Chamber Notes

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September 2010


DLI Rewinds to 1985 The Decatur Leadership Institute is going back to the future with a Rewind to 1985 theme for its 26th annual class, which begins Sept. 10. DLI began in 1985 as a Chamber initiative under former Metro Decatur Chamber of Commerce President Rick Lutovsky. The intent was to provide a ready pool of community leaders to serve on nonprofit boards, civic committees, and as candidates for elected office. Greater Decatur Chamber of Commerce members and DLI graduates Carla Brinkoetter, Julie Moore, Gretchen Murphy and Mirinda Rothrock are working with Chamber staff to restructure the current DLI program, taking it back to its original "100percent community-focused" concept. The 26th DLI class will take place over a shorter 12-week schedule and will kick off with the popular "trust course" bonding experience at Rock Springs Nature Center. Other sessions will give DLI participants an inside view of industries and issues that shape our region, including agriculture, manufacturing, and public safety — featuring a trip to a local farm, a factory tour, and police ride-alongs. The state legislature day in Springfield, a staple of the DLI program, will be retained, as will the service-learning project component. Service learning is an integral part of the DLI experience. Participants work in teams on projects to make the community a better place to live and work. One of the first DLI service projects was an idea to restore the Lincoln Square Theater. Today, the theater is operational and a valued community resource. Other early projects included landscaping the county building, signage for the city of Decatur, downtown Christmas lighting, and the Reach for the Future community image campaign. Proposed categories for service learning projects for the incoming DLI class include community image, government, leadership and education. Projects will be needs-based and address tangible community problems with a goal toward actual implementation, rather than conceptualized solutions. The price for DLI participants will wind back significantly for the new program – dropping from $1,200 to $485 for this year’s

September through December course. The former classroom-based program required participants to complete homework. Other than contributing to their service-learning project, participants will learn about community and municipal services, instructed by key leaders — without the homework. Civic leadership programs Decatur is not alone in recognizing the value of civic leadership programs such as DLI. Philadelphia developed Leadership, Inc. in 1959, which is believed to be the first community leadership program in the country. However, Leadership Atlanta, founded in 1969, claims to have the longest sustained leadership program in the nation. The Georgia program grew out of a leadership vacuum following a tragic 1962 plane crash that claimed the lives of over 100 of Atlanta’s most outstanding civic leaders. In 2003, reported there were over 700 civic leadership programs operating across the United States. These programs share the common goals of training and inspiring current and future leaders to serve their communities as problem-solvers for civic-related issues and in volunteer roles such as members of nonprofit boards and appointees to governmental commissions. Leadership programs often mix classroom teaching with hands-on learning activities to foster the skills and knowledge needed for individuals to lead the community. These programs place focus on creating an understanding of the community’s dynamics, such as the demographics, events, and organizational structures that shape the community. Entrepreneur reports that studies have indicated, "Communities with strong civic

Business Journal

engagement and strong local leadership tend to have lower crime rates, better schools, and more effective government institutions." DLI’s community contribution Dan Brintlinger, co-owner of Brintlinger and Earl Funeral Homes, was in DLI’s first class in 1985. Since Brintlinger had worked for 15 years in his family’s well-established business, he was already quite familiar with the community. However, he says DLI opened his eyes even more. He got involved with the Clean Community System and Salvation Army as a direct result of his DLI experience. Employers also benefit from sending their employees through DLI. Corky Nicholson, president of Hickory Point Bank and Trust and a member of DLI’s original formation committee, notes, "As an employer, I have always strongly supported DLI. I have watched (participants) become more involved in the civic fabric of Decatur due to the community exposure they gained through DLI." One prime example of Nicholson’s observation is Debbie Seitz, vice president of marketing at Hickory Point Bank. Seitz, a

