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Cargill China Employee Magazine

First Issue


SSC’s growth plan in China Cargill China holds S&D seminar with key government stakeholders Cargill recognized as top China recruiter Cargill Specialty Asia

Fit to Grow facilitates China 2020 aspirations


Cargill Voice First Issue 2012 Dialogue

19 Cocoa supply chain to Mars

03 Interview with Paul Conway Change Management - Fit to Grow Feature 07 SSC’s growth plan in China Business Development and Updates

21 CAN China-FTG in full swing 21 GOSC - Optimize the Process Career Development

On the cover

11 Cargill Specialty Asia

23 Graduate Trainee Program

Cargill China is in full swing of FTG.

11 CAPC Anhui project received business license

24 Growing with Cargill

Feature, page 7

12 SSC holds cornerstone laying ceremony in Luohe

Business updates, page 11

13 Acquisition of Provimi

Reputation in China page 14-17

13 Sale of global flavors

Corporate Responsibility 26 What role do you play in ensuring food safety at Cargill?

Our Appreciation We would like to express sincere thanks for all your support for providing raw materials and contents, contributing inputs and comments, and involving in rounds of discussion, although there is no byline is given to each article. We look forward to working closely with you again for the next issue of Cargill Voice. Cargill China Corporate Affairs Team

Reputation in China 14 Cargill holds S&D seminar with key government stakeholders 15 Cargill leverages Guangdong government meetings to

26 World Food Day 27 Cargill Cares Rural Education Program 28 Run for Rural Development 28 Safety Week in Nantong

enhance reputation 16 CAPC builds relationship with Anhui government

Our family

17 SSC receives visit from Luohe government

29 5 Years in Cargill (until 2011/09-12)

17 Cargill recognized as top China recruiter

30 10 Years, 15 Years, 20 Years and 30 Years in Cargill (until 2011/09-12)

Customer Focus 19 ROCM hosts vegoils customer event in Sanya



Vice Chairman Paul Conway speaks about becoming Fit to Grow and building a great Cargill business in China


For the past several months, Cargill has been

For perspective on how we work toward that

on a mission to get Fit to Grow by regaining our

goal and more, Cargill Voice turned to Vice

earnings momentum, reducing expenses by $250

Chairman Paul Conway.

million and addressing underlying behaviors that are getting in the way of our long-term success.

Cargill Voice: Paul, it has been a challenging past few months for Cargill. What have we

Those efforts included a review of activities and

accomplished so far with Fit to Grow, and is it

priorities across business units, functions and


Tartan that led to a series of decisions, such as

Paul Conway, Vice Chairman and CLT member

"Ultimately, getting Fit to Grow is about improving our results, which in itself gives more oxygen for growth."

making specialized training programs (like the

Paul: It is definitely not enough in terms of the

Marketing Academy and Sales Effectiveness

significant gap in our earnings and the “Fit” part

training) more cost-effective, and applying

is dealing with the cost side, which is about 20

standardized processes more selectively.

percent of the gap in our earnings. So what we

Regrettably, some of our decisions resulted in

really need to do is drive our earnings harder.

the elimination of approximately 2,000 jobs

Getting Fit to Grow is designed to help that.


It is absolutely clear, over the last couple of years, that we have slightly lost track of what

However, the Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) is

we are trying to do. We have been so focused

confident that the actions taken have set us on

on improving our processes to become more

the right path to become a fitter and more agile

connected that we have lost track a little bit of

Cargill. We will continue to focus on ways to

the fact that the role of process is to drive better

drive profitable growth and manage costs, and

results. Ultimately, getting Fit to Grow is about

we now have work to do to address “how” we

improving our results, which in itself gives more

work so we can simplify and speed up decision

oxygen for growth. Remember, as a private


company we can spend what we make and what we can borrow, and what we can borrow depends



on how much money we make. So Fit to Grow

desiring and understanding the goal of being

were stopped completely. So it is not just the

is something that I like to think we would have

more standardized and therefore going along

ideas of people down in the businesses that

been doing even if our earnings hadn’t been

with things that they really don't believe in.

have been challenged about the what and the

in decline, because it is about regaining some

So we want to get that healthy challenge, that

how, it’s ideas that have come either from the

agility, regaining proximity to the customer, and

healthy tension. It is not corrosive friction, it is

CLT or the Corporate Center. So we are very

making sure the processes help us get better

healthy tension. That is the first thing.

much looking in the mirror on this stuff.

The second thing is this appreciation of process.

Cargill Voice: If you take a step back for a

Cargill Voice: We’ve heard a little about the

The role of process is to drive better results,

moment and consider both our short-term and

behavior changes we need to make, as well.

period, and not process for process’s sake.

long-term goals, what does Cargill aspire to be

results rather than drive us.

Can you share more about what those changes are, and how we plan to make them happen?

as a result of those goals? The third thing is something that I was told in the first six months that I was with the company:

Paul: Cargill’s goals have not really changed.

Paul: I think the key behavior changes that I am

treat the company’s money as if it was your

We have extraordinary shareholders who are

looking for are as follows:

own—that culture of frugality. It has been

willing to leave over 90% of the cash flow in

difficult to maintain as we’ve become a very

the company for us to grow, so if we perform

Firstly, we need to keep Strategic Intent 2015

large corporation, and it is linked back to that

reasonably well, we will double the net worth

as our north star, as our goal, but that does

questioning attitude again.

of this company every seven to eight years. The

not mean that everyone accepts everything

direction that we want to go in is still SI 2015. It

in an unquestioning way. I know many of the

In terms of how we are going to make them

is about being the partner of choice, customers

colleagues in China frequently raise questions,

happen, first we are starting at the top of the

choosing us. It is about upping our game in

and I am very happy that they will continue

organization. We picked 18 initiatives that

innovation, great people with imagination.

to do so, because we’ve had too many people

are being reviewed. We have set up pairs of

Then it is about the spirit of service in the world

just going along with the flow. Greg uses the

Corporate Center members to review them with

that we serve, ag, food and risk management.

word “acquiescing,” which isn't known very

the initiative’s champion. In some cases they

None of that has changed. It didn’t change in

much outside of England or the U.S. It is people

were modified, some were scaled back, some

the financial crisis when, like many companies,



we hunkered down. It isn't changing now. As

is complacency. Certainly we’re having a

as we thought it would be. As we have done

we say, we are getting Fit to Grow. What we are

downturn in our results, so no one should be

that, it is also crystal clear that all platforms

trying to do is get back to that, because there

complacent. We need to root out the spirit of

have favored emerging markets in general,

was a sense that we had drifted away from it

complacency wherever we find it. In China,

and China in particular, in terms of the choices


where there is very fast growth, and a highly

that they make. We know that for Cargill to

dynamic environment, I don't expect to see that

continue to grow as we aspire to grow, we

As I talk to businesses and functions, there is a

and I never do see it when I am there. Finally,

have to increase the proportion in emerging

sense of great sadness about the colleagues that

as Cargill China grows, our businesses there


are having to leave the company, but excitement

have the great advantage that they can learn

about, yes, this is reenergizing. It is getting back

from what has been done in North America and

Cargill Voice: What might the next six to

to where we drifted away from a little bit, and

Western Europe. People talk about telephones

twelve months look like for Cargill, and what

just a great sense of excitement about that.

in China. Nobody bothers having a landline,

advice can you give Chinese employees as

so they have leapt a generation to mobile

they learn to navigate our new reality?

