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ZI DE ZI luni, 16 iulie 2018


Farnborough Air Show: începe astăzi! pg. 31

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luni, 16 iulie 2018


Cuprins Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ........................................................................................................ 5 BVB - industria aeronautică ................................................................................................... 5 România şi Franţa, parteneri în domeniul aeronautic ............................................................ 6 Linie de producţie pentru elicopterul H215M la Braşov........................................................ 6 Airbus mai da o sansa Romaniei: Ce elicoptere trebuie sa cumpere tara noastra .................. 7 Încă cinci avioane F-16 vor fi cumpărate de la Portugalia până la finalul anului .................. 7 Încă cinci avioane F-16 vor fi cumpărate de la Portugalia până la finalul anului .................. 8 Slovacia va achiziționa 14 avioane de luptă americane F-16 pentru 1,6 miliarde de euro .... 8 Airbus Helicopters and the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior sign for 55 helicopters ............... 9 Sea Lion’s Qualification Phase Has Started ......................................................................... 10 Philippine Airlines takes delivery of its first A350 XWB ................................................... 10 JetBlue Selects Pratt & Whitney GTF(TM) Engines to Power 60 Airbus A220-300 Aircraft .............................................................................................................................................. 11 GE awarded contract for adaptive cycle engine/$437 million contract modification is for next generation adaptive propulsion risk reduction. ............................................................ 12 Bell Boeing to begin new tiltrotor production - $4 billion contract provides for 58 CMV22B tiltrotors to United States Navy, Marines, and Air Force, and the government of Japan. .............................................................................................................................................. 13 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri financiare ale pieții datorate aranjamentelor financiare ale vânzărilor (16 - început #270) ....................................................................... 16 CNC technology, advancements on display ......................................................................... 18 Cleaning solutions at IMTS 2018......................................................................................... 19 EVO Cam ll digital microscope ........................................................................................... 20 Cap. NAVAL ....................................................................................................................... 21 Cele patru corvete…............................................................................................................. 21 Governments receive plans for industrial tie-up between Fincantieri, Naval Group ........... 22 Imaginea frumoasa a Marinei Romane astazi ...................................................................... 22 Cap. RACHETE ................................................................................................................. 23 Cap. EUROPA .................................................................................................................... 25 Ministrul finanțelor publice a semnat la Bruxelles Carta Vamală Europeană ..................... 25 România – pentru Președinția Consiliului Uniunii Europene .............................................. 25 Programul european de dezvoltare industrială în domeniul apărării (EDIDP) (4/11) ......... 25 Page 3 of 42

Council and European Council starting position.............................................................. 26 POLITICA DE SECURITATE ȘI APĂRARE COMUNĂ (3/6) ........................................ 26 Turcia emite decrete prezidențiale care transformă instituțiile ............................................ 27 Cap. DECIZIONAL ........................................................................................................... 27 Problemele industriei de apărare din Dâmboviţa, în atenţia Ministerului Economiei ......... 27 Proiecte în dezbatere publică................................................................................................ 28 Guvernanța corporativă a întreprinderilor publice ........................................................... 28 Cap. FINANȚE ................................................................................................................... 30 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur .............................................................. 30 Bilete de valoare ................................................................................................................... 31 Cap. INVESTIȚII............................................................................................................... 31 Proceduri de achiziție publică/sectorială .............................................................................. 31 Cap. MacroE ...................................................................................................................... 32 Romania - IMF Country Report No. 18/148 (7/11) ............................................................. 32 Cap. EVENIMENTE ......................................................................................................... 32 Târguri, conferințe A&D: Farnborough 2918 ...................................................................... 32 5 stories to watch at Farnborough International Airshow 2018 ....................................... 32 Industry 4.0 for aerospace – KPMG looks beyond the hype ........................................... 33 Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE .................................................................................................... 36 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION (23 - început din 14.06.2018) .......................... 36 Schimbarea schimbării în timp ce se schimbă: Creșterea gândirii militare disruptive (8 început #278) ........................................................................................................................ 38 L3 Technologies #18 ............................................................................................................ 41 Cap. DIVERSE ................................................................................................................... 41 GDPR ................................................................................................................................... 41 The History of Europe: Every Year ..................................................................................... 41

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200,00 180,00 160,00 140,00 120,00 100,00 80,00 60,00 40,00 20,00 0,00 01.01.2018 08.01.2018 15.01.2018 22.01.2018 29.01.2018 05.02.2018 12.02.2018 19.02.2018 26.02.2018 05.03.2018 12.03.2018 19.03.2018 26.03.2018 02.04.2018 09.04.2018 16.04.2018 23.04.2018 30.04.2018 07.05.2018 14.05.2018 21.05.2018 28.05.2018 04.06.2018 11.06.2018 18.06.2018 25.06.2018 02.07.2018 09.07.2018


01.01.2018 08.01.2018 15.01.2018 22.01.2018 29.01.2018 05.02.2018 12.02.2018 19.02.2018 26.02.2018 05.03.2018 12.03.2018 19.03.2018 26.03.2018 02.04.2018 09.04.2018 16.04.2018 23.04.2018 30.04.2018 07.05.2018 14.05.2018 21.05.2018 28.05.2018 04.06.2018 11.06.2018 18.06.2018 25.06.2018 02.07.2018 09.07.2018

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BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights

AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM):

Valoare totală de piaţă: 248,10 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație






240,00 MIL EUR0


mil. euro






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România şi Franţa, parteneri în domeniul aeronautic http://www.bursa.ro/romania-si-franta-parteneri-in-domeniul-aeronautic350044&s=companii_afaceri&articol=350044.html

Bursa 15.07.2018 A.M.

România şi Franţa sunt parteneri de cursă lungă în domeniul aeronautic, compania Airbus fiind implicată în România de peste 40 ani, iar dorinţa de a deschide o linie de producţie pentru elicopterul H215M la Braşov reprezintă un angajament pentru viitor, a declarat Serge Durand, şeful Airbus în România, cu ocazia Zilei Naţionale a Franţei

"Este deja al treilea an pentru mine când celebrez 14 iulie în România şi de fiecare dată simt energia pozitivă din partea prietenilor români care ni se alătură pentru a sărbători împreună. Această energie îmi dă speranţă şi mă face să fiu încrezător în privinţa viitorului grupului Airbus în România. Airbus este partenerul României de peste 40 de ani. Avem la Ghimbav facilitatea Airbus Helicopters România (AHRO), care asigură servicii globale de mentenanţă, reparaţii şi personalizare pentru elicoptere aflate în serviciu în întreaga lume.

Pentru articolul original și integral urmăriți linkul ....

Linie de producţie pentru elicopterul H215M la Braşov http://www.monitorulexpres.ro/?mod=monitorulexpres&p=ultora_local&s_id=183472

Monitorul Expres 14.07.2018

,,,,, Sîntem flexibili, transparenţi şi angajaţi pe deplin într-un dialog cu partenerii noştri români pentru a pregăti împreună cea mai bună soluţie pentru România. Sîntem implicaţi de multă vreme în România, iar dorinţa de a deschide o linie de producţie pentru elicopterul H215M la Braşov reprezintă un angajament pentru viitor. În acelaşi timp, România are nevoie de elicoptere pentru misiuni de căutare şi salvare, precum şi pentru operaţiuni medicale, pentru care Airbus propune elicopterul uşor H135. Page 6 of 42

Aşteptăm cu interes licitaţia Ministerului de Interne", a precizat Durand, conform mesajului remis AGERPRES. Acesta a subliniat că, recent, Ungaria a comandat 20 de elicoptere H145M de la Airbus, iar României îşi întăreşte Forţele Aeriene alegând acest elicopter de atac uşor, potrivit pentru o gamă variată de misiuni, de la suport în luptă la transport de trupe, supraveghere, salvare şi evacuare medicală. „Şi România îşi doreşte să-şi înlocuiască flota de elicoptere vechi şi în acelaşi timp să îşi relanseze industria aeronautică. Airbus este un partener industrial de încredere, care poate contribui pentru a susţine ambele procese, prin deschiderea unei linii de producţie la Ghimbav", a mai spus şeful Airbus România. Pentru articolul original și integral urmăriți linkul ....

Airbus mai da o sansa Romaniei: Ce elicoptere trebuie sa cumpere tara noastra http://www.ziare.com/airbus/romania/airbus-mai-da-o-sansa-romaniei-ce-elicopteretrebuie-sa-cumpere-tara-noastra-1521406


Sambata, 14 Iulie 2018, ora 18:08

Romania si Franta sunt parteneri de cursa lunga in domeniul aeronautic, iar dorinta de a deschide o linie de productie pentru elicopterul H215M la Brasov reprezinta un angajament pentru viitor, a declarat Serge Durand, seful Airbus in Romania, cu ocazia Zilei Nationale a Frantei. "Este deja al treilea an pentru mine cand celebrez 14 iulie in Romania si de fiecare data simt energia pozitiva din partea prietenilor romani care ni se alatura pentru a sarbatori impreuna. Aceasta energie imi da speranta si ma face sa fiu increzator in privinta viitorului grupului Airbus in Romania. Airbus este partenerul Romaniei de peste 40 de ani. Avem la Ghimbav facilitatea Airbus Helicopters Romania (AHRO), care asigura servicii globale de mentenanta, reparatii si personalizare pentru elicoptere aflate in serviciu in intreaga lume. Tot aici avem o fabrica noua, in prezent aflata in asteptare, unde suntem nerabdatori sa incepem productia H215M, un elicopter versatil, ultraperformant din familia Super Puma. Pentru aceasta este necesara o comanda de 16 elicoptere si speram ca Romania va alege sa fie primul client. Pentru articolul original și integral urmăriți linkul .... Iata si alte detalii pe tema nemultumirilor francezilor: • "Criza" Airbus Helicopters arata problemele Romaniei - o tara nesigura pe ea, care joaca la doua capete • Airbus ameninta ca pleaca din Romania. Ministrul Fifor s-a dus la sediul din Franta

Încă cinci avioane F-16 vor fi cumpărate de la Portugalia până la finalul anului https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/inca-cinci-avioane-f-16-vor-fi-cumparate-de-laportugalia-pana-la-finalul-anului

Romania Military Razvan Mihaeanu 13 iulie 2018 - 13:57

România va mai cumpăra încă cinci avioane F-16 de la Portugalia, patru aparate cu comandă simplă și unul cu dublă comandă, iar decizia va fi trecută într-un proiecte de lege al Guvernului până la finalul anului, a declarat ministrul Page 7 of 42

Apărării, Mihai Fifor. „Va urma ca în perioada viitoare să discutăm și despre celalelte 36 de aparate F-16 pe care ne dorim să le achiziționăm. Sunt mai multe posibilități luate în calcul, ne-am adresat mai multor state care au în dotare F16 și care pot disponibiliza aceste aparate, fie că discutăm despre Statele Unite, fie că discutăm de Israel sau Grecia”, a spus Fifor. Pentru articolul original și integral urmăriți linkul ....

