20 under 40

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who make a difference in Central Illinois


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he Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois is proud to present this annual special publication to honor members of our community who make a difference in many ways. We realize it takes a special combination of individuals to make a difference in any community, but we wanted to take this opportunity to honor those under the age of 40 who are making a difference. The process wasn’t easy. We asked for nominations from the community and received an overwhelming response. Each nominee was very impressive, and our selection committee had the daunting task of narrowing the field to 20. These selected individuals represent the best our community has to offer. From education, nonprofit, health care and more, our selections are from diverse backgrounds and offer many talents. Each 20 Under 40 honoree has a unique story and offers his or her wisdom and advice on what it takes to be successful. You’ll read about what they do, what they like about the community, what they still hope to accomplish and more. We hope you enjoy reading about these special individuals. Their profiles also can be found online at our website, www.thebusinessjournal.com. We would like to take this opportunity to thank those community members who were a part of the selection committee. We appreciate your hard work. For those of you who wish to nominate someone next year, look for our call for nominations in March 2017 •



t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2016 • 20 Under 40 2 3 phenomenal mother, who’s had the greatest influence on who I am today and the kind of person I still strive to become. She’s taught me what true kindness and selfless love looks like, as she always puts the needs of others before her own. She’s shown me what it means to be a loving, devoted wife, as my parents will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this year. She is an extremely hard worker and helped support our family by starting and running her own daycare business. She has led our family with faith, grace and endless love. I couldn’t ask for a better role model. I love you, Mom.

index Chazaray Carson ....................................3 Courtney L. Carson..................................4 James Dawson ........................................5 Johnathan E. Downing ............................6 Paulina “Paula” Heinkel ..........................7 Aaron Largent ........................................8 Shondra Lynch ........................................9 Amy Mazzotti ........................................10 David McDaniel ....................................11 Scott D. McKinney ................................12 Beth Nolan ............................................13 Jodi Ogilvy ............................................14 Raphaella Prange ..................................16 Thomas “Tom” Pratt ..............................17 Jarmese Sherrod....................................18 Jeanette Skaluba....................................19 Brian Tucker..........................................20 Eric Wherley ........................................21 Lauren Young ........................................22 Joni Zimmerman ..................................23

STAFFLIST PUBLISHER Julie Bechtel EDITOR Scott Perry ADVERTISING Joel Fletcher LAYOUT & DESIGN Steve Wetherholt

The Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois is printed monthly and is a publication of Lee Enterprises, Inc. Information published in the Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois is responsibility of the author and does not reflect the opinions of the Business Journal. To submit articles, please mail your information typewritten and 500 words or less to: The Business Journal, 601 E. William St., Decatur, IL 62523. Submitted articles will not be returned. Any editorial content or advertising published is the property of Lee Enterprises, Inc. DBA The Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois. ©2016 Herald & Review All rights reserved for entire content.

What do you still hope to accomplish? There are many things I hope to accomplish, both personally and professionally. I’d love to start a family of my own someday. I also have aspirations of combining my love of cats and coffee by opening a cat café. The concept is popular in big cities and overseas, and I’d love to bring this fun, unique experience to our area. After all, petting animals is a proven stress-reliever/mood booster, and a great cup of coffee can perk up even the gloomiest day. Sounds like a winning combination to me.

Joni Zimmerman Age: 34 Family: My parents, Gene and Wanda Zimmerman, sister, Dana, and brother, Michael, all reside in Decatur. I am blessed with two beautiful nieces, Ellie and Maria, and a phenomenal nephew, Brandon. I also have two cats, Harlow and Piper, who were adopted from Macon County Animal Control & Care Center.

Current position/responsibilities: I am the licensing and filings senior analyst at ADM Crop Risk Services. I’m in charge of compiling and submitting our private crop insurance products rates, policies, and endorsements to each state’s Department of Insurance for approval. I also maintain licensure in 48 states for our agency and the designated responsible producers within ADM Crop Risk Services.

What do you like best about what you do? The people. ADM CRS is a great place to work, and that’s largely because of the hardworking, caring colleagues in our Decatur office, as well as those scattered across the country in our sales and claims departments. As a team, our focus is on providing innovative solutions and the best quality service to our policyholders, but we also have fun while we do it. There is the annual chili cook-off and our Pi Day competition, where folks bake homemade pies and a panel of judges picks a winner. Another favorite is the Halloween costume contest, because we get to show off our creativity and senses of humor with our costumes.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I am impressed and humbled by the philanthropic nature of our community. As a member of the Big Brothers Big Sisters Macon County Regional Board and frequent volunteer for the United Way, I regularly see the generosity of my fellow community members. Local businesses and individual citizens are quick respond when there is a need. The success of events like the WSOY Community Food Drive is evidence of this giving spirit. Year after year the community has exceeded the event’s stated goal by donating massive amounts of food to help those in need. Additionally, many folks give freely of their time and talent, which I witnessed when Big Brothers piloted its Mentor 2.0 program last fall. We quickly filled all our mentor spots with professionals willing to help coach a high schooler and help set them on the right path for life after graduation. I was also impressed by the amount of people who volunteered at the Good Samaritan Inn on Comcast Cares Day this past month despite the cold, rainy weather. Such examples of selfless giving speak volumes about the quality of people who live and work here. Another awesome feature of our community is that we boast an abundance of fun activities around the community like the Decatur Celebration, the Oakwood Street Festival, Arts in Central Park, and Shake the Lake in the summertime, just to name a few. We also are blessed with a beautiful lake and parks to enjoy. And there’s even plenty to do in the chilly

winter months like United Way’s weekly Trivia Series, classic movies at the historic Lincoln Square Theatre, going rock climbing at the DISC or enjoying the day Children’s Museum of Illinois. Honestly, we’re never bored here in the Decatur area.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? The key to attracting young people to our community is to create opportunity for them to reach their goals. First, that means creating and maintaining jobs of all kinds. Attracting new businesses to our community is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle. Once we’ve attracted young people here with employment, we need to give them a reason to stay. That means continuing to provide quality education for their children, as well as activities and experiences that enrich their lives by continuing to add to the list of entertainment and cultural events around town. I’d like to compliment the Economic Development Corporation and the City Limitless campaign for the wonderful job they’re doing of opening the eyes of outsiders who might have had a negative impression based on false information. With the help of all the Limitless ambassadors, they are spreading the facts and highlighting what a wonderful, safe, growing community we are, which helps attract people to live and work here.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: I am thankful to be blessed with a

Your favorite stress reliever: After a long day, I like to burn off stress (and calories) with a good workout. My faith is very important to me, so on Sundays I attend church at Renaissance. Their praise and worship team is awesome and Pastor Jeff’s messages always hit home, so I leave feeling renewed and ready to face the coming week. As a West Ender, I really enjoy going on walks through the neighborhood and hopping on the bike trail and heading over to Fairview Park. I also frequent our local animal shelters to unwind by giving the shelter cats some love. Your favorite movie: It’s so hard to narrow it down to just one. I’ve always loved “Fried Green Tomatoes” and “The Never Ending Story,” but “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” and anything with Will Farrell in it also make my list.

Your favorite book: The Bible is the most important book in my life, but “The Kite Runner” is one of my all-time favorite reads. Quote to live by: “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I would be Carmen Sandiego, because she’s traveled the world and has been to different times throughout history. She’s mysterious, independent, and the girl knows how to rock a hat.


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Chazaray Carson Age: 30

Lauren Young Age: 31 Family: My husband, Chad, daughter Amelia, and I will be welcoming Baby Boy Young in September. I can't forget my parents, Dale and Rita Colee, and siblings, Kyle Stone, Erica and Aly Colee.

Current position/responsibilities: My title is marketing and merchandise manager at Dale's Southlake Pharmacy and Colee's Corner Drugs. I handle all marketing for our stores and select the unique gifts for our retail areas.

Family: Parents Cheryl and Ken Carson Sr.; brothers, Ken Jr. and Corinthian; sisters, Genesis and Ferlaxnes

large corporation. Personally, I love getting to interact with my family, "family" of coworkers and customers on a daily basis.

live and work in Decatur.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I love the generous spirit

have all influenced me in different ways, but in the past few years, I can appreciate my mother's influence in my life more than I did when I was younger. I am so blessed to be able to see my mom interact with others, especially my daughter, and continue to be an example of strength and compassion for me.

that many members of our community have. Whether that is through supporting local businesses, philanthropic fundraisers or giving their time, this community continues to amaze me.

What do you like best about what you do? Professionally, the best part of

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Hiring personnel

working for a small business is it allows me to gain experience in many different areas of the company that I wouldn't have the opportunity to see firsthand at a

should tap into the Limitless Decatur movement and show job seekers that there is a network of people and local organizations worth making the move to

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My immediate family members

What you still hope to accomplish? My next goal is for a smooth opening of our new location inside Crossing Healthcare. Longterm, I hope to continue to show others the importance of shopping local and supporting independent retailers.

Your favorite stress reliever: Enjoying a Cardinals game or taking my daughter to the zoo.

Your favorite movie: “42” (The Jackie Robinson story)

Your favorite book: “Bossypants” by Tina Fey

Quote to live by: "God built me to last." – Jackie Robinson If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Leslie Knope from “Parks and Recreation.” Her sense of humor and won't-quit personality are just what a modern woman needs these days.

Current position/responsibilities: Director of supply chain at HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital. Job includes coordinating with the corporate director of materials management in matters of multiaffiliate contracts; managing the purchase and delivery of goods; overseeing inventory control operations; serving as an adviser and resource to other areas with regard to supply, equipment and service needs; ensuring accuracy of inventory records and keeping inventory levels within appropriate limits; and developing implements and evaluating goals and objectives in alignment with strategic goals.

What do you like best about what you do? My team has a part in every single aspect of HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital. Whether that is providing the necessary supplies or equipment to perform surgeries or making sure that the hospital’s support staff has the materials

they need to work with patients and their families. In short, the work that I and my team do impacts every person that walks through the doors of St. Mary’s Hospital. That is what is fulfilling about my job and what makes me want to come back, perform to the best of my abilities and work hard to be better every single day.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? The thing I like best about living in the community is that I am surrounded by family and friends. In the community, I surround myself with people who care about the same things, share the same ideas and are co-creating similar projects as me.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I think the biggest thing that will attract more younger people, and I’m sure it has been mentioned before, would be to bring some type of attraction that will want to make them live here, i.e water

parks, roller coasters and/or Dave and Busters. As always, creating jobs would always attract younger people to relocate to Decatur. Young people are always looking for growth and advancement.

accomplish for myself is not a thing. The most important thing I hope to accomplish in life is to be the person that I set out to be. I know that if I am that person, then everything else I desire in my life will be within my reach.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why:

Your favorite stress reliever: Riding

Harry Fields. Harry has not only been a role model to me, he has also been a father figure. He has always been tough on me and has always encouraged me to best the best that I can. He has always believed in my dreams and helped me to make the dreams a reality. He has supported me when others wouldn’t. He taught me to be confident and to stand up for what I believe. Lastly, he continues to push me to achieve for the best out of life.

What you still hope to accomplish: There are so many things I hope to accomplish in life, and I’m frequently adding and subtracting from that list as I learn more about myself, what I value, what I respect and how I envision the design of my life. At the present time, the most meaningful thing I hope to

my Harley-Davidson Road Glide named Layla. Also is listening to country music and playing basketball.

Your favorite movie: “The Illusionist” Your favorite book: “The Box Car Children”

Quote to live by: “Just live your life and keep looking for the good in others. Share God’s love from deep in your soul and God’s grace will bless you with so much more in return to you” – Karen Kostyla If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I would be Tony the Tiger so I can encourage everyone to eat Frosted Flakes or Corn Flakes, my favorite two cereals.


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the greatest ability to create and communicate a vision and move people into action to achieve it. He is solution driven: He knows of individuals incurable diseases rather it be simply sin or some physical, psychological or spiritual infirmity, yet he shares the cure because he is the solution. He is the best at correcting systematic injustices that plague society. Lastly, Jesus knows how to motivate people best during critical decision-making moments. I love that I am able to see the character of Christ in all of my mentors: Rev. Dr. C.D. Stuart, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Min. Carlos Norris, and Pastor Marvin Joyner. However, even if people don’t believe in Jesus as a faith tradition or God, they can learn a lot from the man.

What do you still hope to accomplish? To unite God’s people. I

Courtney L. Carson Age: 34 Family: Wife, Alyse; daughter, Courtnee, sons, Malachi, Christian, Cree and our dog, Jab Current Position/Responsibilities: As an associate minster of Antioch M.B. Church, I’m commissioned to reconcile man back to God, and I’m called to, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” I am also the assistant director and young adults teacher of the Antioch Baptist Institute. As the Senior Workforce Job Developer for the Springfield Urban League, I have been charged to assists in the eradication of poverty and help families overcome financial hurdles and obtain financial stability, gain employment, build sustainable careers and provide other services that support success. We serve more than 9,000 families annually. As president of the Southside Improvement Association, I am to know my neighbor, improve and preserve the neighborhood and organize activities for neighborhood children and adults. My focus is on a wide variety of neighborhood infrastructure projects,

but mainly to keep our children and community safe. As co-founder of the 20MEN/WOMEN Mentoring Group, each week we place mentors in the lives of high school youth and we strive to insure that all students complete an educational path resulting in readiness for a career or higher education. We create a positive foundation which catalyzes a positive relationship between 10 professional adult men and women, and 10 or more male high school freshmen or sophomores. We are currently located in Decatur, Springfield and Aurora. As a resident of Decatur, I just simply choose to love people and hold them accountable for their actions.

What do you like best about what you do? That in each encounter I have with people, without judgment, I organically develop an individual plan to how I can I help and best show love to each person. I evaluate their barriers, identify their goals, aid them within an attainable plan, and then I pray to God that he grants them enough strength to go through the process and the programmatic thrust of a life-changing experience while staying focused on their goals

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I love the fact that I have easy access to people who are made to feel as if they are the least, left out and lost. So, I make every effort to interact with those very individuals and introduce them to a better way, truth and life. I believe that my sole purpose is to help heal the wounds of the world by being actively involved in bettering the lives of others.

What should the community be doing to attract more young professionals to live and work in the Decatur area? Provide an infrastructure that caters to diverse cultures, implement a road map for continued educational and employment success, highlight cultural accomplishments, and catalyze afterschool programs as traditional school extra credit.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why? Jesus has the greatest influence on me because of his desire to save, love and help everyone, and he has a courageous tractability to the will of his father. He is an infinite leader: He has

believe if we could all suppress our egos, ideology, organizational and denominational differences and come together, we could really love one other without distorting our own personal values. When black people can accept white people for loving to be white and white people can accept black people for loving to be black and every other color of people love each other for which their maker beautifully and fundamentally made them to be, then, we can truly be called children of God and a nation of love. We will then see God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven because when we die, there will be no black, white, or brown sections of heaven, there is only a place for good people who believed in a cause that was greater than themselves.

Your favorite stress reliever: Watching my wife interact with our children and seeing the kids play with each other.

Your favorite movie: “The Count of

Eric Wherley

Monte Cristo”

Age: 38

Your favorite book: The Bible

Family: My wife, Liz, and our

Quote to live by: 2 Chronicles 7:14

children, Miriam (7), Sophia (6), Livia (4), Liam (2), and Luke (1).

King James Version (KJV) “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Superman. He is extremely blessed to work in the areas of tension and promise where different dimensions of human existence meet and shape one another. He is able to save people from great catastrophe and yet remain extremely humble as Clark Kent.

Current position/responsibilities: General dentist at Artime & Wherley Family Dentistry

What do you like best about what you do? I enjoy being able to help a diverse group of patients with their dental needs. I love that I’m able to learn about each patient individually and about their specific circumstances, establishing close relationships with them and them becoming part of my extended family. I learned from my grandfather at a young age to work with my hands, and dentistry is an extension of that.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? Being a Decatur native, I know firsthand that Decatur is a very hardworking community. I appreciate that the people who live and work here take great pride in their community and have a work ethic that is second to none.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I think that priority No. 1 is to continue to build on activities and events for young families. The Children’s Museum of Illinois, Scovill Zoo, Decatur IL Moms, Baby TALK, Rock Springs and Decatur Park District are all tremendous assets to Decatur.

