Port Royal March Around the Clubhouse

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A R O U N D T H E C L U B H O U S E Newsletter M A R C H 2 0 2 4
President's Message Ladies Golf Committee Fun Around the Club Trivia Night Photos Golf Report Men's Golf 18 Holes Woman Golf 9 Holers Racquet's Up! Woman on the Street Events Monthly Member Social Cleveland Demo Day St. Patrick’s Day Party Callaway Demo Day TaylorMade Demo Day Art Charity Event Asian Night Heritage Golf Text Club A R O U N D T H E C L U B H O U S E In This Issue 4 5 6 7 8 9-10 11 12-14 15-16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 M A R C H 2 0 2 4


New Members


Rod & Cynthia Michael joined as non-resident family golf members. Their full-time residence is in Wisconsin.

Eric & Tess Hegedus joined as resident family golf members.

Jonathan Wright joined as a non-resident single social member. His full-time residency is in Ontario, Canada.

M A R C H 2 0 2 4


I am thrilled to announce that the PRPC Board reconstituted the Port Royal Ladies Golf Committee at February’s board meeting This has been something that has been lacking for several years, and the Board believes it is a great step forward for the women ’ s golfing community.

The Ladies Golf Committee will oversee all things related to the golfing experience for the women golf members of the club with the goal of promoting fair, friendly, and enjoyable golf for all. In addition, in conformance with the PRPC By-Laws, the Chairperson of this committee will also be a member of the PRPC Golf Committee, enabling her to represent the interests of the women golfers to the Golf Chair and Committee

Like the Men’s Golf Committee, the Ladies Golf Committee will function autonomously, electing their own Chairperson, drafting their own Charter, and the like. As reconstituted, the Ladies Golf Committee comprises the President of the 18-Hole Women’s Golf group, the President of the Ladies’ 9-Hole Golf Group, and the members of the Wonder Women’s Day committee In addition, in a similar fashion to both the PRPC Board and the Men’s Golf Committee, the most recent Chairperson of the Ladies Golf Committee will act as a non-member advisor

Therefore, I am happy to introduce the 2024 Ladies Golf Committee, which includes Gay Halleman, Karen Simpson, Linda Gorski, Joan Hazel, and Rhonda Heuple, with Tammie Blank as an advisor Thank you all for volunteering your time and efforts on behalf of your fellow golfers!

Please congratulate these ladies when you see them and support them as they move forward!

Pictured: Tammie Blank, Gay Halleman, Linda Gorski, Karen Simpson, Joan Hazel, Absent: Rhonda Heuple


My fellow Port Royal Golf and Racquet Club Board member, Kathy McGown, submitted this article following a vote last week to grant sanctioned status to the Monday morning Ladies Open Golf Group

Congratulations to the Ladies Open Golf group on attaining sanctioned-group status!

This is a very important milestone for Ladies Golf at Port Royal For those who are not aware, sanctioned status means that a set of tee times is blocked for us every Monday at 8:52, 9:00, and 9:08 am without the organizer having to book them two weeks in advance. These tee times must be open to ALL women golf members at PRGRC. We must support this sanctioned group by participating to maintain the number of players required to fill these tee times. The agreement also states that there is an organizer who runs the group and lets the pro shop know 48 hours in advance who will be playing each week so that any empty tee times can be given back for other members to use.

Up until this newest sanctioning, female golf members at Port Royal have had only two blocks of sanctioned tee times each week – one for the 18-hole ladies league on Tuesday and one for the 9-hole ladies league on Thursday These are both fantastic groups, but the new sanctioned group on Monday mornings is open to ALL female golf members at Port Royal regardless of affiliation

Adding another group with sanctioned tee times to a busy course schedule is not an easy task, but it is an important step in promoting Ladies Golf at Port Royal So please consider coming out to play on Monday mornings You can play 9 holes or 18 holes, ride or walk, and it is informal, relaxed, and fun Your participation will also help demonstrate just how important Ladies Golf is to the Port Royal Club for both our current and prospective members

Additionally, please consider participating in the Wonder Woman’s Tournament on Friday, March 8 (our Ladies’ version of Super Men’s Day) which is open to ALL women golf members at Port Royal This tournament will be a shotgun scramble followed by lunch These are relatively new events in the Ladies Golf schedule and should be a complete blast! You can sign up at the Sports Shop or through Golf Genius reminders that will come to you through the Sports Shop We hope to see you out there on the course!