Încă cinci avioane F-16 vor fi cumpărate de la Portugalia până la finalul anului Ministrul Apărării: „Mai vrem apoi încă 36 de avioane și ne-am adresat mai multor state care au în dotare F-16 și care le pot disponibiliza” https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-22565568-cinci-avioane-16-vor-cump-rateportugalia-finalul-anului-ministrul-rii-mai-vrem-apoi-36-avioane-adresat-mai-multorstate-care-dotare-16-care-pot-disponibiliza.htm#self


de Victor Cozmei Vineri, 13 iulie 2018, 13:13

....... F-urile 16 cumpărate de România, în curs de operaționalizare pentru misiuni reale Cele 12 avioane au intrat în dotarea Forelor Aeriene Române treptat, în 2016 și 2017, iar de atunci și până în prezent escadrila 53 Warhawks de la baza aeriană Borcea se află în curs de operaționalizare pentru misiuni reale - antrenarea piloților, acumularea de ore de zbor pe aparate, testarea diferitelor tipuri de misiuni, omologarea și testarea muniției, etc. Operaționalizarea escadrilei de F-16 ar trebui să se finalizeze până spre sfârșitul anului, însă sunt șanse ca aceasta să dureze însă până în 2019. Între timp, România se bazează exclusiv pe aparatele MiG 21 LanceR, circa 30 la număr, pentru misiunile proprii de poliție aeriană. Pentru articolul original și integral urmăriți linkul .... Citește mai multe: • Câte avioane de vânătoare MiG 21 LanceR mai are România, de ce vor rămâne în uz încă o bună vreme și de ce mai noile F-16 recent cumpărate nu sunt încă complet operaționale • Slovacia va cumpăra 14 avioane de vânătoare F-16V (Block 70/72) pentru 1,6 miliarde de euro

Slovacia va achiziționa 14 avioane de luptă americane F-16 pentru 1,6 miliarde de euro https://www.profit.ro/povesti-cu-profit/vecini/slovacia-va-achizitiona-14-avioane-delupta-americane-f-16-pentru-1-6-miliarde-de-euro-18235565

Profit.ro miercuri, 17:15

Guvernul slovac a aprobat miercuri achiziția a 14 avioane de luptă americane F-16 Block 70/72 pentru 1,6 miliarde de euro, ce vor înlocui aparatele MiG-29 de concepție sovietică învechite, transmite AFP. Pentru articolul original și integral urmăriți linkul .... Page 8 of 42

Airbus Helicopters and the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior sign for 55 helicopters Ukraine is set to modernize its civil helicopter fleet https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/press-releases/en/2018/07/airbus-helicoptersand-the-ukrainian-ministry-of-interior-sign-f.html

Airbus 14/07/2018

Kiev – Following the Intergovernmental Agreement signed between France and Ukraine on 8 June, Airbus Helicopters has signed a contract with the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior for the purchase of 55 civil helicopters destined for search and rescue (SAR), public services, and emergency medical service (EMS) missions in the country. The 55 aircraft include 21 repurposed H225s, and 10 brand new H145s and 24 H125. The contract, which also foresees the setting up of a local training and maintenance centre, was signed in Kiev on 14 July in the presence of Arsen Avakov, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Ukraine, and Bruno Even, Airbus Helicopters CEO.

The heavy twin-engine H225 aircraft ordered by Ukraine, for which the French State currently holds economic rights, will be repurposed to suit public services and search & rescue missions for which the aircraft is recognised as a reference helicopter. The H225 features include a takeoff sequence of less than five minutes, an extra longrange capability with auxiliary fuel tanks, and its world-renowned autopilot and upper SAR modes. The first H225 helicopters are expected to land in Kiev before the end of 2018. A world leader in the EMS segment and parapublic missions, the Airbus H145 is the latest member of its 4-tonne-class twin-engine rotorcraft product range – with designed-in mission capability and flexibility, especially in high and hot operating conditions. Compact in size, this helicopter’s small footprint and large, flexible cabin make it the aircraft of choice for a variety of civil missions. The H125, an Airbus bestseller, is a light single-engine helicopter that has earned its reputation as a true multi-mission workhorse thanks to its high levels of performance, exceptional manoeuvrability, excellent visibility and low vibration levels in the cabin, with an optimized maintenance plan that contributes to reduced operating costs for the customer. The aircraft, with its new flat floor can be quickly and easily reconfigured for various missions, including aerial work, firefighting, law enforcement, search and rescue, and passenger transport. About Airbus Airbus is a global leader in aeronautics, space and related services. In 2017 it generated revenues of € 59 billion restated for IFRS 15 and employed a workforce of around 129,000. Airbus offers the most comprehensive range of passenger airliners Page 9 of 42

from 100 to more than 600 seats. Airbus is also a European leader providing tanker, combat, transport and mission aircraft, as well as one of the world’s leading space companies. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions worldwide.

Sea Lion’s Qualification Phase Has Started https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/press-releases/en/2018/07/sea-lion-squalification-phase-has-started.html


Donauwörth – The second prototype of the NH90 Sea Lion has performed its first flight in serial configuration on July 10. This event marks the beginning of the helicopter’s qualification phase together with the customer’s official authorities. When the qualification phase is finished, the German customer will release the military type certificate to allow the first serial delivery, which is scheduled for end of 2019. Altogether 18 helicopters are on order.

About Airbus Airbus is a global leader in aeronautics, space and related services. In 2017 it generated revenues of € 59 billion restated for IFRS 15 and employed a workforce of around 129,000. Airbus offers the most comprehensive range of passenger airliners from 100 to more than 600 seats. Airbus is also a European leader providing tanker, combat, transport and mission aircraft, as well as one of the world’s leading space companies. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions worldwide.

Philippine Airlines takes delivery of its first A350 XWB https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/press-releases/en/2018/07/philippine-airlinestakes-delivery-of-its-first-a350-xwb.html

Airbus 14/07/2018

Philippine Airlines (PAL) has taken delivery of its first A350 XWB at a special event in Toulouse, France, becoming the 19th airline to operate the world’s most modern and efficient long range airliner. Altogether, Philippine Airlines has ordered six A350-900s, which will be primarily operated on non-stop services to Europe and North America. These will include the carrier’s longest route to New York, which the A350-900 can operate non-stop in both directions, all year round. Representing a distance of over 8,000 nautical miles, the 17 hour return journey from New York to Manila previously involved a technical stop in Vancouver. Page 10 of 42

Philippine Airlines has configured its A350-900s with a premium three class layout seating 295 passengers in three classes. This including 30 seats that convert to fully flat beds in Business Class, 24 offering extra space in Premium Economy and 241 18-inch wide seats in the main cabin. The aircraft features the award-winning Airspace by Airbus cabin, with more personal space and full connectivity throughout. The cabin is the quietest of any twin aisle aircraft and features the latest mood lighting and air conditioning systems. Higher humidity levels and a lower cabin altitude all contribute to added well-being on board, especially for long range flights.

“The arrival of the A350 XWB will see PAL offer new levels of comfort on our long haul flights,” said Jaime J. Bautista, President & COO of Philippine Airlines. “At the same time we will benefit from the A350 XWB’s new generation efficiency, with a significant reduction in fuel consumption and lower maintenance costs. We believe that the A350 XWB will be a game changer for PAL as we compete with the best in the premium long haul market.” “We are pleased to welcome Philippine Airlines as the latest operator of the A350 XWB,” said Eric Schulz, Chief Commercial Officer, Airbus. “The A350 XWB has set new standards for long haul flights, combining extra-long range capability with the lowest possible operating costs and the highest standards of comfort. We are confident that the A350 XWB will be a great success with Philippine Airlines and will enable the airline to reinforce its position as one of Asia’s leading international carriers.” The A350 XWB is an all-new family of mid-size widebody long-haul airliners shaping the future of air travel. The A350 XWB features the latest aerodynamic design, carbon fibre fuselage and wings, plus new fuel-efficient Rolls-Royce engines. Together, these latest technologies translate into unrivalled levels of operational efficiency, with a 25 per cent reduction in fuel consumption and significantly lower maintenance costs. At the end of June 2018, Airbus has recorded 882 firm orders for the A350 XWB from 46 customers worldwide, already making it one of the most successful widebody aircraft ever. 182 A350 XWBs have been delivered to 19 airlines worldwide.

JetBlue Selects Pratt & Whitney GTF(TM) Engines to Power 60 Airbus A220-300 Aircraft https://www.epicos.com/article/292954/jetblue-selects-pratt-whitney-gtftm-enginespower-60-airbus-a220-300-aircraft

EPICOS Jul 12, 2018 SOURCE: PR NewsWire EAST HARTFORD, Conn.,

Pratt & Whitney, a division of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX), congratulates JetBlue Airways (NASDAQ: JBLU) on its selection of 60 firm Airbus A220-300 aircraft, which are powered exclusively by Pratt & Whitney Geared Turbofan(TM) (GTF) engines. This announcement follows previous firm orders from JetBlue for GTF engines to power 85 Airbus A320neo family aircraft. Page 11 of 42

"This selection marks a milestone for our airline," said Robin Hayes, chief executive officer, JetBlue. "The role Pratt & Whitney has played in the development of this aircraft - and, in fact, all the great aircraft we've considered - is a testament to the company's vision and its talented team. We look forward to the benefits the GTF will bring to our airline and to our customers." "We're honored by JetBlue's confidence in selecting the A220-300 aircraft which adds to their existing order of the A320neo family of aircraft both powered by the Pratt & Whitney GTF engine," said Chris Calio, president of commercial engines at Pratt & Whitney. "We've been powering JetBlue with our V2500(ÂŽ) engines since they started operations in 2000. We now look forward to also supporting JetBlue across their two new fuel-efficient, next-generation aircraft platforms well into the next decade." To date, the GTF-powered A220-300 fleet has flown more than 150,000 engine flight hours with three operators, traveling to 145 destinations. The GTF engines for the A220 aircraft continue to meet performance benefits including up to 20% lower fuel consumption, 50% reduction in NOx emissions to the regulatory standard, and 75% reduction in noise footprint.

