(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
Mrs. Colbert 1st Grade Dear Santa I want legos. How does the sleigh fly? Are you and the elves tired? Ethan Dear Santa I have a lot of questions for you, but I want a real puppy. Thank you. Is rudolf still flying? Thank you. Love Emery Dear Santa, How are you doing? I have bin good thank you for my presents. Haw are yor elves? Love Chyra Dear Santa, How are ur elves? How do you fly ur sleigh. I want a dirt bike. Do you liv in the north pole. I like ur reindeer. Love Gage Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? Does Rudolf still fly the sleigh? How are your elves? I want a new bike. Love Dustin Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good boy. Chek and see if i am on the good list and snde me a letr. And I want a razor dune buggy go kart. Love Zachary Dear Santa, How do you fly your sleigh? How do your elves mac toys? How are your elves doing Love Aari Dear Santa, How are you and the reindeer? I wut a puppy for Christmas. Thank you for presents. Love Codey Dear Santa, How does Rudolf fly? Thank you for the presents. Thank you for Christmas. Love Joshua Dear Santa, Thank you for my toys. Does rudolf still pull the sleigh? Can I hav a cat? How are ur elves? Love Jordan Dear Santa, Do you liv at the north pole? How are your reindeer? How do you fly your sleigh? I want a toy mocrl car. Love Landon Dear Santa, I love christmas? Are you felin good. Thank you for the toys. Does rudolf still pull the sleigh? How are ur elves? Love Layla Dear Santa, I wunt a mintindo ds I. Thank you for all of the presints youv brot. How are you? Thank you for my nintindo ds. Love Justin Dear Santa, I want a DS. How are you and the Elves? do you live at the North Pole? I thank you Santa Close. Love Emily Dear Santa, How are you. How do your reindeer fly. I wut a puppy. Love Tayler Dear Santa, How are you? Thak you Santa. What is the north pole like? I like Christmas. Love Sophie Dear Santa, Dus rudolf still pull your sleight. How are your elves. How is the north pole. Love Macey Dear Santa, How dus the sleigh fly? I want a blue ds. Im exidid for Christmas. Love Lauryn
Letters To Santa A publication of the Herald & Review 601 E. William St. Decatur, Illinois 62523 www.herald-review.com
Dear Santa, I want a xbox 360, how are your elves. I have bin good. How do you fly your sled. Thank you. Love Kylan Dear Santa, Aer you good? How do yu mark toys? I want a DS games. Love Sukhmany Dear Santa, Thank you for coming throw the snow!! Haw are you? Can I have a saiae? Love Zyers Ms. Gail Sanner 1st Grade Dear Santa, Will you please bring me a monster truck? Cause I monster trucks. Will you please bring bigfoot the monster please! and your relley relley nice. I no you are. Love, Jaxson Dear Santa, Thank you for all the presents. How do you bring all those presents? I like how you decorae you sleight with bells. Please bring a alive chuwawa. Love, Erika Dear Santa, How do you bring all those presents? Please bring me a hokey table. How do your elfs make toys. How do you git all those presents. Love, Kolbe Dear Santa, How does your sleigh fly? How does your reindeer fly? I love you. Please bring me a fayeck dog. two sistrs and three brothrs. Love, Lillian Dear Santa, Thank you for all the presents. How do your reindeer fly? How does your sleigh fly? Please bring me a BBgun. Love, Colton Dear Santa, Thank you for all the prsents. I really like you. How do your renedeer fly? Plese bring me Taa cup quiggs. LaLa Lodse Magic fab ric and a new cug. Love, Caley Dear Santa, I like you. How does your sleigh fly? How do you bring all those presents? Please bring me a lolo lopsidoll a mon sad and love. and I like to bak cookie for you. and I like to say Mary Crisms. and I put millk wit your cookies. Love, Noelle Dear Santa, I like you. You are ossum! Haw thes yoru reindeer fy. Haw do you bring all those presents. Pes brg me a motasycol. can you mak it black. Love, AJ Dear Santa, How do you dring all thoose presents? And How does your sleigh fly? Thank you for all the presents. I like you. I like how you decorate your sleigh with bells. lease bring a baby drathr. Love, Karolina Dear Santa, Plese bring me bigfoot. Love, Eli Dear Santa, Thank you for all the ice and snow how does your slay fly thank you for doe present. Plaes can you bri a brats girs ch wowo and Barie. And a jump rope and a Hello Kitie. Love, Sydney Dear Santa, I like you. How do you reindeer fly? I like how you delorate your sleight with bells. How do you bring all those presents? Please bring cars. Love Jared Dear Santa, I like you. Thank you for all the presents. I like how you decorate your sleight with bells. How do your reindeer fly? How do you bring all those presents? Please bring me a buney. Please bring me my wokin go go pup. Please bring me a doll Hows. Please bring me a chraplling. Please bring me domnos. Love, Ella Dear Santa, I like you. Thank you for all the presents. Thank you for bring all of the presents. Thank you. I love you. You are set. I like win you giv you sum presents. I wut you to dring me sum presents. Love, Sadie
Dear Santa, I like you. I like how your reindeer fly. how do you brin gall those presents? I like how you deorate your sleigh with bells. Please bring logo. Can you gev me cras. It is osum to hav you in the nof pol. I love you. I like you presen. Love, Jacob
Dear Santa, I like you. Thank you for all the presents. I like ow you decorate your sleigh with bells. I like how your reindeer fly. How do your reindeer fly? Love, Ethan
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To Advertise: Classified: 217-422-5555 Fax: 217-421-6942 Delivery Services: 217-421-6990 E-Mail: hrclass@herald-review.com Letters to Santa is published at 601 E. William St., Decatur, IL by a subsidiary of Lee Enterprises
Dear Santa, Thank you for all of the presents. How do you git around the world? Please bring me a lova lamp. A crisool. A new glases case. Ten more june b jons books. Love, Anna Dear Santa, Thank you for all the presents. I like you. I like how you decorat your reindeer with dels. How dusy your reindeer fly? How dusy your sleigh fly? Please bring me a rmot cchol car. Love, Mitchell Dear Santa, How do you bring all those presents? Please bring me a Dsi. Please bring me the stan pede. Please bring me wwe reslling 2oll for my Ds. Please bring me the moovee the saee sall. Please bring me toy soree three. Please bring me ckroteye ckid. Please bring me a black wii. Love, Cooper Dear Santa, I like you. Thank you for all the presents. I like how you decorat your sleigh with bells like how your reindeer fly. How do you reindeer fly? How do you bring all presents. Please dring resrls. Love, RJ Dear Santa, Thenk you for the presents. I like you. How does your reindeers fly. Love, Jacee Dear Santa, I like your reindeer. Please bring marmayd. Love, Lexi
Miss Hilligoss Kindergarten Dear Santa, I would like a transformr pls. Thank you Santa. Dylan Dear Santa, I wold teo. Thank you Santa. Kyle
Dear Santa, I would like a hog. Thank you Santa. Collier Dear Santa, I would like. Thank you Santa. Kolby
Dear Santa, Wut is yur favrit rander? I wunt a brbe, and a little kitin and a little pupy, and a stuft toy, and a dres, and a luch box, and a fack pupy. Luve, Josie
Dear Santa, I would really like lots of a monstr cars. Monkee all eropipit plez. Thank you Santa. Will
Dear Santa, Thank you for Bringing me presints. I want a dog for Christmis. And I want a laptop for Christmis. I want 2 packs of sille bands for Christmis. Love, Jarrett
Dear Santa, I would like a cliectrs uth lamp. Trasvry of vitues book keepy of hand map plese. Thank you Santa. Chloe
Dear Santa, Santa what is your favrit rander? I want a umarcen gril doll. I want a kidey under the chirstmas tree. I wish I will have barbe clos. Love, Abby
Dear Santa, I would like barbe and mermab tal no davi a dbr bea friend. Keep hands to tatoo pz. Thank you Santa. Tatum Dear Santa, I would like tuegftlilntutr. I would like pao les. Thank you Santa. Mackenzie Dear Santa, I wou like eler trik dfe. Thank you Santa. Ty Dear Santa, Ples I would like gams Batmn legos. Benten Mostuc baguan. Thank you Santa. Jakob Dear Santa, I wol like a basball bat a new tv and a pensil sharpener please. Thank you Santa. Jaxon Dear Santa, I want like a mostriam climenhil pls. Thank you Santa. Christian Dear Santa, I would like a dol hous. Nat book bag. Tabl ok plez. Thank you Santa. Carsyn
Mrs. Burckhartt Kindergarten Dear Santa, How fast does your slay. I want a go motorcycle, a hot ctar ficrash toy car, thomis the tank train. Love, Mason Dear Santa, I love you Santa Bumblbe. I want a battl ship, storm shooter, and a snake. I also want football player toys. I want a joon bungee that I can drive. I want a warewolf that I can drive. Love, Joshua Dear Santa, I want a barbie computer, dress paint and playto. princess, and a princess want. Love, Wren Dear Santa, I like yor berd. I like yor mustash. I like the elvs shos. I want a carnl shirt and a jon dear shirt. crolrs. Love, Joesph Dear Santa, What does Miss clos look like? I would like a DS, I would like a bear, and I would like a picter frame, I would like a scoobydo books. Love, Cheyenne
Dear Santa, I would like a baby clothes. Thank you Santa. Elizabeth
Dear Santa, I like your fla. I want a dsi, wii, sock minkey, a teddy ber, and zed. Love, Austin
Dear Santa, I would like brbe hoos. Brbe and the mrad toyl ples. Thank you Santa. Elsie
Dear Santa, I want a ds for crisms. I want xbox 360, I want a plastashn 2, no che sobe for christmas. I like Roodoff. Love, Landon
Miss Singall 1st Grade Dear Santa, What is your favorit randear? I want a barby, a citten, a tedy bear, and a dol of you Santa, and a tedy bear cheerleder, and my brother wood want a tedy bear and my brother wood want a trancformer. I would want a videoyo camru barby and I wood want a sweter with snow flaks and a angle and I would want some christmis pants. Love, Kaylee Dear Santa, Do you hav a red shurt? I wod like a toy robot. and a pupey dog and a cat. Luv, Seth Dear Santa, How fast dus your seld go? I want a creepe crolr. I want a new bike. I want a dsixl. Love, Gage Dear Santa, I wood want to know your reindeers names? I want a guitur for Christmis. I want a PSP too and Starwors movie the 4 episode. Love, Caleb Dear Santa, Santa I love you. I want for Crismiss the toy resulrs. I want for Crismiss the toy walker off Avatar. I want for Crismiss some noow close. Love, Bullveye Dear Santa, Thank you for all ways bringing me prezents. I wod like a golden retrever, dirt bike, a psp, a transformeer, a lap top, a wii game, a nintindo, and xbox 360. Love, Parker Dear Santa, How are you. Are you majik? For crismis I want a night glasis, a shotgun, a lego starr wars box and a str wars episod III The Move. Love, Dakota
Dear Santa, How is miss clos? I want a toy story game, a nrf shootr gun, a carndils shrt, a litning muqeen toy car, DS. Love Logan Dear Santa, How do reindeers fly? I wood want a Dsi and a candycain starwors the 1 epidsode. Love, Ayden Dear Santa, How fast does your slay go? I want a psp, a ds, a toy gun, a remote contro spider, remote control truk and car, a cat, a dog, a bike, a drit bike, a electric skooter, a pogo stik, and a green gootball. Love, RJ Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Clas? I want a ds, romocichrl dog, bran now corans, romocichrol car, whith flams. 1 of your elvs are ok, a bran now pinsl box, a bran now mare ckers, 10 bran now silly bans, monstr truck, ran now close, 3 pontete, and 2 boxng gluvs, crepy croler. Love, Dane Dear Santa, How can your sled fliy. I wood like a dsi, cat, pegwin that waks and a cndecar, a trdil that waks. Love, Bailey Dear Santa, I wont Spdrman wab shootr. Black Dsi. Cupitr. How dus rander. Toy robot. Irmen. Love, Braden Dear Santa, How is Ms closs? I wood want a barby cupyooter. I wood want a kil and ds game. and I wood want a dress up doll. Love, Payton Dear Santa, What kind of cukees do you want? I want a spasman. I want a dog. I want a play fone. Love, Landen
Dear Santa, Thank you for the presants. I want a crepy croler, and a cung zui soote and the thing that maks it fite, a DSI, and a game moriyo galisy 2 on DsI, the game sonic colrs on wii, and How to trayn you'r Dragon on xbox. Love, Izekiel
Dear Santa, What ki cookey do you like? And I want a racecar and I wude like a mostr truk. Tor forwelr. brown matr. stuft anmle bare. stuft animle Zebreu. And I wade like a stuft animle tigr. Love, Will
Dear Santa, Haw is your sled fast? I wood like a noow pers. I hak you for a doll. Love, Abbl
Mrs. Collins 1st Grade
Dear Santa, Do you like Roodoff. I love Santa. I want wrestrs for crisms. I like your sled. Do you like cukes and milke. Do you love Mis Clos. I love Mis. Clos. I love crisms. I love cukes and milke. Love, Jacob Dear Santa, Are you relley Magik? I hope I get a pupe. And I hop I hop I get that brbey jet. And I hop I get Cloy Bratz. And I hop my sistr gets suthing she wants to. Love, Gracie Dear Santa, Thank you for comeing. A rill puppy, a fone, hugry hippos, a trtll, tether bell, a make up kit, hana montana doll, snake, D.S, erth globe, pencil grip, what is your faveret ranedeer? Love, Morgan Dear Santa, Whats your favrit rein deer? I rily want a creepy crolrs. Littist pet shop pig. Littist pet shop grbl that has a whell with it. A toy moncy. Love, Alex Dear Santa, Haw dos your slaey go? thank you for cuming. I would like to have a bike and a forweeler and a dirt bike. I like the presenents. Love, Damion Dear Santa, Thank you for cuming and giving me presintes. I want a balaye dres. I want it to be play. I want a barbiy dall, and I want a barbiy cumpooder, oso I want a tinker bell. Love, Tamra Dear Santa, How fast dus your slay go? What is yor favit reinder. I want moreo go 4. Crepe crolrs littist shop grbl that has a whell with it. Love, Brayden Dear Santa, How can your sled fli? I wuht a fake puppy that is white that walks. A red lip stik. A vanite that has a hol in midl. Love, Maycen Dear Santa, I like your sled. I wood like a pupe, a zoo zoo pet, a bendog, a teteber, a book, a fon, a hat. I lik dol homes, a wii, a kowgrl barbe. Love, Mckayla
Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys last year. This year I what a tuch fone and a Ipod. And a book about what your elfs do. I love Santa. By, Jillian Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts last year. I wood like a xbox 3 sixd and stuf animols and did you like the cookie we made last year? I wood like kanzoos and I've been good this year. Love, James P Dear Santa, Thank you for the brbes. can I have a DSI? I have ben good. Did you like the kokes last yer? I have have a tuch, skren, fone and zoo zoo pet? Love, Emily Dear Santa, Thank you for the dol hose. Next I wuat camru dbre dol, maup set, zoo zoo pets, and one stuff animol. I wunt a tee game. Love Santa. Love, Ty Dear Santa, Thank you for the moxe girl it made me happy last year. This year I want a lot of books and a rael horse and a rael computer, and a v tuch and a tv in my room and I want a big bag in my room. Did you like the cokess I made last year? I have been good this year. P.S. I want a rael fone. Love, Gwen
Love, Tiffany
Love, Oliver
Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts last year. I want a new bike and it will be black. Damien
Dear Santa, Can I plese have all this tuf? I would like a toy phone and pants and pillow pet in a dog and zoo zoo pets and a rain deer bell and a tellescope and wii and a wii fit and a nintindow DSI and close. Love, Lauren
Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts last year. This year I want a pillowpet and a DS and a baby alive al gon and more zoozoo pets. Most of all thank you for my first zoozoo pets last year. Al so I want new wigs that are difrint colers. Love, Olivia Dear Santa, Thank you for the Krismes tree and a baby doll. This yer I want a bike. Pantara Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys. I want to have a xbox 360 for Christmas. Love, Jadon Dear Santa, Thank you for dads hunting game but all I want for crismis is a new xbox and a new ds and the games and a pupit and a new Wii game. I want new Christmus ornaments. Luv, Chase Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifs last year. This year I want DSI and a new Dsi game and a new wii game. Thank you. Love, Lindsay Dear Santa, Thank you for my toy dog. I want Conjus for my zoo zoo pets. I also want Poke-mon dragon with all the parts. I also want a coloring book and crayons. I like you. Love, James Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts last year. I love you Santa. Mabe you cude breng me a chopr. You are the best Santa. By, Cyrus Dear Santa, Thank you for the doll hose. Next I want a camera barbe dol. Love, Chancie Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys that I wantid. This year I want a xbox three six de for Crismis. I love you Santa. Love, Kurtis Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys. What I rile want is a tramoplene. My last one blew away. Santa, I don't no if my granee is going to get me a nintindo DS. My favrit colors are red and blue and pink. How was the coockies. P.S. I have been good this year. Love, Marissa Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts last year. I use the gifts all the time. This yar I want a tuch fone. Love, Tanner Mrs. Just Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, I would like another paper jam, a trampoline and a four wheeler. You know those stinky the garbage truck, I would like it. Thank you Santa. Tucker Dear Santa, I want a scooter and a Barbie. I like a stuffed animal, a bunny would be nice. Thank you Santa. Brenna Dear Santa, I want bullets for my cap gun, a bow and arrow, and a smoking barrel gun (camo color). And I want camo clothes, and a camo hat. Thank you Santa. Samuel Dear Santa, Thank you for taking my picture from last year. I love you, Santa. Thank you for giving my presents to me. I want a doctor Barbie doll. Thank you Santa Maycee Dear Santa, How do your elves stay so short when they have birthdays every year? Was your first time driving your sleigh hard? Can you tell your elves to make me anew American Doll Girl? Thank you Santa, Jayne Dear Santa, Thank you the presents. I would like football cleats, football helmet, and a football shirt, and a football. I wish you a Merry Christmas. Thank you Santa. Dakota Dear Santa, I want a bowling game for Christmas and a hockey game, and a hockey stick. max wants a train for Christmas. Cameron wants a train, too. Merry Christmas! Thank you Santa. Tommy Dear Santa, I want a Nintendo wii game, the MP3 players, a cake maker. For Chloe, I want a Mickey thing that singsj to you. For Kennedy, I want all the princesses, like Cinderella. I wish you a Merry Christmas. Thank you Santa. Peyton
Dear Santa, I wunt a nitindo DS and a reel drt bike and a four welr. Love, Aiden Dear Santa, Can I pleaese have a DXL thats black. Can I have a pxp please? Can I have a DSI pleaese? Can I have abig bare? Love, Gabe Dear Santa, I love you. I want a zoozoo pet track ples. I want a now bakpack pleas. Can I have a gutare ples? Can I have a nentendoe D.S? Can I have a freelfrend gogo? Ashlyn Dear Santa, I've ben good. I wunt a nerf gun nerf vest. I love Santa. How do you make toys? I like red and green. Gunyr Dear Santa, I love you. I want mune. Ples can I have spy toys? I want a Illini jrsey. I want tractrs and a Cowboys jrsey. Love, Lane Dear Santa, I want a new truck and a bb gun and I Spybooks and Nerf gun. Love, Michael Dear Santa, I want a doll video. I want a dollhose. And I want a wii. I want a song Santa. Love, Kinzie Dear Santa, I wunt a stuffd dollfin and a zoo zoo pet and a pillo pet. Emily Dear Santa, I luve you. I wunt a DSI. I wunt a racecar. I wunt a robot. I wunt a shotgun. I wunt a green football. I like you Santa. I wunt a xbox 360. Love, Landon Dear Santa, I want a raindeer. Can I have a Saints Drew Brees Jersey? Can I have a colts sined football? Can I have a xbox 360 that black kind? I wan NCAA II Wii and Madden II Wii. Can I have a Jonney Knox jersey? I want a greg olsen jersey. I want a Jermey Shockey jersey. Your the best. Love, Cody Dear Santa, I want a DS and a DSI XL and a reel dog. I want a raindeer bell and a reael phone and a fake big sister and a xbox plese. Love, Makenzie Dear Santa, I wunt a wii and a DSI and a randeer bell and a reel laptop for kids. Love, Peyten Dear Santa, Thanks for bringing us prezens and I want a raindeer bell that jingles and a Rudeoff stuffed anumil please. To Santa. Love, Olivia Dear Santa, I want a pupe and a neckles and a glob. I love you. You are the best! Tristen Dear Santa, Can I have a rod and some fishis and a NFL football that they rele play with and a Cutler jrsey, and a Fortay jrsey, and a Ochosecko jrsey, Patin Mannng jrsey, Albert Pujols jrsey, Larry Fitgerald jrsey, and Aderian Peteresn jrsey and Drew Brees jrsey. Love, Ethan Dear Santa, Ples can I have a xbox 360? Thank you for my toys. Dalton
Mrs. Beck Kindergarten Dear Santa Claus, I would like a Hello Kitty stuff animal this year for Christmas. how cold is it in the North Pole? Merry Christmas Bailey Dear Santa Claus, This year I would like an extra rock for my collection. I want the Lightning McQueen game for my xbox. I like you Santa Claus. How can the reindeer fly? Merry Christmas Travis Dear Santa Claus, I want to have a firetruck for Christmas. I would like a tiger. I will see you on the train in Monticello. Merry Christmas. Lane
Dear Santa, I want a Hello Kitty scooter, a Barbie car, some Barbies. You are a good Santa. Thank you Santa. Alouyn
Dear Santa Claus, I want ten army guys. I would like Start Wars toy too. Thank you for my gifts last year. They were awesome. Merry Christmas. Issac
Dear Santa, I want pillow pets, play dough, and a toy car that crashes and bumps out. I want a spinning top, too. Thank you Santa. Micbel Dear Santa, I like you! Thank you for the toys. This year I would like a Barbie and a Barbie car. Thank you Santa. Brynn Dear Santa, I would like a little toy monster truck, and a play station. Thank you Santa. Jones Dear Santa, I would really like a race car, a truck and a monster truck. Thank you Santa. Cooper
Dear Santa, Thank you for the cat. I want a cd. I want bab dol. P.S. I has bi gub Love, Delaney
Mrs. Seitz 1st Grade
Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts last yaar. I want a phone, Ipod tuch, DsI, zoo zoo pet. I've been goo. PS Santa I love you please giv that stuf for me.
Dear Santa, Can I have a Ninentdo DS game and High SChool Musicl Nombr 3 DS game? Love, Courtney
Dear Santa, Thank you for the presents last year. I would like a couple monster truck toys, toy frogs, spiderman toys and a toy jet. Merry Christmas! Thank you Santa. Ethan
Dear Santa, Thank you for tuchfone and Dsi and moxegel kids box 17. Amrekum dol and zuzu pet. Plaset and makset. Did you lic the cackes and meck? Love, Jade
Dear Santa, Thank you for my toys. I hop you like my cookes from last yer. From brock to santa. PS I like Christmas. I wunt a xbox 360 and a psp and a new games and a blue sled and a pair uv fluvz From, Brock
Dear Santa, I love you. I want sum spy ger. I want shuvls that pick up snow. I want a computr. I wnat sum play cars that is gold. I want any cinde uv footboll any culr to. I want sum uv legos. I want sum toys that is frogs and sum stuffed aenuml frogs. Love, Spencer
Dear Santa, Can I have a Barbey video girle and a baby alive that eats and a DS and baby bunny and a puppy. Love, Rainey Dear Santa, Can I have a dog and a play stashin and a play gun? I wut santa cookeez. Jonah Dear Santa, I want a Rudeoff nose that glows and that's red. And I want a xbox.
Dear Santa Claus, I want a dirt bike. I want a lot of legos. I want light saves and Star Wars toys. I would like dinosaurs. I like when you give me toys. How many helpers do you have? Merry Christmas. Levi Dear Santa Claus, I want a new Wii game. i would like an xbox 360 before I turn eight. What is your favorite cookie? Merry Christmas William Dear Santa Claus, I want a remote controlled snake. How do the elves help Santa? Who is your favorite reindeer. My mom would like a necklace too. Merry Christmas. Chance Dear Santa Claus, I have been a good girl. I want Chloe to get a present. I would like a walking puppy. Who is your best friend Santa? How many cookies do you eat on Christmas? Merry Christmas. Karmann Dear Santa Claus, I am very good girl. I want a stuff animal kitty. My mommy would really like a bracelet for Christmas. My daddy wants new shoes. My brother, Landon would like a Michael Jordan jersey. What does the North Pole look like? Merry Christmas. Leah Dear Santa Claus,
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com friend Jay. I hope I see Dasher and Dancer and Prancer, and Vixen, and Comet, and Cupid, and Donner, and Blitzen. Thank you. Your friend, Lane
Letters to Santa Listing of Schools Argenta - Oreana Assumption Atwood-Hammond Baum, Decatur Bement Ben Franklin, Decatur Brush College, Decatur Cerro Gordo Dennis, Decatur Durfee, Decatur Enterprise, Decatur Harris. Decatur Harristown Holy Family, Decatur
Hope Academy, Decatur Illiopolis Johns Hill, Decatur Kid’s Castle Learning Center, Decatur Maroa-Forsyth McGaughey, Mt. Zion Meridian Primary Muffley, Decatur Our Lady of Lourdes, Decatur Pershing, Decatur South Shores, Decatur St. Mary’s, Taylorville St. Patricks, Decatur Warrensburg/Latham
Dear Santa, How big is your house? How many elves do you have? How is Dasher, and Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph? I want for Christmas a DSI. P.S. I want to see Rudolph. Sincerely, Piper Dear Santa, How are you. I have tried to be good this year. How is Dasher, and Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph doing? I want Prancer for Christmas. How is Mrs. Clause? Merry Christmas. From, Mason Dear Santa, How are you? How is Rudolph? Is he lighting your way? How was you child hood? You are awesome. What I want for christmas is a lot. I love you. Your friend, Emma Dear Santa, Are the penguins cute? How is Rudolph? This is what I want for Christmas. I would like a DS. Love, Jaeson Dear Santa, How are the penguins doing? How is Rudolph? Is he shining your light on the sled? Can you please give me a makeup box for Christmas? Can you please give me a jewelry box for Christmas? Love, Melyne
I would like the fighting boy zu zu pets. It would be nice if you got my mom a bracelet with a picture of you on it. I want a remote control car that goes in the snow. Who is your favorite elf and reindeer? I already have my Christmas list at home. Merry Christmas. Kaden Dear Santa Claus, Who is your favorite reindeer? I want the toy Wolf Mountain. i would like a farm set for my brothers and I to share. My mom needs a new necklace and dad needs a new shirt. Which elf is the most helpful? Which reindeer is the most helpful? I am grateful to have my swings. Merry Christmas. Logan Dear Santa Claus, For Christmas I would like a remote controlled snake so I can scare my grandma with it outside. A remote controlled monster truck would be nice so my brother can run over the snake with it. Do you have a diet during Christmas time? Merry Christmas. Tanner Dear Santa Claus, I want an American girl doll for Christmas this year. My baby sister needs ball for babies to play with that is soft since I have more toys than her. I want my mommy to have a pretty necklace. My John needs a new watch. Do you lose weight when Christmas is over Santa? Merry Christmas. Emma Dear Santa Claus, I want a DS for Christmas. I would like a remote spotlight moon. My brother, Ryan, really doesn't need anything because he has been a bad boy. What are your other reindeer's names? I want a boxing turtle that doesn't move so I can scare my dad when he comes home. Merry Christmas. Jacob Dear Santa Claus, I want a Barbie. my sister, Tatem, wants a Wii for Christmas this year. Kylie would like a remote controlled puppy. How many elves do you have help you make all the toys. Merry Christmas. Kelsie Mrs. Davis 1st Grade Dear Santa, How is your reindeer doing? Can you please bring me an iPod touch and some DS games? Love your friend, Andrea Dear Santa, I hope you have a good Christmas. Can I have a DS please? Merry Christmas. Your friend, Kiya Dear Santa, Please can I have a DS? Do you like your reindeer? I wish you a Merry Christmas. From, Lora Dear Santa, Can I have games for my Playstation? There is a twisted light saber at Wal Mart too. From, Micheal Dear Santa, Please can I have a horse that walks and a hippo that walks? How do the reindeer fly? Your friend, Emma Dear Santa, Can I please have a DS Touch? And Can I please have an Ipod touch? can i have a real guitar? Have an awesome Christmas. I love you Santa. Love, Shaylie Dear Santa, Can I please have a DS? Can I please have a Gameboy too? I like your reindeer. I love you Santa. From, Katelyn Dear Santa, Please can I have a monkey? I hop you have a safe trip. From, Trent Dear Santa, Can I please have a MP3 player? How are your reindeer? From, Angel Dear Santa, Can I please have a DS? Can I please have a Wii too? Can I please have a play computer and a Baby Live? From, Hannah Dear Santa, I already did Christmas. You don't need to bring me anything. I want a Wii though, and a DS. Merry Christmas. From, Zachary Dear Santa, Please can I have a laptop and a Silly sentences game? I would want a Toy Story 3 Wii game and a basketball hoop too. How are your reindeer doing and what do they like to eat? Love, Casey Dear Santa, I hope you be safe on Christmas Eve. Please will you let me have a puppy and a dog? And I want some Dalmatians and Little Pet Shop toys. my sister has all of the and I barely have any. Please help other people on Christmas Eve. Love, Tiffany Dear Santa, I like your reindeer. Can I please have a baby doll and a stroller too? Love, Kayli
Dear Santa, Santa Can I please have some DS games? Can I please have some nerf guns too? Merry Christmas. From, Dawson
Dear Santa, How is Comet, Cupid, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen? I want a blizzard maker for Christmas. Love, Crystal
Mrs. Hutchcraft Kindergarten Dear Santa, I like you. I love you. I want you to bring me a baby doll. Please bring Olivia a puppy and Michael Jordan clothes for Caleb. My mom would like new shoes. My dad wants Michael Jordan clothes. I have been a good girl. Love, Elizabeth
Dear Santa, How are all of the reindeer; Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph? I want a Rudolph stuffed animal whose nose glows for Christmas. I also want a DSI. Love, Abigail
Dear Santa, I want presents. I want remote controlled cars, army guys, and fire trucks. I have been very good. I want my mom and Carl to have new phones. Love, Sean Dear Santa, I want a car, truck, trailer, and ramps to put the car up on the trailer. Please bring a new real, heavy, hitch for my dad. Please bring my mom some glow socks with pumpkins on them. Please bring my brother a cop car. I have been a very good boy. Love, Thomas Dear Santa, I love you. I want presents from you please. I want Lego Star Wars and a double light saber. My mom wants pants and Adam wants presents. I've been a good boy. Love, Sabon Dear Santa, I like you. I want you to bring me Tinkle Toes and Nintendo DS. My baby brother wants a thing where you put balls in it and they shoot back up. Cal wants a robot. I have been a very good girl. Love, Ava Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a pillow pet. My birthday is May 26th. My brother is 6 and my sister is 3. I have been a good boy. Love, Dawson Dear Santa, I want an American Girl Doll, and Kit's best friend, and a Nintendo DS for Christmas. I have been a very good girl. Love, Regann Dear Santa, Thank you for all the presents that you have brought me before. This year I want you to bring me a tent and the lantern that comes with it. I have been a good boy. Love, Dallas Dear Santa, I want you to bring me a real bear and a fake cat. For my baby brother please bring him a bear too. My baby sister would like a Dora blanket. For Wyatt, he would like a race car blanket. My sister would like a music CD player. My brother wants a race car. My big brother would like a puzzle. I have been a good girl and clean my room. Love, Hayley Dear Santa, I want a robot, a Cardinal's hat, and a play rocket ship. I have been a good boy and help clean up at home. Love, Lyle Dear Santa, I would like a microphone for Christmas. I also would like Sponge Bob stuff and a big huge snake. i also would like blankets that glow up. Where do your reindeer sleep? I am on the good list since I have been very good this year. Love, Jacob Dear Santa, I would like a big dinosaur, a big balloon and a Mickey Mouse coloring book. I like you a lot. Do you make all the toys? Love, Parker Dear Santa, I really hope I see you this year. I love you and would never hurt you. I want an electric car racing thing that has a train and moves all by itself. I would also like a stinky garbage truck that eats garbage. I would like my family to have a nice big hug from you for Christmas. I really want to know how you make toys. Love, Wyatt Dear Santa, I would like you to bring me books for Christmas. I like barbies, and Little pet shop. I like babies too. I like my baby sister too. Please bring her a baby too. Love, Dajsha Mrs. Strack 1st Grade Dear Santa, I want a pink DSI XL. How are you? I love you. See you soon. Love, Brook Dear Santa, How are you? How is Rudolph? Can I have a DSI XL? How are the reindeer? Sincerely, Mallory Dear Santa, How are you? How is Rudolph? How is Mrs. Claus? I want a fake train for Christmas. Love, Tatem Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? Have a good Christmas. I would like a reindeer fro Christmas. From, Jay Dear Santa, How are you? How is Rudolph and Mrs. Claus? I am going to leave cookies for you and so is my
Dear Santa, I want Rudloph to come. I want a DSI-L for Christmas. Please bring my brother a game and a baby alive to Stephanie. Love, Alma Dear Santa, How are you? I would like a pocket knife and a BB gun for Christmas. I want a remote control helicopter too. I will leave you cookies. From, Korey Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? Are they eating carrots? I want a DSI and a DS. See you soon. Payton
Mr. Winter Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Derek. I am 5 yrs. old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring dishes for my family. I would like a toy car and race car! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 4 cookies for you in the living room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Derek Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Gavyn. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring food for my family. I would lik e paint easel and a corwn maker! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 3 cookies for you in the front room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Gavyn Dear Santa, Hello! My name is James. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a car for my family. I would like a Motorcycle and a Spiderman! You will find 2 carrots for the reindeer and 3 cook-
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
ies for you in the kitchen with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, James Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Kellani. I am 6 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring food for my family. I would like a Princess doll and a Dora doll! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 8 cookies for you in the kitchen with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Kellani Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Ethan. I am 6 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a car for my family. I would like a spiderman and art stuff! You will find 3 carrots for the reindeer and 4 cookies for you in the front room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Ethan Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Latoria. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring toys and clothes for my family. I would like dresses and princess doll! You will find 3 carrots for the reindeer and 3 cookies for you in the kitchen with my Good Behavior book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Latoria Dear Santa, Hello! My name is JaVarius. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a tanning bedfor my family. I would like a teddy bear and race car! You will find 5 carrots for the reindeer and 2 cookies for you in my backpack with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, JaVarius Dear Santa, Hello. My name is Breanna. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on christmas Eve. Please bring movies for my family. I would like a dollhouse and a barbie doll! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 4 cookies for you in the living room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas LOve, Breanna Dear Santa, Hello! May name is Noah. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a couch for my famly. I would like dinosaurs and a castle! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 4 cookies for you in the lving room with the Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Noah Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Laya. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visi me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a Christmas top for my family. I would like a doll and a dollhouse! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 4 cookies for you in the living room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Laya
good girl this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a Nitendo DS for my family. I would like a baby dollhouse and dolls! You will find 234 carrots for the reindeer and 4 cookies for you in the kitchen with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Hannah Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Evan. I am 6 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring light bulbs for my family. I would like a race care and spiderman set! You will find carrots for the reindeer and 4 cookies for you in the living room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Evan Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Janiya. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on christmas Eve. Please bring presents for my family. I would like a Barbie doll and a princess doll with dresses! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 4 cookies foryou in the living room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Janiya Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Deon. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boys this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a book for my famly. I would like a spiderman and a motorcycle! You will find 3 carrots for the reindeer and 5 cookies for you in the front room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Deon Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Jayden. I am 5 year old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a car for my family. I would like a dirt bike and remote control car! You will find 4 carrots for the reindder and 4 cookies for you in the kitchen with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Jayden Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Mr. Winters. I am a kindergarten teacher at Baum School. I have been a good man this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring continued ahppiness for my family. I would like love, peace and happiness for all! You will find 2 carrots for the reindeer and 2 cookies for you in the living room with my Good Teacher Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas. Your friend, Mr. Winters Mrs. Blades 1st Grade Dear Santa, My name is Donelid. I love your thing becus i bin goob. can i git a pas it i wot a call of duty an the utm noon is piitrman. Your friend, Donelid Dear Santa, My name is Jakobe. I would like a guitar and a horse and a dog. Your friend, Jakobe Dear Santa, My name is Chloe. I woud you to bring me a justin bieber and a Hannah Montana movie and a x360 and a necklace and a dog a
horse a DS a PSP a play church a bookshelf the direy uv the wipery kied a ps3 a DSI a Wii a wrt. Your friend, Chloe Dear Santa, My name is Dustin. I want a nerf gun and call of duty. Black ops and a football. Xbox 360 and a ovo and a dog and a hot tub and wii and guitar dsi and a bebe gun. Your friend, Dustin Dear Santa, My name is Jalecia. Would you bring me a pilow pat and a etino DS and a prichr of you for Christmas and one thang my famley too and thangs far my famley. And a swimen pool. Your friend, Jalecia Dear Santa, My name is Tyler. I want a PSP and a CD and a nerf gun. My dad will want a xbox 360 game. I want toy cars that are blue. Your friend, Tyler Dear Santa, My name is Mary'Jah. Can you being my dad a xbox 360 and mom a now ring. Me oo. i will lik the a santa. Can i git all dog suf and my butns will wot a now tinni cott hells like it. Me dad will wot a xbox 360. me mom will wot a now ring. Your friend, Mary'Jah Dear Santa, My name is Bella. I would like a zhu zhu pet, PS game 2. I want a new hecules. And a Justin Beber CD. and a cell phone. I want a DSI I would wont it pink. And a xbox 360. And a necodess for my mom. I would love to have a puppy dog. and a nerf gun. And a traning dog or puppy book. Your friend, Bella Dear Santa, My name is Demontre. I want you to get me a xbox 360. I want you to bring my 3 sisters a xbox 360 and can you to bring tow kctcrdlrs for my three sisters so thay have fun. I want tow cars at go by ther sef. Your frinde, Demontre Dear Santa, My name is ThiLea. Would you bring me a psp and a ps3 and a xbox 360 and some DS is for me for Latia and rai'sean and mom and dad. Your friend, ThiLea Dear Santa, My name is Collin. I would like a DS and a xbox 360. or a wii. My sister would licke a toy dog or a cat and a lepstr. You frend, Collin Dear Sant, My name is Cahnisha, I wish I can have same Lip glos and sume eating dat hash a negles. im happy you like my ckookes and sume shoose with wllse. I wute a bookbag with willse. Your friend, Cahnisha Dear Santa, My name is Bradley. Can you give me a DS and Call of Duty my bruth wants a nerf gun, my mom wunts a new ring. my mom wunts a new car. my unk wunts a PS3. Your friend, Bradley Dear Santa, My name is Jariyah. I want a C O for Christmas and Wii and PSP and dog stuff and lin and a toy strre boot. my mom want a ring to and tee to and a DS i an dapsutat is it. Your pal, Jariyah Dear Santa, My name is Whitley. I want a psp and a puppy too. I want a new ring and new piggie bank too. I want a ps3 and chocolate bar and bring me a necklace and a xbox 360.
Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Jesse. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visi me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a GPS for my family. I would like a control helicopter and a goldfish! You will find 3 carrots for the reindeer and 4 cookies for you in the front room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Jesse Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Hannah. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at
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Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
Your friend, Whitley
Your friend, Briawna
Dear Santa, My name is Briawna. I want a dog for Christmas and a baby doll. My sister want a tedy bear or a chapstick. I want 3 tv.
