ZI DE ZI marți, 17 iulie 2018
Interviuri RO.A&D LA Farnborough 2018 pg. 14
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h t t p : / / w w w. c o m p e t i t i v e i n t e l l i g e n c e . r o
marți, 17 iulie 2018
Cuprins Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ........................................................................................................ 5 BVB - industria aeronautică ................................................................................................... 5 Airbus va livra 55 de elicoptere Ucrainei............................................................................... 6 Lovitură din partea Airbus: Compania încasează 9,2 mld. dolari de la companiile aeriene asiatice pentru achiziţia de aeronave ...................................................................................... 6 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri financiare ale pieții datorate creditelor de contrapartidă (17 - început #270) ........................................................................................... 8 Cap. RACHETE ................................................................................................................... 9 Cap. EUROPA .................................................................................................................... 11 Programul european de dezvoltare industrială în domeniul apărării (EDIDP) (5/11) ......... 11 Proposal ............................................................................................................................ 11 POLITICA DE SECURITATE ȘI APĂRARE COMUNĂ (4/6) ........................................ 12 Cap. DECIZIONAL ........................................................................................................... 12 Ionela Stoian, eliberare funcție............................................................................................. 12 Cap. FINANȚE ................................................................................................................... 13 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur .............................................................. 13 Cap. MacroE ...................................................................................................................... 14 Balanţa de plăţi şi datoria externă – mai 2018 ..................................................................... 14 Romania - IMF Country Report No. 18/148 (8/11) ............................................................. 14 Cap. EVENIMENTE ......................................................................................................... 15 Târguri, conferințe A&D: Farnborough Air Show 2018...................................................... 15 RO.A&D: Interviu cu domnul Călin Ghițescu, ................................................................ 15 RO.A&D: Interviu cu domnul Constantin Dinischiotu, ................................................... 17 RO.A&D: Interviu cu domnul Mișa Popic,...................................................................... 17 RO.A&D: Interviu cu Liliana COMANA, ....................................................................... 18 RO.A&D: Interviu cu domnul Mihai Măntescu,.............................................................. 19 RO.A&D: Interviu cu domnul Cătălin NAE, ................................................................... 20 RO.A&D: Interviu cu domnul Harry Thompson, ............................................................ 21 RO.A&D: Interviu cu domnul Florian Bradea, ................................................................ 21 Pătru Spătaru .................................................................................................................... 23 Turbomecanica ................................................................................................................. 24 Page 3 of 35
O aeronavă IAR 99 Șoim s-a prăbușit în județul Bacău ...................................................... 25 Starea piloţilor catapultați din aeronava IAR 99 Şoim ........................................................ 26 Starea de sănătate a piloţilor catapultaţi din aeronava IAR 99 Şoim ................................... 26 Situații extreme aviatice ....................................................................................................... 27 Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE .................................................................................................... 29 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION (24 - început din 14.06.2018) .......................... 29 Chemonics International #19 ............................................................................................... 32 Schimbarea schimbării în timp ce se schimbă: Creșterea gândirii militare disruptive (9 început #278) ........................................................................................................................ 32
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The contents of this newsletter is intended to provide a guidance on topics of interest to the A&D industry. For the searching and the identifying specific circumstances it is recommended the expert advice provided by Herald Insights.
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h t t p : / / w w w. c o m p e t i t i v e i n t e l l i g e n c e . r o
BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 253,12 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290,00 280,00 270,00
260,00 250,00 MIL EUR0
mil. euro
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TBM 15.01.2018
200,00 180,00 160,00 140,00 120,00 100,00 80,00 60,00 40,00 20,00 0,00
Airbus va livra 55 de elicoptere Ucrainei https://adevarul.ro/international/europa/airbus-livra-55-elicoptere-ucrainei1_5b4cac7adf52022f754a3f4c/index.html
16 iulie 2018, 17:38 Ion Gaidau
Ucraina va achiziţiona 55 de elicoptere de la grupul francez Airbus, aparatele de zbor fiind destinate misiunilor civile, transmite AFP. Ucraina şi Airbus au ajuns la un acord în valoare de 555 de milioane de dolari. Semnat la Kiev în prezenţa premierului Volodimir Groissman şi a ambasadoarei Franţei Isabelle Dumont, contractul prevede achiziţionarea a 55 de elicoptere: 24 de tip H125, 10 de tip H145 şi 21 de tip H225. „Acest contract ne va permite să folosim 55 de elicoptere pentru asigurarea securităţii cetăţenilor noştri“, s-a felicitat Volodimir Groissman în timpul ceremoniei de semnare. „Este un volum fără precedent, care deschide calea unor noi posibilităţi de cooperare“, a adăugat el. Pentru articolul original și integral urmărește link-ul ...
Lovitură din partea Airbus: Compania încasează 9,2 mld. dolari de la companiile aeriene asiatice pentru achiziţia de aeronave http://www.zf.ro/business-international/lovitura-din-partea-airbus-companiaincaseaza-9-2-mld-dolari-de-la-companiile-aeriene-asiatice-pentru-achizitia-deaeronave-17357473
ieri, 17:05 Autor: Răzvan Botea
Airbus şi-a crescut substanţial vânzările după cel mai mare show aviatic de anul acesta, anunţând că va încasa 9,2 mld. dolari de la companii aeriene din Asia, companii care caută să-şi mărească flota de aeronave pe fondul cerererii ridicate de zboruri în regiune, scrie Bloomberg. Compania din Taiwan StarLux Airline este un start-up care a spus că va cumpăra 12 bucăţi din modelul A350-1000 şi cinci din aeronavele mai mici modelul A350-900, într-o tranzacţie de 6 mld. dolari. Sichuan Airlines va cumpăra 10 aeronave. Avioanele A350-900 au un preţ de 317,4 milioane/bucată, iar valoarea tranzacţiei va fi de 3,2 mld. dolari. Pe lângă cele două contracte, compania franceză Airbus este în discuţii pentru vânzarea de aeronave în valoare de 32 mld. dolari către AirAsia Group, una dintre cele mai mari companii aeriene asiatice, spun surse din piaţă care au dorit să rămână anonime. Compania Asia Pacific se aşteaptă ca până în 2036 să aibă mai mult de 3,5 miliarde de pasageri, potrivit estimărilor Asociaţiei Transportului Aerian. Această cifră înseamnă mai mult decât dublul previzunii pentru America de Nord şi Europa împreună.