GE awarded contract for adaptive cycle engine/$437 million contract modification is for next generation adaptive propulsion risk reduction. http://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/article/ge-contract-adaptivecycle-engine-071118/

Aerospace Manufacturing&Design July 11, 2018 Edited by Eric Brothers

GE was awarded a $437 million contract modification from the U.S. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base for the execution of next generation adaptive propulsion risk reduction for potential air superiority applications. GE's Adaptive Cycle Engine is a variable cycle engine that will automatically alternate between a high-thrust mode for maximum power and a high-efficiency mode for optimum fuel savings. "GE is excited to continue the maturation of adaptive cycle engines; it will enable revolutionary combat capability of future platforms," said Dan McCormick, general manager of GE's Advanced Combat Engine Program. "Three-stream adaptive cycle engines bring a generational change to what propulsion can provide as compared to legacy engines or potential upgrades to legacy engines. It will be a game changer in combat capability with unmatched improvements in range, thrust, and heat dissipation capacity, critical to future mission requirements, while enabling upgrades in avionics and weapons." GE, along with the U.S. Air Force, has matured the enabling technologies and architectures of adaptive cycle engines through a series of highly-successful design and test activities in the Adaptive Versatile Engine Technology (ADVENT), Adaptive Engine Technology Development (AETD), and Adaptive Engine Transition Program (AETP) efforts. Between 2007 and 2017, GE successfully designed and tested multiple three-stream adaptive fan configurations, an advanced compressor rig, two full-scale core engines, and a full three-stream adaptive cycle technology demonstrator engine. GE's understanding of adaptive cycle engines is based on this solid foundation of testing. Page 12 of 42

"Engine, component, and core test data has validated the revolutionary capability afforded by this class of technologies and adaptive architectures. Our adaptive cycle engine design and test learnings over the past decade will be leveraged in this recent contract award," Dan McCormick said. "We are proud and excited to be part of the U.S. Air Force team moving this new class of advanced propulsion forward towards eventual production and fielding."

Bell Boeing to begin new tiltrotor production - $4 billion contract provides for 58 CMV-22B tiltrotors to United States Navy, Marines, and Air Force, and the government of Japan. http://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/article/bell-boeing-begin-tiltrotorproduction-070518/

Aerospace & Defence - Network July 5, 2018 Edited by Eric Brothers

The Bell Boeing Joint Program Office, Amarillo, Texas, has been awarded $4,191,533,822 for modification P00008 to convert the previously awarded V-22 tiltrotor aircraft advance acquisition contract (N00019-17-C-0015) to a fixed-priceincentive-fee multiyear contract. This contract provides for the manufacture and delivery of 39 CMV-22B aircraft for the Navy; 14 MV-22B aircraft for the Marine Corps; one CV-22B for the Air Force; and four MV-22B aircraft for the government of Japan. “Bell Boeing is pleased to extend production of the V-22, supporting our warfighters with one of the most versatile and in-demand platforms in the U.S. arsenal,” said Chris Gehler, Bell vice president for the V-22 Program. “This multiyear production contract provides program production stability through at least 2024.”

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The U.S. Navy will use its new CMV-22B for transporting personnel and cargo from shore to aircraft carriers, eventually replacing the C-2 Greyhound, which has been in service since the mid-1960s. “By combining aircraft for three services and a key U.S. Ally into one multiyear order, the U.S. Navy gets more capability for its procurement dollar,” said Kristin Houston, vice president, Boeing tiltrotor programs and director, Bell Boeing V-22 program. “It also enables the U.S. Navy to begin advancing its carrier onboard delivery fleet with modern tiltrotor aircraft.”

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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri financiare ale pieții datorate aranjamentelor financiare ale vânzărilor (16 - început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports

In support of sales, the Company may agree to participate in the financing of selected customers. As a result, the Company has a portfolio of leases and other financing arrangements with airlines and other customers. The risks arising from the Company’s sales financing activities may be classified into two categories: (i) credit risk, which relates to the customer’s ability to perform its obligations under a financing arrangement, and (ii) aircraft value risk, which primarily relates to unexpected decreases in the future value of aircraft. Measures taken by the Company to mitigate these risks include optimised financing and legal structures, diversifi cation over a number of aircraft and customers, credit analysis of financing counterparties, provisioning for the credit and asset value exposure, and transfers of exposure to third parties. No assurances may be given that these measures will protect the Company from defaults by its customers or signifi cant decreases in the value of the financed aircraft in the resale market. The Company’s sales financing arrangements expose it to aircraft value risk, because it generally retains security interests in aircraft for the purpose of securing customers’ performance of their financial obligations to the Company, and/or because it may guarantee a portion of the value of certain aircraft at certain anniversaries from the date of their delivery to customers. Under adverse market conditions, the market for used aircraft could become illiquid and the market value of used aircraft could signifi cantly decrease below projected amounts. In the event of a financing customer default at a time when the market value for a used aircraft has unexpectedly decreased, the Company would be exposed to the difference between the outstanding loan amount and


extras În sprijinul vânzărilor, Compania poate fi de acord să participe la finanțarea clienților selectați. Ca urmare, Compania are un portofoliu de contracte de leasing și alte acorduri de finanțare cu companiile aeriene și alți clienți. Riscurile care decurg din activitățile de finanțare a vânzărilor societății pot fi clasificate în două categorii: (i) riscul de credit care se referă la capacitatea clientului de a-și îndeplini obligațiile în cadrul unui acord de finanțare și (ii) riscul privind valoarea aeronavei, se referă la scăderi neașteptate ale valorii viitoare a aeronavei. Măsurile luate de companie pentru atenuarea acestor riscuri includ o structură optimizată de finanțare și juridică, o diversificarea numărului de aeronave și clienți, analiza de credit a contrapartidelor de finanțare, provizionarea expunerii la valoarea creditului și a activelor și transferurile de expunere către terți. Nu se pot oferi garanții că aceste măsuri vor proteja Compania de neplata de către clienți sau de scăderile semnificative ale valorii avionului finanțat pe piața de revânzare. Aranjamentele financiare de vânzări ale societății o expun riscului privind scăderea valorii aeronavei, deoarece, în general, își păstrează interesele de securitate în aeronave în scopul de a asigura îndeplinirea de către clienți a obligațiilor lor financiare față de societate și / sau pentru că poate garanta o parte a valorii a anumitor aeronave la anumite termene de la data livrării acestora către clienți. În condiții nefavorabile de piață, piața aeronavelor la mâna a doua ar putea deveni nelichidă, iar valoarea de piață a acesor aeronave ar putea scădea în mod semnificativ, sub valorile preconizate. În cazul în care un client nu a reușit să plătească valoarea de piață pentru o aeronavă second-hand, societatea ar fi expusă diferenței dintre valoarea

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the market value of the aircraft, net of ancillary costs (such as maintenance and remarketing costs, etc.). Similarly, if an unexpected decrease in the market value of a given aircraft coincided with the exercise window date of an asset value guarantee with respect to that aircraft, the Company would be exposed to losing as much as the difference between the market value of such aircraft and the guaranteed amount, though such amounts are usually capped. The Company regularly reviews its exposure to asset values and adapts its provisioning policy in accordance with market fi ndings and its own experience. However, no assurance can be given that the provisions taken by the Company will be suffi cient to cover these potential shortfalls. Through the Airbus Asset Management department or as a result of past financing transactions, the Company is the owner of used aircraft, exposing it directly to fl uctuations in the market value of these used aircraft. Due to the suspension of Export Credit Agency financing, there is a risk that additional customer financing will need to be provided, which could increase the customer financing exposure. In addition, the Company has outstanding backstop commitments to provide financing related to orders on Airbus’ and ATR’s backlog. While past experience suggests it is unlikely that all such proposed financing actually will be implemented, the Company’s sales financing exposure could rise in line with future sales growth depending on the agreement reached with customers. Despite the measures taken by the Company to mitigate the risks arising from sales financing activities as discussed above, the Company remains exposed to the risk of defaults by its customers or signifi cant decreases in the value of the financed aircraft in the resale market, which may have a negative effect on its future financial condition and results of operations.

împrumutului și valoarea de piață a aeronavei, fără costurile auxiliare (cum ar fi costurile de întreținere și re-marketing, etc.). În mod similar, în cazul în care o scădere neașteptată a valorii de piață a unei anumite aeronave a coincis cu data ferestrei de exercitare a unei garanții a valorii activului cu privire la respectiva aeronavă, societatea ar fi expusă pierderii egale cu diferența dintre valoarea de piață a unui astfel de aeronavă și suma garantată, deși aceste valori sunt de obicei limitate. Compania își revizuiește periodic expunerea la valori ale activelor și își adaptează politica de provizionare în conformitate cu planurile de piață și propria sa experiență. Cu toate acestea, nu se poate garanta că prevederile luate de companie vor fi suficiente pentru a acoperi aceste deficiențe potențiale. Prin intermediul departamentului de administrare a activelor Airbus sau ca rezultat al unor tranzacții de finanțare anterioare, Societatea este proprietarul aeronavelor second-hand, expunându-le direct la fluctuațiile valorii de piață a acestor aeronave utilizate. Datorită suspendării activității de finanțare a Agenției de Credit pentru Export, există riscul furnizării de finanțare unor noi clienți, ceea ce ar putea crește expunerea la finanțarea clienților. În plus, Compania are angajamente restante în ceea ce privește furnizarea de finanțări legate de comenzile restante de Airbus și ATR. În timp ce experiența trecută sugerează că este puțin probabil ca toate astfel de finanțări să fie efectiv puse în aplicare, expunerea financiară a companiei la vânzări ar putea crește în funcție de creșterea viitoare a vânzărilor, în funcție de acordul încheiat cu clienții. În ciuda măsurilor luate de societate pentru diminuarea riscurilor generate de activitățile de finanțare a vânzărilor, așa cum s-a discutat mai sus, Compania rămâne expusă riscului de neplată de către clienți sau scăderi semnificative ale valorii avionului finanțat pe piața de revânzare, ceea ce poate avea un efect negativ asupra situației financiare viitoare și a rezultatelor operațiunilor.

