2010 ฤྯ໐ 2010 Issue 3, 2010 2
۾ఓᇕᎅሌᑵࡉ)ᒦਪ*ᄾᓾᎌሢႊጓူᇗܠݝቖखቲă ઢ፩ิۦਣࡼፀਜ਼ፇखᒗLina.du@syngenta.com ᒘ࢟ৢူᇗᎧᄰளಯ ࣛขă࢟જǖ021-3865 1985 Golden Vision is the magazine for Syngenta China employees. It is edited and published by Corporate Affairs Department of Syngenta (China) Investment Co.,Ltd. Please contact Lina Du, Public Affairs and Communications Manager if you have any comment and suggestion. Email: Lina.du@syngenta.com; Tel: 86 21-3865 1985 ଐ፝ၮǖSmartcomm Shanghai
ሌᑵࡉ)ᒦਪ*ᄾᓾᎌሢႊ ᒦਪှ໌ࣁቤཌ໌ࣁฉവ999 ቤඓೊਓޝ21ണ ᎆܠǖ200120 ࢟જǖ+86
21 38651800 ࠅᑞǖ+86 21 68882627 ᆀᒍǖwww.syngenta.com.cn
ᔐளಯዔ!Message from GM 01
Content ᔐளಯዔ
Message from GM
ሌᑵࡉᒦਪྋᒦਪแጇጓ્ྋᎺܭᐻ! Syngenta Won Industrial Association Award
Q3 Delivered Strong Performance, Striving to Achieve Annual Target 01 01
ᆡᄴူ: ၅ሌᆸሯᓗሌᑵࡉ 10ᒲฤည྇ಘăሌᑵࡉጯள߅ࡼᔓਭ೫ጙ ৈလฤLjৼ೫ှޝഌሌᆡ,Ᏼཝཆ۞౪ᒦਪ࣒ᎌ੪ࣶ߅৺ ူLjฝඣᏴሆࡼ10ฤཀ໐ମ೫ஊࡵৎࣶᑚዹࡼ߅৺ူă
Inside Syngenta
ৎLjৎੑLjᄾྜྷৎ ĊĊ ሌᑵࡉݬᐱཝਪၷୣ્LjᐱာᒈۣഌሌޘອᎧଆၣ
02 02
More, Better, From Less ĊĊ Syngenta Attended Cpiet Showcasing Its Advanced Products and Technology for Crop Protection
2010ฤဵଲซࡼጙฤă਼ഗLjছਜ਼ၺࢀᔈᏰ፬ሰ೫ᑳৈှ ޝăऎ,ᏴᑚዹࡼݙಽፐႤሆLjᆸඣ྆ནࡻ೫੪ੑࡼጓăᏴࠥ
ᆸ࣪ဣሚஙฤࡼཝฤޟऻܪಘLjᒑገᆸ ඣถଖኚۣߒ༄ࡼሾ၉ဴᄿLjଖኚ఼ᒜ߅
ᓧၺࡶLjॕ၃ᒦਪ..ሌᑵࡉၺࡶแጇିᐐޘာपዩ၃્Ᏼ୕Ⴁጥᑯቲ Syngenta Rice Productivity Solution Boosts China Harvest
ሌᑵࡉᒦਪྋᒦਪแጇጓ્ྋᎺܭᐻ! Syngenta Won Industrial Association Award
ሌᑵࡉቅᏊᑈຮࣅࣅ Syngenta Campus Recruitment Program
9Ꮬ 3྇ᑵါጤୣࡩᑶঀLjᆐࡩਰ ᔇඣᄋ೫ጙৈڔཝၔးࡼኧᇴਜ਼ည
ሌᑵࡉ2010ฤྯଈࣞཝཆጓۨস Syngenta Third Quarter 2010 Performance
ਜ਼ࣅă ᏴਭབྷࡼଂৈᏜಱLjᆸඣᏴጲሆଂৈऱෂᄋ ဍ೫ሌᑵࡉࡼອተሷ:
ણஹă ሌᑵࡉۻ၈ᎤĐᐊྀਈટလଛጓđਜ਼ Đᒈۣపଆॲᇗሆራလଛጓđೝሲྋ Ꮊ߂ă
ᔓதሌᑵࡉᏴሾ၉ᔢ༄ዘࡼອࡍဧ Approaching the Forefront Brand Ambassador of Syngenta
యᇄᔍၷᒮੑಳࣅᒄᎊಂီ݇တ્Ljݬሌᑵࡉฉᄰޣ Lucky Draw Winners of “GRAMOXONE” Promotion Sales Visited EXPO and Syngenta Nantong
Brand Ambassdor
ሌᑵࡉടᒮೡሤೝৈਪଜแጓᐱ ્LjᐱሚĐ૮खᒈᇕ༅ถLjબखறݨ ညđࡼႊဧෘਜ਼ĐৎᄾྜྷLjৎ ࣶ߲ޘđࡼᒈۣಯศăᐱ્໐ମࡻࡵ แጓݝሤਈഌࡴࡼਈᓖਜ਼ཱྀభă 2010ฤሌᑵࡉཝཆຶኡጯளൢሆᢁLjᆸঢࡵ੪ᔈࡼဵஙฤᆸ ඣᄋୣࡼ৺ူᒄጙ࠭ვཌ286ৈ৺ူᒦ߅ᅃᆍ,ྜྷ೫ཝཆྮ
ຶኡăᎌೝৈ৺ူࡻვཌᄂܰܭᐻăᏴࠥሶᅍࣩܭာᓗ੦ ݀ᇧᆃฝඣถৌৎࣶৎਓࡼಽፄሤਈᑗॊሱᑚቋ߅৺ူă
ሌᑵࡉख௮ࡼ႐ࠂᏰઁᒮ᎓एᏊᄾྜྷး New Beginnings in Sichuan
ࠎቤᒄുཝਪࣅ-!໐ࡗཝᏋݬᎧ Journey on Innovation Calling for Nationwide Participation
ሌᑵࡉᒦਪ৺ူྜྷ2010ฤሌᑵࡉཝཆᔐྮຶኡ Syngenta China CP Project Entered Syngenta Awards 2010 Global Finalist
ອۣઐᏴቲࣅ Anti-counterfeit Campaign
Dear Team Syngenta,
Employee Corner
2011ฤ1Ꮬฤ્ᆸඣᎌৎࡍቯࡼ10ฤૄ৻ᐱਜ਼ཀᓗࣅLj໐ࡗᎧ ฝඣৢᄴૄ৻ਭབྷLjᐱᆃᆚă ᇧᆃࡍଜᏴᔢઁጙৈଈࣞଖኚۣߒੑࡼᔫᓨზLjဣሚᆸඣࡼཝฤ
གྷઢಘቲā Syngenta Family Day 2010 in Shanghai
ቤᏋ New Appointments
During the last months, we have strengthened Syngenta brand and reputation with 3 major activities:
Go To Market
I am optimistic that we will achieve our full year target as long as we keep the momentum in sales and continue to control costs and spend on those activities which can add the most value for our business.
ሌᑵࡉݬᐱڭஔᒦਪਪଔแޘອୣጵ્ Syngenta Attended the 8th China International Agricultural Trade Fair
impressive that we have still achieved a strong result in this year and I want to thank each and everyone of you for your hard work and strong effort to make this possible.
First of all I want to wish all of you a Happy 10th Birthday of Syngenta as a company. It has been a decade of success where Syngenta has grown substantially, established leading market positions and globally as well as in China has many success stories to tell. You will hear more about this during the upcoming birthday celebrations. 2010 has been a difficult year with cold weather, drought and floods which has adversely affected the market. It is therefore even more
The Sichuan earthquake kindergarten that Syngenta initiated and had contributed financially and also unreserved volunteer hours was successfully completed and handed over to the local government on September 3, which will provide local kids a safe and cozy place to start a happy and prosperous life. Syngenta was awarded the honor of “Top 10 Companies for Crop Protection Technical Service” and “Top 10 Companies for Responsible Care” by China Crop Protection Industry Association in recognizing our contribution in transferring technology to China rural areas and high HSE standard of our Nantong plant. Syngenta showcased our company purpose “ Bringing plant potential to life” and “Grow More from Less” thought leadership on two national level trade fair and received positive acknowledgement from China Ministry of Agriculture. This November will see Syngenta’s 10th anniversary and Syngenta 2010 Award Ceremony will be held in Basel as one of the celebration activity. I’m proud that one of our China submission entered the finalist of the global completion and two won the APAC special recognition standing out from 286 APAC entries. Congratulations to the three winning team and great thanks to all the other story contributors. I am sure that you will make full use of your stories to engage broader based stakeholders. In China we will have grand celebration of the lunar calendar 10th anniversary in early January 2011 and I’m looking forward to reflecting with you our past 10 years and look into the future. I count on every of you to keep on your hard work for the last quarter and dedicate to ensure we achieve our annual target and build a good foundation for the upcoming Year of Rabbit.
ᔐளಯዔ!Message from GM 01
Content ᔐளಯዔ
Message from GM
ሌᑵࡉᒦਪྋᒦਪแጇጓ્ྋᎺܭᐻ! Syngenta Won Industrial Association Award
Q3 Delivered Strong Performance, Striving to Achieve Annual Target 01 01
ᆡᄴူ: ၅ሌᆸሯᓗሌᑵࡉ 10ᒲฤည྇ಘăሌᑵࡉጯள߅ࡼᔓਭ೫ጙ ৈလฤLjৼ೫ှޝഌሌᆡ,Ᏼཝཆ۞౪ᒦਪ࣒ᎌ੪ࣶ߅৺ ူLjฝඣᏴሆࡼ10ฤཀ໐ମ೫ஊࡵৎࣶᑚዹࡼ߅৺ူă
Inside Syngenta
ৎLjৎੑLjᄾྜྷৎ ĊĊ ሌᑵࡉݬᐱཝਪၷୣ્LjᐱာᒈۣഌሌޘອᎧଆၣ
02 02
More, Better, From Less ĊĊ Syngenta Attended Cpiet Showcasing Its Advanced Products and Technology for Crop Protection
2010ฤဵଲซࡼጙฤă਼ഗLjছਜ਼ၺࢀᔈᏰ፬ሰ೫ᑳৈှ ޝăऎ,ᏴᑚዹࡼݙಽፐႤሆLjᆸඣ྆ནࡻ೫੪ੑࡼጓăᏴࠥ
ᆸ࣪ဣሚஙฤࡼཝฤޟऻܪಘLjᒑገᆸ ඣถଖኚۣߒ༄ࡼሾ၉ဴᄿLjଖኚ఼ᒜ߅
ᓧၺࡶLjॕ၃ᒦਪ..ሌᑵࡉၺࡶแጇିᐐޘာपዩ၃્Ᏼ୕Ⴁጥᑯቲ Syngenta Rice Productivity Solution Boosts China Harvest
ሌᑵࡉᒦਪྋᒦਪแጇጓ્ྋᎺܭᐻ! Syngenta Won Industrial Association Award
ሌᑵࡉቅᏊᑈຮࣅࣅ Syngenta Campus Recruitment Program
9Ꮬ 3྇ᑵါጤୣࡩᑶঀLjᆐࡩਰ ᔇඣᄋ೫ጙৈڔཝၔးࡼኧᇴਜ਼ည
ሌᑵࡉ2010ฤྯଈࣞཝཆጓۨস Syngenta Third Quarter 2010 Performance
ਜ਼ࣅă ᏴਭབྷࡼଂৈᏜಱLjᆸඣᏴጲሆଂৈऱෂᄋ ဍ೫ሌᑵࡉࡼອተሷ:
ણஹă ሌᑵࡉۻ၈ᎤĐᐊྀਈટလଛጓđਜ਼ Đᒈۣపଆॲᇗሆራလଛጓđೝሲྋ Ꮊ߂ă
ᔓதሌᑵࡉᏴሾ၉ᔢ༄ዘࡼອࡍဧ Approaching the Forefront Brand Ambassador of Syngenta
యᇄᔍၷᒮੑಳࣅᒄᎊಂီ݇တ્Ljݬሌᑵࡉฉᄰޣ Lucky Draw Winners of “GRAMOXONE” Promotion Sales Visited EXPO and Syngenta Nantong
Brand Ambassdor
ሌᑵࡉടᒮೡሤೝৈਪଜแጓᐱ ્LjᐱሚĐ૮खᒈᇕ༅ถLjબखறݨ ညđࡼႊဧෘਜ਼ĐৎᄾྜྷLjৎ ࣶ߲ޘđࡼᒈۣಯศăᐱ્໐ମࡻࡵ แጓݝሤਈഌࡴࡼਈᓖਜ਼ཱྀభă 2010ฤሌᑵࡉཝཆຶኡጯளൢሆᢁLjᆸঢࡵ੪ᔈࡼဵஙฤᆸ ඣᄋୣࡼ৺ူᒄጙ࠭ვཌ286ৈ৺ူᒦ߅ᅃᆍ,ྜྷ೫ཝཆྮ
ຶኡăᎌೝৈ৺ူࡻვཌᄂܰܭᐻăᏴࠥሶᅍࣩܭာᓗ੦ ݀ᇧᆃฝඣถৌৎࣶৎਓࡼಽፄሤਈᑗॊሱᑚቋ߅৺ူă
ሌᑵࡉख௮ࡼ႐ࠂᏰઁᒮ᎓एᏊᄾྜྷး New Beginnings in Sichuan
ࠎቤᒄുཝਪࣅ-!໐ࡗཝᏋݬᎧ Journey on Innovation Calling for Nationwide Participation
ሌᑵࡉᒦਪ৺ူྜྷ2010ฤሌᑵࡉཝཆᔐྮຶኡ Syngenta China CP Project Entered Syngenta Awards 2010 Global Finalist
ອۣઐᏴቲࣅ Anti-counterfeit Campaign
Dear Team Syngenta,
Employee Corner
2011ฤ1Ꮬฤ્ᆸඣᎌৎࡍቯࡼ10ฤૄ৻ᐱਜ਼ཀᓗࣅLj໐ࡗᎧ ฝඣৢᄴૄ৻ਭབྷLjᐱᆃᆚă ᇧᆃࡍଜᏴᔢઁጙৈଈࣞଖኚۣߒੑࡼᔫᓨზLjဣሚᆸඣࡼཝฤ
གྷઢಘቲā Syngenta Family Day 2010 in Shanghai
ቤᏋ New Appointments
During the last months, we have strengthened Syngenta brand and reputation with 3 major activities:
Go To Market
I am optimistic that we will achieve our full year target as long as we keep the momentum in sales and continue to control costs and spend on those activities which can add the most value for our business.
ሌᑵࡉݬᐱڭஔᒦਪਪଔแޘອୣጵ્ Syngenta Attended the 8th China International Agricultural Trade Fair
impressive that we have still achieved a strong result in this year and I want to thank each and everyone of you for your hard work and strong effort to make this possible.
First of all I want to wish all of you a Happy 10th Birthday of Syngenta as a company. It has been a decade of success where Syngenta has grown substantially, established leading market positions and globally as well as in China has many success stories to tell. You will hear more about this during the upcoming birthday celebrations. 2010 has been a difficult year with cold weather, drought and floods which has adversely affected the market. It is therefore even more
The Sichuan earthquake kindergarten that Syngenta initiated and had contributed financially and also unreserved volunteer hours was successfully completed and handed over to the local government on September 3, which will provide local kids a safe and cozy place to start a happy and prosperous life. Syngenta was awarded the honor of “Top 10 Companies for Crop Protection Technical Service” and “Top 10 Companies for Responsible Care” by China Crop Protection Industry Association in recognizing our contribution in transferring technology to China rural areas and high HSE standard of our Nantong plant. Syngenta showcased our company purpose “ Bringing plant potential to life” and “Grow More from Less” thought leadership on two national level trade fair and received positive acknowledgement from China Ministry of Agriculture. This November will see Syngenta’s 10th anniversary and Syngenta 2010 Award Ceremony will be held in Basel as one of the celebration activity. I’m proud that one of our China submission entered the finalist of the global completion and two won the APAC special recognition standing out from 286 APAC entries. Congratulations to the three winning team and great thanks to all the other story contributors. I am sure that you will make full use of your stories to engage broader based stakeholders. In China we will have grand celebration of the lunar calendar 10th anniversary in early January 2011 and I’m looking forward to reflecting with you our past 10 years and look into the future. I count on every of you to keep on your hard work for the last quarter and dedicate to ensure we achieve our annual target and build a good foundation for the upcoming Year of Rabbit.
Inside Syngenta ሌᑵࡉቤᆫ ሌᑵࡉቤᆫ!Inside Syngenta 03
02 ሌᑵࡉቤᆫ!Inside Syngenta
ሌᑵࡉၺࡶာपᄙඛޘ 540.9ăࡍࡻᓍᎁሱሌᑵࡉၺ ࡶॕ၃߅ਫ ᔢᒫࡼࡍࡻᑗጯளޘညă2010ฤ10Ꮬ20྇ሌᑵࡉ)ᒦਪ*ᄾᓾᎌሢ ႊᔐளಯࢊ္ᆪᏴࣁऱᑺࠀᑺሆߥ߲೫ᑚᆡᑗăᔈ୕Ⴁዎ ߃ࡼᇈેಸๆိဵሌᑵࡉၺࡶॕ၃߅ਫࡼࡍࡻᓍă ሌᑵࡉ᎖2010ฤ8Ꮬ16྇Ᏼ୕ႡဏጥᑯှᑞแޝቲĐሌᑵࡉၺࡶࡍ ာपđLjᐱာሌᑵࡉၺࡶିጇLjᐐޘᐐ၃ࡼᔝऱ߅ښਫăᒦ10 ဧሌᑵࡉĐॵ়,ڐසLJࢻख़! ྯ୯ᔝऱښđࡼၺࡶᄙ߲ޘᔫᆐ۾
ࡍࡻᓍᇈેಸঢዔǖ ᇶሌᑵࡉႊၺࡶᄙॕ၃߅ਫࡍLjऻޟቭă၅ ሌঢቝሌᑵࡉႊᄋᆸᑚඐੑࡼኧᇴ૦્Ljᄴဟ ཱུᆸৎੑ೫ஊࡵሌᑵࡉႊࣶੑࡼޘອLjᆸ ࡍॕှൕިှᎌሢႊࡼຳგLjኝࠅĂᅎਓሌᑵࡉ ࡼᎁኅޘອLjဧཝှளሾਜ਼แᎍ࣒ถᒀࡸਜ਼ဧ ሌᑵࡉႊࡼޘອLjᆐᆸှแጓளࡼखᐱᔫ߲። ᎌࡼৡማă
Mrs. Wu Hui Li, lucky draw winner
I’m very pleased to win the Syngenta prize. I want to thank Syngenta for providing me such a good opportunity to learn about Syngenta products and will promote Syngenta products among our dealers and farmers through my Crop Protection Supermarket in Da Feng City.
