20 under 40

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COMING IN THE SEPTEMBER BUSINESS JOURNAL! In September, the Business Journal will feature a special section titled, “20 People Over 50 Who Make a Difference in Central Illinois�. This will be the 4th year of this special publication. The section is designed to honor members of our community who make a difference in many ways, some publicly, some behind-the-scenes.

Plan to pick up your copy of this special edition of the Business Journal or call today to start receiving your FREE subscription to the Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois!

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twenty under forty 2014





who make a difference in Central Illinois


2 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l

he Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois is proud to present this annual special publication to honor members of our community who make a difference in many ways. We realize it takes a special combination of individuals to make a difference in any community, but we wanted to take this opportunity to honor those under the age of 40 who are making a difference. The process wasn’t easy. We asked for nominations from the community and received an overwhelming response. Each nominee was very impressive, and our selection committee had the daunting task of narrowing the field to 20. These selected individuals represent the best our community has to offer. From education, nonprofit, health care and more, our selections are from diverse backgrounds and offer many talents. Each 20 Under 40 has a unique story and offers his or her wisdom and advice on what it takes to be successful. You’ll read about what they do, what they like about the community, what they still hope to accomplish and more. We hope you enjoy reading about these special individuals. Their profiles also can be found online at our website, www.thebusinessjournal.com. We would like to take this opportunity to thank those community members who were a part of the selection committee. We appreciate your hard work. For those of you who wish to nominate someone next year, look for our call for nominations in March 2015 •


Scott M. Althoff ......................................7 Lori Barrett ..........................................18 Iris Lewis-Beasley ..................................22 Matt Fairchild........................................23 Kristen Kendrick ....................................3 Brandon Lockhart....................................4 Jeff W. McNutt ........................................6 Greg Miesenhelter ..................................5 Karalee Misner........................................8 Laura Mondt............................................9 Allison Mowry........................................10 Brad Osborne ........................................11 Kyle Pflum ............................................12 Brent A. Sloan ......................................20 Michelle Stephens ..................................13 Lisa M. Taylor ......................................14 Sarah Vogel............................................16 Rebbecca LeAnn Weisman......................17 Stacey Young ........................................19 Carrie Ziegler ........................................21

PUBLISHER Julie Bechtel EDITOR Scott Perry ADVERTISING Cayla Hittmeier LAYOUT & DESIGN Steve Wetherholt

t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 2 3

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why:




The Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois is printed monthly and is a publication of Lee Enterprises, Inc. Information published in the Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois is responsibility of the author and does not reflect the opinions of the Business Journal. To submit articles, please mail your information typewritten and 500 words or less to: The Business Journal, 601 E. William St., Decatur, IL 62523. Submitted articles will not be returned. Any editorial content or advertising published is the property of Lee Enterprises, Inc. DBA The Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois. ©2008 Herald & Review All rights reserved for entire content.

profit and community organization committees and boards with Grow Decatur, Rotary, United Way, Lincoln Trails Council of the Boy Scouts and Heritage Behavioral Health Center. It is great to see how many business leaders are involved in volunteering and financially supporting the community.

Unfortunately, I am not able to single out one person. There have been a number of people that I have come into contact with that have profoundly impacted my life; my children, Ilaina, and Malcolm Jr., my first son and angel Caylin, my husband, Malcolm, my mother Deborah Reid, father Meddie Lewis, grandfather, the late Robert Griggs Sr., grandmother, the late Juanita Webster, the late Dr. Jean Reid, Dr. Richard Tomlinson, the late Dr. Evelyn Odunsi, the late Mary Gladney, and Chef Brian Tucker. In some way these people have provided me guidance, inspiration, resources, etc. that influenced my path and attributed to my person, character and achievements today.

What you do still hope to accomplish? In no particular order; visit my sister in San Diego, visit my father in Mexico, launch business as a private chef, visit Zurich and Portugal, launch restaurant business and return to China for second visit to see other provinces.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Bringing young people to Decatur is entirely based on jobs. We need to support our local businesses and focus on our biggest opportunities. In working with the Grow the Middle Committee of the Grow Decatur movement, I regularly see the great efforts being made to promote business growth in Decatur. I believe the collaborative approach that is under way has the opportunity to pay big dividends.

Matt Fairchild Age: 33 Family: Married to Amanda. Two children, Tyler (6) and Ella (3).

Current position/responsibilities: Your favorite stress reliever: I love to cook and try new culinary experiences, it immediately relieves my stress.

Your favorite movie: “Aliens” with Sigourney Weaver

Your favorite book: Various cook books. I have too many to name a favorite but I read them like novels.

Quote to live by: “Get going. Move forward. Aim high. Plan a takeoff. Don’t just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won’t happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you’ll love it up here.” Donald Trump

Vice president, Commercial Lending for Hickory Point Bank and Trust. I work with a wide variety of businesses to develop

I enjoy working for Hickory Point Bank because of the customer centric approach. I believe the entire banking industry needs to get back to focusing on what service really is. It is about understanding the client’s objectives first and then putting the right pieces in place to help them achieve their goals.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Ruth Younger of “A Raisin in the Son.” I picked this character because we have some similarities. In the play, Ruth is a soft-spoken person that has very simple dreams. She is not an emotional weakling regardless of her difficult life experiences. She shows remarkable strength and has a charming manner of getting her way. She is the family matriarch.

understanding the client’s objectives first and then putting the right pieces in place to help them achieve their goals. I am very fortunate to work with a great group of people that share this vision with me. At Hickory Point Bank, we endeavor to take the time to know our clients business deeply and build relationships based on mutual trust and shared objectives. It makes my job much

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My parents have helped make me who I am today. My father has taught me honesty and integrity which I believe are the foundation that allows me to be successful. I received my competitive spirit and analytical approach from my mother. I do not like being told I cannot do something. The qualities I learned from my mother help me push forward to find opportunities where others might give up.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I have a number of personal and career goals. I want to be a good father and husband above all else. I would also like to continue to progress in my career. To achieve these things, I like to focus on the values that will help me accomplish these goals. By focusing everyday on distinguishing myself as trustworthy, knowledgeable and helpful, I believe the rest will fall into place.

Your favorite stress reliever: Basketball, golf and books.

Your favorite movie: “Shawshank Redemption”

Your favorite book: “Too Big To Fail” – Andrew Ross Sorkin

financing and banking strategies that will help them obtain their goals. It is my job to understand the business operations and objectives of my clients. With this knowledge I can help tailor financial solutions designed for the specific business.

What do you like best about what you do? I enjoy working for Hickory Point Bank because of the customer centric approach. I believe the entire banking industry needs to get back to focusing on what service really is. It is about

more fun to focus on providing long-term value to my clients. By helping businesses grow and be successful, I benefit from the strong relationships and future opportunities built by this approach.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? When I started working in Decatur two years ago, I was amazed at the way the community accepted me with open arms. Since becoming a part of the community I have had the opportunity to join several non-

Quote to live by: “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a seed a long time ago.” – Warren Buffett Doing something that may seem small today can make life easier down the road. Even if it is someone else that benefits from what you do, it is important to continue taking action today to build for the future. I have been very fortunate because of the hard work my grandparents and parents put in. It is now my responsibility to do the same for my kids and the next generation.


2 2 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l

Matt Fairchild

Administrative Officer Trust & Investment Services

Vice President Commercial Banking

Iris Lewis-Beasley Age 36 Family: Husband Malcolm Beasley Sr. and children, Ilaina, Malcolm Jr. and Ilyjah, who was born in June.

support of your community. I am comfortable opening such an establishment in Decatur because I believe Decatur will support businesses that stay here and give back to the community.

Current position/responsibilities: Trust administrative officer, employed in Wealth Management Division of Hickory Point Bank and Trust. Duties include personal trust administration, property management, employee benefit plan administration and new business development.

What do you like best about what you do? Serving people. The gratification of making a positive impact in our clients’ personal and financial lives is very rewarding.

For bankers that know where you are, understand where you want to be and promise to invest in you.

What do you like best about working or living in the community?

Hickory Point Bank. Invested.


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 3

“I love watching students learn in and out of the classroom. The best part of my day is when I get to walk through classrooms and talk with students and teachers.”

Congratulations Iris and Matt!

Iris Lewis-Beasley






I love the philanthropic nature of our community. As a member of the board of directors of two nonprofits in our community, I see firsthand the positive impact that donors and business partners make in our community. I also like that local businesses are supported by local patronage. As a recent graduate of the Culinary Arts program at Richland Community College, my longterm goal is to become a restaurateur and open my own establishment locally. As the restaurant industry is very high risk it is very important to have the

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Bring/attract more businesses to Decatur (businesses of diverse industries etc.), which will influence employment and disposable income. The community should also continue to support “things to do” that are currently available for entertainment. If we don’t support events that we already have how can we substantiate attracting new entertainment opportunities. Also as a community we have to be mindful of how we speak about our community. Yes, we have some things that aren’t perfect here but if we only talk about the bad and never publicize the good, we can’t be surprised when young people don’t want to move here. We should make an effort to highlight the positive things about Decatur when they happen so that when somebody goes on the Internet to see what Decatur is about, positive things will come up. Lastly, I believe as a community we should just be supportive overall of the initiative to grow Decatur and hopefully the “flywheel effect” will take place and before you know it Decatur will be what we hope it should have been.

Kristen Kendrick Age: 38 Family: Children: Parker, Reis and Nelson. Fiance’ Skip Weikle, future stepchildren Sarah, Joe, and Stephen.

Current position/responsibilities: Superintendent for the WarrensburgLatham School District. I oversee all aspects of the school district from personnel, finances, facilities, and most importantly our students’ education.

What do you like best about what you do? I love watching students learn in and out of the classroom. The best part of my day is when I get to walk through classrooms and talk with students and teachers.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? The parents and community members in our school district are extremely supportive of all of our students and staff. They are friendly and are always willing to help.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? We need to continue to bring additional jobs to the area and support all of our school districts. Families often shop school districts when determining where to live. Great schools may give our area an advantage over neighboring cities such as Champaign, Bloomington and Springfield.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My parents continue to have the greatest influence on me. They have and continue to support me personally and professionally. They have taught me to work hard and be kind in all aspects of my life.

What you still hope to accomplish: I would love to become a national consultant on best practices in education. I like being able to work closely with teachers to help them increase their skill set to benefit students.

Your favorite stress reliever: Exercising

Your favorite movie: “Father of the Bride”

Your favorite book: “Bringing Up Boys”

Quote to live by: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -- Maya Angelou Another favorite saying is, “I’ve come to a frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It’s my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I

can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized.” -- Hiam Ginont

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Detective Lindsay Boxer. I love trying to solve mysteries and Detective Boxer solves mysteries along with some great friends while balancing a family life. Hemingway’s Nick Adams. Endless fishing adventures.


4 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 2 1

Carrie Zeigler Brandon Lockhart Age: 26 Family: Kevin Lockhart and Rusty Nanney are my parents. I don’t have a wife or children currently.

Current Position/Responsibilities: I own and operate Lockhart’s Barber Shop in downtown Decatur. I am opening Lockhart’s Barber College this August on the South West side of Decatur. I also own and manage various rental properties in Decatur.

What do you like best about what you do? I enjoy interacting with the community on a daily basis, and truly enjoy assisting in the resurgence of barber shops.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I enjoy interacting with the people of

Central Illinois. There are a lot of great folks here and I have been privileged to get to know them and their families.

What should the community be doing to attract more young professionals to live and work in the Decatur area? It’s imperative to attract and acquire more working class jobs.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why? Dan Morrissey. He has been a tremendous mentor on various fronts.

What do you still hope to accomplish? My goal is to restore the art of barbering in Central Illinois, while providing others the opportunity for success.

Your favorite stress reliever: Family and friends.

Age: 39 Family: Husband, Bob, and kids: Your favorite movie:

laws of the universe will be simpler.” – Henry David Thoreau

“Sherlock Holmes”

Your favorite book: “How to Win Friends and Influence People”

Quote to live by:

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I don’t have an ideal fictional character that I can say I truly identify with. If I had to choose, it would be a man of honor, dignity and humility.

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the

“I enjoy interacting with the community on a daily basis, and truly enjoy assisting in the resurgence of barber shops.”

Madison and PJ.

Current position/ responsibilities: RN, clinical liaison for St. Mary’s Advanced Rehabilitation Center.

What do you like best about what you do? Working with people I genuinely care about: the patients, my team, doctors, nurses, case managers, social workers, and therapists I work with all over Central Illinois and beyond.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I enjoy working here because many people have genuine concern for each other and strive to give back to this community.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Talk about individuals who have built their lives here and learn about the activities they value. Promote our colleges and the specialties they offer as well as the arts, sports and culture. Continue to uphold the high quality health care right in our own backyard. Boast about the fun within! (Dennis/ Millikin Lab School activities, Kirkland Fine Arts, Mount Zion’s Chill on the Hill, various church events, the park district … the list goes on and on.)

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My grandparents and my parents have had the largest influence on me by teaching me to always persevere through faith.

