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Hepatitis and Sexual Transmission
Whilst it is very unusual to contract Hepatitis C via sexual activity there are still some risks involved. Hepatitis B is, however, sexually transmitted. Recent studies in Australia have shown that there is a rise in sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) (See the Fourth National Sexually Transmissible Infections Strategy 2018-2022, Department of Health, 2018, bit.ly/3id3rDf) indicating a need for more public education initiatives - particularly around risk behaviours, safe practices, testing and treatment. There is also evidence that help seeking behaviour around STIs can be hampered by stigma and embarrassment. Online resources are a useful method of making information and resources available in a safe and anonymous way. The following resources from our catalogue focus on general sexual health and particular areas of risk. All are free to access online.
Play safe (safe sex)
NSW Health, Sydney, 2021. Website Comprehensive information about sexually transmitted diseases: transmission risks, symptoms, prevention, treatment, where to get tested in all states and territories, with ‘ask a nurse online’ and an online forum.

Hepatitis B and relationships
Hepatitis Australia, Canberra, 2020. 1p. Although most people get hepatitis B at birth, it can be transmitted in other ways - including sexual activity. This article contains information about how it is spreads, and how you can keep your partner safe.
bit.ly/3yW7s51 Condomless sex sufficient to pass on hepatitis C between men
London Infohep, 2020. 2p. article Results of a UK study designed to investigate whether blood exposure is necessary for hepatitis C transmission during anal intercourse - or if the virus can be passed on through condomless anal intercourse without bleeding.

This is us
Young Deadly Free (SAHMRI), 2019. 3 videos: 8.11, 9.42, 6.30 mins A dynamic video mini-series that explores the broad social issues around sexual health. Developed and filmed with Joel Brown and Natasha Wanganeen, and featuring an all Aboriginal cast. 3 episodes

What you need to know about STIs and sexual health checks
Triple J: The Hook Up, Sydney, 2019. 11.37 min audio plus 3p. overview Find out more about the topic of STIs: when to get a check, exactly what happens during your check-up, and how to get your results.

Intimate attitudes, practices and knowledges: Chinesespeaking international students in Australia
Melbourne Burnet Institute 2019. 32p. Data on Chinese international students’ sexual experiences which can be used to inform sexual health service provision in Australia (includes sexual health knowledge and sexual health service use).
bit.ly/3yUMqng Travelling overseas? Plan ahead
PEACE Multicultural Services (RASA), Adelaide, 2018. 27p Provides a basic guide for staying safe and healthy when travelling, including: medication, condoms, safe sex, safe injecting, tattoos etc.
bit.ly/3g7WIHV Hepatitis C in gay men: what are the risks and should I be concerned?
Sydney Aust Federation of AIDS Organisations. 1p. online article Overview info: “it is important to keep the conversations around HCV going with your partners and, if you are particularly concerned, there are ways to reduce your risk, including avoiding those situations in which HCV may be more readily transmitted and/or continuing to use condoms”.

Hep C is NOT an STI
Adelaide Hepatitis SA 2012. 3 fold brochure Information about general transmission risks, sexual practices and disclosure. View online, or for free up-todate printed copies contact Hepatitis SA via email at admin@hepsa.asn.au.