Traffic projects under way BUSINESS, INDUSTRY and TRANSPORTATION
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Warren Scott
Improvements expected to ease flow, attract businesses C r e w s a r e w i d e n i n g a 9 0 0 - f o o t s e c ti o n o f s t a t e R o u te 7 s o u t h o f U n i v e r s i t y B o u l e v a r d t o a c c o m m o d a t e t h e a d d i t i o n o f t w o tu r n l a n e s l e a d i n g t o t h e b ou l ev a r d an d t h e Ve t er a n s M e m o r ia l B r i d ge. Th e $10 mi ll i o n p r o j e ct i s e x p ec ted t h e e a se t h e fl ow o f tr af f ic a t t h e b usy i nt e r se ct i on .
By WARREN SCOTT Staff writer Two major traffic projects are expected to ease the flow of interstate traffic and help attract new businesses and visitors to the area. After being discussed for many years, a new Ohio River bridge between the southern ends of Jefferson and Brooke counties is slated to begin construction this spring. Supporters of the span say it will provide another transportation artery between Ohio and West Virginia, particularly during emergencies such as rock slides along state Routes 2 and 7 and support development in the southern ends of Jefferson and Brooke counties. In preparation for the project, crews with Flat-
iron of Bloomfield, Colo., have begun taking core samples in an area about a mile south of Wellsburg. The span will extend from there to the intersection of Third and Clever streets in Brilliant, creating a link between state Routes 2 and 7. In January, officials with the Ohio Department of Transportation said crews are expected to begin construction of the Ohio abutment in April. Flatiron Corp. was selected as the general contractor for the $131 million project after submitting the lowest of three bids and a proposal that reduced the anticipated completion date by a year. To complete the bridge by spring 2021, the company plans to build the span in segments elsewhere, then ship them by barge to
the project’s site. The bridge will be a tied arch span, consisting of an overhead arch and deck that resembles a bow being drawn to fire an arrow. Examples of tied arch spans include the Moundsville Bridge, Fort Henry Bridge in Wheeling and Pittsburgh’s Fort Pitt Bridge, which was the first computer-designed span of its type. The bridge is slated to include two lanes for vehicles and a third for bicyclists. The third lane also may be used by vehicles when either of the other two is closed for emergencies or repairs. There are plans to tie the bridge into the nearby Brooke County Pioneer Trail. It’s the first West Virginia project for Flatiron but not the first bridge to
be built by the company, which is a division of German-based HOCHTIEF, one of the world’s largest construction firms. Other bridge projects for the firm have included the Alberta, Canada’s Athabasca River Bridge, a 108-foot-wide, 10-lane span with a capacity of 1,212 tons; and the Carquinez Suspension Bridge, a span near San Francisco comprised of 24 steel decks weighing 600 tons each. The bridge will be funded through a private-public partnership between Flatiron the West Virginia and Ohio departments of transportation. It involves the contractor financing the project up front and being reimbursed over five years as federal highway dollars become available.
A 2000 study by the Brooke-HancockJefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission determined the need for a new Ohio River bridge, citing the advancing age of the Market Street and Fort Steuben bridges, the latter since demolished, and the distance between the Veterans Memorial Bridge and other Ohio River crossings in the region. It also noted the two older spans’ weight limits that prevent either from being used by heavy trucks. Another study in 2003 and a volunteer committee of about 30 public officials and community members selected the WellsburgBrilliant location. The same group also
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Center focuses on design, manufacturing From staff reports COLUMBUS — Owners of small- and medium-manufacturing companies dream about having an inhouse research and development team to help the business grow, but the reality is that many small and medium companies struggle to find ways to develop new products or improve efficiency. Small- and medium-manufacturing entities in Central and Southeastern Ohio can turn to Ohio State University’s Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence to improve their product and process development while increasing competitiveness. CDME was chosen by the Ohio Development Services Agency to support the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership. The grant, running through 2022, is an extension of Ohio State’s land grant mission and provides small- and mediummanufacturing entities in 37 counties across Central and Southeastern Ohio access to the resources of the university. CDME is, in essence, the manufacturing port of entry into Ohio State, one of the nation’s premier research institutions. The Manufacturing Extension Partnership initiative at Ohio State focuses on providing valueadded manufacturing consulting services to small-
and medium-manufacturing entities in the 37-county region making up Central and Southeastern Ohio. The initiative also provides a network of regional support partners who assist these companies in the execution of growth plans. These partners include financial institutions, other higher-education facilities, business development groups and support services within each of the counties. Collaborating with the staff at CDME, its faculty affiliates and their external partners opens the door to heightened innovation and valuable inventions for these entities. Leveraging federally funded research, university laboratories and additional partners, companies can achieve greater value-added innovation at reduced risk. CDME operates using a novel, collaborative and forward-thinking model, which creates an exciting environment of applied engineering and technical services. With a dedicated staff of project engineers, former business owners and participation by research faculty combined with industry experts, the Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence is able to move at the speed of industry to ensure Ohio manufacturers are constant and powerful stakeholders in the greater manufacturing ecosystem. The Manufacturing Extension Partnership program at Ohio State’s CDME
Le a h Mi l ls, fo ur th - ye a r m a te ria l sc ie n ce e n gi ne e r in g st ud e nt a t O hi o St a t e U ni v e rsi t y, a n d N a t e A m e s , a s so c i a t e d i r e c t o r a n d e n g i n e e r i n g m a n a g e r a t t h e u n i v e r s i t y ’ s C e n t e r f o r D e s i g n a n d M a n u f a c tu r i n g E x c e l l e n c e , e v a l u a t e p l a s t i c p a r t s p r o d u c e d u s i n g t h e p r o d u c t i on i n j e c t i on m o l d in g eq u i pm e n t p r o v i de d t o C D M E by J o s e C as t r o , p r o f e s s o r o f i n t e g r a t e d s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g a t t h e u n i v e r s i t y’ s c o l l e g e o f e n g i n e e r i n g .
offers services in product development and improvement, process development and improvement, lean operational analysis, engineering services, business operations support, business-development support and training. A company may need the use of one of the newest 3D printers for making a prototype or need a new design created for a product line extension. She said the compa-
nies can rely on the expertise of the staff at the center and that the cost of the services can be much lower than a business taking on the initiative on its own. Companies don’t have to invest in the capital, and the center uses the services and skills of student staff members, who are incorporated in all aspects of each project and managed by a program manager. Initial consultation for
a business is free. The center will scope the project, define the problem and areas of improvement and present the plan of execution to the customer. Libby Culley, Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence marketing outreach coordinator, said companies work with CDME on product development and product improveSee CENTER Page 5A Á
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Our New BreastCare Center together with All About Women Upscale women’s care you won’t find anywhere else in Weirton-Steubenville Route 22/30 Corridor.
Window World meets a lot of needs From staff reports When most folks think of Window World, they recall three guys standing on windows. That picture speaks to the strength of the company’s double pane double strength glass, and the family culture of the company. Window World, serving all of the Ohio Valley, is that and so much more. Nationally, Window World installs more than one million windows each year, and has been for the past nine years. Locally, the local Window World, serving all of the Ohio Valley, including Wheeling and surrounding areas, continues to grow by double digits.
So, what’s the attraction? Co-owner Fred Moran has the answer. “It’s really pretty simple,” Fred Moran said. “People appreciate that we don’t pressure them into purchasing from us. We carry quality products, at a fair price, with an iron clad warranty. Homeowners buy with confidence, and they know that we are there for them should a problem arise.” In addition to replacement windows in virtually every style and size, Window World offers entry doors, garage doors and vinyl siding. “With home values rising, this is the age of home improvement,” said Fred’s son
Pat Moran. “Not only will these exterior remodeling projects add comfort and beauty, they add resale value to the home as well.” The Moran Group of Window World franchises soon will be adding roofing to its offering of exterior remodeling products of windows, doors and siding. “We look forward to having our roofing division up and running mid-year and will be hiring eight to 12 additional people to handle it,” said Fred Moran. Fred, son Pat and grandson Patrick, are owners of six Window World franchise locations in Steubenville/Wheel-
ing, Youngstown, Cleveland, Akron, Toledo and Pittsburgh. The local showroom and office are located at 974 North Sixth St., Steubenville, OH 43952. Customers can call for a no-obligation quote by calling (800) 550-4189 or visiting Window World, headquartered in North Wilkesboro, N.C., is America’s largest replacement window and exterior remodeling company, with more than 200 locally owned offices nationwide. Founded in 1995, the company sells and installs windows, siding, doors and other exterior products, with a total
of more than 13 million windows sold to date. Window World is an ENERGY STAR partner, and its window products have earned the Good Housekeeping Seal for 10 consecutive years.