“Working with people I genuinely care about: the patients, my team, doctors, nurses, case managers, social workers, and therapists I work with all over Central Illinois and beyond.”

What do you still hope to accomplish?

Your favorite book: Currently reading, “Jesus Calling”

Earn my masters in nursing

Quote to live by: “Be the change Your favorite stress reliever: Celebrating family and friends

Your favorite movie: “Steel Magnolias.” Tough women encouraging each other through tough times through humor.

that you wish to see in the world.” – Ghandi

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Glinda, the Good Witch from “The Wizard of Oz” because, “there’s no place like home.”


2 0 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 5 shoulders and travel in a RV. Business wise, I want to keep adding in any way, shape or form positives vibes to this community. We need small businesses to succeed and local support is huge. I appreciate every customer I get.

Your favorite stress reliever: If my parents weren’t going to read this I’d answer it truthfully. But I try to find the little things in life that are good opportunities to relax, such as the drive home, mowing while listening to music and hunting/fishing. Spending time in the tree hunting totally relaxes me. For a couple hours I’m alone and no one is asking me questions.

Your favorite movie: HMMMM…I just googled top “100 movies of all time” and I found out I have not seen a single one of them. I like a lot, such as the “Hangover,” “Good Will Hunting,” “Taken,” “Blind Side” and yes, laugh all you want you heartless guys, but “P.S. I Love you” is in my top 5.

Your favorite book:

Gregg Meisenhelter Age: I think I’m 36. It’s getting harder and harder to remember


Brent A. Sloan Age: 38

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why:

Family: Wife, Mia, and children Noah,

This would have to go to my wife, Mia! Gas does not burn without oxygen. She is all the oxygen I need to set this place on fire!

Jack, Isaac and Boomer.

Current position/responsibilities: Co-owner and general manager of Sloans Calzones

What do you like best about what you do? I like the fact that I have the creative freedom to do or make whatever I feel makes my business a better place for my customers, my employees and myself.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? This is the town where I was born and raised. Being able to do my own little part to make Decatur a better place is a great feeling.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I hope to be able to open another location in Decatur, as well as expand into other communities.

“I like the fact that I have the creative freedom to do or make whatever I feel makes my business a better place for my customers, my employees and myself.”

What you do like best about working or living in the community? This is easy, the people. Decatur and surrounding areas are full of good people and I’m finding more and more every day. I believe when you treat people how you want to be treated it brings out the best in everyone. I see people who have been beat down in this economy and hold grudges against the world, but when they see we are all in the same boat, they seem to let their guard down the honesty comes out.

Current position/responsibilities: Your favorite book:

Your favorite stress reliever:

Wife-Dana of 13 long long years ;) No, she’s actually my ace in the hole. She brings me back to reality while allowing me to chase my dreams. I love her more now then the day I married her. Ten-year old twin boys Grant and Graham who are my “mini me’s” I love them to death and think they are great young men but at times make Dana and myself glad we own places that serve alcohol. Six year-old Julia. She’s “my everything” (according to Michael Ray’s song). No matter what kind of day I’ve had when I walk through my door and she runs to me, I realize nothing else matters.

leave a town knowing you just removed all of their trash. I feel if you try and make one thing better each day, after awhile the good things build up, and before you know it you’re surrounded with a bunch of positives signs.

Spending time with my family and friends, especially my wife and kids. Swimming, grilling, fishing, pretty much anything that does not involve work.

My favorite book has to be Facebook! With the schedule I keep I have very little time to spend on a book. I tend to read magazines and the newpaper if and when I read.

Your favorite movie:

Quote to live by: “My pizza, your face,

I'm not really a big movie buff. If I have time to watch, it is usually sports. Mainly Bears, Bulls, Cubs and Blackhawks.

now stuff it.”

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I usually do not tend to live in the fictional world. I can't fly, turn invisible, freeze water or stop time. So the only character I could even see myself being is Brent Sloan. All my perfections (as if) and all my imperfections have made me who I am and I wouldn't change a single thing.

It’s almost impossible to answer this but my most important position and responsibility is trying to be a great dad and mentor to my children. After that, I am anything from garbage man, landlord and a restaurant/bar owner.

What do you like best about what you do? I like that it allows me to make a difference, whether it's giving someone a job, putting siding on a house, installing a new sign on a business or being able to

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I hear this question EVERY day. The political/appropriate answer is bring new jobs, change the attitude about our schools, make the lake cleaner, blah blah. Why not start with spreading what’s good with our community. Tell our friends, relatives and strangers why you like living here and then maybe they will think “maybe I might like to live there too”

Simple Simon.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: Without a doubt, my parents. Everything I have is because of them. It started with the best childhood of living in the country and playing off the land every chance possible. Every time I need something they are the first people I turn to. I am lucky to have my parents.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I hope to accomplish a lot but they're not big dreams. I want to feel content, I want to laugh like a child. It’s silly, but I want to get all this weight off my

As sad as this is to admit I’ve only read one book in my life (Old Man and the Sea) so I will answer this as one of my favorite songs: I’m digging Frankie Ballard’s “Sunshine & Whiskey” right now. But Nickelback’s “Rockstar” is a close second.

Quote to live by: “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” It’s 100 perecent the truth in my book.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Jerry from “Tom & Jerry.” The guy was fast, smart and clever. He never got caught or eaten. Plus, Jerry had a cool house with an arched front door, I’ve always wanted an arched front door.


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6 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 1 9

“The best part of what I do is going in to the schools and teaching energy concepts to young kids. They always want to learn more and the excitement is so visible in their faces. I also enjoy all of the people I get to meet when I am out working in the community.”

“The greatest satisfaction I get out of my job is getting to make a difference. Not only on a global view with our recycling, but also with our employees. It is a great feeling to have someone thank you for helping them get employed, but the greatest satisfaction comes when you see them doing a great job for you and the company.”

Stacey Young Age: 35 Family: Son, Braxton Woodland Current position/responsibilities:

Jeffrey W. McNutt Age: 30

What do you like best about working in the community?

Family: Two children, Maddy (5)

The family atmosphere. I find that wherever we do business there are people that know you or know someone close to you.

and Emme (3).

Current position/responsibilities: Co-owner and Partner of Always Green Recycling of Central Illinois LLC, Johnny’s Delivery Service and PDQ II, LLC, and Decatur Trucking LLC.

What do you like best about what you do? The greatest satisfaction I get out of my job is getting to make a difference. Not only on a global view with our recycling, but also with our employees. It is a great feeling to have someone thank you for helping them get employed, but the greatest satisfaction comes when you see them doing a great job for you and the company.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the area? I believe that we need fewer restrictions on people trying to start and conduct business in our community. It seems that every corner you turn there is a fee or license the state or city wants you to pay. It’s so hard to stay afloat in the beginning. All the extra bills don’t help.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My father, Bill McNutt. It has

never mattered what situations I have gotten myself into, he's always stood by my side. When everyone else was saying we were crazy for starting these businesses, he always believed in us. He has never uttered one negative word about our business decisions. And I know if for some reason I should fail, he will be there to help me back up.

What do you still hope to accomplish? My goal is to not have a single company in our city throwing away recyclable materials. Whether it is through Always Green or another company we need to stop sending recyclables to our landfill. It is too easy to recycle these days to have any more excuses.

Your favorite stress reliever: Running around the lake or Rock Springs.

Your favorite movie: “Forrest Gump”

Your favorite book: “Born Survivor”

Quote to live by: “The five most important words in the English language are never, never, never give up.” – Winston Churchill

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I would pick Superman. This way I could run our delivery business without any cost. I wouldn’t need trucks, gas, insurance or labor. And I would have everything done in an hour.

Community relations coordinator, Ameren Illinois. I work on the community and public relations team for Ameren Illinois. Ameren Illinois delivers energy to 1.2 million electric customers and 800,000 gas customers. In my role, I serve as a liaison between the company and the communities we serve by helping to resolve issues and providing consumer education. As part of my role, I present to schools, civic organizations, churches, community groups, etc. on the principles of electric and natural gas safety, energy efficiency programs, alternative supply options and other initiatives.

What do you like best about what you do? The best part of what I do is going in to the schools and teaching energy concepts to young kids. They always want to learn more and the excitement is so visible in their faces. I also enjoy all of the people I get to meet when I am out working in the community.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? This is my hometown; my father is a local pastor, many members of my family live here and we enjoy a good

quality of life in Decatur. From my perspective, we have a good community with a good mix of different and interesting people. I am a part of different boards and have the opportunity to engage with new people all the time and often find we have similar interests and likes. There are a lot of people that want to see this community grow and prosper. As a coalition member for Grow Decatur and working with other organizations such as the United Way, I have the opportunity to see firsthand the impact concerned citizens can have in shaping a community.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? The image that residents in Decatur have of the city needs to be positive. It's hard to attract people to the city when the people that live here do not have many good things to say about the community. The residents must have positive things to say about where they live and work and be concerned about the safety of their neighborhoods. We need to offer more cultural and social activities that interest a diverse demographic of younger people, both single and with families. I hear all the time from my peers and friends that there is nothing or nowhere to go in Decatur. I find there are many good

things happening in the community that need to be promoted and made available to diverse groups. When people come to a new city, they want to connect with young professionals or others. We need to promote the good things that are happening and do a better job at helping new members find social connections and fun activities to enjoy.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My biggest influence is my spiritual connection. My biggest influencers are my parents. They have always provided me support and guidance in my life choices. I would have not succeeded in many areas of my life if it had not been for their wisdom, knowledge and love. I recently completed MBA coursework and my parents, along with my sister and friends, advocated and helped me along this journey. They have taught me to excel in life and do it with while serving others. As a single mom, I have worked to pass these same principles to my son throughout his life.

What do you still hope to accomplish: I would like to be in a position to help teach young entrepreneurs how to start their own business and how to compete in a tough market environment. I would also like to teach college business and leadership classes over the next couple of years. I want to take on tasks that help people and helps our community grow.

Your favorite stress reliever: Music and meditation help me to relieve stress. Gospel and rhythm and blues are my favorite genres of music. I play gospel songs on Pandora every morning before work. And being able to say "no" when I am overwhelmed is also helping me!

Your favorite movie: “Slumdog Millionaire,” “Lord of the Rings,” and “Million Dollar Baby” are some of my all time favorite movies.

Your favorite book: "Casting the First Stone" by Kimberly Lawson Roby "Winning Cultures, Winning Teams" by Larry Senn and Jim Hart

Quote to live by: "Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase." – Martin Luther King, Jr.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Why? I would be Frodo Baggins, “Lord of the Rings” or Olaf, from “Frozen.” Frodo endured many challenges and great adversity on his mission to save the world. Even with evil and doom all around him, he completed his mission. This takes a huge amount of courage and strength. And Olaf for his innate ability to always see the positive in a situation. The ability to think, believe and act positively can transform your life and the lives of others.


1 8 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 7

and without him I would not have been brave enough to take the leap into business ownership.

What you do still hope to accomplish? Well 20 over 50 would be nice! We just crossed off one goal on June 2 by opening our second location. I would love to see this business grow even more and allow for our children to someday carry on when we are retired.

“Being able to provide a recycling service to people that genuinely care. I love the look on customers’ faces when I tell them about our single stream service. Customers even like to give out hugs.”

Your favorite stress reliever: Reading a good book. There is nothing like propping my feet up and getting into a good story. It allows me to clear my head and focus on things other than business for just a few minutes. Once I’m back to reality I usually have a better handle on the situation that is causing the stress.

Lori Barrett Age: 37 Family: My husband, Michael, and I will be married 18 years this September. We have three children, Leanna (16), Kayleigh (11) and Warren (9). I could not do what I do without the support of my mother, Linda, and my in-laws, John and Billie Barrett.

Current position/responsibilities: Co-Owner of The Secret Garden and the newly opened Secret Garden Express.

What do you like best about what you do? Seeing people smile. If

everyone had flowers on their table in the morning or on their desk at work, the world would be a happier place. You would not believe the power of a flower. It can comfort the grieving, give hope to the sick, fill a bride with joy, celebrate a moment in time, and make even the gloomiest of days bright.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? The community has a way of coming together to support individuals and businesses. Be it through local food drives, Cash Mobs, or the support we see every day when people make the choice to shop local. It’s a big “small” town.