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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri financiare ale pieții datorate creditelor de contrapartidă (17 - început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports
Airbus extras
In addition to the credit risk relating to sales financing as discussed above, the Company is exposed to credit risk to the extent of non-performance by its counterparties for financial instruments, such as hedging instruments and cash investments. However, Airbus has policies in place to avoid concentrations of credit risk and to ensure that credit risk exposure is limited. Counterparties for transactions in cash, cash equivalents and securities as well as for derivative transactions are limited to highly rated financial institutions, corporates or sovereigns. The Company’s credit limit system assigns maximum exposure lines to such counterparties, based on a minimum credit rating threshold as published by Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s. If neither is present Fitch ratings is used. Besides the credit rating, the limit system also takes into account fundamental counterparty data, as well as sector and maturity allocations and further qualitative and quantitative criteria such as credit risk indicators. The credit exposure of the Company is reviewed on a regular basis and the respective limits are regularly monitored and updated. The Company also seeks to maintain a certain level of diversifi cation in its portfolio between individual counterparties as well as between financial institutions, corporates and sovereigns in order to avoid an increased concentration of credit risk on only a few counterparties. However, there can be no assurance that the Company will not lose the benefi t of certain derivatives or cash investments in case of a systemic market disruption. In such circumstances, the value and liquidity of these financial instruments could decline and result in a signifi cant impairment, which may in turn have a negative effect on the Company’s financial condition and results of operations. Moreover, the progressive implementation of new financial regulations (MiFiD II / MiFIR, CRD4, Bank Restructuring Resolution Directive, etc.) will have an impact on the business model of banks (for example, the split between investment banking and commercial banking activities) and on the capital structure and cost of such banks’ activities in relation to over-the-counter derivatives, and therefore on the funding consequences of central clearing and collateralisation of over-the-counter derivatives for corporations like the Company. This may ultimately increase the cost and reduce the liquidity of the Company’s long-term hedges, for example, as banks seek to either pass-on the additional costs to their corporate counterparties or withdraw from lowprofit businesses altogether.
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Cap. EUROPA Programul european de dezvoltare industrială în domeniul apărării (EDIDP) (5/11) European defence industrial development programme (EDIDP) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/623534/EPRS_BRI(2018) 623534_EN.pdf
Think Tank - defence - PE 29 June 20181
Preparation of the proposal In the absence of existing EU legislation aimed at enhancing competitiveness in the defence industry and specifically targeting the development phase, there was no expost evaluation or fitness check of existing legislation either available or to be carried out for this legislative initiative. As the European Council of December 2016 had requested a proposal for a European defence fund to be made in the first quarter of 2017, there was not enough time left to carry out a proper impact assessment. Instead the Commission relied on the staff working document that accompanied the legislative proposal, which came to the conclusion that EDIDP would be beneficial to the Union’s efforts to increase security and defence capacities, as well as useful for bolstering the industry’s competitiveness and its innovation capacity, including through positive spill-overs to the production of civil goods. The Commission discussed the matter with Member States as well as stakeholders during the preparation phase of the proposal in regular meetings, but no public consultation was held.
The changes the proposal would bring The European Commission published the proposal for a regulation on a European defence industrial development programme (EDIDP) on 7 June 2017, as part of the implementation of the European defence action plan. That plan announced the setting up of a European defence fund to support collaborative research in innovative defence technologies and the development of defence products jointly agreed by the Member States. Also on 7 June 2017, the Commission published a communication launching the European defence fund. The fund consists of two legally distinct but complementary windows: the research window, in form of Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR, launched on 11 April 2017),1 and the capability window, supporting joint development and joint acquisition of key defence capabilities. The EDIDP proposal is part of the development component of the capability window. The EDIDP will support cooperation among Member States on developing defence equipment and technologies. However, the second aspect of the capability window, the actual acquisition of military equipment and technologies by Member States, is
This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an official position of the Parliament.
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not covered by this proposal. The EDIDP therefore helps to fill the gap between the research and production phases. The programme’s three objectives are: • to foster the competitiveness and innovation capacity of EU industry working in the field of defence, • to support and leverage cooperation between undertakings, including SMEs, and • to foster better exploitation of the results of defence research. By offering EU financial support, the EDIDP enhances competitiveness by de-risking a number of aspects of the development phase. Support will be given for the definition of common technical specifications, design, prototyping, testing, qualification, and certification. In addition, feasibility studies and other supporting measures are eligible, and the upgrade of existing defence products and technologies is also covered.
POLITICA DE SECURITATE ȘI APĂRARE COMUNĂ (4/6) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/fiches_techniques/2017/N53899/ro.pdf
Think Tank - defence - PE Jérôme Legrand 06/2018
CHESTIUNI DE INTERES PENTRU PARLAMENTUL EUROPEAN Parlamentul European organizează periodic deliberări, audieri și ateliere consacrate unor teme, inclusiv: misiunile civile și militare ale PSAC, crizele internaționale cu implicații în domeniul securității și apărării, cadre multilaterale pentru probleme legate de securitate, controlul armamentelor și neproliferare, combaterea terorismului și a crimei organizate, bunele practici pentru creșterea eficienței securității și apărării, precum și evoluțiile juridice și instituționale ale UE în aceste domenii. Ca urmare a declarației VP/ÎR din 2010 referitoare la răspunderea politică, Parlamentul participă la reuniunile comune de consultare (RCC), organizate regulat pentru a face schimb de informații cu Consiliul, SEAE și Comisia. Ținând seama de rolul esențial al Organizației Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord (NATO) în asigurarea securității europene, Parlamentul European participă la Adunarea Parlamentară a NATO, în vederea dezvoltării relațiilor UE-NATO, respectând totodată natura independentă a ambelor organizații.
