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ZI DE ZI vineri, 18 ianuarie 2019


IAR 99 se pregătește pentru standardul Super Șoim

pg. 6

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vineri, 18 ianuarie 2019

semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ................................................................................................. 5 BVB - industria aeronautică .................................................................................... 5 Avioane Craiova a selectat o firmă americană pentru modernizarea avioanelor de luptă IAR 99 la standardul „SuperȘoim‖ .................................................................. 6 în dauna americanilor de la Lockheed Martin și a israelienilor de la Elbit / Miza: 124 milioane de euro ........................................................................................... 6 Să înțelegem mai bine ......................................................................................... 6 Investițiile din cadrul Romaero au fost făcute în totalitate din resurse proprii în 2018 ................................................................................................................................ 7 Looking Back at 2018: Military Aircraft .................................................................... 7 Bulgaria: F-16 ......................................................................................................... 7 Boeing, United Airlines Announce Repeat Orders for 737 MAX and 777 ............... 8 Africa’s Top 10 Tech Start-Ups Selected For #Africa4Future Accelerator Programme ............................................................................................................. 9 Acropolis Aviation takes delivery of 1st ACJ320neo ............................................. 10 High-resolution inspection camera ........................................................................ 12 Construction begins on Airbus’ U.S. A220 Manufacturing Facility ........................ 12 Insights.................................................................................................................. 13 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE ............................................................................. 14 Exemple de Contracte........................................................................................... 14 (for Jan. 15, 2019) ................................................................................................. 14 Standardizarea armamentelor europene (24) ....................................................... 18 Parlamentul European ...................................................................................... 18 STUDY Requested by the SEDE Subcommittee ...................................................... 18 Cap. NAVAL ............................................................................................................. 19 Scandalul privind anularea licitaţiei pentru corvete continuă! Mutare surpriză în proces ................................................................................................................... 19 Procesul în care Şantierul Naval Constanţa cere anularea licitaţiei pentru corvete a fost amânat ........................................................................................................... 19 Insights.................................................................................................................. 19 Cap. RACHETE ........................................................................................................ 20 BARKHANE: FIRST OPERATIONAL DEPLOYMENT OF THE NEW MEDIUMRANGE MISSILE .................................................................................................. 20 Cap. EUROPA .......................................................................................................... 21 Reuniunea informală a miniştrilor apărării din ţările membre ale UE la Bucureşti . 21 Page 3 of 29

Vot la Strasbourg: Mecanismele de tăiere a banilor europeni pentru țările care nu respectă statul de drept......................................................................................... 22 Cap. DECIZIONAL ................................................................................................... 24 Ședința Guvernului României din 17 ianuarie 2019 .............................................. 24 Graziela Elena Vâjială, vicepreședinte ANFPISDR ............................................... 26 Ramona-Liliana Seciu, eliberare funcție................................................................ 26 Andrei Stănișoară, SGA la MRP ........................................................................... 26 Cap. FINANȚE.......................................................................................................... 27 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................................................ 27 Cap. EVENIMENTE .................................................................................................. 29 Prospects of arms standardisation in EU and NATO ............................................ 29 Defence Logistics Central and Eastern Europe Conference ................................. 29 Cap. INVESTIȚII ....................................................................................................... 29 Proiecte legi .......................................................................................................... 29 Programul guvernamental "INVESTEȘTE ÎN TINE" .......................................... 29

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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS


Cap. AERONAUTICĂ BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 231,98 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 244.00 242.00 240.00 238.00 236.00 234.00 232.00 230.00 228.00 226.00






























mil. euro

160.00 140.00 120.00






60.00 40.00




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Avioane Craiova a selectat o firmă americană pentru modernizarea avioanelor de luptă IAR 99 la standardul „SuperȘoim” în dauna americanilor de la Lockheed Martin și a israelienilor de la Elbit / Miza: 124 milioane de euro https://economie.hotnews.ro/stiri-companii-22915719-avioane-craiova-selectat-firmaamericana-pentru-modernizarea-avioanelor-lupta-iar-99-standardul-supersoim-daunaamericanilor-lockheed-martin-israelienilor-elbit-miza-124-milioane-euro.htm#self

HOTNEWS Victor Cozmei 16,01,2019

Cine sunt americanii de la CMC Electronics Aurora LLC CMC Electronics Aurora LLC este o companie americană cu sediul în Illinois, parte a CMC Electronics, o companie canadiană deținută de grupul Esterline Technologies fondat în Indianapolis, SUA. Esterline Technologies prin CMC Electronics furnizează sisteme pentru cockpit și echipamente electronice de zbor, conform datelor de pe pagina de internet. Compania a fost selectată în trecut atât de Guvernul SUA pentru diverse contracte de echipamente militare, dar și de companii private pentru achipamente destinate aeronavelor civile. 124 miliaone de euro Avioanele IAR 99 modernizate, folosite ca avioane de antrenament pentru trecerea la F16. Valoarea programului? 124 miliaone de euro ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Să înțelegem mai bine CMC Electronics Aurora LLC/ https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=352997 49 CMC Electronics Aurora Inc. operates as a subsidiary of CMC Electronics, Inc. 84 North Dugan Road, Sugar Grove, IL 60554-0250, United States

Founded in 1987

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Investițiile din cadrul Romaero au fost făcute în totalitate din resurse proprii în 2018 https://boardingpass.ro/investitiile-din-cadrul-romaero-au-fost-facute-in-totalitate-dinresurse-proprii-in-2018/

boarding pass Gabriel Bobon 15 ianuarie 2019

Compania de stat Romaero a anunțat marți că toate investițiile în valoare de 7 milioane de lei pe care le-a făcut anul trecut în cadrul companiei au fost acoperite cu resurse financiare proprii. Societatea este specializată în fabricarea de aeronave și componente de aeronave cum ar fi invelișuri, componente structurale și ansamble dar și în lucrări de mentenanță pentru aeronave comerciale de pasageri și cargo și militare. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Looking Back at 2018: Military Aircraft http://aviationweek.com/defense/looking-back-2018-military-aircraft

AVIATION Week Dec 24, 2018 Graham Warwick Aviation Week & Space Technology

Boeing T-X

Boeing, teamed with Saab, won the U.S. Air Force T-X advanced jet trainer competition on Sept. 27, defeating Leonardo DRS with the T-100 and Lockheed Martin/Korea Aerospace Industries with the T-50A. Worth up to $9.2 billion—less than half the Air Force’s cost estimate—the contract covers 351 aircraft, 46 simulators and ground equipment, with initial capability scheduled for 2023.