Congratulate WOULD LIKE TO


Thank you for making a difference in our community. 1215 E. Pershing Rd. & Express 664 W. Eldorado

People really do care about others and come together when people are in need.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area: I would really like to see more people get involved with organizations like SCORE and MBN (Micro Business Network). These organizations are geared to help entrepreneurs grow and develop their businesses. With a proven track record of small business success in our community it may spur others to start their own business or move their business to this area.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: Steve Davis (former business marketing teacher at Stephen Decatur High School). I took my first business marketing class during my sophomore year in high school. He encouraged me to join DECA and compete in local competitions. My senior year he allowed a handful of students, including me, to have independent study. We developed a business plan and presented it. I also participated in the work study program, working at The Book Emporium and Magna Bank. He always encouraged us to push ourselves and keep improving. Then, there is my Husband. Michael has always supported me and the decisions I have made. He is my biggest cheerleader

Your favorite movie: This one depends on what mood I’m in. “Shawshank Redemption” will get me anytime it’s on and I’m channel surfing. “Sliding Doors” or “Notting Hill” when I need a little romantic comedy. “Empire Records” when I’m longing for my youth. Your favorite book: “Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson, M.D. It’s older but still stands true today. Those who adapt to the changes in the economy, buying habits, and community they live in will come out on top. Doing business the way you always have is not the answer. Discovering new ways to bring clients in and make them happy is what it’s all about. For pleasure, “The Stand” by Stephen King. One of his best. If I had one book stranded on an Island this would be the one I would want The characters come to life and I can get lost for hours in that book.

Quote to live by “Success is never owned; it is only rented, and the rent is due every day!” — Rory Vaden If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Alicia Florrick (Julianna Margulies) from “The Good Wife.” She is a strong and independent woman. Even though she struggles to balance her family and career, she always finds a way to make it work. Alicia is a fierce protector of her children and doing what is right for the people around her.

Scott M. Althoff Age: 29 Family: One child, 4-year-old Leighton Current position/responsibilities: Co-owner and Partner of Always Green Recycling of Central Illinois LLC, Johnny’s Delivery Service and PDQ II, LLC, and Decatur Trucking LLC.

What do you like best about what you do? Being able to provide a recycling service to people that genuinely care. I love the look on customers’ faces when I tell them about our single stream service. Customers even like to give out hugs.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I am able to work around family and friends. We can create lasting relationships with other businesses and members of the community. Being able to provide recycling services to friends.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Do a better job of promoting all of the great things the city of Decatur does. The new intermodal rail facility gives us the opportunity to attract more business in Decatur, but we need to start pursuing companies to relocate here.

Green of Indiana, Iowa and Kentucky!

Quote to live by:

Your favorite stress reliever:

“There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go, if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.” – Ronald Regan

Playing golf

Your favorite movie: “Gladiator”

Your favorite book: “A Time to Kill”

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Capitan America. He would stop at nothing to protect fellow soldiers and citizens. A normal man with an extraordinary heart, and a lot of muscle.

The people who have had the biggest influence on you and why: My grandpa, Robert Carroll. He has always welcomed my crazy ideas and given me advice on how to operate. He will also tell me when something may not be the best idea or even when something doesn’t sound right. He also was a small business owner and understands the complications and even the tough times. He did business the way it should be done, and I only hope I can be as successful as he was.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I would love to provide our recycling service on a regional basis. Be Always

Single Stream Recycling The easy way to recycle in any office, building or business.

Throw it all in one container

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8 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 1 7

Karalee Misner

possible version of myself and try not to set limits on what is possible.

Your favorite stress reliever:

out. I’ve got to admit that spending my

Age: 27

Exercise. I find great relief and comfort attending my workout class or just working out from home. Exercise is definitely a mental thing for me and it balances out the stressors of work and home very well.

days showing people how they can

Family: Husband Jimmy, daughter

accomplish their fiscal dreams is pretty

Jocelyn (2), bonus daughter (more


commonly known as stepdaughter) Jaidyn (8), and dog Brewski.

Current position/responsibilities: Business development manager for

What do you like best about working or living in the community?

Your favorite movie: There are too many to choose from. If I am lounging on a Saturday I like a good John Hughes movie like “Breakfast Club” or “Pretty in Pink.”

Being in a community of people who

Land of Lincoln Credit Union. I

strive to grow our town and improve

basically get to work with awesome

things is super inspiring. I’m

businesses, employees, educators and

consistently impressed with the efforts

organizations to provide education and

individuals, groups and organizations

services for financial success. I also get

put into making the Decatur area a cool

to work on our marketing team

place to work and raise a family. Our

dreaming up the coolest promotions and

calendar is always full of exciting things

telling the success stories of our

to do and experience, right here in our


home town.

What you do like best about what you do?

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area?

Your favorite book: “The Five People

Rebbecca LeAnn Weisman Age: 35

My passion is rooted in encouraging the community at-large to reach financial wellness. I get a real kick out

I think the best thing we can do is

Family: I am married to my wonderful ourselves on our individuality. Being in

listening to music and all the while

a community where there’s an

being productive that helps you let off

opportunity for input and to have your

some steam.

of helping people make financially savvy

talk about all the positive initiatives that

ideas heard is extremely attractive, and

choices, and often find it spilling into my

are happening already. “Young people”

I think we do that well.

Your favorite movie:

personal life. Seriously, I never clock

all want different things; we pride

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why:

Over Knives,” “Food Matters,” “Hungry

Congratulations, Karalee! Karalee Misner Business Development Manager

Your outstanding service to our members and the community has not gone unnoticed.

about food (“Food Inc.,” “Forks

My darling girls. I am their biggest fan and would do anything for them.

Your favorite book: Right now I’m reading “The Square

Before I was a mom I didn’t care about

Foot Gardener” upon recommendation

Current position/responsibilities:

how much sugar was in cereal, the toxic

from a gentleman I met at a DIGG

chemicals in cleaning solutions or the

class. I like reading to learn about

bad words on the radio (ok, I might be

things I can implement right away (I’m

one of THOSE moms…). When I

a little impatient some might say).

I am HR Manager for voestalpine Nortrak in Decatur. Voestalpine Nortrak is proudly North America's leading designer and manufacturer of special trackwork and a top distributor of new rail.

realized they were copying everything I did, I became so much more aware of my choices and the effect on their

Quote to live by: “Get what you get, and don’t throw a

future. They inspire me to want to make

fit,” courtesy of every pre-school teacher

the world a better place for them to

and mom in America.

grow up in. I feel so lucky that I get to build memories, learn from and have fun with them every day.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I would be Belle from “Beauty and

What do you still hope to accomplish?

We are proud to have you as part of the LLCU team.

for Change,” “Vegucated”).

husband and best friend, Keith. We have seven children, 6 boys and 1 girl. Out of the seven, two are adopted and two are foster children we hope to adopt very soon. They range in age from 1 to 17 years old so we are very busy most of the time. We own our home in Farmer City, but I have worked in Decatur for several years. I am very active in sports; coaching basketball, football and at times baseball. I sit on the JFL board as treasurer.

I’m enthusiastic about a lot. I still

the Beast.” First off, she is my husband’s favorite Disney princess, and yes, he lives in a house full of girls so he

want to become a chef, gardener,

is forced to make decisions like this.

photographer, advice columnist,

Furthermore, she lives in France (after

motivational speaker, world traveler…

studying abroad there in college I was

I’m sure there’s more, ask again next

hooked on all things French), has a


strong desire to learn and discover new things, is a die-hard family girl and gets

Your favorite stress reliever: Mowing the lawn. There’s just something about having time to yourself, walking the yard, getting a tan,

to live in a castle where the dishes do themselves. I’d take that fantasy any day!

What do you like best about what you do? My work varies daily, sometimes hourly. I get to work with employees, management, executives and vendors giving me the opportunity to work across a wide range of projects with a great group of people. I feel that what I do matters and that is the most important thing to me.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? Decatur is full of diversity. I have learned more about human behavior, myself and other cultures from working in Decatur. It is a great community with beautiful parks and they attract a lot of entertainment to the area.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? People are attracted to hometown pride. I think it starts with the citizens and the employers to promote how proud we are to work and live in Decatur and to be a part of such a great community. Unity is crucial in a community struggling to attract new people. Decatur is a great

professional career. Being in HR you are constantly challenged on your knowledge, consistency, integrity, flexibility and adaptability. Living and working by “what is the right thing to do” balances it all for me.

What do you still hope to accomplish? The sky is the limit. Whether it is professionally or personally I am always striving to become the best

You Meet In Heaven,” a short novel by Mitch Albom. I try to read it at least once a year!

Quote to live by: “Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to” – Richard Branson If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I would be She-Ra. She is known for her incredible strength and being able to outwit others; oppose to strong-arming them. She is very empathic, understanding and level headed.

“I feel that what I do matters and that is the most important thing to me.”

place and we all should be proud of it and we should display that pride whenever we can.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: Other than my husband and my children, I would have to say, professionally, my former boss, Gary Hinton. I worked with him early on in my professional career and he had the biggest impact in my life. He guided me in the right direction, however, he let me fall and learn lessons when I needed too. He always told me “regardless of anything, what is the right thing to do.” Though that sounds simple, it has truly guided my



1 6 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l

professionals. We are proud to live here and do what we can to contribute. Keep our money lo cal, ensure our kids receive a great education, and provide ample recreation opportunities.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why:

Sarah Vogel Congratulations!

Family: Husband, John Vogel, Jr. and daughters, Ezrah (4) and Edith (2 )

Current position/responsibilities: Horticulturist for the Decatur Park District. Along with my team, we design, produce, install and maintain landscapes across the park district. We provide public outreach through tours and speaking engagements, and provide a source of locally grown plant material through quarterly plant sales.

What do you like best about what you do?

Herald & Review 20 under 40 winner As leader of the Park District’s horticulture team, Sarah helps plant and maintain parks across the community. She enjoys the opportunity to share her knowledge with others, developing an online tree ID guide, offering tours of the Schaub Floral Display Center, and serving as guest speaker for organizations that want to learn more about nature and conservation. Thank you for being an important part of the Decatur Park District team, Sarah. Congratulations!

www.decatur-parks.org Age:: 33

I get to work with plants every day! The team with whom I work is second to none. We are always doing something different, which keeps the job interesting. We constantly improve the old, and work through each challenge of new endeavors. I truly enjoy learning about plants and researching the horticulture industry, and fortunately I get to apply my education directly to daily tasks.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? We have citizens here who genuinely love our community. There are always things to do, and every company and organization constantly works to improve what we have. Public outreach is something I truly believe in, and I am lucky to be a part of it as both a purveyor and a participant.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Continue to invest in young


Laura Mondt Age: 28

My husband, John, has had the biggest influence on my life. School, career, family, faith -- he has been my rock through everything in the last 13 years. Always supportive of every venture, he has continually challenged me to be a better person. We have created a beautiful life together and I can’t imagine it without him. God bless our commitment to each other!

My official title is coordinator of Instructional Services in the Learning Resources Center at Richland Community College, otherwise known as a librarian.

What you do still hope to accomplish?

What do you like best about what you do?

I want to help more young people get actively involved in the community. It’s frustrating to hear people (of any age) complain about our community, and I often ask what they are doing to contribute. You must know about your town to even begin changing it. Take the bus, watch the news, read the paper, pay attention. Start the club you think we’re lacking; use social media in a positive way instead of complaining. Go to public meetings, know the process, make your voice heard. Talk to people around you; more importantly, LISTEN to them! My aim is to provide a catalyst for these kinds of measures, and continue encouraging people to be a part of life instead of bystanders. Maybe I’ll cultivate a few plant lovers, too!

I love helping students research and teaching them the skills they need to be able to do research on their own. It is rewarding to have students come to the library after getting papers back and thank me for helping them get a good grade. I also enjoy learning from the students. I have helped research some very interesting topics in areas I would never explore on my own.

Your favorite stress reliever: Camping and hiking

t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 9

Family: Parents, brother and sisterin-law, all in Chicago Current position/responsibilities:

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I like that Decatur is big enough to always be meeting new people yet small enough to easily build networks. I have only lived here for a couple of years but feel very connected to the community through Richland as well as my involvement with Re:Decatur, Big Brothers Big Sisters and the YMCA.

would have to say my parents. They really pushed me to be an independent person and supported me through two graduate degrees. I have also had many librarian mentors over the years who have helped me shape my career.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I would like to become welltraveled. There are so many things to see in the world.

Your favorite stress reliever: Your favorite movie: Too many to list! Favorite film directors include Oliver Stone, Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola and Stanley Kubrick. Your favorite book: “The Stand” by Stephen King

Quote to live by: “Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have.” -- Norman Vincent Peale If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Maybe Jo March from “Little Women.” She was independent, family-focused and loved reading and writing. I don’t really have a temper like she did, but my flaws are many, nonetheless. We all have to work through our challenges!

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area?

Working out. I never have my phone so I can escape from all of my projects for a while.

There are tons of things to do in Decatur if you look for them and there are many different publications and websites that list all of the events. People should not be bored in this community. I also think that the resurrection of networking groups for young professionals is helping people make more connections outside of their own companies and organizations. I have felt very welcomed here so I am not sure what more could be done!

Your favorite movie: “Yours, Mine

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: There are many people who have influenced me over the years but I

and Ours” (the Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda version)

Your favorite book: “The Cheerleader” by Ruth Doan MacDougall

Quote to live by: “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis

Richland Community College congratulates its own and

Laura Mondt Michelle Stephens as this year’s

20 Under 40 recipients. Thanks for making a difference in our community.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Wishbone. Who wouldn’t want to be a dog who gets to go on adventures through classic literature?