ᐐଝளፄ167.5ᏄLjᐐ७14%ăඛିጇ81%Ljጇࠨၫି2ࠨă ږᑍሌᑵࡉၺࡶာपᄙඛ540.9ࡼޘLjࡼᇈેಸๆိອᔐ ᒋᆐ5409ၺࡶࡼှޝଥᒋLjᔐऄਭᅺᏄă
Syngenta Attended CPIET showcasing its Advanced Products and Technology for Crop Protection
ৎĂৎੑLjᄾྜྷৎ More, Better, From Less ሌᑵࡉݬᐱཝਪၷୣ્LjᐱာᒈۣഌሌޘອᎧଆၣ ᎅཝਪแଆᅎਓᒦቦᓍࡼێऔလങஔᒦਪᒈۣቧᇦୣഗᾹแጇୣጵ્ (“ၷୣ્”)᎖10Ꮬ12྇Ᏼਮऑܵടᒮఎă્ཽݬၫࡉࡵ15ᅺཽLjభጲႁ ဵီஏᔢࡍࡼᒈۣᐱ્ă ሌᑵࡉᔫᆐᔢࡍࡼᏸᓐਜ਼ݬᐱᒄጙೡሤၷୣ્ă180ຳऱඳࡼᐱᆡ ଐ଼ஈࡍLjᆍླྀᓹሌᑵࡉࡼဧෘ“૮खᒈᇕ༅ถLjબखறݨည(Bringing ৎࣶ߲ޘ Plant Potential To Life)”ૺሌᑵࡉཝཆާࡴࡼᒈۣಯศ“ৎᄾྜྷLj (Grow More from Less)”ᐱာ೫ᒈۣૺᒬᔇጓᇗࡼഌሌޘອᎧଆၣă ሌᑵࡉ)ᒦਪ*ᄾᓾᎌሢႊᔐளಯࢊ္ᆪᏴࡩᄖሆᇍࡼቧᇦख્ݚLjᔫ ᆐጓࡔܭखዔăჇᒎ߲Ljᒦਪਜ਼ཝཆෂᓹᄴዹࡼᆰᄌLjገ።ཽ࣪ాݙ ࣥᐐଝĂᅉਜ਼ၺᓾᏎ྇ፄିĂܤછࢀፐႤࡼ፬ሰLjܘኍᄰਭࠎቤ ࡼపଆਜ਼ޘອݣถ൸ᔗအڔཝኊገăሌᑵࡉᒘೆ᎖ᄰਭዐखਜ਼పଆ
ᑵཀྵࡊښLj߲ઁᄘቖᅲࡼࡊᄌᒓᄾྜྷߥረᒦăࡊښᅲཝᑵཀྵࡼࡊ ᄌ௳ྜྷߥણஂLjࡍອᆐ10ሌᑵࡉၺࡶာपᄙࡼޘሾ၉၃ྜྷ。 ቤ፭ࡼᐱಂෝါਜ਼᎑ཽࡼອଥᒋᏴᐱ્໐ମᇢ೫ၫݬᑗྜྷă ཝਪแଆᅎਓᒦቦᓍྀለᏎጐᏴሌᑵࡉ)ᒦਪ*ᄾᓾᎌሢႊᔐளಯࢊ္ ᆪࡼᄴሆLjݬ೫ᒈۣᓍᄌă
The 26th China Plant Protection Information Exchange & Pesticide and Sprayer Facilities Trade Fair (CPIET) hosted by National Agricultural Technology Extention Service Center (NATESC) was opened in Harbin on October 12, the biggest of its kind in the world boasting 150,000 participants. Syngenta participated in the fair as one of the major sponsors and exhibitors and occupied a 180 square-meter booth. Designed in simple and elegant style,Syngenta exhibited its advanced products and technology of crop protection and seeds featuring company purpose of “Bringing Plant Potential to Life”and Thought Leadership of “Grow More from Less”. Stephan Titze, General Manager of Syngenta (China) Investment Co. Ltd. made a presentation on the information release conference. He pointed out that China is facing the same problems as the rest of the world, such as the increasing population, shrinking land and water resources and the climate change. By providing farmers with innovative products and responsible farming solutions, Syngenta makes an essential contribution to enabling farmers meeting the challenge of growing more from less.
ݬሌᑵࡉᒈۣᓍᄌLj፪ན10ሌᑵࡉၺࡶᄙॕ၃߅ਫ ሌᑵࡉᐱཌᔢᆐᇢዛཆᒄࠀᏴ᎖ࡈ೫ጙৈ“ሌᑵࡉᒈۣᓍᄌ”ăݬ ᓍᄌLjᎌ૦્፪ན10ሌᑵࡉၺࡶᄙॕ၃߅ਫăᓍᄌดॊᆐၺࡶLj Ꭽඳਜ਼၍ྯݩৈᐱཌăݬᑗྜྷᓍᄌ༄ഌནࡊᄌ௳Ljݬਭ߈ᒦኰᑊ
Visit Syngenta Crop Protecion Expo Pavillion and Win the harvest of 10-mu* Syngenta’s Rice Field ( * 1 hectare=15mu) The most eye-catching point of Syngenta booth was the Syngenta Crop Protecion Expo Pavillion. The Pavillion was divided into three exhibition
zones of Rice, Corn and Vegetable. Before entering the pavillion, visitors first picked up the answer sheets, sought the right answers during the visit, and dropped the answer sheets in the lucky draw box when leaving. The sheets with all correct answers would enter the lucky draw session. The prize winner would receive the sales proceedes of the yield of 10-mu Syngenta’s rice field. The innovative exhibition and attractive winning prize attracted thousands of visitors into the Pavilion. Xia Jingyuan, Director of NATESC also visited our Pavilion companied by Stephan Titze and showed great interest to our seeds and crop protection products.
Syngenta rice yield came out at 540.9 kg per mu, and the winner is ... On 20th October 2010, Stephan Titze General Manager of Syngenta (China) Investment Co. Ltd. drew the winner under the supervision of Shanghai Oriental Pulbic Notary Office, and the winner is... Ms Wu Hui Li from Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province On 16th August 2010, Syngenta held “Syngenta Rice Expo” in Yizheng City, Jiangsu Province demonstrating Syngenta Rice Productivity Solution, where the prize of the 10 mu yield of Syngenta rice field would come from. On 20th October 2010, according to the measurement of agricultural experts, the yield of Syngenta’s rice field was 540.9 kg per mu, 14.6% higher that of the local farming rice field. Congratulations to Ms Wu Hui Li for receiving a total market value of 5,409kg Syngenta rice harvest!
Inside Syngenta ሌᑵࡉቤᆫ ሌᑵࡉቤᆫ!Inside Syngenta 03
02 ሌᑵࡉቤᆫ!Inside Syngenta
ሌᑵࡉၺࡶာपᄙඛޘ 540.9ăࡍࡻᓍᎁሱሌᑵࡉၺ ࡶॕ၃߅ਫ ᔢᒫࡼࡍࡻᑗጯளޘညă2010ฤ10Ꮬ20྇ሌᑵࡉ)ᒦਪ*ᄾᓾᎌሢ ႊᔐளಯࢊ္ᆪᏴࣁऱᑺࠀᑺሆߥ߲೫ᑚᆡᑗăᔈ୕Ⴁዎ ߃ࡼᇈેಸๆိဵሌᑵࡉၺࡶॕ၃߅ਫࡼࡍࡻᓍă ሌᑵࡉ᎖2010ฤ8Ꮬ16྇Ᏼ୕ႡဏጥᑯှᑞแޝቲĐሌᑵࡉၺࡶࡍ ာपđLjᐱာሌᑵࡉၺࡶିጇLjᐐޘᐐ၃ࡼᔝऱ߅ښਫăᒦ10 ဧሌᑵࡉĐॵ়,ڐසLJࢻख़! ྯ୯ᔝऱښđࡼၺࡶᄙ߲ޘᔫᆐ۾
ࡍࡻᓍᇈેಸঢዔǖ ᇶሌᑵࡉႊၺࡶᄙॕ၃߅ਫࡍLjऻޟቭă၅ ሌঢቝሌᑵࡉႊᄋᆸᑚඐੑࡼኧᇴ૦્Ljᄴဟ ཱུᆸৎੑ೫ஊࡵሌᑵࡉႊࣶੑࡼޘອLjᆸ ࡍॕှൕިှᎌሢႊࡼຳგLjኝࠅĂᅎਓሌᑵࡉ ࡼᎁኅޘອLjဧཝှளሾਜ਼แᎍ࣒ถᒀࡸਜ਼ဧ ሌᑵࡉႊࡼޘອLjᆐᆸှแጓளࡼखᐱᔫ߲። ᎌࡼৡማă
Mrs. Wu Hui Li, lucky draw winner
I’m very pleased to win the Syngenta prize. I want to thank Syngenta for providing me such a good opportunity to learn about Syngenta products and will promote Syngenta products among our dealers and farmers through my Crop Protection Supermarket in Da Feng City.
ᐐଝளፄ167.5ᏄLjᐐ७14%ăඛିጇ81%Ljጇࠨၫି2ࠨă ږᑍሌᑵࡉၺࡶာपᄙඛ540.9ࡼޘLjࡼᇈેಸๆိອᔐ ᒋᆐ5409ၺࡶࡼှޝଥᒋLjᔐऄਭᅺᏄă
Syngenta Attended CPIET showcasing its Advanced Products and Technology for Crop Protection
ৎĂৎੑLjᄾྜྷৎ More, Better, From Less ሌᑵࡉݬᐱཝਪၷୣ્LjᐱာᒈۣഌሌޘອᎧଆၣ ᎅཝਪแଆᅎਓᒦቦᓍࡼێऔလങஔᒦਪᒈۣቧᇦୣഗᾹแጇୣጵ્ (“ၷୣ્”)᎖10Ꮬ12྇Ᏼਮऑܵടᒮఎă્ཽݬၫࡉࡵ15ᅺཽLjభጲႁ ဵီஏᔢࡍࡼᒈۣᐱ્ă ሌᑵࡉᔫᆐᔢࡍࡼᏸᓐਜ਼ݬᐱᒄጙೡሤၷୣ્ă180ຳऱඳࡼᐱᆡ ଐ଼ஈࡍLjᆍླྀᓹሌᑵࡉࡼဧෘ“૮खᒈᇕ༅ถLjબखறݨည(Bringing ৎࣶ߲ޘ Plant Potential To Life)”ૺሌᑵࡉཝཆާࡴࡼᒈۣಯศ“ৎᄾྜྷLj (Grow More from Less)”ᐱာ೫ᒈۣૺᒬᔇጓᇗࡼഌሌޘອᎧଆၣă ሌᑵࡉ)ᒦਪ*ᄾᓾᎌሢႊᔐளಯࢊ္ᆪᏴࡩᄖሆᇍࡼቧᇦख્ݚLjᔫ ᆐጓࡔܭखዔăჇᒎ߲Ljᒦਪਜ਼ཝཆෂᓹᄴዹࡼᆰᄌLjገ።ཽ࣪ాݙ ࣥᐐଝĂᅉਜ਼ၺᓾᏎ྇ፄିĂܤછࢀፐႤࡼ፬ሰLjܘኍᄰਭࠎቤ ࡼపଆਜ਼ޘອݣถ൸ᔗအڔཝኊገăሌᑵࡉᒘೆ᎖ᄰਭዐखਜ਼పଆ
ᑵཀྵࡊښLj߲ઁᄘቖᅲࡼࡊᄌᒓᄾྜྷߥረᒦăࡊښᅲཝᑵཀྵࡼࡊ ᄌ௳ྜྷߥણஂLjࡍອᆐ10ሌᑵࡉၺࡶာपᄙࡼޘሾ၉၃ྜྷ。 ቤ፭ࡼᐱಂෝါਜ਼᎑ཽࡼອଥᒋᏴᐱ્໐ମᇢ೫ၫݬᑗྜྷă ཝਪแଆᅎਓᒦቦᓍྀለᏎጐᏴሌᑵࡉ)ᒦਪ*ᄾᓾᎌሢႊᔐளಯࢊ္ ᆪࡼᄴሆLjݬ೫ᒈۣᓍᄌă
The 26th China Plant Protection Information Exchange & Pesticide and Sprayer Facilities Trade Fair (CPIET) hosted by National Agricultural Technology Extention Service Center (NATESC) was opened in Harbin on October 12, the biggest of its kind in the world boasting 150,000 participants. Syngenta participated in the fair as one of the major sponsors and exhibitors and occupied a 180 square-meter booth. Designed in simple and elegant style,Syngenta exhibited its advanced products and technology of crop protection and seeds featuring company purpose of “Bringing Plant Potential to Life”and Thought Leadership of “Grow More from Less”. Stephan Titze, General Manager of Syngenta (China) Investment Co. Ltd. made a presentation on the information release conference. He pointed out that China is facing the same problems as the rest of the world, such as the increasing population, shrinking land and water resources and the climate change. By providing farmers with innovative products and responsible farming solutions, Syngenta makes an essential contribution to enabling farmers meeting the challenge of growing more from less.
ݬሌᑵࡉᒈۣᓍᄌLj፪ན10ሌᑵࡉၺࡶᄙॕ၃߅ਫ ሌᑵࡉᐱཌᔢᆐᇢዛཆᒄࠀᏴ᎖ࡈ೫ጙৈ“ሌᑵࡉᒈۣᓍᄌ”ăݬ ᓍᄌLjᎌ૦્፪ན10ሌᑵࡉၺࡶᄙॕ၃߅ਫăᓍᄌดॊᆐၺࡶLj Ꭽඳਜ਼၍ྯݩৈᐱཌăݬᑗྜྷᓍᄌ༄ഌནࡊᄌ௳Ljݬਭ߈ᒦኰᑊ
Visit Syngenta Crop Protecion Expo Pavillion and Win the harvest of 10-mu* Syngenta’s Rice Field ( * 1 hectare=15mu) The most eye-catching point of Syngenta booth was the Syngenta Crop Protecion Expo Pavillion. The Pavillion was divided into three exhibition
zones of Rice, Corn and Vegetable. Before entering the pavillion, visitors first picked up the answer sheets, sought the right answers during the visit, and dropped the answer sheets in the lucky draw box when leaving. The sheets with all correct answers would enter the lucky draw session. The prize winner would receive the sales proceedes of the yield of 10-mu Syngenta’s rice field. The innovative exhibition and attractive winning prize attracted thousands of visitors into the Pavilion. Xia Jingyuan, Director of NATESC also visited our Pavilion companied by Stephan Titze and showed great interest to our seeds and crop protection products.
Syngenta rice yield came out at 540.9 kg per mu, and the winner is ... On 20th October 2010, Stephan Titze General Manager of Syngenta (China) Investment Co. Ltd. drew the winner under the supervision of Shanghai Oriental Pulbic Notary Office, and the winner is... Ms Wu Hui Li from Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province On 16th August 2010, Syngenta held “Syngenta Rice Expo” in Yizheng City, Jiangsu Province demonstrating Syngenta Rice Productivity Solution, where the prize of the 10 mu yield of Syngenta rice field would come from. On 20th October 2010, according to the measurement of agricultural experts, the yield of Syngenta’s rice field was 540.9 kg per mu, 14.6% higher that of the local farming rice field. Congratulations to Ms Wu Hui Li for receiving a total market value of 5,409kg Syngenta rice harvest!
04 ሌᑵࡉቤᆫ!Inside Syngenta
ሌᑵࡉቤᆫ!Inside Syngenta 05
Syngenta Attended the 8th China International Agricultural Trade Fair ڭஔᒦਪਪଔแޘອୣጵ્᎖10Ꮬ18྇ᒗ
ኝݚఎLjแጓݝঃޠݝቂખᓍߒఎါă ఎါઁLjቂખঃޠݝࡵሌᑵࡉᐱგLjᄧ ན೫ሌᑵࡉ)ᒦਪ*ᎌሢႊᔐளಯࢊ္ᆪ࣪ሌ ᑵࡉႊૺᆸඣࡼቤޘອਜ਼ଆၣࡼăࢊ ္ᆪᐱგሌᑵࡉठ༥ᒬᔇᎹ߲ࡼॏਫ ठ༥ሶޠݝᔪ೫ညࣅஊăሌᑵࡉठ༥ᒬᔇ Ꮉ߲ࡼठ༥ఝܿቶ༓LjৈࡍLjޘ,ాঢ
The 8th China International Agricultural Products Fair was held in Zhengzhou, Henan province from 18th to 22th October. Syngenta was invited to attend the fair as a global leader of agricultural technology. Hui Liangyu, Vice Premier of the State Council announced the opening and Chen Xiaohua, Vice Minister of Ministry of Agriculture hosted the opening ceremony. After the ceremony, Vice Minister Chen Xiaohua paid a visit to Syngenta’s booth. Stephan Titze, General Manager of Syngenta China CP gave an introduction of Syngenta business and particularly gave a vivid presentation to Vice Minister the tomato grown from Syngenta’s tomato seeds. The tomato was big, tasty and of high disease resistance and longer shelf life. Vice Minister Chen Xiao Hua acknowledged Syngenta’s
ሌᑵࡉၺࡶแጇିᐐޘာप ዩ၃્Ᏼ୕Ⴁጥᑯቲ
contribution to China agricultural development and encourage Syngenta to pursue a better growth and development in China.