1990 DLI graduate, has since served on the boards of Decatur Sister Cities, Downtown Decatur Council, Easter Seals, Junior Achievement, Macon Resources, March of Dimes, Project Success, and the Rotary Club, as well as serving on numerous committees for local nonprofit organizations. Seitz was is active in the DLI Alumni Association, serving as president in 1997 and honored as Outstanding Alumni in 1998. She continues to be one of DLI’s biggest fans, stating, "I’m excited every year when I see it’s time for another group of people to experience DLI. Our community is only as strong as those who are leading it!" DLI’s future The original vision of the DLI steering committee has been fulfilled. If you look around Decatur, you will see many DLI graduates in leadership positions throughout the community. However, the need for leaders is continuous. Applications for the Decatur Leadership Institute’s 26th annual class are being accepted. For more information on DLI, visit or call the Chamber

September 2010

Education drives economic success

To say education is the backbone of a community is not an understatement. Businesses look for communities that have an educated work force and an educational system that can continuously provide workers with up-to-date training. Developers eagerly build residential housing in good public school districts. More businesses increase demand for more housing, which equals more tax dollars. And more tax dollars equal better infrastructure and better schools, which perpetuates the cycle of attracting and retaining business and residential development to a community. The importance of education to our community’s economic health is not lost on the Greater Decatur Chamber of Commerce. In fact, it is central to the Chamber’s mission statement to provide “…service, political advocacy, and leadership to strengthen education, community image, and local businesses.” The Chamber takes a two-pronged approach toward strengthening education by supporting external endeavors for the youngest and oldest residents of our community and by providing internal continuing educational opportunities to enrich the area’s business environment. External educational endeavors Recognizing the need for a concentrated, community-wide approach to improving the area’s educational systems, in 2007 the Greater Decatur Chamber teamed with the Decatur Board of Education, the Economic Development

Corporation for Decatur and Macon County, the Community Foundation, the United Way and other stakeholders to create the Decatur Area Education Coalition. The education coalition’s mission is to make Decatur and Macon County one of the most educated regions in the state. To that end, the coalition has set the following goals: • Prepare every child for kindergarten success • Ensure every student masters grade-level work • Equip each high school student with the skills and resources needed to enroll in college or enter the work force upon graduation To achieve these goals, the education coalition has divided into three teams which focus individually on kindergarten readiness, student achievement, and young scholars and workers. These teams meet monthly to examine gaps, research and discuss methods, and facilitate activities that keep the education coalition’s mission on track. The Chamber is also involved in the Partners in Education program. Shellie Klink, the Chamber’s director of membership, sits on the organization’s advisory board. This group’s mission is to foster alliances that expose students to the world of work. Partners in Education facilitates programs including the Youth Leadership Institute, Decatur Area College and Career Fair, American Education Week, Eighth Grade Career Fair, and Partners’ Salute.

Additionally, the Chamber participates in national forums to keep abreast of current educational developments. Interim Chamber President Christine Pinckard recently attended a conference in Washington, D.C. centered on the possible reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, formerly known as No Child Left Behind. President Obama’s blueprint for education in spelled out in the act, challenging the nation to “embrace education standards that would put America on a path to global leadership.” This plan provides incentives for states to adopt academic standards that prepare students to succeed in college and the workplace and creates measurements and accountability systems that track student progress toward the goal of achieving graduation and college success. Internal educational activities In addition to supporting traditional educational endeavors in the community, the Chamber strives to provide continuing educational opportunities for its members and their employees. The Chamber publishes a weekly enewsletter, which keeps members updated on topics of interest to the business community, as well as current Chamber events and member news. While the newsletter contains items such as legislative calls to action, IRS updates, and city of Decatur news releases, it also includes

original articles, such as a six-part series on pandemic preparedness. This fall, the newsletter will begin a series that provides information on stroke awareness in the workplace, including tips for reducing the incidence of stroke and creating a healthier work environment. The Chamber distributes its newsletter via email to designated member contacts. If you are a Chamber member, or an employee at a member business, you can submit a request to be added to the distribution list by contacting David Fishel, Jr., director of marketing and communications, at . The newsletter keeps members updated on further educational opportunities the Chamber offers, such as monthly Business Breakfasts and quarterly Ag Cafes. Both of these events provide informative speakers on current topics. Business Breakfast speakers focus on topics of interest to the general business community. Future topics include legislative updates and income tax changes for 2011. Ag Cafes feature topics of interest to the agri-business community. Additionally, the Chamber sponsors special interest seminars and forums, such as Energy Co-Op informational sessions and downtown Decatur quarterly meetings and the recently hosted Health Care Reform Forum. If you have a topic you would like to see presented, please call the Chamber at 422-2200 to share your suggestion.

