General rules for practices to consider: • • • • • • • • • •
Ensure that all windows are closed Ensure that A/C is off and all compressors are also switched off Ensure that all clinical and sterilisation areas are cleaned as per the ADA guidelines Ensure that all reusable dental instruments are cleaned and disinfected and stored away as per the ADA guidelines Ensure that all bottle-fed treatment centres are drained of all water and left in a clean/ dry state. It is recommended for the use of Bilpron (hibernation/holding solution) during this time if available Ensure that all treatment centre water bottles are left inverted to dry fully (if not filled with Bilrpon holding solution) Ensure that all treatment centres that are plumbed to town water, that the main tap supply at services is turned off and dental unit is drained of any water Ensure that all computers are locked and/ or switched off Ensure that all clinical surfaces are clutter free and cleaned/ disinfected Ensure that sterilisation / surgery equipment is switched off and any isolation switches are turned off
• • •
Call your usual HS Equipment salesperson Call HS Equipment Service Hotline on 1300 360 328 Call your usual autoclave service provider for general service and possible
1. Deep clean thoroughly ensuring plenty of solution flows through every suction tube and cuspidor bowl 2. Clean or replace all in-line filters – do not soak in a solution 3. Empty or replace (as applicable) amalgam container After cleaning procedure run suction system without water, and with suction tube valves open for approximately 5 to 10 minutes. This is to ensure the internal parts of the pump are thoroughly dried prior to hibernation. If this step is missed, there is a strong possibility of the pump seizing if not used for an extended period of time. For the more DIY experienced, the main vacuum connection on the pump can be disconnected, and silicone sprayed into the inlet while the pump is running. This will coat the impeller and chamber, reducing the risk of seizure. 4. Remove filters, amalgam container etc to allow air circulation when not in use for the extended period 5. Disconnect from the mains power supply by either unplugging or turning off at the fused spur It is recommended a team member visits the practice to activate the vacuum system for approx. 15 minutes. With fluid run from the spittoon to the dental vacuum system.
1. If required, download/archive all past cycling details in accordance with clinic established procedures or SOP 2. Disconnect autoclave from power supply completely – ensure the door is open 3. Remove rack and shelves from autoclave chamber 4. If water reservoir is connected to a RO system with automated filling please turn off supply at main valve 5. Connect waste hose to appropriate valve to empty the reservoir as per manufacturer’s instructions 6. Drain water from both clean and wastewater tanks, wipe out thoroughly to ensure there is no nutrient load for biofilm to grow 7. Clean the SS mesh filters in the reservoirs where fitted 8. Carry out full user maintenance, eg Clean dust filter under machine, clean chamber filter, clean excess lube off male door spindle and re-lube with a pea-size of silicone grease, clean door seal and chamber face, download cycle records 9. Disinfect all autoclave surfaces and leave autoclave 10. Place a large plastic bag upside down over autoclave to prevent dust ingress (if available)
1. Drain water reservoir and check the reservoir for dirt. Clean and rinse with steam process distilled water if necessary. Keep lid open to allow the reservoir to dry 2. Empty the waste bottle and separate lid and coil from container. Dry and keep separate 3. Wash waste container and dry 4. Wash the interior of the cassette with chlorine-free dishwashing detergent or soap 5. Rinse thoroughly with water to remove all traces of the detergent 6. Treat interior surfaces of the cassette with the STAT-DRI™ Plus 7. Place a large plastic bag upside down over autoclave to prevent dust ingress (if available)
Disinfectors (all brands) are using various detergents, which when left for an extended period, will crystallise in pipes and general pumps if not removed appropriately. Before starting a possible decommissioning, please refer to manufacturer’s operator manuals. The main objective will always to remove detergents and the following points are but a suggestion how to proceed. 1. If required, download/archive all past cycling details in accordance with clinic established procedures or SOP 2. Locate detergent bottles 3. As detergents may be caustic and very alkaline, ensure suitable PPE is secured before the next step 4. Remove detergents (safeguard they are appropriately recapped and stored in and safe location).Relocate suction devices in a third bucket with demineralised water 5. Run a normal cycle (empty chamber) during, which detergent lines will be filled with demineralised water – wait until cycle has concluded 6. Replenish water in the bucket if required and run another cycle 7. Run a dedicated rinse cycle 8. Following the final rinse cycle, gently remove suction devices from bucket, dry with paper towels and reposition in a suitable strong plastic bag and close with an elastic band or similar 9. Open disinfector door and remove all trolleys and inserts 10. With a paper towel dry the inside of the chamber 11. Re-rinse trolleys and inserts followed by paper towel drying 12. Return trolley and inserts to disinfector chamber and keep the door ajar to allow air circulation 13. Remove power cable/power off the unit 14. Disinfect all surfaces and leave unit in its original position
1. Disconnect from the mains power supply by either unplugging or turning off at the fused spur 2. Drain any moisture from the compressor tank via the drain valve It is recommended the compressor is drained of air. Which can be done either using the air drain valve on units equipment with this, or by turning the compressor off and running the dental units until the system runs low.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Disconnect ultrasonic bath from power supply completely Empty bath of detergent as per usual procedures Close outlet valve and add warm water with a preferred detergent Gently clean/wash the bath and empty Close the drain valve and add warm water to rinse the bath and empty once more Keep drain valve open and thoroughly dry the bath with paper towel All accessories like jars, small cassettes etc. should be cleaned separately using the same procedure and ensure everything is dry 8. Return accessories to bath, add lid and disinfect all surfaces (keep drain valve open) and position in a dry place
Milling units make sure water is drained off, and milling chamber doors left open Printers make sure all resin has been removed from resin tanks and moved away from printers. All material removed from wash units and stored correctly. For Planmeca’s decommissioning / recommissioning Guidelines: • guidelin?fr=sZTFhNTEwNTc2ODU
Use disposable cloths or paper roll or disposable mop heads, to clean and disinfect all hard surfaces or floor or chairs or door handles or reusable non-invasive care equipment or sanitary fittings in the room, following one of the 2 options below: 1. Use either a combined detergent disinfectant solution 2. Or a neutral purpose detergent followed by disinfection 3. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for dilution, application and contact times for all detergents and disinfectants 4. Any cloths and mop heads used must be disposed of as single use items
You may want to regularly test all equipment items in your practice, to ensure functionally and to prevent possible ‘seizing’ of items. If this is done, the above process should be undertaken each time, especially if water and solution are run through the treatment centre, dental unit water lines and/or vacuum system. Note: The suggested broad guidelines are of general nature. If more specific questions are to be answered, please contact your usual supplier and their respective specialists or service support.