Cargill Voice: What else can we do to make

technology. Similarly, our businesses in China

those aspirations a reality?

have an opportunity to leap a generation. That is

Paul: So the next six to twelve months in

a huge advantage.

Cargill, I expect us to be back on track, with re-

Paul: We need to have the right people, and in

strengthened earnings, being able to accelerate

China that means we are hiring for future needs.

Cargill Voice: What impact, if any, might Fit

our growth again. We are very confident in

We have recommitted, despite Fit to Grow, to

to Grow have on our strategy in emerging

the portfolio. We are very confident in the

the work that we are doing for the Cargill brand

markets, including China?

investments that we have made, and what

in China, not just for our current businesses,

people call soft capital; so the people we have

but for the businesses that we hope to have

Paul: I think the impact on emerging markets,

hired and the people we have trained, believe

in 5, 10 and 20 years. I would say, and this is

including China, is very limited. It is crystal clear.

that that is a winning team.

very personal, I think we need to have a healthy

We are still spending a record amount of capital

dissatisfaction with the status quo. One of the

this year, but we had to pull some of that back so

In terms of advice, we are very clear. Despite

biggest enemies to us achieving our aspirations

that the increase, the acceleration, isn't as great

the downturn in earnings, we will not cut

DIALOGUE corners, either on Guiding Principles issues or food safety issues. I want to make it clear to all employees in China and elsewhere that everything that we have said, that we believe in, whether that is Guiding Principles, food safety, diversity, we are serious about it. We are holding to those despite the downturn in earnings. Together with them, we can build a great Cargill business in China.

Actions taken have set us on the right path to become a fitter and more agile Cargill



SSC's Growth Plan in China

SSC aims to double revenue by 2020


Cargill Voice: What is the position Starches

China and also in the coastal areas of Southern

and Sweeteners Cargill (SSC) in China’s food

China. By 2020, I expect that the overall revenue

ingredients industry? What are your strategic

of SSC to increase by 100%, reaching top two

plans for the BU? What are the aspects that

in the industry, while profits growing from $10

you believe to be our core competitiveness?

million to $30 million. At present, our sweetener business focuses on high-end international food

Jerry Liu: The main businesses of our BU are

and beverage customers; however in the near

corn starches and sweeteners. Our fructose and

future, we will enter the other fields including

maltdextrin is significantly positioned in the

local food brands, biological fermentation and

segmented market we target with its profit and

the pharmaceutical industries.

supply volume being ranked in the top three Jerry Liu, Business Unit Leader, Cargill Starches & Sweeteners China

among carbonated beverages and international

Our present core competitiveness include:

infant milk powder, respectively.

reliability, quality, production safety, food safety along with global relationships that enhance the

Since Oct, 2011, Jerry Liu has been the Business Unit

As far as strategic planning, we are continuing

Cargill brand. We have identified our need to

Leader of Cargill Starches & Sweeteners China

to expanding our investment in China in order

develop more core competences so as to fulfill

and a member of China Leadership Council. Jerry

to keep up with the market’s rapid development

the organization’s strategic goals. These include -

is focused on business growth in Starches & Sweeteners

pace. Apart from assets in hand, we have

cost competitiveness to maintain consistent margins;

business unit and Jerry is the tag for talent

facilities in Pinghu and Songyuan being extended

knowledge application along with enhancing

engagement in China.

with newly built production lines for fructose,

global technology; furthering R&D capabilities

glucose syrup and malt dextrin.

in fermentation and milling technology; supply chain; risk management; and a coordinated

As the first Chinese BU leader for Cargill China, Jerry received interview by Cargill Voice to talk

In January 2012, the fructose project in Luohe,

customer approach. These additional core

about SSC’s developing strategy and his point of

Henan Province, began construction. In addition

competences under development are being

view on FTG as well as people engagement and

to that, we are looking actively for appropriate

achieved by consistent adjustment within BU,


partners of starches and sweeteners in Northern

enhancing management’s capacity for efficiency



and performance, as well as support from

Secondly, to control costs. In China, enterprises

prudence has always been the key element to

headquarters and other relative BUs.

especially in the corn processing industry

Cargill’s success. Cargill spends only 70% of its

are doomed to failure unless they attach

profit - which leaves us in a healthy position while

Cargill Voice: With the Fit to Grow strategy

greater importance to cost controls. Our

being ready to handle future development. We

that Cargill is practicing, what are some of

profit changes as sugar prices and corn prices

think of economizing not only when we face

your ideas? How does Fit to Grow involve the

fluctuate, however management costs are

difficulties, we cultivate it as a habit even during

operations of a BU?

fixed. If we’re unable to control costs, we will

positive times. With frugality and carefully

face disadvantageous situations such as losing

thought-out expenditures, Cargill has proudly

Jerry Liu: As many know, Cargill’s balance sheet

market share or incurring substantial losses.

operated for over 147 years. I know as we work

is consistently strong and Fit to Grow does not

That’s why cost competence saves a company

together, the next century brings a fresh evolution

mean that Cargill has any problems in profits. An

from failure.

of how we contribute to society’s global needs.

time to any potential dangers or crisis within the

What I’ve personally noticed is that wastes on

Finally, we aim to develop employee talent. In

company. Fit to Grow is the immediate reaction

projects are the greatest losses. Any mistaken

whatever economic climate, talent development

for Cargill. Fit to Grow is the strategy that lets

decision brings about millions and even tens

is a crucial element for our company. With the

the company internally adjust effectively and

of millions of losses. In this way, we will make

development of BU, increased postings are

optimize processes. Considering China’s entire

full discussion over the practicality of projects,

urging appropriate talent to accept new jobs.

environment, I believe Fit to Grow makes us

make decisive determinations, and finish

Therefore, developing the present team while

achieve China 2020 Aspiration better and faster.

project designing as soon as possible. We will

absorbing outside talent, are the means that will

reasonably choose technologies and facilities, as

allow us to succeed.

enterprise in stable development has to react in

For our SSC BU, Fit to Grow is reflected in three

well as reduce costs for logistics and production.

aspects specifically:

By focusing on energy resources reductions,

Cargill Voice: Would you please elaborate the

it’ll allow us to make variable costs reach an

concept of connectivity between BUs that you

acceptable level.

have proposed?

What I want to emphasize is that financial

Jerry Liu: The connectivity and growing

First aspect is to seek actively for development opportunities and to increase project investments, as mentioned in my answer to the last question.



togetherness among BUs is one of the China

Every post requires two points: on one hand,

industry. Team members should understand

2020 aspirations. I believe the effective

right direction; on the other, teamwork. Any

the stages of corn processing; focusing both

execution of this strategy will greatly improve

successful leader will say a great team is the key

on accumulating actual experience and while

the business performance of one Cargill China.

to success. The overall capacity, attitude and

testing theoretical leaning; chasing down sticky

SSC has been working very closely with CAN,

efforts of the team determine the success of a

points and doing a worthwhile job.

GOSC, CTS and Flavors in the past. We sell many


of our products to CAN plants in the Northeast. We are working on building feed mills in

Thirdly, working attitude of practicality. We So, what kind of talent do our teams need?

