June 16-August 13
Please direct questions to Marty Badt at mbadt@heritagegolfgroup.com
Each Youth Tennis class is offered twice a week. Players can sign up for one day or both. Signing up guarantees a spot in the class. Pricing is per class.
Billing will show up under participant’s account of family member’s account as “Drop In”. The date billing is entered into the system might not correlate with the date of the class. (ages 4-5)
Tiny Tykes (Red)
A fun introduction to the sport of tennis.
Price: $16 per class
Monday: 8:30-9:00am
Wednesday: 8:30-9:00am
Intro Development I (Red) (ages 5-6)
Promotes the basics of stroke production and biomechanics with a strong emphasis on fun and sportsmanship.
Price: $27 per class
Monday: 9:00am-10:00am
Wednesday: 9:00am-10:00am
Intro Development II (Orange) (ages 7-8)
Promotes the basics of stroke production and biomechanics with a strong emphasis on fun and sportsmanship.
Price: $27 per class
Monday: 10:00am-11am
Wednesday: 10:00am-11am
Junior Development (Green) (ages 9-10)
Along with stroke production, begins to implement point play. New hitting games, singles/doubles and lots of fun for all!
Price: $27 per class
Monday: 11:00am-12:00pm
Wednesday: 11:00am-12:00pm
Junior Excellence (ages 11-14)
Concentrates on the refinement of stroke technique and incorporates doubles and single strategies through competitive point play.
Price: $42 per class
Monday: 12:00pm-1:30pm
Wednesday: 12:00pm-1:30pm
(ages 14-18)
Action-oriented drills for maintaining and improving competitive skills and for team and tournament play
Price: $42 per class
Monday: 3:00pm-4:30pm
Wednesday: 3:00pm-4:30pm
Drop the kids with us while you enjoy a little “night out.” Tennis games, a pizza dinner, and more!
Price: $30 (ages 8-12)
June 27th, July 18th, and August 8th - 5:15pm-7:45pm
Limited to 12 kids per night
This is a great way to introduce kids to competitive tennis. Players must be able to get 50% or more of their serves in, sustain a rally of 4 shots or more, and know how to score. We will have court monitors with the players
Price: $25
Saturday, July 19th 1:00pm-3:00pm
Registration Deadline is July 12th (ages 6-8)
Three Divisions of Play:
Green Ball Singles -- Ages 9-10
Regular Ball Singles -- Ages 11-14
Regular Ball Singles -- Ages 14-17
More information to follow. Please see Marty Badt for questions.
Price: $25
Saturday, July 26th starting at 1:00pm (must be available to play for rest of afternoon)
Registration Deadline is July 19th
We are looking to start a team to compete against other clubs and teams around the area. If you are interested, please contact Marty and if we can get enough interest, we will proceed. It would consist of orange, green, and regular balls.
Billing will show up under participant’s account of family member’s account as “Drop In”. The date billing is entered into the system might not correlate with the date of the class. June 16-August 13
Please direct questions to Marty Badt at mbadt@heritagegolfgroup.com
Designed for individuals interested in learning the great game of tennis. Must register via Member Portal or Mobile App.
Price: $28 per drill
Tuesday: 9:00am-10:00am
Thursday: 9:00am-10:00am
Taking basics to the next step or for players wishing to get back into tennis. Must register via Member Portal or Mobile App.
Price: $28 per drill
Tuesday: 10:00am-11:00am
Thursday: 10:00am-11:00am
Saturday: 9:00am-10:00am
High energy fitness activity that combines the best features of the sport of tennis with cardiovascular exercise, delivering the ultimate, full body, calorie burning aerobic workout. It is a very social and fun class! Must register via Member Portal or Mobile App. *This drill can also be changed if the participants want something different.
Price: $28 per drill
Tuesday: 11:00am-12:00pm
Tuesday: 5:30pm-6:30pm
Thursday: 11:00am-12pm
Saturday: 10:00am-11am
Must be able to score, rally, and serve. Great way to meet other players!
Price: Free
Tuesday: 6:30-8:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am-11:30am
*Sign up is encouraged to let others know you are coming, but it is not required. Play is on your own, staff might not be present.
Four Divisions of Play:
Men’s Singles
Men’s Doubles
Women’s Singles
Women’s Doubles
More information to follow. Please see Marty Badt for questions.
