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ZI DE ZI joi, 17 ianuarie 2019


Franța: Dassault Aviation reînnoiește acordul cu Ministerul Apărării pentru a sprijini IMM-urile

pg. 8

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joi, 17 ianuarie 2019

semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ................................................................................................. 5 BVB - industria aeronautică .................................................................................... 5 Перші два Н-225 Super Puma для НГУ і ДСНС ................................................... 6 Для рятувальників та гвардійців в Україну прибули перші гвинтокрили ........... 6 Анонс "Поліцейська хвиля" 25.12.2018 ................................................................ 6 Looking Back at 2018: Military Aircraft .................................................................... 7 UK F-35B and Centurion Typhoon are Combat-Ready ........................................... 7 USAF F-35 Demo Team ......................................................................................... 8 Rafale ―F4‖ standard launched................................................................................ 8 Dassault Aviation renews agreement with the French Ministry of the Armed Forces to support SMEs ................................................................................................... 10 Exclusiv GdS: Israelienii „se bat― cu americanii pe banii pentru Avioane Craiova . 11 Să înțelegem mai bine: Tribunalul BUCUREŞTI ............................................... 12 Gundrilling machine .............................................................................................. 12 Dry ice cleaning technology .................................................................................. 13 Metal-cutting band saws ....................................................................................... 14 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE ............................................................................. 15 CONDUCERE Fabrica de Arme Cugir .................................................................. 15 Standardizarea armamentelor europene (23) ....................................................... 15 Parlamentul European ...................................................................................... 15 STUDY Requested by the SEDE Subcommittee ...................................................... 15 Un ghid introductiv pentru identificarea armelor mici, a armelor ușoare și a munițiilor asociate ................................................................................................. 16 Cap. CYBER&ITC .................................................................................................... 17 Raytheon Company wins $59 million contract supporting Reaper MQ-9 UAV ...... 17 Raytheon selected for classic Hornet AESA radar upgrade .................................. 17 BAE Systems to enhance the communications and connectivity of U.S. and Joint forces across the Pacific ....................................................................................... 18 Cap. NAVAL ............................................................................................................. 19 MApN contra MApN și ROMTEHNICA. Detaliile PENALE ale Dosarului Corvetelor .............................................................................................................................. 19 LEONARDO DRS to provide advanced hybrid electric drive for Second U.S. Coast Guard Offshore Patrol Cutter ................................................................................ 19

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Raytheon Company wins $72 million contract for DDG-1000 engineering support and logistics .......................................................................................................... 20 Raytheon signs mentoring agreement with Phoenix Products, Inc. ...................... 20 Cap. RACHETE ........................................................................................................ 22 MBDA validates dual-role capability for Mistral missile ......................................... 22 Raytheon Company wins contract for Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile support .................................................................................................................. 22 Cap. VEHICULE PENTRU LUPTĂ ........................................................................... 23 Northrop Grumman Showcases Vehicle Active Protection System for the US Army .............................................................................................................................. 23 Cap. EUROPA .......................................................................................................... 24 George Ciamba, în calitate de reprezentant al Consiliului UE, ............................. 24 la o serie de momente oficiale în cadrul sesiunii plenare a Parlamentului European ........................................................................................................... 24 Cap. DECIZIONAL ................................................................................................... 26 Acte normative incluse pe agenda ședinței Guvernului României din 17 ianuarie 2019 ...................................................................................................................... 26 Ministrul afacerilor externe și expatriaților al Regatului Hașemit al Iordaniei, Ayman Safadi în București ................................................................................................ 27 Impozit pe venit persoane fizice ............................................................................ 27 Cap. FINANȚE.......................................................................................................... 28 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................................................ 28 Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE .............................................................................................. 30 New defense intelligence assessment warns China nears critical military milestone .............................................................................................................................. 30

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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS


Cap. AERONAUTICĂ BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 234,32 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 244.00 242.00 240.00 238.00 236.00 234.00 232.00 230.00 228.00 226.00






























mil. euro

160.00 140.00 120.00






60.00 40.00




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Перші два Н-225 Super Puma для НГУ і ДСНС https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVMPLlBBMQM


Для рятувальників та гвардійців в Україну прибули перші гвинтокрили https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAbPEGBB0h4


Анонс "Поліцейська хвиля" 25.12.2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vrZf8jqops


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Looking Back at 2018: Military Aircraft http://aviationweek.com/defense/looking-back-2018-military-aircraft

AVIATION Week Dec 24, 2018 Graham Warwick Aviation Week & Space Technology

Boeing MQ-25

Boeing won the competition to produce the U.S. Navy‘s MQ-25 Stingray carrierbased unmanned aerial-refueling aircraft on Aug. 30, defeating General Atomics and Lockheed Martin. The initial $805 million contract covers four development aircraft. Plans call for a total of 72 MQ-25s, expected to cost $13 billion, with initial operational capability scheduled for 2024. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

UK F-35B and Centurion Typhoon are Combat-Ready https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/defense/2019-01-14/uk-f-35b-andcenturion-typhoon-are-combat-ready

Aviation International News Jon Lake January 14, 2019, 4:56 AM

An F-35B is displayed with Spear, ASRAAM and Meteor missiles, with the Tempest mock-up in the background. (photo: RAF Marham) Page 7 of 30

On January 10 the UK celebrated the new Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning‘s official entry into operational service during a ceremony at RAF Marham. The event also provided the opportunity to announce that the latest standard of the Eurofighter Typhoon, armed with new weapons, was also ready to deploy operationally. The UK actually declared Initial Operating Capability-Land (IOC-L) for the F-35B about two weeks before the planned date of December 31. IOC was defined as having nine F35Bs with trained pilots, weapons, engineering and logistics sufficient to enable them to be deployed on operations from land bases. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

