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marți, 23 octombrie 2018

semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ................................................................................................. 6 BVB - industria aeronautică .................................................................................... 6 Ministerul portughez al apărării comandă 5 AW119Kx ........................................... 7 Robot cu 6 axe ........................................................................................................ 7 Imprimanta metalica 3D Multi-mod ......................................................................... 8 Sistem CPS............................................................................................................. 8 Șefii de achiziții elvețieni și francezi se întâlnesc pe fondul mizei "Air 2030" .......... 9 Curse spre viitor: RACER de mare viteză ............................................................. 10 Componența motoarelor LEAP ............................................................................. 12 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE ............................................................................. 13 Viitorul armelor de calibru mic din dotarea forțelor armate britanice (3/7) ............. 13 Cap. Cyber&ITC ....................................................................................................... 16 UE: mecanismul de sancțiuni împotriva atacurilor cibernetice .............................. 16 Domenii tehnologice ............................................................................................. 16 Participanți cheie în piața de radiocomunicații de apărare .................................... 19 Key players in the Defense Tactical Radio Market are BAE Systems, Inc., Barrett Communications Pty. Ltd, Cobham plc, Codan Limited, General Dynamics Corporation, Harris Corporation, Leonardo S.p.A, Raytheon Company, Rockwell Collins, Inc., and Thales S.A..................................................................................... 19 Cap. NAVAL ............................................................................................................. 21 Canad: următoarele etape ale achizițiilor pentru marină ....................................... 21 Pentru Europa, este vorba despre afaceri navale ca de obicei ............................. 21 România a decis să aleagă patru corvete noi, upgrade la fregate ........................ 21 Cap. RACHETE ........................................................................................................ 25 EURONAVAL 2018: RACHETE ............................................................................ 25 ANDOYA TEST CENTER AS ............................................................................ 25 BHARAT DYNAMICS LIMITED ......................................................................... 26 FERRA ENGINEERING .................................................................................... 26 IAI ...................................................................................................................... 26 KONGSBERG ................................................................................................... 27 MBDA ................................................................................................................ 27 MEUNIER IND. .................................................................................................. 27 MITSUBISHI ...................................................................................................... 28 RAFAEL ............................................................................................................ 28 Page 3 of 48

SAFRAN ELECTRONICS & DEFENSE ............................................................ 29 STM - SAVUNMA TEKNOLOJILERI MUHENDISLIK VE TICARET AS ............ 29 Cap. Vehicule pentru luptă ....................................................................................... 31 Slovacia: achiziție vehicule blindate Vydra............................................................ 31 Cap. NATO/OTAN .................................................................................................... 32 NATO: operațiuni cibernetice ................................................................................ 32 Aliații NATO se colaborează pentru a dezvolta sisteme fără pilot ce acționează pe mare ...................................................................................................................... 32 Cap. EUROPA .......................................................................................................... 33 Is your country expensive? ................................................................................... 33 Starea Uniunii Europene 2018 (27, din #326) ....................................................... 33 Progresele privind îndeplinirea celor 10 priorități ale Comisiei Europene .......... 33 Polonia decizii strategice....................................................................................... 36 20 de ani cumpără gaze din SUA, ..................................................................... 36 achiziţii record de armament american .............................................................. 36 probabil bază militară americană permanentă ................................................... 36 Cap. DECIZIONAL ................................................................................................... 39 Marieta Safta, eliberare funcție ............................................................................. 39 Cap. FINANȚE.......................................................................................................... 40 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................................................ 40 Cap. RESURSE........................................................................................................ 41 CFE-CGC organizează primul Forum de evoluție profesională ............................ 41 Evenimente pentru studenți .................................................................................. 41 Forumul Ingenibdin Gardanne, Bordeaux ............................................................. 42 Cap. EVENIMENTE .................................................................................................. 43 Dorel Gheorghe Caprar în vizită la PATROMIL .................................................... 43 Târguri, conferințe A&D......................................................................................... 44 EURONAVAL 2018 ........................................................................................... 44 The company underscores its position as a leading digital architect of maritime solutions. ........................................................................................................... 44 Naval Group, prezenți la Euronaval 18 .............................................................. 45 Naval Group se pregătește pentru expoziția Argonaute .................................... 46 Twentieth Annual Meeting of National Authorities ............................................. 46 Cap. Responsabilitate organizațională ..................................................................... 47 CSA Industry Leaders 2018 (23, început #328) .................................................... 47 Energy/Oil & Gas Upstream & Integrated/ PTT PCL ......................................... 47

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Cap. AERONAUTICĂ BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 246,33 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0



200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00





























mil. euro


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Ministerul portughez al apărării comandă 5 AW119Kx Portuguese Ministry of Defence orders five AW119Kx helicopters https://defence-blog.com/news/portuguese-ministry-of-defence-orders-five-aw119kxhelicopters.html

Defence Blog - USA Oct 22, 2018

Leonardo announced that the Portuguese Ministry of Defence (MoD) has selected the AW119Kx as its new multirole single engine helicopter to meet its future operational requirements. The Portuguese Air Force is set to take delivery of five aircraft with an option for a further two units. Deliveries are to start in late 2018 from Leonardo‘s plant in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), with completion of deliveries by early 2020. According to a company‘s statement, contract awarded by the Portuguese Ministry of Defence valued in excess of €20 million for five helicopters plus options for two additional units with deliveries between late 2018 and early 2020. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Robot cu 6 axe 6-axis collaborative robot http://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/yaskawa-motomanreeco-automation-cobot-102218/

Aerospace Manufacturing&Design October 22, 2018

Yaskawa Motoman Robotics has partnered with Reeco Automationfor the Motoman HC10 collaborative Robot, a 6-axis cobot. The Motoman HC10 can operate with a payload of 10kg and a reach of 1,200mm without additional protective measures such as a safety fence. Operator safety is assured by a power and force limit technology that stops the robot in case of contact with an operator. The reduced requirement for external safety measures depends on a risk assessment, but typically the overall footprint and cost of a cobot applicati on is reduced when compared to a traditional industrial robot application. Ideal applications for the Motoman HC10 cobots are repetitive, manual processes that take place around human workers, such as machine tending, pick-and-place operations and especially those jobs that have the potential for repetition injuries, or require human workers to interact with dangerous machinery. Reeco specializes in offering solutions for integrating collaborative robots with existing factory equipment and employees including a team of experienced engineers supplying and commissioning robotics into multiple industries. Reeco Automation engineers designed and manufactured a robotics base (RB) system for the HC10 cobot and its controller. The result is a versatile, mobile solution which is designed to fit into an existing production line, typically for human-robot collaborative assembly. Page 7 of 48

Imprimanta metalica 3D Multi-mod Multi-mode 3D metal printer http://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/aurora-labs-rapidmanufacturing-technology-3d-metal-printer-101918/

Aerospace Manufacturing&Design October 19, 2018 Aurora Labs

Aurora Labs Ltd. officials announce significant speed increases achieved for the current Alpha unit of Aurora‘s Rapid Manufacturing Technology (RMT). The company has been able to achieve speed increases of 2.5x the recently announced rates and is now printing at 1.667kg/hr, equivalent to 40kg/day. This printing speed is approximately 20x the speed of a comparable size, commercially available, machine that can print titanium (CPTi). This speed increase was achieved following various testing programs, optimization of the printing process and print parameter development. The company‘s goal at this stage has been to optimize both print speed and quality of the current Alpha unit. The company will continue to run a series of tests with the RMT with the goal of achieving a print rate of 1,000kg/day. The next round of tests will be focused on hardware changes to achieve further speed increases with the goal of reaching around 30x the current market speed* with a single printing unit. Beyond that, the company will look to link two or more alpha unit cores together to form faster units to allow for very high-speed printing as the RMP has been designed to scale through its modular nature. This will also prove out in very practical terms the scalable feature of the technology. Once two or more units are successfully combined to work together, the speeds that can be reached will be direct multiples of those currently being achieved. The target market for Aurora‘s RMP is the global metal manufacturing market, expected to reach $4 trillion by 2020. Successful scaling of the RMP will allow printed parts to be manufactured at a price that is expected to be cost competitive with traditional metal manufacturing. * What is market speed? Aurora Labs defines Market Speed as the speed at which a comparable machine can print Titanium (CP-Ti). Market research has shown this to be 81.7g/hr or 1.96kg per day

Sistem CPS Cyber-physical motion terminal http://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/festo-vtemmotion-terminal-101818/

Aerospace Manufacturing&Design October 18, 2018 Festo Corp.