Bulgaria: F-16 https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/

Defense Industry Daily Bulgaria’s parliament approved a government plan to enter into talks with the US on a potential deal for eight F-16 fighter jets in order to replace its Russian MiG-29s. 130 lawmakers voted in favor of the plan. The update will bring the country’s Air Force in line with NATO standards. 84 voted were against entering into discussions with the US and preferred the other two options on the table: Sweden’s Saab Gripen jets and Italy’s second-hand Eurofighters. Lockheed Martin’s F-16V Block 70 is the newest FPage 7 of 29

16 production configuration and includes the Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar. The question of which warplanes to buy has been vexing successive governments in Bulgaria for more than a decade. sub articolul rezultat din linkul de mai sus, pui și aceste linkuri (fără să te duci la articolul aferent): https://www.profit.ro/povesti-cu-profit/vecini/parlamentul-bulgar-aaprobat-inceperea-negocierilor-cu-sua-pentru-achizitionarea-a-opt-avioane-militare-f16-18817251 https://adevarul.ro/international/europa/bulgarii-cumpara-opt-avioane-militareamericane-f-16-1_5c3f4f9cdf52022f75b00c4c/index.html

Boeing, United Airlines Announce Repeat Orders for 737 MAX and 777 https://boeing.mediaroom.com/news-releases-statements?item=130370

Boeing Company 16,01,2019

SEATTLE, WA Jan 16, 2019 – Boeing [NYSE:BA] and United Airlines [NASDAQ:UAL] announced the carrier ordered 24 additional 737 MAX jets and four more 777-300ER (Extended Range) airplanes last year. The $4.5 billion order, according to list prices, was booked as unidentified on Boeing's Orders & Deliveries website. The Chicago-based airline has steadily placed new orders for the two Boeing jets to serve its large domestic and international network. United Airlines is among the more than 100 customers who have made the 737 MAX the fastest-selling airplane in Boeing history, receiving more than 5,000 orders since the program’s launch. ―United Airlines has been instrumental to the phenomenal success of the Boeing 737 and 777 programs over the years. We are honored by United’s continued confidence in our people and our airplanes and services,‖ said Ihssane Mounir, senior vice president of Commercial Sales & Marketing for The Boeing Company. ―We are proud to again extend our long-standing partnership with United Airlines with these latest orders.‖ The MAX builds on the 737’s industry-leading performance and reliability by offering operators more range and 14-percent better fuel efficiency compared to today’s airplanes and 20 percent more than the airplanes it replaces. The MAX achieves the improved performance thanks to the CFM International LEAP-1B engines, Advanced Technology winglets, and other airframe enhancements. The 777 has become the best-selling twin-aisle jet family in history, earning more than 2,000 orders. In fact, United’s order pushed the program over the 2,000 threshold in December. It is also the most reliable twin-aisle jet flying today with the highest schedule reliability in the industry at 99.5 percent. The 777-300ER can seat up to 386 passengers in a three-class configuration and has a maximum range of 7,930 nautical miles (14,685 km). United also utilizes Boeing Global Services to enhance its operations of their large fleet of Boeing aircraft. Multiple digital Boeing solutions, including those powered by Boeing AnalytX, optimize its operations. Recently, United signed for crew management and electronic flight bag (EFB) tools to enhance operational efficiency across all phases of flight.

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Africa’s Top 10 Tech Start-Ups Selected For #Africa4Future Accelerator Programme https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/press-releases/en/2019/01/africas-top-10-techstartups-selected-for-africa4future-accelerator-programme.html

Airbus 17,01,2019

Airbus and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) have announced the top 10 African tech start-ups that will take part in the latest Airbus Bizlab #Africa4Future accelerator programme. They were selected after an open public pitch event in front of experts, potential investors, the media and other stakeholders in Kenya’s capital city. #Africa4Future is a joint business accelerator initiative of Airbus and GIZ’s Make-IT in Africa initiative together with the Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST), a non-profit seed fund and pan-African organisation that brings together startups, entrepreneurs and the tech community, and Innocircle, the South Africanbased innovation consultancy. The top 10 start-ups were selected from 314 entries representing 19 African countries that were received when the challenge was opened last October. These were assessed by a panel of Airbus and other independent experts. The programme aims to encourage and support entrepreneurship in Africa. The continent’s young and increasingly techno-savvy population is likely to be the driving force behind Africa’s socio-economic development. The competition identifies Africa’s own pool of talented entrepreneurs using innovative aerospace based solutions to tackle the continent’s most pressing challenges such as transportation, agriculture and healthcare. As a global aerospace accelerator, Airbus BizLab is ideally suited to help African startups transform innovative ideas into viable and valuable businesses. In doing so, it increases the aerospace industry’s engagement with hardware and software innovators and entrepreneurs in Africa while helping to nurture the establishment of competitive entrepreneurial ecosystems on the continent. The Nairobi event kicks off an intensive 6-month business incubation and accelerator programme involving technical, commercial and mentorship activities in France, Germany and South Africa. This includes workshops and coaching sessions with Airbus experts, GIZ’s Make-IT in Africa, MEST and Innocircle coaches. The programme will culminate with Demo Day events at the biennial Paris International Airshow and a special event in Germany from 19-26 June, when Page 9 of 29

finalists will launch their products, define their collaboration with Airbus and announce their investment commitments in front of representatives from across the aerospace industry. Finalists: 1. Astral Aerial (Kenya) – using drones for humanitarian cargo transport, surveillance and emergency response. 2. Cote d’Ivoire drone (Ivory Coast) – locally-manufactured drones for various applications. 3. Elemental Numerics (South Africa) – applies computational fluid dynamics techniques to the design of machines and components, ranging from aircraft to heart valves. 4. Lentera Limited (Kenya) – applying remote sensors to monitor and transmit environmental data to enable more efficient and smarter farming. 5. Maisha ICT Tech PLC (Ethiopia) – deploying locally built drones for delivering medicines, blood and healthcare items to remote and rural areas. 6. MamaBird (Malawi) – provides a platform to help Governments, NGOs and other organisations deliver vital life-saving supplies to remote communities. 7. Map Action (Mali) – a solution offering real-time online urban mapping to identify problems affecting water supplies, hygiene and sanitation. 8. MobiTech Water Solutions (Kenya) – an online real-time water monitoring solution that allows businesses, homes and water-service providers to manage their available water using an app-based dashboard and instant messaging. 9. Track Your Build (Nigeria) – a novel infrastructure management tool for construction and operations. 10. WiPo Wireless Power (South Africa) – offers reliable and convenient wireless power chargers for businesses, conference centres, airports, restaurants and other venues for the charging of mobile devices, laptops and drones. *** About Airbus BizLab Airbus BizLab is a global aerospace accelerator, where startups and Airbus intrapreneurs speed up the transformation of innovative ideas into valuable businesses. For more information about #Africa4Future, please find us at www.airbus-bizlab.com/africa4future.