Syngenta Rice Productivity Solution Boost China Harvest 2010 China Rice Expo Demonstrates Syngenta Rice Technology and New Products ሌᑵࡉ)ᒦਪ*ᄾᓾᎌሢႊᔈ2010ฤ8Ꮬ16྇Ᏼ୕Ⴁጥᑯᑞᒳแแ ޝቲሌᑵࡉၺࡶแጇିᐐࡍޘာपLjߠॊᐱာሌᑵࡉၺࡶି ጇLjᐐޘᐐ၃ࡼᔝऱ߅ښਫăཝਪแଆᅎਓᒦቦLj୕Ⴁဏਜ਼ዯᒳှࡼ ᒈۣᇹᄻཽᏋLjདྷࡸਜ਼ഃ၉Ljၺࡶᒬᒈࡍઓૺࡩแࢀཽݬ ೫ࡍာपLjᔓྜྷᄙମᄿLjᒇఘࡵ೫ဧሌᑵࡉၺࡶᔝऱښLjแ ޟਖࠀಯਜ਼హ࣪ڹᑍྯᒬݙᄴጇ༽ౚሆၺࡶࡼည༽ޠౚă ጙᆡᔈ୕࣒ࡼᒬࡍઓᏴࡍာपఎࡩᄖࡒ೫ჇབྷฤဧĐॵ়đLj Đڐසđઁॕ၃ࡼࡶ৸ăሚހޝᒮመာჇࡼࡶ৸ޟ܈ਖࡶ৸ඛೃᒮ1.8 యăჇᔈࡼৌᆍࡼݬᑗႁǖĐᆸࡼၺࡶ೫ሌᑵࡉࡼĐॵ়đLj ĐڐසđઁਫᄂܰੑLj൲߲བྷࡼଥৃ܈ှޝଥৃથ߲13%。đ 10Ꮬ20྇Ljဵዩ၃ሌᑵࡉၺࡶာपᄙޘਜ਼ᒠࡼ྇ᔇăᎅཝਪแଆᅎ ਓᒦቦጇࠀᑩྥࠀޠLj୕ႡဏᒈۣᐶࢫࠔᎍᐶޠLjฉயแጓࡍኧแ ኧᏔᏔࢷޠዞख़୴၈Ljጥᑯှᒈۣᒈଶᐶᇈ፼ऱᐶࢀޠ9ᆡแጓᓜଜᔝ߅ ࡼᓜଜᔝ࣪ሌᑵࡉၺࡶିᐐޘऱ߅ښਫቲ೫ဣఠފਜ਼ޘހă ᓜଜᔝዩ၃உਫීܭLjဧሌᑵࡉၺࡶିᐐޘऱࡶࡼښᄙඛޘ 540.9Lj୷แᔈऴऱښᐐଝ69KgLjᐐ७ࡉ14.6%Ljඛᐐଝள ፄ167.5ᏄLjᐐ७14%ăඛିጇ81%Ljጇࠨၫି2ࠨă ᓜଜᔝጙᒘཱྀᆐLjሌᑵࡉၺࡶแጇିᐐޘऱښపኧಯLjਫመᓎă ፇଝᅎਓ።ă!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ሌᑵࡉޠ໐ጲᒘೆ᎖ࣥݙఎखቤࡼၺࡶᒈᇕۣઐޘອLjᆐแᄋᑳ ᄁၺࡶஊऱښLjਜ਼แଆᅎਓݝඡጙሶแᅎਓڔཝĂણۣޘອ ਜ਼ጇଆၣLjแࡒᐐޘਜ਼ᐐ၃ă ᒦਪဵጙৈၺࡶࡍਪLj65%ࡼཽాጲၺࡶᆐᓍገအăऴᒤၺࡶܿߢ Ljିጇࡼᄴဟۑᓐแᐐޘᐐ၃ဵਈᇹࡵਪଐညࡼࡍူLjᆸඣ ᇧᆃถᄰਭሌᑵࡉࡼᒈۣଆၣᐱಂࣅሌࡼޘອਜ਼ଆၣာपᅎਓఎ Ljᆐᒦਪအॕ၃ᔫ߲ৡማă
Syngenta China CP hosted Rice Expo in Jiangsu Province since 16th August, 2010 to demonstrate Syngenta China’s Rice Productivity Solution, introduce new products of rice and promote safe and effective pesticide application techniques. Thousands of people from various group of governmental Crop Protection officials, dealers, retailers, farmers and media visited the Rice Expo site and saw the real effects of Syngenta‘s Rice Productivity Solution comparing with conventional farmer’s practice. A local farmer brought to the Expo site 1000 grains of his rice harvested after using Syngenta’s Virtako plus Armure solution last season. On site weighting indicates that his 1000 grains of rice were 1.8g heavier than those treated by non-Syngenta products. The farmer said proudly to the audiences that “I have benefited a lot from Syngenta’s rice products Virtako and Armure. My rice was sold at 13% higher price than the others in my village. I will continue to use Syngenta’s products in the future”. On October 20, an assessment group composed of 9 agricultural experts measured the yield result of Syngenta’s rice field. The assessment report indicated that the yield of Syngenta rice field was 540.9 kg per mu, 14.6% higher that of the local farming rice field, bringing in RMB 140 per mu additional income, whilst reducing 81% pesticide usage and two times spray. Rice is the main staple for Chinese people, feeding 65% of Chinese population. Syngenta is dedicated to providing and promoting the most safe and effective rice solution to China
04 ሌᑵࡉቤᆫ!Inside Syngenta
ሌᑵࡉቤᆫ!Inside Syngenta 05
Syngenta Attended the 8th China International Agricultural Trade Fair ڭஔᒦਪਪଔแޘອୣጵ્᎖10Ꮬ18྇ᒗ
ኝݚఎLjแጓݝঃޠݝቂખᓍߒఎါă ఎါઁLjቂખঃޠݝࡵሌᑵࡉᐱგLjᄧ ན೫ሌᑵࡉ)ᒦਪ*ᎌሢႊᔐளಯࢊ္ᆪ࣪ሌ ᑵࡉႊૺᆸඣࡼቤޘອਜ਼ଆၣࡼăࢊ ္ᆪᐱგሌᑵࡉठ༥ᒬᔇᎹ߲ࡼॏਫ ठ༥ሶޠݝᔪ೫ညࣅஊăሌᑵࡉठ༥ᒬᔇ Ꮉ߲ࡼठ༥ఝܿቶ༓LjৈࡍLjޘ,ాঢ
The 8th China International Agricultural Products Fair was held in Zhengzhou, Henan province from 18th to 22th October. Syngenta was invited to attend the fair as a global leader of agricultural technology. Hui Liangyu, Vice Premier of the State Council announced the opening and Chen Xiaohua, Vice Minister of Ministry of Agriculture hosted the opening ceremony. After the ceremony, Vice Minister Chen Xiaohua paid a visit to Syngenta’s booth. Stephan Titze, General Manager of Syngenta China CP gave an introduction of Syngenta business and particularly gave a vivid presentation to Vice Minister the tomato grown from Syngenta’s tomato seeds. The tomato was big, tasty and of high disease resistance and longer shelf life. Vice Minister Chen Xiao Hua acknowledged Syngenta’s
ሌᑵࡉၺࡶแጇିᐐޘာप ዩ၃્Ᏼ୕Ⴁጥᑯቲ
contribution to China agricultural development and encourage Syngenta to pursue a better growth and development in China.
Syngenta Rice Productivity Solution Boost China Harvest 2010 China Rice Expo Demonstrates Syngenta Rice Technology and New Products ሌᑵࡉ)ᒦਪ*ᄾᓾᎌሢႊᔈ2010ฤ8Ꮬ16྇Ᏼ୕Ⴁጥᑯᑞᒳแแ ޝቲሌᑵࡉၺࡶแጇିᐐࡍޘာपLjߠॊᐱာሌᑵࡉၺࡶି ጇLjᐐޘᐐ၃ࡼᔝऱ߅ښਫăཝਪแଆᅎਓᒦቦLj୕Ⴁဏਜ਼ዯᒳှࡼ ᒈۣᇹᄻཽᏋLjདྷࡸਜ਼ഃ၉Ljၺࡶᒬᒈࡍઓૺࡩแࢀཽݬ ೫ࡍာपLjᔓྜྷᄙମᄿLjᒇఘࡵ೫ဧሌᑵࡉၺࡶᔝऱښLjแ ޟਖࠀಯਜ਼హ࣪ڹᑍྯᒬݙᄴጇ༽ౚሆၺࡶࡼည༽ޠౚă ጙᆡᔈ୕࣒ࡼᒬࡍઓᏴࡍာपఎࡩᄖࡒ೫ჇབྷฤဧĐॵ়đLj Đڐසđઁॕ၃ࡼࡶ৸ăሚހޝᒮመာჇࡼࡶ৸ޟ܈ਖࡶ৸ඛೃᒮ1.8 యăჇᔈࡼৌᆍࡼݬᑗႁǖĐᆸࡼၺࡶ೫ሌᑵࡉࡼĐॵ়đLj ĐڐසđઁਫᄂܰੑLj൲߲བྷࡼଥৃ܈ှޝଥৃથ߲13%。đ 10Ꮬ20྇Ljဵዩ၃ሌᑵࡉၺࡶာपᄙޘਜ਼ᒠࡼ྇ᔇăᎅཝਪแଆᅎ ਓᒦቦጇࠀᑩྥࠀޠLj୕ႡဏᒈۣᐶࢫࠔᎍᐶޠLjฉயแጓࡍኧแ ኧᏔᏔࢷޠዞख़୴၈Ljጥᑯှᒈۣᒈଶᐶᇈ፼ऱᐶࢀޠ9ᆡแጓᓜଜᔝ߅ ࡼᓜଜᔝ࣪ሌᑵࡉၺࡶିᐐޘऱ߅ښਫቲ೫ဣఠފਜ਼ޘހă ᓜଜᔝዩ၃உਫීܭLjဧሌᑵࡉၺࡶିᐐޘऱࡶࡼښᄙඛޘ 540.9Lj୷แᔈऴऱښᐐଝ69KgLjᐐ७ࡉ14.6%Ljඛᐐଝள ፄ167.5ᏄLjᐐ७14%ăඛିጇ81%Ljጇࠨၫି2ࠨă ᓜଜᔝጙᒘཱྀᆐLjሌᑵࡉၺࡶแጇିᐐޘऱښపኧಯLjਫመᓎă ፇଝᅎਓ።ă!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ሌᑵࡉޠ໐ጲᒘೆ᎖ࣥݙఎखቤࡼၺࡶᒈᇕۣઐޘອLjᆐแᄋᑳ ᄁၺࡶஊऱښLjਜ਼แଆᅎਓݝඡጙሶแᅎਓڔཝĂણۣޘອ ਜ਼ጇଆၣLjแࡒᐐޘਜ਼ᐐ၃ă ᒦਪဵጙৈၺࡶࡍਪLj65%ࡼཽాጲၺࡶᆐᓍገအăऴᒤၺࡶܿߢ Ljିጇࡼᄴဟۑᓐแᐐޘᐐ၃ဵਈᇹࡵਪଐညࡼࡍူLjᆸඣ ᇧᆃถᄰਭሌᑵࡉࡼᒈۣଆၣᐱಂࣅሌࡼޘອਜ਼ଆၣာपᅎਓఎ Ljᆐᒦਪအॕ၃ᔫ߲ৡማă
Syngenta China CP hosted Rice Expo in Jiangsu Province since 16th August, 2010 to demonstrate Syngenta China’s Rice Productivity Solution, introduce new products of rice and promote safe and effective pesticide application techniques. Thousands of people from various group of governmental Crop Protection officials, dealers, retailers, farmers and media visited the Rice Expo site and saw the real effects of Syngenta‘s Rice Productivity Solution comparing with conventional farmer’s practice. A local farmer brought to the Expo site 1000 grains of his rice harvested after using Syngenta’s Virtako plus Armure solution last season. On site weighting indicates that his 1000 grains of rice were 1.8g heavier than those treated by non-Syngenta products. The farmer said proudly to the audiences that “I have benefited a lot from Syngenta’s rice products Virtako and Armure. My rice was sold at 13% higher price than the others in my village. I will continue to use Syngenta’s products in the future”. On October 20, an assessment group composed of 9 agricultural experts measured the yield result of Syngenta’s rice field. The assessment report indicated that the yield of Syngenta rice field was 540.9 kg per mu, 14.6% higher that of the local farming rice field, bringing in RMB 140 per mu additional income, whilst reducing 81% pesticide usage and two times spray. Rice is the main staple for Chinese people, feeding 65% of Chinese population. Syngenta is dedicated to providing and promoting the most safe and effective rice solution to China
06 ሌᑵࡉቤᆫ!Inside Syngenta
ሌᑵࡉቤᆫ!Inside Syngenta 07
ሌᑵࡉᒦਪྋᒦਪแጇጓ્ྋᎺܭᐻ Syngenta won industrial association award
த྇ᎅᒦਪแጇጓ્“ࡼێလஔཝਪแጇୣഗ્”Ljሌᑵࡉ“ۆᐊྀਈટလଛጓ” ਜ਼“ᒈۣపଆॲᇗሆራလଛጓ”ೝሲྋᎺܭᐻă ຶᆕ્“ᒈۣపଆॲᇗሆራလଛጓ”ྋᎺ߂ۆሌᑵࡉဵ᎖ሌᑵࡉޠ໐ጲᒘೆ᎖ሶ ᒦਪแᅎਓିጇᐐޘᐐ၃ࡼᔫᇕۣઐऱښLjᄾྜྷࡍཽೆᇕೆఎᐱแኵLjᄋแ ጇڔཝଆၣᒀဤăஙᆐᒏLjጯளኵ200ࣶᅺแLjۣ݀ߒඛฤᏴแఎᐱᅺޝแ ኵ્Ljᆐᅎࣅᒈۣపଆଆၣሆራᔫ߲೫߲ৡማă
ሌᑵࡉ2010ฤྯଈࣞཝཆጓۨস Syngenta Third Quarter 2010 Performance
ሌᑵࡉฉᄰᔫᇕۣઐᎌሢႊடᔥሌᑵࡉࡼཝཆఙڔཝણۣᓰᐌLjݧီஏሌଆၣညޘ ອᒠᓳᏗࡼᒈۣޘອăᏴޘອᒠLjृၺࠀಯLjஂถିऱෂഌሌጓดLjࡻ“ᐊྀਈટလଛ ጓ”߂ă
Syngenta was awarded the honor of “Top 10 Companies for Crop Protection Technical Service” and “Top 10 Companies for Responsible Care” by China Crop Protection Industry Association in recognizing our contribution in transferring technology to China rural areas and high HSE standard of our Nantong plant.
ኰᑊᎁኅแጓᏔቅጓညLj Ꮉ༴ฤഌኆLjᓧࡍሌᑵࡉሾ၉ࣩᇏ
ĊĊ ሌᑵࡉሾ၉ಯኵညᑈຮଐચ
ᏴཝਪࡍแጓᏔቅࣅ Training Excellent Graduates from Agricultural Universities to Become Young Leaders and Expanding the Sales Group of Syngenta —— Sales Management Trainee Program of Syngenta was launched across the country
ฤ9ᏜሌᑵࡉᏴཝਪࣶჅแጓᏔቅࣅሌᑵࡉሾ၉ಯኵညᑈຮଐચLj ᒒᏴᅢ௸ᎁኅጓညLjߠဣ༴ฤಯݣཽށ۸ߔă
ᒗ9ᏜLjཝཆሾ၉ऄᆐ89ጸගᏄă ࢾৼږൈଐႯLjဍ1%ă
In the first nine months of the year, sales were up 1 percent
Crop Protection: growth across all product lines, all regions
Seeds sales increased by 12 percent in the third quarter.
ვཌ၊ቤቭှޝདࣅLjᐐޠଝႥă ౯ࢷගᒴߒኚܭሚ༓ဴLj۱ۍཆှ༽ޝౚੑᓞă
Growth in Asia-Pacific accelerated, driven by the emerging markets.Continuing strong performance in Latin America .Upturn in Northern hemisphere markets .
ቤޘອሾ၉ऄᏴஙฤ༄ோৈᏜࡉࡵ3.38ጸගᏄLj ᐐޠ16%ăĐࣞྣđ!ਜ਼ĐྡྷदđᏴࣶৈཌှLj ߅ᆐᐐࡼޠᓍገᅎࣅೆă
at constant exchange rates at $8.9 billion.
Combined sales of new products reached $338 million in the first nine months of the year, an increase of 16 percent. The main drivers were DURIVO® and REVUS®, which are being launched in additional markets.
ࣞăࠥࠨࡼᑈຮଐચᇢ೫ࡍᎁኅጓညă11Ꮬቲ၅ൔ࿈ኡLj ྜྷআ၂ࡼኡཽᏴ12Ꮬ၊ሌᑵࡉಯށᔝ߅ࡼຶހቃᔝෂ၂ă ĖྻᏐஶėৌᔍۨࡴࠥࠨᑈຮࣅࡼᐱ༽ౚă
The rapid business growth of Syngenta in China boosts its high demand for talents. In September 2010, Syngenta launched its sales management trainee program in agricultural universities all over China to recruit outstanding graduates and enrich its reserve pool of young management talents. Syngenta has set up scholarship in 11 agricultural universities and enjoys a high reputation among students. This recruitment has attracted a lot of excellent graduates. The initial screening interview will begin in November and candidates who enter the next round will be interviewed in December by an assessment panel consisting of Syngenta’s management executives. Golden Vision will give follow-up reports on the recruitment.
