Tittle List

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Page[2022] Sapporo Office Laboratory 1

The Elephant and Castle is a major road junction

in South London, England, in the London Borough of Southwark. Though the name refers to the area of Walworth and Newington, the proximity of the London Underground station of the smae name has led to the area being more commonly called Elephant and Castle. The name is derived from a

Local coaching inn The Elephant, as locally absorvated, continues constant of major traffic junction connected by a short road called cal coaching inn The Elephant, as locally absorvated, continues constant of major traffic junction connected by a short road called cal coaching inn The Elephant, as locally absorvated, continues constant of major traffic junction connected by a short road called cal coaching inn The Elephant, as locally absorvated, continues constant of major traffic junction connected by a short road called.

Page[2022] Sapporo Office Laboratory 4
Page[2022] Sapporo Office Laboratory 5 Hokaido adalah prefektur paling utara di Jepang, posisi yang dekat kutub membuat Hokaido memiliki suhu yang dingin bila dirata-ratakan dalam setahun. Suhu tertinggi di Hokaido terjadi antara Juni-September dengan suhu harian tertinggi rata-rata diatas 20 C. Bulan terpanas adalah bulan agustus dengan rata-rata suhu tertinggi 25 C dan terendah 17 C. Sedangkan musim dingin di Hokaido berlangsung dari bulan Desember-Maret, dengan suhu harian rata-rata tertingginya berada di bawah 3 C, dan bulan terdingin dalam setahun adalah bulan Januari dengan rata-rata suhu terendah -12 C dan tertinggi -2 C.
Page[2022] Sapporo Office Laboratory 6 Geographical Coordinates : 42° 58’ 33” N, 141° 26’ 47” E 42.975833, 141.446389 North
Page[2022] Sapporo Office Laboratory 7 Shinei,
Total Area : 20.715 m2
Kiyota Ward, Sapporo, Hokaido, Japan

(Kiri ke Kanan) Tampak depan, Tampak belakang

Eksisting site dari Google Street Map

Kontur site

Page[2022] Sapporo Office Laboratory 10 23.1-2
Page[2022] Sapporo Office Laboratory 11

Tampak bangunan dilihat dari arah depan site

Page[2022] Sapporo Office Laboratory 12 23.1-2 (Kiri ke
Kanan) Denah Lantai 3, Lantai 4, Lantai 5
Page[2022] Sapporo Office Laboratory 13
Page[2022] Sapporo Office Laboratory 14

The design try to create from fuji mounstain as

create an ilumination as a structure.

Shinei, Kiyota Ward Sapporo, Hokaido Japan Geographical Coordinates 42° 58’ 33” N, 141° 26’ 47” E 42.975833, 141.446389 Area, 3.000 m² 0 50 100 Km 04 42°58’33.4”N 141°26’47.9”E Sapporo Office Lab Nation Farm Research of Japan
Shinei, Kiyota Ward Sapporo, Hokaido Japan Geographical Coordinates 42° 58’ 33” N, 141° 26’ 47” E 42.975833, 141.446389 Area, 3.000 m² 0 10 20 Km
Page[2022] Sapporo Office Laboratory 22 KONSEP BENTUK 05
Herdianto Mendila
Page[2022] Sapporo Office Laboratory 23 06 OFFICE LABORATORY CENTER

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