Note: If you are a female golf member of the Port Royal Golf and Racquet Club and are NOT receiving golf information from the pro shop or any of the ladies groups, please let me know. Also, if you have any questions about joining any of the ladies golf groups at Port Royal Golf and Racquet Club, email me (Linda Gorski) at lindagorski@cs.com and I’ll point you in the right direction.



Wow!Aspredicted,ourFebruaryTriviaNightreachedcapacityearlierthanexpected Unfortunately, ourdiningroomcanonlyholdsomanytablesofeight.Whentheregistrationreached87participants,we hadtoclosetheevent.

Congratulationstothewinningteam:'ArtificialIntelligence' TheteammemberswereRobandKathy Orr,EdandJoanJanes,andBobandMarieMcClune.Buthereisthegoodnews…Wehaveonemore trivianightonthe2024socialschedulesomarkyourcalendarnowforMay19.Youdon’twanttobeleft outofthefun

OurnextsocialeventistheMarch4MonthlyMembersSocial It's$10perperson Comespendan eveningwithyourPortRoyalGolf&RacquetClubneighbors.


OurbigMarchSocialeventonMarch18isTheSt Patrick’sDayparty,anditwillbeaparty!Weare planningLiveMusic,Games,Prizes,Food,FUN!WewillbeputtingonthegreenwithagreatIrish menu,Guinnessbeer,andlivemusicby'TheWildIrishBros' Ourmenuincludescornedbeefand cabbageandshepherd’spie Thefunstartsat6PM It's$3800perperson Youmightevenwinabottleof Jameson.


There has been a bit of confusion regarding some of the events that Robbers Row Grille is advertising We have begun to differentiate between Heritage/Robbers Row Grille dinners and our Club memberonly social events Robbers Row dinners are open to the public as well as club members, but our member events are for our Port Royal Golf & Racquet Club members only and their guests But keep in mind that all the events are great at our club! Come out and enjoy the special dinners that Robbers Row Grille is putting on as well as our Social Committee events.



March has arrived with a flurry of planned golf activities, and hopefully, we've seen the last of those pesky frost delays!

You may have noticed that our fairways have recently turned green. Previously, the staff used dye to color the fairways, but for this application, they returned to paint as the dye wore out rather quickly Painting is much more time-consuming, but the impact will last much longer Additionally, the pro staff has arranged club fittings with Callaway and TaylorMade in March If interested, please reach out to the Sports Shop to arrange an appointment

The Men’s League is back in action, kicking off the season with 48 members recruited to form eight teams of six players The regular season will run from February 23rd through April 5th, with four teams moving into the semi-finals and finals Each team will play against every other team in two matches (four players) as we progress through the seven-week regular season. A big thanks to Jay and Mary Grace for helping research days and times that would minimize impacts on members looking to schedule casual play and for booking those times Matches are scheduled on Fridays except for one on Sunday, March 10th A reverse shotgun start will be used to allow all players to finish at relatively the same time Robbers Row Grill should be bustling in the early afternoon as the matches conclude and the refreshments and golf stories commence.

Sanctioned tee times were reviewed, and there will be some adjustments starting March 11th The changes involve adding a Ladies Open Group on Monday and adjusting the Email group earlier to continue to allow open times for member casual play. These changes should be available for review in the Member Portal in the near future

The groundskeeping staff has also been provided with a priority list of course improvements targeting the leveling of tee boxes and a few other areas. While budgets, time constraints, and weather will be the main determinants of how much can be accomplished, the priorities will allow them to take on as much as possible A big thanks to Ron Tucker for consulting with the men ’ s and women ’ s groups to create and document the priority list


Wow, after 16 months without a Hole-in-One we had two Aces within a two-week span First, (as reported in last month’s newsletter) Frank Vetrano scored an ace on January 25th, followed soon after by Chuck Wibby on Saturday, February 3rd

Chuck Wibby recorded his 6th career Hole-in-One on Robbers Row par 3, Hole #8 with a back blue pin placement Pictured below with Chuck is his “Member Tee” Saturday teammates Bob Fratarcangelo, Bill Doney & Joe Grabowski Twenty-Four-member tee players enjoyed celebrating with Chuck afterward in the Club Members dining room and as tradition would dictate Well, let’s just say we kept Keresha very busy for about an hour Congrats & Thank You Chuck!