ྯଈࣞᒬᔇሾ၉ऄဍ12%Ljሾ၉ဍ4%Lj၉ଥ ᄋ8%ăᎅගਪှޝഌᐿࡼᎭඳਜ਼ࡍ࣏ሾ၉ऄဍި ਭ 20%Ljှ࣪ޝ౫ᐽࡼޘອሣन።ੑăᎅ᎖ሶ྇ ࡼ৪ᒙର݀Ljࣶዹછࡼแᔫᇕሾ၉ऄ༵ᆈᄋဍă၍ݩ ߆ሚೝᆡၫࡼᐐޠLjन፯೫ቤቭှޝ౫ᐽࡼ७ࣞă
Volume increased by 4 percent and prices were 8 percent higher. Continuing strong performance in Latin America ; Upturn in Northern hemisphere markets; Growth in Asia-Pacific accelerated, driven by the emerging markets.
Mike Mack, Chief Executive Officer, said: ၅ᇳᒊቲਉMike Mackႁǖ Đྯଈࣞࡼܭሚᑺဣ೫ᆸ ඣ࣪ 2010ฤሆۍฤሾ၉ߒኚᐐࡼޠᎾ໐ăິஐᆸඣዏ டࡼளॅ఼ᒜਜ਼ᒬᔇጓᇗࡼ፪ಽᐐޠLjᆸඣ።ক્Ᏼ ฤࡻᎧབྷฤၺຳሤࡩࡼ፦ጓ၃ፄăᐱᆃ 2011ฤLj ᆸඣ࠭ᔫᇕۣઐှීࡼޝመখ࿖ਜ਼ᒬᔇଆၣࡼመᓎ ᄋᒦፄि༇ăđ
“The third quarter performance confirms our expectation of continuing positive volume momentum in the second half of 2010. This, coupled with careful control of costs and increasing profitability in Seeds, should allow us to achieve full year operating income around last year’s level. As we look ahead to 2011, we are in a strong position to capture value from improving conditions in the crop protection market and from the significant advances in our Seeds technology.”
06 ሌᑵࡉቤᆫ!Inside Syngenta
ሌᑵࡉቤᆫ!Inside Syngenta 07
ሌᑵࡉᒦਪྋᒦਪแጇጓ્ྋᎺܭᐻ Syngenta won industrial association award
த྇ᎅᒦਪแጇጓ્“ࡼێလஔཝਪแጇୣഗ્”Ljሌᑵࡉ“ۆᐊྀਈટလଛጓ” ਜ਼“ᒈۣపଆॲᇗሆራလଛጓ”ೝሲྋᎺܭᐻă ຶᆕ્“ᒈۣపଆॲᇗሆራလଛጓ”ྋᎺ߂ۆሌᑵࡉဵ᎖ሌᑵࡉޠ໐ጲᒘೆ᎖ሶ ᒦਪแᅎਓିጇᐐޘᐐ၃ࡼᔫᇕۣઐऱښLjᄾྜྷࡍཽೆᇕೆఎᐱแኵLjᄋแ ጇڔཝଆၣᒀဤăஙᆐᒏLjጯளኵ200ࣶᅺแLjۣ݀ߒඛฤᏴแఎᐱᅺޝแ ኵ્Ljᆐᅎࣅᒈۣపଆଆၣሆራᔫ߲೫߲ৡማă
ሌᑵࡉ2010ฤྯଈࣞཝཆጓۨস Syngenta Third Quarter 2010 Performance
ሌᑵࡉฉᄰᔫᇕۣઐᎌሢႊடᔥሌᑵࡉࡼཝཆఙڔཝણۣᓰᐌLjݧီஏሌଆၣညޘ ອᒠᓳᏗࡼᒈۣޘອăᏴޘອᒠLjृၺࠀಯLjஂถିऱෂഌሌጓดLjࡻ“ᐊྀਈટလଛ ጓ”߂ă
Syngenta was awarded the honor of “Top 10 Companies for Crop Protection Technical Service” and “Top 10 Companies for Responsible Care” by China Crop Protection Industry Association in recognizing our contribution in transferring technology to China rural areas and high HSE standard of our Nantong plant.
ኰᑊᎁኅแጓᏔቅጓညLj Ꮉ༴ฤഌኆLjᓧࡍሌᑵࡉሾ၉ࣩᇏ
ĊĊ ሌᑵࡉሾ၉ಯኵညᑈຮଐચ
ᏴཝਪࡍแጓᏔቅࣅ Training Excellent Graduates from Agricultural Universities to Become Young Leaders and Expanding the Sales Group of Syngenta —— Sales Management Trainee Program of Syngenta was launched across the country
ฤ9ᏜሌᑵࡉᏴཝਪࣶჅแጓᏔቅࣅሌᑵࡉሾ၉ಯኵညᑈຮଐચLj ᒒᏴᅢ௸ᎁኅጓညLjߠဣ༴ฤಯݣཽށ۸ߔă
ᒗ9ᏜLjཝཆሾ၉ऄᆐ89ጸගᏄă ࢾৼږൈଐႯLjဍ1%ă
In the first nine months of the year, sales were up 1 percent
Crop Protection: growth across all product lines, all regions
Seeds sales increased by 12 percent in the third quarter.
ვཌ၊ቤቭှޝདࣅLjᐐޠଝႥă ౯ࢷගᒴߒኚܭሚ༓ဴLj۱ۍཆှ༽ޝౚੑᓞă
Growth in Asia-Pacific accelerated, driven by the emerging markets.Continuing strong performance in Latin America .Upturn in Northern hemisphere markets .
ቤޘອሾ၉ऄᏴஙฤ༄ோৈᏜࡉࡵ3.38ጸගᏄLj ᐐޠ16%ăĐࣞྣđ!ਜ਼ĐྡྷदđᏴࣶৈཌှLj ߅ᆐᐐࡼޠᓍገᅎࣅೆă
at constant exchange rates at $8.9 billion.
Combined sales of new products reached $338 million in the first nine months of the year, an increase of 16 percent. The main drivers were DURIVO® and REVUS®, which are being launched in additional markets.
ࣞăࠥࠨࡼᑈຮଐચᇢ೫ࡍᎁኅጓညă11Ꮬቲ၅ൔ࿈ኡLj ྜྷআ၂ࡼኡཽᏴ12Ꮬ၊ሌᑵࡉಯށᔝ߅ࡼຶހቃᔝෂ၂ă ĖྻᏐஶėৌᔍۨࡴࠥࠨᑈຮࣅࡼᐱ༽ౚă
The rapid business growth of Syngenta in China boosts its high demand for talents. In September 2010, Syngenta launched its sales management trainee program in agricultural universities all over China to recruit outstanding graduates and enrich its reserve pool of young management talents. Syngenta has set up scholarship in 11 agricultural universities and enjoys a high reputation among students. This recruitment has attracted a lot of excellent graduates. The initial screening interview will begin in November and candidates who enter the next round will be interviewed in December by an assessment panel consisting of Syngenta’s management executives. Golden Vision will give follow-up reports on the recruitment.
ྯଈࣞᒬᔇሾ၉ऄဍ12%Ljሾ၉ဍ4%Lj၉ଥ ᄋ8%ăᎅගਪှޝഌᐿࡼᎭඳਜ਼ࡍ࣏ሾ၉ऄဍި ਭ 20%Ljှ࣪ޝ౫ᐽࡼޘອሣन።ੑăᎅ᎖ሶ྇ ࡼ৪ᒙର݀Ljࣶዹછࡼแᔫᇕሾ၉ऄ༵ᆈᄋဍă၍ݩ ߆ሚೝᆡၫࡼᐐޠLjन፯೫ቤቭှޝ౫ᐽࡼ७ࣞă
Volume increased by 4 percent and prices were 8 percent higher. Continuing strong performance in Latin America ; Upturn in Northern hemisphere markets; Growth in Asia-Pacific accelerated, driven by the emerging markets.
Mike Mack, Chief Executive Officer, said: ၅ᇳᒊቲਉMike Mackႁǖ Đྯଈࣞࡼܭሚᑺဣ೫ᆸ ඣ࣪ 2010ฤሆۍฤሾ၉ߒኚᐐࡼޠᎾ໐ăິஐᆸඣዏ டࡼளॅ఼ᒜਜ਼ᒬᔇጓᇗࡼ፪ಽᐐޠLjᆸඣ።ক્Ᏼ ฤࡻᎧབྷฤၺຳሤࡩࡼ፦ጓ၃ፄăᐱᆃ 2011ฤLj ᆸඣ࠭ᔫᇕۣઐှීࡼޝመখ࿖ਜ਼ᒬᔇଆၣࡼመᓎ ᄋᒦፄि༇ăđ
“The third quarter performance confirms our expectation of continuing positive volume momentum in the second half of 2010. This, coupled with careful control of costs and increasing profitability in Seeds, should allow us to achieve full year operating income around last year’s level. As we look ahead to 2011, we are in a strong position to capture value from improving conditions in the crop protection market and from the significant advances in our Seeds technology.”
08 ᔓሶှ!ޝGo To Market
ᔓሶှ!ޝGo To Market 09
Across the country, we have approximately 400 promoters who are the forefront brand ambassadors of Syngenta. Most of them are from agricultural colleges with professional knowledge and background. They play a significant role in promoting Syngenta’s advanced products and technologies, establishing and maintaining good relationship with farmers and retailers, so as to stimulate demand and achieve sales targets.
ᔓதሌᑵࡉᏴሾ၉ ᔢ༄ዘࡼອࡍဧ
This issue of Golden Vision will take us closer to Yin Zhengyong, a promoter in Jiangsu Province, whose daily work and life will give us an impression of what it is like to be a promoter in Syngenta. • On 4th June 2010, I organized the first farmer meeting of rice campaign in Qidong village. Farmers bought Armure plus Virtako for 785 mu and Armure for 2060 mu on the meeting.
Approaching the Forefront Brand Ambassador of Syngenta
• On 20th and 21th June, I went with Chen Lan to every retail store in villages of Chenbao Town to distribute and promote Virtako, and strengthen farmers’ confidence in applying Virtako to protect their crops.
்ᆶৎ400ఁံኟٳᄽခᇵݴքሞඇࡔ߳ںăᄽခᇵኄ߲ඖ༹ံኟٳፌമᄂڦಈ ٷ๑ă்ܠٷઠጲ౫ᄽᇾၯLjᆶጆᄽኪ๎ࢅԝৠă்วฉज़ጣླྀ࠽ံኟׂٳࢅ रຍLjॺ૬ࢅྼࢺᇑ౫௷Ăଭฆڦଆࡻ࠲ဣLjઙۯႴ൱Ljྜׯၨඪခڦዘඪă ԨĖূᇺৠėॆٷټጽৎॿ໋ၭ൶ᄽခᇵᅻኟᆨLjཚࡗࠤڦ๚ݒᆙံኟٳᄽခᇵ ߾ڦፕࢅิऄă • 2010ฤ6Ꮬ4྇LjᏴ୕ႡဏቭછှᒲᓣᑪࣁLj౯ ఎ೫ஙฤၺࡶᐵጹጙޝแ્ࡼኔLj્ፇ ሚࡍޝแઓཱྀ৪ڐස+ॵ়785Ljڐස2060 ࡼጇă
ऎLjᑚቋఘ႒ຳࡥࡼᔊಱቲମᒦསޟޟᏦᓹݙᆐཽᒀࡼଲባਜ਼ঈ߲ă 7Ꮬ13྇ࡼแ્࢛ێୣᄰྭܕLjፑᑵሆઁޱజᓹڐසĂॵ়ਜ਼ లࡼۨᓾ೯Ljݛቲ೫500ࣶඳLjݣࡵݝᑑఎแ્ăᑚಱࡼഃ၉ ࢢਜ਼ራᑪแଆᐶᎧሌᑵࡉᎌਭጓᇗᔫLjऎ༦ጇၺຳ੪ࢅăፑᑵ
• On 11th July, together with our Crop Service Executive Dou Yongxiu, and Tang Jianming from Agricultural Science & Technology newspaper, we hosted a demonstration meeting in Beiwang village to showcase the Vigor effect of Armure and Virtako. • On 13th July, I held a Farmers Meeting in Yanglin village and Jujia village respectively to answer questions from farmers at the meeting and promote Armure and Virtako.
• 6Ꮬ20Ă21྇Ljਜ਼ᢐࡔܭጙLjᔓࡵ
• On 16th July, I held a Farmer Meeting in Diduo town.
• On 17th July, I held three Farmers Meetings respectively in Chengqipu village, Zhangyang village, and Dayang Village.
ᓧසᒄവă •
ᑪ۱ᅽLjᑑఎ೫ڐස+ॵ়ᓧසာपሚޝ ્ፇă • 7Ꮬ13྇LjᏴࡑጂᑪ௨ଜĂዮݝᑑఎแ્Ljሚޝஊࡊ
࣪Ⴧࡼᔫ੪ಯஊᑽߒLjႁǖ“ଜಱᎌᆸLj ฝहቦࡼᔫ”ګăऔᄖLjፑᑵྙᏖ ᑑఎ೫ྯޝแ્ă
• 7Ꮬ16྇Ljࣸᑪᑑఎแ્ă
• 7Ꮬ17྇LjᏴᒦᚃᑪ߅໌ĂᐽዴĂࡍዮྯৈLjጙᄖೌኚᑑ แ ఎ೫ྯޝแ્ă ᑚဵ ᑵ ඛᄖ ᑚ ᄖ ࡼ ᔫ ᒦᐢ ީ ߲ ଂᄟ ᄟ แ “ഃ ഃ ࢢ ᑚဵፑᑵඛᄖࡼᔫഺᒦᐢީ߲ࡼଂᄟă”แ”Lj“ഃ၉ࢢ”
ଆၣऱښLjሶഃ၉ਐၒሌࡼ፦ሾ ಯศLjყᄀှޝ፦ሾࡼቤႈവLjቤऱ ज जăፑᑵᔈࡼႁ“ஙฤࣸᑪࡼሾ ፑᑵ ႁங ၉ ၉܈བྷฤᄴ໐ड೫ጙ۶”ă ܈བྷ བྷฤᄴ໐ ໐ड೫ ೫ጙ۶”
“แ્”Lj“ာप્”ဵහၤጓᇗᏋᔫݙܘభࡼਈࠤăඡࢢኝ “แ แ แ ્ ્ “ာप ્” ာप્ ဵහ හၤ ၤጓ ጓᇗ ᇗᏋ Ꮛ ᔫܘ ᔫܘ ݙܘ ݙభ ࡼ ݙభ ࡼਈ ਈ ࠤ ࠤ ඡ ኝ ࠅĂ ࠅ ࠅĂLjۨᐽᄣLjྜྷာपᄙᄿ,ഃ၉ࢢቧᇦྸහLjဣဟནૡ Ă Lj ۨ ۨᐽ ۨ ᐽᄣ ᐽ ᄣLj Ljྜྷ ྜྷာ ာपᄙ ာप ᄙᄿ ᄿ ഃ၉ ഃ၉ࢢ ၉ࢢ ࢢቧᇦ ቧᇦྸ ቧᇦ ᇦྸහ ྸහLj හLjဣဟ ဣဟ ဟན ནૡ ᓨ ᓨౚ ᓨౚ….ፑᑵᔈ2007ฤ4ᏜଝྜྷሌᑵࡉጲLjඛጙᄖ࣒ਭࡼᑚዹංളऎ ౚ ౚ… ….ፑ … ፑᑵᔈ ፑᑵ ᑵ 2 ᑵ 200 00 07 7ฤ 7 ฤ4Ꮬ ฤ 4Ꮬଝ 4Ꮬ Ꮬଝྜྷ ྜྷሌ ྜྷ ሌᑵࡉ ሌᑵ ᑵࡉጲ ࡉጲ Lj Ljඛ ඛጙ ጙᄖ࣒ ጙᄖ ᄖ࣒ ࣒ਭ ਭࡼ ࡼᑚ ᑚዹ ዹංള ളऎ ള ऎ ߠဣ ߠ ߠဣăဵޟޟᐁ6࢛߲ඡLjᅵ10࢛ૄݣଜă ဣăဵޟޟᐁ6࢛ ဣ ޟޟ ޟޟ 6࢛ 6 6࢛߲ ࢛߲ ߲ඡ ඡLj ඡ Ljᅵ ᅵ ᅵ 10 1 10࢛ 0࢛ݣ ࢛ݣ ૄݣ ૄଜă ૄଜ
“ሌᑵࡉဵᒈۣቲጓࡼഌኆLjᆸࡼᔫ੪ᎌ “ሌ ሌᑵ ᑵࡉ ࡉဵ ဵᒈ ဵ ᒈۣቲ ᒈۣ ۣቲጓ ጓ ഌ ഌኆLjᆸ ᆸࡼ ᔫ ᔫ੪ ੪ ੪ᎌ ᄞᐵቶLjથᎌ੪ࡍࡼဍహମăᆸᇧᆃถᎧሌ ᄞᐵቶLj ᄞᐵ Ljથ થᎌ ᎌ੪ࡍ ᎌ੪ ੪ࡍࡼ ࡼ ࡼ ဍ ဍహ హମ ମă ăᆸ ᆸᇧ ᆸ ᇧᆃ ᆃถ ᆃ ถᎧሌ ถᎧ ሌ ᑵࡉৢᄴ߅ޠƽ”ፑᑵྙဵႁă ᑵࡉ ᑵ ࡉৢ ࡉ ৢᄴ ৢ ᄴ߅ޠ ߅ޠƽ ޠƽ”ፑ ፑᑵ ፑ ᑵ ྙ ྙဵႁ ྙဵ ႁă ă
This is just part of Yin Zhengyong’s daily work memo, from which we can see that “farmer”, ”retailer”, “farmers meeting” and “demonstration meeting“ are frequently mentioned. For a promoter, distribution of posters, store promotion and display, demonstration in the field, real time stock information feedback to headquarters are also within their job description. Since he became a Syngenta promoter in April 2007, Yin Zhengyong has spent each day among busy and tight schedules. He always leaves home at 6 o’clock in the morning and returned at 10 o’clock in the evening. It’s impossible for outsiders to read between the lines of his seemingly ordinary notes and get access to those hardship and sacrifices he has experienced.
