1 minute read

an d M aster G ar d eners c ome to g et h er f or c am p s

By Amanda Stark

Prairie County 4-H and the Prairie County Master Gardeners offered a Green Thumb Camp. Campers learned about the importance of bees and made bee houses. They also made bird feeders, decorated flowerpots, and planted flowers. This was a wonder- ful opportunity for campers to learn from the Master Gardeners.

At the end of camp, we always ask the campers what they liked and didn’t like. None of the campers had anything negative to say and wanted another Green Thumb Camp. We can’t wait for next summer and already have sever- al ideas for next year’s camp. This camp was broken into two days by the camper’s age. July 7th camp is for Cloverbuds (5- to 8-yearolds) from 9am to 2 pm at the Prairie County Fairgrounds. And the July 8th camp was for Juniors (9- to 12-Yearolds) at the Prairie County Fairgrounds.

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