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Product Index

Composite Resin Crowns Metal Crowns

Prosthetic Restorations on Implant Abutments and Frames


Core Buildup

Adhesion Bridges

Zirconia Crowns
Laminate Veneers
KATANA™ Cleaner

Clean the adherent surface to optimize the bond strength.

KATANA™ Cleaner for at least 10 sec. Application

Use KATANA™ Cleaner before the cementation procedure.

Clean the tooth structure and restorations from blood, saliva, residues of temporary bonding and sealing materials, etc. before bonding.

Rinse*・ Dry Cementation procedure

Cleaning the adherent surface

Intra-oral substrate

Rub the tooth surface with KATANA™ Cleaner for at least 10 sec., rinse*1 and dry.

Prosthetic restoration

Rub the prosthetic restoration with KATANA™ Cleaner for at least 10 sec., rinse*1, and dry. The use of KATANA™ Cleaner is not necessary if sandblasting is performed after the trial fit.

Cementation Procedure


Procedure for Prosthetic Restoration

Silane treatment when using KATANA™ Cleaner *2 , *3

*2 Sandblast as necessary according to the Instructions for Use of the prosthetic restoration used.

Remove the temporary materials from the prepared tooth in the usual manner; clean the cavity using moisture control. Cleaning with KATANA™ Cleaner is not necessary.

Procedure for when sandblasting prosthetic restoration

with KATANA™ Cleaner for at least 10 sec., rinse* , and dry

Rinse with water until the color is completely gone.


Cementation of Zirconia Crowns

1 After the trial fit, blast with alumina powder*1, then

2 Apply CLEARFIL™ CERAMIC PRIMER PLUS and dry with mild air.

V5 Tooth Primer*2, leave for 20 sec., and thoroughly dry with mild air.

Cementation of Composite Resin Crowns

After the trial fit, blast with alumina powder*1, then ultrasonic clean and dry.

Apply K-ETCHANT Syringe, leave for 5 sec., rinse and dry.

Apply PANAVIA™ V5 Tooth Primer*2, leave for 20 sec., and thoroughly dry with mild air.

KATANA™ Cleaner can be used to remove contamination both intra-orally and extra-orally. Refer to pages 4-5.

Cementation of Metal Crowns

Sandblast, then ultrasonic clean and dry*1.

Apply ALLOY PRIMER to the adherent surface if precious metal are used.

Apply PANAVIA™ V5 Tooth Primer*2, leave for 20 sec., and thoroughly dry with mild air.

Cementation of Prosthetic Restorations on Implant Abutments

and Frames

KATANA™ Cleaner can be used to remove contamination both intra-orally and extra-orally. Refer to pages
KATANA™ Cleaner can be used to
intra-orally and extra-orally. Refer to pages 4-5.

Cementation of Posts

Cementation of Core Buildup

Composite Resin

Follow the Instructions for Use of the restorative material. In the absence of specific instructions, we recommend the following procedure:

2 For glass-fiber post

Apply phosphoric acid (e.g. K-ETCHANT Syringe), leave for 5 sec., wash and dry. Apply CLEARFIL™ CERAMIC PRIMER PLUS, and dry.

Apply PANAVIA™ V5 Tooth Pimer, leave for 20 sec.

Place the core buildup composite resin*3 and remove the excess cement.

Conditioning the core buildup composite resin surface. Apply the paste over the adherent surface of the core or into the cavity.

*1 For the powder size and air pressure, follow the Instructions for Use of the restoration material.

*2 Remove any excess primer with a paper point, and thoroughly dry with mild air.

*3 Avoid air bubbles from entering.

*4 If the area you want to light-cure cannot be

KATANA™ Cleaner can be used to remove contamination both intra-orally and extra-orally. Refer to pages 4-5.
KATANA™ Cleaner can be used to remove contamination

Cementation of Zirconia Crowns

After the trial fit, blast with alumina powder*1, then ultrasonic clean and dry. Apply the

Cementation of Composite Resin Crowns

After the trial fit, blast with alumina powder*¹, then ultrasonic clean and dry. Apply the paste.

excess cement, let it set for 2 to 4 min. after placement of the prosthetic restoration.