USAF F-35 Demo Team https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/usaf-f-35-demo-team

Romania Military Nicolae Hariuc 16 ianuarie 2019

Well, USAF şi-a făcut demo team cu F-35, aşa că brusc, BIAS 2019, sau poate 2020, ar putea deveni extrem de interesant. Sper să-i vedem şi pe la noi, măcar în forma asta, să ne bucurăm şi noi de ele. Pe mine m-au impresionat manevrele ―grăsunelului‖ care, iată, poate face şi acrobaţie. PR stunt vor zice detractorii… Un avion care se maturizează îndrăznesc eu să afirm. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Rafale “F4” standard launched https://www.dassault-aviation.com/en/group/press/press-kits/rafale-f4-standardlaunched/

Dassault-aviation 2019/01/14

Group Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation, received the F4-standard development contract for the Rafale combat aircraft on January 14, 2019, during the visit of the Dassault Aviation Mérignac plant by Florence Parly, French Minister of the Armed Forces. Mérignac, France, 14 January 2019 – Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation, received the F4-standard development contract for the Rafale combat aircraft today during the visit of the Dassault Aviation Mérignac plant by Florence Parly, French Minister of the Armed Forces. The F4 standard is part of the ongoing process to continuously improve the Rafale in line with technological progress and operating experience feedback. The F4 standard marks a new step coming in the wake of the standards F1 (specific to the first aircraft of the French Navy), F2 (air-to-ground and air-to-air capabilities), F3 and F3R (extended versatility). In our role as industrial architect, we will be responsible for implementing innovative connectivity solutions to optimize the effectiveness of our aircraft in networked combat (new satellite and intra-patrol links, communication server, software defined radio). New functions will also be developed to improve the aircraft‘s capabilities (upgrades to the radar sensors and front sector optronics, helmet-mounted display capabilities), Page 8 of 30

and new weapons will be integrated (Mica NG air-to-air missile and 1,000-kg AASM Air-to-Ground Modular Weapon).

Lastly, with regard to availability, we are working under a through-life support contract which will become more ―top-down‖ under the authority of the aircraft manufacturer. F4 will include a new Prognosis and Diagnostic Aid System introducing predictive maintenance capabilities. Other maintenance optimization features are scheduled, particularly with solutions based on Big Data and artificial intelligence. Lastly, the Rafale will be equipped with a new engine control unit. “The F4 standard guarantees that Rafale will remain at world-class level so that our combat air forces can carry out all their missions with optimum efficiency, whether in coalition operations or completely independently, as required by the French nuclear deterrent, stated Eric Trappier. This new standard also guarantees that Rafale will remain a credible reference on the export market. Lastly, it confirms the continuous improvement approach and helps develop the manufacturers’ skills.” Validation of the F4 standard is planned for 2024, with some functions becoming available as of 2022.

Dassault Aviation and the 500 French firms associated with the Rafale program thank the Ministry of the Armed Forces, the Defense procurement agency (DGA), the French Air Force and the French Navy for their confidence. ABOUT THE RAFALE The only totally ―omnirole‖ aircraft in the world, able to operate from a land base or an aircraft carrier, capable of carrying 1.5 times its weight in weapons and fuel, the Rafale has been designed to perform the full spectrum of combat aircraft missions:  Interception and air-to-air combat using a 30-mm gun, Mica IR/EM missiles and Meteor missiles.  Close air support using a 30-mm gun, GBU laser-guided bombs and AASM GPS-guided bombs.  Deep strike using Scalp-Storm Shadow cruise missiles. Page 9 of 30

Maritime strike using the Exocet AM39 Block 2 missile and other air-tosurface weapons.  Real-time tactical and strategic reconnaissance using the Areos pod.  Buddy-buddy in-flight refueling  Nuclear deterrence using the ASMP-A missile. The Rafale entered service with the French Navy in 2004 and with the French Air Force in 2006, gradually replacing the seven types of previous-generation combat aircraft. It has proven itself in external operations in various theatres: Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, Iraq and Syria. Of the 180 aircraft ordered by France to date, 152 have been delivered. The Rafale fleet currently totals almost 270,000 flight hours, including 40,000 in operations. A total of 96 Rafale aircraft have been ordered by Egypt, Qatar and India. ABOUT DASSAULT AVIATION With over 10,000 military and civil aircraft delivered in more than 90 countries over the last century, Dassault Aviation has built up expertise recognized worldwide in the design, development, sale and support of all types of aircraft, ranging from the Rafale fighter, to the high-end Falcon family of business jets and military drones. In 2017, Dassault Aviation reported revenues of €4.8 billion. The company has 11,400 employees

Dassault Aviation renews agreement with the French Ministry of the Armed Forces to support SMEs https://www.dassault-aviation.com/en/group/press/press-kits/dassault-aviationrenews-agreement-french-ministry-armed-forces-support-smes/

Dassault-aviation 2019/01/14

Group Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation, and Florence Parly, French Minister of the Armed Forces, have signed the renewed agreement between Dassault Aviation and the Ministry of the Armed Forces for support to Defense SMEs. Mérignac, France, 14 January 2019 – Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation, and Florence Parly, French Minister of the Armed Forces, have signed the renewed agreement between Dassault Aviation and the Ministry of the Armed Forces for support to Defense SMEs. The event took place on the occasion of Mrs. Parly‘s visit today to Dassault Aviation‘s Mérignac facility. Dassault Aviation first signed this agreement in January 2014. By signing this renewal, Dassault Aviation confirms its long-standing policy of supporting the hundreds of SMEs which partner it on military programs. The French industrial fabric of which Dassault Aviation is a part has been patiently growing for decades, gaining and sharing knowledge, ways of working, business rules and design and production tools that are invaluable and must absolutely be protected. These competences, which stem from the production of all the generations of aircraft since 1945, are synonymous with technological sovereignty, as very few countries have them. They are also synonymous with growth: for example, more than 150 French SMEs have been offered development opportunities in connection with the RAFALE contract in India.

