6 minute read
In today's world, so much of it exists in the palm of your hand ... literally. We have
In today's world, so much of it exists in the palm of your hand ... literally. We have walking computers and information and the tip of our fingerprints and with the tap of walking computers and information and the tip of our fingerprints and with the tap of a few buttons a plethora of options for what you're searching for is magically there for a few buttons a plethora of for what you're searching for is magically there for you to scroll and swipe through. Like any online application, the goal is to garner your you to scroll and swipe through. Like any online application, the goal is to garner your attention and time and the longer that you're swiping or clicking through images, attention and time and the longer that you're swiping or clicking through images, video, or other layered content, the more likely you are to inquire or transact. video, or other layered content, the more likely you are to inquire or transact.
As mentioned in prior articles, there are thousands of businesses competing for the
As mentioned in prior articles, there are thousands of businesses competing for the same space and customer/patient loyalty. The old ways of door-to-door sales are near same space and customer/patient loyalty. The old ways of door-to-door sales are near extinct but still an important piece to the spoke of the sales or productivity wheel. extinct but still an important piece to the spoke of the sales or productivity wheel. However, the magic again lies in the palm of your hand and just like a rabbit out of a the magic again lies in the palm of your hand and just like a rabbit of a hat, you can produce a near tangible impression upon the consuming viewer. So, hat, you can produce a near tangible impression upon the consuming viewer. So, though it's critical to have a solid product and price, if nobody knows what products though it's critical to have a solid product and price, if nobody knows what products are available at the touch of a screen, you have to be word of mouth only (which is a are available at the touch of a screen, you have to be word of mouth only (which is a powerful marketing piece whether good or bad). powerful marketing piece whether or bad).
So, if you are hitting the Oklahoma pavement with treads and 20-30 miles to the
So, if you are hitting the Oklahoma pavement with treads and 20-30 miles to the gallon in moving from stop to stop (or inversely asking a consumer to do it to visit your gallon in moving from stop to stop (or inversely asking a consumer to do it to visit your shop), why burn more energy, time, and money when you can leverage the power of shop), why burn more energy, time, and money when you can leverage the power of online media? It doesn't have to be the fanciest or most expensively contracted media? It doesn't have to be the fanciest or most expensively arrangement to produce the online content, it should just be clear, concise, and arrangement to produce the online content, it should just be clear, concise, and represent your company in the reality that it stands. If you're boutique, present represent your company in the reality that it stands. If you're boutique, present boutique. If you're a massive producer, display your ability for volume. If you've got a boutique. If you're a massive producer, display your ability for volume. If you've got a suite of products or pricing tiers, then indicate so (carefully done on some social suite of or pricing tiers, then indicate so (carefully done on some social outlets as to not be removed or banned). outlets as to not be removed or banned).

Having a website is certainly a great way to have a central landing place for anyone to Having a website is certainly a great way to have a central landing place for anyone to get to. Layering it with other social outlets like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, SnapChat, get to. Layering it with other social outlets like Instagram, TikTok, SnapChat, is certainly a springboard even if you don't want or can't keep up with a website. There is certainly a springboard even if you don't want or can't keep up with a website. There are great ways to post and share and expand your social awareness using these are great ways to post and share and expand your social awareness using these platforms. There are so many different tips and tricks to expanding your social platforms. There are so many different tips and tricks to expanding your social presence and branded material and so many different articles and links out there that presence and branded and so many different articles and links out there that can provide amazing tips and tricks for building your base of followers/viewers. You can provide amazing tips and tricks for building your base of followers/viewers. You definitely need your brand identity to speak clearly to what it is that you're trying to definitely need your brand identity to speak clearly to what it is that you're trying to convey. convey.
Additionally, there are transactional applications that act as promotional
Additionally, there are transactional applications that act as promotional advertisements for the consumer or businesses that you're trying to reach. advertisements for the consumer or businesses that you're trying to reach. WeedMaps, Leafly, IndicaOnline, Leaf Link, and more are great (but more expensive) WeedMaps, Leafly, IndicaOnline, Leaf Link, and more are great (but more expensive) ways to showcase your product presentations. It's just as important (and absolutely ways to showcase your product presentations. It's just as important (and absolutely critical if you're only doing B2B transactions) to establish a brand and reputation via you're only doing B2B transactions) to establish a brand and reputation via these B2B, with some end consumer outreach, applications. Clearly illustrating what these B2B, with some end consumer outreach, applications. Clearly illustrating what makes your product different via how it's produced and associated price point sounds makes your product different via how it's produced and associated price point sounds easy but you have to understand the market and your product offering so that you easy but you have to understand the market and your product offering so that you can separate yourself from your competitors. can separate yourself from your competitors.
Last, and unfortunately, there will be those that take advantage of your brand or Last, and unfortunately, there will be those that take advantage of your brand or content and steal or duplicate it. It's important to assess who you're doing business content and steal or duplicate it. It's important to assess who you're doing business with and have clearly defined ownership rights to the brand and content. It seems and have clearly defined ownership to the brand and It seems more prevalent in a space where cannabis was completely illegal and so many had to more prevalent in a space where cannabis was completely illegal and so many had to scheme for ways to navigate the black marketplace. It's certainly seeped into the scheme for ways to navigate the black marketplace. It's certainly seeped into the medicinal business world and you must find ways to protect yourself from those that medicinal business world and you must find ways to protect yourself from those that are copying or fraudulently packaging or selling products under your brand's identity. are copying or fraudulently packaging or selling products under your brand's identity. So, whatever platforms work for your business, take the time to ensure you're So, whatever platforms work for your business, take the time to ensure you're illustrating your brand and products in the best light. Be honest. Be transparent. Be illustrating your brand and products in the best light. Be honest. Be transparent. Be the business that you want others to gravitate to because you are doing the right thing the business that you want others to gravitate to because you are doing the right thing by your patients, business partners, and employees. It will pay off in the long run to be by your business partners, employees. It will pay off in the run to be what you present online and always stand behind the quality of what you're putting in what you present online and always stand behind the quality of what you're putting in the hands of businesses and consumers. Next month, we will touch on consumer the hands of businesses and consumers. Next month, we will touch on consumer facing transactions and how your product/service impacts the person at the checkout facing transactions and how your product/service impacts the person at the checkout counter. Until then, I hope you had a monumental 4/20 and that you're continuing to counter. Until then, I hope you had a 4/20 and that you're continuing to push for completely freeing the use and growth of cannabis. push for completely freeing the use and growth of cannabis.

When the market first took off, dispensaries were scrapping for any and all products