1 0 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 1 5

Allison Mowry


to our Rotary members

Age:: 21

Stacey Young, Karalee Misner, Matt Fairchild and Lisa Taylor

Family: Mom and dad, Holly and Eric Mowry; sisters, Megan, Erin (deceased) and Morgan; brother, Michael; and Willie and Harvey (golden retrievers. Yes they’re family.)

on being chosen for this year’s “20 under 40”. Part of the UMP Summernationals Tour

Current position/responsibilities: I am the cake decorator at Mowry Baking Company. My big sister and I run the company under the watchful eye of our mother. We each do anything and everything to make the show run more smoothly.

What do you like best about what you do? I love my job because it’s something different everyday. I enjoy being able to see multiple projects done start-to-finish daily. I also like being able to work handson with the public. Working with my mom and sister every day is also a blast -- most of the time.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I truly love living and working in Macon County because it’s the perfect size -- you can either know everyone or no one depending where you choose to go. I’m also really excited about all the growth going on in downtown Decatur right now. If you haven’t had the chance to take a stroll through the downtown area, I would really encourage you to do it and support your local, small businesses.

For more information 217.764.3000 • www.maconracing.com ~ Sponsored in part by ~

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I really think Decatur is the place for any entrepreneur to get their start. Promoting small businesses even more than we already do would be a great start. I feel like folks are getting tired of going to the chain restaurants/stores/ businesses and are really getting behind the idea of supporting Macon County’s small businesses. As far as attracting a younger crowd, having those cute little boutique stores and different restaurants will bring that younger demographic to the area. More small businesses means more jobs to support that new, younger population

Congratulations to

Allison Mowry of

Mowry Baking Company One of this year’s 20 Under 40!

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: I couldn’t choose just one person who has influenced me. I’ve been extremely blessed to have so many great people in my life. My mom and dad have backed all my crazy adventures 110 percent. They keep me level headed and are prime examples of how important it is to have a strong work ethic. Also, coming from a long line of great cooks and bakers like my grandmas – Sally, Ivadean and Sophie – sparked my love for food.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I know my sister and I together would really like to expand our product line to eventually doing pies and maybe someday doughnuts. I’m not interested in franchising the store because Megan and I work best together and we wouldn’t like being split up, but an expansion would be great. I would also like to eventually own a few other businesses outside of the bakery. Someday way, far down the line I want to do the whole husband and kids thing. Right now I wake up every day feeling like the luckiest girl in the world and am trying to take one day at a time and enjoy every second.

need to get away from the bakery, usually sitting and cuddling with my puppies does the trick. If not, a pedicure with my mom and sisters is a safe bet.

Your favorite movie: “Forrest Gump.” Most quotable movie of all time! Your favorite book: Oh I’m really big into books on personal growth so I’m almost finished with one called “9 Things Successful People Do Differently.” Also starting to get interested in the finance game so those books are becoming more exciting to me. I will admit I have an obsession with the “Love Comes Softly” series by Janette Oke.

Quote to live by: “She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future.” – Proverbs 31:25

“Service Above Self “ -providing local and international grants to help communities throughout the world

Meetings are held at noon on Mondays at the Decatur Club. www.decaturrotary.org




on being recognized as one of the 20 leaders under 40 who make a difference in Central Illinois.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? If I was a fictional character I would be the Cheshire cat from “Alice in Wonderland” because I’m always smiling. (And my momma says I’m always up to no good).

Your favorite stress reliever: Luckily I’ve been blessed with a pretty laid back personality and really don’t get stressed out ever. If I ever do

Decatur Public Schools | 101 W. Cerro Gordo Street | Decatur, IL 62523 | www.dps61.org


1 4 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 1 1

“I absolutely love working with students and supporting teachers and leaders in helping young people reach their maximum potential. Our job as educators is different every single day, which keeps it interesting yet challenging.”

“I have always loved taking my car through car washes. I enjoy watching the process of

Lisa M. Taylor Age: 38 Family: My husband is Richard W. Taylor and together we have three children – Skylar Taylor, Madalyn Mann and Ethan Mann.

Current position/responsibilities: I serve as superintendent of Decatur public schools, responsible for 22 schools and approximately 9,000 students.

What do you like best about what you do? I absolutely love working with students and supporting teachers and leaders in helping young people reach their maximum potential. Our job as educators is different every single day, which keeps it interesting yet challenging.

What you like best about working or living in the community: Our community is supportive and generous; we have a strong desire to make Decatur a better place to work and live. The efforts of Grow Decatur and the many collaborative projects being completed are reshaping Decatur for many years to come. We need to actively participate in

the decisions and process and also be proud of our accomplishments. Decatur is a great place to call home.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Again, I believe efforts are being made in this area including trying to offer quality housing with amenities and a variety of social and dining opportunities. These are a couple of the things that can help attract young professionals to Decatur. I also believe they must be connected to the community, have a voice in the direction of the community, and serve as leaders in our initiatives. We must listen to them and use the information they provide in making Decatur a more vibrant community.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My mother, Iva Wright, has taught me the importance of an education as a means to change your personal circumstance. She modeled this throughout my life and taught me to be independent, confident, caring and also to communicate in a

washing dirty cars and playing respectful, direct manner. The skills I learned as a child have helped me throughout my career and life; she is living proof that parenting is truly the most important role in which people serve.

What do you still hope to accomplish? Professionally, I hope to teach the educators in this community to be proud of their work and accomplishments; to understand their effectiveness as an educator is not defined by any single test score, but by the impact they have on the lives of young people. I sincerely believe that if we as educators help children reach their potential and better their lives, they will improve as an individual and we will improve as a community. Our job is much bigger than just teaching content; we must acknowledge this and work together to improve the lives of young people and make our community better. Personally, I would like to continue my formal education and obtain a Ph.D.

Your favorite stress reliever: I enjoy spending time with close friends and family; the time we spend together telling old stories and creating

with colorful foam. I have the

new memories is the most important time in our lives.

freedom to try new products

Your favorite movie: My favorite movie of all times is probably “Schindler’s List” or “The Shawshank Redemption,” however I prefer a good chic flick on most occasions.

Your favorite book: As a child, my favorite book was “The Boxcar Children.” As an adult, I tend to enjoy autobiographies by successful leaders and coaches.

Quote to live by: One of my favorites is: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” -- Eleanor Roosevelt.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Elizabeth Bennett from “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austin. She is known for her intelligence, caring nature, wit and independent thinking, which sometimes lead to her stepping outside of societal norms.

and promotions. I take joy in

Brad Osborne Age: 27 Family: Gail (wife), Max (son) and Bailey and Blitz (dogs)

Current position/responsibilities: COO of Rainstorm Car Washes. We are located in Bloomington, Springfield, Champaign and Decatur. As a small, family-owned business, I wear many different hats. I oversee the day-to-day operations of all Rainstorm locations. In addition, I am in charge of the marketing, human resources and IT for Rainstorm. I also assist in finding and analyzing new Rainstorm locations.

What do you like best about what you do? I have always loved taking my car through car washes. I enjoy watching the process of washing dirty cars and

playing with colorful foam. I have the freedom to try new products and promotions. I take joy in watching the business grow.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? We moved back from Edwardsville after college to live closer to our families. The best thing about living in Decatur is the immediate access to Krekel’s cheeseburgers and ice cream.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? The Decatur area would benefit by having more entry-level jobs and careers for young professionals. Many of my

watching the business grow.” friends who left Decatur for college, never returned due to a lack of available opportunities pertaining to their fields of study.

whenever I am not at work, I am playing with some kind of ball (soccer, basketball, football, baseball, etc.) with my 18-monthold son, Max.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why:

Strikes Back”

My mom. She has always been there for me.

Your favorite movie: “The Empire

Your favorite book: “A Storm of Swords”

What do you still hope to accomplish? To continue to grow the family business and for Rainstorm to become a well-known brand.

Your favorite stress reliever: At this point in my life, I should probably be taking up golf, but I would much rather play Call of Duty. Nowadays, it seems that

Quote to live by: “Do or do not. There is no try.” -- Yoda

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Definitely a Jedi. Who wouldn’t want a lightsaber?


1 2 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 1 3

“In my position with Prairie State Bank and Trust I have the opportunity to truly make a positive impact in the lives of people in the communities we serve. Whether it’s personal or business, the services I can provide can be critical to my customers’ overall success. Each day my goal is help others accomplish their goals.”

Kyle Pflum Age: 37

What do you like best about what you do?

Family: Married to Amanda, with two

In my position with Prairie State Bank and Trust I have the opportunity to truly make a positive impact in the lives of people in the communities we serve. Whether it’s personal or business, the services I can provide can be critical to my customers’ overall success. Each day my goal is help others accomplish their goals. The great thing about being a community banker is that although my


Current position/responsibilities: Market president for the Mount Zion and East U.S. 36 Decatur branches of Prairie State Bank and Trust. As market president, I am responsible for the day-today management of the Mount Zion and Eastern Decatur market areas.

Congratulations to Kyle Pflum for being chosen for the 20 under 40! Decatur: 1000 W Pershing Road

Mt Zion: 340 W Main Street

(217) 872-4687

(217) 864-2353

Kirk Myers | Sonja Coon | Justin Lyon

Dara Gray | Kyle Pflum

goal is always the same, each day brings new challenges and successes. I also work with a great staff of individuals who provide great service to our customers and help make every day enjoyable.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? In my over four years of working at the Mount Zion branch, I have enjoyed building relationships with individuals and business owners in the Mount Zion area. I have become very active in the Mount Zion Chamber of Commerce and EDC, which has allowed me to greatly strengthen these relationships in a relatively short amount of time. The Mount Zion and Decatur area businesses are very supportive of each other, which really helps to create a strong feeling of community.

in the lives of those you love and being there to support them through the joys and trials of life. As a man of faith, he has modeled Christ likeness and what it truly means to be blessed because of having a giving heart.

Age: 39 What do you still hope to accomplish? Professionally, I want to work as hard as I can to make Prairie State Bank and Trust the premier bank in the Decatur area. Our current customers already know what great products we have and service we offer. I will be working with the rest of our great staff to get that message spread to the rest the area. Personally, I want to be the best husband and father that I can be to ensure a happy and rewarding life for my family.

My dad, Mike, is the person who has had the biggest influence on my life. He has always been a great example to me of how to live life in order to be successful in every area. As a farmer, he has modeled the importance of hard work and taking pride in your accomplishments. As a family man, he has modeled being present

Family: Husband, Marty, and kids, Alice (7) and Cooper (10). Yes, my kids are named Alice Cooper. No, it’s not intentional, but I don’t mind if people think it is.

Current position/responsibilities: I am a professor of theater at Richland Community College. I teach theater and speech classes and oversee the theatre program up to and including directing and producing the Richland Theatre productions.

Your favorite stress reliever: Playing basketball with my kids.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why:

Michelle Stephens

Your favorite movie: “The Man from Snowy River”

Your favorite book: The Bible If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? “You can choose your attitude.”

What do you like best about what you do? Everything. Well, almost everything. Paperwork isn’t the most fun, but 90 percent of my time at work is spent either working with students and sharing all of the things that I adore about the arts with young people and community members alike. To see so many people blossom and find their passion and to think that I had any small part in that growth and

developing is just about the greatest job anyone can have. But I have to also stress that as much as I love teaching, I find that I am often the one learning. Which is my second favorite thing.

What do you like best about working or living in the community?: Decatur is a really interesting town. I love how passionate people are here. There is so much talent and so much potential. Being on the board of directors at Theatre 7 this year has helped me learn so much about the history of Decatur. There are so many talented people in Decatur, complimented by a huge group of people who are eager to learn.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Decatur is filled with young people, I say, “What can we do to break the cycles of poverty and neglect and foster those young men and women in our

community who are able to make a difference but may never have had the opportunity?”

Your favorite stress reliever: Digging for old bottles. Karaoke.

Your favorite movie: The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My father. My father is a man of few words -- unless those words are about cars -- but he spoke volumes with his actions. He worked tirelessly to support his family. He was a participant in the local UAW union and coached girls softball. He never made fun of people. He respected people who had integrity. Phrases like, “man of his word” and “good neighbor” were deep compliments. He loves deeply and with a fierceness that is rich and unwavering. He is a hero of mine.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I want to improve a little every day. I want to be kinder to strangers and happier with myself. I want to wander the land a bit, wander the sea a bit, see foreign lands for a bit and then set down roots for a bit. I would also like to appreciate the moment that I am in, as much as possible, every day. Make my father proud.

“The Color Purple”

Your favorite book: “Another Roadside Attraction” by Tom Robbins

Quote to live by: “You're in the midst of a war: a battle between the limits of a crowd seeking the surrender of your dreams, and the power of your true vision to create and contribute. It is a fight between those who will tell you what you cannot do, and that part of you that knows – and has always known – that we are more than our environment; and that a dream, backed by an unrelenting will to attain it, is truly a reality with an imminent arrival.” – Anthony Robbins

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I would like to play myself in the movie depicting the events of my life.