Dear Santa, My name is Brayden. I would like a paper jame and a Mario Galexy I for the wii and star wars for unleshed 1 for xbox 360 and that new batman brave in the bold and a lunch box with all the dc friends and there enimes and anerf gun and sword and that nerf thing that can you can spin. Your friend, Brayden
Happy Holidays
Dear Santa, My name is Kari. I want a baby doll and a phone and a dsi. can you bring my sistre she wants a
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phone. can you bring my mom a ring and a neklace. my dad wants a new xbox 360. Your friend, Kari Dear Santa, My name is Carson. I want to have a V guitar and a Ds Xbox 360 and a pelo pet thats a dog and a nerf gun. Your friend, Carson Dear Santa, My name is Cameron. I want PS3. The game is Black Ops. and the nuvr game is armey of 2. and a xbox 360 game is MW2. and the uthr game is call of duty. Your friend, Cameron Mrs. Steer Kindergarten Dear Santa, My name is Brandon and I am 6 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good boys this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a t.v. for my family. Two things I would like are a helicopter and a submarine. There will be 9 carrots for the reindeer and 10 cookies for you by the table. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, Brandon Dear Santa, My name is Joey and I am 6 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good boy this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring $15 for my family. Two things I would like are a robot and parachute. There will be 10 carrots for the reindeer and 10 cookies for you by the table. Have a safe trip and Merry Christms! Love, Joey Dear Santa, My name is Janiah and I am 5 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good girl this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a baby for my family. Two things I would like are shoes and clothes. There will be 3 carrots for the reindeer and 5 cookies for you by the car. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, Janiah Dear Santa, My name is Kylie and I am 6 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good girl this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring clothes for my family. Two things I would like are a baby doll and slippers. There will be 6 carrots for the reindeer and 2 cookies for you by the care. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, Kylie Dear Santa, My name is Kadyn and I am 5 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good boy this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a bunk bed for my family. Two things I would like are a robot and ice cream. There will be 7 carrots for the reindeer and 7 cookies for you by the Christmas tree. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas. Love, Kadyn Dear Santa, My name is Kylie and I am 6 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good girl this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring ice cream maker for my family. Two things I would like are popcorn maker and cotton candy maker. There will 10 carrots for the reindeer and 10 cookies for you by
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the table. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, Kylie Dear Santa, My name is Lacardi and I am 5 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good girl this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring clothes for my family. Two things I would like are Baby Alive and a toy bus. There will be 7 carrots for the reindeer and 20 cookies for you by the table. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, Lacardi Dear Santa, My name is Sam and I am 5 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good boy this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a computer for my family. Two things I would like are Monster Truck and a game. There will be 3 carrots for the reindeer and 5 cookies for you by the TV. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas. Love, Sam Dear Santa, My name is Ciara and I am 5 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good girl this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring an Ipod for my family. Two things I would like are a truck and Baby Alive. There will be 5 carrots for the reindeer and 50 cookies for you by the table. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, Ciara Dear Santa, My name is K.J. and I am 5 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good boy this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a tv for the car for my family. Two things I would like are a robotic hand and a toy alligator. There will be 30 carrots for the reindeer and 13 cookies for you by the stove. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, KJ Dear Santa, My name is Javion and I am 5 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good boy this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring toys for my family. Two things I would like are a game and a monster truck. There will be 3 carrots for the reindeer and 5 cookies for you by the couch. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, Javion Dear Santa, May name is Mary Jo and I am 5 years old,. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good girl this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a bike for my family. Two things i would like are Barbie and a pillow pet unicorn. There will be 2 carrots for the reindeer and 4 cookies for you by the coffee table. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, Mary Jo Dear Santa, My name is Kendell and I am 6 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good girls this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a bear for my family. Two things I would like are a bike and a playhouse. There will be 6 carrots for the reindeer and 8 cookies for you by the house. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, Kendell Dear Santa, My name is Jayda and I am 5 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good girls this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a necklace for my family. Two things I would like are pillow pet ladybug and a phone. There will be 6 carrots for the reindeer and 10 cookies for you by the counter. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love Jayda Dear Santa, My name is Keshawn and I am 6 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good boy this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a car for my family. Two things I would like are a car and a monster truck. There will be 5 carrots for the reindeer and 7 cookies for you by the Christmas tree. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, Keshawn Dear Santa, My name is Bill and I am 5 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good boy this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring Dad army items, Mom & Sis necklace for my family. Two things I would like are Matchbox carwash and snowboard. There will be 10 carrots for the reindeer and 10 cookies for you by the cabinet. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, Bill Dear Santa, My name is Bryson and I am 5 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good boy this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring Buzz Operation for my family. Two things I would like are fire truck legos and Riddler and Two Face. There will be 40 carrots for the reindeer and 50 cookies for you by the Christmas tree. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, Bryson
Merry Christmas from
The Blue Mound Leader (217) 692-2323
Dear Santa, May name is Camari and I am 5 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried rally hard to be a good boy this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring clothes for my family. Two things I would like are a Pirate ship and Slinky Snake. There will be 100 carrots for the reindeer and 10 cookies for you by the bed on the dresser. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, Camari Dear Santa, My name is Devin and I am 5 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good boy this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a car for my family. Two things I would like are Sponge Bob and Buzz games. There will be 3 carrots for the reindeer and 4 cookies for you by the North Pole. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, Devin Dear Santa, My name is Leila and I am 6 years old. I am in kindergarten at Baum School. I have tried really hard to be a good girl this year. I hope you will come visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring games for my family. Two thinks I would like are Clifford and a toy cat. There will 15 carrots for the reindeer and 5 cookies for you by the Christmas tree. Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas! Love, Leila Mrs. Weddle 1st Grade Dear Santa, My name is Dakota. I will giv you milk and coocke. I wut a ntedo DS Your friend, Dakota Derr My my and
Santa, name is Kaden. All i wont is to frut teth and bade blade a robot and a bale from you. Your friend, Kaden
Dear Santa, My name is Zahki. I don't want to be on the naughty list. I would like to be on the nice list. I want a books for Christmas. Yours, Zahki Dear Santa, My name is Gavon. Schae dunker don't want to on the naughty list. I wold Lego 1. City Car 2 Book 3. For Christmas. Love, Gavon Dear Santa, My name is Grace. I don't want to be on the naughty list. I would like to be on the nice list. I want a real bunny ples for Christmas. Your frend, Grace Dear Santa, My name is Sara. I don't want to be on the naughy list. I wold like to be on the nice list. I want a wii for Christmas. Yours, Sara Dear Santa, My name is Camryn. I dont want to on. I like to be on the good list. Your friend, Camryn Dear Santa, My name is Amiya. I dot wat to be on the naughty list. Hanna Motana Computer. More Bieis Toy Rook Santa. Zuh Zuh Pet. Toy Soty 3. Hannah. Your friend, Amiya Dear Santa, My name is Antonio. I dont want to be on the neagynty hat I will like to be on the nice list. I want a foon. Your friend, Antonio
Mrs. Fairchild Pre-Kindergarten Dear Santa, I want a best friends forever puff. Thank you, Joie Dear Santa, I would like a red DS. Thank you, Landon Dear Santa, I want a toy that shoots. Thank you, Kodee Dear Santa, Hi, what are you doing? I want a stuffed animal bunny. Thank you, Lilli Dear Santa, I would like a train. Thank you, Cloud Dear Santa, I want a game and PlayDoh. Thank you, Lily Dear Santa, I want a car, and a hairbrush, and colors, and a baby, and a makeup. Thank you, Desari Dear Santa, I want a whole bunch of trains, Barbie dolls, and clothes. Thank you, Faith Dear Santa, I want Spiderman. Thank you, Hayden Dear Santa, I would like a trophy and staples for my paper to make a book. Thank you, Noah Dear Santa, I would like a Sleeping Beauty Princess. Thank you, Mackenzie Dear Santa, I want Farm equipment and a monster truck thing. Thank you, Cole Dear Santa, I hope you have a fun Christmas. I would like a Barbie doll. Thank you, Skye Dear Santa, I want a dirt bike. Thank you, Ryan Dear Santa, I want a skateboard. Thank you, Max Dear Santa, I would like cars. Thank you, Triston Dear Santa, I want a big choo choo. Thank you, Holden Dear Santa, I want purple toys and blocks.
Thank you, Camren Dear Santa, I want a Barbie. Thank you, Phoenix Mrs. Rogers Kindergarten Dear Santa, I would like a big monster truck for Christmas. I would also like a dirt bike and a remote control monster truck. I will leave cookies for you to eat. I have been very good this year. Love, Deegan Dear Santa, I would like a pink Nintendo DS. I would also like zoom zoom pets, squinkies and a Fur Real Friend puppy that walks on a leash. For my sister Tabby; some earrings. For Amanda a doll, and for my sister Tosha; some make-up. I would like you to bring Kodee a blue Nintendo DS. I will leave you cookies and milk. Love, Kaylee Dear Santa, I would like some Polly Pockets and some paint. I would also like a new bike. I will leave you cookies and milk. Love, Tarryn Dear Santa, I would like a pink Nintendo DS and a Barbie mermaid doll. I would like you to bring Joslen a CD player. I would like you to bring my dad a new racecar. He loves those things. I would like you to bring my mom a hear shaped pillow that you boil and then put it on your back to make it feel better. Love, Emmarose Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring me a blue Nintendo DS and some games to play on it. I would like a battery powered Gator that I can drive and a Spongebob stuffed animal. Please bring my dad a remote control helicopter and please bring my mom a new shirt. I will leave you cookies to eat. Love, Ryan Dear Santa, I would like a Pillow Pet that is a dog. I would also like a blue Nintendo DS and a game to play on it. I would like some new Sketchers that light up. My sister Maddie would like a Barbie doll and a pink Barbie car. Please bring my dad a new blue ring and please bring my mom some new perfume. I will leave you a healthy snack. Love, George Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I would like a Nintendo DS with a Mario game to play on it. I would also like a Lego kingdom and a Lego construction set. Love, Brenden Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would like a Pillow Pet, a new Playstation and a new Mario game. I would like you to bring my brother Tyce, a new train. Please bring my mom a new pan to cook with and please bring my dad a new video game. I will leave you cookies and milk. Love, Kade Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would like a new toy pony for Christmas and a new Littlest Pet Shop toy. I would like you to bring my sister Kylie, a new pink pony. I will leave cookies and milk for you to eat. Love, Haley Dear Santa, I would like a pink Nintendo DSI, a new Polly Pocket and a blue swimming dog to play with in the bathtub. I would also like a new Bratz doll and a Barbie Mermaid movie. I would like for you to bring my sisters Tabitha and Natalie, laptop computers. My sister, Sam, would like a new game. I will leave you cookies and milk. Love, Makenzie
Ms. Berger 1st Grade Dear Santa, Hi! How are you doing? How is Rudolph? Is his nose still red? are the elves? Are they making toys? Please bring me a BatMan Legos. Also, please bring my mom an angel neckace. You are so nice. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Love, Kenyon Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? Did she make cookies? How is Rudolph is his nost still red? I would like a care with a mokicrow? Alsos could you bring my little brther a remote control dirt bike. You are very kind! Thank! Merry Chrisimis. Love, Phillip Dear Santa, Hi! How have you been? How is Rudolph? Is his nose still red? How are the elves? Are they making toys? Please bring me a PsP. Also please bring my sister a doll. You are very kind. Thank you Merry Christmas. Love, Tristen Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? How is Rudolph? Is his nose still red? How are the elves? Are they making toys? I would like a WII game. Also could you bring a WII game too my bro ther. You are very kind. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Love, Markye Dear Santa, Hi! How have you been? How are the elves? Are they making toys? How is Rudolph? Is his nose still red? Please bring me a remote control car. Also, my mom a butter fly necklace. You are so nice! Thank you. Merry Christmas. Love, Mason Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? How is Rudolph? Is his nose still red? How are the elves. Are they making toys? Please bring me a skateboard. Also, my brother a monster truck. You are so nice. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Love, Jalen Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? How is Rudolph? Is his nose still red? How are the elves. Are they making toys? Please bring me a remote control big foot. You are so nice. Thank you. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas from
Dr. Howard Beede Merry Christmas & Blessed New Year from St. Patrick School Pre-K to 8th grade
412 N. Jackson St. 423-4351
& Staff Peditrician, Certified Allergist & Immunologist 2 Memorial Dr., St. 204 Decatur, IL 62526 872-1040
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com Love, Evan Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? How is Rudolph? Nose still red? How is Mrs. make cookies? I wot a tesats and it gas tests? I would like a go-go-puppy. Also, could you bring my mom a new curling iron. You are very kind. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Lovi, Carlie Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? How is Rudolph? Is his nose still red? How are the elves? Are they making toys? Please bring me a guitar. Also, my little sister a baby doll. You are very kind. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Love, Kayla Dear Santa, Hi! How have you been? How the elves? How is Rudop is his nose still red? How is Mrs. Claus? Did she make cookies? Please bring me a also please bring my mom X-box. You are very kind. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Love, Brianna Dear Santa, How are you? How is Rudolph? Is his nost still red? How is Mrs. Claus? Did she make cookies? Please bring me a stuffed puppy. Also, Please bring my brother a stuffed penguin. You are so nice! You are very kind. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Love, Trista Dear Santa, Hi! How are you doing? How is Rudolph? Is his nose still red? are the elves? Are they making toys? I would like a DSI. Also, my nana a pretty vase. You are very kind. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Love, Conor Dear Santa, Hi! How have you been? How is Rudolph? Is his nose still red? How is Mrs. Claus? Did she make cookies? I would like a puppy. Also, my brother xbox 360. You are very kind. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Love, Ellen Dear Santa, Hi! How have you been? How is Rudolph? Is his nose still red? How are the elves? Are they making toy? I would like a work set. Also, my sister a papercam. You are very kind. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Love, Alayah Dear Santa, Hi! How have you been? How is Rudolph? Is his nose still red? How is Mrs. Claus? Did she make cookies? I would like an American Girl doll. Also could you bring my mom a real puppy. You are very kind. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Love, Kamilah Dear Santa, Hi How are you? How is Rudolph? Did Mrs. Clause make cookies? I would like a lego Harry Potter. Please bring my mom an angel ring. Thank you. Merry Christmas Love, Eddie Ms. Fisher Kindergarten Dear Santa, I have been good this year. For Christms I would like a puppy. Love, Brookelynn Dear Santa, I hae been good year for christmas. I woud res ablre. Love, Precious Dear Santa, It ave been good this year CHrmis. I woud like monster truck game. Love, Brandon Dear Santa, I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a DS. Love, Brayden Dear Santa, I have good this year for christmas. I would like a motorcycle, camera. Love, Cameron Dear Santa, I have been good this year. For Chriastm I would like a mtorcycle. Love, Wyatt Dear Santa, I have been good this year for Chrstms. Like a xbox. Love, MicHAel Dear Santa, I have be d this year for Christmas. I would like a big pink kitchen. Love, Kailynn Dear Santa, I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like the tiger toy. Love, Kenzie Dear Santa, I have been good this year for Christmas. I would like wrestlers. Love, Tristan Dear Santa, I have been good this year for Christmas. I would like a DS. Love, Tijah Dear Santa, I have been good this year for Chriss I would like a barbie. Love, Zamaria Dear Santa, I have be an good this year. I would like a microphone. Love, Brianna Dear Santa, I have been good this year for Christmas. I would like xbox. Love, Hunter Dear Santa, I have been good this year for Chritmas. I would like a scooter and a bike. Love, Summer Dear Santa, I have been good this year for Christmas. I would like xbox. Love, Jordan Dear Santa, I have been good this year for Christmas. I wouldl ike a xbox. Love, Landen Dear Santa, I have been good this year for chir like has the transformer. Love, Alex Dear Santa, I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a DS. Love, Dayton
Mrs. Cearlock 1st Grade Dear Santa, I wunt a Dsi fur crismis. A Dsi game fur Crismis. I wund a game fur Cisimis. And wnt you to cum to my scool. Colin Dear Santa, Could you bring me some new ds games. I am ret for Crismis or you? I wod like a yoyo for Crismis. Sierra Dear Santa, You rau joley and nis. What I went for Crismis I wunt a pladow makr for crismis and I wunt a cry but makr and a spug Bob suoer pens wi game. Justin Dear Santa, I want a xbox for Krimis. I want a krf onamodik rmot crs lotning maq. I want a playstashn and a Krashgan and a now spiro gam and a krash of the tind game. Jacob Dear Santa, I want a dieno ket that has a boen chraker and a danae chraker with a dieero eggs and you can get danae from the eggs. Ethan Dear Santa, How are the raendear. Wat I woud wunt for chrismis is a vidyo gn and icrely reemot. I love you Love, Ella Dear Santa, What is wot for crismiss is oufits and sum ugboots. you are nise becus you giv presits ot. Brooklyn Dear Santa, I wunt a git are. how is roodoff. Clayton Dear Santa, Ples can I have a D.S. How aer your randiar doing. Ples can I have a D.S. games. Ples can I have a toy cats. Ples can I have a stufft anmol cats. Ples can I have a toycat. Kymberliee Dear Santa, How are you today. I want a toy pupy and the game Hugry Hugry Hipos. I want Esy Bake ovin. McKenna Dear Sata, I wish I had a bobydol that has a kama on her bak. I wish I had a flag for krism. Jaycee Dear Santa, I have been good this year. And may I please have a zu zu pet. and a dsi And a Dairy Queen blizzard maker. And a pillow pet. Love, Serena Dear Santa, Hou mine rane dear do you have. Plese can I have a pretened vacuuem. Plese can I have a dipin dots mackr. Plese can I have some play doy. Jeff Dear Santa, I wut a play cor. I wut a boby. I wut a game. I wut books. I wut a play dog. I wut a play cat. Destiny Dear Santa, Im bin good. Mere Cimis Santa. I want a gtrtr. I want a lagoe tran. I want a lagoe simle. Austin Dear Santa, How are the randeer doing. How is Mrs Clos doing and th elvs doing. Can i pls have amintindo ds. Siserle, Trinity
Ms. Casner 1st Grade Dear Santa, Haw ahr you. Im good. Haw is yur rades. You ahr the bestis. Hi Santa. May i ples hav a dibj lcmr for crismist Love, Isabella Dear Santa, May I have a xbox 360? Love, Connor Dear Santa, I wat a blue ds pese. How are you today? Win it is Christmas santa I wundr if roodoff is in the lede? Santa I wat a police lego plese. Can you get my mom and dad a ds blue and green plese. Cameron Dear Santa, Can I have a psp. Pes can I have a ds. Chase Dear Santa, Can I please have that baby game. I furgot what it is called. Like where you holled the baby. May I have a LaLa Loosey. Can I please have a Dsi. I what call those things for Christmas! Love, Logan Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good? May I have a wii. May I have all UV Ninu zuzu pets. May I have some video games for playstashion. Love, Jimmy Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. May I please have legos. Could i please have a new DS games. Please can I have a new cell phone. Love, Jonathan Dear Santa, I love you. you aer my favit you aer the best. May I have a gutar? I wut one rele bad. Love, Micah Dear Santa, How are you today. May I have a dsi. Plaese can I have a heart decerashin for my mom. May I have a TV. have a Merry Christmas. Love, Anna Dear Santa, Hi Santa plase can I hve a Wii and plase can I have Wii game and plase can I have a zoo zoo pat. Love, Holley Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. I wae a ew superguaicke and anew bed and a red top. Love, Aaron Dear Santa, How are you? Can I please have a djjnal camru and a prinsus dress and a prinsus meer and wun more thang please can I have a yoonuckorn pell o pet. Live, Dreah Dear Santa,
How you do? Can I have a xl. can I have a laptop. Can I have a aeomagnit. May I have a car willon. Can I have a pdtrabit. Love, Austin Dear Santa, May I have a game tabit for wii? Can I have a new puppy and mack my dad fel beddr. Love, Drew Dear Santa, How are you can you plese a pink ds. and you ples have a sock a maich grldol. Love, Madison Dear Santa, How are you Santa. Becus I ambeing good. I dote no whet I what for Christmas. May i have a moxe girl and a liv doll. May I pleas have a stuff anamol. Love or BFF Sarina Dear Santa, I want a marickin girl doll? I want a game for my wii? May I have zhe zhe baby? May my boruthr have bath toys? Love, Jalynn
Mrs. Mower Kindergarten Class Dear Santa How are your elfs doing, are they busy? For Christmas I would like a bunk bed, toys for my sisters, and a giant pencil. Love, Dein Dear Santa, Where do you live Santa? For Christmas I would like a Dora Doll, a walking toy puppy and a reindeer puppet. Love, Jonis Dear Santa, How are you doing? For Christmas I would like a barbie doll, barbie clothes and toy Story I movie. Love, Montaya Dear Santa, How are your reindeers doing? For Christmas I would like a pillow pet, a songebob scrub and a rocket ship. Love, Nathan Dear Santa, How are you doing? For Christmas I would like a toy snake, horse and frog. Love, Hailey Dear Santa, What are you doing Santa? For Christmas I would like, a dirt bike, a Wii and a four wheeler. Love, Alex Dear Santa, Are you coming to my house? For Christmas I would like new dresses, a pink computer and a time capsal. Love, Madison Dear Santa, How are the reindeers doing? For Christmas I would like, a computer, a blue toy car and a boat. Love, Messiah Dear Santa, Do you have candy canes? For Christmas I would like, a snow glow, candy canes and a puppy. Love, Hannah Dear Santa, How old are you Santa? For Christmas I would like a skateboard, a bike and a monster truck. Love, Myian Dear Santa, Can I have a gift for my Teacher. For Christmas I would like, a barbie doll and clothes and a baby doll. Love, Kassandra Dear Santa, What are the reindeers doing? For Christmas I would like a barbie dollhouse, roller skates and a high school musical doll. Love, Kyra Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa? For Christmas I w ould like a star pillow, a puppy and a toy cat. Love, Makayla Dear Santa, How are the reindeers? For Christmas I would like a toy story tent, Alvin and the Chipmonks movie and power wheel truck. Love, Antwone Dear Santa, What do you do at night time? For Christmas I would like a alarm clock, crockadile game and a skateboard. Love, Chance Dear Santa, What kind of cookies do you like? For Christmas I would like a DSI game, skateboard and a motorcycle book. Love, Conner Dear Santa, What are you reindeers names? For Christmas I would like makeup, barbie dolls and the movie tangled. Love, Selena Dear Santa, Do you love me Santa? For Christmas I would like a video camera barbie doll, a barbie doll house and a glitter riser toy. Love, Ayuanna Dear Santa, What color are your reindeers? For Christmas I would like, barbie dolls, barbie doll house and a dancing turkey toy. Love, Maria
Santa Are you going to come over to my house on Christmas? I would like a barbie house that has snow inside, a Scooby Doo game, and for Lana to be my best friend forever and ever. Love, Toree J. Dear Santa, Where do you go with the toys? For Christmas, I would like a little snowman I can play with, a sweatshirt, and a toy bus. Love, Allison S.
Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a water gun for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by shopping. I will help my teachers by doing work. Thank you.
Love, Cori Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a Cd player for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my famly by cleaning. I will help my teachers by learn-
MERRY CHRISTMAS! from the Staff and Board at
Dear Santa, Where are the reindeer? For Christmas, I would like a pillow pet, a barbie doll, and a barbie doll house. Love, Alexis S.
1698 E. Pershing Rd. Decatur • 872-5555
Dear Santa, How do the reindeer pull you? For Christmas, I would like a DSI, a monster truck, and a game station. Love, Weslee S. Dear Santa, Are you doing well? For Christmas, I would like a toy machine gun, a city for my cars, and bakagones. Love, Bryson N. Dear Santa, Why do you always deliver presents? For Christmas, I would like a toy doll, a stuffed animal, and an ornament of my own. Love, Maggie M. Dear Santa, Can you come over to my house with the reindeer? For Christmas, I would like a DS, a Mario vs. Donkeykong game, and a Wii. Love, Cameron N. Dear Santa, Do you like presents? For Christmas, I would like a motorcycle, a Sponge Bob Squarepants game, and a Spiderman game. Love, Rylan K. Dear Santa, Do you really have a reindeer named Rudolph with a shiny nose? For Christmas, I would like an American Girl doll, a violin, and the sand that you make a castle with. Love, Ashly H.
Starship & The Enterprise Grill
Dear Santa, Do you like the way it is snowing outside? For Christmas, I would like a vaccuum cleaner, a dryer to wash my clothes, and a kitchen. Love, Saniya G.
& & LLuunncchh rr e e n n n n i i D D ls aals SSppeeccii ly ly i i a a D D
Food, Family & Fun off Pershing Rd.
Dear Santa, Where are you? For Christmas, I would like a baby doll, a barbie house, and a Cinderella toy. Love, Aaihisia G. Dear Santa, Are you happy it is almost Christmas? I would like a PSP, a Wii, and a camera for Christmas. Love, Deonte F. Dear Santa, Can you pray for me? For Christmas I would like a Spiderman toy, a Spiderman book, and a Spiderman basketball. Love, Terrell C. Dear Santa, How is the toy shop? I would like a stuffed horse, a baby doll, and a barbie doll. Love, Lana C. Dear Santa, How are the penquins? I would like a toy car, a loop track piece for hot wheels, and a bouncy castle. Love, Warren B.
Becky Helding Kindergarten Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a brother for Christmas. I promise to be good. I willhelp my famly by make my bed. I will help my teachers by listening. Thank you Love Christopher
from Chris and Kim at
Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a doll and a Barbie for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by buying groceries. I will help my teachers by be quiet wen the teachers are toling. Thank you. Love, Markayia
Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a Toy woody for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by picking up stuff. I will help my teachers by sit nicely. Thank you. Love, Jordan
Davis Garage 262-3313 &
Scooters Custard 262-3022 Rte. 36, Hammond, IL
Wishes you a Happy Holiday
Mrs. Simpson Kindergarten Dear Santa, How are the elves? I would like baleagones a Mario car, and a car that zooms around with hydraulics. Love, Jariah A. Dear Santa, Santa how are you doing? For Christmas I would like a barbie car I can drive, a baby doll and a hamster. Love, Marqueiusha G. Dear Santa, How did you get all of your reindeer? For Christmas, I would like a Christmas Santa costume, a fire truck, and a flower for my room. Love, Maddox F. Dear Santa, Can I ride on your reindeer when you come for Christmas? I would like a bike, candy, and a monster truck. Love, Tamario M. Dear Santa,
Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas & Best Wishes for 2011!
May All Your Wishes Come True! Merry Christmas from the Members of
IBEW Local 146 3390 N. Woodford St. Decatur, IL 62526 217-877-4604 www.ibew146.com
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Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
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(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
ing. Thank you.
for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by cleaning. I will help my teachers by cleaning up centers. Thank you. Love, Shauntel
Love, Garrett Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a TV for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my famly by clean my front room. I will help my teachers by writing. Thank you. Love, Shammion Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a monster truck
Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a helicopter for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by dusting. I will help my teachers by behav-
Happy Holidays from
PACELEY’S GARAGE 3109 N. 22nd St., Decatur
875-9229 We fix it right, guaranteed.
ing. Thank you. Love, Joey Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a xbox for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by pick up trash. I will help my teachers by throwing paper away. Thank you. Love, Donald Dear Santa, Please bring me a Bumble Bee for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by sharing. I will help my teachers by doing work. Thanks you. Love, Janmere Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a game boy for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by doing work. I will help my teachers by clean up. Thank you. Love, Joshua Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a mps player for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by doing dishes. I will help my teachers by passing out crayons. Thank you. Love, Coerra
Happy Holidays Appetizers • Burgers • Sandwiches Daily Lunch Specials
4335 W. Main
Dear Santa Clause, Please bring me a remote control care for Christmas. I promise to be good I will help my family by help with my christmas tree. I will help my teachers by clen up. Thank you. Love, Labron Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a dragon flier for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by carry the groceries. I will help my teachers by stay on green. Thank you. Love, Malik Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a skateboard game for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by clen up my room. I will help my teachers by clen up. Thank you. Love, Carson Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a Blizzard maker for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by cooking. I will help my teachers by behaving. Thank you. Love, Adria Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a dump truck for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by take out the garbage. I will help my teachers by listen.. Thank yu. Love, Troy Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a barbie doll for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by cooking. I will help my teachers by being a helper. Thank you. Love, Charisma Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a dora for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by Christmas tree. I will help my teachers by helping. Thank you. Love, Antonia
Season Greetings From the Village of Forsyth… A great place to live! (217) 877-9445 forsythvillage.us
Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a bocb dol for Christmas. I promise to be good. I will help my family by cooking. I will help my teachers by helping. Thank you. Love, Kayly Miss McGeehon 1st Grade Dear Santa, Santa please can I git a Nintendo Ds. Please can I git a zuzu pet. Please can I git some of sile ben 10 pack. Love, Ty Dear Santa, I want a baby alive. I want a xbox. I want a cat. Please can I have a robot. Please can I have a baby. Please can I have a dog. Love, Anijah Dear Santa, I can triy to be good if I don't be good you will not breing me eny presins at all. Love, Faith
Merry Christmas from
M&M Motors
Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a DSi and a Dora. Love, India
I have been a good boy this year. I would like a Monster truck and a Tonka truck for Christmas. Sincerely, Seth
Dear Santa, I want a little baby. I want a coot puppy for Christmas. I want a maxi girls herstil. I want a beesil. I want a babe aliv. Love, Karlee
Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a blizzard maker and makeup. Love, Emeril
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I would like a Barbie car and a Mr. Potato Head for Christmas. Sincerely, Heather
Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a motorcycle and a truck. Love, Christopher
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I would like a Barbie doll and Little Pet shops for Christmas. Sincerely, Amanda
Dear Santa, Can I git a xbox 360. Can i git a ds. I wot a puppy. Love, David Dear Santa, Please can I get moxie girls. Do you give people toys who be a good girl and boy? Please can I get a ds. Please can I get a baby alive. Your friend, Masaides Dear Santa, Please give me a baby alive and thank you for our toys and I like your work. Please give me a phone and a xbox kinect and a zuzu pets and a puppy. Love, Jainazya Dear Santa, I want a robot. I want a tv. I want a tad beaer. I want a grtar. I want a dog. I love santa. Love, Jacolby Dear Santa, I would like a real puppy. I have been good. Love, Amariea Dear Santa, Please can I have a xbox kinect. And a fon please. Love, Michael Dear Santa, Can I have a robot please? Can I have a car please? Can I have a stare please? Love, Donterrion Dear Santa, Please can I get a Maden 11? Please can I get a Batman? I love Santa. Christmas is fun. Love, Connor Dear Santa, I want ds games. Please give me a puppy. And I want a moxie girls. I want a zuzu pets and I love Christmas. Love, Mya Dear Santa, I want a sckabord. I love you sentu. I want a xbox 360. Do you have a pupee. Love, Cash Dear Santa, Than you. Can I have a baby alive. Can a xbox 360. Can I have a zuzu pets. Can I have a puppy. Love, Gage Dear santa, I wat a toy. I wat a xbox kinect. I wat a motorcycle. Luv, Davion Dear Santa, Can I git a batman please. Can I git a xbox 360. Love, Dayton Dear Santa, I wish I had a bat. I wish I had a motorcy. Please can I get a robot. Love, Tillman Dear Santa, Can you please give me a bar dol plees. Can you give me a baby alive. Can you give me a baby that have evetheg. I whot motorcycle. Can you give me zuzu pets. I whot a actsh figr. Love, Miracle Dear Santa, Please santa can I have a game boy. Baby all gone I want a car baby alive IPOD. I want toys. I want perfuom. I love Santa. Love, Makenna Mrs. Carver Kindergarten Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a remote control car and a pet pillow. Love Yanni Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a guitar and a nerf blaster. Love Terique
Dear Santa, I don't think you bring presents for naughty kids but if I be good maybe you will bring presents for me and everybody. Love, Travon
Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a DSI and a monster truck. Love, Thomas
Dear Santa, Can you pleze give me a Nintendo DSI. Santa will not give naughty
Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a DSI and a Benteh Love, Naphtali Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a Benten car and a alien watch. Love, Malachi
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kids a prazant to them. Peze can give me a electric scooter. Will you give me a xbox kinect. Love, Ricilyn
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Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a robot and make-up. Love, Stormie Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a wrestling man and a race car. Love, Quantel Dear Santa, I have been bad. Can I please have a robot and a cyclops. Love, Aibne Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a blizzard maker and DS. Love, Brylyn Dear Santa, I have been bad. Can I please have a remote control car and a motorcycle. Love, Ayric Dear Santa, I have been good. CAn I please have a DSI and a Ben Ten car. Love, Amare Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a makeup and a DSI. Love, Alaecia Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a monster truck and DSi. Love, Jumarion
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Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a nerf blaster and a game. Love, Jordan
Merry Christmas
Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a DSi and a dog. Love, Janyia
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Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a moxie gid and a DSI. Love, Jamiah
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Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a ball and a game. Love, Jesus Mrs. Ellis 1st Grade Dear Santa, I hope you have a Nerf Blaster. How did you become Santa? How is Rudolph? Does Rudolph's nose really glow? Do you have a lot of presents. By, Colton Dear Santa, I like PS3. I like a Ninja movie. I like an umbrella. From, Reed Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? I hope you be safe. Well, I want a Michael Jackson costume. Your Friend, Tristin Dear Santa, Hi Santa. How is Rudolph the red nosed reindeer? I want a play truck. I want new games and toys. Your friend, Michael Dear Santa, I want a car for Christmas. I want a little doll for Christmas. But I want to eat Christmas dinner. From ,Chasity Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Santa Claus? Can you please bring me a DSI and games, and a fake sword? From, Courtney Dear Santa, How are you doing, Santa? How is Rudolph doing, Santa? I want a DSI and games with it. Santa I am sorry. Your friend, Taniyah Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? Can I get a dart gun? Can I get a remote control car? Can I get a race car track? By, Jahmylan Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? How is Mrs. Claus? I want a silver fake sword. I want a spy gear camera car with a remote control. I want a XBOX 360. I have been king of good. You are awesome! I wish you were here. From, Kahlil Dear Santa, How are you doing? How is Mrs. Claus? How is Rudolph? I want a Connect XBOX game. From, Ariana Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa and how is Rudolph and how is Mrs. Claus? I'm good. I want a cola fridge. Your friend, Orey Dear Santa, I cannot wait till Christmas! I hope you bring me a PS3. I hope you bring me a bike. I hope you bring me a kite. Donshea Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? What kinds of cookie to you like? I've been good. Please bring me DSI and games, candy maker, and Baby Alive. From, Ciaunna Dear Santa, Is Rudolph feeling all right? Santa, is you felling all right? Santa, I hope I been good today. Santa, I want a candy maker. From, Tionnius Dear Santa, I've been bad. I am sorry. I want a doll house. Your friend, Silsa Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I hope you bring me all of this... a DSI, a Connect 4, an XBOX 360, video games, a DS and games. Your friend, Damien Dear Santa, I want a black XBOX 360, a DSI, a PSP, a PS3, a black Wii, a black DS, and video games. I hope it is December, dear Santa. Your friend, Christopher Dear Santa, How is Rudolph the reindeer? I want a laptop and a Baby Alive and a Barbie doll and a bike. Your friend, Symaria Dear Santa, I love you. I want a Barbie house and a black XBOX 360. Destinee Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus and Rudolph? Santa, which cookies do you like? I want a doll house. I was a little bit very good. Your friend, Esther Dear Santa, How are you doing? How is Rudolph the red nose reindeer doing? Can I get a blizzard maker? Love, Lily Dear Santa, How are you doing and how is the reindeer? May I have a Nerf gun and a ice cream maker and a Playstation 3, and a video game for the Wii and a JFL football and some shoulder pads? Your friend, Erik
Howland, Hartke, Kates Room 4 Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I would like a Barbie doll and a puppy dog for Christmas. Sincerely, Kala Dear Santa, I have a been a good boy this year. I would like a Tonka truck and remote controll truck for Christmas. Sincerely, Joseph
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I would like a Monster truck and a GoKart for Christmas. Sincerely, Nick Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I would like a bike and legos. Sincerely, Karon
Mrs. Bland Grade 1 Dear Sasnta, Can I please have a nintendo DSI, toy Story 3 toy, pedal cart and a play semi. Your friend Love Zachary Dear Santa, I want a transformer and a Xbox for Christmas, and a remote control Harley Davidson. Please stop by and see me and my sister soon! Merry Christmas. Your friend, Matthe Dear Santa, I want Megamind the video game. I want a Gladiator set. I also want a voice activated Buzz Lightyear, a cape and skate 3 for X-box 360 and that's all. Kadric Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like to have a DS, some legos and some playstation games. I have been a good boy this year. Your friend, Kile Dear Santa, Please bring me meanew DSi game. I also really like to read and I would love some books. I will have food for you and your reindeer. When you come to my house. Your friend, Jordan Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. I have been nice to my kitties and I love my sisters and I won't be mean to them. I love you Santa and I'm excited that you are coming to my house. I will leave you milk and cookies in caseyou get hungry. Love Your Friend, Madison Dear Santa, I want games and stuff. Mega mind. You are cool Santa. Your friend, Eli Dear Santa, I want a necklace and a pillow pet. Also a day with out my sister. Your friend, Chyenne Dear Santa, I want a DS game and the wee phone. I would also like a chemistry set. Thank you. I have been a good boy. Your friend, Mason Dear Santa, I want for Christmas this year is a little Pet shop deer with a girl. Your friend, Audrey Dear Santa, What do you do doing summer. I can be good for my self. Can i have a book about cars? Can I have a Icarly doll. Can I have a tshirt? Can I have a lunch box? Your friend, Anna Dear Santa, Lego Harry Potter with all guys. A big stuffed animal pokeman mario and LulG12. Batman 2. Pokemon2. toys Story 1. Toy story 2. Lego Harry potter 1 and 2. Batman legos. Lego Scoob doo 2 and 1. Lego starward with all guys, trampoline. Lego princej of persia with all guys. Have a safe trip and a good Christmas. Tyler Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I have helped my mom and grami alot. I am a good helper. I would love to have a American Gril Doll that looks like me for Christmas please. How is Rudolph? Is he rested up and rady for Christmas eve? Can you please bring my borhter something for Christmas? My dog Vinny needs a new lease and Blackie needs a new collar. Thank you Santa and Safe flights. Your friend, Carley Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I want an IPod, pillow pet, American girl doll, new tv and a day bed. Merry Christmas. Your friend, Emma Dear Santa, I want everybody to have a good christmas. I want another baby Zhu Zhu pet and a bunch of books that are true and just suprise me. I love you Santa! Your friend, Katie Dear Santa, I would like to have a clock toy santa and princess barbies set. Have a safe trip. Your friend, Grace Dear Santa, I would like a electric scooter and a Wii and I've been a very good kid. Your friend, Ethan Dear Santa, I would like a video camco for Christmas. Also dipin dots . Oh I have been very good. Your friend, Adison Dear Santa, What do you like to eat? Can I please have some Zoo Zoo pets? Do you beleve in God and Jesus? Can I have a topy pup? I love you Sasnta. I beleve in you. Love, Raven
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I would like a Princess doll and a baby doll for Christmas. Sincerely, Anasia
Mrs. Gipson 1st Grade Dear Santa, Do you have any reindeer? How do you get down the chimney? Could you please bring me an American Girl doll, an American Girl Dog and a American Girl Doll kit? Merry Christmas Santa! Love, Smantha
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
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(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com ney? Could you please bring me some silly bands, a real phone, and a sorry slider game? Merry Christmas Santa! Your friend, Rheys How is Mrs. Claus? Do you have any other pets besides reindeer? Could you please bring me some squishy squashies, the Tangled Movie and the Monster High movie? Happy Christmas! Love, Olivia Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? Is it really cold at the North Pole? Could you please bring me a DSI, a real phone, and a real computer? Merry Christmas Santa! Love, Shelbi Dear Santa, Why do your reindeer have to fly you all over the world? Do your elves have to help you? Could you please bring me a wrestling ring with wrestling guys, a Royal rumbe Ring, and an Operation game? Merry Christmas Santa! Love, Austin Dear Santa, Do you make the presents? And How do you make the toys? Could you please bring me a pink Ds, an Ipod with games on it, and a laptop? Merry Christmas Santa! Your friend, Kaydence Dear Santa, How do the elves make the toys? How do the reindeer fly? Could you please bring me a mini DVD player, a touch screen IPOD, and some surprises? I wish you a Merry Christmas Santa. Love, Abbey Dear Santa, Do you have other pets besides your reindeer? How do your elves make toys? Could you please bring me some Zany Bands, some Petite Peek-A-Boo dolls and a cell phone that you can play games on? I will help my Mom make cookies for you. Merry Christmas Santa! Love, Clare Dear Santa, How do you make the toys? do the elves help you? Could you please bring me a sonic hat, an IPOD, and a regular phone that has games on it? Happy Christmas Day! Merry Christmas Santa! Your friend, Dominic Dear Santa, Do you have a reindeer named Rudolph? How many cookies do you eat on Christmas Eve? Could you please bring me an Electric Doodle, a rapunzel doll with long hair from the movie Tangled, a monster high doll Goula Yelps? I will help my Mom make star cookies on Christmas Eve. I will make 1 or 2 for Fred, my elf. Merry Christmas Santa! Love, Lily Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? How do your elves make toys? Could you please bring me a camera, a phone, and a real lizard? Merry Christmas Santa! Your friend, Jillian Dear Santa, How do you get your reindeer to fly? How is Mrs. Claus? You are great Santa! Could you please bring me a Go Go walk along pup, a DSI, and a computer? Thanks you Santa. Love, Faith Dear Santa, How much does your sleigh weigh? How much do your reindeer weigh? (I weigh 52 lbs.) Please could I have a BB gun, with extra BBs, and a four-wheeler? Thank you for everything! Merry Christmas! Cole Dear Santa, How do you fly through the sky? How do you go up the chimney? Why do we never see you deliver the presents? This year could I please have some DS games, a battery operated 4 wheeler, and the Little Big Planet game for WI? I like you, Santa! Merry Christmas to al and to all a good night! Aiden Dear Santa, How do you color or paint your sleigh? How do your elves make the toys? How do the reindeers stay on the sleigh? Can I have a new DSI please? Criss Cross Crash and a big black ambulance, please. Have a good day at the North Pole with the elves! Merry Christmas! Ethan Dear Santa, How do you get down all the chimney? How do your reindeer fly? ( No one even knows!) Please may I have a Lego Universe game for my computer, transformers, and a Harry Potter collection of cards? Have a good Christmas eve! Thankfully, Clifton Dear Santa, How do you go down all the Chimneys? How do your reindeer fly? Please can I have a baby doll, a coloring book, and crayons? Thank you! Love, Elizabeth Dear Santa, Was it hard to name all the reindeer? How can you go down the chimney? Could you please bring me a video girl, a pink electric scooter, and let everybody have a good Christmas? Thank you for bringing me presents. Merry Christmas Santa! Love, Lorelei Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? Is it hard to name all your reindeer? Could you please bring me some Star Wars Legos, Star wars toy guns, and some Zany bonds? Merry Christmas Santa! Your friend, Harrison Dear Santa, What are your favorite kind of cookies? How do your reindeer fly? Could you please bring me a Go Go May walking puppy, some Zany bands, and a Rapunzel doll? I wish you a Merry Christmas Santa! Love, Payton Dear Santa, How did you become Santa Claus? Did you hear about the movie The Man Who Thinks. He's an Elf? Could you please bring me 10 packs of Backugons and make one of them Dragon noiclosis, Backugon Battle Gear, and a Backugon watch? See you on Christmas? Love, Christian Dear Santa, Where do you get all the toy pieces? Where do you buy the reindeer? Could you please bring me a marble machine, a hot wheels car, and a Lego Kingdom set? Thank you Santa! Love, Josh
Mrs. Peters' Class Dear Santa, Whey do you come at night? How is Rudolph the red nose reindeer? Please brnig a football game for my dady. Please bring sonic coles. Thank you. Love, Gabe Dear Santa, Santa how are you doing? I been a good girl. May I please have a ipod, a real puppy and a real kitty just 1 kitty and 2 puppies and makeup. May you please get my brother Xbox 360. May I please have a laptop. Thank you and the best. Love, Piper Dear Santa, How do you deliver all those presnts in one night? What I want for Christmas is a DSI, some barbie dolls, some clothes for my barbies, a house, a makeup set, a legre nail poish set, a laptop. Your the best! Your friend, Lainah Dear Santa, Was it easy to name the reindeer? I was good this year. I want a video girl, a dell laptop a mod pod, El Dsi and I will leave Santa Claus cookie out for you. Happy holidays. Your Friend, Cori Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa? How is Mrs. Claus? I have been an good girls. So can you get me an American Girl Doll? Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Happy New Year! Merry Christmas Love, Journey Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. How do you fly in your sleigh? You are the best I hope you bring me lots of presents Santa and why do you come at night? You are really the best and I want a video game and lots of toys. Happy Holdiays Santa. Love, William Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus? How do you give me a drawing of a elf? I will like everything you give me. How do yor get into my home? How do you make all the toys in time? Your friend, Annika Dear Santa, How are you dowing? My name is Jamie. I hope you have a verry Merry Christmas. All I want for Christmas is magic Faabrick, ipod, a small Christmas tree. Barbie todty styniling tatoos and a lap top. Your friend, Jamie Dear Santa, Ho! Ho! Ho! toyou to! Have I been good? I am sorry if I was bad. Do you for give me? Is it possible to see you? I love you Santa! Can I have a dog for Christmas? Love, Madelyn Dear Santa, How is Rudolph the red nose redindeer? I would like a game boy, cars, DS game, book to read and DVD. Love, Daniel Dear Santa, Santa how do you get up my chimney? I have trying to be beter so I want a mine motorcycle green and blue one and my siser is good so givg her some lillie boxing glovs and a box. Love, Shakkari Dear Santa, I have been good girl this year. How are your Elves doing? Merry Christmas Santa! What I want for is a safe family. And a healthy family too! What I really want for Christmas is a NANO color: blue. Have a holly jolly Christmas Love, Kate A Dear Santa, Merry Christmas Santa! I have been a good girl. How is Santa and Mrs. Claws? How are your elves? I would like a DSI. Santa does rudolph keep company? I would like a laptob. I will leave milk and cookies. I love you. Love, Nicki Dear Santa, How do you fit down the chimney? I would like a boy blade and a game boy. I will leve you some cookeys and milk. From Luke Dear Santa, I have been a good girl! Merry Christmas! I hope you have a grat Christmas. I would like a texit and a white or pink electric motorcycle. How do your reindeer fly? Love, Zoey Dear Santa, How do you go down the chimney? How do you go up it? How did you name all your eleves? Is one of your elves named Fred? I woud like a Wii game, a ipod. Merry Christmas Santa!!! From Joesy Dear Santa, How did Rudolphs nose blink? I would like a wii, donkey kony counrt yruturns, lega Batman, sonic colors, Epic mickey, bay blade, kirbys epic yard. Merry Christmas. Your friend, Benjamin Dear Santa, Why do you live in the north pole? Are you really real? I want a pokemon soul silver versan and black verssoin. I want a lego games metro strike and lunar command. PS+ lego castle selloton tower. From Ibrahim Dear Santa, Santa How do you see everyone from that snowball? I want bakugan toys and the vidio game. Do you want those carmal choclate chip cookies like last year. Your friend, Blake Dear Santa, Why do you come out at night? I want a club penguin toy, lego Harry potter Wii lego Indiana Jones, lego spongbob and Harry Potter lego. Love, Santiago Dear Santa, What was it like back then? Did you put a light bulb on rudouph's nose? What is Mrs. Claus real name? I have been a good girl. I would want a American girl doll and a purple flower DVD player. Have a happy Christmas! Love, Mans Dear Santa, Hi Santa! How are the elves and Rudolph? Can I please have a phone, DSI, TV and a dog. Love, Reagan
Dear Santa, How do the reindeer fly? What do the reindeer eat? Could you please bring me a Justin Bieber CD, a new Barbie house, and the Wii DVD Just Dance Kids? Merry Christmas Santa! Your friend, Reese
Dear Santa, How does Rudoutsh's noes glow? I want a Donky Kong Counchry return game four my DS. Merry Christmas. Your friend, Chase
Dear Santa, How do the elves make the toys? How do you fit through the chim-
Dear Santa, I have been very good and I want an XBox 360 and DS games.
