Raihan Athallah
Selected Works. 2022
Cirruculum Vitae
as of November 2022 Muhammad Raihan Athallah, S. Ars. Fresh Graduate of Interior Architecture
Hi there, I’m Raihan!
2000. 01.08.Singapore.
Contact contactheran@gmail.com +6281299854840 @heranrehan
Fresh graduate of interior architecture, at the University of Indonesia. A young, motivated, and passionate person, ready to accept new challenges and experiences in my careerworld.
Graduated as a class of 2022, I have experience in work andorganization,whichIbelievewillbeanaddedvaluefor me,asanassetattheplacewhereIwork.
Four years as an interior architecture student, as well as one year experience of full-time worker, had shaped my characterasacommunicative,creative,andacooperative person,whowillbeveryusefulintheworldofwork.
Universitas Indonesia
Bachelor Degree of Architecture
SMAN 3 Tangerang Selatan
Science Major
Work / Organization Experience
SHS & Associates (Work)
Interior Designer
Jan 2022 - Sep 2022
Dakara Builds (Work)
Freelance Interior Designer
Jun 2022 - Jul 2022
Studiork (Work)
Architectural Intern Sep 2021 - Nov 2021
Jul 2018 - Sep 2022
Jun 2015 - Jun 2018
Freelance Architecture / Interior Project and Visualizer (Work)
Architecture and Design Communication Jun 2022 - Now
Ekskursi Arsitektur UI 2021 (Organization)
- Deputy Head of Operations
- Special Team of Expedition (Interview Division) Feb 2021 - Feb 2022
Scream or Dance (Committee)
PIC of Disable Visitor Oct 2022
Date of Birth
2nd Place Winner
Wiswakharman Expo 2022 by UGM International Architecture Competition
3rd Place Winner
RE(DIS)COVERY Archevent 2021 by UNS International Architecture Competition
Architecture / Interior Project
ZOZO Garden (Finished) Freelance Project Dakara Builds (2022)
AKP Batam Office (On Going) Co - PIC SHS & Associates (2022 - Present)
Skills and Interest
Hard Skills
SketchUp (Advanced) AutoCAD (Advanced) Lumion (Advanced) Enscape (Advanced) Corona for 3ds Max (Proficient)
Adobe Illustrator (Advanced) Adobe Photoshop (Advanced) Adobe Indesign (Advanced) Adobe Premiere Pro (Intermediate)
Soft Skills
Communication Design-Thinking Creative-Thinking
Strategic Planning Concepting Problem Solving
Adapting Teamwork Leadership
Top 15 Best Design
Sayembara Arsitektur 2021 by UPH International Architecture Competition
Grand Inna Bali Beach (On Going) Co - PIC
SHS & Associates (2022 - Present)
Interest Design Team Sport Weightlifting
Digital Arts Visual Arts Music
ZOZO Garden Freelance, 2022.
3D Visualization
SHS & Associates, 2022.
Selembar Kursi Academic, 2020.
Interior Project Freelance and Academics
Freelance and Academic Works 2020 - 2022
Exceed Borneo
International Architecture Competition, 2022.
International Architecture Competition, 2021.
International Architecture Competition, 2021.
00 01
02 03
Architecture Project 04 05 06 07
Interior Project
ZOZO Garden
Design Project
With the tag #GardenToShare, ZOZO Garden is a restaurant, which unites garden programs, both in architecture and interiors. With many natural elements in the existing spaces, ZOZO Garden uses a natural approach in designing its interior, both in terms of the use of materials, colors, and forms, in order to create an attractive dining atmosphere.
Site Scope
Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia.
Design Concept
By incorporating natural elements into the interior design, a new and unique atmosphere can be felt when visitors come to eat, or relax with relatives.
Material and color choices are also made, in order to keep creating continuity between the natural concept design and the overall design, this includes the selection of materials on the floor, walls, ceiling, to furniture.
*All customized built in furniture
Design affects social media engagement
Interior Project
3D Visualization
SHS & Associates
I believe that in visualizing a space, not just pressing the render button, and making the designed space look realistic.