DLI ALUMNI 1985-2010 Blakey, Barbara Bland, Donna Decatur Leadership Institute Bland, Roberta 1985 Rewind Blickensderfer, Laura Acciavatti, Debbie Blount, Betty Lou Acciavatti, Tony Boersma, Cynthia M. Achason, Tonda Bogle, Deborah Adams, Ada M. Bohn, Jill Akerlund Adell, Karen J. Bolen, Bentley Akers, Thomas W. Bond, Corey Al-Amin, Ramon Bonnett, Jeffery Allen, Curtis Borders, Donna A. Allen, Richard Borders, Richard Alpi, Sharon T. Bostick, Larry Althoff, George T. Bouc, Gary L. Anderson, Lawerence Bowers, Phoebe Anderson, Richard Bowman, Sandra Anderson, William W. Brace, Brian K. Andrews, Jerry Bragg, Dane Andriesen, Timothy J. Brewer, Kevin Andrieson, Marilyn Brey, Tom Anselmo, Sally Brinkoetter, Carla J. Applebee, Jill Brinkoetter, Tom Ashby, Cathy L. Brintlinger, Dan H. Ashby, Keith L. Brintlinger, Kirk Aspy, Robert Brisson, George Aupperle, Ryan Brooks, Dr. Randy M. Austin, Ronald C. Brooks, Jeri Avis, Joan A. (Rolf) Brown, Britt A. Bachman, Gary Brown, Jr, James Bacuita, Kelly Brown, Karen Bainbridge, Steven G. Brown, Ronald Baird, Janet Brown, Willard Baker, Seth Brownlow, Karla Balamos Ganley,Katherine E. Brunner, Jon L. Ballinger, Carol A. Brunson, Ann Bammel, Paul Buckler, Richard Bandy, Debbie Buckley, Kevin Banse, Whitney Bullock, Lori Barber, Donn W. Burgener, David Barr, Jack R. Burns, Mary Barrie, Sandra Burse, Carla J. Barsema, Leslie Bushey, Scott Baskerville, Tammy Butler, Carolyn Bauer, Gerard J. Buttz, Barry Allen Bauer, Phillip R. Caldwell, Steve Bean, Richard Callahan, Keith Beatty, Sharon L. Calvin, Cynthia Beavers, Matt Campbell, Elizabeth Beck, Matt Campbell, Fran Behrends, Gail M. Campbell, Jenna Bellmio, Peter Campbell, Kevin Benda, John R. Campbell, P. Bruce Benjamin, Karen Campbell-Hein, Lisa Bennett, Jennifer Campillo, Fred Grover Betzer-Grady, Karin Capati, William Beube, Brian Cardinal, Ellie Biedler, John Cardwell, John S. Bjorkman, Karen Carlton, Sylvia

Carroll, Leah Carter, Kathy Cassell, Mike Causey, Julie Cave, Andy Chambliss, E. Ann Chapman, Larry E. Chiligiris, Carol Clark, David A. Clark, Rosemary Clevenger, Candace V. Clevenger, William l. Cobb, Lisa Cocagne, Denise M. Colbeck, Ellen Colee, Dale E. Colee, Rita L. Collins,II, Williams Combes, Paul Condon, Carol Connolly, Jean J. Cook, Jr, Harry M. Cooper, Nancy A. Cordts, Rick D. Cordulack, John Cortright, Ruth Coulter, Cathy Cox, Jody Crooks, Peter Crookshank, Gail Crossley, Kenneth V. Crotty, Holly Crouch, Jeremy Cruz, Wanda Culton, Ryan Cumbo, Adam Cunningham, Teresa Dalluge, Michelle Danbury, Julia Daum, John Davis, Anne Davis, Don A. Davis, Marilyn Davison, Dennis Deadrick, Cynthia Ann Deadrick, Timothy Del Signore, Michael Delanois, Paula Delatte, Daniel E. Demirjian, Kara Demirjian, Richard DeVore, Leslie Dexter, Herbert J. “Jay” Diggs, Micheal Dixon, Joyce E. Dobbins, Gail D. Dolly, Kendall Dombroski, Mark Donegan, Daniel T.

