Communications Tips ᏴᒦਪपᆍดሶᓜጓཽိॅखቲLjॅჃནǖ ߲ۈᏸᓐᆡǖSMARTCOMM
ᒆጓ૦્ ᒆጓ૦્ Job position: PR/Press of Marketing, APAC
PR/Press of Marketing, APAC
ཽᇕषტ Susie Lim-Kannan Swissotel Hotel & Resortვཌࠅᔐପ
Company: A worldwide leading German manufacturer of tires, brake systems and other parts for the automotive and transport industries Position Title: PR/Press of Marketing, APAC PLT
Ꮵᔫଆ༝ 8 things you should never do with customer magazine
Location: Shanghai, China Key Areas of Responsibility: Establishing and handling all Public Relationship, Media and Internal/external related communications and events in professional and active way in alignment with corporate and other divisional PR concept and strategies to establish company tire image in the market places Central organe for all PR-related subjects involving developing, editing press releases, key notes, statements, case studies etc Plan and implement press related events by fully leveraging the internal resources Establishing corporate relationships with
ᐵႈᆒ 12 steps required for an effective internal communications strategy and plan ښಿॊሱ Green Printing ણۣ፝ၮ ᔢቤ @SWSጓኝࠅອಯᇹᄻ ਓসᅎਓ eventrenĊ Ċࣅݽચᑗጙᐶါᆀຳგ ᄖᄖܪᒔĊ Ċഌሌࡼᔈᓐܪᒔଐຳგ
related governmental arms, industrial associates, opinion leaders to have targeted Continental Tire exposure Key Requirements: University degree in Media Science, Journalist, Sociology or Marketing with working experiences for reknown presses (newspaper, magazines, PR agencies or multinational companies with PR focus Years experience as Journalist at wellknown newspapers, PR agencies or multinational companies with good PR track record. Affinity to serviced technical products, press network, multicultural communication Strength in project management in strict timing schedule Fluent English and Chinese (written and spoken), other Asian language will be a plus. International working experience is a must Contact:
Persistent pursuit of perfection ฝဵྙੜᔓPR & Communication ᑚᄟᒆጓࡸവࡼǛ S:
ᑚဵᄖဟಽཽਜ਼ګăধྜྷௌࢢቲጓࡼဟLjᆸဵᏴHRݝඡăࡩဟᔪ೫10ฤ ࡼᏇPRᑵੑಭᒆLjGMࡻᆸးᔪᑚৈLjჅጲ೫ᆸྜྷPRࡼ૦્ăࡩဟᆸ ੪ฤ༵LjGMႁฝऻޟᎌ༅ೆLjᏴᑚዹࡼ৴ᇎਜ਼૮ሆLjᆸሆቦڳᔫᔪࡵᔢ ੑă
ᎌᒔ᎖PR & Communication खᐱࡼฤཽ༵ฝᎌဠඐፇǛ S:
Susie Lim-Kannan Swissotel Hotel & Resort ვ ཌࠅᔐପLj፱ᎌௌࢢ፦ሾਜ਼ ှࠅޝ20ࣶฤளዩLj Ᏼ۞౪ ቤଝຸĂࡍڦಽĂࢀ ᔫਭă
1/ ጙৈੑࡼPRኊገᎌऻཾࡼޟงೆਜ਼ੑຘLjੑࡼፂೆጐဵݙܘభࡼǗ 2/ ገਜ਼ݙᄴࡼཽᆒߒੑࡼਈᇹLjኊገᎌଫ༓ࡼፀᒔೆǗ! 3/ ገᎌጙຳޟቦབྷ၊Ljฤཽ༵ဵ્ຎࡵཽଜ࣪ฝႁݙቲĂݙถă
ቢဠඐዹࡼሆၢǛ S:
ࡩఘࡵกቋऻޟᎌຽೆĂᎌงೆĂᎌۧঌࡼฤཽ༵ဟLj્ཱུ࣒ᆸሯᆸฤ༵ࡼဟ ăྙਫຎࡵᑚዹࡼཽLjᆸళࢾ્Ⴧඣৎࣶࡼ૦્ăჅጲࡩᆸෂ၂ቤཽࡼဟ LjᒑገჇඣზࣞ࣪೫LjჇࡼᆸࡻ࣒ဵభጲዸࡼă
OpƟmize CommunicaƟons Performance
8 Things you should never do with customer magazine
Ver. 2011
There’s a lot of good that your company can get from a custom magazine. But at the same time, it can turn around and hit you right between the eyes if you misuse a company publication.
Go unprofessional
Brag about yourself
1 “If you can’t do it yourself, give it to someone
5 Try to keep the directors’ and boss’ family
who can”. Employ a team of qualified profession-
pictures and tall tales to a minimum. Not an
als to work on the magazine internally, or contact
“I’m-paying-for-it, I’ll-stick-what-I-want” self
a custom media house to publish it externally on
promo piece.
your behalf.
Never go unqualified 2 A custom publication is a very strategic medium
Promos galore! 6 Company advertisements and self-promotion
pieces should not exceed twenty percent of the
where every single page has a direct conse-
total number of pages. Anything more than that
quence on your profits.
and your magazine loses its credibility.