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CNC technology, advancements on display http://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/hurco-imts-2018-cnc50th-anniversary-edition-071318/

Aerospace & Defence - Network July 13, 2018 Hurco Companines, Inc. http://www.hurco.com

Indianapolis — Hurco will bring the party to McCormick Place to celebrate its 50th Anniversary with customers, industry partners, and IMTS attendees. Hurco will feature its latest CNC technology innovation on its 50th Anniversary Edition CNC machines. In addition to plenty of machine demos and technology previews, Hurco will toast the company’s 50th anniversary with a happy hour each day at 4:00pm (CDT) and host a 50th Anniversary After-Hours Party on Wed., Sept. 12 from 4:00pm to 9:00pm (CDT) at the Hurco IMTS Booth #338319. “We’re excited to use our 50th Anniversary IMTS events to showcase our customers who make some really cool products. Beverages will be dispensed from a Bottoms Up Beer system, made by an Indiana company that is turning the beer industry upside down—literally! And our 50th Anniversary IMTS gift was made by Bottle Breacher, an Arizona customer, Eli Crane, who used his winnings from the television show Shark Tank to buy his Hurco VM20i. Eli is a Navy SEAL veteran who turned his hobby into a thriving business. We hope the owners of both Bottoms Up Beer and Bottle Breacher will be able to break away from their shops for a few days and celebrate with us at IMTS. Both companies are a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit that is indicative of Hurco customers everywhere,” says Maggie Smith, Hurco marketing manager. The Hurco booth will be divided into four quadrants: Automation, 5-axis, 3-axis, and Turning. In the Automation quadrant, attendees will see Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) in action with Hurco CNC machine demonstrations in partnership with Erowa, Universal Robots, Fanuc robots, Online Resources, and Industrial Controls & Automation. The 5-Axis quadrant will feature the latest 5-axis models and CNC technology that make the transition from conventional 3-axis machining to 5-sided machining easy and straightforward. The 3-Axis quadrant will feature our most popular CNC machines, the VMX6030i and the new VMX42Di with the direct drive spindle. In the Turning quadrant, attendees will see the latest control software release that streamlines turning and milling. Hurco will also premiere its 3D Import feature with 3D DXF. In addition to the 50th Anniversary parties and displays, Hurco will showcase the next generation 3D print head adapter that was first introduced at IMTS 2016. The following Hurco CNC machines will be under power at the Hurco booth: • TMX10i Turning Center • TMX8MYSi Turning Center with Live Tooling and Sub-Spindle Page 18 of 42

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VMX6030i/50T Flagship Series Vertical Mill VMX60SRTi 5-Axis CNC Mill with Swivel Head Rotary Torque Table VMX30Ui Trunnion Table 5-Axis Machining Center VM10i Plus Trunnion Table 5-Axis Machining Center VMX42Di Trunnion Table 5-Axis Machining Center HM1700Ri Horizontal Mill with Rotary Table VC500i 5-Axis CNC Mill with Cantilever Design BX60i Double-Column Bridge Design Machining Center HTL8 Lathe with 60" Travel in Z • VM30i with 3-Axis Machining Center with H200 Rotary Table Hurco CNC machines will also be featured at the AMT Emerging Technologies Center and at customer GWS Tool Group Booth #432480. • VM5i - AMT Emerging Technologies Center • BX40i – GWS Tool Group Booth

Cleaning solutions at IMTS 2018 http://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/cleaning-technologiesgroup-imts2018-071218/

Aerospace & Defence - Network July 12, 2018 Cleaning Technologies Group http://www.ctgclean.com

Cleaning Technologies Group will introduce a host of advanced cleaning solutions at the IMTS 2018 in, September 10 - 15, 2018 in Booth (#121513). Among the new technologies exhibited at the show will be: GMC stainless-steel ultrasonic cleaning system: The stainless-steel GMC is an optional package to achieve chemical compatibility with aggressive caustic and acidic agents. The GMC series comes in two sizes: the GMC1818 and the GMC 3523. The larger can accommodate parts with one dimension up to 35 inches and weighing up to 125 pounds. Both units are completely self-contained, supported on casters, and operate from commonly available power supplies making them easy to move where needed for either inplace or utility cleaning. Both systems include a pump and dual stainless cartridge filtration, a surface sparger, automated controls for heat, pump and ultrasonics, a lid, and one standard basket. A drip pan (the open hinged lid in the case of the GMC 1818 or attached to the side of the tank in the case of the GMC 3523) allows for draining one basket of parts, while cleaning another. Rotosonic combination cleaning system: The Rotosonic (patent pending) will clean heavily soiled parts in a single machine rather than having to purchase a spray cabinet and an ultrasonic machine separately. It gives the ultimate in flexibility as you can either perform a single process or both, depending on your needs. The machine has a compact design and eliminates the manpower needs and safety risks of moving parts from washer to washer. Page 19 of 42

Aquarius: Combining ultrasonic cleaning with rinsing, drying, and other processing steps in a unitized cleaning console helps assure process integrity. The addition of an automated, robotic transfer, environmental enclosure, and DI water systems increases cleanliness levels and provides process consistency while significantly reducing the labor required for parts cleaning. Aquarius series multi-tank ultrasonic cleaning systems are pre-engineered to meet a wide range of parts cleaning needs at an attractive price. This platform can also be featured to handle your nitric or citric acid passivation requirements. Lean-Jet RB-2: This aqueous immersion cleaning system uses a triple-action washing and rinsing process consisting of agitation, spray impingement, hydraulic purging through immersion and rotation, ultrasonics, and heated blow-off drying. The triple-action batch cleaning process was specifically developed to process a broad range of challenging parts, especially those with internal bores, passages and complex geometries, making this system capable of meeting critical cleaning expectations. LeanVeyor: The LV conveyor parts washing system is engineered for lean manufacturing, while reducing floor space requirements and providing exceptional cleaning and drying performance. We use a common-sense approach to component choice and placement for quick and efficient service and access. All stages are insulated and compartmentalized with individually adjustable exhaust dampers, reducing system heat loss. The entire unit has been engineered and manufactured from the ground up to be flexible, durable, simple to operate, and easy to maintain. The LeanVeyor can process on a flatwire belt or custom fixture. Optional ultrasonic states can be added along with loading and unloading automation. LeanJet Cell-Jet: An excellent cabinet washer for point of use, as well as batch cleaning where very little floor space is available. This spray washer was designed as a low cost, down and dirty, industrial quality wash station using medium pressure spray impingement and compressed air to clean and dry your parts.

EVO Cam ll digital microscope http://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/vision-engineering-evocam-ii-digital-microscope-071118/ July 11, 2018 Vision Engineering http://www.visioneng.us

New Milford, Connecticut – Vision Engineering Inc. officials announce the EVO Cam ll, a digital microscope designed with new features to improve image quality and enhance user productivity. Major enhancements include the system’s ability to offer up to 300x optical magnification, 12x digital zoom (combined magnification up to 3,600x), customizable overlays to aid inspection, up to 10 pre-set setting for reduced set-up time and the option to save images wirelessly. In addition, a newly designed user Page 20 of 42

interface, allows for ease of use and more control over the camera settings. The EVO Cam ll comes equipped with dimensioning capabilities using a grid overlay in the X and Y axis. The large zoom range allows users to measure different sized components without the need for multiple systems. When using a custom pre-set, the user can save different calibrations at set zoom positions for rapid dimensioning results. EVO Cam ll is built with quality optics and captures live video streaming and highquality images at full-HD 1,080p/60fps, resulting in no motion blur when manipulating samples. For additional clarity, EVO Cam II features an 8-point LED ring light and optional substage lighting, to create a shadow free and optimum viewing environment for a variety of components. Specifically designed for quality control, testing, inspection, and documentation, EVO Cam ll can be mounted to a range of stands to suit the production environment and application. A floating stage is available for using EVO Cam II with fragile samples, flat subjects where focus does not need to change or where contamination by handling must be avoided. The optional rotating viewer delivers direct and oblique views of the subject that can be rotated 360° degrees around a central point, giving users a fast and simple way to inspect all the way around a component without holding it.

Cap. NAVAL Cele patru corvete… https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/cele-patru-corvete

Romania Military George GMT 13 iulie 2018 - 6:35

Pana acum avem vesti bune, dar sa luam pe rand: – toate cele patru companii au depus oferte, astfel: Fincantieri – Abu Dhabi modificata, Naval Group – Gowind 2500, TKMS – K 130 Block II ( sa-i spunem) si Damen cu SIGMA 10514; – la cererea partii romane, toate cele patru vor dispune de sonar tractat, o noutate placuta pentru noi, de unde intelegem ca lupta anti-submarin este vitala pentru noi; – din punctul de vedere al sistemelor de armament, ofertele standard sunt impartite in doua, Fincantieri si NavalGroup merg pe mana MBDA cu VL Mica si Exocet, Damen impreuna cu Raytheon/RAMSYS, cu ESSM/RAM (racheta anti-nava Harpoon cel mai probabil), si TKMS care ofera RAM si RBS 15; – Fincantieri a venit cu Abu Dhabi Enhanced – nava va fi mai lunga si mai grea, +2000 tone (probabil in jurul tonajul Gowind), autonomia marita in jurul a 4000Mm – o versiune dedicata de corveta. De mentionat ca Fincantieri va merge, din punctul de vedere al inarmarii navei, acolo unde va cere partea romana, de altfel ei au vandut catre Qatar Abu Dhabi cu RAM, de asemenea si Naval Group “stie” cu RAMul, oferind aceasta configuratie tot Qatarului; – la nivel de senzori speculam, astfel Damen va oferi aproape sigur radare Thales, Naval Group probabil tot Thales, Fincantieri ramane de vazut, TKMS probabil cu radar construit de Airbus; Pentru articolul original și integral urmăriți linkul ....