Festo‘s VTEM Motion Terminal, which began shipping earlier this year, is a cyberphysical system (CPS) that embodies the modularity and reconfiguration capabilities Page 8 of 48

envisioned by Industry 4.0. Ten downloadable apps are immediately available with an additional 40 apps planned. Each unique combination of apps changes the motion functionality, giving original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) a new flexible motion control platform The VTEM Motion Terminal conforms to the National Science Foundation‘s definition of CPS as an engineered system that is built from, and depends upon, the seamless integration of computational algorithms and physical components. Easier engineering, standardized platform concepts With a single intelligent valve slice potentially providing the functionality of up to 50 individual components, a CPS such as the VTEM Motion Terminal opens the door to standardized platform concepts for systems and system modules. Standardization considerably reduces hardware costs all along the supply chain as the number of different components that the machine builder or end user must define and stock as spare parts is lower. For example, valve variety is reduced to one and pressure sensor and flow control valves are integrated. By focusing on a flexible CPS platform right from the start, even the planning stage, the search for suitable products and suppliers can be shortened. Up and running quickly Design is one of the biggest costs in machine and system building, accounting for approximately 25% to 30% of total cost. A CPS such as the VTEM Motion Terminal enables significant time gains and savings compared with a conventional valve terminal platform. In some cases, the time saved compared with designing and parameterizing a modular valve terminal and additional individual components is up to 70%. Designers will find the creation of electrical circuit diagrams, the documentation including spare and wearing parts lists, and the approval process speeded up. With many fewer components, a CPS minimizes the process steps required for logistics and warehousing and reduces the cost of data management and maintenance. OEMs and end users integrate new functions simply by purchasing the relevant motion app licenses.

Șefii de achiziții elvețieni și francezi se întâlnesc pe fondul mizei "Air 2030" Swiss, French procurement chiefs meet amid high-stakes ‘Air 2030’ race https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2018/10/17/swiss-french-procurementchiefs-meet-amid-high-stakes-air-2030-race/#.W8iVgUciGJI.twitter

Defense News Sebastian Sprenger 18 octombrie 2018

An F/A-18 Hornet fighter aircraft (above) flies next to a Pilatus PC-21 during the annual live fire event of the Swiss Air Force at the Axalp, over Brienz, in the Bernese Alps on Oct. 10, 2018. (Fabrice Coffrini/AFP/Getty Images) COLOGNE, Germany — French procurement chief Joël Barre met with his Swiss counterpart Martin Sonderegger this week for bilateral talks on a multibillion-dollar Swiss air-defense program and other defense topics.

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Curse spre viitor: RACER de mare viteză Racing toward the future: the RACER high-speed demonstrator https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/stories/Racer-for-thelayman.html?_lrsc=4dc863d4-88f3-4153-aafc-b93526e97fdb

Airbus 17 octombrie 2018

Tilt rotor or tilt prop, two rotors or one . . . the combinations for vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) vehicles run the gamut. Here, a layman‘s look at why Airbus is developing the RACER high-speed demonstrator, and how it works. Airbus Helicopters is nearing the end of its development phase on a unique research aircraft, the RACER* technology demonstrator, that will ultimately be used to demonstrate mission configurations. The company – working with 40 partners in 13 countries as part of the European Clean Sky 2 project – recently submitted key subsystems of the demonstrator to a preliminary design review and will begin manufacturing its first components. The final assembly of the RACER prototype is expected by the end of 2019. Why RACER? Aeromechanical engineers have long grappled with the challenge of making a vehicle able to take off vertically, hover, and achieve very fast cruise speeds—an almostmythic combination of lift and forward thrust. But making one that is affordable and multi-mission . . . that is another matter. Advances in the field of V/STOL** aircraft have given rise to scores of variations. Many models succeeded in experimental stages, some achieved production status— most at a significant cost or for a limited market. Airbus Helicopters‘ RACER demonstrator aims to go further, by showing that its particular combination of rotor, box wings and lateral propellers is the answer to costefficient, fast flight.

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The limits of speed So what distinguishes RACER‘s architecture from other designs? The basic formula for a helicopter is that it have a main rotor and tail rotor. Engineers know the limits of this formula in terms of speed. ―The only way to fly faster is to add either a wing or a second rotor, and propellers to increase the speed,‖ says Paul Eglin, senior expert at Airbus Helicopters, and the aeromechanics task leader in the RACER project. If you want an aircraft to hover, nothing is better than the large diameter of a rotor. But in cruise, the rotor is limited by its aerodynamic behaviour: at very high speeds, through a combination of the rotation speed and the vehicle‘s forward motion, the tip of the advancing blade reaches the speed of sound (Mach 1)—a critical point that affects the aircraft‘s ability to maintain lift. At the same time, the retreating blade compensates for its lower speed (compared to the advancing blade) with an increased pitch angle, until it reaches the point of stall (loss of lift). The simplest compound formula The solution? Reduce the rotor‘s speed of rotation. But this reduces its lift. The only way to go beyond this is to develop a compound formula which partially takes the burden of lift and propulsion off of the main rotor. ―The open question was, is the RACER architecture the right way to proceed for a compound formula?‖ says Eglin. ―Other concepts add a second rotor and have only one propeller, when we have two propellers. For us, RACER is the simplest formula to solve the problem of high speed.‖ RACER‘s two propellers are mounted on box wings—think of very thin, sleek biplane wings joined at the tips by the propellers‘ bullet-shaped casing. The wings attain good cruise efficiency, and have a small surface area above to minimise their interaction with the main rotor wake when the aircraft is in hover. The propellers are two lateral ―pusher‖ types. In addition to providing thrust for highspeed cruise, they counteract the main rotor‘s torque effect in hover, thus replacing the role of the tail rotor. In hover, the asymmetric tail boom benefits from the interaction from the main rotor wake to provide a significant contribution to the antitorque function as well. How it works The underlying philosophy behind RACER‘s design was simplicity. ―When we speak about future products, it is important to develop things that are simple and robust,‖ says Tomasz Krysinski, Head of Research and Innovation at Airbus Helicopters. Page 11 of 48

This simplicity is illustrated in RACER‘s transition – or lack thereof – when moving from hover to cruise. When the aircraft is stopped or cruising at slow speeds, the main rotor is responsible for lifting the aircraft. As speed increases, the wings then begin to progressively take over the job of providing lift, as they do in a standard fixed-wing aircraft. The pilot just has to reduce the angle at which the main rotor blades are positioned to maintain a constant altitude. For propelling the aircraft forward, a similar shifting of the burden takes place: as the main rotor propels the aircraft forward, the lateral propellers take over as speed increases. It all happens in progression, to the end benefit of the pilot at the controls. ―With RACER, we were guided by the search for a simple design because this results in an intuitive way of piloting, it‘s safe and stable, and there is a lower cost in applying maintenance,‖ says Krysinski. An aerodynamic shape, lightweight materials, and equipment integrated in a streamlined manner - plus a myriad of tweaks and optimisations - make up a vehicle that flies 50% faster than conventional helicopters. This translates to potential big changes for operations like EMS, where the greatest chance of saving patients‘ lives depends on getting them to help within the first ―golden hour‖ of need; or search and rescue missions where a faster arrival on scene allows crews more time to effect a rescue.