Donley, Lori Doolin, Joseph Doran, J. Brad Downing, Gerald Doxie, John R. Drain, Matthew Drayton, John R. Dressen, Edward Driver, Russell Drobisch, Suzanne M. Dudley, Susan Dudley, Timothy Duffy, Phillip Duncan, Nora Durnil, Mary Earl, Randy Eastman, Jr, William G. Eberhard, Jeffery Eichenauer, Justin Ekstrom, Kathy Eldridge, Eileen Ender, Dr. Kenneth Endsley, J. Paige England, Ronda Lee England, Thomas R. Enz, Todd A. Evans, Jadon Farney, Douglas Faulkner, Dave Feller, Brandon Fenton, Dennis Fenton, Karen Ferguson, Helen Fichter, Jacqueline Fischer, John Fishel Jr., David D. Fisher, Lee Ann Fitch, Penny Flanigan, James Fleming, Cathy Fleming, Marsha Flick, Eric Flider, Jean Flider, Kylee Flock, Bernard J. Flora, John Florian, Greg Fouse, Kimberly Frank, Vickie Fransen, Randal Frazee, Daniel Fritz, Carla Fritz, Carol Fritzsche, Kevin Fuentes, Daniel Funk, Christopher Funk, John R. Funk, John W. Garretson, Rachel

Garrett, Frank B., III Garrett, Ken Garwood, Scott Gauble, Lance E. Gifford, David Giger, Tyson Gillen, Lisa Gillespie, Tim Gilmore, Willie L. Ginos, Willian N. Gira, Tim Goodman, Doug Goodwin, C. Kevin Goveia, Jennifer Gower, Jamie Gramley, Deanna Greanias, Stephanie Green, H. A. “Andy” Greene, Rod Greenwell, David Gregory, Debra Grohne, Valerie Grossman, Michael Gschwend, Richard Gulledge, Micheal R. Gutteridge, Cindy Guy, Laura A. Hackel, Barbara A. Haezebroeck, Kevin Hair, Brian T. Hale, Clark Haley, Jeff Hammel, Teri Handley, Marjorie J. Hanks, Susan Hardin, Terry L. Harp, H. David, Jr. Harrison, Chris Harrison, Linda Haru, Terry Haun, Marcella Hause, Ginny Havis, Joseph Hawbaker, Scott Hawkins, Elizabeth Jane Hawkins, Jeff Hawthorne, Dennis E. Hayes, Josh Hazenfield, Kelly Head, Susan Heckman, John Hendley, Robin L. Hendren, Jean C. Hendricks, Tyler Hensley, Larry A. Herring, Maulin Chris Hickey, Timothy Hill, Bettye Hill, Merlean J.

Hill, Tim Hillibaugh, Bruce J. Hoban, Patrick Hodges, Kathy Hodges-Graham, Pamela

Hogan, Kelly Holemann-Shipp, Debbie Homann, Dan Hornickle, Carol Sue Horve, Steven K. Hotchkiss, Anthony Hubert, John Hughes, Rita A. (Schwake)