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Governments receive plans for industrial tie-up between Fincantieri, Naval Group https://www.defensenews.com/naval/2018/07/12/governments-receive-plans-forindustrial-tie-up-between-fincantieri-naval-group/

Defense News 3 days ago By: Pierre Tran

PARIS — France and Italy received in June plans for industrial cooperation from shipbuilders Fincantieri and Naval Group, the spokeswoman for the French Armed Forces Ministry said. “The governments concerned received the proposals from the companies and these proposals are being studied,” Valérie Lecasble said July 12, replying to a question from Defense News. That delivery last month met a timetable for the Italian and French shipbuilders to pitch their plans for an industrial alliance in building warships and cooperating in export sales. Submarines are excluded from that proposed cooperation. Naval Group is pursuing that link up with “great determination,” a company spokesman said. Meanwhile, a 36-page report from ADIT, a partially state-owned company working in economic intelligence, has painted a “highly negative” picture of the compliance and ethics of Fincantieri, business paper La Tribune reported July 12. That ADIT report is circulating in the French Economy and Finance Ministry and the offices of the Armed Forces Minister, the report said. Pentru articolul original și integral urmăriți linkul ....

Imaginea frumoasa a Marinei Romane astazi https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/cele-patru-corvete

Romania Military George GMT 13 iulie 2018 - 6:35

Pana acum avem vesti bune, dar sa luam pe rand: – toate cele patru companii au depus oferte, astfel: Fincantieri – Abu Dhabi modificata, Naval Group – Gowind 2500, TKMS – K 130 Block II ( sa-i spunem) si Damen cu SIGMA 10514; – la cererea partii romane, toate cele patru vor dispune de sonar tractat, o noutate placuta pentru noi, de unde intelegem ca lupta anti-submarin este vitala pentru noi; – din punctul de vedere al sistemelor de armament, ofertele standard sunt impartite in doua, Fincantieri si NavalGroup merg pe mana MBDA cu VL Mica si Exocet, Damen impreuna cu Raytheon/RAMSYS, cu ESSM/RAM (racheta anti-nava Harpoon cel mai probabil), si TKMS care ofera RAM si RBS 15; – Fincantieri a venit cu Abu Dhabi Enhanced – nava va fi mai lunga si mai grea, +2000 tone (probabil in jurul tonajul Gowind), autonomia marita in jurul a 4000Mm – o versiune dedicata de corveta. De mentionat ca Fincantieri va merge, din punctul de vedere al inarmarii navei, acolo unde va cere partea romana, de altfel ei au vandut catre Qatar Abu Dhabi cu RAM, de asemenea si Naval Group “stie” cu RAMul, oferind aceasta configuratie tot Qatarului; Pentru articolul original și integral urmăriți linkul ....

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Cap. EUROPA Ministrul finanțelor publice a semnat la Bruxelles Carta Vamală Europeană http://www.mfinante.ro/acasa.html;jsessionid=STYv_dIZvTMaiXqJXHlKVdTRpoaP3f OcnXgWpKPJ.master:server34?method=detalii&id=999602630

Ministerul Finanţelor Publice

Ministrul Finanțelor Publice, dl Eugen Teodorovici, a participat joi, 12 iulie a.c., la Bruxelles, la evenimentul organizat cu ocazia celebrării celor 50 de ani de Uniune Vamală. Cu acest prilej, dl Eugen Teodorovici a semnat Carta Vamală Europeană, sub înaltul patronaj al domnului Pierre Moscovici, comisar european pentru afaceri economice şi financiare, impozitare şi vamă şi al domnului Hartwig Löger, ministrul de finanţe din Austria, ţară care deţine Preşedinţia Consiliului Uniunii Europene. "Securizarea punctelor vamale, dotarea cu echipamente de ultimă generație si modernizarea infrastructurii vamale este unul dintre principalele obiective ale Ministerului Finanțelor Publice pentru anul 2018", a declarat dl Eugen Teodorovici, ministrul finanţelor publice. Uniunea Vamală a fost menţionată prima dată în Tratatul de la Roma şi a intrat în vigoare în anul 1968, când s-au eliminat taxele vamale percepute la frontierele dintre statele membre ale Comunității Europene. Statele membre ale UE utilizează un set comun de norme, așa-numitul Cod vamal, care stă la baza Uniunii Vamale. În cele cinci decenii de existenţă, Uniunea Vamală a devenit o piatră de temelie a pieţei unice prin menținerea unor frontiere sigure ale UE și prin protejarea cetățenilor împotriva mărfurilor interzise și periculoase. Numai în 2017, autoritățile vamale din UE au gestionat 16% din comerțul mondial.

România – pentru Președinția Consiliului Uniunii Europene Guvernul României Ordonanță de urgență privind unele măsuri de asigurare a personalului necesar pregătirii și exercitării de către România a Președinției Consiliului Uniunii Europene în primul semestru al anului 2019 Nr. 62 din 12-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 602 din 13 Iulie 2018

Programul european de dezvoltare industrială în domeniul apărării (EDIDP) (4/11) European defence industrial development programme (EDIDP) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/623534/EPRS_BRI(2018) 623534_EN.pdf

Think Tank - defence - PE 29 June 20181


This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an official position of the Parliament.

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Council and European Council starting position In its conclusions of 14 November 2016, the Council affirmed the objective of promoting peace and guaranteeing the security of its Member States and citizens, and advocated a concerted and cooperative response to address the evolving security threats. It endeavoured to enhance the common security and defence policy, encouraged the Commission to put forward a European defence action plan, and sought a more integrated, sustainable, innovative and cooperative European defence technological and industrial base (EDTIB), which it expected to contribute to jobs, growth and innovation. It called for EU financial instruments to be made available, in particular through a defence research programme that would be funded under the next multiannual financial framework. The Commission was therefore encouraged to come forward with a proposal for a European defence fund, which had already been mentioned in President Juncker’s 2016 State of the Union speech. The Council also welcomed moves to explore the potential of permanent structured cooperation, including the modular approach concerning projects and initiatives. The European Council of 15 December 2016 endorsed the Council conclusions of 14 November, called for reinforced cooperation on the development of capacities, and welcomed the Commission’s proposals on the defence action plan. It also invited the Commission to make a proposal in early 2017 to establish a European defence fund, which would include financing the joint development of capabilities agreed by Member States.

POLITICA DE SECURITATE ȘI APĂRARE COMUNĂ (3/6) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/fiches_techniques/2017/N53899/ro.pdf

Think Tank - defence - PE Jérôme Legrand 06/2018

ROLUL PARLAMENTULUI EUROPEAN Parlamentul are dreptul de a superviza PSAC și de a lua inițiativa de a se adresa VP/ÎR și Consiliului pe această temă (articolul 36 din TUE). Parlamentul își exercită, de asemenea, autoritatea asupra politicii bugetare (articolul 41 din TUE). De două ori pe an, acesta organizează dezbateri privind evoluțiile înregistrate în implementarea PESC și a PSAC și adoptă rapoarte: unul privind PESC, redactat de Comisia pentru afaceri externe (AFET) și care cuprinde elemente referitoare la PSAC, dacă este necesar, și altul privind PSAC, redactat de Subcomisia pentru securitate și apărare (SEDE). Începând cu 2012, Parlamentul European și parlamentele naționale ale statelor membre organizează anual două conferințe interparlamentare pentru a dezbate chestiuni legate de PSAC. Cooperarea interparlamentară în aceste domenii este prevăzută în Protocolul 1 la Tratatul de la Lisabona, care descrie rolul parlamentelor naționale în UE. Inovațiile aduse de Tratatul de la Lisabona au oferit posibilitatea de a îmbunătăți coerența politică a PSAC. VP/ÎR ocupă rolul instituțional central, asigurând președinția Consiliului Afaceri Externe în „configurația miniștrii apărării” (organismul decizional al UE în materie de PSAC) și conducând AEA. Cadrul politic de consultări și dialog cu Parlamentul evoluează, pentru a-i permite acestuia din urmă să aibă un rol real în dezvoltarea PSAC. Conform Tratatului de la Lisabona, Parlamentul participă la dezvoltarea relațiilor externe ale Uniunii și răspunde provocărilor descrise în Raportul din 2008 privind implementarea Strategiei Europene de Securitate. „În Page 26 of 42

democrațiile moderne, în care media și opinia publică sunt esențiale în modelarea politicilor, angajamentul popular este vital pentru susținerea angajamentelor noastre peste hotare. Noi desfășurăm forțe de poliție, experți judiciari și soldați în zone instabile din întreaga lume. Guvernele, parlamentele și instituțiile UE au obligația de a comunica felul în care acest lucru contribuie la securitatea de acasă.”

Turcia emite decrete prezidențiale care transformă instituțiile https://magnanews.ro/2018/07/15/turcia-emite-decrete-prezidentiale-care-transformainstitutiile/

Magna News Iana Balan

Turcia a emis decrete prezidențiale duminică reformând principalele instituții politice, militare și birocratice, ca parte a transformării într-o puternică președinție executivă declanșată de alegerile de luna trecută, realtează Reuters. Pentru articolul original și integral urmăriți linkul ....

Cap. DECIZIONAL Problemele industriei de apărare din Dâmboviţa, în atenţia Ministerului Economiei https://adevarul.ro/locale/targoviste/problemele-industriei-aparare-dambovita-atentiaministerului-economiei-1_5b48215adf52022f75296bd4/index.html


13 iulie 2018, 06:50 George Enache

Problemele industriei de apărare au fost discutate, joi, în judeţul Dâmboviţa, de autorităţile judeţene, parlamentari de Dâmboviţa, cu secretarul de stat în Ministerul Economiei, Ion Radu şi alţi doi reprezentanţi din minister.

Potrivit unui comunicat al Consiliului Judeţean, programul reprezentanţilor Ministerului Economiei în judeţ a cuprins deplasări la Uzina Mecanică Dragomireşti, primăria Şotânga, SC Carbonifera - Mina Şotânga, Uzina Mecanică Mija, Parcul Industrial şi Centrul de Afaceri de la Mija, SC Automecanica Moreni şi Parcul Industrial Moreni, în vederea identificării unor soluţii la problemele existente.