Componența motoarelor LEAP https://twitter.com/SAFRAN/status/1054045444769226752

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Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE Viitorul armelor de calibru mic din dotarea forțelor armate britanice (3/7) Future Small Arms for the British Armed Forces https://www.thinkdefence.co.uk/2018/03/guest-post-future-small-arms/

Think Defence Mar 26, 2018 prima parte a articolului la 19.10.2018

Within the next ten to fifteen years, from 2018, the armies of the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, and France will need to replace or at least update their small arms. However the relative weakness of the defence budgets of both the USA and the UK, and/or the lack of priority for new infantry weapons while both countries are avoiding major ground conflicts following wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, means that in the short term all that can be expected are improvements in the existing status quo; i.e. a continuation of 5.56mm and 7.62mm ammunition and their associated weapons. The shortcomings in the present weapons and ammunition are as follows:  Lead cores need to be eliminated from all rounds in order to comply with environmental standards.  The 7.62mm recoil force of 16 Joules is too severe for the automatic fire to be used in handheld assault rifles. The hard recoil causes some operators to find it difficult to maintain even single shot accuracy.  The weight of the 7.62mm round at 25.4 grams means that for a 10-kilogram load, a 7.62 user can carry only 390 rounds compared with 613 rounds for the AK47, or 813 rounds for the 5.56mm SA80A2. This must be viewed in the context that the probability of making a hit is proportional to the number of rounds available.  The GPMG is considered by many to be too heavy to act as the Section Light Machine Gun, and the FN 5.46mm Minimi has been issued instead, despite reservations about its effective range. Some units do carry the GPMG as the section light machine gun despite the extra weight.  Reports from Afghanistan indicate that the 5.56 round was not powerful enough to engage opposition at ranges over 300 metres. As half the engagements with Taliban fighters took place at ranges from 300 to 600 metres the NATO forces were out-ranged. In the UK the problem was partially overcome by issuing a 7.62mm rifle to a designated marksman in each Section.  Currently, the Infantry units and their suppliers have the logistic problem of requiring three different types of small arms ammunition to be supplied, namely 9mm, 5.56mm and 7.62mm. Cost and manpower savings up the logistic chain back to the manufacturer could be made if the assault rifle and the machine gun used the same ammunition. This ideal was achieved by Britain in the 1940s with the .280 (7mm) round for the EM2 rifle and Taden machine gun, both fully developed, but then abandoned for standardisation reasons when the Americans adopted the 7.62mm round. Some of these shortcomings can be addressed in the near term and the most likely changes will be: The imminent introduction of the steel-tipped, copper cored, US developed M855A1 5.56mm and M80A1 7.62mm Enhanced Performance Rounds or a similar British equivalent round. They not only eliminate lead from their construction on environmental grounds but are claimed to have improved Page 13 of 48

penetration of steel targets, more consistent wound effects in soft targets, and better accuracy.  In the longer term, development is nearing completion in the USA of polymer cartridge cases instead of brass cases. They offer a 35% reduction in weight over brass cases and are claimed to offer cooler operation of the chamber when firing.  Approval of the SA80A3 Upgrade of the existing assault rifle is nearing completion. The changes include:o A safety stud placed above the change lever on the trigger mechanism housing to ensure that this lever does not over-rotate. o The Weaver rail on top of the upper receiver being replaced a fulllength Picatinny rail – this will allow the day sight and night sight to be mounted in tandem. o A new foregrip, or quad rail, as part of the new full-length rail which will be attached slightly differently to the current one allowing the barrel to be more free-floating than at present, to improve accuracy and consistency. o Redesign of the A3 upper receiver for improved reliability and maintainability over the current A2 variant. o A colour change to Dark Earth for better compatibility with MTP camouflage uniforms. o There may be weight saving measures not mentioned above, for example, a titanium piston.  Introduction of a Lightweight GPMG. A lightweight version of the L7A2 GPMG has been developed by H&K with a reduction in weight of 1.8kg (4lbs). Changes include:o A fluted barrel, o A Picatinny rail for sights on the top cover, o A folding butt, o An improved feed tray. o A Dark Earth coloured receiver body matching the new MTP camouflage. This gun does not include the titanium receiver body which is still under study at Cranfield. If this development is practical and affordable the weight saving would be around 3kg (6.6lb). The Lightweight GPMG remains a stated Army requirement. The above improvements are expected to extend the life of 5.56mm and 7.62mm ammunition and weapons until approximately 2035/40. This will allow time for the development of the next generation of small arms ammunition and associated weapons, which has already started in the USA. Long-Term Futures Such is the predominance of the US arms industry, the influence of their supporting political lobbyists and the sheer size of their armed forces, that any changes in NATO standard ammunition must have the support of the USA. In practice, this means that any developments in NATO ammunition will take place in the USA. Even if the Europeans proved to have a better design of ammunition the Americans are unlikely to accept it, despite getting it wrong in 1954 with the 7.62 which was too heavy with excessive recoil force and poor ballistic coefficient, and again in 1977 with the 5.56 which was too light, easily deflected, great for prairie dogs but reportedly not so good for Taliban. It is therefore in the interests of the UK to agree as soon as possible with Canada, Germany, France and any other NATO countries, their basic Future NATO Small arms Ammunition (FNSA) Design Requirement. They should then use every ounce of Page 14 of 48

their collective influence to persuade the USA to base their developments on their jointly agreed requirement. Once the FNSA Round has been developed and agreed NATO countries, singly or in partnership, should be free to make their own ammunition to this standard, and design and make their own weapons to use this ammunition. The USA may well ask for contributions to the development costs of this ammunition. The UK and other NATO countries may well have different Infantry Doctrines to the USA and therefore may not use the same weapons even though using the same ammunition. For example, proposals emerging from the USA include a suggestion for ALL infantry weapons to have a range of 1,200 metres which suggests replacing the assault rifle with something more elaborate. Another proposal is that the assault rifle fires 20mm grenade rounds which can be set to explode at a range set by a laser range finder built into the weapon, which also has a conventional rifle set below the 20mm barrel (ie two magazines will be required). It appears that the USA is heading for more complex, bulkier, and costly weapons. It is for consideration that in the UK the equipment for the infantry section has already become too heavy and complex. They are already required to carry their individual weapons and ammunition, a range of day and night vision aids, radio communication aids, body armour, bayonet, hand grenades, entrenching tool, rations, kit, etc. plus as required the 27lb MBT LAW antitank weapon and 19lb Matador anti-structure munitions. What is required is a return to a more ―nimble‖ soldier at section level with light simple robust weapons. What can weapons developments do to reduce this problem, apart from making lighter weapons and ammunition? It is for consideration that he need for indirect fire support at the lowest level could be met by supplying each section with a lightweight handheld target acquisition sight no bigger than a pair of binoculars, which could radio target data to a handheld mortar computer no bigger than a mobile phone, for the control of 60mm mortars held at platoon level. The technology to do this should be achievable by 2035. The 60mm mortar bomb would provide a much greater terminal effect than either the proposed US 20mm grenade rounds or the existing 40mm grenades fired from an under-slung tube launcher on the assault rifle. This will relieve the Section of a load of transporting a quantity of 40mm grenades and the H&K under-slung launchers and their sights on two of the weapons. This paper, therefore, addresses the UK requirements for Future Small Arms. The main aims will be:1. To introduce a common ammunition for both Assault Rifles and General Purpose Machine Guns. 2. To introduce an Assault Rifle with a maximum effective range of 800m, and a General Purpose Machine Gun with a maximum effective range of 1,200m. 3. To reduce as far as possible the weight of individual rounds of ammunition and weapons consistent with achieving the maximum effective ranges above. Four outline specifications; Annexe A, a draft outline specification for the Future NATO Smallarms Ammunition (FNSA).  Annexe B, a draft outline specification for a Future British Assault Rifle.  Annexe C, a draft outline specification for a Future British General Purpose Machinegun.  Annexe D, a draft outline specification for a Future Self Defence Weapon. Finally, the United States should be made aware that if they are not prepared to design and develop a round to meet the FNSA basic requirements of the rest of the NATO countries, there may have to be two standards, one for the USA and another for the rest of NATO. This would be a retrograde step. Page 15 of 48

Cap. Cyber&ITC UE: mecanismul de sancțiuni împotriva atacurilor cibernetice EU leaders order sanctions mechanism against cyber-attacks https://www.fifthdomain.com/international/2018/10/18/eu-leaders-order-sanctionsmechanism-against-cyber-attacks/

Fifth Domain - USA BRUSSELS

European Union leaders have commissioned work on a new system for slapping sanctions on the perpetrators of cyberattacks, in the wake of the attack on the world chemical weapons watchdog. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Domenii tehnologice Capability Technology Areas https://www.eda.europa.eu/Aboutus/how-we-work/expert-teams/capability-technology-areas

European Defence Agency EDA The European Defence Agency‘s work in the Research & Technology domain is in line with the Agency‘s mission to support Member States in their efforts to improve defence capabilities. EDA organises its R&T priorities in different Capability Technology Areas (CapTechs), which are networking fora for experts from government, industry, small and medium enterprises (SME) and academia, moderated by EDA. Currently, the Agency holds twelve CapTechs and one related Working Group. Each of them focuses on particular technologies associated to different military domains. All CapTechs function under the responsibility of an EDA CapTech moderator.

