Nature Of Reality.

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We are visitors on this planet. We are here for one hundred years at the very most. During that period we must try to do


something good, something useful, with our lives. If you contribute to other people’s happiness, you will find the true meaning of life

-Dalai Lama.











String Theory



Everything changes w your own frequency rat frequencies around you, w your intent on the univers imprint form


when you start to emit ther then absorbing the when you startimprinting se rather the recieving an m existance.


- Barbara Marciniak.


The nitrogen in our DNA, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff. -Carl Sagon


Stardust Did you ever wonder where you came from? That is the stuff that’s inside your body like your bones, organs, muscles…etc. All of these things are made of various molecules and atoms. But where did these little ingredients come from? And how were they made? The answer to these questions will take us back to a time long ago when the universe was much different than it is now. However, the physics was the same. The early universe expanded after the big bang for only 3 seconds before it cooled to a state where subatomic particles assembled into atoms. Hydrogen atoms formed first since they are the simplest type of atom. Hydrogen atoms contain only one proton in its nucleus which makes it number one on the periodic table of elements. After the universe aged a little (roughly 300 million years) the hydrogen atoms started to clump together under the force of gravity. As these clumps grew in size, the pressure at the center grew larger. When the temperature reached 15 million degrees F, the pressure caused the hydrogen to fuse their nuclei together. This process is known as nuclear fusion. The positively charged nuclei naturally repel each other. However under high temperatures and pressure, the nuclei are moving fast enough to smash together and fuse. When the two proton nuclei of the hydrogen atoms fuse, they form a nucleus consisting of two protons. Some electrons also combine with protons to form neutrons and neutrinos. These neutrons also bind to the nucleus helping it to remain more stable under the nuclear forces. An atom with two protons in its nucleus is Helium. That’s why helium is number two on the periodic table of elements. The fusion process also releases a lot of energy in which some of the hydrogen mass converts into light energy. This conversion of mass in to

energy uses Einstein’s famous equation: E=mc2. At this point, our universe has a bunch of large clumps of hydrogen fusing together to create helium while releasing large amounts of light. This is what we commonly call a star! In fact our sun is doing this right now as we speak (or read). As a star ages, it then fuses the helium with hydrogen to form lithium which has three protons in its nucleus. Take a look at the periodic table to see which number it is. This fusion process continues to create larger and larger nuclei. The forth, the fifth and all the way up to 26. This is the general idea but it’s not exactly this easy. We have to remember that this is in fact nuclear physics that we’re dealing with here. It looks like a pretty simple picture as we just described but up close it is actually an intricate jigsaw puzzle. The fusion process doesn’t actually create the elements in order through the periodic table. In fact, the process jumps around. And some fused nuclei decay down to lower elements that were skipped over. Fusion also creates neutrons which combine with atoms to create isotopes which act like atomic cousins. Overall, we can say that a star produces all of the elements up to iron in the periodic table through the fusion process. The details of this process are fascinating, yet they deter us from answering the question at hand. The element with 26 protons in its nucleus is iron. It turns out that this is the last element that is created. To create higher elements, fusion requires more energy than it produces. We mentioned earlier that a star glows because the fusing atoms release energy (E=mc2). However, the amount of energy released becomes smaller and smaller as the atoms grow larger. Eventually at iron, there is no energy released at all. And for


elements beyond iron more energy is need for fusion than gravitational pressure can provide. The exploded remains from a supernova travel through out the universe only to someday clump together with other stardust and give birth to a new star. This is the life of our universe. Now that we have established that every element in the periodic table aside from hydrogen is essentially stardust, we have to determine how much of our body is made up of this stardust. If we know how many hydrogen atoms are in our body, then we can say that the rest is stardust. Our body is composed of roughly 7x1027 atoms. That is a lot of atoms! Try writing that number out on a piece of paper: 7 with 27 zeros behind it. We say roughly because if you pluck a hair or pick your nose there might be slightly less. Now it

turns out that of those billion billion billion atoms, 4.2x1027 of them are hydrogen. Remember that hydrogen is bigbang dust and not stardust. This leaves 2.8x1027 atoms of stardust. Thus the amount of stardust atoms in our body is 40%. Since stardust atoms are the heavier elements, the percentage of star mass in our body is much more impressive. Most of the hydrogen in our body floats around in the form of water. The human body is about 60% water and hydrogen only accounts for 11% of that water mass. Even though water consists of two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen, hydrogen has much less mass. We can conclude that 93% of the mass in our body is stardust. Just think, long ago someone may have wished upon a star that you are made of.