Details of field meetings, use of materials, and brainstorming are very necessary, because 3D visualization is a communi cation platform, related to the design to be built.
*3D assets (furniture, chandelier) has been provided by the office.
Scope Software Workflow Year
Residential, hotel Sketchup (Modelling) 3Ds Max (Convert, render setting)
Corona for 3Ds Max (Render) 2022
To add options to interior design, efforts to add options both in terms of design, and the use of materials, are quite common.
Selembar Kursi Academic, Digital Fabrication
During the pandemic, and due to applying social distancing in the new normal, seating areas in hospitals, stations, airports, trains, etc, are given signs to not sit on. X's are accustomed to skip a seating to another. But in Jakarta, it isn't enough to discipline people with just signs.
Selembar Kursi's aim is to create a public seating area, that supports social distancing by designing collapsible personal stool; minimizing the possibility of people infecting or getting infected by the virus. The design aids a system where people could feel they're in a safe space despite being outside their homes, not concerned about people sitting too near to them or who sat there before they did.
Scope Team Year
Adika Ramaghazy, Lintang Kirana Sitaputri, Muhammad Rafif Cahyadi 2020
Digital Fabrication
The design's parts were digitally fabricated by laser-cutting sheets of plywood, which then was manually assembled in a manner to achieve the furniture's goal. The hinges and clips also was made through digital fabrication process using 3D printing technology.
This technique is used because for an object in a rather large size, it would be more efficient to assemble two dimensional surfaces into a 3D form; while designing, the construction process was also be considered.
Collapsible Mechanism
We constructed the design to have flat surfaces for easier cleaning, storage, and mobility. And due to those reasons, we chose laser-cutting to easily cut flat surfaces. The material chosen is a 9 mm thick plywood.
For the hinges and clips, we chose to manufacture them by 3D printing because this method allows us to easily objectify complex shapes into reality.
We designed a 3d print hinge by referencing a metal hinge, then adjusting it to suit it more with our design. We also designed a clip in order to keep the stool folded and won't open as wildly when it's carried around.
Instaling the bamboo dowel as the hinge mechanism, by drilling through the boards.
Connecting the footing with the seating area with hinges. We also have to make sure the interlock mechanism are correctly placed.
Adjusting the placement of the hinges on different levels to prevent the screws from colliding.
Freelance and Academic Works
Woodworking Academic, 2021
Wood joineries, as a part of a shelter that made by studentes. All process and equipment are fully operated by them
Shelter have to be easily carrty by truck. So we made a collapsible structure.
Freelance and Academic Works
Diagram - IKN Competition 2022
Freelance, associated with DP Architects, Arup. 2022
Freelance and Academic Works
Post Production : Plans and Section Academic, 2021
Freelance and Academic Works
Interior Architecture Design Academic, 2021
Exceed Borneo
As a wildlife center that is also a place for research and education, Exceed Borneo connects humans as visitors with the existing ecosystem. Deliberate interaction between humans and animals, created without having to confine and limit the movement of animals massively.Insteadofconfininghumans,humansareactuallylimitedby bridgeswhenexploringtheavailableecosystems.
Thelimitationofthebridgedoesnotallowhumanstoexperiencethe ecosysteminalimitedway,itcanevenexceedotherpossibilitieswith existinglayoutsandprograms.
Scope Team Year Status
Palangkaraya, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia. Wildlife Center Muhammad Rafif Cahyadi, Muhammad Rizky Rivaldi 2022 2nd Place Winner
1. Anton Siura (Founder, SIURA Studio)
2. Yori Antar (Director, PT. Han Awal Architect)
3. Yun Hye Hwang (Associate Professor, National University of Singapore)
4. Ligaya Ita Tumbelaka (Veterinary Medecine Lecturer)
5. Agus Hariyadi (Architecutre Lecturer)
6. Yani Rahmawati (Architecture Lecturer)
In responding to existing issues and efforts, statements made without humans, nature, and animals,weremadebytreatingtheflatcontextthatexistsonthesiteinKalimantan,withtheaim ofbringingtogetherthethreeimportantaspectsoftheExceedBorneoprogram.
