impressions. As you know so well, corporate culture should not be confused with the corporate mission. But you our members may not know that working for a "non-profit" will NOT insure working with nice people, a kind atmosphere, fair reviews and less emphasis on the bottom line. We Encourage you to check out the philosophy and leadership style of the CEO. There will be much better indications of corporate culture than the mission of the company The CEO's beliefs and values will permeate the organization. CNII Corporation organizational culture is very important to you our members futures. your progress in an organization will depend a great deal on your compatibility with it. Members will be rewarded for "fitting in" as much as for what they do. — Alan Leete, VP for Asia-Pacific Region

“Your progress will depend a great deal on your compatibility with it.” - Alan Leete

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Ask Jane!


Good Day and welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!

Jane Maahs is a CNII Director and the Official Spokesperson of CNII

K, I know ALL of you have heard those words before, and not many of you are willing to believe them just yet. Each day you and I have a choice on how we will view the world, each opportunity that is before us, our friends and even ourselves. How will you chose which attitude you look at each of these today? This one thing, your attitude, will determine how far you will go, not only today but during your lifetime. I realize the setbacks we have encountered with CNII seem surreal at times, but in this world today, there are many factions that will come to do all they can to cause your failure. Why? The reason is very simple they cannot stand to see the “little guy” succeed.

“Which will you choose today and how will you choose to make your time of waiting fruitful?

Now here is the exciting part, Henry's dream is for the “little guy” like you and myself. No more being beholden to corporate bullies who call themselves “bosses”, instead allowing you to be your own boss within the framework of what CNII has to offer. Plus you get the added privilege of sharing this with others to help them do the same, become independent, self sufficient entrepreneurs. When will this be realized by the membership? Sooner than you or I expect which is why this waiting time is so crucial to your future success. There are many things for each of us to learn or to take a refresher course about. How to share your home-based business; How to manage your paperwork (and yes there is a lot of paperwork as a home business we need to tend to); How and when to submit your taxes, (each country and jurisdiction is different). The list is endless. Many of our membership have lost their faith in what CNII will do for their lives, family and the world around them. Their hope, what little they have, keeps getting crushed by other members, as well as the setbacks we have encountered along this long and winding road. Your attitude can be infectious, for building up another's hope or for tearing it down and squashing it. Which will you choose today and how will you chose to make your time of waiting fruitful?

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Volume 1, Issue 1



his is the most exciting time for Compumatrix as we move into the folds of company history, diligently working in pointing the company in the right direction, as we, the membership co-operate by supporting the company in their endeavor, and also for outside venture groups to observe the company's effectiveness.

If we think of the CNII funds as an underground water reservoir. What we try to do is get water to the surface by using a hand pump. Now we have to (prime) the pump in order to create the suction to draw the water out. (add water). In my early memories we had a water pump to bring up the water from underground, so we had to use a hand pump to get water up out of the well. That is the picture I have of our Company. So, by using a hand pump, we can understand how members can get water flowing from underground to the thirsty on the surface. In order to get water up to the surface, we must work for it, by the hand pump to bring it up. That means cooperating in all the company's rich inventory of products, the buying and selling of v-cards when available, Gold Subscriptions, advertising and supporting advertisers. What we, as members must do is help the pumping action by bringing the water up to the surface. Once the water is flowing ,as we continue to work, water will not cease to flow. Specific steps to get there is the priming action: Buying, Promoting, Advertising, Inviting new members, while wholeheartedly supporting our company. Let us remain watchful for all opportunities presented by Compumatrix to further advancement and economic growth by : Buying, Promoting, Advertising and Inviting .

Director Libby Chavez

“B-PAID Buy Promote Advertise Invite Discover�

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Cead Mile Failte Henry asked me to write a welcome note for this our first Newsletter. Here in Ireland when we welcome people we say:”Cead Mile Failte” which means “a hundred thousand welcomes”. The same applied to me when I was voted on to the BOD of Compumatrix last February by you, the Shareholders. Recently I was going back over your 'welcomes' and good wishes of fellowship and support which I have never forgotten. Today, I welcome all of you the Shareholders to this Newsletter. I still believe that the quality of Members in Compumatrix enable us as a company to stand head & shoulders above the rest, and we have a business that Henry has created which sets new standards for innovation, diversification, excellence ,integrity and honesty. You should all be very proud of what has been achieved.