Acropolis Aviation takes delivery of 1st ACJ320neo https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/press-releases/en/2019/01/acropolis-aviationtakes-delivery-of-1st-acj320neo.html

Airbus 17,01,2019

Cabin completion of new aircraft next step Acropolis Aviation of the UK has taken delivery of the first ACJ320neo, which features new-generation engines and Sharklets to deliver a leap forward in range and economy. The aircraft will now undergo cabin-outfitting by AMAC in Basle, Switzerland, receiving a VVIP cabin designed by Alberto Pinto. Its current ACJ livery will also be replaced by Acropolis Aviation colours. ―Delivery of the first ACJ320neo is the latest milestone in the roll-out of a completely new ACJ Family, enabling even more of the comfort, range and value prized by business jet customers,‖ says ACJ President Benoit Defforge. The A320neo Family is widely proven with airlines, which already fly more than 600 of them. Page 10 of 29

Corporate jet customers are now poised to benefit from this airliner heritage, enhanced by specific features – such as extra fuel tanks in the cargo hold that contribute even more intercontinental range, an improved cabin atmosphere, a higher maximum take-off weight and cruise altitude, and airstairs.

The ACJ320 Family currently comprises the ACJ319neo, capable of flying eight passengers 6,750 nm/12,500 km or more than 15 hours, and the ACJ320neo, which can fly 25 passengers 6,000 nm/11,100 km or more than 13 hours. Deliveries of the ACJ320neo’s sibling, the ACJ319neo, will begin in the coming months. In addition to the their new fuel-saving engines and Sharklets, ACJ320neo Family aircraft have the widest and tallest cabins of any business jet, without costing more to operate or taking up more ramp space. The ACJ Family includes a complete family of VIP widebodies that can carry even more passengers nonstop around the world - including the new ACJ330neo and ACJ350 XWB. More than 190 ACJs are in service around the world, around the clock. About Acropolis Aviation Acropolis Aviation is a leading luxury charter aviation operator based at Farnborough Airport, the UK's premier business aviation airport, with a complementary sales office in Fort Lauderdale, USA. Its current ACJ319 entered service in March 2010 and has gained a reputation for excellent service in the high-end charter market. About the A320neo Family The A320neo Family is the world’s best-selling single-aisle aircraft with over 6,500 orders from more than 100 customers since its launch in 2010. It incorporates latest technologies including new generation engines and Sharklet wing tip devices, which together deliver more than 15% in fuel savings from day one and 20% by 2020 with further cabin innovations. The A320neo also offers significant environmental performance with nearly 50% reduction in noise footprint compared to previous generation aircraft. About Airbus Corporate Jets Airbus Corporate Jets (ACJ) creates the world’s most rewarding flying experiences for customers by providing them with unique expertise, the finest service, best technology and highest standards of care in corporate aviation. All Airbus corporate jets come from the most modern aircraft family on the market, derived from Airbus’ successful market-leading jetliners.

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High-resolution inspection camera https://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/basler-ace-uinspection-cameras-011719/

Aerospace Manufacturing&Design January 17, 2019

Ahrensburg, Germany – Camera manufacturer Basler has expanded its portfolio: four ace U models with rolling shutter IMX183 CMOS sensor from the Sony Exmor Rseries are now in series production. The cameras offer a resolution of 20 megapixels (MP) with a 1" sensor size and a 29mm x 29mm footprint. This combination makes the four new ace U models suited for inspecting fine structures. The four high-resolution ace U models have Basler’s PGI feature set for color and monochrome cameras, which corrects unwanted artifacts. This provides users with a particularly good evaluation on a pixel level. The back-illuminated (BI) sensor technology of the Sony IMX183 provides high sensitivity and low noise at a pixel size of 2.4µm. With particularly light-sensitive sensors, the four ace cameras offer high image quality even in low light conditions. All four ace U models are available with a GigE and USB 3.0 interface and include the PGI feature set, a combination of 5x5 debayering, color-anti-aliasing, denoising, and improved sharpness. The GigE models also excel with high-performance GigE Vision 2.0 features such as PTP. Basler's free pylon camera software suite ensures fast and simple integration of the ace cameras.

Construction begins on Airbus’ U.S. A220 Manufacturing Facility https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/press-releases/en/2019/01/construction-beginson-airbus-us-a220-manufacturing-facility.html

Airbus 17,01,2019

Airbus’ manufacturing growth in the United States advanced another step today in Mobile, Alabama, as construction of the company’s A220 Manufacturing Facility officially launched with a groundbreaking ceremony. The assembly line will satisfy the strong and growing U.S. demand for the A220 aircraft, the newest offering in Airbus’ commercial aircraft product line. Tom Enders, CEO of Airbus, and Guillaume Faury, President Airbus Commercial Aircraft led the celebration and welcomed approximately 700 attendees including Airbus and other industry executives, Airbus manufacturing employees, state and national dignitaries, and local community leaders. The new assembly line, which is the company’s second U.S.-based commercial aircraft production facility, will be located at the Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley adjacent to the A320 Family production line and will facilitate assembly of A220-100 and A220-300 aircraft for U.S. customers. Aircraft production is planned to begin in Q3 Page 12 of 29