The aim of the CapTechs is to propose R&T activities in response to agreed defence capability needs and to generate projects accordingly. All CapTechs have established technology roadmaps as part of their Strategic Research Agendas Page 16 of 48

(SRA), with the objective to have technologies in place when demanded by the military side or by the Agency‘s Capability Development Plan. List of CapTechs CapTech Technologies, Components and Modules CapTech Technologies, Components and Modules deals with electronic, photonic and micro mechanical technologies to enable or enhance defence applications for a wide spectrum of defence system technologies in areas such as C4ISTAR and radio frequency, microwave as well as optronic sensing. Further key enabling components technologies are micro/nano electronic circuits, System on Chip, mixed signal circuits and other transversal technologies. A main focus is on enabling technology innovation or adaption to achieve increasing functionality, performance, integration density, reliability, robustness or safety. If critical and key enabling components are not available and/or accessible –which may include design, development and production processes- the development of European supply chains through R&T measures is an issue. CapTech Radio Frequency Sensors Technologies CapTech Radio Frequency Sensors Technologies deals with Sensors and Electronic Warfare Systems applying radio frequency, magnetic and electronic technology. Directed energy weapons are also addressed in the CapTech. Activities are not limited to the equipment, but also related topics are involved such as signal processing, electromagnetic propagation, signature control and reduction. CapTech Electro Optical Sensors Technologies CapTech Electro Optical Sensors Technologies deals with Sensors and Electronic Warfare Systems applying electro-optical technology. Activities are not limited to the equipment, but also related topics are involved such as signal processing, laser radar technologies (including active imaging), electro-optics countermeasure, hyperspectral and multispectral imaging and image processing. Electro-optical sensors are also relevant to many other military capabilities like CBRN stand-off detection and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR). CapTech Communication Information Systems and Networks Communication and Information systems (CIS) are a key enabler for any crisis management operation. Supporting technologies include deployable, mobile, secure and robust broadband communication (―smart‖ tactical radio), with an even more robust narrowband backup. In connection with other CapTechs (components, sensors), the military user can rely on multifunctional handheld devices, and wireless networking of sensors contributes to a real time common operational picture, for improved situation awareness. Semantic technologies, man-machine and machinemachine communication help to significantly enhance decision making and reduce response times. The portfolio also includes ―underpinning‖ technologies such as Service Oriented Architectures and management of heterogeneous information, and military ―big data‖. Finally, cognitive radio technology will allow to use the increasingly scarce resource of radio spectrum in a smart and efficient way. By its nature, information and communication systems R&T includes the ―cyber‖ dimension. Cyber Defence technologies therefore constitute a considerable part of the CapTech´s portfolio. CapTech Materials and Structures CapTech Materials and Structures covers underpinning technologies to support the European armed forces on current and future challenges, specially concerning dual use research. Its projects aim to develop technology on materials and structures, production processes, test procedures and solutions that are applicable in different domains. Page 17 of 48

CapTech Ammunition Technologies Energetic materials that perform better and are more versatile, form the backbone in CapTech Ammunition Technologies. But equal focus is given on the systems level on munitions and missiles with a view to cover the whole maturity level including systems and technologies, aiming to attract cooperative Member States actions and investment. CapTech Aerial Systems The CapTech Aerial Systems deals with the identification and prioritisation of technologies and technology gaps in the following focus areas: Autonomous Air Vehicle Operation, Cooperative Air Vehicle Operation, Detect/Sense/Avoid Systems, System Diagnostics/Fault Prognostics/Self Repair, Human-MachineInterface/Cognitive Ergoomics, Propulsion/Power Generation and Distribution, Secure Command and Control Systems, Rotorcraft/Next Generation High Performance Vertical Lift. To this end, the CapTech ―Air‖ seeks cooperative solutions to prepare and conduct R&T-projects pertaining to the focus areas above. CapTech Ground Systems The CapTech Ground Systems focus on technologies related to: Ground platforms, Unmanned Ground Vehicles, Soldier Systems, and Other battlefield topics including: C-IED, Mobility and Counter-Mobility and Camps. The CapTech Ground Systems address topics through a system perspective that include but not limited to fully integrated, re-configurable and up-gradable platforms and mission systems, enhanced platform and occupants survivability and protection, enhanced  autonomy and ground traffic insertion of unmanned ground vehicles, enhanced agility and performance of soldier systems as well as effective protection against all IEDs and mines including IED detection and identification. CapTech Guidance, Navigation and Control CapTech Guidance, Navigation and Control provides technology watch and research in the underpinning technologies for future capability needs of increased precision, localisation performance and robotisation including autonomy. The technologies provide components to the systems CapTechs and can in the future act as conduit with the Commission where dual use synergies are possible on the component level. Example areas would be robotics, indoor navigation for first responders and aircraft guidance and control. CapTech Naval Systems On the platform level, the CapTech Naval Systems covers both surface and underwater platforms including design, manufacturing, integration and life-cycle improvement. This includes R&T for improving naval platform hydrodynamics, structural and mechanical design, guidance, control, propulsion, protection and signature control. In addition, the CapTech Naval Systems addresses naval weapon systems, countermeasures and sensors (in particular underwater sensors) but also simulators and training systems for navy crews. Finally Naval Systems deals with R&T issues related to the maritime operating environment including oceanography, meteorology and acoustic and electro-magnetic propagation in air and water. CapTech Experimentation, System of Systems, Space, Battlelab and Modelling & Simulation The areas of cooperation of this captech cover 3 main domains: The Systems of Systems approach which includes the most famous one, ―Space as a system‖, but also methodology and tools for complex projects (System Engineering), the interoperability issues/constrains between systems, and the global safety assessment of the assembly of systems. Page 18 of 48

Another domain concern the distributed experimentations/battlelabs issued from systems or multinational doctrines developments. The tools and methods to reduce cost, by virtualizing preparation or/and execution, by sharing needs and requirements and harmonizing interfaces (connection CIS-Simu, distributed experimentations, …) Finally, Modelling & Simulations aspects that will be the main enabler of tomorrow‘s equipements. This covers Cloud functionalities, e-Training and distributed training, intelligent decision making tools and environment databases. This area opens very promising costs reduction and pooling and sharing opportunities … when IPR issues can be solved. CapTech CBRN and Human Factors CapTech CBRN and human factors promotes and manages CBRN Protection research in order to enhance the technologies for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats detection, identification & monitoring (DIM) and all hazard risk management including decontamination and CBRN modelling and simulation and countermeasures. The CapTech also provides standardisation for test and evaluation for DIM and personal protective equipment. It includes research in areas of human system integration, selection and training, personal performance tracking and enhancement, group performance and dynamics, cognitive modelling, humans in command and Cyberspace, performance under complex and severe conditions and medical support.

Participanți cheie în piața de radiocomunicații de apărare Key players in the Defense Tactical Radio Market are BAE Systems, Inc., Barrett Communications Pty. Ltd, Cobham plc, Codan Limited, General Dynamics Corporation, Harris Corporation, Leonardo S.p.A, Raytheon Company, Rockwell Collins, Inc., and Thales S.A. According to a new report by Allied Market Research, titled, Global Defense Tactical Radio Market by Type and Application: Global Opportunities Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2017-2023, the global defense tactical radio market was valued at $7,978.5million in 2016, and is projected to reach at $17,874.1 million by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 11.9% from 2017 to 2023.