The person who has had the

biggest influence on you and why: My grandfather is by far my greatest influence. He had a tremendous work ethic and undying dedication and devotion to God and his family.

What do you still hope to accomplish? My greatest task is to raise my children to be Christ-centered, productive, generous, compassionate and contributing members to society. If I can accomplish raising them up to be blessings to others and not burdens, then I will truly feel successful.

Your favorite stress reliever: I enjoy running, biking, lifting weights, detailing cars and anything that involves using tools.

Your favorite movie: I can’t

pinpoint one movie in particular, but I love any movie with Denzel Washington.

Your favorite book: My personal library includes extensive copies of Dr. Seuss and the entire Pinkalicious collection. My favorite book is the one that my kids will actually sit down and listen to from start to finish.

Quote to live by: “Begin each day with a grateful heart.” If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Clark Kent, because he is an average guy who’s able to transform into a super hero with the power to help those in need.


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James Dawson Age: 38 Family: My wife, Laura, is my best friend, and together we have a son, Lucas, who is my best bud. Current position/responsibilities: I am an art teacher for the Decatur School District. My job allows me to travel to the different elementary buildings and teach art lessons to elementary students.

What do you like best about what you do? I have always said that the best

Brian Tucker Age: 35

my students to allow them to finish their degree.

Family: Wife, Michelle O’Dell-Tucker Current position/responsibilities: Director, Culinary Arts Institute at Richland Community College. I oversee the Culinary Arts Institute as well as teach culinary classes. I also oversee the student-run restaurant Bistro Five Thirty Seven on Richland’s Campus. I am in charge of the day-to-day operations and curriculum development and implementation.

What do you like best about what you do? I love getting the chance to share the passion that I have for the culinary industry with the next generation of students in the program. I had an amazing time in culinary school and was very lucky to have passionate chefs along my journey. I am glad that I now have the chance to return the favor by being that chef for other students. It is amazing to see the transformation of the students from the first day to graduation. At graduation, I can say that I am truly proud of all of the hard work and dedication of

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I have called Decatur home for 12 years. I was born and raised in New York. I love what Decatur has to offer and all of the opportunities here. Decatur is a close-knit and hardworking community that supports one another. The food industry is also growing and Decatur has amazing restaurants run by extremely talented chefs.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Continuing to offer programs, such as the Culinary Arts Institute, helps to bring young people to the community. There has been a very visible attempt to bring more events, and activities to Decatur, and I think that effort will continue to have a positive effect as well.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My father, Paul Tucker. Growing up, my

dad owned a catering company on Long Island. I was always around the business, and it was there that I developed my passion for food and everything culinary. He is the hardest working person I know, and I know that he is the reason I became the person I am today. Growing up around the industry showed me what it was truly like behind the scenes. A chef most often works long hours in hot kitchens and on their feet all day. It was that reason that I talked myself out of culinary school immediately after high school. After one semester into a computer programming degree I realized that I had made the wrong choice and decided that I needed to follow my true passion. My father was always supportive and I enrolled at the Culinary Institute of America the next day.

What do you still hope to accomplish? My goal is to continue to grow the culinary program and hopefully continue to expand our offerings. The program has come so far in the seven years it has been around, but there are so many more things that we can do. I also would like to work on my master’s degree and continue my education.

Your favorite stress reliever: Spending time with my wife. There is nothing better than coming home after a long day and relaxing with Michelle. Some of our favorite things to do are cooking together and going to Dave Matthews Band concerts (I have seen the band live 48 times).

Your favorite movie: “Good Will Hunting”

Your favorite book: “Making of a Chef” by Michael Ruhlman

Quote to live by: “Success is never owned. It is rented, and the rent is due every day” – Rory Vaden. If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? The Flash. Most days I think super speed would come in handy.

age of my life, prior to marriage, was being about 8 years old. This job allows me to work with some of the best citizens Decatur has, our elementary students. Our elementary students are bursting with creativity, excitement and knowledge, and all of that is contagious. I am fortunate enough to teach a subject that I’m passionate about and has had a profound impact in my life and education. I also get to collaborate with an amazing group of Decatur teachers and see all of the exciting things happening within the doors of Decatur public schools.

What you do like best about working or living in the community? I love being a dad in Decatur. My wife and I bought a West End home 10 years ago and we just signed on our second West End home. We take full advantage of Fairview Park and the bike trail frequently. We enjoy being so close to the businesses of Oakwood and the music of the Oakwood Festivals. Decatur has so many other opportunities for families that we utilize as well. Decatur has a great library with a magnificent children’s department and staff. We have the Rock Springs Conservation Area, which offers hiking and bike trails and a fantastic visitor’s center. I appreciate how both staffs are always willing to take the time to talk with our son. Everything that I have mentioned so far is completely free, and I would encourage families to visit these places. Two other places our family likes to attend regularly are Scovill Zoo and the Children’s Museum of Illinois. My son has grown and learned so much because of these facilities, and they have created many lasting memories for me.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I think we need to keep up the good work and continue to showcase the progressiveness Decatur has been demonstrating for years. This is especially true when it comes to Decatur public schools. I would urge any parents who have young children, as I do, to investigate all the options Decatur public schools have to offer. Decatur public schools has amazing Montessori and magnet programs. We are demonstrating new practices such as STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) in schools. We continue building relationships with community partners such as Scovill Zoo, Children’s Museum, Millikin University, local businesses and more. All of our students work toward learning 21st century skills and have oneto-one technology in the classroom. We offer many after-school extracurricular activities and have many family nights throughout the district. I was fortunate enough to teach second grade at Dennis Lab School for years. It was truly awesome to see how the neighborhood united around a school and the effect it had on the students and teachers. I could write endlessly about the wonderful learning experiences I have

witnessed now that I have the opportunity to teach in many Decatur elementary schools. Our teachers and staff continue going above and beyond for the needs of our parents and students.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: The people who continue to have the biggest influence are my parents and my family. I often say I learned many things in school and in books, but the rest I learned in my parents and grandparents homes by watching them. My family is my foundation that has allowed me to build myself into who I am. The biggest influence I had outside of family was my high school art teacher, Diana Manning. She has so many characteristics that I idolize, and she was one of the first teachers who made me feel like I was understood. She helped to build my confidence and welcomed me to unleash my creativity. I remember a story she told me about when she went to college. She had told me she was never the best artist in her classes (which was unbelievable for me at the time). She went on to tell me that she understood that she wasn’t the best artist and had little control over that, but what she could control was giving her best at everything she did. She is an amazing person, and I love her dearly.

What do you still hope to accomplish? On a personal level, I expect to begin a master’s program with an emphasis on art education. Some shorter term goals include teaching art in life skills and alternative settings. I also look forward to working with students to create larger collaborative art projects. I expect to have an impact on the hallways in Decatur public schools and hope the children's work will speak for itself.

Your favorite stress reliever: After a stressful day, I enjoy watching/playing Jeopardy. Your favorite movie: “The Empire Strikes Back.” If you look up my high school graduation photo, I’m the kid with the Star Wars tie. I can’t begin to explain how exciting it is that I get to enjoy a new era of Star Wars films with my son, Lucas. Your favorite book: “Flotsam” by David Wiesner.

Quote to live by: The saying around our house is, “Every day is the best day.” If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Porky Pig. I would finally have the opportunity to say, "That's All Folks!"


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Jeanette Skaluba Age: 39 (Eek. I barely made it.) Family: My nonlegally binding, semilive-in spouse, Tom, plus my two cats: Catty-woman, a blind, 18-year-old phenomenon, and Violet, a Homeward Bound Pet Shelter alum. The rest of my family lives in Alpena, Mich..

Current position/responsibilities:

Jonathan E. Downing Age: 39

our students and their families.

Family: Wife, Aubrey; daughters,

What do you like best about what you do? I come to work every

Noelani (10) and Emmaline (4); bonus sons, Joel (15) and Isaac (17) Cothern.

Current position/responsibilities: I am the principal at Parsons School for the Decatur School District. I’ve been employed with the Decatur School District as a principal for seven years (Parsons) and previously two years as an assistant principal for Thomas Jefferson Middle School. I am responsible for 48 educators and, on average, 370 students ranging from 5 to 12 years old. My main responsibility is making sure that I offer a safe and productive environment that provides the best learning experience for all students. Beyond that, it is also my responsibility to maintain an environment that is positive to provide a place that staff want to work and come to on a daily basis. In turn, it is also important that I maintain a strong relationship with community members throughout Decatur to gain support for

day with a smile on my face because I love my job. I enjoy working with students and the adults that service them. It brings me great joy to see all of them learning and working together and providing that environment for them.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? What I like best about working in this community and living in this community is knowing a lot of people. I love bumping into people in random places. I get the biggest kick out of seeing people. Plus, our community has so much to offer for families. Parks, a zoo, a children's museum, trails, food and various events throughout the year. Plus, I grew up in Decatur, so it is like a big home to me.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the

area? Continue to enhance the city. I love the look of downtown and the different events that Decatur is offering. Young people love things that look nice, but also have a variety of things to do. The smartest thing that Decatur did was changing up Nelson Park and the lake areas. People love being outside and offering more outside activities is huge. I love taking my family on the trails and parks. The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: I would definitely have to say my mom. She taught me to believe in myself and follow my dreams. She encouraged me in my faith with God and provided my brother and I with a loving environment as we grew up. She continues to be in my life to support me and my family. She is a beautiful person inside and out.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I hope to provide continual support in our community for the children of need. I have always

enjoyed working with organizations that support children, and I never dreamed I would become a principal. I have dreams of furthering my career and dreams of supporting Decatur because I believe in our future.

Your favorite stress reliever: My biggest stress reliever is running and definitely spending time with my beautiful wife and playing with my kiddos. Your favorite movie: “Avatar”

Your favorite book: At this time, “The Hunger Games” series. Quote to live by: “See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness.” – Luke 11:35 If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Thor. 1. Because I’m bald, and he has awesome hair. 2. His presence demands authority, but he has a passion to serve others and protect. 3. The dude knows how to fight!

As the supervisor, microbiology at Meda Pharmaceuticals, I oversee the operations that ensure that our products and environments are free from microorganisms that could negatively impact the patient or dosage form. I'm grateful for my position and the fact that I get to work in the field that I went to school for (Michigan State University Go Green, Go White!). What I'm most passionate about and what feeds my soul is helping shelter pets find forever homes. I'm a very active volunteer at Homeward Bound Pet Shelter. As the creator of Yoga4Cats, I've been able to raise funds and donations sufficient to remodel the cat rooms (Project Catification). I prefer to focus on the underdogs (and cats). Helping the overlooked pets get adopted brings the greatest reward.

What do you like best about what you do? I love bringing like-minded people together to drive a common purpose. It is amazing what you can accomplish when you pair passion and talent. Homeward Bound Pet Shelter has seen a dramatic increase in cat adoptions and for me, that is what it is all about.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I've worked in Decatur since 2002. I gave up the commute from Urbana in 2007. Yes, I moved for my job, but I've stayed because of the people. Decatur (or as I say, deCATur) is a very accessible community, full of opportunities to make an impact.

What should the community be doing to attract more young

people to live and work in the Decatur area? In the 14 years that I've lived and worked here, I have seen great things accomplished. Decatur is already on the right path. I love the Decatur Limitless campaign. At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter where you are, it's what you make of your time while you're here. I've never had a reason to leave.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: Since I feel like I'm slowly turning into my grandmother, it must be her. She's a no-nonsense and driven lady. She doesn't take crap from anyone. What a role model.

What do you still hope to accomplish: I've always had volunteering at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah on my bucket list. When I found out they wanted to feature Yoga4Cats as an innovative adoption strategy in their magazine, I was thrilled. That definitely moved this goal up on my life agenda. Last summer, I took a shelter dog kayaking on Lake Decatur, and it was a blast. This year, I

was able to get a kayak donated to raise money in a raffle for Homeward Bound Pet Shelter. I'm looking forward to taking more shelter dogs kayaking – Paddling4Pets.

Your favorite stress reliever: Yoga, spending time on or near the water, and anything that involves being kind to animals.

Your favorite movie: Jim Henson's “The Dark Crystal.” I must have watched it 100 times as a kid. The quest to restore balance really made an impression on me. It remains a favorite. My WIFI network is "Gelfling". Your favorite book: “Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers” by Mary Roach. It is morbidly fascinating, and I highly recommend it.

Quote to live by: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” -Ferris Bueller

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Catwoman. No explanation required.


CONGRATULATES Jeanette Skaluba as one of this year’s 20 Under 40 recipients. Thank you for making a difference in our community!


1 8 2016 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: I have two, and the first is God. Every day that my feet hit the floor, I make sure that I glorify God and make Him proud of me. I seek Him in every decision, and He is the center of my life. In my house, our foundation is built on Christ-like attributes; it is a requirement and not an option. My grandmother, Katie Williams, is the second. She is the matriarch of our family and the glue that holds my family together. Most importantly, she is my best friend, and we share some of the same beliefs.

What you do still hope to accomplish? There is not much. I have traveled the world while living overseas, I have an awesome job at Richland with great students and I have two wonderful kids. If I had to accomplish something, it would be to continue living life to the fullest, to put God first and to be able to live to see my great-great-grandchildren. What more can you ask for?

Jarmese Sherrod Age: 36


Family: I come from a strong, well-

What do you like best about what you do? I am passionate about teaching

supported family from Chicago. I have four brothers (three living) and two sisters. I have a son, Jajuan (6), and a daughter, Janese (12).

Current position/responsibilities: I love teaching developmental English classes and media classes at Richland Community College. I am also the developmental English alignment coordinator, the media program adviser, and adviser to the Media and Communicatur Club. In my spare time, I work with active duty soldiers, veterans and civilians. I serve on a couple of committees at my college and on the state and national level advocating for students in developmental education. I serve on the Decatur Media Advisory Council and recently, Grow Decatur. I also volunteer with my church, Riverside Baptist, and other organizations in Decatur. I have dedicated 15 years of my life teaching face-to-face, hybrid, and online classes in the private, public, and military sectors. My specialty is raising test scores and increasing student

and mentoring, and I absolutely love what I do. It is a blessing to work with students and help them strive for excellence in academia. I mentor a lot of students and make sure that they graduate and find jobs in Decatur. My students will tell you that I push and motivate them a lot, and that I do not give up. It is because I see their potential, and I sincerely want the best for them in life. I dedicate a lot of time working with my students, in and outside of the classroom, through community service events.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I love Decatur because it reminds me of Germany. I am a smalltown woman. I love the rural environment, cozy neighbors and the welcoming, family-centered church that I attend. Besides teaching, community service is another passion that I enjoy. I was raised to give back to my community. I must admit that since I have lived in Decatur, most people know that if you ask for my help, I will never say “no,”

especially when it benefits those in need. It is also a God-given talent, and I honor God when I give back. Life is not about taking, but it is about sharing. You can share your talents and advice or give assistance to make your community thrive.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I think the first step is “believing” in our youth and young adults, and then involving them in the process. They have a voice, and it should be heard. When I was young, I planned community service events because my mother was active in the community and asked for my help and input. When I taught overseas in Germany, I also created student-centered events, much like what we do at Richland. I think the community should come together and work together to make one plan to increase involvement in activities/events, education and career advancement, and spiritual growth. The key is to ask young people for help and input before planning, and then offer support and assistance. Finally, when they come and ask for help, do not respond that you are too busy.

Your favorite stress reliever: I live by the motto that “I am too blessed to be stressed,” and that is mainly because of my daily routine. People always ask why I have a smile on my face, and I tell them it is because of how I start and end my day. I start my day with God and end my day with God. That’s it. My daughter does devotion every morning, my son does prayer, and I do praise and worship. I also run/ walk every day. I end my day by studying the Word and journaling. The time I spend with my kids is not a stress reliever, but it is my personal joy. Every Friday, we run home, put on our comfortable clothes, watch Redbox movies, and eat pizza. They love it, and I love spending the weekend with them as well. Your favorite movie: Hands down, “The Notebook.”