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
Your friend, Alex Dear Santa, I been a good boy this year. For Christmas I want a baseball game, a bike, a movie, a gam, a basketball game and a basketball. Your friend, Jonah Sue Scherer 1st Grade Dear Santa, Thank you for my family. This Christmas I would like a BeeBee gun, Ds games and books. Love, Rob Dear Santa, Thank you for my family. This Christmas I would like a Barbie doll and a Barbie doll man, clothes, and Barbie house. Love, Tyesha Dear Santa, Thank you for my family. This Christmas I would like a DSI and that's it! Love, Ori Dear Santa, Thank you for the food. This Christmas I would like a bike, Barbie dollhouse and a puppy. Love, Myesha Dear Santa, Thank you for my warm bed. This Christmas I would like a DS light. Love, Bill Dear Santa, Thank you for my family. This Christmas I would like an American girl doll, a DS and a Barbie! Love, Madison
Christmas I would like a Barbie doll and a baby doll. Love, Lilly Dear Santa, Thank you for my friends and family. I would like a big bike and a toy cake maker. Love, Meredith Dear Santa, Thank you for friendship. This Christmas I would like an Airforce lego set, my very own paper and a pretend cardboard house. Love, Jeremy
Mrs. Alexander 1st Grade Dear Santa, Everything I work for is my best. Please bring me the new XBox 360. Can you give me a ride on your reindeers? Merry Christmas Santa! Love Javil Dear Santa, I help at home. I work at school. Please bring me a cupcake mix and bring me a baby sat with a bottle and food and baby clothes. I hope your reindeer have a good Christmas! Merry Christmas Love Decharion Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help at my house. I help wash the dishes. I clean the house. I try at school everyday. I help my grandma. Please bring me a jeep. Merry Christmas! Love Makhia
Dear Santa, Thank you for my friends and family. This Christmas I would like clothes, shoes, playdoh and an American Girl doll!! Love, Brianna
Dear Santa, I work hard at school. Please bring me a pillow pet. I hope you have a good Christmas. Love Gabrielle
Dear Santa, Thank you for land. This Christmas I would like a Barbie, a DS and an American Girl doll clothes. Love, Ryanne
Dear Santa, I work hard in school every day! I try hard at everyday. Please bring me a bumble bee pillow pet. I wish you a Merry Christmas, Sasnta! Sincerely Riley
Dear Santa, Thank you for my family. This Christmas I would like Live Girl, a DSI and playdoh. Love, Paige Dear Santa, Thank you for Christmas. This Christmas I would like a fireman lego set, a DSI and a video game. Love, Mason
Dear Santa, I help at y home. Please bring me a Cupcake mix. Have a happy Christmas. Love Peyton Dear Santa, I try to be good. Please bring me a Blue DSI XL. Happy Christmas! Sincerely Braxton
Merry Christmas. Love Wyatt Dear Santa, I help my mom. Please bring me an Xbox 360. Have a very happy day! Donovan Dear Santa, I work hard at home. Please bring me a new bike that is Red. I hope your reindeer have a good Christmas and you too. Love Keiorea Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I try at school every day. Please bring me a red t-rex dinosaur. Have a very happy Christmas. Love Tristen Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I try at school every day. Please bring me a baby set with a bottle and food and baby clothes. I wish you a Merry Christmas! I hopeyou have a good Christmas. Sincerely TeriAna Dear Santa, I am good in school. Please bring me a Rudolph stuffed animal. Merry Christmas reindeer. Love Zack Mrs. Schwartz 1st Grade Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me a puppy. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Love Cameron Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me a skateboard. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Love Tashiyuh Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me a Nintendo DS. Have a happy Christmas. Love Khireon Dear Sasnta, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me a puppy. Have a Merry Christmas. Love Tykeria Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me drums. Have a happy Christmas. Love Taylor
Dear Santa, Thank you for this Christmas. I would like an ATAT walker, a pet dog, and a pet gold fish. Love, Aidan
Dear Santa, I work hard at home. Please bring me a unicorn pillow pet. I hope your reindeer don't fall off! Sincerely Emma
Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help at home. Please bring me a PS3. Have a Merry Christmas day and a Happy New Year. Love Austin
Dear Santa, Thank you for Santa. This Christmas I would like an electric skooter, lego set and a Barbie doll. Love, Camryn
Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help at home. I help my mom. Please bring me a blue DSI XL. Please for my baby and me. I hope you have a good Christmas. Sincerely Aiden
Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me aPSP video game. Have a Happy New Year. Have a Merry Christmas! Love Gunner
Dear Santa, Thank you for my family. This Christmas I would like a play set, a stuffed animal and new playdoh. Love, Sally Dear Santa, Thank you for my family. This Christmas I would like a new book, some cards and a bird feeder. Love, Carson Dear Santa, Thank you for my teacher. This Christmas I would like a new Barbie, new clothes and new toys. Love, MaNaya Dear Santa, Thank you for my warm house. This Christmas I would like an American girl doll, a DSI and video games. Love, Riya Dear Santa, Thank you for my winter coat. For Christmas I would like a toy! Love, Dylan Dear Santa, Thank you for my family. This Christmas I would like an ipod, baby dolls and a DS game. Love, Emma Dear Santa, Thank you for my winter coat. For Christmas I would like an electric scooter, a game and a toy. Love, Max Dear Santa, Thank you for my family. For
Dear Santa, I clean the house. I work hard at school I help my grandma. Please bring me a DS. I hope you have a good Christmas day. I hope your reindeer have a Merry Christmas. I wish you a Merry Christmas. Have a very Happy Christmas. Love Christopher Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help my grandma. Please please bring me Wii and a Jlx over drive and a xbox 360. Merry Christmas Santa. Love DeShaun Dear Sasnta, I help out at school and I help at home and I help clean up the house and I help wash the dishes. Please bring me a Xbox 360. I hope your reindeer have a Merry Christmas! Sincerely Kylyn Dear Santa, I work hard at school. Please bring me a baby set with a crib and a baby doll. Merry Christmas! Love Alyssa Dear Santa, I help at my house. I work at school. I help clean the house. I help my grandma. I help wash the dishes. Please bring me a pink bike I can ride. I hopeyou have a good Christmas. Love Alexia Dear Santa, I work hard at school. Please bring me a pedal car. I wish you a
Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me a DSi video game for Christmas. happy New Year and have a good day Merry Christmas. i will leave you cookies for you and the reindeers. Love Sierra Dear Santa, I work hard at school I help out at hom. Please bring me a computer. I will leave you cookies and milk and a snack for the reindeers. Merr Christmas. Love Raigen Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me a play station 2. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love Rodney Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me a Nintendo DS. Have a Merry Christmas. Love Mikeriya Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me a Wii. I will leave you cookies and milk and snacks for the reindeers. Merry Christmas. Love Matthew Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out home. Please bring me a flat screen TV. I will leave you cookies and milk and a snack for the reindeer. Merry Christmas. Love Kaden
Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please brng me a play station 3. I will leave you cookies and milk. Have a Happy Christmas. Love Matthew Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me a ice cream mixer. Have a Merry Christmas. Love Arriyonna Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me a baby doll named Lightning Ldrago. Have a Merry Christmas. Love Cooper Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help at home. Please bring me play rubber horks. Have a Merry Christmas. Love Travis Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me a DSi for Christmas. And Have a Merry Christmas. I will leave you cookies and milk and a snack for the reindeer. Love Akyra Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me a Barbie cellphone. Have a merry Christmas. Love Calli Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me a football game. Have a Merry Christmas. Love Devrion Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me anintendo Wii. Have a Merry Christmas. Love, Zaryic Dear Santa, I work hard at school. I help out at home. Please bring me a Barbie cellphone. Have a Happy Christmas. Love Gianna
Hentz 1st Grade Dear Santa, I have been good. I have three Christmas wishes. I want a rea poodle dog. I want a DS. I want a dollhouse. Your friend, Eternity Dear Santa, I have been good! I have three Christmas wishes. I one a wii for my buvzre. I a DSe three roundu. I want crarqllikcfrot. I want prllirr Your friend, Derreganq Dear Santa, I have been good! I have three Christmas wishes. I want a bug transformer. I want tap shoes. I want a x-box 360. Your friend, Ethan Dear Santa, I have been a good girl! I have three Christmas wishes. I wood like tap shoes, I wood like a DS. I wood like a doll. Your friend, Destny Dear Santa, I have been a little good! I have three Christmas wishes. I want a for wheeler. I want a x-box 360. I lost want a a red wii. Your friend, Dominic Dear Santa, I have been dooeeng good! I have three Christmas wishes. I wood like a doll home. I wood like a DSi. A x-box 360. I wood like a electric scooter. Your friend, Mianna Dear Santa, I have been dong good! I have three Christmas wishes. I want a DSi gaim. I want a gaim. Your friend, Sara Dear Santa, I have been nics to peeple! I have three Christmas wishes. I hoap I get some kis nele. I hoop I get a doll hous. I hoop I get a Babby. Your friend, Akerrca Dear Santa, I have been good! I have three Christmas wishes. I what a Nintendo DS. Real dog toy kitchen set, X-box. Your friend, Andrianica Dear Santa,
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com Harristown
I have been good! I have three Christmas wishes. I want a DSi. I will like a dollhouse. I want a wii. I want anail shop. I want a electric scooter. I want a x-box. Your friend, Shykernia
Dear Santa, I have been good ann nais! I have three Christmas wishes. I wood like a DSi. I wood like a nail shop. I wood like my oord Wii. Your friend, Aleia
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy! I have three Christmas wishes. I wonet a four willer. I want a Xbox 360. I wont a konfoo dog. Your friend, Jason Mrs. Bradshaw Kindergarten Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I want a puppy and a toy bear. Please bring my mom a new car. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Takara
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Micar Co. 217-362-0054
Horizon Properties Management Group Call us on apartments or rentals for lease
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Merry Christmas!
Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I want a pink guitar and Hannah Montana CD. Please bring my mom some new heels. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Lamia
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a DSi and a playstation. Please bring my mom a new house. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Qynlan Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl. Please bring a scooter and a new puppy. Can you bring my mom some new clothes and shoes? Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Amariana Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. Please bring me a new Bike and an XBox 360. Please bring my dad a new Xbox. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Antwan
To All of Our Customers
Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl. I want a Christmas Tree and my sister to come home. Please bring my dad a new house. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Jaiden
Happy Holidays! from:
James Blocher D.D.S. 2965 N. Main St. Decatur, IL 217-872-2791
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I would like some new Wrestlers and boxing toys. Would you bring my dad a new lawn mower? Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Antonio Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl. I want some gloves and a horse. Please bring my mom some yummy cookies. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Sarah Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a lawn mower and a monster truck. Can you bring my mom a new car. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Christian Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a new phone and a PS3. Please bring my mom and dad money. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Girbaud Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I want a DS and a new babydoll. Please bring my dad some new shoes. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Zamaria Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy. I want a Xbox 360 and a new wrestler. Can you bring my mom a new car? Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Maurli Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. I want a scooter and some new action figures. Please bring my mom a picnic basket. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Aidan Dear Santa, I have been trying to be good this year. I want a new sled and a DS. Please bring my mom a jewelry box and a new ring. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Jerimiah Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I would like a GI Joe set and a Basketball. Please bring my mom a new ring. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Torren
Happy Holidays from
Buena Vista National Bank We have 100 years in service and we are ready to help. 3795 N. Woodford Decatur, IL 217-877-6809 450 E. Main St. Warrensburg, IL 217-672-3596 Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl. I would like a baby doll and a microphone. Please bring my dad some new clothes. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Aaliyah
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a Wii and a new bike. Would you bring my mom some new clothes? Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Alexis
Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy. I want a new bike and skates. Please bring my mom a new car. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Cameron
8517 Sheets Rd., Oakley
Dear Santa, I have been good. I have three Christmas wishes. I would like a nerf. I would like a PSP. I would like a wii. Your friend, Tiavi
Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would like to have a toy story car and a wii. Please bring my dad a watch and my mom a new ring. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Aveon
Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy. I want a Power Ranger and a superman toy. Please bring my mom some money. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Jamar
Happy Holidays!
Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. I want a new barbie doll and a barbie car. Please bring my mom a new car. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Damesheonnia
Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. I want a new pillow and blanket. Please bring my mom and dad some money. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Ryleigh
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. I want a new spiderman toy and a DSi. Please bring my mom a lot of money. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Damarion
Happy Holidays from
Your Friend, Serenity
Your friend, Josh
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I want a new Wrestler and Wrestling ring. Please bring my mom some new clothes and boots. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Niteon Mrs. Durbin Kindergarten Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy. I want a drum set and a guitar. Please bring my mom some new clothes and my dad some pants. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Roy Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a microphone and a piano. Please bring my Uncle some deodorant. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Anesha Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. I want a kitchen set and a new bike. Would you bring my brother a wrestling toy? Thank you Santa.
Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I want a doll and a new computer. Would you please bring my mom a new ring and necklace? Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Tanevia
Dear Santa, I have been very good. I have just three Christmas wishes. I want a Nerf gun. I want PS3, I a game boy. Your friend, Presten Dear Santa, I have been good. I have three Christmas wishes. I want a barbie doll house, I would like a new pair of shoes, I'd like some puzzles. Your friend, Honesty
Harristown Crabtree 1st Grade Dear Santa, How do your raindeer fly? Please bring me a custom wii weeler, Mario cart wii game, and Mater's toll wii game. I love you Love, Ben Dear Santa, How can your rander fli? Ples breng me a rmetoes, lagos, and firman. I love you. Love, AJ
Dear Santa, I have been very good. Please bring me a talking doll and fairy house and fairy dolls. Would you please bring my brother Bigfoot the Monster? Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Malaiiha
Dear Santa, How meny toys can you fit in the bag? Plys brung me oll the restrst, a snobord and wwe 2 all video games. You are the best! Frum Kyler
Dear Santa, I have been very good. Would you please bring me a zhu zhu pets grooming center and a barbie pool. Please bring my mom a hat with a red rose. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Jennilee
Dear Santa, How do the rander fli? Ples bring my remot cuntrol flat bed truck, a truck that hols cars, and a tow truck that can moov its lobl up and down. Luv you. Fum Dominic
Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl. I would like a toy dog and a guitar. Please bring my grandma a new phone. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Kaleea
Dear Santa, How do your rander fly? I would like you to Ples bring me a closs books and a back pack. I love you santa. Love Macey
Dear Santa, I have been very good. Please bring me some new makeup and a kitchen set. Would you please bring my dad some new shoes and socks? Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Sierra
Dear Santa, Santa How can your deer fly? Plese bring me a little big planet and a gocort. Crishms is my favrit holada. From Grayson
you I wod sing with you. Love, Abbi H Dear Santa, How do reindeer fly? Please bring me new boots, a go cart and a Fushigi ball. I love you. Kobe Dear Santa, Santa how miny elves do you have thqt fly? Please bring me a tralping and a Nintendo ds, and a Fushigi ball. Thank you for the presents. Love, Destiny Dear Santa, Santa how do your reindeer fli? Please bring me a dsi and a go cart and a for welr. I love you when you giv me presents. Love, Mark Dear Santa, Haw do you make the reindeer fliy? Please bring Me a DS and a cepe crolr and a remot control car. I like Christmas. Love, Dylan Dear Santa, Do you get stuc in the chimae? Please bring me a durt bik and a xbox 360. Please bring my bruther a xbox 360. I love your reindeer. Love, Connor Dear Santa, How mine Elvs do yo hav? Please bring me a jumping house and any cind of legos and gams. I wish that I could help you. Love, Leo Dear Santa, Do your elves wre a lot? Please bring my mom a car and me and my dad a go cart. You are the best. Love, Andrew Dear Santa, How do you srvive in the cold? Please bring me a dog, a dsixl, and a cat. I love you Santa. I love Christmas. Love, Kendall Dear Santa, How does Rudolph fili? Bring my dad tools. Bring my mom 10 pupes. Bring me a remot control monstr truk. I like you. Love, Hunter Dear Santa, Do you hav gran cids? Please bring me Zoobes and the brbe with a camra on her bac and a camra for me. I love you Santa. Love, Mikali
Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy. I would like a wrestling ring and guitar. Please bring my mom a rose. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Brandon
Dear Santa, How do you live so mw. I would likeyou to bring me a phone, a go-cart, and an Ameican girl doll. I Love You! Love Katelyn
Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy. Please bring me a PSP and a Xbox 360. Please bring my sister a new barbie doll. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Dominick
Dear Santa, do you have sum mareo games? How do you make the games? Ples brig sum thkeo games, a for weir, and remot kantrol helikoptr. I like you! From Keegan
Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy. I want a drumset and a microphone. Could you please bring my mom and dad some pretty clothes? Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Steffon
Dear Santa, How does your sleigh fly? I would likeyou to bring me a dirt bike, wrestling dudes, and some clothes. I love you the same as you love me. Love Riley
Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy. Please bring me a bigfoot the Monster and a new watch. Please bring my brother a new car. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Joshua
Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? I would like you to bring me a wipeout game, moxie girls, a DS. I love you! Love Simone
Mrs. Sites Kindergarten Dear Santa, Santa is your wife making cookies at the North Pole? Do you get to eat the cookies after they are done? Santa I want Rapunzel & her castle. Thank you! Love, Lacey
Dear Santa, Santa Do you have a DSI games and DSi? I would like you to bring me ground crawlers, DSi and games and gams for a Wii. Thaks u for the pesns. Love, Kevin
Dear Santa, How do you make all your nice reindeer fly? Is it from the glittery or special stuff? I really would like a helicopter with a video camera & remote control. Love, Damian
Dear Santa, How do you make a phone? Ples bring me a disi, prople nal desh and beld a bar. I love you santa. Love, Kiarra
Dear Santa, Is Mrs. Claus making cookies? Santa you so important@ Do you think you could bring a remote control helicopter with a camera. Love, Konnor
Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a guitar and a dog. Please bring my brother a watch and a Bigfoot the Monster. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Elijonn Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a toy monster truck set and a nerf target gun. Please bring my mom a toy dolphin. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Tristan Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl. I want a new toy dog and a barbie house. Would you please bring my mom some new shoes and a ring? Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Shakira Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a new Dora doll and a barbie doll. Please bring my mom new shoes. Thank you Santa. Your Friend, Constence Mrs. Groves 1st Grade Dear Santa, I have been good. I have three Christmas wishes. I want a Wii and bike, I want a psp and a laptop, I want a nail shop. Your friend, Shykeeaa Dear Santa, I have been good. I have three Christmas wishes. I want a Wii, I want a Laptop, I want a Nintendo Ds. Your friend, Catherine Dear Santa, I have been really good. I have three Christmas wishes. I want an ain hog. I want a DSI, I want a DS. Your friend, Isaiah Dear Santa, I have been good. I have three Christmas wishes. I wish for a psp, I wish for xbox 360, I wish for new bike. Your friend, Brion Dear Santa, I have been good. I have three Christmas wishes. I want a Xbox 360, I want a DS, I want a PSP. Your friend, Sam Dear Santa, I have been verey good. I have three Christmas wishes. I want to get a PsP. I want to get a Prir of shoes. I want to get some Wii games. Your friend, Charles Dear Santa, I have been good. I have three Christmas wishes. I want a PSP. I want a Playstation. I want a phone. Your friend, Chris Dear Santa, I have been so good. I have three Christmas wishes. I want a guitar. I want a pool. I want a lap top. Your friend, Xzavionna Dear Santa, I have been good. I have three Christmas wishes. I want a xbox 360, I want 21 xbox 360 games. I want a flat screen tv.
Dear Santa, How do you randir fli santa? Plees brin me a DSI, a Borbe video grly and a cat. I love you santa! Love, Vanessa Dear Santa, How is miss Klos? Plees breeg me the monster trc, a forwillr and an bick. Sasnta is nis. AJ R Dear Santa, Hay do your rader fliy? Ples breng me a american girl doll, I wat a hors and Borbe video. I lik you the best. Love Sara Dear Santa, How dus your rane dear fliy? Ples bring me a truk, a tow tack that movs cars its havs a cabol and a dsixl with games. I cat wat to see you. From Dylan Dear Santa, Do you make pony games. I would like pink nal plish, baby doll and a hart bed. I love you santa. Love, Alli Dear Santa, How do the rander fli? Ples breng me a Borbe vedeo gtrlly, a make op box, and a stoftanmol. I love you Santa. From Jordan Mrs. Pierson 1st Grade Dear Santa, How many of your elvs do you have Santa? Pleas bring me a Moxe gril harstilist kit and a Bratdoll and a baby doll for Emma. Your the best. I love you from the bodum of my hart. Love, Abby M Deer Santa Claus, Can your Elves make Sonic toys? Please bring a sonic toy, a pet horse, and a go go my walk n pup. You are the best. Love, Lauren Dear Santa, How do you make toys? Please bring me a huske, an xbox 360 and knekt bols. You're asum and your cool! Love, Gabe Dear Santa, Do you have any dogs at the North Poll? Please bring me baby dolls, 100 dallrs and a pupy. Santa I love you. I never want you to stop coming. Love, Faith Dear Santa, Do you whrk hared with your Elves? Please bring me a lot of Barebes and fashin Barebe. it can sing. For my mom and Dad please bring mom and Dad a Happy Haret bed, If I were with
Thank You to Our Decatur Customers
Dear Santa, How is the North pol? Please bring me a dog, cat, and a umbrela. Love, Madyson Dear Santa, How many elvs do you have? Please bring my mom a new tv. Please bring my dad a new toolbox truk. Please bring me fish. Thak you for Christmas at nint. We all love you. I love you because we all love you just the same. Love, Garrett
Dear Santa, How do you make all the toys? Do help the elves? You are really are nice & bring presents! Santa could you bring me two masks. Love, Jordan Dear Santa, Santa are you & the elves busy making toys? I sure hope you are!! I would really like a stuffed white dog that has a leash & a bone! I've been a good girl so I really hope I get him. Love, Brooklynne Dear Santa, Do you elves make all the presents or do help them? Santa do you ride the reindeers? Santa I would really like a transformer! Thank you! Love, Dylan Dear Santa, I like Rudolph the red nose reindeer! Santa your beard is so white! I would really, really like a remote control airplane! Thank you. Love, Ethan Dear Santa, Hope you & the elves are doing okay! Are you feeding the reindeers? Love Evan Dear Santa, Santa this is Alee, are you busy making toys? Would you please me Barbie house, and all the stuff that goes with it. Love Alee Dear Santa, I like your reindeers, elf's and Mrs. Claus. I like an electric scooter please. Love Colby Dear Santa, This is Yuanna and I really like your deers. I would really like a D.S! Love Yuanna Dear Santa, I really like the reindeers! I would like the binoculars that you can see 20 feet. They are on tv for $9.99. Love, Tyler Mrs. Sullivan Kindergarten Dear Santa, I like your reindeer! I like your elves! I have been good this year! I would like a Skate board please. Thank you. Love, Chase Dear Santa, Santa your reindeer are nice. Can the reindeer fly really high? How are you Santa? I have been good. Could you please bring me the ice cream maker that's on T.V. Thank you Santa. Love Gracie Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing? How is Dancer? I have been a good boy. I would love a Playstation 3. Merry Christmas and Thank you. Love, Matthew N
God Bless and Watch Over You All, The Watkins Family
Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? How are you doing Santa? I will put out cookies and milk for you and yogurt. I would like a dirt bike for Christmas! Thank you Santa. How are your reindeers doing? I love him and say Merry Christmas. Love, Brylin Dear Santa,
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
Harristown Do your elves drink water and eat carrots? I like Santa. Can I please have a walking puppy that I will name Cinderella? Thank you. Merry Christmas. Love, Candy
pup, Barbie video girl, and a Mickey Mouse that dances. I also want a phone charger for my new phone. Thank you for my toys. LulaBella
Dear Santa, How are you doing? For Christmas, I would like the Rapunzel hair and a new Barbie. I love you, Santa! Love, Maddy L.
Dear Santa, Do your reindeer do tricks? Could you show me the North Pole sometime? Am I on the list of good boys and girls? Mrs. Sullivan says I have been good. Can I please have a Nerf gun that shoots soft bullets. Thank you. Love, Wade
Dear Santa, What do you feed your reindeer? I would like squinkies, Fur Real Friends walking dog names Coco. I also want the littlest pet shop toys and the Rapunzel doll this year. Thank you for my presents. Sydney S
Dear Santa, When are you going to come on Christmas? I would like a Leapster and some Wii games for Christmas. I will leave you some cookies and some carrots for the reindeer. Thank you, Nolan L.
Dear Santa, How do your elves make all of the toys? Do you give kids rocks when they are bad? But I have been good. Please may I have a jungle tree house? Thank you Santa. Love, Kavan
Dear Santa, How do your elves build toys? I would like to have an Easy Bake oven, a Furry Friends cat, and a barbie doll with house. I also want a Tinker Bell toy set so you can make things with it. Thank you for my presents. Emily N
Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? for christmas, I would like a surfboard and a Zhu Zhu pet. How's Mrs. Claus? Merry Christmas, Chase M.
Dear Santa, I wonder if the reindeer can fly? Do the reindeer sleep in gates? I have been good, sometimes I do the dishes. I would like the Rapunzel Princess Doll. Thank you Santa. Love, Ashlee
Dear Santa, How do your elves make the toys? I would like to have a real electric guitar, a new bike and hot wheel cars. Thank you for my presents. Bradley
Dear Santa, How do you fly your Sleigh? How are the elves doing? How do you get here with so much heavy weight? I've been a good boy at school! Could I please have a Rock n Roll Guitar? Please &and thank you and I love you. Love, Mason Dear Santa, I would be nice to Santa and good! I want to give you cookies Santa and hot chocolate. How is Mrs. Claus? Do you have snow there? I have been good for 5 years! I would like a Nerf Gun. Thank you for the present. Love, Dale Dear Santa, How is Comet? How is Prancer? How are you Santa? How are the elves? I have been pretty good. I would like the game of Indiana Jones for my Playstation. Thank you Santa. Please is the opposite of Thank you. Love, Jake Dear Santa, What do you want for Christmas? You probably want a new hat. I would like a remote car that can go on land, air and water! Thank you Santa. Merry Christmas! Love, Wyatt Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly since you don't even use special dust to make them fly? How do you fit all of those toys in one bag? How have you been doing? I've been pretty good this year. May I please have Cruncher? I've always wanted that and I have even dreamed about it! Thank you Santa. Love, Matthew I
Miss Sullivan 1st Grade Dear Santa, How do your elves make would like an xbox 360 an can Girl doll, Squinkies PS3. I also want an IPod Thank you for my toys.
Dear Santa, How do your elves make all those toys? I would like to have ugg boots, a real computer, a new barbie doll and a new american girl doll. Thank you for my presents. Heidi Dear Santa, How are your reindeer doing? I would like to have zuzu pets, new books to read, and a new barbie with clothes. Thank you for my presents. Ryenne Dear Santa, What do your reindeer like to eat? I would like to have a new computer game, a GI Joe action figure, and a jet air plane. Thank you for my toys. Caleb Dear Santa, How have you been? Please I would like to have anew wii game and pajamas for my new doll. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Thank you for my presents. Kaeleigh Dear Santa, How does Rudolph's nose glow? I would like to have a football, a Nintendo DS, a Game Cube game. It's a Star wars game. I also want a PSP with a game. Thank you for my toys. Noah Dear Santa, I hope you have a Happy Christmas. I would like to have a nerf gun, a football, a wii and a psp. I would also like a new green bike. Thank you for my presents. Brandon Ms. Snyder Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas, I would like a Bakugon. I will leave carrotes for your reindeer. Love, Danny B
toys? I Ameriand a Touch. Emma
Dear Santa, What do you do on Christmas break? I would like to have a pink DS, new barbies and new running shoes. Thank you for my toys this year. Sydney A Dear Santa, What is your favorite color? I would like to have an I Carley microphone, zoobles and Orbeez. Thank you for my gifts. Grace B Dear Santa, Where do you reindeer stay? I would like to have a baby doll, squinkies, and a sand art kit. Thank you for my gifts. Evelyn Dear Santa, What are you elves names? Please I would like to have a Christmas Sponge Bob book, a new DS game and a teddy bear. Thank you for my gifts. Emily E
Dear Santa, How are you doing? For Christmas, I would like a snow globe and some pom-poms. Be careful coming down my chimney. From, Cheyenne B. Dear Santa, I want to say "Hi" to Mrs. Claus. I would like a Blizzard maker and a cookie kit! I love you, Santa Claus! Merry Christmas, Zoe C.
Dear Santa, What do you do when it's not Christmas? I would like to have a play mobile zoo, a nerf long strike dart gun and a new toy riffle and shot gun. Thank you for my toys. Jack
Dear Santa, How are you doing up in the North Pole? For Christmas, I would like some Legos because I like to build with them. From, Jack G.
Dear Santa, What is Rudolph's favorite color? I would like to have an IPod Touch. Fur Real Friends, go go walking
Dear Santa, I been a good boy this year. I would like a toy shot gun. From, Amari Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I want all of the girl toys. You want milk and cookies? From, Aradina Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I want a baby a live for christmas. How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? From, Faith Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. Can you get me game fro mi DSI. I would like mario. From, Nahjahri Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. I would like a Xbox 360. I would like a Red DS. I would like a laptop. Where do you sleep. From, Tamary
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. I want a psp. What is your reindeers favorite food? From James
Dear Santa, What do you do with your reindeers? I would like an iPod and a real computer for Christmas. You're my best friend, Santa! Love, Joelle G.
Dear Santa, I like Rudolph's glowing red nose. I would like to have a barbie doll, a baby with new clothes and a baby doll crib so she can rest. Thank you for my presents. Lindsey
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I want some money and a DSxl. I want pink one. What street do you live on? From Aniya
Dear Santa, Say "Hi" to one of the renideer for me! I would like a trampline and a skateboard for Christmas. I love you, Santa! Merry Christmas, Colton B
Dear Santa, Do your reindeer want some candy this year? I would like an Ipod, a barbie doll, and a real swimming pool. Thank you for my presents. Jenna
Dear Santa, What kind of foods does Mrs Claus like? I would like a leapster explorer game, Woody from Toy Story, and a Wiggles movie, Racing to the Rainbow. Thank you for my presents. Andrew O
Dear Santa I have been a good girl. How is Mrs. Claus? I would like a baby alive and money and a DS and a DSI a xbox 360, apsp laptop video games. From, Ella
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I want a Xbvox 360 and some money. I will bring you some cookies. From Rayena
Dear Santa, I played with my brothers and sisters this year. I would like a barbie for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies! Your friend, Paloma F.
Dear Santa, What are you reindeer names? I would like to have a DSi, zuzu pets and a new game for my wii game system. Thank you for my presents. Justin
Mrs. Pritt 1st Grade
Dear Santa, What do you do in the summer? For Christmas, I would really like a Barbie and some lipstick! Your friend, Zia B.
Dear Santa, Hi, How are you? I would like to have a pillow fish a duck hunting set and my bear hunting push up balloon. Thank you for my gifts. Zach
Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing and the other reindeer? I would like to have clothes for my baby doll. It's a red and black jumper. I also want a boy big baby and a baby that runs a temperature. I also want a new dollhouse like Caroline Flora's doll house. My last thing is a baby that jumps. Thank you for my presents. Sophia
Dear Santa, Which reindeer is your favorite? I would like a puppy that looks like a poodle but is fake and a DSI for Christmas. Be careful out there! Merry Christmas, Ryane T.
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. How is Mrs. Claes? I want a toy shot gun. From, Zeke
Dear Santa, Hi, Rudolph. I have a big reindeer at home that looks like you! For Christmas, I would like a Rapunzel wig and a new Barbie. I will leave cookies and milk and a note for you! Love, Carlie D.
Dear Santa, What do your elves eat? I would like to have Fur Real Friend, go go walking pup, fairy fashion tale and zuzu pets. Thank you for my presents. Grace L
Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? For Christmas, I would like a Barbie car and Barbies. Don't eat too many cookies or drink too much milk! Merry Christmas, Mikayla S.
Dear Santa, I like you. I would like a Transformer thing and a Hot Wheels thing that changes colors for Christmas. i will leave some cookies for you! Merry Christmas, J.B. B.
Dear Santa, Do you think I have been good this year? I would like to have Squinkies, Zoobles and orbeez. Thank you for my gifts. Gabriella
Dear Santa, How do your elves make toys? I would like to have Fur Real Friend, go go my walking pup, a Mickey Mouse who dances, and a trampoline. Thank you for my presents. Sarah
Dear Santa, How's Mrs. Claus? I would like a DS and a Barbie camp truck for Christmas. Don't get stuck in the chimney! Merry Christmas, Ella M.
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I want anew cell phone for Christmas. I love Santa. From Hmuviona Dear Santa, I have been good girl. I want a baby wool. Where your deers sleep? From, Mumzu Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. I want a DSI. I will leave out cookies and milk. From Lebran Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa? I want a Mario game. How is Mrs. Claus? From, Megan
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. How you doing? I want a nerf gun. From, Kyreeri Dear Santa, I want a motorcycle. I have been a good girl. I love you Santa. From, AsJia Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I want a ice cream machine for Christmas. Lakiza Dear Santa, I ben a good boy. Is it fun at the north pole? From, Brodrick Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. Is Mrs. Claus well? I want a xbox for Christmas. From, Asia Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I want a cell phone and a microphone. I love you Santa! I love youtoo Mrs. Claus. From Nachya
Miss Hollie Lugten 1st Grade Dear Santa, I have been good a year! I would like a ipod. I want some cars. I want a lot of books. Your Friend, Victor Dear Santa, I have been good all year! I would like a pritee barbies and a care so I can put my doll in the car. And wooed like a dsixl. And a Pritee stand for macupe. Santa want a pink Dsixl. P.S. Santa you are the best. Your Friend, Yadira Dear Santa, I have been so good all year. I wod like zoo zoo pets. I wold also like zoobles. Christmas is the best in the wholewide world. You are the best and I hope Rudolph the red nose reindeer is good. Your Friend, Claire Dear Santa, I have been good all year! I would like uBaby Doll. Santa you are the best. Santa you are a good guy. Your Friend, Nancy Dear Santa, I have been good all year I would like Kaugzhw Battol set, Toy story three, logo train knex. Your Friend, Jackson Dear Santa, I have been pretty good all year! I would lik a DSI and a laptop and a Juin B books. Santa you are the best. Your Friend, Kennedy Dear Santa, I have been good all year. I will like a laptop. Christmas is the best. I will like a betinbold Ds, Ipod. I will like my own. I will like a I will like my robot . Your Friend, Prialla Dear Santa, I have been good all year! I would like a WII. A DSI! Santa you are the best. Your Friend, Jason Dear Santa, I have been pretty good! I would like lego star wars. Lact book, call of dade. You are the best. Your Friend, Weston Dear Santa, I have been good all year! I would like zoobles. I would also like a deck of war cards. I would also like Junie B Jones jingle bells Batman smells ps so dose May. Santa you are the best. Your Friend, Madison Dear Santa, I have been so good all year! I would like a DSI for Christmas and Leagos and one more the gvs for Christmas. Your Friend, Cva
Dear Santa, I have been good all year! I would like three six dee and a ds and Tonyhock and lagos and a ipod. Sasnta you are the best. Your Friend, Austin Dear Santa, I really like rudolph the red nose reindeer because he is my favorite reindeer. I want for Chismas is a I pod and I want Justen Beber and Talere Swith and I Corly and DSI. Your Friend, Ashleigh Dear Santa, I have been very good all year! I would like Zoobles or a Barbie and a Iport. So you aer best Santa every. Your Friend, Shannon Dear Santa, I have been good all year. I wald like lego site and a lego Indan Jones 2 the lego toy. A battle ship. Your Friend, Christopner Dear Santa, I have been good all year. I want a dsi or a xbox 360. I love you Santa Love, Rycea Dear Santa, I have been good all year. I would like a Kong Zu, a DSI XI and a Xman get with spiderman. From Your Friend, Kiedren Mrs. Boyd 1st Grade Dear Santa, I hope yoor elvs make a nuf tooys for al of the cids. I hope you do not get seck. I hope yoor reindeer do not run a wt of pawr. I hope you make it to evreewuns haws. Hapee Christmas. I hop Rudolph dus not get bost a rand. Love Alex Dear Santa, I have heard about your elf. I have been a good boy this year. I would like super sciddle nots legos and dragins yoanuvers. Love Zane Dear Santa, I hope your reindeers get a nuf sleep be for Christmas day is here. I hope you had a nies trip to let all the chidren see you on your sled on the road. I hope your deliveries get sented to the riet persons at the riet town. I hope your reindeers get a nuf food and water. Love Lani Dear Santa, I been good. I want 200 pairs of jordns, 1 peys of boos, borown mordsoukul DSi X-box 306 a Wii Mario game bady doll bubed and a dog with a kag it has doder stuf and a bike for my two sisters a laptop eril one soccer ball DS and a soccer net two for my sister X-box 200 and the Uthone X-box 306 Wii and a good car reindeer unicorn Legos Tank you Sastae Dear Santa, I want the toy story. I want a DS. I want the toy story movie. Thank you santa that is all. Lov Kendel Dear Santa, I want a X-box kincet. I want a santa lego box, I want a DSI XL. I want a 160 peys of Jorden. I want a Blue Wii and a trip to the North pole. Love Cayden Dear Santa, I have been very nice this year! I wold like a blue DSI XL, a snowball gun, a spynet wach. Have a nice trip. Thank you! Adam Dear Santa, I have been very good this year! All I want for Christmas is baby dolls and a DS my favorite think is a X-box 360. Sant can you poot me on the Good list! Thank you. Love Audrey Dear Santa, I want legos, Xbox 360 games Halo and Cor duty. Thank you Tyler
Dear Santa, I have been prity good all year! I would like a I pod, A DSI, A laptop. I would also like sum zoobles. I love you Santa. Your Friend, Emmery
Dear Santa, I hope the reindeer eat the goodies I lyv for them. I want a pillow pet. Good luke Santa. Love, Lydia
Dear Santa, I have been good all year! I would like a Ipod. I would like a DSI. I would like laptop. Santa you are a good guy. From Your Friend, Lania
Dear Santa, I was veery good. I would like a DS. I like electric scooters. I like a Wii. Thanks, Kaleb
Dear Santa, I wen ta have a little logos. Thank you. Victoria Dear Sasnta, I have been very good this year! I would like a pillow pet unicorn. A DS. A bike. I hop yuor reindeer sleep good. Love, Eleanor Dear Santa, I have been good this year! I like I'm in the wild. Hope the reindeer and you have a safe trip. Love Brooke Dear Mom, I have been good this year. I would like a pillow pet and legos. Love Jaya Dear Santa, I have been very good this year! I would like a X-box 360. I would like a DS and a Wii. Love Dekglen Dear Santa, I will like a play stashun 3 and conzoo pets and a Wii game. Thank you Mekni Dear Santa, I have been very good this year! I wold like a baby doll with a bodl and a kitchen with plates and a Barbie of hana mon tana with bows and a yellow and blue shrt with strips o and hat of the world colors. Thank you,. Alondra Dear Santa, I pillow pet and a doll, Brbe, Ds, Dsi a Big lrl, plado food, a bike. Love Jennifer Dear Mom and Dad. I have a good day. Dear Mom and Dad thank you for eferee thieg. Saned
Illiopolis Mrs. Cummings 2nd Grade Class Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus this season? I have been a good child this year. How does Rudolph's nose shine. I hope you have a Happy New Year. How do your reindeer fly? I want a robot and a necklace for my mom please. what is your favorite cookie? I hope you have a Happy Merry Chrismas! Love, Austin Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus? I'm gald that you give out toys each year. Where do you get the Magical reindeer food? Can I please have an Amaican Girl Doll. for my baby sister, Bristol could you get 3 new pairs of clothes? Can I have a Dork diaries? Have a Merry Christmas. Love, Alyssa Dear Santa, How are you and mrs. Claus? I've been working hard and trying to keep the Christmas spirit. Hi what are you doing now? How are you andj Mrs. Claus? I think I deserve a mer and donk diaries please I hope. Have a Happy New Year. Love, Mia Dear Santa, How are you Santa? What is your favorite cookie. How douse Rudolph keep his nose so bright. Im so excited. May I have Dirt Dig please? May I have a D.S. please? May I have a stuffed animal for my cousin? Have a nice Christmas Eve! Love, Hannah Dear Santa, Hi! How have you been doing? I have been helping my mom with my baby brother. How do you fly. Can you please give an orphan a toy? Can you please give me a picture of you and Mrs. Claus and the elves and the reindeer? Can I please have a toy? Have a Merry Christmas! Love, Madeleine Dear Santa, I hope you and Mrs. Claws are having an...AWESOME year! I'm in second grade this year, and trying to keep Christmas pirit around my house! How do you remember if the kids are good, or bad? How long have you been married? Do you have kids? I think I was good but just to give you ideas, may I please have a mp 3 plaery or a laptop? Can I have squeaky toys for my dogs? I hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
From Our Family To Yours . . .