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Cap. NAVAL Canad: următoarele etape ale achizițiilor pentru marină Government of Canada Delivers on Its Commitment to the Navy by Announcing Next Steps In Fleet Procurement http://www.defense-aerospace.com/cgibin/client/modele.pl?shop=dae&modele=release&prod=196923&cat=3

Defense - Aerospace 19.10.20189 (Source: Public Services and Procurement Canada; issued Oct 19, 2018)

The Government of Canada and Irving Shipbuilding Inc. have identified Lockheed Martin Canada Inc. as the preferred bidder to provide the design and design team for the Royal Canadian Navy‘s future Canadian Surface Combatants. While this represents a significant milestone in the competitive process, more work is required before a contract is awarded. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Pentru Europa, este vorba despre afaceri navale ca de obicei For Europe, it’s naval business as usual https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2018/10/21/for-europe-its-navalbusiness-as-usual/

Defense News By: Tom Kington , Pierre Tran , Andrew Chuter , and Sebastian Sprenger 23 hours ago

Is there enough drive to reach a unified shipbuilding enterprise? ROME, LONDON, PARIS AND COLOGNE, Germany — As European shipbuilders prepare to transform their nations' rising military budgets into naval power, local priorities are acting as formidable forces against the integration of a fragmented market. Two years ago, Italian defense think tank CESI produced a document lamenting the fractured state of the European naval industry, warning that firms on the continent would be swept aside by foreign competition if they failed to team up and take on the world. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

România a decis să aleagă patru corvete noi, upgrade la fregate Romania set to choose four new corvettes, frigate upgrade https://www.janes.com/article/83937/romania-set-to-choose-four-new-corvettesfrigate-upgrade

Jane’s Richard Scott, London and Luca Peruzzi, Genoa - Jane's Navy International 22 October 2018

Romania's Ministry of Defence is nearing a decision on the procurement of new multirole corvettes after receiving final bids at the beginning of October from Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding of the Netherlands, Italy's Fincantieri, and France's Naval Group. Page 21 of 48

The EUR1.6 billion (USD1.85 billion) programme covers the acquisition of four corvettes, as well as the combat system modernisation of the Romanian Navy's two ex-UK Royal Navy Type 22 frigates Regina Maria and Regele Ferdinand . A source selection is scheduled for 26 October, although industry sources suggest this could slip by a number of weeks. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Șeful ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems: "speed dating" printre constructorii europeni de nave ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems boss talks ‘speed dating’ among European shipbuilders https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2018/10/22/thyssenkrupp-marinesystems-boss-talks-speed-dating-among-european-shipbuilders

Defense News By: Sebastian Sprenger 22 octombrie 2018

The elimination of Kiel-based ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems from the German MKS180 combat ship competition sent shock waves through the industry in the spring, leaving Dutch shipbuilder Damen with a real chance to win the business. TKMS has since partnered with German Naval Yards to remain in the race, prompting calls by some coastal politicians and trade unions that domestic shipyards should get preferential treatment in big Bundeswehr programs.

Defense News' European editor, Sebastian Sprenger, spoke with TKMS CEO Rolf Wirtz about what‘s next for the company and European shipbuilding as a whole. What is the state of the German naval shipbuilding industry? ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Cap. RACHETE EURONAVAL 2018: RACHETE https://www.euronaval.fr/21/exhibitors

ANDOYA TEST CENTER AS C71 Bleiksveien 46 8480 Andenes NORWAY +47 76 14 44 00 atc@testcenter.no www.testcenter.no Activities UNMANNED VEHICLES AND SYSTEMS / ROBOTICS - Aerial unmanned vehicles and systems - Naval and underwater unmanned vehicles and systems AIRCRAFT AND EQUIPMENT Page 25 of 48

- Aircraft logistics WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION - Artillery and ammunition - Missiles - Underwater weapons REPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND DISMANTLING - Measuring and testing systems EDUCATION, TRAINING AND SIMULATION - Simulation and Training Centres

BHARAT DYNAMICS LIMITED G182 Plot No 38-39, TSFC Building, Near ICICI Towers Financial District, Gachibowli, Telangana 500 032 Hyderabad INDIA +91 4023456147 bdbdl@bdl-india.in www.bdl-india.in Activities ELECTRONIC WARFARE - CYBER DEFENCE - Electronic counter-measures (jamming, deception) WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION - Missiles - Underwater weapons

FERRA ENGINEERING G78 / I83 344 New Cleveland Road 4173 Tingalpa AUSTRALIA +61 7801299701 mike.walker@ferra-group.com Ferra Engineering Activities COMMUNICATION, INFORMATION AND NAVIGATION - Command, control, and information systems - Navigation and positioning systems WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION - Missiles

IAI B80 / B95 Ben-Gurion Airport 70100 Lod ISRAEL mktg@iai.co.il www.iai.co.il Activities UNMANNED VEHICLES AND SYSTEMS / ROBOTICS - Aerial unmanned vehicles and systems MARITIME SECURITY AND SAFETY Page 26 of 48

- Maritime surveillance systems WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION - Missiles

KONGSBERG B60 Kirkegardsveien 45 3616 Kongsberg NORWAY +47 32288200 naval.systems@kongsberg.com www.kongberg.com Activities COMMUNICATION, INFORMATION AND NAVIGATION - Command, control, and information systems WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION - Missiles UNMANNED VEHICLES AND SYSTEMS / ROBOTICS - Naval and underwater unmanned vehicles and systems

MBDA G130 1 avenue Réaumur 92358 Le Plessis-Robinson cedex FRANCE +33 (0)1 71 54 10 00 salesenquiries@mbda-systems.com www.mbda-systems.com Activities WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION - Missiles

MEUNIER IND. C41 8 rue Gustave Zédé 29200 Brest FRANCE +33 (0)2 98 41 11 02 contact@meunier-industries.com www.mind-group.fr Activities COMPONENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPEMENT - Apparels and miscellaneous equipment - Electric, electromechanic, hydraulic equipment MARITIME SECURITY AND SAFETY - Emergency and evacuation systems PROPULSION AND ENERGY - Internal combustion engines REPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND DISMANTLING - Measuring and testing systems - Naval Repair - Maintenance WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION Page 27 of 48

- Missiles INFRASTRUCTURES AND NAVAL BASES - Ports and equipment - Works and offshore installations NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARITIME ENGINEERING - Studies - Engineering

MITSUBISHI G178 16-5 Konan 2-Chome Minato-ku 108-8215 Tokyo JAPAN +81 3 6716 3111 navalship@mhi.co.jp www.mhi.com Activities WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION - Missiles - Underwater weapons UNMANNED VEHICLES AND SYSTEMS / ROBOTICS - Naval and underwater unmanned vehicles and systems REPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND DISMANTLING - Naval Repair - Maintenance SPECIAL OPERATIONS - Other specific equipment SHIPS AND CRAFTS - Submarines - Support crafts - Surface warships > 1,000 tons

RAFAEL F78 PO Box 2200 3102102 Haifa ISRAEL +972 733354714 int-mrk@rafael.co.il www.rafael.co.il Activities ELECTRONIC WARFARE - CYBER DEFENCE - Electronic counter-measures (jamming, deception) WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION - Missiles UNMANNED VEHICLES AND SYSTEMS / ROBOTICS - Naval and underwater unmanned vehicles and systems RAYTHEON COMPANY G61 3360 Hemisphere Loop Tu/M10/6 85706 Tucson UNITED STATES Page 28 of 48

paplace1@raytheon.com www.raytheon.com Activities WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION - Artillery and ammunition - Missiles - Underwater weapons

SAFRAN ELECTRONICS & DEFENSE G46 / H51 18/20 quai du Point du Jour Arcs de Seine 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt FRANCE +33 (0)1 55 60 38 00 info.contact@safrangroup.com www.safran-electronics-defense.com Activities UNMANNED VEHICLES AND SYSTEMS / ROBOTICS - Aerial unmanned vehicles and systems AIRCRAFT AND EQUIPMENT - Aircraft equipment COMMUNICATION, INFORMATION AND NAVIGATION - Command, control, and information systems - Digital systems - Navigation and positioning systems ELECTRONIC WARFARE - CYBER DEFENCE - Electronic counter-measures (jamming, deception) WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION - Missiles

STM - SAVUNMA TEKNOLOJILERI MUHENDISLIK VE TICARET AS E79 Mustafa Kemmal Mah 2151 Cadde n° 3/A 06530 Ankara TURKEY +90 3122663550 marketing@stm.com.tr www.stm.com.tr Having served the defense sector in the fields of engineering, technology and consultancy for more than a quarter of a century, STM has been conducting works to meet the critical needs of Turkey and friendly nations in strategic areas ranging from military naval platforms to satellite works, and from cyber security to big data analytics and artificial intelligence applications by leveraging the basic capabilities and technologies it has gained until today. Activities EDUCATION, TRAINING AND SIMULATION - Education and Training Assistance REPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND DISMANTLING - Logistic support - Naval Repair - Maintenance Page 29 of 48