1 2 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 1 3

“In my position with Prairie State Bank and Trust I have the opportunity to truly make a positive impact in the lives of people in the communities we serve. Whether it’s personal or business, the services I can provide can be critical to my customers’ overall success. Each day my goal is help others accomplish their goals.”

Kyle Pflum Age: 37

What do you like best about what you do?

Family: Married to Amanda, with two

In my position with Prairie State Bank and Trust I have the opportunity to truly make a positive impact in the lives of people in the communities we serve. Whether it’s personal or business, the services I can provide can be critical to my customers’ overall success. Each day my goal is help others accomplish their goals. The great thing about being a community banker is that although my


Current position/responsibilities: Market president for the Mount Zion and East U.S. 36 Decatur branches of Prairie State Bank and Trust. As market president, I am responsible for the day-today management of the Mount Zion and Eastern Decatur market areas.

Congratulations to Kyle Pflum for being chosen for the 20 under 40! Decatur: 1000 W Pershing Road

Mt Zion: 340 W Main Street

(217) 872-4687

(217) 864-2353

Kirk Myers | Sonja Coon | Justin Lyon

Dara Gray | Kyle Pflum

goal is always the same, each day brings new challenges and successes. I also work with a great staff of individuals who provide great service to our customers and help make every day enjoyable.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? In my over four years of working at the Mount Zion branch, I have enjoyed building relationships with individuals and business owners in the Mount Zion area. I have become very active in the Mount Zion Chamber of Commerce and EDC, which has allowed me to greatly strengthen these relationships in a relatively short amount of time. The Mount Zion and Decatur area businesses are very supportive of each other, which really helps to create a strong feeling of community.

in the lives of those you love and being there to support them through the joys and trials of life. As a man of faith, he has modeled Christ likeness and what it truly means to be blessed because of having a giving heart.

Age: 39 What do you still hope to accomplish? Professionally, I want to work as hard as I can to make Prairie State Bank and Trust the premier bank in the Decatur area. Our current customers already know what great products we have and service we offer. I will be working with the rest of our great staff to get that message spread to the rest the area. Personally, I want to be the best husband and father that I can be to ensure a happy and rewarding life for my family.

My dad, Mike, is the person who has had the biggest influence on my life. He has always been a great example to me of how to live life in order to be successful in every area. As a farmer, he has modeled the importance of hard work and taking pride in your accomplishments. As a family man, he has modeled being present

Family: Husband, Marty, and kids, Alice (7) and Cooper (10). Yes, my kids are named Alice Cooper. No, it’s not intentional, but I don’t mind if people think it is.

Current position/responsibilities: I am a professor of theater at Richland Community College. I teach theater and speech classes and oversee the theatre program up to and including directing and producing the Richland Theatre productions.

Your favorite stress reliever: Playing basketball with my kids.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why:

Michelle Stephens

Your favorite movie: “The Man from Snowy River”

Your favorite book: The Bible If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? “You can choose your attitude.”

What do you like best about what you do? Everything. Well, almost everything. Paperwork isn’t the most fun, but 90 percent of my time at work is spent either working with students and sharing all of the things that I adore about the arts with young people and community members alike. To see so many people blossom and find their passion and to think that I had any small part in that growth and

developing is just about the greatest job anyone can have. But I have to also stress that as much as I love teaching, I find that I am often the one learning. Which is my second favorite thing.

What do you like best about working or living in the community?: Decatur is a really interesting town. I love how passionate people are here. There is so much talent and so much potential. Being on the board of directors at Theatre 7 this year has helped me learn so much about the history of Decatur. There are so many talented people in Decatur, complimented by a huge group of people who are eager to learn.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Decatur is filled with young people, I say, “What can we do to break the cycles of poverty and neglect and foster those young men and women in our

community who are able to make a difference but may never have had the opportunity?”

Your favorite stress reliever: Digging for old bottles. Karaoke.

Your favorite movie: The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My father. My father is a man of few words -- unless those words are about cars -- but he spoke volumes with his actions. He worked tirelessly to support his family. He was a participant in the local UAW union and coached girls softball. He never made fun of people. He respected people who had integrity. Phrases like, “man of his word” and “good neighbor” were deep compliments. He loves deeply and with a fierceness that is rich and unwavering. He is a hero of mine.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I want to improve a little every day. I want to be kinder to strangers and happier with myself. I want to wander the land a bit, wander the sea a bit, see foreign lands for a bit and then set down roots for a bit. I would also like to appreciate the moment that I am in, as much as possible, every day. Make my father proud.

“The Color Purple”

Your favorite book: “Another Roadside Attraction” by Tom Robbins

Quote to live by: “You're in the midst of a war: a battle between the limits of a crowd seeking the surrender of your dreams, and the power of your true vision to create and contribute. It is a fight between those who will tell you what you cannot do, and that part of you that knows – and has always known – that we are more than our environment; and that a dream, backed by an unrelenting will to attain it, is truly a reality with an imminent arrival.” – Anthony Robbins

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I would like to play myself in the movie depicting the events of my life.


1 4 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 1 1

“I absolutely love working with students and supporting teachers and leaders in helping young people reach their maximum potential. Our job as educators is different every single day, which keeps it interesting yet challenging.”

“I have always loved taking my car through car washes. I enjoy watching the process of

Lisa M. Taylor Age: 38 Family: My husband is Richard W. Taylor and together we have three children – Skylar Taylor, Madalyn Mann and Ethan Mann.

Current position/responsibilities: I serve as superintendent of Decatur public schools, responsible for 22 schools and approximately 9,000 students.

What do you like best about what you do? I absolutely love working with students and supporting teachers and leaders in helping young people reach their maximum potential. Our job as educators is different every single day, which keeps it interesting yet challenging.

What you like best about working or living in the community: Our community is supportive and generous; we have a strong desire to make Decatur a better place to work and live. The efforts of Grow Decatur and the many collaborative projects being completed are reshaping Decatur for many years to come. We need to actively participate in

the decisions and process and also be proud of our accomplishments. Decatur is a great place to call home.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Again, I believe efforts are being made in this area including trying to offer quality housing with amenities and a variety of social and dining opportunities. These are a couple of the things that can help attract young professionals to Decatur. I also believe they must be connected to the community, have a voice in the direction of the community, and serve as leaders in our initiatives. We must listen to them and use the information they provide in making Decatur a more vibrant community.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My mother, Iva Wright, has taught me the importance of an education as a means to change your personal circumstance. She modeled this throughout my life and taught me to be independent, confident, caring and also to communicate in a

washing dirty cars and playing respectful, direct manner. The skills I learned as a child have helped me throughout my career and life; she is living proof that parenting is truly the most important role in which people serve.

What do you still hope to accomplish? Professionally, I hope to teach the educators in this community to be proud of their work and accomplishments; to understand their effectiveness as an educator is not defined by any single test score, but by the impact they have on the lives of young people. I sincerely believe that if we as educators help children reach their potential and better their lives, they will improve as an individual and we will improve as a community. Our job is much bigger than just teaching content; we must acknowledge this and work together to improve the lives of young people and make our community better. Personally, I would like to continue my formal education and obtain a Ph.D.

Your favorite stress reliever: I enjoy spending time with close friends and family; the time we spend together telling old stories and creating

with colorful foam. I have the

new memories is the most important time in our lives.

freedom to try new products

Your favorite movie: My favorite movie of all times is probably “Schindler’s List” or “The Shawshank Redemption,” however I prefer a good chic flick on most occasions.

Your favorite book: As a child, my favorite book was “The Boxcar Children.” As an adult, I tend to enjoy autobiographies by successful leaders and coaches.

Quote to live by: One of my favorites is: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” -- Eleanor Roosevelt.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Elizabeth Bennett from “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austin. She is known for her intelligence, caring nature, wit and independent thinking, which sometimes lead to her stepping outside of societal norms.

and promotions. I take joy in

Brad Osborne Age: 27 Family: Gail (wife), Max (son) and Bailey and Blitz (dogs)

Current position/responsibilities: COO of Rainstorm Car Washes. We are located in Bloomington, Springfield, Champaign and Decatur. As a small, family-owned business, I wear many different hats. I oversee the day-to-day operations of all Rainstorm locations. In addition, I am in charge of the marketing, human resources and IT for Rainstorm. I also assist in finding and analyzing new Rainstorm locations.

What do you like best about what you do? I have always loved taking my car through car washes. I enjoy watching the process of washing dirty cars and

playing with colorful foam. I have the freedom to try new products and promotions. I take joy in watching the business grow.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? We moved back from Edwardsville after college to live closer to our families. The best thing about living in Decatur is the immediate access to Krekel’s cheeseburgers and ice cream.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? The Decatur area would benefit by having more entry-level jobs and careers for young professionals. Many of my

watching the business grow.” friends who left Decatur for college, never returned due to a lack of available opportunities pertaining to their fields of study.

whenever I am not at work, I am playing with some kind of ball (soccer, basketball, football, baseball, etc.) with my 18-monthold son, Max.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why:

Strikes Back”

My mom. She has always been there for me.

Your favorite movie: “The Empire

Your favorite book: “A Storm of Swords”

What do you still hope to accomplish? To continue to grow the family business and for Rainstorm to become a well-known brand.

Your favorite stress reliever: At this point in my life, I should probably be taking up golf, but I would much rather play Call of Duty. Nowadays, it seems that

Quote to live by: “Do or do not. There is no try.” -- Yoda

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Definitely a Jedi. Who wouldn’t want a lightsaber?


1 0 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 1 5

Allison Mowry


to our Rotary members

Age:: 21

Stacey Young, Karalee Misner, Matt Fairchild and Lisa Taylor

Family: Mom and dad, Holly and Eric Mowry; sisters, Megan, Erin (deceased) and Morgan; brother, Michael; and Willie and Harvey (golden retrievers. Yes they’re family.)

on being chosen for this year’s “20 under 40”. Part of the UMP Summernationals Tour

Current position/responsibilities: I am the cake decorator at Mowry Baking Company. My big sister and I run the company under the watchful eye of our mother. We each do anything and everything to make the show run more smoothly.

What do you like best about what you do? I love my job because it’s something different everyday. I enjoy being able to see multiple projects done start-to-finish daily. I also like being able to work handson with the public. Working with my mom and sister every day is also a blast -- most of the time.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I truly love living and working in Macon County because it’s the perfect size -- you can either know everyone or no one depending where you choose to go. I’m also really excited about all the growth going on in downtown Decatur right now. If you haven’t had the chance to take a stroll through the downtown area, I would really encourage you to do it and support your local, small businesses.

For more information 217.764.3000 • www.maconracing.com ~ Sponsored in part by ~

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I really think Decatur is the place for any entrepreneur to get their start. Promoting small businesses even more than we already do would be a great start. I feel like folks are getting tired of going to the chain restaurants/stores/ businesses and are really getting behind the idea of supporting Macon County’s small businesses. As far as attracting a younger crowd, having those cute little boutique stores and different restaurants will bring that younger demographic to the area. More small businesses means more jobs to support that new, younger population

Congratulations to

Allison Mowry of

Mowry Baking Company One of this year’s 20 Under 40!

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: I couldn’t choose just one person who has influenced me. I’ve been extremely blessed to have so many great people in my life. My mom and dad have backed all my crazy adventures 110 percent. They keep me level headed and are prime examples of how important it is to have a strong work ethic. Also, coming from a long line of great cooks and bakers like my grandmas – Sally, Ivadean and Sophie – sparked my love for food.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I know my sister and I together would really like to expand our product line to eventually doing pies and maybe someday doughnuts. I’m not interested in franchising the store because Megan and I work best together and we wouldn’t like being split up, but an expansion would be great. I would also like to eventually own a few other businesses outside of the bakery. Someday way, far down the line I want to do the whole husband and kids thing. Right now I wake up every day feeling like the luckiest girl in the world and am trying to take one day at a time and enjoy every second.

need to get away from the bakery, usually sitting and cuddling with my puppies does the trick. If not, a pedicure with my mom and sisters is a safe bet.

Your favorite movie: “Forrest Gump.” Most quotable movie of all time! Your favorite book: Oh I’m really big into books on personal growth so I’m almost finished with one called “9 Things Successful People Do Differently.” Also starting to get interested in the finance game so those books are becoming more exciting to me. I will admit I have an obsession with the “Love Comes Softly” series by Janette Oke.

Quote to live by: “She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future.” – Proverbs 31:25

“Service Above Self “ -providing local and international grants to help communities throughout the world

Meetings are held at noon on Mondays at the Decatur Club. www.decaturrotary.org




on being recognized as one of the 20 leaders under 40 who make a difference in Central Illinois.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? If I was a fictional character I would be the Cheshire cat from “Alice in Wonderland” because I’m always smiling. (And my momma says I’m always up to no good).

Your favorite stress reliever: Luckily I’ve been blessed with a pretty laid back personality and really don’t get stressed out ever. If I ever do

Decatur Public Schools | 101 W. Cerro Gordo Street | Decatur, IL 62523 | www.dps61.org


1 6 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l

professionals. We are proud to live here and do what we can to contribute. Keep our money lo cal, ensure our kids receive a great education, and provide ample recreation opportunities.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why:

Sarah Vogel Congratulations!