SuperMen’sDayonFebruary14thsawnineteams(36players)competingonabeautiful, sunnymid-Februaryday TheformatwasaShamble,2Betterballof4,withaminimumof2 drivesperplayer.

Withascoreof121(23underpar),ourwinningteamconsistedofBudHenry,ToddBruner, NigelJones,andRickGorski.


Securing2ndplacewithascoreof122wereCarlNelson,RandyRoberts,MikeHall,andBill Whalen.Taking3rdplacewithascoreof124wereJackSchrader,JeffClary,KeithSwinehart, andJerryBailey.IntheSMDClosestToThePincompetition,ToddBrunerlanded2feet,5 inchesfromthepinonRRHole#8,whileBradPaynesecuredadistanceof7feet,9incheson RRHole#15

Next Up:

Our first Major of 2

Day One: Tuesday, March 5th; Day Two Thursday, March 7th

Multiple Flights: Championship Flight, Member Tee Flight(s), and Black Tee Flight Defending TwoMan Champions: Brad Payne and Chuck Wibby

Please Remember:

Repair your pitch marks on the green and rake sand bunkers!

Follow 90-degree and cart-path-only rules

Post scores in GHIN for ALL 9-hole and 18-hole rounds


Written by Gay Halleman

Friday, March 15th will mark the inaugural PRLGA Reunion Luncheon

Sophie Burger and Cathy Grigoriou have been instrumental in organizing the event and reconnecting with old friends.

Our Club dining room is anticipated to be filled with faces we haven't forgotten and still dearly miss!

Some ladies have been away for quite some time, but we hope to extend an invitation to each one

Among those we still see fairly often are Andi Argast, Sue Boldig, Judy Tauscher, Sylvia Sakuta, Mary Zych, Jamie Evans, Gail McGavack, Nancy Collins, Ann Parker, Leanne Heslop, and Wyndham

Brown While still Club members, some have started playing with other groups, including Phyllis Facterman, Chris Hall, Carolyn Strauss, Nene Shope, Cathy Vetrano, and Judy Arden

Some ladies still reside in the area but are seldom seen, such as Susan Roberts, Kathy Reilly, Debbie Ferguson-Hendren, Barbara Costalas, Sharon Weinlein, Janie Weeks, Pat Purdy, Bert Matka, Shirley Poates, Barbara Johnson, Terry Kreissl, Barbara Slankard, Bess Marriner, and Alice Williard We hope they'll be able to join us

While Judy Robinson may be in town, Marilyn Booth recently moved and won't be able to attend this reunion. Lesley Carroll may miss the luncheon but will rejoin us in June. Occasionally, we hear that Jan Beers and Margo Gavalis have been in touch We wish they could make it to the party

Unfortunately, we've lost track of Vickie Fox, Tink Kilkeary, Nancy Bell, Joan Gresick, Elaine Brockneyer, Ann Milligan, and Maureen Perry Please extend an invitation to them if anyone knows their whereabouts

We've bid farewell to some longtime members, reminiscing with a smile about the enjoyable times we had playing with them Here's to Betty Insley, Pauline Andres, Jan LaBelle, Lil Eger, Miriam Cole, Marlene VanderGraf, Sarah Jenkins, Carolyn Moore, Ellis Andrews, Frances Stoehr, Sue Miller, Jean Kotellos, Sylvia Hitchcock, Maria Bertrand, Gerta Carney, Joan Havanack, Laura Durand, Dinny Cuthbertson, Joan Street, Mary Hickey, Ginny Taylor, Nancy Mitchell, and our dear, dear friends Becky Guin and Betsy Papale



February has presented some challenges for our Director of the Month (DOM), Cathy Vetrano Cathy and her husband, hearty Canadians seeking respite from the frigid northern air, unfortunately, encountered two frost delays perhaps they brought the chill with them!