Your favorite book: The Bible. Quote to live by: “I will say to the LORD, My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” -- Psalm 91:2

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I have always been compared to Superwoman because people think I can do everything, but other than that, I have no other characters.


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2016 • 20 Under 40 7

Paulina “Paula” Heinkel Age: 27 Family: Husband, Wes; dogs, Festus (schipperke mix) and Hans (golden retriever puppy); mother and father, John and Gosha Thornton of Chicago; brother, Sean Thornton of Chicago Current position/responsibilities: Community relations coordinator for Ameren Illinois. I serve as a liaison between the company and the communities we serve. I help resolve issues and provide consumer education in Decatur, Bloomington-Normal, Lincoln, Springfield and the areas in between. As part of my job, I present to schools, civic organizations and other groups about issues including electric and natural gas safety, infrastructure upgrades, customer conveniences and energy efficiency, just to name a few.

What do you like best about what you do? After severe weather strikes, if I have weather-related outages in my division, I provide communication and outreach to our critical care customers such as hospitals, nursing homes, schools and municipalities. I enjoy being able to help people in these times and to provide vital information when they need it.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I love Decatur and consider myself to be a Decatur booster. I am a transplant, originally from Chicago. What sticks out to me about Decatur are the people. Since I moved to Decatur five years ago to work as an investigative reporter at WAND-TV, I have formed meaningful, long-lasting relationships. I find people here to be smart, kind, generous and unpretentious. I met my husband here. I have family here, and simply put, I love it here.

What should the community be

doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? We are working on this issue right now, and I believe we are making headway. I am the interim president of Decatur Emerging Leaders, a new group through the Greater Decatur Chamber of Commerce. We are helping young people connect by providing opportunities for social interaction, professional development and community service. We want our younger workers to create meaningful relationships here, so that they can participate in all of the incredible amenities the community has to offer. We want to keep people here in Decatur and to help them thrive and take ownership of this truly limitless city. Interested in joining? Email us at decaturemergingleaders@gmail.com

The people who have had the biggest influence on you and why: My mom. My mother came to America from Poland when she was 25 years old, speaking no English. She, alongside my incredible American-born dad, raised both children in her second language, and

now she works as a hospital program coordinator at Gilda's Club of Chicago, where she provides support for clients who have cancer. Since she brought me into the world, she has taught me that hard work, a fierce mind, and a gentle heart are the necessary components of life well-lived. Her relentless positivity and kindness bring sunshine into my life, and to each person she meets. She is a lady beautiful both inside and out.

What do you still hope to accomplish? Most of all, I hope to become a good mother (I am expecting this December). Professionally, I would like to develop my skills by pursuing an advanced degree, perhaps in business. And maybe, just maybe, I will write a book. Nothing too serious, but a fun beach read. I've started a couple, but have never finished them.

Your favorite stress reliever: Traveling to new places (domestic and international) and sampling the delicious food and drink. I feel that time slows down as you explore new sights and experiences.

Your favorite movie: “Jurassic Park” or “Men in Black.” “Slingblade” is also excellent. Your favorite book: "Devil in the White City" by Erik Larson, and "As I Lay Dying" by William Faulkner. "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy is similarly magnificent. Quote to live by: "The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer somebody else up."-- Mark Twain If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Although she is based off a real character, I would be Abigail Adams (as played by Laura Linney) from the HBO miniseries John Adams. She is some of the things I am and many of the things I want to become: hard-working, uncomplaining, devoted, humorous, loyal and fiercely intelligent. In a time when men made all of the headlines, she was a key adviser to more than one president and did so with grace and humility from the shadows.


8 2016 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2016 • 20 Under 40 1 7

entertainment, one of my best friends

Aaron Largent

and I have discussed the need to get back out and tackle another mountain climbing trip, after having visited Longs Peak, Colo., in 2010 (approval from our significant others and children pending). Finally, locally, I look forward to continue serving where I can, whether

Age: 31

on the library’s board of trustees,

Family: All born and raised here in

assisting with the Symphony Orchestra

Decatur. My wife, Morgan, and

Guild of Decatur or any future public

daughter, Viviane, live on the West End.

office I’d be lucky enough to be

My brother, sister-in-law and two


Thomas “Tom” Pratt

nephews live in Bloomington and my wife’s siblings are spread out among

Your favorite stress reliver: After

Decatur, Dallas, Texas, and St. Louis. My

work, you can often find me walking into

mother- and father-in-law also reside in

Crossfit Enhance, down the road from

Family: I have two sons, Ethan (9) and

Decatur, along with my maternal

ADM, of which I’ve been a member for

Conor (7).

grandparents. Our families are very

four years. Also, through ADM, I have

close and we are thankful that most are

become involved again in

Current position/responsibilities:

in Decatur and technology allows us to

extracurricular soccer, playing indoors

I am a financial representative with COUNTRY Financial. As such, I sell, service and advise on various insurance and investment products. My goal as a financial representative is to build relationships with my clients, through trust and understanding. I believe that financial security is imperative and that the only way to achieve it is through a combination of insurance and financial products personally suited to each individual’s needs. I believe it is important to provide my clients with the most professional service, and I strive to ensure that my values are reflected in my service.

“visit” with those far away as often as

everyday life, in grocery stores, on the

option for not only those who are

during the winter at the DISC by

we want.

road or in the fields where we travel,

coming back from graduating, but

Millikin University and at the MidState

shows not only how broad our reach

professionals who can take advantage of

Soccer fields in the summer by Stephen

truly is but helps reiterate the impact

the financial benefits of living in Central

Decatur Middle School.

that I hope I’m having in that success

Illinois and ability to visit other

and continued progress.

surrounding areas and big metropolitan

Your favorite movie: I’ll still drop

cities on a whim.

what I’m doing and watch “The

Current position/responsibilities: I have been employed with Archer Daniels Midland Co. for more than nine years. Basically, I walked off the

Shawshank Redemption” whenever it

Decatur. Currently, I reside as the

What do you like best about working or living in the community? The support I’ve seen

business partner over corporate

throughout the community is evident

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: I actually have two, my father

functions within the Information

daily. My close friend and co-creator of

and my daughter. My father has taught

reading Tony La Russa’s, “3 Nights in

Technology Department. I am

the For the Love of It Cabaret, Beth and

me more about work ethic, strength and

August: Strategy, Heartbreak and Joy

responsible for understanding my

I had an idea for raising funds for

perseverance than I could have ever

Inside the Mind of Manager,” back when

department’s short- and long-term

cancer research six years ago, and we

found elsewhere. His dedication to his

he visited Decatur and did a book

strategy and how it relates to any

continue to be blown away by the

profession, both at Firestone and now at

signing. As a lifelong Cardinals fan and

technological needs and how we can

support and loving encouragement from

ADM, his ability to respond to physical

having been to the famed “Game 6” that

leverage internal and external resources

the community and annual attendees.

adversity -- having beaten cancer almost

year in 2011, getting to meet Tony in

to meet those needs and drive

We’ve grown in attendance every year

10 years ago -- and still putting in more

Decatur and reliving that Cardinals year

efficiencies. In addition, this summer

and have been able to raise more than

than 40 hours a week, is a daily

is fun to pull out every now and then and

and next I’ll be assisting and then

$25,000 that has gone directly to cancer

inspiration. All while being an amazing

dust off the jacket to read.

overseeing the ADM I.T. internship

research, as well as local individuals in

husband of 40 years to my mom, a dad

program, assisting 25 college/graduate

need or support. Whether it be the arts,

and a grandpa to three grandchildren,

Quote to live by: My Church,

students through their summer

small businesses, activities throughout

his actions drive me to get up every

Renaissance, has adopted a quote, “A

internships in various I.T. functions and

the summer, etc., when Decatur and the

morning and provide for my family. And

Heart for the City in the Heart of the


surrounding community finds something

ever since I became a father, Viviane

City.” I think it’s been a good reminder

it believes in or enjoys, they put their

drives me to make decisions that I

that we all can positively impact one

What you do like best about what you do? It’s cliché, but no day at ADM

full weight behind it.

believe will positively affect her future.

another and the city we live in.

in my current role is the same. The

schools, businesses and people, as well

to be agile in responding to their needs

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I think we’re doing it

and the impact the market is having on

graduation stage at Illinois Wesleyan and straight into my career back in

pops up on TV.

Your favorite book: I really enjoyed

My wife and I believe in Decatur, the as everything it has to offer and

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why?

anything I can do to positively impact

I’d have to pick any of the characters

her being raised here and in the ever

that appear on Mickey Mouse’s

right now, with the City Limitless

changing world is what now keeps me

Clubhouse right now. My daughter,

their demands from I.T.’s applications

campaign getting a lot of traction and


Viviane, listens to them most often

and data. On a much larger scale, being

informing our community and

a part of ADM has allowed me to

surrounding areas about the many good

understand, from a macroeconomic

strategy and needs for my business partners are ever-changing, and I have

better than myself or my wife. She’s enthralled with everything they do on

things that are here in Decatur.

What do you still hope to accomplish? There’s definitely a

level, the impact, positively, that we

Changing the perception or reinforcing

desire to continue my education, both as

thanks for keeping her entertained when

have on the ability to feed the world.

the positive things happening is key to

a student and, hopefully, as a teacher, in


Seeing our products and ingredients in

making Decatur enticing and a first

whatever capacity that may be. For

the TV, and I owe them quite a bit of

Age: 39

What do you like best about what you do? I love everything about my career with COUNTRY Financial. I love all of the opportunities I have to meet new people each and every day. I’m in this career for the average Joe, and I want to help folks protect and raise their family while building and strengthening my relationships with them. Because of my position as a financial representative, I have been able to spend more time with my boys. I am able to help coach their sports teams and lead their Cub Scout dens. It gives me the opportunity to give back to my community, which I do through volunteering several different organizations, including the Chamber of Commerce and Kiwanis. But what I love most about this job is I control my own destiny.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? Right now, it would have to be watching Decatur grow and succeed. 2016 isn’t even half over, and Decatur has seen over $40 million in commercial investments and deployments so far. Our outstanding police pepartment has crime rates lower than comparable Central

Illinois cities. This city is working to improve our infrastructure. And, of course, none of this would be possible without the great members of this community who always seem to come together when needed. When you add in the fact that the Wall Street Journal ranked Decatur second on their list of affordable places to live, you can clearly see Decatur has things moving in the right direction.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? This is something I know several organizations are working hard to accomplish, including the Chamber of Commerce and Grow Decatur. Decatur has earned a bad reputation for things that happened decades ago. If the community wants to attract more young people to live and work here, then the community, as a whole, needs to do a better job of selling

the Decatur of today and not rehashing the past. Decatur has so many great things going on, it’s time to move forward telling our new story.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: This would have to be my first team leader when I arrived in the 82nd Airborne, Sgt. Michael Brooks, who is now a command sergeant major. Sgt. Brooks taught me much more than the skills I needed as an infantry soldier. He taught me to work hard, dream big and to never stop moving toward goals.

What do you still hope to accomplish? In my personal life, I want to see my boys grow into fine, hardworking, successful young men. Professionally, I want to continue to grow my business through building relationships with my clients and helping each one

reach their retirement goals.

Your favorite stress reliever: Kick boxing.

Your favorite movie: “Black Hawk Down”

Your favorite book: “The Last Patriot” by Brad Thor

Quote to live by: “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” --Walt Disney If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Batman, of course. He is a superhero without superpowers. In face of tragedy and adversity, he has trained himself to be the most brilliant and capable man he can be.


1 6 2016 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2016 • 20 Under 40 9

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My father, Gaston Palmer, who passed away two years ago. My papa immigrated to the United States from Nicaragua as a teenager with a middle school education. He raised five daughters, all of whom have obtained a college degree, and two of which have master’s degrees. He gave me an appreciation for education, hard work and perseverance. He was fond of saying “don’t settle for mediocrity,” and I never do. He was also a successful entrepreneur for over 40 years. I am eager to pass on his love for life, appreciation for diversity and work ethic to my children.

What you do still hope to accomplish? Since I was a college student, I have had a vision to develop a foundation for under-resourced women who are seeking an education or career in public service. Each day I have the opportunity to work with young women who haven’t yet found their champion in life. I want to be their champion and biggest supporter. I do that now in the practice of my work but hope to one day fund this vision as well.

Your favorite stress reliever: Yoga, cooking (I’m a foodie), and any organizing project I can get my hands on.

Your favorite movie: “The Contender,” a depiction of the first female vice presidential candidate in the U.S., and a close second, “Tortilla Soup,” which is my sentimental favorite that focuses on my Latina culture.

Raphaella Prange Age: 39

and understand its worth in the global marketplace.

Family: Husband, Robert, and children, Robert (11) and Suzanne (8).

Current position/responsibilities: Dean of students at Millikin University

What do you like best about what you do? I enthusiastically believe in the mission of Millikin University and our commitment to providing performance learning opportunities to our students. I have worked at Millikin for 16 years and it is the most wonderful community of servant leaders who believe in inclusion and the common good. I learn so much every day from our students and faculty, alike. However, it is my work with at-risk and under-resourced students that is most rewarding. I am so proud of the effort and discipline many of our students display, despite serious barriers and life struggles. It’s amazing to work with young people who appreciate the privilege of education

What do you like best about working or living in the community? As a parent and lover of recreation and the arts, I can’t say enough good things about the Decatur Park District and Decatur Area Arts Council. The programs are amazing, affordable, various and meet the needs of so many community members. Our school district is also phenomenal, and that goes beyond the test scores. Our educators commit to meeting students where they are and are providing innovation inside and outside of the classroom. From supporting technology and the arts, to outdoor education, District 61 prepares the leaders of tomorrow, and I am a #DPSProud parent! I am also enjoying the recent surge of local entrepreneurs and small businesses. I’m a child of two entrepreneurs, so I understand and appreciate the work of our citizens to

share their talents through their businesses, and having unique places to eat, drink, shop, and fellowship with others is a wonderful byproduct!

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Keep doing what we are doing. I see great effort being put forth by our community to offer events, opportunities and initiatives targeting young professionals and young families alike. Marketing and outreach is key, so platforms like City Limitless and Thrive magazine really help get the word out. Our major industries and businesses can help by onboarding new hires to the community in meaningful ways. Whenever I hire a new employee, I make it a point to give them a thorough tour of the community, link them up with local agencies and connect them to other residents who have a passion for Decatur.

Your favorite book: I read a lot of professional titles and have probably five in my stack for this month, but personally I have always loved the writing style of Mitch Albom. I taught his book “Tuesdays with Morrie” for many years (to freshmen at Millikin) and that book is chock full of life lessons. I also like to read anything written by Iyanla Vanzant.

Quote to live by: “Principles only mean something when you stick to them when it’s inconvenient.” (from the motion picture, “The Contender”) and “When opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door” –Milton Berle

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Mrs. Incredible from the Disney animated feature, “The Incredibles.” As a feminist heroine, she is loyal to her family, flexible beyond belief, a skilled tactician and a champion for humanity.

Shondra Lynch Age: 29 (OK, I'm kidding. 33) Family: My mom, Nancy; brother, Daniel and his wife, Miranda; and my sweet golden retriever puppy, Ellie

Current position/responsibilities: Vice president/private wealth adviser at Busey Trust Co. I develop strategies for clients based on an understanding of various personal and family objectives, current economic events and market conditions. I help provide wealth solutions in order to meet future financial goals and help preserve and grow capital over generations. I’m responsible for the administration of relationships that require fiduciary services and providing care in the management of these assets.