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“As an industrial architect and complex systems integrator, Dassault Aviation knows it has a particular responsibility”, said Eric Trappier. We are proud to contribute to the development of the formidable ecosystem of Defense SMEs. The clauses of the agreement we have just signed are a very appropriate continuation of the efforts made by prime manufacturers, in a more demanding economic environment than ever.”

Exclusiv GdS: Israelienii „se bat“ cu americanii pe banii pentru Avioane Craiova http://www.gds.ro/Local/2019-01-16/exclusiv-gds-israelienii-se-bat-cu-americanii-pebanii-pentru-avioane-craiova/

Gazeta de Sud - Craiova 15,01,2019

O companie israeliană specializată în avionică se „războieşte― în instanţă cu MApN şi Avioane Craiova SA, după ce aceasta din urmă a selectat o firmă americană pentru a furniza echipamentele de avionică necesare modernizării aparatelor de zbor IAR 99 Şoim, din dotarea Ministerului Apărării Naţionale, astfel încât acestea să aibă cockpitul similar cu avioanele F-16 cu care s-a dotat armata. Elbit Systems este furnizorul tradiţional de echipamente pentru avioanele tip şcoală fabricate la Craiova. Reprezentanţii Avioane Craiova susţin că au selectat firma americană, în special datorită „caracteristicilor tehnice ale echipamentelor―. Israelienii de la Elbit Systems Ltd., specializaţi în avionică, au dat în judecată Ministerul Apărării Naţionale şi Avioane Craiova SA, contestând faptul că producătorul de armament din Craiova a eliminat de la procedura de selecţie compania israeliană. Avioane Craiova a desemnat drept câştigătoare a procedurii de selecţie de oferte o companie americană, care ar urma să furnizeze echipamentele de avionică necesare transformării cabinei avioanelor IAR 99 Şoim în cockpit similar Page 11 of 30

cu cel al avioanelor F-16, astfel încât piloţii armatei române să se antreneze pe aparatele de zbor astfel modernizate. Valoarea contractului pe care Avioane Craiova îl va derula pentru Ministerul Apărării Naţionale este uriaşă: 124 de milioane de euro. Reamintim că Ministerul Apărării Naționale a anunțat, în iulie 2018, că va demara un program de modernizare a celor 21 de avioane IAR 99 și IAR 99 Șoim aflate în dotarea armatei române. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Să înțelegem mai bine: Tribunalul BUCUREŞTI http://portal.just.ro/3/SitePages/Dosar.aspx?id_dosar=300000000854310&id_inst=3

Portalul Instanțelor de Judecată Informaţii generale Nr. unic (nr. format vechi): 43849/3/2018 Data inregistrarii 12.12.2018 Data ultimei modificari: 14.01.2019 Sectie: Secţia a II-a Contencios Administrativ şi Fiscal Materie: Contencios administrativ şi fiscal Obiect: litigiu privind achiziţiile publice Stadiu procesual: Fond Părţi  ELBIT SYSTEM LTD. Reclamant  MINISTERUL APĂRĂRII NAŢIONALE Pârât  AVIOANE CRAIOVA S.A. Pârât Şedinţe Nu există informaţii. Căi atac Nu există informaţii. Citare prin publicitate Nu există informaţii.

Gundrilling machine https://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/kays-engineeringeldorado-m75-48t-gun-drill-011619/

Aerospace Manufacturing&Design January 16, 2019

Marshall, Missouri – The Eldorado M75-48T two-spindle gundrilling machine, with 48" (1,219mm) of slide travel, offers 60% more slide travel than the standard Eldorado model. The additional length allows the machine to accommodate nearly all the gundrilling applications a job shop will encounter. The M75-48T has a gundrilling diameter range of 0.055" to 0.750" (1.40mm to 19.1mm). It features two gundrilling spindles with independent spindle control, allowing two different drilling cycles at the same time. The machine also uses counter-rotation of the workpiece to improve drilling performance. Page 12 of 30

The machine has cast iron boxways and hand-scraped spindle housings (versus linear guide ways and milled surfaces) for consistent vibration damping, extended tool life, and improved surface finish.

Dry ice cleaning technology https://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/cold-jet-dry-icecleaning-systems-062118/