Songyuan. CTS has a lecithin plant on site at our

are in the agricultural product processing industry and it’s intensive in capital, fierce

Tianjinplant. We co-located our industrial starch

Firstly, a strong sense of responsibility and

in competition, rapid in development. This

plant on GOSC Nantong site. Flavors used to

fidelity. The members of the team should

requires us to understand every connecting link

have a plant on site of our Pinghu plant. Now

maintain a high degree of loyalty to the company,

in the value chain; comprehend and foretell the

we are exploring other opportunities with CSA

shouldering responsibilities related to the post;

demand of customers and feedback from the

to grow Cargill’s business together. We truly

never wavering in the face of setbacks; actively

market all without being divorced from reality.

hope there will be more connectivity with other

thinking of solutions to problems; holding

BUs in the near future, while seeking better

a sense of urgency when dealing with crisis

Finally, developing talent is crucial. As Cargill’s

collaborative development.


business continually develops in China, every one of us has a great opportunity to develop.

Cargill Voice: Do you have some new concepts

Secondly, proficiency of the specialized field,

We will need to bear greater risks and utilize our

for team construction of BU? What are the

with a good working knowledge of present

talents. We will emphasize more on our newly-

types of employees that SSC prefers? What is

developmental status in industry. Given the corn

recruited employees, offering sufficient training

your long-term plan for talent development of

processing industry has been exceptionally fierce

and communication. When we notice problems,

your team?

in competition nowadays; it requires stronger

we will point them out and give suggestions;

proficiency and skills of each team member. A

when facing challenges; we will encourage and

Jerry Liu: Cargill’s guiding principles are the

team should only be led by someone who brings

build our employees. Excessive talk and over-

very foundation of our business and operations.

deep insights and a profound outlook of the

hyped enthusiasm never serves anyone. It



just spoils good character. However we should

asked for and take pride in the work you do.

enterprise is the very foundation of corporate

never be so narrow in our approach such that it

Believe me, it shows to everyone around you.

social responsibility. As an example, every

hinders our young employees.

year, SSC donations support rural education by Cargill Voice: You conferred Excellent Youth

helping establish sports facilities at schools and

Cargill Voice: You are the very first Chinese

of Songyuan in 2011, and the award of RMB

by developing sports education. This is where

person to work as a BU leader in Cargill. Would

60,000 was devoted to building the Cargill

SSC steps in to help.

you share with employees your personal

Bio-Chemical Library. What is your opinion on

growing experience and what makes you

how to balance corporate responsibility and

Personally I feel glad and grateful if I can do

succeed in Cargill? Do you have any suggestions

commercial interest?

something for our employees. Given the cultural

for Cargill’s young Chinese employees?

life in Songyuan is comparatively quiet to the Jerry Liu: I believe it’s not so much of balancing

bustle of Shanghai, many of our colleagues

Jerry Liu: I have three short and distinct points

– but of being an extension of one another.

desire to learn, but the community lacks of

to share with my fellow Chinese employees:

Corporate responsibility I feel is connected


closely to earnings. The reason for an enterprise Firstly, Plan your personal career. Having good

to drive good earnings is because only a healthy

planning enables you to hold the long term view.

company can give back to the community, its

Focusing only on salary or work locations is short

surrounding neighborhoods and to its dedicated

sighted as you would miss many posts that bring

employees. And in turn, the company is rewarded

greater personal improvement and training

by rich community closeness and meaningful


employee engagement. At SSC, the focus on continuously developing our BU enables us

Secondly, Be more patient and avoid complaining.

to be better equipped to make a difference in

Observe others’ advantages and seek to correct

this area. Any enterprise that struggles with

your own personal weaknesses.

profitability, will inevitably neglect innovation, community devotion and employee involvement.

Thirdly, Care more, do a little extra than what’s

It’s why I know that the healthy profit of an


Cargill Specialty Asia

sustainable business for Cargill,” he said. “And as the business grows, there will be growth

In order to better serve our specialty customers


CAPC Anhui project received business license

opportunities for our talent, as well.” After three years of effort, on December 21,

in Asia and drive growth in the Asian market, Cargill established the Cargill Specialty Asia

CSA employees have been working collaboratively

2011, Cargill Animal Protein achieved a major

business unit, combining the Asian business units

with their colleagues in CTS and CHN to plan

milestone - it received its business license in

of Cargill Texturizing Solutions and Cargill Health

and execute a smooth transition to CSA. Their

Chuzhou Anhui province, which means the legal

& Nutrition (except Japan), in September. Yusuf

transition work involves delivering on a set of

entity for the Chuzhou (Anhui) project is officially

Wazirzada leads the new business unit.

priorities, including:


•Delivering on the business unit’s promise “I am deeply honored to be a part of this team

internally and to its customers,

“We overcame great challenges to attain the

and I believe we can build a very exciting future

•Staying engaged and motivated during the

business permit,” explained Chris Langholz,

together,” said Wazirzada. “The creation of the

transition period (and beyond), and

Business Unit Leader of Cargill Animal Protein

business unit underscores Cargill’s commitment

•Undertaking an initial assessment of the future

China (CAPC), “Our project is one of the largest

and desire to grow in these markets.”

direction of CSA in terms of the opportunities,

single investments in Chinese agriculture. It

challenges and risks.

is not easy for the government, including the

For the past few years, Cargill Texturizing

Environmental Bureau, to understand the

Solutions and Cargill Health & Nutrition have

“From the standpoint of our customers, we need

realized significant growth in Asia, positioning

to understand the synergies of our combined

the new business unit for success. And according

talent and portfolios and how that enables us to

“We believe this project is an example of terrific

to Wazirzada, the new business unit has a

serve them better and create value for Cargill,”

teamwork by not only the CAPC team, but

distinct competitive advantage: its talent.

said Wazirzada. “Some things will change, but

also the broader Cargill team in China. These

we will do what is best from a business, team,

teams demonstrated the power of one Cargill

“We have inherited great people from two of

and customer standpoint and leverage the great

working together to tackle a large and complex

Cargill’s existing businesses and we have been

talent pool we have.”

project that has significant importance to our

tasked to build CSA into another significant and

complexity of what we are trying to accomplish.”

CAPS platform, as well as the customers who



believe in Cargill,” said Jerry Rose, Corporate Vice President. Having a fully integrated business will allow Cargill to have better control over food safety practices in the supply chain. The $200 million investment will employ 5,000 people and is the latest example of Cargill’s efforts to help modernize agricultural and food safety practices in China. Now that the business has acquired the license, the next step is to complete the project promptly in order to deliver the commitment to customers on time.

SSC holds cornerstone laying ceremony in Luohe

The cornerstone laying ceremony of Cargill Food(Luohe)Company Ltd. “Today marks an exciting milestone for the

fruitful negotiations, on September 15th, SSC

successful partnership between Cargill, Luohe

signed an agreement with the Luohe government

and our customers,” said Jerry Liu, Business

for the construction of a new fructose facility.

Unit Leader of Cargill Starches and Sweeteners

This signified a historical step forward to the

China (SSC), “We have been working together

success of the entire project.

towards the same goals of upgrading food safety

At Luohe, a county-level city in central Henan

standards, promoting sustainable development

With a planned completion by June of 2013,

province, the cornerstone-laying ceremony

of the Chinese food ingredients industry, and

the total investment for the project will reach

of Cargill Food (Luohe) Company Ltd was

propelling the industry to a new height in China.”