Price: $25 per person
Sunday, July 27th starting at 9:00am (must be available to play for rest of afternoon)
Registration Deadline is July 20th
Private Lessons
is a USPTA Certified Elite Tennis Professional and USPTA Pickleball Certified Professional with over 35 years ' experience as a tennis player and coach, with a passion for helping others improve their game. He has worked with players of all ages and skill levels, from beginners to advanced competitors. Marty is dedicated to creating a fun and engaging tennis and pickleball environment for players to learn, practice, and compete. When not teaching tennis, you will find Marty collecting sports cards, enjoying sports and spending quality time with his wife, Rachael, daughter, Millie and puppy, Mazie.
Pickleball is fast becoming a very popular sport! At River Club we like to be pro-active and start developing a competitive team & program. This is a starting point so young players are encouraged!
Saturday, May 31st -- Intro to Jr Team
Clinic & Play
Parent meeting at end of play
Future Schedule:
2 practices per week, 6-8 week period, days & times currently TBD
Host a Professional Pickleball Association (PPA) Tournament
Attend a PPA Tournament
Estimated Cost
$200 Team Fee
Includes practice, coaching, and a team tee shirt Tournament Fees TBD
Players do not have to be active pickleball players! We are building this program from the ground up in 2025. We believe this program will has a strong future!
Mom’s, this is your opportunity to learn and play pickleball! All that and more, while we supervise your children (ages 4-12). Each day will start with a 40 minute instructional session. Then you will play games with other moms! After pickleball you have the option to go and have lunch with other moms, while our staff and Young Life Students watch your kids until as late as 1:00pm!
The Mequon Homestead Chapter of students are volunteering to watch the kids! Their incentive is to promote a fundraiser - a pickleball tournamentthat will raise funds for their Young Life Summer Camp. We encourage your support!
Session 1: $75 Per Session
Tuesdays, June 17th-July 8th
Session 2: $75 Per Session
Tuesdays, July 15th - August 5th
A fun introduction to the sport of pickleball. Players will learn the basics to be able to play. We will cover equipment, unique lingo, score keeping, court position, and the fundamentals of serve, return, and the volley.
Or by appointment with Tom Price: $20 per person
May 17th, 12:00pm-2:00pm
June 14th, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Continue your pickleball journey! Improve your game by building a strong foundation on your dink shot, volley, serve, strategy, and point play. Not for first time players.
Or by appointment with Tom Price: $20 per person
May 22nd, 1:00pm-3:00pm
June 15th, 1:00pm-3:00pm
We feel that understanding your “rating” is an important step no matter where your at in the game. Knowing where you ’ re at with this clinic will help you grow to where you want to be. This clinic will be super helpful for upcoming events, leagues, and practicing! Along with the below skills, we will help evaluate your overall positions and transition on the court during competition.
Sunday, May 18h - $25 1:00pm-4:00pm
Evaluation Drills: Serving Returns Drives Drop Shots Dinking Speed Ups Overhead Lobs & Retuns
With just three players and coach, you get real time instruction and guidance while playing! Experience the ultimate personalized coaching moment! This is an instructional 90 minute lesson with the pickleball pro and 3 players. Each player will get 30 minutes with the coach.
By Appointment Only
Members -- $25, Guests -- $35
2 on 2 - two players and two coaches for 60 minutes
Members -- $35, Guests -- $45
4 on 2 - 4 players and two coaches for 2 hours
Members -- $35, Guests -- $45
Open play is for everyone! If your looking for new players to play with and meet, you’ll love open play. We will have level play, so whether you ’ re looking for some fun play or competive play, we ’ ve got your covered!
Price: Free
Saturdays & Sundays, May 24th - September 28th
Saturdays 9:00am-11:00am
Sundays 11:00am-1:00pm
*We are hoping to gain enough interest for weekday morning and afternoons to add more open-play!
Whether you are a small group or an individual, practice drills are a great way to develop your game! 2 days a week, either the AM or PM session, we have drills for you. 3-5 players with similar skill levels will work for 40 minutes on shots & philosophy and then put those skills to work in games!
AM Session
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 8:30am-10:00am
PM Session
Mondays & Wednesdays: 5:00pm-6:30pm
Session 1 - May - 2 Weeks, 4 Practices -- $40
AM Session
May 20th - May 30th
PM Session
May 19th - May 29th
Session 2 - June - 4 Weeks, 8 Practices -- $75
AM Session
June 3rd - June 26th
PM Session
June 2nd - June 25th
Session 3 - July - 4 Weeks, 8 Practices -- $75
AM Session
July 8th - July 31st
PM Session
July 7th - 30th
Session 4 - August - 4 Weeks, 8 Practices -- $75
AM Session
August 5th - 28th
PM Session
August 4th - 27th
You will be eligible to sign up for an individual class based on open spots (individual class $15)
This womens event is about providing an all-around fun, well organized, learning experience. During this 3 hour event, you can expect 40 minutes of instruction that focus on one or two skills. Also two 40 minute round-robin play sessions with other participants! We will end the event with a social hour, dinner and awards. This will be an all-inclusive event and we look forward to providing the best for you and your guests!