Poll workers sought by election board From staff reports STEUBENVILLE — The Jefferson County Board of Elections is looking for responsible people to be poll workers at upcoming elections. Daria Mackey, a board of elections employee, said the board appreciates the poll workers who come back election after election, but there is a need for people to man the polls in outlying areas of the county. There are 71 precincts in the county, with four workers needed at every precinct. The board of elections also needs people who will be on standby in case a regular poll worker can’t work, Mackey said. All poll workers go through training prior to an election, including those on standby. “It is one of the best ways to see how the voting process works,” said Cacharel Tatar, board of elections employee. “Without poll workers, there would be no election.” “They are the backbone of a successful election,” Mackey said. “They do the lions share of the work on Election Day. It is exciting, but it is a long day.” Diane Gribble, board of elections director, said there have been changes in technology at the polling locations. “With every change, it is on the backs of the poll workers,” Gribble said. Tatar said organizations can have members be poll workers on Election Day and then donate the pay to the organization. “It is a great fundraiser,” Gribble said. Poll workers are paid $135 for training and working the polls. The voting location manager is paid $145 for training and working the polls. “Being a poll worker is great for any organization that requires community service,” Tatar said. Mackey said it is harder now to get poll workers because many
families have both parents working. Retired parents also spend a lot of time babysitting grandchildren, she said. There was a time when poll workers considered it their civic duty. Standby poll workers may get a call at 5 a.m. on Election Day to come to work at the polls. Gribble said being registered to vote is the only qualification needed to be a poll worker. Poll worker training will be scheduled in April, as the board of elections is gearing up for the May 8 primary election. Voters again will be using electronic poll books when they come to the polls. Gribble said the electronic poll books replaced the books poll workers used in the process of checking in voters at the polls. There were battery power problems in the November general election with the electronic polls books. Gribble said the manufacturer of the electronic poll books will be meeting with the board of elections to make sure the problem doesn’t resurface. She noted the poll books will be plugged into an electrical outlet. Voters no longer have to look for the check-in table at their precinct, especially with polling places having more than one precinct, Gribble said. Voters now go to a table with the electronic poll books. Voters will swipe their driver’s license or state identification card to verify they are registered to vote, Gribble said. A poll worker will type in the person’s name if he or she doesn’t have a driver’s license or identification card. The person signs the electronic poll book instead of the paper poll book, she said. The electronic poll books allow the line of voters to move quicker to the actual polls to cast a ballot. “There is no waiting in line. If there are 10 people waiting to
check in at a precinct, then a precinct less busy will be able to take the overflow,” Gribble said. The poll worker encodes the correct ballot and places the access card in a voting machine. The access card will pull up the correct ballot for the voter, allowing voters to use any of the open machines at the polling location with more than one precinct, Gribble said. “In a large election, it will be relatively quick to check in, go vote and be done,” she said. If a person goes to the wrong voting location, the poll worker will be able to check
voting records countywide using the electronic poll book and send the voter to the correct location, according to Gribble. With the paper poll books, the poll workers would have had to call the board of elections office to check on the correct voting location. Persons who have to vote using a provisional ballot will be sent to another check-in table to complete the application to vote a provisional ballot. Gribble said that will save time for other voters because the provisional ballot application was done at the checkin table with the old paper poll books, caus-
ing a delay for other voters checking in. The electronic poll book will guarantee the correct ballot information on the access card, reducing human error in encoding the wrong ballot information, Gribble said. Voters will still have the option of requesting a paper ballot. In a partisan election, voters will be able to choose on the tablet which party ballot they want. Gribble said some voters didn’t like the idea of having to say out loud to the poll worker which partisan ballot they wanted to vote. The board of elections the day after the elec-
tion will download the party ballot chosen for voters and update voting records, Gribble said. Persons wanting to vote in the May 8 primary election have until April 9 — the voter registration deadline — to update their address or name changes. Contact the board of elections at (740) 2838522 to request a voter registration form. The forms also are available at the license bureau and public libraries or online at In-person voting at the board of elections begins on April 10, as well as requests for absentee ballots.
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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Therre’s a new home h for for There’ prrimarry care carre in Wintersville Winttersville primary
Center Continued from Page 2A
ment using the engineering skills and experience available at the university. The center utilizes the various engineering skills of the university’s College of Engineering, including students, faculty and the university’s extensive collection of the cutting-edge, industrial-grade equipment. Culley said the goals of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership include: ¯ Connecting Ohio State’s land grant mission to Central and Southeastern Ohio’s small- and mediummanufacturing entities through focused and clientcentric engagements. ¯ Leveraging and providing easy access to the faculty, facilities and equipment of Ohio State University for Ohio’s manufacturing community. ¯ Providing business and engineering value-added advisory and execution services to address the growth challenges of smalland medium-manufacturing entities in Ohio. ¯ Contributing to economic development growth by supporting investment, business development, supply-chain management and partnering opportunities in the Central and Southeastern Ohio region. ¯ Developing a future pool of manufacturing leadership through the Center for Design and Manufactur-
ing Excellence’s Experiential Entrepreneurship Education program, which is the first in the nation to combine state-of-the-art educational programs in product design, manufacturing, commercialization and business modeling with advanced on-site prototyping capabilities and realtime, industry-sponsored research and development projects. ¯ Create and maintain an engaged and supportive network of public and private partners to support the growth of small and medium manufacturing entities. The center boasts 30 fulltime staff members who are not faculty but hail from the manufacturing and tech sectors, including former business owners and entrepreneurs who have all experienced the same trials facing smalland medium-manufacturing companies. Culley said 400 entities in the 37-county region have attended events sponsored by the Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence since March 2017. CDME has completed or has ongoing projects with 23 small- to medium-sized manufacturers in the region since October 2016, when they became an MEP affiliate. One project example is when a very small company in central Ohio came to CDME for
help in designing a hand-held fluorescence detector to see the company’s fluorescent nanodiamonds, which can be used to prevent counterfeiting of products. CDME was able to design and manufacture an add-on for a smartphone using one of their 3D printers. The custom attachment is able to emit a light showing the presence of the nanodiamonds using the smartphone’s own camera. From the onset of the initial discussion with the company, CDME turned around the product in less than one week. Some of the main focus areas for the Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence as they help manufacturers are cybersecurity, additive manufacturing, biomedical engineering, augmented reality and work force development. Many of these areas overlap; for instance, one available option to address a struggling manufacturing work force as it’s threatened by the retirement of
highly skilled workers is to use augmented reality to train the incumbent work force. CDME offers programs for both work force development and the possibility of incorporating augmented reality. They are adding more programs daily to their events calendar that feature presentations and training sessions on all of these focus areas and more. Most of their events are free and are being taken on the road to our area. The Center for Design and Manufacturing
Excellence produces a monthly newsletter for their MEP market highlighting current topics relating to small and medium-sized businesses as well as their upcoming events and those of their partners or other local constituents driving the metaphorical manufacturing gears in Ohio. The Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence can be reached at (614) 292-6888 or at and
Wheeling prepares for its 250th birthday bash By CASEY JUNKINS Staff writer WHEELING — Elaborate parades, theme songs and unique activities involving the Wheeling Suspension Bridge could be in store, as the “Wheeling 250” committee prepares to celebrate the city’s 250th anniversary, which will occur in 2019. From the days of American Indians controlling the frontier, through the Industrial Revolution, to the heyday of downtown Wheeling being the retail hub of an entire region, the Friendly City has changed quite a bit since Ebenezer Zane established the settlement in 1769. However, committee Chairman Jay Frey said many of the factors that helped the city grow through the years — particularly its location at the
intersection of National Road and the Ohio River — are still in play. “I see this anniversary as an opportunity to build on the enthusiasm being generated by the renaissance under way in the city,” Frey said, “This should not just be a celebration of our past. It should be an exhibition of where we can go.” Mayor Glenn Elliott officially appointed the ad hoc committee during a recent Wheeling Council meeting. While Elliott has no specific directive for the committee, he said the city eventually will allocate an unspecified amount of funding toward the celebration. “They will need some budgeted funds from us, but we’re hopeful of getting some private supporters,” Elliott said. “Jay Frey is a very good administrator.”
The Jefferson County Port Authority offers comprehensive economic development services to local businesses and all industries considering Jefferson County for their next capital investment. Contact us today to begin a discussion about your local business or to analyze a variety of resources to aid you in your growth plans. Since beginning operations in 2013, the Port Authority has become Jefferson County’s lead economic development providing core services, including: • Site selection assistance • Marketing the county’s development opportunities to consultants and company executives. • Tax incentive analysis and liaison to State/federal business incentive programs. We look forward to hearing from you! 740-283-2476 Evan Scurti, Executive Director,
Frey said there likely will be events throughout 2019, though he would like to focus efforts toward September, collaborating with organizers of the annual Fort Henry Days festival at Oglebay Park. He said there will be a “huge parade,” adding that it will take place during daytime hours. “We’re looking at having lectures at multiple venues, an art competition and exhibition and numerous other events,” Frey
said. In looking at the committee, Frey said he sees a group of “incredibly talented, diverse and passionate stakeholders.” “It is incumbent upon our committee to create a celebration that has something for everybody,” Frey said. Who’ on the Wheeling 250 Committee? ¯ Jay Frey. ¯ Local historian Margaret Brennan. ¯ South Wheeling Preservation Alliance member Brother John
Byrd. ¯ The Intelligencer and Wheeling NewsRegister journalist Linda Comins. ¯ Former headmaster of the Linsly School Reno DiOrio. ¯ Friends of Wheeling President Jeanne Finstein. ¯ Former WNHAC Executive Director Hydie Friend. ¯ Former West Virginia Independence Hall Site Manager Travis Henline. ¯ The Health Plan spokeswoman Wendy
Hodorowski. ¯ West Liberty University history professor David Javersak. ¯ Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe Safety Director Steve Johnston. ¯ Independence Hall Site Manager Debbie Jones. ¯ Wheeling Heritage official Bekah Karelis. ¯ Wheeling Convention and Visitors Bureau representative Olivia Litman. ¯ Underground Railroad Museum curator John Mattox.
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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Starvaggi: A diverse company with rich history From staff reports Starvaggi Industries Inc. had its beginnings in the Tri-State Area in the early 1920s. The company’s history includes more than 50 years operating coal mines in Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Today, the diverse company serves its
Starvaggi operates out of a 75-acre riverfront mixed-use industrial facility.
customers from a 75acre riverfront mixeduse industrial facility that includes a readymix concrete plant as well as a river terminal facility with the
capability of loading and unloading barges. Warehousing of offloaded finished goods is available on a limited basis, as well as outdoor storage for
inbound or outbound raw materials, according to Michael Wehr, company president. Wehr noted that in addition to replacing its antiquated readymix plant in 2013, the company made extensive exterior repairs to its 401 Pennsylvania Ave. headquarters, including replacing the entire roof of the
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facility and repaving the building’s parking lot. “We saw a record concrete year in 2017. We were seeing volumes 50 percent ahead of historic averages. A lot of that had to do with midstream oil and gas construction projects in Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania, combined with several highway projects in West Virginia,” he continued. The company was involved with aggregate sales and delivery for a pipeline project running from Ohio through West Virginia to Western Pennsylvania. Pipeline work means increased aggregate sales and delivery, development of access roads and repair to public roads affected during the construction, as well as increased sales of materials used to enclose the pipelines. Local business development has continued to drive the construction market as well. Continuing opportunities have and will come from the Three Springs Crossings retail plaza off Three Springs Drive, Frontier’s development of the purchased surplus property of Arcelor-Mittal, the start of operations for Bidell Gas Compression and the forthcoming construction of the
Pietro Fiorentini facility in Weirton. Wehr also noted the company’s involvement with the school construction project in Brooke County during 2017. A mild winter in 2017 contributed to the record year, too. “Last year was a godsend. The previous two winters were horrendous. Hopefully we break out of this weather soon,” Wehr said. The company’s terminal operation continues to thrive. Mississippi Lime’s hydrate plant is operating on a full schedule, incoming coils are scheduled for unloading, and there lately has been interest in loading coils into barges from facilities in Weirton for delivery elsewhere. The potential development of the cracker at Dilles Bottom as well as the Shell plant under construction will be helping to drive future development in the region, along with the development already under way. Wehr noted that the company presently is reviewing its property holdings in Weirton for potential future residential development. For information about Starvaggi Industries Inc., visit or call (304) 748-1400.