US$67.4 million and have an annual fructose

unveiled on January 12th, 2012. With over half

output of 0.24 million tons. The project facility is

a year’s dedicated efforts, Cargill Starches and

Beginning back in the summer of 2011, staff

located adjacent to Cargill’s key customers and

Sweeteners China (SSC) acquired business license

from SSC visited the Luohe development zone to

partners like Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Uni-President.

and officially established Cargill Food (Luohe)

research potential strategic benefits of locating a

This ensures that we will provide greater value

Company Ltd on December 16th, 2011.

plant in the city. After in-depth investigation and

and more efficient service to our customers.


Acquisition of Provimi

new animal nutrition business benefits from

13 able to conclude the transaction.

a global network spanning 37 countries and On November 22 2011, Cargill completed its

employing more than 16,000 people in 250

Kerry Group is a leading global food ingredients

strategic investment to acquire Provimi, a global

facilities around the world, as well as a wide

and flavors provider and a leading consumer

animal nutrition company, for an enterprise value

ranging portfolio of products serving all the

foods processor in the UK and Irish markets.

of Euro $1.5 billion (US $2.1 billion). By building

major segments of the animal nutrition industry.

Through its manufacturing, technical and

on the existing strengths of the two companies,

customer service facilities spread throughout

we are creating a global leader in animal nutrition

A new animal nutrition platform, called Cargill

23 countries across EMEA, American and Asia-

with the ability to offer the broadest array of

Animal Nutrition, will include two business

Pacific markets, Kerry partners with customers

products, services and capabilities.

units – Cargill Premix & Nutrition (CPN) and

globally to provide ingredients and flavors

Cargill Feed & Nutrition (CFN). The platform that

solutions across all food and beverage end-use

We welcomed more than 7,000 new employees

comprises our animal protein and salt businesses


to the Cargill family, and the new business brings

is renamed the Cargill Animal Protein & Salt

together the complementary animal nutrition

(CAPS) platform.

expertise and operations of Cargill and Provimi. In China, there are three facilities, located in

The deal included flavors business activities in 22 countries and production facilities in Europe,

Sale of flavors business

Ganyu (Jiangsu Province), Nanning (Guangxi

North America and Asia. The sale involved the transfer of around 700 Cargill employees to Kerry

Province) and Banan (Chongqing City), with

Cargill completed the sale of its global flavors

Group. The juice blends and compounds activities

altogether 241 employees.

business to Kerry, the ingredients, flavors and

were not included in this sale, remaining within

consumer foods group, on Dec. 4, 2011.


Cargill’s core expertise in compound feed, supply chain and risk management will come together

Cargill and Kerry Group announced in July 2011

with Provimi’s wide range of nutritional expertise,

that they were holding exclusive discussions

technology and portfolio of premix, additives and

and a definitive sales agreement was signed on

ingredients to deliver an unrivalled full service

September 22. After obtaining clearance from

offering to customers worldwide. Together our

competition authorities, Cargill and Kerry were


Cargill holds S&D seminar with key government stakeholders


understanding of global agricultural product

and content of the seminar, and worked on detailed

market. The officials were impressed by Cargill

presentation that addresses the stakeholders’ most

team’s expertise and dedication to the business

interested topics. With first-hand S&D dynamics,

From November 21st to 23rd 2011, Cargill held five sessions

they serve. Attendees from other ministries also

multi-dimensional analysis and systematic models,

of an agricultural products supply & demand (S&D)

extended heart-felt gratitude for Cargill arranging

the team demonstrated Cargill’s integrated strength

seminar respectively with the National Development

this seminar and expressed the interest that they

in cross-region industry chain management and

and Reform Commission (NDRC), Ministry of Finance

are looking for more opportunities proactively in

reinforced the image of Cargill as an industry leader

(MOF), State Administration of Grain (SAG), General

the future for information sharing and cooperation

with global experience and technical expertise.

Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection

in other businesses with Cargill.

and Quarantine(AQSIQ) and Ministry of Commerce

“The seminar helped us successfully establish

(MOFCOM). During the sessions, senior managers from

“We are proud that we can share our global

reputation of Cargill China amongst central-

Cargill World Trading Unit (WTU) and Grain and Oilseeds

experience with key stakeholders. It is one of our

level government agencies,” said Shelly Shi,

Supply Chain Great China & Korea (GOSC) shared

effective approach to participate in and support the

Vice President, Corporate Affairs Cargill China,

analysis on supply and demand of soybean, corn and

development of China,” said Robert Aspell, Cargill

“Meanwhile, we had better understanding of the

wheat in the global and China market, and exchanged

China President, who is the initiator of this seminar,

government stakeholders and related policies. We

opinions with attendees on trend of agricultural

“Along with enhanced government relations,

will continue this program that could bring us a

products global trading.

Cargill has made progress towards building mutual

win-win outcome.”

understanding with the Chinese government and The sessions received full recognition from the

helping shape freedom to operate in China.”

attendees. In particular, the session with AQSIQ marks the first time that this ministry has had in-

The seminar was coordinated by Corporate

depth discussion and technical exchange with

Affairs team who worked closely with GOSC and

multinational companies. Hosted by head of

WTU teams in a bid to deliver a quality seminar.

the department of animal and plant quarantine

During the six months’ preparation, the Cargill

supervision, the session gathered from nationwide

team conducted several rounds of conversation

over 50 officials, who provided positive feedbacks

with government stakeholders, in order to better

that the session helped them gain a systematic

understand their needs. They also discussed agenda

The S&D seminar received full recognition from the attendees


Cargill leverages Guangdong government meetings to enhance reputation

15 In addition, Refined Oils China & Malaysia (ROCM) signed an memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Dongguan government for investment in a specialty fats project; as well as Cargill Animal

Guangdong is one of the most important provinces

Nutrition signed a MOU with Yangjiang government

in Cargill’s footprint within China. Four business

for an aqua feed project.

units, including Cargill Animal Nutrition, Refined Oils China & Malaysia, and Cargill Grain & Oilseeds Supply Chain Great China & Korea, have their operations centers in Guangdong. Cargill China

Robert Aspell signed MOU of specialty fats project with Yuan Guochao, Mayor of Macong Town in Dongguan City

has always attached great importance to the

At an appreciation luncheon hosted by the Guangdong government on September 29, Robert introduced Cargill China and 24 business units’ development progress in China, when meeting with Mr. Wang Chao, Vice

relationship with Guangdong provincial government

Politburo of CPC Central Committee and Secretary

Minister of MOFCOM and Ms. Ma Xiuhong, former

and every year, arranges and participates in

of CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, and

Vice Minister of MOFCOM and director-general of

meetings with the Guangdong government.

Mr. Huang Huahua, Vice Secretary of Guangdong

China Foreign Trade Center.

Provincial Committee, Governor of Guangdong On September 29-30, the business conference

Province jointly hosted a small group meeting,

On September 30, the Environment Introduction

on cooperation between Guangdong province

in which only eight multinational companies.

and Promotion Meeting of Guangdong Eastern

and the fortune global 500 companies and large

At this meeting, Cargill China President Robert

and Northwest Region was held in Guangzhou. In

overseas enterprises was held in Guangzhou.