What do you like best about what you do? Having the opportunity to build relationships with clients and community members. I’m given the privilege to help others accomplish their goals, all while getting to know the values that are important to them. The stories that they are willing to share are often personal and special to how they

have gotten to the point they are in their lives. I love getting to know more about their families, exciting plans that they have coming up and the successes that they’ve accomplished.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? This town is full of talented, kind, good-hearted people. There is so much kindness, generosity and willingness to step up to help make Decatur a better place. I’m always so amazed at the amount of people who offer to get involved in different events, campaigns and organizations to make a difference.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? With all the hard work and strides the Economic Development Corporation of Decatur and Macon County and the City Limitless campaign has accomplished, I believe that it’s necessary to be a strong advocate for Decatur. It’s important to educate people on all of the positive, attractive things going on here. It’s

been said many times that Decatur is a “small-big town” and it’s very true. The positive buzz that this campaign has provided is something that was needed to bring attention to such a great place to live.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My grandfather. At a young age, he made a decision to use his abilities to make a difference. He challenged himself to do better and to be better, but also to enjoy the experiences and opportunities as they present themselves. He is a humble man, who found success through integrity, honesty and respect. His accomplishments are inspiring and admirable as he has made such an impact on not only on Decatur, but on the lives of many.


Your favorite stress reliever: I have the best friends and family. Being around them always proves to instantly lighten the mood and bring focus back into the big picture.

Your favorite movie: “Legally Blonde,” “Frozen” and “My Fair Lady.” Your favorite book: “Gone with the Wind.”

Quote to live by: “Keep your head, heels and standards high.”— Coco Chanel. “Live in the moment because everything else is uncertain.”— my mom.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I still have a lot to learn

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why?

and want to grow professionally and personally. I’m fortunate to work with supportive individuals and organizations that allow me to challenge myself and spread my wings. Each experience gives me an opportunity to learn, evaluate and

Elsa. Everyone has a favorite Disney character. More importantly, Elsa learns to embrace her unique talents, in an effort to use them for the better good. And I just love the movie.


1 0 2016 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2016 • 20 Under 40 1 5

Decatur Public Schools Congratulate

James Dawson as Top 20 Under 40 Recipient


“Today you lead the classroom. Tomorrow your students will lead the world.”

I am so proud of you.

Lauren Colee Young Recipient of 2016 20 people under the age of 40 MAKING A DIFFERENCE in our Community

Amy Mazzotti Decatur Public Schools and Parsons Elementary School Congratulates

Jonathan Dowing as Top 20 Under 40 Recipient

“A leader is someone who demonstrates what’s possible” --Mark Yarnell

Age:: 31

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why::

Family: Fiancé, Akeem Topps, and daughter, Ariya Topps.

My daughter has changed my life. I have to make her proud and wanting the most out of life.

Current position/responsibilities: Co-owner of ATEAM BOOTCAMP 360ATHLETE

What do you still hope to accomplish? I hope to kick start

What do you like best about what you do? I get to watch women and men

everyone into taking their health serious. Not only for themselves, but also for their families. I hope to one day have ATEAM branching out all over the state.

transform their body and life into something they never imagined.

Your favorite stress reliever: What do you like best about working or living in the community? I was raised in Decatur,

Hitting the weights with my ATEAM ladies.

and I love the diversity and up-andcoming things that my generation is trying to change for the better.

Your favorite movie: “Batman vs. Superman.”

Your favorite book: The Bible. What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I believe we should, as a community, be incorporating healthy living by starting up community fun days or some form of exercise the whole family can participate in to have fun.

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101 W. Cerro Gordo Street | Decatur, IL 62523 | www.dps61.org

Quote to live by: “Rise up take courage and do it.” -- Ezra 10:4

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on being named among the 20 Under 40 who make a difference in Central Illinois! If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Wonder Woman, because there are too many Barbies and not enough superheroes in this world.

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1 4 2016 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l

Jodi Ogilvy


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2016 • 20 Under 40 1 1

David McDaniel Age: 26

Age: 30 Family: Parents, Jim and Mickey, and sister, Katie.

Family: Husband, Graham, and pup, Murphy.

Current position/responsibilities: Current position/responsibilities: I am a Web specialist at Archer Daniels Midland Co., where I manage our internal and external websites, as well as our social media accounts. I am also the co-founder of the fashion and lifestyle blog, Mod Circus. We bring our audience daily fashion and lifestyle content on social media and modcircus.com, all from the Midwest. We strive to bring a little bit of wit, whimsy and style to our followers every day.

What do you like best about what you do? At ADM, I love being able to work with so many people from around the world on a daily basis. There is hardly ever a dull moment. I am constantly challenged in my job, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I take a great deal of pride in what I do. Mod Circus is where I can express my passion and drive, but I also have a lot of fun while doing it. It’s a great way for me to flex my creativity while learning valuable skills that I need in my career, such as marketing, editing and critical thinking.

What you like best about working or living in the community: I grew up in Decatur and attended Decatur public schools, as well as Millikin University for undergrad. My loyalty to Decatur is deeprooted and will always be a part of me. I love that this is a large community with a small-town feel. All of my family lives here as well, and it’s really great to be able to be so close to them. We spend a lot of time together and support each other. I also met some of the very best people I know here. All of my closest friends were made while living and working in Decatur and if it wasn’t for living here, I wouldn’t have met my husband, Simply put, I wouldn’t be who I am today without Decatur.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I think the Decatur City Limitless campaign, of which I am an ambassador,

is doing great things to change the story of how Decatur is perceived. There is still a lot left to be done, but the renovation and growth I see happening all over is very positive. I think the biggest thing we can do is to spread a positive message about what a great community we have here. There are so many things to do and see here, as well as in the surrounding communities. I think a great place to start is by asking yourself, what you can do for your community to make it great. How can you help make Decatur a great place to live and work? What is this town missing that you can provide? What are you personally doing to reach out to those in need here in your town? There are boundless opportunities for growth just waiting for someone to come along and grab them.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: I’ve been lucky to grow up with several strong female role models in my life and have met many more in my career and adulthood. I also surround myself with people who inspire me to be the best that I can be on a daily basis. However, the one that tops the list is my mother, Mary Kay Cunningham. She instilled in me what it means to be a strong individual, and she

has always been my role model. I am who I am because of her, and I could not be more thankful. I hope to one day be a strong role model for others in my life, just as she has been for me.

going to the gym (shout out to the ADM Wellness Center). If all else fails, chocolate chip cookie dough and/or a whiskey cocktail while online shopping does the trick.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I will be applying for an

Your favorite movie: “Love Actually”

MBA program soon, so that is next on my list. After that, I hope to continue to grow at ADM and in my career and learn as much as I can. I also hope to grow Mod Circus with my partner and co-founder, Molly Heise. We have exciting plans for expanding our brand in the future and lofty long-term goals. We’re having so much fun doing it though, it hardly feels like work. I also will continue volunteering as much as I can in the community. Currently, I volunteer my time and skills with the Rodney T. Miller Triathlon, Pints for Pups committee for the Homeward Bound Pet Shelter, and the ADM Young Professionals. I’ve also enjoyed volunteering with the United Way in the past and hope to find more opportunities to use my skills to help out my community in the near future.

Your favorite book: The Harry Potter

Your favorite stress reliever: Watching “Doctor Who” with my husband. I also enjoy being active and


Quote to live by: “Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you've got a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies – you've got to be kind.” – Kurt Vonnegut

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I would be Hermione Granger. I love how she uses her mind to get her friends out of trouble and to save the day. She’s also logical, compassionate and puts others before herself, which I admire. Plus, she doesn’t let anyone intimidate her because she knows that she can do anything she wants she just needs to read a book first.

I am a load coordinator for ADM Logistics where I assist with day-to-day management of customers logistics needs, including rate quotations, order management and customer reports. I also assist with management and development of sales leads and proactively work with customers to strengthen and grow accounts. I am a YMCA youth soccer coach for both the U10 and U14 girls teams and have done so for eight seasons. In April, I received the award for 2015 Volunteer Coach of the Year from the YMCA. I also have been a mentor in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program since 2008 to two young men. Finally, for the past three years, I have assisted in leading an all-male, sportsbased youth group where I give speeches having to do with challenges young men face, empowering our lives and our faith.

What do you like best about what you do? I love meeting and working with our extensive nationwide customer base, along with finding new ones to serve. Each of them has a story and a goal, and it is a fun challenge to work with the ADM team to solve their transportation needs. I learned early on it is a fast-paced, everchanging environment, which makes it even more exciting.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? We have a good mix of large and small businesses, a revamped downtown, a good variety of restaurants, and a lake that our city leaders are improving for our greater good. Anyone also can enjoy our parks and recreational areas. Additionally, there are plenty of organizations to volunteer for. If you are bored, it is your own fault.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I believe a commitment to

improving this area needs to be the primary focus and we are seeing steps to make this happen. The Midwest Inland Port is a great project that many came together to make happen. The City Limitless marketing campaign is another good idea. Beyond that, just look at the generosity of the people that live here. Every WSOY Community Food Drive, this area goes above and beyond to help others. When I am on the soccer fields, at a Big Brothers Big Sisters function or reading about other events, you always see volunteers willing to help out and improve the lives of others. This community has heart. If you are a prospective resident to this area, I think that is all you need to know about the people here.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My parents have played a huge role, without a doubt, but this would have to be my late grandpa. I will never forget waking up early to get to his house to put

in a long day's work at the farm. He taught me to have a strong work ethic, love your family and take your education seriously. He also taught me to be a leader, not a follower, and always have a little humor in your life. I can’t repeat some of the jokes he told me, but I am always finding my grandpa coming out in me as I live my life.

What do you still hope to accomplish? To further my relationship with the Lord, grow professionally and continue to have a great family life. I also want to eventually coach soccer at the high school level. Most importantly, I want to watch my Cubs win a World Series or two.

Your favorite stress reliever: I enjoy working out, especially the Insanity: The Asylum fitness program. I also enjoy outdoor activities, such as going to the family farm, playing with my dogs, shooting or playing sports such as

pickleball (which is becoming more popular in Decatur, and you should check it out at Cresthaven Park).

Your favorite movie: The 1970 film “Patton.” I have always been fascinated with his life. We need more people like him in our world.

Your favorite book: “Coming Back Stronger” by Drew Brees. His comeback story, combined with an ability to overcome the toughest forms of adversity, is inspirational and a great read. Quote to live by: “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” – Proverbs 16:9 If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Ironman. Having a brilliant mind, billions of dollars and flying around in a flashy red suit sounds pretty good to me.


1 2 2016 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l

Scott D. McKinney Age: 34 Family: Wife, Christine, and children, Madison (10) and Abby (3).

given me pride. The friends I have met and business ties have really been great. We may have different ZIP codes, but when a need arises, we come together and our voices become one.

Current position/responsibilities: Quality control technician at Archer Daniels Midland Co. and president of Heavenly Chariots Chapter of the Christian Motorcyclists Association.

What do you like best about what you do? I have always liked to be able to stand back with pride and say that I had something to do with creating something. At ADM, I get the opportunity to confirm that what we are making will be safe and that our customers are truly getting what they have ordered. Being president of the Heavenly Chariots has given me the honor to lead a group of fellow Christians that share a passion for motorcycling and spreading the word of God and being “here if you need us” for local motorcyclists and our local motorcycle shops.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? Working in Decatur has

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Decatur needs to focus on our next and upcoming generations. For too long we have let a select few decide what was best for our future. Some of those weren't even vested in the decision. What Decatur must do is fall back on what made this city what it is today. We need to look back on late Mayor Gary Anderson and our past superintendent of schools, Mac McPherson. Our city was a place that people moved to under their leadership. Citizens recognized that they cared for the community as a whole, not for their personal agendas.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: The person that had the biggest influence on me when it comes to giving back and being involved in Decatur would be my


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2016 • 20 Under 40 1 3

Beth Nolan late mother, Camilla “Cam” McKinney. To her dying day it was always about everyone else and caring for the future of what she knew this city could be. I can only hope to have the same passion that she had and to touch even half of the lives she touched.

have a favorite. I enjoy sitting with my daughters and watching the Disney movies that I watched as a child, and I am enjoying sharing the musicals of my mother's generation with my oldest. It is a proud moment when your 10 year old sings the songs of some of the classics.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I’d like to see Decatur

Your favorite book: This is an easy

Age: 39 Family: Husband, John Larcher. Children Annie (7), Joe (5) and Emily (17 months). Parents, Wegi Stewart and Pat Nolan. Current position/responsibilities:

return to the powerful city it was. Maybe times have changed and industry isn’t as powerful as it was before, but I know deep inside this city has what it takes to become the gem it once was. We just need to come together as a community, looking toward the future and not dwelling on the past.

Your favorite stress reliever: A favorite saying that I share is “happiness is a twisting road and a full tank of gas.” With that, I would say that my favorite stress relief would be riding my motorcycle. We may not have many twists or turns around our state, but with the wind in your face, it’s hard to be stressed. Your favorite movie: I am always a sucker for the classics, but can't say I

art of getting someone to do what you want done, because he wants to do it.” -Dwight Eisenhower.

Vice president, investments and certified financial planner at the Brechnitz Group of Raymond James. I act as a financial adviser to many individual clients, and also have responsibilities for our business unit dealing with company-sponsored retirement plans and the participants in those plans.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why?

What do you like best about what you do? The diverse array of people with

I would say Yoda, and there are three take-a-ways from this. 1) You may be misunderstood, but don’t let that stop you from doing something that you have been called to do. 2) You may not be the person that was chosen, but you may be their teacher. 3) Be careful that the person you have been called to teach continues to be mentored. The worst thing that could happen to them would be to lose the momentum of change and fall.

whom I interact. My job puts me in front of people of all ages and income levels, each with a unique story that has led them to seek assistance in planning for their future. I love being with them on their journey through life, and playing a small part in helping to achieve their goals. No two clients are the same, which provides lots of diversity to my daily work and means the learning curve never stops. In addition to liking my clients, I also really the people that comprise the Brechnitz

answer. The book that has given my family our direction for life is The Bible.

Quote to live by: “Leadership is the

Group. I have worked with this group for 16 years, and they continue to challenge me and provide opportunities for me to grow. I rarely have a day that I’m not excited to go to work.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? The ability to make an impact. Decatur is small enough that everyone can be involved and play a role in shaping the community. During my 15 years living in Decatur as an adult, I’ve been involved in community improvement efforts like the capital campaign for the Madden Arts Center or the Vote Yes campaign to raise money for the high school renovations. Playing a small role in the creation of the community blueprint is empowering and humbling. I also enjoy my four minute commute.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Creating a lively, livable, progressive, prosperous atmosphere. Advancing the implementation of the lakefront development project; expanding the footprint of the renovations downtown to extend to the Oakwood area near

Millikin University; and developing a fresh inventory of housing options available for rent would be my top places to start.

accomplish? To see each of the national parks.

Your favorite stress reliever: The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: I’m so lucky to have a village of influencers. Of course my family and business partners have had tremendous influence on me. I’ve seen firsthand through my community involvement the power of collaboration. In the quest to solve the problems of our community in an era of limited resources, collaboration is no longer an option but a critical component. Working alongside Larry Altenbaumer and Bruce Nims with Grow Decatur, I have seen just how powerful collaboration can be. Together, they have shown me the importance of stakeholder buy-in and that to move the community you have to leave your ego at the door. Working with Barry Pearson and Lisa Taylor to build the Dennis Lab School was also an experience that has had immense influence on me. I continue to be influenced by the thought-leadership of the principal, teachers and students of Dennis Lab School.

What do you still hope to

Cooking, traveling and listening to the laughter of my family.

Your favorite movie: I’m not a huge movie buff, but instead prefer TV series. My favorite series, by far, is “The Wire.” Your favorite book: “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing” by Judy Blume is a vivid memory from my childhood of my mom reading over and over again to my siblings and me at night. I can still quote many of the lines, and have enjoyed sharing that tradition with my kids. Quote to live by: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -- Margaret Mead If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Scarlett O’Hara from “Gone With the Wind.” She is a smart, sassy woman who knows how to use her resources to get things done.


1 2 2016 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l

Scott D. McKinney Age: 34 Family: Wife, Christine, and children, Madison (10) and Abby (3).

given me pride. The friends I have met and business ties have really been great. We may have different ZIP codes, but when a need arises, we come together and our voices become one.