Cap. DECIZIONAL Ionela Stoian, eliberare funcție Primul-Ministru Decizie privind încetarea exercitării, cu caracter temporar, de către doamna Ionela Stoian a funcției publice vacante din categoria înalților funcționari publici de secretar general al Ministerului Dezvoltării Regionale și Administrației Publice Nr. 236 din 16-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 608 din 16 Iulie 2018
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Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur
10-iul. 4,6587 5,2641 3,9738 160,1035
11-iul. 4,6607 5,2747 3,9804 160,0344
12-iul. 4,6596 5,2731 3,9902 159,7419
13-iul. 4,6589 5,2601 4,0064 159,9299
16-iul. 4,6550 5,2757 3,9774 159,1016
5,5 5
171 169.0228
169 167 165 163 AUR Y18
161 159
grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR
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Cap. MacroE Balanţa de plăţi şi datoria externă – mai 2018 http://www.bnro.ro/page.aspx?prid=14996
Banca Națională a României 16.07.2018
În perioada ianuarie - mai contul curent al balanţei de plăţi a înregistrat un deficit de 3 018 milioane euro, comparativ cu 2 606 milioane euro în perioada ianuarie - mai 2017; în structură, balanţa bunurilor a consemnat un deficit mai mare cu 589 milioane euro, balanța serviciilor a înregistrat un excedent mai mic cu 179 milioane euro, balanța veniturilor primare a înregistrat un deficit mai redus cu 105 milioane euro, iar balanța veniturilor secundare un excedent mai mare cu 251 milioane euro. Investiţiile directe ale nerezidenţilore în România au însumat 1 720 milioane euro (comparativ cu 1 462 milioane euro în perioada ianuarie - mai 2017), din care participaţiile la capital (inclusiv profitul reinvestit net estimat) au însumat 2 208 milioane euro, iar creditele intragrup au înregistrat valoarea netă negativă de 488 milioane euro. În perioada ianuarie - mai 2018, datoria externă totală a crescut cu 2 563 milioane euro. În structură: • datoria externă pe termen lung a însumat 67 543 milioane euro la 31 mai 2018 (70,3 la sută din totalul datoriei externe), în scădere cu 1,6 la sută faţă de 31 decembrie 2017; • datoria externă pe termen scurt a înregistrat la 31 mai 2018 nivelul de 28 497 milioane euro (29,7 la sută din totalul datoriei externe), în creştere cu 14,6 la sută faţă de 31 decembrie 2017. • Rata serviciului datoriei externe pe termen lung a fost 18,9 la sută în perioada ianuarie - mai 2018, comparativ cu 23,9 la sută în anul 2017. Gradul de acoperire a importurilor de bunuri şi servicii la 31 mai 2018 a fost de 5,2 luni, în comparaţie cu 5,4 luni la 31 decembrie 2017. • Gradul de acoperire a datoriei externe pe termen scurt, calculată la valoarea reziduală, cu rezervele valutare la BNR la 31 mai 2018 a fost de 76,6 la sută, comparativ cu 87,2 la sută la 31 decembrie 2017.
Romania - IMF Country Report No. 18/148 (8/11) http://www.imf.org/en/Countries/ROU
Fondul Monetar Internațional despre România
While the tax rates are broadly aligned with peers in CESEE, tax efficiency lags behind, especially for VAT. The VAT C-efficiency indicator in Romania (0.5) is lower than in other CESEE or advanced EU countries (0.6). This efficiency gap reflects Romania’s VAT compliance gap (which measures the effectiveness of the tax administration), which is the largest in the EU (37 percent). Closing this gap with respect to other CESEE countries could raise VAT collection in Romania by 2 percentage points of GDP. For other main taxes, such as the personal income tax (PIT) and corporate income tax (CIT), efficiency indicators in Romania are close to other CESEE countries but still below advanced EU countries.
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Târguri, conferințe A&D: Farnborough Air Show 2018 Herald Insights RO.A&D: Interviu cu domnul Călin Ghițescu,
Herald Insights Director General la Aero Part Expert. Cu ocazia primei zile la Farnborough Air Show 2018 180716 Farnborough Aero Part Expert Ghitescu https://youtu.be/iQ7VHcodSqw
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Aero Part Expert Founded in 2004, Aero Part Expert is a private Romanian capital based company. Our company has gained vast experience in CAD-CAM, insuring the full technological process of manufacturing, from 3D drafting and designing, to programming, execution on numerically controlled 3-, and 5-axis milling machines, and even measuring, guaranteeing the quality of our products. The quality management system is in the process of certifying according to the AS9100-2015 standard.
Location HALL 3 3505, https://aeropart.ro/
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RO.A&D: Interviu cu domnul Constantin Dinischiotu,
Herald Insights Consilier la AEROSPACE SERVICES. Cu ocazia primei zile la Farnborough Air Show 2018 180716 Farnborough Aerospace Services Dinischiotu https://youtu.be/J0nf4xqBqc0
Aerospace Services SRL The Aerospace Servicies company performs activities related to the folowing branches in RTD:-Consultancy activities for: a. technical servicies b. scientific serviciesoffered by specialized entities acting into research and technological developing domains-Management of servicies for the aerial research activities-Tests and analysis for the data obtained in the aerial research or other similar.-Consultancy for development and technological transfer regarding the aeronautical research Location HALL 3 3505,
RO.A&D: Interviu cu domnul Mișa Popic,
Herald Insights Director General la AVIOANE Craiova SA. Cu ocazia primei zile la Farnborough Air Show 2018 180716 Farnborough Avioane Popic https://youtu.be/wfEP3BZwfA8
AVIOANE CRAIOVA S.A. was established in 1972 for developing, manufacturing and providing product support of military aircraft to Romanian Air Force. The company began by co-operating with former Yugoslavia and developing the joint Page 17 of 35
project of the ground attack aircraft IAR-93 (around than 200 aircrafts were built and entered in service since than).
