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This is a practical course that draws on the skills and experience developed during the first three years at school.
Students are entered on an endorsed fine art course. The methodology of developing an idea in visual form from conception to realisation can be explored through a variety of media, including painting, drawing, printing and sculpture. Critical studies are also an important part of the course. The choice of artist or designer is entirely up to the individual providing it informs the student’s personal ideas.
The coursework component (60%) consists of two projects; the first being on the theme of ‘My Surroundings’ and the second will demonstrate a personal idea, concept or theme chosen by the student. These bodies of practical work/research will include direct observation, critical studies, development and a suitable conclusion.
The exam project (40%) will start in January of the second year of the course. Pupils will be given a list of starting points set by the exam board and will select just one to develop a personal response through research. This concludes with a 10-hour set exam time over two days in which to execute their conclusion. Throughout this project students will demonstrate the same skills and understanding shown in the coursework component of this course.