- Physics Central



Pi is an infinite, nonrepeating decimal - meaning that every possilbe number combination exists somewhere in pi. Coverted into ASCII text, somewhere in that infinite string of digits is the name of every person you will ever love, the date, time, and manner of your death, and the answers to all the geat questions of the universe. converted into bitmap, somewhere in that infinite string of digits is a pixel-perfect representation of the first thing you saw on this earth, the last thing you will see before your life leaves you, and all the moments, momentous and mundane, that will occur between those two points. All information that ever existed or will ever exist, the DNA of every being in the universe. Everything: All contained in the ratio of a circumference and a diameter.

- George Takei





Cosmology is founded on the assumption that when you look at the universe at the vastest scales, matter is spread more or less evenly throughout space. Cosmologists call this a “smooth” structure. But a small band of researchers, led by statistical physicist Luciano Pietronero of the University of Rome and the Institute of Complex Systems, Italy, argues that this assumption is at odds with what we can see. Instead they claim that the galaxies form a structure that isn’t smooth at all: some parts of it have lots of matter, others don’t, but the matter always falls into the same patterns, in large and small versions, at whatever scale you look. In other words, the universe is fractal. It is a controversial view, and one that sparked an intense debate over a decade ago. Since then, astronomers have surveyed ever-greater numbers of galaxies, taking larger and larger samples of the universe. Now the biggest galaxy survey ever and a brand new map of the universe’s dark matter are

adding fuel to the fire. At stake is far more than the way galaxies cluster. A fractal universe could undermine cosmology’s most basic assumptions. “All of the observations we make depend to a greater or lesser extent on the idea that the universe is homogeneous,” says David Hogg of New York University, who leads a team of physicists that disputes Pietronero’s view. Fractals allow Pietronero to paint a very different sort of picture one in which the irregular distribution of matter that we see around us never evens out into a smooth structure, but repeats itself at ever grander scales. Fractals are familiar enough: we see them in the branching of trees, the curves of coastlines, lungs, turbulence and clouds. No matter what scale you look at them, fractal patterns look the same. Think of broccoli: a tiny branch looks much the same as the whole vegetable. Zoom in or zoom out, the structure looks the same - exquisitely detailed, never smooth. Fractals can be beautiful to look at,

but when it comes to galaxies it may be a subversive kind of beauty. Certainly the universe does not look smooth. Some regions contain clusters of matter; others are virtually empty. Hundreds of billions of stars group together to form galaxies, and galaxies congregate in clusters. Clusters assemble into colossal structures called superclusters that can stretch out for 100 million light years and look uncannily like fractal patterns. Even superclusters string together in long filaments and sheets that stretch like ghostly cobwebs across an otherwise empty sky. The Sloan Great Wall, for example, which was discovered in 2003, spans more than a billion light years. These filaments and sheets seem to encircle huge voids of empty space. The voids range from 100 to 400 million light years in diameter, making the whole assemblage appear as an immense, glowing lattice punctuated by wells of darkness.

A fractal universe could undermine cosmology’s most basic assumptions


Holographic In our daily life we are not aware that we may, in fact, live in a hologram and our existence is a holographic projection, nothing more. All what we believe is real, our whole physical world, is - in fact - an illusion being proved by the holographic universe, one of the most remarkable theories of 20th century. A theory that depending on which college textbooks or thesis studies you read, is either supported or has tried to be disapproved. Energy fields are decoded by our brains into a 3D picture, to give the illusion of a physical world. Despite its apparent materiality, the universe is a kind of 3-D projection and is ultimately no more real than a hologram. “Our brain mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately from another dimension, a deeper order of existence that is beyond both space and time: The brain is a hologram enfolded in a holographic universe!” And this is an essence of Bohm and Pribram’s theories which enable us to look at the world - in a new way. Their theories challenge the educated mind at all levels, whether it be high school, college or another form of higher learning to not just take what is in different textbooks as truth but to form their own opinions and theories based off those written words and experiments. The