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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Warren Scott
C r e w s h a ve be e n b ui l di n g a r e t a in i n g w al l b e n ea t h t h e r a il r oa d b r i dg e ov e r s t a t e R o ut e 7 n e ar Un i v er s i t y B o u le v a r d at t h e r e q ue s t o f t he N o r f o lk - S o u t he r n R a i lr o ad , w h i c h i s a l lo w i ng t w o ne w t u r n la n e s t o p a s s u nd e r t h e s p an . T h e w al l e x t e nd s m o r e t ha n 5 0 0 f e e t a l on g t he hi g h w ay an d i s 3 2 f e e t a t i t s h i g h es t p oi n t .
Improvements Continued from Page 1A
r e c o m m e n d e d improving access to the Veterans Memorial Bridge from state Route 7, and work is under way to accomplish that goal. After taking a winter break, crews with Shelly and Sands are expected on Thursday to resume efforts to build two new turning lanes from state Route 7 to University Boulevard and the Veterans Memorial Bridge. Southbound traffic will be maintained along the work area, but reduced to one lane, while northbound traffic will be reduced to one lane. Later, while the new northbound lanes are being built, the two southbound lanes will be used again as one lane each for northand southbound traffic. While drivers have had to adjust to the lane closings, officials say the new lanes will do much to ease the flow of traffic at the busy intersection. Mike Paprocki,
executive director of the Brooke-HancockJefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission, noted it’s not unusual for vehicles in the short turn lane from the highway to the boulevard to be backed into the center northbound lane during high traffic periods. He added there also have been some serious accidents when vehicles turning left onto the boulevard collided with others in Route 7’s southbound lanes. To address that, crews have been widening the highway to create space for the new turn lanes, which will extend about 900 feet south of the intersection and through the corner where the Ohio Valley Steelworker statue once stood. The statue was moved to near the Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County’s main branch on South Fourth Street. Traffic signals will
be installed to regulate vehicles turning onto the turn lanes from state Route 7 and entering the boulevard from them. Vehicles in the right lane must turn onto the Veterans Memorial Bridge, while those in the left lane may turn onto the boulevard or approach the bridge. Crews also have built a retaining wall along about 500 feet of the highway’s west side at the request of the Norfolk-Southern Railroad, which has allowed the state to extend the turn lanes beneath the railroad bridge extending across the road. The wall stands 32 feet at its highest peak. The $10 million project includes the extension of Labelle Avenue, the access road to the Steubenville Marina. Vehicles entering the access road from Route 7 currently must cross a railroad track, forcing them to be backed into the
highway at times while a train passes. Paprocki said large trucks entering businesses at the marina often are alerted by radio that a train is
passing so they may delay their approach. State highway officials hope to have completed the project by summer, pending the railroad’s con-
struction of a new crossing at the marina. (Scott can be contacted at
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Airport home to business jet BUSINESS, INDUSTRY and TRANSPORTATION
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Paul Giannamore
T he J ef f e r s o n C o un t y A i r P ar k i s p r o u d t o h av e r e ac he d t h e p oi n t w h er e a b u s in e s s j e t i s b a s ed on t he f ie l d. Th e We s t wi n d I m e di u m -s i ze d b u sin e ss j e t s e a t s u p t o e i ght a nd i s ow n ed b y Pri o n Av i a ti o n , w hi ch al s o h a s a t w in - e n gin e d A er o sta r, s ee n b e h in d th e j e t, b a sed at t he ai rp or t .
Steady stream of investment now making an impact By PAUL GIANNAMORE Staff writer A long-sought development has occurred at the Jefferson County Air Park: A business jet calls the field home. The airport, purchased by Jefferson County in the 1980s, has steadily grown and sees more than 15,000 flight operations annually, according to the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. A decade ago, the airport was seeing just 2,000 flight operations or so a year. In 2016, the airport reported 6,816 takeoffs and landings. The Jefferson County Regional Airport Authority oversees operations of the airport and has guided steady investment, includ-
ing lengthening the runway in two phases to its current 5,000 feet, as well as widening it. The authority has used revenue from its mineral rights, including a coal sale and current exploration for gas on airport property, to cover costs of improving the airport. Having a business jet, a Westwind I, based out of the airport is an important step, according to Brandon Reese, president of the Jefferson County Regional Airport Authority. “In aviation terms, getting a jet based at your airport is a big deal,” he said. “First, airports compete ruthlessly for this. Not only will this increase support service business like fuel sales and boost the
local economy, every time the aircraft lands or takes off, recognition of such usage is compiled by FAA for consideration of future funding. The more jet operations you have, the more likely the FAA will continue to fund airport infrastructure projects.” The airport is home to dozens of private and business aircraft, but Prion Aviation’s Westwind is the first jet to be based there. Phil Bender, who has been active in development of the airport, with previous service as a board member and as airport manager, is an airlinetransport rated pilot with service to Mesa Airlines (United Express) on his wide aviation resume. He is a pilot and consult-
ant for Prion, which has been an airport user. Prion brought the jet to be based at Jefferson County along with its Aerostar twinengine business aircraft that already was based there. Bender and Mike Menzel are investors at the airport through their Pier Aviation, which conducts flight instruction and other services. Bender said the Westwind is a fast midsized business jet, capable of seating eight and flying at three quarters of the speed of sound. “We are seeing more jet traffic here, when the conditions are right,” he said. “The airport is still growing. I have been involved here since 1992. I learned
to fly here in 1991. When they created the airport authority, the runway lights were stakes with Mason jars on top of them. It’s come a long way since then.” The airport has seen growth since a precision GPS approach was approved by the FAA and now is listed on charts airmen use in planning flights, Bender said, along with the 5,000-foot runway, which provides more stopping distance for bigger airplanes to use the airport. “The runway opened this for business to participate more, and that’s what you’re seeing here. That’s the environment the See AIRPORT Page 6B Á
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Beautiful getaways at home
Brooke Hills Park offers many attractions
Warren Scott
A c o u p l e e n j o y s a r i d e i n a p a d d l e b o a t a t B r o o k e H i l l s P a r k . I n r e c e n t ye a r s t h e c e n t e r f o u n t a i n w a s a d d e d th r ou gh a do n at i o n b y th e fa m il y of t h e l at e J oh n G . Ch e r n e n ko, a n d pa rk of f ic ia l s p l a n to cr ea t e a p a i ntb a ll ar e na i n t h e w o od s n e ar b y.
By WARREN SCOTT Staff writer
WELLSBURG — 2017 saw the completion of a new swimming pool and addition of disc and foot golf courses at Brooke Hills Park, and park officials are looking forward to still more new attractions in the near future. Joe Mullenbach, president of the Brooke County Park and Recreation Commission, which oversees the park, said the board is getting estimates for a splash pad it hopes to add to the pool next year. Opened last spring, the 3,000-square-foot pool has a shallow, handicap accessible entry point, two slides and a mushroomshaped sprinkler. The $1.2 million project was funded by a $100,000 federal Land and Water Conservation grant and a 30-year loan taken by the park board. Janice McFadden, park manager, said since the
pool opened, turnout has been good, and JoElle DeVore, park office manager, is working to secure a grant for a splash pad there. Mullenbach said damages to the previous pool had forced it to be closed late in the 2015 summer season. He said with no pool, the park saw a dive in shelter rentals and the board shifted its focus from lodging to a new pool. But plans for lodging have resumed, and Walters Construction of Wheeling has been hired to build four cabins near the Rhododendron Shelter at a cost of $571,000. Mullenbach said utility lines for the cabins are nearly complete, and the first is expected to be built
“As we grow and expand, we’re able to offer more things to the people and we’re excited about it.” — Joe Mullenbach Park and Recreation Commission president
by May, pending suitable weather. It’s being funded in part by a $55,000 grant from the Charles and Thelma Pugliese Foundation. The first cabin will have two bedrooms, a living room, bathroom, kitchen and porch, with the others to have a similar layout and a fourth to be handicap accessible. Mullenbach said the board plans to create a new area for recreational vehicles behind the park’s baseball field and closer to several natural gas wells drilled by Chesapeake Energy at the rear of the park to accommodate the many oil and gas workers who have been camping at the park. Not all of the workers
have been involved with the gas wells there, but the move will eliminate the need to relocate the workers from the Brooke County Fairgrounds when that event is held in September. McFadden said the move will increase the number of available RV lots from 20 to 50, noting they may be reserved by anyone. Mullenbach said the park receives about $100,000 per month in royalties from the gas wells, and Southwestern Energy could drill a few more. The company has acquired the leases for gas wells in Brooke County and others in the Marcellus and Utica shale regions in 2014. Mullenbach said the
park board sets aside about $50,000 from each month’s gas royalties in a future projects fund. In recent years the money has been used to build a new maintenance building to store the park’s golf carts and other equipment and make improvements to existing facilities, according to McFadden. She noted there are plans to use some of the money to add golf cart paths gradually to the park’s 18-hole golf course and a small shelter near the miniature golf course. The park also has received donations for other additions, such as the disc and foot golf courses. A donation from Bill and Jamie Bayless, a Brooke graduate now living in Austin, Texas, has allowed the park to create a disc golf course throughout the park. See BROOKE HILLS Page 3B Á
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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Our New BreastCare Center together with All About Women Upscale women’s care you won’t find anywhere else in Weirton-Steubenville Route 22/30 Corridor.