Dear Santa, How's Mrs. claus? I would like an iPod touch and a doll for Christmas. I'm going to leave you cookies and milk. Love, Becca H. Dear Santa, How's Rudolph doing? For Chirstmas, I would like an iPod and touch and a laptop computer. Don't get stuck in the chimney! Merry Christmas, Caleb K. Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I would like a model train set for Christmas. Love, Cameron K. Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? How's Rudolph? I would like a Lionel train and an iPod touch for Christmas. From Carson K. Dear Santa, How's Mrs. Claus? How is Rudolph? For Christmas, I would like kid wood and some Star Wars Legos. I'm going to leave you some money! Merry Christmas, Quinn K. Dear Santa, Which kind of name for the North Pole do you lile? (Cuz there's tons of them!) Can I have a Blizzard maker and Cruncher the Dinosaur for Christmas? He's a remote control dinosaur that can roll across the floor and scare people. Thank you for getting me the toys I want.! Ho, Ho, Ho! Conner K.
Dear Santa, When is it going to snow? For Christmas, I would like ahuge pool with popcorn. Don't eat too many cookies or you'll get a tummy ache! Merry Christmas, Cohlman K.
Dear Santa, How do you get into the houses? I would like the think that marbles lide down and a hide-and-see monkey for Christmas. Don't let Rudolph et too many carrots! Your friend, Joleigh K.
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Pershing & Main, Decatur
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
Illiopolis Love, Addie
Dear Santa, How is Rudloh? I had a good year. How do reindeer fly? Why are elves so small? May I have a guitar for me, a necklace for my mom and a wit shirt for will. I will try to give you and your reindeer some cookies this Christmas! Love, Nat
Happy Holidays Kelley’s Septic Tank & Sewer Service 1955 S. St. Louis Bridge Rd. Decatur, IL 217-422-5992
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Happy Holidays from
2936 South Mt. Zion Rd. Decatur, IL 62521 217-429-BATH(2284)
Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I am being good. How do the reindeers fly? Can you please get me hamster treats? Can you please get me a kitten? Can you please get my mom some lotion? I wish you a Merry Christmas. Love, Hannah Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing this season? I am being good. How do the reindeers fly? Please Santa can you get me a playstation game but the game I want is Driver two. Love, Patrick Dear Santa, Hi Santa! How are the elves? I am in 2nd now. Im a good boy. How are the reindeer? Can I have a pack of silly bands toy story 3. may I please have a ring for my mom. I hope you have a Happy New Year. Love, Brock Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus. I have been working hard in school. How do you see all of the kids? Can you get my mom a new car? Can you get me a new cardinals shirt? Can you get me a new red and blue striped blanket? Merry Christmas! Love, Jordan Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. How are you doing? Why arent we allowed to see you? May I please have a real puppy? Can you help me I want to get a neckles for my mom and my sister. Well by say hi to Rudolph? Love, Nate Dear Santa, Greetings Santa. How do you keep track of kids? I would like a doll that looks like me, new furniture for my family and shampoo. Merry Chrismas Santa! I like you. Love, Bryson Dear Santa, Hi How are you and Mrs. claus? I want a new tv. could you please give corey a new flat screen tv? I want a rudole that sings ruldph the red nosed reindeer. Merry Christmas! Love, Zachary Dear Santa, I am wrighting a letter to you so you know what to ge me. I am good at making friends. How do you fly? May I please have a dino wii game and DS. May i please have a necklace for my mom. I hope you have a Merry Christmas! Love, Jonathan Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! Santa I've been good this year, I think I always have want to ask you how do you keep track of where you have been? may I have the new
Wishing You A Happy Holiday!
Megamind video game please? Could I have treat sor my dog and a toy please? What cookies do you want this year? Have a good night on Christmas eve, santa! Love, Shandon Dear Santa, Howdey Claus how are you and Mrs. claus? I will have cookies for you on Chirstmas Eve. I am so excited for Christmas and I want DSi and I really really some toys for my dog Lady it would be great if I got a playstation. have a great night. Love, spencer Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus? I'm great. How are you? I bet you are great. I'm in the thrid month of scecon grade. Santa can I please have a DS and Dinosaur movies and a puppy for my sister. Hope you have a Merry Christmas. Love, Izak Dear Santa, Hi Santa! I am doing fine. How long have you and Mrs. Claus been married? May you ete me a red DS? May you get me and Chans a black xbox 360? May you get my moms boyfriend a new black black? Thank you Santa. Love, Kylen Dear Santa, Santa are you ready for Christmas? I have been working so hard in school? How does Rudolphs nose glow? I have got good grades in school. Can I please have a rc helicopter? Can you please get us a computer? I hope you have a nice christmas. Love, Skyler
M. Merano Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, I would like a remote controlled car and a racetrack for cars. Your Friend, Dyland Dear Santa, I would like a guitar, play dough, and a baby alive. Your Friend, Jarrin Dear Santa, I would like a DSI. Merry Christmas. Your Friend, Jacob B. Dear Santa, I would like a play house and a doll house. Your Friend, Roxie Dear Santa, I would like a toy firehouse and a firetruck and markers. Your Friend, Gavin Dear Santa, I would like a baby doll and a stroller for the baby. Your Friend, Emmy Dear Santa, I would like a robot and a remote controlled car. Your Friend, Gregory
I would like a remote controlled car and a skateboard ramp. Your friend, Jacob N. Dear Santa, I would like a music box and glow in the dark Zany bands. Your Friend, Ashley Dear Santa, I would like a lizard maker, socks, and ponies. Your Friend, Jessica Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie that curls her hair and a piano that records songs. Your Friend, Zoe Dear Santa, I would like a doll, a new blanket, and a new dress. Your Friend, Eliza Dear Santa, I would like a DS and Hot Wheels. Your Friend, Blake Dear Santa, I would like a remote controlled helicopter. I love you Santa! Your Friend, Hunter Minott 2nd Grade Class Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? Santa Please can I have a DSi and diary and a Amercan Girl doll. Thank you. From Gabby Dear Santa, I would like a new bike. Also a helmet. Also phone. Please and thank you. Love, Billy Dear Mom and Dad and Santa, I would like a gun sifety magazing. I would like a mini parjecter and a screen for it. From Walker Dear Santa, I have been good. How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? Can I please have a guitar for Christmas or A play computer or a big sled or a big fuzzy bear? Love Autumn Dear Santa, How are the would like a please. And I please. And I doll please.
reindeer doing? I American girl doll would like a game would like a brat From Reagan
Dear Santa, I am trying to be good in shool. I goe in shool. I got 2 star at shool. The November first and Novembe second. and I wish for a little tractor sled and Laego combined and a fish tank full of catfish. From Jacob Dear Santa Claus, I would like to have a TV in my room. And I would like to have a new bed in my room and an American Girl doll. How do your reindeer fly? Ho Ho Love Emily
games? phone.
From Desiray Dear Santa, How have all the reindeer been? I have been very good! For Christmas can you please get me a puppy and I also want a Innand orbeez? I would really like those things. my brother has been good too! Love, Karrigan Dear Mom and Dad, I wish for lots of presents please and tahnk you. I want a new chalkboard and a white board. I want a new princess dress and a count . Also a boy doll and a doll house and a DSi and games. . Love Miranda Dear Santa, I've been good and I really can't wait for Christas! I like presents so here are some I'd like for chrismas: a real dog, some dog toys, and dog food, a DS game, and a toy for rex. Please I hope can bring these. I will see you soon. P.S. I'll leave water for the reindeer and cookies for you! Love Katelyn Dear Santa, How are the reineer, Santa? And hows Miss Claus? I can't wait until you come. Can you? I love you. I want a DSI charger pease and some games for my DSI and all my wishes to come true. Then I will have a very merry Christmas to one and to all! I won't be at my moms but I will be at my gandmas and you can leave presents there. Or you can leave thee at both can you leave theme at both please? Love, Haylee Dear Santa Claus, I want a dolly. Please Santa Clause. Marissa Mrs. Aukamp First Grade Dear Santa, How do you go down the chimne? I have fun at school. may I Have a bike. Happy Holidays. Love Hersch Dear Santa, Is froste the snwo Man reel. your cool Santa Calos. Can you pleas geve me a New Barbie hose. and a pailwopet. Please can I have a cool Barbie. Merr chismas I am good. Love, Kiersten Dear Santa! I visit the nof pol. I pikup boks. I want to get football shirt for my dog. Happy Holidays! Love, James Dear Santa, How do you make the slay fly? I try to pass mad minats. May I have a pillow pet and ices skats and amicine girl doll cloeas. Merry Christmas santa. Love, Katy. Dear Santa, How are the Randeer? I'm doing good at Meridn Piymrry. I want a gutar! and my mom woud like a ring. Happy Holiday's. Love, Drew
Dear Santa, I would like a WWF Super Smash down. Your Friend, Landon
Dear Santa, I'm only going to write three things. My 1st one would be clothes for my stuffed animal Sherrbert and Freckles. Then I would like a great great very very great Christmas? My third would be a D.S.I.. And your reindeer are cool. Love, Amber
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Dear Santa, I would like a little Bratz doll and a DS. Your Friend, Kinze
Dear Mom and Dad, I wish I can have a star wars toys from you. Then can I have a surpise. Love, Nicholas
Dear Santa, Is the slay wrckin well. that I will be Nice. May I pllez have a christmas tree. Happy Holidays. Love, Abby
Dear Santa, I would like a DSI and an easy bake oven. Your Friend, Calla
Dear Mom and Dad, I want a B.B. gune for christmas. Also I want a airpane that has bedals. Also I want a go cart. Love, Kole
Dear Santa, Can you giv me a football costom for buddey? How is Mrs. Clas doing? Can you giv my sister Chloe a big bary for Chloe plees. Im being good. Cay giv me a DS for Crismas. Can you giv me a brbe plees. You aer the best giy. Love, Caitlynn
Dear Santa, I would like a stick pony and a pool and a blue dress. Your Friend, Trinity
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Wishing you the Very Best This Holiday Season
Dear Santa, I would like hot wheels and Mario Kart for Christmas. Your Friend, Braden Dear Santa, I would like an ipod, and a DS that takes pictures. Also a pool table. Your Friend, Brayden Dear Santa, I would like cars, Orbies, and a remote controlled car. Your Friend, Owen
The Staff of
A Soy Capital Company
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Dear Santa, I would like a reindeer stuffed animal. How are you? Merry Christmas! Your Friend, Katelyn Dear Santa,
Season’s Greetings FIRESTONE
Mastercare Service Center 400 N. Main • 429-5227 Hrs: M-F 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Dear Santa, How are you doing? How is Rodolph the red nose reindeer doing? I'v been good this year. Can I please have a American Girl doll. Can I please have earrings? Can I please have mecklaces? Merry Christmas! Love, Bryanna Dear Santa, I would like a Interactive Buzz Lightyear with a Interactive sheriff woody. Talking Jessie with bullseye the horse. Mr. and Mrs. potato head please. From Dominik Dear Santa, I would like American girl doll clothes. Can I please have DSI
Best Wishes from Ron’s Garage & Radiator Service Corner of Hickory & Brush College Rd
422-9200 Auto Repairs, Engine Overhauling, Computer Testing, Radiator Repair & Custom Muffler Service
Dear Santa, Do U have bells at the Norf Pll. I well be nis at scool. Ma I hav a ras trak? Marwy Cisms. Love, Nicolas
Dear Santa, Why does woodof have a shiny nose? I have bin nice to my sister. I would like a toy dog and a cat and a tiger. Merry Christmas! Love, Ashley Dear Santa, Haw ar the elfs doing? I'm doing good at scool. Can I have a new bickples? Can I hav a play stashin ples. Can you get me sum new DS games. Happy Holidays. Love, Grant Dear Santa,
Season Greetings from
Garver Feeds 217-475-0226 1234 N. Water St. Ste. B
Season’s Greeting
From John C. Kefalas, M.D., S.C. and Staff Board Certified in Orthopedic Surgery Phone: 217-425-2600 Fax: 217-425-2900 www.cibjc.com
Dear Santa, How do you mak the sled wrk and go? Can you gt me a DS. Seasons Greetings. I luve you. Love, Dillon Dear Santa, Wy is rodofe's nose red? Can you give me a Laptop? Hao are you doing? Can you igve me a camru Bare By? I have bin gode. I help my teacher. I help my Mom. And I love mom. Happy Holidays! Love, Lexi Dear Santa, How do you mack the toys? I like vido game ples. Can I get a Xbox 360. cnect and bow and arow. I rilee wat a PSP. Happy Holidays. Love, Tanner Dear Santa, How are you at the north polle. I been good at home. May I have a lava lamp. And a suft animel. And also a DSI. Merry Christmas! Love, Lizzie Dear Santa, I tri my best at scoll on my Math. How do you make a DS. May i has tow sets of Cawboy boos. one black The uthr set to be brown. Happy Holidays! Love, Jackson Dear Santa, I like to rid on your sled! I love crisms. I Plaes have camra. I ples like a ladtop. Merry Christmas. Love, Sieara Dear Santa, How do you mak the randeer fly? I want a pilowpet ples and I Love Cheristmas. I'm good i help my mom do dishis. Merry Christmas. I Love you. Love, Alexis Dear Santa, How is Froste the snowman doing? I am nic to my sistr. i wud like a soo soo pet DS Gaem. I wud like a par of Ice Skcat. Happy Holidays. I Love You Santa. Love, Haylee Mrs. Barringer 2nd Grade Class Dear Santa, My Dad is painting my house. May I please have DSI? I will give Audrey my DS. May I have some more games? Can I have a Magic Gravity ball? Can I have a camera that is lime green and purple mixed up together. I want a gogo and me new walking puppy. Can you give Audrey a Fancy Nancy outfit? Can you give Emma DS games too? Can you give my mom jewelry? Can you give Ben a farm play set and Thomas the Train? Can you give my dad tools? The cookies are on the living room table. Have a good trip! Love, Ellen Dear Santa, When you come to my house I will leave one cent on the table. Please get me a fushigi ball. Next get me some fushigi boots. Next I want a machine filled with squinkies? When you come wake me up. Then you and me will take a ride on your reindeer. Please come. I hope we have fun. I will fall asleep. Love, Abigail Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a Ipod and a American Gril doll and a pillow pet. I love you Santa. I wish I could see you...Please. Bye, Mykala Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is this... I want an x-00x 360. I want a DSi. I want 8 games for my xbox 360, I will give you cookies, carrots, and broccali. I like you. Thanks for giving me presents. Friends, Chase Dear Santa, When you visit my house please get me an ipod and a laptop and a pillow pet. I want a new pair of boots. I want a Justin Bieber poster. I will leave out cookies and milk on the pad table. Merry Christmas watch out for my dog because he will bark. Love, Hannah Dear Santa, When you visit my house I'll leave cookies and milk on the table. I was very good this year. Bring
Merry Christmas from
Hair Today
2335 N. Oakland
Happy Holidays!
What do the rndeer eta? I help my mome poot up the Chrismas lights. I wunt a Yourckey puppey! Merry Christmas. Love, Tucker
(217) 875-1346
Happy Holidays from The Macon County Fairgrounds
222 E. Wabash Ave. Decatur 217-422-2201 “Over a Century of Service”
Seasons Greetings
Happy Holidays
To you and yours from your John Deere Dealer CROSS BROS.
3130 N. Woodford
Mt. Pulaski • 792-5086 Clinton • 935-8558
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays Happy Holidays Shelbyville Manor
Blackland Transport PO Box 263 Blue Mound, IL 217-692-2755
1942 E. Cantrell, Decatur www.webstercantrell.org (217) 423-6961
Shelbyville, IL
Phone 217-774-2111
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
Letters To Santa me the Hot Wheels that is Crish Cross Crash. Please get surprises for my family. Get surprises for me too. Don't forget to come to my house. Love, Hunter Dear Santa, How are you doing? And how are your reindeer? Can I please get a Blue Razor Motor Scooter, Xbox live and an X-box 360? I want a dsi and games for it and a ds. Can I get a playstation 2. Can I get playstation#? Can I get a game cube? May I get a wii? Can I get a snowglobe? Can I get Toy Story 3? Can I get Karate Kid (the new one). Can I get a laptop? Can you get my little sister some Barbie dolls? Love, Cristian Dear Santa, Have you gotten my letter yet? I will leave you some cookies and milk. Can I have some more zuzu pets please? Can i pretty please with a cherry on top have a dry-erase board? Do you think that I could get a pack of ballons? Could I have a sewing kit? Can I have a giant doll house? Can I have a thousand books? Could I have some more DS games? You are welcome to feed the reindeer the reindeer food. Say Hig to Rudolph for me. Merry Christmas. Love, Sydney Dear Santa, Can you bring me a Razor Scooter? Can you bring me a Spynet Video watch? Can you bring me a cute real bulldog? Can you give my brother a Thomas the train track? I want a Michael Jadkson poster. Merry Christmas Santa. Love, Tyler Dear Santa, Make sure do not smell like wild animals my dog will bark and wake me up. If it is noisy in my room its my DS. And that means I am still awake! Has Chuty been telling you I have been good this year? When does Chuty come to visit? does he come when we put up our christmas tree? We will leave out 2 cookies and 1 galss of milk. I want a Fire Breathing Knight Fury and Pake Park wii and the M shark Boy and Lava Girl. Love, Trent Dear Santa, You may eat the cookies. Can I please have fushegi boots? Please two pairs! Please one for me, and one for Jacob please! I'd like anew DS game. I'd like Bendaroos that glow in the dark, and apillow pet. Have a good night Santa, Love, Savana Dear Santa, I want a DSi please. And I also want some Barbies please. I want 200 dollars too. I will leave cookies and milk. Don't forget to fill the stockings. . I also want scribble nouts please. Love, Chloe Dear Santa, When you come to my houe I will leave you cookies and orange juice. The orange juice will be in the refrigerator in the bottom drawer. I've been very good this year. For Christmas please bring me an American Gilr Doll and a Webkinz, and Justin Beiber stuff. I still live at the same house. Please do not bring the reindeer
in the house. Please bring my family Surprise. I will leave my stocking on my fireplace. Love, Tiffany Dear Santa, When you visit my house you may feed the reindeer some reindeer food from the house. i would like a MP3 player with ear plugs, and a pillow pet, and a Hannah Montana guitar, and a Justin Bieber CD. Love, Madison Dear Santa, My name is Arwen. I want to have a DS, a laptop and twelve or sixteen books. I will leave some cookies out for you. I also want a Hannah Montana microphone and a Hannah Montana guitar and a Hannah Montana wig. Leave a DS game called cooking mama in the living room. I alwo want another wii remote and a nunchuck. I also want a desk for my bedroom. I also want a pen for my diary. I also want a new diary. I also want sixteen stuffed animals. My brothers like rock and roll. So they would like rock and roll stuff like rock and roll posters. I would like Hannagh Montana posters. I also want a glow in the dark silly band. Merry Christmas. Love, Arwen Dear Santa, When you vist my house I will leave cookies and milk on the table for you. I have been good this year. Please bring me some new toys and games. Bring surprises for my family. Love, Nicholas
This year for Christmas I would like roller coaster, criss cross crash, cars 2 wrestling ring, big trampline. Love, Kolby Dear Santa, This year for christmas I would like blizzard maker, a pillow pet, a toy cat, stickers, and a toy airplance and a big toyhouse. Love, Ivy Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like Zuu Zuu pets, a Taylor Swift cd, a Barbie, a MP3 player, ipod, and another Barbie. Love, Harley Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a skateboard, a big bike, a big Buzz, a pogo stick and a puzzle. Love, Dylan
Dear Santa, How dow the reindeer fliy? I have been good. I want a drt bick and a remo cotrol car. Iike wot you do. Love, Riley
Dear Santa, How do you tran the rander. Can you give mi mom new neclisis. Can you give mi dad a new car. Can you give mi bruthr a new scatbord. Love Denai
Dear Santa, I bin good. Me and my sister have bin playing a very cool gam. But can I have a T-rex and a toy horse. But can I have a cat set? How dos yor rander fly? Love, Madeline
Dear Santa, Do you hav the mune to get a go cart for us? Can you get a dirt bick. Robbie wud like a for welr. Wud you like cookes and melck. Love Tony
Dear Santa, Santa I like you. Santa can you geve me a sled? Santa can you give me a cat? Santa can you give me a Baby Christmas tree? What is your favet colr Santa? Love, Nicholas
Dear Santa, I wunt a dsi. And 2 choo toys for my dogs. And my dad want new boots for his work. And my mom want new earrings. And my brothr want a game. And I want a game too. Love, Trenton
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a pillow pet, kitty pajamas, a trampoline, a baby dog, and a camera. Love, Emily
Dear Santa, I help my family. I hope you give me freaks. I hope you like cookies. I hope you give my sistr a Moxee girl. Love, Addison
Dear Santa, Wut do the rander eat? I have a new sister. I hope you bring a DS for me. I moov to a aprtmint. Do you know my new adres? Wut dos the sled look like? Wut isyour favi culer? Wat do the efs look like? How meny pepl are on the good list? Love, Maria
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a video watch, a mini go cart, a glow in the dark coloring thing and gas powere four wheeler. Love, Dominic
Dear Santa, I have ben good this year. I like a playhouse and a new xbox 360 thank you. And a for wheelr too. How did the rand dears fly? Love, Joshua
Dear Santa, I hav my haus dekoratd for Crismus. I hope I get a skootr and a trampolen. How did you mak your slay? Love, Peyton
Dear Santa, I would like please a baby alive. I would like moon dogh and a DSI. Thank you. How do ranedeer fly? Love, Kelsea F.
Dear Santa, I bin good. Me and my baby brothr wut legoos. I wut toy men. Santa I wut bloks, a remot kuntrol car and books. Santa your sley is fuzze inside. Love, Trey
Dear Santa, Can you please give me an Xbox 360 and three Xbox 360 games? I want Toy Story 3 the video game, and Avatar, and 2k11. Then can you give me a DSi and can you give me 3 DSi games? They are sribblenauts and Mario Kart and Mario Brothers. Oh, can you give me a snuggie? Merry Christmas! Mackenzie
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa, I bin good. Me and my brother. Can I have legoo? Can I hav a T-rex? Can I hav a Spidrman? Your slay is cool. Love, Jacob
sister Maggie. I want ameckalis for my mom Rebcca. And I want a new star wors ship for my Dad Chris. Love Aleita
Dear Santa, How do you fli your sled, Santa? Santa how do you git the magik for your reindeer? Where do you git your reindeer? Santa, ples will you git me a videowach. Love, Lucas
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a cat, a bigger skateboard, and a race car. Merry Christmas Santa, Love, Skylar
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like easy bake oven, wipe off hour dine, markers, big trampline, school playset. Love, Avril
Mrs. Boyer First Grade Dear Santa, I bin good this year. I help clen my hows. I want a Pilow Pet doll for crisms. Love, Heidi
I want a Rudoff collecshon and a DSI XL with Mareo picturs. How dus the raneder and how dus the Elfs fli and how dus the Elfs macke presents? Love, Mason
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a fake dog and cat, a Zuu Zuu pet, a play gun, a swing set, and the movie Rapunzel. Love, Sara
Dear Santa, I want a lot of makeup and earrings and a Furreal Friend,k DS game. Don't forget to eat the cookies and drink the orange juice too. I won't forget to make some food for the reindeer too. Just to tell you...you have be quiet because we got a new dog, Cletus. He can hear good. And he can smell very very very very good. I would like an IPod touch too. My brother would like a DS game. It would have to involve the army stuff. He would probably want a transformer game for his DS too. Don't forget to fill the stockings. We love the stockings! Merry Christmas Santa. From, Audrey
Mrs. Boland Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like cupcake maker, trampoline, zhu zhu pets, pillow pets, doll house. Love, Morgan
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas Santa I please would like anew guitar, dead rising 3, the xbox game plants versus Zombies and a play table. Love, Alex
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a skateboard, a DS game, and a DS exercise game. I would also like a skateboard wii game. Love, Ashton
Dear Santa, How dow you get down the chimne? How does the sled fly? How does the reindeer fly? How dow you call people? What are your favrit colors? Ples bring me the doll that az tall az Lainey. Love, Ellie
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like red magic, erase board, stuffed Santa, pillow pet, and lightning McQueen. Love, Dehvgn
Dear Santa, I have been good Santa this year. Can I have a DS? How do you go down the chinney? Wut skares you? Love, Kolbee
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like pillow pals, chocolate fountain, Barbie doll, magic eraseboard, and clothes. Love, Madison
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. How do the raindeer fly? I went to applebbes last Sunday. I really want a new ipad a mucic box and moon dogh. Thank you. Love, Alexi
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like chocolate fountain, small stuffed animals, four wheeler. Love, Bratcer Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a happy face pillow pet. Love, Dalton Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like barbie with dogs, pillow pet, big trampoline, horses, toy bard with animals. Love, Kaylin Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like criss cross crash, wwe wrestling ds, psp, follow me Thomas. Love, Jesse
Dear Santa, Santa I like you. Santa how do you mak your randeer fly? Santa can you give me a DS? Santa can you give me a celfone? Love, Chloe Dear Santa, I bin good. Me and my brothr want a PSP with midnite klub. Me and my brothr want a ipod Tuch. Your randeer are asum. Love, Kayden Dear Santa, I bin good. I would please like a play house and a moon dogh and a DSI and a Xbox 360 and a doll house. Thank you. How did the rander fly? Love, Samantha Dear Santa,
Mrs. Calvert 1st Grade Dear Santa, I want a fake gun. Mom wood like aphone. Keirsten wood like a pet fish. I wood like a pet truttle. Dad wood like call of duty three. Tony wood like a skate bord. Mrs. Calvert wood like a new phone. Mrs. Lenda wood like Mario vs Doncekong. Love, Kameron Dear Santa, I want a dsi and a baby a live, too. My sister wants a rado whith cd's. my dad wnasts a box full of tools. my mom want a new haerdriyer. my dogs wnat a new toy car. they are Doock and Brode and Jake. My family wants a new TV. Love Kassidy Dear Santa, Can you ples bring my sistr a dog my buther wunts a ex box. I want an ex box 360 my uthr sistr likes brbes my uthr bruthr wunts a play stashun 3. Your friend Storm Dear Santa, Plez can I have a remote control car. my dad have a new fone. my mom ned new wrck cloz. Santa how do you mack the toz. Your friend Tanner Dear Santa, I want a zuh zuh pet and the car to go with it and the tube to go with it. I also want a braslet for my
Dear Santa, Can I plees have a xbox and a DS3D. Also why do you like cookies? Mary Chrismas. Can I have a wii? Thack you. Love, Keagan Dear Santa, Coo I have a dsixl. And I also want legos. And my dad wants a camera. my mom want a fone. From Alex Dear Santa, Can you get my mom holly. can you get me a new ds. How do you get prsent? I also wunt a boock. Can you get my sistr a brbie. Love, Kimberly Dear Santa, Can I have a new magic wond? Can I have a new chalk bord? Can my yorke have a new colar? Can my yorke have a new play toy? Can y mom have a new camra? Love Paige Dear Santa, I wont a dsi and for my mom new shose. How do you make toys? Can you get a outfit for my bruther. Love, Savannah Dear Santa, I want donke kong, cuntry retrns. I want my mom to ahve a candl. I want my dad to have sum wrkgluvs. And I wnat to have a ds gam. How do the renders fly? Your friend, Mitch Dear Santa, I would like these two things. Hicitey and some Monster high girls. And my brother would like some Star wars snow stuff. Can you get us that? I have a guetion for you. How do you get throe the chimne? Your friend, Madison Dear Santa, I want to get a pet cat for my sistr I want a dirt biyk. I want a mug for my mom. I want a ds for my sistr. I want to git a nice car for my dad. Love Robbie Dear Santa, Can I plees have some fussy fliflop and a phon. and can Ella have a phon to. How do you make toys? Love Lucy Dear Santa, I wad like a brbe get for me. My
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Letters to Santa Brought To You By our Platinum Sponsor:
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mom will like a dimid ring. for my dad a cat. For my sise a pupe. Fro my bruthr a spidr. do you have a dog? Your friend McKenna
I would like a girl kitty and a girl puppy. Your Friend, Mary Dear Santa, I would like a real skateboard and a real guitar. Your Friend, Jackson
Dear Santa, I wut a Tony Hawk skateboard game and a blackops game and my mom wuts a tv in hr bedrom and my dad wuts a tv in his bedrom. Luv Bobby
Dear Santa, I would like fighter guys and a remote controlled bumble bee. Your Friend, Quentin
Dear Santa, I wut a ds and I wut a Jedi. my sistr wuts a barbe dol. Your frind Gage
Dear Santa, I would like an Army guy and a transformer. and a tank Your Friend, Joshua
Mrs. Carr 2nd Grade Dear Santa, Can you give me Super Mario rpg more games and Mario videos? Love, Chase Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? I want a camaro for my dad. I want a yellow camaro with two black stripes for my brother. I want anew four wheeler motor for my four wheeler. From Zac Dear Santa Claus, How many elves do you have? Are you real? I want a glade, telescope, skate board. Sincerely Landen Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? Just tell me some time. How many elves do you have? How are you? How many presents do you have? I want honey American girl dog. A goodies to go scooter. and nintendo ds. Hannah Dear Santa Claus, How many elves do you have? And I will like to have a white dog that has a lease that can walk. I like your beard. I would like to have a camera. An Amacin Girl Dog named cocnut. I believe that you're real. From, Lexi Dear Santa Calus, How are you and the Elves doing? Well I'm doing good. I hope you bring something special for me I want pretty dresses and teacher stuff and cake stuff. From Makayla Dear Santa, I want some more DSI games. i want a new DSI holders case. I want my own pretend car. Love, Caidan Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a Play station, Nerfgun and grain bin. How many elves do you have? Love, Austin Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a wii and a electric train set a dsi and a hot wheels rc care a remote control lego train too and any kind of lego set. Love, Jack Dear Santa Claus, I like to eat your cookes when you are gone and what I want for Christmas is a wii an a DSi and a American girl doll and I like to snek down stars to see you but I nevr get to because an adult cachis me and then I have to sleep with them and I have a christmas tree that is pink and I have a ornament that is new. Love Abbey Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? Santa when is your brithday? Santa how old is Mrs. Claus? Santa can I have a ground force rider? Santa can I have a DVD? Santa can I have a two wheel sled with a steering wheel? From, Jordan Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? Just tape the anser to my door on Cristmas. I would like a polarid camra and a Barbie Video Doll. I would also love a DQ Blizzard maker. Love, Hallie Dear Santa Claus, How many elves do you have? What I want for Christmas is two Barbie dolls, one elf doll, and one Hannah Montana camera. I believe in you because I see you every night before I go to slepp and I see you every Christmas at the mall! Sincerely, Taylor Dear Santa, How old are you. Because it seems you are old. How cold is it in the North Pole? I want a sled for Cristmas, a Blizzard Makaer and a Video Girl. From Kaylie Dear Santa, When does Cookie come back because I miss him? How many elves do you have? I wish I could have a D.S. and a Barbie and also a camera chistmas. Chistmas is my favorite holiday. I hope to see you at the mall. From Alexis Mrs. Felter Kindergarten Dear Santa, I would like a camera to take pictures of mountains. Your friend, Timothy Dear Santa, I would like a dirt bike and a monster truck hot wheel. Your Friend, Ashton Dear Santa,
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
Dear Santa, I would like a Zoo - zoo pet set and a duck punch balloon. our Friend, Grace Dear Santa, I would like shoes that fly and a rocket that can fly. Your Friend, Link Dear Santa, I would like a teddy bear and paper to write and draw on. Your Friend, Mason Dear Santa, I would like a bike and new clothes. Your Friend, Alexis Dear Santa, I would like a robot and a transformer. Your Friend, Wyatt Dear Santa, I would like a swing set with a slide and a house. Your Friend, Shane Dear Santa, I would like a magic ball called a Fashugie and a Barbie doll. Your Friend, Meara Dear Santa, I would like a unicorn pillow pet and a fancy ball dress. Your Friend, Julia
Love, Roy Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Nerf gun, a train, a fake sword, a new play fish, and a tractor. Love, Matthew Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a paper drum, a watch, a saw, a pool table, and the movie Transformers. Love, Anthony Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a remote controlled helicopter. DS games, a bike, and Toy Story 3. Love, Markus Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a telescope to look at stars, a remote controlled monster truck, and a tractor. Love, Wesley Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like an Iron Man toy, a spider man toy, a Wolverine toy, and the invisible man toy. Love, Sean Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like Leapster and Leapster games. Stay warm Santa! Love, Jacob Dear Santa, This year for Chirstmas I would like a doll, shoes, a new shirt, a baby doll, high heels and a kitchen play set. Love, Sydney Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Barbie doll house, a new Barbie, and a baby doll. Love, Mariah
Dear Santa, I would like a DS game and a skateboard ramp. Your Friend, Drew
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a choo choo, a robot, a spaceship, a Transformer and a race car. Love, Matt
Dear Santa, I would like an Air hawk remote controlled helicopter. Your Friend, Daniel
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a helicopter, Transformers, the movie cars, and a closet door. Love, Hunter
Dear Santa, I would like a baby doll and earrings and jewelry. Your Friend, Hailey
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a DS, tractors, a real horse, new crayons, a computer, and a camera. Love, Tucker
Dear Santa, I would like a flat guitar and a real one with a guitar pick. Your Friend, Chris Dear Santa, I would like a new puppy dog and a babydoll. Your Friend, Jaidyn Dear Santa, I please would like a necklace and an Illini blanket. Your Friend, Ally Dear Santa, I would like a DS and the Mario Brothers game. Your Friend, Audrey Mrs. Rambo Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Wii, a dog, a guitar, toys, a pool, and a kitty. merry Christmas Santa! Love, Jadalin Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like TV games, a remote controlled helicopter, and the movie Toy Story 3. Love, Brett
Mrs. Reatherford 1st Grade Dear Santa, Sannta I bin good. Santa I wut a P.S.3. ples begn My burgr sum Lagos. How do yoo Get to talnge so fras. Love, Alex Dear Santa, Santa I Ben good theis yeyr. I wud wunt a ds. my Bruthr wunts a Batman moodrsicool toy. Santa haw do you git her suow fast. Love, Tyler Dear Santa, I tryed to be good this year. This year for Crisma I want a quilt. This year pleses get my mom a stocking. Santa how do you get evry were befor morning? Thank you Santa. Love, Delaney Dear Santa, How do you get all pezit to the house? I wut foxkims is a I pod. Ples get Graham a I pod. Haw do you get in so quite. sh ak you Santa. Love, Angelique
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a doll, a Barbie, a Barbie game, and a Tinkerbell for my little sister. Love, Mallorie
Dear Santa, Santa how do you git aroned the wrld in won day? This yer I wood lick a camra. Ples bring Dlany a camra. Santa how do you fit de the present in your bag? Love, Hannah
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a bean bag chair, a DS, a slide, a shovel, a fake dog, a fake bee, and a tv. Love, Lauryn
Dear Santa, Santa How do your rainder fly? This year I want Draign ad class. Ples bring my frind Dakota a skatbrood. Thank you Santa. Love, Jonathan
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I likie a train, a DSI, a Wii, man puzzle, a Playstation computer. Love,
Dear Santa, I ben relle good this yer. Four crismis I wood licke a woch that can tack pijers and videos to and it is cold spinet. Ples Santa can you breg my sister a doll. How do you git all the howsis at one nit. Love, Graham
would a fireand a Ethan
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Barbie doll, a Barbie doll house, jewelry, the movie Rapunzel and a puppy. Love, Maddy Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like to get a new pet. I would like to give you a hug. I would like a Barbie and some earrings. Love, Olivia Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like some WWE wrestling guys, WWE movies, a race care, a monster truck and a hunting game. Love, Wyatt
Dear Santa, Santa how do you mack the slae fle? I wut to have some Lagos an ples breg a coshchum for my bruther do you have majik? Love, Matthew Dear Santa, Santa i bin gud this wer. I wut a ipad. Santa can you breg my Buthr blocz. How do you git the prezit in the slaw. Love, Mackenzie Dear Santa, Santa I bin good this year for crimis I wut to have zoo zoo pets. Ples bring mom errens. I wut to see you. Thank you. Love, Amanda
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a ball, the DS game Spongebob, a chain necklace, a charm bracelet, and a computer. Love, Loralai
Dear Santa, How do you get all over the world? I wut a new dsi game. get a ipad for my bruther. Thank you santa. Love, Travis
Dear Santa, This year ofr Christmas I would like a race car track, some markers, glow in the dark stickers, and a tv for my room.