2019; with first delivery of a Mobile-assembled A220 aircraft scheduled for 2020. The new A220 production facilities will be complete by next year. Airbus has strong and longstanding ties to the United States, with Airbus aircraft being operated by the largest airlines in America. Additionally, Airbus is a major partner of U.S. aerospace companies and workers. In the last three years, Airbus spent $48 billion in the United States with hundreds of U.S. suppliers in more than 40 states, translating into Airbus support of more than 275,000 American jobs. Among its facilities in the U.S. Airbus has: engineering centers in Kansas and Alabama; a major training facility in Florida and soon one in Colorado; materials support and headquarters in Virginia; an A320 Family assembly line delivering aircraft in Alabama; an innovative think tank (A3) in California; a drone data analysis business (Airbus Aerial) in Atlanta, Georgia; helicopter manufacturing and assembly facilities in Texas and Mississippi; and a satellite manufacturing facility (OneWeb) in Florida. The A220 is the only aircraft purpose-built for the 100-150 seat market; it delivers unbeatable fuel efficiency and true widebody comfort in a single-aisle aircraft. The A220 brings together state-of-the-art aerodynamics, advanced materials and Pratt & Whitney’s latest-generation PW1500G geared turbofan engines to offer at least 20 percent lower fuel burn per seat compared to previous generation aircraft. With a range of up to 3,200 nm (5920 km), the A220 offers the performance of larger singleaisle aircraft. With an order book of more than 500 aircraft to date, the A220 has all the credentials to win the lion’s share of the 100- to 150-seat aircraft market estimated to represent at least 7,000 aircraft over the next 20 years.

Insights https://economie.hotnews.ro/stiri-companii-22915719-avioane-craiova-selectat-firmaamericana-pentru-modernizarea-avioanelor-lupta-iar-99-standardul-supersoimdauna-americanilor-lockheed-martin-israelienilor-elbit-miza-124-milioaneeuro.htm#self https://www.gds.ro/Local/2019-01-16/exclusiv-gds-israelienii-se-bat-cu-americanii-pebanii-pentru-avioane-craiova/ http://www.esterline.com/avionicssystems/en-us/ https://www.esterline.com/Portals/17/Documents/en-us/CK-Cockpit-4000-4pager_18002.pdf

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Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE Exemple de Contracte https://dod.defense.gov/News/Contracts/Contract-View/Article/1732604/

Department of Defense - USA (for Jan. 15, 2019) ARMY BAE Systems Land & Armaments LP, York, Pennsylvania, was awarded a $474,084,062 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for system technical support and sustainment system technical support. One bid was solicited with one bid received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Jan. 14, 2025. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Michigan, is the contracting activity (W56HZV-19-D-0040). ACC Construction Co. Inc., Augusta, Georgia, was awarded a $30,006,388 firmfixed-price contract for a Special Operations Forces tactical equipment maintenance facility. Bids were solicited via the internet with six received. Work will be performed in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, with an estimated completion date of Sept. 5, 2020. Fiscal 2017 and 2018 military construction funds in the amount of $30,006,388 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, North Carolina, is the contracting activity (W912PM-19-C-0008). Tecmotiv (USA) Inc.,* Niagara Falls, New York, was awarded a $19,644,207 firmfixed-price Foreign Military Sales (Egypt) contract for M60 engine overhaul parts package. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work will be performed in Niagara Falls, New York, with an estimated completion date of Nov. 25, 2020. Fiscal 2011 foreign military sales funds in the amount of $19,644,207 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Michigan, is the contracting activity (W56HZV-19-C-0042). DynCorp International LLC, Fort Worth, Texas, was awarded an $18,537,068 modification (P00205) to contract W58RGZ-13-C-0040 for aviation field maintenance services. Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas, with an estimated completion date of June 30, 2019. Fiscal 2017 and 2019 aircraft procurement, Army; and operations and maintenance, Army funds in the amount of $18,537,068 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity. Mississippi Limestone Corp.,* Friars Point, Mississippi, was awarded an $18,399,991 firm-fixed-price contract for articulated concrete mattress casting at the Mississippi River. Bids were solicited via the internet with two received. Work will be performed in Delta, Louisiana, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 21, 2019. Fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance, Army funds in the amount of $18,399,991 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Mississippi, is the contracting activity (W912EE-19-C-0002). Avatar Environmental LLC,* West Chester, Pennsylvania (W912DQ-19-D-3004); GEO Consultants Corp.,* Kevil, Kentucky (W912DQ-19-D-3005); Trevet-Bay West JV II LLC,* San Diego, California (W912DQ-19-D-3006); and TriEco LLC,* Louisville, Kentucky (W912DQ-19-D-3007 ), will compete for each order of the $12,000,000 hybrid cost-plus-fixed-fee and firm-fixed-price contract for environmental architect engineer services. Bids were solicited via the internet with 10 received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated Page 14 of 29

completion date of Jan. 14, 2024. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City, Missouri, is the contracting activity. Leidos Inc., Reston, Virginia, was awarded a $9,742,355 modification (P00030) to contract W911QX-16-C-0012 for support of Saturn Arch Aerial Intelligence System for day and night image collection and exploitation of Improvised Explosive Device ―hot spot‖ areas. Work will be performed in Bridgewater, Virginia, with an estimated completion date of Sept. 16, 2019. Fiscal 2018 other procurement, Army funds in the amount of $ 2,062,117 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, is the contracting activity. BAE Systems Land & Armaments LP, York, Pennsylvania, was awarded a $7,201,316 modification (P00024) to contract W56HZV-17-C-0059 for the maintenance of M88 recovery vehicles, technical data package maintenance and total ownership cost reduction. Work will be performed in York, Pennsylvania, with an estimated completion date of Jan. 18, 2020. Fiscal 2018 other procurement, Army funds in the amount of $7,201,316 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Michigan, is the contracting activity. DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY ZOLL Medical Corp., Chelmsford, Massachusetts, has been awarded a maximum $400,000,000 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for patient monitoring and capital equipment systems and accessories. This was a competitive acquisition with 36 responses received. This is a five-year base contract with one five-year option period. Location of performance is Massachusetts, with a Jan. 13, 2024, performance completion date. Using customers are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and federal civilian agencies. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2019 through 2024 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE2D119-D-0011). (Awarded Jan. 14, 2019) Valneva USA Inc., Gaithersburg, Maryland, has been awarded a maximum $70,051,600, firm-fixed-price contract for the Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine. This was a sole-source acquisition using justification 10 U.S. Code 2304 ( c)(1), as stated in Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1. This is a one-year contract with no option periods. Location of performance is Maryland and the U.K., with a Jan. 14, 2020, performance completion date. Using military services are Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2019 through 2020 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE2DP-19-D-0001). Dental Health Products Inc.,* New Franken, Wisconsin, has been awarded a maximum $37,500,000 fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment, indefinitedelivery/indefinite-quantity contract for dental equipment and accessories for the Defense Logistics Agency electronic catalog. This was a competitive acquisition with 68 responses received; 20 contracts have been awarded to date. This is a five-year contract with no option periods. Location of performance is Wisconsin, with a Jan. 13, 2024, performance completion date. Using customers are Department of Defense and other federal organizations. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2019 through 2024 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE2DH-19-D-0005). (Awarded Jan. 14, 2019) NAVY Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is awarded $68,933,454 for cost-plus-incentive fee delivery order 0104 against a previously issued basic ordering agreement (N00019-14-G-0020). This order Page 15 of 29

