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What’s On? / CNP Info
Free, confidential information and support on viral hepatitis:
1800 437 222
Don’t like Talking?
No Problem.
Visit hepsa.asn.au - no need to log in, lots of info & pdates Follo the HepSAY blog - hepsa.asn.a /blog Order print resources - hepsa.asn.a /orders/ Follo s on T i er @hep_sa or Facebook @Hepa sSA
ALL ser ices & reso rces FREE
• Hutt Street Day Centre:
258 Hutt St, Adelaide SA 5000; call Margery on 0423 782 415 to make an appointment • • WestCare Services: 11/19 Millers Ct, Adelaide SA 5000; call Margery on 0423 782 415 to make an appointment Wonggangga Turtpandi DUE TO COVID-19 AND THE NEED FOR SOCIAL DISTANCING, ALL LIVER CLINIC
Aboriginal Primary Health Care Service (Pt Adelaide CNP); 1st Wednesday of each month, 9.30–11.30am, 11 SESSIONS HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER
Church St, Port Adelaide SA NOTICE: 5015
• Anglicare Elizabeth Mission; 17 April, 14 Aug, 13 Nov, Please ring 1800 437 222
9.30am–12pm, 91-93 Elizabeth for hepatitis
Way Elizabeth (Bookings via reception in person, or call information 8209 5400)
• Noarlunga GP Plus;
fortnightly, Alexander Kelly
Dr, Noarlunga Centre SA 5168 (Bookings via Noarlunga CNP
A Note to Our CNP Clients

We are approaching the COVID-19 pandemic with an abundance of caution in line with the recommendations of health experts. We ask that you arrange for someone else to collect your equipment, if you have • any flu-like symptoms such as fever and cough, or • recently returned from travel overseas. When collecting equipment, we ask that you cooperate with ‘social distancing’ recommendations: • We will place equipment on a table for you to pick up: this will maintain social distancing • We will fill out the data sheet • We recommend that you collect a month’s supply of equipment (in case of any upcoming closures or supply delays) • If you can ring ahead, please do so in case any further changes have taken place. These measures are for YOUR safety as well as ours. Please respect the CNP workers so we can keep this service going!
Useful Services & Contacts
Hepatitis SA Free education sessions, printed information, telephone information and support, referrals, clean needle program and library. (08) 8362 8443 admin@hepatitissa.asn.au www.hepsa.asn.au Hepatitis SA Helpline 1800 437 222 (cost of a local call)
Adelaide Dental Hospital A specially funded clinic provides priority dental care for people with hepatitis C with a Health Care Card. Call Hepatitis SA on 1800 437 222 for a referral.
beyondblue Mental health information line
1300 224 636 www.beyondblue.org.au
Clean Needle Programs in SA For locations visit the Hepatitis SA Hackney office or call the Alcohol and Drug Information Service. 1300 131 340
Community Access & Services SA Alcohol and drug education; clean needle program for the Vietnamese and other communities.
(08) 8447 8821
headspace Mental health issues are common. Find information, support and help at your local headspace centre 1800 650 890 www.headspace.org.au Hutt St Centre Showers, laundry facilities, visiting health professionals, recreation activities, education and training, legal aid and assistance services provided to the homeless. 258 Hutt St, Adelaide SA 5000 (08) 8418 2500
Lifeline National, 24-hour telephone counselling service. 13 11 14 (cost of a local call) www.lifeline.org.au
Mental Health Crisis Service 24 hour information and crisis line available to all rural, remote and metropolitan callers. 13 14 65
MOSAIC Counselling Service For anyone whose life is affected by hepatitis and/or HIV. (08) 8223 4566 Nunkuwarrin Yunti An Aboriginal-controlled, citybased health service, which also runs a clean needle program. (08) 8406 1600
PEACE Multicultural Services HIV and hepatitis education and support for people from nonEnglish speaking backgrounds. (08) 8245 8100
Sex Industry Network Promotes the health, rights and wellbeing of sex workers. (08) 8351 7626
SAMESH South Australia Mobilisation + Empowerment for Sexual Health www.samesh.org.au
Youth Health Service Free, confidential health service for youth aged 12 to 25. Youth Helpline: 1300 13 17 19 Parent Helpline: 1300 364 100
Viral Hepatitis Community Nurses Care and assistance, education, streamlined referrals, patient support, work-up for HCV treatment, monitoring and follow-ups. Clients can self-refer. Contact nurses directly for an appointment. Central: Margery - 0423 782 415 margery.milner@sa.gov.au Debbie - 0401 717 953 North: Bin - 0401 717 971 bin.chen@sa.gov.au Michelle - 0413 285 476 South: Rosalie - 0466 777 876 rosalie.altus@sa.gov.au Jeff - 0466 777 873
Specialist Treatment Clinics Subsidised treatment for hepatitis B and C are provided by specialists at the major hospitals. You will need a referral from your GP. However, you can call the hospitals and speak to the nurses to get information about treatment and what you need for your referral.
• Flinders Medical Centre Gastroenterology & Hepatology Unit: call 8204 6324 • Queen Elizabeth Hospital: call 8222 6000 and ask to speak a viral hepatitis nurse • Royal Adelaide Hospital Viral Hepatitis Unit: call Anton on 0401 125 361 or 8222 2081 • Lyell McEwin Hospital: call Michelle on 0413 285 476 or Bin on 0401 717 971
28 July 2021

For your chance to WIN one of 3 $50 prepaid Visa cards, call the HepatItIs sa HelplINe on 1800 437 222 (9am–5pm, Mon–Fri) before the end of July 2021. answer this question correctly: Can people that are currently using illicit drugs access the cure for hep C? leave your name, contact phone number and postcode with the Helpline worker to go into the draw to win. Winners will be contacted by phone on Friday, 6 August to make the arrangements of how to receive their prize.

anyone can access the cure to hep C if they need it.
Hep C treatment is not recommended during pregnancy or while breast-feeding.