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Pentru articolul original și integral urmăriți linkul ....

Proiecte în dezbatere publică http://economie.gov.ro/transparenta-decizionala/proiecte-in-dezbatere-publica

Ministerul Economiei

Guvernanța corporativă a întreprinderilor publice Ordonanţă de urgenţă pentru completarea art.1 din Ordonanța de urgență nr. 109/2011 privind guvernanța corporativă a întreprinderilor publice (13 Iulie 2018) Proiectul de Ordonanta de Urgenta a Guvernului • Nota de Fundamentare • Propunerile, sugestiile şi opiniile privind proiectul de act normativ se primesc in termen de 10 zile de la data publicării la adresa de email: dezbateri_publice@economie.gov.ro In prezent, cadrul legal normativ reglementat de prevederile Ordonantei de urgență nr. 109/2011 privind guvernanța corporativă a întreprinderilor publice impune constrangeri operationale si de eficientizare a obtinerii profitului in societatile la care Statul roman detine capital minoritar. Sub acest aspect au fost create premisele prin care Statul roman, prin Programul de Guvernare, si-a asumat recuperarea participatiilor la societatile pe care le detine in administrare. O situatie exceptionala a aparut ca urmare a intentiei Statului roman de a negocia rascumpararea actiunilor, in scopul cresterii numarului de actiuni/parti sociale din societati/intreprinderi publice pana la detinerea pachetului majoritar. In aceasta situatie negocierile au condus la necesitatea imperioasa de modificare a reglementarilor legale incidente in materia guvernantei corporative, in sensul unei situatii exceptionale, impuse de anumite condionalitati in care Statul roman ar putea transfera actionarilor minoritari exercitarea managementului operativ in urmatoarele conditii: urmarirea atingerii eficientei economice, fara prejudicierea intereselor actionarului majoritar, asigurarea portofoliului de clienti, a sustenabilitatii comerciale si financiare, a transferului de know-how, protectia mediului si protectia fortei de munca. In absenta promovarii unei solutii juridice pentru astfel de situatii, consecintele economice si sociale ar putea afecta o intrega ramura industriala / industrie de profil si ar incetini procesul de dezvoltare al intregii economii nationale. Promovarea acestui act normativ este determinată în principal de necesitatea și urgența decurgând din următoarele : • Având în vedere că actualul context economic impune luarea unor măsuri rapide pentru crearea premiselor legislative şi administrative care să conducă la creşterea eficienţei operatorilor economici, Page 28 of 42

• •

• •

având în vedere faptul că în procesul complex de aplicare a Programului de guvernare 2018-2020 sunt necesare măsuri de consolidare pe termen lung a realizărilor anului 2017, ce includ o rată de creștere economică de 7%, un deficit bugetar mai mic de 3% din PIB (mai mic decât în 2016), o datorie publică de 36,4% din PIB (în scădere față de 2016 cu mai mult de 1% din PIB), o rată a șomajului la minim istoric și 13 din 14 criterii respectate din Procedura de Dezechilibru Macroeconomic instituită de Comisia Europeană, dat fiind faptul că întreprinderile publice la care statul deţine participaţii integrale sau majoritare - reprezintă un segment important al economiei naţionale şi, în consecinţă, lichiditatea, solvabilitatea şi funcţionalitatea acestor societăţi au o influenţă determinantă asupra stabilităţii ansamblului economiei, luând în considerare importanța strategică a creșterii investițiilor, atât cele finanțate din buget sau prin accelerarea absorbției de fonduri europene, cât și prin stimularea investițiilor private și crearea premiselor necesare stimulării investitorilor străini prin acordarea de facililități , dată fiind necesitatea creşterii rapide a contribuţiei reale a întreprinderilor publice la îmbunătăţirea parametrilor economiei româneşti şi la echilibrarea bugetului de stat, având în vedere că Ordonanța de urgență nr.109/2011 privind guvernanța corporativă a întreprinderilor publice și Legea 111/2016 instituie norme cu aplicabilitate generală asupra întreprinderilor publice, la care statul deține direct sau indirect participații majoritare , întrucât prevederile legale in vigoare se pot dovedi contrare însuși scopului avut în vedere de legiuitor, atunci când pentru protejarea unor interese naționale strategice de natură economică și/sau socială este necesară transformarea în viitor a participațiilor minoritare deținute în prezent de Statul român la unii agenți economici în participații majoritare la aceiași agenți economici, că eficienţa unui operator economic depinde, în mod determinant, de performanţa managementului acestuia, de corecta implementare în funcţionarea societăţii a mecanismelor de bună guvernare, constatând că legislaţia generală a societăţilor comerciale nu este adaptată specificului societăţilor de stat, neoferind premisele legislative pentru ca aceste societăţi să poată funcţiona eficient şi să reprezinte un vector de relansare economică, având în vedere că pentru eficientizarea activităţii societăţilor de stat este necesară dezvoltarea de noi mecanisme de guvernantă corporativă, suplimentare în raport cu cele reglementate de legislaţia generală a societăţilor comerciale şi adaptate particularităţilor societăţilor de stat, observând că actualul cadru legislativ prezintă lacune importante în ceea ce priveşte buna guvernare a regiilor autonome, influenţând negativ performanţa economică şi competitivitatea acestora şi generând, pe cale de consecinţă, disfuncţionalităţi ale operatorilor economici cu care intră în raporturi contractuale, întrucât neadoptarea în regim de urgenţă a acestui act normativ ar avea drept consecinţă crearea unor bariere in dezvoltarea investitiilor străine generate de disfuncţionalităţi în diversificarea activităților societăţilor cu capital integral sau majoritar de stat, afectând capacitatea acestor operatori economici de a contribui la echilibrarea bugetului de stat şi la relansarea economiei, întrucât întârzierea în implementarea măsurilor de eficientizare a întreprinderilor publice influenţează negativ lichiditatea, solvabilitatea şi Page 29 of 42

funcţionalitatea acestor societăţi, iar acest efect negativ se repercutează asupra echilibrului bugetului de stat consolidat, • date fiind importanţa acestor entităţi economice şi caracterul strategic al sectoarelor în care acestea operează, nefuncţionalitatea lor fiind de natură a conduce la dezechilibre la nivel macroeconomic si social. • în considerarea faptului că aspectele mai sus menţionate constituie o situaţie extraordinară a cărei reglementare nu poate fi amânată, impunându-se adoptarea de măsuri imediate pe calea ordonanţei de urgenţă pentru asigurarea stabilităţii economiei şi a echilibrului bugetar, necesitatea aprobarii in regim de urgenta a unui act de modificare a OUG 109/2011 rezida din necesitatea reglementarii situatiilor de acest gen, in care investitorul privat, actionar minoritar, invoca necesitatea luarii deciziilor privitoare la situatia societatii in timp real, contrar inregistrandu-se pierderi iremediabile pentru societate. Subliniem faptul ca este necesar a se reglementa, in mod general, situatiile in care investitorul privat este cel care asigura capital, know-how, tehnologie, comenzi si contracte, brand.

Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur

9-iul. 4,6590 5,2793 3,9604 160,8545


10-iul. 4,6587 5,2641 3,9738 160,1035

11-iul. 4,6607 5,2747 3,9804 160,0344

12-iul. 4,6596 5,2731 3,9902 159,7419

13-iul. 4,6589 5,2601 4,0064 159,9299





5,5 5










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171 169.0228


169 167 165 163 AUR Y18

161 159




















grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

Bilete de valoare Parlamentul României Lege privind acordarea biletelor de valoare Nr. 165 din 10-Iulie-2018 Președintele României Decret pentru promulgarea Legii privind acordarea biletelor de valoare Nr. 532 din 10-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 599 din 13 Iulie 2018

Cap. INVESTIȚII Proceduri de achiziție publică/sectorială Agenţia Naţională pentru Achiziţii Publice Ordin privind stabilirea unui mecanism de creștere a competitivității companiilor deținute majoritar sau integral de stat prin intermediul procedurilor de achiziție publică/sectorială Nr. 707 din 03-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 597 din 13 Iulie 2018

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Cap. MacroE Romania - IMF Country Report No. 18/148 (7/11) http://www.imf.org/en/Countries/ROU

Fondul Monetar Internațional despre România

29. The resilience and profitability of the banking sector has improved in recent years.

Banks’ profitability and liquidity positions have strengthened. Foreign-owned banks’ dependence on parent funding declined to about a third of the level in 2011, while deposits from the domestic private sector increased from about 48 percent of total bank liabilities in 2011 to about 64 percent in 2017. Banks’ NPLs declined significantly, reflecting the NBR’s proactive efforts to encourage NPL sales and write-offs. The level of NPLs for corporates (at around 12 percent, on average) remains high, especially among small and medium enterprises, and staff encouraged continued efforts to

reduce them.