Current position/responsibilities: Quality control technician at Archer Daniels Midland Co. and president of Heavenly Chariots Chapter of the Christian Motorcyclists Association.

What do you like best about what you do? I have always liked to be able to stand back with pride and say that I had something to do with creating something. At ADM, I get the opportunity to confirm that what we are making will be safe and that our customers are truly getting what they have ordered. Being president of the Heavenly Chariots has given me the honor to lead a group of fellow Christians that share a passion for motorcycling and spreading the word of God and being “here if you need us” for local motorcyclists and our local motorcycle shops.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? Working in Decatur has

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Decatur needs to focus on our next and upcoming generations. For too long we have let a select few decide what was best for our future. Some of those weren't even vested in the decision. What Decatur must do is fall back on what made this city what it is today. We need to look back on late Mayor Gary Anderson and our past superintendent of schools, Mac McPherson. Our city was a place that people moved to under their leadership. Citizens recognized that they cared for the community as a whole, not for their personal agendas.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: The person that had the biggest influence on me when it comes to giving back and being involved in Decatur would be my


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2016 • 20 Under 40 1 3

Beth Nolan late mother, Camilla “Cam” McKinney. To her dying day it was always about everyone else and caring for the future of what she knew this city could be. I can only hope to have the same passion that she had and to touch even half of the lives she touched.

have a favorite. I enjoy sitting with my daughters and watching the Disney movies that I watched as a child, and I am enjoying sharing the musicals of my mother's generation with my oldest. It is a proud moment when your 10 year old sings the songs of some of the classics.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I’d like to see Decatur

Your favorite book: This is an easy

Age: 39 Family: Husband, John Larcher. Children Annie (7), Joe (5) and Emily (17 months). Parents, Wegi Stewart and Pat Nolan. Current position/responsibilities:

return to the powerful city it was. Maybe times have changed and industry isn’t as powerful as it was before, but I know deep inside this city has what it takes to become the gem it once was. We just need to come together as a community, looking toward the future and not dwelling on the past.

Your favorite stress reliever: A favorite saying that I share is “happiness is a twisting road and a full tank of gas.” With that, I would say that my favorite stress relief would be riding my motorcycle. We may not have many twists or turns around our state, but with the wind in your face, it’s hard to be stressed. Your favorite movie: I am always a sucker for the classics, but can't say I

art of getting someone to do what you want done, because he wants to do it.” -Dwight Eisenhower.

Vice president, investments and certified financial planner at the Brechnitz Group of Raymond James. I act as a financial adviser to many individual clients, and also have responsibilities for our business unit dealing with company-sponsored retirement plans and the participants in those plans.

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why?

What do you like best about what you do? The diverse array of people with

I would say Yoda, and there are three take-a-ways from this. 1) You may be misunderstood, but don’t let that stop you from doing something that you have been called to do. 2) You may not be the person that was chosen, but you may be their teacher. 3) Be careful that the person you have been called to teach continues to be mentored. The worst thing that could happen to them would be to lose the momentum of change and fall.

whom I interact. My job puts me in front of people of all ages and income levels, each with a unique story that has led them to seek assistance in planning for their future. I love being with them on their journey through life, and playing a small part in helping to achieve their goals. No two clients are the same, which provides lots of diversity to my daily work and means the learning curve never stops. In addition to liking my clients, I also really the people that comprise the Brechnitz

answer. The book that has given my family our direction for life is The Bible.

Quote to live by: “Leadership is the

Group. I have worked with this group for 16 years, and they continue to challenge me and provide opportunities for me to grow. I rarely have a day that I’m not excited to go to work.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? The ability to make an impact. Decatur is small enough that everyone can be involved and play a role in shaping the community. During my 15 years living in Decatur as an adult, I’ve been involved in community improvement efforts like the capital campaign for the Madden Arts Center or the Vote Yes campaign to raise money for the high school renovations. Playing a small role in the creation of the community blueprint is empowering and humbling. I also enjoy my four minute commute.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Creating a lively, livable, progressive, prosperous atmosphere. Advancing the implementation of the lakefront development project; expanding the footprint of the renovations downtown to extend to the Oakwood area near

Millikin University; and developing a fresh inventory of housing options available for rent would be my top places to start.

accomplish? To see each of the national parks.

Your favorite stress reliever: The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: I’m so lucky to have a village of influencers. Of course my family and business partners have had tremendous influence on me. I’ve seen firsthand through my community involvement the power of collaboration. In the quest to solve the problems of our community in an era of limited resources, collaboration is no longer an option but a critical component. Working alongside Larry Altenbaumer and Bruce Nims with Grow Decatur, I have seen just how powerful collaboration can be. Together, they have shown me the importance of stakeholder buy-in and that to move the community you have to leave your ego at the door. Working with Barry Pearson and Lisa Taylor to build the Dennis Lab School was also an experience that has had immense influence on me. I continue to be influenced by the thought-leadership of the principal, teachers and students of Dennis Lab School.

What do you still hope to

Cooking, traveling and listening to the laughter of my family.

Your favorite movie: I’m not a huge movie buff, but instead prefer TV series. My favorite series, by far, is “The Wire.” Your favorite book: “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing” by Judy Blume is a vivid memory from my childhood of my mom reading over and over again to my siblings and me at night. I can still quote many of the lines, and have enjoyed sharing that tradition with my kids. Quote to live by: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -- Margaret Mead If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Scarlett O’Hara from “Gone With the Wind.” She is a smart, sassy woman who knows how to use her resources to get things done.


1 4 2016 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l

Jodi Ogilvy


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2016 • 20 Under 40 1 1

David McDaniel Age: 26

Age: 30 Family: Parents, Jim and Mickey, and sister, Katie.

Family: Husband, Graham, and pup, Murphy.

Current position/responsibilities: Current position/responsibilities: I am a Web specialist at Archer Daniels Midland Co., where I manage our internal and external websites, as well as our social media accounts. I am also the co-founder of the fashion and lifestyle blog, Mod Circus. We bring our audience daily fashion and lifestyle content on social media and modcircus.com, all from the Midwest. We strive to bring a little bit of wit, whimsy and style to our followers every day.

What do you like best about what you do? At ADM, I love being able to work with so many people from around the world on a daily basis. There is hardly ever a dull moment. I am constantly challenged in my job, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I take a great deal of pride in what I do. Mod Circus is where I can express my passion and drive, but I also have a lot of fun while doing it. It’s a great way for me to flex my creativity while learning valuable skills that I need in my career, such as marketing, editing and critical thinking.

What you like best about working or living in the community: I grew up in Decatur and attended Decatur public schools, as well as Millikin University for undergrad. My loyalty to Decatur is deeprooted and will always be a part of me. I love that this is a large community with a small-town feel. All of my family lives here as well, and it’s really great to be able to be so close to them. We spend a lot of time together and support each other. I also met some of the very best people I know here. All of my closest friends were made while living and working in Decatur and if it wasn’t for living here, I wouldn’t have met my husband, Simply put, I wouldn’t be who I am today without Decatur.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I think the Decatur City Limitless campaign, of which I am an ambassador,

is doing great things to change the story of how Decatur is perceived. There is still a lot left to be done, but the renovation and growth I see happening all over is very positive. I think the biggest thing we can do is to spread a positive message about what a great community we have here. There are so many things to do and see here, as well as in the surrounding communities. I think a great place to start is by asking yourself, what you can do for your community to make it great. How can you help make Decatur a great place to live and work? What is this town missing that you can provide? What are you personally doing to reach out to those in need here in your town? There are boundless opportunities for growth just waiting for someone to come along and grab them.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: I’ve been lucky to grow up with several strong female role models in my life and have met many more in my career and adulthood. I also surround myself with people who inspire me to be the best that I can be on a daily basis. However, the one that tops the list is my mother, Mary Kay Cunningham. She instilled in me what it means to be a strong individual, and she

has always been my role model. I am who I am because of her, and I could not be more thankful. I hope to one day be a strong role model for others in my life, just as she has been for me.

going to the gym (shout out to the ADM Wellness Center). If all else fails, chocolate chip cookie dough and/or a whiskey cocktail while online shopping does the trick.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I will be applying for an

Your favorite movie: “Love Actually”

MBA program soon, so that is next on my list. After that, I hope to continue to grow at ADM and in my career and learn as much as I can. I also hope to grow Mod Circus with my partner and co-founder, Molly Heise. We have exciting plans for expanding our brand in the future and lofty long-term goals. We’re having so much fun doing it though, it hardly feels like work. I also will continue volunteering as much as I can in the community. Currently, I volunteer my time and skills with the Rodney T. Miller Triathlon, Pints for Pups committee for the Homeward Bound Pet Shelter, and the ADM Young Professionals. I’ve also enjoyed volunteering with the United Way in the past and hope to find more opportunities to use my skills to help out my community in the near future.

Your favorite book: The Harry Potter

Your favorite stress reliever: Watching “Doctor Who” with my husband. I also enjoy being active and


Quote to live by: “Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you've got a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies – you've got to be kind.” – Kurt Vonnegut

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I would be Hermione Granger. I love how she uses her mind to get her friends out of trouble and to save the day. She’s also logical, compassionate and puts others before herself, which I admire. Plus, she doesn’t let anyone intimidate her because she knows that she can do anything she wants she just needs to read a book first.

I am a load coordinator for ADM Logistics where I assist with day-to-day management of customers logistics needs, including rate quotations, order management and customer reports. I also assist with management and development of sales leads and proactively work with customers to strengthen and grow accounts. I am a YMCA youth soccer coach for both the U10 and U14 girls teams and have done so for eight seasons. In April, I received the award for 2015 Volunteer Coach of the Year from the YMCA. I also have been a mentor in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program since 2008 to two young men. Finally, for the past three years, I have assisted in leading an all-male, sportsbased youth group where I give speeches having to do with challenges young men face, empowering our lives and our faith.

What do you like best about what you do? I love meeting and working with our extensive nationwide customer base, along with finding new ones to serve. Each of them has a story and a goal, and it is a fun challenge to work with the ADM team to solve their transportation needs. I learned early on it is a fast-paced, everchanging environment, which makes it even more exciting.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? We have a good mix of large and small businesses, a revamped downtown, a good variety of restaurants, and a lake that our city leaders are improving for our greater good. Anyone also can enjoy our parks and recreational areas. Additionally, there are plenty of organizations to volunteer for. If you are bored, it is your own fault.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I believe a commitment to

improving this area needs to be the primary focus and we are seeing steps to make this happen. The Midwest Inland Port is a great project that many came together to make happen. The City Limitless marketing campaign is another good idea. Beyond that, just look at the generosity of the people that live here. Every WSOY Community Food Drive, this area goes above and beyond to help others. When I am on the soccer fields, at a Big Brothers Big Sisters function or reading about other events, you always see volunteers willing to help out and improve the lives of others. This community has heart. If you are a prospective resident to this area, I think that is all you need to know about the people here.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My parents have played a huge role, without a doubt, but this would have to be my late grandpa. I will never forget waking up early to get to his house to put

in a long day's work at the farm. He taught me to have a strong work ethic, love your family and take your education seriously. He also taught me to be a leader, not a follower, and always have a little humor in your life. I can’t repeat some of the jokes he told me, but I am always finding my grandpa coming out in me as I live my life.

What do you still hope to accomplish? To further my relationship with the Lord, grow professionally and continue to have a great family life. I also want to eventually coach soccer at the high school level. Most importantly, I want to watch my Cubs win a World Series or two.

Your favorite stress reliever: I enjoy working out, especially the Insanity: The Asylum fitness program. I also enjoy outdoor activities, such as going to the family farm, playing with my dogs, shooting or playing sports such as

pickleball (which is becoming more popular in Decatur, and you should check it out at Cresthaven Park).

Your favorite movie: The 1970 film “Patton.” I have always been fascinated with his life. We need more people like him in our world.

Your favorite book: “Coming Back Stronger” by Drew Brees. His comeback story, combined with an ability to overcome the toughest forms of adversity, is inspirational and a great read. Quote to live by: “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” – Proverbs 16:9 If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Ironman. Having a brilliant mind, billions of dollars and flying around in a flashy red suit sounds pretty good to me.


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Decatur Public Schools Congratulate

James Dawson as Top 20 Under 40 Recipient


“Today you lead the classroom. Tomorrow your students will lead the world.”

I am so proud of you.

Lauren Colee Young Recipient of 2016 20 people under the age of 40 MAKING A DIFFERENCE in our Community

Amy Mazzotti Decatur Public Schools and Parsons Elementary School Congratulates

Jonathan Dowing as Top 20 Under 40 Recipient

“A leader is someone who demonstrates what’s possible” --Mark Yarnell

Age:: 31

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why::

Family: Fiancé, Akeem Topps, and daughter, Ariya Topps.

My daughter has changed my life. I have to make her proud and wanting the most out of life.

Current position/responsibilities: Co-owner of ATEAM BOOTCAMP 360ATHLETE

What do you still hope to accomplish? I hope to kick start

What do you like best about what you do? I get to watch women and men

everyone into taking their health serious. Not only for themselves, but also for their families. I hope to one day have ATEAM branching out all over the state.

transform their body and life into something they never imagined.

Your favorite stress reliever: What do you like best about working or living in the community? I was raised in Decatur,

Hitting the weights with my ATEAM ladies.

and I love the diversity and up-andcoming things that my generation is trying to change for the better.

Your favorite movie: “Batman vs. Superman.”

Your favorite book: The Bible. What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I believe we should, as a community, be incorporating healthy living by starting up community fun days or some form of exercise the whole family can participate in to have fun.

101 W. Cerro Gordo Street | Decatur, IL 62523 | www.dps61.org

101 W. Cerro Gordo Street | Decatur, IL 62523 | www.dps61.org

Quote to live by: “Rise up take courage and do it.” -- Ezra 10:4

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on being named among the 20 Under 40 who make a difference in Central Illinois! If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Wonder Woman, because there are too many Barbies and not enough superheroes in this world.

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1 6 2016 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2016 • 20 Under 40 9

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My father, Gaston Palmer, who passed away two years ago. My papa immigrated to the United States from Nicaragua as a teenager with a middle school education. He raised five daughters, all of whom have obtained a college degree, and two of which have master’s degrees. He gave me an appreciation for education, hard work and perseverance. He was fond of saying “don’t settle for mediocrity,” and I never do. He was also a successful entrepreneur for over 40 years. I am eager to pass on his love for life, appreciation for diversity and work ethic to my children.

What you do still hope to accomplish? Since I was a college student, I have had a vision to develop a foundation for under-resourced women who are seeking an education or career in public service. Each day I have the opportunity to work with young women who haven’t yet found their champion in life. I want to be their champion and biggest supporter. I do that now in the practice of my work but hope to one day fund this vision as well.

Your favorite stress reliever: Yoga, cooking (I’m a foodie), and any organizing project I can get my hands on.

Your favorite movie: “The Contender,” a depiction of the first female vice presidential candidate in the U.S., and a close second, “Tortilla Soup,” which is my sentimental favorite that focuses on my Latina culture.

Raphaella Prange Age: 39

and understand its worth in the global marketplace.

Family: Husband, Robert, and children, Robert (11) and Suzanne (8).

Current position/responsibilities: Dean of students at Millikin University

What do you like best about what you do? I enthusiastically believe in the mission of Millikin University and our commitment to providing performance learning opportunities to our students. I have worked at Millikin for 16 years and it is the most wonderful community of servant leaders who believe in inclusion and the common good. I learn so much every day from our students and faculty, alike. However, it is my work with at-risk and under-resourced students that is most rewarding. I am so proud of the effort and discipline many of our students display, despite serious barriers and life struggles. It’s amazing to work with young people who appreciate the privilege of education

What do you like best about working or living in the community? As a parent and lover of recreation and the arts, I can’t say enough good things about the Decatur Park District and Decatur Area Arts Council. The programs are amazing, affordable, various and meet the needs of so many community members. Our school district is also phenomenal, and that goes beyond the test scores. Our educators commit to meeting students where they are and are providing innovation inside and outside of the classroom. From supporting technology and the arts, to outdoor education, District 61 prepares the leaders of tomorrow, and I am a #DPSProud parent! I am also enjoying the recent surge of local entrepreneurs and small businesses. I’m a child of two entrepreneurs, so I understand and appreciate the work of our citizens to

share their talents through their businesses, and having unique places to eat, drink, shop, and fellowship with others is a wonderful byproduct!