MARITIME SECURITY AND SAFETY - Maritime surveillance systems WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION - Missiles UNMANNED VEHICLES AND SYSTEMS / ROBOTICS - Naval and underwater unmanned vehicles and systems INFRASTRUCTURES AND NAVAL BASES - Naval, submarine, air naval bases HYDROGRAPHY, OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE ENVIRONMENT - Ocean Research NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARITIME ENGINEERING - R&D centres and labs SHIPS AND CRAFTS - Submarines - Surface warships > 1,000 tons SPECIAL OPERATIONS - Systems for rapid intervention in hostile environments (RIB, mini-drones) COMMUNICATION, INFORMATION AND NAVIGATION - Telecommunications (satellite / telephone / optic) T-MINUS ENGINEERING B.V. C10 / E17 Molengraaffsingel 12-14 2629 JD Delft NETHERLANDS +31 653415031 info@t-minus.nl www.t-minus.nl Activities UNMANNED VEHICLES AND SYSTEMS / ROBOTICS - Aerial unmanned vehicles and systems WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION - Missiles EDUCATION, TRAINING AND SIMULATION - Naval gunnery simulators

Racheta RBS15 a fost lansată https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6460099934459822080

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Cap. Vehicule pentru luptă Slovacia: achiziție vehicule blindate Vydra Slovak Army plans to procure up to 81 Vydra armoured vehicles https://defence-blog.com/army/slovak-army-plans-to-procure-up-to-81-vydraarmoured-vehicles.html

Defence Blog - USA Oct 22, 2018

The Ministry of Defense of Slovak Republic will propose the Cabinet approve the procurement of the Vydra (‘Otter’) 8×8 armoured vehicles. Up to 16 SVK firms could become involved in the production of the infantry fighting vehicle.

Next week the Ministry of Defense (MOD) will initiate interdepartmental consultations on the proposal. As the MOD has stated before, the document will be UNCLASSIFIED. In addition to technical company trials, verification trials and military trials, the IFV prototype has successfully undergone additional verification and military trails in order to test the proposed adjustments to the vehicle. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Cap. NATO/OTAN NATO: operațiuni cibernetice What’s driving NATO’s boost in cyber operations https://www.fifthdomain.com/international/2018/10/17/whats-driving-natos-boost-incyber-operations/

Fifth Domain - USA Justin Lynch 18,10,2018

During the NATO summit in July, when President Donald Trump chastised world leaders and called into question the American commitment to other members, fears swirled that the transatlantic partnership might become an afterthought for U.S. officials. Instead, the 29-member alliance - including the United States - has begun implementing an agreement from that summit to deter state-sponsored cyberattacks. In the past two weeks, plans for the alliance to operate in cyberspace have been bolstered by two announcements. NATO hopes to have its cyber operations NATO speră să aibe centrul de operațiuni center fully operational by 2023, Major cibernetice pe deplin operațional până în 2023, a General Wolfgang Renner told Reuters declarat generalul-maior Wolfgang Renner Oct. 16. And Secretary of Defense Jim pentru Reuters 16 octombrie. Și Secretarul Mattis offered key support by Apărării, Jim Mattis, a oferit un sprijin cheie announcing Oct. 4 that the United States anunțând pe 4 octombrie că Statele Unite vor would provide cyber contributions to the oferi contribuții cibernetice la alianță, deși nu au alliance, although specific details were not fost incluse detalii specifice. "Suntem gata astăzi să oferim asistență included. ―We are ready today to provide cyber cibernetică aliaților noștri", a declarat Mattis support to our allies,‖ Mattis told reporters. reporterilor. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Aliații NATO se colaborează pentru a dezvolta sisteme fără pilot ce acționează pe mare To combat Russian subs, NATO allies are teaming up to develop unmanned systems at sea https://www.defensenews.com/naval/2018/10/21/to-combat-russian-subs-nato-alliesare-teaming-up-to-develop-unmanned-systems-at-sea/

Defense News David B. Larter 22,10,2018 WASHINGTON

The U.S. and its NATO allies are teaming up to more closely cooperate on the development and fielding of unmanned maritime systems, according to an agreement signed by the defense heads of 13 NATO allies. During the July summit, the powers signed onto a plan to jointly pursue technologies aimed at mine and sub hunting, according to an October news release making the agreement public. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Cap. EUROPA Is your country expensive? https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/WDN-201808241?inheritRedirect=true&redirect=%2Feurostat%2F

EUROSTAT 24/08/2018

Starea Uniunii Europene 2018 (27, din #326) Progresele privind îndeplinirea celor 10 priorități ale Comisiei Europene https://ec.europa.eu/commission/sites/beta-political/files/soteu2018-brochure_ro_1.pdf

EUROPA 12 septembrie 2018 de Jean-Claude Juncker, președintele Comisiei Europene

10/ O Uniune a schimbărilor democratice „Comisia Europeană pe care o voi conduce va da un nou avânt parteneriatului special încheiat cu Parlamentul European. [...] De asemenea, mă angajez să consolidez transparența în ceea ce privește legătura cu părțile interesate și cu lobbyiștii.” Jean-Claude Juncker, Orientări politice, 15 iulie 2014

Încă din prima zi, Comisia Juncker a făcut eforturi pentru ca UE să fie mai democratică, deschizând procesul de elaborare a politicilor participării cetățenilor, consolidând transparența și înscriind principiile unei mai bune legiferări în ADN-ul Page 33 of 48

Comisiei. Pentru a răspunde așteptărilor cetățenilor, am adoptat, în general, un mod de lucru diferit, iar în ultimul an am prezentat idei noi și am adoptat norme noi pentru consolidarea democrației în Uniune. În aprilie 2018, Parlamentul European și Consiliul au ajuns la un acord cu privire la propunerile prezentate de președintele Juncker în discursul privind starea Uniunii de anul trecut care vizau revizuirea normelor de finanțare a partidelor politice europene. Noile reglementări, care au intrat deja în vigoare, vor contribui la creșterea transparenței legăturilor dintre partidele politice europene și partidele membre ale acestora, astfel încât cetățenii să voteze în cunoștință de cauză la alegerile europene. Reglementările propuse vor consolida legitimitatea democratică, finanțarea reflectând mai fidel opțiunile electoratului, și vor consolida asigurarea respectării normelor, astfel încât folosirea abuzivă a banilor publici să poată fi combătută mai bine, iar fondurile, recuperate. n luna februarie, Comisia a prezentat liderilor UE măsuri concrete care vizează îmbunătățirea legăturii cu cetățenii la următoarele alegeri europene și eficientizarea funcționării UE. Comisia s-a angajat să intensifice frecvența dialogurilor cu cetățenii și și-a exprimat opinia cu privire la sistemul candidaților „cap de listă‖ („Spitzenkandidaten‖), la componența viitorului Parlament European și a viitoarei Comisii și la numirea unui președinte cu mandat dublu pentru Comisie și Consiliul European. De asemenea, Comisia a adoptat un nou Cod de conduită pentru membrii Comisiei, care stabilește, pentru persoanele care ocupă aceste funcții, cele mai înalte și mai cuprinzătoare standarde etice din Europa și nu numai. Începând cu luna februarie a acestui an, Comisia publică în mod regulat informații detaliate privind cheltuielile de deplasare ale fiecărui comisar. Așadar, în materie de transparență, Comisia nu are egal. În Recomandarea sa privind consolidarea caracterului european și a desfășurării eficiente a alegerilor din 2019 pentru Parlamentul European, Comisia a prezentat modalități de îmbunătățire a procesului electoral pe baza tratatelor actuale, respectându-se echilibrul dintre instituțiile UE și statele membre. Aceasta a recomandat organizarea de dezbateri cu cetățenii europeni înainte de alegeri, pentru a-i informa cu privire la chestiunile care sunt importante la nivelul Uniunii și cu privire la modul în care partidele politice europene intenționează să le abordeze în cursul viitoarei legislaturi, și a solicitat, de asemenea, repetarea experienței„Spitzenkandidaten‖ (candidați-cap de listă) și crearea unei legături mai vizibile între partidele naționale și cele europene. Inițiativele cetățenești europene au în continuare o contribuție importantă la activitatea Comisiei, colegiul comisarilor analizând toate cererile de înregistrare înainte de a decide dacă acestea pot fi aprobate sau nu. Datorită angajamentului politic al Comisiei Juncker de a-i asculta pe cetățeni, din aprilie 2015 Comisia a înregistrat peste 90 % din inițiativele propuse, față de 60 % în mandatul Comisiei anterioare. De asemenea, în acest an, Comisia Juncker a prezentat două propuneri legislative ca răspuns la inițiativele cetățenești, „Right2Water‖ și „Interzicerea glifosatului‖, spre satisfacția inițiatorilor și a susținătorilor acestor inițiative. În urma propunerilor de reformă referitoare la inițiativa cetățenească europeană anunțate de președintele Juncker în discursul privind starea Uniunii de anul trecut, acest instrument valoros va fi și mai ușor de utilizat. Parlamentul European și Consiliul au început negocierile privind noua propunere, urmând ca acestea să se încheie înainte de sfârșitul anului, astfel încât cetățenii să beneficieze de îmbunătățiri cât mai curând posibil. Noile instrumente pentru o mai bună legiferare instituite de Comisia Juncker constituie o bază solidă pentru luarea unor decizii de politică oportune și raționale. Page 34 of 48