Family: Husband, John Vogel, Jr. and daughters, Ezrah (4) and Edith (2 )

Current position/responsibilities: Horticulturist for the Decatur Park District. Along with my team, we design, produce, install and maintain landscapes across the park district. We provide public outreach through tours and speaking engagements, and provide a source of locally grown plant material through quarterly plant sales.

What do you like best about what you do?

Herald & Review 20 under 40 winner As leader of the Park District’s horticulture team, Sarah helps plant and maintain parks across the community. She enjoys the opportunity to share her knowledge with others, developing an online tree ID guide, offering tours of the Schaub Floral Display Center, and serving as guest speaker for organizations that want to learn more about nature and conservation. Thank you for being an important part of the Decatur Park District team, Sarah. Congratulations!

www.decatur-parks.org Age:: 33

I get to work with plants every day! The team with whom I work is second to none. We are always doing something different, which keeps the job interesting. We constantly improve the old, and work through each challenge of new endeavors. I truly enjoy learning about plants and researching the horticulture industry, and fortunately I get to apply my education directly to daily tasks.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? We have citizens here who genuinely love our community. There are always things to do, and every company and organization constantly works to improve what we have. Public outreach is something I truly believe in, and I am lucky to be a part of it as both a purveyor and a participant.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Continue to invest in young


Laura Mondt Age: 28

My husband, John, has had the biggest influence on my life. School, career, family, faith -- he has been my rock through everything in the last 13 years. Always supportive of every venture, he has continually challenged me to be a better person. We have created a beautiful life together and I can’t imagine it without him. God bless our commitment to each other!

My official title is coordinator of Instructional Services in the Learning Resources Center at Richland Community College, otherwise known as a librarian.

What you do still hope to accomplish?

What do you like best about what you do?

I want to help more young people get actively involved in the community. It’s frustrating to hear people (of any age) complain about our community, and I often ask what they are doing to contribute. You must know about your town to even begin changing it. Take the bus, watch the news, read the paper, pay attention. Start the club you think we’re lacking; use social media in a positive way instead of complaining. Go to public meetings, know the process, make your voice heard. Talk to people around you; more importantly, LISTEN to them! My aim is to provide a catalyst for these kinds of measures, and continue encouraging people to be a part of life instead of bystanders. Maybe I’ll cultivate a few plant lovers, too!

I love helping students research and teaching them the skills they need to be able to do research on their own. It is rewarding to have students come to the library after getting papers back and thank me for helping them get a good grade. I also enjoy learning from the students. I have helped research some very interesting topics in areas I would never explore on my own.

Your favorite stress reliever: Camping and hiking

t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 9

Family: Parents, brother and sisterin-law, all in Chicago Current position/responsibilities:

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I like that Decatur is big enough to always be meeting new people yet small enough to easily build networks. I have only lived here for a couple of years but feel very connected to the community through Richland as well as my involvement with Re:Decatur, Big Brothers Big Sisters and the YMCA.

would have to say my parents. They really pushed me to be an independent person and supported me through two graduate degrees. I have also had many librarian mentors over the years who have helped me shape my career.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I would like to become welltraveled. There are so many things to see in the world.

Your favorite stress reliever: Your favorite movie: Too many to list! Favorite film directors include Oliver Stone, Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola and Stanley Kubrick. Your favorite book: “The Stand” by Stephen King

Quote to live by: “Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have.” -- Norman Vincent Peale If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Maybe Jo March from “Little Women.” She was independent, family-focused and loved reading and writing. I don’t really have a temper like she did, but my flaws are many, nonetheless. We all have to work through our challenges!

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area?

Working out. I never have my phone so I can escape from all of my projects for a while.

There are tons of things to do in Decatur if you look for them and there are many different publications and websites that list all of the events. People should not be bored in this community. I also think that the resurrection of networking groups for young professionals is helping people make more connections outside of their own companies and organizations. I have felt very welcomed here so I am not sure what more could be done!

Your favorite movie: “Yours, Mine

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: There are many people who have influenced me over the years but I

and Ours” (the Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda version)

Your favorite book: “The Cheerleader” by Ruth Doan MacDougall

Quote to live by: “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis

Richland Community College congratulates its own and

Laura Mondt Michelle Stephens as this year’s

20 Under 40 recipients. Thanks for making a difference in our community.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Wishbone. Who wouldn’t want to be a dog who gets to go on adventures through classic literature?



8 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 1 7

Karalee Misner

possible version of myself and try not to set limits on what is possible.

Your favorite stress reliever:

out. I’ve got to admit that spending my

Age: 27

Exercise. I find great relief and comfort attending my workout class or just working out from home. Exercise is definitely a mental thing for me and it balances out the stressors of work and home very well.

days showing people how they can

Family: Husband Jimmy, daughter

accomplish their fiscal dreams is pretty

Jocelyn (2), bonus daughter (more


commonly known as stepdaughter) Jaidyn (8), and dog Brewski.

Current position/responsibilities: Business development manager for

What do you like best about working or living in the community?

Your favorite movie: There are too many to choose from. If I am lounging on a Saturday I like a good John Hughes movie like “Breakfast Club” or “Pretty in Pink.”

Being in a community of people who

Land of Lincoln Credit Union. I

strive to grow our town and improve

basically get to work with awesome

things is super inspiring. I’m

businesses, employees, educators and

consistently impressed with the efforts

organizations to provide education and

individuals, groups and organizations

services for financial success. I also get

put into making the Decatur area a cool

to work on our marketing team

place to work and raise a family. Our

dreaming up the coolest promotions and

calendar is always full of exciting things

telling the success stories of our

to do and experience, right here in our


home town.

What you do like best about what you do?

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area?

Your favorite book: “The Five People

Rebbecca LeAnn Weisman Age: 35

My passion is rooted in encouraging the community at-large to reach financial wellness. I get a real kick out

I think the best thing we can do is

Family: I am married to my wonderful ourselves on our individuality. Being in

listening to music and all the while

a community where there’s an

being productive that helps you let off

opportunity for input and to have your

some steam.

of helping people make financially savvy

talk about all the positive initiatives that

ideas heard is extremely attractive, and

choices, and often find it spilling into my

are happening already. “Young people”

I think we do that well.

Your favorite movie:

personal life. Seriously, I never clock

all want different things; we pride

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why:

Over Knives,” “Food Matters,” “Hungry

Congratulations, Karalee! Karalee Misner Business Development Manager

Your outstanding service to our members and the community has not gone unnoticed.

about food (“Food Inc.,” “Forks

My darling girls. I am their biggest fan and would do anything for them.

Your favorite book: Right now I’m reading “The Square

Before I was a mom I didn’t care about

Foot Gardener” upon recommendation

Current position/responsibilities:

how much sugar was in cereal, the toxic

from a gentleman I met at a DIGG

chemicals in cleaning solutions or the

class. I like reading to learn about

bad words on the radio (ok, I might be

things I can implement right away (I’m

one of THOSE moms…). When I

a little impatient some might say).

I am HR Manager for voestalpine Nortrak in Decatur. Voestalpine Nortrak is proudly North America's leading designer and manufacturer of special trackwork and a top distributor of new rail.

realized they were copying everything I did, I became so much more aware of my choices and the effect on their

Quote to live by: “Get what you get, and don’t throw a

future. They inspire me to want to make

fit,” courtesy of every pre-school teacher

the world a better place for them to

and mom in America.

grow up in. I feel so lucky that I get to build memories, learn from and have fun with them every day.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I would be Belle from “Beauty and

What do you still hope to accomplish?

We are proud to have you as part of the LLCU team.

for Change,” “Vegucated”).

husband and best friend, Keith. We have seven children, 6 boys and 1 girl. Out of the seven, two are adopted and two are foster children we hope to adopt very soon. They range in age from 1 to 17 years old so we are very busy most of the time. We own our home in Farmer City, but I have worked in Decatur for several years. I am very active in sports; coaching basketball, football and at times baseball. I sit on the JFL board as treasurer.

I’m enthusiastic about a lot. I still

the Beast.” First off, she is my husband’s favorite Disney princess, and yes, he lives in a house full of girls so he

want to become a chef, gardener,

is forced to make decisions like this.

photographer, advice columnist,

Furthermore, she lives in France (after

motivational speaker, world traveler…

studying abroad there in college I was

I’m sure there’s more, ask again next

hooked on all things French), has a


strong desire to learn and discover new things, is a die-hard family girl and gets

Your favorite stress reliever: Mowing the lawn. There’s just something about having time to yourself, walking the yard, getting a tan,

to live in a castle where the dishes do themselves. I’d take that fantasy any day!

What do you like best about what you do? My work varies daily, sometimes hourly. I get to work with employees, management, executives and vendors giving me the opportunity to work across a wide range of projects with a great group of people. I feel that what I do matters and that is the most important thing to me.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? Decatur is full of diversity. I have learned more about human behavior, myself and other cultures from working in Decatur. It is a great community with beautiful parks and they attract a lot of entertainment to the area.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? People are attracted to hometown pride. I think it starts with the citizens and the employers to promote how proud we are to work and live in Decatur and to be a part of such a great community. Unity is crucial in a community struggling to attract new people. Decatur is a great

professional career. Being in HR you are constantly challenged on your knowledge, consistency, integrity, flexibility and adaptability. Living and working by “what is the right thing to do” balances it all for me.

What do you still hope to accomplish? The sky is the limit. Whether it is professionally or personally I am always striving to become the best

You Meet In Heaven,” a short novel by Mitch Albom. I try to read it at least once a year!

Quote to live by: “Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to” – Richard Branson If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I would be She-Ra. She is known for her incredible strength and being able to outwit others; oppose to strong-arming them. She is very empathic, understanding and level headed.

“I feel that what I do matters and that is the most important thing to me.”

place and we all should be proud of it and we should display that pride whenever we can.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: Other than my husband and my children, I would have to say, professionally, my former boss, Gary Hinton. I worked with him early on in my professional career and he had the biggest impact in my life. He guided me in the right direction, however, he let me fall and learn lessons when I needed too. He always told me “regardless of anything, what is the right thing to do.” Though that sounds simple, it has truly guided my



1 8 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 7

and without him I would not have been brave enough to take the leap into business ownership.

What you do still hope to accomplish? Well 20 over 50 would be nice! We just crossed off one goal on June 2 by opening our second location. I would love to see this business grow even more and allow for our children to someday carry on when we are retired.

“Being able to provide a recycling service to people that genuinely care. I love the look on customers’ faces when I tell them about our single stream service. Customers even like to give out hugs.”

Your favorite stress reliever: Reading a good book. There is nothing like propping my feet up and getting into a good story. It allows me to clear my head and focus on things other than business for just a few minutes. Once I’m back to reality I usually have a better handle on the situation that is causing the stress.

Lori Barrett Age: 37 Family: My husband, Michael, and I will be married 18 years this September. We have three children, Leanna (16), Kayleigh (11) and Warren (9). I could not do what I do without the support of my mother, Linda, and my in-laws, John and Billie Barrett.

Current position/responsibilities: Co-Owner of The Secret Garden and the newly opened Secret Garden Express.

What do you like best about what you do? Seeing people smile. If

everyone had flowers on their table in the morning or on their desk at work, the world would be a happier place. You would not believe the power of a flower. It can comfort the grieving, give hope to the sick, fill a bride with joy, celebrate a moment in time, and make even the gloomiest of days bright.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? The community has a way of coming together to support individuals and businesses. Be it through local food drives, Cash Mobs, or the support we see every day when people make the choice to shop local. It’s a big “small” town.


Congratulate WOULD LIKE TO


Thank you for making a difference in our community. 1215 E. Pershing Rd. & Express 664 W. Eldorado

People really do care about others and come together when people are in need.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area: I would really like to see more people get involved with organizations like SCORE and MBN (Micro Business Network). These organizations are geared to help entrepreneurs grow and develop their businesses. With a proven track record of small business success in our community it may spur others to start their own business or move their business to this area.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: Steve Davis (former business marketing teacher at Stephen Decatur High School). I took my first business marketing class during my sophomore year in high school. He encouraged me to join DECA and compete in local competitions. My senior year he allowed a handful of students, including me, to have independent study. We developed a business plan and presented it. I also participated in the work study program, working at The Book Emporium and Magna Bank. He always encouraged us to push ourselves and keep improving. Then, there is my Husband. Michael has always supported me and the decisions I have made. He is my biggest cheerleader

Your favorite movie: This one depends on what mood I’m in. “Shawshank Redemption” will get me anytime it’s on and I’m channel surfing. “Sliding Doors” or “Notting Hill” when I need a little romantic comedy. “Empire Records” when I’m longing for my youth. Your favorite book: “Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson, M.D. It’s older but still stands true today. Those who adapt to the changes in the economy, buying habits, and community they live in will come out on top. Doing business the way you always have is not the answer. Discovering new ways to bring clients in and make them happy is what it’s all about. For pleasure, “The Stand” by Stephen King. One of his best. If I had one book stranded on an Island this would be the one I would want The characters come to life and I can get lost for hours in that book.