Select Fridays during the Summer - Cost $100 per player
June 20th, July 18th, & August 22nd
Found Robin & Instructions decided up by level
Registration Fee Includes: Instruction
Social Hour & Dinner
Gift Bag Awards Service Charge & Tax
River Club leagues are good for many reason: organized play, regular play time, good friends, and a fantastic atmosphere. If you ’ ve never played in a league, then 2025 can be your year! We will be using a Ladder League format this summer. This will be a fantastic format for our club as we move towards establishing our level of play!
June: 4 Weeks Ladder Format at your Level -- Cost $40 per player
2.5 to 3.4 - Thursdays 5th-26th, 5:30pm-7:00pm
3.5 to 3.9 - Fridays 6th-27th, 5:30pm-7:00pm
3.8 to 4.5 - Saturdays 7th-28th, 5:00pm-6:30pm
July: 4 Weeks Ladder Format at your Level -- Cost $40 per player
2.5 to 3.4 - Fridays, 13th-4th, 5:30pm-7:00pm
3.5 to 3.9 - Thursdays, 12th-3rd, 5:30pm-7:00pm
3.8 to 4.5 - Saturdays 14th-5th, 5:00pm-6:30pm
August & September: Format & Times Forthcoming!
Member - Guest Event
At River Club we are honored to have our members, family and guests join us for events; everyone is important to our success! Our goal is to showcase all that we have to offer at the club and to provide a great experience for all!
Friday, August 15th -- Cost $150 per player
3 Hours of Pickleball, 2pm-5pm
2 Round Robin Tournaments, 40 minutes of instruction
Social Hour and Dinner, 5pm-7pm
Relax after pickleball with a drink and appetizer before freshening up for dinner
Registration Fee Includes:
Social Hour & Dinner
Gift Bag
Awards Service Charge & Tax
Optional River Club Highlights: 10am-2pm
Golf and Lunch (9 hole event, $40 per golfer)
Pool & Lunch Just Lunch, 12:30pm
We are setting aside some Sunday evenings for families to come together and enjoy pickleball and tennis! Starting at 5pm on selected Sunday nights, we’ll reserve a few courts, plus we will help with your kids! The Young Life Students Organization will provide some special activities for the kids.
Information Forthcoming!
This men ’ s member/guest event is all about providing a fun, competitive, and organized learning experience! You will experience competitive level play, a time to learn something new, and end the day with a social hour and dinner.
We suggest everyone to self rate so that we can set up our schedule. Lower levels will start first with instruction to get you up to speed and then get the opportunity to play. Each level will get the chance to learn something new.
Sunday, August 3rd and Friday, September 5th -- Cost $100 per player
Golf: 10am-1pm (optional)
Lunch 1pm-2pm (optional)
Registration Fee Includes:
Social Hour & Dinner
Gift Bag
Service Charge & Tax
Tom Klitzke,
PPA certified, has two years of experience with pickleball instruction and is excited to take on the role of our Racquet Sports Director here at The River Club. Tom grew up in Minnesota where he met his wife, Jill, raised two boys, Shea and Marshall, and coached highschool and college football. His family now resides in Mequon. He is enthusiastically taking the opportunity to grow pickleball and tennis here at River Club. Tom’s goal is to provide programs and events that allow everyone to learn something and to grow their skills in these sports.
To Reserve a Pickleball or Tennis Court
This can be done on the Member Portal or the App Court reservations are for 90-minute increments
Reservations can be made up to 7 days in advance
Guests are permitted with a member. The hosting member will be charged $13 per guest on their account
All members must sign in at the Racquet Sports Building prior to playing tennis or pickleball
Racquet Sports Hut Hours:
May: Tuesday-Friday, 4-7pmSaturday/Sunday, 9am-4pm
June, July, August: Tuesday-Friday, 8:30-6pmSaturday/Sunday, 9-4pm
September: Tuesday-Friday, 4-7pmSaturday/Sunday, 9am-4pm
Pickleball & Tennis Court Hours:
April: Everyday, 8am-7pm
May: Everyday, 8am-8pm
June, July, August: Everyday, 8am-8:30pm
September: Everyday, 8am-7pm