On 13th July, a farmers’ meeting was held in a backward village where the car can’t drive inside. Yin Zhengyong carried the heavy products, lecture materials and posters and walked about 500 meters before he reached the village hall. The retailers and agro-technical stations here had never cooperated with Syngenta and pesticide usage were at a low level. After listening to their habit of applying pesticides, Yin Zhengyong gave a detailed analysis and put forward Syngenta new technical solutions, and answered questions from farmers on the spot. Now he has established a cooperative business relationship with the local agro-technical stations and retail stores there. On 16th July, when Yin Zhengyong went back home very late after the meeting in Diduo town, he was told that his 6-year-old daughter was knocked down by a motorbike and was hospitalized. Hearing this, he rushed to the hospital and fortunately his daughter was only slightly injured in the accident. About his work, his family complained nothing and showed great understanding and support. The next day, he organized three farmers’ meetings as planned. Yin Zhengyong walked across the 35 villages and towns he was in charge of to teach farmers innovative and effective technical solutions in terms of plant protection, impart advanced marketing concept to retailers and explore new ideas and methods to promote market shares. Yin Zhengyong said proudly,” This year, the sales in Diduo town have doubled comparing with that of the same period last year.” “Syngenta serves as the leader in the crop protection industry. My job is challenging and still has a lot of room for further development. I hope I can grow with Syngenta.” Yin Zhengyong said.
08 ᔓሶှ!ޝGo To Market
ᔓሶှ!ޝGo To Market 09
Across the country, we have approximately 400 promoters who are the forefront brand ambassadors of Syngenta. Most of them are from agricultural colleges with professional knowledge and background. They play a significant role in promoting Syngenta’s advanced products and technologies, establishing and maintaining good relationship with farmers and retailers, so as to stimulate demand and achieve sales targets.
ᔓதሌᑵࡉᏴሾ၉ ᔢ༄ዘࡼອࡍဧ
This issue of Golden Vision will take us closer to Yin Zhengyong, a promoter in Jiangsu Province, whose daily work and life will give us an impression of what it is like to be a promoter in Syngenta. • On 4th June 2010, I organized the first farmer meeting of rice campaign in Qidong village. Farmers bought Armure plus Virtako for 785 mu and Armure for 2060 mu on the meeting.
Approaching the Forefront Brand Ambassador of Syngenta
• On 20th and 21th June, I went with Chen Lan to every retail store in villages of Chenbao Town to distribute and promote Virtako, and strengthen farmers’ confidence in applying Virtako to protect their crops.
்ᆶৎ400ఁံኟٳᄽခᇵݴքሞඇࡔ߳ںăᄽခᇵኄ߲ඖ༹ံኟٳፌമᄂڦಈ ٷ๑ă்ܠٷઠጲ౫ᄽᇾၯLjᆶጆᄽኪ๎ࢅԝৠă்วฉज़ጣླྀ࠽ံኟׂٳࢅ रຍLjॺ૬ࢅྼࢺᇑ౫௷Ăଭฆڦଆࡻ࠲ဣLjઙۯႴ൱Ljྜׯၨඪခڦዘඪă ԨĖূᇺৠėॆٷټጽৎॿ໋ၭ൶ᄽခᇵᅻኟᆨLjཚࡗࠤڦ๚ݒᆙံኟٳᄽခᇵ ߾ڦፕࢅิऄă • 2010ฤ6Ꮬ4྇LjᏴ୕ႡဏቭછှᒲᓣᑪࣁLj౯ ఎ೫ஙฤၺࡶᐵጹጙޝแ્ࡼኔLj્ፇ ሚࡍޝแઓཱྀ৪ڐස+ॵ়785Ljڐස2060 ࡼጇă
ऎLjᑚቋఘ႒ຳࡥࡼᔊಱቲମᒦསޟޟᏦᓹݙᆐཽᒀࡼଲባਜ਼ঈ߲ă 7Ꮬ13྇ࡼแ્࢛ێୣᄰྭܕLjፑᑵሆઁޱజᓹڐසĂॵ়ਜ਼ లࡼۨᓾ೯Ljݛቲ೫500ࣶඳLjݣࡵݝᑑఎแ્ăᑚಱࡼഃ၉ ࢢਜ਼ራᑪแଆᐶᎧሌᑵࡉᎌਭጓᇗᔫLjऎ༦ጇၺຳ੪ࢅăፑᑵ
• On 11th July, together with our Crop Service Executive Dou Yongxiu, and Tang Jianming from Agricultural Science & Technology newspaper, we hosted a demonstration meeting in Beiwang village to showcase the Vigor effect of Armure and Virtako. • On 13th July, I held a Farmers Meeting in Yanglin village and Jujia village respectively to answer questions from farmers at the meeting and promote Armure and Virtako.
• 6Ꮬ20Ă21྇Ljਜ਼ᢐࡔܭጙLjᔓࡵ
• On 16th July, I held a Farmer Meeting in Diduo town.
• On 17th July, I held three Farmers Meetings respectively in Chengqipu village, Zhangyang village, and Dayang Village.
ᓧසᒄവă •
ᑪ۱ᅽLjᑑఎ೫ڐස+ॵ়ᓧසာपሚޝ ્ፇă • 7Ꮬ13྇LjᏴࡑጂᑪ௨ଜĂዮݝᑑఎแ્Ljሚޝஊࡊ
࣪Ⴧࡼᔫ੪ಯஊᑽߒLjႁǖ“ଜಱᎌᆸLj ฝहቦࡼᔫ”ګăऔᄖLjፑᑵྙᏖ ᑑఎ೫ྯޝแ્ă
• 7Ꮬ16྇Ljࣸᑪᑑఎแ્ă
• 7Ꮬ17྇LjᏴᒦᚃᑪ߅໌ĂᐽዴĂࡍዮྯৈLjጙᄖೌኚᑑ แ ఎ೫ྯޝแ્ă ᑚဵ ᑵ ඛᄖ ᑚ ᄖ ࡼ ᔫ ᒦᐢ ީ ߲ ଂᄟ ᄟ แ “ഃ ഃ ࢢ ᑚဵፑᑵඛᄖࡼᔫഺᒦᐢީ߲ࡼଂᄟă”แ”Lj“ഃ၉ࢢ”
ଆၣऱښLjሶഃ၉ਐၒሌࡼ፦ሾ ಯศLjყᄀှޝ፦ሾࡼቤႈവLjቤऱ ज जăፑᑵᔈࡼႁ“ஙฤࣸᑪࡼሾ ፑᑵ ႁங ၉ ၉܈བྷฤᄴ໐ड೫ጙ۶”ă ܈བྷ བྷฤᄴ໐ ໐ड೫ ೫ጙ۶”
“แ્”Lj“ာप્”ဵහၤጓᇗᏋᔫݙܘభࡼਈࠤăඡࢢኝ “แ แ แ ્ ્ “ာप ્” ာप્ ဵහ හၤ ၤጓ ጓᇗ ᇗᏋ Ꮛ ᔫܘ ᔫܘ ݙܘ ݙభ ࡼ ݙభ ࡼਈ ਈ ࠤ ࠤ ඡ ኝ ࠅĂ ࠅ ࠅĂLjۨᐽᄣLjྜྷာपᄙᄿ,ഃ၉ࢢቧᇦྸහLjဣဟནૡ Ă Lj ۨ ۨᐽ ۨ ᐽᄣ ᐽ ᄣLj Ljྜྷ ྜྷာ ာपᄙ ာप ᄙᄿ ᄿ ഃ၉ ഃ၉ࢢ ၉ࢢ ࢢቧᇦ ቧᇦྸ ቧᇦ ᇦྸහ ྸහLj හLjဣဟ ဣဟ ဟན ནૡ ᓨ ᓨౚ ᓨౚ….ፑᑵᔈ2007ฤ4ᏜଝྜྷሌᑵࡉጲLjඛጙᄖ࣒ਭࡼᑚዹංളऎ ౚ ౚ… ….ፑ … ፑᑵᔈ ፑᑵ ᑵ 2 ᑵ 200 00 07 7ฤ 7 ฤ4Ꮬ ฤ 4Ꮬଝ 4Ꮬ Ꮬଝྜྷ ྜྷሌ ྜྷ ሌᑵࡉ ሌᑵ ᑵࡉጲ ࡉጲ Lj Ljඛ ඛጙ ጙᄖ࣒ ጙᄖ ᄖ࣒ ࣒ਭ ਭࡼ ࡼᑚ ᑚዹ ዹංള ളऎ ള ऎ ߠဣ ߠ ߠဣăဵޟޟᐁ6࢛߲ඡLjᅵ10࢛ૄݣଜă ဣăဵޟޟᐁ6࢛ ဣ ޟޟ ޟޟ 6࢛ 6 6࢛߲ ࢛߲ ߲ඡ ඡLj ඡ Ljᅵ ᅵ ᅵ 10 1 10࢛ 0࢛ݣ ࢛ݣ ૄݣ ૄଜă ૄଜ
“ሌᑵࡉဵᒈۣቲጓࡼഌኆLjᆸࡼᔫ੪ᎌ “ሌ ሌᑵ ᑵࡉ ࡉဵ ဵᒈ ဵ ᒈۣቲ ᒈۣ ۣቲጓ ጓ ഌ ഌኆLjᆸ ᆸࡼ ᔫ ᔫ੪ ੪ ੪ᎌ ᄞᐵቶLjથᎌ੪ࡍࡼဍహମăᆸᇧᆃถᎧሌ ᄞᐵቶLj ᄞᐵ Ljથ થᎌ ᎌ੪ࡍ ᎌ੪ ੪ࡍࡼ ࡼ ࡼ ဍ ဍహ హମ ମă ăᆸ ᆸᇧ ᆸ ᇧᆃ ᆃถ ᆃ ถᎧሌ ถᎧ ሌ ᑵࡉৢᄴ߅ޠƽ”ፑᑵྙဵႁă ᑵࡉ ᑵ ࡉৢ ࡉ ৢᄴ ৢ ᄴ߅ޠ ߅ޠƽ ޠƽ”ፑ ፑᑵ ፑ ᑵ ྙ ྙဵႁ ྙဵ ႁă ă
This is just part of Yin Zhengyong’s daily work memo, from which we can see that “farmer”, ”retailer”, “farmers meeting” and “demonstration meeting“ are frequently mentioned. For a promoter, distribution of posters, store promotion and display, demonstration in the field, real time stock information feedback to headquarters are also within their job description. Since he became a Syngenta promoter in April 2007, Yin Zhengyong has spent each day among busy and tight schedules. He always leaves home at 6 o’clock in the morning and returned at 10 o’clock in the evening. It’s impossible for outsiders to read between the lines of his seemingly ordinary notes and get access to those hardship and sacrifices he has experienced.
On 13th July, a farmers’ meeting was held in a backward village where the car can’t drive inside. Yin Zhengyong carried the heavy products, lecture materials and posters and walked about 500 meters before he reached the village hall. The retailers and agro-technical stations here had never cooperated with Syngenta and pesticide usage were at a low level. After listening to their habit of applying pesticides, Yin Zhengyong gave a detailed analysis and put forward Syngenta new technical solutions, and answered questions from farmers on the spot. Now he has established a cooperative business relationship with the local agro-technical stations and retail stores there. On 16th July, when Yin Zhengyong went back home very late after the meeting in Diduo town, he was told that his 6-year-old daughter was knocked down by a motorbike and was hospitalized. Hearing this, he rushed to the hospital and fortunately his daughter was only slightly injured in the accident. About his work, his family complained nothing and showed great understanding and support. The next day, he organized three farmers’ meetings as planned. Yin Zhengyong walked across the 35 villages and towns he was in charge of to teach farmers innovative and effective technical solutions in terms of plant protection, impart advanced marketing concept to retailers and explore new ideas and methods to promote market shares. Yin Zhengyong said proudly,” This year, the sales in Diduo town have doubled comparing with that of the same period last year.” “Syngenta serves as the leader in the crop protection industry. My job is challenging and still has a lot of room for further development. I hope I can grow with Syngenta.” Yin Zhengyong said.
10 ᔓሶှ!ޝGo To Market
ᔓሶှ!ޝGo To Market 11
యᇄᔍၷᒮੑಳࣅᒄᎊಂီ݇တ્Lj ݬሌᑵࡉฉᄰޣ Lucky Draw Winners of “GRAMOXONE” Promotion Sales Visited EXPO and Syngenta Nantong
30ࣶᔈཝਪ11ৈဏ॑ࡼሌᑵࡉఱઓᏴགྷဟஂ၃೫ጙ॑ᔈ 30ࣶ ሌᑵࡉࡼࡍಳǖᎊಂီ݇တ્Ljݬሌᑵࡉฉᄰޣăᑚቋఱઓᒦ ሌᑵ ᎌᒬ ᎌᒬᎭඳࡼLjᎌᒬ၍ࡼݩLjᔢᏐᎌᔈ᎖ᏠฉۣࡼแᎍLjᔢ த தࡼᎌ୕ᑛࡼแᎍăჇඣፐᆐᏴ“యᇄᔍ”ᎌሾ၉ࣅ໐ମ৪ ൰ሌᑵࡉޘອऎቴᏥᒦă ൰ 10Ꮬ20྇ޥᎊီ݇ᏊLjঢ၊ီஏတ્ൢઓࡼတౚăጙᆡᔈ Ꮰฉࡼఱઓႁǖ“ຳဟᒑถᏴ࢟၁೫ஊီ݇ᏊࡼሤਈۨࡸLjᆸ ஙฤᔢࡍࡼᏒᆃဵࡵᒦਪ༄ഔ፬Ljঢቝሌᑵࡉۑᆸဣሚ೫ ᑚৈᏒᆃă” ಭఎီ݇ᏊLjఱઓඣࡵ೫ฉᄰޣLjᄧནޣ݀ݬ ೫ሌᑵࡉᅽޘອ“యᇄᔍ”ࡼညޘᒜᐆਭ߈Ljጙݛ೫ஊሌᑵࡉࡼᒜᐆጳࡼ ೫ሌᑵࡉᅽ ᄴဟጐଝ೫࣪ሌᑵࡉࡼޘອቧ౷ăఱઓඣोोܭာ્ଖኚଐ߲ৎࣶৎးདྷࡸᎧှ ᄴဟጐଝ೫࣪ሌᑵࡉࡼ ࡼޝ፦ሾऱښLjဧৎࣶแᎍ࠭ሌᑵࡉޘອᒦ၊ፄă ࡼޝ፦ሾऱښLjဧৎࣶแ
ᔈฉࡼᒦഃ၉ዲݣᆐሌᑵࡉ೫༫܊ঢቝቧǖ “ࡩᆸᔬऽ૦ࡼกጙరLjᑞࡼঢࡵ੪ቭĂ૮ࣅLjᑚࠨݬဧᆸࡻᅪ ෂࡼီஏᔢගಸLjᅺᇕᏴீᑱLjᏴࣅܤăࡩᆸݬီ݇ᏊဟLjঢࡵ ᔚਪᏴ༄LjᏴखᐱ༓ࡍăᄂܰဵݬሌᑵࡉႊᒜጇ ޣLjกඐࡍࡼޣLjᒑᎌ100ࣶৈཽᏴݷᔫLjཝဵ ૦છLjᔈࣅછLjᇄᇁăညࡼޘแጇ࣪ ီஏแጓৡማᔢࡍLjแཱྀ࣒భࡼ ጇLjᑺීࡼᒠဵጙࡼă ᎌᒠᎌLjጙጲᆸ࣒ဵᏴ ᅎਓሌᑵࡉࡼጇăᄰਭᑚࠨ ࣅጲઁLjᆸጙࢾࣶࣶࡼኝࠅLj ࣶࣶࡼ൲ሌᑵࡉࡼጇLjॲᇗ᎖ ჅᎌࡼแઓLjᄂࣶܰ൲యᇄ ᔍĂయྡྷᔍLj࿁ߢଋLj࿁ఀଋ ࢀࢀăᏳࠨঢቝሌᑵࡉႊă”
ᒦแੜᔈLjῐऍྋǖ ᆸඣࡔܭᒦਪᔢ້ဣแࡼ ॑ቝቝሌᑵࡉLjᄰਭᑚࠨޣ ࡼݬLjᆸඣ࣪ሌᑵࡉႊޘ ອৎଝቧ౷Lj݀༦્ೆኝ ࠅLjࡴৎࣶแઓሌᑵࡉ ࡼᎁᒠޘອLjཱུᆸඣแઓ൰ᓹ हቦĂᓹఎቦă!!
Over thirty Syngenta customers from all over China na redeemed a big prize from Syngenta: visited the world Expo in Shanghai anghai and Syngenta’s world class manufacturing facility in Nantong. They won this big prize for buying Gramoxone during its promotion ion sales period. On October 20, all the customers enjoyed a memorable orable tour to the World Expo. One customer from YunNan Province vince said, “I used to watch the news report on Expo from TV set only. My biggest wish for this year is to take a photo in front nt of the China Pavilion. I want to thank Syngenta for making ng my wish comes true.” The customers then went to visit Syngenta Nantong ng plant the following day and got to see the whole manufacturing process ess of “Gramoxone”. They were so impressed by the high automatic and nd no pollution production that they all indicated to promote and sell more Syngenta products in the future so as to have more re farmers benefit from Syngenta technology.