Hughes, Roger D. Hunt Bandy, Suzanne Hunt, Jefferson L. Hunt, John W. Hunt, Lauren Hunt, Mikaela Hunt, Teresa Imhoff, Rick Irons, Shirley Irwin, Kelly Jackson, Bradley M. Jackson, Carrie Jacob, Barry Jacobs, Lou Ann James, Brian Jarrett, Sr., Tyrone Jefferson, Corey Jelks, Ora Lee Jenkins, Debra Jensen, Carolyn Jensen, Diana Jerger, Rita M. Jerger, Tracey A. Johnson, Jane E. Johnson, R. G “Jerry” Johnson, Rolanda E. Johnston, Bill Johnston, Jeffery C. Johnston, Mike Jones, Jerry D. Jones, Laura Joy, Rachel Justice, Kim S. Karch, Chris Kehart, Linda K. Kelley, Jeffery Kent, Jr., Charlie T. Kernan, Wendy Kerns, Joseph S. Kidd, Louise E. Kiefer, Jim Killion, Allan Kim, Ki King, Eugene King, Mike King-Nobles, Pastor Kent

Kirby, Shannon Kirby, Janice E. Kirk, Alana Klemm, Marie Klepitsch, David G. Klink, Shellie Knaebe, Diana Knerr, Debbie Konich, Jr, Leonard Kramer, Norma A. Kramer, Ryan Krasicki, Robert Krows, Janet Lackie, Wayne Lake, Steven D. Lambdin, Michael Lambert, Charles E. Lappi, Jr, Ronald M. Leach, Thomas Lebo, Eric Lee, Mary Legee, Colleen Leurck, Paul Levi, George R. Lewis, Jerry M. Leyden, Jenny Lines, Charles Lingle, Anastasia Lippolt, Darin Little, Garry Little, Linda Lock, Rheem Lohnes, Rebecca Rae Lohrstorfer-Cox, Teresa Long, Jeff Lourash, Benny Lowery, David Luecke, Roy A. Luttrell, Tracey Anne Mabry, Doris Macken, Timothy Malone, Sharon M. Mann, Ken Mansur, Cathy Manugian, Richard L. Marcinkowski, Jr., Eugene Margenthaler, Marty Marques, Melinda Marshall, Debra Sue Marshall, Gloria Jean Martin, Daniel K. Martin, Leroy Mason, Christina Mason, J. Bradley Mason, Judith A. Matiya, Mary E. Matthews, Dan Matusiak Jr., Louis W. Maxey, Bruce

McCarrick, Anthony L. McClellan, Kelly McCormack, Karen McCoskey, Duane McDaniel, Mickey McElroy, Barbara McEvers, Debbie McFarland, Stephen A. McGee, Deborah McGuire, Daniel J. McKee, Erin McKinney, Camilla A. McKneight, Laura McLaughlin, Elissa McMillin, Karla McNabb, Bruce A. McReynolds, Sandra Meadows, Cathy Mehmen, David Mikell, G. Lee Mikeworth, Bryan K. Miller, Andrew Miller, Ryan Mills, Steve Mittelberg, Kent N. Molloy, James E. Moore, Bruce Moore, Emmy Moore, Julie Moore, Megan Moore, Teri Moorman, John A. Mooth, Rochelle Morgan, Dee Moroney, Cathy Morthland, Lee Mounce, Charlene V. Muehlebach, Margie Mumm, Micheal J. Murphy, Gretchen K. Murphy, Michael Murton, Rosey Myers, Peggy Myers, Terry L. Myles, Victor Naber, Matt Nelson, Steven S. Nelson, Gary Newlin, Judy Newton, Teresa A. Nims, Bruce Nolan Stewart, Lousie F. Norman, Marsha J. Norman, Roger L. Norris, Hank Norton, Brian O’Bryan, Michelle O’Connor, Mitchel D. Oakes, Julian D.