Noile propuneri și legislația în vigoare fac în prezent obiectul unei examinări mai atente datorită unui dialog mai amplu cu cetățenii, a unor evaluări sistematice, a unor evaluări ale impactului de înaltă calitate și a unei verificări mai riguroase a adecvării reglementărilor. Cetățenii valorifică tot mai mult posibilitățile extinse de care dispun pentru a contribui la procesul de elaborare a politicilor UE. Cele 4,6 milioane de contribuții la consultarea publică organizată recent de Comisie cu privire la revizuirea Directivei privind orarul de vară ilustrează o implicare tot mai mare din partea cetățenilor. Această abordare obligă atât factorii decizionali, cât și părțile interesate să își susțină punctele de vedere pe bază de dovezi și să țină cont de impactul preconizat. La aceasta se adaugă o nouă abordare privind asigurarea respectării reglementărilor, care garantează o aplicare rapidă și eficace a legislației adoptate. Grupul operativ privind principiul „Mai puțin, dar mai eficient‖ și-a prezentat raportul final Președintelui Juncker. În raport se arată că este nevoie de o schimbare a modului de lucru privind subsidiaritatea și proporționalitatea pentru ca Uniunea să își utilizeze mai eficient resursele, iar autoritățile locale și regionale să contribuie într-un mod mai eficace la procesul de elaborare a politicilor. Acest nou mod de lucru ar urma să includă o nouă „grilă de evaluare a subsidiarității și proporționalității‖ pe tot parcursul procesului legislativ și o interpretare flexibilă a termenului de care dispun parlamentele naționale pentru a prezenta observații cu privire la proiectele legislative. Deși grupul operativ nu a identificat domenii în care acțiunea UE nu aduce o valoare adăugată și în care competențele ar trebui delegate din nou statelor membre, numeroase părți interesate au semnalat necesitatea revizuirii legislației existente din punctul de vedere al subsidiarității și proporționalității. Pentru a se asigura că, împreună cu Parlamentul European și Consiliul, se dă curs propunerilor și promisiunilor făcute în ultimii patru ani, Comisia urmărește îndeaproape dosarele legislative aflate în discuție, în special cele identificate ca fiind prioritare în declarațiile comune privind prioritățile legislative convenite de către președinții celor trei instituții. În 2016 și 2017, s-au identificat 89 de inițiative care necesitau un tratament prioritar în cadrul procesului legislativ. Comisia Europeană a adoptat toate cele 89 de propuneri prevăzute în declarațiile comune, din care 43 au fost deja aprobate de Parlamentul European și de Consiliu. Programul de lucru al Comisiei pentru 2019 va conține doar un număr foarte limitat de inițiative noi, astfel încât toate instituțiile să poată finaliza agenda legislativă comună și să se concentreze pe execuție și punere în aplicare. Pentru a îmbunătăți transparența cu privire la entitățile care încearcă să influențeze activitatea politică a instituțiilor UE, continuă negocierile cu Parlamentul European și cu Consiliul cu privire la propunerea Comisiei privind un registru comun de transparență obligatoriu. Comisia își asumă în continuare rolul de lider în acest domeniu, însă celelalte instituții nu au aderat încă la propunerile sale ambițioase. Între timp, Comisia aplică deja din noiembrie 2014 standarde înalte pentru interacțiunile noastre cu exteriorul, înscrierea în registru devenind astfel o obligație de facto pentru orice persoană care dorește să se întâlnească cu cei mai înalți factori de decizie din cadrul Comisiei. Prin urmare, aproape 12000 de organizații și de persoane fizice figurează în prezent în registrul de transparență, față de momentul preluării mandatului de către Comisia Juncker, când în registru figurau puțin peste 7000. Am propus, de asemenea, consolidarea transparenței în domenii precum siguranța alimentară. Un alt instrument menit să sporească transparența a fost lansat la sfârșitul anului trecut: registrul actelor delegate. Acest instrument oferă o imagine generală completă a ciclului de viață al legislației secundare, de la planificare la publicarea în Jurnalul Oficial. Page 35 of 48

Pentru Comisia Juncker, parteneriatul special cu parlamentele naționale, cu Parlamentul European și cu cetățenii europeni va constitui în continuare o prioritate până în ultima zi a mandatului său. Membrii colegiului comisarilor au participat până acum la aproape 1 000 de dialoguri cu cetățenii, intrând astfel în dialog cu sute de mii de cetățeni, fie în persoană, fie online, în cadrul acestor reuniuni care permit o dezbatere liberă și deschisă cu privire la Europa, la viitorul acesteia și la politicile sale. Din momentul în care Comisia Juncker a preluat mandatul, președintele și primvicepreședintele au participat în total la 169 de dezbateri în cadrul Parlamentului European. La rândul lor, vicepreședinții și comisarii au participat la 1 711 dezbateri. Au avut loc, de asemenea, 837 de vizite și reuniuni la care au participat comisari și membri ai parlamentelor naționale. Comisia Juncker s-a angajat să respecte cele mai înalte standarde administrative și și-a respectat angajamentul în acest sens. În 2017, în aproape 95 % din toate deciziile și recomandările formulate de Ombudsmanul European nu s-a constatat o administrare defectuoasă.

Polonia decizii strategice 20 de ani cumpără gaze din SUA, achiziţii record de armament american probabil bază militară americană permanentă https://b1.ro/stiri/externe/polonia-contract-gaze-lichefiatearmament-baza-militara-suagazprom-rusia-245140.html

b1 18 Oct 2018

PGNiG, una dintre cele mai mari companii poloneze de stat, a încheiat un acord pe 20 de ani pentru cumpărarea de gaze naturale lichefiate din SUA. Livrările ar trebui să înceapă în 2022, când, de altfel, expiră acordul pe termen lung pe care compania poloneză îl are cu Gazprom. Guvernul de la Varşovia nu vrea reînnoirea contractului cu ruşii. Premierul polonez Mateusz Morawiecki a spus că acordul cu americanii va impulsiona atât „suveranitatea―, cât şi „competitivitatea― sectorului energetic al Poloniei, informează ZF. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Londra: ”Marșul pentru Vot” People's Vote march: '700,000' rally for new Brexit referendum – as it happened https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/live/2018/oct/20/peoples-vote-march-londonsecond-referendum-brexit-live?CMP=share_btn_tw People's Vote march: '700,000' rally for new Brexit referendum – as it happened Organisers say hundreds of thousands turned out on Saturday in central London for the ‗second most attended demonstration this century‘  700,000 marched for a people's vote today', organisers estimate  1,200 people attend Leave Means Leave rally  Aerial footage shows thousands of protesters on the march  Organisers now estimate 670,000 people are marching today  Sturgeon reiterates that SNP MPs will back people's vote Page 36 of 48

 More than 500,000 people on march, say organisers We‘re going to bring our coverage of today‘s events to an end. Thanks for reading, and here‘s a summary of what happened: Organisers claim that 700,000 people attended the march to demand a people‘s vote on the final terms of any Brexit deal. That would make it the second largest protest in the UK this century after the Stop the War demonstration in 2003.