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Keep doing what we are doing. I see great effort being put forth by our community to offer events, opportunities and initiatives targeting young professionals and young families alike. Marketing and outreach is key, so platforms like City Limitless and Thrive magazine really help get the word out. Our major industries and businesses can help by onboarding new hires to the community in meaningful ways. Whenever I hire a new employee, I make it a point to give them a thorough tour of the community, link them up with local agencies and connect them to other residents who have a passion for Decatur.

Your favorite book: I read a lot of professional titles and have probably five in my stack for this month, but personally I have always loved the writing style of Mitch Albom. I taught his book “Tuesdays with Morrie” for many years (to freshmen at Millikin) and that book is chock full of life lessons. I also like to read anything written by Iyanla Vanzant.

Quote to live by: “Principles only mean something when you stick to them when it’s inconvenient.” (from the motion picture, “The Contender”) and “When opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door” –Milton Berle

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Mrs. Incredible from the Disney animated feature, “The Incredibles.” As a feminist heroine, she is loyal to her family, flexible beyond belief, a skilled tactician and a champion for humanity.

Shondra Lynch Age: 29 (OK, I'm kidding. 33) Family: My mom, Nancy; brother, Daniel and his wife, Miranda; and my sweet golden retriever puppy, Ellie

Current position/responsibilities: Vice president/private wealth adviser at Busey Trust Co. I develop strategies for clients based on an understanding of various personal and family objectives, current economic events and market conditions. I help provide wealth solutions in order to meet future financial goals and help preserve and grow capital over generations. I’m responsible for the administration of relationships that require fiduciary services and providing care in the management of these assets.

What do you like best about what you do? Having the opportunity to build relationships with clients and community members. I’m given the privilege to help others accomplish their goals, all while getting to know the values that are important to them. The stories that they are willing to share are often personal and special to how they

have gotten to the point they are in their lives. I love getting to know more about their families, exciting plans that they have coming up and the successes that they’ve accomplished.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? This town is full of talented, kind, good-hearted people. There is so much kindness, generosity and willingness to step up to help make Decatur a better place. I’m always so amazed at the amount of people who offer to get involved in different events, campaigns and organizations to make a difference.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? With all the hard work and strides the Economic Development Corporation of Decatur and Macon County and the City Limitless campaign has accomplished, I believe that it’s necessary to be a strong advocate for Decatur. It’s important to educate people on all of the positive, attractive things going on here. It’s

been said many times that Decatur is a “small-big town” and it’s very true. The positive buzz that this campaign has provided is something that was needed to bring attention to such a great place to live.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My grandfather. At a young age, he made a decision to use his abilities to make a difference. He challenged himself to do better and to be better, but also to enjoy the experiences and opportunities as they present themselves. He is a humble man, who found success through integrity, honesty and respect. His accomplishments are inspiring and admirable as he has made such an impact on not only on Decatur, but on the lives of many.


Your favorite stress reliever: I have the best friends and family. Being around them always proves to instantly lighten the mood and bring focus back into the big picture.

Your favorite movie: “Legally Blonde,” “Frozen” and “My Fair Lady.” Your favorite book: “Gone with the Wind.”

Quote to live by: “Keep your head, heels and standards high.”— Coco Chanel. “Live in the moment because everything else is uncertain.”— my mom.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I still have a lot to learn

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why?

and want to grow professionally and personally. I’m fortunate to work with supportive individuals and organizations that allow me to challenge myself and spread my wings. Each experience gives me an opportunity to learn, evaluate and

Elsa. Everyone has a favorite Disney character. More importantly, Elsa learns to embrace her unique talents, in an effort to use them for the better good. And I just love the movie.


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entertainment, one of my best friends

Aaron Largent

and I have discussed the need to get back out and tackle another mountain climbing trip, after having visited Longs Peak, Colo., in 2010 (approval from our significant others and children pending). Finally, locally, I look forward to continue serving where I can, whether

Age: 31

on the library’s board of trustees,

Family: All born and raised here in

assisting with the Symphony Orchestra

Decatur. My wife, Morgan, and

Guild of Decatur or any future public

daughter, Viviane, live on the West End.

office I’d be lucky enough to be

My brother, sister-in-law and two


Thomas “Tom” Pratt

nephews live in Bloomington and my wife’s siblings are spread out among

Your favorite stress reliver: After

Decatur, Dallas, Texas, and St. Louis. My

work, you can often find me walking into

mother- and father-in-law also reside in

Crossfit Enhance, down the road from

Family: I have two sons, Ethan (9) and

Decatur, along with my maternal

ADM, of which I’ve been a member for

Conor (7).

grandparents. Our families are very

four years. Also, through ADM, I have

close and we are thankful that most are

become involved again in

Current position/responsibilities:

in Decatur and technology allows us to

extracurricular soccer, playing indoors

I am a financial representative with COUNTRY Financial. As such, I sell, service and advise on various insurance and investment products. My goal as a financial representative is to build relationships with my clients, through trust and understanding. I believe that financial security is imperative and that the only way to achieve it is through a combination of insurance and financial products personally suited to each individual’s needs. I believe it is important to provide my clients with the most professional service, and I strive to ensure that my values are reflected in my service.

“visit” with those far away as often as

everyday life, in grocery stores, on the

option for not only those who are

during the winter at the DISC by

we want.

road or in the fields where we travel,

coming back from graduating, but

Millikin University and at the MidState

shows not only how broad our reach

professionals who can take advantage of

Soccer fields in the summer by Stephen

truly is but helps reiterate the impact

the financial benefits of living in Central

Decatur Middle School.

that I hope I’m having in that success

Illinois and ability to visit other

and continued progress.

surrounding areas and big metropolitan

Your favorite movie: I’ll still drop

cities on a whim.

what I’m doing and watch “The

Current position/responsibilities: I have been employed with Archer Daniels Midland Co. for more than nine years. Basically, I walked off the

Shawshank Redemption” whenever it

Decatur. Currently, I reside as the

What do you like best about working or living in the community? The support I’ve seen

business partner over corporate

throughout the community is evident

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: I actually have two, my father

functions within the Information

daily. My close friend and co-creator of

and my daughter. My father has taught

reading Tony La Russa’s, “3 Nights in

Technology Department. I am

the For the Love of It Cabaret, Beth and

me more about work ethic, strength and

August: Strategy, Heartbreak and Joy

responsible for understanding my

I had an idea for raising funds for

perseverance than I could have ever

Inside the Mind of Manager,” back when

department’s short- and long-term

cancer research six years ago, and we

found elsewhere. His dedication to his

he visited Decatur and did a book

strategy and how it relates to any

continue to be blown away by the

profession, both at Firestone and now at

signing. As a lifelong Cardinals fan and

technological needs and how we can

support and loving encouragement from

ADM, his ability to respond to physical

having been to the famed “Game 6” that

leverage internal and external resources

the community and annual attendees.

adversity -- having beaten cancer almost

year in 2011, getting to meet Tony in

to meet those needs and drive

We’ve grown in attendance every year

10 years ago -- and still putting in more

Decatur and reliving that Cardinals year

efficiencies. In addition, this summer

and have been able to raise more than

than 40 hours a week, is a daily

is fun to pull out every now and then and

and next I’ll be assisting and then

$25,000 that has gone directly to cancer

inspiration. All while being an amazing

dust off the jacket to read.

overseeing the ADM I.T. internship

research, as well as local individuals in

husband of 40 years to my mom, a dad

program, assisting 25 college/graduate

need or support. Whether it be the arts,

and a grandpa to three grandchildren,

Quote to live by: My Church,

students through their summer

small businesses, activities throughout

his actions drive me to get up every

Renaissance, has adopted a quote, “A

internships in various I.T. functions and

the summer, etc., when Decatur and the

morning and provide for my family. And

Heart for the City in the Heart of the


surrounding community finds something

ever since I became a father, Viviane

City.” I think it’s been a good reminder

it believes in or enjoys, they put their

drives me to make decisions that I

that we all can positively impact one

What you do like best about what you do? It’s cliché, but no day at ADM

full weight behind it.

believe will positively affect her future.

another and the city we live in.

in my current role is the same. The

schools, businesses and people, as well

to be agile in responding to their needs

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I think we’re doing it

and the impact the market is having on

graduation stage at Illinois Wesleyan and straight into my career back in

pops up on TV.

Your favorite book: I really enjoyed

My wife and I believe in Decatur, the as everything it has to offer and

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why?

anything I can do to positively impact

I’d have to pick any of the characters

her being raised here and in the ever

that appear on Mickey Mouse’s

right now, with the City Limitless

changing world is what now keeps me

Clubhouse right now. My daughter,

their demands from I.T.’s applications

campaign getting a lot of traction and


Viviane, listens to them most often

and data. On a much larger scale, being

informing our community and

a part of ADM has allowed me to

surrounding areas about the many good

understand, from a macroeconomic

strategy and needs for my business partners are ever-changing, and I have

better than myself or my wife. She’s enthralled with everything they do on

things that are here in Decatur.

What do you still hope to accomplish? There’s definitely a

level, the impact, positively, that we

Changing the perception or reinforcing

desire to continue my education, both as

thanks for keeping her entertained when

have on the ability to feed the world.

the positive things happening is key to

a student and, hopefully, as a teacher, in


Seeing our products and ingredients in

making Decatur enticing and a first

whatever capacity that may be. For

the TV, and I owe them quite a bit of

Age: 39

What do you like best about what you do? I love everything about my career with COUNTRY Financial. I love all of the opportunities I have to meet new people each and every day. I’m in this career for the average Joe, and I want to help folks protect and raise their family while building and strengthening my relationships with them. Because of my position as a financial representative, I have been able to spend more time with my boys. I am able to help coach their sports teams and lead their Cub Scout dens. It gives me the opportunity to give back to my community, which I do through volunteering several different organizations, including the Chamber of Commerce and Kiwanis. But what I love most about this job is I control my own destiny.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? Right now, it would have to be watching Decatur grow and succeed. 2016 isn’t even half over, and Decatur has seen over $40 million in commercial investments and deployments so far. Our outstanding police pepartment has crime rates lower than comparable Central

Illinois cities. This city is working to improve our infrastructure. And, of course, none of this would be possible without the great members of this community who always seem to come together when needed. When you add in the fact that the Wall Street Journal ranked Decatur second on their list of affordable places to live, you can clearly see Decatur has things moving in the right direction.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? This is something I know several organizations are working hard to accomplish, including the Chamber of Commerce and Grow Decatur. Decatur has earned a bad reputation for things that happened decades ago. If the community wants to attract more young people to live and work here, then the community, as a whole, needs to do a better job of selling

the Decatur of today and not rehashing the past. Decatur has so many great things going on, it’s time to move forward telling our new story.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: This would have to be my first team leader when I arrived in the 82nd Airborne, Sgt. Michael Brooks, who is now a command sergeant major. Sgt. Brooks taught me much more than the skills I needed as an infantry soldier. He taught me to work hard, dream big and to never stop moving toward goals.

What do you still hope to accomplish? In my personal life, I want to see my boys grow into fine, hardworking, successful young men. Professionally, I want to continue to grow my business through building relationships with my clients and helping each one

reach their retirement goals.

Your favorite stress reliever: Kick boxing.

Your favorite movie: “Black Hawk Down”

Your favorite book: “The Last Patriot” by Brad Thor

Quote to live by: “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” --Walt Disney If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Batman, of course. He is a superhero without superpowers. In face of tragedy and adversity, he has trained himself to be the most brilliant and capable man he can be.


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The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: I have two, and the first is God. Every day that my feet hit the floor, I make sure that I glorify God and make Him proud of me. I seek Him in every decision, and He is the center of my life. In my house, our foundation is built on Christ-like attributes; it is a requirement and not an option. My grandmother, Katie Williams, is the second. She is the matriarch of our family and the glue that holds my family together. Most importantly, she is my best friend, and we share some of the same beliefs.

What you do still hope to accomplish? There is not much. I have traveled the world while living overseas, I have an awesome job at Richland with great students and I have two wonderful kids. If I had to accomplish something, it would be to continue living life to the fullest, to put God first and to be able to live to see my great-great-grandchildren. What more can you ask for?

Jarmese Sherrod Age: 36


Family: I come from a strong, well-

What do you like best about what you do? I am passionate about teaching

supported family from Chicago. I have four brothers (three living) and two sisters. I have a son, Jajuan (6), and a daughter, Janese (12).

Current position/responsibilities: I love teaching developmental English classes and media classes at Richland Community College. I am also the developmental English alignment coordinator, the media program adviser, and adviser to the Media and Communicatur Club. In my spare time, I work with active duty soldiers, veterans and civilians. I serve on a couple of committees at my college and on the state and national level advocating for students in developmental education. I serve on the Decatur Media Advisory Council and recently, Grow Decatur. I also volunteer with my church, Riverside Baptist, and other organizations in Decatur. I have dedicated 15 years of my life teaching face-to-face, hybrid, and online classes in the private, public, and military sectors. My specialty is raising test scores and increasing student

and mentoring, and I absolutely love what I do. It is a blessing to work with students and help them strive for excellence in academia. I mentor a lot of students and make sure that they graduate and find jobs in Decatur. My students will tell you that I push and motivate them a lot, and that I do not give up. It is because I see their potential, and I sincerely want the best for them in life. I dedicate a lot of time working with my students, in and outside of the classroom, through community service events.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I love Decatur because it reminds me of Germany. I am a smalltown woman. I love the rural environment, cozy neighbors and the welcoming, family-centered church that I attend. Besides teaching, community service is another passion that I enjoy. I was raised to give back to my community. I must admit that since I have lived in Decatur, most people know that if you ask for my help, I will never say “no,”

especially when it benefits those in need. It is also a God-given talent, and I honor God when I give back. Life is not about taking, but it is about sharing. You can share your talents and advice or give assistance to make your community thrive.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I think the first step is “believing” in our youth and young adults, and then involving them in the process. They have a voice, and it should be heard. When I was young, I planned community service events because my mother was active in the community and asked for my help and input. When I taught overseas in Germany, I also created student-centered events, much like what we do at Richland. I think the community should come together and work together to make one plan to increase involvement in activities/events, education and career advancement, and spiritual growth. The key is to ask young people for help and input before planning, and then offer support and assistance. Finally, when they come and ask for help, do not respond that you are too busy.

Your favorite stress reliever: I live by the motto that “I am too blessed to be stressed,” and that is mainly because of my daily routine. People always ask why I have a smile on my face, and I tell them it is because of how I start and end my day. I start my day with God and end my day with God. That’s it. My daughter does devotion every morning, my son does prayer, and I do praise and worship. I also run/ walk every day. I end my day by studying the Word and journaling. The time I spend with my kids is not a stress reliever, but it is my personal joy. Every Friday, we run home, put on our comfortable clothes, watch Redbox movies, and eat pizza. They love it, and I love spending the weekend with them as well. Your favorite movie: Hands down, “The Notebook.”

Your favorite book: The Bible. Quote to live by: “I will say to the LORD, My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” -- Psalm 91:2

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I have always been compared to Superwoman because people think I can do everything, but other than that, I have no other characters.


t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2016 • 20 Under 40 7

Paulina “Paula” Heinkel Age: 27 Family: Husband, Wes; dogs, Festus (schipperke mix) and Hans (golden retriever puppy); mother and father, John and Gosha Thornton of Chicago; brother, Sean Thornton of Chicago Current position/responsibilities: Community relations coordinator for Ameren Illinois. I serve as a liaison between the company and the communities we serve. I help resolve issues and provide consumer education in Decatur, Bloomington-Normal, Lincoln, Springfield and the areas in between. As part of my job, I present to schools, civic organizations and other groups about issues including electric and natural gas safety, infrastructure upgrades, customer conveniences and energy efficiency, just to name a few.