Aerospace Manufacturing&Design Dry ice cleaning is an innovative cleaning technology that can save both time and money in nearly any manufacturing environment. It is similar to other types of media blasting, but the Cold Jet systemsuse recycled CO2 in the form of dry ice to clean and prepare surfaces. The dry, non-conductive CO2 pellets are accelerated at

supersonic speeds through a specialized hose and nozzle. Once the dry ice strikes the surface, the effect of the combination of kinetic energy transfer, thermal shock and gas expansion breaks the bond between the substrate and the contaminant and flushes the contaminant away. Also, upon impact with the surface, the dry ice pellets sublimate back to gas, leaving no secondary waste or residue. Stop by Cold Jet’s Booth # 237213 at IMTS for live demonstrations of dry ice cleaning. You can pull the trigger yourself to see how easy it is to clean with dry ice. Dry ice is a non-conductive, non-toxic, environmentally responsible and safe cleaning media. It is a soft media and non-abrasive on many surfaces so it can be used to effectively clean delicate equipment without damage. Because it is a dry clean, it can be used around electronics and other sensitive components where cleaning with water or other solvents is problematic. As the ultimate clean-in-place tool, dry ice minimizes disassembly and pre-job preparation time – and because the dry ice sublimates upon contact with the substrate, cleanup time and disposal costs are reduced and foreign grit contamination to sensitive moving parts is eliminated. Dry ice cleaning can be used to remove production residues, release agents, contaminants, paints, oils, and biofilms – and can be used for many general cleaning applications. It provides an economical solution for cleaning tooling and equipment, resulting in less downtime, a better clean, higher quality parts, improved tool utilization, and longer asset life. Page 13 of 30

Metal-cutting band saws https://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/doall-metal-cuttingband-saws-060618/

Aerospace Manufacturing&Design DoALL will showcase eight metal-cutting band saws at IMTS 2018. These highperformance saws provide versatile, efficient, economical, and accurate sawing solutions for a large variety of sawing needs. DoALL will have all saws available for demonstrations in Booth #237067, North Building – Level 3. DoALL will premiere the DS-600SA general purpose, dual swivel StructurALL series band saw.  Machine Rectangle Capacity: 18" x 23-1/2" (460mm x 600mm)  Round Tube Capacity: 18" (460mm)  Round Solid: 15-3/4" (400mm) The DoALL DS-600SA StructurALL semi-automatic, dual-miter metal-cutting band saw is designed for cutting material both linear and at angles. Miter angle cuts are possible up to 60° left and right. A digital readout comes standard and makes it easy to verify exact cutting angles. Also classified as a horizontal structural, scissor saw, the DS-600SA is ideal for machine shops, repair facilities, and industrial manufacturing plants that need to occasionally cut metal solid and profile material. A large variety of optional accessories are available to customize the machine for specific sawing requirements.

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Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE CONDUCERE Fabrica de Arme Cugir http://www.facugir.ro/despre-institutie/conducere/ http://www.facugir.ro/declaratii-de-interese/


Standardizarea armamentelor europene (23) European armaments standardisation https://www.iss.europa.eu/sites/default/files/EUISSFiles/Defence%20study.pdf

Parlamentul European STUDY Requested by the SEDE Subcommittee PE 603.872 - October 2018 Policy Department for External Relations Directorate General for External Policies of the Union

The NATO definition of a standard is ‗a document, established by consensus and approved by a recognised body, which provides for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context‘ (NATO, 2017a). Such a definition has guided NATO efforts to enhance allied interoperability. In this regard, NATO standardises in three main areas or ways: management, operations and materiel. ‗Management standardisation‘ centres on the development of rules, policies and regulations through the adoption of common terminology. ‗Operational standardisation‘ focuses on doctrine, training and logistics. ‗Material standardisation‘ involves the development of standards for research, testing, development, production, procurement and life cycle management (Schmidt, 2014: p. 5). It is important to note that NATO has no sanctioning mechanism for allies who choose not to adopt and use the STANAGs. The alliance‘s work in encouraging the proliferation and use of NATO standards is focused on networking, the sharing of best practices from operations and armaments production and consistent awareness raising at the highest political level. The alliance has a proven set of institutions and bodies that deal with the question of armaments standardisation (see Figure 6). Located at the higher political echelons of NATO, the Committee for Standardisation (CS) plays a lead role in developing and adopting NATO standards and for working with civil standards. In essence, the Committee guides all of the alliance‘s work on standardisation and it provides guidance to all relevant NATO bodies and agencies. Created in 2001, the CS is Page 15 of 30

composed of 29 senior representatives (and more than 30 partner countries through NATO‘s ‗Interoperability Platform‘) from all NATO allied member countries and it answers directly to the North Atlantic Council (NAC). The Committee meets at least twice a year and it produces annual reports for the NAC. The CS is chaired by the NATO Secretary General and two permanent co-chairs deal with the day-to-day administration of the Committee: the co-chairs are the Deputy Chairman of NATO‘s Military Committee (MC) and the Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment (NATO, 2015). In addition, to these bodies the alliance draws on the expertise of the NATO Standardisation Office, which, since 2014, has pursued day-to-day work and progress on standards within the alliance. Formerly known as the NATO Standardisation Agency, and operating under the direct authority of the CS and the supervision of the MC, the NSO presides over the alliance‘s standardisation databases (known as the NATO Standardisation Documents Database (NSDD) and the Terminology Database (NATOTerm)) and it serves as a networking mechanism between stakeholders from allied governments, militaries and industry on all aspects of defence-relevant standards. A core task of the NSO is to provide the MC with support in developing operational standards, and the Office also serves as a liaison for the MC‘s Standardisation Boards (MCSBs), as well as playing a consultative role during the NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP). The NSO is directly supported in its work by a Standardisation Staff Group (SSG), which is comprised of staff-level experts and administrators that are tasked with facilitating and promoting standardisation activities and processes across the NATO institutional framework (NATO, 2017a). The NSO is also responsible for communicating and partnering with civil standardisation bodies.