During the 1980’s, an advanced jet trainer IAR-99 was designed in co-operation with the National Institute for Aerospace, manufactured inhere; the aircraft is still currently in production and in Romanian Air Force service, as a modernized version IAR 99 SOIM. Designed, manufactured in Avioane’s own facilities and certified with MoD’s Flight Test Centre flight test facilities, it is a proof of the company’s outstanding capabilities as an ideal partner in aircraft development and manufacture. http://www.acv.ro/
RO.A&D: Interviu cu Liliana COMANA,
Herald Insights Director vânzări la GM&T International. Cu ocazia primei zile la Farnborough Air Show 2018 180716 Farnborough GMT Comana https://youtu.be/go7PtT2pmxk
GM&T INTERNATIONAL 2000 SRL Page 18 of 35
GM&T International 2000, is proudly acting in Eastern Europe for:- Supporting Aerospace Companies – Manufacturing, Maintenance, Operators with chemical products ; paints, detergents, adhesives, sealants, oils, greases, adhesive tapes as one stop shop solution and also with paint related process assistance .-Project Suport – GM&T is involved in important projects , cooperating with Romanian companies/specialists/operators. Location HALL 3 3505 http://www.gmti.ro/
RO.A&D: Interviu cu domnul Mihai Măntescu,
Herald Insights Director General la GM&T International 2000 SRL. Cu ocazia primei zile la Farnborough Air Show 2018 180716 Farnborough GMT Mantescu
http://www.gmti.ro/ Page 19 of 35
RO.A&D: Interviu cu domnul Cătălin NAE,
Herald Insights Director General la INCAS – Institutul Național de Cercetări Aeronautice. Cu ocazia primei zile la Farnborough Air Show 2018 180716 Farnborough - INCAS - Nae Catalin
https://youtu.be/5q0zenDYEfg INCAS - National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli" is the leading research establishment in aerospace sciences in Romania, with more than 60 years tradition in aerospace engineering, flow physics and applied aerodynamics, using state-of-the-art technologies and unique infrastructure of national strategic importance. INCAS has been involved in all major national aeronautical projects for civil and military areas, and currently is acting as a major player in EU policy for R&D development under FlightPath 2050 vision and future Horizon 2020 program. Reorganized in December 2008 under HG 1463, INCAS has been repositioned as a research establishment, acting under public law as INCD, coordinated by ANCS National Authority for Scientific Research. This transformation recovers the original position of INCAS as a successor of INCREST - National Institute for Scientific and Technological Creation before 1990 and follows almost 20 years of activity as a private company of the state. Starting 2007 INCAS has initiated a solid long term strategy towards recognition of the status and capabilities of Romania in aerospace sciences, making usage of the unique research infrastructure (including wind tunnels with state-of-the-art technology) and outstanding competencies in major and niche areas for development at international scale. At the same time, INCAS has been recognized as a policy maker in Europe and at international level, playing a major role in all programmatic documents and visions developed in the last 5 years in aeronautics. The crafting of the current Development Plan is based on analysis of the global R&D area and new challenges imposed by the changing economic and social environment. INCAS is one of the contributors for the FlightPath 2050, an active participant to the new ACARE - Advisory Council for Aeronautical Research, has jointly developed the EREA - European Research Establishment in Aeronautics programmatic "Vision for the Future - Towards the Future Generation of Air Transport System", has initiated and signed as an institutional member the European Charter Page 20 of 35
for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers" and is one of the founder members of the IFAR - International Forum for Aviation Research. This is a solid basis for the foundation and implementation of the proposed Strategy and Development Plan for INCAS in the next decade. http://www.incas.ro/
RO.A&D: Interviu cu domnul Harry Thompson,
Herald Insights UK Airborne Technical Executive la MBDA Missile Systems. Cu ocazia primei zile la Farnborough Air Show 2018 180716 Farnborough - MBDA - Thompson https://youtu.be/qnsCpQ2cink
MBDA Missile Systems MBDA, a world leader in missiles and missile systems, is a multi-national group with over 10,000 employees in the UK, France, Germany, Italy and the United States. With some of the most sophisticated technology in defence, MBDA offers a wide range of advanced weapon systems for Air, Sea and Land platforms. MBDA is also ranked 12th in the Sunday Times Top 30 “Best Big Companies to Work For� Location INNOVATION ZONE 3499, MBDA France MBDA is a world leading missile systems company with a comprehensive product range designed to meet the land, naval and airborne guided weapon system requirements of each of the armed forces.MBDA is jointly owned by AIRBUS (37.5%), BAE SYSTEMS (37.5%), and LEONARDO (25%) Location OE10,
RO.A&D: Interviu cu domnul Florian Bradea,
Herald Insights COO la ZIROM SA. Cu ocazia primei zile la Farnborough Air Show 2018 180716 Farnborough - Zirom - Bradea https://youtu.be/9tlTx0dLHoE Page 21 of 35
Zirom SA ZIROM S.A. is an European Titanium manufacturer, with an experience of 25 years in melting titanium and zirconium ingots by VAR (Vacuum-Arc-Remelting) and EBCH (Electron-Beam-Cold-Hearth) technologies from titanium sponge and different alloys.
The company also processes solid scrap, produces open-die forged blocks, plates, billets, slabs, round/square bars in various diameters from various titanium grades.ZIROM is exporting its quality products world-wide and enhancing its customer portfolio and its technical capabilities constantly. Location HALL 3 3505,
http://www.zirom.ro/ Page 22 of 35
Pătru Spătaru
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Herald Insights With over 40 years of experience in the field of aeronautics, TURBOMECANICA is a private equity company, always prepared to meet the needs of its clients. Focused on quality, capability and flexibility, over the years, the company has proven to be a reliable, long-term partner in all business relationships.
As the sole Romanian supplier of M.R.O. activities for TURMO IVC / CA turboshaft engines and mechanical assemblies dedicated to the IAR 330 PUMA helicopter and for VIPER 632-41R / M turbojet engines, the company is involved in major maintenance and upgrading aviation programs for the domestic market (supporting the Romanian Ministry of Defense and Romanian Secret Services fleet). On the international market, TURBOMECANICA performs and develops cooperation programs for prestigious companies such as: GENERAL ELECTRIC, LEONARDO HELICOPTERS, HONDA AERO, UNISON ENGINE COMPONENTS, AVIALL, AVIO, PZL SWIDNIK, MB AEROSPACE, capitalizing on the experience gained in the aeronautical field.
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Radu VIEHMANN, Presedinte si Director General Turbomecanica Presedinte si Director General din anul 2006 Pregatire si experienta: Absolvent al Facultatii de Aeronave din Bucuresti in 1976 face parte din primele promotii de absolventi , ingineri de aeronave, repartizati la TURBOMECANICA. Etapele in evolutia profesionala sunt marcate astfel: Sef C.T.C. si Coordonator Program de cooperare cu partenerul iugoslav pana in anul 1992, program care indeplinit cu success a condus la promovarea in functia de Director Comercial. In iulie 1997, la propunerea Rolls Royce, primeste titlul Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society Great Britain. In 2000 este numit Vicepresedinte al CA iar din 2006 pana in prezent ocupa functia de Presedinte si Director General TURBOMECANICA, fiind unul dintre actionarii principali ai companiei. Domnul Viehmann a urmat cursuri postuniversitare de “Management Strategic”, “Senior managers’’ si Business Management Practice la CNAM si Irish Management Institute. Deciziile luate au tintit mereu catre un viitor care sa puna in valoare competentele si valorile esentiale ale TURBOMECANICII. Este un vizionar si un luptator, actionand ca propulsor in dezvoltarea companiei.