Cap. EVENIMENTE Târguri, conferințe A&D: Farnborough 2918 Herald Insights 5 stories to watch at Farnborough International Airshow 2018 http://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/article/5-stories-to-watchfarnborough-accenture-071318/

Aerospace Manufacturing&Design John Schmidt (above) highlights trends to watch. July 13, 2018 Edited by Eric Brothers

A wave of defense business news and fascinating technological innovations will be stories to watch at the Farnborough International Airshow (FIA) starting July 16. Among them: • Growth in the defense market. Geopolitical changes globally in the last year have resulted in more money being spent on defense aircraft, bringing an upward swing to a market that’s experienced years of sluggishness compared with the commercial sector. At nearly $700 billion, the latest U.S. defense spending budget – a 12.5% Page 32 of 42

increase over last year’s budget (versus a 2.4% increase the year before) – is the largest in U.S. history, reversing years of decline and foretelling major changes in global defense investments. • Blockchain. Blockchain is a distributed ledger system that maintains and records data in a way that allows multiple stakeholders to confidently and securely share access to the same information. You’ll hear not only how this innovative distributed ledger technology can reduce aircraft maintenance costs and verify the accuracy of data, but why it has the potential to totally change the industry’s supply chain paradigm. • The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to address industry challenges. Whether it’s to improve processes for addressing material defects in aircraft production or simply identify whether a shop floor operator is wearing the appropriate safety gear, AI is becoming more common throughout the industry. According to Accenture’s “Launchpad to Relevance” report, more than two-thirds (67%) of organizations will invest in AI during the next year, with plans to use the technology in production, security, and research and development. • The digital thread. By extending data flows for a specific product across its entire lifecycle, from ideation to design, engineering, performance, manufacturing and service, the digital thread raises the bar for having “the right information in the right place at the right time.” The addition of new technologies like blockchain to the digital thread further improves the accuracy, consistency, and security of data flowing throughout an aircraft’s lifecycle. By linking an asset’s digital twin to the data that asset generates in design, engineering, manufacturing, and the aftermarket, the digital thread enables a new level of data sharing and data insight throughout the asset’s lifetime. • The Digital Factory. This emerging technological construct promises to increase aircraft production and accelerate aircraft deliveries. Digital factories use digital technology to enable manufacturing personnel to configure, model, simulate, assess, and evaluate activities within the entire manufacturing process. They’re poised to play a large role in the aerospace industry, driven by increased aircraft production and the need to improve manufacturing productivity. These will all be stories to watch at FIA because they help solve some of the industry’s most vexing problems: securing and sharing data; tracing product parts; lowering aircraft maintenance production costs; accelerating product deliveries; and improving product quality and reliability. Accenture will be in Chalet H1.

Industry 4.0 for aerospace – KPMG looks beyond the hype https://www.wearefinn.com/topics/posts/industry-40-for-aerospace-kpmg-looksbeyond-the-hype/? Sarah Wray: Editor, FINN Posted: 11/07/2018

We talked to Doug Gates, KPMG, about how aerospace companies can capitalise on Industry 4.0 and play to their strengths. Doug Gates is Global Chair of Industrial Manufacturing and Global Head of Aerospace & Defense at KPMG. He will present at Farnborough Airshow's inaugural FINN Sessions next week. The title of your presentation is Beyond the hype: Separating ambition from reality in Industry 4.0. Why this topic, and why now? Over the last 18-20 months we've been working on Industry 4.0 we've seen a tremendous uptick in acceptance that to be competitive, both OEMs and critical Tier 1 and other suppliers within industrial manufacturing and aerospace and defence Page 33 of 42

(A&D) are going to have to grasp the capabilities needed to compete with smart factories and smart products. We’re also seeing, globally within A&D, a tremendous uptick in investment – not just in pockets of areas such as 3D printing, factory automation or advanced analytics and predictives for the aftermarket, but in more comprehensive capabilities and strategies on how to transform their businesses.

We’re in the first quarter of a four-quarter game around Industry 4.0 in A&D but we are seeing some leaders emerge. We think that the surge in investment is going to accelerate quite heavily over the next one to four years. You have conducted Industry 4.0 maturity assessments. Can you tell us more about that? We created a maturity model across various dimensions, from technology to culture and talent, integration, cyber, etc. These were components that we and our clients specified as critical to enable a fully capable Industry 4.0 environment. We then created five steps of maturity within each of those bands. Our consultants walked the factory floors, met with executives in operations, engineering and finance, to talk about the investments they're making, the results that they were seeing, and where they are in that maturity journey across each dimension. What were some of your key findings? It is apparent that while companies are getting isolated gains, there are very few companies – and in A&D I'd say there are even fewer than in general manufacturing – that have truly realised the full potential of Industry 4.0, or developed a full end-to-end comprehensive strategy and investment plan to get them there. We're seeing some that are showing more pockets and more presence and are putting in more investment, but they still lack some key element of what I would call a truly integrated strategy for either connected smart plants or connected smart products. What are some examples of this in practice? A lot of work is being done in data and analytics – from a smart factory standpoint, for example, where companies are taking information off the various machines that run the factories, out of their supply chain systems, and modelling that into a flow that can be simulated. We're seeing digital twins being used to simulate and optimise a factory flow in aerospace and defence and looking at how to use that then to both improve the way factories are run, as well as the cost it takes to truly maintain the factory and the equipment and the systems, and to then size the factory and the machines appropriately. Where I talk about it being truly integrated or interconnected, it’s about how to take that information and connect through an Industrial IoT (Internet of Things) backbone, and connect the factory to the products and to the customer, and build an entire Page 34 of 42

ecosystem that's integrated and interconnected – feedback from customers on products, feedback from the aftermarket on performance. When that whole ecosystem is being pulled together is where the end state of Industry 4.0 is heading, and where the maturity model becomes a five. You note that aerospace companies are somewhat lagging behind general manufacturers in Industry 4.0 transformation. Why is that? In the dimension of robotics, for example, aerospace and defence is still at a level two on a five-step maturity model. Automotive may be at a level four, and then if you look at other companies like high tech, they are at a level five in that they're producing so much via automation. Some of this is by nature, though – if you're looking at a commercial OEM; they’ll produce 600 to 1,000 aircraft a year. Roll it down the supply chain, and the suppliers are making five times that volume. You’re talking about products in the thousands, compared to automotive, that are products in the millions. Automotive will fully automate – if you look at Tesla, they have fully automated the assembly line; they install interiors through a robot; they do all the metal and riveting, etc. Aerospace and defence, because of the lower rate, typically can't justify the investment in robotics at anywhere that level. Are there any areas where aerospace is doing particularly well on your maturity assessment? Yes, 3D printing – in both the concept and the actual use in production. Aerospace is still pushing the boundaries of new material powders for 3D printing. You look at the engine manufacturers and high temperature 3D printing compounds for blades and other components within the engine that are now being 3D printed and used in production. Many other industries are struggling to move outside of research and development or limited pockets of components to actually produce real production parts. It’s the blessing and curse thing again. A&D has lower rates of production, they have exacting standards, and 3D printing fits very well with that. What are the common challenges that A&D companies are seeing in achieving this integrated approach? Our Global Manufacturing Outlook report found that one of the key areas of talent required in the future for manufacturers -- in fact the number-one new talent that they're expecting to need – is data scientists. We see the same opportunity in A&D, but just as A&D was very, very challenged to bring in software engineers, it's hard to draw the best talent to look at A&D as a relevant marketplace for their skills, versus going to the Amazons, Googles and Oracles of the world. Pentru articolul original și integral urmăriți linkul ....

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LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION (23 - început din 14.06.2018) https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/936468/000093646818000009/lmtq4201710k.htm#s8C2FE C11A01E9DF29DD472DCE3EBEC97


Securities and Exchange Commission - USA

Consolidated Results of Operations Since our operating cycle is primarily long term and involves many types of contracts for the design, development and manufacture of products and related activities with varying delivery schedules, the results of operations of a particular year, or year-toyear comparisons of sales and profits, may not be indicative of future operating results. The following discussions of comparative results among years should be reviewed in this context. All per share amounts cited in these discussions are presented on a “per diluted share” basis, unless otherwise noted. Product Sales Page 36 of 42

Product sales increased $3.5 billion, or 9%, in 2017 as compared to 2016. The increase was primarily due to higher product sales of about $2.1 billion at Aeronautics, $680 million at RMS and $425 million at MFC. The increase in product sales at Aeronautics was primarily attributable to higher sales for the F-35 program due to increased production volume, higher sales for the C-130 program due to increased deliveries and aircraft configuration mix and higher volume on aircraft modernization for the F-16 program, partially offset by lower sales for the C-5 program due to fewer aircraft deliveries. The increase in product sales at RMS was primarily due to certain adjustments recorded in 2016 required to account for the acquisition of Sikorsky and higher volume on training and logistics services programs. Higher product sales at MFC were primarily due to higher sales for tactical missile programs due to product configuration mix and increased deliveries (primarily Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)), higher sales for air and missile defense systems due to contract mix (primarily PAC-3), higher volume on certain programs (primarily THAAD), and increased deliveries for fire control programs (primarily Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night (LANTIRN ÂŽ) and SNIPERÂŽ). Product sales increased $5.5 billion, or 16%, in 2016 as compared to 2015. The increase was primarily due to higher product sales of about $3.7 billion at RMS and approximately $1.8 billion at Aeronautics. The increase in product sales at RMS was primarily attributable to sales from Sikorsky, which was acquired in the fourth quarter of 2015. This increase was partially offset by lower net sales for training and logistics programs due to the divestiture of our Lockheed Martin Commercial Flight Training (LMCFT) business, which reported sales through the May 2, 2016 divestiture date. The increase at Aeronautics was primarily attributable to the F-35 program due to increased volume on aircraft production and the C-130 program due to increased aircraft deliveries. Service Sales Service sales increased $290 million, or 4%, in 2017 as compared to 2016, primarily due to an increase in service sales of about $245 million at Aeronautics and $180 million at MFC, partially offset by lower service sales of about $210 million at Space. The increase in service sales at Aeronautics was primarily due to higher sustainment activities (primarily the F-35 and F-16 programs). Higher service sales at MFC were primarily attributable to increased volume on sustainment activities (primarily PAC-3 and Hellfire). The decrease in service sales at Space was primarily due to lower space transportation programs due to a reduction in launch-related events, partially offset by increased volume on government satellite services. Service sales increased $1.2 billion, or 21%, in 2016 as compared to 2015, primarily due to an increase in service sales of about $700 million at RMS and approximately $360 million at Aeronautics. The increase in service sales at RMS was primarily attributable to sales from Sikorsky, which was acquired in the fourth quarter of 2015. The increase in service sales at Aeronautics was primarily attributable to increased sustainment activities (primarily the F-35 and F-16 programs).

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Schimbarea schimbării în timp ce se schimbă: Creșterea gândirii militare disruptive (8 - început #278) Changing change while it changes: The rise of disruptive military thinking https://othjournal.com/2018/06/11/changing-change-while-it-changes-the-rise-of-disruptivemilitary-thinking-part-2-of-3/

Over the Horizon - USA 11.06.2018

Multe dintre procesele mecanice de planificare aparent de succes din ultimele două secole ne rețin acum. Nu ne gândim în mod critic la metodologiile noastre; armata trebuie să încorporeze practici reflexive și abilitatea de a transforma procesele într-o formă mai flexibilă și dinamică a sensului și a acționa într-o realitate complexă. An interview with Ben Zweibelson Ben Zweibelson will be speaking at SPADE 2018, IBM’s invite-only, signature event for defense and intelligence. This year’s theme is Re-Thinking Defense and Security in the Digital Age. Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3 of this design interview. Ben Zweibelson is a retired US Army Infantry officer. He is currently a doctoral student at the Australian National University, and Program Director of Joint Special Operations University, under the U.S. Special Operations Commander (SOCOM). The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Special Operations Command, the Joint Special Operations University, the United States Government or the Australian National University.