Dear Santa, Santa I hav ben rele good this yer. Can you ples get me a leg STAR WARS Greviess Star fitr. Mom a set cufadr. Dad one to. and haw
Merry Christmas from the Herald & Review
do you get thru ech haws thru the nit. Love, Keegan Dear Santa, I bin good thes yeer. Santa i wod lik a P.S.3. ples braen my bruter a p.s.3 to. How do you git in my haas coctse. Love, Brayden Dear Santa, Santa I bin good. Theis yir I wod like a Marcin grl dall the dall I wut is the Rubec dall. Ples bring a plae Han Matana for Corlee. How can wor rader fley. Thac you Santa. Love, Haley Dear Santa, How do you fit the gifts in your bag? This year I want a matchbox car. And my aunt Pam wants a blue vest. How do you get to the mall? Thank you Santa! Love, Cole Dear Santa, Santa I'v trit to be god. I wid wint a ipod. Ples bring my babe sistr a toy. Santa how to you get tow town. Takt you Santa. Love Kloei Dear Santa, Santa, hal do yor raiderr fley? I wut a DS. Pees breen a iPod for mi brudr. Santa, hal do yo go up the chimney. thaikuw Santa, Love, Caleb Dear Santa, Santa how do you gaet all the prazins in the sled. I wil love a Dsi! ples brang a dres for my Mommy. Santa how do you give all the prazins to the children. Love, Nevaeh Mrs. Trimble 2nd Grade Class Dear Santa, How long does it take to make all the presents? I have tried to be good for my parents and teachers. Please bring me a DSI Xl and a digital camera and n elecetric guitar and please bring me a black one. Please bring my Mom a vac and steam. Merry Christmas. Love, Harley Dear Santa, How do you go down the chimney? I have tried to be good for my parents and my teachers. Can i please have a DSi, Easy Bake Oven and a mini trampoline? Can you please give my brother a big drum set. Love, Emma Dear Santa, How are you doing and your wife doing and your reindeer and elves? I've tried to be good for my parents and teachers. Please bring me an American Girl Doll and a DSi. My mom would like a nice thing. Merry Christmas. Love, Elizabeth Dear Santa, How do you your reindeer fly? I have tried to be good for my parents and teachers. Please bring me a blue Nintendo DSi and all the ds games and a ared Nintendo Ds. Merry Christmas. Love, Marisa
Dear Santa, How do you go through the chimney? I have tried to be good. Please bring me a lava lamp. Please make it a green lava lamp. Can you please bring me a frog pillow pet and please bring me a snowglobe with a reindeer in it? Merry Christmas Kaiser Dear Santa, What do your reindeer eat? I have tried to be good for my Mommy and teachers. Please bring me two goldfish. I want food for my fish and a tank for my pet fish. Thank you. Love, Courtney Dear Santa, How do your reindeer pickup the sled? i have tried to be good for my parents and teachers. Please bring me a camobow and arrow and bow case and camo clothes. Merry Christmas. Love, Matthew Dear Santa, How do your elves make toys? I have tried to be good for my parents and my teachers. Can you please bring me a real go kart, and super Mario Bors. mis DVD, I would like Super Nintendo Grown Ups DVD and Mario vs. Konkey Kong Mayhoss DS. Can my Dad have Family Guy Stewy Grifih and the Untold Story DVD. Merry Christmas Cole Dear Santa, How do you get the reindeer to fly and how do you get to pull the sled? I have tried to be good for my parents and teachers. Please bring me a Ladopsy doll and a Wallking dog and a new Barbie doll and blizzard maker. Can you please bring my mom a necklace that says I love you mom and a bracelete that says I love you Mom. Merry Christmas. Love, Lyric
Mrs. Bagley Kindergarten Dear Santa, I like Mrs. Claus. Love, William Dear Santa, I like Mrs. Claus. I like Santa Claus. Love, Kaylynn Dear Santa, Thank you very much for my kitchen. I want a dog and an ipod. Love, Hailey J Dear Santa, I will bring milk and cookies. Love, Hailey B Dear Santa, I like you. I want a coloring book. I want a movie. I want some jewelry. Love, Vanessa Dear Santa, I want a tea set, paint, and a barbie computer. Love, Lainey
Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? I have tried to be good for my parents and teachers. Please bring me a stereo, spea bess, and a dirt bike. Can you bring my brother a monster truck? I would like a pair of shoes too. Thank you. Love, Zachary
Dear Santa, I want a Panda stuffed bear and a bear stuffed bear. I will leave you cookies. I want an electric airplane. Love, Gabe
Dear Santa, How do reindeer fly? I have tried to be good for my parents and teachers. Please bring me a Blizzard maker and a Magic Fabric set and a DS. Merry Christmas. Love, Hannah
Dear Santa, I want a game. I already have toys. Love, Anthony
Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? I have tried to be good for my parents and teachers. Please bring me a black skateboard. Love, Kevin Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? I have tried to be good for my parents and teachers. Can you please bring me a fushigi ball, an art set, and a Mintendo DSi? Please bring my brother some more choo-choo trains. Merry Christmas. Love, Anna Dear Santa, How do the reindeer pick up the sled? I have tried to be good for my parents and teachers. Please bring me an iPod and a Hannah Montana doll house and every thing that I Hannah Montana. Sincerely, Haley Dear Santa, How have you been Santa? I have tried to be good for my parents and teachers. Please bring me a spiderman web blaster, Bexblades and Ben10. Merry Christmas. Myles Dear Santa, How have you been Santa? I have tried to be good for my parents and my teachers. Please bring me a Bella doll and a Victoria doll and a Hannah Monntana wig and apink I pod. Love, Morgan Dear Santa, How much does your sleigh weith? I have tried to be good for my parents and teachers. Plese bring me an iPod Touch a foshigy ball and a blue drit bike. I want Diary of a Wimpy Kid, the purple one. Love, Preston
Dear Santa, I will leave you cookies. Love, Millan
Dear Santa, I want jewelry and a cat puppet. Love, McKenna Dear Santa, I want a coloring book for Christmas. Love, Attley Dear Santa, I want a DS and an orange shirt. Love, Lucas
Mrs. Buckley/Mrs. Davis 1st Grade Dear Santa, I love you. Marry Cmis. I like you Santa. I woot Jrroly and Ipod. Form, Bella Dear Santa, I wut a Ipod tuch. I love you Santa. And I wut a Kamru. Your friend, Madelyn Dear Santa, I want a pushing bag. I want tane of wods srsrh and nosw Backt and backt ball. Your friend, Jack Dear Santa, How do the rander fliy? I love you Santa. Call me. Wate cite do you liv in? I wont a DSi, I wont a fone, I wont a ckamv, I wont a Lepp. Love, Connor Dear Santa, I whant a Xbox game. I whant a flat scren tv. From, Payton Dear Santa, I wunt a fake horse for Chrismes and sqishe sckwoshes. How meney ellfs do you have? I want sum babes in my pocit and the stuf for the fak hors and a 100 dolr and the zoo zoo pet ples car. I want a tv. From, Karsyn Dear Santa, How is Rudalfh? I want a tv in my room and a xbox 360 kinect and a puppy. Love, Rosie Dear Santa, How is Rudulfh? I would like a Tv. And I want xbox. I relti want e sle. I want crayons. Love, Hunter Dear Santa, I wont a dinosaur named chonpr. From, Eli Dear Santa, May I have a vidio girl for Chritmas. How do you dlivr presints so fast? Your friend, Jessie Dear Santa, I wunt a LaLaoopsy for Crismis. besides how do you're elf get the pressint don on time? From Jazmyn Dear Santa, I want to Elf's on the shef. I really wnat a drt bick. I want a plaw for my forwilr. Your find, JonMitchell Dear Santa, Santa how do the randear fly? I wute cap gus. Wiy do the elve war punte shoos? How big is your bag? Your friend, Gavin Dear Santa, I knot you like penutebuder couckes and choklitchip couke's too. Santa can I have zoo zoo pet's? I like your cote. Can I have a Crismes hat too. Love, Alaina Dear Santa, I want a car that climes walls and a jint car that you ride i. Your frend, Logan Dear Santa, I want sonic rush new super mireo bros. I also want bangees peramid and sonic colors for wii. I also want one of the star balls on toy story and pac man party. Your friend, Stone Dear Santa, I whet a toy and I whet I also want a hat. A peching bag, and I went a sckapood, I whet a xbox. A now tv. A big ckonck toon toy. and a book. I went a fon. From Devin Dear Santa, I want PS3 games. I don't want the rase car for the PS3. I olso want a bey blade for Christmas. and a tubraser. And Criss Cross Crash. From, Ethan Dear Santa, Santa, I like so mini presents four Crismis. I like 5, 10, 15 presents four Cressmes Santa. Love, Becca
Dear Santa, I want a bike. Love, Jadyn Dear Santa, I want a pink trumpet. Gold is ok too. Love, Alexys Dear Santa, I want Legos. I might want other things, too. Love, Nicholas Dear Santa, I want a DS and an Xbox16. Is Rudolph coming this year? Love, Gabriel Dear Santa, Is Rudolph going? Love, Dalia Dear Santa, I love you. Love, Matthew Dear Santa, I want a DS an xbox, a puffle, and legos. Love, Allan Dear Santa, Thank you for everything. Love, Aiden Dear Santa, I wt a brbe. I wt a pet. I wt doll. I wt a jewelry. Love, Katie
Mrs. Cravatta 1st Grade Dear Santa, I am looking forward to christmas. Would you ples get me a helchoptr? Can I have a bogiugon? Thank you for the toys. Love, Trystan Dear Santa, I want a Lego trn. I want a lego Indiana Jones Motorcycle chase. Thanks for all the toys. Love, Blake Dear Santa, Thanks for all the toys. Please I would like a dall and a Ipod tuch. Will you give me that? You are nice. Love, Isabelle Dear Santa, I rele want a guinea pig and I want a American Girl doll chair. Love, Caroline Dear Santa, I wish that I had a Ipod touch. Please bring me a lego house. I hope you come. Love, Jack Dear Santa, I like you Santa. Can I have a rmote cantral helakoptr. Can I have a reel dog. Love, Rylee Dear Santa,
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com You are nice. Can I please have a skate board. And may I also have the lego death star. Love, Kemp Dear Santa, Thakes for all the toys. Can I have a Ipod. Can I have a Wii. You are the best. Love, Kolby
deers lots of carrots and I hope the elves are working hard. I hope you are getting all the toys ready for Christmas. I want a new bike. I want a new puppy. I want a little van with little cars in it. I want a Spiderman toy. Good Luck, Santa. I love you. Love, Justin
Dear Santa, Thanks for all the toys that you gave me. Will you give me a American Girl doll. can I have a lap top. Christmas is my favorite holiday. Love, Jessie
Dear Santa, I want a new guitar. I want new drums. I want a new baseball,. I want a new baseball bat. I want a new Batman Car. I want a new John Cena. I want new football. That's all I can think of. Love, Owen
Dear Santa, You are nice. I want an ipod. And i want three scooters for Zach and Elly and me. Thanks for all the toys. Love, Kaytlyn
Dear Santa, I love you Santa. I want a Super Mario Game #2. I will like a gift for my mom and dad. Love, Alex
Dear Santa, Thank you for all the toys. Please I want a tony hawk jacket. Love, Dayton Dear Santa, I love you. I would like a ipod touch. And can I please have a DS. You are nice. Love, Abby Dear Santa, I would like Video girl and Amarican girl and a camra and Eyepet and the fight lights out and some cute cholsh. Your firend, Anna Dear Santa, I want an xbox 360. Can you bring me an Ipod Touich. Love, Cole Dear Santa, I would like legos. Could I have remote control helicopter. I would like a movie. Love, Frank Dear Santa, I would like a American girl doll. I whunt a ipod. I wh american girl doll hous. I whant a pusl. I whunt a book. I would like a baure. I would a dsi ples. I would like a doll. I would like the game sorry. Love, Lauren Dear Santa, Thanks for all of the toys. Can I please have a Ipod? I would like a citin. I love you. Love, Trista Dear Santa, I would like a club penguin membership card. dipp in dots. barbie video girl. From Katarina
Mrs. Ditty Kindergarten Dear Santa, I would like a new Snuggie, a Jigsaw puzzle, a calendar, coloring books, new pencils that are sharpened, Littlest Pet Shop, LetterPeople Puppets, new movies, new Wii games and a big basket of toys. Thank you for all the toys. Love, Macy Dear Santa, I want a DS, a new bike, a soccer ball, new crayons, and Wii games. I want a new dog because my dog died. Love, Toney Dear Santa, I want soldiers. I would like a cowboy, an army and a pirate hat. I want a castle for my knights. I want a drum set. Love, Lucas Dear Santa, I would like an electric guitar and drums. I want a Cello because my sister has one. I want a new cat and a blck laptop. I want a nice big blue snowboard and K'Nex. we will set out your cookies. Love, Ieuan Dear Santa, I like you. I want presents. I like presents. I want books. Love, Caitlyn Dear Santa, Get me a present a truck and a bike. Love, Hayden Dear Santa, I will like a new doll. I really want a new dress and new shoes. I really like to have aj toy dog. I will see you on Christmas. Love, Adrianna Dear Santa, I want a bump tire truck. I want a new bike and a racecar. Love, Nicholas Dear Santa, I want Barbies. I want a toy dog. I want Jasmine girl toy. I want to get a book from you. I want a new puzzle. I want anew Barbie car. I want to get presents. I will leave out cookies for you. Love, Alexia Dear Santa, I want dolls. I want dolls that can make snow. I want a van that is short. I want dolls that I can put make-up on with a pretty colorful brush and also stamp and style. I want an ice cream maker that I can make real ice cream. I need the cups and conesj too. Love, Joie Dear Santa, I want a black, orange and white kitty just like Joie's. I want a ABCD puzzle. I want a schoolhouse. I want a big house. I want new shoes. I want some markers. I want a DVD princess player. I want a computer just like the one in the classroom. Love, Madison Dear Santa, I want you to get me a new puppy. I want you to get me a princess and the frog doll. I want a puppy that has black on the back and yellow on the front and a face black. I saw Snow Buddies before, but I do nothave the movie. I want Rapunzel doll. I saw Rapunzel at the movies. Love, Mikayla Dear Santa, I would like some toys. I want police toys, a garbage truck with a garbage can and an ambulance with an open door, a bed, lights and people, a computer like a real one. My mommy already has one. Love, RJ Dear Santa, I think I would like that Brats girl car that comes with a remote and even the little Brats girl little cabin. When you turn it on the snow comes out the chimney. I would like a pink DS. Maybe the Tangled game for the Wii and the Tangled movie. I hope that Elves are working hard. Feed the reindeer lots of carrots. make sure to pack your sleigh with lots of toys. Love, Abbie Dear Santa, May I please have a Batman Mobil with a Batman. I want a toy T-Rex with a spine. It is one of those T-Rex that you press a button on his back. I want an oven that is what my mom wanted. I want a permanent marker that is only for me. I want a DSI I want DS games for my DSI Love, Hunter Dear Santa, I want a John cena with a hat, necklace and shirt. give all the
Dear Santa, I hope the reindeers have lots of carrots. I hope the elves are working hard to get all the presents made. I hope you deliver all the presents. I want a biek, a scooter, a wrestling guy with a necklace and a hat, John Centa. I want a werewolf toy. I want a John Cena movie. Love, Chiren Dear Santa, I want an ice cream maker with cones and the cups. I want a pop maker, but Josh said he is getting me that. I want a new game. All my bikes re broken. Luke ane Sean have broke them so, please bring me a new one. I want a Ds, new markers and new paint. I want anew shirt that says I Love Christmas and new strings that you get to glue on paper. I want new movies. Love, Mylie
Mrs. Fitzgerald Kindergarten Dear Santa, Can I have a phone or a DS XL with the Mario stuff on it? can I have surprises, too? How do the reindeers fly? Put the presents under the Christmas tree, please. I think we leave cookies right by the fireplace. Thank you. Love, Sam Dear Santa, I like to open presents. I'm wishing for a purple dress and a pillow pet. I like the unicorn. I like if my sister gets something too. She wants a toy animal. My mommy and I want Santa to be happy. I have an elf at my house. When I be good, you can go on your sleight with your reindeers and go to my house. I will put your cookies in a box so mom doesn't forget. Love, Ella Dear Santa, I like your presents. I like zhu zhu pets. I like the bug you can smash and rebuild. I like surprises, too. How is Rudolph? I'm going to Colorado after Christmas. The cookies will be in the kitchen. Love, Kameron Dear Santa, I want a new star wars wii, a new transformer. I want a polo pet, a new mario wii, a new batman house, a new spider toy, and a new bouncy ball. That's it. I want you to fly the reindeers. Please leave the presents at my tree. Thank you. Love, Carson Dear Santa, I want some presents. I want Legos for Christmas. A lego boat. What are you doing on Christmas? Get presents, Santa Claus. Love, Michaelangelo Dear Santa, Santa's nice. I am wishing for a baby doll. I love you Santa. I want a swimming pool. You can fold it. I want a movie. You are awesome, Santa. Love, Hannah Dear Santa, I want a dinosaur toy for Christmas and my brother can have a car since he likes cars. And my sister would like a stuffed animal dog for Christmas. And my mom would like a baby kitten, stuffed animal for grown ups. My dad would like a present. Inside it he would like a new cooler for Christmas. And how do your reindeer fly? Next time will you find the cookies on the table by the Christmas tree. Love, Lola Dear Santa, I want Lego trains and a model train I love you, Santa. Thank you for our elf, Blister. Thank you for my presents and the snow. I love Rudolph. Love, Andrew Dear Santa, I am thankful for Santa. Santa is best. I like xbox 360 live and xbox 360 Connect and the regular xbox 360. How does you reindeers fly? The cookies are on the table. The presents go under the Christmas tree. That's all. Love, Davin Dear Santa, I want an Elf on a Shelf and new sparkly shoes. My cookies are going to probably be on my dining room table. That's all. Love, Ashley Dear Santa, I want a Play Station 3 and an Xbox. I will make cookies for you. They will be on the counter. Thank you. Love, Connor Dear Santa, I want a DS and I want you get my brother Christian a phone. That's all. How do you reindeer fly? My Christmas tree is by the window. Put my presents under the Christmas tree. Thank you. Love, William Dear Santa, I want a trampoline and a dirt bike. That's all. Thank you. Love, Chase Dear Santa, I wish for a go kart. I also want a pillow pet. Another one. I have a lamb, I want a unicorn. I want a trampoline in my room and springy shoes that make you jump high. That's it. Thank you. Love, Josslyn Dear Santa, I want a hockey table for Christmas and a Rip Stick. How do you make all the toys so fast? The cookies are going to be on the table. Put the big presents downstairs and the little presents upstairs. Love, Jadon Dear Santa, I like to eat Breakfast with Santa. I'm wishing for a toy car. That's it. I want to ask if the elves make a music box. We will put the cookies on the fireplace. Santa, put the presents under the tree. Love, Drew Dear Santa, I love you. I love Santa. I'm wishing for an American Girl doll. My mom went online for me to pick out one to tell you about. I have a list about all the things I want. I'm going to give it to you at the fire station. I'm also going to eat lunch with you. I want you to know that for Christmas I also want Paper jams for girl drums.
That's it. I'll see you lots of time for christmas. Love, Brooklyn Dear Santa, I loved that you give us presents. I'm wishing for a couple of dolls and Swinkys. How do you get back and forth to every house in just one night? Love, Hope Dear Santa, I want a DS for Christmas and a horse set and barbie dolls and a princess dress and that's all. How do the reindeer fly? my house is in Decatur, IL. You know the address. I will spread reindeer food outside. I'll leave carrots for the reindeer on your cookie plate and milk for you Santa. I like you Santa. Love, Lindsey Dear Santa, I want a pillow pet, a ladybug and American Girl doll stuff. I want the Lainey Doll. How do your reindeers fly? My cookies are chocolate chip and milk, again. You had the milk the last time, too. It will be on the table under my Tv. Thank you. Love, Abby Dear Santa, I want a boy barbie. I only have a little bit and I have lots and lots of girl barbies. I would like a baby doll and I would like a dog with a remote that walks. And also I want another stuffed animal that's a frog, to keep my other animals company. How do the reindeer sly? Some of the presents need to go in the stocking and some need to go under the tree. We'll put the cookies in the living room. Santa, I want you to know that I'm being good. Love, Sophia Dear Santa, I'm wishing for toys. I can get anything. How can the reindeer fly? I will leave the cookies in the dining room. I like you Santa. Love, Jillian Dear Santa, Santa, how do you make th reindeer work? Which cookies do you like, chocolate chip or vanilla? How do you make Mrs. Claus's cookies better this time? I like Criss cross Crash. Please leave the presents under the tree. Please Santa, give my family a good present. Love, Gavin Mrs. Hamrick Kindergarten Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I have been helping my mommy do work all the time. For Christmas, I want a trampoline, DSi and a camera. Love, Hannah Dear Santa, I have been a good kid this year. I am going to leave cookies and milk for you on my table. I want a bounce house and a DSi for Christmas. Love, Caleb Dear Santa, I've been a good girl all week. For Christmas, I want a barbie camera and a doggie pillow. My baby brother wants a toy story buzz lightyear and maybe a thomas. Love, Caitlyn Dear Santa, I'm going to leave cookies on my table for you. I want a bike, DSi, and a camera for Christmas. Love, Mylin
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
I want action figures, Legos, and cars for Christmas. My Christmas tree has colored lights and it also has a star that changes green and blue. Love, Xander Dear Santa, Our family is good. I am good. For Christmas, I want a Scooby Doo movie and a Mario game for the Wii. Our other game got lost. Love, Kameron Dear Santa, I've been very good this year. For Christmas I would like a pretend puppy and a zhu zhu pet. My tree is in my green room. Love, Claire Dear Santa, I've been good this year. For Christmas I want a zhu zhu pet and a real puppy. Love, Jessi Dear Santa, For Christmas, I want a trampoline for my backyard and more train tracks for my train set downstairs. Love, Aiden Dear Santa, I want something for Christmas. I want another elevator zhu zhu pet. I see it on tv all the time. Love, Ben Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a Toy Story 3 barbie doll and a little pool game. Not the pool where you go in water, it's the pool that you use the balls and hit them in holes. I would also like a Ms. S puppet like Mrs. Hamrick has. Love, Kylee Dear Santa, I want an art table, paints, and a Barbie for Christmas. I also want a girl Ms. E like the one in our classroom. Love, Emma Dear Santa, I was good this year. I would like a Jessie and Zurg from Toy Story 2 for Christmas. Love, Lennon Dear Santa, I have been very good. I am in Name club this year. I would like a big crane and a bean head for my combine for Christmas. I have 2 but 1 broke its wheel off. I would also like an oil tanker. Love, Brayden Dear Santa, I would like a toy pool for Christmas. me and my dad can play with it. I would also like the boy hamster game for my DSi. Love, Bryson Dear Santa, I have been listening to Mrs. Hamrick at school. I want a brand new race car with a remote control for Christmas. Love, Mason
Dear Santa, I want a Hat Wheels motorcycle. i want a power ranger. i want a guinea pig. that's it. How do you get into the chimney? Love, Colin Dear Santa, I would like a cat. I would like a doll. I would like some zandy bands. I would like some highlighters. How can you get to everybody's house in one night? Thank you. Merry Christmas. Love, Madison Dear Santa, Please can I have a puppy dog. I want a white one. How do you get to my house. Love, Grace Dear Santa, Will you please bring me Paper Jam? Will you bring me a drum set with the skull on it? I want an army guy with a gun, but not a real gun. Thank you and have a Merry Christmas. Love, Aiden Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is Hats. A Mario hat, a fire Mario hat, a fire luigi hat, and a wario hat, and a real Mario luigi hat and a waluigi hat. How do you get to my house? What is the weather like on the North Pole? Love, Jordan Dear Santa, I want a barbie doll. I want an Itty Bitty doll. I want a movie about Dora. I want a Dora pillow for my room. I don't want anything else. Merry Christmas, Santa. Love, Kaleigh Dear Santa, I want the Happy Holidays Word Friends dvd from Word World. What do you feed your reindeer? Merry Christmas. Love, Carter Dear Santa, Ho Ho Ho! Bring a present. YES. I want a SMARTBOARD. I will play the playground game. Love, Mason W Dear Santa, Bring toys and legos. Legos and red robots please. Love, Ashton Dear Santa, I want toys for Christmas. I like pink shirts too. Love, Kennedy Mrs. Koehn 1st Grade Dear Santa, I would like a pillow pet. I like my pirate ship. I play with it in the tub. I like christmas. Love, Will
Mrs. Jenkins Kindergarten Dear Santa, I want a PSP and 29 Zandy bands. Love, Mason B
Dear Santa Clause, I would like a MP3 player. We got a new pup. Can you get some chew toys? would you get me a pooltable? Love, Myles
Dear Santa, I want a baseball glove. I want a book about Santa Claus. Thank you. Love, Tanner Dear Santa, I want a Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader lego set. What do you feed your reindeer? Merry Christmas. Love, Cameron
Dear Santa, I want a DS and a cat for Christmas. A real cat. Love, Faith
Dear Santa, I want a 4-wheeler. I want some Zandy Bands. Thank you. Love, Kyle
Dear Santa, I am a good girl. I want a puppy dog, a toy elephant, and a teddy bear for Christmas. I am going to have cookies for you on the kitchen table. Love, Olivia
Dear Santa, I want a scooter. I want a doll. I want a baby doll. I would like an American Girl doll. I would like some legoes. Merry Christmas. Love, Markie
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa, I want zandy bands. I want a psp. How do I get to Santa's house? I want a pillow. I want a Barbie doll pillow. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Love, Ava
Dear Santa, I am a good boy at school. I want an Original Storm Trooper and Darth Vader for Christmas. Love, Nathan
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. I want a toy star and a choo choo train for Christmas. Love, Jake
Dear Santa, I would like a Nintendo DSi and a play Ghostbusters proton pack. My sister is a good girl. She would like the movie barbie: a Fashion Fairytale. I would also like more Ghostbuster toys. Love, Jakson
How do you get to my house. That's it. Love, Tye
Dear Santa, Can I please have zandy bands? Can I have some highlighters, also? What do the reindeer eat? Thank you. Love, Delaney Dear Santa, I want a wii, a yo yo and I want a white shirt. I want a pink shirt, too. I want an abacus. That's it.
Dear Santa Claus, I want Legos and games and video games please. Do you like choclate chip cokies? Love, Logan Dear Santa Claus, I want a toy for my brother. My brother is eleven. I want a toy for my dog. My dog is one year old. I want a make up kit. With the make up kit I will put make up on. I want a phone. How are you? Merry Christmas. Love, Chloe Dear Santa, Can I have Halo 1 and Halo 2 for xbox 360. My brother loves Halo. Love, Connor Dear Santa Claus, I would like a muffin maker. I would like a hotdog maker. I would like a kitten. I would like a DS. How do you reindeer fly? Merry Christmas. Love, Tryston Dear Santa Claus, Can I please have a DSI? Can I have a xbox 360? can I have a cantrol system? Happy Christmas Santa. How are you douing Santa.
CLASSIFIED 15 Love, Jackson
Dear Santa Claus, I'm going to go to New York city. I want a Lego airplane Santa Clause. What are all your Reindeers names. Thank you, Francisco Dear Santa Claus, I would like a vido game please. I would like a Legos please. how are your reindeers? I hope that your reindeer are good. Love, Isabelle Dear Santa Claus How is Rudolph. I like you. I no you and taming. How are you I wish that I could see you. You are the best. How are all the other reindeer. From, Christion Dear Santa Claus, How are your reindeers? I am happy. I want a real phone. For Gage and Lainey I want a toy for them. I love Santa Claus. Do you love me? I want books. Do you like books? Love, Madison Dear Santa Claus, Santa, hou are your reindeer? Are they sick? Can I have a Dsp. Can I have roller skates. Can I have a barbie doll. Love, Katlynne Dear Santa Claus, I want poke park, and a poke'mon ranger and Bakugon defendrs of the Core. My sister is wantiing a vido gril doll. She will love it. Who is your favorite reindeer? Thank you. Love, Ryan Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a Joe Jonas Barbie doll, a horse, and a pair of iceskate please. How many reindeer do you have? Love, Ivy Dear Santa Claus, I want more stuff to help me with school work. How do the reindeer fliy? I don't wnat any thing else. I have stockings for my dogs. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Love, Katie Dear Santa, I want you to bring my mom (Mindy) a necklace for Christmas. I want a hunting game that is two plaers for wii. You are very nice. Love, Brendan Dear Santa Claus, Thank for the things that you got us. I want a new peck a poo puppy can you teach the dog tricks. Merry Christmas. Love, Alexis Dear Santa, What are the whud like a American girl whud like Crcistmas.
reindeers' name? I zu zu pet and an doll named janie. I a DSI. Marry Love, Rhiannon
Dear Santa Claus, I want a toy. I want furry friend go go my walking pup. I want furry friend go go my walking cat. Can I hav a leash with it? Love, Alexis Dear Santa, How are you doing? I wish for a lionel train table for Christmas. I wish for a Lionel train. I whish for a lionel crossing. You can cheeck on my sister and see what she wants for Christmas. From, James Mrs. Mills 1st Grade Dear Santa, Have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Can I please have a DSI. Can my dad have a new work shirt. When you leave can you shine Rudolph's nose in my window? Thank you! Love Jaeden Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I will like a game. My mom will like some jewelry. I hope you hav a safe trip. Love Keely Dear Santa, I hope you like your new house. Santa may I have a Dsi? Will you bring Madeline a surprise toy? I do not have a chimney. Love Isabella Dear Santa, How are you doing? I want a remote controll car. Would you give my brother a rock? I will bake sum cookies for you.
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
Love, Logan Dear Santa, Are you having a good holiday? Would you please bring me a baby all gone. Would you please bring my sister a video girl? Can you please bring my mom a new necklace. Love Allie Dear Santa, How do the reindeer fly? Santa I will like to have a dsi. Can you bring my brother Christian a phone. Please be quiet. Love, Ethan Dear Santa, How do the reindeer fly? I would like my own camera for Christmas. Could I have a ring for Christmas for my mom. Please be quiet when you come in my Door. Love Kyra Dear Santa, Have a good trip arownd the world. Please can you give me some wii games. My brother whants more art stuff. Have a safe trip. Love, Ryne Dear Santa, You are awesome. I want the Lego pyramid game. My baby sisters wants a baby doll. I will put out cookies. Love, Caleb Dear Santa, I like your reindeer. I wood like a monster truck. I want you to please give my mommy a ring. Love, Corey Dear Santa, Have a merry Chismis. My sister wants a big party set. I hope you are okay. Love Zachery Dear Santa, Have a happy Christmas. Please can I have Star Wars Manopoly. My brother would like a action figure. I will leave cookies. Love Weston Dear Santa, Do you like the cookies? May I please have a spy watch. Can my mom have a ring. I love you. Love Braydon Dear Santa, Are you haveing a good time this year? I wold like a DSI. Can you give my dad a gun for his gun collection. Santa you are cool. Love, Brent Dear Santa, How's Mrs. Claus? Will you Please get me a hamster and some play tools. Please shine Rudolph's nose in my window. Love, Jalyn Dear Santa, Have the reindeer been doing a good job? I like to get a American dol. My mom whats a ring. I what to hear your jingle. Love, Emma Dear Santa, Hope you have a warm cote. Santa I want a conputre. My sister wants a conputre tool. Hope you in joy. Love Trysha Dear Santa, Are the elves makeing lots of toys? I like a American girl doll. Plese can you bring my mom a piece of juwelry. Plese can you bring my dad a Steeler t-shirt. We have no front door. Love, Amylie Dear Santa, Is Rudolph going to pull the sleigh? Please may I have a Nerf gun. please may my dad have car pieces. please may you Shine Rudolph. Love, Harrison Dear Santa, How is Rudolph the red nose deer? Please can I have a walking dog and a walking cat. Please can my mommy have some black socks. Love, Emma Dear Santa, I love you Santa. I want a pillow pet. My sisters want the same thing. Love, Katherine Mrs. Orris Kindergarten Dear Santa, I want a remote control jet and that is all. Nathan Dear Santa, Merry Christmas to all and what I
want for Christmas is a Baby Sho Sho. It is a doll and you press its back and it starts crying and gets red cheeks. Bracie Dear Santa, I want a pogo stick and a pillow pet. I want a unicorn one. What does Jingles my Elf do? Riley Dear Santa, I want a brarbie doll that has a dog. I want a learn book. It helps someone learn stuff and read. Ashley Dear Santa, I like you. I like your presents that you give me. I want atendo DS and a video game called pets nursery to go with. Chloe Dear Santa, I want a Nintendo Ds and a regular Ds that is pink. Bye. Madeline Dear Santa, I want to have a basketball hoop and lots of wrestler. i like a new race track. Tyson Dear Santa, I want a DSI XL. It is just a different kind of DS. Can I have Zany Bands. Jamie Dear Santa, I want Legos. They can be any kinds. I want books too.. one with the Grinch. Sam Dear Santa, I want Star wars legos for Christmas. I want some tie dye Zany bands. You can get them at Walgreens I think. Weston Dear Santa, I want a toy shot gun because I sold my old one and Zsu Zsu pet that is orange and brown. Zach Dear Santa, I want Barbie Camera Girl and Baby all gone. A couple of years ago you gave my sister a cat and then this year she asked about the cat and you said oh yes. Isabelle Dear Santa, I want a Panda Pillow pet and a monster hive game for my computer. I love you. Callie Dear Santa, I want a DSI XL and a gun that has a real scope. I am going to play with Nate. Thank you for giving my toys. Gabe Dear Santa, I would like a thing called Lego universe from lego.com and a DSI. Will Dear Santa, I want a new Command Buzz Light Year that has charger so that it can move and do kings of things. I also want a video game called Indiana Jones 2. Sam Dear Santa, I want a Zsu Zsu pet and I am going to name him Zsu Zsu. I want a Fire truck Lego set. i have been good. Ethan Dear Santa, I want a fighting Zsu Zsu pet and that is all I am going to ask you for. Garrett Dear Santa, I want play dough that is blue, white, and green. I want a game player and a camera doll. Ella Dear Santa, I want DSXL and SKI and a new power ranger toy. Thank you for it. Luke Dear Santa, I want a Zsu Zsu pet that is purple and games like CandyLand. Cadence Dear Santa, I want a Spiderman drum that shoots our silly string and I want
a po po stick. Can I have a jumpy thing that is a little tiny trampoline that has buttons and stuff on it. Sloane Mrs. Patrick 1st grade Dear Santa, Haow are you doing? Thak you for ol the presins. Can i git a monstr truk and a toy big foot? Wut cand of coockes do you like? Haow is missis clos doing? I hoop you have a good flit. Your friend, Cole Dear Santa, I wut spidr man and bat man, zooprman. I will leve you cooces. Your friend, Zac Dear Santa, I will like a pink bnele ples. I wish for a ginepig ples and a zoo zoo pet ples. And ples mack titin a mare ckrismes. santa thanck you for macking my famle a Mare Ckrismes. I uprisheat it. Your friend, Wrigley Dear Santa, I'm going to get you a present. I want a phone. I want an elf. I want a music book. I want a Santa Shirt. I will leave u milk and cookies. I want a 360 at my moms. Your friend, Dakota Dear Santa, I wod like a lolo loopsee doll. I wood olo like a brown plasstick ponee that is the sise of me. I wood olo like an amarekin girl doll so how yu bin? Tack you for evry toy you evr gav me. Wut kink of cooky? Your friend, Chloe Der Santa, What is your favorite cooke. What is your favorit kind of milk. How do you make the presents? How did you find the elfs? Wi do you bring the presents in night? Do you have reindeer? Can I have anether for my brother? I am wanting a dog for my brother. I llove you Sata! You are good Sata! I like you Sata! Your friend, Derynn Dear Santa, Can I have a pug, a horse, a hamstr, and a cat? I will be at my grandma's. Can I have a squirrel. I will give you cookies I hope. Have a Merry Christmas. Your friend, Mattie Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am doing ok nice too. Are you being nice to Mrs. Claw. I just hope you are. I wood like a labe top and I wood like if it was lime green please. What kind of cookies wood you lik. How about chocklie chip cookies. You are just nice to get me all of them toys last year. I thank you for every thining! Your friend, Courtney Dear Santa, Can I have Legos. Can I have brown puppy that's one year old. What kind of cookies do you eat gingerbread. Can I have xbox 360 and games? Can I have a psp and games? Can I have spongebob zandy bands? Your friend, Nathan
wish you a Meer Chrismas. Then I will get you some cokes. Your friend, Samuel Dear Santa, Thank you for getting the presents for the kids. How are you Santa? Do you like cookis and hot choclit? I love you Santa. Do you love me. Your friend, Analuisa Dear Santa, Can I have a hampster? Im going to put ice in the milk again. Can I have Megamind and Naretoe and a xbox and a trampoline and batteries for them? I also want the new Donkey Kong game and mind flex and spongeebob, zandy bands. Your friend, Quinn
Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? what is your favorite cookie? I want a ds game and i want a lego jangin fer Marcel. Love,
Dear Santa, I want a stocking for my mom's baby. What kind of cookies do you like? I'm doing good in school. My sister is too. I play games about you. You can dress you up. How are you doing? Your friend,Autumn
Dear Santa, I want a xbox 360. How many elves do you have. Is your elves name bob. I want ipod. Love,
Mrs. Reynolds 1st Grade Dear Santa, How many houes do yo visit? how much does it take to get to evey house? I want hot wheels. Carter W Dear Santa, How many animal do you have? Are you cold in North Pole? I want ipod, legos, tv, and books. Love, Carter K Dear Santa, How meny elves do you have? I would like to have the wii game kirby. Love, Lane Dear Santa, How may elves do you have. How many people in the Shop I want a American girl doll which is Kate and go go walking pup, zoo zoo zoo pet, I pod tuch. Tatum Dear Santa, I lick blizrd maker and go go wock pup. Love Kayla Dear Santa, Do you cut your beard? How may elves do you have? How does your reindeer fly? Love, Megan Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? Can I have moovy. Love family, baby doll, shrt, a dog pilpet, zoo zoo pet, brby. Love, Madison
Dear Santa, How many rendeers Santa do you have? I can't wait for you. How many elves do you have? Plesi can I have a bitty baby. Love, Libby
Daer Santa, Santa I will get you a present. I
Dear Santa, How many elfs do you have at the North pole, Santa. Please I whod like a Ds. Love, Peyton
Dear Santa, What do you like to eat? I probley already now. Chocolate cip cookies and milk. I would like a remote control car and a nerf gun. Your friend, Tryston
Dear Santa, I know some time you come to people homes. I know som etim eyou skip nody peoples homes. You come on your sled. I like you Santa. Your friend, Jacob
Dear Santa, Santa I have a elf and he watches me day and night. Has he been telling you if I was good or bad? I'll leave you a present. I'll leave cookies. I want go go the walkin dog. Your friend, Raleigh
Dear Santa, How may reindeer do you have? How many elves do you have? Santa for Chritmas I wunt a razor power wing scooter. Dylaney
Dear Santa, I like the snow do you? I like the reindeer. I would like a xbox for chimney. Love, Mat
Dear Santa, I love Santa, I like snow. I was a good littl grl. I really want a ipod. I really wont clothes for my American Girl doll. I really wont wont a smart board. Love, Audrey
Dear Santa, Do you want chocolate milk? I want an American Girl Doll. Your friend, Brynn
Dear Santa, Can I get air hog, bionicles 12, ok then. Love Breton
Dear Santa, What kind of cookies do you like? How are you Santa? 1. Xbox, 2. Psp, 3. Tie die Zandy bands, 4. sky doo, 5. Playstashon, 6. tampoleen, 7. wii games, 8. Playstashon three. Thank you Your friend, Gage
Dear Santa, I would like a cavalindader bakugon and a poke parck wii game and a ds and pokemon ds games. Your friend, Peyton
Dear Santa, How are you feeling Santa? I hope your feeling well. I like the presints that you gave me last year. I would like a American girl doll. Your friend, Carly
Dear Santa, How many home duw you haftuw go to? how many elves duw you have. I wunt a scooter, and ipod, legos. Love, Logan
Dear Santa, I really like the snow. I wa a very very good boy. I want a nos car, phone, legos, and a go kart. Love, Bryce Dear Santa, How do you go fast. I want a xbox 360. I want to know how many elves do you have? I want to have train station. Love, Andrew Dear Santa, What kind of cookies do you like? I want legos, cars, and action figure. Love, Ryan Dear Santa, How much do you weight? I like christmas, but I hate easter. Can I have an i coffin, go go my walking pup and unlimadid wishes. Love, Amelia
Mrs. Snyder Kindergarten Dear Santa, I would like a Mr. I puppet and a racetrack. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love, Ian Dear Santa, I want a transformer. Have a safe trip. Merry Christmas. Love, Andrew Dear Santa, I want flat screen tv, some small size 4 dog clothes, and I also want a fake walking dog. I will leave you cookies and milk and something for the reindeer. Love, Hartlee Dear Santa, I want American Girl doll stuff and doll hospital. I will leave cookies and milk for you. Love, Morgan Dear Santa, I would like a digital camera and a Littlest Pet Shop House. I will leave you milk and cookies. Merry Christmas. Love Hannah Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie and some clothes. Merry Christmas. Love, Kaitlynn Dear Santa, I want a transformer and a Wii. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Love, Darrin Dear Santa, Please bring me an American Girl doll. I also want an Ipod touch. I hope that the reindeer are okay. Love, Alexis Dear Santa, I want an Ipod touch and a transformer. I will leave cookies for you and the reindeer. Merry Christmas. Love, Ashton Dear Santa, I want an American Girl Doll to look like me and an Ipod touch. I will leave you milk and cookies. Merry Christmas! Love, Boston Dear Joe, I want a Ironman suit and cape, a transformer, an Ipod touch. Happy Merry Christmas! Love, Robert Dear Santa, I want a DS, a Barbie video camera, and a new Barbie. Have a safe trip. I will leave cookies and milk. Love, Grace Dear Santa, I want a Criss Cross game, and a Wii with some games. I will leave milk and cookies. Love, Mason C. Dear Santa, I want a remote controlled semi, a Wii, and DS. I will leave you milke and cookies. Love, Jacob Dear Santa, I would like a DS, thing that helps you learn, a Barbie car, and something that is a surprise. Merry Christmas and tell the reindeer hi! Love, Mahryah
Happy Holidays! May the holiday season be filled with tidings of joy for you and your family.
Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie car that the Barbies ride in. I am going to leave food for the reindeer and you. Merry Christmas! Love, Allyson Dear Santa, I would like a DS and boxing gloves. Tell Rudolph hello for me. Love, Logan Dear Santa, I want a reindeer puppet and a sleigh like Santa's. I love you and bring me toys. Love, Mason J. Dear Santa, I want a doll and a bee pillow pet. I will leave you snack on the table for you to eat. Merry Christmas! Love, Ava Dear Santa, I would like a converter and it is blue and has lots of things in it and you can push buttons. I would the GI Joe Night Raven and it flies. I will leave a carrot for the reindeer and apple for you! Love, Noah
Dear Santa, I want a Transformer. Love, Hunter Dear Santa, I want presents. Love, Chloe Dear Santa, I want a Transormer. Love, Ethan H Dear Santa, I want princesses. Love, Peyton Dear Santa, I want a baby doll and a pillow pet. Love, Kylei Dear Santa, I want books. Love, Dylan Dear Santa, I want a remote control car. Love, Nathan Dear Santa, I want WE guys. Love, Caleb Dear Santa, I want a rocket ship that you have to build. Love, Joshua Dear Santa, I want toys. I have an ornament. Love, Ethan O Dear Santa, I want a remote control motorcycle. Love, Ashton Dear Santa, I want a new toy. Love, Lindsay Dear Santa, I want a motor bike because they're so cool. Love, Boston Dear Santa, I want presents. Love, Bryndon Dear Santa, I want a pillow pet. Love, Bryan Mrs. Warren Kindergarten Dear Santa, I want an Indiana Jones movie. Reece Dear Santa, I want a real turkey. Riley B Dear Santa, I want an Ipod for Christmas and Moxie Girls and LaLa Lucy with their own frozen pets and a DS. Alex Dear Santa, I want an Imagine X boat. Mason Dear Santa, I would like a barbie house. Anna Dear Santa, I really, really, really want a DS that is pink and it has a charger, and La La lucy doll, and I wish for a pillow pet. Nova Dear Santa, I never heard of reindeer that could fly. Victoria Dear Santa, I want a blue DS and I want a toy truck. Dillan Dear Santa, I want Mario DS game and a hot wheels skeleton green thing. Kyle Dear Santa, I want an Ipad, and an American Girl doll, and an Ipod and Pixo's. Kennedy Dear Santa, I hope that Mrs. Claus is feeling better. I heard that she had surgery. Adrienne Dear Santa, We are going to make you some more cookies and milk. Ian Dear Santa, I want three things. I want a ladybug pillow pet, and kids sewing machine, and baby with a pink and purple polka dot dress. Olivia Dear Santa, I want a laptop and half heart necklace and a video girl barbie. Camille Dear Santa, I want a Buzz because he is Woody's friend. Miles Dear Santa, I want a real DS that is silver and a lego fire truck that is a real Lego. Nathan Dear Santa, I want video games and a big Mickey. Aidan Dear Santa, Thank you for all the toys you give us. I want a skateboard for Christmas. Bradley Dear Santa, I want a game for my Nintendo 64 and a dart gun. Riley T Dear Santa, I want a DS and I want a doll and I want another play doll. Emma Dear Santa, I want a DSI. I want a puppy dog. Kaylie Dear Santa, I want a Woody. Calvin
Dear Santa, I would like a Hot Wheels shooter so that can Noah can shoot the Hot Wheels with his converter. There is this GI Joe thing that is called Steel Breaker that I would like. Tell Rudolph "Hello for me. Love, Sam
Mrs. Weirman 1st Grade Dear Santa, I want hot wheels for Christmas and legos and muneey. By, Joe
Dear Santa, I would like Jason games and a car. I will leave cookies on Christmas Eve. Love, Cameron
Dear Santa, I will leave you cookies and milk. You are very nice. I would like Ninja Mice. Love, Eli
Mrs. Taylor Kindergarten Dear Santa, I want a skateboard. Love, Jaden Dear Santa, I want a monkey. Love, Alyssa Dear Santa, I want a guitar. Love, Halle Dear Santa, I want a brown deer that talks. Love, Julia Dear Santa, I want a fake phone. Love, Molly Dear Santa, I want a dog and a fan in my room. Love, Mackenzie
Dear Santa, Thank you broght me very nice. How do you
for the presents you last year. You are How do you doing? make toys? Love, Gavin
Dear Santa, I wunt a xbox 360. How do you make toys? Love, Derrick Dear Santa, How are you doing? I will leave you cookies and milk. You are very nice. I like you. I would like a cat. Love, Marina Dear Santa, I want a kitty. you are nice. Do your reindeer fell soft? Can you bring a ball? Love, Carly Dear Santa, You are very nice. I have been
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com
very good. How are you doig? I would like zhu zhu pets, a video game, and a laptop. Love, Brandon Dear Santa, How are you doing? Do your reindeer like carrots? I would like littlest pet shop and a book. Love, Emily Dear Santa, How are you doing? I have been very good. How do you make toys? I will leave you cookies and milk. I like Edgr. I like you reindeer. I would like a ball. I would like a American Girl Doll, I would the Tangled Doll. Love, Peyton Dear Santa, You are very nice. How are you doing? How do you make toys? I like your elfs? Do your reindeer like apples? I have been very good. I would like a video game. From, Devon Dear Santa, I like you. How do you make toys? Do you rreindeer like apples? I would like a laptoop. I would like American girl doll, a ball, a kitty, a zhu zhu pets toy story 3, a littest pet shop and a xbox 360. Love, Mackenzie Dear Santa, I like your reindeer. I have been a good boy. How do you make toys? I like you. I will leave you cokies and milk. Love, Royce Dear Santa, You are very nice. How are you doing? I like you reindeer. I will leave you cookies and milk. I would like a ball. Faith Dear Santa, Thank you for the presents you brought me last year. You are very nice. I would like the doll tangled. Do your reindeer like carrots. I will leave you cookies and milk. Love, Saylor Dear Santa, You are very nice. I would like a dog, American Girld Doll, Zhu Zhu pet, littest pet shop, the Tangled doll and a lap top. I have been very good. Love, Katie Dear Santa, Haw are you doing? Thank you for the presents you gave me last year. I have been very good today. I would like a ninga mice. Love, Nathan Dear Santa, I want a kitty and the tangled doll and a zhu zhu pet and I like Rudolfs nose. From, Samantha Dear Santa, You are very nice. How are you doing? How do you make toys? I have been very good. I would like ipod. Love, Allison Dear Santa, I want a screacher. I want an Ipod and an Xbox 360. Love, Ethan
Ms. Hanson 1st Grade Dear Santa, I want 3 things for Christmas. I want a DSI XL and a laptop. Can you get my dad a Modda Warfare? Love, Matthew Dear Santa, I want 3 things for Christmas. I want a Kendall. I want a Ipod touch. I want a real cat. I'll leave Mrs. Claus some cookies. Hannah Dear Santa, I want 3 thins four Christmas. I wan an Ipod touch, Kendall, and a Luege Matio game. Merry Christmas, Tyler Dear Santa, I want three things for Chrismis. I want a bird, science stuff and a kendall. I hope you have a wonderfull Crhistmis. Love, Aydin Dear Santa, This year I am sending you two letters. This one is form school. Here are three I want for Cristmas. A DSI, a kendall, and a Ipod touch. Thank you for all the gifts. Merry Chistmas. Love, Connor Dear Santa, I wut a lap top, I pod touc and a kendall. I wut a real phone. Tell Rudolph hello. Love, Piper Dear Santa, How are you? I want 3 things for Christmas. I want an Ipod touch, I want a Kendall, I want a SdIxl. Love, Cora Dear Santa, I want 5 things for Christmas. I want an Ipod touch, a kendall, a phone, and a lap top. I love you Santa. Love, Ally Dear Santa, I want 3 thing for Chistmas. I want sonic color, mini marios, and kung zoo. Would you want mom's pumpkin cake? Love, Asher Dear Santa, I want 3 things for Christmas. I want army stuff, a kindall, and video games. Tell the rein deere I said hi. Love, Austin Dear Santa, I want 3 things for Christmas. I want army stuff, science stuff, Dsi. My dad wants tools, my mom wants a ring thanks. Brayden Dear Santa, I want 3 things for Christmas. I want a Ipod touch, phone, and a laptop. I will give you one cookie. How many elves do you have? Love, Macie Dear Santa, How are you? I wut 3 things for Christmas. I want a ken doll, bird, I pod. Love, Jayciettia Dear Santa, I would like a Dsi XD, phone, and army stuff, laptop, new tv. I love you. I have what the raindeer need. Love, Colin Dear Santa, I want a cat. Please I wold like a pas word gornot. I still want a phone. Thanks for all of the gifts. Love, Makenzie Dear Santa, I want 4 things for Chr. Please I want a tv, Dsi, video, games, army stuff. mare rismis sant. Love, Joey Dear Santa, I want 4 things. Ipod to, video games, Dsi, Dsi xl. I love Mr. Santa Claus and Mrs Claus. Love, Chase
Mrs. Hillyer 1st Grade Dear Santa, I tried to be good. I want a battle gun and a bell from your slay, and xbox 306 and Thomas Train, and a wii game and Taramformar. I want Otmas and mgcaron. I will give you mlk and cookies. Your friend, Jonathan Dear Santa, I really want a toy story 3 DSi game. A big toy box. Toy Story 3 wii game and pants. I will leave out milk and cookes for you. Your friend, Tyler Dear Santa, I hope that I get a lot of toys. I want lots of toys. I know that I am good for you. I tolf my grandma to mail this to you. I want a lot of stuff. you ar a good man. I want a nerf gun, money in the bank ring, and a marshmellow gun. Your friend, Love, Myles Dear Santa, I tried to be good. I help my uncle. I help my mom. I help my dad. I want a hawk game. A Bacugon, a psp and I want a DS. I want a Phone. Thank you. Your friend, Keith Dear Santa, Can I have a sled yellow top a boat book xbox stickers shoes and a doll house? Can I have nice Christmas and get my dog a bone? I will get you cookies and milk. Love your friend, Taiylor Dear Santa, Please I whant creepy crawlrs. Bakorgons supur hero squad game, and a snow ball gun. Your friend, Devin Dear Santa, I have tried to be good this year. I do my very best in school. I know that you are a very good man. I can trust you to get me what I want for Christmas. What I want for Christmas is a Barbie video girl, DSi, DSI girl games, massago chair, fug. Thank you for geting me this suff. I hope that you get all arowd the word. Can you get my dog something? It is Macy's frist christmas. Your friend, Alyssa Dear Santa, I have tride to be a good girl this year. I love you Santa. I would want to have a eis cream msnen and a brat and sum fake tattows and a necles and a prtee braselint and a micerfone and one morer thaig sumthing for my famley too and I want a dog. Your friend, Jaelynn Dear Santa, I wood like a toy car. I wood like a Ds sonic game and a jump rope, a football, and a drees for my mom. Your friend, Malachi Dear Santa, I tride to be a good boy this year. i wood like a rilea want an iepod touch, a pogooe stick, a hol copter that can spie, a go cart, and a serd. I will trie to get you cookeas and millk. Your friend, Oakley Dear Santa, I have ben a good boy. For Christmas I will be good for you what I want for Christmas is a four willer and two toy belts, a Monster real truck, a toy ring and little too big toy. I will set out my stocking for Christmas and I will set out cookies and milk. Your friend, Jaxon Dear Santa, I want a wii and a DSi and a micrefhone and a new book and a cart toy and a braglis and a pay fake toy. Your friend, Lindsey Dear Santa, Could you drop off an X-box on chimis eve? I wood leave you a little somethig? Could you make my grandma feel better? could you drop off a phone? could you drop off a labtop? COuld you drop off a gutar? Your friend, Trent Dear Santa, I wold like to have a pogo stick, backlgon, fourwheeler, SDi and ipod. I have treid to be a good student. Can you try to take a picture at the North Pole. I will put raindeer food out for them and put cookies on the tabl for you. Don't for get to breing presents for mom and dad and Quetntin. Your friend, Ethan
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
Mrs. Kennedy 1st Grade Dear Santa, I have been good. I would like a robot dog, pet shop, and boys doll and girls. Thank you! Love, Alex Dear Santa, Thanks so much for all the great gits you gave me last year. Please surprise me with some thing new. Love, Isaiah Dear Santa, I want a toy foe me for Christmas. much game last. Thanks. You me chwy belle hill elf for christmas. Love, Clifton Dear Santa, I want a ben 10 wash. a toy won and a shie gae too! I heart you have a grate chrissmiss. Love, Johnathan Dear Santa, I have been good I like a wood dog a hocky table and some wrestlers. Thank you! Love, Deeantre Dear Santa, I have been good. I would like a batman that turns into a car, a DS and battle force5. Thank you! Love, Alex Dear Santa, I have ben good this year. I want a wwe set. Last year I like the DS and this year I want a skat bood. Love, Cory Dear Santa, For Christmas I realy waht a bunk bed and I just wanted you to no. That thank you for the fefts you gave me last year. Love, Linzie Dear Santa, I want a game! I want baby doll boy! I want a you s.p. I want a fon. I want a ciwputer. I want a girl doll. Love, Kamauria Dear Santa, I want a Xbox360. Please I want a car that haz a remot please! You are the best. I want a drum set. Love, Malkia Dear Santa, I realy want the M.J wii game. I realy realy want a hot pink DSI. And I want my own Chritmas tree. I want a DSI Morio game. And a Sonic game. And a birbie set. Love, Alyssa Dear Santa, I have triyd to be good. My family and me set up the Christmas tree this year. I rillie want two things that is a disy Dlaz Gplay set and a chadu too! Love, Natallie Dear Santa, I want a potere weel. I want a scrist kit. I want a tri diy set. I want a toy cold moc in my room. I want lots of books. Love, Kate Dear Santa, Thank you for all the grat gift y gav me. I want a drum set and a guiter set ples. I want summ zoo zoo pest for my brukker. Please wak me wen you cum. Love, Brandliah Dear Santa, I want a pillo pet day bag. I want a fat new lago star wars lego and a carton of egg nog. Love, Andrew Dear Santa, H Li Santa. Hows Mrs. Clase and the elfs. I like the gifts you gave me. My brother liked them to. I ben good. I love you Love, Azlynn Dear Santa, I have ben good. I loved all the gifs you gave me last year. This year I want DSI. I would love some new PS2 games. One of them be Dora. Love, Sophie Dear Santa, Thanks for all the grat gfts youve gave me. This year I wood like a raidyow. And the amrackin grit pick nick set. Thanks for eading my note. Love, Olivia Dear Santa, I what zoo zoo pes. I what a chwa. I what a santa baby. I waht a fish poe. I what a xbox 360. I waht a Jest Bieber Love, Lanya Dear Santa,
I was very good liqnnther at school. The gifts a nerf gun with darts, a psp with ps games and a car and book. Love, Acey Dear Santa, Last Christmas you gave me the rong thing. But its ok I cand eal with it. But thankyou for the great things last christmas. Ithot I was going to stay on the bad list. Love Jaylet Dear Santa, I hop the rain deers are doing five. Are the elfs makeing grat toys case Little boys and girls need them. Love, Simeon Dear Santa, I have ben good. How are your randir. Santa Mere Christmas. I have ben good at school. I want a box of mens and amodsickol LOve, Corrion Dear Santa, I realy want the Mj wii game. And I realy want a Dsi. And I like play stashon. Love, Terrion Mrs. Lawary Kindergarten Dear Santa, Hul How are you? I am fine. I have been a geood boy this year. Please bring me a spiderman game, an Ironman game and a Kinnect for my Xbox. I would love that I will leave milk and cookies foryou. Thank you and merry Christmas. Your friend, Isaiah Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I am fine! I have been good girl this year. Can you please bring me an ipod and a barbie. I want just that. Your friend, Jutariah Dear Santa, Hi How are you? I am fine. I have been good boy this year! Can you please breng me PS3? I would just love that! I will milk, cookies please tell the reendeer. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Your friend, TreSean Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? I am fine! I have been a good girl this year. Can you please bring me a doll and an ipod. I would just love that! I will leave you milk and cookies! Please tell Mrs. Claus and the reindeer hi! Thank you and Merry Christmas. Your friend, Mokaylom Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I am fine! I have been a good boy this year. Can you please bring me jam up. I will lave milk and cookies. Your friend, Sam Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I am fine! I have been good girl this year. Can you please bring me a doll and a barbie and a game and a ipod and some cute baby doll clothes some new ponys. Tell Mrs. Claus and the raindear merry christmas. Your friend, Isabella Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I am fine! I have been a good boy this year. Can you please bring me a ps3. I would just love that! I would just love that! I will leave you milk and cookies! please tell Mrs. claus and the reindeer hi. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Your friend, Drilon Dear Santa, Hi. How re you? I hav been a good boy this year. Can you please bring me an ipod. I would love that. I will leave you milk and cookies. Plese tell mrs. claus and reindeer hi. Thank you and merry christmas. Your friend, Kaleb Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I am fine! I have been a good irl this year. Can you please bring me ps3 and a doll? I would like that! I will leave you milk and cookies. Please tell Mrs. Clause and reindeer hi. Thank you and Merry Christmas Your friend, Comipucek Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I am fine. I have been a good girl this year. Can you please bring me a ipod and a barbie? I would just love that! I will leave you milk and cookies! Tell Mrs. Claus and the reindeer
hi! Thank you and Mrry Christmas Your friend, Julia Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I am fine! I have been a good boy. Your friend, Ayoen Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I am fine. I have been a good rils this year. Can you please bring me an ipod and a barbie. I would just love that! I will leave you milk and cookie. Please tell Mrs. claus and the reindeer hi/ Thank you and Merry Christmas. Your friend, Hanah Dear Santa, Hi! How a you? I am fine! I have been a good girl this year. Can you please bring me a ipod and barbie. I would love that! I will eave you milk and cookies. Pleawe tell Mrs. claus and the reindeer hi. Your friend, Anaiacach Dear Santa, Hi! How are you. I am fine. I have been a good girls this year. Can you please bring me a ipod and barbie. I would just love that. I will leave you milk and cookies. Please tell Mrs. Claus and the reindeer hi. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Your friend, Euva Dear Sasnta, Hi! How are you? Im fine! I have been a good boy this year. Can you please bring me an ipod and IXL. i would just love that! I will leave you milk and cookies, please tell Mrs. Claus and the reindeer hi. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Your friend, Laroz Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I am fine. I have been good this year. Can you please bring me a dinasur and game? I would just love that. I will leave you milk and cookies. Please tell Mrs. Claus and the reindeer hi. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Your friend, Colton Dear Santa, Hi! How are you. I am fine. I have been a good boy this year. Can you please bring me a ipod. I will leave you milk and cookies. Please tell Mrs. Claus and the reindeer hi. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Your friend, Jason Dear Santa, Hi! How are you. I am fine! I have been good boy this year. Can you please bring me an ipod, a PS3, and DSi? I would just love that! I will leave you milk and cookies! Please tell Mrs. Claus and the reindder hi! Thank you and Merry Christmas. Your friend, Andrew Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I am fine. I have been a good boy thisyear. Can you please bring me an ipod and a game iX. I would just love that! i will leave you milk and cookies. Please tell Mrs. Claus hi. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Your friend, Jemoi Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I am fine. I have been a good girl this year. Can you please bring me SiX and a barbie. I wouldjust love that. I will leave you milk and cookies. Please tell Mrs. clause and the reindeer hi. Thank you and Merry Christmas Your friend, Madison Dear Santa, Hi! How are you. I am fine. I have been a good boy. Can you please bring me an iXL. I love that. I will le milk you cookies please tell Mrs. Klos and the reindeer hi. I thank you and Merry Christmas. Your friend, Carson Dear Santa, Hi! How are you. I am fine. I have been a good girl this year. Can you please bring me an ipod and a barbie. I would just love that! I will leave you milk and cookies. Tell Mrs. Claus and the reindeer hi. thank you and merry christmas! Your friend, Xllj
Mrs. Prasun Kindergarten Dear Santa, I have been good all year long. I would like a baby live and a book. How are the reindeer? I will leave hot dogs, cookies, and chocolate milk for you. Your friend, Ca'Myia Dear Santa, I have been good all year. I would like a book and a Scooby Doo game. I will leave cookies for you. Your friend, Jordan Dear Santa, I have been good. I would like a wii, xbox 360 game. I will leave cookies and milk for you. Your friend, Aidan Dear Santa, I have been ok all year. I would like a wii, a video game and a transformer. I will leave cookies. Merry Christmas. Your friend, KJ Dear Santa, I have been ok all year. I would like a Barbie car and a game. How is Mrs. Claus? I will leave milk for you. Your friend, Alayna Dear Santa, I have been ok all year. I wuld like a xbox 360, a book. I will leave cookies and milk for you. Your friend, Tori Dear Santa, I have been great this year. I would like a super mario galaxy game. How does Rudolphs nose glow? I will leave cookies and milk for your. Your friend, Kaden Dear Santa, I have been good. I would like a game, a DS, and some batteries. How do you make magic? Ill leave cookies for you. Your friend, Zhakur Dear Santa, I have been good. I would like a bike and an X-box. I will leave cookies for you. Your friend, Brandon Dear Santa, I have been ok all year. I would like a bumble bee transformer and legos. I will leave cookies and milk for you. Your friend, Trey Dear Santa, I have been okay all year. I would like a game and a power ranger. will leave you cookies and milk. Merry Christmas. Your friend, Jacob Dear Santa, I have been good all year long. I would like barbie, a horse and doll. I will leave carrots for the reindeer. Your friend, Sydney Dear Santa, I have been good all year. I would like minflex, nsi and a pen. How do the raindeers fly. Your friend, Cole Dear Santa, I have been good all year long. I would like a game, xbox 360 and a clown. I will leave you cookies and milk. How are the elves. Your friend, Nyzcer Dear Santa, I have been good all year. I would like a baby alive, xbox 360, Barbie and Junie B Jones books. How are the reindeers? I will leave cookies and milk for you. Your friend, Armanie Dear Santa, I have been good all year long. I would like a xbox 360 and a book. I will leave elves cookies and jus. Your friend, Paul Dear Santa, I have been good all year long. I would like a Baby Alive and a book. How are the elves? I will leave you cookies and juice. Your friend, Demeshiona Dear Santa, I have been wonderful all year long. I would like a bike seat and pump for my bike. What do your reindeer like to eat? I will leave a glass of ilk and cookies for you. Your friend, Gracie Dear Sasnta, I have been good all year long. I would like a Barbie jeep, baby all gne, and a book. How are the elves? I will leave cookies and milk for you. Your friend, Jalijah
Dear Santa, Please I want a Mustang, a DS, and a psp, a camra, and a big pen, and a jungl jim and a truck and a cristlegg, and Snowboots, and My own table and a rohbot and a tv and a angel. Love your friend, Katie Dear Santa, I tried to be a good boy. Do you have the video game elfs? I want a stufft tughe trolls, anything Lego, Incretipll Hulk boxing gloves, and cabbage patch baby plees. What do you do wen you hire an new elf? I also want to be an elf? I also want to be an elf. Will you cum to my bhrthday party? Love: Your friend, Evan Dear Santa, I want a puppy for Christmas and a barbie air plane set, roller scates, an animal book, and wii, and a picture of your randeare. I have been a good Girl. Your friend, Reese Dear Santa, I have tried to be a good girl. I really want 20 real belts, a really big toy box, a real radio, a ds, and a vsmile. Your friend, Meghan Dear Santa, I want a game, a necklace, a phone, a DS, and a real live dog. I want you to have a pet cat. Your friend, Corell Dear Santa, I'm going to be good. I want a transformer, a bactagon, a remote control airplane, and a robot. Your friend, Matthew Dear Santa, I am going to have treats fo you! I hope you bring presents! I want legostarwors! Look in my house! I like you Santa! I hope you know who I am. I have been good for you! I hope you have a good Christmas! I hope my mom and dad have a good Christmas! Your friend, Samuel Dear Santa, I am wrck harde to day. I wtea a DSi and a la pet and a fone and a toy card do ye fho red and a rele book davi thate make cake and a book and a bice, and a wii. Your friend, Siearra Dear Santa, I what a Psp. and a latop. and a XBOX 360 and a fron. I what u wee. What a babea sreck and a sip a prthee eam. Nesie. Your friend, Kendall
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Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
Dear Santa, I have been ok all year long. I would like a barbie, wii and a book. How are the elves? I will leave cookies and milk for you.
Your friend, Reagan Dear Santa, I have been ok all year long. Please I want a video game and a book. How are the riendeers? I
Happy Holidays from P&V Quick Stop 399 E. Andrews Macon, IL 764-3439
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will lave you some hot dogs. Your friend, Julian Dear Santa, I have been good all year long. I would like a lego kingdom, lego batman game, bathroom set and xbox 360. I will bring you cookies and milk. Your friend, Tristan Dear Santa, I have been good all year. I would like a baby alive and barbie. How does Rudolph light his nose up? I will leave cookies, milk for you. Your friend, Tessa
Mrs. Miller Kindergarten Dear Santa, I want a DS. I like your reindeer. Love, Maria Dear Santa, I want a motorcycle. I like your reindeer. Love, Marshall Dear Santa, I would like a stuffed Santa. Thank you for the presents. Love, Emma Dear Santa, Happy Christmas! I want a horse that stands up. Love, Sarah
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Dear Santa, I want a DSI. I like you. Love, Matt Dear Santa, Why do you have flying reindeer? Could you bring me a big police truck for Christmas. Love, Abraham Dear Santa, I would like a camera DS. I like to see your reindeer. Love, Luke Dear Santa, I like your reindeer. Could you bring me a skateboard? Love, Elliott
Happy Holidays from the staff at
Moundford Terrace 3750 N. Woodford St. Decatur, IL
Dear Santa, I want to know what your reindeer want for Christmas. Maybe they need more magic to fly. I want a remote control helicopter. Love, William Dear Santa, I want a big bear stuffed. I will leave milk and cookies for you . Love, Mary Dear Santa, Will you give me a reindeer for Christmas? What is your reindeers name? Love, Laya Dear Santa, I wonder how your reindeer fly. I want Backlegon 5. Love, Cameron
Merry Christmas Jim’s Auto Service 6095 Old Sangamon Rd. Your 1 Stop Repair Center Merry Christmas Austin & Logan
Dear Santa, I like Christmas. I would like a bouncy house. Love, Martin Dear Santa, I love you Santa. I would like a big dragon cave. LOve, Brody Dear Santa, You are the best. I would like a stuffed animal for Christmas. Love, Annika Dear Santa, I love you. I would like a puppy named princess. Love, Stephanie
Merry Christmas from Gaitros Dental Center 1080 E. Mound Rd.,Decatur, IL 62526 217-875-5020
Dear Santa, I love you Santa. You are the best. I would like a Batman cave. Your friend, Bryan Dear Santa, I like yor reindeer, especially Rudolph. I would like a new Barbie. Love, Kylee Dear Santa, I like you because you are nice. I would like a pink diamond wtih Ariel on it. Love, Lauren Dear Santa, I like your reindeer. I want an art desk for Christmas. Your friend, Ella
Happy Holidays!
From your local
Dear Santa, I love you. I want Hot wheels for Christmas. Love, Diego Dear Santa, I want Criss Cross Crash for Christmas. Love, Sal Dear Santa, Hi Santa. I would like a toy Indian for Christmas. Love, Joe Dear Santa, I like your reindeer and your bells. I would like Transformers for Christmas. Your friend, Christian
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Clare’s Family Restaurant 2502 E. William Street 217-428-3437 Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 5 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sunday 5 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Happy Holidays! from your friends at
Christy Foltz 740 S. Main Street 217-428-8601
Dear Santa, I love you. I would like squeaky squisky for Christmas. Love, Alexis Mrs. Valdahl 1st Grade Dear Santa Claus, How are you doing? How is Mrs. Claus doing? How do you have a lot of Elves. Do you like you job? Griffin Dear Santa Claus, I want a kinectable. How do you fly? I want a new backpack. I want a new toy. Tre' Dear Santa Claus, I want an xbox 360. Maters Tall Tales for Wii. Are you Saint Nichllas? I want a game boy. I want Gone in sixty seconds cd. Adam Dear Santa Claus, I want a Leapster. I want a pet hamster. Did any of your deer die? Jayden Dear Santa Claus, I know you can see me. Have I been good? I want an Americain girl doll, and a barbie doll. I want a book. Santa, how are the elves? How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? Kayla
Happy Holidays from
Staley Credit Union 3330 N. Woodford St. 440 N. 22nd St. Decatur, IL 800-223-8356 www.staleycu.com
Dear Santa Claus, I have been very good all year. i want a hot wheels toy called Dr. Bones collar lab. Is your house an igloo? Thomas S Dear Santa Claus, I want toys from Santa. Hi, Santa. I love you. I was good at school. I can't wait to get a toy. I would like to get a toy. I would like to have a doll and a barbie and a zhu zhu pet for a toy. Abigail G Dear Santa Claus, Santa I was very good in Our Lady of Lourdes. I love you, Santa. I want a toy. Payton Dear Santa Claus, I wish you could stay with me. I want to be your friend. I want a buzz Lightyear. Joe Dear Santa Claus, I have been very good. I hope I get a lot of presents. Santa is a good boy. How did you build your toys? I wan Thomas the Train and a Spiderman action figure. Joey Dear Santa Claus, I please want bracelets. Do you love other kids? I have been good. I also want a cross necklace. Maddie Dear Santa Claus, How do your reindeer fly? I have been sharing. I want on road sea legos. I want zhu zhu pets video game. I want a remote control airplane. I want an electric train. Ryan Dear Santa Claus, For Christmas, I want a 3 wheeled scooter and a Spiderman web shooter. I have been good. How many reindeer do you have? Carson Dear Santa Claus, I like the reindeer. I want a dirt bike. I want a guitar. Am I good. Is Mrs. Claus good? Wyatt Dear Santa Claus, How do youre reindeer fly? How many years have you been married? May I please have a digital camera. How many cookies do you eat a year? May I please have xbox 360? Thomas P Dear Santa Claus, How are you doing? How do you get all those toys? I want a Ds and Ds games. I also want squinkies. Mylee
face. Love Isaiah
Love, Scott
Dear Santa, I love you. Will you please bring me a toy? Love Robin
Dear Santa, I want cupcakes and a dog. Love, Aleaha
Dear Santa, I want a present. Love, Quinn Dear Santa, Hi. Can I please get a doggy? A puppy dog that is white. Can you make my bed up? Love Kattie Dear Santa, I want Buzz Lightyear that talks. Live Stephen Althoff/Mechem PM Class Dear Santa, I want a purse, phone, camera, babys bowl. Love Serenity Dear Santa, I want a toy car. Love Patrick Dear Santa, I want a baby. Love Brittney Dear Santa, Love Khari Dear Santa I want a tinkerbell doll Love Chloe Dear Santa, Can you give me a real dog? Love, Coul Dear Santa, I want a spiderman, lightning McQueen, Transformers and a toy gun. That's all I want. Love Brandon Dear Santa, I want a Bumblebee toy. I also want a truck. Love Antonio Dear Santa, I want a spiderman and a Superman too. Love Cortipheha Dear Santa, This is Millie, bot, Geo, I want them so they can fix my toys. Love Desttoc Dear Santa, I want a present. I want Diego toys. Love Uoxqtlay Dear Santa I want a Batman. Love MarQuavion
Dear Santa Claus, I have ben good this year by playing with my brother and playing tag with him. How do your reindeer fly? Where did you and Mrs. Claus meet? Where did you get the sleigh? I do not want you to fall off your sleigh. Can I please have a DS for Christmas? Aiden
Mrs. De Luca Pre-K (AM Class) Dear Santa, I want Cars, Lightning McQueen. Love, Sam
Dear Santa Claus, I would like to know about your reindeer. I would like to have an xboox 360 and an American Girl dol. I would like to see Rudolph but I cant. I want a zhu zhu pet and the track. I love you. Chloe
Dear Santa, I love you. I love presents. I want a hat and a playhouse and a ABC toy. Love, Kaylie
Dear Santa Claus, I hope you and your reindeer are not sick. I want 2003 Barbie house. I hope none of your elves are sick. I love you. You are my best friend. I also want the rest of the squinkies that I don't have. Megan Dear Santa Claus, I have been good. I hope Rudolph has been good. What I whant for Christmas is an oven and a Barbie car, a Barbie arplane, a Barbie Mermaid, and an American Girl doll. How have you been? Cori Dear Santa Claus, I want bend a roos, and an American girl doll and two pets and rollerskates. How are you doing? Thank you for the presents. How do you do magic? Morgan Dear Santa Claus, I wonder how you reindeer fly? This is what I want for Christmas. My lovely poodle, a barbie in a mermaid tail doll, a barbie the tree Muskateers doll, a ds, and ds games. I love you. Merry Christmas. Emma Dear Santa Claus, I wonder if Rudolph has been good? I love you. I What is your biggest secret? Santa, How is you day? Emilie Dear Santa Claus, How do you make the toys? For Christmas, I want a candy maker, please Santa. How do you get your reindeer to go. I want some more black olives. Does the snow there ever melt? How do the elves make all the toys so fast? Abigail G
Althoff/Mechem AM Class Dear Santa, Love Kaylub Dear Santa, I want a race care. Love Isaiah Dear Santa, I want a race car. Love Malachi Dear Santa, I want the Baby Banana feeding thing for Christmas and it has a spoon. I want a Snow White puzzle. Love Kotolyn Dear Santa, I want a real puppy in a cage. I wish I had the same thing as Santa. Love Nilah Dear Santa, You come at Christmas. i will give you cookies. Willyou bring me a tweety-bird? Love Jack Dear Santa, I like you Santa. Willyou bring me a red phone? Love Araea Dear Santa, I like you Santa and I want presents for Christmas. I want a train set. I want a train without no
Dear Santa, I want a Barbie doll for Christmas, and a Walking pup. Love, Karleigh
Dear Santa, I want a DS and a Lightning McQueen car, a cheap, big one. I saw it at Kmart. Love, Bobby Dear Santa, I want a snowman to sleep with and PSI and a radio that has music, and a monkey. Love, Jordyn Dear Santa, I love you. You are the best Santa ever. I want a DSI for Christmas. Love, Robert Dear Santa, I want a Dora doll. We did it and a Dora doll house for Christmas. Love Jalaya Dear Santa, I want a big monkey for Christmas. Love, Braydan Dear Santa, I want a car for Christmas and a phone. Love, Collin Dear Santa, I want a Barbie doll for Christmas and a radio. Love, Tori
We Install
Dear Santa, I want a baby doll just like school. Love Shave' Dear Santa, I want a Spiderman game and the XBOX connect. Love, Conner Dear Santa, I want a XBOX 360 for Christmas. I also want a necklace. Love, Shylon Dear Santa, I want a choo choo train for Christmas from Santa. Love, Ismahel Dear Santa, I want Salty the train for Christmas. It has a horn. Love, Ryan Dear Santa, I want a Barbie and a baby sister and Mommy and a Daddy. Love, Leona Dear Santa, I want a Barbie jeep with a Barbie doll and a little daughter. There is music in the car. Love, Jacoria Dear Santa, I want Ironman. I want Spiderman. Love, Jamareyon Dear Santa, I want Bumblebee. Love, Tyler Dear Santa, I want toys and blocks. Love, Jayden Dear Santa, I want a big dolls to stand by. Love, Jaelynn Dear Santa, I like doll house and markers and potato heads. Love, Rahged Dear Santa, I want a pillow animal and crayons for Christmas. Love, Macee Dear Santa, I want a Spiderman for me. Love, Malek Mrs. Lasater Pre-K (AM Class) Dear Santa, I would like 2 toy cows, a spiderman, and a toy house for Christmas. Thank you, Brexton Dear Santa, I would like a little red puppy, beautiful jewels, and some decorations for Christmas. Thank you, Meera Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a transformer, and a bumble bee transformer. Thank you, Bricen Dear Santa, I would like Green Goblin, transformer, Pillow pet for Christmas. Thank you, Jacob Dear Santa, I would like Smack Down Boy and transformer. A lot of transformers for Christmas. Thank you, Michel Dear Santa, I would like a girl DS, a Changing time baby, and a Hannah Montana book for Christmas. Thank you, Edie Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like blue presents, red presents, and green presents with toys, a Christmas tree, a race car and monster trucks. Thank you, Jonathan Dear Santa, I would like some cars, a teddy bear, a monster truck, and a real dog for Christmas. Thank you, Pedro
Dear Santa, I want a toy car for Christmas, a green one. Love, Kaily Dear Santa, I want a DS, a new computer letters toy, and a bike. I love your presents. Love, Viviana
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a toy that makes bugs, blocks, play animals, and a computer. Thank you, Nick
Dear Santa, I want a boat for me. Love, Kejuan
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a new bike, Star Wars toys, and a new house. Thank you, Derimus
Dear Santa, I want a motorcycle and a gun to shoot. Love, Ethan P Dear Santa, I want a cart to go shopping with. Love, Ethan C Dear Santa, I want a game: a Playstation. Love, Jeremiah Dear Santa, I love you. I want a motorcycle to ride like my sisters. I want to beat them. Love, Kyle Dear Santa, I want a dolly for Christmas. Love, Carol Dear Santa, I love you presents and I love you. I saw you at the museum. I want a big Thomas the Train for Christmas. Love, Mason Dear Santa, I want a big truck. I already have little ones in my toy box. Love, Chad Mrs. De Luca Pre-K (PM Class) Dear Santa, I want a star crown to put on my head. Love, Mitzhary Dear Santa, I want a doll house. Love, Shamyra Dear Santa, I want a race track and another ro-
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Happy Holidays! Jim Nichols Owner
Dear Santa, I want a doll house and a Barbie. Love, Kieara
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a teddy, a bike with no training wheels, a firetruck, and a school bus. Thank you, Rylan
Dear Santa, I want a dog and a truck. Love, Darnell
Lindsey Kreher Owner
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Dear Santa, I would like a toy Buster truck, a robot, a puppy, a new book bag, and creepy crawlers for Christmas. Thank you, Cameron Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie with a purple dress, Bractel design hair, a Dora poster with sparkles for Christmas. Thank you, Liberty Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a new Transformer, power rangers, and a real car. Thank you, Phillip Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like some movies, a penguin, puzzles and games. Thank you, Anyra Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like Buzz Lightyear, some cars, and a train. Thank you, Kadien Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a tea party set, and a princess doll. Thank you, Kylie Dear Santa, I would like a baby dolls with a bottle, and a barbie for Christmas. Thank you, Haasini Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a computer, and a lamp for my bedroom. Thank you, Bonnie Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie house, and a Barbie for Christmas. Thank you, Briona Mrs. Lasater Pre-K (PM Class) Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie House, crayons, a doll house, and a kitchen, and some paints for Christmas. Thank you, Cadence Dear Santa, I would like a Christmas tree, and a big truck, a tractor, tattoos and candy for Christmas. Thank you, Keyance
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like blocks, dishes, cooking stuff, that's all!. Thank you, Aneet Dear Santa, I would like a car, a house, a motorcycle and blocks for Christmas. Thank you, Geraldine Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie, glue, paint, scissors, play dishes, a play refrigerator and turkies for Christmas. Thank you, Natalie Dear Santa, I would like some blocks, cars, and a Toy Story 3 for Christmas. Thank you, Taurus Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like dolls, a barn, legos, a play ironing board and crib, a writing center, and a paint board. Thank you, Brooklyn Dear Santa, I would like a Spiderman toy, and a robot toy for Christmas. Thank you, Qwuan'Tavion Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like skates, a baby doll, and a girl skateboard. Thank you, Tamiya Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like Thomas the train, a baby and baby bottle. Thank you, Britny Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a baby doll, Barbies, JuJu pets and a set for Juju pets. Thank you, Peytin Dear Santa, I would like Santa, a train, and toys for Christmas. Thank you, Jamar Dear Santa, I would like a an IPOD, a pillow pet, clothes, and an American Girl Doll for Christmas. Thank you, Riley Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a Batman game for my DS, a shirt for my wrestling toy, and a kid watch. Thank you, Caleb Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a puppy, a pumpkin, a duck, a cow, a horse and a pig. Real ones. Thank you, Jennifer Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like candy, and boy stuff. Thank you, Javion Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like games, puzzles, and a football. Thank you, Jayden Dear Santa, I would like a Monster Truck, a basketball, wrestling toys, a skateboard, a football game, and a teddy bear for Christmas. Thank you, Daryus Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a Batman Castle, a Batman and Robin, an elevator, puzzles, a Joker castle with 3 Jokers. Thank you, Logan Dear Santa, I would like a car, a TRex, and play animals for Christmas. Thank you, Jason Mrs. Oldweiler PM Class Dear Santa, My name is Weston. I am 5 years old. I have been nice and making good choices. I listen to my mommy and play nice with my baby brother. I would like you to bring me a fee sewing machine so you don't have to spend all your money. I want stuff for my sewing machine like fabric, thread and needles to make a baby sweater. I love your reindeer Santa. What is your last name? Thankyou Santa for whatever you can bring me. Love, Weston Dear Santa, My name is Isabel. I am 3 years old. I have been nice. I am nice to my brother and help my mommy. Laney is my friend. I would like you to bring me a Frogger game, Christmas lights, baby dolls, and Barbies. Thank you for my presents Santa. Love, Isabel Dear Santa, My name is Nicholas. I am 4 years old. I have been naughty and nice. I like to play and forget to listen. I would like fireman toys, policeman toys, cars and trucks, and Spiderman toys. Will you bring me toys Santa? Thank you. Love, Nicholas Dear Santa, My name is Erionna. I am 4 years old. I have been nice. I read my books and play on the computer. I am nice to my brothers when they pull my hair. I would like a Nintendo DS, a playhouse, a new jacket, and some Barbie and Ken dolls and clothes. Santa, do you like monkeys. Thank you. Love, Erionna Dear Santa, My name is Sheileona. I am 4 years old. I have been nice. I tell my friends sorry and it makes me happy to be nice. I like puzzles, butterfly cards, princess light and toys. Do you like puzzles Santa? Thank you very much. Love, Sheileona Dear Santa, My name is Mariam. I am 3 years old. I have been nice. It makes me happy to be nice. I help mommy cook and clean. I would like dolls, Dora toys, Barbie toys and princess. Do you like gifts Sant? Thank you. Love, Mariam Dear Santa, My name is Logan. I am 5 years old. I have been nice. I play with my friends and tell them sorry. I listen to Mrs O and tell her sorry when I don't think. I would like you to bring me a magic wand, shoes and shirts, Ben 10, and all kinds of toys. Sasnta, can I give you a special treat and cookies for your birthday? Thank you Santa. Love, Logan Dear Santa, My name is Jekerrion. I am 4 years old I have been nice. I go to bed when my mommy tells me. I like Santa. I would like a Big Army toy for my dog, some Mickey Mouse toys,k a watch and a clock and some movies. I love hot dogs Santa. What is your favorite food? Thank you Santa. Love, Jekerrion Dear Santa,
Have A Wonderful, Blessed Holiday.