O aeronavă IAR 99 Șoim s-a prăbușit în județul Bacău http://www.mapn.ro/cpresa/15978_O-aeronav%C4%83-IAR-99-%C8%98oim-s-apr%C4%83bu%C8%99it-%C3%AEn-jude%C8%9Bul-Bac%C4%83u
Ministerul Apărării Naţionale COMUNICAT NR. 204 Data: 16.07.2018
O aeronavă de tip IAR 99 Șoim cu dublă comandă din Baza 95 Aeriană ”Erou căpitan aviator Alexandru Șerbănescu” de la Bacău s-a prăbușit astăzi, 16 iulie, în jurul orei 13.30, în zona localității Nicolae Bălcescu, județul Bacău. Cei doi piloți au reușit să se catapulteze, echipele de salvare sunt în legătură cu ei și au început deja operațiunile de recuperare. Conducerea Bazei 95 Aeriană a pus în aplicare de urgență planul de intervenție în astfel de situații. Ministrul apărării naționale, Mihai Fifor, împreună cu șeful Statului Major al Apărării, generalul Nicolae Ciucă, sunt deja în drum spre locul producerii incidentului. De asemenea, conform procedurilor, o comisie numită la nivelul Statului Major al Forțelor Aeriene va investiga cauzele producerii evenimentului. Vom reveni cu informații despre starea piloților de îndată ce acestea vor fi disponibile. Page 25 of 35
Starea piloţilor catapultați din aeronava IAR 99 Şoim http://www.mapn.ro/cpresa/15979_Starea-pilo%C5%A3ilor-catapulta%C8%9Bi-dinaeronava-IAR-99-%C5%9Eoim
Ministerul Apărării Naţionale COMUNICAT NR. 205 Data: 16.07.2018
Comandorul Marcel Breşug, şeful de stat major al Bazei 95 Aeriană ”Erou căpitan aviator Alexandru Șerbănescu”, şi căpitan-comandorul Iulian Pena, instructor-şef zbor în cadrul aceleiaşi unități militare, s-au catapultat astăzi, 16 iulie, în jurul orei 13.30, la 5 kilometri vest de localitatea Nicolae Bălcescu din județul Bacău, deasupra Lacului Galbeni. Piloţii au fost recuperaţi de echipele de căutare-salvare ale bazei aeriene și se află în stare stabilă. Un elicopter SMURD execută deja, la această oră, un zbor pentru evacuarea primului dintre piloţii recuperaţi către Spitalul Universitar de Urgenţă Militar Central "Dr. Carol Davila", din București, urmând ca cel de-al doilea să fie transportat la acelaşi spital cu un avion de tip C-27J Spartan, din cadrul Forţelor Aeriene Române, configurat pentru evacuare medicală. Comandorul Breşug, în vârstă de 41 ani, are la activ peste 1.000 de ore de zbor pe aeronava IAR 99 Şoim, iar căpitan-comandorul Pena, în vârstă de 40 de ani, are o experienţă de zbor de aproape 450 de ore pe aeronava menţionată. Aeronava militară decolase în jurul orei 13.20 din baza aeriană pentru a executa un zbor de verificare tehnică. După aproximativ 10 minute de zbor, piloţii s-au catapultat, aeronava prăbușindu-se în zona menționată, în afara ariilor locuite. Din ordinul ministrului apărării naţionale a fost numită o comisie de investigaţie tehnică pentru cercetarea împrejurărilor producerii acestui incident aviatic și a fost sesizat Parchetul Militar. Totodată, potrivit procedurilor-standard, au fost sistate zborurile cu acest tip de aeronavă până la finalizarea anchetei de specialitate.
Starea de sănătate a piloţilor catapultaţi din aeronava IAR 99 Şoim http://www.mapn.ro/cpresa/15980_Starea-de-s%C4%83n%C4%83tate-apilo%C5%A3ilor-catapulta%C5%A3i-din-aeronava-IAR-99-%C5%9Eoim
Ministerul Apărării Naţionale COMUNICAT NR. 206 Data: 16.07.2018
Cei doi piloți care s-au catapultat în urma accidentului aviatic de astăzi, 16 iulie, din județul Bacău, au fost evacuați pe cale aeriană la Spitalul Universitar de Urgenţă Militar Central „Dr. Carol Davila” (SUUMC) din București. Comandorul Marcel Breşug a fost transferat către SUUMC cu un elicopter SMURD, fiind preluat, în jurul orei 17.00, la Unitatea de Primiri Urgenţe de către o echipă multidisciplinară constituită din medici specialişti în urgenţă (neurochirurgie, chirurgie toracică, chirurgie generală, Anestezie Terapie Intensivă (ATI), ortopedie şi traumatologie şi chirurgie generală) pentru evaluarea medicală, stabilirea diagnosticului şi instituirea conduitei terapeutice chirurgicale şi medicale. Pacientul, în vârstă de 41 ani, este conştient, cooperant, echilibrat hemodinamic şi respirator. În urma consulturilor de specialitate şi a investigaţiilor clinice şi paraclinice efectuate, diagnosticul acestuia este: politraumatism prin catapultare, fractură diafiză femurală stângă, fractură naviculară stângă deschisă, contuzie forte umăr stâng, fără interesare nervoasă, contuzie gambă dreaptă. Page 26 of 35
Pacientul va fi internat, pentru stabilizarea funcţiilor vitale, în Secţia ATI, urmând ca, în cursul acestei seri, să se intervină chirurgical, în blocul operator al Secţiei Clinice Ortopedie şi traumatologie, pentru toaletarea plăgilor şi procedura de osteosinteză centro-medulară diafiză femurală stângă. Post-operator, pacientul va fi transferat în secţia ATI, pentru supraveghere medicală, profilaxia durerilor şi a ulcerului de stres, corticoterapie, antibioterapie şi stabilizarea parametrilor biologici. În cursul zilei de marți, 17 iulie, este programată reexaminarea imagistică și consult boli infecţioase, neurologie, psihiatrie şi boli interne. Căpitan-comandorul Iulian Pena a fost transferat cu o aeronavă de tip C-27J Spartan până în Baza 90 Transport Aerian şi, ulterior, către SUUMC, cu un elicopter IAR 330 Puma, aeronave ale Forţelor Aeriene Române, configurate pentru evacuare medicală. În jurul orei 17.20, pacientul a fost preluat pentru evaluarea medicală la Unitatea de Primiri Urgenţe a SUUMC. Echipa multidisciplinară constituită pentru stabilirea diagnosticului şi instituirea conduitei terapeutice chirurgicale şi medicale a constatat că militarul prezintă politraumatism prin catapultare, traumatism vertebral lombar minor, fără semne neurologice, contuzie abdominală minoră și contuzie genunchi drept. Pacientul este internat la Secţia Chirurgie generală II, urmând ca şi acesta să fie supus procedurii chirurgicale de toaletare a plăgilor. De asemenea, va beneficia de supraveghere medicală, profilaxia durerilor, corticoterapie, antibioterapie şi stabilizarea parametrilor biologici. În funcţie de evoluţia stării de sănătate, echipa medicală multidisciplinară va decide repetarea unor investigaţii clinice şi paraclinice, eventual timpii de mobilizare şi începerea programului de recuperare.