provides for the design, development, documentation, integration, and test of upgrades to the U.S. Reprogramming Laboratory to execute the Mission Data (MD) programming and reprogramming mission for the F-35 Digital Channelized Receiver/Technique Generator and Tuner Insertion Program (DTIP) and non-DTIP configurations. These efforts are in support of Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps operational aircraft, as well as all training aircraft within the continental U.S. with MD products. Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas (65 percent); Baltimore, Maryland (25 percent); and Eglin Air Force Base, Florida (10 percent), and is expected to be completed in May 2021. Fiscal 2018 research, development, test and evaluation (Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps) funding in the amount of $20,000,000 will be obligated at time of award, all of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This order combines purchases for the Air Force ($34,466,727; 50 percent); Navy ($17,233,364; 25 percent), and the Marine Corps ($17,233,363; 25 percent). The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity. C4 Planning Solutions, Blythe, Georgia, is awarded a maximum ceiling $45,488,761 firm-fixed price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite quantity contract with a fiveyear ordering period and option to extend services up to six months for tactical systems support and professional engineering services for the Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity. This contract contains an option, which if exercised, will bring the contract value to $49,999,196. Work will be performed at Camp Pendleton, California (41 percent); Okinawa, Japan (15 percent); Camp Lejeune, North Carolina (four percent); Norfolk, Virginia (four percent); Alexandria, Virginia (four percent); Quantico, Virginia (four percent); New Orleans, Louisiana (two percent); and additional various locations outside the continental U.S. (26 percent), and work is expected to be completed by March 6, 2024. If the option is exercised, work will continue through Sept. 6, 2024. Fiscal 2017 (Marine Corps) operations and maintenance funds in the amount of $515,910; and fiscal 2019 (Marine Corps) operations and maintenance funds in the amount of $146,903 will be obligated under the initial task order immediately following contract award. Although expired, the fiscal 2017 contract funds in the amount of $515,910 are available for this effort in accordance with 31 U.S. Code 1558. The contract was competitively procured via the Federal Business Opportunities website, with two offers received. The Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico, Virginia, is the contract activity (M68909-19-D7605). AECOM Management Services Inc., Germantown, Maryland, is awarded a $35,162,580 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, fixed-price contract resulting from solicitation N00189-18-R-0044 that includes provisions for economic price adjustment to provide third party logistics support services and hazardous material supplies as required by Marine Corp. Pacific and tenant Navy commands in Okinawa, Japan. The contract includes a five-year base ordering period with an option to extend services for a six-month ordering period pursuant to Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.217-8 which if exercised, the total value of this contract will be $38,965,976. All work will be performed in Okinawa, Japan, and work is expected to be completed February 2024. If the option is exercised, work will be completed by August 2024. Fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance (Navy) funds in the amount of $768,053; fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance (Marine Corps) funds in the amount of $1,211,512; and working capital funds (Navy) in the amount of $138,000 will be obligated at time of award. Operations and maintenance (Navy and Marine Corps) funds will expire at the end of the fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured with the solicitation posted to the Federal Business Opportunities website, with two offers received. Naval Supply Systems Command Fleet Logistics Center Page 16 of 29

Norfolk, Contracting Department, Norfolk, Virginia, is the contracting activity. (N00189-19-D-0001) BAE Systems Hawaii Shipyards Inc., Honolulu, Hawaii, was awarded a not-toexceed $9,576,151 undefinitized contract action modification to previously-awarded contract N00024-14-C-4412 for scheduled Surface Incremental Availability (SIA) on USS Halsey (DDG 97). The scheduled SIA is the opportunity in the ship’s life cycle primarily to conduct structural repairs and alteration to systems. Work will be performed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and is expected to be completed by May 2019. Fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance (Navy) funding in the amount of $4,689,804; and fiscal 2018 other procurement (Navy) funding in the amount of $98,255 will be obligated at time of award. Funds in the amount of $4,689,804 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, is the contracting activity. (Awarded Jan. 14, 2019) Global Technical Systems Inc.*, Virginia Beach, Virginia, is awarded an $8,510,970 firm-fixed–price delivery order N00024-19-F-5610 under previously awarded indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract N00024-14-D-5213 for the procurement of 15 Common Processing System (CPS) Technical Instruction Twelve Hybrid (TI-12H) water-cooled production units for Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program and two CPS TI-12H air-cooled production units for ship self defense systems. The CPS is a computer processing system based on an Open Architecture (OA) design. CPS consists of the CPS enclosure assembly and three subsystems: the processing subsystem, the storage/extraction subsystem, and the Input / Output (I/O) subsystem. It is intended to support the computer requirements of various Navy combat systems. This contract will provide for production, testing and delivery of CPS (water cooled, air cooled, and air-cooled commercial equivalents), spares, and associated engineering services. Work will be performed in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and is expected to be complete by October 2019. Fiscal 2018 and 2019 other procurement (Navy) funding in the amount of $8,510,970 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, District of Columbia, is the contracting activity. (Awarded Jan. 14, 2019) Lockheed Martin Corp., Baltimore, Maryland, is awarded a fixed-price-incentive firm target modification to previously-awarded contract N00024-18-C-2300 to exercise an option for the construction of one fiscal 2019 littoral combat ship. The specific contract award amount for this ship is considered source-selection sensitive information (see 41 U.S. Code 2101, et seq., Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 2.101 and FAR 3.104) and will not be made public at this time. Lockheed Martin will perform and oversee all necessary design, planning, construction and test and trials activities in support of delivery of this ship to the Navy. Work will be performed in Marinette, Wisconsin (40 percent); Washington, District of Columbia (7 percent); Baltimore, Maryland (6 percent); Beloit, Wisconsin (2 percent); Iron Mountain, Michigan (2 percent); Milwaukee, Wisconsin (1 percent); Waunakee, Wisconsin (1 percent); Crozet, Virginia (1 percent); Coleman, Wisconsin (1 percent); Monrovia, California (1 percent); and various locations below 1 percent (38 percent), and is expected to be completed by February 2026. Fiscal 2019 shipbuilding and conversion (Navy) funding will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, District of Columbia, is the contracting activity.