Oakes, William C. Oakley, John Obert, Beverly Oberto, Norman V. Oldweiler, Beth Oleson, Susan Oliver, Stephen Olsen, Chris Onyett, Kerry George Owens, Ada Pals, Jason Pansch, Ralf Patterson, Kent E. Patton, Virginia L. Payne, Martin Pearson, Lora E. Peck, David Peck, Susie Perkins, Paul C. Perkins, Sherri Perry, Scott Pfitzer, Anthony Phillips, Chris Phillips, John Phillips, John R. Phillips, Marcia W. Pierce, Brian Podeschi, Amanda Poe, Candace Pointon, Sandra Pointon, Scott Potts, Mary Pratt, Justin Priddy, Robert F. Prince, Randall David Putnam, Mark Ragsdale, Dr. Roy L. Rainey, Pamela Rapp, Melanie Rathje, David W. Rathje, Kelly Rawlings, Glenda M. Ray, Michael D. Reed, Gussie Reimers, Pam Reinhart, Dennis Reising, Jeff Reynolds, Dan Reynolds, Robert D. Rhodes, Angela Rhodes, Don K. Rice, James L. Rich, Athena Richardson, Pattie Richars, Andrew Rickey, Lance Riley, Kirk Ringgenberg, Dennis Risby, Kyle

Risby, Leslie Ritchie, Ellen Robbins- Forbes, Marise Roberts, Gary K. Robinson, Terry Robinson, Timothy Roemer, Jill Rogers, Stephany Roginski, Robert Roney, Stephen D. Rose, Bart Ross, Ronald Rosser, Ralph V. Rothrock, Mirinda Royston, Norma J. Rueter, Melinda Rueter, Scott Runyon, Craig Ryan, Jeffery T. Ryan, Wallace E. Sadomytschenko, Georganne Sanderfield, Lisa Sanders, Lisa Sanner, Randall Santori, James P. Sauer, Virginia A. Sawyer, Gary Schanefelt, Kathy Schmahl, John Schniederjan, Debbie Schollmeier, Joan Schroeder, James W. Schultz, Tracy A. Schwarz, James Z. Scott, Winfield P. Scoville, Lynn Scranton, Mark A. Seidl, James C. Seitz, Deborah K. Seppala, David Sevier, Richard E. Sexton, Michael Shade IV, William Shade, Jane Shade, Jeffrey L. Shade, Yvonne “Eve” Shaw, Shirley Sheehy, Liz Sheets, Todd Shelton, Christine L. Shephard, Cynthia L. Shepherd, Stuart Short, Gordon B. Shuparra, Verna Shupenus, Sarah Shuppara, James A. Sickbert, Gary L. Sieplinga, Daryl Silotto, Brian

Sitton, Stanley L. Skaggs, Sue Skinner, Paula Sue Smiley, Jim W. Smiley, Susan A. Smith, Bruce Smith, Bryant K. Smith, David J. Smith, Denean V. Smith, J. Paul Smith, Katherine Smith, Lucy Smith, Robert C. Smith, Robert W. Smith, Shelley Smith, Terry M. Smith, Thomas E. Smith-Phillips, Pattie Smithson, Cathy Snyder, Art Sober, Debbie Sommerfeldt, Daniel R. Sorensen, Mark W. Spayer, Roger Sperry, Frances Spires, William Spycher, Ellen A. Stahl, Mark Stallard, Marjorie Stanzione, Paul Staudenmaier, Robert Stauffer, Ruth G. Stead, Larae S. Steers, Michael Stephenson, Richard Sterling, Dawn Stevenson, Helen Stewart, R. Joan Stewart, Rebecca Stivers, Renee Stock, Tim Strader, Micheal Strohl, Cindy Strong, Robert Strum, Anthony Nicholas Sturgill, Lori Sullivan, Dan Sullivan, Nancy Sullivan, Tina Swartz, Brad Swinford, Troy D. Szumski, Angela Taraszewski, William Tatham, Thomas J. Tatman, Tom Taylor, Henry L. Taylor, Jeff Taylor, Judy Taylor, Tim Tenarvitz, Paul Tewell, David T. Thacker, Randy Thomas, Cindy Thomas, Heather Thomas, Jack W. Thomas, Richard M. Thompson, Drew Thompson, Jeremy Thompson, Mary Kay Thygesen, Judith Tingle Shaw, Melinda Tipsword, Pat Truck, William Trueblood, Julie