Situații extreme aviatice https://aviation-safety.net/index.php
Aviation Safety xxx incidente în această bază de date cu acest tip de aeronavă, începând din yyyy, ceea ce înseamnă că media anuală a incidentelor este de xxx. acc. date
light plane
Tecnam P2002-JF
Boeing 7378F2 (WL)
IAR 99 Soim
Romanian Force
Ultralight helicopter
Ekolot JK-05L Junior
Bell 47G
Isidro, Falcon
Mureaux, Yvelines
Cataratas del Iguazú International Airport, MI (IGR/SARI)
Sheep River, AB
Sillersdorf nahe Freilassing
N of Franklin Flying Field Airport, IN
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IAR 99 Soim Date: 16-JUL-2018 Time: 13:30 LT Type: IAR 99 Soim Owner/operator: Romanian Air Force Fatalities: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2 Aircraft damage:Written off (damaged beyond repair) Location: Bacau Romania Phase: En route Nature: Military
Narrative: The military trainer jet crashed after a technical malfunction. Both occupants ejected safely. https://zdbc.ro/foto-imagini-cu-operatiunea-de-salvare-a-celor-doi-piloti-catapultati/
https://adevarul.ro/news/eveniment/putea-evitata-pierderea-fortele-aeriene-romaneavionului-99-Soim-1_5b4ce264df52022f754b9953/index.html https://www.agerpres.ro/justitie/2018/07/16/fifor-anunta-ca-niciun-avion-iar-99-soimnu-se-mai-ridica-de-la-sol-pana-la-finalizarea-investigatiei--145907 http://www.mediafax.ro/social/monitorul-apararii-generalul-r-de-aviatie-stefan-danilaiar-soim-are-scaun-de-catapultare-performant-cu-posibilitate-de-catapultare-de-lainaltime-zero-si-viteza-zero-17357687 http://www.zf.ro/eveniment/incidentul-aviatic-din-bacau-este-al-doilea-in-care-esteimplicat-un-avion-subsonic-iar-soim-proiectat-integral-in-romania-17357361
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Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION (24 - ĂŽnceput din 14.06.2018) https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/936468/000093646818000009/lmtq4201710k.htm#s8C2FE C11A01E9DF29DD472DCE3EBEC97
Securities and Exchange Commission - USA
Cost of Sales Cost of sales, for both products and services, consist of materials, labor, subcontracting costs, an allocation of indirect costs (overhead and general and administrative), as well as the costs to fulfill our industrial cooperation agreements, sometimes referred to as offset agreements, required under certain contracts with international customers. For each of our contracts, we monitor the nature and amount of costs at the contract level, which form the basis for estimating our total costs to complete the contract. Due to the nature of percentage-of-completion accounting, changes in our cost of sales for both products and services are typically accompanied by changes in our net sales. The following discussion of material changes in our consolidated cost of sales for products and services should be read in tandem with the preceding discussion of changes in our consolidated net sales and our business segment results of operations. We have not identified any developing trends in cost of sales for products and services that would have a material impact on our future operations. Product Costs Page 29 of 35
Product costs increased approximately $3.1 billion, or 9%, in 2017 as compared to 2016. The increase was primarily due to increased product costs of about $1.8 billion at Aeronautics, $665 million at RMS and $420 million at MFC. The increase in product costs at Aeronautics was primarily due to increased volume on aircraft production for the F-35 program and higher cost for the C-130 program due to increased deliveries and aircraft configuration mix and higher cost on aircraft modernization for the F-16 program, partially offset by lower cost for the C-5 program due to fewer aircraft deliveries. Higher product costs at RMS were primarily due to higher volume on certain helicopter programs, a net increase in charges for C4USS programs for performance matters on the EADGE-T contract and higher cost for training and logistics services programs due to higher volume. The increase in product costs at MFC was primarily attributable to higher cost for air and missile defense systems due to higher volume (primarily THAAD) and contract mix (primarily PAC-3), higher cost for tactical missile programs due to product configuration mix (primarily JASSM) and increased deliveries for fire control programs (primarily LANTIRNÂŽ and SNIPERÂŽ). Product costs increased approximately $5.5 billion, or 18%, in 2016 as compared to 2015. The increase was primarily due to increased product costs of about $3.6 billion at RMS and about $1.6 billion at Aeronautics. The increase at RMS was primarily attributable to product costs generated by Sikorsky, which was acquired in the fourth quarter of 2015. The increase at Aeronautics was primarily attributable to increased volume on aircraft production for the F-35 program and increased aircraft deliveries on the C-130 program. Service Costs Service costs increased approximately $365 million, or 6%, in 2017 compared to 2016, primarily due to increased service costs of about $265 million at Aeronautics, $150 million at MFC and $110 million at RMS. This increase was partially offset by lower service costs of about $160 million at Space. Higher service cost at Aeronautics were primarily due to increased sustainment activities (primarily the F-35 and F-16 programs) and higher cost for the C-130 program due to timing of expenses for sustainment programs. Higher service costs at MFC were primarily attributable to higher sustainment activities (primarily PAC-3 and Hellfire). The increase in service costs at RMS was primarily attributable to higher Sikorsky sustainment activities for international programs. Lower service costs at Space were primarily due to lower space transportation programs due to a reduction in launchrelated events, partially offset by increased volume on government satellite services. Service costs increased approximately $1.2 billion, or 25%, in 2016 compared to 2015, primarily due to increased service costs of about $670 million at RMS and