Brooke Hills Continued from Page 2B
Disc golf uses a disc resembling a Frisbee that is aimed at metal cages mounted on poles. The course has been named for Paul “Bud” Billiard, a park board member, and Bill Bayless’ former coach, and Billiard’s wife, Carol. A paved access road to the Brooke County Veterans Memorial Park near the paddle boat pond has been named in honor of William “Buck” and Lucille Bayless. Another of Billiard’s former students, Carl Carenbauer, and his wife, Jacki, donated funds for the foot golf course added to the park’s traditional golf course. The sport involves kicking balls soccer style into underground buckets near each of the golf course’s holes. “Bud has been a big help in getting donors for the park,” said Mullenbach. The park also has received a major boost from the Army Reserve’s 336th Engineering Co. and other companies in the 463rd Battalion. In 2015 Billiard approached the Army Reserve leaders about doing work at the park, and it’s been a major savings to the park, Mullenbach noted. Under the command of Capt. Kevin Starbuck, the troops have completed a number of projects, including removing the old pool; leveling the ground for the new one; installing cages for the disc golf course; building a new shelter by the park’s playground and creating a cement pad there for a handicap accessible swing; paving the road to the Veterans Memorial Park; renovating an old restroom and
Warren Scott
B r o o k e H i l l s P ar k o f f i c i al s ho p e t o a dd a s p la s h p a d ne a r t h e n e w s w i m min g po o l th at o pe n ed in May. Th e 3, 000- s q ua r e- fo o t p o ol ha s a sha l lo w, h a nd i ca p a cce s si bl e e n tr y po i n t, t w o sl id e s a n d a mu shr o om sha p e d spri n kl er.
shower facility for the campground; and clearing grounds near the ballfield to accommodate the creation of a new one that meets tournament regulations. Billiard noted the troops have worked many weekends at the park and set up a camp there for 10 days in August when they completed tasks. “We at Brooke Hills Park are extremely thankful and appreciative of their outstanding, conscientious and proud efforts in our park and for the Brooke County community. They are not only our partner, but they are considered family,” he said. The park and community, including several restaurants and churches, have shown appreciation by providing a place for the Reservists to hold their annual family picnic and supplying food for the troops. The Reservists also have begun work on light posts to be installed at the basketball court and paddle
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boat pond. There are plans to convert the court for several sports, including volleyball, tennis, paddle ball and pickle ball, which involves a paddle and a ball similar to a whiffle ball. A video game arcade has been added to the paddle boat house, and plans call for a paintball arena to be established in a wooded area near the pond by spring.
Conaway Construction of Wellsburg donated materials and labor to replace the roof. In recent years two new docks for the pond were donated by American Muscle Docks & Fabrication. A lighted fountain at the pond’s center was sponsored in memory of John G. Chernenko by his family, who also provided for a drinking fountain at the Veterans
Memorial Park. Chernenko, a World War II veteran and long-time public servant, was greatly involved. Mullenbach said to make the most of the park’s scenic beauty, the board would like to extend a series of trails throughout the park, with “jumping off” points at various areas. McFadden added the Reservists have built about a dozen
decks on which tents may be pitched in the park’s primitive campground. She said she’s happy to be a part of the park’s development. “It’s very exciting. We’re growing and definitely have the community’s support. As we grow and expand, we’re able to offer more things to the people and we’re excited about it.”
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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
J.C. Collins has experience, knowledge From staff reports Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Here For You â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not just a business with us, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a love of what we do,â&#x20AC;? says Joyce C. Collins, broker at J.C. Collins, Realtors. Whether you live in Ohio or West Virginia, an agent from J.C. Collins can assist you on both sides of the Ohio River. Offices are conveniently located at 1059 Cadiz Road in Wintersville, one block east of the Ohio State Highway Patrol barracks, and 609 Allegheny St., Follansbee, one block off state Route 2. J.C. Collins has a professional staff with many years of experience in real estate specializing in Ohio and West Virginia. The business prides itself on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fast and Friendly Service.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no denying that technology has made life better for all of us, especially those of us in real estate,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve come to understand that all the technology gives our clients an edge, but it canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t replace the human aspect of the business â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the listening, the caring, the understanding.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;When you work with a J.C. Collinsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; agent, you can be assured weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll take the
time to get to know you, as a person and as a family, and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll address all that you hope to accomplish. We often have people tell us that they wish they would have know about us first.â&#x20AC;?
J.C. Collins has built its business on the concept of high touch, Collins added. â&#x20AC;&#x153;To us that means being available to our clients, armed with the information and knowledge they need
and equipped with the kind of integrity on which clients can rely,â&#x20AC;? she stated. If you are thinking about selling, J.C. Collins has excellent marketing and advertising programs to give the seller the best possible exposure. The business also offers a free comprehensive â&#x20AC;&#x153;right price analysisâ&#x20AC;? and many free reports to assist both buyers and sellers in all their real
estate needs. J.C. Collins also offers auction services. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You are our client and clients are our highest priority at J.C. Collins. So much so that each of us has made you a promise. We promise to always make you feel welcome; always respond promptly to your needs; always promote your best interest; and always give you the service that will make you want to return and refer us to your family and friends,â&#x20AC;? Collins said. Agents at J.C. Collins include Joyce C. Collins, broker; Cindy Alloggia, Carolyn Turnbull, JoAnn Albaugh, Leah Scherich, Rickey Flinn and Nickie Giannamore. Give J.C. Collins a call today at (740) 2645557 or (304) 5277047.
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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Therreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a new home h for for Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; prrimarry care carre in Wintersville Winttersville primary
Donvernon a part of the community since 1937 From staff reports STEUBENVILLE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Celebrating its 81st year as a familyowned business, Donvernon Heating & Cooling in Steubenville has been serving the Tri-State Area since 1937. The business originally was started as Donvernon Heating & Roofing Co. in 1937 by Vernon Snyder Sr. In June of 1957, the business was sold to his sons, Vernon Snyder Jr. and Charles Snyder. The company was incorporated in 1961
Since 1937, Donvernon has been a family-owned business and proudly serving the community. Today, Donvernon is the place to go for installing heating, cooling and air purification equipment.
and in the mid-1960s, started installing and servicing Carrier air conditioners. Donvernon continued the roofing aspect of the business until the late 1980s. In 1990 the business moved to its present location at 244 North Fourth St. in Steubenville and today continues to service and install heating, cooling and air purification
equipment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With the rise in utility costs, many of our customers are turning to heat pumps to keep their homes comfortable,â&#x20AC;? said Rick Snyder, coowner of the company. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have seen a significant increase in the installation of Carrier heat pumps. Sales have more than doubled in the past
Restoration work under way By CASEY JUNKINS Staff writer WHEELING â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Before contractors turn the former Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel tower into a $20 million apartment building, they must remove hundreds of desks and chairs â&#x20AC;&#x201D; along with an estimated 30 tons of paper â&#x20AC;&#x201D; which RG Steel simply left inside upon the firmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2012 bankruptcy. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My crew has been here for a couple of weeks. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re probably
only about 10 percent done cleaning it out,â&#x20AC;? said Jim McCue, who serves as project manager for Louisville, Ohio-based Coon Restoration and Sealants. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve probably got 30 tons of paper left in this building that we have to remove.â&#x20AC;? Eventually, McCue said the plan is to build at least 90 market-rate apartments inside the massive structure, allowing tenants some of the same vistas once seen by executives of
Wheeling-Pitt and the Schmulbach Brewing Co. There also may be some retail space on the first floor of the 12-story building, which opened in 1905. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are a lot of things falling into place in Wheeling,â&#x20AC;? McCue said, while referencing the new headquarters of the Health Plan across Market Street from the giant building, in addition to the possible $6 billion PTT Global Chemical ethane cracker at Dilles Bottom.
five years, and nearly 45 percent of all new homes have heat pumps installed. With the sharp price increase in fossil fuel heating, the heat pump is one way that our customers are able to save on utility costs.â&#x20AC;? Donvernon Heating & Cooling has been taking care of customers for four generations. Their
reputation has been built on quality installations and service. According to Snyder, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our telephone answers 24 hours a day so that our residential and commercial customers are taken care of as quickly as possible. Our technicians are fully trained and certified, and we pride ourselves on giving
both professional and personalized service.â&#x20AC;? Donvernon started with one truck in 1937 and today the business has 10 trucks on the road. Donvernon Heating & Cooling is a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer with a full line of Carrier products, including high efficiency furnaces, air conditioners and air purifiers. The business offers free inhome estimates, and financing is available for those who qualify.
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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Airport Continued from Page 1B
authority created,” he continued. He said the principal owner in Prion found placing the jet at the airport near Wintersville made it closer to his home in PIttsburgh, making it more convenient. “He likes it here. It’s a good environment,” he said. “Jefferson County is a good place to do business and it’s economical.” Reese remains excited at the possibilities the jet represents for the airport. “It proves that state, local, and federal authorities that have invested in the airport were correct. When you spend millions to lengthen a runway and improve the airport, everyone must believe that doing so will attract more aircraft that fly faster and higher — jets, in other words,” he said. The airport’s roots go to postwar America, as a private strip for hobby fliers. With the inception of the airport authority, two leaders in pushing for development are businessman Geary Bates and the late Ralph Freshwater. The runway expansion to 5,000 feet included $1.5 million in state grants and an additional $500,000
Paul Giannamore
Ph i l Be n de r, wh o w as i nv o lv e d w ith th e Je f fe rs o n Co un t y Re gi o na l A ir p o r t Au th or i ty si n ce th e e a r ly 1990s an d s e r v e d a s a i r p o r t m a n a g e r f o r a p e ri o d , s i t s b e h i n d t h e c o n t r o l s o f t h e We s t w i n d I b u s i n e s s j e t t h a t i s b a s e d at t h e ai r p o r t . B en d er i s a p i lo t a n d c o n s u lt a n t f o r P r i on A v i at i o n, w hi c h ow ns t h e j et .
from the county. The airport became an operations base for the STAT MedEvac regional medical helicopter company about a decade ago, and the modern Ralph Fresh-
water Terminal building opened in 2008. The county and airport authority made a major modernization in its hangars with reconstruction in 2010, when a spring
storm destroyed two large quonset-style hangars that had been on the airport since the 1950s. According to airport authority reports, the airport has
brought in $22.3 million in revenues since the inception of the airport authority. The airport has generated about 31 percent of its own operating revenues with the county
paying about 16 percent. The rest of the capital has come from state and federal grants and the insurance settlement on the destroyed hangars from 2010.
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Hauserʼs Furniture offers a lot BUSINESS, INDUSTRY and TRANSPORTATION
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Staff photo
E s t a b l i s h e d i n 1 9 4 6 , H a u s e r ’ s F u r n i t u r e a n d C a r p e t i n g o f f e rs a v a ri e t y o f f u r n i t u r e a n d ap p l ia n c e s a n d i n r e c e n t y e ar s h as ex p a nd e d i t s s e le c t i o n o f c ar p e t a n d f l oo r i n g .