*4 For prosthetic restorations that are translucent, light-cure the entire surface of the prosthetic restoration using the dental curing unit. Refer to table.

Automix OR

Place the crown and remove the excess cement*3

Final-curing (chemical-cure by letting it set for 5 min.)*4

*1 For the conditioning of the prosthetic restoration, follow the Instructions for Use of the restoration material.

*2 Use a vacuum aspirator to prevent BOND from scattering.

*3 If chemical-curing is used to remove excess cement, let it set for 2 to 4 min. after placement of the prosthetic restoration.

*4 For prosthetic restorations that are translucent, light-cure the entire surface of the prosthetic restoration using the dental curing unit. Refer to table.


Cementation of Metal Crowns



When used with CLEARFIL™ Universal Bond

Cementation of Prosthetic Restorations on Implant Abutments and


to table.

*1 For the conditioning of the prosthetic restoration, follow the Instructions for Use of the restoration material.

*2 If chemical-curing is used to remove excess cement, let it set for 2 to 4 min. after placement of the prosthetic restoration.

*3 For prosthetic restorations that are translucent, light-curing the entire surface of the prosthetic restoration using the

Cementation of Posts

Surface treatment of the post.

When using metal posts, sandblast, then ultrasonic clean and dry. Do not blast glass fiber posts due to potential damage.

Cementation of Core Buildup Composite

*1 Use a vacuum aspirator to prevent the mixture from scattering. Remove the excess mixture with a paper point. After wiping away the excess mixture, dry the adherent surface again if necessary.

*2 Avoid air bubbles from entering.

*3 Spread the excess cement over the coronal base and post head.

*4 Light-cure the coronal base and post head from each direction.

*5 Follow the Instructions for Use of the material being used.

*6 Prepare the abutment tooth after seating the

KATANA™ Cleaner
KATANA™ Cleaner can be used to remove contamination both intra-orally and extra-orally. Refer to pages 4-5.

Cementation of Composite Resin Crowns

1 Sandblast, then ultrasonic clean and dry*1.

2 Apply phosphoric acid (e.g. K-ETCHANT Syringe) to clean surface for 5 sec. Rinse and dry.

5 Apply mixed ED PRIMER II to the abutment surface and leave for 30 sec.

Cementation of Metal Crowns

3 Apply CLEARFIL™ CERAMIC PRIMER PLUS to the adherent surface and dry with mild air.

4 Mix equal amounts of ED PRIMER II A&B. Use the mixture as soon as possible after mixing.

9 Apply the mixture entirely to remove the excess paste.

1 Sandblast, then ultrasonic clean and dry*1.

Light-cure the margins*3

7 Dispense equal amounts of paste A&B.

*1 For the powder size and air pressure, follow the Instructions for Use of the restoration material.

*2 Use a cotton pellet to carefully remove any excess ED PRIMER Ⅱ from the cavity or abutment, especially from the corners of the cavity and shoulders at the margins of the abutment.

*3 The Opaque paste should not be light cured but allowed to cure by using OXYGUARD™ II. It has a low curing depth.

Self-cure the paste by applying OXYGUARD™ II to the margins. Then, wait for 3 min. and wash.

2 Apply ALLOY PRIMER to the adherent surface if precious metal are used.

3 Mix equal amounts of ED PRIMER II A&B. Use the mixture as soon as possible after mixing.

4 Apply mixed ED PRIMER II to the abutment surface and leave for 30 sec.

Cement the crown to the abutment surface and remove the excess paste.

6 Dispense equal amounts of paste A&B.

Mix paste A&B for 20 sec.

Apply the mixture entirely to the crown.

*1 For the powder size and air pressure, follow the Instructions for Use of the restoration material.

*2 Use a cotton pellet to carefully remove any excess ED PRIMER Ⅱ from the cavity or abutment, especially from the corners of the cavity and shoulders at the margins of the abutment.

