How To Rank Online with On-Site SEO

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On Site SEO Compared To Backlinks Can A Sit e Rank Well Wit h Few Backlinks? Today we’ll put the spotlight on ourselves to share with you why we think we’ve managed to rank pretty well on a f ew key search terms even though our site (this one) currently has very f ew backlinks.

Four Key Takeaways Here T he role of proper on-site SEO T he importance of content like headlines and copy Pages get ranked, not sites Tool we use f or instant ranking updates BT W, more details on these topics and more are covered in depth in our (free) DIY SEO Guide.

Ke ywo rd Rank Trac king Re s ults

“This is why it’s so important to’ always be answering the searcher’s question’ when making pages and writing headlines and content.”

How We Rank Wit hout Backlinks We don’t have many backlinks yet because our site is still new and we’re using social media and content sharing links f or a gradual and natural backlink strategy. Also, we know we’re likely to make some changes to site structure and blog categories bef ore our structure is f inalized so we want to avoid using too many redirects or linking to moved pages.

Result s Show 11 Out Of 15 Keywords On First Page Of Google In the picture above you can see that 11 out of 15 of the keywords appear in the top ten search results on the f irst page of Google. Most of the the keywords we’re ranking f or are related to our niche, which is a Los Angeles based marketing and SEO company so these are def initely the keywords we’re going af ter.

Use Of Keywords In Sit e St ruct ure/URL, Headlines And Copy Since there are f ew backlinks to the site in general and to these pages we know that it’s not strength of authority links that are bringing these pages of our site to the top of the search results f or these keywords. “How to f ind local search terms” and “Press release topics” f rom the list above are two perf ect examples that show how just by matching your on-site content and URL to match search phrases tells Google that your page matches the searcher’s query.

Lit t le Known SEO Tips And Tricks Competition f or good keywords and their Google search traf f ic is f ierce, there’s no question about it. Use these little known SEO tips and tricks to get your pages (not site!) ranked f or very relevant searches.

How To Writ e For Long Tail Searches Yet there are so many long-tail phrases (4 and 5 words) that can be used to put your page on the f irst page of Google. Long search terms are huge opportunities that other people don’t think about because they’re too busy going af ter the keywords with 2,000 and more searches a month.

Best On-Sit e SEO Cont ent Tricks T he trick is to write in the f orm of a question – a searcher’s question. Write using the exact search phrases people are likely to use to search in Google. Keep the searcher’s phrases in mind as you write url, blog topic and on-page headlines f or each – and even in the sentences. Take a look at this blog page title, the url and the headlines and content to see how we’ve used phrases that could easily be searches of their own. On site SEO Factors compared to backlinks How to write headlines and good copy f or seo How to write f or long tail searches Little known SEO tips and tricks Best on site SEO content trick Notice how all these phrases-turned-headlines could be actual searches? But no one would ever optimize an entire page f or them because keyword traf f ic tools wouldn’t show that there were many searches f or these terms. Why does this work? Because “Google rewards relevancy” and they’re very good at scouring all elements of a site and the more words you match in order you can score points f or, even without backlinks. Still not convinced? Go back to the photo of the search results and the top ten rankings at the top of this post and read the searches and the URLs of the pages and the positions they were placed on Google f or that search. Don’t just write for Keywords – Maybe you’ve heard this advice while researching SEO techniques, that you should write f or readers too. T hese methods do both! When a reader scans the headlines and sub-heads in this article they’re likely to see topics that match their questions – these are likely to catche their eyes and get them to stick around to read more.

How To Maximize On-Sit e SEO Opport unit ies Optimize your Page or Post title, the URL and the a major headline in your content f or a search term to optimize it f or the entire page.

Also use this phrase in the Meta Description f or the page to reinf orce it f urther. Even without backlinks, this will send strong messages to Google about what your content is all about.

Google Ranks Pages Not Websit es We’re not an “Authority Site” (yet). An example of an authority site is T he New York Times. If you get a link f rom them Google notices. Authority sites are powerhouses on the internet that can give you a big boost if you get a link f rom. But what our evidence show is that if you match enough of the searcher’s intent, even without backlinks f rom low-level or authority sites you can still have a page of your site appear as a viable option f or the searcher’s query. T his is why it’s so important to always be answering the searcher ’s question when making pages and writing headlines and content.

You Get Rewarded For Relevancy Too Finally, the goal of getting ranked f or specif ic long tail searches isn’t just ego or glory or tricking Google – it’s because you page is actually answering the question the searcher is asking – you can’t ask for a better visitor to your site!

How We Track Inst ant Keyword Rankings Get Instant Site Rank Notification – Receive an email when your site ranks f or a new term in Google. T his rank tracking WordPress plugin is $27 but it’s been well worth it f or us to know exactly how and when our SEO is working, know new terms we rank f or to get new content and build a powerf ul FAQ list. Know instantly when and how a searcher is f inding you.

Local Market ing and SEO Opt ions To increase your visibility in local search results, including in smartphones and GPS, see local marketing options and f ollow these links f or local SEO and national SEO services.

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