Furniture, flooring and appliances always on display From staff reports STEUBENVILLE — Visitors to the 16 showrooms at Hauser’s Furniture and Carpeting at 3905 Sunset Blvd. will find a variety of furniture, from beds to dining room sets, and carpet, tile and other flooring on display and also can choose from many appliances available through the business. Established in 1946, Hauser’s has a rich history rooted in the days when salesmen went door to
door to sell their merchandise. Current owner Marty Hauser is quick to point to the contributions from his father, Paul Hauser, and uncle, Sid Hauser, who worked for the Office of Consolidated Home Equipment based in Pittsburgh, which morphed into Hauser’s Furniture. “In those days my father and uncle were part of a group of salesmen who would canvass an area. For example, they would go to Mingo Junction and literal-
ly walk door to door selling sheets, blankets, pots, pans and towels and other things of that nature. There was a warehouse here in Steubenville but they essentially worked out of the warehouse and spent their days selling door to door,” cited Hauser. “It was very much like the milk or bread delivery men and the Fuller Brush Co. salesmen. They all worked different territories going door to door,” he said.
“In those days the customers would pay 25 cents or 50 cents a week on their accounts. That same philosophy was carried into the store when my father and uncle founded Hauser’s store. We have a customer account program here for approximately 900 customers. We do offer an extra discount if someone pays cash for a purchase, but we do our own financing,” noted Hauser. “Unfortunately, my uncle Sid died young from
lung cancer. My father and uncle had purchased the property on Sunset Boulevard and started their store in 1950. In later years my father would add more showrooms, so we now have 16 total showrooms, including four rooms dedicated to flooring,” said Hauser. “We offer every type of flooring. We have carpet by Shaw, Mohawk, Aladdin by Mohawk, Beaulieu, Coronet and Hollytex. Our See HAUSER’S Page 7C Á
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
R es p e c t a n d i nt e g r i t y f o r c l ie n t s h a ve be e n t h e g u id i n g p r i nc ip l e s f o r M o s t i F u n er a l H o m e ov e r t h e l a s t 1 0 0 y e ar s . T h e s t af f i n c l ud e s , f r o m l e f t , D a vi d , D o na l d , J u s t i n a nd J ar e d M os t i .
Mosti believes in respect, integrity From staff reports STEUBENVILLE — Dedication, compassion, experience, reputation. Those four simple words have been at the forefront of the
Mosti family’s business for the past 100 years and will continue to serve as the guiding principles for years to come. Mosti Funeral Home has proudly served the residents
of the Ohio Valley and has been a cornerstone in the community since 1917. Established by Eugene and Edith Mosti, Mosti Funeral Home is dedicated to helping area resi-
Pytash Tractor Sales 8003 State Hwy 213 Toronto, Ohio 43964
dents plan their final arrangements as well as assisting families in honoring their departed loved ones. “Since inception, our funeral home has been offering caring, personal service and
dedication to families of the local area,” said Donald Mosti. “We are proud to still serve the community in that same manner today.” Donald Mosti has been a licensed embalmer and funeral director for more than 60 years, and his son, David, more than 30 years. Both hold licensure in Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. David’s sons, Jared and Justin, are the fourth generation of funeral directors and embalmers in the Mosti family. All assist with day-to-day operations of the funeral home. The family members are very active in the community, their churches and a number of service organizations. David Mosti said “respect and integrity are two of the key principles that have guided us as we have overseen the funeral home’s operations over the years.” “Our mission is to serve families at their most difficult time, by providing professional, wellorganized, quality personal services at a moderate price,” David Mosti said. “A family’s customs, whether traditional or nontraditional, religious or nonreligious, we will ensure that the family’s wishes will be honored. The staff members at Mosti Funeral Home seek to ease families through this difficult decisionmaking process.” A modern full-service funeral home, Mosti Funeral Home serves families of all
faiths and traditions from two locations: Downtown at 321 S. Fourth St. and at the Sunset Chapel at 4435 Sunset Blvd., which opened in 1997. “We are a small family operation with a warm and welcoming feeling that families can be comfortable in during their time of need,” Justin Mosti explained. “That is the type of business that we strive to offer — a personal and comforting setting for remembrance of their loved ones.” The funeral home offers traditional funerals, cremations with viewing and funeral services, direct cremations, pre-need funeral planning and funding, cemetery monuments, pet cremations and a full line of pet urns, caskets and memorialization products. Mosti Funeral Home is a member of the Ohio Funeral Directors Association, the Ohio Embalmers Association and the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce. The Mosti family would like to thank those who have entrusted the funeral home with the care of their loved ones over the years. The caring and compassionate staff at Mosti Funeral Home is available to answer any questions concerning funerals, costs and pre-planning during a family’s time of need. They can be reached at (740) 264-4767, and for information, visit
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Our New BreastCare Center together with All About Women Upscale women’s care you won’t find anywhere else in Weirton-Steubenville Route 22/30 Corridor.
SVRTA continues to improve service
Staff photo
More passengers seeing expanded, far-reaching program Jo e Di B e n ed e t t o i s o ne s ev e r al co ur teo u s d ri ve rs he l pi n g cu sto m e r s o f t he St e e l Va l le y Re gi o na l Tr a nsi t A u tho r i t y. T h e t r a n s i t a u th o r i t y p r o v i d e s b u s s e r v i c e t o r e s i d e n t s i n S t e u b e n v i l l e , M i n g o J u n c t i o n a n d W i n t e r s v i l l e .
From staff reports STEUBENVILLE — The Steel Valley Regional Transit Authority continues to expand services to its riders, adding a run to Robinson Township, Pa., in 2017. Steel Valley Regional Transit Authority buses last year had a ridership of 162,471 passengers. SVRTA Transit Manager Frank Bovina said last year’s ridership figure represents a rebound, with a ridership increase by 5,400 over 2016, about a 3.5 percent increase. The service officially began operating in 1995, several years after the city of Steubenville and the village of Mingo Junction banded together to form a regional transit authority that currently logs roughly 212,000 miles a year. “We’re actually providing more trips than the total population of Jefferson County on an annual basis,” Bovina said. “We feel we’ve done a pretty good job providing service to the area.”
SVRTA provides bus services in Steubenville, Mingo Junction and Wintersville. Saturday service to Robinson Township was initiated during the Christmas holidays and proved popular enough that the authority is continuing the service through 2018. “And, we’re looking, in addition, to provide service on weekdays. It’s under study,” Bovina said. The Robinson runs begin at 10:30 a.m. on Saturdays, with the last trip leaving at 5 p.m. Riders wanting to use the service should call SVRTA to reserve a seat in advance because seating on the bus is limited. The impetus for starting a weekday Robinson service would be to serve employees in the area needing to reach jobs in the Robinson Township and Pittsburgh areas, Bovina explained. Steubenville and Mingo Junction agreed to add Wintersville to the transit authority, with voters in all three communities supporting a levy since November 2014 for
the transit service. Bovina said the levy was approved in every precinct in Wintersville, Steubenville and Mingo Junction. Bovina said Wintersville has a combination of fixed and flexible routes in the village. SVRTA’s Wintersville flexible service route can be utilized by calling (740) 282-6145 and telling SVRTA staff the desired pickup and return times. SVRTA officials recommend calling 24 hours in advance to ensure the request can be met. These requests are on a first-come, firstserved basis. The fixed route in Wintersville goes from the Fort Steuben Mall out Main Street in Wintersville to Canton Road, ending at Kings Family Restaurant and back through Springdale Avenue to Main Street. SVRTA has seven daily routes, including Wintersville, and the Saturday schedule that includes the Robinson run. One of the daily routes is an alternating service
Bring your prescription to the newly remodeled Ace Optical for the best value on eyeglasses
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between Mingo Junction and Wintersville, with a common stop at the Fort Steuben Mall. The Saturday SVRTA service is exclusively running in Steubenville.
