10 fast moves out of debt

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10 Fast Moves Out of Debt Debt is not a place one would love to visit and stay. Debt can have such a grip on your life such that movement is nearly impossible. I have been there and have come out. You enter into debt as soon as you receive someone's goods and services without paying. You become a debtor. Most people have been debtors at some point or the other in life and in business. What differs is the speed of paying up the owing (debt). Some will do it within days of delivery of goods and services while others will choose to delay and pay at a later stage. This can however become a way of life where one accumulates debt while enjoying the services and goods being ordered. In some parts of the world, it is easy to buy goods and access services on credit terms. They will entice you to believe that is better cash flow management to get products and not pay for them instantly but over a period of time. Hidden in that agreement is the fact that you end up paying more for the item than you would have paid if you used cash due to interest charges. It is very tempting to be in debt. You can get this imagination that "I can get all I want now and not even pay a dollar for it". The truth is you will still pay for the items regardless of the fact that by the time the demand is placed for the payment you probably have thrown away the clothes you got or the items are now so outdated you actually want to replace them with more debt. It can be an endless cycle where one will simply live and work to reduce debt. Just how does one move out of this frenzy. Here are a few steps that worked for me The Moves 1. Identify why you are in debt - Causes - Until you identify how and why you are in debt you will either not come out or when you come out someday, you will quickly dive back into it. Are you there because you are impulsive; are you there because you have an image to protect? Why are you in debt? To know the cause of a disease is more important in the cure of the disease than administering pain killers which are merely temporary hits on symptoms not on the root cause. Take responsibility and ownership of your situation. or else you will be a full time blame-shifter full of debt. 2. Live within your means - sometimes you look around at people in the same industry or title or former college mates and you just want to catch up really fast. That will cause you to want to own what you cannot afford just because you want to appear to be making progress. The truth is when you go home and you are now with your family, it's you who faces the heat of a loan or debt you have attracted to yourself. You may occupy a good place in the hearts of your friends and yet your own family sees a great amount of pain from your irresponsible moves. The interesting thing is this: when you are in debt and you cover up, you even help your friends who may be in financial crisis with money just because you want good ratings while you actually deprive the one you genuinely owe. This is real, I have done it and I know I may not be the only one. You can own anything you want to own to the degree of your financial discipline and consistency in handling finances.

3. Own all you have - The hook of credit is covered neatly by the imminent convenience and benefits of "staggered payments". If you can afford the repayments and you are consistent with your repayments then you are not the debtor I am discussing in this article. There is peace that comes with knowing that the house you live in and cars your have are actually in your name and not the bank's name. I have watched with great sadness the effects of the recent global crisis in our neighboring nation of South Africa where owning a car or house was easy as long as you were employed. Repossessions became the core business of banks as people failed to repay loans. People ran away from their own houses in America due to the crunch. But not in Zimbabwe and other parts of the world where you needed the full payment in cash before you were deemed the owner. This crunch was not felt as much even though the economy had been sliding for over 10 years. Principle is that you do not call yourself the owner until the item is in your name. Before that you are merely a steward.

4. Come up with a well thought and well researched plan very fast - Follow it closely - Sometimes the person in debt may have a good plan on what would get him/her out. A bankable plan which can work anytime of the day. However, pride and fear of how people will perceive you can cause you to throw away every plan you creatively create. Since you are in debt there is no need to try and maintain a false impression. Your reputation is already at stake anyway. It is better for colleagues to laugh at you for a season while you actively sort your mess out than to remain perpetually in bondage while having to find creative cover up strategies. Be real, face your debt with a plan and work on it. People can only assist someone who is doing something about their situation. 5. Choose not to be comfortable with debt - Refuse it and make the relevant strides out. It is easy to give up and condemn yourself. It is even worse when you develop mechanisms to be make you comfortable with debt. You are not meant


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