My name is Leslie. I am 4 years old. I have been nice. I listen well. I want something big. I want Barbie dolls and babies. Thank you Santa. Love, Leslie Dear Santa, My name is Jamarion. I am 4 years old, I am a nice boy. I be good at school and home. I am nice when I play the computer. I would like a Nintendo DSI, a skateboard, bike, and toys. Thank you for bringing me toys. I am thankful for you. Love, Jamarion Dear Santa, My name is Salvatore. I am 3 years old. I am nice. I gotta be good. I am a good boy at home. I would like some monster trucks, race cars and everything. Will you bring me a remote control car? Thank you. Love, Salvatore Dear Santa, My name is Rihanna. I am 4. Mon May 16th, I will be 5. I have been nice. I am nice to my friends. I help my friend with their book bags. I share my toys, Santa, I would like a Barbie doll and friends, a pink and blue Barbie jeep and a Mickey computer. I love you Santa. Thank you for bringing me toys while I'm asleep. Love, Rihanna Dear Santa, My name is Sofia. I am 3 years old. I have been nice. I play with my friends. I listen to my mommy and help her. I would like princess clothes, camera, and Tinker Bell toys. How many toys will you bring me? Merry Christmas Santa. Thank you for my toys. Love, Sofia Dear Santa, My name is CaTeah. I am 4 years old. I will be 5 on June 8th. I have been naughty sometimes. I talk to my friends nice on the bus. I give hugs and sit nicely on the bus. I want cars, a snuggie, Tinkerbell, and The Princess and the Frog movie. Will you bring me the Princess and the Frog costume and pajamas? thank you for my presents. Love, CaTeah Dear Santa, My name is Selena. I am 4 years old. I have been nice. I share toys at school and home. I share my Barbie clothes with my friend. I want Barbies, baby dolls and clothes and bottles for my babies. Please don't take so long to bring me presents. Thanks for the toys. Love, Selena Dear Santa, My name is Kayde. I am 3 years old. I am nice. I help mommy when I put my toys away. I play nice with my friends. I would like a toy gun, water guns, race cars, lots of toys and a DS game system. Do you like pizza Santa? Thank you Santa. Love, Kayde Dear Santa, My name is Laney. I am 4 years old, but I will be 5 on December 13th. I am a nice girl. I am friends with everybody. When my baby brother, Christopher, cries, I rub his back to make him feel better. I help my mommy. I really want the Rapunzel house and the princess motorcyle. I would like to see you Santa. Do you feed your reindeer carrots? Thank you Santa Claus! Love, Laney Dear Santa, My name is Cordyae. I am 4 years old. I have been nice this year because I don'thit my friends or be mean to them. I play nice with my toys and I help clean up. I would like you to bring me Spongebob toys, a skateboard, games and Iron Man toys. Thank you for my toys. Love, Cordyae Dear Santa, My name is Sanabil. I amy 4 years old. I have been nice. I play nice and clean up my toys. I would like presents, dolls, games, and a bike. Thank you. Love, Sanabil Dear Santa, My name is Demicheal. I am 5 years old. I am nice. I am friends with Brandan. I play nice with my cousins. Santa, I would like toy gusn, a skateboard, basketball game and a bike. Will you bring me a Buzz Lightyear? Thank you Santa. Love, Demicheal Mrs. Oldweirler AM Class Dear Santa, My name is Brandan. I am 3 years old I have been nice this year. I eat my broccoli and all my dinner. I would like new blocks, cars, and a fire truck. Santa, I was wondering, will you drink all your milk? Thank you Santa. Love, Brandan Dear Santa, My name is Elijah. I am 4 years old. I have been naughty this year when I don't clean up my room. I am nice when I play drums. I would like you to bring me some presents like toys and trucks. Will you bring me some toys? Thank you Santa. Love, Elijah Dear Santa My name is Amelie. I am 3 years old. I have been very nice this year. I am nice to my brother and I help my daddy with painting. Santa, will you bring me a baby, a puppy dog, Barbies, and some Care Bears? Do you like coookies Santa? Thank you Santa. Love, Amelie '
Dear Santa, My name is Dakota. I am 4 years old. I have been nice. I don't hit anyone. I am a good girl. I would like a new stocking, a doll, and a christmas tree. I like you santa. Thanks you. Love, Dakota
Dear Santa, My name is Kamie and I am 4 years old. I have been nice this year. My mommy makes me nice. My brother is on the naughty list because he hits me. I would like a sleeping bag, a princess pillow and bed and some Barbie music. I love you Santa. Thank you. Kamie Dear Santa, My name is Esmon. I am 4 years old. I have been naughty and nice. I would like toys, cars and trucks. Thank you Santa. Love, Esmon Dear Santa, My name is Shamir. I am 4 years old. I have been nice. I am a good boy and help my mommy. I set the table for dinner. I would like a belt because my pans keep falling down. I also want a bike, race cars, and toys. Thank you Santa. Love, Shamir Dear Santa, My name is Chuyler. I am 4 years old. I have been nice this year. I play nice with my sisters even when they are mean. I am good at cleaning up at school. I would like toys Santa. maybe Thomas the train engine and some games. Santa, will you bring a present for my mommy? Thank you. Merry Christmas Santa! Love, Chuyler Dear Santa, My name is Jaylon. I am 3 year old. I have been nice this year. I am a good boy. I would like trains, movies, and tractors. Thank you Santa. Love, Jaylon Dear Santa, My name is Samya. I am 4 years old. I am nice. I share with my cousin. I listen to my mommy. i would lie baby dolls, movies, and toys. sasnta what do you feed your reindeer? Thank you Santa. Love, Samya
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
Can I ride on your reindeer? Love, Jack Dear Santa, I want a shake and go car for Christmas. I have been good this year. Where is the reindeer? Love, Cody Dear Santa, I want a baby mommy for Christmas this year. I have been good. How do we get in the chimney? Love, Courtney Dear Santa, I want a green dinosaur for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Jackson Dear Santa, I would like a Princess game this year. I have been good this year. Can you come by my house? Love, Treniyah Dear Santa, I want a hot wheel for Christmas. I have been good this year. Can you get me another hot wheel car? Love, Kevin Dear Santa, I want Power Ranger stuff for Christmas. I have been good this year.Can you give me video games? Love, Jeffrey Dear Santa, I want a new Batman for Christmas. I have been good this year. Where do you live? Love, Malachi Dear Santa, I want a bicycle for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, JayLinn
Dear Santa, I want a race car for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Kylar
Dear Santa, My name is Paten. I am 3 years old. I have been a nice girl this year. I am a good listener at school and home. I would like a Dora Doll, a Lite Brite, and some Playdough. Will you please bring me toys Santa? Thank you Santa. Merry Christmas. Love, Paten
Dear Santa, I want Candy Canes for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Daija
Dear Santa, My name is Zackary. I am 3 years old. I have been nice to my sister. I would like toys, games, and cars. Thank you Santa. Love, Zachary Dear Santa, My name is Makena. I am 4 years old. I have been nice this year because I behave. I put my hands in my lap. I help mommy clean up. I would like Barbies, a Barbie house, and some babies. Thank you. Love, Makena Dear Santa, My name is David. I am 4 years old. I have been nice. I clean up my room and help my mommy clean the living room. I eat all my food. Santa, do you want cookies at my house! Thank you Santa. Love, David Dear Santa, My name is Brylan. I am 4 years old. I have been naughty and nice. I eat my dinner. I play nice, but I don't like to clean up. I would like you to bring me cars, race cars, books, trucks, and fire trucks. Willyou bring me a race car and fire truck. Thank you. Love, Brylan Mrs. Wrigley Pre-K (AM Class) Dear Santa, I want a pony doll for Christmas. I have been good this year too. I would like to know, What are you doing Santa? Love, Nataja Dear Santa, I would like a Tinker Bell for Christmas. I have been good this year. Will you bring Brian some presents? Love, Jade Dear Santa, I want a DS game this year for Christmas. I have been good. Can I have a million dollars so I can get something for my Birthday? Love, JaCaijah Dear Santa, I would like a surprise Bumblebee Transformer for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Cameron Dear Santa, I would like to get a motorcycle for Christmas. I have been good this year. How doe you reindeers fly? Love, Caidyn Dear Santa, I want a unicorn pillow pack. I have been good this year. Love, Jillian Dear Santa, I want a Barbie for Christmas. I have been good this year. Can I borrow your reindeer? Love, Kylie
Dear Santa, I want an Iron Man toy for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Brandon
Merry Christmas THOMPSON-KRAMER MUSIC CO. 2102 N. Oakland • Ph. 877-1832
Happy Holidays from
Del Carmen’s Pizza East 221 N. 22nd St., Decatur, IL 62521
217-428-5991 Thank you to all our customers for a great year!
Merry Christmas
Mrs. Wrigley Pre-K (PM Class) Dear Santa, I want toys for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Makayla
Dear Santa, My name is Mariam. I am 5 years old. I have been nice. I am nice to my kitten. I eat all my dinner. I would like Barbie dolls, Barbie video games, Barbie books, and a Barbie jeep. Santa, what do you eat for dinner? Thank you for bringing me toys. Love, Mariam
Dear Santa, My name is Jaylei. I am 4 years old. I have been nice because I am a princess. I will give Santa a hug to be nice. I would like Strawberry Shortcake, Barbies, babies, and all the princesses. Can you bring me some presents for my birthday? I love you Sasnta. Thank you. Love, Jaylei
Love, Joshlyn Dear Santa, I would like presents for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Destiny
Dear Santa, I want a train for Christmas. I have been good this year. Can I have a toy? Love, Alex
Dear Santa, I want a toy dragon for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, David Dear Santa, I want a skateboard for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Lily Dear Santa, I want a Barbie doll for Christmas. I have been good this year. Santa, would you bring me pink play dough? Love, Savanna Dear Santa, I want a X-men toy for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Thomas Dear Santa, I want a bus rider bike for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Carter Dear Santa, I want a dog for Christmas this year. I have been good. Love, Heather
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Happy Holidays from Clinton Antique Mall 1439 E. State Rt. 54 Clinton, IL 217-935-8846
Dear Santa, I want a Barbie for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Christina Dear Santa, I want a Bumblebee transformer for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Damonte Dear Santa, I would like a doll house for Christmas. I have been good this year. Can you bring me a treat? Love, Atiana Dear Santa, I want a Choo Choo train and Ironman for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Christian Dear Santa, I would like a Ironman and fire truck for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Ayden Dear Santa, I want a Ironman toy for Christmas. I have been good this year. Will you bring me a present? Love, Zachary Dear Santa, I want a Hair Styler for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Jierney
Happy Holidays To All Our Customers
State Bank of Blue Mound FDIC
Happy Holidays 2952 N. MLK
Dear Santa, I want a puppy for Christmas this year. I have been good. Do you have any pets? Love, Emily Dear Santa, I want a doll for Christmas. I have been good this year.
Happy Holidays B&G Motors 423-2398
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Dear Santa, I want a Batman toy for Christmas. I have been good this year.
Happy Holidays from
Happy Holidays to All of Our Customers Happy Holidays! Ming Auto Body From
2850 N. Jasper St. Decatur, IL 62526
Now in our 18th year
Ms. Bart Pre-K (AM Class) Dear Santa, Please send me some green cars. I want the cars to play in the dirt. Some toys for my baby brother too. I want some green cars for
Golden Prairie News
Happy Holidays
Jensen Home Furnishings 400 N. Webster Taylorville, Il. www.jensenfurniture.com
Have A Fire-Safe Holiday! Hickory Point Fire Protection District Forsyth, IL
him too. I love you! Love, Chance Dear Santa, Please bring me a power wheel motorcycle and a race car. I'm going to play with them outside on the sidewalk. I want my sister to get a Barbie doll. I want my brother to get the same thing like me. Thank you Santa! Love, Quardarius Dear Santa, Please bring me a Criss Cross Crash that doesn't get smashed. I heard that on the TV I'm going to crash that car. I want a Mickey Mouse video game. Bring a princess game for my sister. By Santa Clause. I'll meet you today! Love, JaCarrion
301 S. Chestnut Assumption (217) 226-3721
Season’s Greetings
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
Dear Santa, Please bring me a singing baby doll in a purple dress. I want a red race car for my brother. And I want a purple dress for me. I'm going to wear it for church. Bring a present for my teacher too. I want a night light because it is dark. Thank you Santa. Love, Lily Dear Santa, Please bring me a walking dog for Christmas so I can walk her. I'll walk her everywhere. I want a Christmas Barbie and a new computer. I'm going to write my letters on the computer. Thank you for my toys. Love, Shaikeria Dear Santa, Please bring me a cupcake maker because I want to make cupcakes. I want a Hannah Montana Barbie and a Dora Barbie. That's it! I love you! How did you get a big chair to fly on? Love, Jamaya
Dear Santa, Please bring me a Bumblebee car. I'm going to drive it and change into a Bumblebee car. I want a black dragon. Please bring me a pretty necklace for my mom. Bring me a green dinosaur for me. Thank you. Love, Isaiah Dear Santa, Please bring me jingle bells for my Christmas tree and please bring me Mr. Potato Head. Please give me some Candy land books, mermaid and princess books. I want some Barbies and baby dolls. I want some doctor stuff. I know where you live... in the North Pole in the sky! Love, Karsyn Dear Santa, I want a Santa hat. I want a toy pony. I'll call her Rose. What kind of food does the reindeer eat? That's all! Love, McKinnley Dear Santa, I want a big Ninja Turtle and then I want a Spiderman toy with a car. And I want a big monster truck to drive outside. And then a motorcycle with a person. I want Spiderman on the motorcycle. I want a DS racecar. Love, Alexander Dear Santa, Please bring me a pink and purple bike. I want a girl baby doll. I'll put some clothes on her. I want a pink and purple book bag with some princesses on it. That's it! Love, Thom'mya Dear Santa, I want a bike and a Spiderman. i want to get my haircut! I want a hat! Love you! Love, Izayah
Dear Santa, Please bring me a big blue giant robot. I want a Mr. Potato head from Toy Story 3. I want toy tools and I'll build a lot of dinosaurs. i think I want a Clifford Big Red Dog. I want a party hat. thank you for all my toys I'm going to ask you for. Love you too Santa! Love, Mekhii
Dear Santa, Please give me some Hot wheels and a Thomas in the Waterfall. Please can you get me Thomas and the Misty island. Please give me a new camera so I can take pictures of my Mom, Dad, brothers and sister. Santa do you ride a train? Love, Joseph
Dear Santa, Please bring me a puppy and new shoes. I want a Santa hat. I want a lot of toys. Thank you Santa. Love, Misti
Dear Santa, Please bring me a Kai-lan toy. I want a new pink and white Spy girl backpack. I want a Santa hat to put on my head. Mommy wants a coloring doll and crayons and paper. Daddy wants a computer and an XBOX. He will play it. Bring me a blue present with a hair tie. I eat cookies, ice cream and cake! Love, Isis
Dear Santa, Please can you get me some presents. I want to get a big Barbie. I want some dress up shoes for my dresses. I want a duck for my baby brother and I want some cookies for him too. I want some clothes too. That's all for me. Love you. Love, Cienna Dear Santa, Please give me a bumblebee toy that walks. Please give a movie of dragon. Please give me a Transformers robot that drives. Please give me a fire truck. It will ride everywhere. I want a Toy Story movie and I will watch it. Please give me a camera. Love, Joetaruis Dear Santa, I want a big black race car. A big one that goes on a race track. A big hat to put on my head. I want race car clothes because I love my mom. I want a computer with a game that goes "boing." I'm done. Love, Sean
Wishing you tidings of comfort and joy plus wall-to-wall happiness this holiday season.
Ms. Bart Pre-K (PM Class) Dear Santa, Please send me a dolly and a Dora house. And I want a pink race car and a purple one. And I want a toy bus and fake food. my brother wants a blue and white race car too. I want to sit on your lap and tell you what I want. Love, Takhyla Dear Santa, Please give me a Buzz Lightyear race car and a tractor. I want a fake refrigerator and a fake hat like Santa. My sister wants a Barbie doll with long hair and a brush. I like you Santa. Please bring me a dragon! Love, Cordell Dear Santa, Please bring me a dinosaur, race car, and a dragon. I want to buy one of Santa's reindeer and take it home. I will play with it! Thank you for loving me! Love, Jeramiah
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Dear Santa, Please give me an Elmo. i want a GoBot to play with. I want a little doggie and I'm going to play with it. I want a DS with all games to go with it. Love, Tannor
Dear Santa, Please give me a pretty pink race car and a black car and a purple. I want a Santa hat and put it on my hair. My mom wants a comb and a ponytail. Thank you! Love, Keyante Dear Santa, Please bring me a red car and a yellow car. I want a tractor to play with. I want a small motorcycle that's red. I want another coat and a vest because I like them. Can you read words to me Santa? Can you read me a book? Love, Dakota
Dear Santa, Please bring me a race car and a motorcycle. Please bring me some big Legos. I will play with them and build a castle. I want a fake school bus and a fake house. I want a fake school. I want to ride the reindeer with you. I love you Santa! Love, Marqueius Dear Santa, Please bring me a motorcycle and a toy. I want a real big pink house. I want a new pink jacket. I'll wear it! I like the reindeer. Love, Ariyah Dear Santa, Please bring me a princess Barbie doll. Thank you. Love, Khaliyah Dear Santa, Please I want a Spiderman house and Spiderman. I want Venom and a Spiderman mask. I want the Green Goblin and Sandman. I want Spiderman's friend. My mom wants a pink jacket. I want a Batman and Batman house. Thank you! Love, Malachi Dear Santa, Please, I want a DSI. I want a purse and a coat. I want another book bag with Hannah Montana on it. I want a real house so I can cook turkey. I want pink and purple nail polish. I want a computer to play with. do the bells come off the reindeer? Love, Deaysha Dear Santa, Please bring me a remote control truck. I want a stinky truck. Mom wants a new necklace that's blue. My sister's want new purses. I have a lot of toys. Love, Scott Dear Santa, Please bring a Spiderman toy. Bring a Spiderman toy for my mommy. Love, Damarion Dear Santa, Please bring me a purse for me and my sisters and I want something for my mom. I want two house shoes for my mama and one nail polish. The color is yellow, purple, and green. I want a dolly and a phone. I will call somebody and tell them that I'll see you tomorrow. Please can you get me pants and play wig and some boots. What do your reindeer eat? Love, Ken'Nya Dear Santa, Please I want toys. I want roller skates. I will skate. I want a black real dog. I will name him "Doggie." What does your reindeer eat? I want a cat and I'll name him "Cattie." Thank you Santa. Love, Lacey
Dear Santa, I want a toy horse and I want presents. I want a spaceship and a spaceman. I want a boat and I'll swim with it across the water to the big huge pool outside. I want a new jacket with two horses on it. I want a cowgirl hat and a small pink shirt that fits me. I want to ride a real reindeer and then fly it. I'll sing that song they fly with. Love, Alexis Dear Santa, May I have a new glitter Barbie with the fairies on it and you can be the fairy. I want a new worker sandbox. I love you Rudolph. You're so brave and your nose is so bright. Love, Madeline Dear Santa, May I have a wrestling ring and a police car. Please bring me a kitchen set so I can cook pizza.
Kemmerer Village
1016 W. Pershing Rd. Decatur, IL 217-875-0833
941 N. 2500 East Rd. Assumption, IL 217-226-4451
Happy Holidays from
3755 E. William St. Rd.
Merry Christmas from
Dr. Mayra Arzon 1 Memorial Dr. • Suite 101 875-0690
Closs Electric Company 4246 W. Main St. • Decatur, IL • 217-428-8222
Dear Santa, I want a guitar. Love Jeremiah E Dear Santa, I want toys. Love, Chakyla Dear Santa, I want five dolls, five spaceships, five castles. Love, Frida Dear Santa, I want a toy motorcycle. Love, Mikal Dear Santa, I want a stove, a puppy that walks and a phone. Love, Naomi Dear Santa, I want a monster truck, dump truck and a picture of Santa. Love, Steven Dear Santa, I want a tower and a doll. And a castle and a movie. Love, Elisabeth Dear Santa, I want a race car. Love, Sevant'e Dear Santa, I want a game, cars Lightening McQueen. A football game for Tyree. Love, Realgen Dear Santa, I want mario, max and ruby, monkey jumping on the bed. Love, Connor
Ms. Horvath Pre-K (PM Class) Dear Santa, I want a doll. Makeup. Love,Zariyah
Dear Santa, I want my bus driver, dad and tv. Love, Angel
Decatur Manor Healthcare
• Full Breakfast • Fundraisers
Dear Santa, I want a swimming pool, racing car. Love, Logan
Dear Santa, Please I want a computer to put games on. I want a DS to play games. And then I want a new stove and then a new purple shirt and new book bag with ICarly on it. My favorite movie is SpongeBob and Scooby-Doo. I want to get Santa a computer that he an use and new TV. Where do you live? I saw you at the mall because I was getting ice cream. Love, Janierria
10% off with this ad. Ex 01/31/11
Ms. Horvath Pre-K (AM Class) Dear Santa, I want cars, Santa. Love, Tommy
Dear Santa, I want a baby doll. I want makeup. Love, Shalay
Golden Glaze
Dear Santa, Please bring me a blue motorcycle and I'll ride on it. I want a yellow race car and a black one too. My mom wants silver and blue motorcycles. that you for bringing my toys. Love, Anthony
Dear Santa, Please I want a sailboat and a Batman and a motorcycle. For my brother a Superman. I want a race car and nothing else. What do you do at home? Love, Hasan
Season’s Greeting
Happy Holidays
Can i have some tools so I can fix the house? May can I have a blue toy car. What do you like to eat? Love, Rotereon
Dear Santa, I want ironman. Benson Toys. Love Antonio
Dear Santa, I want toys, train, paper, superman. Love, Ian Dear Santa, I want a baby doll, baby. Love, Payton Dear Santa, I want dump trucks. Love, Justin Dear Santa, I want birthday. Love, Rua Dear Santa, I want a Nintendo DSi. Love, Jeremiah R Dear Santa, I want Ironman, Batman. Love, Xander Dear Santa, I want candy, chocolate. My grandma, mommy. Love, Trinity Dear Santa, I want paper, black presents, candy, balloons. Love, LaMisha
Ms. McFadin PreK at Pershing Early Learning Center Dear Santa, I want a Transformer Bumblebee Power core Combiners 5-pack and Battle car. I want Ironman without guns on his shoulders. I'm good. Please a phone for Mommy. Thank you. Derrion (am class) Dear Santa, I want a Barbie, a baby doll and a choo choo. Rachel (am class) Dear Santa, I will give you cookies. I want a rain set. I have a Gator. Brad (am class) Dear Santa, My name is Devon. I was being good. I want a GI Joe Echo Vehicle and a Leapster Star Wars game. And Harry Potter Legos. I'll leave you a piece of cheese on the counter. Love, Devon (am class) Dear Santa, JJ want Transformer truck. JJ want Stinky the Garbage Truck and Toy Story. JJ (am class) Dear Santa, My name is Christopher Please can I have a monster truck? And an Action dragon that you can put fire on the house! How about a ring that you can put on your finger for my mommy? A sweeper for Mom and Dad? Daddy can have a saw so he can cut through wood. I bet he wants to put his tools in this (tool bag). Christopher (am class) Dear Santa, My name is Amaya. I love Santa. Please bring me a Barbie and a stroller for my baby. Mi sister needs a walking dog. Amaya (am class) Dear Santa, I want Transformers for Christmas. My mommy and daddy want to give me Bumblebee. Please bring me a Spiderman shirt. My mom don't want spiderman. My mom wants a TV. Dad needs a blue car. Thank you, Stephen (am class) Dear Santa, I want a Bat cave. Mommy and Daddy want (a camera) to take pictures. Brother wants Spiderman Web Blaster. Sister wants Walking pup. Thank you. Nick (am class) Dear Santa, My name is Sydney. I want a Dora Loves Puppy doll and a Barbie Video Girl Doll. Thank you. Sydney (am class) Dear Santa, Please bring me a Dough Barnyard and a Walking puppy. I've been good. My sister wants a Leapster 2. My mom wants some boots. And she wants to buy me boots, coats and jackets. Raylee (am class) Dear Santa, My names is Destine'. I want Santa to bring me a FurReal Kitty. I want 2 puppies and 2 cats. I give you some puppies for Christmas. Please bring me a Princess dress. Destine' ( am class) Dear Santa, I want Transformers Deluxe Figures, please. My grandma wants a washing machine. My uncle wants a game and he wants a washing machine, too. My daddy wants some shoes and pants Ryan wants a doll. Rameir wants a game board. Ryheem (am class) Dear Santa, Thank you for Santa. I want a My Little Pony, Zhu Zhu pets and Barbie Puppy Swim School with a pool. I want to ride in a Princess car. Marshall likes to ride on a motorcycle. Daddy wants a camera to take pictures with. I like to go to the North Pole and say bye. Abby (am class) Dear Santa, Please bring me a Bumblebee, radio control trucks, and sports cars. My brother wants the new X Box 360. My sister wants Tinkerbell and Rapunzel. My dad wants a hockey table. My mom wants a washing machine and a new refrigerator. I do want a motorcycle. Thank you. Damien (am class)
Happy Holidays from
Lee Institute of Skin & Laser 606 W. Pershing Rd. Decatur, IL 62526
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year May Cocagne & King 1353 E. Mound Rd. Decatur, IL 217-875-2655
State Bank of Cerro Gordo Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Heritage Manor of Mt. Zion 217-864-2356 www.heritageofcare.com
Merry Christmas from
217-763-2741 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Member of FDIC
Season’s Greetings from the
1099 W. Wood St., Decatur, IL 62522
Law Offices of Warren Danz 1-800-322-2651
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com Dear Santa, Im' good. My sister is good now. She used to be bad. Now she's not no more. I want Toy Story 2 and a Kung Zhu Battle Arena. Peanuts and apple pie will be in my Uncle Dad's kitchen for you. Thank you Santa. Love, Darion ( pm class) Dear Santa, My name is Tyiounna. I want something for Christmas. I want a purple guitar, a Rupunzel doll, and Dough Magic Barnyard. My mom wants shoes, a purse, shirt, pants, gloves, panties, coat, and all that stuff. I want a jacket and house shoes. My daddy wants a house phone. Thank you Santa. Love, Tyiounna (pm class) Dear Santa, I want Dora and Mickey Mouse. I want a kitchen. Ethan wants toys. Grandma wants a coffee maker. Thank you. LeeAnn (pm class) Dear Santa, I would like a train set and a train table, a truck, a Tonka dump truck. Vicki wants a doll house mommy and Daddy want a Christmas tree. Love, Vincent (pm class) Dear Santa, I'm Jamarrion. I want a black motorcycle, a green motorcycle, and a blue motorcycle. I want Star Wars helmet and a light saber. Please bring me a Spiderman Web Blaster. I love Ben 10. I'll leave cookies on the floor for you. Love, Jamarrion (pm class) Dear Santa, I want a dora and Dots. I want something for my mom, too. I want my mom to get diamond earrings. And my dad needs something. He needs a new mower. Brock needs Buzz Lightyear. I've been good. Me and my mom are going to pick up the floor, but don't tell Santa. My sister needs earrings. Kaity (pm class) Dear Santa, I want a silver grill. Bo is going to get it. I'm good. Please give my mom a diamond ring. My daddy don't need nothing Jalen (pm class) Dear Santa, I am 4 years old. I have been good. Please bring me some toys. I saw you at Walmart. Please bring me a shopping cart and a Fin Fin Friends Play set. Thank you. Adriana (pm class) Dear Santa, My name is Taylor. I want a walking Ironman for Christmas. And Batman. Thank you. Taylor (pm class) Dear Santa, I want 3 guitars. I would buy my sister a guitar. I want a Leapster game with a Tinker Bell movie in it. I want to buy my cousin a WWE ring cause he likes to fight. I want to buy a race track for my other cousin. for my sister, I'll buy the Happy Sounds home. And I want to buy my sister a Leap frog because my sister loves Dora. I love Rupunzel. Hana (pm class) Dear Santa, My name is Joshua. Please get me Buzz Lightyear in the store because I want Christmas. Do you Fly? I like like Batman with wings on. Joshua (pm class) Dear Santa, My names is TaShawn. I want a blue motorcycle and a white motorcycle. I want a red car for my mommy. TaShawn (pm class) Dear Santa, My name is Michael. I want a big car. a little car for my brother. Monster truck for me, too. Mamaw needs a washer. The water drips down. Papa fixed one side. Michael (pm class) Dear Mrs. Claus and Santa Claus, Please ask my mom if I can have candy. I got my sister a snowball. Please bring my mom some black boots. Mackenzie (pm class) Dear Santa, My name is Quamar. I want a Lightning McQueen bike. Bring my mommy and daddy a Lightning McQueen bike. And (bring) my bab a biek, too Quamar (pm class)
Miss Ellis 1st Grade Dear Santa, How are you doin? I am a first grader at South Shores School. Can I please get a one kids dijdl camera? What kinds of cookies do you like? Love, Harmoni Dear Santa, How are you doing? Am I on the gud list? I am a first grader at South Shores School. Can I please get a traformers bick? Mr Claus, Happe Christmas! Love, Richard Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am a first grader at South Shores School. Can I pelase get a bike? Am I on the good list? Love, Juan Dear Santa, Hou are you doing? I am a first grader at South Shores School. Can I please get a power whel cr? Cookis Lov, Inesheona Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am a first grader at South Shores School. Can I pelase get a pink Barbi jet? Am I on the good list? Love, Aubrey Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am a first grader at South Shores School. May I hav a clohrd jorbn shoes? Christmas. Love, Alanna Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am a first gradr at South Shores School. Can I please get a Reslr2? How is misi doing? Love, Diarus
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
Mrs. Major Kindergarten Dear Santa, How big are your reindeer? Do they eat chicken noodle soup? I want spiderman and a black cat. Your friend, Mykoreyion Dear Santa, What do reindeer eat? I want a DS and a baby doll. Your friend, Shakayla Dear Santa, I want a guitar and a piano. Your friend, Rakiyah
have games and toys this year? Your friend, Asiana Dear Santa, How are you Santa? I'm now in the first grade at South Shores. Can I please have a digital camera and a video watch? How is Dasher and Dancr and Pacre and Vicxin? Your friend, Loni
Dear Santa, Is it cold in the North Pole? I want a PSP and a DS. Your friend, Levrondas
Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at South Shores. Can I please have earings and a braslet? Is it fun to sllide the deer? Your friend, Yahmaria
Dear Santa, What does your reindeer eat? How is your sled? I would like a tea party set and a easy bake oven. I would also like matching games. Your friend, Jayla
Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at South Shores. Can I please have DSi and a walking poodle. Where do you live? Your friend, Eunique
Dear Santa, I love you and you love me. Please I would like some clothes and some white tap shoes. I would also like a princess Dress. Your friend, Jurney
Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at South Shores. Can I please have a Hotwheels and transformers. Your friend, Marlon
Dear Santa, What do you eat? I would like a toy house. i would also like a cupcake maker and a tea party set. Your friend, Makayla
Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at south shores school. Can I have a side kick ninjas legos. Where do you live? Your frined, Brock
Dear Santa, How are you? I would like a tractor with a claw. I would also like some shoes with skates. Your Friend, Dezmen
Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at South Shores. Can I please have Wii and DSI? Where do live? Your friend, Nakayla Dear Santa, How are you? I ma in frst grade at South Shores School. Can I please have a DSI XL and games? Your friend, Zander
Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am a first grader at South Shores School. Can I please get a DS? Am I on the good list? Love, Teresa
Dear Santa, What do your reindeers eat? Can you get me a fast four wheeler? I would also like anew dog leash and a fast dirt bike for five year olds. Your friend, Dimetri Dear Santa, I want a baby doll and a dis. Is it snowing at the North Pole? Is there trees? Your friend, Emma
Dear Santa, How arn you? I am in first grade at South Shores. Can I please have a xbox 360 and Jon sina resrlr? Your friend, Kaleal
Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am a first grade student at South Shores School. Can I get wrestler toys and a dog game? Santa, what is your favorite kind of cookie? Love, Desi
Dear Santa, How is your reindeer doing? How do you make toys? I want a doggie with a leash, also a kitty with a food bowl. I would like a Dora doll. Your friend, Bailey
Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at South Shores. Can I please have a walking poodle and a diary. How are the reindeer? Your friend, Kaitlyn
Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am fist grader at South Shores School. Can I have a DSi? Am I on the good list? Love Blake
Dear Santa, How is your sleigh? I want a PSP, DSI and a fake motorcycle. Your friend, Jayceon
Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at Souths Shores. Can I please have a big dol and a fushigi? Is it fun to ride the sled? Your friend, Nashant
Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am a first grader at South Shores School. Can I please get a xbox 360? Love, Cedtavious Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am a first grader at South Shores School. Can I please get a video camerar? How is Rudolph doing? Love, Rylee Dear Santa, How are you doing? I first grader at South Shores School. Can I pleas get a Dsi xl and a Pokemo robt? Are you ok? Love, Michael Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am a first grader at South Shores School. Can I pelase get 10 badllgons. Camera. how is Mrs Claus? Love, Dyllon Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am a first grader at South Shores School. Can I please get a xbox 360? I would a palwlr? House Rudolph? Love, LeQuinten Dear Santa, How are you doing I am a first grader at South Shores School. Can I plese get a doll stuffed pupe and makeup? Do you like Snow? Love, Dezarae Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am a first grader at South Shores School. Can I pelase get a H-e-man figure. Do yuo like cholet cookes? Love, Calel Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am a first grade student at South Shores School. Can I please get a Video Girl and a teddy bear? What do you want for Christmas? Love, Christianna
Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I would like a cotton candy maker and a bouncy babble. Your friend, Mikala Dear Santa, I like you. I would like a DSI and a Dora tent. Your friend, Destiny Dear Santa, Do you think I love you? What do you eat. I would like a SP and a barbie. Your friend, Alexis Dear Santa, How are you reindeer doing? How is your toy factory. I would like a DSI and a lap top. Your friend, Jalayah Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? Santa What do you like to eat? I would like a skateboard set. I would like a golf set. Your friend, Gage Dear Santa, Do you like cake and pink milk? I would like monte girls and a sweater. Your friend, Sarenity Dear Santa, How is the toy factory? Do you give your elves a break? I would like a DS and a flat drum set. Your friend, Jamareon Dear Santa, How is your sleigh? I want clothes and puzzles. Your friend, Lucas Ms. Peck 1st Grade Class Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at South Shores. Can I please have a Princess barbee? Your friend, Winnie
Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at South Shores. Can I please have crayons and books. Your friend, Shyann Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at South Shores. Can I please have a DS and a game for my DS? Do you let your elfs go with you? Your friend, Rashaad Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at South Shores. Can I please have a Hot Wheels Bike and Rayzer this year? Please Santa. Your Friend, Mikey Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at South Shores. Can I please have a neklas and a globe? Is Rudollf real? Your friend, Kendall
Ms. Roddis 1st Grade Dear Santa, I want a motor scooter four Christmas and a bike. Are you real? I will leave cookies four you. Love, Mikhalia Dear Santa, Thank you for the clothes last year. Will you bring me a fur real dog? Are you real? Love, AniJah Dear Santa, Thank you for my gifts. Can I get motor frenzy and wrestling men? Are you reindeer magic? Love, Khamani Dear Santa, Thank you for bring me that barbie doll. Can you bring me a car? Love, Alliah Dear Santa, Thank you for the Hanna Montana mirror. Can you bring me a doll? Why do you wear so much red? What is your favorite food? Mine is macaroni. See you on Christmas. Love, Alyisa Dear Santa, Santa When are you coming over to my house? Dan you bring me a laptop? I will leave you some cookies and milk. Love, Amani Dear Santa, Can you bring me a scooter? I also want a laptop. Thank you for all my presents. Love, Corydon Dear Santa, Can you bring me a beebee gun? Thank you for my play gun last year. I will leave some cookies and milk. Love, Gage Dear Santa, May I have a remote control car? Thank you for all my presents. I believe in you. Love, Jayden
CLASSIFIED 21 Love, Aidan
Dear Santa, I want some toys like trains, cars, and busses. I want a Metro bus. Love, DeAngelo Dear Santa, I want a car and a tic tac toe game. I want some new earrings too. Please leave mom some flowers. I will leave you cookies and milk. Love, Camille Dear Santa, You have the coolest reindeer. Ru-
Happy Holidays! from The Boys & Girls Club of Decatur 859 N. Jasper 422-9605
SEASONS GREETINGS! Chapman - Henricks Insurance Agency Inc. www.chinsagency.com
103 S. Jackson • Cerro Gordo Ph: 763-4001 • Fax: 763-6766
Dear Santa, I want a big box of books. I will make you cookies. Love, Jessica
Merry Christmas
Dear Santa, I want a DSI for Christmas. Where do the elves sleep? can I also have a castor shooter? Love, Kyler
ABC Preschool!
Dear Santa, Can you bring me a vacuum and a mop? Is your beard real? Love, Maliah Dear Santa, Can you bring me a nerf gun? Thank you for my presents you brought last year. I will leave cookies and milk. Love, Skyler Dear Santa, I want two dolls and a phone. I will make you some cookies and milk. I want to see you . What do you look like? What is your favorite color? Mine is red. Love, Zyera
Children to Children Heart to Heart
Dear Santa, I want a go cart for Christmas. Thank you for the DS. I would like to have a Mac toy this year. Love, Riley Dear Santa, Could you bring me a Pokemon Diamond game? Thank you for the DS. Thare will be cookies on the table in the living room.
Happy Holidays
Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at South Shores. Can I please have a Xbox 360 and nerf gun. Your friend, Jahari Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at South Shors. Can I please have transformers and a DSI? What do you like better, cookies or milk Your friend, Joey Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at South Shores. Can I please have a Bumblebee and a garbage toy? Your friend, Amare Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at South Shores. Can I please have action figures? Your friend, Dillon
Dear Santa, How are you? I am in first grade at South Shores. Can I please
South Macon Public Library District
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Happy Holidays from
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Merry Christmas from
Mari-Mann Herbs 1405 Mari-Mann Lane Decatur, IL (217) 429-1404 www.marimann.com
From Our Home to Yours!
Happy Holidays! Westport
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Merry Christmas to all from
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Happy Holidays from Decatur Trades and Labor Assembly 50 years of Giving Back To Our Community
Crist Termite & Pest Solutions Inc.
Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas! The Kelly Group 2454 N. 27th • 422-1800
Merry as m Christ
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Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
dolph is my favorite. may I have a mommy go potty doll and a real cat? I will leave cookies for you. I love you. Thank you for the presents. Love, Brianna Dear Santa, For Christmas I want an xbox 60 and a TV to play it on. I want Buzz Light year and Woody and a slinky. Love, Billy
Mrs. Olendorf 1st Grade Dear Santa Claus, I want an elf on the shelf, a princess crown, and a pair of pink sparkly shoes. I hope Rudolph is a good leader. Love, Reanna Dear Santa Claus, I want a stuffed animal snowman, a Christmas dress and a DSI. Thank you for all my presents Santa. Love, Rose Dear Santa Claus, I wont ZUZU pets, a toy telescope and a girl robot. I love you Santa. Love, Trinity Dear Santa Claus, I want a remote controlled car, a new fish and a new tv. Thank you for all my presents Santa. Love, Theo Dear Santa Claus, I want some barbie dolls a toy bunny and a teddy bear. I hope you have a good day. I love you Santa Claus. Gracie Dear Santa Claus, I want an a Toy Story Leap Frog Game, a small monster truck, and a Transformer. I hope you have a great day. I love you. Bryceson Dear Santa Claus, I want a tea cup pig a live girl, and a baby doll. Thank you for all my presents. I love you Santa. Love, Abbey Dear Santa Claus, I want a princess zuzu pet, a fin fin friend, and a peaceful world. I hope you have a great day. Love you Santa. Bailey Dear Santa Claus, I want a xbox 360, and a Buzz Light Years action figure, and a book. You're the best. I love you. Caden Dear Santa Claus, I want a barbie doll, a zu zu pet, and a horse. I love you. Donnaa' Dear Santa Claus, I want a Nintendo DS, a spaceship and boy robot to fit in the spaceship. You're the best. Love, Zach Dear Santa Claus, I want a spotted stuffed animal puppy, some dip on earrings, and a little Tinkerbelle doll. I hope Rudolph is a good leader. Love, Sophie Dear Santa Claus, I would like a DSIXL, peace in the world and a pair of antlers. How many carrots do the reindeer want? Love, Byron
Mrs. Peabody 1st Grade Dear Santa, I really love Christmas. Can I please have a Moxie girl with a cabin and a brbie car ss and som baby dolls and som games. Merry Christmas. Kennedie Dear St. Nick, How does your elf's make presents? Please give me some action figers, a collection of pocket nifes. Merry Christmas. Daniel Dear Sata, How does Rudolph's nose glow? Please bring me a barbie car, a moxie girl with snow and car. Mom wants new clothes. Merry Christmas. Love, Loren Dear Santa, I can't wait until Christmas. I would like a DSi, a Moxie girl whith snow, a fake cat, a fake dog, a barbie that has a camra. Merry Christmas. Love, Mia Dear Santa, Dus Rudolph the red nosed reindeer exist? I would like a dirt bike. Tyler wunst a four wheeler. I love Crismis. Dylan Dear Santa, I can't wate until Chrismas. I like you. What I want for Chrismas, a sooper pottery wheel, a puppy, and a moxey girl that snows. Thank you. Love, Alexandra Dear Santa,
I can't wait until Christmas. I hope you bring me mox girls and mox girl car with snow. Merry Christmas. Love, Summer
doll. I have a box full of clothes. My little sister likes to play dolls with me. My grandma saw some elves by the road and they gave her a Cinderella Snow Globe for me. I like it. We will bake cookies for you. Happy Christmas, Santa! Brynn
Dear Santa, Is the North Pole fun? I had made a list for you. It is at my house. Merry Christmas. Evan Dear Santa, Is rurdolf real? yes or no. I word like sum kung zoo hamsters, rdevin rabis travl fror time the video game. Love, Braidena Dear Santa, What cookie do you like? I would like littlest pet shops and a Nintendo DSi., and a neckolas for mom and a CD for dad. Merry Christmas. Love, Maria
Miss Mattingly Kindergarten Dear Santa, May I have a Zhu Zhu Pet for Christmas? And some tunnels for him to run through. Also, I would like "Stinky the Garbage Truck; he plays music for dancing. And the Air Hogs RC Hawkeye Helicopter. I've been a pretty good boy and I think you are funny, Santa. Merry Christmas! Kwame Dear Santa, May I have a Hot Wheels Criss Cross Crash Track set for Christmas? I like to see cars crash. Also, I would like the Beyblades Super Vortex Battle Set and some Beyblades Tops. I will play with these with a friend. We have not decorated yet. I am going to help my mom make cookies... chocolate chip cookie. I will leave milk and cookies for you. Happy Christmas! Daniel Dear Santa, I would really like the play dog that goes with the Jessica American Girl doll. I would also like more clothes for Jessica. She only has one dress to wear. And I would like a purse with hearts or stars on it. Our family decorates our Christmas tree. My mom puts the Santa decoration at the top. I love Christmas! Madison Dear Santa, Could I please have some GI. Joe divers for Christmas? I have some G.I. Joes that are land soldiers. I would like an All-Terrain Armored Transport Vehicle and Star Wars figures. We will decorate our house later. I do hope I have snow to play in over vacation. You and your reindeer keep feeling good for your trip. Tanner Dear Santa, Can I have new Zhu Zhu pets for Christmas? My other ones are broken. I think a Play-Doh Fun Factory would be fun. My old Play-Doh is all dried out. I will have Christmas at my Grandma's too. I help my mom decorate our tree with ornaments. We usually leave you chocolate chip cookies and milk. Have a safe trip, Santa. Mekayla Dear Santa, Could I please have these presents for Christmas: The Littlest Pet Shop Rescue Center and three Little Pets to go with it? I would like a Moxie Girlz Doll and her Magic Snow Cabin. Snow is on top of the cabin's roof. O went to the mall to see one of your helpers, Santa. He was nice to me. We will try to leave you cookies and milk for your trip. Don't work too hard before Christmas, Santa. Ava Dear Santa, May I have a Paper Jamz guitar for Christmas? I like to hear Toby Mac sing. I would like the King Zhu Battle Arena and 2 King Zhu hamsters to play in the arena. My family is going to New York for Christmas. So please bring my family's presents there. We might decorate our house before we leave. I have heard about the magic dust you use on your reindeer, but does that help them fly? Merry Christmas, Santa! Isaac Dear Santa, I really like hunting. My grandpa likes to hunt, and I really would like some camouflage hunting clothes so I could go with him. Probably, I need warm boots and gloves. I'm not sure what my family is going to do for Christmas. Santa, I drew a picture, all by myself, of Rudolph. I colored it with my crayons. I really like to draw. Are your reindeer practicing their flying? I hope you have a good trip. Boston Dear Santa, I would like my own American Girl Doll that looks like me. Could you please make her with light skin, brown hair, and brown eyes? Her code number is PA-G1926. I don't need any more clothes for the
Dear Santa, Please bring me a wrestling ring and two wrestling figures for Christmas. My dad watches wrestling in TV all the time. My family will go visit my Great-Grandma over the holidays. She cooks great noodles and I love noodles. We haven't decorated for Christmas yet. I hope it snows, but I hope it's ok for your trip. I like the reindeer. Aidan H. Dear Santa, Please may I have the Fur Real Friends Go Go my Walking Pup? It comes with a leash and you hold on to the leash and then the dog walks by itself. If you can, I would be proud if you could make the dog white. I would also like the Rapunzel Sparkle Princess Doll or one of the other Disney Princess Dolls. All my grandmas are coming to our house for Christmas. I will be eating milk and cookies and I will leave you three cookies. Can't wait for Christmas! Emily Dear Santa, I really would like the Barbie Video Girl Doll for Christmas. Her necklace is a video camera. I can video my friends when they come over to play, and I can video my family. That is really all I want, Santa. I have my own Christmas tree in my bedroom. It's pink and has lights and Princess ornaments on it. What flavor of cookie do you like, Santa? We'll leave you cookies and chocolate milk. Emily Dear Santa, Thank you for all the gifts that you have brought me. For this year, I would like a LaLaLoopsy Doll. I would like her to have light pink hair and to have a kitten with her. That's all. We decorate our yard with lights and lit-up presents. We put a Christmas tree up in our house. I'm not sure if we are going anywhere for Christmas. Do your reindeer have to practice to get up on rooftops? Have a safe trip with your reindeer. Natalie Dear Santa, I would really like a Razor Spark Scooter for Christmas or a Boys' Bicycle. I already know how to ride a scooter and a 2-wheeler. I ride on my sidewalk. Either present would be good. We will be decorating inside and outside of our house soon. We already have our Thanksgiving stuff up. I am wondering what kind of cookie you like. And do you like chocolate milk or white milk? We will leave you a treat. Aidan T. Dear Santa, I would like a Pillow Pet for Christmas. I would like a monkey Pillow pet because I like to climb on the monkey bars at school. I've also been thinking about a Zhu Zhu Pet for Christmas and some tunnels for him to play in. I'm not sure about our plans for Christmas, but I know our family will be decorating inside and outside our house. And Santa, if you want to bring me a surprise gift, you can. Be safe on your journey. Addyson Dear Santa, I like you, Santa and would you please bring me a monkey Pillow Pet for christmas? My dad calls me "monkey." I would also like an American Girl Doll. I look a little like Kit. I would like some shirts and skirts for her. And last, I would like some ZanyBandz to have at school. My family is going to my grandma's house for Christmas. We will be celebrating my birthday there. I had a ballerina ornament that broke and I really would like another one. Have a wonderful trip. Caitlyn Dear Santa, Could you bring me the Nerf N-Strike Longstrike C8-6? This will be my first Nerf gun. I would like a Radio Control Star Wars Millennium Falcon. I know I will have lots of fun with the Falcon. We're probably staying home for Christmas. I have a tree in my bedroom. And, I have my own ornaments: Bob the Builder and Elmo. My grandma leaves Christmas tree cookies for us and I will leave you some. Mason Dear Santa, I like you, Santa. Could you please bring me an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas? It has pans, utensils, and mixes to go with it. I would like the big Barbie Doll House. It's pink and has an elevator in it. My little sister and I both have Christmas trees in our bedrooms. I have Barbie and Hannah Mon-
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com tana ornaments on my tree. Santa, How many toys do you have to make for Christmas? Happy Christmas! Mallory Mr. Edwards 1st Grade Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find a toy under my Christmas tree this year. for Christmas, I hope you bring me a game. Thank you very much! Merry Christmas, David Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find a spider under my Christmas tree this year. For Christmas, I hope you bring me a ironman. Thank you very much! Merry Christmas, Josh Dear Santa, I have been very good year. I would love to fine muckich DSI, shrk with muckhch alher frede gl trane cotr as with eus a hamr under my christmas tree this year. For Christmas, hope you bring me a the spy whoch. Thank you very much! Merry Christmas, Devin Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find a remote control robot under my Christmas tree this year. For Christmas, I hope you bring me a bear. I also would like to have remote control plane for Christmas. I love Santa. I also would love to find an elf on Christmas morning. Merry Christmas. Love, Allen Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love, to find a laptop under my Christmas tree this year. For Christmas I hope you bring me a gutar. Thake you very much! Marry Christmas, Connor Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find a pet spider. under my Christmas tree this year. For Christmas I hope you bring me a frog. Thank you very much! Merry Christmas, Nevaeh Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find a build a bear camoflosh bear under my Christmas tree this year. For Christmas, I hope you bring me a staff from Avatar the last Airbender. Thank you very much! Merry Christmas, Kannon Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find a DSI under my Christmas tree this year for Christmas, I hope you bring me a DS game. Thank you very much! Merry Christmas, Payton Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find a Dog under my Christmas tree this year. For Christmas, I hope you bring me a DSI. Tank you very much! Merry Christmas, Emma Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find a pare of banokylrs under my Christmas tree this year. For Christmas, I hope you bring me tallaskope. thank you very much! Merry Christmas, Conner M. Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find a DS under my Christmas tree this year. For Christmas, I hope you bring me a DS game. Thank you very much! Merry Christmas, Chesney Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find caliv dude black ops under my Christmas tree this year. For Christmas I hope you bring me a bisikl. Thank you very much! Merry Christmas, Christian Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find a DS under my Christmas tree this year for Christam I hope you bring me a camra. Thank you very much! Merry Christmas, Makenzie Dear Santa, I have been very good This year. I would love to find a doll house under my Christmas tree. This year for Christmas, I hope you bring me a doll house. Thank you very much! Merry Christmas, Rhee Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find a DS game under my Christmas tree. This bring me a puppy. Thank you very much! Merry Christmas, Meghan Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find a Lego tran under my Christmas tree this year. For Christmas, I hope you bring me a DSandi. Thank you very much! Merry Christmas, Truett Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find a pwiroshoos undrer my tree this year. For Christmas tree I hope you bring me a robot. Thank you very much. Merry Christmas, Will Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find a DSi under my Christmas tree this year For Christmas I hope you bring me games. Thank you very much! Merry Christmas, Clay
The Herald & Review Would like to thank all the teachers and students For sending us your “Letters to Santa”. Without your letters and contributions, Our Children’s Coat Fund would not be possible. A Special thanks to our Platinum Sponsor and to all our advertisers. With your support, we purchased 116 coats this year. Platinum Sponsor: Kid’s Castle Learning Center 2580 N. Monroe Decatur, IL 62526 217-872-6602 www.kidscastlelearningcenter.com Teacher’s Lounge 2828 N. Main St. Decatur, IL 62526 217-791-6273 www.theteachersloungeofdecatur.com
Merry Christmas from the Herald & Review Classified Dept.
Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find a DSI under my Christmas tree this year for christmas I hope you bring m a puppy. thank you very much! Merry Christmas, Brookelynn Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to find sobells under my Christmas tree this year. For Christmas, I hope you bring me a DSI. Thank you very much. Merry Christmas, Sophie Mrs. Bruce's 1st Grade Dear Santa, How are you doing? I would like to have a transformer. Have a good day. Love, Jackson Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? I would like a American girl doll. I hope you have a Mere Christmas. Love, Jamie Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? I would like to have an ipod tach with a pink case. Have a Mery Christmas! Love, Claire Dear Santa, How are the reindeer doing? I would like to have a Brbey house plese. Have a nice Christmas. Love, Kayleigh Dear Santa, Santa Did you loos your ho ho ho? Please I would like a cimisre set. I hope you found your ho ho ho. Love, Christian
Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I would please like to have DSi. I hope you have a good night. And merry Christmas. Love, Ema Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? I would like to have a american grl dol. Mere Christmas. Love, Jenna Dear Santa, How are the elves working? I would like a DS game. Have a nice Christmas. Love, Brooks Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? I would like a X box 360. I hope you have a great day. Love, Elijah Dear Santa, How are you doing? I would like to have a paper airplane book. Have a nice Christmas. from, Jarret Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? Can I pleas have a xbox 360 game? Have a good day. Love, Jansen Dear Santa, Did you loos your ho ho ho? Santa can you please give me some joolry? Have a nise Christmas. Love, Kendra Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? Could I please have a Holladay Birby. I hope you have a good Christmas. Love, Brooke Dear Santa, How are the elves? I would like a remote ktrol airplane? I hope you have a good Christmas Eve. Love, Hayden Dear Santa, How are your elves doing? I would like a ashinfiger. Have a good day. Love, Andreas Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I would like a American grl doll. Have a good Christmas. Love, Avery Dear Santa, How is Mrs. claus? I would like a Xbox 360. I wish you a good day. Love, Clayton Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I would like snecrs. Thancs for the prezint. Love, Joel Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I would like a Xbox 360. Have a good day. Love, Ethan
Mrs. Douglass 1st Grade Dear Santa, I have ben good all year. Can I have three remote canchle tings: the dog and the other dog and the pony in the carij? I would also like a toy Wodye an a Jessy. How old are you? Will you bring me lots of toy? Your Friend, Lexie Dear Santa, I have been very good. I wood rely like a T.V. I wood also like a new Barbie. What do your reindeer like to eat? Merry Christmas, Ashley Dear Santa, I am trying to be good in school I wood like a gumall mishen that if you put a corter it will give you a gumball. Can I also have a ipod? How do your ranebear fly? Your friend, Abarham Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a Lego Set. Can I also have a ben ten? how does Rudolph's nose glow? Your Friend, Andrew Dear Santa, I have been good. Can you please give me a ecoeco ben ten toy? and I want spie woch? Your Friend, Jakob B. Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a Zoo Zoo pets and a DSi? How are your reindeer? Merry Christmas, Chloe Dear Santa, I have been good. Will you please bring me a 3 ipods and a 3 walky talkys and a 3 bikes also 3 neafguns? How is reindeer? Your friend, Darell Dear Santa I have been good. Can you please give me sum books? I wood also like ZooZoo pets. Your Friend, Madison Dear Santa, I have been very good. Please Can I get a gecko and camellion. Do your reindeer fly? Your Friend, Katie Dear Santa, I will triye to be good. Santa maye I ples get a Soul Skate? Can I get a eltric guitar? Hawl can the reindeer fly? Your friend, Greg Dear Santa, I have been good. Will you please bring me a guitar and a skateboard? How dus roodofs nose gllo? Your Friend, Wyatt Dear Santa, I have been good. Can you bring me a x box? Did you ever think you couldn't make it? Your Friend, Dominic Dear Santa, I hope I have been good. Can I please have a zo zoo pets? I want to know what Mrs. Claus does. Merry Christmas, Ainsley Dear Santa, I have been good. May I have all the ZooZoo pets and May I have roller skates. How does roodofs nose glow up? And do the elves help you? Merry Christmas, Haley Dear Santa, I hope Iv ben good. Can I please have some fazoodles? What do your reindeer eat? Can I also have a new video game for my PS3? Merry Christmas, Jacob Dear Santa, I've ben good. Can I have a Soul State? What is your favrit color? Your Friend, Connor Dear Santa, I bin good. Plees can I have a camra helicoptr? How dus roodoff's nose gloe? Your Friend, Caleb Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I hava Lagoo scate bord? Can I have a Mighty Bears track? Was your favrit food? Your Friend, Corbin Dear Santa, I will be good. Can I have a or my game? I woot a nuw guitar. How are your elves? Merry Christmas, Luke
Mrs. Graven's Kindergarten Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I would like a hat that I can wear to school. I would like a pink one with a peace sign on it. And that's all. I wish you a Merry Christmas. Abigail Dear Santa, May I have the Transformers Power core Combiners Pack for Christmas. I will have fun playing with them. How many pairs of big black boots do you have? I have a pair of snow boots for the snow time. Thank you and have a great day. Vinnie Dear Santa, Can you please bring me a car set that the cars crash and come off the track? I can play with my brother, Parker and my sister, Mia. We will be waiting for you at Christmas time. Kaiser Dear Santa, I am excited about Christmas. Please bring me a Barbie dressed in pink clothes. I have other Barbies at my house that I play with. One of them has a broken foot. My white dog broke it. Mommy will decorate our house when it's near Christmas. I will help her. Thank you for leaving me and my brother two cookies last Christmas. Lillian Dear Santa, I would really like for you to bring me a pair of Click Clock shoes to wear on Christmas. I would like purple ones. My mom wears them. She has lots. I like the ones that are white with bows. Are you and the elves busy making presents? I am happy for Christmas. Alana Dear Santa, I would love to have a Pillow Pet for Christmas...a dolphin. I would like for the dolphin to be light blue. I will rest on my dolphin while I watch a movie or when I am in bed. My mom is going to help me make a gingerbread house. We will put it on a shelf by the front door. Loot for it, Santa. Thank you. Zada Dear Santa, Will you please bring me the Barbie house (the pink one), the furniture (please make sure there is a T.V.), and a blond Barbie doll that goes with it? When it starts snowing, my family will all decorate the inside of our house with lights and a tree. Santa, is it hard to make all the toys? I always leave you milk and cookies. I never forget. Bristol Dear Santa, May I have a computer for Christmas? It needs to be a computer that a six year old can use. I want to type and learn letters and numbers on it. We will put up a Christmas tree and decorations, too, at our home. And I hope it snows for you, Santa, for your big trip. Jacob Dear Santa, I would really like some movies for Christmas. I need DVD movies about dinosaurs and dragons. I love to watch movies. I do it all day at home. My favorite movie now is about robots. I hope you like the letters that our kids at school are sending you. Be careful, Santa, on your trip. Skylar Dear Santa, Please bring me an iPod that can play music and has headphones. I need it for my mom's house. I will listen to Taylor Swift music on it and the song about the John Deere tractor. Do your boots keep your feet warm, Santa? After Thanksgiving we'll decorate our apartment and will leave you cookies and milk to have when you come with our presents. Makayla Dear Santa, I really, really would like the "Dora Window Surprises Dollhouse" and the furniture that comes with it. I hope the Dora doll comes too. My family will decorate the inside of our house close to Christmas. Santa, why did you end up living in the North Pole? Do you stay really warm without a big coat? I hope so. I have a secret present for you, Santa. I love you. Stela Dear Santa, I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Dailey Dear Santa, Will you please bring me a pair of dress-up high heels for me to play in? I would like pink ones. I have dress-up clothes at home to wear when I play. My cousin and I like to play dress-up. Mommy is calling you to let you know to come to Grandma's house and then to ours on Christmas because Mommy is working on Christmas Eve. Is it hard for you to go down chimneys, Santa? Do you come through doors? I heard that you trained horses to help your reindeer in our neighborhood this summer. I hear you say "Ho-ho-ho." I love you. Taylor L. Dear Santa, I would really like a small T.V. with a remote control for my bedroom. If you can, I would like a hook-up for my Wii games to play with my friends. Do you have special people make your warm boots? I hope it snows for Christmas. I have boots to keep my feet dry, too. I love to play in the snow. Make sure you get a lot of rest before you make your special trip. Tanner Dear Santa, Can I please have a Vtech Mobigo Touch Learning System? It has a keyboard to go with it. There are lots of learning games in it. I think my family is going to Chicago for part of the holidays. My brother and uncle will help me decorate our house. I like the yellowish/white lights. I will leave you something to eat, Santa. Siarra Dear Santa, Please bring me two Zhu Zhu Pets for Christmas. And could I please have the travel ball so they can roll around the house? And I would like for the Zhu Zhu Pets to light up when they are moving. The little kids in my family will decorate for Jesus' birthday for Christmas. Happy holidays, Santa. J'Lynn Dear Santa, Please bring me the Mariokart Special Edition DS game. I have another Mario game at home that I play after school. I am going to see one of your helpers at the mall in Decatur. We will put real
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com candy canes on our Christmas tree. Your can have one, Santa, if you are hungry. Make sure you are warm on your trip, Santa. Amber
Mrs. Hermann's 1st Grade Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. For Christmas I wold love to have a zoo zoo pet game it is the second one and a phone and a Hermit crab. Why do you go down the chimneye? Love, Summer Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. For Christmas I would love to have a Bmx bike, a Bay blade and a Hot Weels. Santa, why dues Rudof have a shine nose? Merry Christmas, Daylan Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. For Chistmas I would love to have a Barbie and an air plane and a video girl and an Amercan doll. How do you get the reindeer to fly? Merry Christmas, Lauren B. Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. For Chrismas I would love a Lego city an XBox 360 with Knects and a dirt bike. What happens at the North Pole? Marry Chrismas, Jacob Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this for Christmas I would love to have a teleescope, and a camera Barbie, and a toy dog. How do reindeer fly? Merry Christmas, Makynah Dear Santa, I have been so good this year. I would love to have a Game Boy and a PsP and a rocking horse. When are you come dnwe the chimn? Merry Christmas, Francisco Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. For Christmas I would love to have a paper guitar, and a Skatboard, and a pair of Bay Blades. How do you get in my house? Merry Christmas, Blake Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. For Christmas I would love to have a vadeo camra, a vedeo doll, and a game for the Wii. Mere Christmas, Lauren S. Dear Santa, I have been so good this year I would love to have a tornado lamp and a tornado jocey game. Why do you come down the chiviney? Meery chistmas, Ryan Dear Santa, I have been so good this year. For Christmas I would love to have a siny that can hold soy beans, and a remote control helckoptr that has a camera, and last but not least a Bmx bike. What do your reindeer eat? Merry Christmas, Samuel Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. For Christmas I would love to have a babydol, and a pair of black flats, and a baby strolr. Why does Rudolf have a red nose? Merry christmas, Madison L. Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. For Christmas I would love to have a Doke Kong game and a sketbord. Do the elves help you? Merry Christmas, Joseph Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. For Christmas I would like to have a Wipeout Wii game, last Danse Wii game, and a Super Maro galusee two. What time do you come down the chime? Mary Christmas, Mitchell Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. For Christmas I would love to have a blue Wii and a cell phone and a littlest Pet Shop DS game. How do you drop all the presents off in one night? Merry Chrismas, Madison H. Dear Santa, I have been so good this year. For Christmas I would love to have a Barbie, and a DS. Did you put up Christmas lites on your house this year? Merry Christmas, Emma Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. For Chrimas I would love to have a Leg Toy Story Army vehecle, a Lego Star Wars Boba Fetts Star Fighter, and a Wii Lego Batman vido game. Santa do you eat snow cones? Merry Christmas, Zachariah Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. For Christmas I would love to have an ipod, a trumpit and a real pupy. Does Roodof'ss nose only light up on Chistmas eve? Merry Christmas, Grace Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. For Chrimstmis I would love to have a spy watch and a spy watch and a spy goggles and a Dsi. were do your elvs make toys? Merry Christmas, Micah Dear Santa, I have been so good this year. For
Christmas I would love to have an XBox 360, camera and Leggo Tank. How does Rudof's nose lite up? Merry Christmas,Mason Mrs. Kupper's Kindergarten Dear Santa, I would really like to have a baby doll for Christmas. One that eats and drinks and takes medicine. It's a girl doll. I'll have to change its diaper. And I need baby doll clothes. I just have Barbie clothes at home. I think we will decorate our house later. I hope we have a lot of snow for your trip. Happy Holidays, Santa. Love, Tabitha, 5 years old Dear Santa, May I please have the "Little Mommy Walk 'N Giggle Doll" for Christmas? I would like more "jammies" for her, a coat, and other clothes. I'll play with her in my room. And I would like some "jammies" for me just like the doll has. I think I wear a size 6. Our family puts out Jesus, Mary, and Joseph outside. They are plastic figures and there is an angel that lights up. I'm getting excited for Christmas, Santa. I will help make cookies for you, Santa. Love, Mara, 5 years old Dear Santa, I am taking a picture I drew for you of "GoGo My Walking Pup" to the mall so you can see it. I will mail it there. I would really like to have GoGo for Christmas. She does all the things a real dog does. I really don't want anything else. My Grandma and Grandpa helped me decorate our Christmas tree. I put the bells on the tree. I am so excited for Christmas to come! Love, Sierra, 5 years old Dear Santa, Please I hope you can bring me a big Lego building set for Christmas. I want to be able to build lots of different things with it. And I would like a new pair of tennis shoes. The color could be blue, yellow, or green. Right now I wear a size 11. We put up a big icy looking thing (like a wreath) in our house. It can't melt because it's made of glass. It's pretty. I love you. Have a safe trip. Love, Owen, 5 years old Dear Santa, May I please Santa have one of the Harry Potter Lego sets for Christmas? I love Harry Potter and my big sister does too. My little sister just likes princesses. Could you please bring me either a guitar or a drum set? I don't care which one. My family decorated the outside of our house and we even have our tree up inside. I love the star on top of our tree. It gets turned off a lot by our dog. I'll give you cookies on Christmas Eve. Love, Dennis, 5 years old Dear Santa, I saw a picture of the Barbie Video Girl Camera in a catalog, and I really would love to have it for Christmas. I could take a video of my friends when they come to play with me. And actually, I love the "GoGo Walking Pup." He makes sounds and walks on a leash. I would like to have one if I can. I'm going to be at my Grandma's for Christmas Eve. Grandma and I will leave milk and cookies for you. Love, Danielle, 6 years old Dear Santa, I would really like a Nerf gun for Christmas. I like the "Nerf Longstrike" the best. I'll probably play with it in my basement. It's a big basement. And I've been thinking about asking for a Paper Jamz Guitar. I like rock and roll music. We have already decorated our Christmas tree. We have singing snowmen on our tree and a nutcracker. It is a little one. Be careful on your long trip. I watched "Polar Express," and I have a "Polar Express Train." Love, Logan, 5 years old Dear Santa, I have been collecting "Squinkies." They are bubbles that have animals and people figures inside. One even has a castle in it. I would like for you to bring me some new ones. And I would like Zhu Zhu Pets and the battle arena where they challenge each other. We are going to decorate our tree later, but we have put up our outside decorations. I like the sleigh. We will try to track your trip on the computer. Have a safe trip, Santa. Love, Jocylynn, 6 years old
own snow for the cabin. My family decorated our inside Christmas tree. Grandma game us a Rudolph ornament for our tree. I really like it. We will leave you cookies and milk. Love, Erin, 5 years old Dear Santa, I like to play with cars...like Hot Wheels. I would like you to bring me a few more cars for my collection of them. I already have a big track for the cars to race on. I think that is all I would like. We have our house decorated for Christmas. I like the stuffed Santa that sits on a chair. I like Christmas. Love, Jakob K.,6 years old Dear Santa, I would really like an electric guitar for Christmas. I would like a black one. I think I could play it really well. My sister could play her piano while I play my guitar. And could you please bring me a regular size Monster Truck? It doesn't matter what color it is. Santa, what do you do after Christmas is over? I hope you can take a nap. Love, Travis, 6 years old Dear Santa, I would really like the Zhu Zhu Pets Grooming Center and a new Zhu Zhu Pet to go with it. And could you bring Olivia's house with the figures that go with it? There is furniture in it. I saw the house in the Smokies when I was on vacation last summer. We have our decorations out and if I'm good at school, I get to help decorate our tree and in our house. I like to wear Christmas clothes at home and school. I love you, Santa. Sydney, 5 years old Dear Santa, Can I have two Zhu Zhu Pets for Christmas? I don't care what color they are. And I would like the Zhu Zhu Pet Grooming Center if you can find one. I have wanted a Barbie doll and her pool for a long time or a Barbie Fairytale Glitterizer Playset. We might have friends over for Christmas. We are waiting closer to Christmas to decorate our house. Santa, do you think you might have snow for your trip at Christmas? We will leave you cookies, and we will leave your reindeer some food on Christmas Eve. Love, Grace, 6 years old Dear Santa, I would really like a Barbie pocket watch for Christmas. You can open and shut the cover of the watch. I can tell time, so I can really sue this watch. And I would love to have some new glittery clothes to wear to Kindergarten. I can wear a medium. Mom said I could have a real-live kitten. I don't care what kind or color the kitten is. I promise I will take care of the kitten. Our Christmas tree is pretty. It has little red bows on the branches. I hope you have a Happy Christmas. Love, Savannah, 5 years old Dear Santa, Please Santa can I have a new leotard for my gymnastics class? I don't care what color it is, but I would like it to be sparkly. And I would like a mosaic art kit to create pretty designs. I need new glitter glue because my old glue wore out. Mommy and I decorated our house. We have two Christmas trees downstairs and two upstairs. One is in my bedroom and one is in my brothers. My favorite ornament is a penguin and a snowman hugging each other. Merry Christmas, Santa. Love, Linley, 5 years old Dear Santa, I would really like a Hot Wheels Color Shifter and the G.I. Joe Echo Vehicle for Christmas. I would like to see the color changing and the car flying through the monster's head. I'll play with the GI. Joe at my Grandma's house. My family is going to Disney World in November. I get to go to Lego World there. I hope you have a good trip to all the houses. Love, Landen, 5 years old Dear Santa, I would like a new Barbie doll, please. Could you please bring me some clothes for her too? I would like a stuffed puppy too. My brother and Scott decorated our tree house for Christmas. We put different colored lights on the tree house. Be careful on your sled, Santa. Love, Mattie, 6 years old
Dear Santa, Could you please bring me the Super Mario Brothers Wii game for my Wii system? It's a new game. And Santa, I would like a wrestling ring with WWE Action figures. My Dad and I watch wrestling matches together on our T.V. Our lights are very pretty on the outside of our house. They are orange lights. We will decorate inside soon. I will have my own tree in my bedroom. Hope you and your reindeer rest up for your trip. Love, Jakob H., 5 years old
Mrs. Young's Kindergarten Dear Santa, I would really like the Moto Frenzy motorcycle set and the Paper Jamz guitar for Christmas. I broke my other motorcycle a long time ago. The handle came off. And I'll like to play music on the guitar. My family puts up lights on the bushes and under the house roof. We're trying to paint our house yellow before Christmas. We give you, Santa and your reindeer some food for Christmas Eve. Love, Isaac B.
Dear Santa, I saw "Zoobles" on a T.V. commercial. I would really like some for Christmas. They are collectibles. If you can, please bring me the "Zoobles" Treehouse Playset. It's a place where the Zoobles live. And maybe you can bring me a "Moxie Girlz" and her Magic Snow Cabin. You can make your
Dear Santa, Can you please bring me the Hot Wheels Criss Cross Crash Track set? I have some Hot Wheels cars, but could you bring me five more cars if you can. I would love to have it. Santa, we have some decorations outside our house: a snowman that blows up when you turn on the lights and
Have a Jolly Christmas
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
goes down when you turn the lights off. We also have a train with lights. Merry Christmas! Love, Alex Dear Santa, May I please have a pink Barbie dollhouse and the furniture for Christmas? And please bring a Barbie doll. My friend and I will play together with the dollhouse. We decorate our house outside and inside. I'm getting excited for Christmas. Do you like the North Pole? I will leave cookies for you...chocolate. Love, Lacey Dear Santa, Would you please give me a pink car (a small one) and The Littlest Pet Shop Rescue Center? I will let my dolls ride in the car and there are lots of things to play with in the rescue center. Our family is celebrating Christmas at my house. We'll probably eat pizza or spaghetti-o's. We will decorate a Christmas tree. I like the Winnie the Pooh ornament on the tree. Happy Christmas, Santa. Love, Riley Dear Santa, Please, I really want the Optimus Prime Transformers for Christmas. And the Lego sets of the helicopter and limousine and the passenger plane Lego set. I love playing with the Transformers and I have lots of Legos. I hope to play in the snow at Christmas and I hope you have a big snow for Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas Santa! Love, Nolan Dear Santa, I really have a lot of Barbie dolls but I wish I could have one more. I would like on that has hair that changes color. Could you please bring beautiful dresses that Barbie can wear? And please bring a baby doll and special clothes. I hope Rudolph might help you this year. I will make special cookies for you. Merry Christmas! Love, Daytona Dear Santa, Can I please have the Buzz Lightyear talking figure and the new Toy Story 3 movie...a DVD? I think it will be fun to hear Buzz talk. Our family puts up a big Christmas tree downstairs. We have little balls to decorate it. They are purple and blue. I wish I could see you when you come to my house. Happy Holidays, Santa! Love, Tristan Dear Santa, Can I please have the Rapunzel Sparkle Princess Fashion Doll and the hair braider for her? I will have fun braiding her hair. I want to thank you for the Princess dolls that you brought me last Christmas. We have three Christmas trees at our house: a big one, a medium one, and a small one. The small one is in my bedroom. The ornaments on the little tree are pink. I have the bell from your sleigh that you left last year. I like it. Happy Christmas! Love, Elena Dear Santa, May I have a tape recorder for Christmas? It's just a plain black one. And I will need some tapes. I saw the recorder on TV. I can record voices and have my friends guess who it is. My family took a trip to Mexico over Thanksgiving break. We flew from St. Louis. Our hotel in Mexico had a swimming pool right by it...lots of pools. Thank you for everything Santa. Have a nice Christmas! Love, Isaac M. Dear Santa, Could I have cars from Lightning McQueen for Christmas: the King, Lightning McQueen, and Chick Hicks? I would like a track for them to race on. We'll have a pine tree up and decorated for Christmas in the living room. Santa, I will leave you cookies and cookies for your reindeer. Merry Christmas! Love, Jadon Dear Santa, I would really like the Star War Lego set called Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter. And from "How to Train Your Dragon" I would like the Attack Playset and the bucket of figures. The figures come in all colors. My mom told me that we are going somewhere very special on Christmas, but I don't know where it is. We will bake gingerbread cookies for Christmas, and we will leave you circle cookies. Merry Christmas, Santa! Love, Kole Dear Santa, May I have a Nerf gun with ammunition made of rubber for Christmas? Someone in my family is bringing me a Harry Potter train so I don't need anything else. My dad has told me lots about you, Santa. I know where you live...in the Arctic where it's very cold. I'm glad your suit keeps you warm. I hope you have a great time on your trip. Love, Corran Dear Santa, I would really like the Toy Story 3
Big Roaring Rex figure for Christmas. When you squeeze him, he makes a big roar. And I would like the Kung Zhu Battle Arena with the King Zhu hamsters. I'll have a good time playing with these gifts. My brother will play with me. We have decorations to put up in our house. Daddy bought a snowman that lights up in the dark. Santa, how can you fly all over the world in one night? Have a safe trip. Love, Hunter Dear Santa, I would really like for you to bring me a new Wii game. I would also like Poke Park Wii: Pikachu's Adventure, and also Mario vs. Donkey Kong: MiniLand Mayhem. I like to play music so could you bring me a Paper Jamz guitar? Our relatives will be coming to our house for Christmas. Our family will decorate the inside of our house. I will leave cookies for your trip. Love, Connor Dear Santa, Please bring me an Easy Bake Oven with the pans and food for Christmas. I like to cook, but I can't on our big stove. I don't want to get burned. And I would like a Zhu Zhu Pet with the Grooming Center. We are going to decorate a little at our house, probably a Christmas tree. My friend will come play with me at Christmas time. You are a great Santa! Love, Chloe Dear Santa, May I have an American Girl Doll for Christmas? I don't have one, so you can bring me any doll that you wish. And some clothes for her with shoes. Also, I would like any Mario DS game and a Fin Fin Friends Playset. My grandma helps me make cookies for you. I will leave you some for your trip. Love, Kora Dear Santa, Could you please Santa bring over to my house an American Girl Doll? I would like one with short blonde hair. I think her name is Lanie. Can you please bring her some clothes to wear? Some of my friends have American Girl Dolls and we could play with them together. My Dad already has Christmas lights up on our roof. The lights are white. I don't know what kind of cookies you like Santa, but I will leave you some for your trip. I love you! Love, Reese
Mrs. Chelsea & Ms. Carey Infant 2 Dear Santa, I want an activity table, a riding toy and some musical toys so I can dance. Madilyn Dear Santa, I want a push toy, some building blocks, and some cars. I would also like a tool table. Antonio Jr. Dear Santa, I would like toy cars, a push toy, and a little tikes radio. Jace Dear Santa, I would like to have a walking toy, cars, and any toys I can bang on the floor. I love to make noise! Justin Jr. Dear Santa, I would please like to have a my size baby doll, musical toys, and a riding toy. Brooklyn Dear Santa, I would like some new boots, a baby doll, and some disney books. Malayha Dear Santa, I would like to have a walking toy, some pull toys and some books for my mommy and daddy to read to me Kelis Dear Santa, I would like to have a baby doll, some princess books and pull toys. Kyndal Mrs. Erica & Ms. Nichol Young 3's Dear Santa, Please bring Eli books, a ball, and Thomas the Tang Engine toys. Eli Dear Santa, Please bring Aden a garbage truck, elmo, tinkerbell, some bouncy balls, Dora & Boots. Jacob Dear Santa, Please bring me a baby bottle for my babies and puppy food to feed our puppy. Karley Dear Santa, Please bring Ethan a robot, a talking truck of friends, icon gloves & helmet. Ethan
Dear Santa, Please bring me a monster truck, fire truck and other trucks. Dayton Dear Santa, Please bring me a fire truck, rescue truck, and balls. Kamden Dear Santa, Please Santa bring me lots of Thomas the Tank Engine toys, Percy too. A helpicoptor, tow-mater, lighten Mcqueen, chick-it! Anthony Dear Santa, I would like you to bring me some buzz & woody toys, undies, and sissy! Brayden Dear Santa, I would like you to bring me Iron man movie and Iron man wall toy. Jerrin Dear Santa, Please bring me a Dora and a baby sister dressup clothes and a rock star, and you can get all this at target. Alivia Dear Santa, Please bring Felicia, a Christmas tree, garbag truck, snow backpack, baby doll. Felicia Dear Santa, Cars, big ruck, spoons, phones, cat. Adam Dear Santa, Please bring me a choo choo train. Calvin Dear Santa, Please bring woody. Isaac Dear Sasnta, Please bring me a ball. Aden Dear Santa, Please bring Matthew tv (big) McDonalds. Matthew Mrs. Lyn & Ms. Stasia Infant l Dear Santa, Please bring me a bouncey seat, a tething toy and a musical mobile. Landon Dear Santa, Please bring me a musical mirror, a activity station & a fuzzy baby doll. Madison Dear Santa, Please bring me a push toy, a tunnel to crawl through and blocks to stack. Hope Dear Santa, Please bring me some squeaky blocks and books, a singing baby doll & a teething toy. Brier Dear Santa, Please bring me a tunnel to crawl through, balls to roll & music toys. Robert Dear Santa, Please bring me a bouncy seat, a swing and a fuzzy baby doll. Lakyiah Dear Santa, Please bring me a boppy, a swing, and a squeaky book. Brylan Mrs. Ruth & Mrs. Charvelle 3 Year Olds Dear Santa, Musical Instrutments, snow, pantyhose, girl toys. Brooklyn Dear Santa, I would like Toy story boots, toy story toys, Mr. Potatoe head toy, Tinker Bell I can fly movie. Marianna Dear Santa, Tons of christmas lights, snow lights a really huge tree, Dora movies, boots, Grandma to visit more, Grandpa to visit more, Daddy to visit more, spend more time with mommy. Hannah Dear Santa, A wash stove, pirate, woody from toy story, all the toy story toys, caillou toys. Kendall Dear Santa, A Dora 4 wheeler, a Dora race care. Cealah Dear Santa, Buzz lightyear, real airplane, real rocket ship that is real big, 2 rocket ships that have shooters on it, a Jessi from toy story, a Wood from toy story. Ryder Dear Santa, A trash truck, a dump truck, lots of boy toys, a tiny inside swimming pool. Colton Dear Santa,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from The Herald & Review
(217) 422-5555 hrclass@herald-review.com
Friday, December 24 2010 DECATUR, ILLINOIS
Letters To Santa A camera, a princess clock, another kitty cat, 2 jackets that are pink, 5 drinking glasses, 2 green shirts. Taylor Dear Santa, A DS, A ipod, t.v., glasses you drink from that are pink and purple, skeechers, 2 red shirts, 5 bottles of water. Carlei Dear Santa, A truck, fake dog, sunglasses that are real, want Santa claus to visit and stay for dinner, blank paper to draw on, a coloring book, a red clipboard. Ma'Khylan Dear Santa, 1 baseball bat, 2 footballs, Scooby-Doo toys, Santa Claus coming over for dinner. Gregory Dear Santa, I want every toy made for boys. Mommy and Daddy. Wyatt Dear Santa, Big car, lots of toys. Logan Dear Santa, Everything Dora. Aubreyona Dear Santa, A bull-eye, a real horse. Dominick Dear Santa, Lots of cars that are brown & red. Bryson Dear Santa, Princess toys, clothes, shoes, a huge white christmas tree. Savannah Dear Santa, A Christmas dress, a long christmas tree with a star on top. All the princess toys. Emma
Ms. Amanda & Mrs. Ashley 2 Year Olds Dear Santa, This year I would like to have a soccer ball and a dog. Cameron Dear Santa, This year I would like to have a doll and a cat. Madalyn Dear Santa, This year I would like to have a baby doll and a baby doll bottle. Amea Dear Santa, This year I would like to have a
Doug Brown office: 875-5423 cell: 853-4668
Love, Maddy
Dear Santa, I would like to have a real computer, a hot wheel car, monster truck. Chuyler
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a pink piggy computer to play with! Keyaira
baby doll and christmas tree. Kiely Dear Santa, This year I would like to have clothes, a baby doll and a stroller for her. Carlie Dear Santa, This year I would like to have a baby doll, shoes and a phone. Khaziya Dear Santa, This year I would like to have a lion, a camera and a yellow truck. Jaton Dear Santa, This year I would like to have a race car and barbie dolls. Schyli Dear Santa, This year I would like to have money and trucks. Ethan Dear Santa, This year I would like to have a fish and a fish bowl. Tessa Dear Santa, This year I would like to have some blocks and lots of books. Andrew Dear Santa, This year I would like to have a baby doll and kitchen set. Annabelle Dear Santa, This year For Christmas I would like to have a cat and a bear. Marshawna Dear Santa, This year I would like some crayons. I would also like some bugs & trucks. Colten Dear Santa, This year I would like a baby doll and a blanket and pillow for her. I would also like a baby bed for my baby doll. Hannah Dear Santa, This year I would like lots and lots of trucks and cars. Kristopher
Ms. Dixie & Ms. Ashley 4 Yr. Olds Dear Santa, I would like Santa to bring me a race care. Michael Dear Santa, I would like Santa to bring me a ramote controle back hole.
May the Joy and Peace of Christmas be with you now and throughout the New Year!
“Celebrate HIS BEST GIFT all year!”
Dear Santa, I would like Santa to bring me a new buzz game, a marbel game. Keegan Dear Santa, I would like Santa to bring me a doll house! Elizabeth Dear Santa, I would like Santa to bring me a barbie. Lily Dear Santa, I would like Santa to bring me a tinker bell phone. a Barbie, 2 DS's. A tree, a barbie car, a hoola hoop. Tonae Dear Santa, I would like Santa to bring me a pillow pet, race care, dish washer. Michael Dear Santa, I would like santa to bring me an American flag bed. Dayton Dear Santa, I would like Santa to bring me a new DS. A barbie, a Dora movie. Sarah Dear Santa, I would like Santa to bring me a doll to bring to Kids Castle. I also want play flowers. A pony. Kamryn Dear Santa, I would like Santa to bring me a big swing for swinging. Jamarius Ms. Jane, Ms. Valarie, Ms. Amanda Toddlers Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like new books and crayons and markers! Love, Marley Dear Santa, For Christmas can I please have a rocking horse! Love, Earl Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a froggy and new books. Love, Douglas Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a new baby doll.
Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a play laptop just like my m ommies! Love, Yaretzi Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a new bike! Love, Joshua Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like some stuffed animals and baby dolls. Laila Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a ride on toy car and a new ball! Love, Connor Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is anything I can make lots of noise with! Jordan Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like some musical instruments! Love, Ayden
Dear Santa, I would like a DS, a teradact.1, legos, a chicken that squeaks, battlegons, a dinosaur named Cruncher, Super Mario Galaxy, a frog. Kadoh Dear Santa, I would like a PSP, Annihilators, a racecar, a tractor, a frog, a basketball, a bear, batman. Khaife Dear Santa, I would like a skateboard, heeleys, a slinky, a bunch of candy, a real cat, a fake dog, a bumble bee toy. James Dear Santa, I would like Kennectimals, baby allgone, a baby jaguar, a real dog, a bunch of candy. Zoe What I want for Christmas is a real dog an ipod, an XBox 360 and five gamesj for it, Modern War Fare 2, Hab3, Saints Row and Saints Row 2. Call of Duty. Tayah
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a new dolly with a blanket for her, os we can match! Love, Alanna
Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I would like a flat screen t.v. and a puppy. I would also like some stuffed animals and lots of candy. I would also like lots of slinkys and some more wii games (mario cart, just 1 and 2 and the build a bear game. Oh and Santa could you please make it snow. I would love to have a car. Thank you! Nakya
Ms. Jenny & Ms. Brittany School Age Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I would like a video watch and a technique game and can you bring my sister a teddy bear and some new binkys. Love, Briden
Dear Santa, I will be a good boy. I will get a lot of gifts. I will get things like toy cars, and play station games. I think I will get a cell phone. I like cell phones. You can call a text people. Santa you are so powerful. I want you to stay at my house everyday. My favorite day is christmas. I love Christmas! Makki
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a new doll with a carrier for her! Love, Kyleigh
Dear Santa, I would like a ds games and a dsi an pink snugy zuzu trackers two zuzu perses. Natalie Dear Santa, I will lock a bean bag and dresses and an amercan grle doll. Abbey Dear Santa, I want super Mario Galaxy 2, and super mario galaxy 1. I really want a kung Zhu. I also want a lot of candy. Can you get me a skateboard. Most of all I want a lot of care. Thank you Santa. Nastasya
Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas this year is a pile of books to read and some lego sets. Mya Dear Santa, I want a ds game called pets nursery 2. And some cloths. A teliscope. Art set. A pool table. A pool shoes and a diary. A book and movies. Dreeses. Makeup. Amaiyah Dear Santa, I will like a stuffed horse for christmas and I will put out cookies and milk for you while I'm sleeping. I would also like a marker board so I can color with some markers on my board and some string so I can make my own craft for a doll, a dollhouse, and some paintbrushes so I can paint. Anna Dear Santa, I would like an x-box, a barbie, a stuffed animal, and an American girl doll. Chloe Dear Santa, Please can I have a nintendo dsi and a skateboard and another game for my wii. Dear Santa, How are you doing at the North Pole. I hope you are doing good! I'm going to ask you some questions. How many elfs do you have. What are there names? Is Rudolph real? Please reply. Logan Dear Santa, For Christmas I want to be able to visi my cousins down in Marion & Texas. I also would like an Ipod touch. another thing I want for Christmas is for my dad to be home so I can spend my christmas with him! Alisia
Dear Santa, I would like 3 zhu zhu pets, a barbie, a book about Christmas, my whole table set of toys and markers & crayons, and let's see... a powered bike! Ciara Dear Santa, What I want for christmas is a Xbox 360 and a laptop so i can have my own stuff on it and some new clothes and some new boots and so new shoes and thats all i want for right know oh and one more thing is to have a great time with my family and my little dog and my big dog named ozzy bear and thats all i want. Tyna
Come Home For The Holidays
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Happy Holidays Jack Molloy 217-433-0544
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Selling Decatur...my home town.
kathyy@coldwellbanker.com 217-855-0725
Have a Happy Holiday Season!
Happy Holidays 440 N. Monroe Decatur, IL 620-4710 Rosaline Watters
Charlotte Miller
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Wishing you Happiness this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year. Merry Christmas!
Charlene Smith 217-454-4265
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