SVRTA makes three trips a day into Weirton, and the Weirton Transit Corp. provides trips to Steubenville in conjunction with SVRTA to provide
additional access to Trinity Medical Center West and the Fort Steuben Mall. In 2010, SVRTA secured grant money See SVRTA Page 4C Á
Therre’s a new home h for for There’ prrimarry care carre in Wintersville Winttersville primary
SVRTV Saturday, March 31, 2018
Moundsville Training Center (Old Prison) 8th St., Moundsville, WV
TICKET REQUIRED FOR ADMISSION Limited number of tickets available
Sig Sauer 1911 Spartan .45ACP Pistol, 2 Gun Pkg Browning Citori 725 Field 28 Gauge 12:00 Weatherby Vanguard .308 Bolt Action w/ Leopold VX2 12:15 Ruger AR-556 Barrett Brown 12:30 Remington Model 870 Wingmaster 20 Gauge 12:45 Remington Model 700 BDL Bolt Action Rifle 7mm 1 :00 CASH - $350 Present, $250 Not Present 1:15 Winchester SX4 Field 12 Gauge 1 :30 Henry Evil Roy 22 Magnum 1 :45 Glock 17 9mm, Gen 4 2:00 Winchester Model 70 Featherweight Bolt Action Rifle 25-06 2:15 CASH- $350 Present, $250 Not Present 2:30 Remington Model 700 SPS 300 Magnum 2:45 Mossberg Model 535 ATS Pump Action Shotgun 12 Gauge 3:00 Smith & Wesson Model 60 .357 3:15 Savage Model11 .308 Scout 3:30 Smith & Wesson Model 686 .357 Magnum Combat
3:45 CASH - $350 Present, $250 Not Present 4:00 Remington Model 870 Special Purpose Marine Magnum 4:15 Sig Sauer SIGM400 5.56 4:30 Savage Model11 Trophy Hunter .223 w/ Nikon 3x9 4:45 Glock 19 9mm, Gen 4, OD Green 5:00 Mossberg Model 835 Turkey 12 Gauge 5:15 CASH- $350 Present, $250 Not Present 5:30 Remington Model 700 BDL Stainless 30-06 5:45 Henry .45-70 Lever Action Rifle, Blue 6:00 Winchester Model 70 Featherweight Bolt Action Rifle .270 6:15 Springfield 1911 Range Officer .45ACP Pistol 6:30 Beretta M9 6:45 CASH - $350 Present, $250 Not Present 7:00 Grand Prize Sig Sauer 1911 Spartan .45ACP Pistol, 2 Gun Pkg Browning Citori 725 Field 28 Gauge
Guns provided by Custom Enterprises LLC 304-215-2222
Tickets available at: Accessories, Ltd. (1st St., Moundsville), All Greg’s Market locations, All Season Power Sports (New Martinsville), WV Moundsville BP (10th & Route 2, Formerly Goddard’s EXXON), Green Acres Power Sports (Glen Dale, WV), Johnson Bros. Automotive (3525 Central Avenue, Shadyside, Ohio), DMD Enterprises (704 Thompson Avenue, Moundsville), BosoTowing (10th St., Moundsville), Varlas Mobile Home Parts and Laundromat (12th St., Moundsville), or any MVFD member
Tickets are $35 each. Guest or Child. $20 per person. Payable at door. we do make arrangements for people who live out of the area to get tickets. For further information call: Jeff 304-281-4945 or Danny 304-281-5443
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
to explore a Wintersville service extension and then used federal stimulus funding to offer free rides for a 14-month period ending in December 2011. Ridership peaked at about 220,000 a year during the free period, but even with fares restored, SVRTA is maintaining about 74 percent of the free peak levels. Bovina said the peak time for ridership is from 9:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Bovina said SVRTA provides paratransit service in Steubenville and Mingo Junction, with three smaller paratransit vehicles purchased in 2016. The small vehicles, Bovina said, have one wheelchair position and seating for an additional four people. Larger passenger buses serve the paratransit service as the schedule demands. There are seven buses operating at any given time, Bovina said. There are 14 vehicles in the fleet. The 22-passenger buses have wheelchair lifts and can accommodate two wheelchairs at a time. The fare for riding the bus is 50 cents, with senior citizens paying 25 cents. Residents can buy a $30 annual pass. Bovina said 60 percent of the
Continued from Page 3C
riders pay as they use the service. Bovina said SVRTA relies on federal funding for operations, but the funding has been flat during the past several years. The Ohio Department of Transportation’s Office of Transit funnels additional money to transit authorities around the state on a competitive basis through the Ohio Transit Preservation Partnership Program. “It has allowed us to bring in some additional federal dollars that the federal government isn’t directly allocating to us,” said Bovina. The 1.5-mill local transit levy provides about $500,000 annually to supplement federal and state dollars in a total budget for SVRTA of about $1.6 million. Bovina said transit authorities nationwide are facing tight financial conditions because federal funding has not kept pace with needs. The state money helps with maintenance and vehicle replacement. SVRTA will receive about $400,000 from the state for its budget for 2017, or about 80 percent of the amount of the local money. “It is keeping us whole. I don’t think See SERVICE Page 6C Á
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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Service Continued from Page 4C
we could pass a higher levy. We would need to increase fares significantly without the money,” he said. Each of the SVRTA buses have seat belts and passengers are encouraged to buckle up, Bovina said. He said the seat belts can make a difference in a sudden stop. The buses are equipped with Wi-Fi Internet capability. Parents of small chil-
dren are able to strap in child safety seats on the newer buses, Bovina said. Bovina said SVRTA is studying smaller vehicles, which can get better gas mileage, especially for the paratransit vehicles. The transit authority switched from diesel fuel to gasoline and now is looking at natural gaspowered vehicles, he said. The natural gas-
powered vehicles would require a separate building for filling up the buses. Bovina said SVRTA is looking into finding qualified individuals to provide a survey that could lead to a grant for an in-depth study on a natural gas fleet. “We would hope to be partnering with other groups within Jefferson County that may be interested in
developing the same capability,” he said. SVRTA has a cell phone app so residents can check schedules. The app allows a resident to enter where they want to go and when, and the app shows the schedule. Bovina said SVRTA is looking to further coordinate with the Weirton Transit Corp. on trips. Bovina said the
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transit authority still is looking for a connection to the Rayland area to meet with the Ohio Valley Regional Transit Authority operating in Ohio and West Virginia. “That remains on the agenda. The board’s goal is hopefully sometime to have an effectively coordinated service to allow you to go anywhere on both sides of the river between Wheeling and Steubenville,” he said. Service expansions can be difficult beyond what the federal government recognizes as the urbanized SteubenvilleWeirton area, where the primary population lives for Jefferson County, as well as Brooke and Hancock counties. Additional federal funding is not available beyond the urban area. SVRTA is governed by an eight-member board. There are four from Steubenville and two each from Mingo Junction and Wintersville. The main building
on Adams Street was built in the late 1990s and a passenger terminal was added in 2003. “Financially, we are in pretty good shape. We are not looking at any increase in fares. We did a five-year forecast showing we are financially stable through the period,” Bovina said. Bovina said he would like to see agencies that provide transportation services come together to coordinate trips as a cost savings. But, he said, the difficulty is getting an agency to operate and manage a coordinating program. Regardless of what the future holds, SVRTA is here now to fill the area’s transportation needs. “We’re there when you need us. We’re cheap. And we appreciate your support,” Bovina concluded. “There’s value in public transportation that goes beyond just the actual public transportation, and we’d like for people to realize that.”
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Therre’s a new home h for for There’ prrimarry care carre in Wintersville Winttersville primary
Staff photo
Hauserʼs wood flooring includes Certified, Mohawk and Shaw products. And we offer Armstrong, BerryAlloc, Mohawk, Moduleo, Earthwerks, Metroflor, Tarkett and Hollytex vinyl tile and planks. “We also have Armstrong vinyl tile and we have ceramic floor treatments from Interceramic and Lint and of sheet vinyl from Armstrong, Flexitec and Tarkett,” said Hauser. “I started working in the store when I was 11 years old. I enjoyed being in the store and I still enjoy coming here today. I like talking to the customers and making them happy,” Hauser pointed out. “I took over the store after I returned from college in 1976. It was going to be a temporary move on my part. I had met my future wife, Donna, and I thought we would stay here and build a nest egg and then move on. But life can change. I renewed friendships and made new friends, and I got involved in the community. I love this city and enjoyed living here and we are just a
M a r t y Ha u s e r, o w ne r o f Ha u ser ’s Fu r ni tu re an d C a rpe ti n g i n S te ub e n vi l l e, st a nd s a mo ng s o me o f t h e m a n y s o f a s , l a m p s a n d o t h e r l i v i n g r o o m f u r n i s h i n g s a v a i l a b l e a t t h e 7 0 - y e a r - o l d s t o r e . H au s e r ’ s 1 6 s h ow r o o m s a l lo w a w i de as s o r t m e n t o f f ur n i t ur e , c a r p e t , t i l e an d o t h er f l o or i n g o f f e r e d .
Continued from Page 1C
short distance from Pittsburgh, which is also a great city,” commented Hauser. “My wife Donna is the treasurer and secretary, and we have eight employees working here. Our customers are the most important people to walk through our doors. We make everyone feel welcome during their visit and purchase and after we have delivered their item,” stated Hauser. “So we stayed in Steubenville and continued to build the store. And, I continue to enjoy being here. We stay on top of the latest trends and offer the best value and service. Sometimes a name brand isn’t the best value. We look at quality and price,” Hauser noted. “And for us, service is critical. If there is a problem we will take care of it. We have a service department, and that is critical. I have learned over the years that the big box store experience isn’t always a pleasant experience. When someone comes in here we don’t push them. We are always available to answer
questions and we will satisfy their needs, but we want our customers to feel relaxed and able to take their time to look around,” explained Hauser. “Hauser’s Furniture and Carpeting has been proudly serving the Ohio Valley since our opening. Our goal is always to do the best we can to satisfy our customers,” said Hauser. “We offer a huge selection of top quality furniture, carpeting and appliances with many name brands for your entire home. We offer a number of different furniture lines, including AICO by Amini, Ashley, Anthony, Millenium by Ashley, Craftmaster, Carolina Furniture, Tempur-pedic, VaughanBassett, Woodcrest and many, many more.” “We also offer appliances. Customers can look through our catalog to find the best fit for their needs. We have Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp and Sony televisions. And, our appliances are from Frigidare, Crosley, General Electric and Samsung,” he said. “Hauser’s Furniture
Janice Adrian and Brad Cain have received the Prestigious “Award of Distinction” from the Ohio Realtors Honoring the Top Producers in the industry. Janice Adrian and Brad Cain are the only two realtors from Jefferson County to receive the Award of Distinction. Gary Cain, Taylor Cain, Louise Davis, Noreen Peterson & Rick Sponhaltz received the “Award of Achievement” from the Ohio Realtors for their sales in the industry. Taylor Cain has been chosen to be the 2018 President of the East Central Association of Realtors. The East Central Association of Realtors has more than 300 members covering 5 counties. In addition, Cain Realty has added two full time agents to our staff, Kelly Bethel and Doug Owen. Also on staff Phil Flenniken Realtor, Harry Grafton Realtor/Auctioneer and Clint Chevalier Auctioneer. Gary W. Cain Realtors have been in business over 50 years, serving our clients with honesty, integrity and professionalism. We will continue to combine traditional values with cutting edge technology to serve our clients.