Thank you letter from Mr. Yang Gao Cai, Lucky draw winner and Retailer of Syngenta: October 27, 2010 “I’m very delighted to visit World Expo. in Shanghai ai by joining the Syngenta Expo Tour. I felt so excited when I embarked the airplane and finally arrived the Expo. o. site. The world is changing so fast and our country is developing so well. I was also very impressed when visiting Syngenta plant in Nantong. Its high automatic and no pollution manufacturing facilities and process are so amazing that it takes only 100 workers to operate such a big manufacturing workshop. Syngenta makes great contribution to the world agriculture and our Chinese farmers accepted it products for its world class quality. I will continue to sell and promote Syngenta products, and serve our famers even better. Thanks again, Syngenta!”
Farmer He Zi Kuan and Nan En Rong: We want to thank Syngenta as common Chinese farmers. After visiting Syngenta’s plant, we are more confident on Syngenta and will introduce its products to more farmers .
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యᇄᔍၷᒮੑಳࣅᒄᎊಂီ݇တ્Lj ݬሌᑵࡉฉᄰޣ Lucky Draw Winners of “GRAMOXONE” Promotion Sales Visited EXPO and Syngenta Nantong
30ࣶᔈཝਪ11ৈဏ॑ࡼሌᑵࡉఱઓᏴགྷဟஂ၃೫ጙ॑ᔈ 30ࣶ ሌᑵࡉࡼࡍಳǖᎊಂီ݇တ્Ljݬሌᑵࡉฉᄰޣăᑚቋఱઓᒦ ሌᑵ ᎌᒬ ᎌᒬᎭඳࡼLjᎌᒬ၍ࡼݩLjᔢᏐᎌᔈ᎖ᏠฉۣࡼแᎍLjᔢ த தࡼᎌ୕ᑛࡼแᎍăჇඣፐᆐᏴ“యᇄᔍ”ᎌሾ၉ࣅ໐ମ৪ ൰ሌᑵࡉޘອऎቴᏥᒦă ൰ 10Ꮬ20྇ޥᎊီ݇ᏊLjঢ၊ီஏတ્ൢઓࡼတౚăጙᆡᔈ Ꮰฉࡼఱઓႁǖ“ຳဟᒑถᏴ࢟၁೫ஊီ݇ᏊࡼሤਈۨࡸLjᆸ ஙฤᔢࡍࡼᏒᆃဵࡵᒦਪ༄ഔ፬Ljঢቝሌᑵࡉۑᆸဣሚ೫ ᑚৈᏒᆃă” ಭఎီ݇ᏊLjఱઓඣࡵ೫ฉᄰޣLjᄧནޣ݀ݬ ೫ሌᑵࡉᅽޘອ“యᇄᔍ”ࡼညޘᒜᐆਭ߈Ljጙݛ೫ஊሌᑵࡉࡼᒜᐆጳࡼ ೫ሌᑵࡉᅽ ᄴဟጐଝ೫࣪ሌᑵࡉࡼޘອቧ౷ăఱઓඣोोܭာ્ଖኚଐ߲ৎࣶৎးདྷࡸᎧှ ᄴဟጐଝ೫࣪ሌᑵࡉࡼ ࡼޝ፦ሾऱښLjဧৎࣶแᎍ࠭ሌᑵࡉޘອᒦ၊ፄă ࡼޝ፦ሾऱښLjဧৎࣶแ
ᔈฉࡼᒦഃ၉ዲݣᆐሌᑵࡉ೫༫܊ঢቝቧǖ “ࡩᆸᔬऽ૦ࡼกጙరLjᑞࡼঢࡵ੪ቭĂ૮ࣅLjᑚࠨݬဧᆸࡻᅪ ෂࡼီஏᔢගಸLjᅺᇕᏴீᑱLjᏴࣅܤăࡩᆸݬီ݇ᏊဟLjঢࡵ ᔚਪᏴ༄LjᏴखᐱ༓ࡍăᄂܰဵݬሌᑵࡉႊᒜጇ ޣLjกඐࡍࡼޣLjᒑᎌ100ࣶৈཽᏴݷᔫLjཝဵ ૦છLjᔈࣅછLjᇄᇁăညࡼޘแጇ࣪ ီஏแጓৡማᔢࡍLjแཱྀ࣒భࡼ ጇLjᑺීࡼᒠဵጙࡼă ᎌᒠᎌLjጙጲᆸ࣒ဵᏴ ᅎਓሌᑵࡉࡼጇăᄰਭᑚࠨ ࣅጲઁLjᆸጙࢾࣶࣶࡼኝࠅLj ࣶࣶࡼ൲ሌᑵࡉࡼጇLjॲᇗ᎖ ჅᎌࡼแઓLjᄂࣶܰ൲యᇄ ᔍĂయྡྷᔍLj࿁ߢଋLj࿁ఀଋ ࢀࢀăᏳࠨঢቝሌᑵࡉႊă”
ᒦแੜᔈLjῐऍྋǖ ᆸඣࡔܭᒦਪᔢ້ဣแࡼ ॑ቝቝሌᑵࡉLjᄰਭᑚࠨޣ ࡼݬLjᆸඣ࣪ሌᑵࡉႊޘ ອৎଝቧ౷Lj݀༦્ೆኝ ࠅLjࡴৎࣶแઓሌᑵࡉ ࡼᎁᒠޘອLjཱུᆸඣแઓ൰ᓹ हቦĂᓹఎቦă!!
Over thirty Syngenta customers from all over China na redeemed a big prize from Syngenta: visited the world Expo in Shanghai anghai and Syngenta’s world class manufacturing facility in Nantong. They won this big prize for buying Gramoxone during its promotion ion sales period. On October 20, all the customers enjoyed a memorable orable tour to the World Expo. One customer from YunNan Province vince said, “I used to watch the news report on Expo from TV set only. My biggest wish for this year is to take a photo in front nt of the China Pavilion. I want to thank Syngenta for making ng my wish comes true.” The customers then went to visit Syngenta Nantong ng plant the following day and got to see the whole manufacturing process ess of “Gramoxone”. They were so impressed by the high automatic and nd no pollution production that they all indicated to promote and sell more Syngenta products in the future so as to have more re farmers benefit from Syngenta technology.
Thank you letter from Mr. Yang Gao Cai, Lucky draw winner and Retailer of Syngenta: October 27, 2010 “I’m very delighted to visit World Expo. in Shanghai ai by joining the Syngenta Expo Tour. I felt so excited when I embarked the airplane and finally arrived the Expo. o. site. The world is changing so fast and our country is developing so well. I was also very impressed when visiting Syngenta plant in Nantong. Its high automatic and no pollution manufacturing facilities and process are so amazing that it takes only 100 workers to operate such a big manufacturing workshop. Syngenta makes great contribution to the world agriculture and our Chinese farmers accepted it products for its world class quality. I will continue to sell and promote Syngenta products, and serve our famers even better. Thanks again, Syngenta!”
Farmer He Zi Kuan and Nan En Rong: We want to thank Syngenta as common Chinese farmers. After visiting Syngenta’s plant, we are more confident on Syngenta and will introduce its products to more farmers .
12 ອࡍဧ!Brand Ambassdor
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ሌᑵࡉख௮ࡼ႐ࠂᏰઁᒮ᎓एᏊᄾྜྷး New beginnings in Sichuan
Syngenta rallied support among the Swiss community in China for a new kindergarten in the earthquake-torn Sichuan Province. On September 3, the Swiss community in China officially handed over the newly-built Longxing Township Kindergarten to the local government in the city of Chongzhou, Sichuan Province, site of one of the most devastating earthquakes in history. The Swiss ambassador to China, Blaise Godet, was joined for the ceremony by project sponsors and government officials, as well as many local residents and their children.
2010ฤ9Ꮬ3྇LjᎅྡྷိஏૺᏴખ૦৩௮ࡼߣᒳှടቭᑪ᎓एᏊဒಽ ఆLjᑵါጤୣ႐ࠂဏߣᒳှࡩᑶঀăকሲࡼखཽਜ਼ᓍገᔝᒅ ᑗᒄጙሌᑵࡉDŽᒦਪDžᄾᓾᎌሢႊᔐளಯࢊ္ᆪႁǖ“ਰᔇඣዳፅ ࡼቈྏཱུᆸඣ۶ঢቢᆥLjሤቧਰᔇඣ્Ᏼᑚಱᎌጙৈੑࡼཽညఎ࣡ă” ߣᒳှঃှޠধႁǖ“ടቭ᎓एᏊࡼ߅ࡍ࠳ߣᒳှኧഄ༄एᄷ ࡼ୴ᎹखᐱLjጐ࣪ᒦྡྷೝਪཽࡼᎍፈޘည೫૩ऎᏐࡼ፬ሰă” 2008ฤ႐ࠂᑨᒄઁLjሌᑵࡉᒦਪᅍࣩೂ૾ᄾྜྷᏈቲࣅLjᆐᏰཌ௮
“The smiles on the faces of the children here today make us confident that this kindergarten will help to give them a good start,” said Stephan Titze, China CP Country Head, who hosted the ceremony.
௮ᇕăઁLjሌᑵࡉᄋ߲ᆐᏰཌᒮጙჅ᎓एᏊLjᆐࡩਰᔇඣᄋጙ ৈڔཝᎁᒠࡼኧᇴਜ਼߅ޠણஹăࢊ္ᆪᔫᆐᒦਪྡྷိ્ঃ્ޠᎧჇ ્߅ᏋૺྡྷိᏴખ૦৩ᄰ೫ᑚጙሯजLj੪ࡻࡵ೫૩ࡼሰ።ăሌ ᑵࡉൈሌ௮߲74000ගᏄLj݀૩ᅎࣅ௮ᓐኝࠅLjᒮሲᔐଐ߫ࡻ740 ᅺᏄཽܒă ߅ઁࡼടቭᑪ᎓एᏊᐴ6500ຳऱඳLjభྏฃ300ࣶኧညă᎓एᏊ ࡼଐଝྜྷ೫ᒦྡྷೝਪᏄႤǖඛମ୴၀࣒ဵጙৈᓍᄌᄷજ৺ူᇃLj୴၀ ᒄମဵᎌᒦਪചᏄႤࡼᔓಊLj୴၀થᒬᒈᎌ࠾ᓇLjᆐਰᔇᄋ೫ၔ းĂৎཝĂણۣࡼࣅహମጲૺኧᇴણஹă “ᆸገঢቝሌᑵࡉᏋ࣪᎓एᏊሲᇄႉᄾྜྷࡼဟମਜ਼றೆă”ࢊ္ᆪႁLj “ཌᎮளಯલࠔۑᓐኰᑊ೫းࡼቅ࢛Lj೮ࠅਜ਼ჇࡼᅍࣩᏴ႐ࠂࡩ ᄋᔢૺဟᎌࡼᑽߒLjᐽືࡔܭሌᑵࡉᏴᑳৈሲᒦᔫᆐࡩ૦
৩ᎧྡྷိᏴખ૦৩ࡼೊཽLjঢቝঌᐊৢူᇗᎧᄏᄰࡼ൫ࠔਜ਼ ࣛขLjથᎌঌᐊजേᓽኯਜ਼ਜ਼ࢯᎧࡩᑶঀਈᇹࡼಜăᔢઁገᄂ ܰঢቝᔈሌᑵࡉྡྷိMuenchwilenࡼᄰளಯHeinz Binzਜ਼Ⴧࡼვვ
“The completion of Longxing Township p Kindergarten will accelerate the development of early childhood education in Chongzhou, and will have e positive and far-reaching impact on the e cooperation between Swiss Chamber of Commerce in China and Chongzhou city,” commented Chen Gang, Vice Mayor ayor of Chongzhou.
Melina BinzăჇඣ7Ꮬ॑ጲᒔᏒᑗ॑ࡵᒦਪࢯ࣓࠳᎓एᏊሲࡼᅲ Lj݀༦ۑᓐኧቅĂနਜ਼ኧညᆐቤኧ໐ఎኧᔪੑ೫ᓰ۸ăHeinz Binzඛ ᄖඌᓹၜLjབྷᓔሚޝࢯݝඡࡼᔫLjۣᑺ೫ᆐሲࡼ ၿಽᅲăฝඣဵᔢۖࡼሌᑵࡉອࡍဧLj݀ᆐᔈঈ߲Ⴥࡻࡼ߅ ਫঢࡵᔈă”
Community spirit, helping hand The 2008 Sichuan earthquake left over 68,000 people dead and millions homeless. The Syngenta China team in Sichuan quickly joined the relief effort, starting a project to re-build one of the 7,000 schools that had collapsed. Syngenta APAC and business units in China pledged over USD 74,000 to get the project started. Then Country Head of CP China, Stephan Titze, in his capacity as vice president of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in China, talked about the idea with fellow Chamber board members. They agreed to propose the project to Swiss community members and stakeholders. Stephan was appointed co-president of the steering committee, which included Swiss embassy employees and representatives from major donor companies like Zurich Insurance, Sipca and Oerlikon. Together, they gathered donations totaling USD 1.1 million – enough to build a school for 300 children.
“Dreamland” for local children Over 30 Chinese media reported on the unveiling event, describing the kindergarten as “a dreamland” for local children. Inspired by a traditional Chinese garden, it was designed by Swiss architects in Shanghai and covers an area a of 6,500 square meters. Most importantly, impo it is built to high-specification high earthquake-proof stan standards. “I w want to personally thank the Syngenta Sy employees for their selfless se and determined contribution,” co said Stephan. “It was cclearly recognized at the opening ceremony that without their efforts, c this project would never have t gotten off the ground. Liao Chuan g Hong for his idea and team support, Area manager Huang Chun for helping with finding a suitable school site, Spring Zhang for being our local contact in Zhan project, Catherine Ma and Sizchuan for the Swiss Community Commu Lina Du for communication and finally finall Simon Xu for legal advice and Government relations. You are the best Ambassdors Syngenta could wish for and have given the people of Sizchuan something you can always be proud of.” Says Stephan Titze. Special thanks also goes to Syngenta Muenchwilen employee Heinz Binz and his wife Melina Binz, who have volunteered to come to China in July and supervise the completion of the kindergarten project and help with getting the school and teachers and children ready for the semester beginning. Despite the sizzling heat and unfavorable weather in Sichuan during the last months, Heinz and his wife went to the construction site almost every day, coordinate with multiple parties, including project committee team, teachers, contractors, local government and donors etc. to ensure the successful completion of this project.
12 ອࡍဧ!Brand Ambassdor
ອࡍဧ!Brand Ambassdor 13
ሌᑵࡉख௮ࡼ႐ࠂᏰઁᒮ᎓एᏊᄾྜྷး New beginnings in Sichuan
Syngenta rallied support among the Swiss community in China for a new kindergarten in the earthquake-torn Sichuan Province. On September 3, the Swiss community in China officially handed over the newly-built Longxing Township Kindergarten to the local government in the city of Chongzhou, Sichuan Province, site of one of the most devastating earthquakes in history. The Swiss ambassador to China, Blaise Godet, was joined for the ceremony by project sponsors and government officials, as well as many local residents and their children.
2010ฤ9Ꮬ3྇LjᎅྡྷိஏૺᏴખ૦৩௮ࡼߣᒳှടቭᑪ᎓एᏊဒಽ ఆLjᑵါጤୣ႐ࠂဏߣᒳှࡩᑶঀăকሲࡼखཽਜ਼ᓍገᔝᒅ ᑗᒄጙሌᑵࡉDŽᒦਪDžᄾᓾᎌሢႊᔐளಯࢊ္ᆪႁǖ“ਰᔇඣዳፅ ࡼቈྏཱུᆸඣ۶ঢቢᆥLjሤቧਰᔇඣ્Ᏼᑚಱᎌጙৈੑࡼཽညఎ࣡ă” ߣᒳှঃှޠধႁǖ“ടቭ᎓एᏊࡼ߅ࡍ࠳ߣᒳှኧഄ༄एᄷ ࡼ୴ᎹखᐱLjጐ࣪ᒦྡྷೝਪཽࡼᎍፈޘည೫૩ऎᏐࡼ፬ሰă” 2008ฤ႐ࠂᑨᒄઁLjሌᑵࡉᒦਪᅍࣩೂ૾ᄾྜྷᏈቲࣅLjᆐᏰཌ௮
“The smiles on the faces of the children here today make us confident that this kindergarten will help to give them a good start,” said Stephan Titze, China CP Country Head, who hosted the ceremony.
௮ᇕăઁLjሌᑵࡉᄋ߲ᆐᏰཌᒮጙჅ᎓एᏊLjᆐࡩਰᔇඣᄋጙ ৈڔཝᎁᒠࡼኧᇴਜ਼߅ޠણஹăࢊ္ᆪᔫᆐᒦਪྡྷိ્ঃ્ޠᎧჇ ્߅ᏋૺྡྷိᏴખ૦৩ᄰ೫ᑚጙሯजLj੪ࡻࡵ೫૩ࡼሰ።ăሌ ᑵࡉൈሌ௮߲74000ගᏄLj݀૩ᅎࣅ௮ᓐኝࠅLjᒮሲᔐଐ߫ࡻ740 ᅺᏄཽܒă ߅ઁࡼടቭᑪ᎓एᏊᐴ6500ຳऱඳLjభྏฃ300ࣶኧညă᎓एᏊ ࡼଐଝྜྷ೫ᒦྡྷೝਪᏄႤǖඛମ୴၀࣒ဵጙৈᓍᄌᄷજ৺ူᇃLj୴၀ ᒄମဵᎌᒦਪചᏄႤࡼᔓಊLj୴၀થᒬᒈᎌ࠾ᓇLjᆐਰᔇᄋ೫ၔ းĂৎཝĂણۣࡼࣅహମጲૺኧᇴણஹă “ᆸገঢቝሌᑵࡉᏋ࣪᎓एᏊሲᇄႉᄾྜྷࡼဟମਜ਼றೆă”ࢊ္ᆪႁLj “ཌᎮளಯલࠔۑᓐኰᑊ೫းࡼቅ࢛Lj೮ࠅਜ਼ჇࡼᅍࣩᏴ႐ࠂࡩ ᄋᔢૺဟᎌࡼᑽߒLjᐽືࡔܭሌᑵࡉᏴᑳৈሲᒦᔫᆐࡩ૦
৩ᎧྡྷိᏴખ૦৩ࡼೊཽLjঢቝঌᐊৢူᇗᎧᄏᄰࡼ൫ࠔਜ਼ ࣛขLjથᎌঌᐊजേᓽኯਜ਼ਜ਼ࢯᎧࡩᑶঀਈᇹࡼಜăᔢઁገᄂ ܰঢቝᔈሌᑵࡉྡྷိMuenchwilenࡼᄰளಯHeinz Binzਜ਼Ⴧࡼვვ
“The completion of Longxing Township p Kindergarten will accelerate the development of early childhood education in Chongzhou, and will have e positive and far-reaching impact on the e cooperation between Swiss Chamber of Commerce in China and Chongzhou city,” commented Chen Gang, Vice Mayor ayor of Chongzhou.