Un ghid introductiv pentru identificarea armelor mici, a armelor ușoare și a munițiilor asociate An Introductory Guide to the Identification of Small Arms, Light Weapons, and Associated Ammunition http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/resources/publications/by-type/handbooks/weaponsid-handbook.html

Small Arms Survey Edited by N.R. Jenzen-Jones and Matt Schroeder, November 2018

Edited by N.R. Jenzen-Jones and Matt Schroeder, November 2018 Arms and ammunition are evidence. Many weapons carry marks that, combined with their physical characteristics, reveal important information about them, including their manufacturer, age, and origin. This information, in turn, provides vital clues about the sources and flows of weapons in the area in which they were found. The goal of this Handbook is to provide the reader with a basic understanding of how to identify and analyse small arms and light weapons, and to track their proliferation. The process of identifying arms is complex, and no single guide can provide all of the information required to identify every weapon or round of ammunition that may be encountered at crime scenes or in conflict zones. Instead, this guide explains the process by which weapons and ammunition are identified and arms flows are tracked. Reference material on specific small arms, light weapons, and ammunition is included throughout the guide. This material will help readers to take the steps necessary to identify the make and model of the most commonly encountered weapons and ammunition. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 16 of 30

Cap. CYBER&ITC Raytheon Company wins $59 million contract supporting Reaper MQ-9 UAV http://raytheon.mediaroom.com/2019-01-15-Raytheon-Company-wins-59-millioncontract-supporting-Reaper-MQ-9-UAV

Raytheon - USA 15,01,2019

WALTHAM, Mass., Jan. 15, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) was awarded the following two contracts as announced by the Department of Defense on December 21, 2018. Raytheon Corp., McKinney, Texas, was awarded a $59,211,905 cost-plus fixed-fee and firm-fixed- price contract for Reaper MQ-9 sensors contractor logistics support. This contract provides for program management, contractor-filed servicerepresentative support, depot repair, depot maintenance, sustaining engineering support, supply and logistics support, configuration management, tech data maintenance, software maintenance, inventory control point, and warehouse support for the MQ-9 sensors. Fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance funds are being obligated in the amount of $37,779,873 at the time of award. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, is the contracting activity (FA8528-19-C-0002).

Raytheon selected for classic Hornet AESA radar upgrade http://raytheon.mediaroom.com/2019-01-15-Raytheon-selected-for-classic-HornetAESA-radar-upgrade

Raytheon - USA 14,01,2019

APG-79(v)4 delivers improved range and targeting capability for USMC Hornets EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Jan. 15, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Marine Corps selected Raytheon's APG-79(v)4 AESA radar to equip its F/A-18C/D classic Hornet fleet. Raytheon (NYSE: RTN) will begin delivering radars in 2020 and complete deliveries by 2022. The APG-79(v)4 is a scaled version of the APG-79 AESA radar integrated on the U.S. Navy and Royal Australian Air Force's Super Hornets and EA-18G Growlers. Along with improved targeting capabilities, crews gain an edge in crucial operations across the spectrum – including air dominance, maritime strike and air-to-surface missions. "With AESA radars, fighter jet pilots and crews tip the scales in their favor over their adversaries," said Eric Ditmars, vice president of Raytheon Secure Sensor Solutions. "Now that the APG-79(v)4 is slated to fly on the classic Hornet, Marine Corps pilots will be able to identify, track and engage more targets over a greater distance than ever before." Crews will see improved radar reliability, reducing maintenance hours while increasing availability for flight. Because the APG-79(v)4 shares more than 90 percent commonality with the APG-79, the Marine Corps will benefit from the same global sustainment and upgrade path already in place for the system.

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BAE Systems to enhance the communications and connectivity of U.S. and Joint forces across the Pacific https://www.baesystems.com/en/article/enhance-the-communications-connectivity

BAE Systems 15 Jan 2019

BAE Systems to continue providing operations and support for U.S. Navy under a five-year contract. BAE Systems will assist the U.S. Navy in maintaining and operating multiple electronic, communication, and computing platforms under a five-year, $79.8 million contract. The program, which supports the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station, Pacific, will enable BAE Systems to continue providing 24/7 operations and maintenance support for afloat and ashore command, control, communications, computer, and intelligence systems. ―We are maintaining ship-to-shore, shore-to-aircraft, and shore-to-shore long-range communications systems,‖ said Mark Keeler, vice president and general manager of BAE Systems‘ Integrated Defense Solutions business. ―Our work is enabling naval, joint, agency, and coalition forces to effectively communicate and operate across the Pacific and Indian Oceans.‖ Through this contract, BAE Systems engineers will also continue servicing the U.S. Navy‘s Mobile User Objective System, a narrowband military communications satellite system that offers enhanced and secure communications, including voice, video, and data for all branches of the Department of Defense and other federal agencies. A majority of the contract work will take place in Oahu, Hawaii, with additional work performed in Geraldton, Australia. BAE Systems delivers a broad range of solutions and services enabling militaries and governments to successfully carry out their respective missions. The company provides large-scale systems engineering, integration, and sustainment services across air, land, sea, space, and cyber domains. BAE Systems takes pride in its support of national security and those who serve.

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Cap. NAVAL MApN contra MApN și ROMTEHNICA. Detaliile PENALE ale Dosarului Corvetelor https://evz.ro/dosarul-penal-corveta-multifunctionala-plangerea-directionata.html

Evenimentul Zilei Alecu Racoviceanu 16 ianuarie 2019

„Licitația pentru corvete‖. Înșiruirea asta de cuvinte a ajuns aproape o sintagmă, atât de mult a fost folosită în ultimele săptămâni. E normal, dat fiind că o afacere de aproximativ 1.6 miliarde de dolari naște pasiuni, stârnește interesul și, dacă pe lângă suma uriașă, adaugi și faptul că mizele sunt legate de securitatea României, a NATO și de nervozitatea crescândă a Rusiei, atunci povestea nu poate fi decât una de succes la public.