approximately $400 million at Aeronautics. The increase at RMS was primarily attributable to service costs generated by Sikorsky, which was acquired in the fourth quarter of 2015. The increase at Aeronautics was primarily attributable to increased sustainment activities (primarily the F-35 and the F-22 programs). Restructuring Charges 2016 Actions During 2016, we recorded severance charges totaling approximately $80 million related to our Aeronautics business segment. The charges consisted of severance costs associated with the planned elimination of certain positions through either voluntary or involuntary actions. Upon separation, terminated employees receive lump-sum severance payments primarily based on years of service, the majority of which are expected to be paid over the next several quarters. As of the end of the first quarter of 2017, we had substantially paid the severance costs associated with these actions. Page 30 of 35
2015 Actions During 2015, we recorded severance charges totaling $82 million, of which $67 million related to our RMS business segment and $15 million related to businesses that were reported in our former IS&GS business prior to our fourth quarter 2015 program realignment. The charges consisted of severance costs associated with the planned elimination of certain positions through either voluntary or involuntary actions. Upon separation, terminated employees receive lump-sum severance payments primarily based on years of service. As of December 31, 2016, we substantially paid the severance costs associated with these actions. In connection with the Sikorsky acquisition, we assumed obligations related to certain restructuring actions committed to by Sikorsky in June 2015. Net of amounts we anticipate to recover through the pricing of our products and services to our customers, we incurred and paid $40 million of costs in 2016 related to these actions. We have recovered a substantial amount of the restructuring charges through the pricing of our products and services to the U.S. Government and other customers in future periods, with the impact included in the respective business segment’s results of operations. Other Unallocated, Net Other unallocated, net primarily includes the FAS/CAS pension adjustment as described in the “Business Segment Results of Operations” section below, stockbased compensation and other corporate costs. These items are not allocated to the business segments and, therefore, are excluded from the cost of sales for products and services. Other unallocated, net was a net reduction to expense of $655 million and $550 million in 2017 and 2016, compared to a net increase to expense of $47 million in 2015. The increase in net reduction to expense in 2017 as compared to 2016 was primarily attributable to corporate overhead costs reclassified during 2016 from the former IS&GS business to other unallocated, net, partially offset by fluctuations in other costs associated with various corporate items, none of which were individually significant. See “Note 3 – Acquisitions and Divestitures” included in our Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information about costs reclassified to other unallocated, net. Additionally, the fluctuation between each respective period was also impacted by the change in the FAS/CAS pension adjustment of $876 million in 2017, $902 million in 2016 and $400 million in 2015, partially offset by fluctuations in other costs associated with various corporate items, none of which were individually significant. The decrease in the FAS/CAS pension adjustment from 2016 to 2017 was primarily attributable to an increase in FAS pension expense related to a lower discount rate and lower expected long-term rate of return on plan assets; mostly offset by the increase in U.S. Government Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) pension cost due to the impact of phasing in CAS Harmonization. The increase in the FAS/CAS pension adjustment from 2015 to 2016 was primarily attributable to the increase in U.S. Government CAS pension cost due to the impact of phasing in CAS Harmonization. See “Critical Accounting Policies - Postretirement Benefit Plans” discussion below for more information on our CAS pension cost.
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Chemonics International #19 https://washingtontechnology.com/toplists/top-100-lists/2018/chemonics.aspx
Washington Technology - USA
Top 100 Revenue:
Defense revenue: Civilian revenue:
• • •
Current Revenue Rank Historical Revenue
2017 revenue: 2017 earnings : 2016 revenue:
2016 earnings:
Headquarters: Washington, D.C. Web address: https://chemonics.com/
Schimbarea schimbării în timp ce se schimbă: Creșterea gândirii militare disruptive (9 - început #278) Changing change while it changes: The rise of disruptive military thinking https://othjournal.com/2018/06/11/changing-change-while-it-changes-the-rise-ofdisruptive-military-thinking-part-2-of-3/
Over the Horizon - USA 11.06.2018
Multe dintre procesele mecanice de planificare aparent de succes din ultimele două secole ne rețin acum. Nu ne gândim în mod critic la metodologiile noastre; armata trebuie să încorporeze practici reflexive și abilitatea de a transforma procesele într-o formă mai flexibilă și dinamică a sensului și a acționa într-o realitate complexă. An interview with Ben Zweibelson Ben Zweibelson will be speaking at SPADE 2018, IBM’s invite-only, signature event for defense and intelligence. This year’s theme is Re-Thinking Defense and Security in the Digital Age. Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3 of this design interview. Ben Zweibelson is a retired US Army Infantry officer. He is currently a doctoral student at the Australian National University, and Program Director of Joint Special Operations University, under the U.S. Special Operations Commander (SOCOM). The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Special Operations Command, the Joint Special Operations University, the United States Government or the Australian National University.