“You should all be very proud of what has been achieved” - Ernest McBride

I would like to see Compumatrix become recognized as a company of impeccable reputation. A company that is the envy of other Marketing & Network businesses ,and one which attracts both investment and employment. A company that stands for transparency & communication. We still have a lot to be done regarding the re-launching of the All-New Compumatrix Brand. We will need expertise in Management & increased skills in Marketing. There have been many eloquent visions put forward for the development of Compumatrix, and I look forward to playing a significant part in the future growth of the company, and I personally will see to it that my integrity & hard work will know no bounds in helping to achieve all of the ambitions and dreams of our Company, Stockholders & members."

Ernest McBride. VP for Global Sales

Volume 1, Issue 1

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Compumatrix: How it Works Virtualization of Work and Monetization Strategy is a new game plan. Every industry starts with raw materials to manufacture products that can be consumed by the public. Converting this into the Hi-Tech lingo is really simple. It starts with your credits. Our affiliate SuperRewards is selling our credits. And so can you. For just 6 credits, you can sponsor a 10 credit package and earn 50% commission for every sale. That’s 6 euros plus 3 euros or a total of 9 euros earned and paid to you automatically in a click of a button. The 1 euro goes to our company. What are the credits for? The credits can be used to purchase membersubmitted products and services from our marketplace and also to advertise online using our advertising service which you can use to advertise to specific user groups. Our advertising platform uses geographic targeting, gender-specific ads and age-group specific ads to let your ads stand out to your target market. You can use the banner creation tool or just upload your banner. The marketplace also allows you to sell your products or services. You are paid with credits or via Paypal and Alertpay and is sent directly into your chosen payment system. Combining the advertising and the marketplace is the best option. It is also important to invite friends over to join for free. Increase in our membership base will guarantee a free flowing cyber economy for all of us to benefit from. To make your user experience more fruitful, you can participate in our forum, create your own Special Interest Groups, conduct research using our Poll platform or share your thoughts and experiences through blogs. It starts when you take that first step to believe in your business. Compumatrix is your business.

“Compumatrix.US is fueled with over 200 Million euros. Use that and get cash flowing to you indefinitely.”

“It starts when you take that first step to believe in your business”

Compumatrix and Networks International, Inc.

7260 W. Azure Drive Suite 140-878 Las Vegas, NV 89130 Phone: (702) 605-0078 E-mail:

Changing the World through Sharing and Caring is managed by Compumatrix and Networks International, Inc. which was established in November 22, 2006 in order to provide knowledge and business process outsourcing services. Compumatrix provides support services for companies around the world. Compumatrix promotes homebased jobs that provide Live Support, Inbound and Outbound Call Services, Software Development, Website Development, Database Activities, Online Electronic Content Distribution, Helpdesk Management, Website Management, Online Advertising, Virtual Offices and Virtual Assistants Program. Compumatrix and Networks International, Inc. is a company dedicated to uplift the lives of ordinary individuals using social media, online advertising and information technology.

Visit us today at :

CNII Chair appoints New Management Team Henry James Banayat, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Compumatrix and Networks International, Inc. recently announced the appointment of the new set of officers. Joining the ranks of Directors are Ms. Jane Maahs, Ms. Naty Narciso and Dr. Librada Chavez. Naty Narciso also seats as VP for Finance. Naty was the former Finance Officer of the National Power Corporation, a government-owned corporation in the Philippines. The management team is also joined by Mr. Alan Leete who would spearhead the Asia-Pacific Region and Dr. Elizabeth Marsh who would be in charge of the European Region as Vice President for their respective areas. Ernest McBride has also been appointed as the Vice President for Global Sales. Steven Kreiser has been appointed as VP for Marketing. Diana Gregory, had been appointed as VP for Global Communications. Jose Eduardo Narciso and Erriza Dawn Bucu-Narciso will serve as General Counsel for the Company. Neal Jeffery will be serving CNII as VP for Business Development and Monetization. Several changes are still expected to happen in the succeeding days as the Board finalizes the complete set of officers that will be joining forces to meet the goals of the company as set by its President and CEO, Donald Andrew Sands.

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