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Standardizarea armamentelor europene (24) European armaments standardisation https://www.iss.europa.eu/sites/default/files/EUISSFiles/Defence%20study.pdf

Parlamentul European STUDY Requested by the SEDE Subcommittee PE 603.872 - October 2018 Policy Department for External Relations Directorate General for External Policies of the Union

Figure 7 – NATO standardisation institutions, processes and outputs

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Cap. NAVAL Scandalul privind anularea licitaţiei continuă! Mutare surpriză în proces




Capital Autor: Vasile Popa miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2019

După dezvăluirile din Capital și Evz, care au dus la anularea licitației privind corvete militare pentru România, lucrurile trebuiau să ajungă pe un făgaș normal, iar situația să fie tranșată în justiție. Cu toate acestea, procesul dă deja semne de amânare Procesul prin care Şantierul Naval Constanţa a solicitat anularea actului normativ în baza căruia a fost organizată licitaţia pentru corvete a fost amânat miercuri pentru 20 februarie, deoarece Şantierul Naval nu a angajat avocat. De asemenea, compania Damen a făcut o cerere de intervenţie în dosar. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Procesul în care Şantierul Naval Constanţa cere anularea licitaţiei pentru corvete a fost amânat https://www.mediafax.ro/social/procesul-in-care-santierul-naval-constanta-cereanularea-licitatiei-pentru-corvete-a-fost-amanat-17841339

MEDIAFAX Reprezentanţii şantierului naval au solicitat anularea HG nr. 48 / 2018‖, act normativ care fundamentează derularea procedurii de achiziţie aferentă Programului de înzestrare esenţial „Corvetă multifuncţională‖. La termenul de miercuri, Şantierul Naval Constanţa nu a fost reprezentat de avocat, astfel că instanţa a dispus amânarea dosarului. Un nou termen de judecată a fost stabilit, pentru data de 20 februarie. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... http://www.ziuanews.ro/revista-presei/procesul-in-care-santierul-naval-constantacere-anularea-licitatiei-pentru-corvete-a-fost-amanat-1080016

Insights https://www.upi.com/BAE-contracted-for-repairs-upgrades-on-guided-missiledestroyer-USS-Halsey/9591547663408/?rc_fifo=2

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Cap. RACHETE BARKHANE: FIRST OPERATIONAL DEPLOYMENT OF THE NEW MEDIUM-RANGE MISSILE https://www.mbda-systems.com/2019/01/16/barkhane-first-operational-deploymentof-the-new-medium-range-missile/

MBDA Missile Systems For Sergeant Nicolas, ―the MMP is an exceptional weapon system for both day and night-time observation.‖ From 10 to 22 December, the Picardy Battle Group conducted an operation in the three-border region in the south-east of Mali, during which the new medium-range missile (Missile Moyenne Portée or MMP) was deployed and used for the first time in a combat theatre. Arriving in the area of operations at dawn, the soldiers of the Picardy Battle Group leap out of their armoured vehicles and set about their separate tasks of installing the MMP at the top of a ridge. Each member of the crew of six performs a clearly defined role: commander, gunner, loader, rear gunner, radio gunner or driver. The MMP is in place. Sergeant Nicolas begins observing with the aid of his gunner. The sights of the MMP pick up signs of ground movement. The gunner examines each particular point, zooming in for closer scrutiny. For Sergeant Nicolas, ―the MMP is an exceptional weapon system for both day and night-time observation. The ‘fusion’ mode detects heat sources and allows us, for example, to detect an individual hiding behind trees.‖ This new missile is a real concentrate of electronic innovations: with a range of over 4,000 metres, it can be used both as an anti-personnel and anti-vehicle missile and as an ―anti-infrastructure‖ missile – a useful new feature for operations in the SaheloSaharan Strip, where the sides of certain rock faces are sometimes used as shelters by members of armed terrorist groups. On the technical side, the MMP is easy to use, as the sergeant demonstrates: ―To switch from anti-personnel missile to infrastructure missile mode, I just go to the MMP drop-down menu and select the relevant box. The core of the system is located in the missile, so once the round is launched, my gunner sees in his scope what the missile sees. He can change the target at any time, thanks to the fibre optic data link to the console. The missile is equipped with a camera with day and night vision of outstanding quality.‖ Before being sent out to the theatre of operations, Sergeant Nicolas and his gunner received specific training on the MMP at Draguignan Infantry School. A major innovation, originally developed for the French Army’s infantry and light cavalry units, the MMP is the successor to the Milan system. Having now been deployed for the first time in an operational setting, it will gradually be rolled out to most front-line units. https://www.upi.com/Defense-News/2019/01/16/MBDAs-new-MMP-missile-systemsuccessfully-deployed-in-Mali/3311547659362/

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Cap. EUROPA http://www.romania2019.eu/#s-home

Reuniunea informală a miniştrilor apărării din ţările membre ale UE la Bucureşti https://www.romania2019.eu/2019/01/17/reuniunea-informala-a-ministrilor-aparariidin-tarile-membre-ale-ue-la-bucuresti/

România2019.EU ianuarie 17, 2019

În contextul exercitării de către România a Președinției la Consiliul Uniunii Europene, va avea loc, în zilele de 30 și 31 ianuarie 2019, reuniunea informală a miniştrilor apărării din statele membre UE. Evenimentul se va desfășura la Palatul Regal și la Palatul Parlamentului din Bucureşti. Reuniunea informală va fi prezidată de către Înaltul Reprezentant al Uniunii Europene pentru afaceri externe și politica de securitate, Federica Mogherini şi va fi găzduit de către ministrul apărării naționale, Gabriel Leș. La lucrările reuniunii au fost invitaţi să participe Secretarul General al NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, şi Secretarul General adjunct al ONU pentru operaţii de menţinere a păcii, Jean-Pierre Lacroix. Reuniunea va debuta miercuri, 30 ianuarie, la Palatul Regal, cu o cină de lucru având ca temă „Femeile, Pacea şi Securitatea‖, un domeniu de interes comun pentru UE, NATO și ONU. De asemenea, va fi discutat și modul prin care activitățile circumscrise acestui domeniu pot fi integrate în misiuni de menținere a păcii și management al crizelor. Joi, 31 ianuarie, în cea de-a doua zi a reuniunii, miniștrii se vor întâlni la Palatul Parlamentului pentru a dezbate stadiul şi perspectivele implementării Strategiei Globale a UE pentru Politica Externă şi de Securitate Comună. Se va pune accent pe progresul înregistrat în derularea Page 21 of 29

iniţiativelor din domeniul apărării, pe modalităţile de asigurare a coerenţei diverselor iniţiative din domeniul apărării europene, din perspectiva transpunerii în practică a deciziilor Consiliului UE, precum și pe utilizarea instrumentelor optime aflate la dispoziţia Uniunii pentru valorificarea potenţialului inovării şi cercetării tehnologice, în sprijinul forţelor armate ale statelor membre.

