TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction The Importance of the Immune System How our Gut Health Affects Immunity How to Keep your Gut Happy and Healthy How the Spleen and Bone Marrow Support the Immune System Immune System Boosting Supplements Conclusion
Introduction The fundamentals of our body are our health- physical and mental. These require dedicated care and looking after if one is to maintain their health and keep in tiptop shape. Immunity is a key aspect of a person's health. Immunity is a person's tolerance and resistance against health issues caused by dangerous foreign bodies and other factors. Since it is an element of health, immunity, too, can be improved upon and developed with good practices and habits. A healthy person with high immunity does not fall ill easily and is hence, both physically and mentally fit than a person with poor immunity, who is susceptible to weaknesses and frequent health issues.
Importance of the Immune System Your immune system is your body's natural defense mechanism from bacteria, viruses, and microbes. Your immune system goes about protecting your body from these threats through 3 actions: 1. It creates a barrier against said infections 2. If the bacteria gets through the barrier, the immune system tries to identify what that bacteria is and attempts to block it from reproducing in your body. 3. If the bacteria successfully reproduce and therefore causes you to have physical symptoms, such as strep throat or a cold, it's the immune system's job to then find a way to eliminate it.
Your immune system is made up of various components inside your body that work together, some of which include your thymus, spleen, bone marrow, white blood cells, antibodies, and hormones. By taking care of your body, getting enough rest, drinking a lot of fluids, and paying attention to what you eat, you're able to support how well your immune system functions. In this article, we'll focus specifically on what to eat and how certain foods can help increase the chance of your immune system fighting off harmful organisms.
How our Gut Health Affects Immunity You may be surprised to learn that your digestive tract and immune system are closely tied together. Your digestive tract is actually responsible for a lot of the daily functions in your body that you're probably not aware of. Your digestive tract relies on the abundance of "good bacteria" to function properly, but it works vice versa as well. Your immune system also relies on your digestive tract for strength and consistency. The reason why your digestive tract is so important to your immunity is that you intake so many pathogenic organisms each day.
The digestive tract has most of the innate immune responses in your body that naturally kill bacteria from saliva and stomach acid. A clean digestive tract, therefore, helps the immune system focus on and protect the rest of the body through its automatic responses. This is why it's so important to create a well-rounded diet that includes foods that naturally help to cleanse out your digestive tract and keep it healthy - it's connected to so much of your wellbeing! At Herbal Goodness we offer our organic non-GMO papaya leaf extracts that promote healthy digestion. We also carry our papaya seed powder and liquid extract, which aids in cleansing the digestive tract.
How to Keep your Gut Happy and Healthy A happy and healthy gut is an important thing to have. So often you rely on your “gut feeling� and when that feeling is wrong you might have a problem. However, having a happy and healthy gut is not always so easy. There are so many products on the market so it is difficult to choose which ones to use. Luckily for you, there are easier ways to know how to keep your gut happy and healthy. Firstly, your diet plays a very important role here. You need to think about what goes into your body. Those fast food burgers and fries have never made for a healthy lifestyle.
Try making them at home for healthier options and much less fatty oils. Ever heard of the saying “you are what you eat�? Well there is a lot of truth to that. You are made up of proteins, and so you need to take in good proteins to make yourself into a good and healthy human. Secondly, it is not only about what you eat, but also where this food comes from. Sadly so much of our day to day food is genetically modified. What if I told you a watermelon used to be a lot smaller with so many more seeds than you can imagine? Or a kiwi never even existed before we, as humans, scientifically "created" it. So try buying organic food when possible rather than food modified in a lab.
Not only will the ingredients be healthier, but the preparation of the food will be better for the environment and, in the case of meat, you will be sure the animals were treated much better. Talk about a win-win situation to how to keep your gut happy and healthy. Thirdly, what goes in must come out. A fiber-rich diet is a good way to ensure this cycle of nature is going as it should. Focus on diets rich in oats, fruits, leafy vegetables and drink a lot of water to push things along. Not only are fibers delicious but they help to keep you regular and in good form. There is nothing worse than being clogged up. It is uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Your gut needs to be emptied at the right time and with the right frequency.
How the Spleen and Bone Marrow Support the Immune System Bone marrow is found inside the bones, it is a sponge-like tissue. That is where most immune system cells are produced and then also multiply. These cells move to other organs and tissues through the blood. At birth, many bones contain red bone marrow, which actively creates immune system cells. The spleen plays multiple supporting roles in the body. It acts as a filter for blood as part of the immune system.
Immune System Boosting Supplements You could either turn to new drugs to be developed to boost your immune system or take the homeopathic path of natural herbs like ginger, garlic, papaya and graviola for that have been used for generations due to their immuneboosting properties. Also, immune system boosting supplements have gotten extremely popular, for a very good reason, a high quality, diverse immune support formula can help your body to fend off external threats.
So, when it comes to the best immunity boosting supplements, Herbal Goodness is the front runner. Why? Not only does Herbal Goodness only use non-GMO products, it only works with farmers who grow herbs in soil that is GMO-free. Papaya leaf supplements contain nutrients that can help in raising digestive enzyme levels and improving assimilation within the body, which also helps fortify the body's natural immune response.
Conclusion Each and every one of us is born with a genetic blueprint. That blueprint tells our bodies how to respond to foreign invaders that cause sickness and disease. While some of us have "stronger" immunity than others, research now tells us that our lifestyle directly impacts our immune function. Meaning, you have the ability to boost your immune system through what we take into our body. Papaya leaf extracts offer many health benefits for the digestive system, immune system and blood platelet support. Shop Herbal Goodness Papaya leaf supplements today!
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