Can you give us another more contemporary example of when the military applied design thinking? The military can definitely examine something and then take pause to understand the reasoning behind the process. Why am I doing this in this way? Is it because I was told to? Is there another way? How can I think about this differently? We are able to think critically as well as creatively, and there are many excellent historical examples across our militaries. Yet with innovation, there usually are a series of barriers within an institution that protest development, ignore it, or actively battle it for a variety of reasons that military design gets into. For a recent example, we can look to the first innovators of a formal military design methodology, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). Even here, we must look to specific groups and individual mavericks within the organization, because as a whole the IDF had dominant organizational barriers that resisted and later banished this design innovative methodology from their military. In the 1990s, as many western militaries underwent significant transformation and institutional soul-searching, between the collapse of the Soviet Empire and the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9-11, the

Puteți să ne dați un alt exemplu mai contemporan despre modul în care gândirea militară a aplicării militare? Armata poate examina cu siguranță ceva și apoi să ia o pauză pentru a înțelege raționamentul din spatele acestui proces. De ce fac asta în acest fel? Este pentru că mi sa spus să? Există o altă cale? Cum mă pot gândi altfel? Suntem capabili să gândim atât critic, cât și creativ, și există multe exemple istorice excelente în rândul militarilor noștri. Cu toate acestea, cu inovarea, există, de obicei, o serie de bariere în cadrul unei instituții care protestă împotriva dezvoltării, o ignoră sau o luptă în mod activ pentru o varietate de motive pe care le intră în designul militar. Pentru un exemplu recent, ne putem uita la primii inovatori ai unei metodologii oficiale de proiectare militară, Forța de Apărare a Israelului (IDF). Chiar și aici, trebuie să ne uităm la grupuri specifice și la indivizi individuali din cadrul organizației, deoarece în ansamblu IDF aveau bariere organizaționale dominante care au rezistat și au exonerat ulterior această metodologie inovatoare de proiectare de la armata lor. În anii 1990, când mulți militari occidentali au suferit transformări semnificative și căutări sufletești instituționale, între prăbușirea Imperiului Sovietic și distrugerea Turnurilor

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Israelis had a very unique context. They had military leaders within their organization that were growing increasingly skeptical of traditional military methods and decisionmaking. This transformational thinking was in part due to enemy adaptation and partially because greater demands were placed upon the IDF by their nation as well as the international community. During this time, Brigadier General Shimon Naveh led a small revolution in military thinking within the IDF, as part of that he helped form a ‘think tank’ for innovation called the Operational Theory Research Institute or OTRI. I consider Naveh the ‘father’ of the military design movement because he was the first to spearhead an entire new methodology that was intended for the military to replace traditional military planning. I know several military researchers (myself included) see innovators such as the U.S. Air Force’s Colonel John Boyd as an earlier (perhaps first) military postmodern theorist, but unlike Boyd, Naveh developed and implemented an entire decision-making methodology oriented towards complex military contexts. In April 2002 the IDF was conducting an urban operation in the old city of Nablus, part of a larger ‘Operation Defensive Shield.’ Of the specific groups and mavericks most interested in this new way of thinking about military activities, the Israeli paratroop infantry organizations were brimming with disruptive thinkers and innovative leaders. The commander of that paratroop brigade was Aviv Kokhavi; he learned this new way of military design methodology from Naveh. As a ‘disciple’ of Naveh’s theory, Kokhavi gives us an example of military design in practice. Kokhavi was directed to enter a heavily fortified enemy area filled with civilians and the Palestinian resistance. There were extensive humanitarian and political concerns piled atop this challenge. All IDF training, doctrine, and operational planning methods propelled the brigade to “do things by the books.” Kokhavi rejected that and applied what he called “inverse geometry” to approach the cityscape as a worm would approach an apple- tunneling within and interpreting the space completely

Gemene la 9-11, israelienii aveau un context foarte unic. Ei aveau lideri militari în cadrul organizației lor care deveneau din ce în ce mai sceptici față de metodele militare tradiționale și de luarea deciziilor. Această gândire transformatoare sa datorat, în parte, adaptării inamicului și parțial datorită faptului că au fost înaintate mai multe cereri IDF de către națiunea lor, precum și comunitatea internațională. În acest timp, generalul de brigadă Shimon Naveh a condus o mică revoluție în gândirea militară în cadrul IDF, în cadrul căruia a contribuit la formarea unui "think tank" pentru inovare numit Institutul de Cercetare pentru Teoria Operațională sau OTRI. Consider că Naveh este "tatăl" mișcării militare de design, deoarece a fost primul care a dat dovadă de o nouă metodologie nouă, care era destinată armatei să înlocuiască planificarea militară tradițională. Știu că mai mulți cercetători militari (inclusiv eu) văd inovații cum ar fi Colonelul John Boyd al Forțelor Aeriene ale SUA ca un teoretician mai devreme (probabil primul) postmodern militar, dar spre deosebire de Boyd, Naveh a elaborat și implementat o metodologie de luare a deciziilor, . În aprilie 2002, IDF desfășura o operațiune urbană în orașul vechi Nablus, parte a unui "Scut de protecție operațional" mai mare. Din grupurile și mavericii specifice care erau cel mai interesați de acest nou mod de a gândi despre activitățile militare, organizațiile israeliene de infanterie de parașutiști se plimbau cu gânditori perturbatori și lideri inovativi. Comandantul acestei brigăzi de parașutiști era Aviv Kokhavi; a învățat acest nou mod de metodologie militară de design de la Naveh. Ca un "discipol" al teoriei lui Naveh, Kokhavi ne dă un exemplu de design militar în practică. Kokhavi a fost îndreptat să intre întro zonă inamică puternic fortificată, plină de civili și de rezistența palestiniană. Pe această provocare s-au îngrămădit preocupări umanitare și politice extinse. Toate instruirile IDF, doctrina și metodele de planificare operațională au determinat brigada să "facă lucruri prin cărți". Kokhavi a respins acest lucru și a aplicat ceea ce el a numit "geometrie inversă" pentru a aborda orașul

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differently. I am oversimplifying this to keep it brief, but there is an excellent chapter on this in Eyal Weizman’s book Hollow Land. Kokhavi had his forces tunnel into the buildings and maneuver down them, worming through apartments, avoiding the street avenues and corners that were expected to be their maneuver areas. The IDF were able to ‘reorganize’ their understanding of space, movement, and relationships within a complex system to their advantage, which allowed them to keep friendly casualty rates astoundingly low for such a deadly environment and also accomplish their tactical objectives of capturing, defeating, and disrupting the Palestinian armed resistance forces. Now, breaching walls in an urban environment is not anything new; in fact, it was done in World War II and well into classical military siege campaigns. What is significant here as the design example is that the Israeli forces began to critically challenge many of the existing IDF procedures, training, language, and understanding of seemingly unquestionable things about warfare. They reinterpreted how they understood space, to envision novel combinations of politics, society, the application of violence, the ability to experiment and disrupt the current system to generate transformation…this was new. This became the ‘baptism by fire’ of the military design movement. Following 9-11, as western militaries were presented with increasing emergent complexities, the demand for thinking differently only increased.

ca un vierme care se va apropia de un tunel de mere și de interpretare spațiul complet diferit. Oricum am simplificat acest lucru pentru ao menține scurt, dar există un capitol excelent despre acest lucru în cartea lui Eyal Weizman Hollow Land. Kokhavi și-a pus tunelurile în clădiri și le-a manevrat, trăgând prin apartamente, evitând străzile și colțurile de stradă care ar fi trebuit să fie zonele lor de manevră. IDF au reușit să-și "reorganizeze" înțelegerea spațiului, a mișcării și a relațiilor într-un sistem complex în avantajul lor, ceea ce le-a permis să păstreze rate de victimă prietenos uimitor de scăzute pentru un astfel de mediu mortal și să-și îndeplinească și obiectivele tactice de capturare, , și perturbarea forțelor armate palestiniene de rezistență. Acum, încălcarea zidurilor într-un mediu urban nu este ceva nou; de fapt, a fost făcută în al doilea război mondial și în campanii clasice de asediu militar. Ceea ce este semnificativ aici ca exemplu de proiectare este acela că forțele israeliene au început să provoace critic multe dintre procedurile IDF existente, formarea, limba și înțelegerea unor lucruri aparent incontestabile despre război. Ei au reinterpretat modul în care au înțeles spațiul, pentru a imagina combinații noi de politică, societate, aplicarea violenței, abilitatea de a experimenta și de a perturba sistemul actual pentru a genera transformarea ... aceasta a fost nouă. Acest lucru a devenit "botezul prin foc" al mișcării de proiectare militară. După 9-11, deoarece militarii occidentali au fost prezentați cu complexități emergente în creștere, cererea de gândire diferită a crescut doar.

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The History of Europe: Every Year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY9P0QSxlnI

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Cottereau Publicat pe 1 ian. 2018 ABONEAZĂ-TE 13 K This video shows the borders and populations of each country in Europe, for every year since 400 BC. Vassal states and colonies are not included in the count of a country's population. Sources : 1. Population : - Angus Maddison (2003), Historical Statistic for the World Economy http://www.ggdc.net/maddison/maddison... - Colin McEvedy & Richard Jones (1978), Atlas of World Population History https://www.amazon.com/Atlas-World-Po... - Tacitus.nu https://www.tacitus.nu/ 2. Borders EmperorTigerstar The History of Europe: Every Year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWWLE... - EmperorTigerstar - The History of the Middle East: Every Year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eIAD... - Ollie Bye - The History of Africa: Every Year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzKej... 3. Music - mrgice3 - Gladiator - The Battle Super Theme Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7O5L...

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