Aspell gave introduction on progress of Cargill’s

attendance of this meeting were mayors and vice

This grand event, which was co-organized by

businesses in Guangdong, including Grain and

mayors of 17 cities. Cargill was the only multinational

the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and

Oilseeds Supply Chain, Refined Oils, Animal

company being invited to this meeting, and

Guangdong provincial government, provides

Nutrition as well as Ferrous. Moreover, Robert

Shelly Shi, Vice President, Corporate Affairs Cargill

a good communication platform for both the

shared Cargill long-term growth vision in China,

China delivered a speech on Cargill business

government and 280 multinational companies.

and he also provided suggestions on how to

performance and China’s growth strategy.

further improve operation environment in During this event, Mr. Wang Yang, Member of




CAPC builds relationship with Anhui government making progress on poultry project

investment agreement with Mr. Jin Weijia, Secretary

Mr. Langholz was named Business Counselor of

of CPC, Lai’an County. The meeting helped open a

Anhui Province. Subsequently, he received interviews

new chapter for a positive relationship with Anhui

by representatives of provincial media and the Lai’an

Chris Langholz named Business Counselor of Anhui

provincial government at a high level.

poultry project was covered in 20 stories on Anhui TV, Anhui Daily, Xinhua Net and etc, resulting in extensive coverage for the Cargill brand.

Cargill Animal Protein China has always been

On November 8-11, Chris was invited by the Anhui

devoted to engaging and creating a positive

government to the Seventh Investment and Trade

relationship with the government. One way

Expo Anhui China. On the afternoon of the 8th

In the same month, the Lai’an project obtained Environ

they do this is by meeting with government

November, he was received by Provincial Secretary

-ment Impact Assessment approval from the

officials, including a series of meetings with

of CPC Mr. Zhang Baoshun, Deputy Secretary of CPC

provincial Environmental Bureau. On December 8th,

Anhui provincial government officials in the first

Mr. Sun Jinlong, Deputy Governor Hua Jianhui,

project registration was successfully approved by the

quarter of fiscal year 2012.

and others.

provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Lai’an project is progressing stably.

The first meeting, an Anhui-US Trade Promotion

During the welcome banquet in the evening,

meeting held on July 18th in Annapolis, US. Mr. Jerry

Chris communicated the poultry project progress

Rose, Corporate Vice President and Mr. Chris Langholz,

to Deputy Governor Yu and Director Shen from the

President of CAPC, were received by Anhui provincial

provincial Development and Reform Commission,

governor Mr. Wang Sanyu. After being cordially seated

and gained their support. The welcome banquet

as the second guest of honor, Jerry spoke to the group

was also attended by Edmund Ho Hau-wah, Deputy

about Cargill and its $200 million investment in a

Chairman of CPPCC and former Chief Executive of

vertical poultry project in Lai’an County.

the Macau Special Administrative Region. Through these interactions with senior government officials,

The investment will cover hatching, feed production,

Cargill began building a brand of high trust with the

farming and processing, with an annual production


of 65 million chickens. Witnessed by Governor Mr. Wang and other important officials, Chris signed the

On the morning of the 9th, good news came that

Chris Langholz received honorable certificate of Business Counselor of Anhui from Governor Wang Sanyu



SSC receives visit from Luohe government

Cargill recognized as top China recruiter

On Dec. 13, 2011, Cargill Starches and Sweeteners

In December 2011, the team earned Cargill the

China business unit leader Jerry Liu and the team

“Best Campus Recruitment Award” from China-

received a visit from Mr. Cao Cunzheng, Mayor of

Europe International Business School (CEIBS), the

Luohe City and his team. The visit was the second time

No.1 business school in China. The award was the

that representatives from the Luohe government paid

first in history conferred by CEIBS and was given

a formal visit to Cargill. During the meeting, Jerry Liu introduced Cargill’s history and business operations,

Jerry Liu and Cao CunZheng, Mayor of Luohe exchanged Chinese New Year gifts

recruitment planning and implementation at the school in 2011.

as well as Cargill’s strong commitment to growing with China.

in recognition of Cargill’s excellence in campus

geographic advantages, as well as the broad vision and highly efficient support from the Luohe government.

During this year’s recruitment program, SBD delivered

In September 2011, Cargill signed an agreement to

In the future, Cargill expects to continue to cooperate

an informative company presentation to students,

build a fructose plant with the Luohe government.

with Luohe in a more extensive manner.

prepared candidates by conducting case interview practice sessions, introduced top talent to Cargill

Mayor Cao committed to providing high quality, convenient and efficient service so as to propel the

“Cargill impressed me, with its 147 history, a wide

managers through informal discussions and formal

project more smoothly.

range of business portfolio and high business ethics

interviews, and collaborated with CEIBS professors

while keeping a low-profile. Cargill continues to grow

to position Cargill to students as a challenging and

According to Jerry Liu, the Luohe government is a key

in China and always strictly follows China’s regulations

rewarding company that makes strategic choices as

partner for Cargill in central China. “Cargill hopes that

and laws, which wins respect from competitors and

it grows in China. This investment in CEIBS as a core

our businesses in Luohe will promote local economic

governmental functions alike,” said Cao.

school for Cargill can be held as a model for future

development to help achieve breakthroughs in China’s

Cargill campus programs in China.

food industry, especially related to food safety.” Mark Lueking, SBD head of China, said that earning Liu added that Cargill is impressed with Luohe’s

the award is a testament to the efforts of the entire


CEIBS recruiting team. “Building our reputation and

“It is an honor to be the first recipient of this recognition

deepening our relationships should position us nicely

and award,” said Adeline Ooi, who coordinates

to continue to attract top talent for SBD and Cargill,”

recruiting activities for SBD Asia. “Cargill has always

he said.

been devoted to connections with schools, and it really sets the bar higher for us next year!”

According to Nancy Qiu, head of HR Shared Services for Cargill China, the award is especially meaningful because Cargill, along with most businesses in China, is still learning how to operate in China’s incredibly competitive recruiting environment. “There is low awareness of Cargill in China, making it more difficult to recruit new employees. This is especially true in rural areas, where many of our facilities are located,” said Qiu. “We not only compete for talent with other multinational companies but with big state-owned companies as well.” According to Sherry Hu of the CEIBS Career Development Center, Cargill received the award for its performance against 3 criteria voted “most popular company presentation of the year” by the students, high rating on professional handling of the interview/selection process, and good campus presence through various engagements with students.



ROCM hosts vegoils customer event in Sanya


market conditions continuing to be uncertain both

the Cargill commercial team and customers on

domestically and globally, ROCM will further enhance

topics regarding market trend, food safety and sale

its efforts in customer focus and will endeavor to


The Fifth Cargill China Vegoil Customer Event was

build stronger partnership with customers across the

held in Sanya, Hainan Province, during 12th and 13th


December, 2011. More than 150 customers of Refined

In addition, Cargill’s approach to corporate responsibility was shared with attendees by Grace Ma, GOSC

Oils China and Malaysia from around the country

The event aimed to help Cargill strengthen communi-

attended the two-day event for sharing information,

cations with customers and help customers better

exchanging ideas and establishing mutual trust.

understand how Cargill can help create win-win

The event also offered a valuable occasion for ROCM

partnership. Representatives from Grain and Oilseeds

to better understand its customer needs. Feedback

During the event, Tony Kettinger, ROCM Business

Supply Chain Greater China & Korea (GOSC) risk

obtained from the customers during the event will

Unit Leader, briefed the audiences on the recent

management team shared their views on vegetable

help ROCM finetune business in the future to create

development of Cargill businesses in the global

oils market trend. Five individual sessions were

greater value for customers.

and China markets. He emphasized that with

designed to facilitate in-depth discussion between

External Relations Officer.