Thank You for making GARY W. CAIN REALTORS & AUCTIONEERS Your FAVORITE Hometown Realtor
Gary W. Cain Realtor & Auctioneers 2724 Sunset Blvd, Steubenville, OH 43925 740-266-2246 or 740-543-3311
and Carpeting is truly the place to shop for your home needs. We welcome visitors to stop in. Our store is open from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays, from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays and from 9 a.m. until 5
p.m. on Saturdays,” said Hauser. “I also urge people to look at our website at to look at the different flooring, appliances, furniture and carpeting we have available,” said Hauser. “Our roots are in
Steubenville. From the days when my father and uncle went door to door through the years where we have expanded our store to what it is today, we have grown with Steubenville,” Hauser commented. To reach Hauser’s, call (740) 264-1615.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
UPS store in Steubenville gets awarded From staff reports STEUBENVILLE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The UPS Store in Steubenville is proud to announce that its tiny store received the national top 10 percent revenue growth award 10 times in 2017. The UPS Store corporate offices present the awards to stores that increased revenue by at least 10 percent in same store in different sales categories when compared to the previous yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sales. Those revenue numbers also must put them in the top 10 percent, nationwide, among the more than 4,000 stores in the UPS Store franchise network. The UPS Store in Steubenville was awarded 10 percent growth in packaging services for January, February, April, May and June 2017. The store received the same award for its shipping sales in June. The store also received a top 10 percent growth award for its printing services in February, March, August and November 2017. Stephanie Rivers, a Navy widow and single mother of five children, became the sole owner of store and she has received these revenue growth awards a
Staff photo
S t e p h a n i e R i v e r s , o w n e r o f t h e U P S S to r e i n S t e u b e n v i l l e , h a s b e e n r e c o g n i ze d by UP S f o r t he s t o r eâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; s g r ow t h i n v ar i o us s e r v i c e s . T h e l o c a l ly ow n ed bu s i ne s s i s a o n e- s t o p s h o p f o r v ar i o u s p r in t i n g , p a c k a g i n g a n d s hi p p in g ne e d s .
total of 26 times since May 2015. Rivers said her goal is to continue the growth pattern for the storeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s printing, binding and document shredding services. The store has a
graphic designer on staff to help polish all of a customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s printing needs from business cards, marketing flyers or wideformat poster needs. The store also has notaries on staff and provides travelling
Voter Eligibility
Must Be A United States Citizen Must Be 18 Years Of Age Or Older By The November 6, 2018 General Election 0XVW +DYH 3URRI 2I ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ
REGISTER TO VOTE OR CHANGE YOUR NAME OR ADDRESS AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: -Bureau of Motor Vehicles -Any Public Library -Public High Schools and Vocational Schools -Designated Agencies that Provide Public Assistance or Disability Programs 7UHDVXUHU¶V 2I¿FH -Online at MYOHIOVOTE.COM
By Mail Jefferson County Board of Elections 500 Market St., 1st Floor, Suite 1 Steubenville, OH 43952 (740) 283-8522 5HJXODU 2I¿FH +RXUV M-F 9AM to 4:30PM Registration Deadline Monday, April 9th 9am to 9pm
The following information MUST be included on your application or a ballot will not be issued to you.
Â¥ <285 1$0( $1' +20( $''5(66 Â¥ 7+( (/(&7,21 )25 :+,&+ <28 $5( REQUESTING A BALLOT. Â¥ <285 '$7( 2) %,57+ Â¥ 21( 2) 7+( )2//2:,1* YOUR DRIVERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S LICENSE NUMBER; OR THE LAST FOUR DIGITS OF YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER; OR A COPY OF YOUR CURRENT AND VALID PHOTO IDENTIFICATION, MILITARY IDENTIFICATION OR A COPY OF A CURRENT UTILITY BILL, BANK STATEMENT, GOVERNMENT CHECK, PAYCHECK, OR OTHER GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT THAT SHOWS YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS. Â¥ <285 3$57< &+2,&( 25 7+$7 <28 :$17 72 927( $1 ,668(6 21/< BALLOT. Â¥ 7+( 0$,/,1* $''5(66 72 :+,&+ <28 :$17 <285 %$//27 6(17 Â¥ <28 0867 67$7( 7+$7 <28 $5( $ 48$/,),(' (/(&725 Â¥ <285 6,*1$785(
ABSENTEE VOTING BEGINS 78(6'$< $35,/ 7+ $7 $0 &$// 285 2)),&( 25 9,6,7 285 :(%6,7( )25 $ /,67 2) (;7(1'(' +2856 )25 ,1 PERSON ABSENTEE VOTING.
notary services within Jefferson County for a small fee, with appointments made ahead of time. Its newest offered service is secured document shredding in small or bulk amounts. The locally
owned business is a one-stop shop for various printing, packaging and shipping needs. The store offers UPS, post office and DHL International shipping overseas. The UPS Store in
Steubenville is located at 117 S. Hollywood Blvd. in the Hollywood City Center. Hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays.
Speaker series is a big hit BUSINESS, INDUSTRY and TRANSPORTATION
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Michael D. McElwain
Variety of topics entertain Tri-State Area residents A m o n g t h e s p e a k e r s w h o h a v e a p p e a r e d i n S t e u b e n v i l l e a s p a r t o f t h e H e r a l d - St a r Sp e a k e r S e ri e s i s J e a n i n e P i r r o . T he f or m er pr o s ec ut o r, Em m y A wa r d- w i nn i ng l eg al an a lyst an d h o st o f th e F ox Ne ws C ha n n el ’s “Ju sti ce w ith Jud ge J ea n in e ,” s p o k e i n t h e S te u b e n v i l l e H i g h S c h o o l a u d i t o r i u m o n O c t . 1 0 , 2 0 1 6 .
From staff reports STEUBENVILLE — The Herald-Star Speaker Series was started in the fall of 2012 with a simple goal in mind — to bring presentations about timely topics to our community at an affordable cost. From a man who protected a first lady, to a person who survived a harrowing ordeal at the hands of modern-day pirates, to a woman who fought to survive devastating injuries suffered in a terror bombing at one of our country’s premiere sporting events, to a women who is not afraid to tell anyone exactly what’s on her mind to a man who served as the head of the National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency,
the series has accomplished just that. “Residents throughout the Tri-State Area have shown they appreciate the opportunity to hear about national and international events from the people who have actually experienced them. That’s what has made the series a success,” said Ross Gallabrese, executive editor of the Herald-Star and The Weirton Daily Times. “Each presentation has been an opportunity to meet interesting people and hear their fascinating stories.” Organizers have been able to keep the cost of the presentations affordable thanks to the support of local businesses and institutions, including major sponsors Trinity Health System,
Franciscan University of Steubenville, Eastern Gateway Community College, Cattrell Cos. Inc., and the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce. Supporting sponsors have included the Inn at Franciscan Square, Piergallini Catering, Newbrough Photo, HertzThrifty Car Rental, the YWCA of Steubenville, Legal Hair and Day Spa, Tri-Financial Services, Valley Wine Cellar, Bayberry House Bed and Breakfast and WTRF-TV. Previous presentations have been held in the auditorium at Steubenville High School and Berkman Theater in Lanman Hall at Catholic Central High School. “Our community is fortu-
nate to have two great facilities that can host the type of presentation we have had,” Gallabrese said. “Each of the speakers has been impressed with the technical expertise of the students who have helped with the technical tasks. That’s a credit to the teachers and administrators at both schools and speaks to the quality of education our area young people have access to.” Clint Hill and Lisa McCubbin were the first presenters in the series on Nov. 14, 2012. Hill is a former Secret Service agent who was in charge of first lady Jacqueline Kennedy’s protection detail. He and McCubbin, who was the coauthor of his book “Mrs. Kennedy and Me,” offered
a look at the excitement that surrounded the John F. Kennedy administration and the sadness that came with the president’s assassination in Dallas. It was a thrilling firsthand telling of the events of Nov. 22, 1963, from the perspective of a person who lived through it — Hill is the agent who is seen jumping onto the back of the president’s limousine moments after the fatal shots were fired. April 9, 2013, saw a presentation by former CIA agents Tony and Jonna Mendez. The two detailed their work in the field of espionage and Tony’s experience as a mater of disguise — training that allowed him to pull off the See SPEAKER Page 6D Á
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Staff photo
C o n s um e r s N a t i on a l B an k i s a $ 4 7 0 m i l li o n c o m m u ni t y ba n k b a s ed in M i n e r v a . T h e b a n k e m p lo y s 1 3 9 i n di v i du a l s t h r o u g ho u t t h e o r g a n i z at i o n, 57 of w hi ch ar e b as e d i n M i n er v a. C o m m un i t ie s ser v ed i n cl u de Min e r v a , Sa l e m , Wa y n e sb u r g, H an o v er ton , Car ro l lt o n , A l li a n ce , Li s b o n, Lo ui sv i ll e , E a s t C a n t o n , M a l v e r n , H a r tv i l l e , J a c k s o n , B e r g h o l z , S t o w ( l o a n c e n t e r ) , Wo o s t e r ( l o a n c e n t e r ) a n d F a i rl a w n ( c o m i n g t h i s s u m m e r ) .
Consumers National Bank a local family From staff reports MINERVA — Founded as Minerva National Bank in 1965, Consumers National Bank is a $470 million community bank based in Minerva. According to President and CEO Ralph J. Lober,
the bank changed its name in 1975 when it opened its first branch in Salem. Consumer Bancorp Inc., the bank’s holding company, predominantly owned by local shareholders, is publicly traded on the OTCQB exchange. “The board of directors
and senior management is comprised of local business people who understand the needs of the community,” Lober explained. “The bank has 13 branch locations in Carroll, Columbiana, Jefferson and Stark counties and two commercial loan cen-
ters in Summit and Wayne counties.” The bank employs 139 individuals throughout the organization, 57 of which are based in Minerva. Communities served include Minerva, Salem, Waynesburg, Hanoverton, Carrollton, Alliance, Lis-
bon, Louisville, East Canton, Malvern, Hartville, Jackson, Bergholz, Stow (loan center), Wooster (loan center) and Fairlawn (coming this summer). Lober explained that Consumers offers a community banking model to See CONSUMERS Page 5D Á
Proudly Owned by a U.S. Navy Widow
Thank you for your business! You can count on us for all your printing, mailbox, packing, and shipping needs. 117 S. Hollywood Blvd Steubenville. OH 43952 tel: 740.314.5278 fax: 740.314.5234 Email: M-F 8am-6:30pm, Sat 9am-3pm
More Than Just Garage Doors Garage Doors • Entry Doors • Windows • Stone Siding • Seamless Gutters • Central Vacuum
2150 State Route 39 NW, Dover, OH 44622 (800)-532-2216 Doors • Windows • Awnings • Siding • Stone
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Our New BreastCare Center together with All About Women Upscale women’s care you won’t find anywhere else in Weirton-Steubenville Route 22/30 Corridor.
Ace Optical going strong since 1949 From staff reports
Staff photo
A c e O p t ic al at 1 5 3 N . F o ur t h S t . ha s b e e n s u pp l y in g c u s t om e r s w i t h o pt i c a l e y e w e a r s i nc e 1 9 4 9 . R ay m o n d A g r e s t a s t an d s i n t h e n e w l y r em o d e le d o p t ic al s ho p .