Melina BinzăჇඣ7Ꮬ॑ጲᒔᏒᑗ॑ࡵᒦਪࢯ࣓࠳᎓एᏊሲࡼᅲ Lj݀༦ۑᓐኧቅĂနਜ਼ኧညᆐቤኧ໐ఎኧᔪੑ೫ᓰ۸ăHeinz Binzඛ ᄖඌᓹၜLjབྷᓔሚޝࢯݝඡࡼᔫLjۣᑺ೫ᆐሲࡼ ၿಽᅲăฝඣဵᔢۖࡼሌᑵࡉອࡍဧLj݀ᆐᔈঈ߲Ⴥࡻࡼ߅ ਫঢࡵᔈă”
Community spirit, helping hand The 2008 Sichuan earthquake left over 68,000 people dead and millions homeless. The Syngenta China team in Sichuan quickly joined the relief effort, starting a project to re-build one of the 7,000 schools that had collapsed. Syngenta APAC and business units in China pledged over USD 74,000 to get the project started. Then Country Head of CP China, Stephan Titze, in his capacity as vice president of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in China, talked about the idea with fellow Chamber board members. They agreed to propose the project to Swiss community members and stakeholders. Stephan was appointed co-president of the steering committee, which included Swiss embassy employees and representatives from major donor companies like Zurich Insurance, Sipca and Oerlikon. Together, they gathered donations totaling USD 1.1 million – enough to build a school for 300 children.
“Dreamland” for local children Over 30 Chinese media reported on the unveiling event, describing the kindergarten as “a dreamland” for local children. Inspired by a traditional Chinese garden, it was designed by Swiss architects in Shanghai and covers an area a of 6,500 square meters. Most importantly, impo it is built to high-specification high earthquake-proof stan standards. “I w want to personally thank the Syngenta Sy employees for their selfless se and determined contribution,” co said Stephan. “It was cclearly recognized at the opening ceremony that without their efforts, c this project would never have t gotten off the ground. Liao Chuan g Hong for his idea and team support, Area manager Huang Chun for helping with finding a suitable school site, Spring Zhang for being our local contact in Zhan project, Catherine Ma and Sizchuan for the Swiss Community Commu Lina Du for communication and finally finall Simon Xu for legal advice and Government relations. You are the best Ambassdors Syngenta could wish for and have given the people of Sizchuan something you can always be proud of.” Says Stephan Titze. Special thanks also goes to Syngenta Muenchwilen employee Heinz Binz and his wife Melina Binz, who have volunteered to come to China in July and supervise the completion of the kindergarten project and help with getting the school and teachers and children ready for the semester beginning. Despite the sizzling heat and unfavorable weather in Sichuan during the last months, Heinz and his wife went to the construction site almost every day, coordinate with multiple parties, including project committee team, teachers, contractors, local government and donors etc. to ensure the successful completion of this project.
14 ອࡍဧ!Brand Ambassdor
ອࡍဧ!Brand Ambassdor 15
ࠎቤᒄുཝਪࣅ! ໐ࡗཝᏋݬᎧ
ሌᑵࡉᒦਪ৺ူྜྷ2010ฤ ሌᑵࡉཝཆᔐྮຶኡ
Journey on Innovation Calling for Nationwide Participation ጙ ໐ ࡼ Ė ྻ Ꮠ ஶ ė ಱ ᆸ ඣ ሶ ࡍ ଜ Ꮎ স ೫ “ࠎ ቤ ᒄ ു ”(Journeyon Innovation,଼߂JOI)Ᏼཝਪࣅࡼሿᇦăྙஙሲཝਪࣅവዝጯள ၿಽᅲ߅Lj݀ߒኚ၃ࡵᏋࡼࠎቤᄋښă 2010ฤ8Ꮬ6྇“ࠎቤᒄു”၅ޝࣅጥါᏴฉᄰޣቲă 2010ฤ8Ꮬ10྇ྯৈࡍཌࣅጥါᏴਓᒳLj߅࣒Lj۱யێ၀ቲă 2010ฤ8Ꮬ13྇ێ၀ࣅ 2010ฤ 8Ꮬ27྇౧ޣࣅ ĐࠎቤᒄുđሲᔝᆐᏋࡒབྷ೫ሲኝࠅຢLjሲݢ೯ਜ਼ଗ ศಳອăࣅጥါᒦࠃࡼރ܈ᇀႅણࡼᎊᇻཱུᏋඣᄏ્ࡵ೫ఘ႒ቃ ቃࡼࠎቤࣅLjభถ્ࡒࡍݙᄴLj፬ሰᏐă“ࠎቤᒄു”ࡼܪᒔଐ ጐဵᏎ᎖܈ᇀႅણLjሷᑯᓹࠎቤࡼു߈ဵᎌᒫ࢛Ljᎌሢࡼă ᔈࠎቤᒄു8Ꮬ6྇၅ޝࣅࡵ۾ఓষ྇Ljጯள၃ࡵ೫13ᄟࠎቤᄋښă ऱښঙ೫ᄋێൈLjஂဏᇕഗ߅۾Ljᎁછညޘഗ߈Ljှޝᅎਓቤ ݽLjᄋဍણۣተሷࢀৈऱෂă ࠎቤᒄു໐ࡗৎࣶৎਓमࡼݬᎧăྙਫฝથᎌఎဪฝࡼࠎቤᒄുLj༿ ሚᏴଝྜྷګăฝభጲᄰਭጲሆᇋᒬᅆᄋୣࠎቤऱښǖ
In the last Golden Vision, we announced the upcoming launch of the Journey on Innovation (JOI) in China. Now the roadshow has succesfully completed, and we have been constantly receiving innovative proposals from the staff.
Syngenta China CP Project Entered Syngenta Awards 2010 Global Finalist
On 6th August 2010, the initial launch ceremony of Journey on Innovation was held at the plant in Nantong. On 10th August 2010, the launch ceremonies in three regions were held in the offices in Guangzhou, Chengdu, and Beijing. On 13th August 2010, the launch ceremony was held in the Shanghai office On 27th August 2010, the launch ceremony was held at the Kunshan plant The project team of Journey on Innovation brought with them the project trailers, materials and souvenirs. During the launch ceremony, Möbius strip was introduced to show the staff a small innovation could make a big difference. The logo of Journey on Innovation also originated from Möbius strip, symbolizing the endless and limitless journey on innovation.
ሌᑵࡉ2010ฤཝཆຶኡৢଐ၃ࡵᔈီஏ ሌᑵࡉᏋࡼத1100ৈሲ৺ူLjᒦ ვཌᄋୣ286ৈ৺ူăजਖଆၣݝጲಽࡔ ܭሌᑵࡉDŽᒦਪDžᄾᓾᎌሢႊᄋୣࡼ“ၺࡶ
k !Mike Mac
ܭᐻ。ॊܰဵᅽ‿௰ࡔܭजਖଆၣݝᄋୣࡼ” ڔཝጇኵ“ሲਜ਼ᇈޫࡔܭှݝޝᄋୣ ࡼ“MaSEኧᏔ”ሲă
Syngenta Awards 2010 proved a great success: almost 1,100 stories were submitted involving some 10,000 employees worldwide, among which 286 submission were from APAC.
The Journey on Innovation is waiting more people to participate. If you have not begun your innovation journey, join us now! You can submit your innovative proposal through one of the following five ways:
1 Email your solution to Innovation.cn@syngenta.com
ิభጲᄰਭႊᅪݝᆀࡿഺᇹᄻǖwww.syngenta.com.cn! ࢛ૣ၅ᎎሆऱĐࠎቤᒄുđă
3 Log in internet: www.syngenta.com.cn and click the JOI
ิభጲᒇࡌ፝ৃܭLjᄘቖઁᄾᒗࠎቤᒄുቧረ)ێLj ฉᄰĂ౧ޣཌLjࡍཌێ၀࣒ᎌࠎቤᒄുࡼቧረ*
4 Print out and fill in the submission form. Drop it in the
ྙጲᅆݙးLjิથభጲᒇᎆᒗᔐݝLj ࠎቤᒄുᆕᏋ્!၃
5 Mail your solution to the Project Team of Journey on
2 Log in intranet China Teamspace.
at the right side of the front page. “Journey on Innovation” collection box at your site.
Innovation at Shanghai Head Office.
ঢቝጲሆࠎቤᄋښᑗࡼݬᎧǖ Great thanks to the following JOI participants: ማᆪ,ཌᎮሾ၉ளಯ Yu Xian Wen, Senior Area Manager
ᛉLjଆၣݝᓐಯā Agnes Chen, Department Assistant R&T
໗ᑨLjࡍཌݤᇗளಯā Qi zhen , Assistant SBU Controller
ᄷᩣ௰LjᇕഗᓜᏋ Jacqueline Tong, Logistics Officer
ቃফ,ᒜଋᎧ۞ᓤᒋۂᓍ Chen Xiaogang, FFP Shift Supervisor, Nantong Plant
Lj߹ݻଋޘອखᐱளಯāā Trace Chen, Product Development Manager-Herbicide
ᆛLjIS ளಯā Jack Shao, IS Manager
ጲಽLjଆၣሲளಯāā Yili Hou, Senior Regulatory and Technical Project
৻ܵLjEMAညޘᒋۂளಯ Gu Ya Bing, EMA Shift Manager, Nantong Plant ರಸࠔLjሲಯளಯ Lily Li, Project Manager
ဂ Ljݤᇗଐચளಯ Coco Shen, Finance Planning Controller
ྜྷ೫ཝཆྮă ሌᑵࡉᒦਪᄴဟથᎌೝৈሲࡻვཌᄂܰ
From the initial launch on 6th August to the submission deadline, we received 13 innovative proposals ranging from increasing efficiency, saving logistic costs and optimizing production process to new marketing strategies and improving the image of environment protection.
One submission from Syngenta China CP entered the global finalist and two won the special recognition for ways of working. They are: Kerry Wang—Stewardship Powerhouse In China (PARTNERSHIP EXCELLENCE – demonstrating excellence in partnering with customers or other external stakeholders on a project) Tracy Wu: China Local MaSE Academy Program —A Powerful Engine Of Business Acceleration (BREAKING BARRIERS - for successfully creating new value by working across silos and/or leveraging knowledge from another team or project)
ອۣઐᏴቲࣅ Anti _ counterfeit Campaign ਮऑܵᒜଣሗጧཽቮ Fake Production Warehouse was Cracked in Harbin 2009ฤ6ᏜLjਮऑܵڔᏴᒈۣ)ᒦਪ*્ ߅ᏋႊࡼሆLjᓙሾ၉ଣૡबᔣሗጧཽ 10ཽLjއ9ৈଣૡెݴLjଣૡᏴ14000ረጲ Ljଣૡૺ۞౪ሌᑵࡉᏴดࡼ9ৈᒈۣ)ᒦ ਪ*્߅ᏋႊĂ16ৈแጇອਜ਼40ࣶৈਪ ดแጇອă༄Ljጯᓙࡼबᔣሗጧཽᒦጯ ᎌ8ཽॊܰۻ1.3ฤᎌ໐ᅅቮLj݀ࠀ10ᅺᏄ ᒗ30ᅺᏄࡼगLjిኺଣૡޱೞೝݝă In June 2009, 10 fake suspects, 9 warehouses, more than 14000 cartons of fake products infringing the patent of 9 Crop Life (China) member companies including Syngenta. The eight suspects captured have been sentenced for 1 to 3 years prison term, plus penalty of RMB 100,000 to 300,000.
ᐍଣඌĐڐසđLj Đᡩߢᠼđညۻ࢛ޘ އ Fake Armure and TMX was destroyed in Heze City 2010ฤ9Ꮬ2྇Ljሌᑵࡉᐍှڔᓙ ྯᐆଣཽښᏋLjిއ3გᐆଣ૦Lj48 ረଣඌڐසૺጙႊອăᔐଐऄިਭጙ ڻᇋလᅺᏄ。 On 2nd September 2010, Syngenta and local Public Security Bureau of He Ze City, Shandong province captured 3 suspects, seizing counterfeits manufacturing facilities and 48 cartons of fake Armure and 85 cartons of another international brand, total value exceeded RMB 1.5 million.
ጙᒜଣᅍᏴ౧ීຼۻ Fake gang was cracked down in Kunming City 7Ꮬ13྇Lj౧ීှڔຼ3ৈᒜଣెݴLj ጙৈᒜଣᆷ࢛Ljއިਭ11800ረଣඌᆗೳޘ ອLjࡍଣ۞ᓤݢ೯ૺᒦਪᒈۣ7߅ᏋLj ᒦ۞౪ሌᑵࡉሆࡼ5ᒬອăᔐᒋިਭጙ ڻᅺᏄă On 13th July 2010, Public Security Bureau of Kunming City raided 3 counterfeits warehouses and seized over 11800 cartons of fake products, among which there were 5 fake Syngenta brand valued over 1 million yuan.
14 ອࡍဧ!Brand Ambassdor
ອࡍဧ!Brand Ambassdor 15
ࠎቤᒄുཝਪࣅ! ໐ࡗཝᏋݬᎧ
ሌᑵࡉᒦਪ৺ူྜྷ2010ฤ ሌᑵࡉཝཆᔐྮຶኡ
Journey on Innovation Calling for Nationwide Participation ጙ ໐ ࡼ Ė ྻ Ꮠ ஶ ė ಱ ᆸ ඣ ሶ ࡍ ଜ Ꮎ স ೫ “ࠎ ቤ ᒄ ു ”(Journeyon Innovation,଼߂JOI)Ᏼཝਪࣅࡼሿᇦăྙஙሲཝਪࣅവዝጯள ၿಽᅲ߅Lj݀ߒኚ၃ࡵᏋࡼࠎቤᄋښă 2010ฤ8Ꮬ6྇“ࠎቤᒄു”၅ޝࣅጥါᏴฉᄰޣቲă 2010ฤ8Ꮬ10྇ྯৈࡍཌࣅጥါᏴਓᒳLj߅࣒Lj۱யێ၀ቲă 2010ฤ8Ꮬ13྇ێ၀ࣅ 2010ฤ 8Ꮬ27྇౧ޣࣅ ĐࠎቤᒄുđሲᔝᆐᏋࡒབྷ೫ሲኝࠅຢLjሲݢ೯ਜ਼ଗ ศಳອăࣅጥါᒦࠃࡼރ܈ᇀႅણࡼᎊᇻཱུᏋඣᄏ્ࡵ೫ఘ႒ቃ ቃࡼࠎቤࣅLjభถ્ࡒࡍݙᄴLj፬ሰᏐă“ࠎቤᒄു”ࡼܪᒔଐ ጐဵᏎ᎖܈ᇀႅણLjሷᑯᓹࠎቤࡼു߈ဵᎌᒫ࢛Ljᎌሢࡼă ᔈࠎቤᒄു8Ꮬ6྇၅ޝࣅࡵ۾ఓষ྇Ljጯள၃ࡵ೫13ᄟࠎቤᄋښă ऱښঙ೫ᄋێൈLjஂဏᇕഗ߅۾Ljᎁછညޘഗ߈Ljှޝᅎਓቤ ݽLjᄋဍણۣተሷࢀৈऱෂă ࠎቤᒄു໐ࡗৎࣶৎਓमࡼݬᎧăྙਫฝથᎌఎဪฝࡼࠎቤᒄുLj༿ ሚᏴଝྜྷګăฝభጲᄰਭጲሆᇋᒬᅆᄋୣࠎቤऱښǖ
In the last Golden Vision, we announced the upcoming launch of the Journey on Innovation (JOI) in China. Now the roadshow has succesfully completed, and we have been constantly receiving innovative proposals from the staff.
Syngenta China CP Project Entered Syngenta Awards 2010 Global Finalist
On 6th August 2010, the initial launch ceremony of Journey on Innovation was held at the plant in Nantong. On 10th August 2010, the launch ceremonies in three regions were held in the offices in Guangzhou, Chengdu, and Beijing. On 13th August 2010, the launch ceremony was held in the Shanghai office On 27th August 2010, the launch ceremony was held at the Kunshan plant The project team of Journey on Innovation brought with them the project trailers, materials and souvenirs. During the launch ceremony, Möbius strip was introduced to show the staff a small innovation could make a big difference. The logo of Journey on Innovation also originated from Möbius strip, symbolizing the endless and limitless journey on innovation.