LEONARDO DRS to provide advanced hybrid electric drive for Second U.S. Coast Guard Offshore Patrol Cutter https://www.leonardodrs.com/news-and-events/press-releases/leonardo-drs-to-provideadvanced-hybrid-electric-drive-for-second-us-coast-guard-offshore-patrol-cutter/

Leonardo January 15, 2019

ARLINGTON, VA, January 15, 2019 ̶ Leonardo DRS, Inc. announced today that it will provide a second hybrid electric drive system for the U.S. Coast Guard‘s next Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC) under a contract from Eastern Shipbuilding. Eastern

Shipbuilding is the prime contractor and builder of these next-generation OPCs. Under the contract, originally announced in 2017, Leonardo DRS would provide the HED systems for the first nine ships of the OPC program with a contract value totaling $10.7 million. The first HED system is set to be delivered in mid-2019. Under the contract, Leonardo DRS will provide its high-performance, permanent magnet motor based Auxiliary Propulsion System. This integrated hybrid electric drive system provides capability for the ship to operate much more efficiently at slower speeds, increases mission duration capability, reduces emissions and provides emergency take-home capability in the event of a failure of the main propulsion diesel engines. When coupled to the main propulsion gearbox, the system Page 19 of 30

allows the ship to operate quietly and efficiently during loitering operations while providing superior fuel economy for increased on-station operations and capability. ―Our hybrid electric drive will offer crews of these new ships operational flexibility when they need it, while significantly increasing cost savings in yearly maintenance and fuel,‖ said Christine Borglin, Senior Program Manager for DRS Naval Power Systems. ―As we move from design and development onto production of the first HED system, and now to this second drive, we are proud to continue to be a part of the Eastern Shipbuilding team for this vital program,‖ Borglin said. The Auxiliary Propulsion System is designed and built by Leonardo DRS, a leader in naval hybrid electric drive propulsion technology. The system includes two of the most power-dense permanent magnet motors on the market today. They have significant advantages in size, weight, efficiency and performance over conventional electric induction motors and produce more torque from the same amount of supplied current. Their smaller footprint allows greater flexibility in engine room design and increased cargo space, while the simpler more rugged construction results in proven reliability and durability. Using propulsion diesel engines at slow speeds adds significant wear and tear on the engines and increases the potential for coking/wet stacking. By adding this electric Auxiliary Propulsion System, the Coast Guard will have a built-in advantage of reducing fuel, maintenance requirements and lifecycle costs, while increasing safety for the fleet.

Raytheon Company wins $72 million contract for DDG-1000 engineering support and logistics http://raytheon.mediaroom.com/2019-01-14-Raytheon-Company-wins-72-millioncontract-for-DDG-1000-engineering-support-and-logistics

Raytheon - USA 14,01,2019

WALTHAM, Mass., Jan. 14, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) was awarded the following contract as announced by the Department of Defense on December 21, 2018. Raytheon Co., Tewksbury, Massachusetts, is being awarded a $72,117,547 modification to previously-awarded contract N00024-17-C-5145 to exercise options for DDG 1000 ship class integrated logistics support and engineering services. Fiscal 2019 shipbuilding and conversion (Navy); fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance (Navy); and fiscal 2019 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy) funding in the amount of $81,555,802 will be obligated at time of award, and $8,816,581 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, District of Columbia, is the contracting activity.

Raytheon signs mentoring agreement with Phoenix Products, Inc. http://raytheon.mediaroom.com/2019-01-15-Raytheon-signs-mentoring-agreementwith-Phoenix-Products-Inc

Raytheon - USA 14,01,2019

Woman-owned firm will build Naval Strike Missile transport containers under a US Navy contract TUCSON, Ariz., Jan. 15, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) and Kentucky-based Phoenix Products, Inc. signed a U.S. Department of Defense Page 20 of 30

Mentor-Protégé agreement to produce Naval Strike Missile, or NSM, transport containers under a $1.6 million U.S. Navy contract. PPI is a woman-owned, small business that is in a Historically Underutilized Business Zone. Raytheon and Oakwood University in Huntsville, Alabama, will train and support PPI in technical, quality and management processes. The mentor-protégé program provides large businesses with incentives to help smaller ones develop technical and operating capabilities to be more competitive with DoD programs. The three-year agreement with PPI marks progress in Raytheon's domestic production of the missile designed by Norway's defense leader Kongsberg. "Raytheon is partnering with small and disadvantaged businesses to help them succeed and contribute to our industry," said Kim Ernzen, Raytheon Air Warfare Systems vice president. "NSM production is bringing jobs and revenue to a growing network of U.S. suppliers, and it is all the more meaningful when the work makes a significant impact in a local community. It's a win for everyone." PPI's experience manufacturing similar containers makes it an ideal fit for Raytheon's latest production needs. "The program will enable PPI to take the next steps to be a fully capable aerospace container and ground support equipment manufacturer," said Tom Wilson, PPI president. "It will help ensure we continue to employ highly capable people and train local residents with significant skill sets for now and in the future." Kentucky Congressman Hal Rogers, a senior member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, said the agreement is beneficial for everyone involved. "This partnership demonstrates the continued commitment of the defense industry to reach out to new and innovative suppliers in Kentucky to meet its requirements," Rogers said. "I advocated on behalf of the mentor-protégé agreement with the Navy and look forward to the 5th Congressional District being a long-term partner on this advanced cruise missile program."