*3 The Opaque paste should not be light cured but allowed to cure by using OXYGUARD™

Light-cure the margins*3. Refer to the table for light-curing time. OR

Self-cure the paste by applying OXYGUARD™ II to the margins. Then, wait for 3 min. and wash.

KATANA™ Cleaner can be used to remove contamination both intra-orally and extra-orally. Refer to pages 4-5.
KATANA™ Cleaner can be used to remove contamination both intra-orally and extra-orally. Refer to pages 4-5.

Cementation of Posts

Surface treatment of the post.

Remove any excess

Mix equal amounts of ED PRIMER II A&B. Use the mixture as soon as possible after mixing.

Apply the mixed primer to the root canal and the cavity wall, and leave for 30 sec.

Cementation of Adhesion Bridges


Seat posts and spread the excess paste to the coronal base. Light-cure the paste*2.

Dispense equal amounts of paste A&B.

reference line

Place a build-up composite resin according to the Instructions for Use.

2 Apply ALLOY PRIMER to the adherent surface if precious metal are used.

3 Apply phosphoric acid (e.g. K-ETCHANT Syringe) to the enamel surface for 10 sec. Rinse and dry.

4 Mix equal amounts of ED PRIMER II A&B. Use the mixture as soon as possible after mixing.

5 Apply mixed ED PRIMER II to the abutment surface and leave for 30 sec.

6 Remove any excess ED PRIMER

7 Dispense equal amounts of paste A&B.

Apply the mixture entirely to 10 Cement the restoration to the abutment surface and remove the excess paste.

For the powder size and air pressure, follow the Instructions for Use of the restoration material.

*2 Use a cotton pellet to carefully remove any excess ED PRIMER Ⅱ from the cavity or abutment, especially from the corners of the cavity and shoulders at the margins of the abutment.

*3 The Opaque paste should not be light cured but allowed to cure by using OXYGUARD™ II. It has

Sandblast, then ultrasonic clean and dry*1. 3 min.

Light-cure the margins*3 Refer to the table for light-curing time.

Self-cure the paste by applying OXYGUARD™ II to the margins. Then, wait for 3 min. and wash.

KATANA™ Cleaner can be used to remove contamination both intra-orally and extra-orally. Refer to pages 4-5.
KATANA™ Cleaner can be used to
contamination both intra-orally and extra-orally. Refer to pages 4-5.

Cementation of Laminate Veneers

1 Conditioning the surface of the porcelain veneer.

As necessary, sandblast the adherent surface of veneer with care to prevent the edges from chipping, then ultrasonic clean and dry*

2 Apply phosphoric acid (e.g. K-ETCHANT Syringe) to the adherent surface, leave for 5 sec., rinse and dry.

3 Apply CLEARFIL™ CERAMIC PRIMER PLUS to the adherent surface and dry with mild air.

4 Apply phosphoric acid (e.g. K-ETCHANT Syringe) to the enamel surface for 10 sec. Rinse and dry.

5 Mix equal amounts of ED PRIMER II A&B. Use the mixture as soon as possible after mixing.

6 Apply mixed ED PRIMER II to the abutment surface and leave for 30 sec.

7 Remove any excess ED PRIMER II*2 and dry.

8 Dispense equal amounts of paste A&B.

10 Apply the mixture entirely to 11 and remove the excess paste.

Self-cure the paste by applying OXYGUARD™ II to the margins. Then, wait for 3 min. and wash.

Cementation of Laminate Veneers

*1 For the powder size and air pressure, follow the Instructions for Use of the restoration material.

*2 Use a cotton pellet to carefully remove any excess ED PRIMER Ⅱ from the cavity or abutment,

by referencing the table. For Opaque shade, however, it cannot be light-cured as a final-cure. Only chemical-curing s allowed.

2 Apply K-ETCHANT Syringe to the enamel, leave for 10 sec., rinse and dry.


4 Apply the paste entirely to the veneer.


KATANA™ Cleaner can be used to remove contamination both intra-orally and extra-orally. Refer to pages 4-5.
KATANA™ Cleaner can be used to remove contamination both intra-orally and extra-orally. Refer to pages 4-5.

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