Vot la Strasbourg: Mecanismele de tăiere a banilor europeni pentru țările care nu respectă statul de drept http://cursdeguvernare.ro/vot-la-strasbourg-mecanismele-de-taiere-banilor-europenipentru-tarile-care-nu-respecta-statul-de-drept.html

Curs de Guvernare de Victor Bratu , 17.1.2019

Parlamentul European a votat joi regulamentul ‖privind protecția bugetului Uniunii în cazul unor deficiențe generalizate în ceea ce privește statul de drept în statele membre‖. Proiectul a fost adoptat cu 397 de voturi ‖pentru‖, 158 de voturi ‖împotrivă‖ şi 69 de abţineri. Pentru a deveni lege în întreaga UE, regulamentul mai trebuie votat în Consiliu- o procedură relativ simplă din moment ce inițiativa a avut ca raportori doi reprezentanți, unul de la grupul socialist și democrat, celălat de la grupul popularilor europeni. În plus, în toate cele trei comisii parlamentare aflate în circuitul de avizare, textul a fost amendat cu propuneri chiar mai restrictive decât varianta inițială. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Cap. DECIZIONAL http://www.romania2019.eu/#s-home

Ședința Guvernului României din 17 ianuarie 2019 http://gov.ro/ro/guvernul/sedinte-guvern/informatie-de-presa-privind-proiectele-deacte-normative-aprobate-sau-de-care-guvernul-a-luat-act-in-edinta-guvernuluiromaniei-din-17-ianuarie-2019

Guvern România I. ORDONANȚE 1. ORDONANȚĂ privind reglementarea unor măsuri fiscal-bugetare II. HOTĂRÂRI 1. HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea listei terenurilor agricole situate în extravilan care fac obiectul proiectului de interes comun în domeniul gazelor naturale'' Conducta Ţărmul Mării Negre -Podişor (RO) pentru preluarea gazului din Marea Neagră'' 2. HOTĂRÂRE privind acordarea cetăţeniei române domnului ''Taratukhin Andrey'' 3. HOTĂRÂRE privind acordarea cetăţeniei române domnului ''Valchar Radim'' 4. HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea unor modificări în inventarul bunurilor din domeniul public al statului aflate în administrarea Ministerului Apărării Naţionale, situate în judeţele Prahova, Botoşani, Cluj, Constanţa, Tulcea, Iaşi, Olt, Mehedinţi, Dolj, Timiş, Argeş, Vaslui, Alba, Gorj, Ilfov şi municipiul Bucureşti 5. HOTĂRÂRE privind trecerea din domeniul public în domeniul privat al statului a unor construcţii şi amenajări la terenuri din cadrul unor imobile aflate în administarrea Ministerului Apărării Naţionale, situate în judeţele Vrancea, Alba şi municipiul Bucureşti, în vederea scoaterii din funcţiune şi casării acestora şi pentru modificarea anexei nr.4 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr.1705/2006 pentru aprobarea inventarului centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului 6. HOTĂRÂRE privind trecerea unui imobil, aflat în administrarea Regiei Autonome ''Administraţia Patrimoniului Protocolului de Stat'', din domeniul privat al statului în domeniul public al statului, atribuirea destinaţiei de reşedinţă oficială pentru acest imobil şi pentru modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative 7. HOTĂRÂRE privind modificarea anexei nr.5 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr.1705/2006 pentru aprobarea inventarului centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului, ca urmare a actualizării valorii de inventar 8. HOTĂRÂRE pentru reorganizarea Autorităţii Naţionale pentru Protecţia Consumatorilor, ca urmare a fuziunii prin absorbţie a Centrului Naţionale pentru Încercarea şi Expertizarea Produselor ''Larex'', precum şi pentru modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative 9. HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea desfășurării activităților aferente organizării la București în contextul Președinției României la Consiliul UE în primul semestru al anului 2019 a reuniunii Consiliului Supravegheterilor ESMA și reuniunii membrilor Consiliului Supravegheterilor-EIOPA-Strategy Day, precum și a normativelor de cheltuieli pentru acțiunile de protocol ce se vor efectua în cadrul acestor activități Page 24 of 29