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Cap. RACHETE MBDA validates dual-role capability for Mistral missile https://www.janes.com/article/85698/mbda-validates-dual-role-capability-for-mistralmissile

Jane’s Robin Hughes, London 14 January 2019

MBDA conducted a demonstration of a third-generation variant of its Mistral shortrange surface-to-air missile in an anti-surface role against a FIAC representative threat in late 2018. Source: MBDA MBDA has validated a dual-role capability with the latest version of its Mistral very short-range surface-to-air missile with a demonstration of a surface-to-surface engagement with effector at an undisclosed range off the Mediterranean coast in late 2018. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Raytheon Company wins contract for Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile support http://raytheon.mediaroom.com/2019-01-15-Raytheon-Company-wins-contract-forAdvanced-Medium-Range-Air-to-Air-Missile-support

Raytheon - USA 15,01,2019

WALTHAM, Mass., Jan. 15, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) was awarded the following two contracts as announced by the Department of Defense on December 21, 2018. Raytheon Missile Systems, Tucson, Arizona, has been awarded a $9,573,118 firmfixed-price modification (P00008) to contract FA8675-18-C-0003 for the Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile program. This modification provides for a life of type procurement of known obsolete components in support of production and sustainment through the program of record and procurement of three guidance section refill stations in support of sustainment efforts. Fiscal 2017 procurement funds in the amount of $6,367,933 and FMS funds in the amount of $3,205,185 are being obligated at the time of award. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, is the contracting activity. About Raytheon Raytheon Company, with 2017 sales of $25 billion and 64,000 employees, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, civil government and cybersecurity solutions. With a history of innovation spanning 96 years, Raytheon provides state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration, C5I™ products and services, sensing, effects, and mission support for customers in more than 80 countries. Raytheon is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts. Follow us on Twitter.

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Cap. VEHICULE PENTRU LUPTĂ Northrop Grumman Showcases Vehicle Active Protection System for the US Army https://news.northropgrumman.com/news/releases/northrop-grumman-showcasesvehicle-active-protection-system-for-the-us-army

Northrop Grumman January 15, 2019

In an Army-sponsored exercise, Northrop Grumman demonstrated a complete Vehicle Active Protection System (APS) that defeated a variety of real world live fired Anti-Tank Guided Munitions (ATGMs).

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – Jan. 15, 2019 – Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) demonstrated advanced Vehicle Active Protection System technologies against AntiTank Guided Munitions during the U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research Development Engineering Center (TARDEC) sponsored Soft-kill Rodeo in Huntsville on Oct. 5-31. The month-long government sponsored ―rodeo‖ was developed to demonstrate and test soft-kill capability against real world threats. M1A1 Abrams tank in live-fire range Using its Passive Infrared Cueing Sensors system, Northrop Grumman successfully generated threat warning of inbound ATGMs and provided a cue for the soft kill countermeasure system (SKCM). The Northrop Grumman SKCM system, known as the Multifunction Electro-Optical System (MEOS), successfully countered the ATGM and defeated it in real-time. The MEOS identified and countered all types of threats fired at its APS system, making this the fourth consecutive time the system has performed well in field tests to defeat threats. ―This solution is an example of leveraging significant investment in aircraft protection to rapidly provide similar capabilities to ground vehicles,‖ said Mike Meaney, vice president, advanced missions, Northrop Grumman. ―We look forward to working with the Army to deploy an affordable end-to-end Vehicle APS system that can defeat a variety of anti-tank guided munitions.‖ Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in autonomous systems, cyber, C4ISR, space, strike, and logistics and modernization to customers worldwide. Please visit news.northropgrumman.com and follow us on Twitter, @NGCNews, for more information.

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Cap. EUROPA http://www.romania2019.eu/#s-home

George Ciamba, în calitate de reprezentant al Consiliului UE, la o serie de momente oficiale în cadrul sesiunii plenare a Parlamentului European https://www.romania2019.eu/2019/01/16/participarea-ministrului-delegat-pentruafaceri-europene-george-ciamba-in-calitate-de-reprezentant-al-consiliului-ue-la-oserie-de-momente-oficiale-in-cadrul-sesiunii-plenare-a-parlamentului-europe/

România2019.EU ianuarie 16, 2019

Ministrul delegat pentru afaceri europene, George Ciamba, a participat, la data de 16 ianuarie 2019, la o serie de momente oficiale în cadrul sesiunii plenare a Parlamentului European de la Strasbourg, subsumate exercitării de către România a responsabilităților de Președinție a Consiliului UE. În prima parte a zilei, oficialul român a reprezentat Consiliul UE în cadrul trialogului informal pe tema modificării Regulamentului privind partidele și fundațiile politice europene, la care au participat cei doi co-raportori din partea Parlamentului European, Mercedes Bresso și Rainer Wieland, și Primvicepreședintele Comisiei Europene, Frans Timmermans. Discuțiile purtate cu această ocazie sau încheiat cu succes. Președinția României la Consiliul UE a obținut primul acord politic provizoriu între cei doi co-legislatori. De asemenea, ministrul delegat pentru afaceri europene a asistat la dezbaterea în plenul Parlamentului European privind viitorul Europei cu Prim-ministrul spaniol Pedro Sanchez și a semnat, în numele Președinției Consiliului Uniunii Europene, primele acte legislative împreună cu Președintele Parlamentului European, Antonio Tajani.