Cocoa supply chain to Mars Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate is making a difference for both cocoa farmers and customers with its long-term efforts to promote responsible and sustainable supply chains. The business recently was honored with the “Ensuring Responsible Supply Award” from Mars China. The award is presented by Mars China every two years. “Cargill fulfills its commitment to promoting cocoa supply sustainability through improving farmer

CUSTOMER FOCUS livelihood, supporting local communities and

to improve education and health care in rural

minimizing environmental impacts,” said Shaughan


Kennedy, vice president, R&D, Mars China. “We are impressed by Cargill’s efforts that have reached

With its presence and network on the ground,

over 200,000 farmers in origin countries, for helping

Cargill is in a unique position to support farmers,

improve their livelihood.”

communities, and the sustainable future of cocoa.

“We are honored to receive such high recognition from Mars,” said Nicolas Seegmüller, commercial director Asia Pacific, Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate. “The infrastructure that we put in place ensures that cocoa is grown in a sustainable and responsible manner and to the highest possible quality.” To secure a high-quality and sustainable supply of cocoa beans, Cargill established its own sourcing operations in Brazil, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Indonesia and Vietnam. For a decade, Cargill has been active in farmer education in cocoa-growing regions, focusing on advanced farming techniques and post-harvest activities such as pruning, plantation renewal, and cocoa fermentation methods. For years, Cargill has been partnering with nongovernmental organizations and local governments

Nicolas Seegmüller received the “Ensuring Responsible Supply Award” from Shaughan Kennedy (left) from Mars China



CAN China-FTG in full swing


into six parts. As a result, its sales exceeded their

employees enhanced equipment renovation and

target by 120%, which created a record-breaking

improved production process. For example, they are

Last October, FTG was one of key topics on the table

month. The ruminant sales volume increased by

now upgrading their mixture process which reduces

of the Area Leadership Meeting in CAN China. The

133% in FY 2011 compared to the previous year,

mixing time by 20 seconds per run; RM stock on

planned investment from Cargill headquarters will

through generating a new team structure, adjusting

pallets increased their dumping efficiency by 20%

be kept with no change; the integration of Provimi’s

product portfolios and providing training for 343

from March 2011. Furthermore, in order to save

three plants is ongoing, ten mills are at various

farm managers.

energy cost, Langfang changed the boiler burner fuel

phases of construction (from land preparation to

from oil to gas in December 2010, which resulted in

pilot production) and four additional locations have

Meanwhile, cost control and process optimization

saving 722,258 yuan from January to November of

received approval for capital investment to move

are essential to CAN. In eastern China, employees in


ahead with new land purchase. So how the CAN

Jiaxing plant observed that color-printing tectorial-

team live up to the FTG in their daily work?

membrane packaging bags are not eco-friendly for

GOSC- Optimize the Process

recycling. They found it would be better to adopt CAN China formed RMRM (right market, right

woven bags. Currently, packaging of one product has

Fit to Grow for Grain and Oilseeds Supply Chain

model) team last October. This team aims to

been changed to woven bags, which has helped save

Great China and Korea (GOSC) means working

identify potential profit pools of poultry raising and

10,000 yuan each month. This approach also helps

together to make the BU more agile and striving

livestock breeding in China, prioritizing resources

farmers in disposing of used packages (0.5 yuan for

to become best performing BU within the CASC

towards specific customer segments and delivering

every disposed package), which was appreciated


appropriate products and services to targeted market

by our customers; meanwhile the approach also

segments. There were also organizational and

mitigates environmental impact by waste plastics. In

When the bean desk imports soybeans for the

operational process adjustments in a bid to make the

Jinlin, employees suggested use steam pipelines with

crushing plants, freight cost contributes 5-10% to

business more agile to deliver more efficient service

pelletizing systems in old workshops, which save fuel

the total cost. To optimize the process, the supply

to customers.

cost by 2,500 yuan each day. In Fushun, employees

chain team identified some areas to be improved. A

on the production line advise that using hydraulic

detailed work process and a monitoring mechanism

Last November, the monogastric sales team

operating gear will save human resources, which

were established as a result of joint efforts amongst

conducted Lean Management by dividing the market

will also enhance employee safety. In Langfang,

the supply chain team, bean desk, plants and ports.

CHANGE MANAGEMENT - FIT TO GROW Consequently, GOSC plants respectively in Nantong and Yangjiang have been performing very well in both lay time control and effective discharge rate. Furthermore, the supply chain team members also developed a new solution to capture the cost saving. From September to November 2011, the Nantong plant saved US $276,000 on four vessels as well as a 40% improvement of the actual discharge performance each day (unit: metric tons) at Carda port. With the same solution, the Yangjiang plant saved US $82,000 on three vessels and set a new unloading performance record for Brazilian bean imports. Across the BU, the team has saved USD $335,000 since changing the paper discharge rate. While the bean team generates encouraging achievements, the corn team also had an internal discussion on how contribute to the Fit to Grow strategy. Eliminating unnecessary agencies is the key approach which is estimated to save roughly 1.1 million yuan ($175,000) on an annual basis. In the meantime, the core team is looking for opportunities to optimize cost structure in the middle and long term for getting fitter.




Graduate Trainee Program

Zhejiang province, more than 50 trainees from

-Engaging young talent and building pipeline to

different locations of the two BUs participated in one

support growth

of the group training sessions, called “Trainee Camp.”

This is the first time the two BUs have had a

During this training, trainees learned about Cargill and

structured program to expedite the learning of

began to build an informal network.

trainees. The trainees will have their performance

As businesses expand quickly in China, the competition for talent gets fiercer and talent attraction and

they can learn from the leaders.

appraised every six months and after one year,

retention remain a key challenge for companies,

“Through this program, we are building a talent

they will be assigned in their respective functions,

including Cargill.

pipeline to support the growth of our businesses.

such as supply chain, operations, human resources,

We want to provide a holistic view of Cargill for the

commercial, finance and trading.

In an effort to address this issue, two business units—

university graduates, though they would work for

Grain & Oilseeds Supply Chain Greater China & Korea

different functions. Also, we are creating a supportive

“We will continuously solicit feedback from the

(GOSC) and Refined Oils China & Malaysia (ROCM)—

environment to engage them with this big Cargill

management teams as well as the trainees as the

kicked off a one-year graduate trainee program in July

family,” said Patricia Tam, Learning & Development

program goes on, so as to fine-tune the program and

last year. Through this program, the two BUs hope to

Lead for GOSC & ROCM.

ensure its effectiveness,” said Tam.

engage university graduates by helping them quickly integrate into the Cargill family, as well as build up the

An important component of this program is the

skills the businesses require.

leadership support provided to the trainees, which has two parts: a “buddy system” and “learning tables

The graduates who join the program are assigned

with leaders”. In the first six months of this program,

trainee roles and receive on-the-job training to

each trainee is assigned one partner (also called

enhance their technical skills. In addition, they

a “buddy”) for initial guidance on work and other

participate in group training sessions to help them

administrative procedures. The buddy must be a solid

better understand Cargill’s culture and businesses,

performer within the business who is able to illustrate

and gain soft skills in communications, time

the key elements of the Cargill Leadership Model. In

management, problem solving and decision making.

addition, trainees have face-to-face discussions twice

For example, from September 19-23, in Hangzhou,

a year with senior leaders within the business so that

Trainees participate in a team building activity on trust and collaboration.