In line with daily/weekly practice infection control policy: • Conduct infection control the same as the new daily/weekly paradigm of intensive clean, disinfect, clean, rinse and dry protocol for surfaces. .
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Clean suction filters and disinfect suction system, lubricating O-rings and seals. Allow the suction to run on for a few minutes to dry out the chairs suction system and ducts. Waterlines, the primary goal is to either dry out the unit or place a hibernation solution like Bilpron (if supported by chair maker) to prevent stagnation/biofilm creation and corrosion/deterioration of working components.
First step is to conduct long purge of waterlines, if you have the means conducting a Biofilm Removal process the cleaner it is the better. The next step is to dry out the unit, if you’ve a bottle, connect it empty and run the all the instruments with water and cupfiller / spittoon until the unit runs dry. Or Purge with a hibernation solution like Bilpron and switch unit off with once the waterlines are filled with the solution Or For mains connected units without bottle, contact a service person to disconnect and dry out the using compressed air through the water system. Please be thorough; the last step before you switch off the lights is the final clean water and micro fibre cloth wipe down before you close the door. Equipment, benches, floors and office fittings totally dry and clean of bioburden, disinfected and removed of all disinfection and cleaning chemical residues is your best protection strategy. Please resist bombing the practices with ‘chemicals’ and closing the door on wet gear will do harm and not achieve what the idea proposes.
For Planmeca’s decommissioning / recommissioning Guidelines: • guidelin?fr=sZTFhNTEwNTc2ODU For Morita’s decommissioning / recommissioning Guidelines: • guidelines?fr=sY2E2YjEwNTc2ODU •
Preparing units bottle only
Long Purge
Long Purge
Purge to dry
Then empty bottle
Short purge
Switch unit off
Hibernation solution must have seal of approval from chair supplier
Note – these are generic instructions – please follow the manufacturers specific guides and instructions.
Note – these are generic instructions – please follow the manufacturers specific guides and instructions.
Preparing units bottle with spittoon / cup fill
Long Purge
Long Purge
Purge to dry
Then empty bottle
Short purge Hibernation solution must have seal of approval from chair supplier
Switch unit off Switch water off
Note – these are generic instructions – please follow the manufacturers specific guides and instructions. Note – these are generic instructions – please follow the manufacturers specific guides and instructions.
Preparing units town water connection only Long Purge
Switch unit off Switch off water
or Long Purge
Call service to arrange a technician to disconnect unit and dry unit out. If the unit supports use of hibernation solution we can optionally add. Cost – call out fee and hourly rate, typical
Consider during surgery closed period ordering and having fitted a water bottle system to ensure forthcoming 20/21 compliance with water standards Hibernation solution must have seal of approval from chair supplier
Note – these are generic instructions – please follow the manufacturers specific guides and instructions.
Switch off unit Switch off air Switch off water Switch off suction
Note – these are generic instructions – please follow the manufacturers specific guides and instructions.
Preparing units with technical treatment Follow chair user instructions
KaVo Oxygenal 6 Planmeca PlanPure Metasys WEK Sirona Dentosept
Switch unit off Switch water off
Hibernation solution must have seal of approval from chair supplier – use only if manufacturer supports it
Note – these are generic instructions – please follow the manufacturers specific guides and instructions. Note – these are generic instructions – please follow the manufacturers
Preparing units, suction cleaning Follow chair and material instructions
Suction disinfection
Switch unit off Switch off suction
Clean Filters
Consider getting A suction service
Silicone lube the O-rings
Run system for Several minutes To dry
Note –the thesemanufacturers are generic instructions – please followand the manufacturers Note – these are generic instructions – please follow specific guides instructions. specific guides and instructions.
Preparing units; Clean to extraordinary level - squeaky clean Follow chair surface cleaning instructions Follow ADA/Standards instructions Use approved solutions/detergents Use dampened medical cleaning cloths / micro fibre cloths
Clean – remove bioburden
Disinfect where contaminated
Removal all disinfectant residue
Rinse & dry to remove soap residue
Switch unit off Switch off water Switch off air Switch off suction Note – these are generic instructions – please follow the manufacturers specific guides and instructions. Note – these are generic instructions – please follow the manufacturers specific guides and instructions.
We bina r Ser ies
Please find below some educational / instructional videos on how to keep your equipment maintained and compliant:
Webinar | Water Quality Issues in Dental Are Your Dental Unit Waterlines Safe (Part 1)
Webinar | Water Quality Issues in Dental Are Your Dental Unit Waterlines Safe (Part 2)
Webinar | Preparing Your Equipment For Decommissioning
Educational Video | Mocom Keeping your infection control equipment compliant
For more info, please contact our service team on 1300 360 328