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Doctor sees need for holistic dentistry
How One Doctor Sees the Need for Holistic Dentistry
No one expects to be diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in their 20’s. So, when Dr. Karaneh Jahan received this very news, she knew that her diagnosis could lead to a rapid deterioration of her physical and mental health alike.
As such, she was determined to seek a more holistic approach for treatment; one that would allow her to understand both her condition and her own body on a deeper and more intricate level and work towards placing her disease in remission without the need for prescription medicines or invasive procedures.
“I was constantly shuffling in and out of doctors’ offices, trying a slurry of debilitating medications without lasting success of symptom control,” said Dr. Jahan.
“I set out on a journey to help control my illness through a more natural route.”
After six years of what she calls “trial and error,” Dr. Jahan was able to achieve that intricate understanding of her own body and achieve a status of remission with her autoimmune disease.
This achievement, as Dr. Jahan tells us, was largely in part to her discovery (and her subsequent pursuit) of holistic dentistry. does not take into account its integration and connectivity with the rest of the body,” Dr. Jahan said. “I decided to start Brio as a holistic dentistry practice in January 2020 because I believe in aligning oral care with your overall wellness.”
As the name implies, holistic dentistry uses a holistic approach to individual oral care and hygiene, taking into account how oral health affects the health of the rest of the body.
In this way, holistic dentistry treats oral health issues by also focusing on aspects of mental, emotional, and spiritual health, as well as the physical health of the entire human body.
This differs from traditional dentistry and oral care that tends to only treat issues related to the health of our teeth, gums, jaw, and upper neck.
Traditionally, these parts of the body are kept healthy through practices like brushing and flossing.
When combining holistic philosophies and tools in an approach to dentistry, treatment can include techniques such as ozone therapy, using only biocompatible, metal-free, mercury-free materials, CBD treatments, herbology, art therapy, and aromatherapy to name a few.
“My goal with establishing a holistic lifestyle, as a patient, was to find a way to overcome my illness.
My goal now, as a holistic dentist and the
“After working in 7 different dental clinics, I came to realize that traditional dentistry does not take into account its integration and connectivity with the rest of the body,”
A Holistic Approach to Dentistry
“After working in 7 different dental clinics, I came to realize that traditional dentistry
Dr. Karaneh Jahan of Brio Dental. Photo submitted founder of Brio Dental, is to care for the whole person--from dental care to self-care and beyond,” says Dr. Jahan.
Mouth-Full of Philanthropy
One of the strongest differences in holistic dentistry is the option for health providers to utilize biocompatible (i.e., more natural) materials rather than those relied on in traditional dentistry.
For instance, when a traditional dentist fills a cavity, patients have little say - if any - as to the materials being used and placed in their body.
With holistic dentistry, many will perform biocompatibility tests to see which substances and materials are most optimal to use for each individual patient’s body, immune system, and health when treating dental-related issues.
Such an approach has helped Dr. Jahan not only with her own health journey, but also in better understanding how holistic dentistry can benefit each patient’s own unique health background.
“One of the things I’m most proud of is our involvement with the HALO Dental Network and their non-profit organization,” said Dr. Jahan. “We give one charitable full-mouth dental makeover annually to an individual in need.”
Dr. Jahan also mentioned other philanthropic work she performs through Brio as a holistic dentist, including sponsoring local sports teams and elementary school girls athletic clubs, in addition to donating dental products to childrens’ foster homes.
Looking at the Whole Picture
According to Dr. Jahan, she seeks to become the go-to dental clinic for patients and local figures at her practice in Portland, OR.
Along with plans to expand Brio’s holistic dentistry to a second location by 2024, she would also like to perform more cosmetic dental procedures, as well as help more people better understand the benefits of holistic dentistry.
“At Brio Dental, we believe it is our responsibility to care for PEOPLE,” Dr. Jahan added, “not just their teeth.”