On February 1st, we played a round where players could throw out their worst two holes on Robbers Row. Here are the results:

Low Gross Score:

Sue Walker - 33 1

Stephanie Beeder & Phylis Wibby (tied) - 37 2

Low Net Score:

JoAnn Gibbs - 24 1.

Sue Walker - 25 2.

Notably, JoAnn Gibbs achieved a chip-in!

Moving to Barony on February 8th, another frost delay didn't deter a determined group from engaging in individual stroke play. Here are the winners:

Gross Score:

Cathy Vetrano - 48 1

Carroll Lindseth - 50 2

Sally Ann Wormley - 52 3.

Low Net Score:

Cathy Vetrano & Sally Ann Wormley (tied) - 34 1.

Georgette Voehringer - 35 2

Karen Simpson managed a chip-in on hole #7.

February 15th saw no frost delay, and the occasion was marked by a Valentine's bag of sweets for all, with ladies dressed in pink and red. It was a beautiful day on the Robbers Row course, and our game involved throwing out two blind holes determined by the pro shop

Results with no blind holes removed.


1 Phyllis Wibby and Cathy Vetrano 49

2. Linda Gorski 52

3 Rhonda Heuple 53


1. Karen Simpson 31

2 Jo Ann Gibbs 32

3. Tess Hegedus and Jackie Darling 35

Gross after removing holes 2&8 scores:

1 Phyllis Wibby and Cathy Vetrano 39

2. Rhonda Heuple and Sue Walker 40

Net after removing holes 2&8 scores:

1 Karen Simpson 22

2. Jo Ann Gibbs 25

3 Jackie Darling 26

Chip-ins today were:

Congratulations to Nene Dreyer had a 57-yard CHIP IN on hole #4.

JoAnn Gibbs also had a chip-in on hole #9. With her consistent performance, JoAnn is becoming our Queen of the Green once again!

On February 21st, over 40 9-holers and their spouses enjoyed a delicious Italian dinner. A big thank you to Cathy for organizing this and to everyone at RR Grill for allowing us a night off from our own kitchens.

We warmly welcome Tess Hegedus and Cynthia Michael, our two newest members to the group.

A friendly reminder to all members: please remember to enter your GHIN scores every time you play, and of course, be mindful of the pace of play while on the course

Cherie Bailey and I witnessed it going into the hole! Woot Woot!


We continue to experience colder temperatures, rain, and windy conditions that have made play challenging. Hopefully, our groundhog’s prediction of an early spring will come to fruition and warmer weather and sunny skies are just a hop, skip and jump away

USTA teams are starting up, and we wish all the Port Royal teams a successful season, a spot in the playoffs, and hopefully, a state title to add to our wall of fame Most importantly, we hope your 2024 racquet play is improving, and you're enjoying your membership experience, having fun, and meeting new friends frequently Please reach out to Dale or the tennis committee and let us know how we can improve the member experience

Court Maintenance:

The committee has discussed the need to replace many of the windscreens, which are ripped and cannot be repaired, with Dale and the PR Board We've been assured that the funds have been requested in this budget submission and are awaiting approval and the allocated funds to get the job done We continue to be challenged by the colder temperatures causing issues with the tennis surface, but Dale and the team are working on the wet/dry areas and rolling courts more frequently to help with the dead spots The warmer temperatures are close by, and these issues should diminish significantly soon Winter weather upset our schedule during January with rainy days and freezing temperatures causing wet conditions upon thawing. We appreciate your patience.

Racquet Dinner February 8th:

We had a great turnout for the opening dinner on February 8th Almost 40 members attended and enjoyed seven different chili offerings, cornbread, sides, and delicious desserts Can a racquet “Chili Cook-Off” be in our future? At the meeting, we discussed topics such as the new sign-up process, member-sanctioned courts, and future racquet events A Wimbledon round-robin seemed to have great appeal, so Dale and the committee will be working on getting this event on the calendar. We also discussed and highlighted events already set for 2024, such as the member/member tournament in May and the member/guest tournament in October. Also on tap is the end-of-year dinner in November and the end-of-year charity round-robin in December

Thanks to all for their wonderful food contributions, and special thanks to the committee and members who help set up and clean up We are so grateful to have so many special members who offer their time and talents

Tennis Committee Update:

The committee and club have approved a recycling program for used tennis balls, which many clubs in Hilton Head and Bluffton are a part of Be on the lookout for signage and a recycling container in mid-March The club has supported animal shelters by supplying used balls, and we will continue to do so

Agenda items scheduled for the next committee meeting on February 13th include:

Finalizing the date and details for the Wimbledon event in June/July.