So, how did Kokhavi learn about this Deci, cum a aflat Kokhavi despre acest design military design, and how did the Israelis militar și cum au implementat-o israelienii? Page 32 of 35
implement it? Shimon Naveh introduced what he termed ‘systemic operational design (SOD),’ which was a whole set of language processes and a new way of looking at problems and possible solutions. It was trans-disciplinary, in that one could simultaneously consider two entirely distinct disciplines concerning war. Additionally, SOD did not apply institutional rulings, instead of saying “no, you can never do that,” the SOD methodology advocated for asking “why” and “why not?” Essentially, SOD challenged nearly everything within western traditional military practices, and therefore was quite disruptive, as well as controversial. Naveh pulled from architecture, systems theory, postmodern philosophy, eastern philosophy, and Soviet operational planning methods originating in World War II. SOD was a strange brew, it represented a highly sophisticated and creative way of reconfiguring how a military makes sense of war as well as themselves in war. So, SOD was quite practical and useful in this initial Israeli context partially because the Israelis don’t have a lot of military doctrine. They are not as structured as the US military or other western militaries. In that context, at that particular moment in time, the Israeli military seemed more willing to experiment, which might be a cultural thing and stem from where they have been for the past 40 years. But SOD was so dense with philosophical language and these very abstract concepts, it was hard to translate and to disseminate to lower level forces. Further, it was only taught to senior leaders, and even then, only self-selecting leaders took it upon themselves to study it. Eventually, traditional IDF leaders, who wanted to protect the legacy system, took action to purge SOD from the military; they largely eliminated the majority of SOD practitioners from their ranks, with Naveh himself excommunicated and OTRI disbanded. This transpired just before the 2005 Hezbollah War which ended up being a political and military failure. Yet the genie was out of the bottle, and Naveh is distinctly credited with uncorking it for militaries in the 21st century. To this day he remains
Shimon Naveh a prezentat ceea ce el a numit "design operațional sistemic (SOD)", care era un întreg set de procese lingvistice și un nou mod de a privi problemele și soluțiile posibile. Era transdisciplinară, prin aceea că am putea lua în considerare simultan două discipline cu totul distincte în ceea ce privește războiul. În plus, SOD nu a aplicat hotărârile instituționale, în loc să spună "nu, nu poți face asta niciodată", metodologia SOD pledează pentru a întreba "de ce" și "de ce nu?" În esență, SOD a provocat aproape totul în cadrul practicilor militare tradiționale occidentale prin urmare, a fost destul de perturbator, precum și controversat. Naveh a tras din arhitectură, teoria sistemelor, filosofia postmodernă, filozofia estică și metodele de planificare operațională sovietică, care au apărut în cel de-al doilea război mondial. SOD a fost o băutură ciudată, a reprezentat o modalitate extrem de sofisticată și creativă de reconfigurare a modului în care o armată are sens atât de război, cât și de război. Deci, SOD a fost destul de practic și util în acest context israelian inițial, parțial pentru că israeliții nu au o mulțime de doctrină militară. Ele nu sunt la fel de structurate ca armata americană sau alți militari occidentali. În acest context, la acel moment în timp, armata israeliană părea mai dispusă să experimenteze, ceea ce ar putea fi un lucru cultural și ar rezulta din locul în care au fost în ultimii 40 de ani. Dar SOD a fost atât de dens cu limbajul filosofic și cu aceste concepte foarte abstracte, a fost greu de tradus și de diseminat la forțe inferioare. Mai mult, a fost predat doar liderilor de rang înalt, și chiar și atunci, numai liderii de auto-selecție au luat-o pe ei înșiși să o studieze. În cele din urmă, liderii tradiționali ai IDF, care doreau să protejeze sistemul vechi, au luat măsuri pentru a elimina SOD din armată; au eliminat în mare parte majoritatea practicanților SOD din rândul lor, cu Naveh însuși excomunicat și OTRI desființat. Acest lucru sa întâmplat chiar înainte de războiul din Hezbollah din 2005, care a devenit un eșec politic și militar. Cu toate acestea, drăguțul a ieșit din sticlă, iar Naveh este recunoscut în mod distinct pentru că a debutat pentru militari în secolul XXI. Până în prezent, el rămâne influent, controversat și experimental ca educator și teoretician de
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influential, controversial, and experimental as a military design educator and theorist. SOD was the first military design process that was distinct, self-contained, and complete. It inspired a military design movement across what could be termed the “Anglosphere.” Naveh inspired design in the U.S. Army by 2005, as well as design interest in the Australian military around the same period. The Australians developed their own hybrid design concept, blending complexity theory with traditional military campaign design while also sampling from John Boyd; this resulted in what they termed ‘Adaptive Campaigning.’ After 2005, the U.S. Army created ‘Design’ which they later re-branded ‘Army Design Methodology;’ it continues to be plagued with institutional disagreements on the methodological form, function, and content. The British have provided doctrine to their military that expresses many design concepts while avoiding the word ‘design’ entirely. The Canadian Forces have experimented with various design methodologies to include industrial design, human centric design, and military design in their officer education and practice since 2013. More recently, the Polish Army added design education to their field grade officer education in Warsaw, and design movements are in nascent stages in Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Hungary, Colombia, NATO, and elsewhere. Each nation or organization implements their own cultural nuances and perspectives, making each design process unique, akin to different ways of preparing meals with similar ingredients. All of these different design cuisines are akin to the French food philosopher, Briliat Salvarin’s saying: “tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.”
design militar. SOD a fost primul proces de design militar care a fost distinct, autonom și complet. Ea a inspirat o mișcare de design militar în ceea ce putea numi "Anglosphere". Naveh a inspirat designul în Armata S.U.A. până în 2005, precum și interesul de design în armata australiană în jurul aceleiași perioade. Australienii și-au dezvoltat propriul concept de design hibrid, combinând teoria complexității cu designul campaniei militare tradiționale, în timp ce prelevarea de probe de la John Boyd; acest lucru a dus la ceea ce au numit "Campanie Adaptivă". După 2005, Armata S.U.A. a creat "Design", pe care ulterior le-a re-brandat "Metodologia de proiectare a armatei", continuă să fie afectată de dezacorduri instituționale cu privire la forma metodologică, funcția și conținutul. Britanicii au oferit doctrine armatei lor, care exprimă multe concepte de design, evitând în întregime cuvântul "design". Forțele canadiene au experimentat diferite metodologii de proiectare pentru a include designul industrial, designul centric uman și designul militar în educația și practica ofițerilor lor începând din 2013. Mai recent, armata poloneză a adăugat educație de design pentru educația de ofițeri de gradul lor în Varșovia, mișcările sunt în stadii înființate în Suedia, Norvegia, Olanda, Ungaria, Columbia, NATO și în alte părți. Fiecare națiune sau organizație își implementează propriile nuanțe culturale și perspective, făcând fiecare proces de design unic, asemănător unor moduri diferite de pregătire a meselor cu ingrediente similare. Toate aceste bucătării de design diferite sunt asemănătoare cu filozoful francez al alimentelor, spunând lui Briliat Salvarin: "spune-mi ce mănânci și îți voi spune cine ești".
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