Growing with Cargill


While Cargill’s “Fit to Grow” is only a few months old,

company perspective,” he said. “I’ve been fortunate

employees Katherine Huang, product line leader for

that other functions have provided a lot of support

China Food and Industrial Oils (FIO) Specialty Fats

and professional advice to me in my changing

and Bulk, Cargill Refined Oils China and Malaysia,

roles and it is great for me to see more and closer

and Terry Tao, south China feed protein commercial

collaboration for Cargill’s ongoing improvement.”

manager, Cargill Grain and Oilseeds Supply Chain Greater China and Korea, have long approached their

The importance of trust

Katherine Huang Profile

career development by following some of the same

To achieve his own goals in his career that so far

Education: MBA, Hong Kong University

philosophies: being practical, resisting complexity and

includes positions such as soybean meal trainee,

Current job: Product Line Leader- China FIO Specialty

working quickly. In less than six years, both employees

soybean purchaser, soybean merchant and now

have managed to develop their skills and take on

regional commercial manager, Terry said he most

several different roles as a result.

credits the trust he has received from his managers

Fats and Bulk Hobbies: Hiking, playing with kids

and colleagues.

Hometown: Jilin, China Collaboration According to Terry, who joined Cargill in 2005 as a

“Whenever I have been promoted to a new position, I

commercial trainee at a JV crush plant in Machong,

always felt trusted by the people around me,” he said.

south China, collaboration has been an important

“They helped me to work through any challenges and

component to his career development, and also is key

always told me, “We believe in you!”

Terry Tao Profile

to Cargill becoming the fitter, more agile organization

Education: Bachelor’s in Food Science and Technology ,

that it strives to be.

Good timing Katherine said that good timing has most helped her

Jiangnan University “From my own experience, we have very professional

progress in her career. She joined Cargill in 2006 as a

functional teams who are always willing to share

vegetable oil merchant when Cargill China’s tropical

Hobbies: Basketball, reading

their insights. It can be difficult to achieve the best

oils business began without an existing customer

Hometown: Yangzhou Jiangsu Province, China

solutions when each function operates independently

base. And as the China market has developed, Cargill’s

rather than working together and thinking from the

oil business has grown to include oil refineries, palm

Current job: South China Feed Protein Commercial Manager

CAREER DEVELOPMENT fractionation facilities and more, and Katherine’s

challenges in order to develop faster.

career also has grown to include positions such as sales manager and product lead.

As Cargill continues to face its own challenges with Fit to Grow, employees like Katherine and Terry, who are

Katherine says that during her time at Cargill, her

willing to learn and grow along with our company, will

greatest achievement has been seeing the Food and

be crucial to our organization’s success.

Industrial Oils team’s growth in the last three years. “I can't deny that our path has been complicated, but step by step, things are getting simpler. I am very proud of this team, with their passion for learning and sharing, persistence to conquer difficulties and creative thinking for customer solutions. The key to our success has been to build a relationship on learning together, growing together and having fun!” Ideas for YOUR success The key to successfully growing and developing your own career at Cargill, Katherine said, is to follow your heart and choose a job you really, deeply love. “Live in the present and make it beautiful!” she said. Terry advises asking questions, working hard and always remembering that your career development is linked to the company’s development. Most importantly, he suggests being willing to face




Last year, Cargill China Corporate Responsibility

to building a leadership role in food safety, thanks

And in the spirit of keeping this global, employees

Committee made consensus on the three strategic

in part to a few initiatives to improve food safety

are represented from France, UK, Ghana, Canada,

focus areas of corporate responsibility; Food Security

standards and build a preventative culture, including

Malaysia and Brazil.

(Rural Development and Agriculture Modernization),

a best-practice sharing program with multinational

Food Safety and Environment.

food manufacturers including Kraft, Nestle, Unilever,

The creative campaign is just the start. We will

General Mills, Mars, Yum, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, and

continue to build awareness around food safety with

Pepsi-Co; and a food safety training program for small

regular communications to ensure that food safety is

and medium-sized enterprises, in partnership with

a high-priority topic within China, and everywhere.

What role do you play in ensuring food safety at Cargill?

Shanghai Jiaotong University. According to Dr. Yunling Zheng, Cargill regional quality

“We’re building our brand, and this brand needs

director for the Asia Pacific region, one load of high

Still, there is work to be done in China and elsewhere.

to be very strong. Food safety is not negotiable and

fructose corn syrup can make 1 million cans of soda in

In an effort to bring the concept of food safety to

we all play a role in driving a culture of food safety at


life for employees – no matter what their role – the

Cargill,” said Dr. Zheng.

Food Safety Risk Committee is launching a food safety “Which means, if one load of our product has a food

awareness campaign. This campaign is intended to

For more information, please visit

safety problem, a lot of our customers’ products have

garner attention, create excitement and connect food

problems,” she said.

safety to personal responsibility and accountability. The campaign provides posters, table tents, Power

Now more than ever, providing safe food is critical

World Food Day

Point Templates and a simply stated video. On October 16 2011, Cargill, together with the Ministry

to Cargill’s reputation, brand and ultimately our very success. Food safety is not just an issue that’s

This is part of a global Cargill campaign – and you’ll see

of Agriculture (MOA), the State Administration

important on the production line—it impacts all

employees featured outside of “the usual suspects” to

of Grain (SAG), and the UN Food and Agriculture

areas of Cargill. In fact, food safety is every Cargill

illustrate that food safety is everyone’s responsibility.

Organization (FAO), held an opening ceremony for the

employee’s responsibility.

In this first round, the campaign features employees

weeklong "2011 World Food Day - Love Food, Save

from Cargill Transportation and Logistics (CTL),

Food" campaign in Ningbo. This year’s event focused

Procurement, Sales, Maintenance and Production.

on food security, with an effort to increase people's

In China, Zheng explained that Cargill is committed



Cargill Cares Rural Education Program closing ceremony September 2 2011, Cargill together with China Children and Teenagers' Fund (CCTF) held a ceremony in Zhenhua Elementary school in Changping District, Beijing for the closing ceremony of Cargill Cares Rural Education Program. The fouryear program was completed with rebuilding or renovating classroom buildings in 21 elementary schools, and establishing “Cargill Cares Library” in 20 Robert Aspell in meeting with Ms. Zhang Guifeng, Deputy-director of SAG awareness of saving food resources to help ensure

the 12th Five-year Plan on National Agriculture

the sustainable development of China's agricultural

and Rural Economic Development, and shared our

industry. Robert Aspell, Cargill China President and

global engagement in the World Food Day, as well as

Shelly Shi, Vice President, Corporate Affairs Cargill

Cargill’s corporate responsibility efforts.

China participated in this ceremony. As the exclusive partner of this event, Cargill Cares Before the ceremony, while meeting respectively

Councils located throughout the country will hold

with Mr. Wang Ying, Director-general of Department

weeklong "National Food Saving" campaigns at more

of International Cooperation of MOA, Ms. Zhang

than 12 locations, including in Tianjin, Chongqing,

Guifeng, Deputy-director of SAG and Mr. Liu Xiaonan,

Nantong and Yangjiang, to raise awareness in local

Deputy-director of Department of Trade of National

communities about saving food.

Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Robert discussed with them on topics including

elementary schools. The last Cargill Cares Library was opened in Zhenhua on the same day. In 2008, Cargill donated USD 1 million to CCTF to establish the Cargill Cares Rural Education Program to fulfill the commitment to supporting rural development and providing rural children with better education environment and resources. The program benefits at least 14,000 rural children every year, according to CCTF. Cargill employees also donated time and effort by actively participating in various volunteer teaching projects to help promote rural education in China.

CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY including renovating facility, building libraries and


Safety Week in Nantong

sponsoring handicapped rural kids. On October 17, 2011, GOSC Nantong plant launched For years, Cargill has been utilizing global experience

a one-week work safety training program.

and expertise to helping promote rural development in China. Through corporate responsibility projects, Cargill is committed to contributing to agriculture modernization, farmers’ income increase and Robert Aspell and Chen Xiaoxia, Secretary General of China Children and Teenagers Fund unveiled the Cargill Cares Library

sustainable development of rural area.

Run for Rural Development In fire drill, employees learnt how to use extinguishers December 2011 marks consecutively the seventh time that Cargill has organized employees to participate in the international marathon events. Over 400 employees joined the events in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. In 2005, Gerrit Hueting, business unit leader of Starches and Sweeteners Asia at that time initiated this event to call for Cargill employees, customers and partners’ participation and raise funds for rural development, in hopes of increasing public awareness for sustainable development in rural areas. The fund being raised through years has been used to improve educational condition in rural schools,

47 employees participated in International Marathon in Shenzhen



5 Years in Cargill

Xu Chao

Zhu Xuefeng

Xu Wenguo

Yuan Ruyong

(until 2011/09 – 12)

Feng Ying

Zhou Yandong

Shu Hao

Qiao Meng

Zang Yuanbo

Chen Lixin

Li Hui

Starches and

Zhao Xingyu

Feng Xi

Chen Yunqian

Sweeteners China

Sui Jiwen

Wang Zhifeng

Liu Lipeng

Hu Yufeng

Machong North

Zhao Deyun



Fan Liming

Zhao Yaming

Zhu Lu

Xiang Shaoxing

Zhao Yonglin

Gao Yufeng

Zhang Ximing

Zhu Shouping

Guan Jing

Zhang Wenhui

Guo Liang

Tian Xianwen

Fang Jianfeng

Li Shujuan

Liu Wenfeng


Hu Yanming

Ma Fengshuang

Ma Junyu

Liu Haibing

Fan Xiangchun

Lin Yunshan

Chen Shizhen

Han Jian

Yan Bin

Cui Zhenguo

Zong Defu

Wang Xianxia

Shen Yingdang

Kong Lingjun

Zhou Tao

Zhang Lin

Fan Xiaofeng

Wang Liang

Zhuo Yan

Li Jian

Wang Sanyin

Yan Yahuai

Zhang Peige

Kou Hongtao

Qian Hua

Song Linghong

Zhao Changqing

Zhang Cuirong

Fang Dongliang

Zheng Jiajun

Zheng Rongjun

Zhu Long

Yang Zhifeng

Zhang Chengyou

Chen Yunchun

Li Yunxia

Zhang Wenli

Zhong Sheng

Wu Jun

Guo Zhaoyi

Jia Xiangwu

Xu Liping

Zhang Jian

Xu Jiguo

Zhao Bin

Wang Wenxin

Pu Xiaoyan

Chen Guopeng

Chen Wei

Liu You

Zhang Yiwu

Li Chunxu

Pu Yanyan

Yan Junying

Wang Lianqing

Chen Yun

Yang Shaoxing

Zhao Rong

Di Hongyi

Songyuan Fu Zhongchengr

Yang Liqing

Zhong Yuming

Chen Song

Cargill Animal


Lai Feifeng


Zhou Qiong

Tan Xingjian

Mo Haibo Zhou leqian Nanjing

Chen Qinlong

Grain and Oilseeds

Dai Huisheng

Qin Langzhong

Huang Xiaona

Zheng Jimeng


Li Yongquan

Supply Chain Great

Cao Lijin

Zhu Dayun

Zhao Wenhong

Wang Lingling

Wang YIn

Liu Bo

China & Korea

Zhu Yongheng

Wang Zhanfeng

Lu Jin

Song Ling

Li Yunsheng

He Hanxi



Liang Xiaolong Bo Guangyu


Ying Tiankui

Ge Junjie

Yang Weifeng

Li Xiaolong

Li Yuemei

Liu Zhiguo

Yang Hongyue

Ye Kaizhu

Liu Gang

Li Qingquan

Lv Junhui

Wang Gang

Lian Zhongliang

Zhang Lei

Ji Qirong

Rao Kaiwang

Long Qingyou



Dong Hongmei

Cui Hongjun

Chen Fei

Xu Guohui

Ouyang Jianzhong

Zhao Houyong

Yan Gaofeng


OUR FAMILY Chang Lanxiao

Huang Wei

10 Years in Cargill

Hou Yucai

He Guishui

(until 2011/09 – 12)

Fan Yanwei

Lin Pijian

Zhu Guohui


Cargill Animal

25 Years in Cargill

Li Shanxiu


(until 2011/09 – 12)



Cargill Animal

Wang Dan

Li Hongbao



Zhang Fazhong

Jin Liming

Cargill Animal

Jiang Yongtan

Starches and


Ma Zhengjun

Sweeteners China

Zhou Saike

Yuan Yi

Cheng Wenyi

He Ye


Jiang Leiguang

Gao Xing

Yu Haibao


Wu Chang

Wei Guoming

Zhao Yi

Qing Mei

Lei Fucai

Chun Jang Hwan


Cao Lingji

Lv Zhonghui

Ji Pingping

Ma Jiewei

Xu Jiawan


Cargill Investments

Zhao Duoyuan

Zhu Qian

Gao Wenbin

Liu Yunhong

(China) Ltd.

Yuan Xiaofang

Zheng Qiumei

Gou Enzhe

Li Yunghong

Ma Yongjie

Xu Sanqin

Ge Xudong

Li Yongfu


Liang Ting

Mo Haifeng

Liu Fuchen

Li Zhiyong

Wu Penghai

20 Years in Cargill

Zhang Yingjun

Deng Huafu

Nicolas Seegmüller

(until 2011/09 – 12)

Dang Hongtao


Fang Guoqi 30 Years in Cargill Shanghai Alan Johnson Cargill Animal

Fu Yong


Luan Enhui

Han Zhongsheng

Song Yuming

Li Xiulan


15 Years in Cargill

Grain and Oilseeds

Cai Xiaoping

Yao Yong

Tang Hui

Pei Jianhua

(until 2011/09 – 12)

Supply Chain Great

Sun Hongjun

Zhou Longcheng


Lv Xingkai

Jia Guoshu


Li Lu

Sun Xingyu

Mao Zhanjiang

Ma Jidong

Zhou Zhaobo


Sun Yonghe

Wang Jinwei

Liu Yaojun

(until 2011/09 – 12)

Nutrition Jiaxing

China & Korea Cargill Investments (China) Ltd.

Cargill Investments


Wang Dong

(China) Ltd.

Sun Baoguo

Zhu Xiaohua



Li Hongyu

Li Jianyong

Li Haiyu

Wen Bo

Shanghai Peter Archer


Neil Barker

Yin Yong

Clemens Tan

Xie Longcheng

Chang Dong Hee

Lee Heung Kee

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