idea is astonishing and even disturbing but was pioneered quite a long time ago by two of the world’s most prominent scientists: American-born British physicist David Bohm (1917 - 1992), widely considered one of the best quantum physicists of all time and protégé of Albert Einstein and the quantum physicist and a neurophysiologist at Stanford University, Austrian-born, Karl Pribram, who, in fact predicted the holographic nature of perception and memory. They were the main supporters of this great theory; they worked independently and from completely different directions, but they reached the same conclusions. Both scientists were dissatisfied with standard theories that could not explain diverse phenomena encountered in quantum physics and puzzles related to neurophysiology of the brain. A remarkable experiment was conducted in 1982, by a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect at the Institute of Theoretical And Applied Optics, in Paris. The experiment demonstrated that the web of subatomic particles that composes our physical universe - the so-called “fabric of reality itself” - possesses what appears to be an undeniable “holographic” property. The holographic theory of the world comprehensively includes not only reality as we know it but also unexplained phenomena.


It’s capable to explain paranormal and out-ofbody experiences, telepathy, “lucid” dreaming and much more. The holographic model has received much scientific and experimental support. Aspect’s experimental finding, is a compelling piece of evidence that the universe is a hologram and has never been - real. His experiment is one of the most important experiments of the 20th century and will probably change the face of science, forever. Aspect, along with his colleagues Jean Dalibard and Gerard Roger discovered that under certain conditions subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn’t matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart. Somehow each particle always seems to know what the other is doing. The problem with this feat is that it violates Karl Pribram realized that the objective world - does not exist, at least not in the way as we know it or as we see it. “Out there”, there are only waves and frequencies, which our brain convert for us into images, which make up our world. Our brain is responsible that we see things as we do! Pribram asserted that our brain is able to construct objects and David Bohm even concluded that “we construct space and time”.

Principle “

We may, in fact,

live in a hologram

and our existence is a holographic


projection, nothing more.



Ten Dimensions that describe 1D

The first dimension is the line. You need two dots to define a line. Any other dot on that line can be located on that line using one real number that will give the distance of the third dot to the first dot using the distance of your first two dots as the unit. So on a ruler your first two dots can be the 0 and the 1cm dot. Every other dot is at some cm length from the 0.


the second dimension is the plane. You need two numbers to identify a point on a plane. Usually called the x and the y axis. On a plane you can find the distance between two points by drawing a line that does not go through your reference dot.




space is the third dimension. You need three numbers to determine the distance of an object in space. These are usually called the x,y and z axes.

space time is the fourth dimension: it requires four numbers to place a dot in space-time. 3 for the spacial position, and one for the time. The four dimensional world we live in, seen from the beginning of the universe to the end of the universe, is the actual world we live in.

The 5th dimension is the first dimension in which the notion of possible worlds starts needing to be used. Imagine some possible world a little different from this one (maybe one where you did not read this blog). This possible world will give you a unit of similarity measurement with which to compare the distance of other possible worlds to the actual one.



e the Universe that we live in. 6D

The 6th dimension will give you a plane of possible worlds. You can find out the similarity distance of two possible worlds from each other without having to go through the actual one. So with 6 dimensions it is possible to compare the distance of the world in which last Sunday I entered another café, with the world in which I made a huge groundbreaking invention when I was a child, without having to compare that to the actual world. We can also measure the distance of any of those to the possible world in which the earth was never created, for example. The 6 dimensions allow us to compare and position all the possible worlds that start with the same initial conditions (the big bang) as this one.





The 7th dimension will give you access to the possible worlds that start with different initial conditions (big bang). A point in the 7th dimension consists of all the possible worlds that start with the same initial big bang and lead to all the possible endings that such an initial condition can lead to.

The 8th dimensions gives us again a plane of such complete possible universe histories, which in the video they call infinity. We can there compare two such infinities without necessarily having to take ours into account.

With the 9th dimension we can compare all the possible universes histories starting with all the different possible laws of physics and initial conditions.

The Tenth dimension is the point in which everything possible and imaginable is covered. Since we can’t imagine any further, we have to stop here.

It not only reconciles General Relativity to

Quantum Mechanics, but it reconciles

Science and the Bible as well.

-Roy H. Williams


Infinity Jonathan Healey

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