Quote to live by “Success is never owned; it is only rented, and the rent is due every day!” — Rory Vaden If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Alicia Florrick (Julianna Margulies) from “The Good Wife.” She is a strong and independent woman. Even though she struggles to balance her family and career, she always finds a way to make it work. Alicia is a fierce protector of her children and doing what is right for the people around her.

Scott M. Althoff Age: 29 Family: One child, 4-year-old Leighton Current position/responsibilities: Co-owner and Partner of Always Green Recycling of Central Illinois LLC, Johnny’s Delivery Service and PDQ II, LLC, and Decatur Trucking LLC.

What do you like best about what you do? Being able to provide a recycling service to people that genuinely care. I love the look on customers’ faces when I tell them about our single stream service. Customers even like to give out hugs.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I am able to work around family and friends. We can create lasting relationships with other businesses and members of the community. Being able to provide recycling services to friends.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Do a better job of promoting all of the great things the city of Decatur does. The new intermodal rail facility gives us the opportunity to attract more business in Decatur, but we need to start pursuing companies to relocate here.

Green of Indiana, Iowa and Kentucky!

Quote to live by:

Your favorite stress reliever:

“There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go, if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.” – Ronald Regan

Playing golf

Your favorite movie: “Gladiator”

Your favorite book: “A Time to Kill”

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Capitan America. He would stop at nothing to protect fellow soldiers and citizens. A normal man with an extraordinary heart, and a lot of muscle.

The people who have had the biggest influence on you and why: My grandpa, Robert Carroll. He has always welcomed my crazy ideas and given me advice on how to operate. He will also tell me when something may not be the best idea or even when something doesn’t sound right. He also was a small business owner and understands the complications and even the tough times. He did business the way it should be done, and I only hope I can be as successful as he was.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I would love to provide our recycling service on a regional basis. Be Always

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6 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 1 9

“The best part of what I do is going in to the schools and teaching energy concepts to young kids. They always want to learn more and the excitement is so visible in their faces. I also enjoy all of the people I get to meet when I am out working in the community.”

“The greatest satisfaction I get out of my job is getting to make a difference. Not only on a global view with our recycling, but also with our employees. It is a great feeling to have someone thank you for helping them get employed, but the greatest satisfaction comes when you see them doing a great job for you and the company.”

Stacey Young Age: 35 Family: Son, Braxton Woodland Current position/responsibilities:

Jeffrey W. McNutt Age: 30

What do you like best about working in the community?

Family: Two children, Maddy (5)

The family atmosphere. I find that wherever we do business there are people that know you or know someone close to you.

and Emme (3).

Current position/responsibilities: Co-owner and Partner of Always Green Recycling of Central Illinois LLC, Johnny’s Delivery Service and PDQ II, LLC, and Decatur Trucking LLC.

What do you like best about what you do? The greatest satisfaction I get out of my job is getting to make a difference. Not only on a global view with our recycling, but also with our employees. It is a great feeling to have someone thank you for helping them get employed, but the greatest satisfaction comes when you see them doing a great job for you and the company.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the area? I believe that we need fewer restrictions on people trying to start and conduct business in our community. It seems that every corner you turn there is a fee or license the state or city wants you to pay. It’s so hard to stay afloat in the beginning. All the extra bills don’t help.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My father, Bill McNutt. It has

never mattered what situations I have gotten myself into, he's always stood by my side. When everyone else was saying we were crazy for starting these businesses, he always believed in us. He has never uttered one negative word about our business decisions. And I know if for some reason I should fail, he will be there to help me back up.

What do you still hope to accomplish? My goal is to not have a single company in our city throwing away recyclable materials. Whether it is through Always Green or another company we need to stop sending recyclables to our landfill. It is too easy to recycle these days to have any more excuses.

Your favorite stress reliever: Running around the lake or Rock Springs.

Your favorite movie: “Forrest Gump”

Your favorite book: “Born Survivor”

Quote to live by: “The five most important words in the English language are never, never, never give up.” – Winston Churchill

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I would pick Superman. This way I could run our delivery business without any cost. I wouldn’t need trucks, gas, insurance or labor. And I would have everything done in an hour.

Community relations coordinator, Ameren Illinois. I work on the community and public relations team for Ameren Illinois. Ameren Illinois delivers energy to 1.2 million electric customers and 800,000 gas customers. In my role, I serve as a liaison between the company and the communities we serve by helping to resolve issues and providing consumer education. As part of my role, I present to schools, civic organizations, churches, community groups, etc. on the principles of electric and natural gas safety, energy efficiency programs, alternative supply options and other initiatives.

What do you like best about what you do? The best part of what I do is going in to the schools and teaching energy concepts to young kids. They always want to learn more and the excitement is so visible in their faces. I also enjoy all of the people I get to meet when I am out working in the community.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? This is my hometown; my father is a local pastor, many members of my family live here and we enjoy a good

quality of life in Decatur. From my perspective, we have a good community with a good mix of different and interesting people. I am a part of different boards and have the opportunity to engage with new people all the time and often find we have similar interests and likes. There are a lot of people that want to see this community grow and prosper. As a coalition member for Grow Decatur and working with other organizations such as the United Way, I have the opportunity to see firsthand the impact concerned citizens can have in shaping a community.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? The image that residents in Decatur have of the city needs to be positive. It's hard to attract people to the city when the people that live here do not have many good things to say about the community. The residents must have positive things to say about where they live and work and be concerned about the safety of their neighborhoods. We need to offer more cultural and social activities that interest a diverse demographic of younger people, both single and with families. I hear all the time from my peers and friends that there is nothing or nowhere to go in Decatur. I find there are many good

things happening in the community that need to be promoted and made available to diverse groups. When people come to a new city, they want to connect with young professionals or others. We need to promote the good things that are happening and do a better job at helping new members find social connections and fun activities to enjoy.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My biggest influence is my spiritual connection. My biggest influencers are my parents. They have always provided me support and guidance in my life choices. I would have not succeeded in many areas of my life if it had not been for their wisdom, knowledge and love. I recently completed MBA coursework and my parents, along with my sister and friends, advocated and helped me along this journey. They have taught me to excel in life and do it with while serving others. As a single mom, I have worked to pass these same principles to my son throughout his life.

What do you still hope to accomplish: I would like to be in a position to help teach young entrepreneurs how to start their own business and how to compete in a tough market environment. I would also like to teach college business and leadership classes over the next couple of years. I want to take on tasks that help people and helps our community grow.

Your favorite stress reliever: Music and meditation help me to relieve stress. Gospel and rhythm and blues are my favorite genres of music. I play gospel songs on Pandora every morning before work. And being able to say "no" when I am overwhelmed is also helping me!

Your favorite movie: “Slumdog Millionaire,” “Lord of the Rings,” and “Million Dollar Baby” are some of my all time favorite movies.

Your favorite book: "Casting the First Stone" by Kimberly Lawson Roby "Winning Cultures, Winning Teams" by Larry Senn and Jim Hart

Quote to live by: "Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase." – Martin Luther King, Jr.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Why? I would be Frodo Baggins, “Lord of the Rings” or Olaf, from “Frozen.” Frodo endured many challenges and great adversity on his mission to save the world. Even with evil and doom all around him, he completed his mission. This takes a huge amount of courage and strength. And Olaf for his innate ability to always see the positive in a situation. The ability to think, believe and act positively can transform your life and the lives of others.


2 0 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 5 shoulders and travel in a RV. Business wise, I want to keep adding in any way, shape or form positives vibes to this community. We need small businesses to succeed and local support is huge. I appreciate every customer I get.

Your favorite stress reliever: If my parents weren’t going to read this I’d answer it truthfully. But I try to find the little things in life that are good opportunities to relax, such as the drive home, mowing while listening to music and hunting/fishing. Spending time in the tree hunting totally relaxes me. For a couple hours I’m alone and no one is asking me questions.

Your favorite movie: HMMMM…I just googled top “100 movies of all time” and I found out I have not seen a single one of them. I like a lot, such as the “Hangover,” “Good Will Hunting,” “Taken,” “Blind Side” and yes, laugh all you want you heartless guys, but “P.S. I Love you” is in my top 5.

Your favorite book:

Gregg Meisenhelter Age: I think I’m 36. It’s getting harder and harder to remember


Brent A. Sloan Age: 38

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why:

Family: Wife, Mia, and children Noah,

This would have to go to my wife, Mia! Gas does not burn without oxygen. She is all the oxygen I need to set this place on fire!

Jack, Isaac and Boomer.

Current position/responsibilities: Co-owner and general manager of Sloans Calzones

What do you like best about what you do? I like the fact that I have the creative freedom to do or make whatever I feel makes my business a better place for my customers, my employees and myself.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? This is the town where I was born and raised. Being able to do my own little part to make Decatur a better place is a great feeling.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I hope to be able to open another location in Decatur, as well as expand into other communities.

“I like the fact that I have the creative freedom to do or make whatever I feel makes my business a better place for my customers, my employees and myself.”

What you do like best about working or living in the community? This is easy, the people. Decatur and surrounding areas are full of good people and I’m finding more and more every day. I believe when you treat people how you want to be treated it brings out the best in everyone. I see people who have been beat down in this economy and hold grudges against the world, but when they see we are all in the same boat, they seem to let their guard down the honesty comes out.

Current position/responsibilities: Your favorite book:

Your favorite stress reliever:

Wife-Dana of 13 long long years ;) No, she’s actually my ace in the hole. She brings me back to reality while allowing me to chase my dreams. I love her more now then the day I married her. Ten-year old twin boys Grant and Graham who are my “mini me’s” I love them to death and think they are great young men but at times make Dana and myself glad we own places that serve alcohol. Six year-old Julia. She’s “my everything” (according to Michael Ray’s song). No matter what kind of day I’ve had when I walk through my door and she runs to me, I realize nothing else matters.

leave a town knowing you just removed all of their trash. I feel if you try and make one thing better each day, after awhile the good things build up, and before you know it you’re surrounded with a bunch of positives signs.

Spending time with my family and friends, especially my wife and kids. Swimming, grilling, fishing, pretty much anything that does not involve work.

My favorite book has to be Facebook! With the schedule I keep I have very little time to spend on a book. I tend to read magazines and the newpaper if and when I read.

Your favorite movie:

Quote to live by: “My pizza, your face,

I'm not really a big movie buff. If I have time to watch, it is usually sports. Mainly Bears, Bulls, Cubs and Blackhawks.

now stuff it.”

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I usually do not tend to live in the fictional world. I can't fly, turn invisible, freeze water or stop time. So the only character I could even see myself being is Brent Sloan. All my perfections (as if) and all my imperfections have made me who I am and I wouldn't change a single thing.

It’s almost impossible to answer this but my most important position and responsibility is trying to be a great dad and mentor to my children. After that, I am anything from garbage man, landlord and a restaurant/bar owner.

What do you like best about what you do? I like that it allows me to make a difference, whether it's giving someone a job, putting siding on a house, installing a new sign on a business or being able to

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I hear this question EVERY day. The political/appropriate answer is bring new jobs, change the attitude about our schools, make the lake cleaner, blah blah. Why not start with spreading what’s good with our community. Tell our friends, relatives and strangers why you like living here and then maybe they will think “maybe I might like to live there too”

Simple Simon.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: Without a doubt, my parents. Everything I have is because of them. It started with the best childhood of living in the country and playing off the land every chance possible. Every time I need something they are the first people I turn to. I am lucky to have my parents.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I hope to accomplish a lot but they're not big dreams. I want to feel content, I want to laugh like a child. It’s silly, but I want to get all this weight off my

As sad as this is to admit I’ve only read one book in my life (Old Man and the Sea) so I will answer this as one of my favorite songs: I’m digging Frankie Ballard’s “Sunshine & Whiskey” right now. But Nickelback’s “Rockstar” is a close second.

Quote to live by: “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” It’s 100 perecent the truth in my book.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Jerry from “Tom & Jerry.” The guy was fast, smart and clever. He never got caught or eaten. Plus, Jerry had a cool house with an arched front door, I’ve always wanted an arched front door.


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4 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 2 1

Carrie Zeigler Brandon Lockhart Age: 26 Family: Kevin Lockhart and Rusty Nanney are my parents. I don’t have a wife or children currently.

Current Position/Responsibilities: I own and operate Lockhart’s Barber Shop in downtown Decatur. I am opening Lockhart’s Barber College this August on the South West side of Decatur. I also own and manage various rental properties in Decatur.

What do you like best about what you do? I enjoy interacting with the community on a daily basis, and truly enjoy assisting in the resurgence of barber shops.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I enjoy interacting with the people of

Central Illinois. There are a lot of great folks here and I have been privileged to get to know them and their families.