STEUBENVILLE — Optics and fashion sometimes collide in the optical eyewear industry, and a city business works hard to guide their customers through the process. The Ace Optical Co. has been serving the area since 1949. The completely remodeled optical shop is located at 153 N. Fourth St., a site it has occupied since 1973. “We can fill any doctor’s prescription, providing that it is current. It’s like a drug prescription, you can price shop, then have it filled wherever you like,” said Raymond Agresta, owner. “You do not need to get your eyes examined here to purchase eyeglasses from us, however we have offered eye exams for both eyeglasses and contact lens by an independent doctor of optometry for more than 20 years.” Agresta was quick to point out, “I am not a doctor. I am a licensed optician as required by the state of Ohio.” Over the years, the optical industry has evolved into a fashion industry, he said. Like numerous other busi-
nesses, the industry has found itself experiencing a “what goes around comes around” situation. “We carry several frame lines. Many of the Ray-Ban frames have a very strong 1960s influence in their design. Ace Optical also carries WileyX, a high-performance line of sunglasses and safety glasses,” he said. Agresta noted the WileyX products are great for bikers, hunters and anyone with an active lifestyle. WileyX is a major supplier to the U.S. military. “We have been doing business in downtown Steubenville since the 1940s and we are proud of that. I think the personalized attention customers receive from downtown merchants is second to none,” said Agresta. “The cost of eyewear has risen over the years, and consumers need to know they can bring their prescription to Ace Optical and save money.” “At Ace Optical, we’ve got your look,” he said. Contact Ace Optical at (740) 283-2461 and online at
Estate & Funeral Planning Guide A Comprehensive Directory of Funeral Homes & WEDNESDAY Other Services That Are Here To Assist You During FEBRUARY 28, 2018 The Loss Of A Love One. TRADITIONAL BURIAL OR CREMATION.
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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Therre’s a new home h for for There’ prrimarry care carre in Wintersville Winttersville primary
Consumers Continued from Page 2D
its customers, which is not defined by size, but rather a philosophy that governs everything the bank does. “Community banks actively work to invest local deposits back into the local economy through business, agricultural, mortgage and consumer loans as well as through investment in municipal debt issues,” he stated. “In large national and international organizations, the deposits generated in local communities are loaned to or invested in out-of-state entities that have no impact on the local economy or community. In our brand of community banking, customers have access to consultants at all levels of the organization. Our commercial and agricultural lenders are based in and are active in the respective markets, providing insight that is often missed by large organizations.” Consumers participates in the new Ohio Pooled Collateral Program, which provides municipalities and school districts access to commercial deposit and cash management products. The bank currently services numerous public entities that together have more than $20 million on deposit. “We also offer financial planning, retirement plan management and wealth management services through our partnership with Dilauro, Wracher and Thomas, an independent wealth management firm located in Akron,” Lober explained. “This partnership provides our customers with high quality, personalized, in-branch wealth management services.” In 2016, Consumers dedicated its new corporate headquarters and branch building on the site of the original 1965 building in Minerva. The 30,000square-foot facility is evidence of the bank’s commitment to its roots and local community banking. It has allowed for additional growth and helped the bank recruit customers and employees. “We have experienced significant growth over the last 10 years of operations,” Lober stated. “During that period, the bank expanded into five new markets. Over that period, the bank’s assets grew to
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S t af f m e m be r s f r o m t h e t h e B e r g h o lz o f f ic e a r e s h ow n a bo v e . S t a f f e r s i n c l ud e , f r o m l e f t , E r in Luc as , te ll e r ; Ter r y M cCon n a ug hy, m a n age r ; a n d R e na ( N i k k i ) R ot h , c u s t o m er s er v ic e r e p r e s e nt a t i v e.
$470 million, an 8.75 percent compounded annual growth rate. In the fiscal year ending June 2017, the bank reported record earnings of $3.0 million.” Consumers prides itself on its involvement with the local communities it serves. “We provide considerable financial and leadership support to important organizations throughout our footprint,” Lober explained. “Our associates are encouraged to make a difference by getting involved in leadership positions of community service and education-based organizations.” Some of the organizations Consumers associates are involved with include East Central Ohio and Alliance chapters of board Habitat for Humanity; the Crisis Center; Junior Achievement of East Central Ohio; Big Brothers/Big Sisters; various UMCA affiliates and camps; numerous chambers of commerce; Leadership Columbiana County; Community Action Agency of Columbiana County; Salem Regional Medical Center; Salem Sustainable Economic Development Center; Alliance Area Development; East Liverpool City Hospital; Kent State Salem and East Liverpool campuses; and Ohio Valley Home Health Services. The bank also has participated in the capital campaigns for Salem Regional Medical Center’s Oncology Unit, the Alliance and Jackson Township YMCAs and in capital campaigns to improve the safety of athletic facilities in many school districts
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struction mortgages as well as access to FHA, VA and USDA mortgage loan programs. The mortgage customers work directly with local loan originators and loan processors. Personalized, in-person service makes the difference for experience or first-time home buyers, Lober added. Leadership of Consumers National Bank includes: ¯ Officers: Ralph J. Lober, president and CEO; Renee Wood, executive vice president, chief financial officer; Scott Dodds, executive vice president, senior loan officer; Derek Williams, senior vice president, retail sales and marketing; and Suzanne Mikes, vice president, chief credit officer. ¯ Board of Directors: Laurie McClellan, chairwoman, investor relations, Consumers Bancorp Inc.; John Furey, vice chairman, Furey Motors; Frank Paden, retired community banker; Mike Schmuck, dairy farmer; Thomas Kishman, Kishman’s IGA; David Johnson, Summitville Tile and Spread Eagle Tavern; James Hanna, retired law enforcement; Bradley Goris, Goris Property Management; Phillip Mueller, Minerva Dairy; and Richard Kiko, Kiko Cos.
Weirton Area Chamber of Commerce Phone: 304-748-7212
technology, including Apple, Android and Samsung pay, consumer and commercial image and remote check deposit, and cash management services that include ACH origination, positive pay and wire transfer modules,” Lober explained. The bank also participates in MoneyPass, a national ATM network that provides customers with nationwide access to thousands of free ATMs. Consumers National Bank has 10 commercial and agricultural lenders that cater to local business and family farms, Lober said. The bank participates in all SBA programs, FSA and state of Ohio loan programs. “In partnership with local certified development corporations, Consumers is active in the SBA 504 loan programs,” he explained. “The bank’s effort to assist small businesses has resulted in it being a two-time winner of the Top Community Bank SBA Lender in the 28 Ohio counties represented by the Cleveland Office of the SBA.” The bank’s mortgages services division provides the community with an expansive product line of secondary market and portfolio conventional and con-
272 Old Steubenville Pike Rd., Cadiz, OH
place for everyone to live and work.”
throughout the region. “As a new entrant in Jefferson County, we intend to be involved in the organizations and school systems that contribute to the unique community fabric,” Lober stated. In 2017, Consumers expanded into Jefferson County with a fullservice office in Bergholz. T e r r i McConnaughy, a lifelong resident of Jefferson County and 29year community banking professional, leads the team of retail bankers. The team’s involvement with the Bergholz Community
Foundation and with Edison Local schools helps the bank understand the unique needs of the local community. The bank has supported the Bergholz Fire Department and EMS. With the addition of Joseph Shemasek, a veteran commercial banker with a passion for helping small businesses grow, the bank has expanded its commercial business development efforts in Jefferson County and Southern Columbiana County. Shemasek serves on the board of East Liverpool City Hospital, Ohio Valley Home Health Services, Buckeye Online School for Success and the Southern Columbiana County Regional Chamber of Commerce. He also is active in the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce. Sarah Chronister, the bank’s agricultural lender, owns a farm in Jefferson County. Her knowledge of the Jefferson County market will help the bank meet the needs of the local agricultural community. The bank also offers customers state-of-the-art technology that allows them to bank from anywhere at any time. “We were one of the first banks to implement chip secured debit cards and offer payment and deposit
Fax: 304-748-0241
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620 S. St., Steubenville, Ohio
(740) 282-2711 M-F 6-6; Sat 6-Noon
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018
Speaker Continued from Page 1D
rescue of American diplomats from Iran in 1980. That story was dramatized in the award-winning film “Argo.” Richard Phillips, the merchant mariner who was captured by Somali pirates and held hostage at sea while the world looked on, on April 3, 2014, told area residents about his capture, how he survived and the tense moments that led up to his rescue by Navy SEALS. His story was the inspiration for the film “Captain Phillips.” Area residents had the chance to remember the lives lost in the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and to hear from a person who played a key role in protecting President George W. Bush on Sept. 11, 2014. That’s when retired Air Force Lt. Col. Mark A. Tillman talked about the time he spent as the pilot of Air Force One, especially his efforts to return Bush to Washington, D.C., in the aftermath of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and the crash of another hijacked plane in Shanksville, Pa. Rebekah Gregory brought her story of survival to our community on April 16, 2015. She was severely injured in the terror attacks of April 15, 2013, during the Patriots Day celebration in Boston and the running of the Boston Marathon. On April 25, 2016, Mark Geist, a member of the annex security team, offered details about the
Photos by Michael D. McElwain
D i ve r s e t o p ic s h av e b e e n c o ve r ed du r i ng p r e s e nt a t i on s in t he H e r al d - S t ar S pe a k e r S e r ie s . C lo c k w i s e , f r o m l ef t , M a r k G e i s t , a m e m b e r o f t h e a n n e x s e c u r i t y te a m w h o w a s i n v ol v ed in t he B a t t l e o f B e n g ha z i , s p o k e A pr i l 2 5 , 2 0 1 6 , a t C a t h o l i c Ce n t r a l H i g h S c h o o l ; r e t i r e d G e n . M i c h a e l H a y d e n , f o r m e r d i r e c to r t h e C e n t r a l I n t e l l i g e n c e a n d N at i o na l S e c u r i t y a g e nc ie s , s po k e a t C e n t r al la s t A p r il 2 7 ; an d R i c h a r d P h il l i ps , t h e m er c ha n t m a r in e r w ho w a s h e ld c a pt i v e b y S o m al i p i r at e s , s p ok e A p r i l 3 , 2 0 1 4 , a t S t e ub e nv i l le H i g h S c h o o l.
Battle of Benghazi that happened on Sept. 11-12, 2012. It was a story that was dramatized in the film “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.” Jeanine Pirro, the former prosecutor, Emmy Awardwinning legal analyst and host of the Fox News Channel’s “Justice with Judge Jeanine,” offered her perspective on national and international politics on Oct. 10, 2016. Retired Air Force Gen.
Michael Hayden, who served as the director of our nation’s top intelligence agencies, offered an insider’s view of what is happening around the world when he spoke on April 27. Organizers have said the series will continue at 7:30 p.m. April 19 at Catholic Central High School. Look for details about the speaker and ticket packages in the March 4 editions of the Herald-Star and The Weirton Daily Times.