Tyrolt, David Tyus, Billy Tyus, Jerome Tyus, Linda Van Orden, Louis Van Steenhuyse, Steve Van Tress, Jon R. Vandiver, Steve Vest, Sheryl Virden, Bonnie Vlachos, Nick Voss, Kevin Wakeland, Mike Walker Van Tress, Marybeth Walker, Jill Walker, Matt Ware, Robin Warfield, Larry Warfield, Walter H. Warnick, Peggy S. Warren, Mildred Watkins, Betty A. G. Watkins, Jennifer Weber, David Weber, John Weeks, Rod Weidinger, Cindy Weildlich, Jonathan A. Weis, David Weis, Debbie Weldy, Eric Augustus Wene, Jr, Thomas R. Wenneker, Donald W. West, Greg West, Randall Westwater, Melinda Widenhofer, Stephen Wilcott, Robert Wilde, David J. Wilkes, Beverly L. Wilkins, Tony Williams, Jacquelyn Williams, Patricia Kay Williams, Zelda Williamson, Glenda Wilmeth, Denene Wilson, Kevin R. Wilson, Ron Wingard, Kelly Winkleblack, Lee Ann Winter, Dan Winter, Tara Wolf, Kathleen Wolfer, Mark A. Womack, David Womeldorff, Michael Wood, Sheryl Woods, Lorena Workman, Betty Workman, Nicole Wortman, Michael Wulf, Sylvia Wylder, John Yeakley, Tim Yotter, John Young, Shannon Young, Stacey Yowell, Evelyn Yuhas, Dawn Yuhas, Robert J. Zarndt, Sara Zeilman, Mike Zemke, Douglas Zindel-McWilliams, Teena


SAVE the DATE Shades of Ireland Trip October 2–11 Explore Ireland and its businesses. Highlights of this international experience include stop in Dublin, Kilkenny, Killarney, Limerick, the Ring of Kerry and visits to Waterford Crystal, Blarney Castle, Cliffs of Moher, Galway Castle and a jaunting car ride. For more information about how you can be a part of this fantastic trip, contact the Chamber at 422-2200. Chamber Business Breakfast Oct. 6, 7 a.m., Decatur Club Get the scoop on the upcoming election from Larry Klugman, professor of political science at Richland Community College. The Chamber Business Breakfast takes place on the first Wednesday of each month

The Greater Decatur Chamber of Commerce is a pro-business network providing service, political advocacy, and leadership to strengthen education, community image, and local businesses.


and brings over 100 business professionals together for breakfast and the opportunity to learn about important community issues firsthand from informative and timely speakers. Bring plenty of business cards! Meet and learn about various businesses through exhibitors who will take the stage to feature their products/services. Cruisin’ Eldo Oct. 7, 4-8 p.m. The Chamber brings back a city tradition as cars “cruise” up and down Eldorado Street. Participate in a night full of nostalgia with live music, food and drinks filling parking lots for a 3-mile stretch. A portion of proceeds will establish a grant fund for Eldorado Street businesses to improve the physical appearance of their buildings. The event is FREE to spectators. Want to show off your wheels and be in the running for some prizes? Be a part of the car show. The entry fee is $10. Hot Rod Raffle Enter for your chance to win a 1927 Ford Roadster pick-up by calling 422-2200 or stopping by the Chamber office at 111 E. Main

St. Tickets are $20 each. A portion of the proceeds will be granted back to Eldorado Street businesses for facade improvements. The winner will be announced on Oct. 9 during the Hunnert Car Pile Up at Progress City. Chamber Business Breakfast Nov. 3, 7 a.m., Decatur Club Hear from the winners of local races for state senate and representative. Annual Community Thanksgiving Luncheon Noon, Nov. 23 Decatur Civic Center Enjoy a Thanksgiving feast while giving thanks for that which makes this community great at the 58th edition of this annual event. Chamber Business Breakfast 7 a.m., Dec. 1, Decatur Club Downtown Christmas Walk 4 p.m. Dec. 1 Downtown Decatur Downtown comes alive with this longloved tradition. Enjoy late shopping hours,

NEW MEMBERS All Windows Direct Silver Level Joel Jaros, president 3134 N. Water St. Decatur, IL 62526 877-6010

