4 minute read
Crusty or Oozing Patch
Anything crusty or oozing that is not healing is a classic basal cell carcinoma lesion. Spider bites crust and ooze but eventually heal over. Get it checked out by a dermatologist.
Red or Purple Lesions
Merkel cell carcinoma can appear as a blue, red, or purple nodule, according to the Mayo Clinic. Another rare cancer, Kaposi sarcoma, can show up as discolored skin too.
Spots or Bumps that Don’t Heal
If it’s a spot or bump you never noticed before and it doesn’t heal, get it checked out.
The increase in the incidence of skin cancer can be mainly attributed to the use of artificial sunlamps and intense exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light (Bolognia et al., 2012).
It has been shown that individuals who use tanning beds before the age of 35 years increase their risk for melanoma by 75% (International Agency for Research on Cancer Working Group on Artificial Ultraviolet [UV] Light and Skin Cancer, 2007*
But there are other strong risks for skin cancer too.
Frequent sunburns, especially when young, increase the risk. As you age, the risk increases, due likely to accumulated exposure to UV radiation.
Conditions that weaken the immune system, such as viruses (including Covid-19 virus)or diseases make the body more susceptible to skin cancer.
Viruses like the human papilloma virus (HPV) infections, particularly those that affect the anal or genital area, place the individual at higher risk for skin cancer.
Gender plays a factor too. Men are two times more likely to develop basal cell carcinoma and three times more likely to develop squamous cell carcinoma than women.
Skin tone – Caucasians have a higher risk of skin cancer than non-whites. Those who have blonde or red hair, blue or green eyes or skin that burns or freckles easily have a higher risk.
Lifestyle risks, such as smoking, chemical exposure or UV exposure, place those individuals at higher risk.
From a natural health perspective, it makes sense what you put in your body is just as important as what you put on your body.
Experts urge using sunscreen daily. However, it’s critically important to support the body’s immune health by taking supplements like Vitamin C daily and anti-oxidants that lower the risk of getting skin cancer.
Change lifestyles for the better – quit smoking, eat fruits and vegetables daily,
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Fruitful Ceremonies Explore New Ways to Meditate
By Marilyn Zink
There’s a new way to enjoy fruit that combines it with meditation for a healing experience that connects it with the five senses to feel more grounded and inspired.
This new way of meditating with fruit is the brainchild of Alejandro Glatt, who found difficulties connecting to meditate during healing experiences. Meditating takes focus and stamina, so he found fruit grounded him and linked him with the earth.
As a result, he started using fruit as a visual and tasty tool to bring people together and escape stress with a new way to meditate.
Glatt says he grew up with a fascination of fruit and played with different types of fruit to experience different sensations.
He calls it fruit healing, which gives people a new way to tap into meditating by touching, smelling, scratching and licking fruit.
“I figure how difficult it is for a lot of people to meditate, says Glatt.
“It’s difficult to tune in, stop thinking and connect.”
Glatt calls the experience Feel the Fruit, a lifestyle brand that encompasses giant fruit mandala art pieces as well as eclectic dried fruit jewelry accessories.
Fruit offer a variety of health and wellness benefits and Glatt is pioneering a unique way to implement the sweet produce into daily life through ceremonies of appreciation
Based in Tulum, Alejandro Glatt is a multidisciplinary artist, passionate about the aesthetic and energetic interactions between fruit, colors, and humans.
He has a permaculture design background specializing in fruit so he understands the fruit growing process and how to manifest an abundance cycle.
He finds and shares the essence of the fruit, represented through an artistic and sensual lens.
Through altars, ceremonies and workshops, his message to the world is to connect, play and interact with Mother Nature’s resources.
Glatt has been featured in Envision festival Costa Rica, Art With Me Tulum and Miami, Project Heart in Turkey, Art Week in Mexico City, Ahana Yoga in Miami and in a variety of hotels, festivals and retreats in Mykonos, Melbourne, Los Ángeles, Joshua Tree, Santa Teresa, Xilitla and Tel Aviv.
Alejandro Glatt with a papaya, often used as part of fruit ceremony. Photo submitted