10. HOTĂRÂRE pentru completarea art.4 din anexa la Hotărârea Guvernului nr.741/2018 pentru aprobarea Normelor de aplicare a Ordonanței de urgență a Guvernului nr.50/2018 privind implementarea Programului guvernamental ‖Investește în tine‖ 11. HOTĂRÂRE privind transmiterea unui imobil aflat în domeniul public al statului din administrarea Ministerului Dezvoltării Regionale și Administrației Publice în administrarea Ministerului Justiției III. MEMORANDUMURI 1. MEMORANDUM cu tema: Încadrarea măsurii de ajutor de stat în politicile economico-bugetare și financiare ale statului român 2. MEMORANDUM cu tema: Contribuția României la a doua tranșă a Instrumentului de asistență pentru refugiați destinat Turciei‖, FRIT II IV. RAPOARTE 1. Raport al institutului de Drept Public și Științe Administrative al României aferent anului 2017 V. INFORMĂRI 1. INFORMARE cu privire la desfăşurarea activităţilor din cadrul raporturilor constituţionale între Guvern şi Parlament, în anul 2018 VI. PUNCTE DE VEDERE 1. PUNCT DE VEDERE al Guvernului referitor la propunerea legislativă pentru modificarea și completarea Legii nr.148/2000 privind publicitatea 2. PUNCT DE VEDERE al Guvernului referitor la propunerea legislativă pentru modificarea și completarea Ordonanței de urgență a Guvernului nr. 23/2008 privind pescuitul și acvacultura, cu modificările și completările ulterioare 3. PUNCT DE VEDERE al Guvernului referitor la propunerea legislativă pentru modificarea Legii nr. 114/1996 privind locuinţele 4. PUNCT DE VEDERE al Guvernului referitor la propunerea legislativă pentru completarea Legii nr. 96/2006 privind reforma în domeniul sănătății 5. PUNCT DE VEDERE al Guvernului referitor la propunerea legislativă pentru completarea art. 28 din Ordonanța de urgență a Guvernului nr. 109/2005 privind transporturile rutiere 6. PUNCT DE VEDERE al Guvernului referitor la propunerea legislativă pentru completarea art. 100 din Legea nr. 188/1999 privind Statutul funcționarilor publici 7. PUNCT DE VEDERE al Guvernului referitor la propunerea legislativă pentru modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative în domeniul drepturilor veteranilor de război, invalizilor şi a văduvelor de război 8. PUNCT DE VEDERE al Guvernului referitor la propunerea legislativă pentru modificarea şi completarea Legii nr. 49 din 29 iulie 1991 privind acordarea de indemnizaţii şi sporuri invalizilor, veteranilor şi văduvelor de război, publicată în Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I, 162 din 1 august 1991 9. PUNCT DE VEDERE al Guvernului referitor la propunerea legislativă privind Proiectul de Lege pentru modificarea şi completarea Legii bibliotecilor nr. 334/2002, provenit dintr-o propunere legislativă 10. PUNCT DE VEDERE al Guvernului referitor la propunerea legislativă pentru modificarea și completarea unor acte normative în domeniul justiției 11. PUNCT DE VEDERE al Guvernului referitor la propunerea legislativă pentru modificarea art. 65 alin. (5) din Legea nr. 263 din 16 decembrie 2010 privind sistemul unitar de pensii publice 12. PUNCT DE VEDERE al Guvernului referitor la propunerea legislativă pentru modificarea art. 31 din Legea nr.217/2016 privind diminuarea risipei alimentare

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13. PUNCT DE VEDERE al Guvernului referitor la propunerea legislativă pentru modificarea art. 15 din Ordonanța de urgență a Guvernului nr. 97/2005 privind evidența, domiciliul, reședința și actele de identitate ale cetățenilor români 14. PUNCT DE VEDERE al Guvernului referitor la propunerea legislativă privind facilitarea încheierii contractelor de donație între operatorii economici și instituțiile sociale 15. PUNCT DE VEDERE al Guvernului referitor la propunerea legislativă privind combaterea birocrației în activitatea de relații cu publicul a autorităților și instituțiilor publice centrale și locale

Graziela Elena Vâjială, vicepreședinte ANFPISDR Primul-Ministru Decizie privind numirea doamnei Graziela Elena Vâjială în funcția de vicepreședinte, cu rang de subsecretar de stat, al Autorității Naționale pentru Formare Profesională Inițială în Sistem Dual din România Nr. 6 din 17-Ianuarie-2019 Decizie privind eliberarea, la cerere, a doamnei Graziela Elena Vâjială din funcția de președinte, cu rang de secretar de stat, al Agenției Naționale Anti-Doping Nr. 5 din 17-Ianuarie-2019 M. Of. Partea I nr. 46 din 17 Ianuarie 2019

Ramona-Liliana Seciu, eliberare funcție Primul-Ministru Decizie privind încetarea exercitării, cu caracter temporar, prin detașare, de către doamna Ramona-Liliana Seciu a funcției publice vacante din categoria înalților funcționari publici de secretar general adjunct al Secretariatului de stat pentru recunoașterea meritelor luptătorilor împotriva regimului comunist instaurat în România în perioada 1945-1989 Nr. 8 din 17-Ianuarie-2019 M. Of. Partea I nr. 46 din 17 Ianuarie 2019

Andrei Stănișoară, SGA la MRP Primul-Ministru Decizie privind exercitarea de către domnul Andrei Stănișoară, cu caracter temporar, prin detașare, a funcției publice vacante din categoria înalților funcționari publici de secretar general adjunct al Ministerului pentru Relația cu Parlamentul Nr. 7 din 17-Ianuarie-2019 M. Of. Partea I nr. 46 din 17 Ianuarie 2019

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Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 11 ian.2019 4.6782 5.1833 4.0586 168.7340


14 ian.2019 4.6771 5.2399 4.0802 169.8717

15 ian.2019 4.6822 5.2618 4.0973 169.8613

16 ian.2019 4.6830 5.2808 4.1063 170.2727

17 ian.2019 4.6890 5.2962 4.1126 171.1534




5.5 EURO Y19






USD Y19 3.5

USD Y18 31-12-19





























Lei 170 165 AUR Y19 160































grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

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Cap. EVENIMENTE Prospects of arms standardisation in EU and NATO Subcommittee on Security and Defence Agenda Brussels

24 January 2019, 9.00 – 12.30 Exchange of views: - Evardas Mazeikis, Deputy Director, Industry, Synergies & Enablers Directorate (ISE), European Defence Agency (EDA) - Representative, DG GROW, EC - John Jansen, Chairman, NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NIAG) and Senior Advisor EU Affairs to the Netherlands Foundation for Defence and Security Industries (NIDV)

Defence Logistics Central and Eastern Europe Conference Join us as we bring together the key military logisticians from across the Central and Eastern European region and beyond, to discuss new trends and crucial developments in Defence Logistics, and learn how modern Armed Forces are increasingly pursuing improved logistic capacity. The event takes place in Prague, Czech Republic on 5 - 6 March, 2019 More information on the event can be found on this ASDEvents page:https://www.asdevents.com/event.asp?id=19150

Cap. INVESTIȚII Proiecte legi Programul guvernamental "INVESTEȘTE ÎN TINE" http://www.mfinante.gov.ro/pagina.html;jsessionid=Tf3t8aiPM1XE8e1xfmeewGspFMQLJIe9Yum_6by.www1:server12?categoriebunuri=proiecte-actenormative&pagina=acasa&locale=ro&menu=Transparenta Proiect Hotărâre pentru completarea art.4 din anexa la HG nr.741/2018 pentru aprobarea Normelor de aplicare a OUG nr.50/2018 privind implementarea Programului guvernamental "INVESTEȘTE ÎN TINE"- publicat în data de 16.01.2019 Nota de fundamentare d i s t r i b u i t o r H E R AL D I N S I G H T S http://www.competitiveintelligence.ro

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