ሌᑵࡉ2010ฤཝཆຶኡৢଐ၃ࡵᔈီஏ ሌᑵࡉᏋࡼத1100ৈሲ৺ူLjᒦ ვཌᄋୣ286ৈ৺ူăजਖଆၣݝጲಽࡔ ܭሌᑵࡉDŽᒦਪDžᄾᓾᎌሢႊᄋୣࡼ“ၺࡶ
k !Mike Mac
ܭᐻ。ॊܰဵᅽ‿௰ࡔܭजਖଆၣݝᄋୣࡼ” ڔཝጇኵ“ሲਜ਼ᇈޫࡔܭှݝޝᄋୣ ࡼ“MaSEኧᏔ”ሲă
Syngenta Awards 2010 proved a great success: almost 1,100 stories were submitted involving some 10,000 employees worldwide, among which 286 submission were from APAC.
The Journey on Innovation is waiting more people to participate. If you have not begun your innovation journey, join us now! You can submit your innovative proposal through one of the following five ways:
1 Email your solution to Innovation.cn@syngenta.com
ิభጲᄰਭႊᅪݝᆀࡿഺᇹᄻǖwww.syngenta.com.cn! ࢛ૣ၅ᎎሆऱĐࠎቤᒄുđă
3 Log in internet: www.syngenta.com.cn and click the JOI
ิభጲᒇࡌ፝ৃܭLjᄘቖઁᄾᒗࠎቤᒄുቧረ)ێLj ฉᄰĂ౧ޣཌLjࡍཌێ၀࣒ᎌࠎቤᒄുࡼቧረ*
4 Print out and fill in the submission form. Drop it in the
ྙጲᅆݙးLjิથభጲᒇᎆᒗᔐݝLj ࠎቤᒄുᆕᏋ્!၃
5 Mail your solution to the Project Team of Journey on
2 Log in intranet China Teamspace.
at the right side of the front page. “Journey on Innovation” collection box at your site.
Innovation at Shanghai Head Office.
ঢቝጲሆࠎቤᄋښᑗࡼݬᎧǖ Great thanks to the following JOI participants: ማᆪ,ཌᎮሾ၉ளಯ Yu Xian Wen, Senior Area Manager
ᛉLjଆၣݝᓐಯā Agnes Chen, Department Assistant R&T
໗ᑨLjࡍཌݤᇗளಯā Qi zhen , Assistant SBU Controller
ᄷᩣ௰LjᇕഗᓜᏋ Jacqueline Tong, Logistics Officer
ቃফ,ᒜଋᎧ۞ᓤᒋۂᓍ Chen Xiaogang, FFP Shift Supervisor, Nantong Plant
Lj߹ݻଋޘອखᐱளಯāā Trace Chen, Product Development Manager-Herbicide
ᆛLjIS ளಯā Jack Shao, IS Manager
ጲಽLjଆၣሲளಯāā Yili Hou, Senior Regulatory and Technical Project
৻ܵLjEMAညޘᒋۂளಯ Gu Ya Bing, EMA Shift Manager, Nantong Plant ರಸࠔLjሲಯளಯ Lily Li, Project Manager
ဂ Ljݤᇗଐચளಯ Coco Shen, Finance Planning Controller
ྜྷ೫ཝཆྮă ሌᑵࡉᒦਪᄴဟથᎌೝৈሲࡻვཌᄂܰ
From the initial launch on 6th August to the submission deadline, we received 13 innovative proposals ranging from increasing efficiency, saving logistic costs and optimizing production process to new marketing strategies and improving the image of environment protection.
One submission from Syngenta China CP entered the global finalist and two won the special recognition for ways of working. They are: Kerry Wang—Stewardship Powerhouse In China (PARTNERSHIP EXCELLENCE – demonstrating excellence in partnering with customers or other external stakeholders on a project) Tracy Wu: China Local MaSE Academy Program —A Powerful Engine Of Business Acceleration (BREAKING BARRIERS - for successfully creating new value by working across silos and/or leveraging knowledge from another team or project)
ອۣઐᏴቲࣅ Anti _ counterfeit Campaign ਮऑܵᒜଣሗጧཽቮ Fake Production Warehouse was Cracked in Harbin 2009ฤ6ᏜLjਮऑܵڔᏴᒈۣ)ᒦਪ*્ ߅ᏋႊࡼሆLjᓙሾ၉ଣૡबᔣሗጧཽ 10ཽLjއ9ৈଣૡెݴLjଣૡᏴ14000ረጲ Ljଣૡૺ۞౪ሌᑵࡉᏴดࡼ9ৈᒈۣ)ᒦ ਪ*્߅ᏋႊĂ16ৈแጇອਜ਼40ࣶৈਪ ดแጇອă༄Ljጯᓙࡼबᔣሗጧཽᒦጯ ᎌ8ཽॊܰۻ1.3ฤᎌ໐ᅅቮLj݀ࠀ10ᅺᏄ ᒗ30ᅺᏄࡼगLjిኺଣૡޱೞೝݝă In June 2009, 10 fake suspects, 9 warehouses, more than 14000 cartons of fake products infringing the patent of 9 Crop Life (China) member companies including Syngenta. The eight suspects captured have been sentenced for 1 to 3 years prison term, plus penalty of RMB 100,000 to 300,000.
ᐍଣඌĐڐසđLj Đᡩߢᠼđညۻ࢛ޘ އ Fake Armure and TMX was destroyed in Heze City 2010ฤ9Ꮬ2྇Ljሌᑵࡉᐍှڔᓙ ྯᐆଣཽښᏋLjిއ3გᐆଣ૦Lj48 ረଣඌڐසૺጙႊອăᔐଐऄިਭጙ ڻᇋလᅺᏄ。 On 2nd September 2010, Syngenta and local Public Security Bureau of He Ze City, Shandong province captured 3 suspects, seizing counterfeits manufacturing facilities and 48 cartons of fake Armure and 85 cartons of another international brand, total value exceeded RMB 1.5 million.
ጙᒜଣᅍᏴ౧ීຼۻ Fake gang was cracked down in Kunming City 7Ꮬ13྇Lj౧ීှڔຼ3ৈᒜଣెݴLj ጙৈᒜଣᆷ࢛Ljއިਭ11800ረଣඌᆗೳޘ ອLjࡍଣ۞ᓤݢ೯ૺᒦਪᒈۣ7߅ᏋLj ᒦ۞౪ሌᑵࡉሆࡼ5ᒬອăᔐᒋިਭጙ ڻᅺᏄă On 13th July 2010, Public Security Bureau of Kunming City raided 3 counterfeits warehouses and seized over 11800 cartons of fake products, among which there were 5 fake Syngenta brand valued over 1 million yuan.
16 Ꮛ୯!Employee Corner
གྷઢಘቲ Ċ Ċ 2010ฤࣞሌᑵࡉێ၀ଜᄭ྇ࣅ ฤࣞ ၀ଜᄭ྇ࣅ གྷၸLjጩཽLjೝೞߠ൸ઢဉቈᎫࡼࡍگቲဧᏴᄰᆁ໌ ࣁႻ༙ጓᏊཌࡼവLjᑚဵလጙޠଣઁጙৈቿᇦ྇Ljளਭ ೫ጙᒲංളऎஜᐽࡼᔫLjሌᑵࡉێ၀ࡼᏋඣਜ਼ଜཽ ጙሱ၊ᑚࠨਜ਼ࡍᔈ༫ම߿ऎह႕ࡼጙᄖă ࠥࠨࣅࡼ࢛ኡᐋᏴ໌ࣁႻ༙ሚࡔแጓఎखཌLjݬᎧᑗ ဵێ၀औလৈଜᄭ60ཽLjᏴࡴᎊቃࡼࡒഌሆLjࡍଜ ྜྷݛ೫ᏊཌLjགྷᄖࡼᏊཌৃᅪࡼගಸLjීޤೡࡼ݁ೇᆨ၀ ಱLj༴ݩĂ൚ݕĂલ༴࠾ᎷࢆǗरሧ႐ፅǗໜ්ࡼೂᄏᏮ ᒬLjࢅࡇൢLjࢶࢶށށǗᓿზፊࡼልཽᐾLjါዹࡼ ᏮᒈᇕLjݙᄴᐆቯࡼഉᑻ…… ཱུࡍଜᏴঢშᒄጐఘࡵ೫ሚࡔ แጓపኧखᐱࡼ༄ஶăࡴᎊથࡍଜڔ೫ݧᐢࣅLjᏴஃ ᏊLjࡍଜߐࡵ೫ᔈ༫၄ݧᐢࡼਫဣLjᏴᇄᇁࡼࡍງดLj༫ ᔈᄏዩ೫၃၍ࡼݩಘབă ሆᇍࡼڔ༵႕ऎߠ൸ಘབLjᒑᏊཌดࡼݻະጙຢઢဉቈ ᎫLjབᆜᎊᇻᏴቲᒦLjଝᎉଝᎉࡼဉፒࠥ܋॰Ljᎊᇻᒦࠃ ރᓹቴᏥߥLjᔢቴᏥࡼࡩၢ።ࡼRicky Hu,ݙஞဵᎊᇻ܈ ྮࡼጙጐဵቴᏥߥࡼࡍࡻᑗă ࣅஉၦ೫Ljᇧᆃࠥࠨଜᄭ྇ࣅഔ ჅᎌݬᎧᑗጙৈගੑࡼ ૄፂLjጐ໐ࡗሆࠨଜᄭ྇ࣅᎌৎࣶࡼݬᎧᑗă
On a pleasant day when the climate was agreeable, two buses filled with laughter were heading for Sunqiao Industrial Park in Pudong. This was the first weekend after the National Day Holiday. After a busy and hectic week, employees of Syngenta Shanghai office and their family members came together to have an intimate contact with nature. The destination is Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone. Led by a tour guide, more than 60 participants representing 20 families entered the garden. The garden was especially beautiful at this time of the year. In the big and bright glass greenhouse, there were green vegetables, radishes and cucumbers giving off fragrance; the marvelous three-dimensional plants; and cactus and micro-greens of different shapes, as well as Lucid Ganoderma. In the orange garden, the employees and their family members ate the fruits picked by themselves and had a lot of fun in the pollution-free greenhouse. The afternoon was relaxing and full of fun. The grassland was full of laughter, cheers rose one after another as the fun games went on. The game was interlocked with lucky draw, and Ricky Hu from Supply Chain was the winner of the game as well as the winner of the lucky draw. Special thanks goe to the staff club of Shanghai office for organizing such a memorable get-together.
Chinese Gender Name
Job Title
Join Date
Su Junxin
Change Agent ܤৎᓜᏋ
Jeffery Zeng
Finance Manager ݤᇗளಯ
Dora He
South ChinaSupply Chain Executive
Jacky Xu
Jenny Xiao
Admin Clerk ቲᑶᆪᏋ
Lou Zhenmei
Business Representative ጓᇗࡔܭ
Shi Weidong
Junior Business Representative ᅎਓࡔܭ
Yang Qing
Business Representative ጓᇗࡔܭ
Zhao Wenran
Business Representative ጓᇗࡔܭ
Liu Yunzeng
Junior Business Representative ᅎਓࡔܭ
Cen Shenggang
Junior Business Representative ᅎਓࡔܭ
Zhu Jiayi
Insecticide Project Manager ࿁ߢଋሲளಯ
Tao Feng
WP Operator ݷᔫ
Liu Jianwen
Corporate Affairs Manager ጓူᇗளಯ
Shang Yuchun
Business Representative ጓᇗࡔܭ
Lin Sen
Business Representative ጓᇗࡔܭ
Yan Xueshuang
Department Assistant ݝඡᓐಯ
He Yanglin
Area Manager ቃཌளಯ
ฉᒦਪཌ።ᓍྀ 2010-8-9 KS Site Planning Manager ౧ޣଐચளಯ
16 Ꮛ୯!Employee Corner
གྷઢಘቲ Ċ Ċ 2010ฤࣞሌᑵࡉێ၀ଜᄭ྇ࣅ ฤࣞ ၀ଜᄭ྇ࣅ གྷၸLjጩཽLjೝೞߠ൸ઢဉቈᎫࡼࡍگቲဧᏴᄰᆁ໌ ࣁႻ༙ጓᏊཌࡼവLjᑚဵလጙޠଣઁጙৈቿᇦ྇Ljளਭ ೫ጙᒲංളऎஜᐽࡼᔫLjሌᑵࡉێ၀ࡼᏋඣਜ਼ଜཽ ጙሱ၊ᑚࠨਜ਼ࡍᔈ༫ම߿ऎह႕ࡼጙᄖă ࠥࠨࣅࡼ࢛ኡᐋᏴ໌ࣁႻ༙ሚࡔแጓఎखཌLjݬᎧᑗ ဵێ၀औလৈଜᄭ60ཽLjᏴࡴᎊቃࡼࡒഌሆLjࡍଜ ྜྷݛ೫ᏊཌLjགྷᄖࡼᏊཌৃᅪࡼගಸLjීޤೡࡼ݁ೇᆨ၀ ಱLj༴ݩĂ൚ݕĂલ༴࠾ᎷࢆǗरሧ႐ፅǗໜ්ࡼೂᄏᏮ ᒬLjࢅࡇൢLjࢶࢶށށǗᓿზፊࡼልཽᐾLjါዹࡼ ᏮᒈᇕLjݙᄴᐆቯࡼഉᑻ…… ཱུࡍଜᏴঢშᒄጐఘࡵ೫ሚࡔ แጓపኧखᐱࡼ༄ஶăࡴᎊથࡍଜڔ೫ݧᐢࣅLjᏴஃ ᏊLjࡍଜߐࡵ೫ᔈ༫၄ݧᐢࡼਫဣLjᏴᇄᇁࡼࡍງดLj༫ ᔈᄏዩ೫၃၍ࡼݩಘབă ሆᇍࡼڔ༵႕ऎߠ൸ಘབLjᒑᏊཌดࡼݻະጙຢઢဉቈ ᎫLjབᆜᎊᇻᏴቲᒦLjଝᎉଝᎉࡼဉፒࠥ܋॰Ljᎊᇻᒦࠃ ރᓹቴᏥߥLjᔢቴᏥࡼࡩၢ።ࡼRicky Hu,ݙஞဵᎊᇻ܈ ྮࡼጙጐဵቴᏥߥࡼࡍࡻᑗă ࣅஉၦ೫Ljᇧᆃࠥࠨଜᄭ྇ࣅഔ ჅᎌݬᎧᑗጙৈගੑࡼ ૄፂLjጐ໐ࡗሆࠨଜᄭ྇ࣅᎌৎࣶࡼݬᎧᑗă
On a pleasant day when the climate was agreeable, two buses filled with laughter were heading for Sunqiao Industrial Park in Pudong. This was the first weekend after the National Day Holiday. After a busy and hectic week, employees of Syngenta Shanghai office and their family members came together to have an intimate contact with nature. The destination is Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone. Led by a tour guide, more than 60 participants representing 20 families entered the garden. The garden was especially beautiful at this time of the year. In the big and bright glass greenhouse, there were green vegetables, radishes and cucumbers giving off fragrance; the marvelous three-dimensional plants; and cactus and micro-greens of different shapes, as well as Lucid Ganoderma. In the orange garden, the employees and their family members ate the fruits picked by themselves and had a lot of fun in the pollution-free greenhouse. The afternoon was relaxing and full of fun. The grassland was full of laughter, cheers rose one after another as the fun games went on. The game was interlocked with lucky draw, and Ricky Hu from Supply Chain was the winner of the game as well as the winner of the lucky draw. Special thanks goe to the staff club of Shanghai office for organizing such a memorable get-together.
Chinese Gender Name
Job Title
Join Date
Su Junxin
Change Agent ܤৎᓜᏋ
Jeffery Zeng
Finance Manager ݤᇗளಯ
Dora He
South ChinaSupply Chain Executive
Jacky Xu
Jenny Xiao
Admin Clerk ቲᑶᆪᏋ
Lou Zhenmei
Business Representative ጓᇗࡔܭ
Shi Weidong
Junior Business Representative ᅎਓࡔܭ
Yang Qing
Business Representative ጓᇗࡔܭ
Zhao Wenran
Business Representative ጓᇗࡔܭ
Liu Yunzeng
Junior Business Representative ᅎਓࡔܭ
Cen Shenggang
Junior Business Representative ᅎਓࡔܭ
Zhu Jiayi
Insecticide Project Manager ࿁ߢଋሲளಯ
Tao Feng
WP Operator ݷᔫ
Liu Jianwen
Corporate Affairs Manager ጓူᇗளಯ
Shang Yuchun
Business Representative ጓᇗࡔܭ
Lin Sen
Business Representative ጓᇗࡔܭ
Yan Xueshuang
Department Assistant ݝඡᓐಯ
He Yanglin
Area Manager ቃཌளಯ
ฉᒦਪཌ።ᓍྀ 2010-8-9 KS Site Planning Manager ౧ޣଐચளಯ
2010 ฤྯ໐ 2010 Issue 3, 2010 2
۾ఓᇕᎅሌᑵࡉ)ᒦਪ*ᄾᓾᎌሢႊጓူᇗܠݝቖखቲă ઢ፩ิۦਣࡼፀਜ਼ፇखᒗLina.du@syngenta.com ᒘ࢟ৢူᇗᎧᄰளಯ ࣛขă࢟જǖ021-3865 1985 Golden Vision is the magazine for Syngenta China employees. It is edited and published by Corporate Affairs Department of Syngenta (China) Investment Co.,Ltd. Please contact Lina Du, Public Affairs and Communications Manager if you have any comment and suggestion. Email: Lina.du@syngenta.com; Tel: 86 21-3865 1985 ଐ፝ၮǖSmartcomm Shanghai
ሌᑵࡉ)ᒦਪ*ᄾᓾᎌሢႊ ᒦਪှ໌ࣁቤཌ໌ࣁฉവ999 ቤඓೊਓޝ21ണ ᎆܠǖ200120 ࢟જǖ+86
21 38651800 ࠅᑞǖ+86 21 68882627 ᆀᒍǖwww.syngenta.com.cn