Assume you have all the PR you need
Badmouth competition
3 You can’t get any further away from the truth here.
7 So if you want to be respected through your publi-
An in-house publication is a start, but it’s by no
cation, talk about your achievements without
means, the means to the end. Follow up your
overly comparing and gloating over your success
custom publication activity with additional activi-
and your competitors’ losses in the pages.
ties to pack a power-punch.
Glow too bright 4 Brag about your company in your magazine, but
do it discreetly and professionally.
Straying away… 8 Stick to your niche, and provide your readers with
interesting, relevant information that focuses on your industry.
Is su
e2 8
N ov
em be
20 09
Ꮇ೫ஊৎࣶSMARTCOMMᏴጓᏭᒔࡼॲᇗ-Ⴣན፝ၮࡼॲᇗLj༿ᒘ࢟021-54891931*16 Nico Ni /
12 Steps required for an effective internal communications strategy and plan 1 Employee focused communications must be led
from the top.
7 Timing is critical. 8 The tone of any communication is important if
2 Consistency in message is vital. 3 Charismatic yet natural and planned communi-
we want people to engage effectively. 9 Keep all communication focused on the “What
cations are more effective. 4 Communication via the line manager is pre-
ferred and more effective.
is in it for me?” factor. 10
Communication is a two-way process.
A single key theme or a couple of key themes is
5 Employee communications are not optional
a means of giving coherence to a range of
extras, they are part of business as usual and should be planned and budgeted for as such.
diverse employee communications initiatives. 12
Set your standards and stick to them.
6 There must be integration between internal and
external communications.
Green Printing ൊྻણۣ፝ၮ ఱઓǖ ఱઓဵጙଜཝཆᒀࡼแᔫᇕႊă
ఱઓኊཇǖ ఱઓገ፝ၮጙ۾ኝࠅጓ્ᐊྀࡼᓾ೯LjኊገᏴ۞౪ ᒓᐽਜ਼፝ၮࢀણஂࡉࡵણۣஂถገཇă
Smartcommऱښǖ 1 ᒓᐽǖFSCཱྀᑺᒓᐽ
ಯᆕᏋ્ \ FSCཱྀᑺDŽཱྀᑺDž^ཱྀᑺᄏᇹဵ༄ှཱྀޝభࣞᔢ ࡼLj၊ࡵऻᑶঀણۣᔝᒅਜ਼ඏጵᔝᒅᑽߒࡼཝཆཱྀᑺᄏᇹLjᒜࢾ ၊ࡵਓमཱྀభࡼள፦Ꮗᐌਜ਼ܪᓰLj࠳ီஏपᆍด࣪ણஹঌᐊ Ă࣪ ્ᎌಽਜ਼ளభቲࡼள፦ 2 ᎉǖࡍ࣏ᎉ
ࡍ࣏ᎉဵࡍ࣏ᎉ༵ࣞᄋ࠙ઁLjᎧྻႤĂၥᒂࢀᄗଝଋऎ߅ࡼă ᒈᇕᎉᄐࡔဝᎉLjି೫છဝᏇ೯ࡼဧLjદஊཆᓾᏎஜᐽăऎ༦ࡍ ࣏Ⴥኊࡼિखቶᎌ૦ᇕᒠྙݙဝᎉࣶLjି೫హᇁăࡼྻႤଢ଼ஊ ൈጐဵܪᓰᎉࡼ4۶ă 3 ᒜۈǖCTPᒜۈ
Ꭷࠅᄻᒜۈሤ܈CTPᒜࡼۈᎁဴᏴ᎖;1.ဏऺ<2.ᇄᏺ࢛<3.߲ۈႥࣞă Ꮇ೫ஊৎࣶSMARTCOMMᏴൊྻણۣ፝ၮࡼถೆૺऱښLj༿ᒘ࢟021-54891931*16 Eleven Wang /
ှݝޝൈᄋ೫ƽ ཝፐᎌ೫61ࡼ @SWSጓኝࠅອಯᇹᄻ 1 !!!!ݴ႙!!!!۞ᓤ!!!!༿!!!!ဃຒ!!!!ᄻଐ!!! 2 3 4 5 6
@SWSဵ൸ᔗጓᎌࣶᒬ፝ၮອ)ಳອ*ᑗᎌࣶৈݝඡဧ፝ၮ ອ) ಳອ *ࡼಯኊཇLj۞౪፝ၮອ)ಳອ *ࡼݴĂ႙Ă ဧᑗ࣪፝ၮອࡼ༿Ăಯᑗ࣪፝ၮອဧࡼ఼ᒜࢀኊཇă @SWSᅲཝ᎖ઑೊᆀࡼಯຳგLjᇄኊڔᓤྀੜྟୈ၊আ Đঌᐊ3ৈݝඡኝࠅອࡼᒜᔫĂݴĂ ႙Ă༿ĂဃຒĂᄻଐვઔறೆLjથ ੑᎌATXTጓኝࠅອಯຳგă đ Jenny, Eastman
ݝॊఱઓ; Ꮇ೫ஊৎࣶSMARTCOMMਈ᎖ኝࠅອಯᇹᄻࡼቧᇦLj༿ᒘ࢟021-54891931*17 Marshal Xie /