What do you like best about what you do? After severe weather strikes, if I have weather-related outages in my division, I provide communication and outreach to our critical care customers such as hospitals, nursing homes, schools and municipalities. I enjoy being able to help people in these times and to provide vital information when they need it.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I love Decatur and consider myself to be a Decatur booster. I am a transplant, originally from Chicago. What sticks out to me about Decatur are the people. Since I moved to Decatur five years ago to work as an investigative reporter at WAND-TV, I have formed meaningful, long-lasting relationships. I find people here to be smart, kind, generous and unpretentious. I met my husband here. I have family here, and simply put, I love it here.

What should the community be

doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? We are working on this issue right now, and I believe we are making headway. I am the interim president of Decatur Emerging Leaders, a new group through the Greater Decatur Chamber of Commerce. We are helping young people connect by providing opportunities for social interaction, professional development and community service. We want our younger workers to create meaningful relationships here, so that they can participate in all of the incredible amenities the community has to offer. We want to keep people here in Decatur and to help them thrive and take ownership of this truly limitless city. Interested in joining? Email us at decaturemergingleaders@gmail.com

The people who have had the biggest influence on you and why: My mom. My mother came to America from Poland when she was 25 years old, speaking no English. She, alongside my incredible American-born dad, raised both children in her second language, and

now she works as a hospital program coordinator at Gilda's Club of Chicago, where she provides support for clients who have cancer. Since she brought me into the world, she has taught me that hard work, a fierce mind, and a gentle heart are the necessary components of life well-lived. Her relentless positivity and kindness bring sunshine into my life, and to each person she meets. She is a lady beautiful both inside and out.

What do you still hope to accomplish? Most of all, I hope to become a good mother (I am expecting this December). Professionally, I would like to develop my skills by pursuing an advanced degree, perhaps in business. And maybe, just maybe, I will write a book. Nothing too serious, but a fun beach read. I've started a couple, but have never finished them.

Your favorite stress reliever: Traveling to new places (domestic and international) and sampling the delicious food and drink. I feel that time slows down as you explore new sights and experiences.

Your favorite movie: “Jurassic Park” or “Men in Black.” “Slingblade” is also excellent. Your favorite book: "Devil in the White City" by Erik Larson, and "As I Lay Dying" by William Faulkner. "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy is similarly magnificent. Quote to live by: "The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer somebody else up."-- Mark Twain If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Although she is based off a real character, I would be Abigail Adams (as played by Laura Linney) from the HBO miniseries John Adams. She is some of the things I am and many of the things I want to become: hard-working, uncomplaining, devoted, humorous, loyal and fiercely intelligent. In a time when men made all of the headlines, she was a key adviser to more than one president and did so with grace and humility from the shadows.


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Jeanette Skaluba Age: 39 (Eek. I barely made it.) Family: My nonlegally binding, semilive-in spouse, Tom, plus my two cats: Catty-woman, a blind, 18-year-old phenomenon, and Violet, a Homeward Bound Pet Shelter alum. The rest of my family lives in Alpena, Mich..

Current position/responsibilities:

Jonathan E. Downing Age: 39

our students and their families.

Family: Wife, Aubrey; daughters,

What do you like best about what you do? I come to work every

Noelani (10) and Emmaline (4); bonus sons, Joel (15) and Isaac (17) Cothern.

Current position/responsibilities: I am the principal at Parsons School for the Decatur School District. I’ve been employed with the Decatur School District as a principal for seven years (Parsons) and previously two years as an assistant principal for Thomas Jefferson Middle School. I am responsible for 48 educators and, on average, 370 students ranging from 5 to 12 years old. My main responsibility is making sure that I offer a safe and productive environment that provides the best learning experience for all students. Beyond that, it is also my responsibility to maintain an environment that is positive to provide a place that staff want to work and come to on a daily basis. In turn, it is also important that I maintain a strong relationship with community members throughout Decatur to gain support for

day with a smile on my face because I love my job. I enjoy working with students and the adults that service them. It brings me great joy to see all of them learning and working together and providing that environment for them.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? What I like best about working in this community and living in this community is knowing a lot of people. I love bumping into people in random places. I get the biggest kick out of seeing people. Plus, our community has so much to offer for families. Parks, a zoo, a children's museum, trails, food and various events throughout the year. Plus, I grew up in Decatur, so it is like a big home to me.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the

area? Continue to enhance the city. I love the look of downtown and the different events that Decatur is offering. Young people love things that look nice, but also have a variety of things to do. The smartest thing that Decatur did was changing up Nelson Park and the lake areas. People love being outside and offering more outside activities is huge. I love taking my family on the trails and parks. The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: I would definitely have to say my mom. She taught me to believe in myself and follow my dreams. She encouraged me in my faith with God and provided my brother and I with a loving environment as we grew up. She continues to be in my life to support me and my family. She is a beautiful person inside and out.

What do you still hope to accomplish? I hope to provide continual support in our community for the children of need. I have always

enjoyed working with organizations that support children, and I never dreamed I would become a principal. I have dreams of furthering my career and dreams of supporting Decatur because I believe in our future.

Your favorite stress reliever: My biggest stress reliever is running and definitely spending time with my beautiful wife and playing with my kiddos. Your favorite movie: “Avatar”

Your favorite book: At this time, “The Hunger Games” series. Quote to live by: “See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness.” – Luke 11:35 If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Thor. 1. Because I’m bald, and he has awesome hair. 2. His presence demands authority, but he has a passion to serve others and protect. 3. The dude knows how to fight!

As the supervisor, microbiology at Meda Pharmaceuticals, I oversee the operations that ensure that our products and environments are free from microorganisms that could negatively impact the patient or dosage form. I'm grateful for my position and the fact that I get to work in the field that I went to school for (Michigan State University Go Green, Go White!). What I'm most passionate about and what feeds my soul is helping shelter pets find forever homes. I'm a very active volunteer at Homeward Bound Pet Shelter. As the creator of Yoga4Cats, I've been able to raise funds and donations sufficient to remodel the cat rooms (Project Catification). I prefer to focus on the underdogs (and cats). Helping the overlooked pets get adopted brings the greatest reward.

What do you like best about what you do? I love bringing like-minded people together to drive a common purpose. It is amazing what you can accomplish when you pair passion and talent. Homeward Bound Pet Shelter has seen a dramatic increase in cat adoptions and for me, that is what it is all about.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I've worked in Decatur since 2002. I gave up the commute from Urbana in 2007. Yes, I moved for my job, but I've stayed because of the people. Decatur (or as I say, deCATur) is a very accessible community, full of opportunities to make an impact.

What should the community be doing to attract more young

people to live and work in the Decatur area? In the 14 years that I've lived and worked here, I have seen great things accomplished. Decatur is already on the right path. I love the Decatur Limitless campaign. At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter where you are, it's what you make of your time while you're here. I've never had a reason to leave.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: Since I feel like I'm slowly turning into my grandmother, it must be her. She's a no-nonsense and driven lady. She doesn't take crap from anyone. What a role model.

What do you still hope to accomplish: I've always had volunteering at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah on my bucket list. When I found out they wanted to feature Yoga4Cats as an innovative adoption strategy in their magazine, I was thrilled. That definitely moved this goal up on my life agenda. Last summer, I took a shelter dog kayaking on Lake Decatur, and it was a blast. This year, I

was able to get a kayak donated to raise money in a raffle for Homeward Bound Pet Shelter. I'm looking forward to taking more shelter dogs kayaking – Paddling4Pets.

Your favorite stress reliever: Yoga, spending time on or near the water, and anything that involves being kind to animals.

Your favorite movie: Jim Henson's “The Dark Crystal.” I must have watched it 100 times as a kid. The quest to restore balance really made an impression on me. It remains a favorite. My WIFI network is "Gelfling". Your favorite book: “Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers” by Mary Roach. It is morbidly fascinating, and I highly recommend it.

Quote to live by: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” -Ferris Bueller

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Catwoman. No explanation required.


CONGRATULATES Jeanette Skaluba as one of this year’s 20 Under 40 recipients. Thank you for making a difference in our community!


2 0 2016 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


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James Dawson Age: 38 Family: My wife, Laura, is my best friend, and together we have a son, Lucas, who is my best bud. Current position/responsibilities: I am an art teacher for the Decatur School District. My job allows me to travel to the different elementary buildings and teach art lessons to elementary students.

What do you like best about what you do? I have always said that the best

Brian Tucker Age: 35

my students to allow them to finish their degree.

Family: Wife, Michelle O’Dell-Tucker Current position/responsibilities: Director, Culinary Arts Institute at Richland Community College. I oversee the Culinary Arts Institute as well as teach culinary classes. I also oversee the student-run restaurant Bistro Five Thirty Seven on Richland’s Campus. I am in charge of the day-to-day operations and curriculum development and implementation.

What do you like best about what you do? I love getting the chance to share the passion that I have for the culinary industry with the next generation of students in the program. I had an amazing time in culinary school and was very lucky to have passionate chefs along my journey. I am glad that I now have the chance to return the favor by being that chef for other students. It is amazing to see the transformation of the students from the first day to graduation. At graduation, I can say that I am truly proud of all of the hard work and dedication of

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I have called Decatur home for 12 years. I was born and raised in New York. I love what Decatur has to offer and all of the opportunities here. Decatur is a close-knit and hardworking community that supports one another. The food industry is also growing and Decatur has amazing restaurants run by extremely talented chefs.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Continuing to offer programs, such as the Culinary Arts Institute, helps to bring young people to the community. There has been a very visible attempt to bring more events, and activities to Decatur, and I think that effort will continue to have a positive effect as well.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My father, Paul Tucker. Growing up, my

dad owned a catering company on Long Island. I was always around the business, and it was there that I developed my passion for food and everything culinary. He is the hardest working person I know, and I know that he is the reason I became the person I am today. Growing up around the industry showed me what it was truly like behind the scenes. A chef most often works long hours in hot kitchens and on their feet all day. It was that reason that I talked myself out of culinary school immediately after high school. After one semester into a computer programming degree I realized that I had made the wrong choice and decided that I needed to follow my true passion. My father was always supportive and I enrolled at the Culinary Institute of America the next day.

What do you still hope to accomplish? My goal is to continue to grow the culinary program and hopefully continue to expand our offerings. The program has come so far in the seven years it has been around, but there are so many more things that we can do. I also would like to work on my master’s degree and continue my education.

Your favorite stress reliever: Spending time with my wife. There is nothing better than coming home after a long day and relaxing with Michelle. Some of our favorite things to do are cooking together and going to Dave Matthews Band concerts (I have seen the band live 48 times).

Your favorite movie: “Good Will Hunting”

Your favorite book: “Making of a Chef” by Michael Ruhlman

Quote to live by: “Success is never owned. It is rented, and the rent is due every day” – Rory Vaden. If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? The Flash. Most days I think super speed would come in handy.

age of my life, prior to marriage, was being about 8 years old. This job allows me to work with some of the best citizens Decatur has, our elementary students. Our elementary students are bursting with creativity, excitement and knowledge, and all of that is contagious. I am fortunate enough to teach a subject that I’m passionate about and has had a profound impact in my life and education. I also get to collaborate with an amazing group of Decatur teachers and see all of the exciting things happening within the doors of Decatur public schools.

What you do like best about working or living in the community? I love being a dad in Decatur. My wife and I bought a West End home 10 years ago and we just signed on our second West End home. We take full advantage of Fairview Park and the bike trail frequently. We enjoy being so close to the businesses of Oakwood and the music of the Oakwood Festivals. Decatur has so many other opportunities for families that we utilize as well. Decatur has a great library with a magnificent children’s department and staff. We have the Rock Springs Conservation Area, which offers hiking and bike trails and a fantastic visitor’s center. I appreciate how both staffs are always willing to take the time to talk with our son. Everything that I have mentioned so far is completely free, and I would encourage families to visit these places. Two other places our family likes to attend regularly are Scovill Zoo and the Children’s Museum of Illinois. My son has grown and learned so much because of these facilities, and they have created many lasting memories for me.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I think we need to keep up the good work and continue to showcase the progressiveness Decatur has been demonstrating for years. This is especially true when it comes to Decatur public schools. I would urge any parents who have young children, as I do, to investigate all the options Decatur public schools have to offer. Decatur public schools has amazing Montessori and magnet programs. We are demonstrating new practices such as STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) in schools. We continue building relationships with community partners such as Scovill Zoo, Children’s Museum, Millikin University, local businesses and more. All of our students work toward learning 21st century skills and have oneto-one technology in the classroom. We offer many after-school extracurricular activities and have many family nights throughout the district. I was fortunate enough to teach second grade at Dennis Lab School for years. It was truly awesome to see how the neighborhood united around a school and the effect it had on the students and teachers. I could write endlessly about the wonderful learning experiences I have

witnessed now that I have the opportunity to teach in many Decatur elementary schools. Our teachers and staff continue going above and beyond for the needs of our parents and students.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: The people who continue to have the biggest influence are my parents and my family. I often say I learned many things in school and in books, but the rest I learned in my parents and grandparents homes by watching them. My family is my foundation that has allowed me to build myself into who I am. The biggest influence I had outside of family was my high school art teacher, Diana Manning. She has so many characteristics that I idolize, and she was one of the first teachers who made me feel like I was understood. She helped to build my confidence and welcomed me to unleash my creativity. I remember a story she told me about when she went to college. She had told me she was never the best artist in her classes (which was unbelievable for me at the time). She went on to tell me that she understood that she wasn’t the best artist and had little control over that, but what she could control was giving her best at everything she did. She is an amazing person, and I love her dearly.

What do you still hope to accomplish? On a personal level, I expect to begin a master’s program with an emphasis on art education. Some shorter term goals include teaching art in life skills and alternative settings. I also look forward to working with students to create larger collaborative art projects. I expect to have an impact on the hallways in Decatur public schools and hope the children's work will speak for itself.

Your favorite stress reliever: After a stressful day, I enjoy watching/playing Jeopardy. Your favorite movie: “The Empire Strikes Back.” If you look up my high school graduation photo, I’m the kid with the Star Wars tie. I can’t begin to explain how exciting it is that I get to enjoy a new era of Star Wars films with my son, Lucas. Your favorite book: “Flotsam” by David Wiesner.

Quote to live by: The saying around our house is, “Every day is the best day.” If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Porky Pig. I would finally have the opportunity to say, "That's All Folks!"


4 2016 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


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the greatest ability to create and communicate a vision and move people into action to achieve it. He is solution driven: He knows of individuals incurable diseases rather it be simply sin or some physical, psychological or spiritual infirmity, yet he shares the cure because he is the solution. He is the best at correcting systematic injustices that plague society. Lastly, Jesus knows how to motivate people best during critical decision-making moments. I love that I am able to see the character of Christ in all of my mentors: Rev. Dr. C.D. Stuart, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Min. Carlos Norris, and Pastor Marvin Joyner. However, even if people don’t believe in Jesus as a faith tradition or God, they can learn a lot from the man.

What do you still hope to accomplish? To unite God’s people. I

Courtney L. Carson Age: 34 Family: Wife, Alyse; daughter, Courtnee, sons, Malachi, Christian, Cree and our dog, Jab Current Position/Responsibilities: As an associate minster of Antioch M.B. Church, I’m commissioned to reconcile man back to God, and I’m called to, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” I am also the assistant director and young adults teacher of the Antioch Baptist Institute. As the Senior Workforce Job Developer for the Springfield Urban League, I have been charged to assists in the eradication of poverty and help families overcome financial hurdles and obtain financial stability, gain employment, build sustainable careers and provide other services that support success. We serve more than 9,000 families annually. As president of the Southside Improvement Association, I am to know my neighbor, improve and preserve the neighborhood and organize activities for neighborhood children and adults. My focus is on a wide variety of neighborhood infrastructure projects,

but mainly to keep our children and community safe. As co-founder of the 20MEN/WOMEN Mentoring Group, each week we place mentors in the lives of high school youth and we strive to insure that all students complete an educational path resulting in readiness for a career or higher education. We create a positive foundation which catalyzes a positive relationship between 10 professional adult men and women, and 10 or more male high school freshmen or sophomores. We are currently located in Decatur, Springfield and Aurora. As a resident of Decatur, I just simply choose to love people and hold them accountable for their actions.