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Cap. DECIZIONAL http://www.romania2019.eu/#s-home

Acte normative incluse pe agenda ședinței Guvernului României din 17 ianuarie 2019 http://gov.ro/ro/guvernul/sedinte-guvern/informatie-de-presa-privind-proiectele-deacte-normative-incluse-pe-agenda-edintei-guvernului-romaniei-din-17-ianuarie-2019

Guvern România I. PROIECTE DE HOTĂRÂRI 1. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea listei terenurilor agricole situate în extravilan care fac obiectul proiectului de interes comun în domeniul gazelor naturale''Conducta Ţărmul Mării Negre -Podişor (RO) pentru preluarea gazului din Marea Neagră'' https://sgg.gov.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/HG-9.pdf 2. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE privind acordarea cetăţeniei române domnului ''Taratukhin Andrey'' https://sgg.gov.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/HG-10.pdf 3. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE privind acordarea cetăţeniei române domnului ''Valchar Radim'' https://sgg.gov.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/HG-11.pdf 4. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea unor modificări în inventarul bunurilor din domeniul public al statului aflate în administrarea Ministerului Apărării Naţionale, situate în judeţele Prahova, Botoşani, Cluj, Constanţa, Tulcea, Iaşi, Olt, Mehedinţi, Dolj, Timiş, Argeş, Vaslui, Alba, Gorj, Ilfov şi municipiul Bucureşti https://sgg.gov.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/HG-12.pdf 5. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE privind trecerea din domeniul public în domeniul privat al statului a unor construcţii şi amenajări la terenuri din cadrul unor imobile aflate în administarrea Ministerului Apărării Naţionale, situate în judeţele Vrancea, Alba şi municipiul Bucureşti, în vederea scoaterii din funcţiune şi casării acestora şi pentru modificarea anexei nr.4 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr.1705/2006 pentru aprobarea inventarului centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului https://sgg.gov.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/HG-13.pdf 6. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE privind trecerea unui imobil, aflat în administrarea Regiei Autonome ''Administraţia Patrimoniului Protocolului de Stat'', din domeniul privat al statului în domeniul public al statului, atribuirea destinaţiei de reşedinţă oficială pentru acest imobil şi pentru modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative https://sgg.gov.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/HG-14.pdf 7. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE privind modificarea anexei nr.5 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr.1705/2006 pentru aprobarea inventarului centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului, ca urmare a actualizării valorii de inventor https://sgg.gov.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/HGANEXE.pdf Page 26 of 30

8. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE pentru reorganizarea Autorităţii Naţionale pentru Protecţia Consumatorilor, ca urmare a fuziunii prin absorbţie a Centrului Naţionale pentru Încercarea ş Expertizarea Produselor ''Larex'', precum şi pentru modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative https://sgg.gov.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/HG-15.pdf II. INFORMĂRI 1. INFORMARE cu privire la desfăşurarea activităţilor din cadrul raporturilor constituţionale între Guvern şi Parlament, în anul 2018 https://sgg.gov.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/CUPRINS-INFORMARE.pdf III. PUNCTE DE VEDERE 1. PROIECTE DE PUNCTE DE VEDERE cu privire la 15 inițiative legislative parlamentare

Ministrul afacerilor externe și expatriaților al Regatului Hașemit al Iordaniei, Ayman Safadi în București http://gov.ro/ro/stiri/intrevederea-premierului-viorica-dancila-cu-ministrul-afacerilorexterne-i-expatriatilor-al-regatului-ha-emit-al-iordaniei-ayman-safadi&page=1

Guvern România În ceea ce privește aprofundarea cooperării economice și sectoriale, demnitarul român a reliefat interesul pentru dezvoltarea, pe mai departe, a relațiilor în domenii precum agricultura, turismul, sănătatea, educația și energia, dar și pentru identificarea unor noi domenii de interes comun.

...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Impozit pe venit persoane fizice Agenția Națională de Administrare Fiscală Ordin pentru aprobarea modelului, conținutului, modalității de depunere și de gestionare a formularului „Declarație unică privind impozitul pe venit și contribuțiile sociale datorate de persoanele fizice― Nr. 49 din 11-Ianuarie-2019 M. Of. Partea I nr. 43 din 16 Ianuarie 2019 Page 27 of 30

Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 10 ian.2019 4.6764 5.1724 4.0573 168.5728


11 ian.2019 4.6782 5.1833 4.0586 168.7340

14 ian.2019 4.6771 5.2399 4.0802 169.8717

15 ian.2019 4.6822 5.2618 4.0973 169.8613

16 ian.2019 4.6830 5.2808 4.1063 170.2727




5.5 EURO Y19






USD Y19 3.5

USD Y18 31-12-19





























Lei 170 165 AUR Y19 160































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Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE New defense intelligence assessment warns China nears critical military milestone https://www.defensenews.com/news/your-military/2019/01/15/new-defenseintelligence-assessment-warns-china-nears-critical-military-milestone/

Defense News By: Tara Copp and Aaron Mehta

WASHINGTON — In recent years, top defense officials and internal Pentagon reports alike have cautioned about the rise of China as a military power, in large part due to its investments in high-end technologies like hypersonics and its development of indigenous capabilities like stealth fighters and aircraft carriers.

But it‘s not a piece of hardware that‘s most worrisome for American interests, according to a new assessment by the Defense Intelligence Agency. Instead, it‘s the worry that the Chinese service members behind each system have reached a critical point of confidence where they now feel that in combat, the People‘s Liberation Army can match competitors.

―The biggest concern is that they are getting to a point where the PLA leadership may actually tell [President Xi Jinping] they are confident in their capabilities. We know in the past they have considered themselves a developing, weaker power,‖ the official said. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

d i s t r i b u i t o r H E R AL D I N S I G H T S http://www.competitiveintelligence.ro

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