...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Cap. DECIZIONAL Marieta Safta, eliberare funcție Primul-Ministru Decizie privind eliberarea doamnei Marieta Safta, la cerere, din funcția de secretar de stat la Ministerul Justiției

Nr. 227 din 15-Octombrie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 888 din 22 Octombrie 2018 ACTIVITATE JURIDICĂ http://www.just.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/19.03.2017-CV-Safta-Marieta.pdf 2017- prezent Secretar de Stat 2010 – prezent (detașată la Ministerul Justiției) Prim magistrat-asistent Curtea Constituțională a României, 2009-2010 Magistrat-asistent şef Curtea Constituțională a României, 2003-2009 Magistrat-asistent Curtea Constituțională a României, 1997-2003 Consilier juridic; Şef serviciu juridic (2001- 2003) Ministerul Finanţelor Publice - Direcţia Generală a Finanţelor Publice Bucureşti, România

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Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 16 oct.2018 4.6677 5.3242 4.0341 159.3098


17 oct.2018 4.6667 5.3037 4.0359 159.1856

18 oct.2018 4.6658 5.3102 4.0493 159.3087

19 oct.2018 4.6669 5.3090 4.0761 160.9953

22 oct.2018 4.6671 5.2855 4.0557 159.4364





5.5 5





4.6206 4.0976





































168 166 164 162 160 AUR Y18

158 156 154 152






























grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

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Cap. RESURSE CFE-CGC organizează primul Forum de evoluție profesională https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6458674557145354240

Evenimente pentru studenți https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6458992706050879488

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Forumul Ingenibdin Gardanne, Bordeaux https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6458625138559590400

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Cap. EVENIMENTE Dorel Gheorghe Caprar ĂŽn vizită la PATROMIL

Presedintele Comisiei de Aparare din Camera Deputatilor a facut o vizita la Patromil pt a discuta aspecte legate de programele majore de achizitii ale MApN si de offset

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Târguri, conferințe A&D Herald Insights EURONAVAL 2018 https://www.euronaval.fr/21/exhibitors

The company underscores its position as a leading digital architect of maritime solutions. https://www.linkedin.com/company/airbus-helicopters/ Airbus‘ comprehensive solutions for maritime missions – which are fully aligned with the company‘s slogan: ―We make it fly‖ – take centre stage at Euronaval, the world‘s largest international exhibition of naval defence technologies, being held 23-26 October. The range of capabilities – developed across Airbus‘ multiple business divisions – consist of airborne systems, space-based solutions, unmanned air systems, command and control systems, secure seamless communications, smart intelligence centres and support services. As a trusted supplier for maritime operators, a wide range of Airbus-produced solutions have been delivered to support every phase of the maritime surveillance cycle – including more than 145 fixed-wing aircraft, over 1,000 helicopters, 210-plus coastal surveillance systems, along with satellites and secure communications Page 44 of 48

capacity. In parallel, Airbus is developing new-generation of technologies that will lead the way during the next 50 years of maritime missions.

Key products to be showcased on the unified Airbus exhibit stand at Euronaval (booth #K124) include: A320neo MPA maritime patrol aircraft, Zephyr stratospheric unmanned aerial vehicle, VSR700 unmanned reconnaissance helicopter, H160 HIL joint light helicopter, SCOT satellite communications terminal, STYRIS coastal surveillance system. This year‘s Euronaval is located at the Paris Le Bourget Exhibition Centre and marks the event‘s 50th anniversary. Couldn‘t make it to the show ? Follow highlights, live updates, behind the scenes and announcements on our social channels: Twitter : @AirbusDefence and @AirbusHeli Instagram stories : @Airbus_Defence and @Airbus_Helicopters

Naval Group, prezenți la Euronaval 18 https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6459089438738911232

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Naval Group se pregătește pentru expoziția Argonaute https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6459799483575341056

Twentieth Annual Meeting of National Authorities 6 – 8 NOVEMBER 2018  Workshop on Policy & Diplomacy for Scientists: Introduction to Responsible Research Practices in Chemical & Biochemical Sciences 30 OCTOBER – 2 NOVEMBER 2018

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Cap. Responsabilitate organizațională CSA Industry Leaders 2018 (23, început #328) http://www.robecosam.com/en/sustainability-insights/about-sustainability/corporatesustainability-assessment/industry-leaders.jsp

ROBECOSAM - DJSI Energy/Oil & Gas Upstream & Integrated/ PTT PCL http://www.robecosam.com/images/IndustryLeader_DJSI2018_PTT_PCL.pdf Member of DJSI World, DJSI Emerging Market Country: Thailand Index market cap*: 13,200USD millions Source: S&P Global BMI, 31 July 2018

PTT PCL leads the Oil & Gas Upstream & Integrated industry in RobecoSAM‘s Corporate Sustainability Assessment based on its Total Sustainability Score in 2018. This report provides a broad overview of the performance of the Oil & Gas Upstream & Integrated industry and the relative positioning of PTT PCL at the dimension and criteria level.

PTT PCL conduce industria de Petrol și Gaze Upstream șiIntegrate în evaluarea corporativă a durabilității RobecoSAM, pe baza Scorului său de sustenabilitate totală în 2018. Acest raport oferă o imagine de ansamblu asupra performanței industriei de Petrol și Gaze Upstream șiIntegrate și poziționării relative a PCT PTT la anumite dimensiuni și criterii.

Industry Drivers Among upstream and integrated oil and gas companies, there is a need to develop corporate strategies that take into account the transition to low-carbon economies. Climate strategy and its link to corporate governance is thus increasing in importance for investors in this sector. At the same time, companies need to ensure that their current businesses can generate cash-flows that cover investment and dividend requirements. Leading companies have a strong grip on operational ecoefficiency, environmental impacts and health and safety. In the upstream segment, this requires adjusting to growth opportunities in natural gas and renewable energies such as wind and solar. In downstream operations, cost-competitiveness is closely linked to environmental and health and safety excellence. In this context, the industry's top performers are those that are able to manage a broad

Direcții de acțiune ale domeniului de activitate În rândul companiilor din domeniul petrolului și gazelor naturale integrate în amonte, este necesară dezvoltarea unor strategii corporative care să țină seama de tranziția către economiile cu emisii scăzute de dioxid de carbon. Strategia privind clima și legătura acesteia cu guvernanța corporativă devin astfel de o importanță sporită pentru investitorii din acest sector. În același timp, companiile trebuie să se asigure că afacerile lor curente pot genera fluxuri de numerar care să acopere investițiile și cerințele privind dividendele. Companiile principale au o influență puternică asupra ecoeficienței operaționale, a impactului asupra mediului și asupra sănătății și siguranței. În segmentul din amonte, acest lucru necesită adaptarea la oportunitățile de creștere în domeniul gazele naturale și în energiile regenerabile, cum ar fi energia eoliană și solară. În operațiunile din aval, competitivitatea costurilor este strâns legată de excelența în materie de mediu și de sănătate și siguranță. În acest context, cele mai bune performante companii din industrie sunt cele care sunt capabile să gestioneze un set larg de riscuri

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set of environmental, health and safety, ethical conduct and stakeholder risks. Taking these risks into account goes hand in hand with diversifying the fuel mix and discerning the pathway to a lowcarbon future.

de mediu, de sănătate și siguranță, de conduită etică și de factori externi. Luarea în considerare a acestor riscuri merge mână în mână cu diversificarea mixului de combustibil și identificarea de căi către un viitor cu emisii scăzute de carbon.

Company Performance RobecoSAM has selected the most relevant criteria in each sustainability dimension based on their weight in the assessment and their current or expected significance for the industry. The spider chart below visualizes the performance of the industry leader against the best score achieved in each criterion and the median industry score.

Performanța companiei RobecoSAM a selectat cele mai relevante criterii pentru fiecare dimensiune a durabilității, pe baza ponderii lor în evaluare și a semnificației lor curente sau prevăzute, pentru industrie. Diagrama în forma unei pânze de păianjen de mai jos prezintă performanța liderului în industrie, față de cel mai bun punctaj obținut la fiecare criteriu și scorul mediu al industriei.

urmăriți graficul care exprimă media pentru firmele de top din acest domeniu de activitate. d i s t r i b u i t o r H E R AL D I N S I G H T S http://www.competitiveintelligence.ro

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