What do you like best about what you do? That in each encounter I have with people, without judgment, I organically develop an individual plan to how I can I help and best show love to each person. I evaluate their barriers, identify their goals, aid them within an attainable plan, and then I pray to God that he grants them enough strength to go through the process and the programmatic thrust of a life-changing experience while staying focused on their goals

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I love the fact that I have easy access to people who are made to feel as if they are the least, left out and lost. So, I make every effort to interact with those very individuals and introduce them to a better way, truth and life. I believe that my sole purpose is to help heal the wounds of the world by being actively involved in bettering the lives of others.

What should the community be doing to attract more young professionals to live and work in the Decatur area? Provide an infrastructure that caters to diverse cultures, implement a road map for continued educational and employment success, highlight cultural accomplishments, and catalyze afterschool programs as traditional school extra credit.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why? Jesus has the greatest influence on me because of his desire to save, love and help everyone, and he has a courageous tractability to the will of his father. He is an infinite leader: He has

believe if we could all suppress our egos, ideology, organizational and denominational differences and come together, we could really love one other without distorting our own personal values. When black people can accept white people for loving to be white and white people can accept black people for loving to be black and every other color of people love each other for which their maker beautifully and fundamentally made them to be, then, we can truly be called children of God and a nation of love. We will then see God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven because when we die, there will be no black, white, or brown sections of heaven, there is only a place for good people who believed in a cause that was greater than themselves.

Your favorite stress reliever: Watching my wife interact with our children and seeing the kids play with each other.

Your favorite movie: “The Count of

Eric Wherley

Monte Cristo”

Age: 38

Your favorite book: The Bible

Family: My wife, Liz, and our

Quote to live by: 2 Chronicles 7:14

children, Miriam (7), Sophia (6), Livia (4), Liam (2), and Luke (1).

King James Version (KJV) “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Superman. He is extremely blessed to work in the areas of tension and promise where different dimensions of human existence meet and shape one another. He is able to save people from great catastrophe and yet remain extremely humble as Clark Kent.

Current position/responsibilities: General dentist at Artime & Wherley Family Dentistry

What do you like best about what you do? I enjoy being able to help a diverse group of patients with their dental needs. I love that I’m able to learn about each patient individually and about their specific circumstances, establishing close relationships with them and them becoming part of my extended family. I learned from my grandfather at a young age to work with my hands, and dentistry is an extension of that.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? Being a Decatur native, I know firsthand that Decatur is a very hardworking community. I appreciate that the people who live and work here take great pride in their community and have a work ethic that is second to none.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I think that priority No. 1 is to continue to build on activities and events for young families. The Children’s Museum of Illinois, Scovill Zoo, Decatur IL Moms, Baby TALK, Rock Springs and Decatur Park District are all tremendous assets to Decatur.

The person who has had the

biggest influence on you and why: My grandfather is by far my greatest influence. He had a tremendous work ethic and undying dedication and devotion to God and his family.

What do you still hope to accomplish? My greatest task is to raise my children to be Christ-centered, productive, generous, compassionate and contributing members to society. If I can accomplish raising them up to be blessings to others and not burdens, then I will truly feel successful.

Your favorite stress reliever: I enjoy running, biking, lifting weights, detailing cars and anything that involves using tools.

Your favorite movie: I can’t

pinpoint one movie in particular, but I love any movie with Denzel Washington.

Your favorite book: My personal library includes extensive copies of Dr. Seuss and the entire Pinkalicious collection. My favorite book is the one that my kids will actually sit down and listen to from start to finish.

Quote to live by: “Begin each day with a grateful heart.” If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Clark Kent, because he is an average guy who’s able to transform into a super hero with the power to help those in need.


2 2 2016 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l


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Chazaray Carson Age: 30

Lauren Young Age: 31 Family: My husband, Chad, daughter Amelia, and I will be welcoming Baby Boy Young in September. I can't forget my parents, Dale and Rita Colee, and siblings, Kyle Stone, Erica and Aly Colee.

Current position/responsibilities: My title is marketing and merchandise manager at Dale's Southlake Pharmacy and Colee's Corner Drugs. I handle all marketing for our stores and select the unique gifts for our retail areas.

Family: Parents Cheryl and Ken Carson Sr.; brothers, Ken Jr. and Corinthian; sisters, Genesis and Ferlaxnes

large corporation. Personally, I love getting to interact with my family, "family" of coworkers and customers on a daily basis.

live and work in Decatur.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I love the generous spirit

have all influenced me in different ways, but in the past few years, I can appreciate my mother's influence in my life more than I did when I was younger. I am so blessed to be able to see my mom interact with others, especially my daughter, and continue to be an example of strength and compassion for me.

that many members of our community have. Whether that is through supporting local businesses, philanthropic fundraisers or giving their time, this community continues to amaze me.

What do you like best about what you do? Professionally, the best part of

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? Hiring personnel

working for a small business is it allows me to gain experience in many different areas of the company that I wouldn't have the opportunity to see firsthand at a

should tap into the Limitless Decatur movement and show job seekers that there is a network of people and local organizations worth making the move to

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: My immediate family members

What you still hope to accomplish? My next goal is for a smooth opening of our new location inside Crossing Healthcare. Longterm, I hope to continue to show others the importance of shopping local and supporting independent retailers.

Your favorite stress reliever: Enjoying a Cardinals game or taking my daughter to the zoo.

Your favorite movie: “42” (The Jackie Robinson story)

Your favorite book: “Bossypants” by Tina Fey

Quote to live by: "God built me to last." – Jackie Robinson If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? Leslie Knope from “Parks and Recreation.” Her sense of humor and won't-quit personality are just what a modern woman needs these days.

Current position/responsibilities: Director of supply chain at HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital. Job includes coordinating with the corporate director of materials management in matters of multiaffiliate contracts; managing the purchase and delivery of goods; overseeing inventory control operations; serving as an adviser and resource to other areas with regard to supply, equipment and service needs; ensuring accuracy of inventory records and keeping inventory levels within appropriate limits; and developing implements and evaluating goals and objectives in alignment with strategic goals.

What do you like best about what you do? My team has a part in every single aspect of HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital. Whether that is providing the necessary supplies or equipment to perform surgeries or making sure that the hospital’s support staff has the materials

they need to work with patients and their families. In short, the work that I and my team do impacts every person that walks through the doors of St. Mary’s Hospital. That is what is fulfilling about my job and what makes me want to come back, perform to the best of my abilities and work hard to be better every single day.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? The thing I like best about living in the community is that I am surrounded by family and friends. In the community, I surround myself with people who care about the same things, share the same ideas and are co-creating similar projects as me.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? I think the biggest thing that will attract more younger people, and I’m sure it has been mentioned before, would be to bring some type of attraction that will want to make them live here, i.e water

parks, roller coasters and/or Dave and Busters. As always, creating jobs would always attract younger people to relocate to Decatur. Young people are always looking for growth and advancement.

accomplish for myself is not a thing. The most important thing I hope to accomplish in life is to be the person that I set out to be. I know that if I am that person, then everything else I desire in my life will be within my reach.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why:

Your favorite stress reliever: Riding

Harry Fields. Harry has not only been a role model to me, he has also been a father figure. He has always been tough on me and has always encouraged me to best the best that I can. He has always believed in my dreams and helped me to make the dreams a reality. He has supported me when others wouldn’t. He taught me to be confident and to stand up for what I believe. Lastly, he continues to push me to achieve for the best out of life.

What you still hope to accomplish: There are so many things I hope to accomplish in life, and I’m frequently adding and subtracting from that list as I learn more about myself, what I value, what I respect and how I envision the design of my life. At the present time, the most meaningful thing I hope to

my Harley-Davidson Road Glide named Layla. Also is listening to country music and playing basketball.

Your favorite movie: “The Illusionist” Your favorite book: “The Box Car Children”

Quote to live by: “Just live your life and keep looking for the good in others. Share God’s love from deep in your soul and God’s grace will bless you with so much more in return to you” – Karen Kostyla If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I would be Tony the Tiger so I can encourage everyone to eat Frosted Flakes or Corn Flakes, my favorite two cereals.


2 2016 • 20 Under 40 t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l

he Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois is proud to present this annual special publication to honor members of our community who make a difference in many ways. We realize it takes a special combination of individuals to make a difference in any community, but we wanted to take this opportunity to honor those under the age of 40 who are making a difference. The process wasn’t easy. We asked for nominations from the community and received an overwhelming response. Each nominee was very impressive, and our selection committee had the daunting task of narrowing the field to 20. These selected individuals represent the best our community has to offer. From education, nonprofit, health care and more, our selections are from diverse backgrounds and offer many talents. Each 20 Under 40 honoree has a unique story and offers his or her wisdom and advice on what it takes to be successful. You’ll read about what they do, what they like about the community, what they still hope to accomplish and more. We hope you enjoy reading about these special individuals. Their profiles also can be found online at our website, www.thebusinessjournal.com. We would like to take this opportunity to thank those community members who were a part of the selection committee. We appreciate your hard work. For those of you who wish to nominate someone next year, look for our call for nominations in March 2017 •



t h e b u s i n e s s j o u r n a l 2016 • 20 Under 40 2 3 phenomenal mother, who’s had the greatest influence on who I am today and the kind of person I still strive to become. She’s taught me what true kindness and selfless love looks like, as she always puts the needs of others before her own. She’s shown me what it means to be a loving, devoted wife, as my parents will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this year. She is an extremely hard worker and helped support our family by starting and running her own daycare business. She has led our family with faith, grace and endless love. I couldn’t ask for a better role model. I love you, Mom.

index Chazaray Carson ....................................3 Courtney L. Carson..................................4 James Dawson ........................................5 Johnathan E. Downing ............................6 Paulina “Paula” Heinkel ..........................7 Aaron Largent ........................................8 Shondra Lynch ........................................9 Amy Mazzotti ........................................10 David McDaniel ....................................11 Scott D. McKinney ................................12 Beth Nolan ............................................13 Jodi Ogilvy ............................................14 Raphaella Prange ..................................16 Thomas “Tom” Pratt ..............................17 Jarmese Sherrod....................................18 Jeanette Skaluba....................................19 Brian Tucker..........................................20 Eric Wherley ........................................21 Lauren Young ........................................22 Joni Zimmerman ..................................23

STAFFLIST PUBLISHER Julie Bechtel EDITOR Scott Perry ADVERTISING Joel Fletcher LAYOUT & DESIGN Steve Wetherholt

The Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois is printed monthly and is a publication of Lee Enterprises, Inc. Information published in the Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois is responsibility of the author and does not reflect the opinions of the Business Journal. To submit articles, please mail your information typewritten and 500 words or less to: The Business Journal, 601 E. William St., Decatur, IL 62523. Submitted articles will not be returned. Any editorial content or advertising published is the property of Lee Enterprises, Inc. DBA The Business Journal of MidCentral Illinois. ©2016 Herald & Review All rights reserved for entire content.

What do you still hope to accomplish? There are many things I hope to accomplish, both personally and professionally. I’d love to start a family of my own someday. I also have aspirations of combining my love of cats and coffee by opening a cat café. The concept is popular in big cities and overseas, and I’d love to bring this fun, unique experience to our area. After all, petting animals is a proven stress-reliever/mood booster, and a great cup of coffee can perk up even the gloomiest day. Sounds like a winning combination to me.

Joni Zimmerman Age: 34 Family: My parents, Gene and Wanda Zimmerman, sister, Dana, and brother, Michael, all reside in Decatur. I am blessed with two beautiful nieces, Ellie and Maria, and a phenomenal nephew, Brandon. I also have two cats, Harlow and Piper, who were adopted from Macon County Animal Control & Care Center.

Current position/responsibilities: I am the licensing and filings senior analyst at ADM Crop Risk Services. I’m in charge of compiling and submitting our private crop insurance products rates, policies, and endorsements to each state’s Department of Insurance for approval. I also maintain licensure in 48 states for our agency and the designated responsible producers within ADM Crop Risk Services.

What do you like best about what you do? The people. ADM CRS is a great place to work, and that’s largely because of the hardworking, caring colleagues in our Decatur office, as well as those scattered across the country in our sales and claims departments. As a team, our focus is on providing innovative solutions and the best quality service to our policyholders, but we also have fun while we do it. There is the annual chili cook-off and our Pi Day competition, where folks bake homemade pies and a panel of judges picks a winner. Another favorite is the Halloween costume contest, because we get to show off our creativity and senses of humor with our costumes.

What do you like best about working or living in the community? I am impressed and humbled by the philanthropic nature of our community. As a member of the Big Brothers Big Sisters Macon County Regional Board and frequent volunteer for the United Way, I regularly see the generosity of my fellow community members. Local businesses and individual citizens are quick respond when there is a need. The success of events like the WSOY Community Food Drive is evidence of this giving spirit. Year after year the community has exceeded the event’s stated goal by donating massive amounts of food to help those in need. Additionally, many folks give freely of their time and talent, which I witnessed when Big Brothers piloted its Mentor 2.0 program last fall. We quickly filled all our mentor spots with professionals willing to help coach a high schooler and help set them on the right path for life after graduation. I was also impressed by the amount of people who volunteered at the Good Samaritan Inn on Comcast Cares Day this past month despite the cold, rainy weather. Such examples of selfless giving speak volumes about the quality of people who live and work here. Another awesome feature of our community is that we boast an abundance of fun activities around the community like the Decatur Celebration, the Oakwood Street Festival, Arts in Central Park, and Shake the Lake in the summertime, just to name a few. We also are blessed with a beautiful lake and parks to enjoy. And there’s even plenty to do in the chilly

winter months like United Way’s weekly Trivia Series, classic movies at the historic Lincoln Square Theatre, going rock climbing at the DISC or enjoying the day Children’s Museum of Illinois. Honestly, we’re never bored here in the Decatur area.

What should the community be doing to attract more young people to live and work in the Decatur area? The key to attracting young people to our community is to create opportunity for them to reach their goals. First, that means creating and maintaining jobs of all kinds. Attracting new businesses to our community is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle. Once we’ve attracted young people here with employment, we need to give them a reason to stay. That means continuing to provide quality education for their children, as well as activities and experiences that enrich their lives by continuing to add to the list of entertainment and cultural events around town. I’d like to compliment the Economic Development Corporation and the City Limitless campaign for the wonderful job they’re doing of opening the eyes of outsiders who might have had a negative impression based on false information. With the help of all the Limitless ambassadors, they are spreading the facts and highlighting what a wonderful, safe, growing community we are, which helps attract people to live and work here.

The person who has had the biggest influence on you and why: I am thankful to be blessed with a

Your favorite stress reliever: After a long day, I like to burn off stress (and calories) with a good workout. My faith is very important to me, so on Sundays I attend church at Renaissance. Their praise and worship team is awesome and Pastor Jeff’s messages always hit home, so I leave feeling renewed and ready to face the coming week. As a West Ender, I really enjoy going on walks through the neighborhood and hopping on the bike trail and heading over to Fairview Park. I also frequent our local animal shelters to unwind by giving the shelter cats some love. Your favorite movie: It’s so hard to narrow it down to just one. I’ve always loved “Fried Green Tomatoes” and “The Never Ending Story,” but “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” and anything with Will Farrell in it also make my list.

Your favorite book: The Bible is the most important book in my life, but “The Kite Runner” is one of my all-time favorite reads. Quote to live by: “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou If you were a fictional character, which one would you be? Why? I would be Carmen Sandiego, because she’s traveled the world and has been to different times throughout history. She’s mysterious, independent, and the girl knows how to rock a hat.





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