What should the community be doing to attract more young professionals to live and work in the Decatur area? It’s imperative to attract and acquire more working class jobs.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why? Dan Morrissey. He has been a tremendous mentor on various fronts.

What do you still hope to accomplish? My goal is to restore the art of barbering in Central Illinois, while providing others the opportunity for success.

Your favorite stress reliever: Family and friends.

Age: 39 Family: Husband, Bob, and kids: Your favorite movie:

laws of the universe will be simpler.” – Henry David Thoreau

“Sherlock Holmes”

Your favorite book: “How to Win Friends and Influence People”

Quote to live by:

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I don’t have an ideal fictional character that I can say I truly identify with. If I had to choose, it would be a man of honor, dignity and humility.

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the

“I enjoy interacting with the community on a daily basis, and truly enjoy assisting in the resurgence of barber shops.”

Madison and PJ.

Current position/ responsibilities: RN, clinical liaison for St. Mary’s Advanced Rehabilitation Center.

What do you like best about what you do? Working with people I genuinely care about: the patients, my team, doctors, nurses, case managers, social workers, and therapists I work with all over Central Illinois and beyond.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I enjoy working here because many people have genuine concern for each other and strive to give back to this community.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Talk about individuals who have built their lives here and learn about the activities they value. Promote our colleges and the specialties they offer as well as the arts, sports and culture. Continue to uphold the high quality health care right in our own backyard. Boast about the fun within! (Dennis/ Millikin Lab School activities, Kirkland Fine Arts, Mount Zion’s Chill on the Hill, various church events, the park district … the list goes on and on.)

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My grandparents and my parents have had the largest influence on me by teaching me to always persevere through faith.

“Working with people I genuinely care about: the patients, my team, doctors, nurses, case managers, social workers, and therapists I work with all over Central Illinois and beyond.”

What do you still hope to accomplish?

Your favorite book: Currently reading, “Jesus Calling”

Earn my masters in nursing

Quote to live by: “Be the change Your favorite stress reliever: Celebrating family and friends

Your favorite movie: “Steel Magnolias.” Tough women encouraging each other through tough times through humor.

that you wish to see in the world.” – Ghandi

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Glinda, the Good Witch from “The Wizard of Oz” because, “there’s no place like home.”


2 2 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l

Matt Fairchild

Administrative Officer Trust & Investment Services

Vice President Commercial Banking

Iris Lewis-Beasley Age 36 Family: Husband Malcolm Beasley Sr. and children, Ilaina, Malcolm Jr. and Ilyjah, who was born in June.

support of your community. I am comfortable opening such an establishment in Decatur because I believe Decatur will support businesses that stay here and give back to the community.

Current position/responsibilities: Trust administrative officer, employed in Wealth Management Division of Hickory Point Bank and Trust. Duties include personal trust administration, property management, employee benefit plan administration and new business development.

What do you like best about what you do? Serving people. The gratification of making a positive impact in our clients’ personal and financial lives is very rewarding.

For bankers that know where you are, understand where you want to be and promise to invest in you.

What do you like best about working or living in the community?

Hickory Point Bank. Invested.


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 3

“I love watching students learn in and out of the classroom. The best part of my day is when I get to walk through classrooms and talk with students and teachers.”

Congratulations Iris and Matt!

Iris Lewis-Beasley






I love the philanthropic nature of our community. As a member of the board of directors of two nonprofits in our community, I see firsthand the positive impact that donors and business partners make in our community. I also like that local businesses are supported by local patronage. As a recent graduate of the Culinary Arts program at Richland Community College, my longterm goal is to become a restaurateur and open my own establishment locally. As the restaurant industry is very high risk it is very important to have the

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Bring/attract more businesses to Decatur (businesses of diverse industries etc.), which will influence employment and disposable income. The community should also continue to support “things to do” that are currently available for entertainment. If we don’t support events that we already have how can we substantiate attracting new entertainment opportunities. Also as a community we have to be mindful of how we speak about our community. Yes, we have some things that aren’t perfect here but if we only talk about the bad and never publicize the good, we can’t be surprised when young people don’t want to move here. We should make an effort to highlight the positive things about Decatur when they happen so that when somebody goes on the Internet to see what Decatur is about, positive things will come up. Lastly, I believe as a community we should just be supportive overall of the initiative to grow Decatur and hopefully the “flywheel effect” will take place and before you know it Decatur will be what we hope it should have been.

Kristen Kendrick Age: 38 Family: Children: Parker, Reis and Nelson. Fiance’ Skip Weikle, future stepchildren Sarah, Joe, and Stephen.

Current position/responsibilities: Superintendent for the WarrensburgLatham School District. I oversee all aspects of the school district from personnel, finances, facilities, and most importantly our students’ education.

What do you like best about what you do? I love watching students learn in and out of the classroom. The best part of my day is when I get to walk through classrooms and talk with students and teachers.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? The parents and community members in our school district are extremely supportive of all of our students and staff. They are friendly and are always willing to help.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? We need to continue to bring additional jobs to the area and support all of our school districts. Families often shop school districts when determining where to live. Great schools may give our area an advantage over neighboring cities such as Champaign, Bloomington and Springfield.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My parents continue to have the greatest influence on me. They have and continue to support me personally and professionally. They have taught me to work hard and be kind in all aspects of my life.

What you still hope to accomplish: I would love to become a national consultant on best practices in education. I like being able to work closely with teachers to help them increase their skill set to benefit students.

Your favorite stress reliever: Exercising

Your favorite movie: “Father of the Bride”

Your favorite book: “Bringing Up Boys”

Quote to live by: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -- Maya Angelou Another favorite saying is, “I’ve come to a frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It’s my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I

can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized.” -- Hiam Ginont

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Detective Lindsay Boxer. I love trying to solve mysteries and Detective Boxer solves mysteries along with some great friends while balancing a family life. Hemingway’s Nick Adams. Endless fishing adventures.


2 2014 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l

he Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois is proud to present this annual special publication to honor members of our community who make a difference in many ways. We realize it takes a special combination of individuals to make a difference in any community, but we wanted to take this opportunity to honor those under the age of 40 who are making a difference. The process wasn’t easy. We asked for nominations from the community and received an overwhelming response. Each nominee was very impressive, and our selection committee had the daunting task of narrowing the field to 20. These selected individuals represent the best our community has to offer. From education, nonprofit, health care and more, our selections are from diverse backgrounds and offer many talents. Each 20 Under 40 has a unique story and offers his or her wisdom and advice on what it takes to be successful. You’ll read about what they do, what they like about the community, what they still hope to accomplish and more. We hope you enjoy reading about these special individuals. Their profiles also can be found online at our website, www.thebusinessjournal.com. We would like to take this opportunity to thank those community members who were a part of the selection committee. We appreciate your hard work. For those of you who wish to nominate someone next year, look for our call for nominations in March 2015 •


Scott M. Althoff ......................................7 Lori Barrett ..........................................18 Iris Lewis-Beasley ..................................22 Matt Fairchild........................................23 Kristen Kendrick ....................................3 Brandon Lockhart....................................4 Jeff W. McNutt ........................................6 Greg Miesenhelter ..................................5 Karalee Misner........................................8 Laura Mondt............................................9 Allison Mowry........................................10 Brad Osborne ........................................11 Kyle Pflum ............................................12 Brent A. Sloan ......................................20 Michelle Stephens ..................................13 Lisa M. Taylor ......................................14 Sarah Vogel............................................16 Rebbecca LeAnn Weisman......................17 Stacey Young ........................................19 Carrie Ziegler ........................................21

PUBLISHER Julie Bechtel EDITOR Scott Perry ADVERTISING Cayla Hittmeier LAYOUT & DESIGN Steve Wetherholt

t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2014 • 20 Under 40 2 3

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why:




The Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois is printed monthly and is a publication of Lee Enterprises, Inc. Information published in the Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois is responsibility of the author and does not reflect the opinions of the Business Journal. To submit articles, please mail your information typewritten and 500 words or less to: The Business Journal, 601 E. William St., Decatur, IL 62523. Submitted articles will not be returned. Any editorial content or advertising published is the property of Lee Enterprises, Inc. DBA The Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois. ©2008 Herald & Review All rights reserved for entire content.

profit and community organization committees and boards with Grow Decatur, Rotary, United Way, Lincoln Trails Council of the Boy Scouts and Heritage Behavioral Health Center. It is great to see how many business leaders are involved in volunteering and financially supporting the community.

Unfortunately, I am not able to single out one person. There have been a number of people that I have come into contact with that have profoundly impacted my life; my children, Ilaina, and Malcolm Jr., my first son and angel Caylin, my husband, Malcolm, my mother Deborah Reid, father Meddie Lewis, grandfather, the late Robert Griggs Sr., grandmother, the late Juanita Webster, the late Dr. Jean Reid, Dr. Richard Tomlinson, the late Dr. Evelyn Odunsi, the late Mary Gladney, and Chef Brian Tucker. In some way these people have provided me guidance, inspiration, resources, etc. that influenced my path and attributed to my person, character and achievements today.

What you do still hope to accomplish? In no particular order; visit my sister in San Diego, visit my father in Mexico, launch business as a private chef, visit Zurich and Portugal, launch restaurant business and return to China for second visit to see other provinces.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Bringing young people to Decatur is entirely based on jobs. We need to support our local businesses and focus on our biggest opportunities. In working with the Grow the Middle Committee of the Grow Decatur movement, I regularly see the great efforts being made to promote business growth in Decatur. I believe the collaborative approach that is under way has the opportunity to pay big dividends.

Matt Fairchild Age: 33 Family: Married to Amanda. Two children, Tyler (6) and Ella (3).

Current position/responsibilities: Your favorite stress reliever: I love to cook and try new culinary experiences, it immediately relieves my stress.

Your favorite movie: “Aliens” with Sigourney Weaver

Your favorite book: Various cook books. I have too many to name a favorite but I read them like novels.

Quote to live by: “Get going. Move forward. Aim high. Plan a takeoff. Don’t just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won’t happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you’ll love it up here.” Donald Trump

Vice president, Commercial Lending for Hickory Point Bank and Trust. I work with a wide variety of businesses to develop

I enjoy working for Hickory Point Bank because of the customer centric approach. I believe the entire banking industry needs to get back to focusing on what service really is. It is about understanding the client’s objectives first and then putting the right pieces in place to help them achieve their goals.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Ruth Younger of “A Raisin in the Son.” I picked this character because we have some similarities. In the play, Ruth is a soft-spoken person that has very simple dreams. She is not an emotional weakling regardless of her difficult life experiences. She shows remarkable strength and has a charming manner of getting her way. She is the family matriarch.

understanding the client’s objectives first and then putting the right pieces in place to help them achieve their goals. I am very fortunate to work with a great group of people that share this vision with me. At Hickory Point Bank, we endeavor to take the time to know our clients business deeply and build relationships based on mutual trust and shared objectives. It makes my job much

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My parents have helped make me who I am today. My father has taught me honesty and integrity which I believe are the foundation that allows me to be successful. I received my competitive spirit and analytical approach from my mother. I do not like being told I cannot do something. The qualities I learned from my mother help me push forward to find opportunities where others might give up.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I have a number of personal and career goals. I want to be a good father and husband above all else. I would also like to continue to progress in my career. To achieve these things, I like to focus on the values that will help me accomplish these goals. By focusing everyday on distinguishing myself as trustworthy, knowledgeable and helpful, I believe the rest will fall into place.

Your favorite stress reliever: Basketball, golf and books.

Your favorite movie: “Shawshank Redemption”

Your favorite book: “Too Big To Fail” – Andrew Ross Sorkin

financing and banking strategies that will help them obtain their goals. It is my job to understand the business operations and objectives of my clients. With this knowledge I can help tailor financial solutions designed for the specific business.

What do you like best about what you do? I enjoy working for Hickory Point Bank because of the customer centric approach. I believe the entire banking industry needs to get back to focusing on what service really is. It is about

more fun to focus on providing long-term value to my clients. By helping businesses grow and be successful, I benefit from the strong relationships and future opportunities built by this approach.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? When I started working in Decatur two years ago, I was amazed at the way the community accepted me with open arms. Since becoming a part of the community I have had the opportunity to join several non-

Quote to live by: “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a seed a long time ago.” – Warren Buffett Doing something that may seem small today can make life easier down the road. Even if it is someone else that benefits from what you do, it is important to continue taking action today to build for the future. I have been very fortunate because of the hard work my grandparents and parents put in. It is now my responsibility to do the same for my kids and the next generation.

COMING IN THE SEPTEMBER BUSINESS JOURNAL! In September, the Business Journal will feature a special section titled, “20 People Over 50 Who Make a Difference in Central Illinois�. This will be the 4th year of this special publication. The section is designed to honor members of our community who make a difference in many ways, some publicly, some behind-the-scenes.

Plan to pick up your copy of this special edition of the Business Journal or call today to start receiving your FREE subscription to the Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois!

Call 217-421-6920 or visit our website at www.thebusiness-journal.com

twenty under forty 2014





who make a difference in Central Illinois

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