High Zone
Bird sightseeing
Medium Track Full Closure
Low Zone
Fish sightseeing Short Track
Half Closure
The building with the largest mass, which includes both communal and educational activities.
Ecosystem connector, the main place for visitors to interact with animals.
Animal care center, from emergency treatment to intensive care.
±0.00 + 3.15
Panonpoe InternationalArchitectureCompetition
The gradual construction, and the manifestation of a humble design, allowed Panonpoe to immediately respond to issues related to landslidevictims,whoneededshelterassoonaspossible,aswellas tohealexistingwoundsandtrauma.
Programsthatincreasetheproductivityofthevictims,whilerevitalizing existing sites, as well as space programs that trigger tranquility by utilizing sunlight and the sound of water, have enabled Panonpoe to successfully heal and restore the lives of people who previously existed.
Site Scope Team Year Status
Cihanjuang Village, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
Shelter, Healing Architecture
Kelvin Andrean, Rifki Fauzan 2021 3rd Place Winner
1. Ir. Eko Agus Praw Noto M.Arch, IAI, (Eko Prawoto Architecture ure Workshop)
2. Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Hamdan Bin Haji Ahmad, Ph.D (Deputy Vice Chancellorm Universit Teknologi Malaysia)
3. Lee Yoke Lai, Ph.D (Senior Lecturer of Landscape Architecture Program, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
4. Leng Pau Chung, Ph.D.. , Tech. (Senior Le ecturer of Architecture Prog rogram, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
5. Mohammad Abdul Hakim, M.A., Ph.D (Lecturer of Department of Pyschology, Universitas Sebelas Maret)
6. Dr. Eng. Kusumaningdyah N.H, S.T., M.T. (Lecturer of Department of Architecture, Universitas Sebelas Maret
01. Relief Stage
02. Recovery Stage
03. Development Stage
J A R A K is a space with the main program where street vendors sell their wares, in a cleaner, hygienic and interactive way. The use of components in space that has their own mechanism, allows the space to have various and flexible functions while maintaining cleanliness, maintaining distance, using masks, and utilizing natural air with the integration that occurs between space and nature.
With components and space systems that are in accordance with the Covid-19 protocol, J A R A K is an effort to improve the economy of street vendors during the pandemic, but can also adapt to other space functions.
Site Scope Team Year Status
Flexible, flat contour
Public Space, Shop Muhammad Rafif Cahyadi 2021 Top 15 Best Design
1. Alvar Mensana, B. Arch., M. S. AAD.
2. Achmad Zakaria IAI
3. Ardzuna Sinaga, B. Sc.
Free Platform
Bidang yang mudah untuk dibawa, karena penggunaan material kayu yang memliki karakteristik kuat, namun juga cukup ringan dan mudah, baik untuk dipindahkan maupun mengu bah orientasinya.
Tahap pertama pada penggunaan furnitur, yaitu mengaktivasi salah satu bidang yang terhimpit di bagian kaki meja, dengan cara memutarkannya.
(rotate mechanism)
Tahap kedua, yaitu dapat menggunakan bidang yang sama di bagian yang berseberangan. Jarak antar pengguna kursi akan tetap terjaga di kondisi apapun, karena bidang hubungan antar bidang kayu yang telah terkunci.
(rotate mechanism)
Tahap ketiga, memulai dengan menggeser bagian tengah meja, dan memutarkan bagian kursi, sehingga furniture dapat digunakan oleh 3 orang sekaligus, dengan jarak yang tetap dan akan selalu terjaga.
(slide & rotate mechanism)
Flexible Modules
Dengan menggunakan furniture dan partisi yang bersifat fleksibel, modul secara keseluruhan juga menjadi ruang yang fleksibel.
Fleksibilitas pada ruang dapat menciptakan tipe penggunaan ruang yang bervariasi di mulai dari tempat PKL berdagang di kala covid dengan lebih higenis, sampai event-event tertentu lainnya apabila sedang tidak digunakan PKL (pusat vaksin semetara, exhibition artis lokal).
Muhammad Raihan Athallah contactheran@gmail.com +62 812 9985 4840