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Healthcare Legislation

Passed in 2021


(The following bills have been signed by the Governor as of June 2021)


HB 93:

Eliminate duplicative state licensure and regulation of clinical laboratories Vote: Senate 48-0; House 161-0

HB 128:

Gracie’s Law Vote: Senate 52-0; House 163-1


This bill amends Title 31 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated relating to health. It eliminates duplicative state licensure and regulation of clinical laboratories. This repeals provisions relating to the examination of human specimens and methods for selection of blood donors and collection, storage and processing of human blood. It amends Code Sections 26-4-172 and 42-1-10 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to requirements under the “Nuclear Pharmacy Act.” This also includes preliminary urine screen drug tests for inmates.

This bill acts as an amendment to Chapter 1 of Title 31 of the O.C.A.A. which prohibits providers from discriminating against potential organ transplant recipients due to the physical or mental disability of the recipient.


HB 307:

Georgia Telehealth Act Revised Vote: Senate 52-0; House 168-0


The Georgia Telehealth Act bill is revised to amend Article 1 of Chapter 24 of Title 33 to authorize healthcare providers to provide telemedicine services from home, workplace or school.

HB 458:

Sexual Misconduct Training

HB 653:

Georgia Pharmacy Practice Act Vote: Senate 48-0; House 170-0

Vote: Senate 53-0; House 150-15

Physicians, physician assistants and other medical professionals must have certain training relating to sexual misconduct for members of the Georgia Composite Medical Board. This amends Chapter 34A of Title 43 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated with a patient’s right to know the number of physicians that have been investigated or disciplined for sexual assault to patients.

This legislation amends Code Section 26-4-5 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, as to revise the definition of “pharmacy care” relating to definitions in the “Georgia Pharmacy Practice Act.”

SB 4:

Drug Abuse Treatment and Education Programs Vote: Senate 51-0; House 151-0

SB 5:

Patient Protection During Sedation

Vote: Senate 45-0; House 160-5

This legislation amends the act relating to drug abuse treatment and education programs to prohibit patient brokering, provide definitions, exceptions, penalties, and enforcement. It also amends general provisions regarding insurance fraud when it comes to fraudulent or drug testing of specific individuals using insurance.

This bill amends statutes related to patient protection measures for patients requiring sedation during surgery. This applies to patients under sedation in dental settings and the ability to perform procedures in medispas.

SB 46:

Certain Medical Personnel Administering Vaccines

Vote: Senate 38-11; House 109-56

This legislation allows for certain medical personnel to administer vaccines during times of public health emergencies. This includes the amendment so provisions relating to the management of vaccines under vaccine agreements can be properly followed.

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