Discussing member ideas for additional programs to encourage opportunities to play with other members and meet new members and guests.

Discussing member comments on court conditions/maintenance and scheduling for pickleball and tennis

Key Dates for 2024:

May 17-18th: Member/Member tournament - Taco bar courtside Friday evening, play


Wimbledon round-robin and lunch: Date TBD.

October 18-19th: Member/Guest tournament.

November 13: Season Closing Dinner at the Beach House.

Dale’s Corner:

A new recurring feature in this article will be our pro, Dale Brown’s tips for members to improve their play A simple rule to always remember: When in doubt, hit it down the middle This approach is a safer margin for error and confuses opponents Keep the strategy simple When in doubt, down the middle solves the riddle Don’t forget to sign yourself and visiting guests up for Dale’s weekly clinics and round-robin play. Check the site and the pro shop for dates and times. Follow Dale on Instagram and Facebook @tenniswithdale. Remember to dress appropriately for the weather conditions, bring an appropriate hydration drink, stretch and warm up properly, and stay safe out there

Above all, HAVE FUN!


Donna Whalen


In what year did you move to Hilton Head Island?

Bill and I moved here full-time in 2021 2

What is your favorite part of Port Royal Golf and Racquet Club?

3. What is your most unusual/unique talent?

I love all the occasions that people gather: Socials, Nine and Dine, trivia, etc. PRP has such a great community of fun people and I’ve made such good friends here in a short time

it’s not unusual or unique, I can be pretty funny 4 What is your favorite hobby? I LOVE making jewelry, especially special occasion jewelry It fills my soul to have someone love my jewelry

What is your favorite spot in the United States? I’m here right now!

What is your favorite drink?


This southern girl loves some iced tea but come happy hour; give me a Jameson/ginger ale with a squeeze of lime

What is your favorite restaurant?

Capital Grill or Stoney River in Atlanta’ but I do love Jane Bistro and Bar on Hilton Head Island 8.

Where did you grow up? Iuka, Mississippi
is the title of your autobiography? “Small Town Girl Sees The World” 9
are your 5 minutes of perfect happiness?
on our beach,
staring at the sea. Perfection! 10
perfect shell, then sitting in my chair holding a book and
5 Tues Ladies 18 Hole Irish 4 ball - Foursome 6 Wed Women's Interclub Home Barony Closed 7 Thurs Ladies 9 Hole Ringer Tournament Day 1 8 Fri Wonder Woman's Day 11 Mon Two Man Stroke Play - Rain Date 1 12 Tues Ladies 18 Hole 12 Hole Ringer - Individual 13 Wed Ladies 9 Hole Tee Time Dinner 13 Wed Two Man Stroke Play - Rain Date 2 14 Thurs Ladies 9 Hole Individual Stroke Play 19 Tues Ladies 18 Hole Member/Member Match Play #1 20 Wed Callaway Fitting Event 21 Thurs Ladies 9 Hole Ringer Tournament Day 2 26 Tues Ladies 18 Hole Member/Member Match Play #2 28 Thurs Ladies 9 Hole Scramble/Shamble 29 Fri Taylor Made Fitting Event G O L F
W H A T ' S C O M I N G U P I N M A R C H S O C I A L 4 Mon Monthly Member Social 18 Mon St. Patrick’s Day Party

Monthly Member Social

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Cleveland Demo Day


St. Patrick’s Day Party

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Callaway Demo Day

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TaylorMade Demo Day

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Art Charity Event

A R O U N D T H E C L U B H O U S E M A R C H 2 0 2 4
Night A R O U N D T H E C L U B H O U S E M A R C H 2 0 2 4 RSVP HERE

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