East Park Baptist Church Bronze Level Ryan K. Banman 1919 S. Baltimore Ave. Decatur, IL 62521 422-1033

LRS Web Solutions Bronze Level Ron Howerter 2401 W. Monroe St. Springfield, IL 62704 793-3800

American Digital Silver Level Steve Shoemaker 210 Landmark Dr., Suite D Normal, IL 61761 309-862-0741

Friends of Adam Brown Bronze Level Shawn McGady 101 N. Main St. Decatur, IL 62523 422-2010

McGorray’s Indoor Golf & Grille Silver Level Charlie McGorray, owner 2927 N. Water St. Decatur, IL 62526 330-6764

Hill & White L.L.C Bronze Level David White 132 S. Water St., Suite 500 Decatur, IL 62525 425-4800

Michael Wilhoit Accounting & Tax Service dba Sherry Palmer Tax Silver Level Michael Wilhoit One Ashland Ave. Mount Zion, IL 62549 864-9100

Chevrolet Hall of Fame Museum Silver Level Lavelle Hunt 3635 US Route 36 East Decatur, IL 62521 454-4583 Collette Vacations Bronze Level Lora Carlson 180 Middle St. Pawtucket, RI 02860 866-513-6225

It's Just A Little Prick Tattoo Company Gold Level Frank Whittington 1051 W. Eldorado St., Suite 1 and 2 Decatur, IL 62522 423-8282

Unique Solutions Bronze Level Bob Luther 650 Country Manor Dr. Decatur, IL 62521 429-6673

the leaders and staff DIRECTORS Chairman ........................................Keith Casteel attorney, Samuels, Miller, Schroeder, Jackson & Sly Vice chairman ......................................Randy Earl vice president, Brintlinger & Earl Funeral Homes Second vice chairman ............................Kevin Kast chief executive officer, St. Mary’s Hospital Treasurer ........................................Erik Brechnitz senior vice president, Brechnitz Group of Raymond James & Associates Secretary ....................................Mirinda Rothrock manager of community engagement, Archer Daniels Midland Co. Assistant secretary/treasurer ............Gretchen Murphy senior vice president, Soy Capital Bank & Trust At-Large ......................................Darren Reynolds senior vice president and general manager, Consociate-Dansig Interim president..........................Christine Pinckard Greater Decatur Chamber of Commerce Honorary past chairwoman ....................Beth Stringer publisher, Decatur Magazine

BOARD Wole Adeoye, owner, Victory Pharmacy of Decatur, Inc. Mark Avery, publisher, Grain Journal Gary Birschbach, owner, Decatur Area McDonald’s Carla Brinkoetter, president, Brinkoetter & Associates Phil Cochran, principle/owner, Cochran Engineering Gloria Davis, superintendent, Decatur School District Cindy Deadrick, owner, Shop on Main Patrick Dienslake, market president-Greater Illinois, Regions Bank J. Richard L. Dunsworth, vice president for enrollment, Millikin University Phil Hazenfield, partner, Homer L. Chastain & Associates Steve Horve Sr., president, Horve Builders Walt Hupe, general manager, Caterpillar, Inc. George Justice, manager-Division III, Ameren Robin King, CEO, EPL Bio-Analytical Services Dave Moran, general manager, Refreshment Services Pepsi Todd Nelson, publisher, Herald & Review Chris Olsen, director of community and government relations, Tate & Lyle Tom Pistorius, president, Bendsen Signs and Graphics, Inc. Ron Pulera, vice president and general manager, WAND-TV Gayle Saunders, president, Richland Community College Dave Weber, president, Macon-Shelby market, Busey Bank Craig Coil, president, Economic Development Corporation for Decatur and Macon County (ex officio member)

STAFF Randy Prince, president Christine Pinckard, IOM, interim president / senior vice president David D. Fishel Jr., director of marketing and communications Laura Fishel, director of finance and business develoopment Shellie Klink, director of operations and human resources Jan P. Mohr, audit and finance manager Karalee Misner, public and government affairs manager Stephanie Irby, events and meetings manager Michael Ammons, information technology coordinator

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